#but when you tap an email address and your phone decides to open gmail to an entirely different email address and you don't realise bc you-
miloutic · 5 months
most embarrassed this morning. no talk me
0 notes
solange-lol · 5 years
not so typical love song - ch. 1/13
Chapter Title: Rollarcoaster
Words: 3,050
Note: my piece for the @pjo-hoo-bigbang !!! special thanks to @shelbychild and @wisdom-walks-alone for editing and helping me develop this story! it wouldnt exist w/o y’all!
Art by @lizzybizzyo! <3
[ one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight (coming soon)]
read on ao3
Nico is staring at his computer, wordless. This isn't writer's block or surprise; it’s just the unknown reality of what this situation could lead to.
Another gay kid in his school. Another gay kid that isn’t Mitchell—who’s been out since 8th grade, and the only one to be out since then. Another kid at their school who’s hiding a secret. 
Nico doesn’t even know if this kid is a boy or a girl or what, and frankly, he doesn’t care. There’s another kid like him. And he has no idea how to respond to the post.
The post is a submission from their school’s gossip blog on Tumblr, the notorious ‘hb-secrets.’ Piper had called him an hour ago, asking if he’d seen it yet.
“Seen what?” he had responded.
“The post on hb-secrets? About the closeted gay kid?” It hit Nico like a wall of bricks as he quickly went to pull up the website. Did somebody know? It was a relief when he saw the clipart Ferris wheel and a few short lines submitted by a blog called blue0919.
“I bet it’s that Brazilian sophomore. Paolo or whatever? Or maybe it’s Connor Stoll! I swear he’s been flirting with Mitchell, but Annabeth keeps telling me that he’s into Lacy or someone,” Piper continued as he read, but it was going in one ear and out the other as he processed the words on the screen
Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck on a Ferris wheel. One minute I’m on top of the world, and the next minute I’m at rock bottom. Over and over all day long, because a lot of my life is great. But nobody knows I’m gay.
“Gotta go. I’ll talk later,” Nico said quickly, switching off his phone. He knew it would raise suspicion, but it felt like time was turning in on itself. Nobody knew about Nico. In fact, nobody ever even suspected. He’s never been called names besides “Death Boy.” And yet, there were the exact words that described his life, written out in front of him like they were a second thought.
And now, he was staring at his computer with an empty Gmail draft open. The original poster had left their email at the end of the post, so Nico after glancing quickly at his Panic! at the Disco poster still proudly hanging on his wall, typed out a new address. He was stuck, though, unsure of what to say from here. 
So, he started from the beginning.
Date: Oct 2 at 6:48 PM
Subject: Hey
Somehow you’ve managed to type exactly what I feel. Sorta scary, as if you’re inside my head or something. Maybe it’s just a gay thing to be speaking in metaphors about the pressure of everyday society.
That’s what I am. Gay. I don’t know if I’ve ever really said it out loud to myself.
It’s weird because I never really had a perfectly normal life. My mom died when I was young, so I never really got to meet her. My sister and I have always been super close until she went away to college. Now, not as much. I guess that’s just what happens when you live a million miles away. 
And I’ve known my stepmom longer than I knew my real mom, but it was only a few years ago when I met my half-sister when she came to live with us because her mom died as well. Meaning, she isn’t the daughter of my stepmom. It’s a long story, and not really one I want to get into.
She’s super nice though. It’s funny, but despite being polar opposites with my older sister, they’re both mushy inside. Same with my stepmom. And my dad… he tries his best. We’re like exactly what you expect from a slightly broken family. Plus my dog who my cousin gave to me during a rough time. Honestly, she’s probably my favorite sibling out of them all. (Both my sisters would kill me if they knew I wrote that.)
And then there are my friends. I have some that are closer than others; Two of them I’ve known for a while now, and one who I only met recently but treats me better than some of the people I’ve known my whole life. While I admit, I’m not the most social person in the world, they’re pretty amazing as far as friends go. 
So there it is. My perfectly normal life. Except for that huge ass secret.
He typed and retyped each line what felt like a thousand times, deleting word after word. He didn't know what was too much. It all felt like too much, really. He didn’t even know if he could trust this person.
Signing it was the worst part; he didn’t have any good pseudonyms. Eventually, he decided to leave it blank.
Without a second thought, Nico hit ‘send’ before leaning back in his chair and putting his hands over his head. Only a second later, a light knock came from the door, causing him to quickly sit up as Hazel popped her head in.
“Dinner’s ready if you wanna eat,” she smiled. She left just as quickly as she came, curls bouncing as she walked away. They had gotten over the awkwardness of having a new sibling only months after Hazel moved in, but there was still some strangeness. To this day, Nico was still a lot closer to her than Bianca was. Either way, Nico knew he would do anything for her. (Not that he would admit that. He didn't even need to, Hazel already knew.)
Nico glanced back at his computer, but there was nothing in his inbox besides the Gmail “Welcome” email. It was stupid to think this person would respond that quickly, seeing as Nico didn't even know if they would respond at all. Heaving a sigh, he got up to join his family for dinner. Maybe he could even convince them to watch Steven Universe instead of The Bachelor.
Dinner went as expected. It’d been a while, actually, since they were all together for a meal. Hazel talked about her psycho geometry teacher and a boy she talked in the class named Frank, who seemed sweet but apparently had a shared hatred for math just like her. Nico didn’t say much, although chimed in at the latter, saying he better be the flower boy at their wedding. That even got a short scoff out of his father, which tended to be the closest Nico ever got him laughing. So, that was a win. 
However, he was a little more distant than usual. The pending email response was in the back of his mind during the entire meal.
Even afterward, as they watched reruns of Glee (a compromise made between Hazel and Nico, much to their father’s dismay), Nico couldn’t focus. It felt like a weight was burning through his back pocket. After the second episode (and laughing his ass off at his father’s reaction to Kurt’s ‘Single Ladies’ dance) he finally excused himself. 
He tapped the Gmail app on his phone as soon as he had reached his room. It felt like his heart skipped a beat when he noticed the new notification, a response from the original poster. With slightly shaky hands, he tapped the response, and a message opened up.
Date: Oct 2 at 8:12 PM
Subject: I’ve never done this before
Dear anonymous person on the internet,
I really don’t know where to begin. I’m also not sure if you're a real person. For all I know you could be some random pedophile like one of those cases they warned us about in health class for the past 5 years, even though it’s never happened within the last decade.
But in case you are real, hello! I’m the original poster from that hb-secrets thread about life being a Ferris wheel. I’m rereading what I wrote there and I can’t stop cringing, so I’ll start by apologizing for that. I’m not usually one for metaphors, even the bad ones.
Anyway, it sounds like you identify with what I wrote. I’m glad you emailed me; I didn’t think anyone would actually do anything with the email that I left. Except maybe be extremely homophobic. But it made me feel less like I was shouting into the void, so thanks for that. And I assume you’re okay with me writing back since you sent me the first email. Though, I can’t believe I’m actually writing to you. I really didn’t think I would.
I guess I’m thinking it could be nice to talk with someone who can relate to how I’m feeling. No pressure, of course, but feel free to write back if you want to. I don’t want to use my real name, but you can call me Blue. 
It was surreal. Someone who was like Nico. Someone who wanted to talk to Nico because they were like him. 
He started to type again, with more excitement than he’s ever felt. He’s never been able to express this part of him before. It was almost like first date jitters-type feeling. 
(Not that he really knew what that was like.)
Date: Oct 2 at 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: I’ve never done this before
Hi, Blue
Wow, I’m actually kind of flipping out right now, because I seriously didn’t think I’d hear from you, especially so quickly. Wow. Okay. First of all, thanks for your email and also for your Tumblr post. I really liked it, Blue, and it wasn’t cringy at all, I promise.
So do you go here (here meaning HBHS)? I do, I’m a junior. And I’m a guy (are you a guy?) Anyway, I could relate a lot to your post, Like, pretty much all of it, but especially the part about being gay. You probably figured that out already though. And I’m not out yet either, which you probably figured that part out too. 
I guess a part of me wants to be out, but a part of me’s like… no. It’s hard to explain. I don’t know. Maybe you get it.
So yeah, it’s really nice to meet you! This is kind of cool, right? Even writing this email makes me feel eleven times less alone.
-Angel (not my real name either, two can play at this game. It’s not like a pet-name type thing. If you ever find out who I am, you’ll understand why.) 
He was worried about the whole name-signing thing. ‘Angel’ was just the easiest thing; it was a direct translation of his last name. He was really hoping Blue still didn’t take it in a weird way, even with that last note.
Relief flooded through him when he read the first sentence of Blue’s next email. 
Date: Oct 2 at 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: I’ve never done this before
Angel, huh? Maybe like guardian angel perhaps. 
Also, eleven times less alone? That’s oddly specific. :) But I know exactly what you mean.
Anyway, wow. Hi. You wrote back, and quickly too. I’m really glad you liked my post. Now I’m actually happy I put it out there. I have to admit, it’s strange to be writing a somewhat personal email to you when we don’t know each other’s identities. Though, in a way, I guess that makes it easier. Sorta like a therapist, except we’re both blindfolded and have the same problem. So not really a therapist, I guess.
Do you think therapists have therapists? Like, if the problems get to be too much for them? Is there an Almighty Therapist who just absorbs everyone's issues and feels nothing?
Anyway, I am a guy, and I’m also a junior at HB. I think you’re actually the first other gay guy I’ve met here. It’s pretty surreal to be talking to you. (In a good way though.) I wonder if we know each other in real life. 
And I think I understand what you mean. I feel like I’m constantly going back and forth about wanting to come out. I have these moments where I’m almost bursting to tell people. Of course, that’s where I was when I posted the thing on Tumblr. But I always feel so weird about it a few hours later, and sometimes I’m intensely relieved no one knows yet. What about you?
Date: Oct 2 at 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: I’ve never done this before
I mean, let’s be real, eleven is the best number, which is perfect because we’re both in eleventh grade. And I can't believe we’re both juniors. The class is pretty small compared to the others, so I bet we do know each other, which is weird to think about. What if we’re actually enemies in real life? Do you have enemies? I don’t think I do, not really. Various people tend to annoy me a lot. It’s not even their fault; some people just have really punchable faces.
 (I’m usually a really nonviolent person. I’m more like a violent person who at the same doesn’t really want to hurt anyone, so I have to resort to fantasizing about punching people, which just ends in eating my feelings in large quantities of McDonald’s.)
It’s funny for me, it’s actually not so much that go back and forth about wanting to come out. It’s like I simultaneously do and don’t want to be out. Which is pretty freaking exhausting, honestly. Like I’m in this constant state of JUST SAY IT and NO NEVER. Do you think that ever ends? I don’t know, maybe I’m just a really indecisive person. I think part of me is also just holding out until college when I’m away from anyone I know and can just reinvent myself.
So what kind of stuff do you like to do after school and everything?
Date: Oct 2 at 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: I’ve never done this before
I don’t think I have any enemies, but now I’m definitely wondering if I’m the guy with the punchable face. How do you know if you have a punchable face? I’ve never been punched, so hopefully, that’s a good sign. 
I will say, I’m definitely with you on the issue of eating your feelings. I’m the person who has never smoked a cigarette or gotten drunk or anything like that, and I'm usually relatively healthy. However, I once ate five jars of Nutella in one sitting. I do not recommend, 
I’m indecisive, too, in some ways. Okay, full disclosure: I was really conflicted when you sent me that email. I kept going back and forth about whether I should email you. I was (and am) definitely intrigued, but I guess I was also a little bit paranoid. It’s just that you could have been anyone, and it’s hard to know sometimes if someone’s being a jerk or if they’re being sincere. Plus my cousin sort of actually outed me. Not to anyone else, he’s the only one who knows, but now I’m super paranoid about coming out. (Exactly what you said about holding out until college. I’m thinking I can move to LA or somewhere where nobody really cares. Although I wouldn’t want to reinvent myself. And I don’t want you to reinvent yourself either, you’re pretty cool as you are I think.) Anyway, I’m really glad I decided to email you, though.
So, you’re probably going to think I’m ridiculous, but I’d rather not answer your last question. It’s just… I think I like being anonymous for now. Is that okay?
Okay, that last part was fair. Nico understood the wanting-to-be-anonymous thing. Sure, they go to the same school. But Blue had no reason to entirely trust him; Nico didn’t really trust Blue at all. This could entirely be some random asshole anywhere in the world trying to find him and beat him up, or worse. It sucked that homophobia was still a thing in their day and age. 
