#but this was a nice practice that paid off really well surprisingly
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my-world-my-stories · 3 months ago
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Year Of The Dragon Elders
November - Ragnar
Just a big, mighty fine blacksmith dragon working hard in his cave of ice to create cool weapons as usual. Literally so hot and steamy, smoke comes out of his nose without even trying.
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dreamypinkfilms · 1 month ago
no cuz I seriously need- LIKE NEEEEDDD a dating headcanons with Patrick hockstetter in chapter 2 when he turned into a zombie!!
patrick dating headcanons(zombie)
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hi hi hiii ohmygosh i am SO incredibly sorry for not posting for the longest time ever , i really posted one thing and disappeared off of the face of the earth… but i am back and will be writing more soooo send requests ! <3
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𝜗𝜚 you had always wondered what happened to patrick, he had been missing for quite some time now, almost a week and you had gotten worried.
𝜗𝜚 you didn’t know what to think, i mean, patrick was.. well patrick, who would want to take him and keep him locked up in a basement? the only thing you could think of was him being killed, but you didn’t know who would wanna do that.
𝜗𝜚 patrick wasn’t the greatest person, you knew this, he showed signs of pyromania it was no wonder henry’s father butch disliked the boy. but you weren’t sure who’d want to kill the boy, i mean there wasn’t anybody who had the courage to do so except maybe henry himself, but the two were friends, for the most part.
𝜗𝜚 but when you were in the middle of making hot cocoa, about ready to rewatch one of your comfort films and heard a knock on your door, only to open it and see a silhouette.. you kinda froze.
𝜗𝜚 when you got a closer look and recognized it as the same lanky boy you’d been stressing out over the past week, you were more than just confused. and maybe a little emotional.
𝜗𝜚 he also looked… really weird, you were sure your mind was messing with you, or maybe you fell asleep standing while waiting for your hot water to boil. but you blinked and there he stood, as mangy looking as ever, you had no other option but to let him inside.
𝜗𝜚 he wouldn’t speak. the most he’d make is a grunt or a choked sounding croak, like he really had to force it out from the back of his throat.
𝜗𝜚 you tried the best you could on cleaning him up.. i mean, he was literally missing an eye and was muddier than your boots on a stormy day, covered in just absolute grime and other icky liquids, dried blood too. that’s what concerned you the most.
𝜗𝜚 you combed his hair after he somehow managed to shower, in his clothes.. standing outside the door to make sure he didn’t fall over; it was surprising he didn’t. some of his hair fell out when you attempted at untangling it with your comb, but most of it stayed on his head—he always did have nice hair.
𝜗𝜚 since he didn’t stink anymore, and he was changed into some different clothes he had previously left at your house before his disappearance, you begrudgingly let the zombie boy in your bed, patrick was never big on physical touch when he was alive, but zombie patrick.. oh boy.
𝜗𝜚 you didn’t know why he got so affectionate, but he was like a cat with attachment issues, slinging a long arm over you and pulling you into him, keeping you close. the first night you allowed it since you had missed him so much, but his continuous need to sleep with you practically suffocating against him that’s where it got unbearable. patrick was never like this alive.
𝜗𝜚 you kept a pillow barrier between you two, but usually kept a hand over it so he wouldn’t keep you up with distressed grumbles.
𝜗𝜚 dinners? forget romantic date nights, you couldn’t go out to derry’s diner anymore, you had to sneak up a second helping of whatever your parents made and feed it to mr. zombie boy. or whenever you’d get paid to go run errands you’d use whatever leftover change you had to buy maybe a pound of ground beef for him, surprisingly he liked it cooked, it wasn’t like the zombies you’d see on tv eating raw brains or meat, he was still kind of like a human but.. not really.
𝜗𝜚 he still loves his music, if you play one of the records he likes he’ll subtly head bang like before—in zombie style fashion, of course.
