#but together they're unstoppable and i think about that a lot
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postmoe · 15 days ago
I find it attractive of a beta or alpha get turned into an omega if they get fucked to much. So what about yandere alpha geshu lin x beta/alpha male reader x yandere alpha jiyan. Or yandere Mydei x beta/alpha male Reader x yandere alpha Phainon. Reader getting turned into an omega so they can keep him all to themselves and maybe baby trap him 🤭.
dude i have so many beta fantasies it's not even funny. thank you for this opportunity.
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non-con, abo, male reader, beta -> omega reader,
It was always the three of you; Phainon, Mydei, (Y/n). You went through training together, fought the hardest battles together, everyone revered you like you were unstoppable.
Well, everyone respected you in a passive/aggressive way because you were covered in the musk of two supreme alphas. Unfortunately for you, in the womb, you never grew to the next stage from being a beta.
Betas were pretty rare now, they started off as the dominant second gender, but as time grew so did the power of evolution. Everyone starts off in the womb as a beta, then months down the line you unlock your social status. Sometimes, you just get stuck as the runt. There have been few cases of people opening their second gender later in life, though only within a very specific fate of events.
It's not all bad. Apparently, Mydei's and Phainon's scent was so extreme that a lot of people couldn't stand near them for a certain amount of time. Alpha's get antsy, compliment or aggressive. Omegas have gone into heat on the spot, rolling over motionless as their hormones take over. Now, they're pretty good at controlling their smell, or so everyone says.
It never bothered you to begin with, your nose not suited to judge others. You couldn't read emotions if it wasn't present on their face, which in this day and age is more of a talent than anything; at least, that's what Phainon says to make you feel better.
For a beta to get this far in life is pretty astonishing. You realise you had a lot of help from your two friends. They've been able to sniff you out when you're in danger, or their scent that lingers on your clothes is enough to stop any intelligent bandit or monster. However, even when you're feeling down about it, even when the world criticizes you for 'using' two alphas to your advantage, they both have been there to keep you reeled in.
"Why do you even bother trying to lie to us," Mydei huffs, crossing his arms over his puffed out chest, "You have a smell, too. It's not like we don't know what you're feeling."
"That's unfair," you sigh, shoulders slumping, "Maybe I just don't want to talk about it, ever think of that?"
Phainon nods, his arms coming to drape over your shoulders from behind, rubbing his cheek against yours, "Everyone is allowed to have their secrets."
You roll your eyes, going back to polishing your sword with the rag while he lounges against you, "It's not even a secret, just the usual shit." You go silent for a moment, feeling their eyes burn holes into for more information. It should have been common knowledge by now that you won't get out of anything from them, so you gently place your sword down groan, "Fine! I walked past one of your fan groups today. An omega was saying how I was only holding back your true potential, that with me on the battlefield then you can't go all out."
Both of them opened their mouths to speak, you held up your hand to zip them shut.
"And before you say anything; yes, I know that I'm strong too. Yes, I know I can fight. Yes, I know they're just 'jealous' that I get to hang around you." You can't make eye contact with either of them, knowing that you might just crack if you do, "... It doesn't always help. I'm okay with that, though. This is the life I chose and I can deal with all the shit thrown my way."
Phainon buried his face in your neck, sniffling into one of your more sensitive parts, the scent glands. You shivered from the contact, he didn't seem to mind as he practically cried, "You're so strong, (Y/n)! But you know, you still have to take care of your mental health, too. I think you should stay away from those people for a while."
Mydei stood from his spot on the grass and walked over, ruffling your hair with his hand before dragging it down your face and to trace your neck, "We haven't been around because of the recent attacks, so our scent is waning from you. Here, we'll ward them off."
You shook your head out of their grip and rolled to the side, away from them, "I don't need you to scare anyone away by smothering me. I think your scent only makes them more mad."
"It's natural biology for an alpha to cover what's theirs in their smell, you can't just tell us to stop," Phainon argues, shrugging like it's the most obvious thing.
With a laugh, you stand and pick up your sword, "Since when am I yours?"
They both silently looked to each other, communicating in a language you would never understand. Mydei tells you, "You've been our beta longer than you've been alone."
"Yep~" Phainon teases, "Should have thought about that before you became our friend."
Yeah, right. One day these two will find their omegas, they'll create a beautiful family and you can be the cool, beta uncle that showers the kids in annoying gifts to rile up their parents. "Sure, whatever," you dismiss, now taking on an offensive stance, "So, we sparring or what?"
Storm season is fast approaching in this part of the land. You three had been sent out patrol the far, outer lands on a 'boys' camping trip'. The trek made you sweaty, the days humid and the nights cold, yet you didn't stop until you reached an open cave near the top of the mountain.
Forests surround you, rushing rivers and falls heard in the distance, and the sounds of insects chirping were drowning your ears. You had abandoned your shirt long ago, rolling yourself in insect repellent that did well to make your two companions scrunch up their noses in distaste.
As you set down the heavy bags in the cave, the sun setting in the distance, you noticed some faded, rock drawings on the walls. Walking up to them, you see crude images of stick figure deaths, a chimera with little hearts around it and a spurting dick. Phainon placed his hand on your shoulder, "Mydei drew the penis."
You both look over to see him skulling his sack of water, giving you both the middle finger. You purse your lips, "Even though I've known you for so long, it's always weird to see such a childish side of you."
After setting up camp, you realise how much you may have missed when you weren't able to accompany them on missions. This place is gorgeous, and they only tell tales of greater environments, it left you feeling a sense of awe and a pang of sadness. When they laugh together, bicker, playfully shove at each other, you can see it the way everyone else sees it.
Two, great alphas Mydei and Phainon - plus you. Little, ol' beta you.
It's nothing to get worked up over. Not a big deal, not an issue at all. You notice they've stopped talking and are looking at you with concern. Fuck. Why are you having this crisis now of all times? They can definitely smell you, they know what you're feeling and they're expecting an answer.
You smile at them widely, "Sorry, I just got lost in a daydream." Can they smell when you lie, too? If so, they speak nothing of it.
Being able to swim in such beautiful, clean water was a luxury you didn't know you needed. The baths and streams around Okhema were amazing, there's no doubt about it. Hot springs sent from natural sources, lotions and soaps created from the best ingredients, but this... This was something altogether new.
The water was a cold that made your muscles relax, the flavour refreshing and dare you say, curative. The sound was a delightful white noise of rushing water and splashing ripples from either of you or the fish that swim by.
On the shore, Phainon was the last to disrobe, the three of you deciding to skinny dip as a fun, good morning. You greet him with a smile as he resurfaces from bombing into the water, shaking your face of stray droplets, "Are you sure it's alright for us all to be here? I really think one of us should keep watch at the cave."
He lays on his back, closing his eyes while he floats around you, "Don't stress, there are others at points around the outer city. Someone is always watching from one direction or another."
"I see... I guess I'm just wor-" your voice is cut off as your ankle is suddenly grabbed and you're yanked down under the surface. You see the blurry image of Mydei, the red tattooed lines on his skin the main stand out for the fuzzy, underwater alpha.
The two of you duke it out - poorly - until you both resurface and you're gasping for air. He huffs out a breath of his own, hiding any semblance of exhaustion, "You're going to need to fight better than that if you want to get on our level."
As if coming to your rescue, Phainon swims over to him, "Oh, please, as if it's normal for someone to be capable of fighting under water." He then winks to you before shoving the blonde's head down, effectively drowning him out.
The three of you relax around the falls, floating idly in the water side-by-side. You think you could fall asleep, except your nose twitches at an interesting smell. You've smelt it before, very faintly and only when they really push it. What can be excruciatingly stunning to others, you only get a whiff of as a beta; the smell of these alphas.
Mydei and Phainon are a rare sort, extremely strong and capable of power beyond mosts comprehension. A few people are rare like that, some omegas even being too intoxicating for the outside world. It's a pleasant smell, to you, something you not-so-secretly indulge in whenever you get the chance. It also makes you feel slightly more normal.
You wade over and gently rest your head on the upper part of Mydei's stomach, closing your eyes and sighing happily, "I don't get why people can't be around you guys if you're too strong. I like your smell."
Phainon playfully pouts at you choosing Mydei, coming over to join you and rest his head on his chest. He inhales the Kremnoan's scent, smiling serenely, "Omega's and Alpha's never really stop developing their senses until their mid 30's. The older you get, even smells like perfumes can become too much, let alone the emotions of someone with tremendous power."
"Does that mean you guys aren't holding back anymore if I can smell you?"
Mydei moves a wet hand to pet your head, "We don't need to hold back up here."
"Besides," Phainon gazes at you with a fondness in his eyes, "It's nice to share something so personal with someone close, don't you think?"
They can't just relax like this around anyone, and since you all spend most of your time in the city, you hardly get a chance to get a whiff of them. A giddy smile decorates your face, your eyes closing as you relax once more, "Yeah, I agree."
On the third day you notice something odd. Your friend's seem to be more agitated, little offsets leading to snarling and biting, every twig snap or rustle has them staring in that direction in case of a particular threat.
You've never seen them like this.
They must be stressed by all the work that's been unloaded onto them. An argument broke out five minutes ago about something you didn't understand, the two deciding to take a walk to cool off and collect more firewood. You decide that this is the perfect time to help them out, picking up a sword and attaching it to your waist before heading out on a patrol. When you get back, they can relax at the duties already being fulfilled.
You don't know the area very well, however, you did accompany them the past couple of nights so you have an idea of where to go. You're not too stressed about getting lost, the trail somewhat visible to someone like you, who has been taught overcome these kinds of obstacles. What you didn't expect was that it gets darker quicker under the canopy of trees.
It appeared you had an hour of daylight left, yet only fifteen minutes later and you noticed a dramatic change. The mountains are certainly an interesting place to be, you're usually stationed closer to the city and nearer the fallen towns.
With the darkness comes fauna that arouse at night, a particular croak gaining your attention. You crouch down with interest, seeing a teal coloured frog with a lighter stomach hop into a puddle. It was smaller than the palm of your hand, yet the sound it made was so loud you would never expect it to come from such a tiny creature.
Your admiration was halted as you hear heavy thumping from deeper in the brush. It's fast, leaves and sticks being moved and thrown out of the way to make room for whatever is coming at you. You quickly draw your sword and take a defensive stance, readying for whatever may be in store.
If it's a boar or something similar, you could climb one of the thicker trees and make your way around by jumping branches. If it's something more like a giant bush cat, then you would have no choice but to fight it.
Turns out, it was neither. Before you had the opportunity to lay eyes on it, there is ablur of movement and your weapon is thrusted from your hand, flying off and landing into the dark distance. You're immediately incapacitated, wrist close to snapping and arm yanked back as you're brought to your knees.
Mydei is snarling aggressively in your ear, holding you down like some convict trying to escape. He spits his words like venom, "What the fuck did you think you were doing? Are you stupid?! Leaving the nest like that wandering off on your own!"
You cry out in pain as he tightens his grip, the sound and pheromones you let off making him back off slightly but not letting go.
Before you can ask what the hell is going on, Phainon appears behind you and walks around so he can kneel at your front. He tenderly cradles your face and looks over you for any other injuries, "Don't hurt him, Mydei. He made a stupid decision but it wasn't his fault."
A breath of relief leaves you when he finally lets go. You slump and cradle your aching arm, flinching when Mydei falls to his knees behind you and resting his face in the crook of your neck. He mumbles into your flesh, "Why did you leave like that? You could have gotten hurt."
With a new found annoyance, you flick Phainon's hands away from you and shrug the other off your back, "What the fuck??? Why are you both acting like I just up and left?"
"Because you did up and leave," Mydei growls, only halting when he and Phainon meet with a hard glare. He tuts and stands, making sure you have nowhere to run if you decided to flee, "We should have just been outright with him from the beginning."
You didn't like the sound of that. Without a word, you look to Phainon for an answer, Mydei is acting too impulsive for your liking right now. Phainon stands before you, both of them now crowding any escape with how close they are, "In truth, we brought you up here because we knew our ruts were coming and we wanted you with us."
"P-Pardon?" It was so incredulous you were sure you heard wrong. But, what else could he have said? "You do know what I am, right? We've only known each other for a couple of decades so be honest if you need a reminder."
Mydei scoffs and grabs you by the back of your shirt, hefting you to your tippy toes to growl, "Our Beta's got jokes. If you can jest then you can mate."
"WHAT?!" You kick your feet comically in the air, trying to find some sort of purchase, "I can't mate - I physically cannot mate! Not with an Alpha!!"
Phainon chimes in giddily, "Two Alphas! Don't worry, we'll ensure you're thoroughly pregnant by the end of this rut."
Body limits aside, being a beta means your reproductive organs aren't open to be used. They're sitting inside you, dormant. For some reason, you don't think they see that as a drawback, instead viewing your biology as more of a challenge to be tackled.
Day six and you're sore. Your legs, which have been in every position possible. Your arms, which are restrained when they're doing anything that's not fucking you. Your poor, poor hole, which hasn't been dry in days. Your oversensitive cock, now you can't tell what liquid comes out, your last orgasm streaming like piss on the rock below.
Phainon drags his hot, wet tongue up your neck, moaning as he slips his erected cock into you again. Your mouth hangs open, arse clenching when he's stopped by his knot hitting your rim. He's got you in a full nelson, your thighs over his own, a sound of discomfort coming from you at the stretch of his knot trying to enter you.
He shudders, lightly humping upwards, "Do you smell that, Mydei? He's changing."
Mydei flops his own dick in your face, tracing his leaking tip along the bone of your cheek before he slips his length between your lips, "How interesting. All our darling beta needed was a little push."
Your eyes roll into the back of your head as they fuck you again, your pretty, little hole gaping ever larger to accommodate them.
The cold, wet soil near the falls was blissful on your overheating skin. You've never felt this hot before, you assume it's a fever coming on from being under these two for however many days now. Mydei has you on your back, tongue swirling and mouth slurping at your puckered arse.
It was nice to just relax and be tended to, as fucked up as that seems. Phainon was behind him, washing his own body and admiring the scene before him.
Mydei licks a stripe from your hole, up the length of your taint and to your flaccid cock. He coos patronisingly, kissing the sensitive tip and making you jolt, "Poor sweetheart, have we been too rough with you?"
It's too little too late to ask you that now. You stick with your mission of giving them the silent treatment unless necessary, turning your head away and closing your eyes, thinking back on the coolness of the soil.
Until, "A-Ahh! S-Stop!" You moan, hands going to his hair and yanking as hard as you can, trying to stop him from swallowing your cock and drinking it over and over again. The way his tongue and cheeks move against your flesh has you throbbing and twitching in his mouth. "I can't, I can't," you breathe, swaying your head side to side as if to deny the oncoming torture.
But you can't, even half-hard he has you spurting your cum down his throat. You hold his head down with each half-hearted thrust, only to pull again before another tingling jolt of your hips.
When you can open your eyes again, you pleadingly gaze to Phainon, who had paused his washing to stare solely at you both. His eyes dart to meet yours, mind working overtime to bring him out of his daze and pull lightly on his companion, "Hey, save some for me, okay? Let him recuperate a bit."
Mydei flies his elbow back, not getting off you. At this, Phainon clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and locks the blonde's head with his elbow, flipping him back into the water.
You take a deep breath as they start to wrestle. Now you can rest again, you rarely get time to yourself now. When they sleep, sometimes, you're still plugged with one of them inside you, cockwarming throughout the night. Otherwise, when they go hunting, you might be tied tightly inside the cave, though there is usually at least one of them with you.
A gentle rain starts, the drops hitting your heated face. You need this, the rain a lot cooler than the falls as it collects in the sky. Lately, you've been feeling weird, unwell, hot. It's unlike anything you've ever experienced before.
Not to mention their scent. The boys' sweat, bodies, just everything about them is becoming less off putting and more desirable than ever. If you're honest, you're scared with what's happening.
They had both left you in the cave, the rain a perfect mask for hunting good meat right now.
"Need to keep our darling's energy up!"
You're not sure when, but some time after they left you were reeling in some sort of pain. Not like being slashed by a sword, or thrown by an enemy, but more like a strange punch to the gut. It blossomed within you and bloomed around your body, effecting your head and pelvis the most.
Breathing became difficult, your chest rising and falling quickly, you couldn't focus on how to fix it. No, not with the gnawing pain and discomfort in your gut.
You had wormed your way towards the entrance but the rope only let you go so far. They didn't give you enough leeway to get more than halfway through the cave, which meant you couldn't get any rain to cool you down.
What you did find, however, was their sashes they didn't wear today. Your nose twitched, and you reached your tied wrists over so your fingers could grab the red fabric and scrunched it to your face, moaning in absolute delight. Quickly, you secured the blue and gold one and weaved it between your legs, covering as much of your body as you could.
You're not sure when they came back, only realising they were standing ominously at the entrance of the cave when their musk started to seep heavier than the sashes you were breathing. The rain hadn't let up, both of them drenched and Mydei holding the antlers of a dead deer beside him.
Your jaw trembles, tears running down your cheeks as you whimper, "What's happening to me?"
It's only when you talk do they enter, dropping the carcass to the side before carefully kneeling down to cradle you. Your ropes are torn off and you sit between the two men, both leaning so they can run their teeth over the scent glands in your neck.
You whine as Mydei gently nibbles you, a low groan causing your cock to leak rivulets down your shaft, "Perfect for biting now."
Phainon reaches to gasp your cock, smoothly jerking up the length before circling his fingers along the glands, "I knew your unawaken second gender was this. You just had to be an omega, what with the way you were taunting us; begging to be bred."
Unawaken... Omega? No, that's-
"Hah~ Please..." You lift your hips when you feel fingers enter inside you, easily stretching you open now.