But Blue said he liked talking to Nico, and it was thrilling to talk to him. It was another secret of his, but not one he entirely minded keeping. So, he chose to believe that Blue was actually who he said he was. 
Date: Oct 2 at 9:57 PM
Subject: Punchability
Blue, you have so much to learn about the rules of punchability, starting with the fact that it is completely impossible for you to have a punchable face. Rule number one: guys who make metaphors about Ferris wheels are automatically unpunchable. Rule number two: There isn’t one. Just rule number one, so memorize it. Everyone else can catch these fists. (Catch these fists? These hands? This would probably be more intimidating if I knew the correct phrasing)
Also, five jars of Nutella in one sitting is the worst idea I’ve ever heard in my life. Challenge accepted.
I don’t think you’re ridiculous, Blue. I totally understand why you don't want to tell me about your extracurricular activities (I’m guessing interpretive dance, though, you seem like the type.) But seriously, I get it. It’s this weird contradiction, right? It’s so much easier to be open with someone who doesn't know you at all. We’ll be each other's Ultimate Therapists. 
(Except I don’t think I could ever be a therapist.)
Anyway, I’m really glad you decided to email me back, too :)
That smiley face was really unlike him. 
Nico sent the email, but after nearly an hour, he didn’t get on back, which meant Blue was probably asleep. Which was different from what Nico was used to; he tended to stay awake until the early hours of the morning most nights. But it wasn’t anything he minded. He had a conversation with Blue, and even if that was the last one they would ever have (which, he was hoping it wouldn’t be), it was good to know that there was somewhere out there like him.
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novipedia · 3 years
How To Change Font Color On Iphone 38
It may just be due to the apparent color of your wallpaper. Most images are dark enough that white is the choice, but once in a while a light image will trigger black letters.
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Change The Color of Your Font on iPhone! YouTube
Click on display & brightness.
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How to change font color on iphone. On osx i use textmate ( use what ever u want ) , on windows use notepad. One of the changes is small but mighty — the ability to add custom icons to lists. Notice that you have 3 locations:
You can also preview the new font size at the top of your screen before confirming your selection. You can change the font size of your smartphone. With its long list of helpful new changes, the app finally stacks up to other task managers like todoist or wunderlist.
Scroll through the formatting options, like bolding, italics, and underline. You can simply do the following: How to change font color in uitableviewcell when selected?
This will change the top line color and font. Brand colors are in the section below it. Then select the text you want to change.
You can change the font & colors in the notes app on a mac and once they sync they will display on your ipad & iphone but you can't initiate this on the ipad & iphone. You can change color of text on iphone by the replacement of white with the new color: You can also pick a new color by tapping the first color tile in the.
Here’s how to use quick styles in notes on iphone. In the bottom right, tap compose. Tap on the color you’d like to use to apply to the text.
You cannot change the colour or the font on the lock screen of your iphone. Tap the color tile next to the font size selector. Good luck last edited by turbotiger;
This reveals the text editor below the design. How to change font styles on iphone 8 and iphone 8 plus: Viewed 9k times 9 3.
Tap next to size to decrease or increase the font size, or tap the font size and enter a new value. Open notes and select an existing note or create a new one. Recently used colors are in the used section.
When i set the cell selection style to gray or blue, i want the font color in the label to be white. Double tap the text you want to format. Ios averages the brightness of the pixels across the image and makes a guess as to whether white or black letters will show up better.
Apple is yet to release such an update for ios. Switch on your iphone 8 or iphone 8 plus. Locate the settings app and open it.
Open your ios device settings app. On your iphone or ipad, open the gmail app. I have a uitableviewcell with labels inside my contentview.
Font, colour, opacity and size. To begin, open the mail app on your iphone or ipad, tap the email account that you want to use, tap the compose button, and enter an email address and subject line for your email. Move the slider to choose the size that you prefer.
Swipe left or right on the examples to find a filter that works best for you. Tap the text you wish to edit. So in todays tech tuesday video i decided to teach you how to change the font and text in imovie or any editing app in general for the ipad!
Open the project navigator and select the project for your ios app, then select the info tab. Font styles are various from helvetica, courier, iowan, menlo, trebuchet, avenir, sayoye, copperplate, and more. In general, controls that use uifont such as a uilabel have both a font and a textcolor property.
Tap and pick select for a single word, select all for all text in the note, or select and use the handles to drag through a phrase or sentence. Active 9 years, 2 months ago. Few apps on the iphone give you ways to change their color scheme aside from dark mode in ios 13 and later, but that doesn't mean you can't give an app a new color theme or filtered look.with the shortcuts app in ios 14 and later, it's totally possible, and it'll work in practically any app.
You can change the size of your font in mail, contacts, calendar, phone, notes, and other apps that support dynamic type. I try to change font color from white to black for uisegmentedcontrol (for ios 4.*) uisegmentedcontrol *button = [[[uisegmentedcontrol alloc] initwithitems:[nsarray arraywithobjects:itemtitle, nil]] Ask question asked 10 years, 5 months ago.
Tap style to adjust display size and font style. Go to your iphone or ipad settings. Doing so lets you personalize each collection of reminders to your liking and can help you identify lists with.
Add text to your message. Under the ‘media’ section, tap subtitles & captioning. On ios 11 or later, go to settings > display and brightness > text size and adjust the slider to increase or decrease the font size.
Uifont does not contain/maintain any color information, so this is not possible. Change the color of text select the text you want to change—or tap a text box, shape, or table cell—then tap. Just tap create new style to get a new customized subtitle style, where you can change the font, size, color and more for text and background.
Learn how you can change calendar color on iphone 11, iphone 11 pro, iphone 11 max running ios 13.follow us on twitter: You'll see three examples of color spaces to help you select an option that fits your needs. Change the font size go to settings > display & brightness, then select text size.
So you would set a label's font and it's color like this: A dark wallpaper will change the font colour to white while a light, colourful wallpaper will change the font colour to black. However, you can try to set a different wallpaper in order to change its colour.
In ios 13, apple is taking the reminders app more seriously. If you do not know how to change the top line of the ipod touch or iphone you can watch my other video on how t. For example, if you're tired of the same old dark theme that apple's.
Open the settings app, then tap accessibility > display & text size > color filters. Tap display & brightness text size. Change the font with a quick gesture.
Tap create new style for more font styles, sizes and colours. Hover over a row, then click the plus sign that appears to add a new property to your.plist. You can change the font color for all of the locations, or just one.
Admittedly, apple doesn’t allow you to change font style on iphone/ipad;
0 notes
siyaa30 · 4 years
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YouTube Marketing
A Complete Guide to Creating, Promoting, and Optimizing Your Video Content
Let’s talk about YouTube. Chances are we’ve all spent a wasted afternoon watching one silly cat video after another.
YouTube has always been a source of entertaining content, but it’s also staking its claim as an essential tool for marketers. In fact, nearly half of all marketers (48%) plan to add YouTube to their marketing strategy over the next 12 months according to the State of Inbound report.
You may be thinking: "That’s great, but my audience isn’t on YouTube." Well, think again.
One-third of total time online is spent watching videos, and YouTube has more than a billion active users. The platform is so extensive that it can be accessed in 76 different languages, accounting for 95% of the world’s population.
Not only is your audience on YouTube, but as the internet’s second-largest search engine, YouTube can help improve your SEO and overall brand presence. YouTube allows marketers to present unique content that's easy for viewers to consume and share.
YouTube marketing can be an intimidating tool for brands. That’s why we’ve created this complete guide for YouTube pros and newcomers alike. Below we’ll walk through each step of marketing on YouTube — from how to create a YouTube channel and optimize videos for SEO to how to run a YouTube advertising campaign and interpret video analytics.
Read along, email it to yourself, bookmark it for later, or jump to the section that interests you most.
How to Create a YouTube Channel So, you’ve decided to create a YouTube channel. Great! We can’t wait to see the amazing content you promote. Before we dive in, it’s important to note that maintaining a YouTube channel takes a lot of time and planning. Are you ready for it?
Unlike other social networking platforms, YouTube exclusively hosts video content. If you’re creating a YouTube channel to merely upload one video and have no intention of maintaining the platform, you might want to reconsider.
You’ll need to set aside plenty of time to plan, film, edit, market, and analyze your content on a consistent basis. You’ll also need to define your brand’s goals and plan for how video can specifically help you achieve these. If you can devote an appropriate amount of time and energy to the platform, you’ll be able to create engaging, shareable content for your growing audience.
Creating a Google Account Before you start filming video content, you’ll need to set up your YouTube channel. This can get a bit complicated. As you probably know, YouTube is owned by Google. As a result, when you sign up for a Gmail account, you automatically gain access to a YouTube account, a Google+ account, and much more.
Depending on your business, you may not want to tie your email to your business’s YouTube channel — especially if you need to share access to the account with team members or an agency partner. We suggest that you create a common email account that can be used by multiple people.
To get started, visit Google and click “Sign in” in the upper right-hand corner.
Click on “Create Account” at the bottom of the page.
You’ll see an option pop up to create an account for yourself or to manage your business. Since your YouTube account will be for your business, choose “To manage my business”.
To officially create your Google account, enter your name and desired email and password before clicking “Next”. Then, enter a recovery email and your birthday, gender, and phone number. Note: Google requires all users to be at least 13 years old.
Lastly, agree to Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service and verify your account with a code sent via text or phone call. Congrats! You’re now the proud owner of a Google account.
Creating a YouTube Brand Account Now that you have a Google account, you’re almost ready to publish some awesome video content.
But, we’re not done quite yet — you now need to set up a YouTube Brand Account. A Brand Account allows users to manage editing permissions and create a more holistic online presence.
To get started, visit YouTube. In the upper right-hand corner, note that you’re probably already logged into your new Google account. (If you’re not, click “Sign in” and enter your new Google account username and password.)
Once you’ve signed in, tap your account module and click “My channel” in the drop-down menu.
You’ll see the option to create a channel right away. Do NOT enter your name and click on “Create Channel”. Instead, click on “Use a business or other name” at the bottom.
Now, you should be prompted to create a Brand Account. Enter your Brand Account name and press “Create”. Note: You can always update or change your channel name from your account settings, so don’t worry if you aren’t 100% sure about your selected label.
Customizing Your YouTube Brand Account Now, let’s customize your Brand Account. Click on “Customize Channel” to get started.
Start by adding a channel icon and channel art. These will be the first parts of your YouTube account that users see when visiting, so be sure to use images that are easily recognizable and consistent with your overall branding.
To add a channel icon, click on the default blue profile picture in the upper left-hand corner of your channel to upload an image. Note: It may take several minutes for your channel icon to appear after uploading.
Next, upload your channel art. Click on the blue “Add channel art” button in the center of your channel. Check out YouTube’s channel art templates for specific design guidance.
After you upload your channel icon and art, add a channel description, a company email, and links to your company website and other social platforms under the "About" tab.
With the basic profile complete, it’s time to add a few finishing touches! Before we move on, it’s important to get one thing straight — you can customize the way your YouTube channel looks to subscribers and unsubscribed visitors. This means that unsubscribed viewers would see different featured content than dedicated, subscribed viewers. Pretty cool, right?
One of the main ways you can take advantage of this feature is by creating a YouTube channel trailer. A channel trailer is the video version of your description and is shown to all your unsubscribed viewers.
Ready to get started? First, make sure channel customization is turned on. To do this, click on the gear icon next to the red "Subscribe" button in the upper right-hand corner of your channel.
Next, make sure the option to “Customize the layout of your channel” is turned on and press “Save”.
Now that you’ve set up your channel for customization, upload your trailer. Click the arrow upload button in the upper right-hand corner and select your video file. Remember to add keywords to your trailer name and description.
Once your video uploads, click on the “For new visitors” tab on your channel homepage. Then click “Channel trailer”.
Finally, select your uploaded trailer, or enter a URL to a video you’d like to feature, and press “Save”.
Setting Permissions for Your YouTube Brand Account Before you start implementing your YouTube marketing plan, you should decide who on your team will need access to the account. Granting access to team members will allow them to help manage the channel through their own Google accounts.
When you grant access to a Google account, there are three options for roles:
Owner: Owners have full editing power overall company Google properties. They can add or remove managers, edit business information, respond to reviews, and more. Manager: Managers have the same editing powers as Owners, except they cannot add or remove page roles or remove listings. Anyone editing a YouTube channel must be a Manager or an Owner. Communications Manager: Communications Managers can respond to reviews and do several other actions but they cannot use YouTube’s video manager, upload content, or view analytics. To add individuals to your account, tap your Google account icon in the upper right-hand corner to open the drop-down menu and go to “Settings”.
