#but yeah because people are weirdos i have decided to just be safe and say i love kids and just do not want them
autumnrory · 11 days
the physical therapist asking if i'm married or have kids was so funny to me like obvs you can't know just looking at a person but i'm like "oh i look like a person who could have those things?"
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paviastrashyrings · 8 months
can i request a horropedia x reader with the “rude to everyone but loving to their partner” trope? (reader is the rude one)🫶🏻 male reader if possible
More of the lovely Nerdy Nerd? How could i possibly say no. Thank you for your submission and it is absolutely my pleasure to serve you. (side note: could not be more on the nail for how i am irl)
Without further ado, dear readers, lets get into another dream with Horropedia.
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You were...rough around the edges, so to speak. Uncaring and cold towards most people.
If someone touched you, you'd snap at them. If someone came at you with an attitude, you'd match it.
Everyone associated with you was used to your foul mouth and bad mood.
Except one person, of course.
He had never understood why everyone spoke so poorly of your behavior until he witnessed first hand how "grouchy" you were with others.
"Hes not so bad." he'd try to defend you, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile.
"Dude he literally insulted me to my face because I bumped into him." one coworker recalls, angered by the mere memory.
It wasnt like you were trying to be mean, people just dont have spatial awareness.
They were right there.
Nothing pushed them into you.
They didn't even trip.
They just were dumb and didn't look where they were going. That's on them.
He would listen to you recall your side of the story, your tone soft and even because it was him.
"We really gotta work on your...people skills." he hums, but in complete honesty he was impressed how you were so able to stand your ground.
One day, someone decided to really push their luck. Yapping about how annoying "that weirdo, horropedia or whatever that guys name is" was.
Safe to say you were pissed, and he was in their direct vicinity too.
once you noticed that he was RIGHT THERE being spoken ill about?
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" you spat with malice, turning around so fast people would assume you were facing them the whole time.
You went off of them, until Joshua stepped in, equally shocked but also mildly amused by the expression on the culprits face.
"woah hey, no need to get angry." There was full and ardent need to get angry, they just insulted him to his face and he was just gonna take that? hell no, not on your damn watch.
He turns around and politely apologizes to the culprit, "So sorry about that, hes trying to work on his temper.."
He guides you away, still secretly impressed by your anger. Nobody really ever defended him like that, especially in front of a whole establishment full of people.
"I mean seriously can you believe them? Talking shit about you like that in front of you?" you'd start almost as soon as the culprit was out of earshot, just to keep him happy. You wouldn't have cared if they had heard you, you already spat so much profanity in their direction anyways.
"You know it happens all the time, I'm not exactly a stranger to it." which you couldn't understand. How does he tolerate such blatant disrespect, I mean sure he's a little strange and nerdy but that doesn't hurt anyone.
"Yeah but you don't deserve that, you didn't even do anything." you'd murmur, looking away. You look like a scolded dog, which he thought was adorable.
What he didn't remark on was the clear difference in how you spoke to others and how you spoke to him.
you were still frustrated, temper still on high, and yet you held back profanity and sulked instead of snapping at him.
He definitely noticed though, you were so sweet to him that it was hard not to notice.
He'll let you off for just this once, but the next time he catches you he'll have to scold you properly.
He won't admit that he's enjoying the special treatment, he's happy you care about him so much.
but maybe tone it down a little?
Only sometimes though
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Well, this one was very fun to write. Thank you once again, dear readers, your support and kind words mean the world. We will dream once again, come find me soon <3. signed, yours forever Moon.
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takeurexam · 3 months
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dynasty || 1
non idol au, time travel, romance, rivals to allies to friends to lovers, crown prince to emperor taehyun, reader gets appointed as an concubine
taehyun x reader
(warning, this does not reflect the REAL idols personality, and no smut will be written to respect the idol, and i am not comfortable as well, and the taehyun in this ff is not the actual taehyun)
in which you, an excellent law student about to graduate collage suddenly gets dragged into the past, meeting the famous-fawned over emperor of the kang's dynansty. but you getting dragged into this mess was beyond a mystery, and it seems like you have something deep to discover. meddling with the past is a risky decision after all.
dynasty masterlist
1: Twist of Events
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The tapping of your hand eased your anxiety for a bit as you waited for your paper to be examined by your professor. This paper was your key to passing law school and graduating.
You've been through hell and heaven for this. If you dont pass, then your whole career is basically over and you'll become a failure and-
"You passed."
"I PASSED!!!" You shout and jump around happily with your papers in hand as the professor looks at you with a disgusted and tired face.
"Uh.. Congratulations." He sighs and shakes your hand as you shake his hand happily and smile at him widely.
You left the room and shouted happily as the people in the hallways stared at you weirdly, oddly enough, people didnt really care and continued doing what they were doing.
"All my hardwork was worth it. I went through hell and heaven to finish this and become a lawyer. Fuck it, im getting beer." You thought as you grinned and sprinted to a nearby convience store and buy some beer to celebrate at your apartment. (throughout the story, texts in italic are thoughts)
"Why are you buying some beer, maam? If I may ask." The convience store worker asked, you grinned at him and say, "Im graduating, I passed my finals so im finally free from hell. A good sip of beer is like a reward for my hardowork."
"Mhm, I agree." They finish of packing the cans and give it to you, "Well, be careful, its late at night." He winks at you and smirks.
"Gross." You thought and you just smile and laugh awkwardly.
You rushed to get your paper bag and basically sprint away from the store because the cashier was a little weird, okay, not little but weird as hell.
Finally arriving at your appartment, you see the lady who manages and takes care of the building in the main floor.
"Hey kiddo, its late at night, and congrats!" She smiles and you smile back, "Finally someone whos not a weirdo." You think about the cashier and thank the heavens that you're somewhere safe because he mightve been a stalker and followed you.
"Yeah, but it was just for a short time, and thank you! I'll be in my room now." You excuse yourself as you happily jump to your room.
You open your door and set up the table on the floor and pour yourself a drink.
"Cheers to a future lawyer!"
"Wake the fuck up!"
"WHAT!" You open your eyes as you see your.. mother? And your sister flashing her phone flashlight at you.
They notice you stir and slowly wake up, "Did you pass out on the floor or something? What a mess." Your mother complains as she looks around the room with a concerned face.
"Why are you here?" You manage to mumble out even though your head hurt so badly. "Im hungover.. like hell. And these women are adding to it."
Your sister and mother take their time to look at each other, eyebrows raised and smirking at each other made it clear that they had either terrifying or good intentions.
"So, me and your sister decided were gonna take you out for shopping, make overs, and fix yourself up!" They both squeal and giggle at the same time while jumping around the living room.
"My family might be on drugs.. who are these people?" Your face scrunches up a bit and you pray that you'll come out alive before your graduation.
"Its fine-"
"You have to."
"Pretty please?"
"Okay. Got it."
"Mom are you actually serious?" Your mom drags you by the ear as you three stroll through the mall to prepare you for your graduation. Anything to fix your.. style. My sisters words, not mine.
"Yes. Now stop whining like a child and find something to glow yourself up!"
"But im perfectly fine-"
"Okay sorry."
You were silent, well, silenced for now, and you three were at the department store looking for clothes for an 'after party' that was never mentioned until now.
"Hey, you should look for jewelry over there." Your sister points towards a weird looking witchcraft type of place.
"Thats jewelry?" She nods and shrugs, "Check it out, and dont even try escaping. If you're done, meet us at the balcony area, if were not there it means were just a little late."
"Well dang." You look at her and just shrug and walk towards the weird shop to look for jewelry, boredom washes over you and suddlenly a little strolling by yourself wouldnt be too bad.
You push the door as a bell rings on top of you, "Is this some kind of witchery shit? I cant die yet."
"Hello, please take a look around.." An old lady with weird jewelry surrounding her whole body with her cloak and accesories.
"..Okay?" You become a little frantic but you push aside your worries and call yourself out for being judgemental.
"No way. This actually looks cool." You grin as you look around the shelves and cabinets containing crystals, jewelry, paintings, and some other stuff that you know, old people like her use. Sorry.
