#but we workin on that. we're getting Better
hballegro · 2 months
alright here's the essay under the cut.
entirely just my experience w/ MASH, almost no editing [just spelling mistakes and a few apostrophe misuses]. fair warning, my father was [is] an alcoholic and a horrible person, and i mention that a bit, so if thats something you're sensitive to, bewarned.
         My story with M*A*S*H begins a hundred years ago when I was somewhere between 5 and 8, old enough to watch television but not old enough to remember how old I was when I was doing it. The childhood I had was overall unremarkable, marred only by my pitiful excuse for a father that parented by either drinking or being hungover on the couch in between screaming at his children or beating his wife. Unfortunately, he is part of this story, but only accidentally. See, he used to do all that stuff in our unfinished basement, on an old ugly couch, hiding from his family all day. Then, eventually, he decided he liked the couch and television upstairs better, and plagued the family room for many years instead, putting whatever he wanted to watch on instead of letting his children watch cartoons. I ended up liking The Three Stooges quite a lot, less out of actually thinking it was fun and more out of it being the only thing he’d put on that I found remotely entertaining, so I was taking what I could get. We kept the old burned CDs he’d made of them after he moved out.
         Anyway. My mother had (and still has) a television in her room (it used to be their room, but she kicked him out) that she could avoid him with. Not wanting to be around the violent cesspool of a person on my couch, I’d sometimes crawl to her room, so as not to let him see me and have him make me come over and listen to some music or whatever he wanted. Old guitarist reliving his glory days or something, I couldn’t tell you. But anyway, I’d enter her room and sit down on her bed with her or on the floor, and we’d watch TV. More often than not, she’d put on MeTV, because she watched those old shows with her own father, and it was a bright spot in her memory that gave her some escapism too. There were a lot of shows on there, but I only really ever remembered things like Gilligan’s Island, ALF, Columbo, Bewitched, The Twilight Zone, and, of course, M*A*S*H.
         I liked the other shows, of course. I remember them fondly, especially Gilligan’s Island, maybe it was the catchy theme song with words I could learn. I didn’t like how brown and gross Columbo was, but my mom explained that that’s just how it looked back then. I thought the puppet on ALF was funny, and The Twilight Zone scared me, but I was still interested. I remember enough of Bewitched to remember the nose wiggle and constantly mix it up with I Dream of Jeannie for some reason. Really, anything was better than watching the same episode of Farscape again, which I’ve heard is actually a very good show, but my father kept forgetting that he’d already made me start watching it, and so every viewing session was just the pilot. That’s also the reason I never learned Spanish.
         But then I got to M*A*S*H. I won’t lie to you and say that, as a wizened 5-to-8-year-old, I could ‘tell something was special’ about this show. It was a show. It was a show that I remember looking at my mom during, and seeing her really happy. Later she told me, after watching it with me in present day, that she would watch it with her own father, before her parents got divorced. Her father more or less was not present in her life after the split, and that happened when she was 14-ish. The show started airing when she was the age I was when I watched it with her, and she and her father made a weekly thing of it. Neither of us at that age should have watched it, but for both of us, it was forming a little bright spot in our minds, a good dream with a parent when times were tough.
         I remember laughing, even if I didn’t get all the jokes. I remember thinking I liked the shade of red one of the characters wore, and also the shade of dark blue the same character wore sometimes. I remember one or both of my siblings being there sometimes, laughing along. One of my siblings told me recently that B.J. Hunnicutt and John ‘Trapper’ McIntyre, both filling roles as doubles partners for Benjamin Franklin ‘Hawkeye’ Pierce, had merged into the same person in their memory. I thought that was hilarious; how could they ever think those were the same person! B.J. Hunnicutt had a mustache! Imagine my surprise re-watching season 4’s opener, ‘Welcome to Korea’, featuring a clean-cut fresh-faced Mike Farrell, lacking the horse brush I had so clearly remembered him housing under his nose.
         But the rewatching, yes, the rewatching. It started innocently enough. Between breaks at college, far beyond my young-youth, the real youth people mean when they use that word, my mother opened it up on the tv and put it on. No matter what era you go to in our household, the TV was always going. Most of the time no one was watching it, sometimes blatantly, loudly, explosively chattering and guffawing and gasping with our own business and ignoring it entirely. It was background noise, we all needed it, so we always had it. But something a little strange happened; my mother was watching it, as she often did when she put something on in the evenings to massage her brain to bed after a long day at work. I was typing away at something on my laptop, like I am now, sitting on the couch with her, which I am also doing now (although she’s long gone to bed), and I looked up.
         I saw Hawkeye.
         It didn’t feel like a rush of emotion, it didn’t feel like something important was happening. That was just my old friend. Looking absolutely horrible with the haircut he was rocking in the pilot, but I remembered him. The pilot doesn’t open with the theme, as I recognized that as soon as it played, it opens with golf, a little vignette of the camp before the choppers come in with wounded. I saw Hawkeye, I saw his shirt, and it really was like when you see an old friend, one you can’t really remember what all you did with, or where you met, or even each other’s names anymore, but you know they mean something to you. You knew this person, and you liked them, you liked them enough that even though you forgot everything else, you remember the love that was there.
         And it was a very small thing that happened, and it didn’t happen with every episode, but I would pause my music. My own background noise to drown out everyone else’s background noise, blasting into my headphones. I’d pause my music, read the subtitles, hear them faintly through muffled ears, and laugh along. Smile when I’d see a smile, and a little more than half pay attention.
         I went back to college, life went on, we only got maybe to the beginning of season two, but my mom didn’t continue without me. She waited, and eventually, I came home for the summer, summer of 2024.
         She put it on again, and the same thing happened. But this time, I way more than half paid attention. I really paid attention. By the time we got to Abyssinia, Henry, I completely paused whatever I was doing when it was on and sat, laptop open, head at a 45 degree angle to watch the TV. I’d still futz around during commercial breaks, but I waited for the commercial breaks to do anything now. More and more it warmed my heart, to see all these old friends I’d forgot about, drag them all out of the closet, finally see B.J. Hunnicutt with that stupid mustache again for the first time in over 15 years at least—it was all so amazing. I was laughing at this show that came out over 20 years before I was even born. My parents hadn’t even met yet when this thing ended. Then, of course, because of the way my brain unfortunately works, it is now all I can think about it, to the point I’ve convinced several people to watch it just by virtue of never-shutting-the-hell-up.
         And then? I finally got to see all my friends go home.
         I remember the night I watched the finale with my mother. We’d gotten to the penultimate episode, and we’d paused. It was near 8ish, near my mother’s bedtime, and she and I both agreed we could not handle the finale that night, it was too much. And so we put on something, My Name is Earl, anything to make noise, something funny, something light. That’s how the next several days went; do we feel like we can handle the end? No. Tonight? Maybe tomorrow. Maybe after dinner? It was a long day.
         But then, after dishes had been cleared and we were both sitting quietly, the sun had already gone down, and she proposes we watch it.
         So we did.
         I don’t cry at things anymore. I used to cry all the time as a kid, scraped knee, called an idiot by a sibling, way too much crying even for a kid. I got it out of my system, apparently, because now I’m an adult and I have trouble with making tears, and when they do come, they sneak up on me. The last time I remember crying was at my grandmother’s funeral, months ago, and before that, I have no idea. I get misty-eyed, sure, but nothing makes me boohoo.
         The same held for the finale. Contrasted heavily by my mother, the woman that regularly cries at especially-touching commercials, shedding a few for every other scene (the bus revelation, the final meal, Charles’s music adventure finale, the wedding dress, every single goodbye, and of course the big one at the end), I was mostly quiet. I remember it ending, and thinking, well, that was about the best finale I’d ever seen. I also thought about how I’d seen strikingly few finales, and that I ought to see more series through til the end. I spoke with my mother a bit about it, we had some good moments from the program tossed back and forth, and she went to bed.
         Then I took a shower, and after I got out, the floodgates busted. I was boohooing alright, blubbering too, but I couldn’t point to why. Sure, there were moments in the episode worthy of tears, but this was full sobbing, aching and pitiful and messy. I just left it as something not to worry about, and went on. Since then, on my own, I’ve rewatched select episodes, watched the finale (again) with the sibling that confused Trapper and B.J., done three paintings of stills from the show, made a miniature version of the signpost for my mom, and started writing again for the express purpose of doing things with these characters, and I’ve only now put a fine point on it. It’s a threefold answer of why I fell apart leaving the shower after watching an episode of television that aired 40 years ago.
         The first is simple; I have got it in my head that I need to be alright for everyone. If I’m happy, then everything is okay. I think it’s a relic from what made me stop crying, this need to tell everyone, “Hey, I’m the crybaby, so if I’m okay, then really, everything is okay!” My tears are (were) meant to be shed in private. They were my own cross to bear, especially for places like the bathroom where I could get privacy, as I shared a room with a sibling growing up. This is something I’m getting better about.
         The second answer is very warm; I finished M*A*S*H with my mom. I remember my grandfather, though he wasn’t too present in my life, and I loved him. He passed when I was young, but I was old enough to remember him, and his death date is near my birthday. My birthday is actually near a lot of either death-dates or birthdays of people that are now dead that my mom loved very much, so I am constantly reminded that my birth is the only good thing that happens to her that month. Finishing the show with her was special. We did it. It’s a tradition now. I don’t plan to have kids, but the future may be strange. At the very least, I know at least one sibling does, so I’ll just have to make sure their kids watch it, too. I don’t have anything of my grandfather’s, his family wasn’t kind to mine  and took pretty much everything when he died, but now I have this show. And I have this with my mother. It keeps my heart warm.
         And lastly, the thing responsible for the most boohooing, is that, like I said; I got to see my friends go home.
         I didn’t really think about it hard, but these were my little friends. I couldn’t remember them, but I remembered that I loved them. That they were something that made me happy, and made my very sad mother happy when I was little. They were funny, they were going through a very bad time and they were still being nice to each other and doing their best. They laughed, cried, cried some more, laughed some more. They drank, but in a safer way than what I knew of it at home, so it felt okay. They hugged, they fought, they loved each other. Then they were locked away in a little memory in my heart, and they sat there for over a decade, nearly two. And then those lovely people that made my life a little bit better finally, finally,
         Got to go home.
         A catharsis.
         Everything isn’t perfect, but all of us are somewhere better now. We have new problems. We have old scars. But the big bad is over. A little part of me healed. It was okay, finally. They got home. It’s okay.
         And if I can pick up a show from the 70’s about the 50’s that’s also still about the 70’s and the Vietnam war about all war that’s also about love and family and surgery with a cast that’s almost all gone now that so painfully soldered its place in my heart that watching the end of it all put me in a puddle on the floor of my bathroom at 11 at night, if I can wait 15 years and still manage to rouse these old soldiers and send them home, a little cracked but finally safe,
         I think B.J. Hunnicutt can drive those 3,000 miles to a little place in Maine to see his best friend. 
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oh yea they gave the mob vote the axe, good on ya mojang! genuinely wasn't sure you could manage it
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stephaniedola · 5 months
its great and all that he can hold onto love forever no matter the distance but i can't bro im too fucking busy i need to be focused on school and shit so like. its so over
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I wish I could kill the part in me that still blames myself for the way he treated me
Maybe if I'd been better somehow if I'd loved him better then maybe things could've been different
0 notes
samandcolbyownme · 11 months
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Summary: This is a part two to the one shot Workin' on Halloween Night
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, vampire!Sam compels stripper!reader, mentions of alcohol, bloodsucking/drinking, semi rough/forceful actions, fingering, dirty talk, descriptive memories, unprotected shower sex, oral (m rec), name calling, general filth
Word count: 5.8k | Not edited I wanted to get this out.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
It hits you.
Everything. All at once.
You're like a deer, frozen in the headlights of an oncoming semi.
You break your stare from the bloodsucking creature infront of you, looking down to the mug that's in pieces on the floor, "Shit."
"Don't move. You don't have shoes on." Colby steps around the sharp pieces and walks over to the closet.
"You seem a little jumpy there, y/n." Sam licks his lips as he smirks.
