#but yeah i have a feeling like cassie will definitely mention this in twp
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wikitpowers · 11 months ago
Hey I keep seeing people say that ty thinks kit is in love with livvy, how do we know that? Did I miss something?
hey! so! the reason why i have been saying this a lot on my blog (and i'm sure others have as well) is because kit and livvy kiss in los and although it isn’t shown in the book bc we don't have ty's pov, cassie actually confirmed that ty does know about the kiss and that he possibly could have even seen it.
here is an ask that cassie replied to in 2019 which confirms this:
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-> side note: the fact that the question was whether livvy and kit's kiss will have an relevance in twp and cassie didn't say no is causing me to go fucking nuts
additionally to confirm this tho in qoaad, there is a quote which goes; “don’t worry,” ty said quietly. “we’re going to get her back. i promise.” which i think heavily implies that ty is not only bringing livvy back for himself but also in a way, for kit as well bc he believes him to be in love with her.
i truly think that this will be brought up again in twp and i just know it will be so fucking angsty and emotional and honestly even just thinking about it has me shaking like the drama, the DRAMA.
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witchlingcirce · 10 months ago
I miss Luke I need him to be more present in TWP as headmaster!!! Him and Clary’s relationship was so cute I wish we got to see that more :( ALSO do you think Mr Max Trueblood (Maryse’s brother that left shadowhunting bc he married a mundane) will make a comeback?? That’s a NEED. Especially because Alec is consul now and his rules are different and I’m sure they need more people to ascend sooooo ugh I don’t know I want the Lightwoods to have a little cousin
Jace has Kit
Clary has Ash
Izzy and Alec need a little Trueblood cousin
Anyway I would loveee to hear your thoughts and predictions on TWP!! I miss the TMI gang I want to know how they’ll be involved 😔 Literally scrambling for crumbs at this point
So glad someone is talking about Luke and Clary. I love there relationship so much. Overall I think so many of the characters in tmi become disregarded as the series goes on!!! While I don’t think Luke will be any kind of major character in TWP, i definitely think he will have some kind of role. We know Dru gets in a lot of trouble, I can also see him being present in Ash’s life one way or another. Not only is he Ash’s step grandfather (LOL) but I think Luke is someone who constantly has a positive impact on peoples lives, and I think that’s something that will be seen in TWP.
As for Maryse’s family, I’d love for them to make some kind of come back. I feel like it could be something fun. I also think it depends on the age of the kids hahah! Either way, if he does make a comeback I hope the cousin is a girl. Enough with the male cousins! I need to see another Maryse and Isabelle lightwood. However, I don’t think they will make a comeback. As Cassie said in the first book where not spending alot of time in any school or institute setting, so as for the first book I don’t think we will see them. 😭😭😭
Hmmm some thoughts an opinions on TWP??? I don’t really have any theories I’ve made up myself but I do really enjoy some other theories I’ve seen online, but I also do have some other hopes.
- TWP is loosely based on the athurian legends so I can see Dru and or Kit having an Excalibur sword.
- someone mentioned to me once of a parallel between Matthew and James as Ash to Kit and I’ve always really liked that.
- Thule!Simon making an appearance. This one is SO MEANINGFUL TO ME!!!! Imagine if our Simon lost his Clary :(. Also the fact he told Janus “I’ll kill you jace herondale” before his disappearance??? Yeah somethings cooking.
- Julian mentioned having the blackthorn sword remade, and I’d love for it to be remade into a sabre!!! And on that note, I’d love if Dru got it. I can see Dru fighting with a Sabre to honour her sister, especially since in LM it’s mentioned how they fence together.
- This ones lwokey not a prediction but I deadass need Livvy to come back like full, that’s my icon 😭😭. If not I need the final goodbye between her and Ty to be gut wrenching.
ALSOOO YESS I MISS THE TMI GANG!! When I saw that Sizzy literally got a short story in the better in black book I jumped with joy. I HOPE twp ends with Claces wedding!! A cute parallel between Jocelyn and Luke in COHF!
TYSM for the ask!!! 😭😭😭 I’m glad there’s other hardcore TMI truthers out there.
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marrr444 · 7 months ago
You finish ChoT? ❤️
I really wanted to talk about my thoughts on Chain of Thorns BUT I JUST COULDN'T GET. THEM. TOGETHER.
(But I promised you I would) So I searched anti chain of thorns and then regretted it.
Overall, I LOVED ITTT!!
SO...Here are things I loved, I wanted more of ect ect, as less scattered as possible, anyway:
(Wow this got long.)
I am glad Jesse wasn't punished for being Tatiana's son but also (especially) Lucie for necromancy.
Also kinda sad that Lucie and James couldn't use their powers anymore. (Or well ,mostly, James his gun) but I get why (and now Kit will get to have the gun in TWP, if I remember the spoilers for SoBH I've read correctly, which is pretty cool)
WE DIDN'T GET CORDELIA AND LUCIE'S PARABATAI CEREMONY??? idc if it was completely uneventful I still want it. Cassie you let me down.
On the topic of things we didn't get, here are two more: Matthew telling his family about his secret FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE (and not just a mention through Cordelia) same for Will and Tess learning about the gracelet and more specifically I would have LOVED a Will and Cordelia scene (like Will saying "thanks for taking care of my son" and ruffle her hair like he wanted to in the wedding).
Oh and also Alastair coming out to Sona with Cordelia reacting the same way Eugenia did with Thomas would have been WHOLESOME.
I'd also like to say I'd have loved a scene where James and Cordie played chess and/or woke up in the same bed but fingers crossed that will be in the Better in Black short story (the book which I feel compelled to remind I am not getting but it will hopefully be published soon enough. Hopefully.)