Mydei chuckles deeply, grinning at all the new possibilities going through his head, "Perfect for knotting now, too."
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zeropro · 2 months ago
Hi, what are your thoughts on Megatron? Most Starscream fans don't have very positive ones about him lol, but everyone is different and I would like to know that you think
I like Megatron okay, he doesnt bother me but im not like jumping up and down for megatron content yknow? but I get not liking Megatron as a Starscream fan. It's just, you can't deny how intrinsically the two characters are tied together. Really can't have Starscream without Megatron, which is unfortunate for someone like me who does not like drawing Megatron lol!
Maybe the reason most Starscream fans dont like Megatron is because of their abusive relationship? And let's be clear, due to the power imbalance, I do interpret it as an abusive relationship. Despite how much we like to joke that Starscream deserves the punishment he gets (I'm not entirely sure how attempted murder/political assassination attempts factor into an abuse allegory) no one ACTUALLY deserves to be abused. The fact that Starscream is low key also evil and has done evil things is a separate issue from Megatron's abuse of him, we can hold him accountable for the one while also having sympathy because of the other. For me personally tho? Megatron abusing Starscream doesnt make me dislike the character at all, it's honestly the main draw of the dynamic for me. Maybe I just like to see my blorbos suffer…
The G1 Cartoon Megatron is probably the most fun, and I think this dynamic is the most on the level in terms of Starscream dishing back as much as Megatron gives him. They're all just bullies on the playground, their toxic back and forths feel a lot more slap stick and silly than actual abuse. What makes it work I think is that Megatron is not as crazy powerful as he is in later continuities, and Starscream responds to the abuse like a cartoon villain, immediately bouncing back and plotting his revenge, so it's funny rather than upsetting! I also find it hilarious how Megatron is weirdly nice to all the other Decepticons who aren't Starscream lmao? G1 Cartoon Megatron is a 10/10 for me.
If G1 cartoon's Megatron and Starscream are more on an even playing field, Prime Megatron is like the opposite of that. Prime Megatron is so impossibly powerful it almost feels like no one has a chance against him in a fight, and Prime Starscream is so scrunkly and small it's almost laughable. I think I feel the most pity for Prime Starscream when he gets beat up by Megatron, but he almost always makes up for it by being possibly the most evil of the Starscreams. I like how in the third season, he genuinely seems happy to finally dedicate himself fully to Megatron, but you just know how much he'd been beaten down and broken over and over again to even get to that point. Good for him for trying to get revenge in the sequel series. As for Megatron himself, I think more often than not when I am reading fics I see Prime Megatron in my head, and it's his voice I hear. What can I say, it was the first Transformers show I watched haha. Do I love how his redemption arc was handled? Not particularly, it sorta came out of nowhere, felt really rushed, and he just goes away anyway so we don't even get anything out of it. I like redemption arcs in general, but I don't necessarily think this particular Megatron needed one.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't think the 2005 IDW Megatron deserved one either, only because when it comes to over powered, unstoppable, irredeemably evil Megatrons, this one ranked right up there if we take into consideration everything he did before Dark Cybertron. His redemption does kinda come out of nowhere. But like, idk mang! It's also really fun? Like, Bumblebee carrying him around cuz his pants got blown off is hilarious! Him actually upset at Bumblebee's death and then taking Bumblebee's Autobot badge and putting it on over his own was sweet! Him dealing with the crazy crew of the Lost Light is a lot of fun! And him actually having to confronting and deal with what he's done (and other characters dealing with him dealing with it) is a lot more interesting than just him dying. idk. The comics have been around for years by that point, and passed through the hands of many writers, so if a little handwaving and a little contrivance and a little suspension of disbelief is what is required for us to have an honestly pretty fun take on Megatron, I think I'm okay with that.
I do have one complaint tho, mostly based on content I haven't read yet so take it with a grain of salt. I have been told that the adjacent series to the Lost Light Megatron stuff covers Starscream's side of the story and that it does actually address his abuse at the hands of Megatron. My problem is that apparently (and again I haven't read that far yet so this is just hearsay, but apparently) the writers on the Lost Light Megatron stuff didn't get the memo so while Megatron feels bad for and is working at redemption for all the evil war stuff he did to everyone, the one thing he doesnt regret is apparently his treatment of Starscream? Haha, like come on! on the one hand it's really disappointing to me because id like the catharsis of Megatron’s remorse, but...on the other hand, I guess it's kinda true to life actually. Your abusers are people, and they can change and grow and become better, but it doesnt mean they will ever become better for you. It doesnt mean they will ever apologize or even feel bad for what they did. Maybe theres something to be said about having to move on and heal without that. I guess whether this is a complaint I maintain will depend on how its handled.
I get that some people don't think Megatron should ever get a redemption arch, because he's an abuser, a monster, a tyrant, and an evil warlord, and it's completely fair for your stance to be that he should just be killed and that would be justice. I personally really like continuities that treat him more like just some guy. I think Starscream put it best in 2005 IDW during Megatron's trial when he said Megatron wasn't some political genius or the most gifted strategist. He wasn't even the most evil man. In IDW, Megatron started out as a social advocate from the lower class, and despite the problematic narrative of "the bad guy had a point and just did advocacy wrong/went too far," I think the idea that Megatron kinda got swept up by his own hype and was used by people and powers more devious than he is a compelling one.
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Starscream is Starscream, so who knows how much of what he says is true and how much is him lying, but this idea just rings true to me. It humanizes him. If handled well, I'm honestly not opposed to stories redeeming Megatron. I'm also not opposed to stories treating him like the devil and just killing him lol. I love a character that can do both!
Uh uh, what else. Earthspark Megatron is nice, I like him. There's...a bit of cognitive dissonance in trying to reconcile the things he chastises Optimus Prime for and the idea that he still was a ruthless warlord at one point, both of which continue to be left unexplored. Transformers One Megatron is neat, I was worried going in how they would handle the switch from Orion Pax's brother to lets start a 4-6 million year war, but like, I like the way he actually was super okay with accepting his lot in life. Like obviously he didnt like it but he didnt see a point in fighting it, and that adamant complacency as a coping mechanism is what lead to his feelings of rage and betrayal by the end. Also I think its hilarious how much younger he is from all the other Decepticon high command, especially Starscream XD.
I don't think I've read or watched anything else with Megatron in it. Man, I wrote a lot. At the end of the day, Megatron is a good character, I like the role he plays in Transformers, I'm not like actually that interested in him on his own but more what he brings to the table when considering Starscream's character. You can't have one without the other! Do I ship them? No, not really, no more than any other ship. But I'll still read Megastar stuff cuz sometimes you just want to watch two people be toxic and make it hurt so good. I'll always prefer Trine stuff anyway ha! Have fun out there!
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hotteokyu · 4 months ago
Bad Girl Syndrome
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Synopsis~ Reader and Yunho are some bad bitches. They're lovers in crime, infamous for their heartless acts. Everyone knows them. The scariest of the scariest are scared of them. They're insane. Except... there's one little secret. The lovers are so innocent behind closed doors. They've never thought about it until now, let alone done it. Sex, that is.
Word count~ 11.4k
Pairing~ outlaw!yunho x outlaw!reader
Genre / WARNINGS ~ NSFW / EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT, romance, violence, drugs, criminal activity, sexual tension, pet names, insensitive language, yu and y/n are super cute, they "participate" in an orgy temporarily, dry humping, vaginal fingering, oral (female and male receiving), vaginal sex, yuyu's big, first time, virgins.
a/n~ have fun!! mwa ᯓᡣ𐭩
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊° ~ ♡
     Everyone has a story. Most of them aren’t important. 
     But yours is.
     You were fifteen when you met him. 
     It was silly because he was just like you.
     He liked to do bad things.
     You saw him first at a local charity. One that helped ex-convicts start a new life. You saw him hand a freaky-looking shit a gun. It was on the news the next morning. Fifteen people died. And that freaky guy killed himself after.
     You liked to do bad things too.
     Smashing vending machines, selling drugs, breaking into rich fucks’ houses, and snipping their whores’ hair off while they slept. Just small things.
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊° ~ ♡
     Jeong Yunho was his name.
     It took only a month for him to notice you. When you got together at sixteen, you began to do worse things. Kill, rob, torment. It felt so much better to do it with Yunho. Your reputation built on its own as your desire to play alongside him grew.
     You were wanted in four countries by eighteen.
     At nineteen, you were arrested in Mongolia for murder and wanted to die rather than live through that hell. You were assaulted physically and sexually multiple times by inmates and guards alike.
     You were twenty when you killed an inmate for trying to take your clothes off. You had smashed her head against the cell bars until her brains were spilling out and she collapsed, dead. You were gone before she was found.
     You and Yunho had to move around a lot after that, and you found others along the way. Seven outlaws, wanted for this or that. Your gang was somewhat official by the time you were twenty-one. That’s when you found your turf. And you never left.
     By twenty-four, you were fucking unstoppable. 
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     “Hmm? Where’s your bitch?” 
     The bar was quiet. The bartender, a youthful drunkard, was always talking the customers away. It was bad for business but nice for the locals. For you and your bitch.
     “He’s around,” you sighed. “You think he’ll leave me? He doesn’t even take me out anymore.” You sat down softly upon a stool at the bar, your chin resting on the palm of your hand sadly. There was even a little pout to go with it. “I just might die if he leaves me.”
     The man scoffed, rubbing uselessly at a stained glass, pinching its rim with a black hand towel. It looked like it would turn to dust, as it used to be purple. “About time. I’m tired of your shit.”
     You ignored him, instead sighing again as you eyed the door gloomily. 
     Wooyoung was his name, maybe. You’d thought about killing him before, but Yunho really liked him. For some reason. He was so loud. Holy shit, he did not stop talking. It made you so fucking close to slicing his neck wide open.
     The bell above the door rang, and two heavy feet stumbled inside. You closed your eyes, letting out a long sigh. You’d taken a shower that morning, but a bath didn’t sound too bad. Just to soothe your frustrations, though you could already feel them fading away.
     You opened your eyes slowly, cocking a brow at the bartender, who was very much not amused. At least he wasn’t talking. 
     “Wooyoungie~!” you sang, hopping to your feet as the steps grew closer. You let a smirk land on your lips. “I think I’ll live tonight!”
     “I think you should just go home,” he groaned, eyeing the customer behind you, then returning his annoyed orbs right back at your growing grin. Your lips stretched far over your teeth as you reached a cheek-squishing smile.
     “There’s no tomorrow! Only tonight!” you shouted. 
     The steps behind you halted. Even retreated just once or twice. You stepped out, twirling your hair over your shoulder as you turned your head toward him. Six feet tall, big, strong, eyes wide in terror as he laid them on your grin. 
     You liked eyeing up those men. The big ones who turned to putty as soon as they heard your pretty voice or saw your beautiful face. It was so cute. I mean, who could be scared of you? Your little bows and skirts. Your cutesy smile and pretty pink lip gloss. Not to mention your beautiful eyes. Any man would want to fall deep into their ethereal design. But instead, they were drained of all color. Gray clumps of old smelly men who were so scared of you. It made the killing part so much more fulfilling. 
     You took a step, your left foot before your right. A straight line as you pattered your way, just a few steps, toward the frozen man. They were so slow. Could he even see you moving? He didn’t even move his eyes from your smile. He was a little nervous. You had to let him get comfortable with your face, let him enjoy it. It would be the last thing he ever saw.
     You could see his tremble as you got closer, just a bit. He didn’t move, but he consistently quivered in that spot.
     Around then, you would usually be thinking of how you wanted to do it, but you were so tired. You just wanted to slit his throat and be done. Have Wooyoung take care of the rest. Or maybe just let him go. He seemed to want to leave anyway. Not that you were stopping him. 
     A glass slid against the counter then. You glanced over, just a little curious. You were so zoned in, but the sound broke that abruptly.
     “Hi, baby,” Yunho mumbled from a stool at the bar. Your pin-sized pupils dilated significantly at the simple sight of him. The soft, low sound of his voice. 
     You heard a whimper of sorts from the man beside you, and you frowned, eyeing him and deepening the curve of your lips. “Can you just go?” you sighed, rolling your eyes when his legs stumbled in trying to figure out where to move. 
     His knees dropped to the floor, a droplet of water splashing against the dirty mud-tracked tile. That was either a tear or the drool that had been dripping from his mouth since he fucking walked in. Disgusting. He suddenly choked out a sob so gruesome and horrified as he slammed his arms over his head.
     “Oh, okay.” She glanced over at the two men at the counter, slowly shrugging in confusion. They were getting so stupidly scared. How could fear make you like that? That’s so embarrassing. 
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     “How are you still standing, Wooyoungie?” Yunho chuckled, splashing his drink as he clanked his glass against your kitchen counter. “Her face is so scary~!” He took your head between his two huge hands and squished your cheeks together, imitating the pout that your lips formed as he watched your features reshape between his palms. “Ooh~ I’m so scared~!” He grinned when your tightly knitted brows lightened and hopped a little with your small laugh. 
     “I’m going home,” Wooyoung grumbled, pushing his glass away as he sighed dramatically at your lovey-lovely shit. “Don’t call me. I’ll be dead anyway.”
     “No~! That’s not true!!” you laughed. “We’ll protect you!” 
     Yunho nodded, giving Wooyoung a confident thumbs up. He wasn’t really having it.
     “Don’t call me.”
     The door creaked and slammed, the sound echoing throughout the room. Yunho was watching the frames on the wall tremble for a moment before he eagerly turned back toward you. His grin was playful as always, his eyes squinting as he watched your pretty little face.
     “Are you excited for tomorrow?” he asked, his smile growing a bit bigger when you nodded quickly. He put a gentle hand on your head, stroking down once, then twice. There was always a gentleness to his gaze that you adored. Because Yunho was a dangerous man, but he also became putty when he looked at you. Only in a completely different way from anyone else. 
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     Money wasn’t the issue. It was just so thrilling. Of course, money was great too. There was just something about that moment outside of the forbidden vault. You could hardly breathe with the mask sticking to your face like a second layer of skin. Your eyes sparkled out of excitement and the reflection of the shimmer of the silver vault door. 
     You weren’t allowed in there. You weren’t allowed to have any of what lay beyond the door. So you wanted it. 
     “Ladies first.” Yunho’s voice was soft beside your ear, his body pressing lightly against your back as he bent down to meet you at your level. You lifted your hand just high enough to feel the fluff of his black hair peeking out from the mask at his neck. You slid your fingers against the soft of his skin gently. “Or are you scared?” he whispered, folding just a little closer. He took your wrist in his hand and lowered it, placing it on the wheel of the door. “Or do you need help?”
     You pulled, and the door creaked, slowly opening to reveal the bags and boxes of treasures within. This town was so underdeveloped. No need for technology or even locks within the vault because there was hardly anything to anyone’s name anyway. 
     “You’ve got three minutes. We parked out back. Call when you’re ready to go.” You could hear the crinkles of a bag and the crunches of snacks through your earpiece. Seonghwa was probably in the driver’s seat munching on some chips. At least he ate neatly. 
     As soon as you stepped foot into the room, the other three outlaws on your raid team rushed inside. San, Jongho, and Yeosang. They were big, and strong, and good at being efficient in times like these. They would take care of loading the goods. 
     You walked past the gold bars and green bills toward the back of the vault, an empty wall, the perfect canvas. Yunho held out the spray paint, black this time. Black meant murder, though this was a robbery. There was one death, the lady at the counter who wanted to be a hero. But it was hardly murder. She collapsed with a little push against the wall.
     Sighing, you took the can. Then, as far as your arms could reach, you sprayed your gang’s cute little symbol. The curves looked nice that time, dripping just a bit as you stood back to admire your hard work. 
     “We’re leaving,” Yunho announced as you turned toward the door. The room was nearly empty. You grabbed the final bag as everyone filed out.
     The blood on the floor from the lady had spread into the walkway. You stepped into the puddle with a small smile. You liked leaving a trace of your cute pink boots behind. The cops would go crazy over the evidence, but it would be useless.
     “I thought you liked those boots,” Yunho mumbled, pouting a little as you all got in the van and drove off. “They’re ruined…”
     “I’ll get new ones,” you assured, knowing he liked them more than you did. 
     You wiggled your feet out and frowned when you saw a drop of red on your white sock down by your toes. Yunho gasped, taking your foot off of the van floor and placing it in his lap. 
     “You like these too,” he grumbled.
     Yunho always grew a little attached to cute things. Especially when they were on you. 
     You placed your hands on his soft cheeks, his eyes meeting yours. “I think you like them more than I do,” you teased, and he nodded. “Do you like them more than you like me?” you asked, pouting a little.
     “Holy shit!” San suddenly shouted. Everyone turned their heads in confusion, your hands dropping to your lap. “Get a fucking room,” he practically growled, glaring at the two of you in the back seat. “I’m tired of hearing it! You’re practically fucking each other every heist! Just wait until you get home!” He huffed and turned around in his seat.
     Sex. What distaste.
     “San, be for serious right now,” Wooyoung snickered.
     “They don’t even kiss. What do you mean fuck?” Jongho added. San glanced around in confusion.
     “They’re all up on each other, though, what do you mean??” 
     When you simply shifted in your seat, making your presence known, silence passed through the air. Not a single thought passed through that rigid air. No one moved. San’s face was awfully fucking pale compared to his golden skin. You’d think out of all of the seven outlaws you picked up from the streets, the stray cat should be the most grateful. I guess even loyal pets need to be retaught their manners.
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     San looked guilty. There was nothing for him to be afraid of. You would never hurt him too badly. He was family, after all. 
     Choi San.
     You loved to joke around. You loved to have fun. You were a jolly girl. But to label you a whore? To speak or even think about such vulgar, lowly things?