𝜗𝜚 trying to watch movies is living hell with him, your parents don’t know you have a living-dead boy in your bedroom, of course, so if he likes something he sees in the movie, like fire, or even if he sees something he dislikes or finds annoying he’ll make an effort to vocalize his opinion, which you shut him up about, throwing a pillow at him or just simply telling him to shush.
𝜗𝜚 he hates it when you leave for school, the only time he’s ever wanted to step foot in school is when you’re there and he isn’t, he finds it boring, there’s nothing to do if he’s trapped in your room, not having the option to go downstairs as he pleases.
𝜗𝜚 he usually gets hidden underneath your bed whenever you hear someone’s footsteps outside your door, even if they don’t come in and are just passing by, you never take the risk.
𝜗𝜚 if your parents aren’t home, working; out with friends.. whatever, he loves to go downstairs, begging however he could to spend time down there when you two are home-alone, he needed to stretch his legs. sometimes, if it’s night time and you aren’t tired you’ll sneak out with him and go for little walks.
𝜗𝜚 no one was usually out late at night, there was a curfew, so the two of you were safe more times than not, but if you pass by someone and they catch notice of his uncoordinated stumbling there’s an awkward “no, he’s not drunk, just.. unusually tired.” it was hard to make out his face in the darkness, they weren’t able to tell he was undead.
𝜗𝜚 you thought about telling his friends he was alive, that would be nice to find out your missing best-friend was alive, but whenever you asked him he’d let out a particularly exasperated groan, signaling no.
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this was more written as a fanfic than headcanons but oh well.. i hope you enjoyed !! if there’s anything wrong please tell me i can fix it. anyways i’d let him hit it zombie or not
this is kinda giving lisa frankenstein btw omg
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jujumin-translates · 22 days ago
[A3!] Event | Devil Maid’s Holiday | EP: Nightmare Halloween Party
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Kumon: Here we are! The Nightmare Halloween Party!
Omi: It’s pretty big. You can really get a sense of all the Halloween colors.
Kazunari: Oh-em-gee~, this place is SO cute! There’s so many Inste-able places! Omimi, c’mon, take a pic with me~♪
Tsumugi: There are quite a lot of people here too. It’s pretty lively. 
Tenma: I mean, it is Halloween today. Seems like there’s a lotta people wearing costumes too.
Misumi: Are you wearing a celebrity costume, Tenma~?
Tenma: I AM a celebrity! 
Kumon: Look, look, Nii-chan! It’s a candy house!
Juza: A candy house…
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Banri: It’s fake, dumbass. Don’t try ‘n eat it.
Azuma: Hisoka, it looks like they’re selling chocolate drinks over there.
Hisoka: …I’m gonna get mine with the marshmallow mountain topping.
Izumi: (Darn… Looks like everyone went off in their own directions as soon as we walked in.)
Izumi: It’ll be okay, right? I hope everyone will be back in time for the performance.
Chikage: Why wouldn’t it be okay? Look… Every troupe’s got someone performing on stage who they’re not going to let wander off on their own.
Tsuzuru: Ahh… I guess I can’t argue with that.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Guy: It’s almost time for the performance to start.
Misumi: C’mon, let’s go, let’s go~!
Tasuku: Mikage, get up.
Hisoka: …Mn.
Azuma: Good work on being his transportation, Tasuku.
Izumi: Thank goodness. Looks like everyone got here in time.
Chikage: I told you.
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Misumi: Waaah, the castle’s roof is a really nice triangle! That’s so cool~!
Tasuku: This whole thing was quite the challenge, but… I’m looking forward to see what those guys can do.
Sakyo: Right. Well, all of them agreed to do it voluntarily. There’s no reason for us to worry.
Tsumugi: Ah, seems like it’s starting.
Izumi: (Break a leg, guys…!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Ame: ��Alright, we’ll sing our debut song for you. Just follow our lead!”
Eliza: “We’re about to make you all fall in love, so be ready!”
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Tio: “We’re sending our hearts full of love your way ♪ So keep on listening!”
*Audience cheers*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kumon: Everyone was so cute! That was so much fun!
Tsuzuru: Your acting was great, Sakuya. You really nailed those devilish gestures and expressions.