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, I-I guess so." You stayed still, making sure not to cut yourself because that would send Sam into a frenzy and you cared about Colby.
You'd basically be signing his death note if you did.
Sam's stare holds on you as Colby comes back with the broom and dust pan. He drops the pan to the floor and rests the broom against the back of the couch, "C'mere."
He wraps his arm around your waist, lifting you from your spot and moving you to a clean area.
You look from the messy floor up to Sam and the memories keep coming in heavy waves.
From the way you were controlled, flawlessly by him.
"You're the hottest one here. Come here." And your body went to him, automatically.
To the way he looked into your eyes when he said, "We're going to have a little fun, okay?"
".. tilt your head for me because I'm fucking thirsty."
And that's when you lay your hand over your 'makeup', feeling the arousing pain all over again.
You were scared. Majorly confused, and kinda turned on.
All at once.
You didn't know what to do.
"Alright." Colby walks over, dumping the pieces into the trash and sets the stuff down, "And you always wonder why I call you butterfingers." Colby chuckles as he walks over and stands next to Sam.
You laugh, trying not to sound so nervous, "Yeah, yeah I get that now."
You walk over, slipping on your shoes.
"Can you be a little slut for me y/n?" His words ring in your head, making you feel a little nauseated because that's what you were last night.
You stand up straight, closing your eyes as you feel like you could puke, "Maybe.. we can hang out later or something?" You slowly turn and Colby puts his lip out, "No." he pouts, "Please?"
Your eyes move to Sam's and in that moment, you wanted to, or at least try to prove that you had more power over him.
But there's a difference between you and Sam.
He can compel you. You have nothing.
Or so you thought.
Sam tilts his head slightly, biting his lip as you sigh, "Fine. I'll go see this movie with you, as long as we're back by four because I have work."
Sam's eyebrow twitches, and you knew you'd be seeing him tonight.
"Work? I thought you had off?" Colby shakes his head and you shrug, "I forgot I picked up Violet's shift. She texted me before you got here, she's home sick."
He nods slowly, "Alright." He turns and that's when you remember what Sam said, about Colby.
"Do you think he'd fuck you better than me?"
You bite down on your lip, "I can always ca-"
"No. It's fine." Colby sighs, "We're going to be late for the movie."
You sigh, watching as he walks over to the door and goes out. You turn to look at Sam, who is closer than he was before, "Why are you here?"
He smiles and shrugs, "I told you I'd be seeing you again. I'm not done with you just yet." He brushes his fingers over your neck, "That's a pretty nasty bite."
You roll your eyes, "Mm. I know."
Sam grabs your wrist as you go to walk away, "Roll your eyes at me again and I'll make it so you can't ever do it again."
He lets go of your wrists, "I can tell you like thinking about what happened last night."
"I do-"
He cuts you off, "Tell that to someone who can't read your mind, sweetheart." He smirks, "Come on. He's probably waiting for us."
Sam walks over to the door, turning around to look at you, "Don't make me do it."
"Do what?" You cross your arms and he sighs, "alright." He walks back over to you, "You asked for it."
"Asked for what-"
"You're going to act like we're all good friends and that nothing is strange between us. You will continue to keep thinking about last night, but you won't say anything about it." He winks and steps back, "Let's go."
You nod, following him out the door and down to Colby's car. You get in the back, leaning forward, "So what movie are we going to see?"
Colby glances over at you, "Um, that new Exorcist movie, The Exorcist Believer."
"Oh sick." You nod and lean back, "did you guys know that the one girl from the original movie is in it.. first time in years I think."
Sam looks over, "Really? That is pretty sick. I didn't know that."
Your eyes scan over Sam's face as the scattered replay of last night plays in your head, "sit on my cock."
"Ride me."
"Fuck you feel so good."
You press your thighs together, clearing your throat as you try to distract yourself, "So where are you from Sam?"
He laughs slightly and shrugs, "I'm originally from Kansas, but I've been all over."
"Really? I'm from Kansas too." Colby looks over, "Small world, huh?"
Sam shakes his head, "Not really. You find that out when you travel as much as I do."
"But you're here for college right? What made you decide to do that?" You chew on the inside of your lip as he glances back at you, "I just thought I needed a change, I mean I honestly don't think I'll do anything with it when graduating but.. you never know."
"What are you studying?" Colby looks over at him, "I know we have a lot of the same classes."
"I don't really have a major picked out yet. I told them what I possibly wanted to do, so they just threw me into some classes and said if I changed my mind or whatever to let them know." Sam explains.
"They had me pick something. That was fucking stupid." You sigh, "Maybe they're just sexist." You laugh and Sam chuckles, "I don't think that. I think they see the potential you have and just want to push you to do your best."
Colby glances over at Sam, clenching his jaw slightly, "She is a very smart girl. Her choice in how she gets the money to pay for school really isn't."
"You don't like her working at the club?" Sam looks to Colby and he shakes his head, "Not really."
"How come?" Sam asks and rests his elbow on the console.
"I just.. don't think that she needs to do that. I mean, don't get me wrong, she's really good at it, but at the same time, she's my best friend and I just don't want anything happening to her." Colby glances back at you in the rearview and you give him a small smile.
"I see where you're coming from, Colby." Sam nods, and Colby sighs, "it's just.. all the creeps and weirdos out there.. you just never know."
"I've been watching you for all those weeks."
You stare at Sam as his voice plays inside your head, "There's just something about you that keeps me coming back.."
Which makes you question, to yourself, why you? What is it about you that Sam likes so much?
"You can't trust anyone anymore, I get what you mean fully." Sam looks back and you look away, "What time does the movie start?"
"In about ten minutes. But you have all the previews so not for another twenty or so." Colby pull the car into one of the stalls, cutting the engine, "I'm excited to see this."
You nod, "I know. You've been talking about it for weeks." You laugh slightly as he looks back at you with a smile.
You can tell that Colby and Sam are getting jealous of each other when it comes to you.
But you secretly loved it, and Sam picked up on it instantly.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As much as you wanted to focus on and actually watch the movie, you couldn't. You kept going back to Sam and what happened at the club last night.
The way you could feel how good he made you feel.
The way you can hear his voice, clear as day, telling you how good you feel around him, "Fuck me, you feel so good."
You turn your head, leaning into Colby, "I'll be right back. I have to pee."
He nods and your stands up, quickly making your way out of the theater and into the bathroom.
You go to the mirror, taking a few deep breathes as you try and get Sam out of your head, but the harder you tried, the worse it got.
You swore you could feel him choking you.
You could feel him inside of you.
You wanted it to stop, but at the same time, in the strangest ways possible, you wanted him.
Now, that might be the compulsion, but you didn't care. You needed him again, you were craving him like he craves you.
You turn around, jumping when you see Sam standing there, "Trying to get me out of that pretty little head are we?"
You swallow, "I-I.. no. No."
He walks over, slowly cupping your cheeks with his cold hands. He tilts your head up, eyes scanning over your face, "I know.. it's such a blessing and a curse to be around me."
"Curse?" You move your head back slightly, "What do you-"
"Let's not worry about that right now, sweetheart. Let's just get back to the movie, yeah?" Sam brushes hair from your face, "I'll be seeing you later. But you probably already knew that."
He drops his hands and you grab his arm as he turns, "Wait."
"What?" He smirks, knowing that you want to kiss him, "Tell me, baby."
You lick your lips, biting your bottom lip as you work your the courage, "Kiss me." Your voice is barely there, but Sam heard you anyway.
"Why should I do something like that?" He moves over to stand infront of you, hands on the sink behind you as he leans in, "Have you deserved it?"
You look up at him, nodding slightly, "Yes."
He chuckles, "If you say so." He licks his lips and presses them to yours.
You feel like an addict who was finally getting a fix after what felt like days.
You grab the red collar of his shirt, pulling him to you as you try to deepen the kiss but it's cut short when someone pushes the door open and Sam vanishes.
The woman gives you a smile as she walks into the one stall and you can't help but cover your mouth to hide your slightly nervous laughter.
What the hell are you doing?
You made your way back to the theater, sitting in your seat next to Colby, "What did I miss?"
He shrugs, "Not much. You're good." He hands you the popcorn and you take it, "Thanks."
You lean back in your seat and you can feel Sam looking at you from behind Colby. Colby is too into the movie to realize what is happening, but you stay focused on trying to watch the screen.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"That was such a good movie." Colby says as he throws his popcorn bag away, "Better than I expected, honestly."
You nod, "Yeah, it was." Sam walks up behind you, laying a hand on your lower back as he moves past you, "I have to rewatch the original, it feels like it's been ages since I've seen that one."
You raise your eyebrows at the word, ages, and laugh slightly, "I'm sure it has." You mumble thinking no one heard you.
But you forgot that Sam can, "What did you say?"
You look up at him, "I didn't say anything." He raises his brows quick and smirks, "Mhm."
"So. Are you hungry or anything? You have time before you have to get ready." Colby holds the door open for you and you nod as you walk through, "Yeah, I could eat."
"Me too." You knew what Sam meant, just by the tone of his voice.
"What are you guys hungry for?" Colby asks getting into the car. You get in, shrugging, "Whatever honestly."
"That doesn't really help me decide." Colby laughs, "we'll just drive that way and see if anything sounds good."
"Yeah, that's fine." You chew on your lip as you remember what it felt like when Sam bit your neck.
How the pain felt.. good.
How him sucking your blood felt.. good.
You glance up at him, laughing and talking with Colby. He was honestly one of the prettiest things you've ever seen. It shocked you how 'human' he looked.
Shit, he has Colby fooled.
"Is that okay with you?"
You shake your head, blinking a few times as you lean up, "Huh? Sorry.."
They both laugh and Sam looks at you, "There's a pizza place up here. Is that okay with you?"
You nod, "Oh yeah. I love pizza."  You lean back, your mind going straight to what it was occupied with before.
Sam's fangs in your neck.
You'd think that thought would be enough to scare anyone away, but not you. You're under Sam's control with and without compulsion.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Back at the house, while the boys are out on the couch eating their pizza, you're in your room getting ready for work.
You have music playing quietly as you do your makeup, simple today. You don't really feel like doing full glam, actually you don't even feel like going to work.
Colby's words had an effect on you, you felt bad. You knew he was right, you didn't have to work at the club, you chose to.
In a way, you kinda felt like you were going against him, and that hurt worse than seeing his friend behind his back.
"Hey." Colby says walking into your room, "You got a second?"
You set your brush down and turn to him, "What's up?" He sits down on your bed, "So.. I've been meaning to ask you.."
"What is it Colby?" You cross your leg, staring over at him.
He sighs, "would it be alright if I stayed here for a little while?"
You nod, "Of course. But what's going on?" He shakes his head, "Nothing it's just that.. staying on campus is getting expensive and I ju-"
"Okay." You cut him off and try to fight your smirk.
He tilts his head, looking at you, "No. you don't get to say it."
"Oh come on, Colby." You laugh slightly, "Just once? Please?"
He sighs and motions to you, "One. Time."
You stand up, walking over to him. You take a dramatic breath, "i told you so."
He nods in defeat, "You did. You did. Now. While you're at work, I'm going to pack up some stuff." He stands up and pulls you in for a hug.
You're facing the door, so you see Sam sitting on the couch, staring at you.
His stare gives you chills, but in a good way.
"Alright." You say breaking your stare with Sam and leaning back, "I gotta get to work. I'll be home around eleven? Maybe a little bit later."
He nods, "Okay. Be safe."
You smile at him, nodding as he walks out of the room. You hear him tell Sam about moving some stuff and Sam agrees, "Yeah, totally. I do have to be somewhere around eight, but other than that, I gotcha."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Thank you, darling." The man sitting in the chair smirks, "You're why I come here." He tucks a fifty into the band of your lingerie body suit and you smile, "You're why I do this."
You wink at him, dragging your hand over his shoulders as you walk away, strutting up to the stage.
"You ready?" Lina as she turns to you.
You look out, smiling as you see Sam sitting center stage on your side, "Oh yeah." You look at her, "Blondie's mine."