     “San, what did we talk about, honey,” you asked, glancing down at his trembling hand, gripping his thigh and staining his black pants with his sweat. “It’s not too hard, is it? To respect me and your people.” 
     He shook his head, staring straight at the ground. You could feel your eye twitching. This relationship was not built on violence, so, unfortunately, you couldn’t just fucking kill him. 
     “San, please look at me.” His head shot up, and you saw the hot tears quivering in his bloodshot eyes. You frowned. “Poor, baby.” He was doing a poor job of keeping those tears bottled up. They looked like they’d spill over. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
     “I know,” he said between gritted teeth.
     “You know, I love you,” you said sweetly, giving him a small smile. 
     “I know.”
     “So what brought about this disrespect?” you asked, your voice growing just a bit tighter as you tried to contain yourself. He was fragile. “Was I rude to you? Was I bothering you too much? Do I annoy you?”
     He shook his head. “I was worried about your privacy,” he mumbled. His jaw was locked tight, the veins in his neck bulging as he stared into the center of your face. “That’s all.”
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     “Fuuuck~” Wooyoung groaned. “I’m so ready to get the fuck out of here!” He leaned his head against the wall, lifting it and dropping it in quiet thuds.
     “Got a day left, Woo,” Yeosang reminded, smiling optimistically at his friend. He gave a cute thumbs-up, but the goon was uninterested, instead banging his head just a bit harder against the heist room wall. 
     “We’ve only been here for three months,” Hongjoong said as he walked in through the back door. His steps were a sophisticated rhythm, one foot in front of the other as he strolled into the little abandoned warehouse. “What’s one more day?”
     “Captain, I’m sick of living in hiding like a fucking criminal,” Wooyoung grumbled, stopping his banging once the man sat down.
     “That’s crazy,” Jongho snickered. “Who’s gonna tell him?”
     “Fuck, we deserve luxury,” Wooyoung practically moaned. “That town we went to two years back. We should go there again.” He bit his lip, rolling his eyes at the pleasurable thought of living like normal rich biches again.
     Hongjoong smiled softly. It always looked a little menacing that way. “Our princess picked out a nice place for us this time,” he said, winking as Wooyoung’s face lit up. “I thought it might be nice to fuck up something nice.”
     “Fuck, you’re so right,” Wooyoung moaned.
     “Did we forget our manners, Wooyoungie?” Yunho asked, leaning against the back of his chair. Wooyoung flinched just slightly before relaxing into a playful smirk.
     “Yeah. I’m a bad boy,” he mumbled, leaning his head back into Yunho’s stomach. “Gotta punish me.” 
     He glanced at you and your indifferent expression. He looked annoyed, disappointed, even. Then he lifted his head, sighed, and acted like nothing had just happened. 
     “Can we focus on tonight? We can’t fuck this up,” you said, and all eyes landed on you. “The cops are on high alert, and they know we’ll be there. They want to get us tonight.”
     “You mean, you?” Wooyoung grumbled. “They don’t give a shit about us. They just want you.” He eyed you reluctantly, then glanced toward Yunho. “And maybe him.” He half-assed a point toward the man. 
     “Don’t be silly,” Yunho cooed, patting Wooyoung’s shoulder sympathetically. “They want all of us equally.”
     Hongjoong shook his head. “No, he’s right,” he said. “We’re all fucked up, but you guys are on another level of fucked up. You’re the real prize.” 
     “I bet they’d cuff one of us just to ask where Y/n is. They’d let us go if we told,” San said, puckering his lips. “But I’m a good boy, so I’d never tell.”
     You scrunched your brows. Why were your teammates such freaks?
     “Aww~!” Wooyoung sung. “Is Sannie a good boy?” San nodded, giving his best puppy eyes as Wooyoung leaned over the table to stroke his short black hair.
     “Anyway!” you interrupted, clearing your throat when the freaks wouldn’t stop petting each other. “Does everyone remember what they need to fucking do?” You pressed your lips together, glancing at each individual as they nodded. One of them would find a way to fuck this up. You knew they would. It would probably be fucking Choi San, his head stuck thinking about sex. Sex. Sex. Fucking whore. 
     You left the room first, and Yunho followed close behind. Your black heels clacked on the cracked concrete floor and echoed throughout the empty warehouse. You loved that sound. You let it envelop your mind. Let it calm you down just a bit. 
     You should’ve been excited for that night. It was the night you’d been waiting for for a long time. Then you could finally get out of here. You just couldn’t get yourself hyped. You were so annoyed. 
     Yunho peeked into your line of vision, and you cracked a small smile, turning toward him happily. He was grinning, his hand folding into yours. He always fell into step beside you, his heelclickingng in time with yours. He was so conscious of every little detail. The folds on your skin, how they wrinkled just slightly at your agitation. The falter in your step, how your confidence must not be at its peak as it should be on an important night like this. 
     “Do you think we’re fucked up?” he asked, and you gave him a knowing look.
     “Of course not, baby. Don’t think that,” you cooed. “I’m just so pretty. They all want me so bad.”
     He laughed, squeezing his eyes together giddily as he pulled you just a bit closer. 
     “You gonna dress in black tonight?” he asked, looking from your shoes to your top to the pin in your hair. You were feeling a little depressed today. So what?
     “Mm…” you hummed to yourself. “Maybe I would feel better if I wore some pink.”
     He nodded quickly. “I think so.”
     “Yeah?” you giggled.
     He bit his lip, eyeing you shyly. “Pink looks really good on you.” You nearly coo at the pink blush tinting his cheeks from ear to ear. 
     He was so adorable. You didn’t even need to put any pink on to feel good.
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     For context, it was a masquerade party or something. The cargo was a small vial of a newly developed drug. It gave an aroused, high feeling. A lot like an aphrodisiac, but stronger. It didn’t really matter what it was. Your buddies in Russia wanted it, so you would supply it. 
     But, of course, there was a guest list. No one would let you in. Everyone and their mothers knew your pretty little face. 
     That’s where your pretty princess came in. Mingi wasn’t a “member” of your gang, nor was he affiliated with you publically. He was born with money and status but liked to do bad things. He was naughty, but he was quiet. And he fucking loved you and Jeong Yunho. He met you two back when you were kids in Korea. He tagged along for a while but was dragged back to the princess life before anything became public. He had connections, money, and a fine good reputation. Your perfect princess. 
     You would go to the party as “Mingi”’s plus one. The man at your side would only be Mingi until you got inside, though. Once the identity authentication was processed, he would sneak out and switch with Yunho. As much as you all loved Mingi, he wasn’t very good at being naughty. 
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     “Are you feeling all right, baby?” Yunho asked, his arm escorting you stiffly through the crowd.
     You hardly heard him over the extremity of your heartbeat. Fuck, this place was gorgeous. You wanted to look around at each painting, each dress, each extravagant jewel bedazzling the walls and tables, and fountains of assortments of drinks, and the gold flakes on sweet macaroons. The clacks of gentle steps elegantly echoed throughout the doming walls of the crystal structure. You could die a happy lady with this sight.
     “Do you like the dress I picked out for you?” Mingi asked from over the radio. Yunho’s arm tensed at your side, squeezing yours to him to keep your steps from wandering too far in amazement.
     You glanced toward Yunho with a soft, composed smile. “It’s lovely,” you told Mingi. In all honesty, it was pale and boring. Not at all your style, but at least it was shiny and blended in with the majority of the crowd. 
     Your mask, on the other hand, was absolutely stunning. When Yunho saw your sparkling eyes hidden beautifully in the shadows of the decorative piece, he nearly fell to his knees. He was in awe, not wanting to part from you, even if it was for, like, ten minutes. Mingi had to pry your arm from his grasp. It was embarrassing in front of your members, but you could just coo at his needy behavior. 
     Yunho gave you a knowing look as you frowned slightly down at your dress. 
     “The room you need to go into is downstairs,” Mingi sighed. “The guy with your package should arrive there soon.”
     “Any cams in there?” Yeosang asked, his fingers clacking against his ancient keyboard. 
     Mingi hummed. “I doubt it. Most of the time… shit goes down in the basement, ya know?” 
     It was a disadvantage you wish you didn’t have, but there was literally no information on the activities in the room you needed to be in. You had to be prepared for anything, and that was dangerous. 
     “Y/n, you see anything noteworthy around the stairs in the back?” Wooyoung asked. “I think I might know something.”
     You turned to Yunho, smiling up at him as you swayed your hand animatedly, talking almost silently but very expressively. “I think I know too. Butlers are carrying drinks down there every few minutes. Attendees…” you chuckled, a little nervous now that it’s all clicked for you. “The most revealing of the ladies and oldest, ugliest of the men.”
     Yunho nodded, smiling. “Does that mean…”
     “Well,” Wooyoung chuckled. “At least there’s two of you! It should be fine!”
     You winced as he let out a louder, monkey fucking laugh into your ear. You'd beat him up later, respect aside. 
     “You think this is funny?” you asked through tightly ground teeth. 
     “Guuuys~” he giggled, starting to calm down a bit. “It won’t be too hard. There’s gonna be tons of drugs and butt-naked men, but don’t pay attention to any of that.”
     “We don’t even know if that’s what it is,” Yeosang interrupted. 
     “That’s definitely what it is,” you sighed, watching as panting men and ladies escaped the darkness of the basement, sweating, flushed, and high as fuck.
     Wooyoung cleared his throat. “Listen. All you have to do is pretend to have some fun together. Then, pull out your magic drugs and get the guy’s attention. You know what the new stuff looks like. Make sure to bag it. You’ve done this for years, babes.”
     “Yeah, but people weren’t fucking and moaning and blocking every fucking sen-”
     Yunho placed a hand on your hip and squeezed lightly. You needed to shut the fuck up. Who were you to complain? It wouldn’t be hard. Woo was right. You would get in, bag that shit, and get out.
     “Let’s just go,” you mumbled, letting your expression sag to its natural annoyed state before you plastered an excited smile on your lips. 
     Yunho also seemed reluctant but tagged along regardless. I mean, neither of you really had a choice. This, or your Russian “buddies” would come find you while you were sleeping. 
     The guy at the door stopped you as you approached. You giggled like a slut, leaning into Yunho as you bit your lip. You reached into your man’s jacket pocket and slipped out just barely your little container of candy. He looked satisfied and let you pass. 
     You practically gagged as soon as that stench hit your nose. What the fuck was it. Alcohol. Tobacco. Cum. 
     What a fucking mess. 
     Woo was right. Buck naked, boobies hanging. Sex in every corner. Sex on every couch. 
     “Come on, baby,” Yunho groaned in your ear, pulling you to a free chair in the back of the room. Your ear twitched at the sound. It was definitely something you’d never heard from your sweet man before. You already knew he was much better at acting like he’d actually had sex before than you were. 
     He sat down and pulled you onto his lap. That was about all he had in him. He dropped his arms, pressed his lips tightly together, and stared wide-eyed at you above him. 
     “So you guys are in,” Wooyoung chuckled. “Where are you two in the room? Stay in the back, away from everyone’s attention.”
     “We’re in the back. O-on a chair,” you whispered into Yunho’s ear, right where his mic was. You lingered there for a moment. You could figure this out. It couldn’t be that hard. Sex. I mean, not sex. Pretending you were having sex. 
     After a long moment of horrible silence in your little area, Wooyoung cleared his throat. “Do you guys need some help?”
     “Yes,” you and Yunho both whispered immediately. 
     Wooyoung let out the biggest sigh, but he didn’t say anything about your incompetence as a couple. I mean, everyone knew you DID NOT fuck. For some reason… Everyone knew that. 
     “Sit on Yunho’s lap, Y/n,” he said. You nodded, glad you already had step one down. “All the way. Get all the way up on him.”
     You tilted your head. “All-?”
     “All the way.”
     You blushed, clearing your throat lightly as you scooted up on his lap, your hips flush together. You leaned over him, your mouth beside his ear simply to have his mic handy, but, this close, it felt too real already to simply be a mission. You’d never climbed your man like this before. You were probably heavy.
     “Yunho, hands on her hips.” 
     They were quick to tap your flesh, trembling as he curled his long, slender fingers around your waist. 
     “Now, listen to me,” he sighed, “Y/n, you’re gonna, like, roll your hips, BUT, you're gonna push against his stomach, NOT his crotch. Okay?? Not his crotch. Don't touch him there. Lift your hips a bit and roll them against his stomach.” 
     Yunho helped you lift your hips up a bit. You puckered your lips as you slowly pushed your hips forward. It was awkward and stiff, but you thought maybe you were doing it right. I mean, it didn’t feel like anything, so you couldn’t tell if it actually looked like you were doing anything. 
     “Does this seem right?” you whispered, continuing the slow rocking motion with his gentle guidance. 
     “Probably…” he mumbled, taking a slow, shaky breath.
     “Yunho, make sure to put on a good face for the crowd, buddy,” Wooyoung said. Yunho tensed a bit at that. You, though… immediately lifted your face from his side and stared at him. He was flushed, his eyes wide, a bit shocked at your sudden movement. 
     But you didn’t want him to make expressions like that for everyone to see. 
     You pressed your forehead against his with slightly parted lips. He was so close, his hands on your body, lips just an inch from yours. You had to close your eyes, taking slow breaths. 
     “I think this is better,” you mumbled, your nose brushing just barely against his. 
     He tried to nod, but it was just a tremble of his adorable features as he gazed at everything in front of him. 
     After a moment, everything started to slow down a bit. Your legs were relaxing, getting a bit messier in their precise movement, and you lowered just a bit. 
     He hissed, and you eyed him in confusion. Was he hurting somewhere? He shook his head, his grip on your hips tightening. He whispered something, but with his mouth so far from your ear, his voice was drowned out by the moaning and slapping throughout the room.
     So you leaned forward, your head above his shoulder, but instead of words, you were met with a low groan.
     You could hear the sudden confusion in Wooyoung’s hums on the other end. “Yunho? You good, man? What happened?”
     “I don’t think this is right,” he mumbled.
     “What do you mean?” you whispered.
     “I don’t think we’re doing it right,” he breathed, his voice starting to tremble as he let out the smallest peep of a sound against his will.
     “It’s not like I’ve done this before,” you grumbled. “It’s fine as long as it looks like we’re doing something.”
     “No, I mean-”
     “It’s fine, Yunho. We’ll be done soon anyway.”
     He dropped his forehead to your shoulder with a defeated sigh, his grip loose on your hips as he let out small, shivering sounds, some low, some soft and light. You could hardly hear them at all. 
     You didn’t really know what to do. It would be over as soon as you found your guy. You would apologize and pamper him when it was all over. 
     “He’s headed in,” Wooyoung announced. “Get his attention, please.” 
     “Wow, so polite today,” you mumbled, lifting your head just a bit to glance toward the door. 
     There he was, old, wrinkly, ugly, short. You know how it is. You wondered if he’d even be interested in you with your clothes on. Cause you were not fucking taking them off.
     You grabbed the drugs from Yunho’s pocket, hopped off his lap, and strode across the room. You caught his eye almost immediately. Without a word, you grabbed his tie and pulled his head toward yours, tapping your forehead against his.
     He looked interested already, but at the sight of what was in your hand, his pupils blew out completely. 
     “I brought my toy with me tonight,” you said, slurring your words with a giggle. “But he’s no fun right now. Wanna join us?” 
     He was practically drooling, so you pulled away. If any of that fucking got on you, you would’ve made it everybody’s problem. 
     He nodded, but, stepping just a bit closer, you shook your head, tisking at his desperate agreement.
     “You got anything with you? Dick is no fun tonight.” You pouted a bit. 
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊° ~ ♡
     To say this was the easiest fucking mission you’d ever done just wasn’t enough. I mean, you got to climb on your man for the first time. You got to dress up and attend a fancy ball with a fancy ball gown. You didn’t have to show your face. You got what you needed without a problem.
     But then you were back in your little home, buried under the rush of the working class. Buried under the city, under the shops and the stars and the people. You and Yunho were alone.
     And to say it wasn’t the most awkwardly silent moment in your entire life simply wouldn’t give justice to the situation. Because how does one go about something so different from anything you’d ever done before? Especially when your relationship status has been set at relaxing routine for years on end. Nothing has ever changed or developed since you were teenagers. 
     Now you were sitting on your little couch, facing the wall, side by side, as there wasn’t much room for any more than just the two of you. There was never the need for any more space. Why was everything so clustered all of a sudden? Everything was so hot. You were flustered, warm, and you needed to change into something lighter. You needed to scoot just a little bit away from him. You needed some fresh air.
     You didn’t move from your spot. 
     He rubbed his palms against his pants. He must’ve been hot too. He was breathing slowly and deeply. He must’ve been flustered. He was blushing from ear to ear. He must’ve been thinking the same things.
     So neither of you moved.
     Your eyes wandered from the floor to your hands to the wall to his eyes. You both looked away. 
     Fuck, this was so embarrassing. You’d lost track of how many years you’d been together. You hardly remembered a time when you didn’t know him. And this was what it all came to?
     “I’m sorry I did that, Yuyu,” you mumbled, nibbling just slightly against your bottom lip. You promised you would apologize and pamper him until he forgave you, but that was all in the heat of the moment. You were too embarrassed now.
     “No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” he said, almost laughing. He did that when he was beyond embarrassed. Practically humiliated. 
     “It was an inappropriate thing to do on a mission. I should have been more careful,” you sighed. 
     He did laugh then, but more because he could finally look at you and see how serious you were. Your little pout was the cutest thing.
     “I think that was a very appropriate place to do that,” he joked, grinning when you tilted your head in disbelief. He patted your knee, settling down his giggles. “It’s okay, baby. It was just a disguise.”