"Well young lady, found anything yet?" The elder woman asks.
"Not yet."
"Come here."
You raise a brow but still walk closer to her, as a grin forms in her lips as she chuckles and leads you to a couch with her weird witchfraft items displayed all over the place.
"Sit down, young one." You do as she says, and sit down the okay looking couch she has.
"Here." She opens my hands and gives me something, "A silver chopstick?"
"Are you gonna make me do something..?" You look at her perplexed and a little astonished.
"I swear to the heavens above, if I get kidnapped because I accepted a chopstick from a stranger im sprinting out of here. Im too judgemental, but the world is dangerous!"
She smiles and gives you a ribbon to go along with the silver chopstick, "Its on the house. Have a nice day." She creepily smiles as you frantically smile back at her.
"Weird." You mumble under your breath as you sprint out of the shop. "Anyways where to... Oh. I need to go to my mom and sister at the balcony."
You run to the balcony as it was decorated nicely wirh fairy lights, benches and fake grass to match the aesthetic of the area. There was also a swing that was decorated nicely with flowers, but weirdly enough, you were the only one there.
"Are people this busy shopping?" You mumble to yourself as you head to the swing to wait for your sister and mother.
Swinging around, with your phone in hand watching random instagram reels or tikrok videos as you wait for them to finish their glow up shopping spree for you.
You do notice people approaching you but due to the blurred glass, you couldnt see them that much.
Shrugging away the thought and looking away to look at the view was very much a wrong move.
You turn back to the direction where you saw them heading towards you, you see them ganging up on you with their arms crossed and face covered with masks decorated flamboyantly and covered with black cloaks.
"I dont have money." You stare at them in awe as you cross your arms and sigh at them, "Dont mistaken me for being a rich ass lady. Im broke as hell!"
The masked people look at each other and look at you concerned as if you were a patient from a mental hospital.
"Just knock her out, she sounds annoying." One of them says.
"I gladly volenteer." Another one replies.
You get knocked out and darkness surrounds your vision as you hear people screaming as they see you get hit by the masked people.
"She looks like she hasnt had a wink of sleep."
"Speak for yourself."
"You look terrible."
Your vision still engulfed in darkness as you hear two men speaking to each other as you feel the cold breeze and fire sparkling beside you which you found very weird.
Slowly waking up, you sit up and rub your eyes and revealing the two voices you heard while gaining conciousness.
You look at them with fear and disgust as they both pause as they notice you looking at the two of them weirdly enough.
"Uh.. Hi." You manage to speak out.
"We found you passed out in the middle of the forest, are you okay?" The nearly bald with spikey thorn hair guy says.
"Im Soobin, and he's Hobak." The guy with fluffly hair introduces themselves as you digest this information.
"Im Y/N. Nice to meet you too?" You feel a little more at ease with them as you shift around the bed.
"Hobak says you passed out right? We carried you to my cabin and gave you some herbs to make you stay healthy." Soobin smiles as his dimples show with Hobak running his hands through his spikey hair.
"Well, wherever you live, we brought you here to the North from Daedo." Hobak says.
"North from Daedo. Me and Soobin were exploring in Daedo but we live here in the north."
You were perplexed as you looked around the room, herbs, silk, jewels, plants and most importantly, paintings of a somewhat familiar historical figures.
"Is that.. the Kang family?" You manage to utter out weakly.
"Yeah, its the Kang Dynasty, whats the matter?"
"Where the hell am I."
★ ✶✮✭✯☆✰⛥╰
next chapter
a/n: so sorry this took like one week to release, i had to do alot of stuff and couldnt finish the chapter because of my schedule. i'll be back ofc to write more of the chapters, and hope you enjoy! make sure to leave a heart!
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rabbitenn · 10 months
Nagi, Tenn, Mitsuki and Yuki with an s/o who's feisty and quick to want to fight other people (especially when someone disses their boyfriend)?
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Shingeki. Jp. Advance/attack on the enemy.
ft. Rokuya Nagi, Kujo Tenn, Izumi Mitsuki, Yuki x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff mostly, some crack. Use of the word “girlboss” meant in a gender neutral way.
hello, nonnie ! I hope you like this <3 I’m sorry it took me so long to post it.
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— Honestly, Nagi is your biggest hypeman.
— Obviously he wants to protect you when a fight arises (it is clear he knows more than just a little self defense. Besides, what kind of prince doesn’t gallantly defend his lover?)
— But, alas, you’re quicker than him to jump into action.
— Ice so cold it burns in flames of blue settles on your gaze the moment someone pisses you off.
— Fists out, you have no reservations about grabbing them by the collar of their shirt, your grip knuckle white, teeth clenched.
— The same excitement Nagi feels while watching anime palpable is in his wide eyed stare now as his gaze follows your moves.
— Nevertheless, he is ready to separate you from the offender.
— One, to keep you safe and unharmed in case they happen to resort to violence too. Nagi’s priority will always be your wellbeing and safety (plus, he definitely more than knows how to throw a punch).
— And second, because if you’re the first to swing your fists, you’re likely to get in trouble.
— As bubbly and carefree as the princely idol may seem, he is a smart guy and knows nothing good will come out of you picking a fight.
— But oh, if someone dares to trash-talk your boyfriend.
— Then you have already told them off, as you advance towards them ready to throw hands.
— If worse comes to worst and the other person dares to put a hand on you, though, Nagi is mad.
— Like a sub zero breeze, apparently calm. But eventual death follows the freeze.
— “Let go of my partner, please.” Your boyfriend utters, tone steely, akin to the edge of a royal longsword. His fingers close around the wrongdoer’s arm with vice-like strength.
— Because as cool as you are when you put disrespectful people in their place, and as much as Nagi would enjoy an action anime with you as the main character, he’d never forgive himself if you ever got hurt.
— I mean, it’s not like Tenn can’t effortlessly roast whoever displeases him.
— We see his sassy, “or your devil” side in several occasions (remember the elevator scene? Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about).
— But when it is from your lips that venomous words come out, well, he thinks it’s kind of hot.
— And honestly, someone save whoever decides to bother you two, because you and Tenn together can be pretty scary when combined.
— Your vitriol comes out especially after Tsukumo spread rumors about TRIGGER. Whoever dares to speak an ill word towards your boyfriend is screwed.
— Your gaze turns tempestuous, much like the skies were on that night when TRIGGER had to sing beneath bitter rainfall.
— You don’t need to bother much with getting physical, oh, no. The drop in your voicetone, the death dancing in your stare, and the way you advance towards whoever had the audacity to criticize your beloved Tenn, are enough to send them packing.
— Needless to say, you couldn’t care less if they call you a weirdo or scary. In fact, your smile is sharp, snake-like, in the face of their insults.
— There’s a part of Tenn, whoever, that inevitably beats himself up over you defending him like this.
— You are his precious lover, and he’s supposed to keep you safe, to make you happy; not to drag you into the rumors and evil eye of the masses.
— So, in that aspect, I think perhaps you would have to comfort him a little.
— With your hands cupping his face, you ask your angelic idol to look at you.
— With uncertainty, he does; pools of a melancholy trapped in infinite sunrises lock with your eyes, akin to the pink hues of a winter morning that’s yet to dawn.
— You give him a tender smile, thumbs running over his porcelain skin.
— The fleeting kiss you plant on his lips lets him know there’s no other place you’d rather be than by his side; and you’d fight to the death to protect him. No matter what.
— He’s another one that may feel guilty it is you who jumps in for him instead of him fighting for you (we’re talking about the guy who took on some thugs picking on IDOLiSH7 and got injured himself in the process).
— It should be him punching that disrespectful person the moment they lay hands on you. Not you, throwing them over your shoulder and whispering into their ear that if they want to keep their face a color different from bruised, they should stay far away from Mitsuki and i7.
— That aside, though, Mitsuki thinks your rather feisty temperament is very cool.
— You’re such a girlboss for putting anyone in their place when they’re just causing trouble.
— However, because he’s gotten hurt himself defending those he cares about, Mitsuki’s heart breaks a little when he sees your knuckles getting bruised.
