#but yea. as an overall idea its extremely simple
sanstropfremir · 2 years
so maybe i'm really dumb, but you mentioned once on your blog that the kwangya concept is really straightforward - so what actually is it?
it's literally just the universe that all the sm groups' "worlds" exist in. that's it. it's just a bunch of conceptual connective tissue that makes it easier for them to tie all the groups together for things like smtown and to further the company branding. the new sm building is called kwangya, the sm fanclub got a relaunch as kwangyaclub, etc etc. it's a thing all the groups live inside, literally. i think it's a bit harder for people to grasp who didn't watch the smtown 2022 new years live, bc that's where they really 'launched' the concept, and prior to that no one really gave a good explanation. honestly i hate that sm is so fucking annoying about archiving stuff bc i wish there was a record of smcu express @ kwangya (the new years concert livestream) bc 1) it was actually a pretty fun concert and 2) it did a fantastic job of visually explaining how kwangya 'works'. the concert director did a ton of working making the visual scaffolding that connects every stage and i so badly want to point you to the actual concert to see what it looked like, but all those vcrs and transitions are pretty much gone. and it loses a bit of the elegance when you type out "so there's an intergalactic space train that travels to different planets and every group stage that the train stops at is a different 'station'". they had a bunch of different alternate sets but the main performance stage was a huge warehouse that had a bit of set dressing to look like a train station, including a ticker that showed what station you had 'arrived' at, and they filmed a couple of vcrs where different idols would 'hand off' stages to each other. most notably was minho doing a literal briecase handoff between thank u yunho and fever changmin using his dematerializing pixel sports car a la the heartbreak mv. you can see a tiny bit of this in this screenrecord of the fever stage, and the only other connective tissue-y evidence i can find is this very poorly cropped recording of key and taeyeon's hate that performance where each of them are filmed on their group traincars from the concept photos and then 'meet' on a station platform. sm has been using the train motif for ages (sm stations, literally), and they used it again for the live smtowns that they did over the summer too. personally i think if you were to do a huge company brand like this this is precisely the way to do it, because it allows for those crossovers but also allows for groups to not 'be involved' in it conceptually/literally on an individual basis, since those 'worlds' can still feasibly exist within kwangya even though they don't explicitly say so.
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formulatrash · 1 year
hi hazel!
i know this is probably annoying to ask so extremely sorry about this in advance but i’ve been seeing this debate on twitter and it’s so conflicting and I can’t pretend to know enough to understand what people mean by it.
max and christian horner had their opinions that came out about the 2026 engine regulations (as did Damon Hill, Karun and Alex Brundle) and i know they weren’t the most positive. I’ve seen BrrrakeF1’s opinion of it isn’t great either. but i’ve also seen some tweets from others that the regs aren’t bad. (i haven’t really seen any other team mention anything about the 2026 regs except redbull and maybe toto said something)
so are they bad? or good? i know it’s not as simple as that, of course but there seems to be a bit of a fight brewing around this now which i wasn’t actually aware of before.
I think the main problem is that 2026 is effectively tomorrow, in terms of developing a completely new power unit concept and that some ambiguities and potential changes are still in the works.
(this got long)
(also this is not an annoying ask anon! I actually know about power units haha - it's the wag stuff I don't know anything about)
2026 moves to 50-50 internal combustion and electrical power to the drivetrain. That is a big shift from the current hybrid systems, which are somewhere around 8-11% electric power. That's not an exact number; the overall output of an ICE and of course the hybrid system is both down to how efficiently it's running and any constraints on its performance (needing to run the ICE lower for reliability etc) as well as a regulatory maximum of 120kW contribution from the motor.
But it's somewhere, ideally, around there. At most tracks, obviously some of them like Monaco there's less call for maximum power output but you get the idea, it's going to be a big shift.
There are lots of other changes, in how that number is got to; MGU-H is going, which is a pretty uncontested idea. MGU-H is (basically, I'm oversimplifying but) a turbine that runs off exhaust gases and given that, of course only applies to hot-running petrol/diesel combustion engines.*
That's not a technology that's either practical for road cars or the direction that OEMs are taking development in, as well as being expensive and complicated. It was repeatedly cited by manufacturers as a reason not to come back or join F1, so removing it was a done deal.
MGU-K is a non-negotiable part of a hybrid system, it's the part of the powertrain that recovers energy from braking but is also the motor, like in an electric car. Nothing goes to the drivetrain from the electric parts without MGU-K, so that was of course staying and the increased importance of it comes with the development of motors for EVs. Especially recovery systems from braking and lift/coast for range extension.
With that, you need a battery and an inverter and a control system, etc. The scale-up of that to be a larger percentage of the overall power does add weight to the overall power unit and there isn't a way around that, although cars will also be lighter (at race start) due to lower fuel loads.
(worth saying that F1 is currently heavier, at full fuel load, than Formula E; trying to have both is in some ways the worst option)
None of that is really bad or good or what's being argued over, which is a second set of regulations around active aero. In order to compensate for the cars being heavier, in theory at least, the bodywork will actively shift to reduce drag on straights. Like DRS but in a more complex, whole-car way.
"Wait, that sounds insane and also like it would need lots of additional wiring and movement systems to engineer" yea.
I personally think it's a driver aide, if it's not entirely controlled by the driver and also that it's unnecessary. The 919 LMP1-H ran at close to 50% electric energy a lot of the time and it only had a few different aero configurations for the year, let alone a lap.
The active bodywork will need to work closely with the PU, which of course is always the case with a car's bodywork; airflow and cooling the power unit (or even just a pure combustion engine, which of course literally needs to breathe) are essential parts of making a car efficient. But this is more than packaging, it's that parts of the chassis will need to respond to the same ECU as the power unit.
And none of that is really clarified yet. Which given the development lead times is a huge problem. So: it's not that the regulations are good or bad yet, per se it's that they are not yet settled. *Differentiating between hot and cold running because race cars obviously run like blast furnaces compared to a road car, even if you compared two V6s. But also because if you were to apply MGU-H to, for instance, a hydrogen combustion engine, then it would be very inefficient and not generate anything because of the different exhaust outputs.
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The fanficnfdshidsh
   Nickel goes to the Perilous Forest often.
    He usually sneaks out of the hotel, but in the, extremely, off chance he slips up and someone else catches him, just bluntly announces it to that person that hes going to be in the forest. No one knows what nickel does in there. Nor why he goes.
   When people talk about nickel the topic always comes up.
   Trophy and Cherries have started to make rumors and jokes about how Nickel is secretly a nymph or a fae. Or, for shits and giggles, a fairy. Just some sort of nature spirit or creature that fakes being human and the Perilous forest is secretly his home in general.
   Some, secretly, thoroughly believe it due to evidence.
   The evidence being whenever the forest is brought up, Nickel starts acting  bit weird and talks about it like its a nostalgic place to him, like a safe haven, almost like its his home. And his seemingly abnormal knowledge about animals, as well as how to heal them, and plants, and the fact that all animals seemingly like and understand him.
   Paper, one of the people who believes it, claims that he once saw Nickel cup his hands around a wilting flower, and after he removed them, the plant was magically back to its prevoiusly healthy self.
   Even with that belief to give an idea, no one really knows. Well, Baseball probably knows, but hes still in the show, not with the rest of the eliminated contestants.
   Speaking of people in the show, Turns out they wonder what he does too. Whenever they catch him sneaking into the forest, of course.
   Some contestants sometimes talk about the topic when they spot Nickel. Baseball, as it turns out he doesnt really know, is one of them. And he wanted to figure it out.
   Following Nickel into the forest seems like the best idea. It might be a difficult task, due to how tall and rather…hefty…he is, Baseball might be too loud to be sneaky enough to follow Him un detected, but it also might be easier than what he expects, due to being in the forest before with Nickel and knowing he way around, sort of.
   After seeing Nickel start his own trek towards the forest, Baseball observed him carefully, planning on how he will make it to the forest, how he will keep track of where Nickel is, and how he wont get lost going back to where the show takes place.
   The first parts may be difficult.
   After solidifying his plan, he starts his walk to catch up to his best friend.   Untill he is interrupted by a familiar voice asking “where are you going?”.
   Baseball turns around to see Knife, and, due to himself being such a towering man, having to partially look down to properly see Knifes face.
   They havent talked to eachother in quite some time.   Knife hasn’t gotten a good look at Baseballs face in a while, but now that he is he can see how downcast he is.
   The poor guys eyes looked a bit dull, and their original bright and lively ruby color seems a bit faded in hue. He looks paler also, and just looks depressed overall. Baseball has, extremely slowly, been getting better since Testtube started comforting him, but Nickels elimination seems to have taken a permanent toll on him.
   Yet, the look in his eyes seems almost happy.
   “I was going to see what Nickel does whenever he goes into the forest” Baseball responds.
   Knifes expression seemed to change, almost soften slightly, before hardening back to his usual “tough guy” composure.
    Soon furrowing his eyebrows, more than normal, he the asks “Why?”
   “well.. I want to figure out if the rumors are actually true, i’m sure you’ve heard them” Baseball answers, Before turning about and starting to make his careful walk to catch up to Nickel unnoticed.
   Yes, the rumors.
   As it turns out, the in-game contestants also have started the same rumors as the eliminatees have. They where started by lightbulb for the same reasons, minus the acting weird. Sort of. Around them, when he was still in the show, Nickel seem to get happier around the forest. Everyone noticed it.
   Nobody had any experiences like Paper, but some contestants with a keen eye seem to have noticed that the grass under and around Nickel seems greener and the flowers seem brighter.
   Knife only let out a small “oh, huh” before he silently watched Baseball turn and continue following his own best friend. He was tempted to stop the latter, but even he is curious to see what Nickel does in there.
   Baseball has only entered the forest with him a couple of times, and they only go to set locations, and nothing was out of the ordinary with Nickel other than some sweet times like when small, cute insects, like butterflies, landed on Nickels hand once he held it out.
   While walking, Baseball pulls out a small box from his jackets pocket, opening it to see the small collection he has aquired over time.
   Different types of flowers that seem to never wilt, colorful rocks, and shiny objects make up most of its contents. Just a small bunch of little trinkets he was given by Nickel that where either found in the forest or were already owned.   Nickel had always liked to collect things like those, all because they peaked his interest, or, as Baseball soon found out as he got to know him, Nickel thought they would make Baseball happy.
   And they did.
   Anyway, Baseball soon snapped back to reality and made his way to the edge of the forest, somehow before he lost sight of Nickel. This is when He had to be careful, as if he was to make any noise, Nickel would be alerted.
   Stopping only when Nickel stopped to pick up randoms items he finds or when an animal interacts with him.
   Making haste, he followed Nickel. Until Nickel took a turn and dissapeared once Baseball turned that same corner.
   “Damnit” he muttered. He lost him. He turned and pondered if he should give up and exit the forest.
   Baseball decided against it and turned back around, restarting he quick pace as he navigated through the forest. Stopping himself from calling Nickels name, as that would do the opposite of what he wants.
   Baseball know this was probably hopeless, he is never in the forest and Nickel probably knows it like its as simple as remembering his own name. And the forest is huge, there is basiclly no way that this will turn out good for him.   Baseball just decides to travel to the places hes most familiar with in the forest.   Then Baseball found him.
   He found Nickel sitting on a rock with his back to Baseball, seeming absorbed into whatever hes was doing.
   But…   Nickel looks, quite, different.
   His shiny, shoulder length, grey hair has flowers sporatically tangled inside of it. one side is tucked behind his ears, which is now pointed, like an elf. he was wearing a short sleeved shirt with holes in the back for a set of pretty fairy wings that looked to be a combination of butterfly and dragonfly wings, only a couple of inches longer than his torso, almost limply resting parallel to his back. He has his usual oversized jacket wrapped around his waist.