     “You felt good, though,” you mumbled, your head lowered as you gazed up at his cheeks, turning back to their pink flush. His hand twitched on your knee. He wanted to cover his face with his hand, but he kept it planted there, shaking his head instead.
     “I didn’t,” he denied. “You were doing what Youngie said to do, so I didn’t feel anything.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “Seriously.” His voice rose, a small scoff leaving his lips when you just sat there. Yunho couldn’t let lies simmer in silent air for much longer than, like, ten seconds.
     “Well,” you started, sitting up a little straighter, “I didn’t feel anything either.” Which was mostly true. You were so focused on the heist. You didn’t have time to focus on… that.
     “Exactly,” he mumbled, eyeing you with a slight pout. “We didn’t do anything. We don’t do stuff like that.”
     “Well, I mean,” you huffed,  taking a few short, puffing breaths. “It wouldn’t be weird for us to do something like that.”
     “I just mean we haven’t,” he muttered, so quiet and muffled between his puckered lips.
     You blinked a few times, staring blankly at your hands in your lap. “We don’t even know how to do it,” you said, biting your lip as you glanced from him to the floor to him again. He had a similar blank, thoughtless expression, but you knew his mind was spinning like crazy. Just like yours. “And anyway,” you started, tilting your head from side to side as you thought, “it’s weird to start that so late, you know? Like, no one’s a virgin at twenty-four. That’s weird…” You eyed him slowly, and he was covering his mouth then, looking out the window with deep red ears. “...Right? That’s weird, right?”
     “I’m a virgin at twenty-five,” he mumbled, glancing at you. You could tell he was grinning behind his long, slender fingers. “I’m a freak, right?”
     You stared at him, thinking honestly about your answer, for just a moment before nodding. “Yeah, you’re a freak.” 
     He nudged your side with his arm with a grumble of some nonsense, words jumbled together quietly and fast.
     “Hmm?” You quirked a brow, staring at him as he avoided your eyes. “What’d you say?”
     “Nothing,” he mumbled, leaning away from you as you leaned closer, trying to catch his attention. “Nevermind,” he said, obviously fighting a smile as you poked at his side, trying to get him to look at you.
     “No~” you groaned. “What did you saaay??”
     You slipped your leg over his as he refused to look your way and sat right back down in that controversial place you’d been discussing. His lap. 
     He shut his eyes and dropped his head back to the couch cushion in disbelief. “You’ll get mad,” he mumbled.
     “I won’t,” you promised, tapping his chest as he stayed silent for another few seconds. “Were you gonna say…” you pretended to think hard, humming softly as you scooted forward on his lap. “...that you actually felt really good?” You, ever so slightly, rolled your hips forward, and his eyes squeezed tighter as his lips pressed into a thin line. He shook his head. “In a room like that? You like that? Have you been a pervert this whole time, baby?” You gasped as his eyes shot open, and you rolled your hips again. His left eye twitched, making cold contact with yours. “So I was right,” you beamed.
     “No,” he said, planting his hands on your hips and halting your tiny movements. “When did you learn to do that?” he asked, frowning deeply.
     “What do you mean, baby,” you mumbled. “Wooyoung taught me earlier today. You were there.” 
     “This is different,” he said, pushing you away slightly. 
     You shook your head. “Nuh uh. I was doing it like this earlier too.” You suppressed a giddy smile as he gazed at you, completely unimpressed. “Why? Does it feel good?”
     “Of course it does,” he grumbled, glancing from his lap to your eyes over and over like he didn’t know what to do with himself. 
     So you cupped his cheeks in your hands and focused his eyes on you. You raised your brows lightly, a soft smile on your lips. “How about a kiss?” 
     His brows twitched. “What?”
     “You know,” you mumbled, “we kiss all the time.”
     “Do we?” he questioned knowingly. 
     “We do it enough. A good amount. The amount people should, I guess.” 
     He laughed, his cheeks puffing up under your soft palms. He leaned with a small sigh into your right hand, not too tense anymore, just enjoying the view.
     “Should we kiss then?” he asked, pressing his lips together as he gazed at your flushed cheeks. You nodded, your eyes wandering around the room, sometimes flickering to his plump pink lips. 
     As he leaned forward, you quickly closed your eyes. Honestly, you didn’t remember the last time you’d kissed. You only remembered the first one, but you were sixteen. Things were definitely…
     Softer. Gentler. So, so delicate as he pressed his lips against yours. His hands left your hips to cup your cheeks, mimicking your position out of comfort or familiarity. You didn’t care much, though, because this felt really nice.
     The way you paused and let your lips melt into each other's embrace. Then you moved just slightly in no particular way. You just wanted to feel him a little more. He moved his lips along with yours, slow, slow and careful. You could feel his quiet breath through his nose, but his pulse was racing under your pinky finger on his neck. It was silent other than the soft movement of your lips. 
     You shifted closer. Maybe he wouldn’t mind so much if he was distracted. A low groan muffled against your lips and rumbled against your chest as your hips pressed against his. His lips parted but never stopped, moving just a bit faster. He moved one hand to the back of your head, his fingers sliding through your hair. He pulled your face closer. His lips urged you to work faster. Meet his demands. You opened your mouth just a bit like he was. You couldn’t find much of a common movement, but it was a mutual understanding of a growing need. Desire. 
     You flinched, though, when you felt something poke against your sensitive area. You backed your hips away in confusion, but his hands were quick to pull them back.
     “It’s okay,” he whispered, his lips giving little pecks to yours as he let you both catch your breath. “It feels good.” His hands found your back, sliding under your shirt and resting on the bare skin of your lower back. “Does it feel good, baby?” He kissed the corner of your mouth. “I think I like it.”
     “I like it,” you repeated in a soft whisper. 
     He smiled against your lips before leaving them completely. When he leaned to the side and kissed your neck so gently, you shivered with a trembling exhale. Your hands rested on his shoulder as his lips moved in little kisses along your neck. His hands slid up your hack, bunching your shirt above his arms as he raised him inch by inch, feeling your soft skin shiver under his fingertips.
     “Yunho,” you breathed, feeling completely embraced by him from every side. It was heaven, and you felt so warm, so delicate and loved.
     He giggled to himself, his lips still attached to your neck, and you scoffed in disbelief, nearly sitting up. 
     “I want to taste you so bad,” he laughed. “Is that weird?”
     “What?” you squeaked, your eyes popping out from their sockets as he held you closer to him from behind, afraid you’d run away from the confession. 
     “I mean, people do that, right?” he mumbled. “Lick and bite and stuff. That’s normal. It feels good, probably.”
     “Whatever,” you grumbled. “Do what you want.”
     He hummed against your neck, a clear smile growing on his sly lips. “Really?” 
     You didn’t answer, instead burying your face in his neck in complete embarrassment. You were so red. So dazed. And he hadn’t even done anything. This should have been nothing. But every little thing he-
     Your hand slapped to your mouth as the weirdest, grossest sound left your lips. His teeth had sunken into your neck without warning, his tongue giving little kisses of apology as he chuckled. Your breath was warm and quick against your palm as he soothed the red mark he’d left. You wanted to hit him. That felt so bad. It felt so fucking good. No, that’s weird. It shouldn’t feel good for someone to bite you. Or lick you or anything. Like, that’s weird. 
     “Baby~” he mumbled, practically whining with how pathetically he stretched it out. He lifted his head, his mouth agape as he panted and watched you with such a… how would you describe it even? It was like his pupils were starting to glaze over. Like he was high on the tension in the air. Or maybe just the look and the sound of you. 
     “What?” you mumbled shyly.
     “I didn’t know you could make sounds like that,” he said, shutting his mouth to swallow hard. “Did you?” He paused, biting his lip. “And you didn’t tell me?”
     “Obviously not,” you grumbled, looking away as you tried to wipe away his kisses on your neck, suddenly feeling a little cold without him there. But you felt hot everywhere else. There was no forgetting about that. Especially in some places. I mean, it’s not like you were the only one.
     You shook your head quickly, trying to clear your thoughts. I mean, who was going to lead everything if your man was already high on air? You had to stay level-headed. 
     His features twitched suddenly, and his eyes shot down to his lap where his… now that you’re fucking looking at it… huge bulge pressed against your… now that you’re fucking noticing it… leaking core. You were mortified, to say the least. Like, that’s disgusting. You were getting your… stuff on his pants. 
     Your eyes shot up to him, though, when he groaned at the sight. His brows curled upward desperately as he suddenly couldn’t wait another second to move on to the next part.
     “Baby,” he breathed. “Is it… fuck.” He smiled slightly, but it faded quickly, his emotions overwhelming him all at once. “Look at you,” he sighed.
     He pulled your hips closer, rubbing your clothed core against him. You shut your lips tightly as a tiny whimper escaped. He rubbed against you just the right way, sliding against your clit as he pulled you back and forth. 
     He was breathing heavily, his head resting back against the couch. He basked in the feeling, his cheeks red and features feverish. 
     You slid your fingers through his soft hair, and he leaned toward your touch, his eyes closing gently with a content sigh. You kissed his parted lips as he ground your hips against him. Your noises were muffled in each other’s lips as everything started to pick up its pace. His hands left your hips to travel up your stomach, but you kept the rhythm steady. You tilted your head as your lips moved faster and harder against his. You whimpered into his mouth as you felt his tongue lick hesitantly against your lips. You let him in, his tongue meeting yours with desperate intention. Your eyes rolled back at the taste of him, and his hands gently cupped your breasts with a low groan. 
     “They’re so soft,” he mumbled against your lips.
     “Did you think they’d be rough?” you giggled, breaking away from the kiss with a playful smack of your lips. Your smile faltered as he gave them a soft squeeze. Feeling his big hands slowly envelop your chest made you blush. Sure you weren’t insecure about your body, but his hands just made everything feel so small. Not that you minded at all.
     His thumb brushed against your nipple, and you whimpered at the sensitive touch. His ear visibly twitched as he took note of your response. He brought his fingers to your nipples and flicked them lightly, and you shivered, plopping your forehead down to his shoulder. 
     “Does that feel good?” he cooed, puckering his lips as he listened to your little hiccups of soft, airy moans as he gently pinched and caressed your aroused buds.
     Your thighs were getting weak as you lazily ground your hips down against him. One of his hands came down to your thigh and tapped it lightly before he lifted you from his lap and laid you carefully down on the couch.
     He sat between your legs resting on his heels as he gazed down at you. He ran his fingers through his messy hair and let it fall from the top of his head. His lips parted, bruised and puffy from your abuse. His eyes were glazed over, staring intently yet so dazedly at you. His cock strained thick against his pants. Fuck, all of it was making you feel so good all on your own. Just looking at him above you.
     You grabbed your shirt and stripped it over your head impatiently. You didn’t care if you were naked in front of him. You were so hot, needy, and maybe he’d take the hint and take his shirt off. That was a rare sight to see. It was a pity. Yunho had the most handsome pecs and the softest, cutest tummy. Your baby was always insecure about it, though.
     When he didn’t move, his eyes staring in complete awe at your chest, you tugged lightly at his shirt. He didn’t move his eyes from you as he tossed it over his head. You bit your lip, your hand spreading over his stomach as you engraved the sight into your mind. Who knew when he’d let you see it again?
     You quickly took your pants off, leaving you in just your pink panties as you laid back down.
     His hands caressed your thighs gently as he carefully eased your legs open, nice and wide for him. “Should I make you feel good?” he asked stroking your thighs from your hips to your knees to the dip between your thighs and your sensitive area.
     You nodded, sinking deeper into the couch as he placed a tentative thumb on the wet of your panties. He glanced from his slow rubs to your face, watching cluelessly as you breathed softly. 
     “I should just take these off,” you decided, feeling a growing frustration in your core. You needed his hands on you now. He nodded in agreement, slipping his fingers under the elastic before you could do it yourself. He hadn’t even finished getting it off your leg when he stopped to stare down at you. He shivered, exhaling with a trembling breath as he slowly reached down and parted your wet lips, revealing your pretty pussy for him. His hips bucked forward just slightly into nothing as he sat there, gazing pathetically at how wet you were. 
     “Yuyu,” you mumbled, taking one of his hands in both of yours. “Touch it more.” You pressed his fingers flat against you, sliding them slowly through your slick. He shuddered, applying just a bit of pleasure over your clit as you guided him there. You sighed, your hips squirming a bit as a gentle pleasure flowed through you. 
     “So pretty,” he whispered, watching drops of thick slick drip onto the couch and hearing the soft squelch of your juices as he gently circled your clit. His head was beginning to hang as he focused on his movement. Eventually, you let go and allowed him to work you how he wanted. Touch you how he pleased. His messy hair fell in front of his eyes, and you gently pushed up back, holding his hair so he could see well.
     Your moans were soft like sighs and tiny whimpers until he stopped his light pressure on your clit and moved to your hole. He eyed you with each movement, worried he’d hurt you or do something that didn’t feel good. As he slipped a single, long, and slender finger inside, your eyes rolled back with a long moan, and his mind spiraled with how it felt. You were so thick and creamy and warm and tight. How could you have been hiding something so perfect from him?
     “Fuck,” he whispered, his finger pulling out before he could even put it all the way in. “Y/n,” he said with a strange determination. “I change my mind.”
     “What do you mean,” you sighed. “We’re already this far.”
     He grabbed you without a word and twisted you around so you were on top of him again. Only this time, he was laying on the couch, and you were sitting on his chest, your ass practically in his face.
     “Yunho!” you squeaked in shock. “What are you doing?!” You frantically turned around to look at him, but he was long gone, his eyes focused solely on one thing.
     “I don’t want to figure everything out right now,” he mumbled. “I just wanna get to the good part.” 
     “The good part,” you scoffed. “What the hell are you doing?”
     He lifted your hips and pulled them over his face, and your cheeks grew a deep red in embarrassment and confusion and so many overwhelming thoughts. You felt his warm breath against your core, and your thighs trembled, unsure of what to do. He gently pulled you lower until your pussy was aligned with his puffy lips. You whimpered as he gave you a soft kiss.
     “Yuyu,” you mumbled, slowly lowering your chest to his stomach as your limbs started to grow weak.
     He licked a slow, fat strip between your lips, and you jolted at the wet, lude, so fucking pleasurable sensation. You raised your hips, your brows curling and mouth falling agape, but he wrapped his hands around your thighs and pulled you back down with a long groan as he did it again.
     “Fuck,” you whimpered, your voice raising an octave as your entire body trembled in his hold. It felt so good, so vulnerable, but it made it feel even better. His soft vibrations as he breathed and groaned against your core… fuck he was so hot. “Keep going,” you mumbled, your cheek pressing against his bare stomach as you let the sensation take over your senses. He kissed you and licked you in that same area you’d shown him with your hands, rolling his lips and tongue over your clit with a gentle yet eager pressure. You had to grind your pussy against his mouth. For your sanity, you had to. You were moaning and whimpering with each rhythmic roll and lick and kiss. He was fucking drowning, and he loved it, and he was eating you like the sweetest dessert, desperate to swallow every last drop. 
     If it was so easy for him, though, it couldn’t be too hard for you either. I mean, it was just sitting there, straining against his pants. You couldn’t not be curious. 
     You mustered the strength to sit up a bit and fumbled with his pants until you unzipped the zipper and unbuttoned the button. It took you much longer than it should’ve, but your hands were fucking shaking, your eyes were watering, and your mind kept shifting back to the beautiful man lapping at your pussy. Fuck, it felt so good.
     But once his length sprung loose from his pants, you wanted it inside of you. You didn’t know how big was big, but Yunho was big. It was veiny and worked up from all of the teasing, and you wanted to make him feel so good. Make you both feel good by getting it deep inside of you. But, for now, you should return the favor to your hardworking man. 
     You wrapped an eager hand around him, not sure how much pressure to apply, but by the way his hips bucked up into your hand, you were probably doing something right. You moved from the bottom to the tip slowly, smiling slightly as you saw a little bead of precum at the top. Was he liking it? You were sure he’d like anything you did to him, but he was making you feel so good. You should reward him, right?
     You swiped your thumb over the tip and spread the new lubricant around, a soft squelch delighting your ears as you set a slow rhythm. His mouthwork faltered and turned more into heavy breaths against your core. His hips were trembling with little uncontrolled rolls into the air for more friction.
     “Fuck, baby,” he groaned, giving little kisses to your clit that sent gentle bits of pleasure throughout your body. 
      “You’re really big, Yuyu,” you whispered, licking your lips as you prepared to dive in for your treat. “You think I can take it all?”
     “I don’t know,” he sighed. “You’re so tight here. I can hardly fit my tongue in.” He gave a show of sliding his sopping tongue slowly into your clenching hole, and you whimpered, grinding your pussy pathetically on his mouth.
     “Just get me nice and loose, okay?” you panted. “I’m gonna get it all inside.”
     You flattened your tongue along its length, licking from the base to the tip before pressing the tip between your lips. He was so thick, stretching your mouth just slightly as you circled your tongue around him. His hands gripped your thighs with muffled whines as he opened you up slowly on his tongue.
     “You even taste handsome,” you mumbled before taking him in your mouth again.
     You pushed just a bit deeper, keeping your hands flat on his hips in case he felt too good and accidentally choked you on his handsome cock. Yunho’s fingers made your loose mouth tighten just a bit along his length as he inserted a finger into your tight hole, and he hissed lightly. As he set a slow pace, feeling around your drenched hole for anything that felt really good, you set a pace, too, with your little head bobs. Although you couldn’t go too far down, you stroked the rest of his length with your hand.
     He let out tiny gasps and low groans as you worked him toward ecstasy. And, fuck, you could feel it too. Everything was building up. He could hardly drink everything you were leaking as he pushed two fingers in, thrusting against your gooshy walls and pulling moans from your lips. The vibrations sent shivers of pleasure through him, which made him work harder. You were pulling each other toward climax quickly, but that’s not what you wanted.