— Carefully but with enough force to stop you, your boyfriend takes ahold of your wrist, effectively stopping you from further admonishing the offender by force.
— “Get lost.” He spats to the individual in question, his usually sunshine-like expression hardening in a frown.
— And sure enough, they run for their life.
— Meanwhile, Mitsuki’s hands gently take yours, his fingers carefully running over your swelling knuckles.
— He looks at you with a sad smile, a sigh escaping his lips before bringing your hands to them, brushing a feathered kiss over them.
— “I’m fine, Mitsu.” You assure him, trying to hide the way you flinch at the contact.
— He’s not having it.
— You can be sure once you get back to the dorms/to your home, your lover will be disinfecting any possible cuts and bandaging them for you.
— If he’s in a fiery mood himself, however, then you two can be quite a force to be reckoned with.
— Because neither one of you is the type to back down when it comes to fighting for what you think is right.
— And because this time, you’ll have each other’s backs to prevent either of you getting hurt.
— It’s the way to fluster him, to be frank.
— Really, as much as he isn’t exactly fond of you diving headfirst into trouble with his metal bat in hand, Yuki can’t help the intense blush that spreads through his cheeks as you intimidate those who bother you, and especially those who pose a threat towards him.
— Re:vale’s songwriter can be pretty intimidating himself without having to try much. And yet, something about you being the one with a devious grin on your face and lightning in your eyes is oddly distracting… hypnotizing even.
— And honestly? If you are there to defend Yuki’s honor, you have Momo as your partner in crime.
— While it is true he promised his groupmate he wouldn’t do anything reckless for his sake again, that doesn’t mean he can’t hype you up (and stand close by in case something serious were to happen).
— If you decide on a more witty approach, then it is a similar case as with Tenn: your presence alone is pretty daunting already.
— In these instances, you need to do very little to get whoever was dissing your lover to fall silent.
— You just have to take a couple steps forward, palming your baseball bat, and they’ll be stumbling away as you and Yuki watch, amused.
— However, in a similar way to what he made Momo promise, your boyfriend will try to get you to act less recklessly.
— Yuki could never forgive himself if something were to ever happen to you, just because you got into a brawl for his sake.
— He won’t hesitate to hide his metal bat, even confiscating it from you, while he steals a kiss in the process.
— Now it is you whose face heats up at his charms.
— So, be careful and ponder things a little more before acting, please :( For Yuki’s sake, he worries a lot about you (and loves you a lot).
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bigfemboyenergy · 6 months
The Worst Crossover To Ever ‘Cross Over’ Pt.3
kill me i have no idea how to write the batfamily or the joker//
Sonic breathes in deeply, trying to regain his cool. He’s seen so much bullshit in only a few seconds, so it makes sense. It almost feels like someone’s writing him into this crap, because of how bad it is.. but anyway.
About twenty or so feet away, there’s the entrance to a warehouse. In front of it, two people stand; a clownish creep, with eerily green hair, slicked back, and his lips smothered with tarnished red lipstick..and Danny, in something resembling a hero suit of sorts, with his hair and eyes now white and green, respectively. It’s quite the spectacle. So much so that there’s a few bat- and bird- themed people just a few rooftops away..watching.
After a few seconds of watching Danny interact with the freakish clown man, Sonic decides to rush in, standing between Danny and the clown, concern leaving his eyes looking wide and more unusual than normal. The clown pays little mind to him, trying to talk with Danny, intrigue lighting up his thin, sharp features. “Oho, another!” the clown starts. “I’ve never seen anything quite like you two before.” Sonic stands defensively in front of Danny, arms stretched out to protect him. “Yeah, and I’ve never seen a clown become the butt of their own joke, but here you are,” Sonic retorts, with a scowl. He’s going full defensive. Behind him, however, Danny doesn’t seem nearly as bothered as one might expect.
A while earlier, Danny had just arrived, drawn in by the noise. Only to see a clown near the source of the sound and some bat furry guy and his supposed accomplices some buildings away, just watching? He was not pleased. Flying down to the clown, he discovered that the horrible shrieking was just the laugh of this nasty clown..or a ringmaster..? Less clown-like..reminds him of that weirdo from Circus Gothica. Danny shivers, immediately uncomfortable. “So, who are you, and what are you doing?” Danny starts, ready to interrogate. The ringmaster-clown-guy shrugs, with a cruel giggle; “Oh, you know, a bit of this, a bit of that.” Danny rolls his eyes, noticing his dodging of the question. The clown dude looks Danny up and down, in a way that makes him so much creepier. “Are you, mayhaps, one of them?” Danny looks at where the clown is pointing- the bat furry and some other furries. “Uh, no way, don’t know who that furry is, never seen him before today-” Danny starts, before being rudely interrupted by the ringmaster-clown’s horrible laughter. “He isn’t quite a furry, but it’s funny you see him as such! He’s Batman, kid. And you are?” Danny looks at the clown guy, deciding that his non-hostility leaves him somewhat okay to respond to..especially if he’s gonna start building his rep back up. “Phantom. You know, usually one should say their own name first during an introduction,” Danny says, with a curious expression. “But you didn’t. Who are you, then?” The ringmaster grins wildly as he proclaims, “The Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker, one and only!” Danny’s face pales slightly; this guy is definitely not a good guy, with a name and title like that. Maybe I shouldn’t have indulged him, he thinks.
Danny takes a step back, feeling a lot less safe around this “Joker” guy. He hasn’t done anything wrong yet, but he certainly will try, won’t he?
As Sonic arrives at the scene, Batman almost takes action. These people..where have they come from? He nor any of his colleagues habe met them, that’s for sure- he’d know if they had. A boy called “Phantom”, clearly a meta, and some blue spiky meta. Unusual and sudden appearances could mean..something big. But it seems that the situation is dying down for now.. so he swoops away, bringing the rest of his team with him.
Sonic glares at the clown, not knowing what he may have done or not done to Danny. Danny steps up behind Sonic, whispering in his ear, “He’s some sort of prankster, I think? Calls himself “Joker”. He hasn’t done anything yet.” Sonic lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Whispering back, he murmurs, “Let’s just go, for now. He gives me the heebie-jeebies.” Danny nods, and Sonic promptly grabs Danny and runs away, with incredibly speed, the Joker looking at the two of them and waving as they escape the scene.
Now back at their makeshift home, Sonic asks, “Why did you leave?” He puts Danny down and looks up at him, a bit saddened. “I thought something bad could’ve happened, or you were afraid of me…” He sighs. Danny looks at Sonic, eyes sympathetic and kind; “I woke up and was too worried to sleep. Sorry. I just..wanted to scope out the town. And, uh..I think we have some more things to talk about..” He gestures to himself, and then to Sonic. “Some abilities and backstories we need to share.”
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robotslenderman · 10 months
"... weirdest fucking human last night."
"So I'm just working, right, but I'm a bit hungry and haven't hunted yet so I go down the street, right, and there's this group of people coming out of this karaoke club. This one human's fiddling with her bag and lets the others go ahead so I'm like, okay, great, I have lunch now. But you know, it's always risky to approach the ones that present as female because -- "
"Yeah, I know, if you breathe on the other side of the road they'll know about it. I usually go for men for the same reason, they think they're safe. In most places anyway, ever tried hunting in the East End in the '60s? Even the men were super jumpy because they were always shanking each other."
"Dude, weren't you Embraced in 1974?"
"Yeah, but my sire told me stories. I was one of those jumpy humans. You could barely set foot outside your door after dark without getting mugged. I wore a turban back then though, so I didn't get bothered much, only by the idiots who didn't know what a kirpan was."
"Anyway. So she sees me approaching, right, and she's on her guard and I'm like, don't worry dude, I'm just a hungry vampire."
"Sullivan. The fuck?"
"It's this thing Evie started doing to fuck with the kine, just to see what they say. She only ever does it around me so I can sigh loudly and Dominate them into forgetting about it afterwards but uh, I also started doing it sometimes just for the lols."
"For the what?"