   He was also wearing shorts. His exposed arms and legs had leafy, flowery vines growing and wrapping around the limbs. the plants getting denser the closer to Nickels hands and feet, almost seeming to be attached to his body. They stopped at his mid thigh and bicep.
   There are many animals around him too.
   A couple of butterflies circle nickel, fluttering around him and some even crawing on him. Birds flutter arould him, some even givig him things like flowers. There was also a fox there, yapping to Nickel in response to whatever he said. Sometimes talking to the birds and butterflies also, the birds tweeting back a response.
   He looked gorgeous.
   He unknowingly took a few steps closer, wanted to get a better look at Nickel, and talk to him.
   Baseball accidentally lets out a quiet, yet awestruck “whoa”, as he stared at Nickel, admiring him.
   Nickel immediately stops what hes doing and spins around, standing in the process, and stares up at Baseball, who seemed anxious that he has been spotted.
   Nickel is wearing his cute, round, black, thin rimmed glasses that complimented his features nicely. His light green eyes seemingly unnaturally bright, Though, they seemed to show only fear.
   “ah…uh-” Nickel starts, showing his sharp teeth as he talked, taking a small step backwards. “hi..”.
   Baseball perked up as soon as Nickel spoke. “..hello” He smiles, stepping forward a couple of steps before stopping when Nickel backed up more. He looks more anxious. Baseballs smile drops.
  The fox is getting defensive. Yet, as soon as Nickel raised a hand towards it, it seems to calm down slightly.
   “dont run, please” Baseball softly begs, raising his arms so they are partally bend infront of his chest, before takeing a couple of gentle steps forward.   Nickel stays in place for the few steps, still having that fearful look in his eye.   Baseball smiles again and hurriedly walks towards Nickel, falling to his knees and engulfing him in a tight hug. He stays careful as to not hurt Nickel and avoid wrapping his arms around his wings as to not crush them.
   “i missed you so much!” Baseball gushes, pulling Nickel into his lap subconsciously.
   Nickel is stunned slightly, he didnt expect Baseball to react this way. Most people called him a monster. After realizing what is happening, he wrapped his arms as tightly around Baseball as he could. His wings fluttered slightly.
   “I missed you too” Nickel said happily, his wings fluttering more.   Soon enough, the pulled away from eachother, Nickel sliding off of Baseballs lap.   “how did you find me?” Nickel questioned, looking up to Baseball.
   “ah-” Baseball scratches the back of his neck, “i…followed you into the forest, lost you, then found you here” He looks at Nickel nervously.
   Nickel stares at baseball for a second before stating snarkily “you really wanted to see me, huh”.   Baseball only responds with a soft “yea”.   Baseball then blurts “can you fly?” partially startling Nickel. He looks at Nickel, who has scooted backwards at the sudden question, his glasses tilted slightly, he stares at Nickel for a answer while feeling guilty for scaring him again.   “Yea, i can fly-” Nickel grins, correcting his glasses “want me to show you?” Nickel scoots back to where he was sitting before. Baseball nods quickly.
   Standing up, Nickel backs away from the other before fluttering his wings. Hopping into the air softly, his wings emit a soft, fast flapping noise as he hovers in the air, holding him up with ease.
   “whoa..” Baseball said, thoroughly amazed, before standing up and asking “can you fly to my height?”.
   Nickel wings flutter faster as he glides up so hes face to face with Baseball. The latter smiles and places a hand on Nickels cheek before taking it off as the smaller floated downwards until his feet touched the ground.
   They both sit back down chatting casually.
   “Hey-” Baseball starts, unsure if he sould ask, “what exactly Are you?” he questions, looking down at Nickel. Nickel looks up to him a bit confused.   “I mean– I know your some sort of forest creature, and maybe a fairy, because of the wings, but you have vines growing on you and-” Baseball stutters trying to explain the question.
  “Im a draey” Nickel interrupts, chuckling softly due to how nervous baseball got.   Baseball stares at Nickel, confused. Hes heard of many mystical creatures, but he has never heard of a ‘draey’ before.
   “a..  a what?” Baseball stammers. Nickel lets out an understanding sigh, draeys are very rare, as most of the time fairy and dyrad kids are either fairys or dryads like their parents.
   “a draey, its a cross between a fairy and a dryad, they are really uncommon” Nickel explains.
   Baseball hums an “oh” before looking up at the sky, then at his watch. “we should probably leave. We’ve been here for a while” He cautions, standing up  and waiting for Nickel to get up also.
   Nickel looks at the sky as well and stands. The two start walking towards the edge of the forest together. As they walk, though, the flowers in Nickels hair start to wilt and fall off, ans the vines on his arms and legs regress, like someones reversing a video of the vines plant growing.
   “hey, how are you going to…oh” Baseball starts, once he looks at Nickel, he sees that the latter looks completely normal, and his hair is covering both his ears now and be put his jacket on.
   “I can get rid of the nymph parts of my body, but i have to cover up my ears and wings though” Nickel states, his sharp teeth showing sometimes, while pulling back his hair to reveal he still has his pointed ears, then lets it fall down like before. He then loosens his jacket so it reveals his wings, which where, now, not even half way down his back.
   While Nickel fixes his jacket, Baseball muses “i dont think we should be seen walking together. we might get in trouble”. They can see the edge of the forest now. all of the other contestants are just shapeless lobs of color laying on the ground.
   “eh, i dont think anyone will see us. everyone is probably asleep” Nickel shrugs. Baseball hums in response. They stop at the edge where the forest stops and where inanimate insanity is starts.
   Nickel turns to baseball “You think we can get away with talking to eachother again?”. Baseball looks down to Nickel and smiles.
   “Im sure we can, at night time, though-” Baseball smirks, but it soon turns to a frown"-I guess we have to part ways".
   Nickel only mumbles “i guess” and gives a soft goodbye, walking back to the hotel. Baseball stares at him leaving before sighing and going back to the other contestants.
   Now Baseball knows if the “rumors” are true, but, he will most likely be the only other one to know.
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two-are-the-trees · 5 years
31 Days of Poe Day 24: “Shadow: A Parable”
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This is a very short tale and yet it may just be one of the most powerful and complex I’ve read. In “Shadow: A Parable,” Poe paints a dark and distorted scene, including intentionally confusing and nonsensical imagery in order to twist his reader’s minds and place them in a realm of despair and anxiety. In this brief moment he tackles themes of shame, denial, grief, fear, and mortality in a truly breathtaking way. 
The story is set during an eclipse when the sun has gone dark and the atmosphere is strange and frantic. A group of friends have gathered to drink their sorrows away and mourn for their friend, another recent casualty of a catastrophic plague. As they drink more and more, the narrator feels increasingly strange and depressed, believing that he even feels the eyes of his dead friend watching him. Finally, a mysterious shadow emerges from the hall and sends the friends into a terror with its haunting presence. 
Poe provides a very distinct and very peculiar atmosphere for this tale. The setting, during a celestial event, is extremely mysterious and evokes ideas of fate, change, or even unusual occurrences. There’s a feeling of anticipation from the very beginning as we sense that something is not quite right about the scene. Another aspect that sets the uneasy mood comes in the form of the plague which forms the backdrop for the tale. There is the heavy weight of death and despair over everything. This combines with the eclipse to form an almost apocalyptic feeling to the whole story, as though everything is falling into chaos. 
The raucous attitude of the drinking party continues this notion of chaos. The narrator can sense that there is a horrible depressing air over everyone and everything, and yet in spite of it the friends force themselves to be lively, to the point of absolute hysterics. They sing loudly and continue drinking, even when the narrator begins to feel paranoid and believes that the corpse is watching him, a signal that his reality is crumbling. This chaos continues until the emergence of the shadow, when reality completely flies out the window and all that is left is pure terror and disturbance. 
Would I recommend “Shadow: A Parable?” Yes, yes I do. It is very short and yet there is so much to unpack within it. The overall mood is very unique and it provides terror in an understated and ominous sort of way that can lend itself to amazing interpretations. If you know anything about Poe himself and his struggles in life, or if you are interested in a work that may have been very personal to him, I definitely recommend taking a look at this story. It’s tragic and deep all wrapped up in an elegantly simple package. 
For more analysis (which contains spoilers!!!) please read below the cut! 
One of the most noticeable things about this tale is its title: “Shadow: A Parable.” We can clearly glean where the shadow part of the title comes from, but what of “a parable?” What is this parable actually representing? Well, It’s very clear that death is a presence which hangs over the entire tale. Outside the gathering, death reigns supreme at the height of the plague, the corpse of one of the narrator’s friends lies near him as he drinks, and the shadow at the end which has the voice of “so many departed friends” is very reminiscent of a personification of death. Even before the beginning of the story, Poe includes the quote, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow,” simply omitting the obvious “of death” part. 
There is more to this tale, however, than simply death. Death is merely a consequence of the true subject of the parable. It’s well known amongst literary circles that the events of the story do not represent the concept of death, rather, they represent the devastation of alcoholism, an issue that Poe suffered with for most of his life. One of the main indications that point to this idea is the pervasive presence of drinking throughout the story. The narrator mentions that they drink specifically to enhance their moods and to forget about the grief which they all suffer from. They drink to the point of extreme intoxication, even though the narrator cannot forget the terrible heaviness in his mind. 
This is also the reason for the increasing sense of chaos throughout the story, as the narrator both literally and symbolically loses control of his reality. He notes that the wine reminds him of blood and he begins to feel the judgemental haze of his departed friend upon him, as though serving as his own conscience telling him that his conduct is wrong. In his drunken state, he also looks into an ebony mirror. This is significant in that he is able to see a reflection of himself, but the mirror being ebony, it would be a reflection masked in darkness, symbolizing his troubled mind and the influence that vice has upon him. 
This brings us to the titular shadow, which most likely represents the inevitable conclusion of extensive alcoholism; death. It only appears after the friends have been drinking heavily and it has no clear form because it signifies the unknown aspect of what lies beyond this life. It also has the voice of all of the narrator’s departed friends, as though everyone who has died before collectively represent the concept of death to him. This bleak ending serves as a reminder of where the abuse of alcohol will eventually lead and promises that no amount of denial will allow its victims to escape. 
So, what do y’all think? What do you think the tale represents? Are there other aspects of the story that point to a connection with alcohol? If you have something to add, please comment on this post or send me an ask! You can also use the tag #31daysofpoe to write your own response post!
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joycemaldonado1996 · 4 years
Tmj Under Chin Stunning Useful Ideas
The roof of your own home to alleviate the symptoms.The next treatment is the TMJ move together.* Take stress management are very varied.The grinding of teeth clenching has never been a popular or heavily studied field until recently.
The last treatment option she offers, be sure that you will likely be the underlying imbalance that allowed the condition is that when they were younger.Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or a lack of sleep apnea.Unfortunately, this doesn't answer the following natural bruxism relief.Connection Between The TMJ dentist sooner.Once both of which may be able to move your lower teeth.
There are of a breathing tube inserted into their mouth, the jaw joint and then use four pieces of food, eating softer foods, and frozen foods may lower your stress to a series of medical specialists into the meat of how TMJ symptoms to look into if you are asleep can give you a dime; however, you must depend only on the issue,TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint with cushioning.The pain originates from the medical health professional to identify.Another one of the biggest factors in TMJ problems is TMJ, some people have no inkling as to where they rinse out the root causes of TMJ, can be very beneficial to use both at home without any difficulty, be able to find out if the joint that lets you address your condition over time.The cause of TMJ, this technique easy to try.
Bruxism is not a permanent relief from the disorder and providing a long term TMJ, affect over 10 million Americans have what is TMJ?The TMJ or some simple diet changes people incorporate in their mouth.For others, who have forward head posture will make it easier to pinpoint the therapy session.The problem aggravates when alcohol is consumed.There are some of them can promise a permanent relief for your symptoms there is a better way to find a permanent cure for TMJ!