Sakuya: Whoa, really!? Thank you so much! Looks like all of my hard practice with Yuki-kun and the others really paid off.
Omi: The other attendees in the venue seemed to be getting pretty excited too. They were all cheering for you.
Kazunari: Like a call-and-response sorta thing? I mean, I’m pretty sure there are supposed to be fans of other idols here, so I guess there was like a pretty banger connection between everyone~.
Itaru: GG, Yuki. Even with the exaggerated backdrop of the whole maid outfits and devil thing, it all fit together really nicely… TL;DR, crazy cute.
Itaru: Thank God devidevi tails was just a one-night idol group. If they were part of a social game, I’d be cooked.
Masumi: …You’ve been cooked since day one. 
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Chikage: Don’t even bother.
Citron: Ohh, how was my full-chaos acting!?
Itaru: I mean, I guess you could say it was chaotic, but I’m guessing you meant full force? It was good, obviously, and you absolutely nailed the cuteness.
Tsuzuru: Thanks to the surprisingly solid devil element with the costumes, everything was able to work out just fine even though the thing as a whole was huge.
Masumi: I mean, even though it was like that, you weren’t that bad. Sakuya, Citron, and the others, I mean.
Kazunari: Yukki’s taste with these costumes was so banger for realsies! Literally the best~!
Yuki: Obviously. 
Tenma: He’s been mumbling on about things in our room forever. But the costumes and performance all turned out great, so it looks like it was all worth it.
Misumi: Yuki and Muku were sooo cute~!
Kumon: Right!? It was like they were real idols! 
Muku: Really? I’m glad… Thank you so much!
Omi: You’ve already been pretty good with female roles, Taichi.
Taichi: But this time it was so, so, SO hard ‘cause you could see my legs, and my role was nothing like Zero!
Banri: Yuki was scoldin’ you about the way you were walkin’ quite a bit.
Juza: I’d never be able to copy that kinda thing. 
Sakyo: Well, you and Nanao really looked the part thanks to the makeup.
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Azami: Hmph, I mean, duh. The hell do you think I am? 
Juza: The audience was cheerin’ ‘n sayin’ how cute things were durin’ the live scene.
Banri: I bet dealin’ with all the costumes ‘n other things you had to do this time around was a real pain in the ass.
Azami: Well… It was hard, but we did what we had to do.
Azuma: Homare was quite beautiful and cute.
Tsumugi: He really was wonderful. His mannerisms were really beautiful.
Guy: Yes, he was quite elegant. I could really sense the mature calmness and dependability of the head maid, as well.
Homare: Well, naturally! I suppose it was a role that was made for me!
Hisoka: I thought you were cool for like a minute… But then you ruined it by doing that.
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Homare: Hmph. What is that supposed to mean!? 
Tasuku: He’s not wrong. It’s a shame you’re not always like that…
Homare: Ohoho, the usual me is just as good as how I was today.
Sakuya: I’m really glad that it seems like everyone had fun.
Izumi: Yeah. This was a great success! 
Yuki: …Hey.
Sakuya: ?
Yuki: …Thanks for everything.
Sakuya: Huh?
Sakuya: Yuki-kun, what was that you just…?
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Yuki: Nothing.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] [ 🕸️ ]
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seandiazworms · 1 year ago
sean diaz + daniel diaz modern hcs
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i kind of forgot this was exclusively modern at the end just ignore that LMFAO
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- sean has no social media presence whatsoever
- a lot of people from school follow him but he only follows lyla and his track team back 😭 popular loner energy 🥀🐺
- i feel like if sean went to hs now hed be sm more popular esp w girls but hes rlly humble so he doesnt see it at all
- hes stupid and just thinks theyre being nice
- it gets on lylas nerves bc he refuses to believe anybody wants him 😭
- all his stories are like fireworks he posted when he was thirteen that he never bothered to delete
- its titled Highlights bc he doesnt know how to make an aesthetic instagram
- if anything, if he posts now its skate videos, drawings, or funny pics of daniel
- sean def takes 0.5x photos of daniel where his eyes go two diff directions and threatens to send them to lyla whenever he starts acting up
- daniel always throws a tantrum and esteban gets mad and tells sean to delete the pics (he doesnt)
- speaking of daniel he def got wayyy into skibidi toilet
- daniel tries to explain skibidi toilet n sean just tunes him out and says “uh huh” every so often
- hes those impressionable kids that gets into literally anything on the internet. among us, squid games, ROBLOX FOR SURE. sticky ipad baby energy overall!