Click “Add or remove managers”.
Click “Manage Permissions”.
Then, select the people icon in the upper right-hand corner to invite new users. To grant permission to a person, enter their Gmail address and indicate their role.
Instructions to Create a Second YouTube Channel
Hoping to make another channel from a similar Google account? Uplifting news: YouTube allows you to do this. Maybe you need a different channel for personal recordings, or you'd prefer to begin a second brand under a similar business substance. In any case, the interaction is simple. Here's the ticket:
Go to your YouTube Studio record and open Creator Studio Classic.
Snap your record icon in the upper right-hand corner and tap the stuff icon close to "Maker Studio".
Under "Your record," click "See every one of my channels or make another channel".
Snap "+Create another channel".
Make and tweak your new Brand Account (per our instructions above).
YouTube Brand Guidelines
Your YouTube channel is an extension of your image, and it ought to be treated accordingly. As you make and alter your channel, follow these YouTube brand rules so you can appropriately set up your channel's personality and start to pull in supporters.
Channel name: Your channel name is related with each and every video you distribute. Ensure it's right and consistent with your other social media destinations and generally marking.
Channel icon: Google suggests transferring a 800 x 800 px square or round picture. Your channel icon is like a Facebook profile picture. This picture will be utilized across the entirety of your Google properties like Gmail and Google+. Consider utilizing an organization logo or, in the event that you are a well known person, a professional headshot.
Channel workmanship: Upload a 2560 x 1440 px picture that will scale well across a work area, tablet, portable, and TV. No one can tell where your crowd will see your recordings.
Channel description: Your description ought to give more information on your organization and clarify what sort of video content you plan on sharing. Web search tools take a gander at your description while deciding how to rank your profile, so consolidate significant keywords in your outline. We'll speak more about how to improve explicit video descriptions beneath.
Channel trailer: Your trailer ought to be quick and painless (around 30 to 60 seconds). Zero in on showing guests what is the issue here and what they can hope to find in your recordings. Don't neglect to urge them to buy in. Your trailer won't be hindered by advertisements, which will keep the client zeroed in on why they should observe more recordings from your image.
Channel URL: Your channel might be qualified for a custom URL in the event that you have more than 100 endorsers, a channel icon, channel craftsmanship, and is over 30 days old. Get familiar with custom YouTube URLs here.
Channel joins: Link to any remaining social media accounts and important sites from the "About" section of your channel. Make it simple for endorsers of connect with you somewhere else.
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waftr · 5 years
All of us, at some point, sit down and decide to delete all the unnecessary contacts we have on our phones. But sometimes, especially with iOS, it can be a bit tricky to figure out how we can go about this.
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Contacts these days are often synced together across various devices and accounts. Google and its Gmail contacts list, which includes email addresses, organizational information, etc.cannot be replaced by any alternative that Apple offers. So naturally, the Apple iPhone consists of an option to sync Gmail accounts. The iCloud contacts sync with the Gmail contacts, making an overall list of names, addresses, and numbers. You can delete contacts from this master list from your laptop. 
 Steps to delete contacts on iPhone 2020.
When you follow these steps, you will have deleted an individual contact and all the details associated with that name, including phone numbers, email addresses, etc in your iPhone. But, before deleting backup your iPhone contacts.
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Open the Contacts page in the phone App. The phone app is found in green on the task pane at the bottom of the screen. Click on contacts.
Scroll through your various contacts and find the contact you wish to delete. Select the same.
Tap the Edit button. Found on the top right corner of the screen.
Scroll down to the bottom, after all the various options to edit. 
You will find the ‘Delete Contact’ option in red lettering. Tap this.
Tap this again to confirm.
Your iPhone usually serves as a device that lets you access all sorts of accounts at the same place. This universality implies that each time you log into a syncing device like Gmail, iCloud, or OneDrive, the account info gets saved.
If you have multiple Gmail accounts (which people usually do these days) and wish to remove all the associated contacts from your iPhone, you will need to know how to delete contacts on the iPhone account-wise.
How to Delete Multiple Contacts on iPhone:
This method ensures that the email and the Calendars (if required) remain connected to the iPhone’s Mail app, but all the extra contacts you do not need are removed from your list of contacts.
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Go to Settings.
Select Passwords and Accounts.
You will find a list of all the accounts that are synced on to your iPhone. Select the one you want to remove from your device.
You will find a list of options you can toggle on and off, including Mail, Contacts, Calendars, and Notes.
Toggle off the Contacts option so that the button turns grey.
Confirm the Delete from my iPhone option. Now you know how to delete contacts on iPhone, one account at a time.
How to Delete iPhone Contacts using iCloud:
You can access everything that is saved to your Cloud account through its web version called iCloud.com. But please keep in mind that if you delete contacts through this method, they will be removed from every device you have synced on to using your Apple ID:
Go to www.icloud.com.
Sign in using your AppleID and password.
On the main menu, select Contacts.
To delete a contact completely, select it and press the Delete key.
When the confirmation bubble pops up, click Delete again.
The best thing about this option is that you can always restore your contacts from the same website. You need to know how to delete contacts on iPhone individually, and as an extension, how to delete contacts on iPhone account-wise.
If you know how to delete contacts on iPhone, you should also know how to get them back. Remember that you have merely removed the account contacts from the device. They are still out there on the cloud and synced to your Gmail. If for some reason, it is done accidentally and you want some of the contacts back, you can follow the same steps to toggle the option again. This will reverse the effect of the steps above. 
Other posts on the iPhone: 1. How To Screenshot On iPhone X, XS, XR 2. How To Cancel Apple Music Subscription? 3. Steps To Block A Phone Number On iPhone 4. How to Clear Cache on iPhone 5. How to Rotate a Video on iPhone 6. Connect iPhone To Tv (Wireless, USB, HDMI) 7. How to Change AirDrop Name on iPhone, iPad or Mac?
How to deal with Duplicate contacts on iPhone
The case of repetition of contacts due to having multiple accounts synced to your iPhone device was discussed earlier. Instead of deleting contacts individually on the iPhone (which can be a rather tedious process), you can opt to merge the contacts. This involves selecting multiple contacts at a time and getting rid of them. It arguably takes less time than going through hundreds of contacts individually, especially if you are a busy person with a lot of connections.
Go ahead and clean up your contact lists of those numbers you do not need anymore. Make sure you share this article so that your friends and family.
The post How to Delete Contacts on iPhone [Multiple, Duplicate] appeared first on Waftr.com.
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mealha · 5 years
Move your digital photos between services without losing a pixel
It's like picking these up and putting them in another box... only it's not. (Volodymyr Nikitenko via Deposit Phoyo/)
Photos and videos are likely to be some of your most precious digital possessions. They represent snapshots of loved ones, special places, memorable events, incredible trips, and even some moments that will have you laughing for years to come. We take a lot of these with our smartphone cameras, so we might as well make sure they’re safe and looked after.
The good news is that there are numerous apps and services that will take good care of your images, and if you decide to move them, it is possible to make the switch without too much of a hassle.
If you think Instagram and Snapchat are already doing a pretty good job for you, keep in mind these are great for quick and fast mobile sharing, but they are not designed for managing several years’ worth of accumulated images in bulk. They also work as a publishing platform rather than a storage service, so for this guide, we’ll concentrate on platforms such as Google Photos and Apple’s iCloud Photo Library.
Get comfortable and open your laptop, because you’ll need to do some heavy lifting for this job. Phone apps are simply less capable than full-blown computers when it comes to downloading and uploading entire archives of images and videos.
Google Photos
If you have an Android phone, it's likely your images reside in Google Photos. You can keep them there if you like, but know you can always switch. (David Nield/)
Google Photos lives on the web, and you’ve got a couple of options for getting photos and videos up into the cloud. First, you can load up Google Photos on your browser, then simply drag files and folders across from File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS). If you find it easier, click Upload, then Computer at the top of the Google Photos web interface, and upload your files.
For an even easier way to get your files in the cloud, download Google’s Backup and Sync tool for Windows or macOS. It lets you specify certain folders on your computer that will be automatically synced with Google Photos: anything new you add to those specific folders will be uploaded to the web.
Downloading one or two photos from Google Photos is easy enough—just select the files from the web interface, click the Menu button (three dots), and choose Download. If you’ve selected multiple files, they will be wrapped up in a zip file. When you’ve downloaded what you need, you can move those photos and videos somewhere else.
If you need to get absolutely everything out of your Google Photos account, head to the Google Takeout service on the web. Make sure Google Photos is the only box checked, then choose Next step and select Send download link via email from the top drop-down menu. Click Create archive and then wait for the link to that archive (including your selected photos and videos) to appear in your Gmail inbox.
Apple iCloud Photo Library
Apple doesn't play nice with other cloud services, so you'll have to export your photos and videos before can you upload them to other platforms. (David Nield/)
The Photos app on Mac takes care of syncing files between your computer and the cloud. To add new pictures and videos to your iCloud Photo Library, first open the Photos menu in the Photos app, choose Preferences, find General, and make sure the box marked Copy items to the Photos library is checked. Then, choose File and Import, and pick the relevant files.
If you’re using iCloud on the web, you can import photos and videos to iCloud Photo Library by clicking the Upload button (an arrow pointing up into a cloud), then choosing the files you want to upload from your disk. If you’re on Windows, the iCloud for Windows app does a basic, but competent, job—you can specify which photo and video folders on your computer should sync to the cloud by clicking Options (next to Photos) on the main dialog.
If you’re using a Mac, your iCloud Photo Library in your computer will sync to the cloud in a bespoke Apple-designed database that doesn’t really play nice with other apps and services. To get your files into “normal” formats that other upload tools will recognize, you’ll need to export them. Choose File, Export, then Export Unmodified Originals, and pick a new location on your disk. You can export individual files, groups of files, or entire albums.
The iCloud web interface for Photos lets you export images and videos in standard formats as well, but it’s a slow process—you’ll need to individually select files, then click Download (the arrow pointing down out of a cloud). The iCloud for Windows program can help with that—if you click Options (next to Photos on the main dialog), you can specify a folder on the disk to save all your iCloud photos and videos.
Technically, Facebook is a social media platform, but if you tweak your privacy settings, you can make it manage your photos and videos as well. (David Nield/)
If you’ve chosen Facebook as the place to host your most precious pictures, you can get them up to the site via your web browser—that Photo/Video button at the top of the News Feed is the one you want. Alternatively, head to your Facebook profile page, then click Photos. From there, choose Add Photos/Videos to upload just a handful of files (or just one), or Create Album to put a select group of photos and videos in one place.
Facebook is built around sharing, but you don’t have to share uploaded images and videos with the wider world if you don’t want to. Make sure you change the Audience Selector box (which will usually say Friends by default) to Only Me (or whatever audience you want)—this determines who can see the files and folders you’re uploading.
Downloading individual photos and videos from Facebook is easy enough—open up the file in your web browser, hover over it, then choose Options and Download.
To get all the photos and videos you’ve ever uploaded to the world’s biggest social network, head to the Facebook settings page on the web, then select Your Facebook information. Click View next to Download your information, check the box marked Photos and videos (make sure the Media quality setting is High), and select Create File. You will get an email to your registered address with a download link containing a zip file with all of your photos and videos, ready to be uploaded to another platform.
Amazon Photos
If you have an Amazon Prime account, you have unlimited space to store your photos and videos. Yes, you read that right. (David Nield/)
If you’re a Prime subscriber, you get unlimited online storage for your photos and videos as part of the deal. To get files into your Amazon Drive, you can download the desktop app for Windows or macOS. From the Backup pane, you can have the app scan your computer for photos and videos, or point it toward specific folders to sync to the cloud. Any new files you add to those folders will automatically be uploaded to the web.
Alternatively, open the Amazon Photos web interface and click Add, then Upload photos or Upload folder. This is just basic uploading, on both the web and through the desktop apps. If you want to create albums, though, you’ll need to do this manually: click Add, then Create album.
To get your movies and pictures out of Amazon Photos and ready to put somewhere else, the best option is the desktop tool we’ve already mentioned. Switch to the Download pane inside the app, pick Download folder(s), then select the Pictures folder from your Amazon Drive (assuming you want to download everything). Click Download and pick a folder on your computer for the files.