You glance over and see Sam chuckle and shake his head.
You could get used to this whole seeing a vampire thing.
You shake your head, the whole idea still shocks you, but you quickly pull yourself out of your head and nod to the DJ.
He gives you a thumbs up and you walk out, holding hands with Lina as Partition by Beyoncé starts playing.
The crowd around the stages cheer, whistle, just genuinely get loud. Sam sits still, leaning back in the chair, one leg crossed over the other as he watches you and only you.
You let go of Lina and you go to your pole, spinning around a few times before dropping down. You open your knees, moving to the beat of the song.
You move down onto your knees, leaning forward slowly as you crawl towards Sam, mouthing the words to the song, "Take all.. of me.. I just wanna be the girl you like.."
He smirks, biting his lip as he watches dollar bills land on your half naked body.
You roll over, popping your ass out before pushing yourself up, moving over to the others.
Sam doesn't like it, and he'll be sure to let you know later, but for now. He's letting you make your money.
You move back to the pole, lifting yourself up so you and slowly set yourself back down, squatting down to pop your ass out to the beat.
"Give it up for these ladies gentleman." The DJ says and you walk around, collecting the money from your side as the men continue to cheer you on.
Sam stands up, making his way over to the bar and once you're off stage you follow him over, "So.." you bite your lip, leaning against the bar, "What did ya think?"
He turns to you, his chest extremely close to yours, "I was in awe of you." He gently grabs your chin, tilting it up, "I'm always in awe of you."
You smirk, "Sounds like you need some time in the champagne room."
"How'd you know?" He smirks and sets his empty glass down, "lead the way."
You grab his hand, pulling him with you to and through the red lit hallway, "Right in here." You motion for him to walk in but he shakes his head, "Mm. After you."
You smirk, letting go to walk in, and in a matter of seconds, the door is shut and you're straddling him, "That still gets me." You laugh slightly and Sam shrugs, "You'll get used to it."
Your heart rate picks up a little, causing Sam to lick his lips, "You wanna tilt your head for me?" You bit your lip, nodding as you slowly move your head.
Sam brushes hair from your neck and sighs, "Fuck, I will never get over you."
You grip his shoulders as you feel his hands tighten on your waist and his lips gently press to your necks few times.
"Wait.." you feel Sam pull away and you look at him, "Can I see?"
He chuckles and nods, "Anything you want, princess." He winks and parts his lips, moving them to show his teeth. You watch intently and jump slightly when his fangs pop out.
You were aching for him. That was the hottest thing you've ever seen.
"Now.. can I-"
"Please." You grip the collar of his shirt and pull yourself into him. He raises his eyebrows, "Eager thing aren't we?"
You nod and he leans in, breathing in your scent before sinking his teeth into your skin. You let out a whimper, gripping his shirt collar tighter the more blood he drinks.
"S-Sam." You whimper out with a moan following. You grind down into him and he moans against your neck. You slide your hand up and onto the back of his head as you feel kinda dizzy, but it's euphoric.
His arm slides around your waist and he holds you against him as he slowly lifts his head away from you, whispering lowly into your ear, "sorry if that was too much. I've been craving you all damn day."
You sigh, turning your head to look down at him, "get your fix?" You smirk slightly and he moves you to lay on the couch, his body hovering over yours, "For now."
He licks the blood from the corner of his mouth before leaning down to kiss you. The make out is heated, full of passion.
Sam was honestly surprised he didn't need to compel you like the night before. He thought you would have put up more of a fight.
But he's not complaining.
"You want me in your life?" Sam kisses back your jaw, "You sure seem like you do." He kisses down your neck and licks over the fresh puncture marks.
You gasp, arching your back slightly, "wouldn't be the worst thing." You smile as he leans his head up to look down at you, "Are you lying?"
"Compel me to tell the truth or whatever." You bite your lip, hiding your smirk.
He slowly smiles, "I believe you." He dips his head down, pressing his lips to yours. You lay your hand on his cheek, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"Someone's coming." He mumbles, "I hear them."
You look over at the door, "Maybe it's-"
The door knob starts to jiggle and Sam gets up fast, "I'll see you after your shift."
You turn and he's gone, "How does he do that?" You whisper to yourself and turn as the door opens. You move your hair back over to cover your neck and smile at Lina, "Hey. You need this room?"
"Sorry." She laughs slightly, "I didn't realize this was already occ-"
"I'm done here. I was just cleaning up. Last person spilled a drink. It's all good now. Enjoy." You smile at her and quickly make your way out of the room, back out to the floor.
The last few hours of your shift felt like it was just dragging. Each song felt like it was on for a year.
Sam was the only thing on your mind and you just wanted to get home.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You unlock the door to your apartment and walk in. You don't see Colby or Sam anywhere, "Hello?"
"Hey. We're in here." Colby calls from the spare bedroom. You set your bag on the counter as you walk over, leaning against the door frame as you watch them unload boxes.
"How was work?" Sam asks giving you a smirk. You smile, "work is work. You know."
He nods, "Any weirdos or creeps come by?"
You tilt your head, resting it against the frame, "There was this one guy.. he was pretty strange."
Colby looks up, "What?"
You laugh, "It's okay, Colbs. He left before anything happened so no worries." You glance over at Sam and he shakes his head chuckles to himself.
"They need more security there." He shakes his head and goes back to unpacking his box. You sigh, "I'm going for a shower."
Sam raises his eyebrows and watches as you leave the doorway. You knew Sam would follow, at this point, you'd even settle for him compelling Colby to just stare at the wall.
You grab your stuff and walk into the bathroom, turning the water on. Steam quickly fills the bathroom, fogging up the mirror. You take off your sweats and t shirt, tossing them to the ground before looking up and swiping the mirror with your hand.
You jump slightly, "Fuck."
"Sorry. I guess I could have just used the door." Sam laughs and walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"How'd you get in here?" You turn your head and he chuckles, "You mean like how did I just appear or getting passed Colby?"
You laugh slightly and turn around to face him, "I mean both, but mainly the second one."
He shrugs, "I compelled him to keep unpacking, not to worry about where we're at." He brushes hair from your shoulder, biting his lip as he looks at the day old mark on your neck, then moving to look at the few hours old one.
"Is that a problem?" His eyes move up to meet yours and you shake your head, "Just as long as it's not all the time."
He nods, "Mhm." He pulls you in, gently pressing his lips to yours, "you ready for the blessing part?" He smirks against your lips and you nod, "Mhm."
He slowly pulls your panties down your legs, bending down to kiss up your thigh. You grip the counter as you watch him inch closer to where you need him most.
Your breathing picks up, almost to a pant as his tongue gently flicks up and down your clit. He hums lowly before pulling away and standing up.
He slips his shirt off his body, undoing his belt to his jeans. He nods towards the shower, "go get in."
You walk over, stepping into the shower and shutting the door. You let the water wash over you, closing your eyes as it hits the sensitive marks on your neck.
You hear the door slide open and you turn around, leaning against the wall as you watch Sam step in, sliding the door shut, "Come here." He holds his hand out and you lay your hand in his.
He pulls you to him and wraps an arm around your body, "You wanna know why I'm here?"
You nod and tilt your head as he kisses your neck, "Yes."
He takes a long pause, sliding his hands up and down your body before sighing, "You're the one thing that makes me feel closest to being a human again."
His words confuse you, "But we've only known each other for two days. Not even."
He chuckles and brushes his fingers over your cheek, "That's where you're wrong."
Your brows furrow and he continues speaking, "I've been with you, these last few weeks. Watching. Following. You know, what you thought."
You nod, still staring at him, "so.. we've.. done this before?"
He shakes his head, "No. no. Not until yesterday." He smirks, "Today."
"So we just what? Hung out?" You lay your hands on his biceps, "I'm confused."
He leans forward, looking into your eyes, "Rememeber."
You round the corner, stumbling your way back to the bathroom, mumbling to yourself about the guy who spilled his drink on your outfit, "Fucking asshole."
You grab the knob, twisting it to push the door open. You walk in, freezing when you see a blonde haired boy attached to someone's neck.
You didn't think anything of it, you thought you interpreted something, "Oh sorry."
"No. You're fine."
You look back and your lips part slightly, "Wh-" you shake your head, blinking as if you're hallucinating the scene that's in front of you.
Blood runs down both chin of the blonde and neck of the, what you can only assume, dead guy I'm front of him.
"Sorry. I just didn't like the way he treated you out there." The blonde tosses the body to the floor, "He was such an asshole."
You stare at the blonde as he stands up, wiping his chin with his wrist, "I'm sorry. How rude of me. I'm Samuel, but you can call me Sam." He holds his clean hand out and you take it, "y/n."
"Yeah I know that already." He chuckles and you shake your head, "I'm sorry.. I must be.. a lot drunker than I thought."
Sam moves over to you, his hands on your waist, "Why aren't you running away? Screaming for help?"
You shrug, "I don't know if I believe this."
He nods, "Okay.. that's fine." He smiles and you smile back at him, completely forgetting what you just witnessed.
He sighs, "Well, I have to get going. I'll see you again, soon, y/n."
"You will?" You question and he nods, "Forget about that you saw until I tell you to remember."
You gasp, leaning back slightly, "Is that why?"
He bites his lip, eyes scanning over your face, "You didn't fear me."
"I was drunk, Sam." You laugh slightly and he sucks air through his teeth, "I don't think you were."
He was right. You were drunk, but you would have remembered everything that night. Actually, something did feel off, you felt like you were forgetting something about it, but you couldn't ever figure it out, until right now.
You look down and back up at him, "So you're here because I'm not scared of you?"
"That's a part of it. Along with you making me feel somewhat human again.. even when I wasn't physically next to you. You just.." he smiles and shakes his head, "I knew the moment I saw you, I knew I needed to keep you safe."
You smile slightly, biting the inside of your cheek, "oh."
He cups your cheeks, moving your head up to look at him, "Do you want me in your life?"
You stare at him for a second, slowly smiling as you sigh, nodding as you lean up to kiss him. He pulls you closer to him and you lean back, "Can I tell you something?"
He nods, "Anything."
You lick your lips, "I like the whole being compelled to do stuff, maybe not all the time, but you know.."
He chuckles and nods, "Mm. You mean like this.. get on your knees, baby."
You instantly drop to the shower floor, looking up at him as you bite your lip, "Uh huh."
"Open that pretty little mouth of yours." He smirks and your lips part, opening up so you can take the head of his cock between them.
Sam groans, "Fuck." You wrap a hand around his cock, stroking as you suck the tip. You work your way down, bobbing your head as you grip his thighs.
He places a hand on the back of your head, letting out a sigh, "You can do it, baby."
You relax, taking him in fully as your nails dig into his skin. He tangles his fingers into your hair and slowly works your head up and down his cock, "Fuck, baby. This is so much better when you're doing it on your own."
You bob your head a few more times, leaning back with a string of saliva keeping you connecting to his cock until you wipe it with your wrist.
He pulls you to your feet, pushing you against the shower door, "You're so beautiful." He whispers as he kisses your cheek, back your jaw, "Can I have another taste?"
"Yes." You whimper out as his cock rubs against your clit. He kisses down your neck slowly, "Are you sure?"
You nod, "Yes."
"If you say so." He chuckles slightly before his fangs pop out and puncture your skin for the third time.
You gasp, whimpering as you wrap an arm around his neck. That euphoric feeling quickly returns and your eyes flutter shut, "Sam.."
He hums against your neck and you can feel blood leaning a trail of red down your body, "S-Sam." You squeeze his shoulder and he pops off, stepping back.
His eyes move from your neck, following the trail of red that goes between your boobs.
You turn to look at him, breathing heavy as he brands down, licking from where the trail stops, up to your neck.
You wince at the slight pain, but moan when you feel his fingers circle your clit, "You all around taste divine."
"Only for you." You whisper and he smirks, "That's what I like to hear." He interlocks his fingers with yours, pinning your hands above your head as he makes out with you.
"Please., Sam.. I need you." You whimper against his lips and he gently bites down on your bottom lip, "turn around."