"Evie says that too, it means for one's own amusement. Can't you actually use a smartphone? How do you not know what that means? You've never been on social media?"
"Weren't you lecturing me about 'spiritual self harm' last week?"
"Shut the fuck up. So anyway, she plays along. A lot of them do. Asks to see my fangs. I show her. Asks me what fucking clan I am."
"Yeah, she's played fucking Bloodlines. Matthew Dawkins has a lot to answer for, no wonder he's on that fucking Red List."
"Isn't that the alter ego of -- "
"Yeah, that guy. No wonder nobody's been able to bump him off yet. You try telling a Methuselah he can't just fucking violate the Masquerade like that by making a literal fucking game out of it."
"He didn't make it, he just -- "
"No, no, he did, Matthew Dawkins is just his latest cover."
"Oh! Right, I forgot. Feels like it only came out and made the Camarilla shit themselves like... six months ago."
"Bram Stoker, eat your fucking heart out. Anyway the human's pretty excited about how good my 'Lasombra cosplay' is because I'm all in black and the shadows are spooky and shit so I'm like, thinking, right. I'm behind my monthly quota and you know what Amicia's like when I don't hit it."
"So is this, like, the monthly-monthly quota or the monthly quota where she sneakily tries to bump it up, you call her out on her shit, and she brings it back down and doesn't give a fuck you didn't actually hit it so long as you hit the normal one?"
"Oh, it's the former."
"Oh, so you must be in a lot of trouble, then."
"Yeah, so like, I'm still hungry but I've got this human eating out of the palm of my hand and I still need some blood bags. She's not as jumpy now that she knows I'm a cosplaying weirdo instead of a sexual predator weirdo, but I still gotta lure her into the van."
"Yeah, I noticed the graffiti -- "
"Yeah, that wasn't Evie this time, I woke up and it was there. So anyway I decide fuck it, may as well go the whole nine yards, so I'm like 'hey can I steal your blood.'"
"How'd she take that?"
"She corrected me and said it's not stealing if I have her consent. So I'm like, okay, so do I have your consent to steal your blood? And she's like. No. that's not -- actually never mind, how are you going to take it? And I'm like well I have this whole set up in this van here. And she's like the one with 'free candy' written on the side? and I'm like. yeah. the one with 'free candy' written on the side. the kids these days think they're so funny."
"How many times has Evie -- "
"Eighteen, but nine of them were actually hallucinations because she was too lazy to get some more spraypaint so I don't think it counts. But like I said it wasn't Evie this time. So anyway, that graffiti ended up saving my ass here because I'm sure she'd have run screaming if it was a normal creepy van but because someone 'lampshaded the creepiness,' as she said, she hung around instead. I showed her my setup. She was like 'cool, sure, go ahead.'"
"She wasn't worried you'd chloroform her after?"
"Pretty sure she was going along with this for the lols. She seemed to think I was harmless. Or at least, she gave off the impression she did. To be honest it might've been a fawn response, but yeah, I had her in the van hooked up and giving blood. She tried to tell me off for not sanitising her arm but I just Dominated her into thinking I'd done it so no harm done. So yeah, got the blood, Dominated her into forgetting it and sent her on her way. Wish they were all as cooperative as that! I'd be way fucking less traumatised."
A snort. "Did you at least give her a cookie? The humans do that."
"She asked if I had any. I said no, I only have chewable iron tablets."
"You give the humans iron tablets when you're done?"
"No, but Jane has a stock for when I'm out in rural bumfuck nowhere and need to feed off her exclusively for a while. Anyway. Now there's a weirdass human who's got a bottle of chewable iron tablets in her bag and she has no idea how it got there. I think Evie would be proud."
"So you do give out free candy, huh?"
"Nah, she paid for it in blood."
"Yeah, that's... yeah that's true. Damn, and I thought I was being so witty."
"Har har har. Fucking smartarse Ravnos."
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can-of-w0rmz · 7 months
oooh I get it. He speaks the way the guilty speak. The specific way. The one you can be sure of. You know this. He has the vibes, right? The pedo vibes. The clear, evident, quantifiable vibes of a pedophile which are obvious to anyone who has two brain cells. And it's upon vibes that we judge one's guilt and innocence. And also anyone can do it, you don't need to have any kind of training and understanding of law and context. And again, the culture that condemned him was not horrifyingly bigoted to the extent that it invalidates any judgement cast.
Yes, purity culture. You're doing it right now. You're twisting yourself into knots desperately grasping for straws because a gay man gives you weird vibes and you heard a rumor he might have done something. You're playing into every groomer stereotype of LGBTQ people, you're doing republicans' and tories' and nazis' jobs for them. All because you're super-duper for-sure certain the guy was skeevy and weird and gross. And you have to be correct, right? Because you're a good person, as you know, and you wouldn't be doing wrong stuff, right?
So congrats. And I mean... look at these anons who agree with you. For surely it's not just the same one weirdo who has the same ill obsession with purity as you. And before you accuse me of going anon as well - yeah. Because otherwise you'd block me, and then you'd get to entertain and spread these noxious ideas unchallenged.
And fyi, purity culture dipshits are ALWAYS one of two things: either clueless dogshit tweens like you who are desperate to get one over the olds because tiktok has colonized your brains with corporate advert acceptability standards, or actual literal groomer pedophiles taking advantage of the fact that purity circles are full of easily manipulated morons and passing themselves off as "one of the safe, good, antishipper adults".
Fuck right off with all of every one of those things, clownlord. God you terf island fuckers are the abusive, toxic, vile fucking same.
Nahh guys solid proof in a court of law is just a silly rumour guys. Just a silly little rumour guys just a silly little rumour. A man constantly backtracking on everything he says and does and putting up arguments for the sake of trying to sound smart and then immediately getting called out and then backtracking with no solid argument against what he just said is just normal guy things to do when being in trial for touching little boys. Real.
Bro can’t decide whether he’s guilty or not either, is he guilty but not really because we’re only saying he’s wrong bc purity culture, or is he not guilty and we’re only saying he is because he has Evil Gay Man Voice………….. and Evil Gay Man Voice is what’s making us think he’s a nonce……….