     His fingers left your hole as your body lifted from his. You wanted the pleasure back as soon as it went away, but you knew there was something so, so much better waiting for you.
     “Fuck, this is taking too long,” you groaned as you flipped over until he was between your legs once again. 
     He giggled at your impatience, but his cock was practically begging for some sort of relief before it started hurting with how hard it was. You were both desperate, not even thinking anymore. Who cared if this was your first time? The feeling was all the same. You needed to be connected. Right fucking now.
     “Fuck, put it in,” you panted, pulling him by his neck flush against you. 
     He chuckled, giving you a soft kiss on your cheek, then your neck, then your ear. “It'll hurt, baby. Even I know you’re not ready.” You groaned as he pushed two fingers into your hole, setting a quick pace as he sensed your impatience. “I’ll give you what you want,” he sighed, “if you cum once.”
     Your eyes widened. “Seriously?” You scoffed. “You don’t want our first orgasms to be together?” You fluttered your lashes as he shook his head in disbelief. He pushed in another finger, and you tensed up a bit as he began to actually stretch you open.
     “This won’t be my first,” he whispered, scissoring his fingers against your walls as you breathed heavily against his ear, gasping out of shock and jolts of pleasure. 
     “Are you serious??”
     “Ever since Sannie mentioned us having sex, I’ve been so fucking horny,” he chuckled. “I think, like, every night, I went to the bathroom and came while thinking about you.”
     His fingers were almost forced out of you as you clenched down on them, a deep blush covering your cheeks as he glanced toward you teasingly. 
     “You like that?” he asked, curling his fingers up as he thrust them in faster and faster. Your head buried into the couch cushion as you panted and moaned, lifting your hips to meet his fingers desperately. The pleasure was building, and every time he fucked his fingers into that one spot, you thought you’d fall apart right there. When he finally figured out that perfect spot, he rammed his fingers into it repeatedly until you were gasping for air as your entire body squirmed, working toward that release. 
     “Fuck, fuck, fuck-!” you whined, “Yunho~” He kissed you gently, nibbling on your neck as he grunted softly, using all of his strength to keep his rhythm as your eyes rolled back, body trembling. The pleasure built and built until everything fucking crashed, and your nails dug into his arms as you came with a long cry. He rode out your high, stroking your walls gently before pulling his fingers out quickly. 
     “Good girl,” he sighed, kissing your forehead as you whimpered, trying to calm down. Your eyes could hardly focus on one thing, your eyes fuzzy and brain scrambled. “I’ll give you what you want,” he mumbled. “Such a good girl…”
     His cock pressed against your hole, and it pushed just slightly inside. You winced, your eyes squinting at the oddly painful stretch. I mean, you knew it would be painful, but this was a bit unnecessary, right…? 
     Yunho stopped and lifted his head with a small smile on his lips, and, as much as it felt much better to stay still than to move, you wanted to get to the part that felt good. 
     “Baby, please?” you whispered, looking from one eye to another as you fought the urge to just get on top of him and put it in yourself.
     “Did I make you feel good?” he asked, pointing to his lips. “With my mouth?”
     You nodded immediately. “Yup, it felt so good.” It did, but that didn’t fucking matter right then.
     “You tasted really good,” he mumbled. “And your mouth…” he licked his lips, “...felt so good. So wet and tight.”
     “My pussy will feel even better, baby, please.” You didn’t want to whine or beg, but this was getting ridiculous.
     “Your pussy likes me, I think,” he thought aloud. “You know it flutters when I do something it likes. I wonder what that’ll feel like when I’m inside.”
     As his hips became flush with yours, you whimpered in slight confusion, a bit uncomfortable, but mostly confused, and also so, so fucking full. He was shivering softly, but you couldn’t find yourself having such small reactions. He was enveloping you completely, filling you to the brim, and your entire body was tense and limp, weak but so hyper at the same time. 
     Your fingers grabbed his hair with one hand and gripped his shoulder with the other, your mouth agape as you brought him closer frantically. You pulled his chest to yours, his face to your neck, your leg around his hip.
     It wasn’t because it hurt at all. It just felt so inexplicably good that you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You wanted him to move so bad, but you couldn’t let him move or you'd completely lose yourself to pleasure. 
     “Yunho,” you whimpered, holding him tighter, desperately. “Yuyu, fuck… ’s so go..ood… j’s stay here… stay here, b…by, ‘s so good~”
     He could hardly understand you, but he was so glad you weren’t letting him move. He would cum right then and there. You were so tight. So tense, squeezing him like crazy. You were so warm and wet… It was clouding his mind. Even locked down like this, his hips couldn't help gently grinding against you, looking for any kind of friction. 
     He wanted to pound into you, fuck. He wanted to watch you go crazy. He hadn’t even done anything yet. Imagine what you’d look like, completely broken and fucked out, overtaken by your desire.
     “Can I kiss you, baby?” You nodded quickly, letting him lift his head so he could smash his puffy lips to yours. He untangled your limbs from his and wasted no time in slowly shifting his cock in your sopping hole. He groaned happily, rolling his eyes back as he ground inside of you in little pulses. 
     “Yuyu~” you whined. “Please, please, baby…” You kissed him hard before he could speak, desperately pushing your hips against him. “More... Fuck~” you whimpered, your fingers running through his hair as your tongues lapped and tangled together desperately.
     Finally… FINALLY, he set a rhythm, slow and trembling, as you panted against each other’s lips. He rolled his hips, his hips gently tapping yours with each slide in. He reached so far, your pussy tight around him, sending shivers throughout your bodies. You bit your lip as breathy moans escaped. 
     He cursed under his breath, whimpering as he kissed you lazily, picking up the speed of his thrusts. As your hips collided with more force, your moans matched the pace, and he basked in your pretty noises, hardly able to contain his own. 
     His hands slid along your body and squeezed your soft stomach gently, gripping you as he thrusted harder. “Everyday,” he groaned, kissing your ear. “We’ll do this every day.”
     “Okay,” you panted, your eyes rolling back with a squeak as he hit that perfect spot with a particularly hard thrust. “Mm… Yuyu… ngh~ you’re doing so good~”
     “Yeah?” he mumbled, sitting up on his legs. It was cold, but the sight of your tits bouncing, your fucked out expression… you were so ruined.
     “Yeah, baby~” you hummed.
     “I’ve wanted to fill you up for a.. hh… while now,” he grunted. “Thought about your pretty pussy taking my cock.”
     “Me too mmm~” His brows curled as he took steadying breaths. 
     “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned.
     “I wan’d t-to touch you s…o bad,” you moaned, pushing your hips in the air as his pace quickened, his hands grabbing your thighs and pulling you closer. “Thought I was being bad,” you panted. “But yo…ou were being bad too, huh?” You tried to give a playful smirk, but it faded quickly. 
     He nodded eagerly, his head dropping each thrust and little noise from your lips brought him so close to cumming. He desperately brought his fingers to your clit, circling the nub until you were a moaning mess, practically screaming and gasping as he slammed his hips against yours. 
     “Cum, baby, please?” he begged, biting his lip as you fluttered around him clenching and teasing as you were getting so, so close. “Come on,” he whimpered. “Wanna f-feel you, please.. ngh~”
     Your hips were squirming, jaw dropped as the pleasure built. You could hardly see through your tears, your clit adding to the pleasure of each of his ecstatic thrusts. Fuck, you were so close… so close… fuck, it felt so good.
     “Yu-ngh yuyu ah~ baby, don’t stop,” you moaned, your eyes squeezing shut forcefully as your pleasure reached its peak for the secind time that night, your body spasming as you creamed on his cock, your juices spilling from your hole and soaking the both of you. 
     He stilled after a single thrust in your clenched, orgasm-filled hole, whimpering and moaning as his cum spilled into you. He was trembling as he kept cumming hard and long, both of you panting as you tried to calm down. Your hearts were beating, cheeks wet with overwhelmed tears. He pulled out with a shudder and collapsed beside you, pulling you to his chest as he was hit with the raw cold air.
     You were shivering, wrapped in his arms as you tried to clear your head. You were content there, your mind fuzzy and limbs trembling. You were both completely exhausted, but Yunho took the initiative to bring you both to your feet and drag your legs toward the shower. 
     He wiped you both up, laid you both down on the bed, snuggled up in your blanket, and you were both instantly asleep.
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊° ~ ♡
     “Y/n~ Yunho~” San whined as he trudged into your bedroom. “Jongho was being mean to me again~” 
     Your eyes were hardly opening when San was inviting himself onto the bed. But he stopped as he saw Yunho’s shirtless body wrapped around your shirtless body. He gasped, nearly falling off the bed.
     “Y/n!” he yelled, and Yunho was spooked awake, raising his head in shock with his eyes hardly open. “Did he force himself on you?! You can tell me! I’ll get him fucking killed!” He pointed at Yunho angrily, but you just rolled your eyes, snuggling back into your pillow.
     “Sannie?” Yunho mumbled, trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes. “What are you doing here? Did you have a bad dream again?”
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊° ~ ♡
     The van was rowdy and noisy when you and Yunho hopped in. You sat beside him with a giddy smile, holding his hand as you all rode to your hideout as usual. 
     “Aw~ they’re so cute,” Seonghwa cooed. “You guys are the ideal romance. So wholesome and perfect.” He grinned at you, and you blushed lightly.
     “No, they have sex now,” Jongho interrupted. “Everyone knows that.”
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hwaslayer · 2 months ago
wildfire (cs) | 10.5
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—spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: assistant professor in bioengineering, incredibly attractive, lonely and divorced; that’s how most people describe san. but despite the events that have happened in his life, san has a lot going for himself. he’s a successful, sought out professor due to his brilliant contributions to science at just an early age of 32. he worked hard to get where he was now; head deep into his research, his publications, building his lab and creating a name for himself. everything was good and smooth sailing— until it wasn’t. because when he meets you, a bioengineering grad student interested in rotating in his lab, he finds himself ready to risk all the blood, sweat and tears he put in throughout the years just to keep you close— his need for you spiraling out of control like a wildfire.
—pairing: asst. professor!choi san x grad student!f. reader
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers to lovers, grad school au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 2k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing, mature language/sexually implied content, infidelity, flirting, kissing/making out, there is trouble everywhere quite frankly…. gonna dip once i post bcos i know this is bad but there’s def another future 0.5 chapter that might be worse
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⇢ POSTDOC | YR 2.5
"Babe." Iseul whines a bit, making San mimic her pout before tapping her nose.
"Love. How about I take you out this weekend to make up for it? We can go somewhere, just us two."
"Okay, but it'd be better if you could do that and come hang out tonight, too." 
"I'll try."
"I'll try." He chuckles. "I should really finish up behavior tonight and that review for the paper we're working on. I'm already behind."
"Who said? You still have time."
"I have to get this done by next week." He gives her a sympathetic smile before placing a kiss on her forehead. 
"Next week."
"I'll try and get it done so I can hang out with you two, k?" He cups her cheeks. She can't help but continue to pout and cross her arms, even when he kisses her on the tip of her nose and on the lips. Part of her continues to have a soft spot for her man, the love of her life. 
Part of her wants to continue being supportive because she loves seeing San excel in his craft, she loves being by his side throughout all his achievements and vice versa. She feels like together, they can conquer the world together— be unstoppable, reach the top.
The other half, maybe more than half at this point, is sad. Empty. She longs for the man she fell in love with, she longs for his company. His time. His effort. 
His kisses, his cuddles. Everything.
Iseul never thought the lines would blur.
"Okay?" San repeats, causing Iseul to return her full attention on him. She gives him a small smile and nod, San's thumbs caressing her cheeks. "Better." He subtly bites his lip before caressing her chin. "C'mere." He leans forward to peck her lips again, and again.
And again.
Before they're both standing near her car, kissing under the late afternoon sun. Iseul tugs on San's shirt, deepening the kiss as she pulls him closer. He softly groans against her lips, Iseul's hand slowly traveling down to his belt. 
"Baby." He pulls back and chuckles. 
"We can be quick." She chases after his lips and presses small, repeated kisses against them before he's gently prying her off and shaking his head.
"I'm sorry, baby. I gotta go." She whines again before he's kissing her one last time on the lips and forehead. "You can have me all you want later tonight. And tomorrow. And the weekend."
"Ugh. I hope you know how much I'm sacrificing so you can hurry and finish." He laughs.
"I love you."
"Love you, too." She sighs, watching as San waves before doing a light jog back to the building. She slips into her car and connects a call to the bluetooth just as she pulls out of the parking spot.
"Yo!" Yunho answers the call almost immediately.
"Hey. What can I bring to your place for tonight?"
"Hm. Soju? I think I'm almost out." Yunho hums. "Chips and any other snacks."
"Okay, so everything? What do you even have at home?"
"Me, myself and I." Iseul laughs. 
"Uh. So much for inviting us over when you don't even have anything ready."
"I'll whip something up, don't worry! Why the doubting?"
"Alright, boss. Counting on you then."
"You know what else I need?"
"What, Yunho?" He chuckles.
"You." It’s meant to be a lighthearted joke; nothing more, nothing less. But, it does something to Iseul and Yunho knows it well enough by this point.
"You're so sappy. Quit it." She blushes to herself, biting her bottom lip even though she playfully scolds him.
"Nah. It's kinda fun seeing you all flustered."
"Hate you."
"Sad. I don't." She shakes her head and smiles. "Sliding through soon?"
"Yeah, I'm just gonna freshen up and change at the house first after grabbing groceries."
"San is coming?"
"He said he'll try and wrap up quick so he can join."
"Ah, okay." Yunho sighs a bit. It's been awhile since he's been able to hang out with his bestfriend, but he understands how important his work is right now. He tries to be, at least. He knows how it all goes. 
He just wishes San would give himself more time to relax. Enjoy life a little bit, just like he used to.
"I'll see you in a bit then."
"Mhm. I'll text you when I'm on the way."
"How exciting."
"Shut up." She ends the call. Suddenly, those dark, sad feelings she felt earlier are gone. Suddenly, she's happy. She feels a bit giddy. Excited.
Iseul isn't really sure when the line started to blur. 
But somehow, they're here and Yunho isn't sure how they'll go back and undo whatever they've created between each other. He knows this shouldn’t even be a thing. He should feel like some sort of last resort, a rebound— like he's the cushion that keeps Iseul company solely because San isn't around. Yunho knows there shouldn't be much to it.
So, why is there more to it?
It must have been all the kick-its with friends, all the lunches and casual dinners. It must have been the exchanged texts with stupid [but silly] memes or tweets the other would appreciate. It must have been the calls just to check in with each other. It must have been the subtle, lingering looks. 
Accidentally brushing hands.
Teasing and poking fun at each other.
Flirty undertones.
Saying shit to make the other smile or laugh.
San would have just assumed they were being normal around each other. They had always been close anyway, but he says that because he doesn't catch the small acts in between. 
The very small, but clear and intentional acts.
For a minute, Iseul thought it was a phase because Yunho was there like he had always been. But then, the feelings and the thoughts stayed for longer than a phase; piled up over weeks and weeks.
Until she realized what it meant.
So, she tried to distract herself and force herself to understand that it was truly just a phase. When San was around, she'd affectionately hug him. Kiss him. Cuddle him. Pull him to bed and make him cum over and over again to feel satisfied, to feel like she was still wanted by her man.
His moans and the loud calls of her name the only thing granting that satisfaction. Even though, could she say the affection behind it was genuine?
Clear, intentional?
Who's to say?
Especially when she's happily skipping down the aisles in the grocery store, grabbing the soju that both she and Yunho like; the one that San doesn't really like as much but he'll deal and make do. Especially when she's throwing on a form-fitting zip-up and leggings, trying to come off as comfy, but alluring. Especially when she sprays her perfume and dabs on a bit of lip gloss for a lazy kick-it that’s staying behind doors and enclosed walls.
Especially when she walks through the door to greet Yunho with a big hug— one that has him swinging her around before they plop onto the living room floor and get started on the drunk, scary indie movie and short film marathon the three agreed to do as a way of de-stressing.
Especially when Iseul gets the dreaded but expected text from San, and she can't help but welcome back the same feelings of emptiness and disappointment from earlier.
san: running behind. i don't think i'll make it, love. i'm sorry. tell yunho i’m sorry, too.
san: i'll be home tonight - i'll make it up to you. this weekend, too. 😘 i'm all yours.
"He's not coming." Iseul says, taking another huge swig from their third soju bottle of the night, making Yunho nod silently.
"I'm sorry—"
"It's fine, don't be such a debbie downer." She laughs, playfully punching him on the bicep. Yunho catches her hand in his when she attempts to pinch him the second time around, making her pout in return. "Ouch!"
"Says you who was just about to punch me on the bicep, meanie." She giggles when he lets go of her hand. "I'll let it go. At least you're laughing and smiling."
"Yeah." She looks up at him. "You surely do make me laugh and smile."
"Good or bad way?"
"Good. How could that be a bad thing?"
"I don't know, you could just think I'm stupid." She snorts.
"Well, good." Yunho smiles. "I like it when you laugh and smile."
"I like it when you make me laugh and smile, Yunho."
"Yeah?" He drunkly rests his cheek on the palm of his hand, elbow on the surface of the table. "What else do you like, Iseul?"
"A lot of things."
"Mhm." He hums in a sing-song tone before leaning closer to tease her a bit. "What are a lot of things? Name a few."
"Yogurt soju, melon bread, being in bed after a long day and letting the sheets engulf me. Reading in a hot bath with candles lit up. To name a few." She leans forward to match him. "I don't think I can say anything else."
"Why not?"
"Because other things could be bad for me."