You can download photos and videos from the web interface as well, but this is more for one or two files at a time. Select one or more files, then Download, and your browser will start the process of saving the chosen files to the disk. If you’ve picked several files, the platform will package the photos together in a zip file.
Downloading individual photos from Flickr is easy enough. Just hit the download button, select your quality, and you're done. (David Nield/)
If you need to get photos or videos onto Flickr, one way is to click the little Upload button on the toolbar at the top of the Flickr web interface (the button looks like an up arrow going into a cloud). Choose some files from your disk or drag them into the browser to add them to your Flickr library.
Another option, which is easier if you’ve got dozens or hundreds of images and clips to move around, is to use the Flickr Uploadr for Windows or macOS. This is only available to those with a Pro account, though ($5 a month or $50 a year), but if you need to shift a substantial number of photos, it’s probably worth the investment.
To get everything out of your Flickr account, you’ll need to go to your account settings page on the web, then click Request my Flickr data. You’ll get an email with a download link you can click on to save a zip file with all your images to your computer.
Alternatively, you can download your pictures and videos through the standard Flickr web interface. Click the download icon (a down arrow) on an album, a picture, or a video—if you’ve chosen an album, the system will pack your images into a zip file and send an email to your registered address with a link to download it.
Bonus: Get your content from Instagram and Snapchat
Yes, these apps are social media platforms, not storage services, but we still keep a lot of our photos and videos on them. If you already have a substantial part of your life living on Instagram and Snapchat, know that you can download it and back it up wherever you want.
On Instagram, tap your Profile (bottom right), then the Menu button (top right), followed by Settings, Security, and Download data. On Snapchat, go to the photo library page (tap the button below the shutter button on the camera screen), select your images and videos, and choose Export.
from Popular Photography | RSS https://ift.tt/2SjE5F4
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ntrending · 5 years
How to juggle tons of accounts in your favorite apps from one phone
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/how-to-juggle-tons-of-accounts-in-your-favorite-apps-from-one-phone/
How to juggle tons of accounts in your favorite apps from one phone
Why settle for one account when you can have more? (Rob Hampson via Unsplash/)
There are all sorts of reasons why you might be running two accounts on your favorite apps. Maybe one is for everyone you know, and one is just for a select group of friends—like a finsta. Or maybe you want to keep your personal and work lives separate, or you volunteered to help run your softball team’s Facebook page.
It’s much less likely that you carry two phones with you, so it’s good to know how to manage multiple accounts within one app from a single device. Not every app lets you, but some do, and the process varies. If your favorite one doesn’t allow multiple accounts, there are workarounds, so you can pick the best route for you. Don’t worry—it’s easier than you think.
Use in-app features
It might be hard for other people to find your finsta, but it shouldn’t be hard for you. (Erik Lucatero via Unsplash/)
Instagram, for example, plays well with multiple accounts and lets you manage up to five from the same device. To add a new account, open the profile tab, tap the menu button (three lines, top right), then choose Settings. Pick Add account and you’ll be able to log into a second Instagram account or create another one from scratch.
Once you’ve added more accounts, switching between them is as easy as tapping your username at the top of the profile tab and making a choice from the dropdown list. All your posts, feeds and Stories are kept separate between each account.
Twitter also makes multiple-account management easy. Tap your avatar, then the arrow (Android) or three dots (iOS) next to it, to create a new account or add one you’ve already made. You can switch accounts by tapping the same arrow icon (Android) or long-pressing your profile icon (iOS).
The Facebook app only lets you jump between your main account and the pages you run, but Facebook Messenger supports multiple accounts. Tap your avatar (top right), then Switch account, and you’ll be able to log into a different account or switch to one you’ve already added.
Email clients are built with multiple accounts in mind, so if all you want to do is check messages from multiple addresses, your favorite email app should have you covered. In Gmail, for example, tap on your avatar (top right) to switch between accounts or add a new one to the list.
If the app you’re using has an account-switching option of its own, this is the best way to go. If not, there are other options.
Use your phone’s OS
Android actually gives you the option to add multiple Google accounts at the system level, though what you end up with inside each of the company’s apps varies. From Settings, tap Accounts, then Add account, and Google to sign in. When you’ve added a second Google account in Android, all the company’s apps can latch onto it automatically.
On Gmail, you can switch accounts by tapping the avatar icon and choosing from the dropdown list. The inbox view will automatically change. Google Calendar, meanwhile, will show you all events from linked accounts on the same calendar—tap the menu button (three lines, top left) to choose which calendars are visible and which aren’t. If you have a cluttered schedule, go to Settings to change color labels, so you can easily see which events belong to which calendar. On YouTube, tap the avatar icon (top right) to switch between accounts and the playlists, recommendations, and viewing history associated with each one.
How you’ll feel using multiple accounts within the same app on your phone. (Kaylee Eden via Unsplash/)
There’s another option in Android, which is to set up two completely different user profiles and link them to separate Google accounts—a bit like having separate logins for different members of the family on a communal laptop. In this case, the two profiles are kept completely separate, so each has its own apps, settings, layouts, home screen wallpaper, etc.
To add a second Google account, open Settings and pick Settings, Advanced, and Multiple users. You’ll be able to switch accounts by tapping your avatar on the Quick Settings screen (swipe down from the top of your home screen with two fingers to open it).
This might sound like the perfect way to balance your work and personal lives, for example, but it may be overkill if you just want to jump between two Instagram accounts. After all, running multiple users on Android has a high price in terms of system resources—you might find your phone is more sluggish and the battery drains faster. You can always give this method a trial run if you think it might work for you, and reverse it if it doesn’t.
Apple, on the other hand, only lets you have one Apple ID per device, syncing everything from messages to music. But you can still manage multiple Google accounts in Google’s own apps, as we’ve already described—just head to Gmail for iOS, tap your avatar (top right), then choose Add another account. Once added, it’ll become available in Google’s other apps on iOS, too.
Some custom versions of Android go further. Samsung’s takes on Android 8.0 Oreo and above include a feature called Dual Messenger, which lets you run more than one instance of Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Skype, Viber, and Telegram at a time. Activate it from Settings by choosing Advanced features and Dual Messenger, then just enable the apps you want to use two accounts with.
The Dual Messenger list only shows installed apps, so you’ll need to actually get them on your phone first. After that, the duplicates of your chosen apps will show up with a small chain icon on your home screen and let you log in with a separate account when you open them.
The OxygenOS that OnePlus builds on top of Android offers a similar feature called Parallel Apps, as long as you’re using a OnePlus 3 from 2015 or a newer phone. You can find it by choosing Utilities, then Parallel Apps, from Settings. The feature supports apps including Snapchat, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and WhatsApp, and they all appear on the Parallel Apps list if you’ve got them installed. As on Samsung devices, cloned versions of your chosen apps will subsequently appear in your app drawer, ready for you to log in with another account.
Using third-party tools
Parallel Space lets you run cloned versions of many Android apps. (Parallel Space/)
If the app you want to use multiple accounts with doesn’t include an account switcher of its own, and you can’t find the functionality you need in your phone’s operating system, you can enlist the help of a third-party app to get separate accounts running in tandem.
One of the best in the business is Parallel Space for Android (free or $2 without ads). Once you’ve got the app installed, just choose which of your apps you want cloned, and Parallel Space will take care of the rest—it’s as easy as that.
The cloned apps run inside Parallel Space, though, so you’ll have to go into it to access the duplicates. This kind of cloning can take its toll on your phone’s performance and battery life, but you may consider the trade-off worth it—the hit you’ll take will vary depending on your device.
App Cloner is an even better option for Android, because it makes a genuine duplicate of any app you want cloned. But there’s a caveat—it’s been booted from the Google Play Store for unspecified policy violations. So if you want to install it, you’ll have to do so by going here in your mobile browser.
Installing apps from outside the Google Play Store isn’t something we’d usually recommend, but App Cloner has hundreds of thousands of satisfied users. You can read the full story of its Play Store expulsion and come to your own conclusions—but if you do decide to install it, you do so at your own risk. The app is free to use, but extra features like the ability to clone more apps and improved notification options are available for a $1.50 upgrade.
Your options are more limited in iOS, just because of the tighter control Apple exerts over apps. Cloning apps require some pretty root-level interactions with a phone’s operating system, and that’s just not possible if you’re using an iPhone.
One app that can help, though, is Friendly for Facebook (free or $2 without ads), which covers Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter.
It’s essentially just a wrapper that makes the websites look like apps, but it works reasonably well. You’ll simply have two web pages open and will be logged into a different account on each one. Just keep in mind that Facebook’s mobile browser version has limitations that other forms, such as the desktop browser and the Facebook app, don’t have. Those differences will prevent you from using some features or tweaking particular settings from your phone. The Friendly app is available on Android as well.
