#but with his child he is the dorkiest happiest more affectionate parent
godmeld-archive · 5 years
Riain as a parent:
Dotting, very caring, would only want what’s best for his child/ren.
If he was a single parent he would probably quit / go radiosilent from his kingpin & red room work for a bit, but would make sure his most trusted crew member was taking care of it and some of the money goes back to him still so he can take care of his family. Hell even if he’s with a partner he would go very quiet with work just to spend time with family.
Honestly? Would love just holding his baby / babies as long as he could. Which might mean he isn’t paying as much attention to a partner if he has one but will still try.
Honestly the most protective person you will ever see. He’s already lost 7+ (in all means of trying) at the very least with base canon, if he actually is successful as a parent he will keep eyes on them all the time. Even if he has to like go to the kitchen to make food he probably has cameras in every room and probably a smart watch connected to them. He will do everything in his damn power to make sure they are safe.
Supportive. Will help them with anything.
Honestly might think home school is a good decision for them. With 4+ degrees and general smarts he thinks he is fully able to teach his child(s), though this might end up with him angling towards teaching what he knows. Though he would try to learn other things to teach his child(ren) if they show interest in something. Even if this means earning online degrees in stuff just so he can stay around and teach them.
Unfortunately he might end up sheltering them a lot. He is incredibly worried cause he believes he is doomed with bad luck, and doesn’t want anything to happen to them if he isn’t keeping an eye. He’d be overly protective- even if they are allowed out, as he isn’t treating them like prisoners, he would set extreme curfews. Hell he might even have trusted crew members he has connections to still stick around and watch them. From cars or something like that. Probably ends up freaking them out once because of that by accident.
On a similar note, probably hasn’t told his child(ren) about what he actually is- either as a criminal or abilities. For the latter he did use them when they were younger to play with them, but as they got older and could remember he started hiding them. He loves his abilities and himself, but he doesn’t want to risk his children hating him or fearing him. Also has some belief that what he is is tied to his previous failures of trying to be a parent, so he believes pretending it isn’t there might help. Yes even he knows this is a dump thought, but is desperate.
If any of his children showed signs of his abilities too he would help them obviously, and explain his own.
Might explain what he is (if he even knows by this point, he could still be ignorant of his godhood at this point depending on point in canon) and his old career venture when he thinks they are old enough, or if it gets exposed. Would nervously and slowly expose them to both aspects. Though some part of him might feel good bringing them to the light of his crew, feeling better with more protection around. But another part knows they are in equally more danger.
Any questions they have he would answer- he would not hate any choices they had in life. Hell, his best friend from childhood is a cop, and he gets along well with her and her wife as long as both of them are off work (he realizes if she were to catch him during work they both have admitted they would have to just do their jobs, even if they are aware of each others careers outside of this), so he wouldn’t even mind a child going down a legal path. Might jokingly ask them if they really think its a good idea, but fully support them and give them all the necessary education.
Just wants to do for them everything his parents didn’t do for him. Give them love, affection, attention, and not treat them as tools or experiments.
He’s also the embarrassing dad with awful fashion and dumb jokes but also the soccer mom at the same time
As with his lack of care for gender terms, he doesn’t care what his child calls him. Dad, Mom, just combining the two words and calling him Mad- he really doesn’t care and will happily accept any of them.
If he did send them to school he’d be a PTA parent absolutely. Also would support his kids straight up beating up kids that hurt them. He still has his nature.
Would absolutely be the ‘lets have another’ type of parent if he’s with a partner.
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