#but we'll talk about that later
swan2swan · 4 months
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Bobby Nublar: King Dino
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When either Gaius or Oberon are in low moods, do they try to raise the other's spirits? Do they do something for the other to help that, such as heading out to a place or something?
I believe I've noted before (this is starting with an aside in order to acknowledge things and allow us to be on the same page) Gaius is quite aware of his band, generally speaking; he always has his fingers in someone's pie, but as is also known, he has a lot going on, always. The band has realized that the best way to maintain privacy or keep him from becoming involved is to maintain a facade of normalcy. He's going to feel bad when he realizes something was wrong that went under his radar, but also. Sometimes folk don't want their business out there.
Gaius and Oberon are generally quite open with one another, in ways that neither are with much anyone else. It would be accurate to say that where Rytlock was Gaius' emotional support extrovert prior to Personal Story and Gaius' eventual removing the Horns from active duty-- Oberon became that for him in Rytlock's absence, and has never lost that role or responsibility.
Oberon is, among the Horns, the primary figure to pick up on when Gaius is beginning to spiral, and prompt an interjection to remove him from whatever's causing that in the immediate circumstances. It's not uncommon for Oberon to insist upon them going for drinks--Gaius rarely chooses to drink on his own--or taking him on impromptu hunting/camping trips. They'll stop and grab one or two other folk, just enough people to ensure Gaius is genuinely going to be engaged, and then they disappear.
Vice versa, Oberon needs someone to talk to and engage with him. Not specifically due to a tendency to begin destructive activity whenever his mood swings violently, but because talking through problems genuinely helps his gears slow down and feel out what Obie actually wants from something. If he needs a fight, but there's no efficient outlet for it, Gaius is 100% the first to volunteer for it.
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bigfatbreak · 4 months
In canon, a kwami's power must be used through a human wielding a miraculous, otherwise it'll have unforeseen consequences. So, in your AU, does Imago stealing Marinette's agonies cause any sort of trouble?
honestly the biggest unforeseen consequence is that this dude is around and being himself
no but for real, there should be a hypermassive consequence for a kwami unfettered peeking their head in, but there's not because of shit we'll get into later.
just consider it like this for the time being: now that Marinette is a sage and is capable of communing with the gods, she as a living being can be used as that intermediate conduit for power instead of the miraculous gems. If it was Tikki, for example, using her power raw with sage!Marinette, Mari would be able to access the power of creation or be swayed by it - however, it would put a massive strain on her, as she's not a miraculous but still capable of acting as that pipeline.
The reason Marinette has no ill effects from Imago, however, is because Imago is playing with a catch 22. Their purpose was to take agony away from Marinette, so even the exhaustion of accessing the unfettered power of a god was something he stole from her, so it seems like zero consequences have been had. In truth Imago is now SO tired holy moly and they DO NOT LIKE IT LMAO
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cutiesigh · 2 months
「Demo WIP」 Can y'all watch my plant real quick? 🍈
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tea-cat-arts · 11 days
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silverskye13 · 8 months
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And is there a God up there? So, where does he hide?
Doing some style studies based on @/katabay's comic work. I highly recommend you check out their stuff, if you haven't seen it before.
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wenellyb · 5 months
I love that we got 2 kiss scenes but I also want to see:
Buck and Tommy holding hands
Tommy giving Buck a kiss on the cheek
Buck and Tommy calling eachother "Babe"
Buck and Tommy waking up together
Buck and Tommy going on a double date
Tommy coming by the station to have lunch with Buck
Buck introducing Tommy as his boyfriend to someone
Buck mentionning his boyfriend Tommy for no apparent reason.
Tommy introducing Buck as his boyfriend to someone
Buck meeting Tommy's friends/family
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d4jamso · 1 year
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pretty boyyy(pretty boyyy) don't speak(don't speaakkj) you pretty boyss(pretty boyyysss) are only good for oneee thingggggg
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tizeline · 8 months
OOO, I like the implication that the yokai trio are gonna watch their dad get devoured by Shredder and achieve the same effect the scrapped Shredder!Splinter arc we almost got!.... unless you're going in a different direction than canon 👀👀👀👀
Oh wow, I didn't even think about adapting the Shredder!Splinter plot in any way in the AU XD. But I've already mostly figured out how I wanna do the season one finale and beginning of season 2, and I don't wanna change it now soooo....
