#but yeah i just think chase having czech heritage and being bad in the blood is REALLY compelling but i wouldnt want the story to BE from
realbeefman · 8 months
9 ^_^ (& 12!)
my VISION my dream story is to write a werewolf!chase x hunter!foreman au where foreman catches chase changing and. he never really BELIEVED in all that monster stuff his dad was always talking about growing up. always chalked it up to more religious talk and disregarded it. but here is chase, who he's known for years, becoming something WRONG right in front of him and it fucks him up real bad and blah blah eventually they have werewolf sex in the hospital you get the gist. i have the ENTIRE thing plotted out so perfectly in my mind but i just CANT write foreman's voice for the life of me. he's my specialest little guy and it kills me that i cant get inside his head the way i can for other characters. i understand why and how he reacts to things the way he does i GET him on a psychological level but if you asked me to write like three lines of realistic foreman dialogue i'd be incapable of it. ill write this fic someday but until then i have to study my fucked up little guy like a bug intently under a microscope until i can put him in Situations in a way that feels true to his character.
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