#but very vauge
Idk if anyone needs to hear this but it is something I needed drilled into me when I was younger and 90% of the reason I am posting it is typing makes it more real but
Suffering does not make you a better person
You are a better person because of yourself
No anything that hurt you
Your trauma did not make you kind
Make yourself kind despite your trauma
Your trauma did not make you more creative, it did not make you a good person, it did not make you smart, it did not make you caring, it did not make you anything that benefits you
The only thing your trauma did was traumatized you
You forged yourself to be the self that survived and you are the one responsible for all of the good qualities that that person has
So much of my life people try to paint the picture of people gaining traits from suffering as if suffering is a beautiful thing that will afflict you and then leave you improved
Suffering is not beautiful it is just suffering
You don't need to cause yourself any more hurt than you already have by thinking you should be great full for things that harm you, you already have a "unique perspective" suffering only makes you suffer it doesn't get any prettier than that
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rabbit-rays · 6 months
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id in alt
i do the best you can!
you do the best i can!
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wrongsave · 2 months
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"The show must go on"
erm.anyways i just finished isat yesterday....very very fun game Highly Recommend.
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kelbinajim · 7 months
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his ass is NOT driving!!!!!!!
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mythtiide · 13 days
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falkler forehead kisses incident no survivors🪷 (+ bonuses under the cut!)
adler leg i had to crop out but still really liked :]
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falkler dunmeshi au; falke is an ogre and adler is an elf :D
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miscellaneous little doodles 🎵
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gorps · 8 months
The amount of misinformation surrounding nutrition is absolutely absurd. If you ask the average person who thinks they know a lot about nutrition, they'll likely have less than 0 understanding of how it works. If you ever have a question about nutrition or exercise, I genuinely cannot recommend Renaissance Periodization enough. The only way information gets put out is if a consideration of ALL the scientific literature is considered, and I have literally never seen them put out any bad info. I've seen Dr. Mike recommend people not buy his powerlifting training templates because he thought juggernaut.ai was better. I have never seen a more honest source of information coming out of the industry. Even people who are similarly respected end up plugging bullshit supplements or, at the very least, will NOT tell you if a competitor is a better source of information. If you ever, for any reason, find yourself thinking you know something about nutrition and that understanding guides how you eat or train, PLEASE look up an RP video on the topic. (they are also an extremely good source of info for bodybuilding and strength building (and yes, bodybuilders are very strong, and anyone who tells you they're show muscles and not practical muscles are 99/100 times weaker than even amateur bodybuilders))
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dropitdoeeyes · 9 months
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About time for some TTBT(v2) content, here’s Arachne from Twisted Threads :)
[ID. A digital drawing of Arachne from The Mechanisms. She stands on a grey background, shifted to one side. One of her hands is raised as if explaining something, and her other hand rests at her side, tightly clutching a newspaper. Arachne has a slightly stern expression, looking off to the side.
Arachne is a very thin woman with medium brown skin and long legs. Her braided hair is dark brown, though most of it is bleached blonde. Her hair is in a large bun, save for eight braids that flow behind her like spider’s legs. Arachne wears thin oval glasses, a white shirt with a pointy collar, medium blue blazer detailed with spiderwebs, dark blue slacks, and black shoes. She’s wearing a few pieces of jewelry, four thin bracelets and two necklaces, all in the same color. end id.]
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brozoner · 6 months
Thinking of an idea for an au? Maybe.
At the expense of John Dory? Absolutely.
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flipyeahaudge · 4 months
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i said previously that fizz should have finger waves, and now its real
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sneeb-canons · 24 days
When one of them gets properly sick, hms will curl up together on the couch and watch movies. They'll go through almost the entire Ghibli catalog, and then if one of them is still sick (very likely, the initially sick one is close to both of the initially healthy ones so they usually all end up at least a little sick) they'll alternate between The Cat Returns and Treasure Planet. Sometimes Mind will say B.E.N.'s lines because he thinks it's funny. Heart knows all the visual gags by heart (heh) because Mind and Soul tell him about them so he can be included.
Also, Mind complains that in The Secret World of Arriety they should've kept the mouse traits for the borrowers because humans that scale would need a different diet. For this reason Heart and Soul have agreed to never show him The Matrix because he would never let it go that the robots are trying to gain energy from humans when living beings inherently use more energy than they output (seriously it drives me insane)
When Soul is sick, one of the first movies they always watch is Howl's Moving Castle bc Soul loves it, and Heart likes it but Mind HATES it, so he'll turn off his camera and play a recording of another movie internally. It used to bug Heart, but Soul pointed out that Mind could stop them from watching it entirely or he could leave, so Heart has reluctantly accepted it.
