#but y'know i do think there's a desire to defang them a bit in fic which i do get i do it sometimes too
pynkhues · 21 days
holy shit sophie…. your fic…. holy shit. i don’t even know what to say. i feel like i need 5 working days to process what i just read……… god. all i can say right now is THANK YOU for sharing your writing with us - you are such a gift.
oh, and another thing - please i beg you don’t listen to the comment on ao3 about louis “trying to play maître”. i understood your louis completely, and i’m sure plenty of other readers did too. “this is horrifying” yeah and so is your reading comprehension. girl bye. so much love to you sophie ❤️❤️❤️
You're so welcome, and thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
And ah, yeah, that comment. I feel badly that they seem to have been triggered by it, but I used what I felt were the appropriate ao3 archive warnings and tags last night when I was uploading. I've since added a dubious consent tag, even though I don't really feel that's appropiate as I think the last sex scene is very consensual, it just has a lot of baggage and trauma being brought to it by nature of the night they've had. I'm going to reply to them with something of that variety today, so hopefully they'll feel a bit better about it all.
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