Written By David Nield
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emailhosts8589-blog · 6 years
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topicprinter · 6 years
Hey - Pat from StarterStory.com here with another interview.Today's interview is with Corey Rust of Envi Adventures, an air tours business.Some stats:Product: Air toursRevenue/mo: $15,000Profit margin: 32.16%Started: April 2017Location: Portland, ORFounders: 1Employees: 3Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?If you have ever met me (which is pretty unlikely), then you probably learned relatively quickly that I’m really into airplanes. And by ‘really’ I mean borderline obsessed. My name is Corey Rust, and I own the Troutdale, Oregon based air tour business Envi Adventures.What we do hasn’t changed the world, we haven’t developed some incredible time saving app, or a revolutionary device that helps anyone make a perfect piece of toast (still waiting). But we have created an experience that provides a 360º scenic view for people from all over the world in an area that we consider pretty special.With millions of visitors each year, Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge is considered the most visited spot in the state of Oregon. Huge numbers like that means huge crowds, and with huge crowds comes unavoidable traffic on the roads.I was convinced that we could tap into that massive crowd and create a solid business. While that quest has been slower than I unrealistically dreamed, we have continued to grow with more and more people flying with us year over year.I remember our first BIG month when we made a ‘mind blowing’ amount of almost $7,000. I was astonished by that simply because people, that weren’t my mother, were actually paying me money for something that they wanted! That was an exciting realization. It was people that I didn’t know, from all over the world, who found me on the internet. That was pretty cool.Now, our best month was over $30,000 in revenue, and that is only in our second year. For a dumb guy like me, it makes me happy to know that I’m providing a service that people from all over the world are interested in. Not only that, but we have been able to generate a brand that people are beginning to recognize and connect with on a different level. Personally, I think that’s the most exciting part.What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?Growing up in Troutdale and learning how to fly in Troutdale, I always loved to fly in the Gorge past all of the waterfalls. I’d hiked the trails by the waterfalls countless times and knew what it was like first hand, but the aerial perspective was always one I enjoyed. Since I loved it, surely everyone else would love it to– right?My quest to start an aviation-themed business started about seven years before I actually did. Back in 2010, I was working full-time, going to school full-time, and engaged to be married. So to make things more stressful in my life, I also decided to start a shoe company.Now, before we go further, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with a flying business. Not a lot, but it’s a short back story, so keep reading.I started the shoe business and called it Envi Footwear (Ah, see? The connection). I’m often asked where the name Envi Adventures comes from. At this point, you’re probably hoping for some deep, symbolic, soul searching reason, but frankly, it was the only thing that wasn’t trademarked.Time went on, school got busier, I got married, work was work, but my ability to manage everything was starting to get ridiculous and something had to go. As I surveyed my life, I knew I couldn’t quit school, most definitely wasn’t going to quit the marriage, and quitting my job wouldn’t be the most fiscally responsible thing to do as tempting as it was. So away went Envi Footwear in late summer 2012. But my desire to have my own business was always on my mind.Years went on, and the idea was still there bouncing around my otherwise empty head. I never invested too much thought into it other than the periodic ‘wouldn’t that be a cool business to have’ thought. Until August 2015.My wife and I took a quick trip to Iceland. As most know, it’s a country with an economy built heavily on tourism. It’s often cold and gray, but unbelievably beautiful and rugged. I loved everything about it. So we flew 8 hours to this awesome little rock in the north Atlantic, and hopped in a car to drive to a waterfall called Seljalandsfoss where we hiked around a little bit. Next stop was another waterfall with a hike, then another waterfall and a hike, and so on. At that point, I thought ‘Let me get this straight; we flew 8 hours to hike by waterfalls with a bunch of other tourists? Something we try and time just right to avoid back home?’Yes.Whilst driving along Route 36 back to Reykjavik, I remember spotting a small airplane flying above and thinking that this would be an excellent place to fly around.Ping! Lightbulb.At the time, I was employed at a place that I was less than excited about, and financially wasn’t hurting, but I also wasn’t blowing my nose with $100 bills. We were getting by. That being said, I knew I didn’t have the funds to go buy an airplane. I had enough room to spare financially to incorporate the business and to build a website. That’s about it. Hard to start an airplane business with just that.But as the persistent, annoying individual that I am, I wasn’t going to let that halt my idea from happening.Describe the process of launching the business.I think it goes without saying that in order to have a scenic flight business, you need some sort of method of providing said flight. Humbly knowing that I couldn’t purchase, finance, or lease an airplane, I had to figure out another way.Meanwhile, I decided to play pretend like I had an airplane, and I had the proper authority to operate the flights. Even though realistically, I wasn’t nearly close to being at that point. So I simply opened a Gmail ([email protected]), threw together a logo, made a very basic website without any booking functions and hardly any information, and opened an Instagram account.More than a year before the first flight with paying customers took off, I posted a picture on the newly opened Envi Adventures Instagram. It was a crappy picture of Mount Hood that I took from a viewpoint on a hike. It wasn’t even remotely aviation related, but it got the ball rolling.I continued to seldomly post on Instagram while I continued my search for an airplane. The Catch 22 was that I needed an airplane before I could get operating authority from the Federal Aviation Administration. I also needed to get that before I could get the appropriate insurance, and permission from the airport to operate. Everything, unsurprisingly, was contingent on finding that airplane.The airplane search struggle continued.I frequented Craigslist searching for airplanes that were for sale, I went to other airplane websites with planes for sale trying to convince the seller to lease it instead of sell it. No luck.I perused the FAA’s public database of airplanes for weeks. I narrowed down searches by airplane type, location, even engine type. I had spreadsheets saved all over the place with this information. Now, the FAA doesn’t give email addresses or phone numbers of the owners of the airplanes. Rightfully so, because they’d have people like me bugging them to fly their airplane. But in today’s modern world, there was a loophole...social media.I went down the list name by name searching for these people on LinkedIn. Any of them that I found, I’d send them a message asking if I could essentially have their airplane. Believe it or not, few were interested in the idea. This went on for what seemed like forever.In between searches, I started to contact flight schools to maybe contract out their airplanes. Had a few meetings that went nowhere, was told the idea had been tried before (like 30 years ago) and it didn’t work so I should just forget about it and give up, and had a lot of unreturned phone calls. No bother, I pressed on.After several weeks, I finally received a response. Like an actual, respectful, considerate response from someone. It read something like, ”Dear Corey, thank you for your offer, and your email about my airplane. Unfortunately, the FAA is a little slow to update their database and that airplane was destroyed in a storm up in Canada. I have another airplane now that I fly periodically. Best of luck in your search.”Hope, diminished.I kept making phone calls, then three weeks after that first email, I received another one from the destroyed airplane owner. It read “Dear Corey, after thinking about it, my work schedule isn’t going to allow me to fly as much as I’d like. If you’d like to use my airplane for your tours, I’m sure we could work something out.”What?!? Finally, I found an airplane! So we talked about my idea, my plans, and for some reason he was convinced. Surely there was divine intervention. He flew it to Troutdale, handed me the keys, and off he went. The airplane was far from perfect to most, but it worked, and to me, it was absolutely perfect.Now the real process of getting approval began. It took months to get it, but I got it, then I got the insurance, and the airport's permission. With a website updated and tours loaded into our reservation system, I kept pushing it on social media and I waited.Then sometime in December of 2016, I get an email from Viator (now TripAdvisor Experiences) saying someone bought a tour. Surely it was spam? It wasn’t!Not only did someone buy a tour, but they were from England. I couldn’t believe it. My first reservation was from England of all places. A testament to the power of the internet.Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?Before our first official flight, I relied very heavily on Instagram to market the business– still do. At first, I’d go up in the plane and take pictures from my phone and pretend like they were really good.Then I made connections with ‘Influencers’ by offering them free flights in exchange for photos and that made me realize what good pictures actually looked like. As a very visual business, it was the best platform to show off where we fly, and what we do. It worked great.Our first flight was actually with people who found us on Instagram. He wanted to propose to his girlfriend, so we made it happen. The weather was crap, but it was a special day for them, and hopefully still is.We were in the thick of winter, so I pushed the official start date to April 1st. This gave me some time to do some pre-launch marketing. As the social media accounts grew, I started to get in touch with local media to come out and do a story.A couple took the bait and then things started to grow a bit faster. The phone wasn’t ringing off the hook or anything, but we started to see organic growth and reservations started to come in a little more regularly.In Portland, the tourist season is mid-March to mid-October. Knowing this, I knew I needed to push it heavily on whatever medium I could. We were active on all of the social media channels but I lacked a lot of quality content.I made contact with and was contacted by several photographers and videographers who promised the world for a free flight, but only delivered lackluster results. As annoying as that was, I used their content to promote the brand. Eventually, I found someone who was serious about doing a good job and being forthright with his intentions. To this day, I consider him the ‘In House” photographer.But in spite of the quality content, the one element essential to our growth would be our interactions with people. If customers showed up for a flight and we had nasty attitudes or demeanors, we’d be done. It’s an obvious piece of advice, but if you want to survive, you absolutely have to be good at customer service. And I think we are good at it. We do everything possible to make the experience from start to finish the best it could be by personalizing each tour. One way we do that is the pilots don’t read from a script and I don’t tell them where or what to point out. They say what they want to say making it a very interactive experience between pilot and guest. If they want them to shut up so they can just enjoy the view, that’s fine too. Each flight experience is different group to group and that makes it special.But regardless of everything you do to make it unique, stuff happens, and sometimes it sucks. Like when you have eight flights on a Saturday and something on the airplane needs to be fixed. What do you do when you only have one airplane? How do you deal with all of those customers? Rather than coming up with some ridiculous excuse why we were needing to cancel all of the flights on a perfect 80º day, I contacted each of them individually and explained the situation immediately. Were they bummed, of course. Was I more bummed? I think so. I hate cancelling flights, but not a single one requested a refund, and they all rescheduled. They knew it was out of my hands, and that to be safe stuff needs to get fixed. Had I just cancelled it and not spoken with them, the situation would have been worse, I’m certain.As the first year in business went on, we kept getting reservations through our website, which was great, but I knew I needed additional streams. I kept looking for partnerships and affiliations that would make sense.There are a lot of travel websites out there that you can partner with. Some work for us really well, others don’t. Mostly because of our location. I think the best partnership we have is with Airbnb Experiences. This huge platform of world travellers has opened up new doorways in 2018 that were otherwise shut in 2017. Remember how excited I was when I got a reservation from England? That was a highlight.With Airbnb, we started to get visitors from every single continent (excluding Antarctica of course). The obvious places were dotted on the map from countries like Canada, Ireland, Germany, but when I got a reservation from Egypt, or South Africa, or Kuwait, I was blown away and extremely humbled.As you look for affiliates, even though some probably won’t perform well for you, sign up anyway, because you never know. Plus, it expands your reach and helps in website rankings. Also, provide solid content. Nobody likes minimal effort from a business. It just screams lazy.While things got busier and busier in the first year, some adjustments were needed to reflect what we were and who were. In addition, from the start I liked to pretend I was bigger than I was, and that is still true to this day. I figure if I act bigger and busier, then people are more interested in checking us out. Does it work? I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s hurt us. Of the changes we made, we did some rebranding, cleaned up the website again, and made our airplane look consistent with our brand. This was a game changer. Not only were people immediately able to recognize what airplane they would fly in, but from the ground it was identifiable, which was important too.How are you doing today and what does the future look like?It’s well known that aviation is an expensive industry. The unexpected will happen and it can either make or break you as a business. Knowing that and already being a penny pincher, I made very calculated decisions before spending any money on what I considered non-essentials like little marketing materials such as banners for event (we didn’t go to any), personal business cards (I already had company business cards), or stupid branded ballpoint pens. I didn’t buy that stuff so that there would be a little extra funds available for the essentials i.e. maintenance, fuel, etc.Now, if you’re into all that promotional stuff, then by all means, go for it. For me, they just didn’t serve much purpose at the time. They do now, but when I was first starting out, I didn’t know how things would go and I didn’t want to blow money on stuff I didn’t absolutely need.By the end of the first year (2017), we had money left over. I don’t know how, exactly, but we did. In 2017, there was a profit margin of 8.59%. Not great, but I didn’t lose money. But, something of more value was that I had a better idea of what my costs were and would be for 2018. Knowing that, I increased my prices which not made for greater profits, but also allowed me more freedom to have sales that would actually be profitable while still being very attractive.In 2018, margins nearly quadrupled to 32.16%. Our flight count went from 250 to 570, and the number of passengers we flew went from 589 in 2017 to 1319 in 2018. Needless to say, it’s growing, it’s not losing money, and people still love it.The future is exciting with new tour options, new partnerships, and potentially new aircraft, including helicopters. I’m excited about how this brand has grown and I know it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of a lot of people. We have also moved into our own dedicated terminal and will be hiring a full time pilot beginning this spring!Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?For the most part, I try to accept as many offers to collaborate or partner that I reasonably can. I’ve discovered that partnering with other small/startup businesses and brands is beyond vital. Not only is it great to work with like minded people who share a common goal to succeed, but it expands your businesses reach and exposure.Sometimes stuff happens completely out of your control. In our case, September 2017 proved to be one of those situations when a wildfire started in the Columbia River Gorge and the FAA shut down the airspace. What does that mean? We were grounded for about 3 weeks. 80% of our flights are in the Gorge, so that was a big hit. Had that not happened, September would have been our best month of 2017. Nevertheless, it worked out for all in the end and we survived.But, it was a good lesson to be prepared for the unexpected be it a wildfire, terrible weather, a broken airplane, or whatever...and there’s a lot of whatever’s in business.What platform/tools do you use for your business?We love using FareHarbor, which is our reservation system. This company has built a platform specifically for tour operators and it allows us to scale accordingly with great support. In addition, we use PicThrive to sell photos and videos using our 360º camera.With so many tools out there, I’m learning about new ones all of the time. Some I have no use for, but others just make it so much easier to grow our brand and expand our business.What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?I know people love to use Stephen Covey or Richard Branson as influences in their business or success, and I find great value in their lessons and writings. But as weird as this may seem, I find great inspiration from comedians.I wouldn’t know this first hand, because I’m not funny, but the career of a comedian is full of rejection and struggle. From the beginning, they’re heckled on stage. They have what they think is a great set, but when they get on stage and bomb, they’re forced to rethink that. Comedians have a long road to success and the ones that are persistent and just keep at it, find that success.Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?A year ago, comedian Larry David provided a list of “10 Rules of Success”. I recommend the read. I think you’ll find that most, if not all, of these items will apply to you.If you think you’ll start a business and be a smashing financial success right off the bat because you think you’re idea is amazing, more likely than not you won’t be. If you are, then awesome. Send me an email and tell me how you did it. But for people like me who didn’t have any outside investment at all, and every effort has been bootstrapped from the beginning, it’s been a very slow, often frustrating climb.I can’t say what success is for you. I know for me, success came at the end of the first year. I had so many people say to me that this wouldn’t work. Because I ignored that and made my best effort to make it work, I’ve proven every single one of those people wrong. For me, that’s success. I’m not financially richer, but I set out to do something and I did. Maybe it’s a little snooty or prideful, but who is anyone to say you can’t do something? If you want to do it, then do it.I knew what I wanted to accomplish, so I heard a lot of “no” answers, but that was just an unfinished sentence of “no, not me.” So I went to the next person. I learned what being resourceful meant, even if that meant being a little (or a lot) annoying to some.If you fail, embrace it. If you succeed, be humble about it.All in all, keep your head up and don’t listen to the cynics. They’re usually just jealous or grumpy.Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?While I’m not officially hiring for any positions outside of qualified pilot positions, I am always looking for help with marketing and sales. I know a little bit about digital advertising i.e. Google Ads, Facebook Ads, but I have so many other things that I’m focusing on that the advertising efforts on those platforms often gets neglected. Ideally, a college student looking for marketing experience would be perfect for that slot.Where can we go to learn more?Website: www.enviadventures.comInstagram: @enviadventuresEmail: [email protected] you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!Liked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM
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ndz9 · 6 years
21 Approaches to Check Gmail You may never be considered
Gmail is a standout amongst the most well known email benefits on the planet, so it's nothing unexpected that individuals need to check it effortlessly from all over the place. Gratefully, Gmail is coordinated with such huge numbers of administrations you'd be shocked exactly what number of routes there are to check your Gmail inbox.