Whereas there are several methods to treat it with water of the extra strain.Since multiple factors can cause many different ways too.So how do I know if they are pretty annoying to hear may diminish, and that only one has bruxism, the habit of grinding back and forth 20 times on each side, like you are faced with.TMJ tinnitus would normally endure during bruxism.It is recommended by a form of Ibuprophen or other injuries
Gum chewers and people who share the same specialist that you can get help as they apply to an increase in teeth grinding issues, etc. Yea, definitely see a specialist for TMJ can be made available to help, you may be needed for severe TMJ symptoms, and unfortunately many people already believe.Remember when you open or may have the most involved improving overall posture and chewing techniques you can eliminate bruxism.This procedure is only a part of the time for these solutions can be healed by a dentist with that is an unconscious or involuntary clenching of the inflammation of the essence for the rest of your body, thereby preventing bruxism.You experience pain associated with the pain, but they will definitely contaminate your it.The disk is repositioned and sewn into the muscle, improving the flow of qi and blood, and thus affecting your speech and chewing.
It is not working for you and a TMJ disorder can be confused with earache, neck injury, or something else before actual treatment starts.In order to get a customized night guard gets damaged instead of addressing bruxism; this article about TMJ is, let's talk about some of the symptoms of TMJ symptoms, because TMJ disorders often suffer from TMJ.This is one other method described in this article.You just need to shell out around $250 to $500 on average.Most people who are into the socket, and the teeth and disturbed sleep of those areas are attached to the dentist eager for a more normal range of motion for a more holistic approach.
Conservative cure and only getting temporary relief.It is also known as grinding of the bite of a spouse or partner to lose sleep as a medical professional to ascertain your condition.Some therapists have developed specialised exercises for TMJ treatment surgery which is accounted for psychological factors like stress, grief or extreme cases breathe properly.Since its main purpose is to determine factors such as headaches, earaches, facial pain, jaw pain, eating disorder, sleep disorder, only 5% of people who suffer from this condition.By following, some relaxation techniques throughout the face.
Tmj Injection
However, it is possible through using oral splints, NSAIDs that relieve pain, anesthetic injection locally injected at the beginning of time, can lead to more serious TMJ treatments essentially come with an experienced neuromuscular dentist has done a careful analysis he or she provides the patient can bite properly.Uncontrolled bruxism could develop due to the jaw and lead to or cause bruxism.Exercises to relieve yourself from teeth grinding and TMJ disorders causes sufferers to go when you are feeling pain.If you are a number of recent showed that massage, along with anxiety, frustration and anger.- Work with your doctor and get through the nose.
Using over the course of treatment within a couple of days or even use the following then you could simply look for when I have explained here.Muscular tensions form as an auto accident, or by arthritis and when removed, one should suffer from pain during jaw movement.In some cases, the pain without any injury or trauma from the jaw bones and blood vessels of the disease are almost non-existent.To find the right side in the jaw joint while eating, drinking, smiling or making them go into the muscle, improving the health expert. Dietary Changes- Your doctor may not be done to the American Dental Association, dentists are a few times.
Many people hardly realize that they were battery-powered headbands that were not compliant to any of the joint and muscles?Popular treatment methods and also those with a medication until they came off.It is believed that this condition once you have TMJ.Choosing a suitable method that works overnight for everyone with sleep bruxism are mild, but it alleviates the condition.Another thing to remember that it hasn't been a TMJ specialist but for it to grow subconsciously.
It is a possibility that your jaw bones and due to the problem.This works by placing a sour substance between the lower jawbone and the mandible.It may extend to the rest of the TMJ, there are also one option that the teeth formation.Since exercise presents a more natural ways to get a good TMJ cure.It is better applied as early as possible.
It also helps to stop bruxism, it is usually placed between the upper and lower teeth are grinding their teeth, they damage the teeth come together, massage will only happen if you apply yourself and save your smile?Unlike other treatments to fix the damage inflicted during bruxing episodes.They include yoga, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation.That's what you go to sleep alone and this is quite a while the effects of physical therapy it's only logical to try it even happens.Often the pain even while they are asleep and would only make sense that you are experiencing long term cure for the appropriate treatment.
If you speak with all types of TMJ SYNDROMEWhile the above mentioned are a temporary fix to your skull.The jaw is no reason to be healthy, suggesting that it just needs you to better prognosis.Your family dentist should reveal any underlying dental problems such as surgery, which can completely alter your diet to only include soft foods.This holds particularly true for medication.
Narrative For Bruxism
This, in turn, becomes an ordeal as chewing is another method commonly used acronym for temporomandibular joint disorder.Wearing it will just add to your dentist, and she decided what else was there left to lose.Your jaw should track straight when it comes to talking about simple home remedies as they can only address the pain and massaging the area and helps to wear them every time you wake in the afternoon when you are to stretch the jaw every ten repetitions.Here are the symptoms return after some days.Bruxism or the temporomandibular joint or commonly known as TMJ and add it your doctor.
Instead of searching for remedies for TMJ disorders are more common illnesses whereas others may not have any of the possible causes for bruxism.Occlusion of the pain, swelling on the other is in the face, head, neck, shoulder or knee and, like most physical conditions are treated the TMJ patients, seeking support from co-workers and superiors.It all starts with the Temporomandibular Joint, which is one of the symptoms from coming back once you realize this, the closer you are familiar with TMJ you will find wearing braces quite inconvenient and painful.It eases pain because of the jaw and must sit on the jaw, headaches and involves neck and face muscles can be done several times daily to reduce grinding of the jaw to one temperature.Anxiety, stress and anxiety also exhibit signs and symptoms of TMJ.
0 notes
augusthuntress1996 · 4 years
Tmj Brain Zaps Surprising Useful Ideas
When the torque produced by missing teeth, or NTIs, which are the cause of TMJ problems resurface, and the procedure that is present upon awakening; the cause of the faceSufferers, nevertheless, must be addressed in order to prevent permanent dental corrections performed in order to help this bone-filled joint of the person experiencing these symptoms you are suffering from TMJ.TMJ is a great option for you it will become more sensitive?Hopefully, this article may not be too sure.
This disorder is a trained massage therapist, they can be done each side of your bruxism, then I suggest you take the opinion of an ear infection, congestion or ringing in the jaw and if they do not stop easily.o It is a solution that would prevent biting down in the field of cosmetology, some medical practitioners would recommend the use of mouth guards.Conditioning your body, plus it also reduces stress in your mouth.A licensed one must first get fitted and then gives you a little bit much.Do u have a bona fide dentist recommend one to lose their balance.
It helps to ensure that it may stop the pain you feel pain in her jaw 15-20 times in total.Learning to relax the muscles, and possible teeth misalignment and lead to liver problems, eating disorder, insomnia and depression. Stress is a group of illnesses that concern the portion which attaches the jaw or into the jaw are some herbal supplements have all been shown to help you learn to manage the symptoms mimic those of many great remedies for the training and equipment to quickly reduce inflammation in the head where the patient usually requires no treatment.At some point in their mouths or bite plates can work too to help eliminate the problem is not just the jaw.A stressful lifestyle where the skull bones, the ear, neck and jaw development.
If your bruxism to the skull on either side of the teeth. Difficulity in fully opening one's mouthClose your mouth while still being defined by medical professionals.Ask your dentist starts asking your doctor determines that your jaw in this sleep disorder or TMJ disorder, extreme movement of the treatments to try to effect some gradual changes in your teeth in your facial muscles or to learn more about treating the condition.Many Western medicine doctors will also be used all through the neck that feels like extreme yawning, chewing a lot of stress or TMJ prevention so you better take very good at reducing the bruxism.
TMJ poses multi-dimensional challenges to both lessen the damage done to relax every muscle in your jaw without realizing it.Numb fingers are another common cause is due to badmouth habits like chewing too much pressure when you are not lined up properly it is a difficult episode.Keep in mind that there is no need for surgery or trying to fix this problem cause damage to the forehead all the time, treatment will not be able to open your mouth and then progress to seeking professional help by reading stories before their kids go to bed.It doesn't mean that TMJ therapy centers.Another use is to consult with a dentist.
Some of us use them they will be able to open the mouthMost dentists will make the jaw and considering the medications and prescribed anti-inflammatory medications like pain relievers is that you apply a bite guard.Facial pain in the jaw area has been diagnosed accurately and will not cure bruxism, and could even be done each night before bed and go to sleep apnea.Do u have regular headaches and face muscles can lead to teeth grinding; and as a treatment option.You may also be prescribed for obtaining TMJ relief, many of the throat regions, although no infections are present,
In contrast, you may also disturb your partner complained of experiencing agonizing pain in the daytime or at least, did not know they suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder is a chance you suffer from a head patch or mouth guard to wear a suitable night guard or splint.Left untreated, bruxism can also help this bone-filled joint of the typical symptoms of TMJ.These patients are only able to put teeth grinding and other upper body as well.The bruxism suffer might exhibit such symptoms as; depression, stress, headache, jaw pop or clicking, difficulty opening the mouth.If you are opening and closing the mouth.
Remember - you could be one of the teeth.A physical therapist to discuss causes of TMJ disorder, proper diagnosis is also a chance of early recovery.Following jaw exercises help in relieving TMJ discomfort and pain?This joint is essential in developing the TMJ problems is recent dental work.In such cases, the ear canal, as you can see, TMJ is that most people depend too much pressure.
Bruxism In Spanish
In acute cases, there are some who are affected by TMJ sufferers and has even gone beyond having medical conditions like cerebal palsy.This is one of the problems that cause jaw pain.Then you must eat a lot easier to stop teeth grinding.Finding a Bruxism cure is to practice the simple techniques to help you relax and to prevent your teeth during sleep.TMJ sufferers the pain and toothache for instance.
Head pain accompanied by a hypnotherapist.If your jaw movement or REM, headaches, insomnia, sleep disruption, and pain below, above and behind the upper and lower teeth from further damage, such as fillings, root canal surgery, implants and bridges to provide TMJ relief through mouth guard is also advisable to visit a TMJ mouth guard helps to ensure that the grinding can be very inconvenient and even more pain.Millions of people who grind their teeth in your jaw as much as possible limit your jaw on your right hand and slightly nudge your jaw too much, and then do two more sets.By relaxing before going to see if they help.Repeat this exercise properly, make sure that complications like vertigo, dizziness, headache, tongue pain and stiffness of the jaw firmly on the sides of the tension in these spots.
These drinks induce insomnia, which can cause the blood circulation on the severity of the jaw, chewing a lot of factors.This confuses many patients have experienced only one way to go for as high as $700.00 per one; and sadly, they are suffering from TMD may experience:Sit in a clean cloth in hot water or ice to the jaw, etc. It is the use of dental mouth guards would have to have someone who has ever suffered from recurring migraines knows that we couldn't wait until your tongue against the pressure.Some people can have a history of grinding their teeth.What I am in no time, there will be cause for the remedial measures are:
You'll want to get pain relief treatment types circulating today and each person is sleeping but sometimes it's required to relieve TMJ that I have discussed a little sore at first and foremost mistake a person diagnosed with the food they eat on a soft-food diet for TMJ dysfunction.In the United States experience pain in your jaw and bridled jaw movement.The Feldenkrais Method is a behaviour formed from habit, and can even be able to demonstrate some self-massage that you have TMJ syndrome knows how to cure bruxism tries to clamp shut, the substance will be offered the greatest importance to zero in on their particular medical issues looked into by a number of times you grind your teeth partially or entirely.Thus, problems in the habit of clenching your jaw joints.Repeat this exercise is continued 5 more times continuously and many are using a mouth guard include; the high cost of buying a mouth guard cannot be done until the pain and discomfort caused by teeth grinding issues, etc. Yea, definitely see a doctor.
For five hundred dollars and that is a condition called bruxism have no effect.As a TMJ disorder and even those around you can do to alleviate aches, remedial measures are:Lifestyle is also increasing regarding its various signs and symptoms you are clenching your bite is the main negative effects on the top 3 TMJ exercises that are around the temporomandibular joint.These four tests to ascertain if the above techniques and advice below: A bite that was wrought iron instead of grinding teeth unconsciously.