"In what way specifically?"
"Just cause." Her voice is barely above a whisper, lips only inches away from Yunho's.
"Just cause? How bad could it be?" She subtly shrugs before her eyes are dipping down to his lips, back up to his eyes. 
"Dunno. You tell me." She distractedly says. 
"What if.. maybe.. it isn't a necessarily a bad thing at all?" There's a thick silence in the air, but no one wants to address the tension, the elephant in the room. So, after a few minutes of said silence, Iseul leans forward and just kisses him— somehow thinking it could address the tension or whatever elephant is hiding in the room.
And at first, it shocks Yunho.
He freezes because he knows this shouldn't have happened. It fucking shouldn't have happened and he should’ve put a stop to it ASAP. Because Iseul was San's and vice versa, they made vows and devoted their lives to each other in front of him, and they were good together.
Yunho isn't really sure when the line started to blur. 
But then, he finds himself chasing after her lips to kiss her again, and again— until things can't be stopped and San's texts are going unanswered while Iseul's phone sits on the coffee table and vibrates away.
Her and Yunho are no longer sitting around watching the short film that's on. It eventually plays a random video next because no one is paying attention to what’s happening in the background. Empty soju bottles are spread across the surface of the table, along with open bags of chips and empty bowls. TV serving its purpose as background noise, almost fighting with the loud kisses and subtle moans leaving their lips while Iseul continues to make a place for herself on Yunho’s lap.
Meanwhile, San tucks his phone into his pocket, shrugging off the entire thing after he had sent her a few more follow up texts with all his ideas on how to make up for tonight. And tomorrow. And the weekend. He felt bad, but he was genuinely excited to do things with Iseul. To take her out on dates, travel near and far with her just to be alone. Rekindle the flame. Bring back that love, passion, that had been slowly dying because of his own fault. 
It wasn't entirely uncommon for Iseul to let texts go unanswered, but he was only worried because he knew that initial 'sorry can't make it' text upset her. She was probably trying to distract herself and lean on Yunho. Which, San can't help but think that Yunho does a way better job of being there for her than he actually does as her husband. It kinda aches him to think about it, and he's not sure how to navigate his own feelings when he keeps replaying that bar scene in his head.
For San, there’s no use in figuring this out because he knows they're good friends. They get along well, and he should be glad that they do. There isn’t anything to worry about despite his mixed feelings and confusing thoughts.
But for Iseul and Yunho, there’s no use in figuring out when this all happened, why this all happened— because everything has become perfectly clear and defined. 
The small acts gone unnoticed no longer small and unable to be hidden.
Clear, intentional.
Now, the lines are no longer blurred.
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—taglist: @asjkdk @interweab @woojirang @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs @persphonesorchid @mxnsxngie @jycas @cowboydk @vcutparis @chngbnwf @struggling101 @sanhwalvr @angelqueendom @barbielibra @brown88 @choisansplushie @yunhoswrldddd @hyukssunflower @vickykazuya @lucid-galaxys-world @jaytheatiny @pommelex @thechaotictheoryy @vixensss @santineez @nopension @domfikeluva @in-somnias-world @my-atiny-kookie-rkive @mountiiny @naoristerling @onmymymyway @thecutiepieme
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reaminaart · 5 months ago
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For my soul
I apologize for spelling errors
I know the first comment is she's canonly a lesbian, but we all agree this fandom is built upon headcanons. My girl is bi
Anyways this is my take on JeffJane, I truly think this is my otp because I haven't let it go since 2014. I'm a sucker for angsty enemies to lovers and I love drama. They would be such a dramatic badass duo.
Literally unstoppable when working together, a force to be reckoned with. They don't let each other die, simply because they want to kill each other instead.
They'll constantly bicker but will unconsciously work together and judge others if they're distracted. She's also the only person who can shut him up, her insults are usually personal. He lies about his past a lot, so most people don't know anything about him, she does, and he doesn't want her spilling anything.
The scar on his right eye is a constant reminder that she's not to be taken lightly. It's also where his respect for her started developing. He won't trust anyone to help him fight, except for her since he knows she's good at it.
She still hates him for what he did, but you have to admit a person actively stalking someone for years to kill them is not right in the head. So weird emotional developments aren't impossible
I could yap about this all day, but I don't want to spill everything in one post hahah
(If any JeffJane shippers wanna talk hcs my dms are open ☆)
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blednokrov · 1 year ago
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I've been having lots of fun designing random OP fusions for a hypothetical AU where people can fuse... Feel free to drop a combo of any two Strawhats in my asks for me to draw a fusion of them (I'm only reading impel down rn so please no spoilers)
More on these:
Mickey (Nami + Franky) - ultimate Big Sibling fusion. She's very balanced in her sense of responsibility, desire to take other under her wing and general "fun but let's keep it sane and safe" vibe. One of favorite fusions of Strawhats as her appearance often means "supervised fun that is otherwise strongly off limits" and they just love her in general. Overall, Mickey's cool, fun and sexy (and not allowed in many public places because she only wears bikini swimsuits). He fights with electrocution.
Didja miss me? Well, now you can look at my pretty face all you want - we're gonna have so-o-o much fun~
U.V. or just Violet (Usopp + Vivi) - the big dreamer one. She is really sweet and emotionally open - probably one of most child-like fusions, but often gets timid and unsure when it's time for her to to stand up for herself. She loves fantasizing and excitedly ranting about all these ideas on how to make world a better place, but goes into very absurd territory without noticing. They fight with a sling and explosives.
No, wait, but listen. But what if The World Government, like, printed money so that everyone can have some, and- No, wait, i don't think this is how economy works. Okay, what if we all just...
Roro (Zoro + Robin) - arguably the most unhinged fusion of them all. With Robin's morbidly creative mind and Zoro's general disinhibition in most generally dangerous situations, Roro is pretty much unstoppable once he set his mind to do something reckless, dangerous and possibly really violent (as they both don't have any qualms about murdering or causing severe bodily harm). However when not in "focused on following through with an insane idea" mode, Roro is actually a rather pleasant company! They're calm, collected and thoughtful, yet shamelessly silly, especially with Luffy and Chopper who they adore. Most of the crew is rather cautious about them (except for Luffy who whines how he misses playing "multiarmed tags" with Roro) because they can cause much trouble without supervision. On the other hand, they're very strong. They fight combining swordfighting with generating extra limbs (which also means an arm slashing you with a sword can sneak on you from any direction).
Oh. I see. How about we send his head- okay, his fingers in a box to his captain as a warning?
Note: Luffy has the privilege of naming all fusions and usually just smashes names together until it sounds like an easy to remember name... Sometimes inner logic of how the name was made is lost even to him
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itsjustaninchident · 1 year ago
Lando Norris x Model!Wife!Reader
summary: Getting married means having children.... Or not? 5 months into marriage and a lot of hate and pressure has been thrown on the couple. A part 2 of To the Moon and To Saturn.
warning/s: sexual innuendos, misogynistic comments, hate comments (tell me if I missed something)
author's note: This is the most tedious and longest work I've probably done here 😭 I definitely enjoyed doing this, I enjoy reading comments from you guys and also requests are always open, I'm just not fast in making it but I'll definitely do your requests🤍
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 1,321,987 others
yourusername oh sorry can't find it on the mirror where I gaf
view 63,483 comments...
user3 scrolling through the pictures slay after slay and then lando norris
user4 i still can't believe they're married
user5 Can't wrap my head around how a man who drives for a living is dating the hottest girl alive
landonorris can't believe it either
user6 at least he's self aware
user7 you're both hot tbf
user8 why are hot people only for hot people
user9 this is just too cute
user10 their kids are gonna be good looking istg
user11 I mean the parents are both good looking so
user12 can't wait omg they're gonna look so cute😭
yourusername respectfully, no.
user13 oh.
user14 is this how I confirm they both don't want children😭
user15 yn shutting off comments suggesting kids for both of them😭 she's just like me fr
user16 yn is so real for that😭 she def saw that tiktok girl with the list
user18 haters are found in the ditch i fear
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 1,239,876 others
landonorris P2 in Singapore!❤️
view 32,987 comments...
user1 congrats lando!!!
user2 definitely deserve!
user3 why is yn not present in the sg gp?
landonorris she's busy with work :)
user4 shouldn't yn be present to her husband's races, she like missed 4 races already?
user5 girl she can't possibly be with him all the damn time😭 she's got work too
user6 leave yn alone, she literally go all out whenever she can support lando in his races
landonorris she supports me even though she's across the world, it's not her responsibility to go to every race and she has her own work to tend to.
user7 GAGGED!
user8 when he never lets anyone talk shit about you>>>>
user9 they definitely deserve each other
user10 can people stop demanding for yn and just congratulate lando😭 leave the girl alone she's not doing anything to y'all
yourusername CONGRATS BABY! any requests? ;)
landonorris i think i've made it clear on chat🤔
yourusername assertive, i like it🫡
user13 they're literally unstoppable 😭
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liked by lilymhe, landonorris, and 976,890 others
yourusername let me fix my shoes first
view 21,765 comments...
lilymhe can u please divorce the L word and elope with me?
yourusername contacting the lawyers📞
landonorris HEY!!
alexalbon maybe we're the ones meant for each other, mate
user1 L WORD?!😭
user2 this is actually alex's karma for calling his girlfriend the squid game girl😭
user3 personally would be my last straw
user4 why is yn always outside, can't even become a decent wife and do her chores
user5 women should just stay in the house and cook.
yourusername you should try a challenge
user5 and what is that?
yourusername it's called shutting tf up
user7 you idiots, that's literally her job she needs to constantly attend events and model products she's not outside for NOTHING, unlike you.
user8 maybe that's why they don't have kids together lol he definitely would divorce her later on
yourusername checked your profile, looks like you're not even close to getting your first girlfriend
user10 these disgusting comments about yn... she's so strong to be able to handle all of these hate just because she's married to a well-known athlete.
user11 the absolute sickening moments ever for women, we can't have anything. The world does not want us to be happy.
user12 true, makes me think how she even deserves all the hate comments when she's been the nicest, most supportive, and loving partner to lando
user13 the answer is easy, she's a woman who married a man. All these men who never grew out of their highschool phase suddenly think they've got the right to talk shit about her just because she married their favorite athlete🙄
user15 calm down girl, my boyfriend's on this app🥵
yourusername oh honey, if your boyfriend admires other girls he's not your boyfriend anymore
user16 she's an it girl and a girl's girl🫡
user17 she really said don't let any man disrespect u
via interview...
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via twitter...
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via article...
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via twitter...
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liked by landonorris, carmmenmundt, and 2,309,674 others
yourusername baby #1 full of food
view 23,029 comments...
landonorris can't believe this is how I find out I'm gonna be a dad
yourusername thanks for feeding me ig now u're gonna have to take full responsibility
landonorris i fully accept becoming a father of food
user0 idk what's up with these two😭
user-1 they're literally the perfect match both of them goofy af
yourfriend is this for real?!
yourusername no bae ;)
yourfriend AMEN
user1 not yn trolling the whole damn nation only for it to be a food baby😭
user2 this is what the media gets for pressuring them into becoming parents when clearly they want a different path lol
user3 true, they've made it clear numerous times already that they want to enjoy their married life more and not involve kids in the process
user4 they're so real for that
user5 I remember in an interview of yn with the same question and she said something like "I just feel like in this day and age, having children isn't a priority for most people of this generation and I'm glad that most of us are realizing how big of a deal it is to have children and deciding to not bring them in this world when we are very self aware of our capabilities. It's time we should stop pressuring couples, more so women in giving birth because it's not the only thing we're here for."
user6 SHE'S SO SLAY?!
user8 slay after slay
user9 everyday i have to be reminded that im actually not married to yn and we dont have 4 kids tgt
user11 a slap on the face for those nosy people up in their business
hope y'all actually enjoyed this as much as I did writing it😭 comments are highly appreciated 🫶 lovelots♡
916 notes · View notes
m4rs-ex3 · 3 months ago
ok i'm so terribly sorry to be saying this but i'm kind of ok with sorvus not becoming canon canon
i know we were pretty much all expecting something but it doesn't feel like we were robbed; it doesn't feel like we were teased or led along or, ahem, baited. the show absolutely knows what it has but it's not a case where they choose to ignore it and it's incredibly frustrating. something tdp is very good about is not fully committing to something big (ie rayllum proposal) but gives you enough to satisfy + enough to allow for more future exploration (ie rayllum in episode 5 [sorry i have to make everything about rayllum jk im not sorry]). they take every opportunity to show how much soren and corvus care about each other and their chemistry is an unstoppable force.
in addition to the fact that it is by zero means not not canon even if they're not exactly canon, i think it works with the story. even being the world's biggest shipper who cares about a show's relationships pretty much more than anything else, i low-key hate it when a million couples are thrown in your face at once, especially in finales where it's like "ok the day is saved everyone's found love!!! isn't that so great!!!!!! happy ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!" this was part of the reason i was a little put off by terry's existence in the very beginning because it was just like.... do we really need another couple? even if i didn't dislike their relationship. and that's also why i'm so happy with the way they turned out because i love it when there are relationships that just don't work out (unless i have any sort of attachment to the ship in that case fuck you they should have been together forever [but then again if it feels like the only reason a relationship ends is because the writers said so then i kind of consider that bad writing anyway]). in the case of sorvus, i certainly wouldn't have been opposed if they'd gotten together near the end (especially since rayllum, yk, were already together so it wouldn't have felt they were fighting for attention), but it feels kinda right that they didn't. rayllum is the main event whether you like it or not and i'm very glad that they stuck with that. it wouldn't have exactly been fair to sorvus either, would it?
and, of course, this leaves so much more opportunity for them. especially if we get arc 3, but either way there's no way we won't get something of their quest. so this way they get their own spotlight, and they get way more time to develop to that point (which is another reason i don't believe they should've gotten together in s7 because there was just too much going on and even though their relationship has gotten lots of time it still would've been like "oh! ok! they're together! ok! what's happening!")
at the end of the day they are 110% in love - we know that, tdp knows that, and we don't need to see them make out for it to click (just like s5-early s6 rayllum to harken back to that unavoidable comparison), even if it might've been nice
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xxswagcorexx · 1 month ago
god i had such a good time watching the swagdoons vod today...i know swagdoons nation is kinda. you know. Dead. but if anyone ever wants to write a fic, i think this stream is really useful in figuring out their characterization because. Yeah they are really egoistical/mean to each other on the surface but they still work and communicate really well. they synergize really well strategy wise and you can Tell they care about each other because they go out of their way to share information and resources with each other without a moment's notice...even if they're making fun of each other by trying to hog up the mirror and trying to outmog each other
it's also interesting because they're literally forced into a situation where they Have to help each other in order to survive and a lot of their ""toxic"" parts like the competition and egoism are taken out of the equation because they can't do that because they have to focus on survival. like this is literally the trope of putting 2 characters in a box and having them figure it out. and the fact ash, who often tries to be on top, instantly agrees to play support for the benefit of both of them, and red who often just lets people boss him around, is the defender and taking all of the shots is sooooo interesting because it flips the scrip in a lot of swagdoons dynamics (both in fanon and canon) and its soooooo fun to watch :) i think it shows that in this universe, at least, swagdoons works together as a unit together rather than unmovable object vs unstoppable force (ALSO SWAGDOONSVERSE WIN WHO CHEERED!!!)