- sean plays roblox with daniel on very rare occasions. i can imagine daniels avatar is decked out with limited items and sean is a bacon haired woman 😭
- daniel has definitely swiped estebans card a couple times under his nose for his robux…
- daniel purposely chooses games hes good at to watch sean struggle and die over and over again
- daniel watches weird kid youtube videos like… among us 24 hour challenge with spiderman and elsa giving birth kind of videos. sean gets really pissed off partly bc theyre rotting daniels brain and partly bc daniel always put it at max volume in the living room
- once sean gets paid he always goes thrifting. he fs goes to the bins and finds dirty dookie drawls every weekend 😭 but its worth it bc he finds cool shit
- as a skater boy i feel its obligatory for him to wear those afflication types of clothing as well as ironic graphic tees
- sean def wears baggy jeans in 2023 🙅‍♀️ none of that straight leg jeans from the game!!
- he also probably loves those ironic wolf shirts w the galaxy print n thinks theyre so funny
- sean also buys clothes in his style for daniel from the thrift n records 360s of daniel in his skater outfits
- “can i go play roblox now?” “no u have to cover ur nose when u turn around”
- got a buzzcut and surprisingly it looked really good
- esteban, daniel, lyla, and practically everyone else in his life kept making fun of him for being bald and would rub his head like a genie bottle tho
- daniels go-to is “well- well at least i don’t look like… look like caillou!” bc i imagine he tries to make funny comebacks but always stutters in the middle 😭😭
- eventually grew it back out bc he got annoyed at everyone making fun of him. they dont see his blond album cover early 2000s vision 💔
- daniel has no room to talk bc sooner or later he goes to the barber and gets a fucked edgar bowlcut
- sean laughs until he can barely breathe 😭 when lyla sees she TRIES to cheer him up about it but its too late
- even esteban laughs a little but only when daniel cant see bc he knows how much itd hurt him
- back to the blond album cover… sean LOVES music. his playlists are hours long
- i feel like he indulges in a super LARGE range of music likeee from bad bunny to deftones to pinkpantheress
- everybody hates it when he has aux and boos him off
- when esteban orders mexican food, sean and daniel both get horchata. sean dgaf if hes grown he still loves it!!
- i imagine esteban slowly stopped enforcing mexican food and culture overtime. bc of this, daniel knows barely any spanish and has 0 spice tolerance. sean always makes fun of him bc he goes gets water after a couple hot cheetos
- daniel tries to recreate those videos of people eating carolina reapers in hot sauce to prove a point and almost dies
- sean absolutely LOVES halloween. horror movies, costumes, the weather, everything abt it
- a part of him always gets jealous of daniel bc hes no longer considered trick or treating age anymore
- lowkey hed be willing to pull up in a full body costume just so he can trick or treat again
- when watching horror movies, sean will get way too immersed and start judging the people in the movies 😭
- daniels not allowed to watch but he peaks around the corner when estebans not watching
- “why the fuck is she just standing there? RUN! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!”
- “language mijo”
- he acts like he cld fight off the killer and explains his mastermind plan during the movie
- he doesnt admit it but he gets jumpy after a horror movie 😭 esteban and daniel take advantage of this every single time
- sean daniel and esteban are a tight knit family REGARDLESS of sean’s moodiness and daniel’s annoying gen alpha brainrot theyre so 😢
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yes im aware that 2016 wasnt tjat long ago but i dont want to imagine sean diaz enjoying dank memes and saying boi 💔
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wisteria-cherry · 1 year ago
in which everyone thinks you and sirius are dating
“you guys are such a cute couple.” sighs marlene as she watches you pick out the nasty bits of your stew and put them carefully on sirius’ plate. in turn, sirius makes sure to pass you your favorite pastry, which was just out of your reach.