Would you trust that there are more than 21 approaches to take a brisk look at new messages?
It's valid. Regardless of whether it's on your cell phone, work area, PC, program, and even your keen home gadgets, you can remain mindful of any new approaching email.
What You'll Escape This Article
This article will manage you through any technique you can envision to check Gmail.
These are the spots you can browse email. Make a note of the ones that issue the most to you.
Cell phones: Utilizing applications and SMS
Chrome and Firefox: Utilizing Gmail expansions
Web: Electronic dashboards and online email customers
PC: Email customers exceptionally custom-made to your Gmail account
Devices: Numerous shrewd contraptions are magnificent for email warnings
You'll discover a few decisions in each area. Audit each and pick the alternatives that fit your own particular needs best!
Check Gmail From Your Cell phone
The most straightforward approach to be more gainful is to peruse, answer to, and sort out your messages while you're in a hurry. No should be secured to the PC when there are such a significant number of choices accessible for portable email customers.
In the event that you just think about Gmail and no other email supplier (like Hurray or Microsoft), at that point your most logical option is to stay with one of Google's portable email customer offerings. The most prominent one is the Gmail versatile customer.
This is the one I've utilized for quite a long time since it's essentially installed with whatever record you've joined with on your Android telephone. You can include the same number of Gmail accounts as you like, and switch between them utilizing the snappy profile-switch symbol in the upper left corner of the screen.
5. Gmail to SMS
In case you're a moderate who likes to have as meager introduced on your cell phone as could be expected under the circumstances, this is the ideal answer for you. You can set up Gmail-to-SMS with the goal that you can sidestep any portable email customer and simply get essential messages by means of SMS.
You can set this up in only four basic advances.
You have to decide the SMS Door for your supplier. Here are the most well known ones.
Verizon: <your-number>@vtext.com
AT&T: <your-number>@txt.att.net
Dash: <your-number>@messaging.sprintpcs.com
T-Versatile: <your-number>@tmomail.net
Lift: <your-number>@myboostmobile.com
Go into your Gmail record and tap on Settings > Sending and POP/IMAP > Include a sending address
distinctive approaches to check gmail
Gmail will send your telephone an affirmation code. Sort that code into the confirmation enclose the Gmail settings window.
Remember that this will forward all your email to you by means of SMS. The chances are, you presumably just think about critical messages, similar to those from your manager.
The last advance is to make a channel by tapping on the making a channel interface. In the popup, include from email addresses, subject words, or substance words that you need to use to trigger sending to SMS.
diverse approaches to check gmail
At long last, tap on Forward it to, and select the telephone number SMS email you made in the past advance.
distinctive approaches to check gmail
When you tap on Make channel, just messages from your channel will get sent to your telephone by means of SMS. Presently you don't need to check your telephone for new email at regular intervals!
Program Gmail Augmentations
On the off chance that you invest a great deal of energy in your program, or you utilize a Chromebook, the chances are great that you could make great utilization of a Gmail program augmentation.
These four augmentations will either give you a chance to check, or pass warnings, for new approaching messages in your Gmail account.
6. Checker In addition to (Chrome)
diverse approaches to check gmail
It's extremely irritating to need to go to Gmail.com each time you need to check your mail. In any case, on the off chance that you utilize the Checker In addition to expansion for Chrome or Firefox, your program will do the checking for you.
The augmentation is adjustable with a confounding exhibit of choices.
Not exclusively do you get notices when new messages come in, yet this augmentation is basically an installed inbox right in your program.
You can float over every thing and rapidly star, document, or erase.
You can even tap on an email and answer to it from appropriate inside your program. An email will never occupy you from your web perusing again!
7. Thunderbird On the web (Chrome)
distinctive approaches to check gmail
On the off chance that you like to have your email open in a program, and you're an aficionado of the Thunderbird email customer, at that point you may be upbeat to discover that there's a Thunderbird expansion for Chrome.
In fact, it's not by any means implanted into your program. It just opens up another tab with online Thunderbird where you can survey your Gmail inbox.
The main genuine advantage it has over electronic Gmail is that it additionally enables you to include your other cloud email accounts so you can see every one of your messages in a single program tab.
8. Gmail Notifier In addition to (Firefox)
diverse approaches to check gmail
In case you're a Firefox client, have no dread. There are a lot of expansions for you to screen your Gmail account from your program.
Truly outstanding of these is Gmail Notifier In addition to.
Gmail Notifier In addition to is a ton like Checker Furthermore, as it gives you a chance to peruse through and answer to messages in-program similarly.
You can drift over the Gmail symbol to see a snappy rundown of late messages, or tap on it to see them with see bits. You can answer, star, or erase messages from ideal inside the fly up window.
9. X-notifier (Firefox)
diverse approaches to check gmail
On the off chance that you need to extend past simply checking your Gmail account, you can browse other email accounts too by utilizing X-notifier for Firefox.
When you introduce it, simply tap the symbol in the menu and tap on Choices.
As should be obvious, the choices for the quantity of records you can screen with one program expansion is long. Draw in messages for everything from your Gmail and Yippee records to AOL, Hotmail, and even RSS channels.
Tapping on the symbol in the program menu, you'll see new messages in each record.
Tapping on any of these will open up the record in another tab. It's a notifier that gives you a chance to sidestep the need to sign into your records to answer to messages.
In the event that you incline toward Firefox, you'll need to look at Mihir's considerable rundown of 11 Firefox expansions for Gmail. We've secured Safari augmentations for Gmail also.
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mealha · 5 years
How to juggle tons of accounts in your favorite apps from one phone
Why settle for one account when you can have more? (Rob Hampson via Unsplash/)
There are all sorts of reasons why you might be running two accounts on your favorite apps. Maybe one is for everyone you know, and one is just for a select group of friends—like a finsta. Or maybe you want to keep your personal and work lives separate, or you volunteered to help run your softball team’s Facebook page.
It's much less likely that you carry two phones with you, so it’s good to know how to manage multiple accounts within one app from a single device. Not every app lets you, but some do, and the process varies. If your favorite one doesn’t allow multiple accounts, there are workarounds, so you can pick the best route for you. Don’t worry—it's easier than you think.
Use in-app features
It might be hard for other people to find your finsta, but it shouldn't be hard for you. (Erik Lucatero via Unsplash/)
Instagram, for example, plays well with multiple accounts and lets you manage up to five from the same device. To add a new account, open the profile tab, tap the menu button (three lines, top right), then choose Settings. Pick Add account and you'll be able to log into a second Instagram account or create another one from scratch.
Once you've added more accounts, switching between them is as easy as tapping your username at the top of the profile tab and making a choice from the dropdown list. All your posts, feeds and Stories are kept separate between each account.
Twitter also makes multiple-account management easy. Tap your avatar, then the arrow (Android) or three dots (iOS) next to it, to create a new account or add one you've already made. You can switch accounts by tapping the same arrow icon (Android) or long-pressing your profile icon (iOS).
The Facebook app only lets you jump between your main account and the pages you run, but Facebook Messenger supports multiple accounts. Tap your avatar (top right), then Switch account, and you'll be able to log into a different account or switch to one you've already added.
Email clients are built with multiple accounts in mind, so if all you want to do is check messages from multiple addresses, your favorite email app should have you covered. In Gmail, for example, tap on your avatar (top right) to switch between accounts or add a new one to the list.
If the app you're using has an account-switching option of its own, this is the best way to go. If not, there are other options.
Use your phone's OS
Android actually gives you the option to add multiple Google accounts at the system level, though what you end up with inside each of the company's apps varies. From Settings, tap Accounts, then Add account, and Google to sign in. When you've added a second Google account in Android, all the company's apps can latch onto it automatically.
On Gmail, you can switch accounts by tapping the avatar icon and choosing from the dropdown list. The inbox view will automatically change. Google Calendar, meanwhile, will show you all events from linked accounts on the same calendar—tap the menu button (three lines, top left) to choose which calendars are visible and which aren't. If you have a cluttered schedule, go to Settings to change color labels, so you can easily see which events belong to which calendar. On YouTube, tap the avatar icon (top right) to switch between accounts and the playlists, recommendations, and viewing history associated with each one.
How you'll feel using multiple accounts within the same app on your phone. (Kaylee Eden via Unsplash/)
There's another option in Android, which is to set up two completely different user profiles and link them to separate Google accounts—a bit like having separate logins for different members of the family on a communal laptop. In this case, the two profiles are kept completely separate, so each has its own apps, settings, layouts, home screen wallpaper, etc.
To add a second Google account, open Settings and pick Settings, Advanced, and Multiple users. You'll be able to switch accounts by tapping your avatar on the Quick Settings screen (swipe down from the top of your home screen with two fingers to open it).
This might sound like the perfect way to balance your work and personal lives, for example, but it may be overkill if you just want to jump between two Instagram accounts. After all, running multiple users on Android has a high price in terms of system resources—you might find your phone is more sluggish and the battery drains faster. You can always give this method a trial run if you think it might work for you, and reverse it if it doesn’t.
Apple, on the other hand, only lets you have one Apple ID per device, syncing everything from messages to music. But you can still manage multiple Google accounts in Google's own apps, as we've already described—just head to Gmail for iOS, tap your avatar (top right), then choose Add another account. Once added, it'll become available in Google's other apps on iOS, too.
Some custom versions of Android go further. Samsung's takes on Android 8.0 Oreo and above include a feature called Dual Messenger, which lets you run more than one instance of Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Skype, Viber, and Telegram at a time. Activate it from Settings by choosing Advanced features and Dual Messenger, then just enable the apps you want to use two accounts with.
The Dual Messenger list only shows installed apps, so you'll need to actually get them on your phone first. After that, the duplicates of your chosen apps will show up with a small chain icon on your home screen and let you log in with a separate account when you open them.
The OxygenOS that OnePlus builds on top of Android offers a similar feature called Parallel Apps, as long as you're using a OnePlus 3 from 2015 or a newer phone. You can find it by choosing Utilities, then Parallel Apps, from Settings. The feature supports apps including Snapchat, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and WhatsApp, and they all appear on the Parallel Apps list if you've got them installed. As on Samsung devices, cloned versions of your chosen apps will subsequently appear in your app drawer, ready for you to log in with another account.
Using third-party tools
Parallel Space lets you run cloned versions of many Android apps. (Parallel Space/)
If the app you want to use multiple accounts with doesn't include an account switcher of its own, and you can't find the functionality you need in your phone's operating system, you can enlist the help of a third-party app to get separate accounts running in tandem.
One of the best in the business is Parallel Space for Android (free or $2 without ads). Once you've got the app installed, just choose which of your apps you want cloned, and Parallel Space will take care of the rest—it's as easy as that.
The cloned apps run inside Parallel Space, though, so you’ll have to go into it to access the duplicates. This kind of cloning can take its toll on your phone’s performance and battery life, but you may consider the trade-off worth it—the hit you'll take will vary depending on your device.
App Cloner is an even better option for Android, because it makes a genuine duplicate of any app you want cloned. But there's a caveat—it's been booted from the Google Play Store for unspecified policy violations. So if you want to install it, you'll have to do so by going here in your mobile browser.
Installing apps from outside the Google Play Store isn't something we'd usually recommend, but App Cloner has hundreds of thousands of satisfied users. You can read the full story of its Play Store expulsion and come to your own conclusions—but if you do decide to install it, you do so at your own risk. The app is free to use, but extra features like the ability to clone more apps and improved notification options are available for a $1.50 upgrade.
Your options are more limited in iOS, just because of the tighter control Apple exerts over apps. Cloning apps require some pretty root-level interactions with a phone’s operating system, and that’s just not possible if you're using an iPhone.
One app that can help, though, is Friendly for Facebook (free or $2 without ads), which covers Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter.
It's essentially just a wrapper that makes the websites look like apps, but it works reasonably well. You'll simply have two web pages open and will be logged into a different account on each one. Just keep in mind that Facebook's mobile browser version has limitations that other forms, such as the desktop browser and the Facebook app, don't have. Those differences will prevent you from using some features or tweaking particular settings from your phone. The Friendly app is available on Android as well.
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ntrending · 6 years
Default ringtones are boring. Here’s how to make your own notifications.