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goodnightmemes · 1 year ago
❛ I'm sorry for your loss, your...your losses, rather. ❜
❛ Nobody gets away with anything. Not really. ❜
❛ Don't lecture me about family values. You're just as shit in that department as I am. ❜
❛ That day was the last day we were all in the same place. Alive. ❜
❛ They will love you because I love you, and the only thing stronger than love is how scared they are of getting cut out of the will. ❜
❛ And most people go their whole, wasted, stupid lives without one minute of true resolution. Not me though. ❜
❛ You know what a resolution is? It's a deal you make with the future. ❜
❛ The people in charge of making us healthy make us sick. We cheat the dying. We fleece the poor. Promote the racist. Let the demons run amok. This world needs changing. ❜
❛ You're supposed to be shadowing me. Shadows don't fucking talk. ❜
❛ This is beneath you. And you're going to kill it. But you're better than all of this. And the minute you figure that out, you're going to be unstoppable. ❜
❛ There's no such thing as a step back. You go forward. If you hit a brick wall, you don't go back, you go through. ❜
❛ Nearly realized is the sweetest. It's better, I promise, in the moment just before than in the moment after. ❜
❛ You are consequence. And tonight, you are consequential. ❜
❛ You are a pretty, pretty little thing. ❜
❛ You wonder why people hate us. This is why. ❜
❛ Everybody knows that edible arrangements are what you send to people you hate. ❜
❛ If you start thinking this is reality, you'll just slip into the abyss. ❜
❛ We can talk about it after because I've had a shit day and I really just wanna starfish and forget the world. ❜
❛ Don't talk to me until I've come at least twice. ❜
❛ I love how deliciously, pointlessly mean you lot can be. ❜
❛ You still didn't need to come here though. It could have happened quiet. Peaceful. In bed. But I guess it's got to happen like this. ❜
❛ It's amazing how far you can get on denial. You know why so many people use denial to get by? Because it really fucking works. ❜
❛ You can't enhance this image? You see it all the time on TV. They hit a button, it enhances it. ❜
❛ I don't even own anything funeral black. ❜
❛ Satin is silk for poor people, no one should wear it to a funeral, unless they died in it. ❜
❛ Nobody knows they're the fall guy until they're falling.❜
❛ Women are the natural leaders of the species. Ancient Egypt had it right. ❜
❛ Okay, just because the door's open doesn't necessarily guarantee you a seat at the table. ❜
❛ You're not who I thought you were. ❜
❛ I really didn't want to think it, but...you're all fucking monsters. ❜
❛ Watching you shit on your principles would have been worth every fucking penny. ❜
❛ The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. And I wouldn't wish their sting on anyone. ❜
❛ Don't have to be smart to be dangerous. I'm not scared of rattlesnakes 'cause they're so smart. ❜
❛ You're so out of touch with your human side...you can't even listen to anything outside your own head. ❜
❛ I haven't seen you sleep in like...I mean, it's been a fucking long time. Like, horror movie long. ❜
❛ Life is insane. It is madness. The sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be. ❜
❛ The world might not be safe but listen to me, and listen carefully. I won't let anything happen to you. ❜
❛ All these terrible things and I thought, that's when people come together. But we've never been further apart. ❜
❛ Tell me it's worth it. Tell me you know the risk and I'll be there with you. I'll back you up. Just tell me. ❜
❛ Shut your mouth, get your shit together. The fuck is wrong with you? ❜
❛ Men, when they think they're immortal, all they want to do is fuck. When they figure out they're going to die, all they want to do is fuck. ❜
❛ It just makes you think, you know, life is so fucking short. ❜
❛ You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, then you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority. ❜
❛ I thought it was an act. I figured you just played the housewife so you could keep a roof over your head. Spread your legs or suck his dick twice a week and you're set. You never have to work a day in your life. And I thought, "Good for her, she found her angle," but...this is really you. Isn't it? ❜
❛ Words got us into this, words can get us out. ❜
❛ You're a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart. ❜
❛ There are certain things one shouldn't have to face in life. Time enough for self-reflection after. ❜
❛ I don't normally like to get my hands this dirty, but honey, you earned it. ❜
❛ I see you now. I look at you and I see... You. The poverty of you. ❜
❛ The real world is Darwinian. Survival, chaos, power. Leverage. ❜
❛ You feel it. In the air. We're sitting outside of time and space. ❜
❛ This is the moment luck meets opportunity. ❜
❛ In the ancient world, we'd seal this with blood, or spit. And then later, papyrus. But, a deal's a deal all over the world. ❜
❛ We're a... virus, I think. People, I mean. ❜
❛ But everyone loves something. And in that love there's collateral. ❜
❛ I say this with love. Let it go. Let it all go. ❜
❛ So I say, we stand tall and proud. Bill's come due. Let's not hide here in the basement like we've got something to be ashamed of. No. Not us. You and me against the world. ❜
❛ It may not have been perfect, but you can't say we didn't change the world. How many people can say that at the end? ❜
❛ I knew I would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses. ❜
❛ It don't matter in the end why you did any of it. I don't fucking care why you did it. We don't want your confession, or your rationale, or your explanation. ❜
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coff-in · 6 months ago
Okie so I was thinking about requesting for a while but never stuck with an idea. Maybe something with a reader who has been neighbors with the graves since they lived in the apartments. Like they’re a tad younger than Ashley (about two years) and looks up to the both of them like they’re older siblings and follows them around like a lost puppy. Like reader’s parents would want them to make friends with other kids but they refuse because “I want Leyley and Andy:(“ . They’re a little too touchy during childhood to both siblings, and it might bother Andrew and Ashley (Ashley a little more than Andrew lol) but eventually the neighbor mellows out. They’re still sweet and kind to those around them but they’re not as physically touchy and trying to talk to other people. Like, reader explains they can’t make it to a hangout cause they made plans with other people and the Graves siblings are like “Wait, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go-“ And now they unconsciously try to do anything to get reader to stay with them and isolate them from others. Like taking any opportunity to get what they want. Andrew’s sick? How about you skip your date to help him out? Their parents are gone for a while? Sleepover time! Just like we used to do when we were little! Oh you can’t find you’re sleeping bag and it’s conveniently colder than Antarctica? Cuddle time! You’re now stuck between two attractive goth siblings. And you’re not gonna ever leave. Ever.
notes from coff-in: i feel it in my heart (and in my delusional head) that ashley would constantly sneak over to [reader]'s place to hang out with them. and if ashley's going then andrew has to follow her to make sure she doesn't cause any trouble.
[gender neutral] reader-insert
[reader] following around leyley and andy put put her very on edge. why the fuck are you following them around?! are you trying to steal andy's gaze, you fucking floozy? go away! back off! andy's is hers!! it would take befriending leyley first before you can actually hang out with them both, and befriending leyley can take a lot. she's whiny, and clingy, and pushes and pulls [reader] away and close all the time. like an ocean of insecurity... but they're finally able to safely traverse her waves.
andy appreciates [reader]'s patience. he's also happy that ashley was able to make a genuine friend. they both found [reader]'s fixation on them weird, like go hang out with someone else already! but eventually [reader]'s unstoppable force clashed with them, the unmovable objects, and they were able to be friends. best friends, even! with friendship bracelets, sleepovers, going out to parks or streets together; honestly three peas in a pod.
other people think you're weird for hanging out with the graves siblings as much as you do. some girls talk [reader] being so brave to touch andrew so brazenly with ashley around. it's not too much of a big deal- i mean, you can't touch him for too long without giving ashley some attention too :3
and then [reader] gets older, they notice how distant they get. sure, school can be pretty hectic and busy but surely you would still have time for them, right? why aren't you coming over as much? sure, their mom isn't the most welcoming... but they can still come over to your place! oh... you're busy studying... and tomorrow you'll be out with other friends... well, they can join you! problem solved :)
ashley throws a fucking tantrum over [reader] having other friends. what do you mean you have other friends?! are you leaving them?! you can't do that! you chose them! they chose you! ashley's spreading rumors and fighting harlots in the parking lot in order for you to stay close to them. andrew is less... obvious about it? he offers to do your work (he's done it before for ashley) in exchange for you to hang out with them. simple, right? he's not asking much and you get guaranteed passing grades in return. just snuggle up next to them while you watch a movie together... simple.
they really don't know why you'd throw this away for other people.
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butchreg · 4 months ago
more vannat brothers headcanons !!
requested by anon !! u know the drill by now.. he / they nat && they / he van !! yellowjackets masterlist here
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van is more of a caregiver but he's curious about regression . picture a nervous van , very unlike their typical playful self , coming to nat , twisting their shirt in their hands && biting their lip anxiously . they're anxious about asking but they trust nat with their whole heart . nat can see he's nervous . "come on vanny , spit it out." he chuckles a little and van squeezes their eyes shut . "i kinda wanna try it.." the words tumble out in a jumble && van can't bring himself to look at nat , worried he'll think less of them or that they're trying to take his coping mechanism away . on the contrary nat is SUUUPER excited because he gets to give something to van who is always there for him and he gets to be the teacher !!
as much as nat loves when van takes care of him , he's so excited when van regresses for the first time . it turns out van also regresses on the older side to around 8 - 10 though they may be younger like 6 or 7 if their regression is negatively triggered . nat's used to van being the big brother by a lot , it's a new && fun experience for them to be more equally matched or even for nat to be the bigger brother !!
they LOVE the outdoors && exploring a lot ! always out searching for bugs together or playing in the mud && stomping in puddles when it rains . it's not uncommon for them to end up completely drenched or covered in mud.. such silly messy guys . van teaching nat how to catch frogs && nat teaching van how to skip stones . swimming together in the pond , van making fun of nat for his clumsy doggy paddling which earns them lots of splashes.
going to the arcade together !! van is really good at claw machines which makes nat a tad jealous . sometimes if he's feeling mischievous he'll move van's hand at the last second to make them lose... they pool their tokens trying to get the coolest prizes . they are BEASTS at the basketball game && always hogging the racing games .
they looove mad libs oh my gosh . always coming up with the silliest words ever , trying to one up each other with who can be sillier . putting in "inappropriate" && gross words like booger or fart && absolutely roaring with laughter when they read the final product .
typical little boy "your mom" jokes jesus they're unstoppable together . they encourage each other by snickering whenever one is made , && high fiving each other . it gets on everyone's nerves which makes them even more giggly about it .
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advantage-artrick · 15 days ago
the sheer amount of puppy!art content that is generated in this fandom makes me fucking feral.
honestly i've always been more of a kitten/bunny person when it comes to babygirlifying imagining my favorite characters in pet play scenarios, but puppy just fits his specific kind of needy so well. like, so well it hurts.
it's honestly my favorite thing ever, which is why i can't help but wish there was more puppy!art x patrick content being regularly posted. like, a girl needs to be fed sometimes! 🥲😭
anyway, here's my formal audition to be sworn in as a contributer to the cause.
CW: an obnoxious amount of build-up for very little smut, puppy!art but he's literally a hybrid, nsfw content (dry humping, light humiliation kink, pet play but they're not exactly pretending, lots of gay shit, etc). mdni please!
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when i think about puppy art, i usually imagine him as like a legit puppy/human hybrid of sorts. like a human with real ears and a real tail who happens to have a lot of the mannerisms of a puppy (don't judge, i literally grew up on ao3).
anyway, in a world where these hybrids exist, i imagine they're considered lesser beings because they're much more instinct-driven than their full-human counterparts. however, they are dearly beloved and often kept as household assistants and companions.
hybridism is a very rare, recessive genetic trait, so children who are born with it are usually sold to shelters for millions of dollars, especially those resembling sweet, domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, and rabbits.
when art was born, he was no exception. his parents took one look at his floppy blonde ears and decided they'd rather have wealth and a "real" child instead of the. . . pet they'd just created. so, he got sold and they tried again, disappointed but still several millions richer.
the instant he was old enough to be adopted, he was snatched right up by the zweig family and put in the care of their hired nanny. their precious son, patrick, wasn't quite old enough to enjoy art's company yet, but he did like pulling on his tail and crawling after him as art rolled around happily on the carpet.
on patrick's fourth birthday, right before he started preschool, his parents revealed that they had purchased art to be his registered companion, and that they would be attending school together in the fall.
patrick was thrilled, and art didn't really care who he belonged to as long as they played with him, so from that point on, they were inseparable.
they had a wonderful childhood full of love and adventure, and they spent their afternoons and summers frolicking around the zweig estate (or whatever vacation home they happened to be staying at). they were happy together, and patrick never felt the need for a best friend who was more like him, because art was so human, it surprised him sometimes. because art was active, and funny, and sassy when he wanted to be, and he was really fucking good at tennis. they could play, and wrestle, and banter for hours, and if art liked to roll around in the grass more than he did and chase after butterflies until his legs gave out, well that wasn't strange at all. that was just art, and patrick wouldn't have wanted his best friend to be any other way (especially when all he had to do to win any argument was toss a ball down a hill and say "fetch").
now, they were in their third year at MRTA, and the zweigs' decision to enroll art in all of patrick's classes from their first semester was quickly proving to the world just what hybrids were truly capable of. despite the teeth marks decorating all his pencils, art was surprisingly good at math, and he and patrick were damn near unstoppable as doubles partners. all in all, everything was great.
but that was also when things first started to change between them.
art had never been a particularly social hybrid. he wasn't awkward or shy by any means, and he got along well with everyone he was introduced to, but if he was ever found at a party with patrick, it was because he was heavily coerced into going.
because of this, when patrick started to get invited to more and more hang outs and big events on the weekends, art found himself spending more and more time alone at their dorm.
which, he very quickly discovered, was his least favorite thing in the world.
he was so used to having patrick's undivided attention and filling the role of his companion at every second of every day. the only reason he didn't suck it up and go with patrick to every party was that he'd heard people cracking jokes behind his back about how pat couldn't do anything without his little puppy following him around.
he didn't want to hold his best friend back like that. he loved him too much to be the reason he got made fun of.
so, he stayed behind, doing his homework to pass the time until patrick came through the door hours later.
he didn't love geometry by any means, but he preferred to spend his free hours doing what he could to break the dumb puppy stereotype that followed several of the other academy hybrids around campus. those were the hybrids who weren't enrolled in classes like he was, and whose owners treated them more like pets than like people.
art wasn't one of them. he didn't sit by the door and whine until patrick came home to pet him. . . he wasn't like that. . .
but his desk chair was so uncomfortable, and could feel his insides tying themselves into knots in patrick's absence. this was the third weekend in a row that he'd been left all alone on a friday night, and he couldn't take it any more.
so, when patrick finally got home around one-thirty, he opened the door to find art sitting on the floor right next to it with his back against the wall, doodling tiredly on a trig worksheet.
"hey," patrick said, looking at him curiously. he closed the door behind him, going to stand in front of art when he didn't immediately stand up. ". . . whatcha doin' down there?"
he was clearly not sober, but it was far from the worst art had seen him. art shrugged, keeping his gaze fixed on the floor.
"my chair's too hard," he mumbled.
"and the floor isn't?" patrick asked him suspiciously.
art just shrugged again. there was aong moment of silence where patrick just watched him, waiting for him to smile or stand or something.
but art just sat there, studying the cracks between the floorboards.
patrick sighed, trudging over to sit down on his bed in relief. art looked up at him then, feeling so many things he couldn't quite explain. patrick was right there. he'd come home, but art still felt so. . . kicked. so abandoned.
"some of the guys asked where you were tonight," patrick mentioned, his hands fidgeting in his lap. "i said you were back at the dorm, and. . . some girl- god, she was so drunk- she started saying that i was a terrible owner for leaving you all alone, and that she's seen us around campus and she hates how i make you 'ignore your instincts,' as if it would weird me out or something if you ever. . ."
patrick trailed off, contemplating what exactly he was trying to say. art watched him nervously, still not moving from his spot on the floor.
"have you been?" patrick asked after a while. "ignoring your urges or whatever? i mean, a lot of people are just so surprised by how smart and how mature you are, and it's cool if that's really you, but you know i would never think it was weird if you wanted to. . . you know. . . i don't know, just forget it, man."
art frowned, shifting up onto his knees. it was true that he had been trying so hard to live up to all the things that were often said about him. he practiced pushing down feelings until he barely felt them anymore, trying to make sure no one took his place as patrick's best friend while he became just another useless pet.
now, years later, he didn't even chase the balls patrick threw for him anymore. he was so human, it hurt. he just never expected patrick to actually call him out on it.
"i wasn't even going to mention it, but when i came in and saw you sitting there like that. . ." patrick sighed, running a shaky hand through his hair. "art, you know my parents didn't spend millions of dollars on you for another son, right? they only care that you're smart because it's one more thing they can show off at a banquet. and even if they did want you to be all sophisticated and shit, i'd tell them to fuck right off, okay? i want you to be yourself. there's nothing wrong with being a hybrid, art. honestly, i. . . i want my puppy back."
art watched him sadly, unable to stop his eyes from watering. he hadn't realized how much his repression had been affecting them both until patrick had started leaving him alone. turns out, there were some feelings that came from his animal side that were just too strong to ignore.
whining softly, art tipped forward onto his hands and knees, giving into his urges completely as he crawled over to settle in between patrick's thighs. he sat back on his heels, staring up at him with his big, wet eyes.
patrick just stared at him in awe for a moment, reaching out with one hand to stroke his curls gently.
"does this feel wrong to you, artie?" he asked finally, scratching his ear with a loving smile.
art shook his head, closing his eyes and leaning into his best friend's touch. truthfully, nothing had ever felt more right in his entire life. it was such a relief that he couldn't stop the tears from slipping down his flushed cheeks.
"good boy," patrick whispered, grinning at the shiver it sent shooting through art's whole body. "i knew you were still in there somewhere."
art whined, scooting in even closer so he could rest his chin on patrick's upper thigh. patrick kept petting him for a while, allowing them to settle into the new dynamic that was gradually forming between them.
"there we go, puppy. i knew you were holding out on me," patrick breathed, holding the back of his neck possessively. "i missed you so fucking much, you have no idea. you haven't been the same since we got to the academy, baby. i just know it's been killing you, hasn't it?"
art whined again, nuzzling into the space between patrick's thighs so that his nose was pressed right up against his crotch. he inhaled deeply, basking in the unfiltered but familiar scent of his owner until he was reprimanded, his head being gently pushed away.
art didn't like this very much, and within seconds he was right back where he wanted to be, his chin resting on the edge of the mattress as he breathed it in again. patrick sighed, letting him stay there for a moment longer than before, but after a while he got embarrassed by art's persistent huffing and he pushed him away once more.
"i know i promised not to think you're weird for following your urges and all that, but i'd be lying if i said i was thrilled that one of them is trying to sniff my ass" he teased, scratching art's ears again in consolation.
unfortunately, after being on his knees and getting pet for what seemed like hours to the two of them, art was too deep in a headspace he'd never felt before to register patrick's discomfort.
the third time it happened, patrick didn't even try to push him away. instead, he reached over to grab a tennis ball from his nightstand, and tossed it lightly to art's side of the room.
art perked up, watching it fly and land on the floor by his bed. without patrick even having to give the command, he was turning around and crawling towards it.
he plucked it from the ground with his teeth before making his way back over and dropping it gingerly in patrick's lap. patrick grinned excitedly, feeling a childish glee bubbling up inside of him. the thrill he got in that moment was so nostalgic, it was almost painful.
"good boy," he praised, and then he tossed the ball again.
turns out, all art needed was a little reminder that before he was anything else, he was patrick's. he had nothing to prove to anyone. as long as he kept bringing his favorite ball back to his best friend's waiting hands, everything was going to be just fine.
from that moment on, art relaxed much more into the idea of being owned. he stopped trying to be more human than was expected of him, and every time patrick ruffled his hair and called him a good boy, he got a little more proud to be a hybrid.
people noticed, of course, but if anyone dared to mention it in a not-so-positive way, patrick was quick to tell them where they could shove their bullshit prejudices. all in all, their last years together at the academy were amazing.
it wasn't until their senior year that their relationship started to change again.