@petricharme come here I can’t do this shit I’m logging off I can’t oh my days MY AGE HAS CHANGED AGAIN first I’m in my 20s and now I’m a tween oh my days I’m all over the show that’s crazy AND I’M A TERF that’s crazy I didn’t know I could be a tranny and a terf that’s mad. I mean that’s so real. I hate transgender people……. And the gays………. Fucking faggots…… all of them are pedophiles I can tell bc Evil Gay Man Voice👎👎👎👎
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mitamicah · 4 months
Little gig report from a local show I went to this weekend - you can skip if you don't want to hear me babble about bands nobody probably have ever heard of x'D
On June 1st I went to a free concert in Copenhagen that I'd learned about since Cold Culture - a support band from the Blind Channel gig on April 22nd in Copenhagen *aka on my birthday* - was playing there. This was btw also the band where I was talking about the danish Bojan doubleganger x'D
This was such a pleasant time!! I was greeted by every band member of Cold Culture (or the three I'd hung out with after Blind Channel since the last had to take the train home early) greeted me with big smiles which warmed my heart since it then means they remember me :'3 <3 Frontman Mads and Drummer Andy P even ran to hug me when they saw me so I was pretty much dead by cuteness :'D
After that amazing welcome I went around to talk to other people in the crowd. Admittedly I felt a bit odd at the beginning since this is the first gig I've been to in a while where the people arriving there hadn't been fans but mostly just the locals being curious enough to check out a free show in the good summer weather. Despite my preservation everybody I ended up speaking to was very nice and nobody seemed annoyed that a random weirdo began chatting with them. Quite the opposite since later in the evening a couple went to me and thanking me for speaking to them while also mentioning they'd originally went home but decided to come back just to find me and compliment my golden retriever energy (not their words but mine) :'3 <3
One thing that was very different about the crowd was that I am pretty sure the majority was straight OVO as a queer person that has gotten used to be around gals and queers (cough kääryleet and baby boos) this was definitely a change OVO Luckily it was mostly metal heads and/or hardcore guys so there were no drama just odd seeing straight (or "straightpassing" since I didn't ask and therefore know anybody's sexuality) couples being the norm. Cis masc people at hardcore shows I've learned can be very affectionate with their mates - I got invited into a hug-jump circle during one band, screamed my heart out with a guy during another, had somebody randomly pat my stomach (very quickly) and got hugs, fist bumps, dance off and smiles from more people than I can count - mostly from men. And I know I passed as well since not one person called me 'she' and very few mentioned my transness and then only after seeing my pronoun and/or trans pin. I love the one guy that went: "I wouldn't have ever guessed since you have a beard" x'D
All three bands were amazing! I am biased towards Cold Culture however since I knew their music already x'D This time I was all the way up front (no barrikade so I was more or less right in the band's face OVO) screaming along. I got to give Michael (the keyboardist) a fistbump at some point :D
The second band, Ashes of Billy were young (14-15 yrs old) yet still full of energy. That transferred to the crowd that was the most moshy they'd be the whole evening. I almost threw off my shirt at one point because it was so hot :'D Had their show been one song longer I think I might actually have done it x'D
The last band, Daze of June, seemed fairly known to the local scene. They'd had a 2 year break from playing live so the crowd was hungry and it showed! The crowd surfers continued coming and one part of passing I hadn't expected was that I now seemed to be expected to join in on carrying the crowdsurfers (some even eyeing me before jumping out) - that could also be because I am tall and in front but yeah, safe to say I've never carried that many people around during concerts as I did last saturday x'D
After and inbetween concerts I hung out with the band members but especially Cold Culture. I had stolen their setlist in the least stealth way (running to the one by the drummer and then struggled to get the gaffa tape to let go for a minute or two x'D) that I got the boys to sign and I got a picture with Mads and Andy M, the guitarist. Mads remembered the silly duck face that got to be an intern joke between us (me and other fans) at the Blind Channel show so he made it on both pictures. Andy P and Michael would arrive later so I didn't get pictures with them but instead a long, very lovely conversation with Andy P :3
Now I have met them twice I have new thoughts about whether or not I think Mads is Bojan coded. The answer is definitely still yes but with some little additions. As @j-restlessgeek noted, Mads definitely seems to have some facial features that reminds one of Kris. He is more slender than I remember so I'd say he's build more like Jure than Bojan. His eyes are those of a husky tho; big and iceblue. His personality is still definitely closest to Bojan's which might be why the two of us (both very much dog coded) got along so well!! We were pretty much fanboying about each other x'D (he about my art since he follows me on IG and me about his music :'D)
I have no idea if it was just me being extra aware about him once more *I'd been very aware of his presence at the blind channel gig as well* but it seemed to me we caught each other's eye quite often even when not in the conversation together. Had it not been for Mads going to single me out to hug and say goodbye when he had to go I could've sworn it was just me being delulu. He thanked me aton for coming and told me that if I wanted to next time he might be able to get me backstage so that was so very nice of him :'D <33
All in all this was a good way to spend first day of pride month and first official day of summer ^V^
Pictures of me, Mads and Andy M ^V^
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Pictures of Mads during Cold Culture's gig (I really dig these ones especially since you get a feeling how freaking close I was OVO)
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Miu iruma who has a brother who is dating Kaede/Maki but personality wise they're almost the opposite of miu. They're kind and can be bubbly but unlike miu who is loud they're on the shy side unless provoked but are unaffected by Miu's loud mouth and vulgar comments and are usually around Miu. Miu also teases her brother about kaede/Maki and of coarse asks vulgar questions(she is weirdly obessed with kaedes chest) Thing is everyone just thought he was friends with Miu but they're shocked to find out they're sibling cause their last names are different. They find out cause Miu and her brother were acting close and they misinterpreted it as flirting but are dead wrong since Miu is like wtf he's my brother you weirdos and now all the interactions make sense.
Kaede and Maki with Miu Iruma’s Brother
Let us begin with you and Miu’s relationship
She’s very fond of you
You’re the only person she trusts enough to be vulnerable with
You know her weaknesses and she knows yours
You’ll tell people to be gentle and not to raise their voices at her, even if she deserved it
And as her sweet, innocent, precious bro, she ain’t letting nobody lay a finger on you
She’ll give your bullies a good talking-to and pull you away from the scene
And you can trust her to be vulnerable with her too
When you’re upset, she’ll wave you over to her and let you lean against her shoulder
You’ve done this ever since you were kids, and it’s just a really nice, warm feeling
And of course, Miu teases the shit out of you
She might pamper you, but you’re not safe from her teasing
Of course, you’re her sibling, so she’s a lot less weird about it
Imagine how ruthless she would be if she found out you were dating someone
Especially one of your classmates
Kaede Akamatsu 🎹
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She was so shocked to find out you were her brother
You were literally nothing like her
She was loud, bold, perverted
While you were kind, shy and gentlemanly 
She honestly thought you two were dating and Miu was so disgusted
“S-Sorry! It’s just that you two spend a lot of time together and-“
“Ew, what the hell?! He’s my brother, you sick bitch! We popped out of the same fuckin’ womb! Do you think Tenko and that weird magician girl are dating because Tenko’s a weird fuckin’ stalker?! Look up from your piano for once and get a fuckin’ life!”
Needless to say, Kaede was embarrassed 
But you were still really kind to her
She actually liked you a lot
When you told your sister that you were dating, she laughed so hard
“Hah! You actually landed that bitch?! Man, that’s fucking hilarious!”
“Miu, I didn’t sleep with her-“
“So tell me, how big are those jugs of hers? Are they real? Is she chubby? And I bet she’s got a fat ass too-“
Yeah, she’s gonna tease the shit out of you
And she’s gonna threaten Kaede and tell her to treat you good
Even though your sister is a lot to deal with, Kaede still loves you 
And your sister will come to respect her eventually
Maki Harukawa 🔪
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She doesn’t know why you would wanna hang around someone like Miu, but oh well
I mean, she’s so loud, and you’re so sweet and bubbly 
One time, you happened to be in the same room, and she asked it
“Hey. Why do you and that Miu spend so much time together?”
“We’re siblings.”
She was not expecting to hear that
She honestly thought it was something completely different
“Something wrong?”
“No, it’s just… I had no idea. You have different last names and you’re nothing like her.”
“You thought we were dating, didn’t you? It’s okay, we get that surprisingly often.”
You chuckled and it made her blush
She was starting to like you
And eventually, she liked you so much that she decided to date you
When you told Miu, she kind of just gave you a weird look
“You mean that creepy chick with the pigtails? Damn, didn’t know she was your type!”
“Miu, please don’t call her creepy. She’s a great person and I love spending time with her.”
“Okay, okay, geez. Don’t get your dick in a twist, buddy. Now, I gotta know, is she buff? Like she does a ton of workouts and whatnot, so she’s gotta be fuckin’ ripped, right?! And how’s her ass? Big? Small? And I bet her chest is-“
“Okay, that’s enough!”
Maki finds her kind of annoying, and Miu thinks she’s a weird bitch, so there’s some awkwardness for a little while
Miu wants to make sure you have a partner who treats you right, and Maki doesn’t like that she scrutinizes her every move
But they’ll learn to tolerate each other in time
“Hey, funny thing, Miu. She thought we were dating at first!”
“Ewwww! He’s my brother, you fuckin’ sicko!”
“Do you wanna die?!”
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rearranged-fanfic · 5 months
New Chapter, Ah Yeah!