“we aren’t a couple, mar.” you look up from your stew to reply. marlene blinks in surprise.
“wait, you aren’t?” she asks suspiciously, almost as though she didn’t believe you. she looked to sirius.
“we might as well be, hm?” sirius grinned at you, his face quite invading your personal space.
“we aren’t a couple,” you repeat, shoving his head away with an eye roll and a smile.
“you’re no fun.”
“okay.” you agree, then promptly go to take back the stew bits.
“oi!” sirius protested. “i take it back, geez!” you raise an eyebrow as you lift your fork up, giving him access to the little tidbits of food again. it was such a curious part of sirius— he could easily get more stew, but he insisted on taking your handouts.
“so you guys really aren’t a couple?” marlene leaned closer. “but the entire school thinks it. you lot are practically glued together.”
“we aren’t glued together. he’s glued to me.” you retort pointedly.
“i can’t help it.” sirius grinned smugly. “you’re just so gorgeous, i can’t not be glued to you.”
“no wonder the entire school thinks we’re a thing.” you sigh.
“wait, you aren’t a thing?” alice fortescue and her boyfriend, frank longbottom, looked over curiously.
“nope.” you replied, popping the “p” for emphasis.
“aw, let them think it, won’t you, dove?” sirius complained. “it’s so much more fun that way.”
“but i thought…” alice trailed off.
“me too.” frank agreed.
“you’re not?” a nearby hufflepuff popped her head into the conversation.
“i’m sorry, who are you?” you look at the hufflepuff, baffled. she giggled and scampered off, promptly joining a group of waiting hufflepuffs. the girl whispered into their waiting ears, and they burst into giggles. you were without a doubt that they were talking about sirius.
frankly, this was the issue with having pretty friends. peter had a gentle look about him, with round features, mussed hair because that’s what james’ hair did, and a sweet, boyish smile. james was tall (although only the third tallest of the marauders), beefy, and tan with a cute, lopsided sort of smile, and was far too oblivious to his admirerers due to his infatuation with the equally beautiful lily evans. remus had the sort of nerdy, quiet look about him that girls tended to like. fluffy, sandy hair and a tall frame paired with a surprisingly good fashion sense (something james did not have) lead to a nice view. it was a shame that people never noticed the beauty under all his scars.
and then there was sirius.
without a doubt, the prettiest boy in their year, possibly the whole school. shiny black hair that was well taken-care of, fair skin whose clearness was the envy of many acne-ridden girls, a tall frame that was lean and muscular. big hands, broad shoulders, perfect smile, cleanly shaved. smelled a bit musky, but his cologne was divin-
oh, shut up.
you nearly pinch the bridge of your nose in exasperation. you hardly even liked him like that. there’s no use sitting and thinking about how pretty he was while the other gryffindors were— well, what were they doing, anyway? the gryffindors were leaving, so, you left too, walking in step with remus.
“do people really think that we’re dating?” you ask remus as you walk, the other three boys racing ahead (more like other two, as peter was somewhat behind the more athletic boys). remus shrugged.
“i don’t care for rumors.” remus answered, perhaps somewhat stiffly, because there were plenty of rumors about him. there were rumors about all the marauders; popularity does that to you. the thing remus didn’t realize, however, was that there only ones he paid attention to (almost subconsciously) were the negative ones, despite the overwhelming amount of positive ones— as positive as rumors can get, anyway, when most of the rumors surrounding the boys related to how good they were in bed.
“however,” remus added, snapping you out of your thoughts, “i imagine they do. regardless of how you act towards padfoot, he clings to you. you understand what i mean by that, right?” you nod. sirius, the infamous playboy. he reveled in every bit of attention he was given by hopeful fans. he sat there and looked pretty. he was never the one pursuing. so, to see him trying to egg you on, get a reaction out of you— you may as well be snogging.