I'm actually gonna stick pretty close to canon, Draxum is gonna put on the Dark Armour only to, not too long after, get slurped like a Capri Sun and unceromoniously spit out, and then Shredder is gonna start running around wrecking shit. That still isn't gonna be too fun for the Drax Trio to witness, of course!
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xxplastic-cubexx · 6 days
friend trying to convince me to download fortnite by saying magneto in it and ouuuugh first off dont like how she knows me like that i feel exposed but second off they better not make that bitch available again cause i will fold instantly
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misskattylashes · 2 months
When you actually get to see for real, something you have written as fiction....Tom and Miles training ...
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kurithedweeb · 3 months
For Drop of Sunlight, what's your take on the relationship between the Divine Warriors and Aphmau/her guards (Garroth, Katelyn, Laurance, Dante)
That’s a bit of a tricky one for me. I don’t remember a whole lot about the Divine Warriors from canon since I haven’t finished my rewatch, and I haven’t explored them that much because we’re still real early on and they haven’t become majorly relevant yet, but I think I can scrounge up a few ideas. We’re gonna talk about the Divine Warriors as a whole and not each individual for now.
The Divine Warriors were all friends, but Irene was what connected them. They were all drawn to her, all loyal to her above anyone else, they were . . . the term I want to use for the Divine Warriors is ‘a cult polycule,’ but that doesn’t really explain and also is probably wrong. Let’s rewind a bit.
Irene killed the Divine Warriors as a whole. Before they ever met her, Irene had lived for so, so long as this being more powerful than the rest of her race and everyone put her on a pedestal. Her power left her so isolated, so completely alone, that everything she did had to be perfect because she didn’t have anyone to fall back on when she failed anymore, not since she’d outlived her sister. Everything Irene did became just another duty she had to perform and she stopped feeling alive. Until Shad.
Shad was the first person she’d ever met that was anywhere near as powerful as her. Suddenly she wasn’t so alone anymore, and she clung to Shad for fear that if she let him slip away she’d be alone again for who knows how long. She nudged their relationship from enemies to friends to, eventually, lovers. Shad loved her because she seemed so good and she wasn’t afraid of him and with her he could have what he always wanted: someone to love and a family. I’m a little iffy on whether or not Irene was actually in love with him, but in those times being someone’s lover was seen as the absolute closest you could be to someone and you couldn’t really get a marriage annulled. Once they were together-together Irene thought she could never lose Shad.
For a while, it was Irene and Shad against the world. The rest of the Divine Warriors came after. They were all good people who had some kind of power, a power that Irene could help them foster into something they could use for the greater good. They became friends by virtue of spending a ton of time together and working to become a team because they realized their different dynamics and abilities actually meshed well, but above that they were always Irene’s most devout followers right up until they were shown by Irene herself that she wasn’t as good as everyone thought. I mean, if God-God were your personal friend, wouldn’t you be a believer too?
Everything fell apart after the relics were made. After they return home for the first time in ages, Shad goes looking for their daughter, so excited to see her sweet smile, only to not be able to find her anywhere. And when he goes to ask Irene for help looking for their baby girl, he’s told that she’s been in his relic the entire time, that it was her soul that had been used to form Shad’s weapon. Shad is obviously heartbroken, demanding to know why she would do such a thing, but Irene can’t understand that what she did was wrong. She can’t even fathom it. In her eyes, having their daughter was nowhere near as important as having Shad, because he’s the only equal she’s ever known and nobody else even compares. She’s struck dumb and feels incredibly betrayed when Shad turns against her because she’s been under the impression that, since they’re the same, he felt exactly the way she did. If she can’t have him, though, then at least she still has the rest of the Divine Warriors; they love her, they worship her, they’d never betray her like this.
Except Shad was one of their own. They hesitate for just a second when she says Shad’s turned against them and is an enemy, but it’s Irene so she can’t be wrong, right? But as the days stretch on they start to realize that Shad only wants to hurt Irene and he’s got a damn good reason for it. By the time they recognize that Irene is bad guy here, it’s too late. Instead, the Divine Warriors shatter Shad’s relic so it can’t be given to anyone else, so it can’t help turn this into a cycle and scatter the fragments, then disappear to build their temples. By the time they reconnect, ready to hear Irene out, Irene’s disappeared.