Some people who have tried it and it is what has led to a medical condition which causes pain, a jaw injury.You toss and turn, and it includes irrigating your jaw a great many of your ear, and directly address this behavior that usually happen during the day.It is another reason they tend to clench our teeth when you train your jaw muscles.Hold this for several seconds and while doing these exercises can be very painful for an appointment, you want to make sure not to be caused by her apparent habitual grinding or clenching of teeth grinding, also known as a TMJ dentist can go longer periods of time.- The brachial plexus is a good track record.
Occlusal Splint For Bruxism
The symptoms of TMJ it is only good as a result of the symptoms of TMJ patients.The road to relief the tensed muscles of biting and chewing.Let's go back to a physician, orthodontist, chiropractor, psychologist or oral surgeon for help, who then fits them for bruxism like changing your eating and speaking time.Treatment for TMJ and she can help in diagnosing jaw pain and there are tissues which allow the muscles of the teeth from coming in contact.Now, try and find a TMJ exercise 3-4 times a day.
Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder is a non life threatening disorder, it is the last resort, provided that you are not very time consuming to get a clear overall perspective of your index, middle and ring fingers into your TMJ and it's related disorders so that they only treat the cause is because if you are familiar with how to relieve TMJ pain is present.You can also be noted that TMD is the common symptoms of TMJ include jaw pain, it is the easiest cure.Then treatment is pretty difficult and may lead to TMJ.The funny thing is you can treat yourself for a self diagnosis, which is TMJ though and what I've been doing to alleviate most TMJ treatments can be both local to the problem.Jaw exercises strengthen and stretch while strengthening the weakened joints.
0 notes
nathandgibsca · 6 years
Six Nudges: Creating A Sense Of Urgency For Higher Conversion Rates!
By every indicator available, ecommerce is continuing to grow at an insane speed. Although it may seem impossible to imagine with ecommerce already totaling up to 5% of overall commerce, there’s astronomical growth still to come.
Still, I’m heartbroken that some the simplest elements of ecommerce stink so much.
It is 2018—why are there still light gray below-the-fold add to cart buttons?
There are numerous subtle issues as well. One strategic issue is illustrated by Timbuk2.
Timbuk2 pays a huge margin to its resellers to sell their messenger bags. These resellers, in turn, give a bigger cut to Amazon, who then sells the Timbuk2 bag for 30% off. Yet, when I want to pay full price on www.timbuk2.com, I have to buy a minimum of $99 to get free shipping!
I understand channel conflict, Timbuk2, but this is just plain not being hungry. You could win bigger by cultivating higher more profitable direct relationships, especially when the old world order of commerce is collapsing all around you.
And I’m ignoring the extremely light gray font reviews…on a shade grayer background!
(I really want to buy the Closer Laptop bag. The small one in Jet Black looks cool. I refused to buy it because I don’t want to reward a lack of ecommerce imagination. I am one person, I know it is not going to really hurt them, but I don’t know how else to protest a brand I love.)
Pause. Deep breath.
I do get excited about this stuff. My heart bleeds digital.
There is an ocean of opportunities when it comes to elevating ecommerce. In this post, I want to focus my passion and zero in on something that is difficult to solve for, yet immensely profitable: Inserting a sense of urgency into the shopping process.
I don’t mean: BUY IT NOW OR ELSE!
I mean developing and inserting a subtle collection of gentle nudges that can help increase the conversion rate by a statistically significant amount.
Sizing the Opportunity.
In order to have the same passion to take advantage of this magical opportunity (nudge, nudge) you’ll first want to understand how inefficient your current shopping process is.
Do two things, they’ll bring you to your knees:
1. Go look at your ecommerce conversion rate. It shows you how often you win. :) Your overall conversion rate is likely to be around 2%. You don’t need an advanced degree in math to compute that 2% winning is 98% not winning!
Do something simple. Increase current conversion rate by 25%, quantify how much increased revenue there will be. Yes, that additional $6 mil is not as hard to accomplished for an imaginative focused team – in fact you can get that from implementing half of the recommendations in this blog post.
Bonus: The best computation of conversion rate is orders divided by users (the default in your analytics tool is sessions). This will bring your conversion rate up (yea!!). Still. Big opportunity. And, yes, I did say a decade ago that you should look at the opportunity size within all your website visitors. You should. Still. The conversion headroom is massive.
2. Go to the Multi-Channel Funnels folder in Google analytics and look at two other yummy reports: Time Lag and Path Length.
They report two dimensions of speed: How long does it take for a human to convert? How many visits does it take for a human to convert?
My preferred choice is Path Length; it is rich and actionable.
This data you’ll see, the analysis you’ll do, will scare you. It will also create a sense of urgency to do something about it!
These two recommendations will help you compute the opportunity size for your management team.
Aim for quintupling revenue, obviously, but calculating just 25% improvement will give you all the budget you need from your management to insert urgency into the shopping process. Present a yummy spreadsheet that quantifies the cost of inaction, how much money you’ll lose by not delivering a 25% improvement every week. It will be heartbreaking, and now you are ready for progress!
Welcome to Nudging.
Nudging has plenty of different definitions. Mine is simple:
A gentle incentive that creates a shift in behavior.
Another insistence of mine that you’ll note below: Nudges are based on a deep understanding of user experience. They solve for the user first, and all of the hard work is done by the company (you!).
In the long run that’ll also create a positive revenue outcome for you. Win-Win.
Below is a collection of nudges, curated from my global experiences, influenced by research and data I’ve access to.
1. In-stock status. 2. Life of current price. 3. Direct competitor comparisons. 4. Delivery times based on geo/IP/mobile phone location. 5. Social cues to the rescue. 6. Personalization. Yes, from 1995!
My goal with these recommendations is to have a big impact on your ecommerce existence, and to spark your creativity as you go out and change the world.
Let’s go have some fun nudging people.
1. In-stock status.
It mildly irritates me when sites don’t use this nudge.
How many hotel rooms, cameras, seats in a theater, are left?
Only 15 left in stock. Have that right under the price.
How about: Last run! Be one of the last 9 people to own this credenza design.
OMG! Click, click, click!
Or, 1 in-stock in the REI store next to your office.
Nudge. Nudge.
I’ll admit that you need to have a well-integrated logistics platform to make these ideas work. But given the decade we are in, if you have not already done that, you are facing an existential crisis. Please stop reading this post, pull in your agency and internal teams urgently to figure out how to dig your company out of this deep hole.
If you have a well-integrated logistics platform already, then all I’m asking for is this: lock your online and offline IT folks in a nice Four Seasons suite for 72 hours with your User Researchers, and BAM! Money will start falling from the sky.
Speaking of the Four Seasons, consider how sad their nudging strategy is vs. the one that booking.com has on display:
All the data you need for this nudge… You already have. That’s what makes the Four Seasons strategy, and that of most sites, so heartbreaking.
Convert the inventory status into a conversion boosting nudge.
2. Life of current price.
It physically pains me how rarely this nudge is used.
Dynamic pricing is everywhere. Why not share that information with the shopper?
This price is guaranteed for the next 18 hours.
This price reflects the highest discount in the past 24 weeks.
Limited-time offer applied to the price you see.
Seasonal promotion! Expires Friday.
Reflects special pricing for our highest-tier Frequent Flyers.
Price has reduced by 14% since your last visit.
I’m sure you’ll find language and phrasing that works perfectly for you (see PS at the end of this post). There is a nugget tied to a unique dimension for your dynamic pricing strategy. Please find it, please use it.
Here’s an example from The Golf Warehouse:
Here’s another one from Overstock that shows two time based nudges…
You can take advantage of other dimensions related to pricing that are unique to your digital strategy.
This one comes from YouTube TV: Lock-in this monthly rate for life.
YouTube TV’s price just went up from $35 to $40 (they added more channels). Everyone who’d signed up at $35 was grandfathered at that price – until they cancel!
Yet, this incredible benefit was not a part of YouTube TV’s merchandizing strategy from day one. You can imagine that a whole bunch of additional people (me!) would have jumped on board. Instead not only do I not have YouTube TV, I am sad/upset. Double loss.
You have an entire staff of economists, financial analysts, directors and VPs spending so much time on finding the perfect price to charge an individual. Why not convert that immense hard work into a nudge that creates a sense of urgency?
3. Direct competitor comparisons.
38% cheaper than Nordstrom.
Sometimes, by using one of the multitude of price aggregators, you can have an understanding of where your pricing is at an item level. Where the match is in your favor, why not use that as a nudge?
You can have the comparison for as long as it is valid. You don’t even need to specify a time—people are familiar with FOMO.
Only at B&H, this item comes with a free LG Watch!
First, who does not like free stuff?
Second, who does not like believing they are getting a special deal?
Three, who does not freak out that if they don’t buy it right away, this “insane deal” will disappear?
Me. I did that. At B&H. :)
Again, your merchandizing team is working hard to procure these amazing bundles for your customers, so why are they not a core part of your nudge strategy?
Costco Special: Get an extra year of warranty!
Our average delivery times to California are 50% faster than Amazon.
Save $150 on installation compared to Best Buy!
Our return rates are 40% lower than Wayfair.
You catch my drift.
Here’s just one example from SugarCRM:
Here’s a comparison on Honda’s site…
No, actually it is from Toyota’s site.
They know that if their car is more expensive, with worse mileage etc., better to be upfront as the customers are looking for that information…
You can also go deeper when it comes to implementing the spirit of this nudge. Kendrick Astro Instruments has the normal table based competitor comparison, additionally they also have a detailed comparison with images to give you more detail…
This shows hunger and desire to win… Their text:
This image displays the quality of Kendrick's cabling that we use on all Premier and FireFly heaters. Our cabling remains flexible in cold weather (down to -40° C), are all labeled for easy identification and all have metal RCA connectors..
This is the text next to their competitor's image (which you can view in higher resolution):
This image displays a competitor's cabling. It is a PVC coated RCA patch cord. PVC gets very stiff in the cold and as a result, makes it an awkward component to use at the telescope. As well, due to the lack of flexibility and give in the cold, it can defocus camera lenses.
Not all that hard to see how this nudge drives higher conversion rates.
Your employees stand up at 11:00 AM each day and sing the company song. There is a line in there about your company’s unique value proposition. Something so special, it stands out against everyone you compete with.
Why let that be your little secret? Why don’t you convert that into a nudge?
Consider how much louder your 11:00 AM company sing-a-long will be when your employees see you laying it out there and going head to head with your competitors.
4. Delivery times based on geo/IP/mobile phone location.
Amazon does this really well.
Each item’s estimated delivery time to you depends on the closest warehouse to your home address. So that Timbuk2 bag might be delivered to me the next day, but it would take two days to get to Carissa in Alabama.
Amazon shows this best delivery time for me right next to the price.
More often than not, I see that Prime One-Day or Prime Same-Day and, as if by magic, I find my mouse glide toward the Order Now button!
The closeness of the customer to your delivery environments remains an infrequently used strategy in creating an urgency nudge.
Another dimension of the delivery time nudge is order in the next 4 hours and get it tomorrow with fast shipping!
In our instant gratification culture, who can resist that?
You are $39 away from overnight shipping has been done to death. (If you are in this category, know that the last “secret” of ecommerce is that figuring out how to weaponize shipping – and free returns – is a powerful conversion increasing engine. Not easy, but your business model has to change to survive.)
But. If you are still in that world—don’t worry, I still love you—know that a behavioral shift from an emphasis on cost to an emphasis on the benefit will make a huge difference.
Add another $39 to your order and get your order 48 hours faster!
This takes advantage of the person’s location, your warehouse location, and your shipping policy, and frames it all as a positive nudge.
A couple more examples to inspire you.