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/default-ringtones-are-boring-heres-how-to-make-your-own-notifications/
Default ringtones are boring. Here’s how to make your own notifications.
New phones come with their own default set of ringtones and notifications. But you don’t have to settle for the manufacturer’s blah buzzes and bings. Maybe you want to record a ringtone to let you know when your best friend is calling, or select a unique notification for a particular app. Here’s how to craft your own custom audio alerts for any Android or iOS phone.
Smartphones can herald a new call or message with almost any sound. Before you set that audio, however, you’ll need to obtain it: Record a clip directly to your phone, take a snippet from an existing song or video file, or find a prepared ringtone through a specialized app. Then convert it to a common format—MP3 is a good option because it’s so widely used.
To record audio on your phone, try a free app like Voice Recorder on Android, or Voice Record Pro on iOS (which also offers an optional $7 upgrade to get rid of ads).
If you’re pulling a clip from a longer song or video, then you’ll need an audio editor like the free Audacity, available for Windows and macOS. Transfer the file you want to edit or convert to your computer, import it to Audacity as a new track, edit it, and convert it to an MP3. To convert a file without the bother of editing, try the dependable online tool Zamzar.
For a simpler solution, you can download a dedicated ringtone app. These programs come with a library of prepared audio snippets and tones, or with tools that let you easily cut audio out of existing files. For Android, we recommend Ringtone Maker and Zedge, two free apps that rely on advertising for financial support. Although you’ll also find ringtone apps for iOS, these programs can’t set ringtones and notifications themselves. Instead, they create audio that you then adapt to your phone in a separate process—more on that later. Some of the best options for iPhones include the $1 Ringtone Designer and the free Zedge again.
Now that you have your audio in MP3 form, you can turn it into a ringtone or notification noise on any Android or iOS device. Here’s how.
When you’re ready to set a new ringtone or alert, you first need to put that audio file on your phone (if it’s not already there). Then you need to move it to the relevant folder on your Android device: Ringtones (if you want to set the audio as a ringtone) or Notifications (for other alerts).
You have plenty of ways to transfer the file to your handset—email it to yourself, sync it via an app like Google Drive or Dropbox, or connect your phone to a computer and manually drag the file home. Once it’s on your phone, different apps give you different ways to put it in the relevant folder: In Dropbox for Android, for example, you select the track, tap the menu button (three dots) on the top right, choose Save to Device, and navigate to the correct location.
Once you’ve transferred the file, restart your phone so it will take note of the new audio in the relevant folder. To turn that audio into your new default ringtone, head to Settings > Sound > Phone ringtone. Here, you’ll see the options you can select to be your primary ringtone, and—as long as you’ve saved your custom clip in the right folder in a compatible format like MP3—your new audio should appear in this list.
Although it’s good to have a custom sound for your general ringtone, you might want unique sounds for your favorite contacts. Android lets you override your default ringtone for specific people. Launch the Contacts app, choose a person, and tap the menu button (three dots) in the top-right corner. Then hit Set ringtone to decide what you want to hear when, say, your grandmother calls.
For notification audio, you need to visit Settings > Sound > Advanced > Default notification sound. This is where you can determine which sound apps will use for their alerts by default. Again, your audio file should appear in the list if you’ve copied it over correctly.
Just as you can set a custom ringtone for a special person, some apps let you set a different notification sound for that specific program. Maybe you want to hear one type of buzz when you get a text, but a different sound when a work email arrives. You need to check for this option within the individual settings for a specific app. In Gmail for Android, for example, tap the menu button (three horizontal lines) on the top left, followed by Settings. Select your email address and then hit Manage notifications > Advanced > Sound to pick an audio file. Not all apps let you set custom sounds, but you won’t know until you look at the settings.
Because iOS is a little more persnickety than Android, you have just one option for moving your audio file to your iPhone: Import it into iTunes on your computer then sync the app. To start, open iTunes on Windows or macOS, choose File > Add File to Library and locate the clip you want to use for a ringtone or alert.
Once you have it in iTunes, choose File > Convert > Create AAC Version. This will create a duplicate of your audio and put it in a format your iPhone can use. If you can’t see the Create AAC Version option, and you instead see Create MP3 Version, you need to change the iTunes import settings. Head to Edit > Preferences (on Windows) or iTunes > Preferences (on macOS), and then go to the General tab and click Import Settings. Find the Import Using menu and make sure the AAC Encoder option is selected.
While you’re converting files to AAC, you can actually use iTunes to turn any song in your library into a good ringtone. Right-click on a ditty in iTunes, pick Song Info, and use the Options > Start and Options > Stop timings to highlight the part of the song you want for a ringtone. Then use that File > Convert > Create AAC Version on the clip. When you create the AAC version, only the highlighted snippet will carry over to the new file. Once you’ve created it, don’t forget to reset the timings on the original song.
Now that your track is an AAC file, you need to change its extension so iTunes knows that you intend to use it as a ringtone. Select the track and click File followed by Show in Windows Explorer (on Windows) or Show in Finder (on macOS). Change the extension to .m4r (the “r” stands for “ringtone”).
This is a lengthy process, but we’re just about done. Connect your iPhone to iTunes, head to the left-hand navigation menu and open the Tones pane for your device, and drag the newly created track into the empty space. With that done, you can delete the AAC copy from your iTunes library (you can also erase the MP3 original, unless you’ve used a snippet of a song you want to keep listening to).
Finally, it’s time to set the new sound as a ringtone or notification. In iOS, go to Settings > Sounds & Haptics, and on the next screen, you can set the default ringtone and default notification alerts for new emails, text messages, calendar events, and so on. In your list of potential sounds, you should see all the files you’ve added using the method described above, as well as the phone’s built-in audio options and something called Tone Store. Use the latter if you want to buy a ringtone from the iTunes Store—you can choose from a host of song snippets, which usually cost $1 each.
To identify particular friends and family members, iOS lets you set unique ringtones and text message alerts for specific contacts. To make changes to either setting, open the Contacts app, choose an entry, and tap Edit. Select either Ringtone or Text Tone to make changes to those settings.
You can also set different notification sounds for different apps. Head to Settings > Notifications, pick the app you’re interested in identifying, and tap Sounds. Then make your choice from the list of audio options.
Written By David Nield
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ntrending · 6 years
Here's how to declare email bankruptcy
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Here's how to declare email bankruptcy
Pursuing inbox zero can feel like fighting a losing battle every day. Even as you attempt to tackle your email backlog, more messages continue zooming in. But what if you did a complete reset—instead of sorting that old archive, you could just delete it in one fell swoop.
How many emails do you need to keep around, anyway? It’s great to hold on to a project outline from your boss and the first love note from your future spouse, but hundreds of meaningless alerts and updates surround these significant messages. Delve back more than a month or so, and most of your inbox fodder will be a waste of space that you’ll never long to revisit. Deleting them is a quick way to lift the anxiety that hits you every time you notice that you have thousands of unread emails. To stay organized, you might even carry out this scorched-earth approach at regular intervals.
Email clients like Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail make it easy to clear individual messages. But in this guide, we’re talking about wiping out hundreds of messages at once. Mass-deletion is easier in a web browser or desktop client than a mobile app, so we recommend you perform this task on your computer, rather than your phone. Here’s how to erase large numbers of emails in bulk.
Preserve important emails
Of course, we don’t want you to erase emails that are actually important to you—say a message that outlines an important upcoming interview or includes an attachment with the deeds to your house. So before you mass-delete messages, go through your inbox to find and save the vital ones.
Start by searching for key terms, such as “attached,” “contract,” and the names of important people like your boss, lawyer, and family members. Also run through the threads that you’ve starred or marked as important.
Once you’ve found the messages worth preserving, you need to get them out of the way of your upcoming purge. Forward them to a different email address (you might create a separate account specifically to hold important messages), move them to a folder that you plan to exclude from the mass deletion, print them on paper, or save them as digital PDFs. We recommend the latter option, because this lets you stash your valuable emails on your computer’s local storage, in the cloud, or both.
To create a PDF, first pull up the email you’d like to save and hit print. Then, instead of sending it to the printer, you need to save it as a PDF. To do this on Windows, click the Change button under the printer list and select Microsoft Print to PDF. On macOS, PDF should appear as an option in the lower-left corner of the print dialog.
Delete emails in Gmail
Emptying your entire Gmail account couldn’t be much easier. First, click All Mail on the left to access every message in every folder. When you select all on-screen messages—by ticking the selection box on the top left—a new link should appear at the top of the page. This lists the total number of emails in your account, and it lets you Select all Conversations. Click that link, hit the Delete button (the trash can icon), and every email in your inbox will disappear.
If you don’t want to get rid of everything, then run a search or select a category other than All Mail, and follow the same steps as before to delete your smaller group of messages. This approach won’t clear out everything, but it does enable you to be more precise in your inbox clean-up.
For example, if you have a label for miscellaneous and unimportant emails, you could wipe that out. Or if you have tons of unread emails that you know you’ll never read, search for “is:unread” and delete those. We also recommend that you look up and erase emails by time period: For instance, a search for “older_than:1y” will pull up any messages more than a year old. To check out more tips, read our guide to searching your Gmail inbox.
In Outlook
With the Outlook email client, you can’t slash and burn everything like you can in Gmail. Instead, you have to work through your folders one by one. Depending on how many folders you’ve configured, this might take a while, though it does give you more flexibility in terms of which emails get erased and which don’t.
You might as well start with your inbox: Click Inbox, switch to the Folder tab on the ribbon menu, and select Delete All. Once you’ve confirmed your choice, all messages in that folder will move to the Deleted Items folder. This category will automatically erase messages after 30 days, or you can empty it manually by opening it, heading to the Folder tab, and clicking Empty Folder. Repeat the process for your Archive folder, and then continue on with the others. To remove a category entirely, select it, go to the Foldertab, and choose Delete Folder.
If you access your emails through the Outlook.com web portal, then the process is pretty similar, except that you don’t need to use the commands in the Folder tab. Instead, when you’re ready to delete a folder’s contents, open it, hit Ctrl+A (on a Windows) or Cmd+A (on a Mac) to select everything, and click Delete. To delete a folder entirely, right-click on it and choose Delete.
As with Gmail, we recommend you try out some search terms to narrow down your doomed selection by date or sender. For example, type “from:” followed by an email address to find messages from important contacts, so you can move these to safety. To limit your to-be-deleted pile to older emails, type in “before:mm/dd/yyyy”.
In Apple Mail
Within the Apple Mail email client on macOS, you again wipe your history folder by folder. If you’ve already organized your inbox, this makes it easy to separate the important messages from the disposable ones. Once you’ve decided which folder to erase, you can wipe wipe the messages within, or trash the whole folder and its contents at once. As with Outlook, trashed emails stick around for 30 days in case you want to recover them.
To keep the folder (or “mailbox” in Apple parlance) itself, hit Cmd+A to select every message in that category, and then tap the Delete key. For folders you created within your primary iCloud account, you can get rid of them and their messages in one operation: Right-click or Ctrl+click a folder under the iCloud heading, select Delete Mailbox, and click Delete on the dialog that pops up.
You can also clear messages through the iCloud website. Head to the Mail component of the web interface, then open any folder. Select one message, hit Cmd+A to select all the messages in that folder, then click the Trash button at the top of the page.
As with Gmail and Outlook, search operators will help you erase more selectively. For example, type “from:” followed by a loved one’s email address to identify (and then export or move) messages you want to keep. To get time-selective, you can highlight date ranges by typing “date:mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy” into the search box at the top.
Written By David Nield
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ntrending · 6 years
How to ditch your iPhone for Android—and take your files with you
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How to ditch your iPhone for Android—and take your files with you
So you’ve decided to abandon your iPhone and jump into the welcoming arms of Android. Unfortunately, making this swap is not a simple question of popping your SIM card out of one device and inserting it into another.
First, you need to carefully extricate yourself from Apple’s iOS ecosystem, full of native apps like iMessage, iTunes, and others. In this guide, we’ll lay out some of the hoops you need to jump through to preserve your data, and explain what you can bring with you and what you can’t.
Do you already use Google or Microsoft apps?
Switching over will be a lot easier if you already use Google and Microsoft apps on your iPhone. In fact, the same goes for any cloud-based apps, including Netflix and Spotify. Because they store everything online, these apps make it very straightforward to jump between devices and across platforms.
