#but two-face was only ever seen kissing that matches malone guy :
Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent being good friends who are now bitter and jaded about each other, not able to bring themself to care for the other but also not being able to hurt them is WONDERFUL for angst but what would be truly hilarious are Bruce Wayne and Two-Face very publicly remaining friends. 
Like everybody in Gotham knows of the district attorney’s fall from grace and his former friendship with Bruce Wayne but even after Harvey’s gone and committed atrocities they just...still can be seen getting coffee with each other. Two-Face crashes Bruce Wayne’s board meeting for the sole purpose of pissing him off. Two-Face is in the middle of fleeing a robbery when a foot sticks out and he goes FLYING ass-over-tits, then looks over his shoulder for the perpetrator and instead of murdering them he just tells Bruce to go fuck himself and keeps on running from the cops
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tomimagines · 7 years
Touch Me There
Characters: Tom Holland - Y/N
Notes: Now this is gonna be a somewhat different type of imagine; an interactive one. There are two songs I want you guys to listen to when indicated- the first one is up to you but I strongly recommend listening to the second one so the experience feels more whole. I also recommend using headphones and even boosting up your bass settings lol Also! The second song might be repeated twice, but that’s up to you. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know which one I’m talking about. I hope you guys enjoy!
You and your friends laugh after yet another guy gets rejected when he asks to dance with one of you. It’s the type of night where you’re here to drink and dance and just enjoy each other’s company.
The music is loud, loud enough that you can feel every beat in your chest. It’s dark except for the constant flashing of lights in different colors. Everyone is singing along and jumping, dancing together. The drinks keep flowing but you take your time downing them. You’d rather enjoy this night with a clear head.
Someone taps your shoulder and you roll your eyes when you see that it’s another stranger asking for your attention. You can’t hear what he’s mouthing but his hand signals, pointing to you and then to him, speak loudly enough. You shake your head and shout, “No, thank you! I’m with friends!”
He nods and gives you a thumbs up before he moves on. You smile and appreciate the fact that there’s at least one guy here who respects a woman’s choice.
A new song begins to play and you literally scream when you realize it’s one of your favorites. ‘Hit This Hard’ by Post Malone begins to pump through the walls and your body begins to move with the beat. (Listen now.) Your hands are up in the air and you shout the lyrics along with everyone else. You laugh, enjoying every moment.  
“You need another drink?” One of your friends shouts into your ear.
You nod, still dancing, and hand her your empty glass. You watch her as she pushes past the throng of people just to make sure she reaches the bar safely.
And then your eyes meet his.
You stop dancing, his gaze making your whole world stop. You get the feeling that you’ve seen him somewhere before but you can’t remember from where. He’s leaning against the bar, his elbow perched on top of it. He’s holding a glass of his own with just his fingertips. You glance back at his face and even with the distance, you see him smile. It wasn’t a smirk, but a smile. An acknowledgement.
You look away immediately, feeling completely nervous all of a sudden. Was he watching you? For how long?  You look back in the direction where he was standing but he’s disappeared. You pout, surprised at yourself for the pang of disappointment that you feel in your chest.
Tom’s POV:
Music and drinks.
That’s really the only reason I even agreed to come down with my brothers to this club. It’s been one hell of a month- no, actually, it’s been one hell of a year. I wasn’t about to deny a chance to hang out with my brothers before I have to leave again.
Music and drinks. That’s what I came here for.
But then her smile catches my eye. I gaze as she laughs with her friends. As she sips her drink. As she rejects a guy, whom I’m sure just asked her to dance. The poor bastard.
I keep watching her, completely unaware that I probably look like a creep right now. A  new song starts to blast through the speakers and the way her face lights up has me loving the song already.
She begins to dance, slow and sensual to match the rhythm of the song. Her hips sway back and forth, her hands up in the air. She’s singing along with her eyes closed and I’m in a trance, one I don’t ever want to stop.
It’s not even about the way she looks or what she’s wearing; it’s the fact that she’s here to enjoy herself with music and friends. She could be dancing on any guy right now but she refuses to. It makes me wonder if she’d refused me if I even dared to ask.
I feel Harry or Sam nudge my shoulder but I just wave them off. One of the girls who was dancing with her starts to make her way to the bar and I quickly try to think of what to do. Should I ask her friend who she is? Or should I send her friend back with a message?
I don’t even get the chance to decide when her eyes lock with mine. The hairs behind my neck stand on end. I take a deep breath to try to maintain my cool while my mind goes into overdrive.
Should I wave? What if she rejects me like she did to that old bloke?
I try to smile but I can’t feel any part of my body. She smiles back, briefly, before she looks down at her feet.