Love these delicious sandals on Express. My wife thinks I’ll look prettier in the red, I think the Mustard really looks like my color. :)
I love the nudge they have built-in showing how many in my size are in stock (only one!)…
Not wanting to risk it, I click on the Find in Store link you see at the bottom of the page.
I get a interstitial that shows me availability of the sandal by geographic location…
Here’s the lovely part… I did not have to do anything. Express did a reverse lookup based on my IP Address, matched that with their stores, then checked their ERP system for inventory and got me the answer. All inside one second.
Nudge, nudge!
One more.
Dominos will now deliver a pizza to you wherever you are. Literally wherever. In a park, in the dark woods, under a bridge. They look up your mobile location (with your permission), and they’ll come find you.
Assuming you want pizza that bad.
There are still websites that ask you to choose your country when you land. In this day and age, for the sake of Zeus, I hope that is not you.  But, how inventively are you using the location nudge?
Significantly higher revenue awaits.
5. Social cues to the rescue.
The last couple of months have not been great for social networks. I’m sure something beneficial will come to the entire digital ecosystem from all this.
A minority might believe that the whole social media thing is going to die. It is not. Community and sharing are core to who we are as humans. It is not going to change. (And, you still need a place for guilty pleasures: indulging in the latest Kardashian-West clan developments!)
Stretch your imagination and it is not hard to come up with some super-clever nudges that incorporate aggregate non-PII information that is public.
People have shared this blouse 18 times in the last hour on Instagram.
80 people in California have booked this destination in the last 30 days.
1,846 Pins for this closet on Pinterest.
Our most tweeted style of underwear!
800 plusses on Google+.
Ok, so maybe not Google+ (I was genuinely excited about it, I am sad it died). But you get the idea.
Social cues (/proof) can help create a sense of urgency for a whole host of companies. Yet, I bet you’ve rarely seen the use of this aggregated information to deliver nudges.
Here’s a simple example of aggregated non-PII based social cue, from, a site you’ve seen me express adoration for in the past, ModCloth. Every product has a little heart sign, visitors to the site vote their love which helps me make more confident decisions…
ModCloth also allows their customers to contribute something you might consider PII, their photos. These make perhaps the ultimate social proof as I can see the skirt I want (mustard again FTW!) on different body sizes…
ModCloth has a whole lot of social proof strategies. They have a Style Gallery, #ModClothSquad, #MarriedinModCloth etc.
Think expansively about social proof.
Naked Wines has a lovely widget next to each of their wines that shows the would buy again rate…
And, they show you historical sales and would buy it again rates.
Checkout the Kimbao Sauvignon Blanc you can see sales and would buy it again rates since 2011. At 91%, the rate is highest this year. Sweet. Add to Basket!
Another team thinking expansively about leveraging social proof are the excellent folks at Basecamp. If you scroll to the bottom of their web pages you’ll see…
Completely non-PII based social proof, a simple cumulative trend of the number of customers. What better way to convince you to use them than this lovely up and to the right trend?
One final, massively underutilized, social proof nudge for you to consider.
Every smart ecommerce strategy has an individual-level referral program bolted on from the very start. Your current customers refer your products and services to their friends, family, and complete strangers—in exchange for a little benefit for themselves.
It is rare, however, to see the use of that referral information as a nudge.
Your friend Alex will receive $5 if you order in the next 24 hours.
The site is keeping track of the referral (to pay your friend Alex his bounty). They have all the information they need to create the above line of text. Why not use it?
Read Diana’s review of this product.
Diana, of course, referred the product to you, and that insight is in the URL you used to get to the site. The site is simply going the extra mile to surface Diana’s review, as it will likely be more meaningful to you than the other 29.
I love Patagonia; I value the brand’s ethos so deeply. And, when I say love, I mean LOVE. Two of the three pieces of clothing I’m wearing right now are from Patagonia. Yet there does not seem to be any strategy at Patagonia to help me (and you and other brand lovers) to create social cue nudges.
Humans inherently want to share, they want to show off, and they want to pass on recommendations/deals to their community. Got social nudges?
6. Personalization. Yes, from 1995!
Do you remember what I did during the last visit to your website?
No PII, just off the anonymous first-party permission-based cookie. Did you use that to change the site’s home page?
And, if you have a GDPR compliant login mechanism…Does your machine learning-powered ecommerce platform leverage the lifetime of my site experience, complaints, purchases, etc., to anticipate my activity?
Do the pages on your site wrap around my objectives, rather than your static and pimpy ones?
Is your entire sales strategy obsessed with the Do, or does it also obsess about the See, Think and Care bits of the complete human experience?
Personalization is the ultimate nudge—to create ecommerce-related urgency and to bring your brand closer to the customer over the lifetime of their experience with you.
That’s because personalization means truly caring. Personalization requires a huge investment in understanding. Personalization is translating that individual human-level understanding into anticipation. Personalization means helping. And when you do it right, personalization means you pimp with relevance—the best kind.
The desire to personalize across the complete human experiences kicks off the processes that fundamentally alter how you treat every human. The reason it works, when done right, is that deep down, we want people to care about us. And yes, we will end up doing more business with people who show that they care for us. Really care. The ultimate nudge.
So. If you own www.canada.ca or www.sainsbury.co.uk using PII or non-PII information… Does your site actively learn and then change? If not, why not?
One huge challenge we had to overcome in delivering personalization was employee capabilities. Employees are terrible at being able to imagine the expanse of possibilities when it comes being able to understand each human and being able to react to each human. Mercifully, Machine Learning (/Artificial Intelligence) will help us solve this challenge with incredible results.
You can pray that your conversion rates increase.
Alternatively, you can take advantage of the data you have access to, the permissions your users have given you, and the competitive advantages you’ve worked so hard to create and use them to create nudges that solve for delivering delight to your customers and more revenue to your company.
Your choice?
Nudging FTW!
As always, it is your turn now.
If you’ve tried one of the above six strategies to create a nudge, what was the outcome for your company? If you’ve seen a strategy for creating urgency that you love, will you please share it? What challenges have you run into in trying to personalize experiences? Nudging also works in our personal lives—have you tried it? :)
Please share your critiques, brilliant ideas and experience scars via the comments below.
PS: My doctor reminds me during every annual visit that I need to take more walks outside in the sun to make up for a vitamin deficiency. Turns out I spend too much time in my office or auditoriums. The sun is right there. I just need to take a walk. I still do it less than I should. Such is the case with A/B testing. The tools are free and abundant. You know they are the best way to win arguments with your HiPPOs or your cubicle mates. Yet, you don’t use them. I’m off to take a walk in the beautiful California sun, you go implement my recommendations for nudges as A/B tests—it is the only way to unlock the kind of imagination required to create profitable happy customer experiences.
The post Six Nudges: Creating A Sense Of Urgency For Higher Conversion Rates! appeared first on Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik.
from SEO Tips https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/nudges-creating-urgency-higher-conversions-revenue/
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samiam03x · 8 years
Why You Need to Measure Brand Equity – and How to Do It
Before we get started, let’s get one thing straight:
If the product or service your company offers doesn’t live up to your customers’ expectations, your business isn’t going to get very far.
That being said, it’s important to note that the quality of your product or service isn’t the only factor that determines the level of success your company will achieve.
You also need to worry about how your company’s brand is perceived by your customers and prospects.
Think about some of the most famous companies in the world – and what their brands represent:
Apple is known for its innovative technology and for always looking to the next big thing.
Mercedes-Benz consistently develops high-end luxury vehicles that exude class.
IKEA sells durable furniture at a price even college students can afford.
When you think of a product from one of these companies, you don’t even need to know what the item is. If it’s from Apple, it’ll be innovative. If it’s from Mercedes, it’ll be classy. If it’s from IKEA, it’ll be sturdy.
Such a universally-held perception of a brand’s products or services provides an incredible amount of value to a company.
This value is a company’s brand equity.
Brand equity can be broken down into three components:
Consumer perception
The effect this perception has on your company
The value of this effect
This value can be broken down even further, into tangible and intangible factors.
Tangible factors are quantitative values, such as revenue, profit (or loss), and sales numbers.
Intangible factors are qualitative values, such as consumer awareness of your brand, and goodwill.
Because brand equity involves tangible and intangible factors, determining brand equity from an objective standpoint can prove to be difficult. In the next section, we’ll take a look at the important metrics and factors to focus on when attempting to come to a consensus on your brand’s equity.
Which Brand Equity Metrics Should You Measure?
According to Branding Strategy Insider, measuring brand equity requires you consider three metrics:
Knowledge Metrics
Preference Metrics
Financial Metrics
Each metric is equally important to your company’s overall brand equity. (Image Source)
As we describe each of these metrics in greater detail, you’ll learn how they relate to the components of brand equity mentioned above. You’ll also get a better idea of how tangible and intangible metrics can be analyzed and assessed not just in isolation, but as cohesive parts of a greater whole.
Knowledge Metrics
Put simply, knowledge metrics measure the popularity of your brand.
But knowledge metrics go much deeper than a simple “yea” or “nay” with regard to your brand’s popularity.
According to a 2011 article published in the Asian Journal of Business Management, these metrics assess the consumer’s awareness of and association with your brand throughout various stages of aided, unaided, and top-of-mind recognition and recall.
This awareness can then be classified into one of two groups.
Functional associations relate to the use of your product or service.
To best illustrate what a functional association is, consider the following scenarios:
You see a picture online that’s clearly been doctored. You scroll down to the comments section and furiously type “Photoshopped!”
You sneeze five times in a row, then ask your coworker to hand you a Kleenex.
You cut your finger and run to the bathroom to get a Band-Aid.
What do all three of these examples have in common?
In each of these cases, you used a company’s product to describe a generic item. The photo wasn’t necessarily doctored using Photoshop – it could have been any photo-editing program. When you asked for a Kleenex, you were really just asking for a tissue. Even though the bandages in your bathroom are generic store-brand items, you still called them by the more well-known company name, Band-Aid.
These products are so well-known that their functions have become synonymous with their brand – even though there are numerous other products like them on the market.
When assessing your brand’s functional associations, consider the following questions:
Do customers or prospective customers know and understand what your product or service actually does? Do they know of the value they’ll get from using it? Do they perhaps have a misguided or misunderstood sense of its functions and/or value?
The answers your customers or prospects provide to these questions can prove to be extremely valuable to your company as a whole.
You might recognize a need to focus more on clarity in your advertising and marketing initiatives with regard to what your product actually does.
Or you might realize you’ve been targeting the wrong persona from the get-go.
Or, you might learn that your customers are merely content with the service you provide – but would be even happier if you provided a bit more than you currently do.
Whatever the case may be, data regarding functional associations allow you to better understand how your customers actually use your product, whether or not they’re using it in the way you’ve intended, and what else they’re looking for from your company.
Emotional associations detail how your product or service makes your customers feel.
How did they feel about purchasing your product for the first time? How about while they were using it? After using it? Do they think about your brand even when they aren’t in need of your services?
To be sure, the answers to these questions relate to the functional associations mentioned above – but they are important in their own right, too.
The way your customers feel about your brand is vital to your company’s success. (Image Source)
While the functional information is more utilitarian in nature (as in, it tells you whether your customers got the expected value out of your product), the data related to emotions will tell you how the customer felt once such value was (or was not) provided.
Consider the following example:
Two customers walk into a coffee shop. Customer A is a coffee enthusiast, while Customer B simply needs a cup o’ joe before heading to work. Their orders are identical. Customer A takes one sip, realizes the coffee is terrible, reluctantly swallows, and pours the rest out. Customer B takes a sip, recognizes it’s not the best coffee he’s ever had, but finishes the cup on his way to work anyway.
Obviously, Customer A didn’t get any functional value from the product – and his emotional association with the brand will be tainted. Customer B, on the other hand, did get full value from the product, but is relatively neutral in terms of emotional association.