You flip around, pressing your cheek, hands, and chest to the glass shower door. Sam rubs the tip of his cock against your pussy, slowly pushing in.
Your moans reverberate off the walls, echoing louder and louder the further he pushes into you.
"Let me hear all those loud and pretty sounds, baby." Sam grips your hips and pulls out, only to thrust back into you.
His pace is harsh, punishing. Your legs quickly feel like they're about to give out. But you push through, "F-Fuck. Yes yes yes."
You slide your hands down the wall and he reaches up, laying a hand over your left and interlocking his fingers over yours, "Fuckin' hell." Sam groans, "You're incredible."
A non stop string of moans leaves your lips the closer he gets you to cum.
"You're so close, baby. You're right there." Sam pants, "Come on, baby. Cum for me."
You squeeze his cock and he groans, "Fuck, d-don't do that." He lets go of your hand and grips your hips, "I want you to cum first."
You drag your fingers down the steamy glass, moaning against it as you feel the knot snap.
"Sam! Fuck, yes! Yes!" You scream out, pushing your hips back to meet his, "Fuck."
He groans and his thrusts grow sloppy, fast.
"Shit, shit." He pulls your hips to him as he pushes in, tilting his head back and closing his eyes as he cums after you.
He slowly pulls out and spins you around, "Come here." He pulls you to him, wrapping his arms around you as you stand under the, now warm water,
He rubs his hand up and down your back, watching as the water washes away the rest of the blood, tinting the water going down the drain a slight red color.
"You okay?" He whispers and you nod, "Yeah."
"Tell me what you're thinking." He kisses your head and you sigh, "What's the curse part to this?"
He sighs, pulling you closer to him, "That.." he swallows, "Not so much on your part, but more or less mine."
You pull away slightly and look up at him, "What is it Sam?"?
He shrugs, "I'm immortal. You.." he gently boops your nose, "..are not.."
Without even thinking, "What if I was?"
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
I feel like yall are gunna hate me for the ending but I felt like I needed to end it this way.. soooo as usual, let me know your thoughts :)
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
355 notes · View notes
midnightsnyx · 1 year
for smau… mat barzal just gushing over his girls (wife and daughters) all the time to the point where he literally doesn’t even post hockey anymore. it’s just his girls 25/8 and his teammates are always commenting and chirping at him.
love love love this idea!!! i took the name nora from my mat barzal fic and just picked the other from a baby name website. also, i dont know many islanders so theres only a few lol
honestly i kinda wanna take this and turn it into an AU lol
disclaimer: photo credit to all original owners. they were found on google/pinterest/etc. requests for blurbs & instagram edits are open!
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liked by dawson1417, yourusername, and others
barzal97 best feeling in the world.
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al_rom26 second that! ⤷ barzal97 ✌️
user1 good luck this season!!!
ny_islanders 😎
titobeauvi91 miss you brother ⤷ barzal97 miss you too! see you on the ice✌️ ⤷ user2 screaming crying throwing up
mattymarts17 there will be a better feeling one day bud
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liked by titobeauvi91, bohorvat, and others
barzal97 missing this girl
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user1 since when does Mat have a gf?? ⤷titobeauvi91 that's his wife 👀 ⤷user2 SINCE WHEN IS MAT BARZAL MARRIED
ynbarzal miss you too ❤️ ⤷user3 brb going to stalk her profile
bohorvat young love
al_rom26 yeah man you're kinda depressing when your wifey isn't here ⤷barzal97 am not ⤷mattymarts17 he's right
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liked by ynbarzal, _connorbedard, and others
tagged: yourusername
barzal97 my wife's been upgraded to baby mama
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pagertrain did yn approve this caption? ⤷ynbarzal no she did not.
joshanderson_77 congrats guys!
user1 omg awwwww
titobeauvi91 can't wait to be upgraded to uncle ⤷barzal97 you'll have to visit us
user2 baby mama lmao love it
ynbarzal can you come make me a sandwich ⤷barzal97 I am in the next room?? ⤷ynbarzal too much energy ⤷bohorvat don't question pregnant women bud ⤷user3 she's so cute omg
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liked by ynbarzal, ny_islanders, and others
barzal97 Welcome to the world Nora. Beyond thankful for my wife❤️
tagged: ynbarzal
titobeauvi91 booking my plane ticket now ⤷barzal97 ✌️
ny_islanders Congrats to the Barzal's!
mattymarts17 we're so happy for you guys. ⤷barzal97 thanks man
user2 still can't believe mat barzal is married and has a kid
al_rom26 wow, congrats guys!
ynbarzal love you and our little family <3 ⤷barzal97 love you ❤️
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liked by ny_islanders, ynbarzal, and others
tagged: ynbarzal
barzal97 like mama like daughter
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bohorvat Holly said to bring Nora for a playdate with the kids soon ⤷ynbarzal i'll text her!
user1 she is literally living the life we all want ⤷user2 fr
al_rom27 workin on #2 yet? ⤷ynbarzal get outta here ⤷barzal97 👀
titobeauvi91 do you even play hockey anymore🙄 ⤷barzal97 full time dad ⤷ynbarzal he's in dad mode
user3 🥺🥺🥺
mattymarts17 she's growing like a weed
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liked by bohorvat, al_rom26, and others
tagged: ynbarzal
barzal97 Nora is getting upgraded to big sister!
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titobeauvi91 growing your own hockey team so you don't have to play? ⤷barzal97 you know it
user1 no wayyy ⤷ynbarzal yes wayyy
ny_islanders Can't wait to see Nora as a big sis!
al_rom26 you just should change your username to "mat barzal family fan account" ⤷ynbarzal tell me about it
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liked by ynbarzal, ny_islanders, and others
tagged: ynbarzal
barzal97 everyone meet Rosie
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user1 girl dad!!!
mattymarts17 how's Nora adjusting? ⤷barzal97 she doesn't want anyone else to hold her Rosie so we're working on that
titobeauvi91 2 down, 18 to go ⤷ynbarzal Anthony, get out of here
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liked by bohorvat, colecaufield, and others
tagged: ynbarzal
barzal97 thought playing hockey was the best feeling in the world. turned out, it wasn't even close.
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titobeauvi91 that is so sweet... I kind of love it
ynbarzal we love you so much ❤️
ny_islanders beautiful family!
user1 literally crying ⤷user2 same omg
al_rom26 ok this is officially a mat barzals family fan account
mattymarts17 I told you bud
296 notes · View notes
bradshawssugarbaby · 11 months
Hard to Forget - Willard Hewitt x Reader
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A/N: I wanted to branch out the list of characters I'd write for and since Willard is a fave of mine (I have a soft spot for dumb pretty country boys oops), I figured I'd roll with it.
Inspired by I Bet You Think About Me and Betty by Taylor Swift;
“But now that we're done and it's over, I bet you couldn't believe when you realized I'm harder to forget than I was to leave”
“But if I just showed up at your party, - Would you tell me to go fuck myself, - I’m only 17, I don’t know anything.” “Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?”
pairing: Willard Hewitt (Footloose 2011) x f!reader
content/warnings: swearing, angst, Willard being a dummy, some pining, fluffy ending.
word count: 3k
“Willard, you can’t just go around kissin’ other girls and then telling me you love me, that’s not how this works!” 
“Well, maybe I dunno how any of this works, did’ya ever think that? Jeez, you’re puttin’ more rules on me than coach does for a football game, babe. Maybe I don’t wanna be in a relationship like this? I’m young, you know, I’m 19, I wanna be free and have fun while I still can. I’m gonna graduate soon and I wanna enjoy life before I get stuck workin’ a 9 to 5 somewhere. I know I’m not playin’ football when I get out, but I’m not plannin’ to be like everyone else back home and have a wife and kids and a dog before I turn 30.”
“Well then, maybe we should break up, Willard. Apparently according to you we were never anything to begin with, so it shouldn’t be too hard to call this off.” 
“Yeah, maybe we should.”
Willard’s words were like venom, stinging you as you walked away, hot tears threatening to overflow your eyes and stream down your face. You headed off to your dorm, trying your damnest to not let Willard’s indifference towards you get under your skin. You were determined to not let some country boy from a small town in Georgia break your heart, you were better than that. Before you left, you spun around on your heel and looked at him.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself, Willard?” 
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
Five years later, and you had long moved on from the cute Southern country boy who’d tried to break your heart. You’d completed your university degree in Education, worked your ass off, determined to be happy with or without your ex boyfriend. You and Willard never crossed paths again at university, and you were sure you’d never see him again. That was, until you had to return home for the weekend. Your younger sister had just turned 16, and your presence was requested, causing you to make the four and a half hour one way trip down to Athens to be there for her party. You’d moved to South Carolina after graduation, landing a job with a school district in Charleston where you were hired on as a first grade teacher. Once you arrived back home in Athens, the memories of Willard and your years at university all came flooding back. Complicating these, was when your tire blew on your car. You had to have it towed to the nearest mechanic.
When you hopped out of the tow truck, you lifted your sunglasses up from your eyes, resting them atop your head, squinting as you walked into the garage. A tall man with dark hair and a deep Southern accent with his back turned to you as he wiped his hands off called out to you. There was a sense of familiarity as he spoke, an uncomfortable feeling brewed in you as he turned around. You saw his face, and nothing about him had changed - the same hazel eyes, dark brown curls, the faint scars on his cheek and his chin now almost unnoticeable. His breath audibly hitched as he saw you. 
“Well...hi,” Willard chuckled awkwardly as he saw you, taking a moment to register everything that had changed since you’d left him.
“Hi,” You responded coldly, your arms folded across your chest as you looked at him, “My tire blew, I just need one replaced. No I didn’t have a spare, just charge it to my credit card when you’re done, ok?” 
“Well now, is that anyway to talk to your ex boyfriend?” Willard smirked playfully, that same godforsaken twinkle in his hazel eyes that always won you over before still clearly present.
“Ex for a reason, Willard.”
“Not a good one,” He admitted as he nodded his head slowly, “I-uh-I’ve been thinking.”
“After 5 years? Seems a little late.”
“Listen, darlin’, I was a stupid kid,” he began, nodding slowly, “I never wanted to hurt ya.”
“Well, you just did a damn good job of that without even trying, didn’t you?” You rebuffed his attempt to discuss further and handed him your credit card so he could put the tire repair on file with your card. 
“I’m sorry, ok?” He said softly, his voice barely a whisper as he spoke. 
“I’m not.”
“I probably deserve that, I’ll admit,” Willard sighs and shakes his head, “Let me make it up to ya, ok? Maybe I could take you for dinner some time? How long are ya here for? I can’t cook for shit still, but I remember you always loved going out to that place near the campus, I could take you there if ya’d like?”
“Thanks, but I have plans.”
“I haven’t even told you when it is yet.”
“Well I’m only home for a weekend. It’s my sister’s sweet 16.”
Willard’s face fell as he nodded slowly. He sighed softly and handed you your card back, furrowing his brow as he spoke.
“S’pose I can’t convince you then, can I?” 
“What could you possibly say to fix it after five years, Willard?
He frowned again before gazing up at the clock on the wall. He nodded slowly and turned his attention back to you before speaking again.
“I’m off in 10 minutes, if you wait for me, I’ll explain everything. If you say my explanation and apology aren’t good enough, I’ll back off and you can pretend you never even met me. I’ll even fix that tire for free first before you go back home.”
You weighed your options as Willard looked at you hopefully, almost as if he was pleading you to agree. You sighed and shook your head before pointing a finger at him.
“Don’t disappoint me, ok?
“I’ll do my damnest not to, darlin’”
After 10 short minutes, you observed as Willard punched out his time card and trodded off to the change room to discard of his dirty, grease laden clothes. He smiled as he walked out to you, wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt, his beat up old baseball cap from when you’d first met him now adorning his head. He laughed softly before turning to you once again and grinning.
“I’m impressed you waited for me,” Willard explained. 
As the two of you headed outside, you spotted his infamous beat up old pickup truck, looking as rough as ever parked outside. Willard grinned at you and laughed, “You used to love this truck, you know.”