Soul dislikes the scene in Spirited Away where Chihiro's parents turn into pigs, so he always has his noise canceling headphones handy for the movie and Heart will "accidentally" flop a wing in front of his face or Mind will "accidentally" put one of his arms in the way of the screen so that Soul doesn't have to worry about not being able to see or hear period if something happens.
Heart dislikes The Wind Rises and doesn't have a specific reason why, he just does. Soul and Mind respect it though, and they only watch it if he's MIA or in deep sleep.
Inspired by me needing comfort recently and watching just about every Ghibli movie + Treasure Planet.
Headcanon #604
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dailykugisaki · 20 days
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Day 223 | id in alt
Maki thinking some very unsorcererly things over a piece of damn cheesecake.
(Read from right to left💥)
#dailykugisaki#jjk#kugisaki nobara#itadori yuji#zenin maki#inumaki toge#its always the cheesecake tbh#cheese cake isn't bad i think it depends on the type for me tbh sometimes it takes too....cakey....???#fuck i dont even know#ive had some very good cheesecake in my life and man im trying to rob a relative of her recipe#anyway. Maki had a strict diet because of the clan but because Kugisaki showed up and found out her love of junkfood....#it all came crashing down VERY quickly#Kugisaki indulges Maki and vice versa. its kinda funny how they're both violent enablers of eachother#Not pointing fingers but if you're gonna be vauge in the comments then get out or post up in the asks#tell me what ails you#for the other people#these two are fucking deranged idk what their issue is but im sure ill figure it out sometime#im getting there nobamaki enjoyers im getting there TRUST TRUST#time to get hysterically distracted while i write the description of the images#suddenly everything turns into cocomelon#i fucked up the placement but yknow my ass#Kugisaki and Maki are just too silly they're trying to exist but they're so fucked up#my silliest silly#Maki has only the faintest idea of fucked up connections and nobody talks about how shes absolutely abysmal at it#my brain is envisioning Kugisaki with a brick and that's it rn#Beyonce songs are playing#am i hallucinating#the fucked up spoon....lordt#thought about those wack bitches with those wide ass necks and cried#i hope you all imagine everytime i type shit in the tags that its of those stressed ass evangelion screams
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hollownest-whore · 3 months
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I cannot go into full depth on the inner workings of this neighbourhood but just know that Wyryn is freaking tf out
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angelhusbandry · 6 months
[primal fear 1996 ending spoilers]
been thinking about primal fear a lot again lately and it’s led me to think about the way people engage with it online and the most fascinating phenomenon to me is people who like it but hate the ending because i get where they’re coming from! when i first watched it, i identified a lot with aaron, and the ending twist made me suddenly very uncomfortable! but i took some time to analyze that discomfort and guys, i think it’s genius.
like: by the time you get to the twist you know the score. and like veneable said, she would’ve done it too! anyone would’ve done it! the twist isn’t that aaron did or didn’t do it — once we get to roy we know on some level he did — but the twist is that he didn’t feel bad about it. and he doesn’t need to! aaron stampler is a “villain” because he is not a sympathetic enough victim anymore. he had something bad happen to him and he responded. he’s able to construct himself as the perfect victim, something vail both pities and is all too ready to exploit (trying to “draw out” roy etc) and vail is shattered because he was tricked. because he supported someone who should’ve been supported, but wouldn’t have if he knew was more complicated than the easy, digestible version of a victim he was willing to support
when people make “aaron actually has DID” or “roy is real” aus so he can be demure and happy and vail can be his dad you are continuing the thought that caused aaron to do what he did, that aaron would’ve needed to be helpless, unaware, more pitiable to have been worth sympathy. but he’s not! he’s not a necessarily good person. and i have a great sympathy and love for him because of that, not despite that. what he did is material, and that’s what makes it defensible, not how he thought of it or his true personal feelings behind it. i can relate more to a “bad victim” than i can to the fake version of aaron stampler that he created to force people who don’t actually care about victims to accept due to a complete lack of complexity. but he’s a complex guy. and i love that for him ❤️
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ceoofmetagala · 3 months
so i saw on twitter you’re hosting an ask event for fecto flora, is it okay to ask a question?
for fecto flora: who is it that you hangout with the most?
//hi yes hehe
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reesescuffs · 3 months
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Ended up not mothing her because the sketch pre erasing was to busy
Yes I did decide to do the shady bits like that because of a brush Krista has because I thought it looked silly 💪😼
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what-a-fella · 9 days
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weird cat as the joker
@tomatoe-pie here ya go!
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