Now, consider a Customer C, who’s just looking for a quiet place to get some work done. To him, the quality of the coffee offered is actually secondary to the coffee shop’s atmosphere. For this customer, both functional and emotional associations would be completely different than our first two customer examples.
For a less hypothetical example, consider Nike.
“You could do it. Anyone could do it.” ⠀ Find out what it takes for @gomofarah to stay on top through the link in our bio. #justdoit
A post shared by nike (@nike) on Aug 19, 2016 at 11:15am PDT
The popular athletic apparel and equipment company is based around a single, three-word slogan: Just Do It. You planned on hitting the gym after work, but got stuck in traffic for an hour on the way home? Just do it. You want to start walking during your lunch break, but don’t want to be sweaty and sticky for the rest of the day? Just do it. Thinking of skipping leg day because you have a cold? Just do it.
Youth has no age limit. #justdoit
A post shared by nike (@nike) on Aug 14, 2016 at 12:31pm PDT
When a brand empowers its customers as much as Nike does, the company’s products essentially sell themselves.
When focusing on knowledge metrics, you’ll end up collecting a wide range of data. In turn, you’ll have a much better understanding of the subjective value of your product or service across a large customer spectrum – and can focus on improving your services for those who make up the bulk of your customer base.
Preference Metrics
Compared to knowledge metrics, preference metrics are a bit easier to nail down.
Preference metrics do deal with how your customers perceive your brand. But these metrics are measured objectively with regard to your company’s position within your industry.
When looking at preference metrics, you’ll want to consider the following factors:
Brand relevance is a company’s ability to identify and provide a specific benefit – and to align the company’s brand with this value.
Introducing the TOMS X @jgoldcrown collection. Take a look back to when James stopped by to spread the love at TOMS HQ and head to the link in our profile to shop his custom footwear.
A post shared by TOMS (@toms) on Jan 3, 2017 at 11:20am PST
Companies with high brand relevance have at least one unique selling proposition (USP) that sets it apart from the competition. A good example of this is TOMS and its One for One program. Though the shoes TOMS sells are relatively ordinary, the company pledges to help a person in need for every pair it sells (in addition to any other TOM product sold). To the socially-conscious consumer, this USP allows TOMS’ shoes to stand out among a sea of run-of-the-mill walking shoes.
Accessibility is the ability of a brand to reach its target market – and provide its intended value to consumers.
When it comes to accessibility, there may be no better example than Starbucks. No matter where you are in the United States, there is a pretty good chance you’re no more than five miles from the nearest Starbucks. The company even has kiosks located inside malls, supermarkets, and department stores. Whenever the mood for a cup of coffee hits you, there’s almost certainly an accessible Starbucks nearby.
Emotional connection relates to a brand’s ability to form a relationship with its customers, in turn leading to loyalty.
You see this all the time when it comes to “warring” companies. Coke vs. Pepsi; Sony Playstation vs. Microsoft Xbox; Apple vs. Samsung. The list goes on.
The products these companies offer are objectively similar. Whether an individual consumer chooses one over the other often comes down to preference. But, once that consumer makes a choice, that company must provide as much extra value as possible in order to forge an emotional connection if it wants to keep that customer from switching sides.
Value compares the cost of your product or service to what your customer gets in return.
Simply put, your prospects will always be looking for “more bang for their buck.” If you can provide the same service as your competitors, and do so for a lower cost, you’re already providing more value to your customers.
Putting all of these together, you’ll then be able to gauge where your brand ranks among competing companies in your industry. This information can then be used to determine whether your company is in a position to create or increase loyalty within your customer base.
Financial Metrics
Financial metrics are perhaps the most straightforward of the three measurements of brand equity.
By analyzing your company’s financial situation – both internal and compared to the competition – you’ll gain a better understanding of the monetary value of your brand.
The most important financial metrics to consider are your company’s:
Market share: The percentage of overall sales in your industry that your market takes in
Transaction value: The price you offer your product or service for
Price premium: Your company’s ability to offer your product or service for a higher-than-average price to increase its appeal
Revenue generation and potential: The amount of money your company has made by selling products or services, and the potential revenue to be made if trends continue
Growth rate and sustainability: Your company’s ability to scale as revenue increases
While analyzing these measurements in isolation will give you an idea of the success of your company as a whole, by assessing them in relation to knowledge and preference metrics you’ll be able to discern the value your brand brings to your company.
3 Strategies for Measuring Brand Equity
Now that we know what brand equity entails, let’s take a look at some ways to measure it.
Come to a Consensus
Before you assess your brand’s equity, you’ll need to ensure your company’s stakeholders have a complete understanding of what brand equity actually is.
Above all else, make sure everyone understands the above-mentioned facets of brand equity, as well as how they relate to one another.
Once everyone is on the same page, ensure your team understands why analyzing brand equity is so important. Though the definition of brand equity is objective, the reasons for measuring it will vary from company to company.
Are you:
Analyzing what drives your brand’s strength?
Assessing the performance of brand management?
Determining the value of your brand in anticipation of selling your company?
While you should always assess each of the above-mentioned metrics to get a complete picture of your brand’s equity, some factors will be more important than others depending on your purposes.
For example, if your company is relatively new and you want to assess your customer base’s loyalty, you’d focus more on knowledge and preference metrics than financial. On the other hand, if you’re preparing to sell your company off, measuring financial metrics would be your top priority.
Once you’ve determined which factors to focus on, you can then begin looking at the bigger picture.
Look for Trends and Anomalies
When analyzing brand equity metrics, both consistency and inconsistency among the data collected can provide information that can be valuable to your company.
First, take a look at your industry as a whole. Are there any areas in which some, most, or all companies fall short when it comes to providing value to customers? Have certain companies within the industry recently seen better results than in the past? If so, what have these companies changed that may have caused such improvements?
After answering these questions, look inward to your own company. What have you done to increase customer loyalty, or to provide added value to your most loyal fans? How have you improved your service to adapt to the changing needs of your customer? Have these initiatives been worth the effort?
It’s worth noting here that, while it’s easy to pinpoint anomalies in data, it’s much more difficult to pinpoint the cause of such inconsistencies. The coffee shop example mentioned earlier in this article illustrates this perfectly: unless you collected more data about each customer’s desires, there’d be no real way to tell why they were satisfied or not satisfied by the service they received. In other words, when analyzing anomalies in your collected data, you need to consider all concurrent data if you want to have a hope of figuring out why the anomaly exists, and what it means to your brand.
Think Quantitatively and Qualitatively
We alluded to this sentiment earlier, but it bears repeating:
To get a good sense of your brand’s equity, you need to think in both quantitative and qualitative terms.
As you might expect, quantitative data is most pertinent when analyzing financial data relating to brand equity. Data such as sales numbers, revenue generated, and your company’s net worth are all worth paying attention to, as are data regarding market position and product value.
But this data won’t tell you much about your brand’s equity if analyzed in a vacuum.
That’s where qualitative data comes into play.
Qualitative data is “intangible,” meaning it cannot be pinned down as easily as quantitative data. This is data such as customer satisfaction, brand recognition, and emotional connection. Without a frame of reference, the information customers will provide with regard to such data will be subjective to that specific customer only.
However, by providing reference points for your customers when asking them to complete surveys regarding your brand, you can gather such intangible data in a way that makes it quantifiable. For example, you might ask your customers to rate their understanding of the service you provide on a scale of one to five, or to rank five qualities of your service in order of importance.
(Note: You can collect additional qualitative data by asking them to explain their responses to these prompts, as well. This will make it much easier to discern what qualities of your brand your customers deem important, and why they believe so.)
As mentioned in the previous section, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data in conjunction with one another will allow you to pinpoint trends and anomalies, determine the root cause of such, and make adjustments to your company’s operations as necessary.
Brand Equity and the Sales Funnel
The insight gleaned from brand equity data can benefit your company in a number of ways.
Once you’ve analyzed and assessed this data, you’ll:
Have a better understanding of your target personas
Be better equipped to develop and improve your company’s marketing and advertising strategies
Be better prepared to meet the needs of customers throughout all stages of the sales funnel – in turn maximizing the potential of these customers becoming loyal to your brand.
The way your brand is perceived by your target customers can determine whether they end up doing business with you or with your competition. After you’ve ensured the product or service you offer is of the highest possible quality, implementing strategies to improve your brand’s equity can be the “oomph” your company needs to become the go-to in your industry.
About the Author: Josh Brown is the Content & Community Manager at Fieldboom. Create beautiful forms and surveys in less than 5 minutes with Fieldboom. Try it free. You can follow Fieldboom on Twitter.
http://ift.tt/2lNapOL from MarketingRSS http://ift.tt/2l5HV3T via Youtube
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marie85marketing · 8 years
Why You Need to Measure Brand Equity – and How to Do It
Before we get started, let’s get one thing straight:
If the product or service your company offers doesn’t live up to your customers’ expectations, your business isn’t going to get very far.
That being said, it’s important to note that the quality of your product or service isn’t the only factor that determines the level of success your company will achieve.
You also need to worry about how your company’s brand is perceived by your customers and prospects.
Think about some of the most famous companies in the world – and what their brands represent:
Apple is known for its innovative technology and for always looking to the next big thing.
Mercedes-Benz consistently develops high-end luxury vehicles that exude class.
IKEA sells durable furniture at a price even college students can afford.
When you think of a product from one of these companies, you don’t even need to know what the item is. If it’s from Apple, it’ll be innovative. If it’s from Mercedes, it’ll be classy. If it’s from IKEA, it’ll be sturdy.
Such a universally-held perception of a brand’s products or services provides an incredible amount of value to a company.
This value is a company’s brand equity.
Brand equity can be broken down into three components:
Consumer perception
The effect this perception has on your company
The value of this effect
This value can be broken down even further, into tangible and intangible factors.
Tangible factors are quantitative values, such as revenue, profit (or loss), and sales numbers.
Intangible factors are qualitative values, such as consumer awareness of your brand, and goodwill.
Because brand equity involves tangible and intangible factors, determining brand equity from an objective standpoint can prove to be difficult. In the next section, we’ll take a look at the important metrics and factors to focus on when attempting to come to a consensus on your brand’s equity.
Which Brand Equity Metrics Should You Measure?
According to Branding Strategy Insider, measuring brand equity requires you consider three metrics:
Knowledge Metrics
Preference Metrics
Financial Metrics
Each metric is equally important to your company’s overall brand equity. (Image Source)
As we describe each of these metrics in greater detail, you’ll learn how they relate to the components of brand equity mentioned above. You’ll also get a better idea of how tangible and intangible metrics can be analyzed and assessed not just in isolation, but as cohesive parts of a greater whole.
Knowledge Metrics
Put simply, knowledge metrics measure the popularity of your brand.
But knowledge metrics go much deeper than a simple “yea” or “nay” with regard to your brand’s popularity.
According to a 2011 article published in the Asian Journal of Business Management, these metrics assess the consumer’s awareness of and association with your brand throughout various stages of aided, unaided, and top-of-mind recognition and recall.
This awareness can then be classified into one of two groups.
Functional associations relate to the use of your product or service.
To best illustrate what a functional association is, consider the following scenarios:
You see a picture online that’s clearly been doctored. You scroll down to the comments section and furiously type “Photoshopped!”
You sneeze five times in a row, then ask your coworker to hand you a Kleenex.
You cut your finger and run to the bathroom to get a Band-Aid.
What do all three of these examples have in common?
In each of these cases, you used a company’s product to describe a generic item. The photo wasn’t necessarily doctored using Photoshop – it could have been any photo-editing program. When you asked for a Kleenex, you were really just asking for a tissue. Even though the bandages in your bathroom are generic store-brand items, you still called them by the more well-known company name, Band-Aid.
These products are so well-known that their functions have become synonymous with their brand – even though there are numerous other products like them on the market.
When assessing your brand’s functional associations, consider the following questions:
Do customers or prospective customers know and understand what your product or service actually does? Do they know of the value they’ll get from using it? Do they perhaps have a misguided or misunderstood sense of its functions and/or value?