“Yeah, when I was 19, I also loved country boys in cowboy hats who wiillingly broke my heart by kissing other girls while I thought we were dating exclusively,” You hissed at him.
If there was one thing you knew about Willard, it was that he didn’t give a single fuck if anyone didn’t like his truck. That truck was the only thing he loved more than his own mama, and Willard would spend every last dime he had to fix that awful thing just so he could continue cherishing it. He’d always been very set in his ways about everything. It was the reason why you’d split in the first place. He was so determined to “live freely” and “live his life” that he gave up anything he figured might have stopped him, including you.
“Listen, I’m sorry for what I did, yeah?” 
“So you’ve said.” 
“Just hear me out, ok? I was a stupid kid. I was 19, I didn’t know shit. I still don’t know shit at 24, but you know what I do know?” 
“How to count past 10 without taking your shoes off?” You retorted dryly.
“Hey now, I’m trying to be serious!” Willard laughed softly, “I know now that you never would have stopped me from doing whatever I had my heart set on. You would have encouraged me to just be happy. I appreciate that. I was just too stupid to pick up on that. I’m sorry I broke your heart. I also learned that you were so much harder to forget than you were to leave. Watching you walk away and hearing you tell me to go fuck myself gave me quite the ego check. And, I really did think you were the sweetest lil’ Georgia peach I’d ever met.”
You rolled your eyes as you tried to maintain your icy exterior towards him. On the inside though, you could feel your heart melt ever so slightly as he called you a Georgia peach - that had always been his saying when he thought you did something cute. He’d pat your cheek with his big hand, calloused from a combination of playing football and his studying to be a mechanical engineer, and grin at you as his thick as molasses Southern accent gushed at you. “Well ain’t you just as sweet as a Georgia Peach?” he’d always say. Half the time you figured he said it purely to make you blush. 
Willard took a step closer to you, his hazel eyes meeting with yours the way they had when you two had dated all those years ago. He sighed softly, almost happily as he saw you weren’t rejecting him this time around. His hand reached for yours slowly, his touch gentle and delicate, as if he was trying purposefully not to scare you away. He smiled softly as you allowed him to hold your hand, your lack of resistance giving him a glimmer of hope that you might have somehow found a way to forgive him. You would feel yourself wearing down against him, your cold, frozen exterior towards him melting away as he gently held your hand.
“Willard,” you frowned slightly as you looked down at his hand holding yours, trying to ignore the fact that your hand fit perfectly in his.
“Darlin’ I’m willing to do anything to prove to you that I’m not going to break your heart again if you give me the chance. I’ve spent the last five years realizing that those big dreams and aspirations I had in college weren’t going to come true without you. I never did make it out of college football, I never ended up travelling or leaving Georgia like I said I would, but, I mean, I do decently well for myself. When you left I realized you were what made me happy though - not travelling or football, or workin’ on cars. You. And when I didn’t have you to do all these things I’d dreamed of with, well, none of them seemed worth doin’ anymore.”
 You sighed softly as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. You looked up at him, meeting those gorgeous hazel eyes you’d always loved, tears welling up in your own as you gave an understanding nod of your head. 
“Now, there’s my sweet lil’ Georgia peach,” he smirked as he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb. 
A rush of memories and a sense of familiarity came rushing over you as he spoke, calling you by the pet name that always made you weak in the knees years ago. You shook your head quickly as you tried to shake the feeling of nostalgia that was overtaking you.
“I should get going.” Your voice was soft-spoken, partially feeling guilty as you spoke.
Willard swallowed hard and nodded his head, trying to not sound defeated. He gestured his hand outward, pointing towards the street, forcing a hearty laugh and a big smile as he spoke.
“Yeah, might not wanna be late, your mama’d be so mad. Bet your sister wouldn’t be none too pleased either tho, would she?”
“No, I don’t suppose they would be. My sister’s party is supposed to start in,” You frowned as you looked at your watch and shook your head, “!5 minutes. Christ, I better start walking.”
“Don’t be silly, I’ll just drive you over. Sure your mama doesn’t want you wanderin’ your way around town to get home.”
You opened your mouth to argue but quickly closed it again. You knew he had a fair point, and you’d never make it there in 15 minutes by walking. Smiling, Willard opened the door of his truck for you, gesturing to the front seat for you to hop inside. You jumped up into the seat and nodded slowly as Willard took your bag out of your temporarily non-functioning car for you, placing it in the back. He climbed into the driver’s seat and turned the key over, the engine making its unique sputtering sound as it roared to life, the old engine sounding like it was clinging to life by a thread. 
“You know, I could fix ‘er, but I just…I dunno, the sound is sort of nostalgic for me, ya know? It’s comforting,” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and laughed as he drove towards your parents house. You directed him along the way, but once he found himself in the familiar neighbourhoods he used to drive through to pick you up all those years ago, he didn’t need your navigation skills anymore. He smirked as he pulled up out front of your parents’ home, watching as you hopped out of the truck. He raised an eyebrow as the crowd of your family members that was congregating outside of your garage. Willard waved politely to them, recognizing a few of their faces from family functions he’d accompanied you to years ago. He parked his truck and hopped out, smiling as he looked over to you.
“I take it you never did tell your mama the truth about why we broke up, did ya?” He whispered to you as your mom waved to him from the garage.
“No, I didn’t want to her to go sharpen her pitchfork to come after you with,” You smirked at him and shrugged your shoulders, “You’re welcome.”
As you came up closer to your family, you felt Willard put his hand gently on your back. Turning to you, he smiled softly and whispered in your ear gently.
“Sorry, just trying to make it seem like we didn’t quite break up as badly as we did,” he nodded as he let out a soft chuckle.
You nodded slowly in agreement and smiled at your family members as Willard joined you. He laughed as your dad wrapped an arm Willard’s shoulders, pulling him in to talk for a moment, as he would have with an old friend. Willard gave you an apologetic smile as he shrugged, not realizing that your family would have missed his presence so much. 
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
A few hours later, Willard was still hanging out at the party, unable to make a quick getaway as your family members wanted to hear about all the things he’d done over the last five years. In a way, you were glad they were so welcoming towards him once again, happy to see that he was still considered family by your loved ones. You couldn’t help but notice the butterflies you got every time you saw him smile or laugh while he spoke, like he was genuinely enjoying himself, it showed to you that what he had said earlier about missing you had been completely heartfelt. 
As everyone started to head out, you met Willard on your parents front porch, smiling softly as he held your hand again under the warm glow of the porchlight beside the door. You could feel the gaze of your family members peering through the curtains at you, all secretly and silently hoping that one of you would give a sign that you were rekindling what you’d once had together. 
“Thanks for letting me stick around, I missed seeing everyone, I missed how nice your folks are,” Willard nodded, smiling brightly at you, his cheeks turning pink as he spoke.
“I don’t think they would have given me the option to send you home without staying, to be fair.”
There was an awkward silence in the air between you two as Willard’s eyes met yours. He bit his lip softly and laughed, shaking his head, his dark brown curls becoming perfectly tossed, his discarded baseball cap shoved into his back pocket from when he sat down for dinner earlier. 
“You know, I really wanna kiss you right ‘bout now.”
“Strangely enough, you’re kinda making me wanna kiss you right ‘bout now too,” you teased.
With that, Willard put his hands on your waist, pulling you in close for a kiss. His lips were soft, with a sense of hunger and passion added to the chemistry between you. You could tell just by how his lips met with yours that he’d been craving this for the last five years. That he’d wanted nothing more than to hold you close and kiss you under the porchlight like had so many times before. And if you were being honest, you’d craved it too all these years, as much as you hated to admit it.
“So, where does this leave us then?” You raised an eyebrow at him, “‘Suppose I can’t hate you anymore if I’m letting you kiss me like that, now can I?”
“Don’t suppose you can, sweetheart. Looks like you may have to agree to datin’ me again?”
“Is that so?”
“Now come on, my lil’ Georgia peach, don’t make me get on my knees and beg you to take me back in front of your folks. You know I will.”
You laughed softly and pressed your lips to his again, murmuring into the kiss as your lips touched. 
“Come ‘ere, country boy,  you’re mine now.”
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bunnyrafe · 3 months
🎧🎶໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა 𝒷𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎’𝓈 playlist
♥︎ songs / lyrics that remind me of rafe specifically highly toxic!rafe
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sundress / a$ap rocky
— 'cause lately i’ve been thinking 'bout you and rebuilding, walking 'round like you lost feelings. i can tell he not fulfilling, you in love with me still. they say only if looks could kill, for real
lost / frank ocean
— triple weight couldn't weigh the love i've got for the girl. and i just wanna know why you ain't been going to work? boss ain't workin' you like this. he can't take care of you like this
i. pink toes (feat. jhené aiko) / childish gambino
— he slangs his yay through the corridors. every day, 20K, yep, at the very least, for sure. and they say there's no way, i should stay with someone like you but i tell them, "no." there's no way i could stray, gotta stay with someone like you. 'cause i know, one day, you could take me away, far away. i know you could pay. all the money you made, there'll be plenty of sunshine
jealousy (feat. rema) / FKA twigs
— i just wanna go outside and feel the sun is shinin' on my better side. i've not always had my way, but i forgive my sins. yeah, baby, that's okay. jealousy you put on me, you're in your feelings way too deep
candy / mk.gee
— i've done some bad, i won't fake it. i got patterns, don't think i'll shake it. ah, but you fuck up too and that's fine. i cut you slack, you cut me mine
pressurelicious (feat. future) / megan thee stallion
— 5 in the morning, i need it, knocking the bed off the hinges. get in your mouth like a dentist, really, i belong in the Guinness. pressure, she good for the image, i put her in vintage. i'ma take care of the business, drop a bag, it hit different. i'ma give away my thots for a rich bitch, woo. fuck me, and call me toxic, she no different
WY@ / brent faiyaz
— you and i know you aint no good for me but you feel so good to me. every time i come back i try to leave, so how you end up back with me? i don't know
never call me / jhené aiko
— we never shared anything but the drugs. we were both numb, never had anything real between us, we really must. smoking that crazy shit, in my city talkin' crazy shit but you ain't know i'm a crazy bitch. and tell your lawyer that i ain't paying shit
m.o.n.e.y / the 1975
— tabs with unlimited zero's, new clothes, bloody nose, powders and walking back home. has he got enough weed, no. broken phone retching on the floor alone. i can't believe that we're talking about him
florida kilos / lana del rey
— strung in my mouth and gold hoops. you like your little baby like you like your drinks, cool. white lines, pretty daddy, go skiing. you snort it like a champ, like the winter we're not in
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nisuna · 10 months
I fucking love the fact that you write down my ideas so quickly. you have become my favorite.
and so, for a very long time I thought that Itadori had an older half-sister who always took care of him. Even when she learned that Yuji had become a vessel for Sukuna, the older half-sister did not leave her brother. And that's why she feels weird when Sukuna, who has her brother's body, fucks her on the couch. Of course, she couldn't resist the King of Curses himself. But she is very worried about the fact that this is her younger brother's body
Omg hiiiii♡ thank you so much that's so sweet of you 😭 I'm trying to keep up, but I've gotten a lot more submissions that I expected 0.o Would you like me to call you something or anyone for that matter? Something like (emoji)-anon if you're comfortable enough with me knowing that it's you ^^ Let me know if anyone would like that!
But either way, thank you for another take!!<3
~short drabble~
TW: this one's kinda dark as I'm currently malding, screaming, crying, throwing up over the new episode 🥲; angst with smut, kind of dubcon, forced sex, mating press, a lot if talking and hating, my heart hurts, this probably wasn't what you had in mind I'm sorry 😭
"Lets make a binding vow. If you let me fuck you I'll leave your brother alone whenever you're around, deal?"
Is he joking? What kind of deal is that? You cursed yourself that you were even considering it, but being able to linder your brothers pain even just a little was worth it for you
"Deal...but doesn't he see everything like you do when he's on the inside? I don't want him to know about any of this."
"Don't worry I put the brat to sleep and if he does wake up I'll erase his memory. He'll never know any of this happened."