If you lean on Google programs, then when you get your new Android device, it should come with these apps pre-installed. All you’ll have to do is log in, and your data—your archived Gmail emails, your Google Maps history, your Hangouts messages—will appear.
Even if you’re not all-in on Google, Microsoft makes top-quality apps for both iOS and Android. If you rely on Outlook and Office on your iPhone, then go ahead and install the same apps on your Android device, log in, and enjoy.
In general, if you plan to switch frequently between Android and iOS devices, stick to platform-agnostic apps that work similarly on both operating systems. They’ll make the process extremely easy. However, if your iPhone relies heavily on Apple’s own apps, then the swap will require a substantial amount of work, because Apple doesn’t make many of its programs available on Android. Read on for more information on dealing with this issue.
Move text messages and email
To keep track of your past chats, you’ll want to bring your iMessage and email conversations with you. That’s only partially possible.
The sad fact is, you cannot transfer your iMessage conversations from iOS over to Android. Apple doesn’t make an Android version of its app, nor does it allow any other developers to access it, so you’re out of luck. Mac users can check iMessage from their computers, but others won’t be able to access the app after jumping to Android.
So before you leave, make sure to de-link your mobile number from iMessage—assuming you’re taking it with you to your new phone. Go to Settings > Messages and toggle off the iMessage switch. Then visit Settings > FaceTime and turn off the FaceTime toggle switch as well. This removes the association between your phone number and Apple’s proprietary services, which will prevent you from having any problems receiving messages or calls on your new Android handset. If you forget to do this step before you get rid of your iPhone, don’t worry—perform the task remotely at this web page.
Luckily, you can bring the Apple emails stored in iCloud. You just need to import them into Android’s Gmail app: Open Gmail on your new phone, tap the Menu button on the top left, hit your Google account, and select Add account > Other. Now enter your iCloud username and password. (If your Apple account uses two-step authentication, you’ll first need to create a Gmail-specific password at this web page.) Now you can either keep using your iCloud email address within the Gmail app, or just treat those old messages as an archive and switch to a Gmail address.
Move contacts, calendars, photos, and home videos
It’s relatively easy to transfer some of the items you store in iCloud—such as your contacts, calendars, photos, and videos—to Google’s servers. But you need to start this process before you ditch your iPhone.
First, download the Google Drive for iOS app to your old device. Open it and sign in with your Google account credentials. Next, tap the Menu button on the top left, followed by the cog icon and then Backup. Now you’ll see a list of items, including Contacts, Calendar events and Photos & videos. Select all of the entries that you want to transfer to your new Android phone.
Now, tap Start Backup and copies of this iPhone data will move to Google Contacts, Google Calendar, and Google Photos. Now you’ll be able to access your files when you sign into your Google account on your new Android phone.
A quick note on photos and videos: These files will transfer to Google Photos, which gives you an unlimited amount of storage—as long as you agree to let it resize your photos down to 16 megapixels and your videos down to a 1080p resolution. If you opt to store this data at their original quality, they will count against your cloud storage quota. Google Drive gives you a total of 15GB of free storage space, shared across Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. The latter can really eat up your quota if you choose to store images at full resolution. But if you end up needing more room, you can pay to upgrade: Prices start at $2 a month for 100GB.
Move music, movies, and TV shows
Apple only makes one app that really works with Android: Apple Music. If you subscribe to the service, then you can take all your playlists and songs with you on your leap to Android, including files you’ve uploaded from your iTunes account. However, you do have to pay a subscription fee to keep using the app.
That said, not all of us choose Apple Music. If you prefer a different app, and you still want to transfer your MP3s to an Android device, you can do so using a computer with Google Play Music. Open your computer’s web browser, head to Google Play Music’s web portal, click the Menu button on the top left of the page, and choose Upload music. Now drag tracks from your local storage into your browser window. You can do this same thing through the program’s desktop uploader. Either way, your files will sync to the cloud, and you’ll be able to stream or download them through the Google Play Music app on your new Android device.
Movies and TV shows are more complicated, because Apple doesn’t make an iTunes video player for Android. You can watch your existing iTunes videos on other devices, such as a Mac, Apple TV, or iPad, but not on an Android phone or tablet. However, any videos you obtained from non-iTunes sources should be just fine. Streaming apps—like Plex, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, and of course Google Movies & TV—all work seamlessly across Android and iOS. Just log into your account on your new device and you’ll be good to go.
Move documents and other files
Now that you’ve tackled most of your files, all that’s left to move are documents and other strays. Your method for shifting them to Android will depend on the iOS app where you store them.
For example, cloud-storage programs Google Drive and Dropbox work seamlessly across Android and iOS. We’d recommend you download one of these options to your old phone, use it to save your iPhone files, and then log into the same app on your new device.
What about files saved to Apple’s office suite? You won’t find Pages, Numbers, or Keynote apps available for the Android platform. So, if you have files created in these apps, you’ll need to export them in a common format. Open a file with the app, tap the Menu button (three dots) on the top right of the screen, and pick Export. Choose either a PDF or Microsoft Office format (both will work fine with the Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft Office apps for Android), then select a save location. If you’ve installed Google Drive or Dropbox on your iPhone, go ahead and save it there.
That’s just about all you need to transfer. After all, your cloud-based apps, including social media, will work exactly the same as soon as you log into them on your new device. Go forth and leave Apple behind!
Written By David Nield
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ntrending · 7 years
How to keep your iPhone but switch to Google or Microsoft apps
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/how-to-keep-your-iphone-but-switch-to-google-or-microsoft-apps/
How to keep your iPhone but switch to Google or Microsoft apps
Just because you prefer the curved aesthetics of the iPhone doesn’t mean you want to buy entirely into the Apple software ecosystem. After all, Google and Microsoft make iOS apps that are just as good as Apple’s defaults. Although some apps require a few extra steps to replace the built-in versions, you can make the switch relatively easily, especially if you already use Google or Microsoft for your email and other cloud services.
Here, we’ll guide you through the apps you need for the swap and how to download them. While you can always switch back to the Apple versions, you may find that you don’t want to.
If your computer runs Windows, you own a Surface laptop or tablet, or you simply like Microsoft products, you’ll probably enjoy the company’s iOS apps. Instead of using the default versions of iPhone’s email, cloud storage, and other services, here’s how to replace them with Microsoft apps.
Email, calendar, and contacts
Start with your email client: You’ll need to download Outlook for iOS. On top of email, it handles your calendars and contacts, and it can work with both Microsoft and non-Microsoft (like, say, Apple) user accounts. To import any emails, calendars, or contacts into the app, tap the menu button on the top left, then the settings button (the cog icon), and choose Add account.
Calls and messaging
Skype for iOS can take care of all your video calling, voice calling, and messaging needs. However, Apple’s mobile platform won’t allow any app to take over SMS duties, so you’re stuck with its Messages app. Still, the newly-revamped Skype app has a clean look and a comprehensive set of features that includes group chats and group video calls. Your only problem might be getting your friends to use it.
Cloud storage
You can also replace Apple’s cloud-storage program iCloud with Microsoft’s OneDrive. When you install the app for iOS, it will sync files between your phone and any computer, Windows or macOS, that has the OneDrive desktop client installed. OneDrive also backs up all the photos and videos on your phone, although you do have to pay for storage space if you’ve got a lot of files. Prices start at $2 a month.
AI assistant
As with Messages, you can’t completely replace the iPhone’s default digital assistant: When you press and hold the Home button, Siri is the AI that will launch. However, you can install Cortana for iOS and launch it manually, then direct all your queries to Microsoft’s app instead of Apple’s. You can also sync any reminders and notes you’ve made in Cortana for Windows or Android over to your iPhone.
Office suite
For your work needs, you’ll need to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Swap Apple’s free Pages, Numbers, and KeyNote apps for, respectively, Microsoft’s free Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps.
If you’ve already created documents in the Apple apps, you’ll need to convert them to a format that Microsoft’s versions can understand. To do so, open a file, then tap the menu button (three dots on the top right), choose Export, and pick the Microsoft format. You can also choose how to export the file, either sending it via email or saving it to the iPhone’s local storage.
Web browser
If you install the Microsoft Edge web browser on your iPhone, you’ll be able to sync bookmarks, passwords, browsing history, and more with an Edge browser you use on a Windows PC. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t let any browser oust Safari as the default one on iOS. So when you tap on links in other apps, such as Facebook, they’ll automatically open in Safari instead of Edge.
Your iPhone should be fairly well Microsoft-ized by now, but for the finishing touch, install Bing Search and Feed, which acts as a stripped-down web browser. Now that Microsoft Edge is available for iOS, Bing isn’t quite as useful (we prefer Edge). But you can still use Microsoft’s search engine to look for websites, images, news, and more. The app also includes a basic map-search feature, though Microsoft doesn’t offer a dedicated mapping app for iOS.
If you’ve decided to take the Google route rather than the Microsoft one, start with its signature feature: the Google search app. In addition to searching the internet and Google Maps, it provides a feed of news and other information that Google curates based on your previous activity, such as your Chrome browsing history. For a more natural, conversational approach to Google search, install the Google Assistant as well.
Email, calendar, and contacts
Next, install Gmail for iOS or Google’s other email app, Inbox, which provides more automation and smart features. You can pick up your Gmail activity right where you left off on any of your other devices. Alternatively, connect Gmail to your Apple email address: Tap the menu button (the three lines on the top left), then your username, then Manage accounts, then Add account, and finally choose iCloud from the list.
You can also use your Gmail account to log into Google Calendar for iOS. The slick and easy-to-use calendar app is just as good on iPhones as it is on the web and everywhere else. It will of course sync all your Google events and appointments, and you can add your Apple calendars as well. To do so, tap the menu button (the three lines on the top left), pick Settings, tap Manage accounts, and turn the iCloud toggle switch to on.
Calls and messaging
Again, Apple won’t let you replace Messages as the default SMS app. But you can still manually use Google apps for the same purposes. Try Allo for text-based messaging, Duo for video calling, and Hangouts for messaging, phone calls, and video chats. While Hangouts remains the most comprehensive option, Google continues to add new features to Allo and Duo, so keep an eye on those apps as well.
Cloud storage
To back up your data, look no further than Google Drive, which will sync all your files with computers, other mobile devices, and your Google cloud locker. Drive also lets you save your Apple contacts to your Google account, even though Google doesn’t offer a dedicated app for contacts: Open the menu (three lines on the top left), tap the cog icon, and hit Backup.
For larger files, specifically your iPhone photos and videos, Google Photos makes backing up a breeze. When you first install the app, it’ll ask if you want to back up photos and videos. Say yes, and as long as you don’t mind that it resizes your files (down to 16 megapixels for images and 1080p for videos), you can store an unlimited number of pictures and clips for free. If you want to keep your files at their original resolution, you can pay Google for extra space in the cloud, which starts at prices of $2 a month.
Office suite
Google has its own office apps for iOS, in the form of Docs, Sheets, and Slides. They interface seamlessly with the web versions, so you can keep creating and editing from anywhere.
If you’ve already created documents in the equivalent iOS apps, you may need to reformat them in order to open them with Google’s apps. Launch the appropriate Apple app—Pages, Sheets, or Keynote—and then open the file you want to transfer. Next, tap the menu button (three dots on the top right), choose Export, and select the Google format option. Once you’ve exported the file, the appropriate Google app will be able to open it up.
Web browser
As mentioned previously, you can’t completely replace Safari as the default browser on iOS. But you can still download Google Chrome for iOS and launch it manually when you want to explore the internet. Sign into the web browser with your Google account (it should prompt you to do so when you first open the app), and Chrome will carry over all of your bookmarks, passwords, browsing history, and other data from your computer. Even if most links will open in Safari by default, you can at least make sure Gmail links open in Chrome: Open Gmail, choosing Settings from the left-hand menu, then selecting Google apps, followed by Chrome.
Google offers some types of iOS apps that Microsoft doesn’t. For example, you can rely on Google Maps to get from A to B quickly and safely and find places of note nearby. If you use the app online or on an Android device, you know you’ll also get features such as live traffic updates and a list of favorite “starred” locations. If you need live directions, try it in full-screen turn-by-turn navigation mode.
Music and video players
Finally, there’s Google Play Music and Google Play Movies & TV, which can effectively replace everything that iTunes and Apple Music usually do on an iPhone. They let you stream music, films, and television shows and even download content for offline access. What you can’t do is purchase new content right from iOS, so if you’re buying or renting something new, you need to pay up on a computer or other device before the content shows up on your iPhone.
Written By David Nield
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