I was SO SCARED Alastair and Thomas wouldn't end up together, THANK GOD I was wrong.
Arianna? Yeah ok pretty cool. Can't be the least bit mad at Ari for what happened at GoTSM.
FAIRSTAIRS IN PARIS OMFG??? Should they have ended up together? No bUT am I happy they kissed a bit? YES???! AND THEN JAMES CAME DJSBFNDNFNCNDF
I didn't mind Cordelia killing Tatiana. There was no one else who could have done it. Grace definitely couldn't have (except if she wanted to be as dead as Christopher or Tatiana to escape) and James already killed Belial so that'd be too much for one person. AND JAMES KILLED BELIAL!! James's will was as strong as a Prince of Hell and STRONGER which WE DON'T TALK ENOUGH ABOUT (and we do occasionally talk about it)!!!!
CHRISTOPHER DIED AND WASN'T GRIEVED ENOUGH. which isn't necessarily a bad thing considering it would have broken my heart much more. ALTHOUGH, I can't remember James grieving him, and that is. Other than that we saw the impact his death had on everyone, we saw Anna grieving, Grace, Matthew thinking about him and even Cordelia shedding tears and hugging James and that is enough.
Oh also, I find that I cannot hate Grace. She helped Cordelia A LOT by telling her about what she'd done considering James' was being a stuck-up "ahmag" at the time. (Which Thomas is pretty sure means idiot in Persian and I trust him)
Also, I feel like I want more of the characters as a group, you know, banter and meetings at the devil tavern.Like, they are SUCH a nice group. Their characters are AMAZING but I feel like (other than to fight) we didn't see them interact with each other enough. (Except ,obviously, the couples)
Other than that pretty content??
No hate, I am sad I finished the book these are just things I wished we'd gotten, but one can't have everything and this gives me content for daydreaming lol
(I wrote this a while ago idk if it makes sense)
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daydreamxr17 · 3 years ago
TWP Death predictions
(Because idk what to do with life till 2024/2025 or even later)
Clary Fairchild - I hope that she'll survive, but idk... Killing off the person that everything started is some nostalgic or whatever thing, Cassie would do...
Jace Herondale - I think it's between him and Clary... Or maybe if one of them decide to sacrifice himself, the other would want to die with him
Magnus Bane - well, with Magnus I'm torn between: Cassie doesn't kill of LGBTQ and she wanted Malec to have happy ending and Magnus is in every book so it would make sense to TSC end with his death, also if he'll die, it would be I think something like "Tony Stark" kind of death
Alec Lightwood - I'm literally worried about all of TMI group, but for Alec not as much as for rest of them (watch my breakdown, when something happens to him)
Isabelle Lightwood - I'm so damn worried about Isabelle. Idk why, but I feel she's either gonna end up pregnant with beautifuk kid or something will happen to her
Simon Lovelace - this boy been trought so much bad stuffs, that I don't think he'll die... Or I hope at least. Idk what to expect from Cassie, but something bad is about to happen, I can feel it and this is her last series, so she can do whatever the hell she want without some fear of losing readers
But I think that characters like Bat, Maya, Lily Chen... Maryse maybe (but after Robert, I don't think so) are in danger too... And characters like Tien or Leon Verlac or Simon's classmates from academy are characters that are - I must say it like this - made for: "killed of for plot"... I have strong feeling that this series will be bloody.
Jem Carstairs and Tessa Gray - I don't think they'll die, they have little girl together, and Kit already lost his biological parents, I hope Cassie is not that cruel... Also Jem just started to live for real... But if they die, I'm kind of sure, they'll die together and they'll reunite with Will...
Bridget - I don't even understand why she lives that long (ChoT come faster🙏)
Julian Blackthorn - he literally can't, my dead soul wouldn't survive it, but he would definitely sacrifice himself for his family, (he couldn't save Livvy, so he'll want to save rest of them)
Emma Carstairs - might die by Jules's side, but I won't accept it because they need to have cute kids
Helen Blackthorn and Aline Penhallow - they're adopting so hopefully they're safe and Cassie doesn't like to kill of LGBTQ characters
Mark Blackthorn - he's been already trought a lot, but here I go again with whole - sacrificing themselves for siblings trope
Cristina Rosales - I don't really know why, but I'm scared for Cristina, her death is something that would really affect fans
Kieran - I'm scared for my boy, because I feel like the courts are gonna unite and Ash or Kit might rule...
Tavvy Blackthorn - no, no and just no. Yeah, and did I mention no?
Diana Wrayburn - I don't think Cassie would kill of such a representation of LGBTQ
Gwyn Ap Nudd - might die (I hope not, but he wasn't that important for main plot)
Cohort - hopefully all of them die, but I see some kind of redemption and fighting together in some huge battle, Zara and Manuel might rot in he with Lucifer
Cameron Ashdown - he died in Thule already, so it would be kind of cruel, but not impossible
Diego Rosales - we know the bad fates of Inquisitors, but he might be exception
I think Ty, Kit and Dru are safe. Ty has to let Livvy go and I think that will happen. I don't think Cassie would kill of Ash, he's really interesting character and he deserved chance. Jaime might die. I think one of close people of main group will die - so either (for now) Anush, Thais or Kit's gf. Yeah, and well Janus is more likely to die, or even some faerie royalty. From main group I'm most scared for Kit.
already gone...
I wouldn' t be surprised if all of them would die and that is end of TSC.
These are just might current thoughts... Things my change with some snippets or whatever we will get in next years🤍
Okay, In short: Everyone can die!
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