"Not tricks alright? I want that included in the vow."
He clicked his tongue at your comment nodding his head with a sigh. "Sure sure whatever you want sweetheart. Now get rid of those clothes let's not waste any more time. You wouldn't want him to take over while you're stuffed full of cock now would you." At that you swallowed your remaining pride and gave him the okay by pulling your top over your head.
"Now we're talkin'."
You shouldn't be enjoying yourself right now, you really shouldn't. But how could you not if his fat cock was splitting you open so deliciously.
"Shit you're dripping. Best pussy I've had in years. You like it too, huh? Like my fat cock up your pussy? 'gonna make me cum if you keep clenching 'round like that."
"Ooooh will the mighty Sukuna-sama, King of Curses cum like a virgin boy within a few thrusts boohoo", you mocked which only earned you another hard thrust of his hips.
"Cool it. Or I won't play nice anymore. Might even wake the brat up to see his sister like that."
"You wouldn't! What about the vow?, you moaned at his harsh words and mean thrusts.
"The vow starts after the fucking, so you better watch it, got it?"
With that you pressed your lips together nodding your head. "Got it..."
Satisfied he grinned while putting your legs over his broad shoulders folding you in half.
"Now that's a good girl"
At least he made it worth your while. He made you cum harder than anyone ever had. And more times than you could count. Your head was mush at the point he bottomed out and filled you up.
"Was nice workin' with ya, see you never, Sweetheart." he mused being kind enough to put Yuji's clothes back on.
As Sukuna left Yuji's conscience you were quick to put your clothes back in place. Catching him because he almost toppled over from exhaustion. He faintly heard you calling his name but as soon he saw your dishevelled self, pink cheeks and messy hair, his eyes shot open.
"Oh no. He was out wasn't he. Nee-chan what did he do? Tell me what he did, if he hurt I'm going to kill him. I'm going to fucking-."
"No he didn't do anything, don't worry everything's fine. I'm fine. We just.. talked. He will leave you alone as long as you're with me. You're safe with me now. He won't bother you anymore. From now on I won't ever leave your side. We'll stay together forever.", you smiled at him trying your best subdue the tears that were threatening to spill. You opted for hugging him tightly, patting his head softly. Yuji opened his lips to say something, but he swallowed his words and hugged you back just as tight instead. "Okay, I trust you. You would never lie to me right, Nee-chan?" You felt your heart drop at his words but hummed in agreement nonetheless. "Never."
You were a good sister and you loved your brother more than anything. And that is why you will be taking this secret to the grave.
Feel free to send me your Hot Takes as well ^^
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fallinginaforrest · 11 months
Okay here's my opinion:
Curt being the DP for Workin' boys is the best thing that coulda happened to it. There are so many choices that were made during filming that just absolutely heighten the level of comedy. It's shot like a Mockumentary almost? The shakycam and the randomized movement? As someone who wrote a Mockumentary last year, I can only dream of pulling off a film like this.
A couple things I wanna point out:
-the minuscule push in on Hidgens when he realises he won the workshop competition feels very office-ey.
-the cut back to MK's amused face had me WHEEZING
-the pan over to Paul as be reminds Hidgens to remember the changes
-"apparently a musical about six men bonding on a football field isnt 'of the times..."'etc, this line right here felt like a talking head, I appreciated it.
-those time cards eg: "Rehearsal #2, 28 days until opening" lent itself so much to the documentarian feel of it.
-"wow, what an auteur", not a camerawork comment but I appreciate the joke for all of the film and theater theory studiers
-the "rehearsal montage" I love a good meta joke.
-even in this montage, the camera is never really onstage. At all. Like, it's always situated off to the side or in the audience, and then zoomed in, the documentarian is trying to capture all of the action on stage instead of trying to make us feel immersed in the rehearsal process. We're not really aligned with any of the characters, we're an audience, and we better stay that way. For our own sake.
-and then this dynamic totally changes, and shifts away from the mockumentary feel
-but I'll get to that in a second
-henry is almost always by himself in the shot. I think the one of the only other times that the entirety of another character's face is seen alongside Henry's (I mean, both faces are CLEAR and uncovered in the shot) is in the two shot of him and Paul's stage manager in the rehearsal montage. He is totally singular in his experiences with this show! He is not one of these girls, if anything he is opposed to them. And this becomes clearer later, but it's a nice seed to sow, establishing that he is not in a collaborative mindset at all. The only other time I can think of is him and Zoey behind the curtain, even then, the only time both of their faces are actually IN the shot is when they're behind all the workin' girls. There's probably more but ykwim.
-also the sheer number of times that Henry is off centre in the shot with just a bunch of space surrounding him.
-okay after "two week notice" or whatever tf that song is called (Kim sounds amazing as always) is when the style shifts. It feels less like a mockumentary and more like this sort of voyeuristic peek into Henry's psyche. I LOVE IT.
-the fact that he is never shown in the shot with the workin' boys! It makes you absolutely feel like he is just talking to the air around him (this is hatchetfield so who knows, either way its unsettling)
-we get aligned with ruth, for the first time, we see the audience from the perspective of a character, not just from a stage POV
-the camera roll!! We don't get a full rotation but we feel dizzy and unsettled when we look at ruth, which is exactly how she feels!
-camera roll close up on Zoey. Uncomfortable, unsettling! Rests in a canted angle before continuing to roll on Hidgens! Who is centered in a low angle shot! We don't see the axe until he brings it up to his face! He is not only in a position of power here, but revealing the axe only when Henry makes it clear he is gonna kill them makes it clear that he calls the shots! We've departed from the Mockumentary style completely, as if this was never a documentary to begin with, more like we're flies on the wall or spirits in the theater or omniscient eldritch beings... anyway-
-long shot of Henry dragging zoey's body, no footage of them being killed, aligns us with the audience
-our friend the camera is getting shakey again, the chaos is in the process of ensueing
-THE PULL OUT SHOT OF GRACE WITH THE GUN. I GASPED. I KNEW IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN AND I GASPED. Fun fact on my first watch I thought this was a dolly shot but I dont think y'all are fitting a dolly on the Hudson theater main stage steps, and also the distance is too short so it must have been a pull out. It was REALLY SMOOTH.
-notice, when grace quotes the bible, we are EVER SO SLIGHTLY looking up at her. It gets progressively more obvious the further she gets into the line, but she has the power now. Somehow she always ends up with the fuckin' power, maybe I should convert to christianity smh.
-shakeycam is back again baby!
The creative minds put so much love and care into Hatchetfield, and you can tell that every project is a passion project. People know starkid primarily as a theater company, and that's great and all, but in reality it's an Avenue for all kind of creatives to not only have the opportunity to create all kinds of amazing things, let alone theater, but also have a way to show people. It's moved past being a theater company, with things like Starkid returns and Workin' boys, it's more like a production collective, and it feels like the beginning of a new era. Not only in terms of broadening the way that they Express themselves and be creative, but also in terms of finding a new niche in the industry. Finding a new, wider audience. Because yeah, you're always gonna have people that dislike the new media you produce, for nostalgia's sake or whatever, but beyond that, there are going to be be people that absolutely love what you have to offer. There's no point in trying to revert back to the way it was before, or trying to cater specifically to an audience from an era gone by. How do you grow as an artist if you're always thinking in the past? Starkid is moving in a new direction. The next musical is likely not going to be hatchetfield, but I dont even mind because it's going to be new. New is always good, and Starkid has a bright future.
TL;DR @curtmega you're a literal genius, and starkid is TOTALLY AWESOME
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pjackk · 1 year
fuck you dickhead
Uh. Yo, check it out. I want you to pay attention to this, know'm saying? Listen up, alright? Yo You bust lead? So do I. Except mine impregnates the page giving birth to thoughts that unify You fuck little girls. I make love to women My words uplift, yours are poisonous like venom I'm an M.C. You're a rapper I'm as real as they come While half the guys you idolize are just actors You run from commitment I remain loyal You call women bitches. I call them queens because they're royal You make rap songs I make soul music! When God speaks through rhythm will you go to it? Yo, I save my cash yours you blow through it I say your child's special you say he's so stupid I'm pouring my heart out in everything written You're scared you'll look soft heart remains hidden Yo, on touchy subjects nerves I stay hittin' But I ain't better than you I just think different Is the glass half full or half empty? It's based on your perspective quite simply We're the same and we're not know what I'm saying listen So I ain't better than you I just think different Is the glass half full or half empty? It's based on your perspective quite simply We're the same and we're not know what I'm saying listen So I ain't better than you I just think different My fam run things, while you run your jewelry Yo, my people pop lock you tough guys pop toolies You rock gems I drop gems you Xerox copying While I originate material to stimulate Positive thought patterns when the chosen start gathering We bar none, yo I got jokes you are one I'm out doing it while you talk about it I'm constantly in the mix, while you walk around it You try, I do, I'm wise you're clueless. I get the job done you fail and make excuses I'm a gentlemen you're behaviors abusive Yo, I'm patient... you're jumping the gun false start! You're caught up in dress codes I'll shop at Walmart Sucker I'm all heart you're half hearted! Yo, you suckas are vandals we graf artist! Thought you had the last laugh but we laugh hardest. Is the glass half full or half empty? It's based on your perspective quite simply We're the same and we're not know what I'm saying listen So I ain't better than you I just think different Is the glass half full or half empty? It's based on your perspective quite simply We're the same and we're not know what I'm saying listen So I ain't better than you I just think different You fall in love with body parts I connect mentally With my female counterpart before we bond physically Cats I chill with rap about revolution While you rap about drug abuse and distribution You wanna be like Mike well I wanna be me. My queens hard to obtain while yours is easy We both from Maryland but be reppin DC We all front sometimes that's how MCs be My word is bond and yours is worthless You're mainstream I'm beneath the surface I stay working hard while you're hardly workin' All you want is "money and you're dick sucked" are you certain? Yo, I want a better world for our seeds to live in. I put faith in myself not the system Yo we trying to travel so why you making pit stops? You cats is rap and I'm HipHop! Is the glass half full or half empty? It's based on your perspective quite simply We're the same and we're not know what I'm saying listen So I ain't better than you I just think different Is the glass half full or half empty? It's based on your perspective quite simply We're the same and we're not know what I'm saying listen So I ain't better than you I just think different
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blackhakumen · 2 months
Mini Fanfic #1216: Small Beach Crush (Sonic X SSBU)
4:42 p.m. at the Smash Local Beach..........
A race has been going on in the bright, sunny day at the Smash Beach, that specializes in Extreme Gears founded and provided by the Babylon Rogue Inc.
The two racers, Sonic The Hedgehog and Jet the Hawk, appear to neck to neck towards the Finish Line, in the last lap.....That is until the final racer swoops in outta nowhere, with more vigorous speed, sweeping both of his competition off their boards and onto the sandy ground, much to their surprise.
The crowd begins to roar in applause the very moment he crossed that Finish Line before sticking a gnarly, perfect landing on the ground. It wasn't long before a Shy Guy announcer runs in to announce the winner helping him holding his own arm up, which just so happens to be...I...
Announcer: The Winner of the 5-Lap Riders Prix.....FUUUUNKY KOOOOOOONG!!!
'Even More Applause'
Sonic: (Groans a Bit While Getting Himself Back on his Feet) Darn...... The folks weren't kidding when they say he's the Best Extreme Gear rider of this part of town.
Jet: (Sighs While Getting Up From the Ground as Well) The guy's a natural born surfer. He can make even the most uncontrollable board a cakewalk to ride on.
Sonic: (Begins to Stretch his Back Forward Befire Stretching his Arm Up Next) Welp! If that's the case, I'm gonna that means I gotta to work a little harder next time. Can't afford to be in 2nd Place forever, you know?
Jet: (Scoffs While Rolling his Eyes) More like 3rd Place...
Sonic: (Turns to Jet With a Raised Eyebrow) Pardon?
Jet: You heard me! 3rd! The place- (Points at Sonic) YOU are currently in!
Sonic: Oh get real. (Starts Butting Heads with Jet) I clearly crossed that line before you could even get close to me!