Excerpts below the cut
(Spoilers, duh)
Excerpt 1:
“What’s going on?”  Honestly, I’m not sure I want to know. Akemi smiles pleasantly.  “Settling a difference of opinion.” “On my front porch?” I inquire dryly. At that moment, Takuma’s eyes get wide and he points at me, excitement coloring his tone.  “Oh, you’re outside by yourself!  Heck yeah!” “My wardens decided to lessen my sentence a bit.” “’Bout time!” he crows, delighted.  “Thought you were gonna die of boredom if you stayed locked up much longer.” “Well, it was either that or killing them for entertainment.”  I shrug nonchalantly, like I hadn’t just inserted murderous intentions into a normal conversation.  I wait for them to take that as a joke and laugh, but they just kind of look at the ground awkwardly. …Okay?  They’re acting weird. “Don’t you attract Spirits, though?  Are you safe?” Akemi points out. And when I pull out the charm that Gojo gave me, Takuma elbows forward to take the glass bead in his palm.  His eyebrows scrunch up cutely and he leans in super close.  All Sorcerers apparently abhor personal space. Which is all well and good until Beans launches herself from my cleavage in a sneak attack, clasping onto the younger teen’s face with her wings.  Takuma lets out an undignified ‘eep’, scrambling backwards.  That’s what he gets for muscling his way into my bubble.  If only Beans could do that to Gojo—I’d have the ultimate protector, saving me form touchy-feely weirdos. He pulls the Shiki off, sucking in air and fanning himself like a dainty woman about to faint. Beans comes back to rest on the top of my head, planting herself on my crown and letting out a tiny, angry roar.  I reach up to stroke under her chin with my finger.  Good beans, I think affectionately.  Takuma finally collects himself, even as his sister has to hold her gut form laughing at his misfortune. “You have a charm like Ieiri,” the young Sorcerer notes.  I immediately note the lack of honorific, but don’t really think much of it.  Instead, it’s his words that get my attention. I peer down at the blue bead.  “She has one too, huh?”  I guess that makes sense; Gojo is all about fiercely guarding the two people he actually cares about in this world.  And now he’s offered the same protection to his precious little informant.  I should feel privileged, but him walking in on my masturbation session because of this little charm still lives in my head rent free. “It’s on her wrist,” he says, gesturing to his own. I think back and try to remember if I’d noticed a bracelet before, but I’m not really that observant.  At least I know to ask about it next time she pops up, I guess.  It’d be nice to know exactly what this charm can do, beside allow Gojo to be the world’s most efficient stalker-slash-cockblock. I shake my head to clear out the fuzz and offer my guests a little grin.  “So, what brings you guys here?” “Oh, Ma told us to come check—” Akemi throws her hand over her brother’s mouth, cutting him off.  “To check to see if you could help me with something!” she says a bit too excitedly. “What do you need help with?” I ask, distrust laced through my words. “I’m having trouble in English class, and I know that it’s your first language.  Do you think you can help me?” Uh huh.  Well, that’s not suspicious at all.  They’re clearly here to appease their mom.  And they’re fibbing about it. I cross my arms and raise a single eyebrow questioningly, doubt painted over my features.  Akemi holds up what looks to be a backpack, shaking it as though in offering.  Clever, bringing an item to use as an excuse.  The other young woman puts on her best puppy dog face, making her green eyes appear large and watery all while her lower lip quivers ever so slightly. I’m a sucker, I think with resignation as I step aside to welcome them in.
Excerpt 2:
I pinch off a section of cake, offering it to her as tribute.  The sweet treat is quickly gobbled up, and she sniffs at my fingers for more.  I roll my eyes at the gluttonous Shiki and give her another sizeable chunk.  This one, she eats a little slower.  And when she’s done, she gives me a friendly nip at the tip of my thumb and a sweet chirp.  Content with the cake for now, she curls up around my throat and prepares to sleep.  I note that she bites her own tail so that she doesn’t slip off backwards. I have a living necklace, I think.  When I pat her, she wriggles to get closer to me, letting out a contented sigh. Somebody’s affectionate today. Then again, she’s been clingy since this morning for whatever reason. Rolling my eyes at the silly creature, I peer down at my phone.  Time to see what’s up next on my adventure.  I scroll for a few minutes, listening to the whistling snores that my Shiki puts off like it’s the most soothing music known to man. A shadow falls over me, blocking the light, but I ignore it.  Until somebody clears their throat. “Excuse me, Miss.”  I think I’ve heard the voice before, but I’m not quite sure where.  Maybe he’s another friendly character from the manga? Then I roll my eyes at the thought.  Yeah, right.  What are the odds of meeting another manga character in a city as bis as Tokyo?   He’s probably just some dude that I’ve met in passing—maybe the clerk at the hotel I stayed at my first night here?
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
hopefully you’re ok with a bit of askbox spam but if not I’ll stop. Just the Halloween event is so much fun. Malleus mentioned that he was tempted to eat the intruders in ramshackle. What if mc was in on the idea of scaring the monsters away by letting malleus eat them in his dragon form.
Includes: soft/safe vore, willing prey
★✦Absolute Terror✦★
"Child of man, I have an idea on how we can scare the Magicam monsters, but... I would need you to do something scary." Malleus told you.
"Hm? What is it, what do you need me to do?"
"I... I would need to swallow you. If you are against this-"
"Listen, I would do anything to get these people out of my house." You said. "I'm fine with whatever you have to do."
"Then... then we will do this." Malleus looked slightly nervous. "You're really ok with this...?"
"Of course I am. I trust you to keep me safe."
"Well then... let's terrify these monsters."
"Yeah, let's do this!!"
The plan is simple. You will enter Ramshackle with the Magicam monsters, walk along with them through the hallways, and then eventually, Malleus (in his dragon form) shoves his head in through the wall of Ramshackle, grab you and then swallow you whole. Hopefully that will terrify them enough to make them run away, but if it's not... then Malleus will proceed to swallow them as well, and very quickly teleport you out of his stomach, letting the Magicam monsters believe they won't be safe. That should be enough to scare them.
The pair of guests entered Ramshackle, signalling the start of the plan.
You followed them inside.
"Hey, did you hear that too...?" You asked.
"Hear what?"
"That terrible noise outside... it almost sounded like a roar or a growl or something..."
You were already putting the idea in their heads that there was something outside.
Lilia skittered around, setting the monsters on-edge.
You continued saying little things to them, insisting you could see something gigantic outside.
You and Lilia were working in tandem to unsettle the Magicam monsters until Malleus felt it appropriate to strike.
"I-I just saw it again! It's out there, i-it's circling us!" You started tearing up, clinging to the arm of one of the monsters.
"Get off me, weirdo!"
You were pushed off of him (rather violently) and you fell to the floor...
That's when Malleus decided it was the right time.
The old wooden walls and windows shattered as Malleus shoved his mouth into Ramshackle.
"What...?" You softly asked, before the jaws snapped shut around you.
Malleus made sure the Magicam monsters could watch as you were swallowed.
The monsters, stricken with absolute terror, promptly ran away, exiting through the massive hole Malleus had made in the wall.
"Oh my, it seems they have run." Malleus said. "What a shame... I was truly hoping I would be able to eat them."
"Why were you hoping that?"
"Because I dislike them. And you saw firsthand how they treated you."
"What, did you want to defend me form those mean people~?" You asked, ever so slightly mockingly.
"Can we stay like this for a bit longer?" You asked. "I'm comfortable."
"Well, I suppose... if you'd really like that."
It's been a long day.
It's time for a nice rest.
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rachelbee100 · 2 years
Parking garage scene (or, well, it started as a parking garage scene inspired by @spookylucy’s post)
Lucy wakes with a start. She feels groggy. Drugged? She tries to move her arms and finds them bound to… chair arms? And she is seated. So. Another Caleb nightmare. She’s a bit of a pro at lucid dreaming by this point, and she knows exactly how to end this one. 
Sure enough, she hears Tim calling out, “Lucy?! Lucy, are you there?”
She smiles, knowing he is there to rescue her. “I’m in here, Tim!”
“It’s going to be okay, Lucy, we’ll find a way out. It’s going to be okay,” and maybe she could have pretended she didn’t hear the fear in his voice. The way he said “we’ll” find a way out. 
But then she focuses on the window in the wall in front of her. The one-way glass. With Tim on the other side, blindfolded and strapped down to an interrogation table.
This had never happened in her dreams before. And that’s when she knows it isn’t a dream.
“Tim, do you remember what happened?” She asks, trying to keep the panic from her voice.
“My- my house, Lucy,” he chokes out.