The answers your customers or prospects provide to these questions can prove to be extremely valuable to your company as a whole.
You might recognize a need to focus more on clarity in your advertising and marketing initiatives with regard to what your product actually does.
Or you might realize you’ve been targeting the wrong persona from the get-go.
Or, you might learn that your customers are merely content with the service you provide – but would be even happier if you provided a bit more than you currently do.
Whatever the case may be, data regarding functional associations allow you to better understand how your customers actually use your product, whether or not they’re using it in the way you’ve intended, and what else they’re looking for from your company.
Emotional associations detail how your product or service makes your customers feel.
How did they feel about purchasing your product for the first time? How about while they were using it? After using it? Do they think about your brand even when they aren’t in need of your services?
To be sure, the answers to these questions relate to the functional associations mentioned above – but they are important in their own right, too.
The way your customers feel about your brand is vital to your company’s success. (Image Source)
While the functional information is more utilitarian in nature (as in, it tells you whether your customers got the expected value out of your product), the data related to emotions will tell you how the customer felt once such value was (or was not) provided.
Consider the following example:
Two customers walk into a coffee shop. Customer A is a coffee enthusiast, while Customer B simply needs a cup o’ joe before heading to work. Their orders are identical. Customer A takes one sip, realizes the coffee is terrible, reluctantly swallows, and pours the rest out. Customer B takes a sip, recognizes it’s not the best coffee he’s ever had, but finishes the cup on his way to work anyway.
Obviously, Customer A didn’t get any functional value from the product – and his emotional association with the brand will be tainted. Customer B, on the other hand, did get full value from the product, but is relatively neutral in terms of emotional association.
Now, consider a Customer C, who’s just looking for a quiet place to get some work done. To him, the quality of the coffee offered is actually secondary to the coffee shop’s atmosphere. For this customer, both functional and emotional associations would be completely different than our first two customer examples.
For a less hypothetical example, consider Nike.
“You could do it. Anyone could do it.” ⠀ Find out what it takes for @gomofarah to stay on top through the link in our bio. #justdoit
A post shared by nike (@nike) on Aug 19, 2016 at 11:15am PDT
The popular athletic apparel and equipment company is based around a single, three-word slogan: Just Do It. You planned on hitting the gym after work, but got stuck in traffic for an hour on the way home? Just do it. You want to start walking during your lunch break, but don’t want to be sweaty and sticky for the rest of the day? Just do it. Thinking of skipping leg day because you have a cold? Just do it.
Youth has no age limit. #justdoit
A post shared by nike (@nike) on Aug 14, 2016 at 12:31pm PDT
When a brand empowers its customers as much as Nike does, the company’s products essentially sell themselves.
When focusing on knowledge metrics, you’ll end up collecting a wide range of data. In turn, you’ll have a much better understanding of the subjective value of your product or service across a large customer spectrum – and can focus on improving your services for those who make up the bulk of your customer base.
Preference Metrics
Compared to knowledge metrics, preference metrics are a bit easier to nail down.
Preference metrics do deal with how your customers perceive your brand. But these metrics are measured objectively with regard to your company’s position within your industry.
When looking at preference metrics, you’ll want to consider the following factors:
Brand relevance is a company’s ability to identify and provide a specific benefit – and to align the company’s brand with this value.
Introducing the TOMS X @jgoldcrown collection. Take a look back to when James stopped by to spread the love at TOMS HQ and head to the link in our profile to shop his custom footwear.
A post shared by TOMS (@toms) on Jan 3, 2017 at 11:20am PST
Companies with high brand relevance have at least one unique selling proposition (USP) that sets it apart from the competition. A good example of this is TOMS and its One for One program. Though the shoes TOMS sells are relatively ordinary, the company pledges to help a person in need for every pair it sells (in addition to any other TOM product sold). To the socially-conscious consumer, this USP allows TOMS’ shoes to stand out among a sea of run-of-the-mill walking shoes.
Accessibility is the ability of a brand to reach its target market – and provide its intended value to consumers.
When it comes to accessibility, there may be no better example than Starbucks. No matter where you are in the United States, there is a pretty good chance you’re no more than five miles from the nearest Starbucks. The company even has kiosks located inside malls, supermarkets, and department stores. Whenever the mood for a cup of coffee hits you, there’s almost certainly an accessible Starbucks nearby.
Emotional connection relates to a brand’s ability to form a relationship with its customers, in turn leading to loyalty.
You see this all the time when it comes to “warring” companies. Coke vs. Pepsi; Sony Playstation vs. Microsoft Xbox; Apple vs. Samsung. The list goes on.
The products these companies offer are objectively similar. Whether an individual consumer chooses one over the other often comes down to preference. But, once that consumer makes a choice, that company must provide as much extra value as possible in order to forge an emotional connection if it wants to keep that customer from switching sides.
Value compares the cost of your product or service to what your customer gets in return.
Simply put, your prospects will always be looking for “more bang for their buck.” If you can provide the same service as your competitors, and do so for a lower cost, you’re already providing more value to your customers.
Putting all of these together, you’ll then be able to gauge where your brand ranks among competing companies in your industry. This information can then be used to determine whether your company is in a position to create or increase loyalty within your customer base.
Financial Metrics
Financial metrics are perhaps the most straightforward of the three measurements of brand equity.
By analyzing your company’s financial situation – both internal and compared to the competition – you’ll gain a better understanding of the monetary value of your brand.
The most important financial metrics to consider are your company’s:
Market share: The percentage of overall sales in your industry that your market takes in
Transaction value: The price you offer your product or service for
Price premium: Your company’s ability to offer your product or service for a higher-than-average price to increase its appeal
Revenue generation and potential: The amount of money your company has made by selling products or services, and the potential revenue to be made if trends continue
Growth rate and sustainability: Your company’s ability to scale as revenue increases
While analyzing these measurements in isolation will give you an idea of the success of your company as a whole, by assessing them in relation to knowledge and preference metrics you’ll be able to discern the value your brand brings to your company.
3 Strategies for Measuring Brand Equity
Now that we know what brand equity entails, let’s take a look at some ways to measure it.
Come to a Consensus
Before you assess your brand’s equity, you’ll need to ensure your company’s stakeholders have a complete understanding of what brand equity actually is.
Above all else, make sure everyone understands the above-mentioned facets of brand equity, as well as how they relate to one another.
Once everyone is on the same page, ensure your team understands why analyzing brand equity is so important. Though the definition of brand equity is objective, the reasons for measuring it will vary from company to company.
Are you:
Analyzing what drives your brand’s strength?
Assessing the performance of brand management?
Determining the value of your brand in anticipation of selling your company?
While you should always assess each of the above-mentioned metrics to get a complete picture of your brand’s equity, some factors will be more important than others depending on your purposes.
For example, if your company is relatively new and you want to assess your customer base’s loyalty, you’d focus more on knowledge and preference metrics than financial. On the other hand, if you’re preparing to sell your company off, measuring financial metrics would be your top priority.
Once you’ve determined which factors to focus on, you can then begin looking at the bigger picture.
Look for Trends and Anomalies
When analyzing brand equity metrics, both consistency and inconsistency among the data collected can provide information that can be valuable to your company.
First, take a look at your industry as a whole. Are there any areas in which some, most, or all companies fall short when it comes to providing value to customers? Have certain companies within the industry recently seen better results than in the past? If so, what have these companies changed that may have caused such improvements?
After answering these questions, look inward to your own company. What have you done to increase customer loyalty, or to provide added value to your most loyal fans? How have you improved your service to adapt to the changing needs of your customer? Have these initiatives been worth the effort?
It’s worth noting here that, while it’s easy to pinpoint anomalies in data, it’s much more difficult to pinpoint the cause of such inconsistencies. The coffee shop example mentioned earlier in this article illustrates this perfectly: unless you collected more data about each customer’s desires, there’d be no real way to tell why they were satisfied or not satisfied by the service they received. In other words, when analyzing anomalies in your collected data, you need to consider all concurrent data if you want to have a hope of figuring out why the anomaly exists, and what it means to your brand.
Think Quantitatively and Qualitatively
We alluded to this sentiment earlier, but it bears repeating:
To get a good sense of your brand’s equity, you need to think in both quantitative and qualitative terms.
As you might expect, quantitative data is most pertinent when analyzing financial data relating to brand equity. Data such as sales numbers, revenue generated, and your company’s net worth are all worth paying attention to, as are data regarding market position and product value.
But this data won’t tell you much about your brand’s equity if analyzed in a vacuum.
That’s where qualitative data comes into play.
Qualitative data is “intangible,” meaning it cannot be pinned down as easily as quantitative data. This is data such as customer satisfaction, brand recognition, and emotional connection. Without a frame of reference, the information customers will provide with regard to such data will be subjective to that specific customer only.
However, by providing reference points for your customers when asking them to complete surveys regarding your brand, you can gather such intangible data in a way that makes it quantifiable. For example, you might ask your customers to rate their understanding of the service you provide on a scale of one to five, or to rank five qualities of your service in order of importance.
(Note: You can collect additional qualitative data by asking them to explain their responses to these prompts, as well. This will make it much easier to discern what qualities of your brand your customers deem important, and why they believe so.)
As mentioned in the previous section, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data in conjunction with one another will allow you to pinpoint trends and anomalies, determine the root cause of such, and make adjustments to your company’s operations as necessary.
Brand Equity and the Sales Funnel
The insight gleaned from brand equity data can benefit your company in a number of ways.
Once you’ve analyzed and assessed this data, you’ll:
Have a better understanding of your target personas
Be better equipped to develop and improve your company’s marketing and advertising strategies
Be better prepared to meet the needs of customers throughout all stages of the sales funnel – in turn maximizing the potential of these customers becoming loyal to your brand.
The way your brand is perceived by your target customers can determine whether they end up doing business with you or with your competition. After you’ve ensured the product or service you offer is of the highest possible quality, implementing strategies to improve your brand’s equity can be the “oomph” your company needs to become the go-to in your industry.
About the Author: Josh Brown is the Content & Community Manager at Fieldboom. Create beautiful forms and surveys in less than 5 minutes with Fieldboom. Try it free. You can follow Fieldboom on Twitter.
0 notes
ericsburden-blog · 8 years
Why You Need to Measure Brand Equity – and How to Do It
Before we get started, let’s get one thing straight:
If the product or service your company offers doesn’t live up to your customers’ expectations, your business isn’t going to get very far.
That being said, it’s important to note that the quality of your product or service isn’t the only factor that determines the level of success your company will achieve.
You also need to worry about how your company’s brand is perceived by your customers and prospects.
Think about some of the most famous companies in the world – and what their brands represent:
Apple is known for its innovative technology and for always looking to the next big thing.
Mercedes-Benz consistently develops high-end luxury vehicles that exude class.
IKEA sells durable furniture at a price even college students can afford.
When you think of a product from one of these companies, you don’t even need to know what the item is. If it’s from Apple, it’ll be innovative. If it’s from Mercedes, it’ll be classy. If it’s from IKEA, it’ll be sturdy.
Such a universally-held perception of a brand’s products or services provides an incredible amount of value to a company.
This value is a company’s brand equity.
Brand equity can be broken down into three components:
Consumer perception
The effect this perception has on your company
The value of this effect
This value can be broken down even further, into tangible and intangible factors.
Tangible factors are quantitative values, such as revenue, profit (or loss), and sales numbers.
Intangible factors are qualitative values, such as consumer awareness of your brand, and goodwill.
Because brand equity involves tangible and intangible factors, determining brand equity from an objective standpoint can prove to be difficult. In the next section, we’ll take a look at the important metrics and factors to focus on when attempting to come to a consensus on your brand’s equity.
Which Brand Equity Metrics Should You Measure?