Jet: Big talk for a guy who's tip of his board Isa millimeter shorter than mines!
Sonic: Oh, so we're measuring boards now?
Jet: If it proves that I'm better than you, why the hell not at this point?
Sonic: (Shrugs) Alright. (Forms a Cocky Smirk on his Face) Still can't beat me in a fist fight though.
Jet: (Angrily Cracking his Knuckles at his Rival) Wanna bet? I been wanting to pulverize that stupid face of your some time now!
Sonic: (Waves Both his Hands Back to Him in a Very Competitive Fashion) Well, bring it then, Birdbrain. I ain't got all-
????: BOYS!
The rivals turns to see the Certified Moms giving both of them their collective Motherly Glares in the mid.
Samus: What the hell did we say about being civil?
Peach: This is a place for fun and relaxation.
Sonic: (Sighs in Defeat Along with Jet) Yes, ma'ams......
Jet: Won't happen again.....(Turns to Sonic) Forgot how scary your moms are..........
Sonic: (Shrugs) They gotta take their jobs seriously somehow....
?????: Hey now!
The duo turns to see the winner of their race, Funky Kong, walk over to them along with the crowd, with a bright, chill smile on his face.
Funky: No need to fuss n' fight now. You both did great out there. Actually had me to workin' up a sweat just to keep up.
Sonic: (Smiles Softly at Funky) Thanks, man. Congratulations on the win.
Jet: Yeah, congrats. But uh...('Clears Throat') Who would you say is the fastest between the two of us here, hm?
Sonic: (Rolls his Eyes at Jet) Could you not waste his time asking that dumb question? The answer's obviously me.
Jet: (Glares at Sonic) Lies! It's me and everyone out here knows it.
Sonic: Yeah, keep telling yourself that you-
Funky: (Breaks Up the Potential Fighting Between Hedgehog and Bird) Hey-Hey-Hey! No more of that now. We're a the fastest here in this wicked beach time. (Holds Both Sonic and Jet's Hands Up) AM I RIGHT, PEOPLE!?
'Uproarious Cheers and Applauses'
Tails: (Watches the Crowd in the Distance With Amy and Coco Sitting Next to Him) Never thought I'd see the day someone would actually out speed Sonic in anything, but...here we are.
Amy: (Sighs Dreamingly at her Man) He may have lost the race, but he'll always be The Fastest, Most Handsomest Thing in my eyes and heart~ (Takes a Look at the Time on her Phone) What is taking Wave so long to get here? (Starts Pouting a Bit) If her boss starts picking fights with Sonic again, there's gonna be heck to pay!
Coco: You know Wave: Have to make extra sure her work is completely done before she could do anything else. (Notices Something) Ooh, speaking of which- (Points Tails and Amy to Their Swallow Friend Walking in the Distance) There she is right now. (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Looking a lot more girlier than usual......
Tails: Girlier?- (Eyes Widened at the Sudden Realization) Wait s second! Is she looking pretty for someone?
Amy: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together as Her Eyes Starts to Sparkle) A secret admirer perhaps?~
Coco: (Casually Shrugs While Forming a Teasing Smirk on her Face) It's the only reason I can think of~
Funky: (Happily Greets Wave) Yooo, Wave, you finally made it!
Wave: Yeah, sorry it took me so long to get here. (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of her Head Back and Forth) You know how I am when it comes getting everything done down in the workplace....B-But I was able to catch some of your racing highlights on stream. (Starts Blushing a Bit) You were.....pretty gnarly out there, I must admit~
Funky: (Chuckles Lightly) Appericate the wicked feedback, little lady. And here I was worried that I ticked you off for outstaging your boss out there.
Wave: (Playfully Scoffs) Please. There's a lot of things that would drive me up the wall. But winning a race against Jet is definitely not one of them.
Funky: Good, good. So, now that you're out and about, what you plan on doing from here on out?
Wave: Well, I-
???: Ohhh Waveee!~
Wave turns around to see Amy giggling softly and Coco and Tails waving at her with teasing grins on each of their faces before letting out an annoyed sigh and turning back to Funky.
Wave: I have a couple of twer-I mean-('Sigh') Friends I gotta to hang out with.
Funky: (Smiles Brightly) Nice! Friends are the one thing that could help build up your character after all, especially in an awesome place like this!
Wave: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit in Annoyance) To an egregious sense maybe.....(Puts on a Small Smile on her Face) Catch you later then?
Funky: (Happily Nodded) Sure thing. Go out and enjoy yourself, Wave! You've earned it after all the work you've done.
Wave: Thanks, Funky. You too. (Walks Away)
Funky: (Watches Wave Leave Before Going Back to the Crowd) Now, which one of you crazy people are up for a game of LIMBO!!?
'Even More Applause'
Wave: (Walks Ovver to the Trio, Already Annoyed) ('Sigh') Alright. Get it all out of your systems already.
Coco: Why hello here, Wave~
Tails: Whatever do you mean exactly?~
Wave: (Glares at her Felliw Tech Friends) Oh don't even try and play the innocent card on me, you little twerps! I can tell by the look in your dumb faces that you're gonna the annoy the hell outta me over this.
Coco: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey, considering all the times you tease us on being a potential couple, it's only fair we find some way to return a flavor~
Tails: All's fair in love and harmless teasings~
Wave: ('Ugh') Whatever. (Turns to an Giddied Up Amy Rose) And what are you smiling about over there?
Amy: Oho nothing too noteworthy!~ Just admiring the fact that a bookworm like you is having yourself a school girl crush~
Wave: (Was About to Ipen her Mou-)
Amy: Don't even try to deny it. (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk of her Own) We seen the way you look and talk to him over there. You're in looove~
Tails and Coco hold onto to each other hands and starts making kissy noises just to get under Wave's skin.
Wave: (Comically Glares at the Duo Again) Will you cut that out!? I'm not crushing over Funky!....At...least not completely!
Amy, Coco, and Tails stares at their blushing swallow friend, unconvinced on everything she's telling them.
Wave: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, so maybe I do have a tiny bit of mushy feelings for him these days. We've been working together on a few business projects as of late. Didn't care for him at first glance, but the more days we work, the....(Starts Blushing a Bit) More I started to enjoy his company a bit. He nice, compassionate with his craftsmanship and profession, and a lot more intelligent than I gave him credit for. He's incredible~
Amy: And just your tyyyyype?~
Wave: ('Sigh') I dunno. Maybe? He's a lot more laid back and outgoing, despite him not being a fan of going out on adventures all that much, oddly enough. Meanwhile, I'm as boring as they come, or as Storm would irritatingly put it...."A Killjoy".
Tails: (Gives Wave a More Reassuring Smile Along with Coco) Come on, Wave, you're none of those things.
Coco: Yeah. I mean, you can be a real pain sometimes, but you're still cool be around in our books.
Wave: (Turns to Coco With Genuine Surprised on her Face) Wow. That.....might be the most nicest thing you've ever said about me yet, kid. Thanks.
Coco: No problem. Don't expect this to be a recurring thing though. (Smirks Again) You're still a nagging know-it-all in my eyes.
Wave: (Smirks Back at Coco) ('Hmph') And you're still a half pint brat.
Coco: Better than being bossy.
Wave: Better than being annoying.
Coco: Better than being an eyesore.
Wave: Takes one to know one, brat.
Coco: Hey, I am PLEASANT to be around!
Wave: Could've fooled me.
Coco: Yeah, well....(Continues Arguing with Wave)
Tails: (Sighs While Watching his Two Tech Friends Bickering With One Another Again) It was fine to see two get along while it lasted, albeit a few seconds. (Turns to See Amy Writing Something Down on her Mini Notebook) Whatcha writing over there, Amy?
Amy: A few confessional and romantic ideas. I'm gonna help make Wave's dating dream come to reality and I want you and Coco to help me.
Tails: (Gives Amy an Uncertain Look on his Face) You sure you want our help on this? We're not really that knowledgeable when it comes to anything romance related.
Amy: Yeah, but you guys know Wave way better than I do these days, so you're crucial for this operation. (Gives Tails the Sad Puppy Dog Look) Plus, I really want us to spend more time together these days~ I miss you-
Tails: ('Sigh') Lower those eyes, Ames, we'll help out. Just.....don't expect this operation to go as flawlessly as you hoped.....Also, I missed you too.
Amy happily pulls Tails into a loving hug as they continue to enjoy their time at the beach together.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Ruggie Bucchi New Year's Attire Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Alllright, this is all for the madol... Guess I gotta go all out! Welcome!
Summon Line: Time for me to show off my skills as a resourceful employee. I'm gonna get those customers to spend all their money!
Groooovy!!: Me, I got no plans to lose in a game with money on the line. You ready to break down 'n cry yet?
Home: 'Kay, I'm gonna go make a ton of money!
Home Idle 1: During this break, I took a short trip back home. I showed my grandma my improved grades, 'n she was super happy for me.
Home Idle 2: It's pretty neat havin' this sash holding up my sleeves so they don't get in my way. I bet I could use this while wearing other outfits too, so I better learn how to tie it up.
Home Idle 3: Snow kinda looks real tasty. Bet if I covered it in some kinda syrup, I'd be able to eat a whole lot. I wonder if it'd be okay if I just had some while no one's lookin'?
Home Idle - Login: Happy New Year! I wanna make this one another year where I don't gotta worry 'bout food, and I don't gotta work too hard.
Home Idle - Groovy: Did you actually use madol for your snowman's eyes!? What if someone takes... Oh, it's fake.
Home Tap 1: Urk, it's so cold! Waking up was real hard today, man�� ...What's with that look? Even hard-workin' guys like me have days we don't want to get out a bed too, y'know.
Home Tap 2: Maan, this job's pretty demanding. I gotta eat twice as much as usual, or I'm gonna starve.
Home Tap 3: Apparently, in the East, there's this custom where they give gifts of money for New Year's. Man, I'm so jealous~
Home Tap 4: Yooo, Cater-san's super cheery and real good at sellin' stuff, and is great with the customers. It's a relief that he's on my team.
Home Tap 5: You want me to show you what we got for sale? Sure, but once you finish listenin' to my spiel, you're gonna want everything so bad your wallet's gonna be empty by the end of it.
Home Tap - Groovy: Eh, you brought me some snacks? I ain't gonna give 'em back, even if you ask for 'em back, okay? ...Yay! Heheh, thanks.
Duo: [RUGGIE]: Cater-san, we're definitely gonna win! [CATER]: Duh, let's go, Ruggie-kun!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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dizziedupthegirl · 1 month
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. DIZZIE'S XMEN DR; a playlist .
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below youll find songs that i associate with my xmen dr, as well as a lyric from it. some are not time era accurate but idc hehe...enjoy!
TEENAGER. BETTER THAN EZRA; "and if it feels good do it. 'cause if it tastes fine to drink. well theres a range of possibilities to find, teenager"
NAME. THE GOO GOO DOLLS; "nd now we're grown up orphans that never knew their names. we don't belong to no one that's a shame. you could hide beside me maybe for a while, and I won't tell no one your name. and I won't tell 'em your name"
HATE THIS PLACE. THE GOO GOO DOLLS; "can you feel it? I didn't mean it. can I see you? what are we doin'? I think I love you. but I ain't sayin' nothin' you don't know. hold on dreamaway. you're my sweet charade"
BABA O'RILEY. THE WHO; "teenage wasteland. It's only teenage wasteland. teenage wasteland. oh, yeah, teenage wasteland. they're all wasted!"
DESPERATLEY WANTING. BETTER THAN EZRA; "when they turn you on again, when they turn you on again. I remember running through the wet grass falling a step behind. both of us never tiring, desperately wanting."
BIG MACHINE. THE GOO GOO DOLLS; "now this angry little girl, drowning in this petty world and I'm who you run to. swallow all your bitter pills, that's what makes you beautiful. you're all or not, I don't need what you ain't got. I'm torn in pieces. I'm blind and waiting for my heart is reeling. I'm blind and waiting for you"
ELECTRIC AVENUE. EDDY GRANT; "workin' so hard like a soldier, can't afford a thing on TV. deep in my heart, I abhor ya. can't get food for them kid good god! we gonna rock down to electric avenue and then we'll take it higher (oh) we gonna rock down to electric avenue and then we'll take it higher!"