The stuff with the guards is way more specific.
When Anastasia (Aphmau) first appears, Garroth doesn’t pay her much mind. He’s got enough to worry about and she’s not hurting anyone, just kind of dipping in and out of town every once in a while. Then he realizes that she’s been fixing up the village and helping people out. She’s a very kind woman in a time when most people can’t afford to be kind, and fairly protective of Phoenix Drop despite not really living there or being close to its citizens. But she’s also fairly reckless with her own life and, despite knowing just about every trade there is, doesn’t actually know much about the world she lives in. Garroth is her protector first, then they become something maybe like friends, and he only develops feelings for her after she’s already started settling into her position as Lord. He shoves these feelings real deep down though and never makes a solid effort to act on them, it’d be improper considering their positions and cloud his judgement more than it already has. It’s enough that he can be her friend, that he can see that she’s happy, that he can be close to her and help her through whatever she needs him for. He probably gives her lessons about Lord stuff.
I’m debating where I should put Laurance and Anastasia’s first meeting, because I really like the idea of what they had going in Rebirth where Laurance first saw her when she was at her most frantic, but in the OG meeting he first sees her as someone who’ll go out of their way to fix their mistakes. Either way, it’s love at first sight for this sucker because he’s the kind of person who falls in love at the drop of a hat and who loves nearly everybody he comes across. He flirts because that’s the way he learned to talk to people who make him nervous and he’s only serious about it until he gets rejected, after which it’s just fun between friends. They’re amazing friends, partially because they’re on the same wavelength about a lot of things, partially because of trauma bonding. As time goes on, he gradually becomes more protective of and devoted to Anastasia as a Lord and he’s very serious about her personal safety. Laurance is always the one Garroth sends to negotiate with Anastasia about protective measures when she leaves the village since he always manages to convince her to take at least one of them along.
Dante’s conflicted about how he feels about Anastasia because he thinks of her like a sister. He has so many emotions about this, including feeling just a little bit guilty about it. He sees her as kind-hearted, adventurous, and always good for cheering someone up. It’s easy to joke around with her and playfight during training sessions. He trusts her implicitly, feels like he can confide in her about anything. He’s wary about feeling like this after what happened with his real sibling, especially towards his Lord of all people, but those worries mellow out after he gets to know Anastasia better.
Anastasia was already well-established as a Lord when Katelyn came into play, and they met in that time when Phoenix Drop couldn’t afford any political missteps so her first impression was that Anastasia was a regal leader who inspired a daunting level of loyalty in her guards and citizens and knew her way around doublespeak. She only realizes how prone she is to accidentally giving her guards heart attacks after she’s been turned to their side, and finds the startling difference between the real Anastasia and the Lordsona she presents to other villages hilarious. They’re also eventually good friends, she’s probably the first real friend Katelyn’s had in a long time, and Katelyn finds her easier to get along with than most of the other ladies at first because she’s gotten so used to interacting only with people in positions of power or the guards under their command since she was picked for the Jo9. They really bond during quiet moments travelling together. Having to trust your back to someone while you sleep in potentially hostile territory will do that for you.
I think a big difference between the relationships between Irene and the Divine Warriors and Anastasia with her guards is that Irene doesn’t feel anything, while Anastasia sometimes feels too much and that greatly affects the way they connect with people.
Another is that, nine times out of ten, Anastasia's guards would sacrifice their lives for her at the first hint of real danger. No one of the Divine Warriors would ever think to truly sacrifice themselves for Irene. What could possibly kill a goddess?
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pmpknsoup · 3 months
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god the dialogue in this episode is hilarious actually
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pushing500 · 5 months
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Imagine calling for help from that hermit guy who lives in the desert and scratches "don't talk to me" into every surface he owns if he hasn't had his coffee that day. Chief Natoxsa is kinda stupid ngl
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The man does nothing but study. What a nerd <3
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Ms Clarabelle, meet your new roommate. It's called Kitschy Flamingo because that's what it looks like. Be nice to each other!
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Nothing like enjoying solitude on your porch with a hot cup of coffee. Life is good...
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saturnaous · 6 months
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I never stop thinking about them.
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