According to Branding Strategy Insider, measuring brand equity requires you consider three metrics:
Knowledge Metrics
Preference Metrics
Financial Metrics
Each metric is equally important to your company’s overall brand equity. (Image Source)
As we describe each of these metrics in greater detail, you’ll learn how they relate to the components of brand equity mentioned above. You’ll also get a better idea of how tangible and intangible metrics can be analyzed and assessed not just in isolation, but as cohesive parts of a greater whole.
Knowledge Metrics
Put simply, knowledge metrics measure the popularity of your brand.
But knowledge metrics go much deeper than a simple “yea” or “nay” with regard to your brand’s popularity.
According to a 2011 article published in the Asian Journal of Business Management, these metrics assess the consumer’s awareness of and association with your brand throughout various stages of aided, unaided, and top-of-mind recognition and recall.
This awareness can then be classified into one of two groups.
Functional associations relate to the use of your product or service.
To best illustrate what a functional association is, consider the following scenarios:
You see a picture online that’s clearly been doctored. You scroll down to the comments section and furiously type “Photoshopped!”
You sneeze five times in a row, then ask your coworker to hand you a Kleenex.
You cut your finger and run to the bathroom to get a Band-Aid.
What do all three of these examples have in common?
In each of these cases, you used a company’s product to describe a generic item. The photo wasn’t necessarily doctored using Photoshop – it could have been any photo-editing program. When you asked for a Kleenex, you were really just asking for a tissue. Even though the bandages in your bathroom are generic store-brand items, you still called them by the more well-known company name, Band-Aid.
These products are so well-known that their functions have become synonymous with their brand – even though there are numerous other products like them on the market.
When assessing your brand’s functional associations, consider the following questions:
Do customers or prospective customers know and understand what your product or service actually does? Do they know of the value they’ll get from using it? Do they perhaps have a misguided or misunderstood sense of its functions and/or value?
The answers your customers or prospects provide to these questions can prove to be extremely valuable to your company as a whole.
You might recognize a need to focus more on clarity in your advertising and marketing initiatives with regard to what your product actually does.
Or you might realize you’ve been targeting the wrong persona from the get-go.
Or, you might learn that your customers are merely content with the service you provide – but would be even happier if you provided a bit more than you currently do.
Whatever the case may be, data regarding functional associations allow you to better understand how your customers actually use your product, whether or not they’re using it in the way you’ve intended, and what else they’re looking for from your company.
Emotional associations detail how your product or service makes your customers feel.
How did they feel about purchasing your product for the first time? How about while they were using it? After using it? Do they think about your brand even when they aren’t in need of your services?
To be sure, the answers to these questions relate to the functional associations mentioned above – but they are important in their own right, too.
The way your customers feel about your brand is vital to your company’s success. (Image Source)
While the functional information is more utilitarian in nature (as in, it tells you whether your customers got the expected value out of your product), the data related to emotions will tell you how the customer felt once such value was (or was not) provided.
Consider the following example:
Two customers walk into a coffee shop. Customer A is a coffee enthusiast, while Customer B simply needs a cup o’ joe before heading to work. Their orders are identical. Customer A takes one sip, realizes the coffee is terrible, reluctantly swallows, and pours the rest out. Customer B takes a sip, recognizes it’s not the best coffee he’s ever had, but finishes the cup on his way to work anyway.
Obviously, Customer A didn’t get any functional value from the product – and his emotional association with the brand will be tainted. Customer B, on the other hand, did get full value from the product, but is relatively neutral in terms of emotional association.
Now, consider a Customer C, who’s just looking for a quiet place to get some work done. To him, the quality of the coffee offered is actually secondary to the coffee shop’s atmosphere. For this customer, both functional and emotional associations would be completely different than our first two customer examples.
For a less hypothetical example, consider Nike.
“You could do it. Anyone could do it.” ⠀ Find out what it takes for @gomofarah to stay on top through the link in our bio. #justdoit
A post shared by nike (@nike) on Aug 19, 2016 at 11:15am PDT
The popular athletic apparel and equipment company is based around a single, three-word slogan: Just Do It. You planned on hitting the gym after work, but got stuck in traffic for an hour on the way home? Just do it. You want to start walking during your lunch break, but don’t want to be sweaty and sticky for the rest of the day? Just do it. Thinking of skipping leg day because you have a cold? Just do it.
Youth has no age limit. #justdoit
A post shared by nike (@nike) on Aug 14, 2016 at 12:31pm PDT
When a brand empowers its customers as much as Nike does, the company’s products essentially sell themselves.
When focusing on knowledge metrics, you’ll end up collecting a wide range of data. In turn, you’ll have a much better understanding of the subjective value of your product or service across a large customer spectrum – and can focus on improving your services for those who make up the bulk of your customer base.
Preference Metrics
Compared to knowledge metrics, preference metrics are a bit easier to nail down.
Preference metrics do deal with how your customers perceive your brand. But these metrics are measured objectively with regard to your company’s position within your industry.
When looking at preference metrics, you’ll want to consider the following factors:
Brand relevance is a company’s ability to identify and provide a specific benefit – and to align the company’s brand with this value.
Introducing the TOMS X @jgoldcrown collection. Take a look back to when James stopped by to spread the love at TOMS HQ and head to the link in our profile to shop his custom footwear.
A post shared by TOMS (@toms) on Jan 3, 2017 at 11:20am PST
Companies with high brand relevance have at least one unique selling proposition (USP) that sets it apart from the competition. A good example of this is TOMS and its One for One program. Though the shoes TOMS sells are relatively ordinary, the company pledges to help a person in need for every pair it sells (in addition to any other TOM product sold). To the socially-conscious consumer, this USP allows TOMS’ shoes to stand out among a sea of run-of-the-mill walking shoes.
Accessibility is the ability of a brand to reach its target market – and provide its intended value to consumers.
When it comes to accessibility, there may be no better example than Starbucks. No matter where you are in the United States, there is a pretty good chance you’re no more than five miles from the nearest Starbucks. The company even has kiosks located inside malls, supermarkets, and department stores. Whenever the mood for a cup of coffee hits you, there’s almost certainly an accessible Starbucks nearby.
Emotional connection relates to a brand’s ability to form a relationship with its customers, in turn leading to loyalty.
You see this all the time when it comes to “warring” companies. Coke vs. Pepsi; Sony Playstation vs. Microsoft Xbox; Apple vs. Samsung. The list goes on.
The products these companies offer are objectively similar. Whether an individual consumer chooses one over the other often comes down to preference. But, once that consumer makes a choice, that company must provide as much extra value as possible in order to forge an emotional connection if it wants to keep that customer from switching sides.
Value compares the cost of your product or service to what your customer gets in return.
Simply put, your prospects will always be looking for “more bang for their buck.” If you can provide the same service as your competitors, and do so for a lower cost, you’re already providing more value to your customers.
Putting all of these together, you’ll then be able to gauge where your brand ranks among competing companies in your industry. This information can then be used to determine whether your company is in a position to create or increase loyalty within your customer base.
Financial Metrics
Financial metrics are perhaps the most straightforward of the three measurements of brand equity.
By analyzing your company’s financial situation – both internal and compared to the competition – you’ll gain a better understanding of the monetary value of your brand.
The most important financial metrics to consider are your company’s:
Market share: The percentage of overall sales in your industry that your market takes in
Transaction value: The price you offer your product or service for
Price premium: Your company’s ability to offer your product or service for a higher-than-average price to increase its appeal
Revenue generation and potential: The amount of money your company has made by selling products or services, and the potential revenue to be made if trends continue
Growth rate and sustainability: Your company’s ability to scale as revenue increases
While analyzing these measurements in isolation will give you an idea of the success of your company as a whole, by assessing them in relation to knowledge and preference metrics you’ll be able to discern the value your brand brings to your company.
3 Strategies for Measuring Brand Equity
Now that we know what brand equity entails, let’s take a look at some ways to measure it.
Come to a Consensus
Before you assess your brand’s equity, you’ll need to ensure your company’s stakeholders have a complete understanding of what brand equity actually is.
Above all else, make sure everyone understands the above-mentioned facets of brand equity, as well as how they relate to one another.
Once everyone is on the same page, ensure your team understands why analyzing brand equity is so important. Though the definition of brand equity is objective, the reasons for measuring it will vary from company to company.
Are you:
Analyzing what drives your brand’s strength?
Assessing the performance of brand management?
Determining the value of your brand in anticipation of selling your company?
While you should always assess each of the above-mentioned metrics to get a complete picture of your brand’s equity, some factors will be more important than others depending on your purposes.
For example, if your company is relatively new and you want to assess your customer base’s loyalty, you’d focus more on knowledge and preference metrics than financial. On the other hand, if you’re preparing to sell your company off, measuring financial metrics would be your top priority.
Once you’ve determined which factors to focus on, you can then begin looking at the bigger picture.
Look for Trends and Anomalies
When analyzing brand equity metrics, both consistency and inconsistency among the data collected can provide information that can be valuable to your company.
First, take a look at your industry as a whole. Are there any areas in which some, most, or all companies fall short when it comes to providing value to customers? Have certain companies within the industry recently seen better results than in the past? If so, what have these companies changed that may have caused such improvements?
After answering these questions, look inward to your own company. What have you done to increase customer loyalty, or to provide added value to your most loyal fans? How have you improved your service to adapt to the changing needs of your customer? Have these initiatives been worth the effort?
It’s worth noting here that, while it’s easy to pinpoint anomalies in data, it’s much more difficult to pinpoint the cause of such inconsistencies. The coffee shop example mentioned earlier in this article illustrates this perfectly: unless you collected more data about each customer’s desires, there’d be no real way to tell why they were satisfied or not satisfied by the service they received. In other words, when analyzing anomalies in your collected data, you need to consider all concurrent data if you want to have a hope of figuring out why the anomaly exists, and what it means to your brand.
Think Quantitatively and Qualitatively
We alluded to this sentiment earlier, but it bears repeating:
To get a good sense of your brand’s equity, you need to think in both quantitative and qualitative terms.
As you might expect, quantitative data is most pertinent when analyzing financial data relating to brand equity. Data such as sales numbers, revenue generated, and your company’s net worth are all worth paying attention to, as are data regarding market position and product value.
But this data won’t tell you much about your brand’s equity if analyzed in a vacuum.
That’s where qualitative data comes into play.
Qualitative data is “intangible,” meaning it cannot be pinned down as easily as quantitative data. This is data such as customer satisfaction, brand recognition, and emotional connection. Without a frame of reference, the information customers will provide with regard to such data will be subjective to that specific customer only.
However, by providing reference points for your customers when asking them to complete surveys regarding your brand, you can gather such intangible data in a way that makes it quantifiable. For example, you might ask your customers to rate their understanding of the service you provide on a scale of one to five, or to rank five qualities of your service in order of importance.
(Note: You can collect additional qualitative data by asking them to explain their responses to these prompts, as well. This will make it much easier to discern what qualities of your brand your customers deem important, and why they believe so.)
As mentioned in the previous section, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data in conjunction with one another will allow you to pinpoint trends and anomalies, determine the root cause of such, and make adjustments to your company’s operations as necessary.
Brand Equity and the Sales Funnel
The insight gleaned from brand equity data can benefit your company in a number of ways.
Once you’ve analyzed and assessed this data, you’ll:
Have a better understanding of your target personas
Be better equipped to develop and improve your company’s marketing and advertising strategies
Be better prepared to meet the needs of customers throughout all stages of the sales funnel – in turn maximizing the potential of these customers becoming loyal to your brand.
The way your brand is perceived by your target customers can determine whether they end up doing business with you or with your competition. After you’ve ensured the product or service you offer is of the highest possible quality, implementing strategies to improve your brand’s equity can be the “oomph” your company needs to become the go-to in your industry.
About the Author: Josh Brown is the Content & Community Manager at Fieldboom. Create beautiful forms and surveys in less than 5 minutes with Fieldboom. Try it free. You can follow Fieldboom on Twitter.
Why You Need to Measure Brand Equity – and How to Do It
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