REBEL YELL. BILLY IDOL; "in the midnight hour, she cried, "more, more, more" with a rebel yell, she cried, "more, more, more," wow! in the midnight hour, babe, "more, more, more" with a rebel yell, "more, more, more! more, more, more"
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can yall guess my favorite band? hehe
asks are always open! pick from a prompt here, or here, or here! and all my drs can be found here 🥰
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astrobravo · 4 months
For day 1 of Scoteng Week! I did write it on day 1 but I needed to gather courage to post
I attempted to write Scotland's accent. I'm sorry.
Prompt: Anger from worry / Inconvenient Attraction
Summary: A dialogue-only fic about a sexventure gone wrong between the lads, but it all comes out okay in the end. ♡
“Hold still ye fucken weapon. Almost… almost– uh-oh.”
“Uh-oh? What do you mean uh-oh?”
“It slipped again. I don't think this is workin, Arthur–”
“Shut it. Shut your mouth right now and get your fingers back in there and FIX this.”
“I’ve been trying! It’s not moving.”
“It will move! It will move!!!”
“I cannae even SEE it anymore…”
“It’s because you keep shoving it back in with your sausage fingers!! Give it a minute!”
“A minute? I’ve been four fingers deep in yer ass for near an hour and a half!”
"So you’re giving up already. After all you have done to me.”
“After all I've done to ye? Was I the one who came home from the sin shops with a new dildo in MY sustainable canvas shopping bag? Was I the one who laid a towel down on the sofa next to my fuckpal as he was TRYING to watch the footie, stripped down to my skin, stuck my bony chicken legs into the air, and said, in the exact tone of an exhausted cross-town bus driver, 'Turn off the telly and put your back to the plow, beast'?"
“You’re mocking me in my time of crisis. You have inflicted this hell upon me and I’m going to DIE like this and my tombstone will have YOUR FACE ETCHED UPON IT because you will have KILLED ME with your SAUSAGE FINGERS and MOCKED me on my DEATHBED-”
“Ye said ye wanted to stay on the sofa… didye want me to move you to the bed?”
“NO! When this is over you’re going to be sleeping on this couch for the rest of your LIFE, you giant OX-”
“So yer lying on my deathbed then.”
“I can’t believe this. I'm going to die because of your perversions and you're refusing to take my suffering seriously–”
“MY perversions??? That's rich. That's rich!”
"What? You're the one who got so enthusiastic about sticking it to me that the flared base slipped in!”
"OKAY!! Okay. Okay. Arthur… I think it might be time to consider alternative options.”
“We are NOT going to the A&E.”
“Oh, agreed.”
“Wh- you wouldn’t take me to the A&E?”
“I would! Do ye wanna go? Let’s fucken go!”
“No! You know ours is a teaching hospital! I REFUSE to have a gaggle of med students gather around my deathbed and stare into the depths of my fundament with their greasy, judgy, born post-2000 faces! YOU'RE the one who INSISTED on basting me like a Sunday roast-”
“Ye said ya LIKED the slipperiness of the new lube!!"
"-and now look where your decisions have brought us."
"We're getting off track. Arthur, listen to me. There's one thing we haven't tried yet."
"OH and you were saving it for a rainy day? A special occasion? The diamond jubilee?"
"I got up to four in you."
"What if. Five."
"Now hear me out-"
"Your hands are the size of garden trowels-"
"-I could get a better grip-"
"-and you want to rummage around in me and pluck it out like the last crisp in the bag? I've SEEN the poor crisp bags after you're done having your way with them-"
"-pull it right out, and then we'll worry nae more about it."
"-shredded! Like a fox went through the bins!"
"It's either this or the med students."
"You'll go slow."
"Slow as ye please."
"And you'll stop when I say."
"Aye, the very moment."
"Christ alive. Fine. Fine. Get in me."
"Alrigh', let me lube up–"
"I've been staring into your asshole for almost two hours. I'm doin what I gotta do here. Alright, I'm goin in."
"FUCKING HELL don't START with four!"
"It's fine, look, they slid right in. There we go. And, breathe in-"
"Alrigh', just hold it there, keep breathing, you're doing so well–"
"Hah…hah… huff…"
"That's it. That's it. I'm gonna tuck my thumb in now, just keep breathing–"
"Don' tense up on me now! Easy, easy, let me in– oh."
"Oh, sweetheart, I'm in ye. I'm all in. I can feel your heartbeat around me. Yer holding me so tight, yer burning up inside…"
"Wha… the fuck– are you getting hard right now?"
"I cannae help it, you're so open and soft and clenching so tight on me, maybe don't do tha'–"
"BECAUSE YOUR HAND IS UP MY ASS! Let me put my hand up your ass and see if you clench, you insufferable bastard!'
"God, I love ye."
"Wha...did you seriously– HOW DARE THE FIRST TIME YOU SAY THAT BE WHEN YOUR HAND IS UP MY ASS! I demand a do-over!!!"
"Every day, sweetheart, as much as ye like. Just a little deeper, let me in…
"Haa… haa…"
"Oh- I've found the end of it! Hold on now, you're doing so well, don't clench– I got it… I got it, hold on!"
"Guh- BE GENTLE!!"
"Sorry, sorry. Ok. Ok I've got a good grip. Gonnae gently draw it out. Breathe in–"
"Hah, hah… ha-ah!"
"Here it comes, breathe–"
"Alasdair– GAH!"
"It's out! It's out!"
"I don't see any blood, I think yer alright. You're still open a little–"
"Dont look… -hic- don't– -sniff-"
"It's alright. It's alright. Just let it out. C'mere, lemme hold ye."
"-Sniff- No, you don't have to…"
"Ow, fuck, fucken elbows like scythes– there."
"I hate you."
"It's alright. I love ye."
"I…love you, too. Unfortunately."
"My condolences."
♡ The End ♡
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lewmagoo · 2 years
Sick prompts 14 and 38 with Rhett??
14. “you’re delirious. you forgot my name today.”
38. “i feel like i was hit by a train. everything hurts.”
rhett did not handle being sick very well. he hated being laid up for long periods of time, unable to get things done. a lot of times, he would simply force himself to work through whatever it was that was ailing him. but every once in a while, a particularly gnarly sickness would knock him flat on his back.
this time around, it started out with a headache. you could tell something was wrong when he got up that morning. when he sat up in bed, he promptly fell back against the mattress, letting out a groan and holding his head in his hands. beside him, you stirred, shifting closer to him. "what's wrong?" you softly asked. he grunted, his eyes screwing shut. "m'head hurts like a bitch," he replied, voice raspy from sleep. you propped yourself up on your elbow, a little more alert then as you cooed at him.
"oh, honey. you want some excedrin?" came your offer. you knew if he was reacting this way, it had to be hurting something fierce. you barely made out the muffled "yeah," he let out from under the arm he'd slung over his face. you were quick to reach into your bedside table drawer and pull out a bottle of headache medicine, followed by the water bottle you always kept beside the bed. you handed both to rhett and he downed a double dose of pills along with a long swig of water.
although the pain was incessant, he couldn't very well stay in bed all day. he forced himself to get up, though he was moving rather slow as he got ready for the day. he couldn't even lean down to kiss you, because it sent a godawful throb striking through his head if he lowered down that way. instead, you kissed the top of his hand and gave it a squeeze. "i love you. hope your head feels better," you said. he hummed gruffly in response, and then he was gone.
you should've known it would only get worse. later that day, you received a call from your brother-in-law. you thought it odd for him to be calling you, because he never did so. you had a sneaking suspicion it was about rhett. and sure enough, when you answered, the first words out of perry's mouth were, "i think ya need to come get rhett. we were workin' on the fence and he kinda just...dropped. he's insisting he's fine but i don't think so."
concern washed over you, and you were already rushing out to your truck. "be there soon. keep a close eye on him, alright?" once perry agreed, you hung up and jumped in the truck. you knew why he called you instead of 911. the hospital was so far out, and it was much quicker for you to come and get him. your place wasn't too far from the abbott ranch, so you were able to reach your husband in no time.
as you jumped out of the truck, you saw rhett sitting on the tailgate of his own truck, hands resting on his knees, head bent low. you called out his name, and he lifted his head to see you approaching. "talk to me, baby," you urged. instinctively, you reached up to press your hand to his forehead, gasping when you found that he was burning up. "i feel like i was hit by a train. everythin' hurts," he moaned. "okay, let's get you home," you gently coaxed, helping him to his feet.
"but the truck," he weakly protested. you shook your head, wrapping an arm around his waist as you led him to your vehicle. "perry can bring it by later. right now, we're getting you home and into bed," you explained. a twinge of worry passed through you. for him to be in such a state must mean he was really sick. you desperately hoped it wasn't a hospital worthy sickness.
with perry's help, you got rhett into the passenger's seat of your truck, and soon, you were heading back toward home. rhett had his head resting against the glass, and by the time you pulled into your driveway, he'd nearly fallen asleep. "c'mon sweet man, let's go inside," you urged. he slid out of the truck and allowed you to guide him up to the house. when you got him to the bedroom, you had him sit on the edge of the bed while you went to grab the thermometer.
moments later, you were coaxing him to open his mouth as you pressed the device under his tongue. while you waited for it to read his temperature, you lovingly brushed his hair out of his face. he looked so out of it, the poor thing. eyes glassy, cheeks flushed. you wanted nothing more than to hold him in your arms and take away his pain. but your reverie was interrupted when the thermometer began beeping. you pulled it away to find that he had a temperature of 101.9, which explained why he was so weak.
you cradled his face in your hands. "poor babe. i'm so sorry you're not feeling well. let me get you out of these clothes and into bed." you helped him undress, stripping him to his underwear. rhett preferred to sleep in just his underwear, so you didn't see any point in trying to dress him. instead, you guided him underneath the covers. then you drew the blinds so the light wasn't irritating his headache.
for he next twenty-four hours, you took care of your husband. through the night, his temperature climbed. you did all you could to keep him comfortable. the higher the fever went, the more weak he became. he was out of it, fading in and out of a fever dream. seeing him in such a state broke your heart. you'd never seen him like this. even when he'd sustained considerable injuries after a ride. this was a side of him you were unfamiliar with. he could not take care of himself. he fully depended on you to do so.
the next morning, he was still out of it. so much so that uttering a coherent sentence was difficult. most of his words were slurred. it was sort of cute, but sad at the same time. especially when he said, "y'take really good care of me. my wife would like you." after which, he promptly fell back asleep. you sighed softly, running your fingers through his sweat-dampened hair. "please pull through for me, baby. you're breaking my heart," you whispered.
that evening, he seemed a little less out of it. still delirious, but a little more coherent. you were able to sit him up in bed and feed him some soup. as you did so, he shot you a rather dopey smile. "you're pretty," he hummed. you simply shook your head. "and you're delirious. you forgot my name today," came your response. his brow furrowed. "how could i forget the name of the most beautiful person in the world?" he asked, sounding so serious about it. "okay, now i know you're literally out of your mind with fever," you teased.
hearing his humor coming back gave you some relief, because that meant he must have been beginning to feel better. you continued to keep a close eye on him throughout the night, pressing cool, damp cloths to his skin as needed. much to your all consuming relief, rhett's fever broke sometime in the wee hours of the morning. as the sun rose above the horizon, those clear blue eyes opened, and they were the prettiest sight you ever did see.
"hey there, sweet man," you whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from his forehead. he made a noise deep in his throat, burrowing against you. "feel like i've been through hell and back," he murmured. "you have been," you agreed. "you had me scared there for a minute. i've never seen you like that." he looked up at you, brow furrowed. "'m sorry," he mumbled. you smiled, hand trailing down to rest against his cheek. what a relief that it was no longer hot to the touch. "don't ever do that to me again, alright?" you chided. "yes ma'am," rhett agreed.
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