#but whenever I see feral Ezekiel my heart hurts for the guy
noahtally-famous · 1 year
man I rlly hope Ezekiel’s parents don’t watch total drama bc can you imagine what they must have gone through?
watching their son get booted first in both seasons he participated in (technically second in world tour but we all saw Chris hurl him out of the plane to “set an example” and Duncan quitting doesn’t count bc it was voluntary), then see neither hair nor hide of him for half of the season only to find out he’s been staying in the cargo hold and growing slowly feral and less human with every passing day. then he’s used as a gag trick for two separate challenges and tranquilized and in a cage like a bloody animal. then in the finale, he’s basically unrecognizable and falls into a volcano.
after that, he’s only mentioned in snippets, affected by the radioactivity of the island and has turned into a mesh of an animalistic creature, and is far from the human boy who left his sheltered home all those months ago.
a home he never returns to. a boy who’ll never be one again.
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