Shit. Did I fuck up?
I stand up and start to take a step in her direction when someone grabs my arm.
“They’re asking for you up in the booth!” Harry screams into my ear. “The owner of this place!”
I curse the owner for ruining this perfect chance. I glance over at her, just to have another look in her eyes but... she’s gone.
Your POV:
Your friends drag you across the crowd of people until you stand together at the edge of the dance floor. You’re all giggly and too energetic, the alcohol starting its effect.
Even though you told yourself that this was a night for just you and your friends, you can’t help glancing around to see his face. You can’t ignore the hope that he may have followed you. He takes over your thoughts and your friends’ voices become muted as you begin to look from corner to corner of the building just for him.
Is it possible to have formed such a strong connection with someone you never even talked to? The feeling he has created in you is something you’ve never felt before and you want more of it.
You want him.
It’s like the flashing lights gods hear you as one of them slides over a face on the second floor. You recognize him immediately and your heart jumps with excitement.
He’s leaning over the balcony that looks over the main dance floor. His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are roaming everywhere.
Is he looking for you?
Keeping your eyes glued to his face, you begin to move forward onto the dance floor. You don’t even tell your friends, your only focus being on him. You push further and further until you’re at the center.
Just in time, a new song begins to play. ‘A Little Death’ by The Neighbourhood fills up the room and it consumes you. (Listen now.) Your body gives in and begins to move. You close your eyes and just dance on your own, the bodies of people creating a sort of circle around you. You raise your hands and run your fingers through your hair before sliding them down to your neck.
You hope against all hope that he finds you.
Tom’s POV:
After quick hello’s and more drinks, I distance myself from the already drunk group that surround the owner. I walk to edge and find myself on a balcony where the whole club becomes my view. The flashing lights bounce off the walls and the bodies all moving against one another.
I take a slow gulp of my drink and set it down on a random tray. I perch myself against the railing and gaze down at the dance floor.
Immediately, I start looking for her. I hope she hasn’t left. I look from face to face, trying to find hers but with no luck. She’s nowhere to be found and I find myself slowly getting pissed and frustrated with myself for not approaching her sooner.
I start to give up when the music changes tempo and the new song that starts is slower. For some reason, I have the urge to stay and keep looking. I search once again and it’s like she was made to stand out from everyone.
She’s by herself. No friends. She’s dancing once again but she’s doing something with her hands that almost has me adjusting myself in my pants.
Her hands push her hair back and then they move down to her exposed neck. They continue their lucky path down her chest until they reach her hips and I’m already darting down the stairs, skipping steps to get to her quicker.
I keep my sight on her as I literally push people out of my way. I’m not going to let anybody or anything ruin this chance for me.
Your POV:
You feel heat overcome your body and your heartbeat accelerates rapidly. You bite your lip just thinking that maybe he’s there. Watching you.
She sought death on a queen-sized bed
And he had said, “Darling, your looks can kill
So now you’re dead"
You open your eyes and all the air escapes from your lungs.
He’s standing in front of you. His eyes are brighter than the lights dancing around you.
You’re not sure what to do but you do know you want him to touch you. You want to make sure he’s real and this is really happening.
You smile sweetly and slowly turn around so that your back faces him. You stare straight forward until you feel his body come up to yours. His breaths are warm against your neck. His fingertips graze the top of your arms and slowly slide down, his fingers intertwining with yours.
You gradually begin to move your hips against him and it’s like the music and the sounds around you unmute. You’re impressed at how well he moves with you. He squeezes your fingers before letting them go. He places his hands on your waist and guides you.
Since your hands are free, you reach up behind you and put them behind his head. He takes one side of your hair and places it on the other side, completely exposing your neck. The hands on your waist pull you closer to him so your whole back is covered by him.
You sense the tip of his nose skim the side of your neck before he plants a soft kiss on your skin. You’re pretty sure you moaned but the music drowned it out.
You drop your hands down to grab onto his and guide them down your thighs, your hips still glued together, swaying to the music. Somehow, he manages to turn you around so that you’re facing each other.
His eyes are dark now and you recognize the feeling they show since they might be reflecting your own. You reach out and run your fingers through his hair, pushing that one loose strand back. His hand comes up to your face and his thumb caresses your bottom lip so gently, you wonder if he even touched it. You dare to let your tongue peek out and lightly touch his thumb.
His eyes suddenly dilate and his hand slides to the back of your head. He pulls you towards him and your mouths make contact.
Through the fogginess of his taste on your mouth, you marvel at the thought that you don’t even know his name but one thing you do know for sure; you are completely and undoubtedly in love with him.
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