"go take a fucking shower, dude. you still smell like her," art complained one night, shoving patrick out of his own bed and onto the floor.
"what the fuck?" patrick exclaimed, disgruntled as he sat upright. "you're the one who came over here. you can't just kick me out of my bed, art."
art frowned, rolling himself up in patrick's blankets to prove just how serious he was about this.
"you're the one who left me here by myself all night to get laid, remember?" he reminded him petulantly. "you promised you'd pay attention to me when you got back but we've literally just been talking for fifteen whole minutes, you fucking liar."
"okay, okay," patrick laughed, standing up and brushing himself off. "i'll pay attention to you, move over."
"no," art snapped, pushing him back away from the bed. "i don't want your stupid fucking hands on me until you smell like you again."
patrick stood there for a minute, smiling without saying a word.
"what?" art spat defensively.
"you're jealous," patrick teased, sitting down on art's bed and making himself comfortable.
"no i'm not, that's ridiculo- can you get off my bed please?"
art jumped up from his spot on patrick's bed, rushing over to drag his roommate up by his wrists and shove him towards their bathroom.
"aww it's okay, artie. i'm sorry i left you alone for two whole hours," patrick cooed at him, reaching out to pat his head before art pushed him backwards again. he stumbled towards the shower, still laughing at how mad art was pretending to be. "if i'd known you were feeling needy, i would've stayed home with you. you know that, puppy," he promised, smiling at him lovingly.
"shut up, 'm not," art grumbled, blushing and keeping his gaze fixed on the floor as patrick tugged his shirt over his head. "just get in the shower, asshole."
while patrick was busy washing off the stench of amelia samson's rose perfume, art was occupying himself by rolling around restlessly in patrick's sheets. he wasn't entirely sure if he wanted the bed to smell like him, or if he wanted to smell like the bed, but either way he found it was impossible to just lie still and wait. he just kept on squirming until he was so wrapped up, he could barely move anymore.
when the water finally shut off ages later, art almost whined in excitement before he caught himself. patrick stepped out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a fresh pair of boxers, drying his hair off with a towel while water droplets continued to slide languidly down his abs.
"okay, art, what kind of attention were you looking for?" he asked, wandering into the bedroom and tossing the damp towel aside. "we can go play, or just stay in and chill, or i'm sure we could probably find some food some. . . where. are you okay?" he asked, finally noticing that art was fully entangled in his bedsheets.
art huffed, nodding as he tried to roll around in reverse to free himself from the evil blanket trap. patrick smirked, getting him out within seconds when he finally went over to help.
"it doesn't look like you really wanna go anywhere," patrick commented, trying to stifle a laugh. "what the fuck were you tryin' to do, huh?"
art just rolled his eyes, dragging patrick down into the bed with him by his wrist. patrick went willingly, getting them settled under the covers with art so wrapped around him, he was laying almost entirely on his chest.
art relaxed immediately, listening to patrick's heartbeat and enjoying the feeling of his best friend's fingers in his hair. he was happy to find that patrick now smelled exactly like he was supposed to, if not a little too fresh for art's taste.
"this is what you wanted, hmm?" patrick asked quietly, scratching behind his ears in a practiced, very effective motion. art shivered, rubbing his cheek against patrick's bare chest like he wanted to get closer somehow.
"i knew you were jealous, you little liar. you just want me all to yourself all the time, don't you?" patrick continued, leaning down to kiss the top of art's head.
art whined, too content in that position to defend himself against patrick's very rude accusation.
"don't worry, puppy. you'll always be my good boy, you know that."
art nodded, shifting so his leg was resting even further over patrick's thighs. much to his very subdued horror, he could feel himself quickly getting hard against his owner's hip. he made no move to get away, finding that he felt too good staying right where he was to care about the embarrassment.
patrick noticed, of course, but this happened every time they cuddled in that position. it was an essential part of it, at this point. the only tricky part was finding art a pillow to hump as a replacement when he started trying to use his thigh instead.
which seemed to be happening sooner and sooner every single time. patrick tutted when he felt art's hips start to shift against his, bringing his hand down to art's waist to still his movements.
art huffed, opening his eyes to stare up at him in disappointment.
"stop it," patrick commanded, waiting until art looked back down in submission to move his hand. "i swear, it's like you get hard at the drop of a hat sometimes. i don't see how me touching your head always gets you that fucking desperate."
as if to prove his point, patrick tugged gently at the golden curls in his grasp, pulling a needy whimper from deep in art's chest. unable to hold back despite the command, art bucked his hips forward, rutting against patrick's leg until he was abruptly pushed away and pinned down against the mattress.
"jesus," patrick breathed from on top of him, staring down at art's flushed cheeks and blown pupils, and how his lips were so wet it almost looked like he was drooling. he was the prettiest thing patrick had ever seen.
besides art trying to get himself off using his roommate as a pillow, the only thing they'd ever really done together had been jerking off (or humping various objects, in art's case) in the same bed. as touchy as they were, there were several lines they had never dared to cross, but in that moment, patrick was tempted to do so much more than they ever had before.
"what is going on with you today? i know you miss me when i'm gone, baby, but i don't think i've ever seen you this needy before," he pointed out, brushing the curls away from art's forehead so he could make sure he wasn't running a fever. "you're not sick, are you?"
art didn't respond, too tapped into his puppy side to think about anything that didn't involve getting more attention or getting off. his brain was just one big pile of, 'patrick. please. touch. patrick. hump. patrick. please. daddy. please.'
patrick rolled off when he tried to rut up against him again, grabbing art's favorite pillow from the other bed and bringing it back over to him. art took it when he held it out, but he didn't immediately start fucking into it like he usually did. he waited for patrick to climb back under the covers with him before pushing it down towards his hard, weeping cock.
even when he did start humping it, he was whining sadly the whole time, and if patrick stopped petting him for even a second, he would stop moving his hips until he put his hand back. he was being insufferable, but patrick had no idea how else he could possibly help. art wouldn't even tell him what exactly was wrong with him to begin with.
not to mention, the entire situation was made worse by how art's pathetic sounds and nonstop squirming were giving patrick the most unbearable hard-on he had ever experienced.
he was this close to just tossing the pillow aside and letting art do whatever his desperate heart desired.
"what do you want?" he asked quietly, tilting art's head up so he could look him in the eyes. "i need you to use your words or you're not getting anything, okay? what do you want, puppy?"
art keened softly, thrusting against his pillow out of frustration more than arousal. he buried his face back in patrick's neck, sinking his teeth in hard as if that would get him out of answering.
"ow, fuck!" patrick hissed, trying to pry him off to no avail. "fucking bitch, what is wrong with you?" he scolded, but there was no real anger in his voice.
art whined, sucking and licking at the skin in his mouth until there was spit dripping down his chin. patrick bit his lip, loosening his grasp on the back of art's head after a while to just let him do his thing.
"fuck," he sighed, this time for a wholely different reason. "okay, okay, cut it out. art, let go."
thankfully, art actually listened this time, looking up at him with guilty eyes. patrick's serious tone seemed to have brought him out of his instinct-mode momentarily.
"sorry," he whispered, blushing brightly.
"what's up with you?" patrick asked him, raising an eyebrow in concern. "you don't usually get like this when i hook up with someone, art. tell me what's going on up there."
"i. . . don't know," art replied rolling onto his back so he could stare glumly at the ceiling. "i feel like my skin is crawling. something's not right, i know that. . . i just- i feel like i need you. . . i don't know, it's hard to tell when it doesn't come from my human side, but it really hurts."
"you. . . need me?" patrick asked him, wondering if that meant what it sounded like to him.
"not like that! well, maybe like that, i don't fucking know-"
"maybe?" patrick asked again.
"shut up! i was feeling so good before you made me stop," art pouted, crossing his arms and turning towards the wall petulantly.
"yeah, you were literally chewing on my neck! and you were trying to hump me," patrick defended, pushing himself up onto his elbows.
"i do that all the time."
"maybe, but not like this."
art turned back around, glaring at him. it was so cute, it almost made patrick crack a smile in the middle of their very serious discussion.
"why do you always make me stop, anyway? it's not like you're not into it, i can feel how fucking hard you are," art pointed out, glancing down as if he could see patrick's erection through the sheets.
"you're never in your right mind, art," patrick reminded him, bringing a hand back up to play with his curls again to hopefully calm him down a little. "if you tell me right now, to my face, what you want to do, i will let you do it. we've just never had good enough communication for that sort of thing."
"okay, fine," art agreed, looking very determined at first, but after a moment of silence he began to shift nervously.
"i want. . ." he began, avoiding eye contact as he tried painstakingly to finish a single sentence.
"spit it out, artie," patrick teased, pulling him in closer by his hips.
"shut up," art hissed, taking a deep breath before trying again. "i want. . . to use you. . . as a pillow."
"okay, baby," patrick whispered, and it turns out it really had been that easy all along. "but do you want me, or do you just want friction?"
"i think. . . um. . . well, if you kissed me, i guess i wouldn't mind," art replied, feigning nonchalance as if patrick couldn't see right through him.
"so how long have you been in love with me, exactly?" patrick asked, smirking.
"i didn't say that."
"you didn't have to."
". . . i don't know. a long time."
"yeah? good to know," patrick responded, and then he pulled art by his neck into the filthiest, hottest, most loving kiss they had ever experienced.
art moaned desperately, his legs finding their way back to his favorite position in a heartbeat, and this time when he started thrusting, patrick encouraged it.
"that's it. there you go, puppy, just like that. . .
good boy."
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i was originally planning to add a lot more smut to this, but then i decided i wanted it to be more of an intro to these characters and their dynamic, and then all of the super nsfw posts i'll keep seperate and slightly shorter!
hope you like these two because i really do, and i'd love to hear your ideas for smut oneshots i could put together for them! i promise nothing is too out there, so please fire away!
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lebada · 7 months ago
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this person is a confirmed scammer btw, who remakes a lot but look out for this profile picture bc they reuse it a lot
also look out for:
scammer claiming the money will be used to evacuate multiple people from gaza but the fundraiser goal is way too small, like hundreds or a couple thousand dollars
paypal instead of gfm does not immediately mean scam but it makes the blog suspicious because paypal hasn't been working in gaza for a while now. the paypal money pool fundraisers also hide the location of the organiser
scams about diabetic palestinians that often specify humalog - this is the same scammer again and again
scams that link to (often paypal) fundraisers organised by people with kenyan names or names popular in countries bordering kenya - again this is the same scammer again and again
if you want to publish an ask / donate, you can reverse image search their pictures & also copy their asks and search them into tumblr, because scammers tend to use other people's texts or reuse them from their own deactivated scam blogs
just because a blog claims to be vetted doesn't mean they are - especially when they don't mention any blog or the blog they mention is tagged but not hyperlinked (it means either the vetter has them blocked or they have the vetter blocked). please check, a lot of the vetting masterposts are easily searchable / spreadsheets
i don't want to talk about scams to discourage people from donating, but a lot of people have been mass reporting any ask they get & i think that's way way more harmful, which is why it's way better to know the signs of scams so you can automatically eliminate them before spending effort to check if the rest are real. scammers are not the unstoppable boogeyman, they're often fairly easy to spot, which is why there is really no excuse to blanket-accuse all palestinian tumblr accounts of being scammers. anyways i'm not an expert on scams or anything, this is just like half an hour's worth of research on my part, but i'm going to be using these takeaways in the future to vet my own asks so i thought it might be useful. people like @neechees @kyra45 and @anonthescambuster are doing the actual valuable work of teaching everyone all these things & putting together lists of confirmed scammers. u can also go to their blogs to search up any url u think might be a scam, or to just learn more abt scam busting
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e1ectricwords · 2 months ago
Dating Erza
Headcanons and stuff:
--> Baking days - baking with her is meant to be about teamwork. However it's always Erza that sneaks the first strawberry, or dips her finger into the icing first just to 'taste test'. When questioned why she goes back for her second strawberry, the answer is just "the one already in my stomach was feeling lonely" but in the flattest tone imaginable. She is super competitive about decorating. It's something she's always wanted to do, but never had the time to try. Once she gains the ability to, she's unstoppable.
--> Absolutely no PDA - Erza and PDA do not mix. She does not ever want to appear as weak or vulnerable in public and that is something that you must understand. To her it makes her feel defenceless and open. In private, she's completely different, and is the sweetest and softest person. She's bashful, not used to this kind of affection. She hesitates to kiss you first, and it takes a lot of coaxing to make her feel comfortable enough to even try. At first, they're not even proper kisses, just light pecks. She's too scared, but she's trying and that's something.
--> Fiercely protective - This is such a given of her being protective over you, I don't think I need to elaborate but hear me out here. You are fiercely protective over her. Not in the physical way because no one can overpower Erza, she's fine protecting herself in that way, but more in a sense of you won't let her be the butt of any joke, or you're quick to point out when something was said sarcastically by someone. I often feel as if Erza is slow to understand sarcasm which would potentially lead to more ridicule (if amongst a less-than-pleasant group for company).
--> Loyal to a fault - she makes it clear that you are her priority. This is very easily interpreted as the first to jump into a fight when you're threatened, which is very much true, but she is also loyal and protective over you to yourself. To expand, if you ever doubt yourself, she is the first to pick you up. If you criticise yourself over not understanding something, or not doing something right the first time, she will stand there and tell you that you're being too mean to yourself. She is loyal to you and not to the anxious or self-hating you.
--> Training together - this will be a very regular way to start your morning. Both in clothing to work out in, either going for a jog together or getting absolutely beaten up by her, both happen regularly. She will also take the time to help you master new techniques as she really wants to see you succeed. She will also use you as a dummy to use her own new techniques on.
--> You're pretty much immune to turbulence - you like taking Erza out on ballroom dates. Scratch that, you took her once, and got spun around so hard you couldn't see straight for days. She now likes to take you out ballroom dancing and now it's all pretty standard. A little bit of vertigo is fine as long as she is happy.
If you liked this, check out the Masterlist
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dracrownian · 1 month ago
I'm going to be nice (for the first and last time in my life). Give us your thoughts on AkAm :)
wait what is this. coffee, are you okay?? (ship ask game here)
AkAm ✨
What made you ship it?
It started as a joke-
Okay, but it actually did, though. I was watching The Darkest Nightmare with some friends (years ago now) and we got to the ferris wheel fight and suddenly Akai and Rei stop fighting because Conan's shouting for them and I'm just like "those are Conan's divorced dads" and it stuck with me for years.
So I jokingly shipped them for years (I wasn't really involved in the fandom at that point, and wasn't going out of my way to look for content). And then early last year, I got dragged back into DetCo and have since fully embraced this pair. They have my whole heart.
Even if not for what happened in M20, we still have everything in canon (the whole Scar Akai thing, Rei deciding that Akai definitely isn't dead because how could Kir of all people get the better of him, he's too good for that, Rei's entire obsession, the Scarlet arc confrontation with "Okiya" that is so ridiculous on so many levels, etc). And then there's M26 and wow. Taking "Conan's divorced dads" to a whole new level. (And Rei needing Kazami to call to him twice to get his attention after that phone call, I see you Rei. I know what you are.)
They have so much chemistry, and their past is messy and complicated, but completely intertwined with one another due to their time together in the organization and the tragedy of Scotch's death. At this point, I don't think you can fully separate them, not without destroying part of what makes them them in the process.
Akai not telling the FBI about Bourbon (and I still stand by the fact that Gosho could've easily had James be like "oh yeah, Bourbon, Akai mentioned him" if he wanted me to believe that Akai wasn't protecting Bourbon), or the truth about Scotch. Rei single-mindedly focused on finding (and, yes, killing) Akai, but then deciding to at least temporarily be civil after the tea party (give us the tea party, Gosho!). Not to mention, all the times he brings up or thinks about Akai unprompted in ZTT, and the literal photo he has of Rye, stacked with Sherry and Conan. How, even though he hates Akai with every fiber of his being, he acknowledges that Akai should've been good enough to save Scotch.
They drive me absolutely insane. I love them. There's probably points that I've missed here, but we're already gonna have a novel with this one, so.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
They get each other. They've both been in the organization. They understand what it's like to do the dirty work, to have blood on their hands. They know how it feels to constantly wear a mask that you can't remove without risk of death.
They're both deeply traumatized individuals, and while that makes things complicated on the communication front, it also means that they can better support each other, because they understand trauma.
Rei's family has gone completely unmentioned, and Akai's is Complicated™ so neither of them likely would really have any expectation of a normal family. They can be each other's family now (well, post-canon).
When Rei's not trying to rip Akai to shreds, they work well together. They'd be a pretty unstoppable team if Gosho let them.
And the fact that Akai can see through Rei's masks even easier than Rei clocked Okiya being Akai without having ever met the man (even if he was tricked into believing otherwise at first) just makes me love them more.
I don't think there's anyone else in the entire series that can fully understand either of them the way they can each other. And even when they're not getting along (read: Rei's starting shit again), they still have a lot of respect for each other's skills.
Also the fact that Akai rarely uses any honorifics for anyone, but he uses -kun for Rei even from the Scarlet arc always gets me.
And how could I not love the "confrontation" in the Kudous' entryway, with both of them pointing guns at each other and Akai's fucking smiling like the idiot he is. That can't be healthy. They deserve each other.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I've struggled so much to come up with something for this question, and I think I've finally landed on something. I think my unpopular opinion is that I really didn't care for Akai before Rei showed up and we got their possibly onesided enemies-to-whatever-the-fuck-they-have-going-on. He just was not interesting to me. He was just standard "Wow Cool Awesome Man" character, even after his tragic backstory with Akemi.
And then Rei shows up and we get all of the mess and now he's my second favorite character and they belong together. (At least partially because nobody else deserves to be stuck with either of these two disaster men.)
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