Lucy knows they had both been on shift. So she’ll retrace her steps from there.
“The last day I remember, I changed out and then headed to my car in the parking garage.
“Oh no, is that how I was abducted again? Wait, no, I’m walking up to my car and you’re there. You say it’s not safe with Rosalind at large and on a mission, and that I should… come home with you instead. Me and Tamara. Tamara?! Is Tamara here?!
“Wait no… Tamara said she would rather stay with Angela and Wesley because she loves baby Jack, and Kojo’s there too… so it’s just you and me.
“We go to your house, you set your alarms, and we go to bed. This time, you offer to sleep on your couch, but we both know that’s not happening. So I get into your bed, and I pull one of your arms around me, and I feel so… safe.”
“And then we wake up here,” Tim finishes her story quietly.
“Right, so,” Lucy pushes forward, “How? We both know you set the alarms. We didn’t eat or drink anything drugged. We just had a glass of water before bed.”
“Wait,” Tim interrupted. “We know we were  drugged. And we know we both had water from my pitcher. And Rosalind could make a roofie that wouldn’t be noticeable in water.”
“Yeah, maybe. But then she’d have to have been here when we got in. And your alarms were working. So how could that happen? Nobody knows your alarm codes except people you’d trust with your life.”
“And Ashley,” Tim adds, an icy horror seeping into his voice. “She’s seen me enter all the codes.”
“But she’s Jerry’s daughter!” Lucy decides not to point out she’s his girlfriend as well. “You really think she’s capable of working with Rosalind?”
“I don’t really know her, Luce.”
“Okay, so, our working theory is that Rosalind and Ashley abducted us from your house the night after our last shift. We were both scheduled for the next day, too, so if it’s morning everyone already knows we’re missing.
“And Tamara knows we were staying at your house. So maybe they can pick up a trail from there…”
“It looks like we’re in an abandoned police station? Or something like that…” Lucy muses, looking around.
“Lucy,” Tim starts, “Are you wearing your ring?”
She looks down at her hand. Ever since they returned from Las Vegas with the news of Rosalind’s escape, she has worn it night and day off duty. And she even wore it on a chain under her uniform. She saw with relief it was still in place.
“Yes,” she called back. “Why?”
“Do you remember how I held onto it for a while before giving it back to you?”
Like she’d ever forget. “Of course. Weirdo.”
“Well… I also brought it to a jeweler. And I had them put a tracker into the setting. I didn’t think we’d ever need it, but… just in case.”
Lucy is dumbfounded. Grateful. Furious. Warm. And so impressed by the man through the wall.
“You could have told me, you know,” she rebuked. “But okay, right now you’re looking like a genius. Who has the tracking info?” 
“I don’t even have it… I gave it directly to Wesley with instructions to share it with Grey and the detectives if you ever go missing.”
She sighs in relief that this wasn’t some secret all their friends and colleagues had been keeping from her.
“Lawyer-client confidentiality, huh?”
“They have to be good for something.”
Just then, they hear the bang of a battering ram breaking down a door, followed by stampedes of heavy boots and finally Angela, kicking open the door of the interrogation room Tim is held in. A few seconds later, Nyla busts into Lucy’s room.
“Hey Lopez!” She calls out through the glass. “You good there?”
“You know it!” Angela calls back. To Tim, she murmurs, “A tracker, Bradford, really.”
She releases Tim from the straps holding him down and helps him sit up. They walk into the hallway, Tim upright largely thanks to Angela’s support, and find Lucy and Nyla waiting for them. Lucy chokes back a sob and throws herself at Tim.
“I love you,” she breathes into his ear at the same time as he whispers, “I’m sorry.” She pulls back to look him in the eyes and repeats more clearly, “I love you, Tim Bradford,” then waits meaningfully.
“I love you, Lucy Chen,” he replies, and the words come out in a garbled rush (he thinks he might be crying?) and then it’s like he can suddenly breathe, and then the sunshine of her smile is filling his lungs and he has to look away, but he also can’t look away, until-
“Okay, sorry to be doing this, but we actually haven’t caught Rosalind yet, so I don’t suppose you know anything new?”
“Anything you remember, any revelations?”
To Angela and Nyla’s credit, they are both looking directly at Lucy. Maybe he’ll make her a shirt that says “Detective/Genius Chen” after she’s promoted, Tim thinks. Maybe someday it’ll be “Detective/Genius Bradford-Chen.”
Lucy grasps his hand, lacing their fingers together. 
“We believe Ashley is working with Rosalind,” she reveals.
Angela takes the news in stride. “All right, let’s see if that helps us catch her. Hospital or station, you two?”
Both reply, “Hospital,” before exchanging a glance and clarifying, “I meant you!”
“How about we just get the paramedics to check you both out?” Nyla proposes. “Then we don’t have to worry about fake EMT’s kidnapping you in an ambulance. Win-win.”
Lucy glances at Tim in horror, then gasps, “Bailey!”
I know logically Kojo would be at Tim’s house, but no way am I letting Ashley and Rosalind get their claws on him.
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roxo4me · 1 year
Ugh.. This new twitter migration is giving me a headache. I have been deep diving into website alternatives. Here's the things I have found. Tried to take them in the order I would use, although that's is wholly my opinion
I'm gonna keep being on tumblr. Wether or not I go to other sites. While tumblr shows sign of being "algorithmd" it's all optional. So as long as it stays that way I have no reason to leave
I have actually not found anything bad on this one. It also seems to be owned by a company which is great. It even started on Tumblr! Either way, it's small for now and because of how non-algorithmd it seems to be they don't seem to be very business first. Which is good for usage! Bad for growth.
I'll probably join this one, I'll come back to this thread if I find something bad I guess
This seems like an okay alternative, has been running for a while too. Sadly it is 100% owned by 1 person. Which will always have the same issues of sudden implosion, stupid standards or simple malpractice.
This person has been under fire due to a drama fight with a trans person. For the most part it seems resolved, but it has shown a couple of red flags. Example that they seem to have very weird views on trans, while not outright malicious they seem very uninformed and for example against transkids.. They are also EXTREMELY personally involved in their product. As to say they could totally ban you for disagreeing with you.
I would however rather bet on 1 random person than 1 random rich person trying to cash grab. Sadly the website itself is more targeted to Vtubers than Vtuber audiences so it has a very niche reach
These weirdos will tell you nothing. They run fully on charity and for some reason people accept "not telling you how we control and decide things worth" as a positive?!?! Anyway, they are very selective with accounts and very secretive about all innerworkings of the site. I would not trust, but nothing EXCEPTIONALLY bad has come forth yet. I.e. Nothing bad but nothing good either.
While a great server hosting program it is no different than being on private forums. Any owner has FULL control of all content therein. This includes if someone wants to do something less than legal on their server as Mastodon themselves takes NO responsibility for their content.
Have not found any group owned servers yet although this for sure isn't the worst alternative
Yeah.. This is just Twitter but Black. As in the owner is still a too rich, soulless, micromanaging, manipulating, criticism flaming pile of poop, but black this time...
Oh, and has had known crypto dealings
Stay away from this thing. It's closer to malware than a social media site.
Here's some sources
- Pillowfort
- Vtubers.me
- Co-host
- Spoutible
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how do you think this stuff with Sam is gonna effect Euphoria S3 and beyond?
OOoF. Nonny *cracks knuckles*
So in my brain the thing that makes the most logical sense is that HBO decides that Sam isn’t going to a) be able to finish a project without being called disgustingly inappropriate or worse b) bring in the same viewership with Idol as he did with euphoria S1 + S3 and c) make a project without heavy use of traumatic s*xual scenes.
I understand it’s HBO but also, considering the themes of Euphoria last year… we would only be rapidly approaching a very traumatic, high intensity, emotional rollercoaster.. that I can’t stress enough… SAM does not have the capacity to write. His character depth is not as deep as one would want to imagine , especially those outside of his lived experiences.
Meaning … women, queers, black and brown folks in white spaces , DRUG DEALERS etc etc etc May be a LITTLE CONVOLUTED.
I say all that to say; especially with the:
Levinson allegedly stopped sending scripts to HBO and certain department heads, according to two people familiar with the matter. “I got the vibe that the mood on set was, ‘What’s HBO gonna do, pull the plug? Yeah, right. If they want a third season of Euphoria, they’ll give me what I want… We’re just gonna shoot what we want and if [HBO execs] have a problem with it, that’s their problem,’” they explain. Idol set, the idea of “ what are they gonna do censor me I’ll just take euphoria away”
lol like what w bitch ..anyways
I truly believe that we could - A) see a writers ROOM of hopefully not all older cis het yt men talking about very difficult subjects outside of drugs B) SAM is nixxed.
I just don’t think he’s worth a network going down the drain form. so while good, I truly believe whatever direction we go S3 won’t live up to hype of previous seasons PURELY because we are all made aware of the absolute havoc this man has made for his cast and crew. As well as his habit of adding certain themes and situations that feel downright abusive. I’ve said before I think season 2 ended with the idea that maybe they didn’t plan to be renewed. The entire last 2 episodes pace a lot differently when you look at them as an ending and not a prelude to another season or time.we know they are probably shooting already so it’s safe to say we won’t know for a while , with taking 7 months to film + x to do post and marketing promo) but I’m curious with know how this new show being recieved in the media and if the timing makes a difference.
Here’s the Rolling Stone article that also talks about the weirdo shit he did on the Euphoria set of S2 and how they are similar ( script changes, extended deadlines, big names for buzz but barely any lines or depth, drama drama drama)
What do y’all think fexi hive?
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Trump is threatening terrorist attacks in Georgia he had them find 3,000 or something $2,300 kilos is what it was of cocaine in celery shipments and his caught telling them where it is mostly his people are not happy when they decide to figure out why he's doing it so they followed them around now they follow the Trump around and they figured it out the man is an imbecile that needs to die and others figured it out too they're going after him oh son says there's only three places Trump can be and that's out screwing around and stuck on him here in prison or dead and Emily can put him in prison that Sydney are threatening and doesn't do anything so she said this I'm not a lost machine to Trump and Trump said I'm going to have your boyfriend witness it or I'll imitate it and imitate him but she said no you won't and I get the math if you're free you're going to be hassling him and that's me and my people and we get it we hear it so we're going to knock your head off I'm here insulting conversations and you're an imp who has nothing and you're just rude. Emily blunt said now the name implies that Trump would stick them into a cigarette and that would be it and she said if you go to slow we're going to get burned up safely and we want him to die he's a weirdo and really he's trying to kick these judges out and you keep saying no and he's going to get hurt again and what he's doing and saying it's really terrible he's an inhuman piece of crap and we do not want him representing us especially in front of the whole world his stuff is horrible he's a horrible jerk we're going after him and I'm going to start placing charges on this guy he is ridiculous person and is very evil to us and where his kids and I'm going to go find a venue to speak to what you say is other women and they can help and we've done it and it works and of course our people our age group we need it and Terry cheeseman and we can make an alliance against him that's real damn according to the doofus and then I'll lose a ton of stuff but maybe we won't die
That was Emily blunt so we're going to print
Thor Freya
Someone other than me is standing up I want your husband to lead and meet with me and we'll form this group and we have to these two are out of control who knows Dan is a lot smaller than he used to be he's been focusing on it and people need to know this information so yeah I have information on what he's been doing and with the same people and we need to meet
Terry c
We do see the difference you made a bunch like him in there horrible and we have to meet and it's a good idea I'm asking mine to help me do it
Matthew sweat and you didn't hit her in the stomach and I was crying because you were a friend and you're kind of forced to do it and it feels like you shouldn't have but what I was saying was horrible
0 notes
theboysfromaustin · 6 months
November 18, 2008
Ian wrapped his arm around Gav as they left the courthouse, feeling the younger man press against him, “Are you okay?” “I think so…I'm sorry.” “I'm not mad, I want you to be okay.” Gav slipped his hand into Ian's pocket, “I wish I were normal.” Ian stopped, pulling him close, other people milling around them, “I love you. Nothing will change that.”
They got into the Aston Martin, Gav leaning on the window. He still looked uneasy. Ian pulled out, heading south. “Where are we going?” “You'll see.” They crossed over Town Lake, pulling up at Sandy's Hamburgers. Gav shot Ian a questioning look, the older man grinning, “C'mon.”
The burger stand was quiet, each getting a cheeseburger, fries and malt. They settled in at one of the picnic tables out back, tucking into their meals, quiet for a few moments.
“Are you feeling alright?”
Gav sighed, “I…I could have fucked up your case, couldn't I?” “Well…” Ian drummed his fingers on the wood, “You didn't. But even if you did, there are other cases. I've been at it long enough to know.” “I need to keep my mouth shut.” “I wish I could say what I really feel when there's an idiot yapping on the stand,” a smile played at Ian's lips.
“So…you're not mad?” “No, of course not! I understand that your autism means there are things you can't help, but the thing is, I know that you try. And you try because you love me. God knows I couldn't have Kazuo at my side in court. He has no excuse for his big mouth, he just says whatever the fuck he wants.”
Gav giggled, sucking on his butterscotch malt. Ian ruffled his hair, glad to see him relax, “You know…I'm pretty sure my dad was autistic.” “What?” Gav paused, a fry halfway to his mouth, “What was he…?” “Well, he was always quite abrupt. Rigid in his thinking, moreso than the usual father of the 40s and 50s. Loved trains…we need to go dig through the boxes, pretty sure I have his old electric set.” “Was he a good dad?” “Yeah. I mean, better than a lot of dads I knew. He never hit me, which was weird to my friends. I know that losing Charles was a deep wound that he never recovered from.
He was very intelligent. Built the chemist's from the ground up, then helped manufacture planes at Avro during the war.” “He sounds smart.” “Oh, he was, but it would get him in trouble. He was very outspoken against the monarchy. He'd throw darts at a portrait of the Queen. One time, he deliberately broke a neighbor's window with a potato. He decided the best way to teach me to ride a bike was to take me to the top of a steep hill and push me.”
“Ouch.” “Yeah. I learned. Quick. I love my dad.” “I wish I loved my parents. Although, if they'd actually paid attention and noticed my autism, I'm sure the abuse would have increased.” “I hate your family. What a hideous group of bastards.” “I know I suffered badly on leaving, but it was the right choice. I would have ended up dead. Or brainwashed, which would have been worse.” Ian reached over, squeezing his shoulder, “You're safe with us. Gav, I've always meant to ask…how did you get to Texas?”
“Well…” Gav chewed his burger, “I started out hopping a freight train, which got me to around Toledo before I got chased off by security. I lost half the food and water I had. Stole a map from an unlocked truck, hitched and stowed across Ohio to Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas to Texas. I got threatened a lot. Once with a gun. Propositioned once. By a lady. I snuck onto trucks more than asked, I was that scared of people.
Got stuck in Dallas for a few days, lurking around truck stops until I found someone to get me to Austin where I planned to just build a new camp, and be homeless until I died. That didn't happen, though, and I'm glad. I'm safe, I'm loved, and I'm not starving.”
“It's lucky that we found you when we did. And I'm so thankful that Kazuo convinced me that we needed you.” “Love that weirdo,” Gav shoved a handful of fries into his mouth, “I hope Kazuo won't bemad about us going out after court without him.” “I'm sure he's found food. Probably something with cheese. He's resourceful. Gaseous and resourceful.”
Kazuo had taken Martha down to Quack's, and the two were sharing the whole roster of cupcakes. This was the secret thing they did when Ian and Gav were in court.
Gav moved to Ian’s side, leaning on his partner. Ian put his arm around Gav, leaning back, “You're a good man. We're lucky to have you. And you're a damn fine paralegal, a worthy successor to Kensuke. And,” Ian kissed his forehead, “You're adorable.” “I love you,” Gav leaned up, their lips meeting. “You feel better now?” “Yeah. You're good at making me feel better.” “You ready to kick arse in court tomorrow?”
“Hell yeah!”
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