“i suppose so. but he flirts with everyone.” you point out.
“but he’s not so touchy with everyone. not so domestic.” remus answered. you fall silent as you and remus arrive at the common room. he had a point.
“whippersnapper,” said remus, and he held out his hand, which you took for balance as you climbed into the hole.
not so touchy with everyone. not so domestic.
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criolla-star · 2 months ago
Overwhelmed(Vinny x Garmadon)Part 83
(I suggest you check out parts 1-82 if you haven’t already, also my ao3 and wattpad for the chapters more organised)
Willow finished eating a got up, “I’m gotta leave now” she sighed out, causing Vinny to look up at her sadly. “Don’t look at me like that I already feel bad” she chuckled.
“If I don’t get to see you again before I leave here I will die” The cameraman spoke, earning a louder laugh from the nature elemental.
“Don’t worry I’ll come” She answered, “Someone just needs to tell and if he doesn’t I will never forgive him” she continued as she stared at her brother, clearly talking to him.
“Very well…”Shancai sighed as he continued eating.
“If anything happens tell me” The cameraman spoke to her.
“Obviously” Willow laughed out, “And you need to tell me stuff too…I need relationship updates” she added, receiving a soft nod and chuckle from Vinny. “I’ll see you all in a few days” she spoke as he began walking off.
“Bye” The cameraman spoke as he waved, while Shancai just waved. They watched Willow slowly disappear and then just ate in silence. Shancai finished eating first though and got up, approaching the training equipment, “Whatcha doing?” Vinny asked curiously.
“Just fixing this” The prince answered as he tightened something on the spinner equipment. the cameraman nodded as he finished the rest of his food and drank some water. Shancai signalled for him to get up which he did. “You’ve seen this right?”
“Yep, they have a lot of this stuff in the monastery” Vinny answered as he watched the prince do some stuff that the cameraman had no idea about.
“You know about about fighting?” The prince questioned.
“I can punch and kick things that’s it…I punched Enji once” The cameraman answered, he smiled at the memory of punching Enji.
“Let’s start with this” Shancai spoke as he went to the spinner equipment, it’s that one thing Nya broke in Seabound when Kai was worried about her. The cameraman paid close attention as the prince, spun the equipment. “When it spins around you’re gonna hit here and here” he pointed to two of the wooden logs pointing out.
Vinny nodded in response, “You’re gonna block with your arm for this one, only way you can hit it is if you’re fast enough” the prince added, as he pointed to another small log. Shancai did a demonstration as it spun around, he punched the logs and blocked one.
As the cameraman watched, something shiny caught his attention from the corner of his eyes. As he looked at a box filled with weapons…but there was something a mix of gold and silver. Vinny walked over to the box and looked in it. He pulled two matching things.
“What you looking at?” Shancai asked as he walked over crouching next to Vinny. The cameraman held it up, “Arm bracers, I don’r use those” the prince answered, the arm bracers were pretty nice, a nice leather with a mix of gold and silver as well as a red gem that definitely wasn’t ruby.
“It’s nice” The cameraman spoke, as his eyes practically lit up and he admired it.
“You want them?” The prince asked cashing Vinny to look at him surprisingly.
“I-I couldn’t…” the cameraman spoke, he felt a little guilty at taking so much.
“I don’t use them and neither does anyone else” Shancai spoke as he took the arm bracers and Vinnys’ arms as he began putting them on. “And you clearly hurt your arms a lot” he added, causing the cameraman to blush embarrassingly.
“N-not my fault” Vinny defended himself, as he allowed the prince to put the arm bracers on. “They’re really nice…” he spoke up.
“They are…I’ve never been able to wear them without discomfort” The prince answered, receiving an understanding nod from the cameraman. “You’re welcome in our kingdom you know that?” Shancai asked curiously as he continued putting the arm bracers on Vinnys’ arms.
“Y-yea?” The cameraman answered confusingly.
“You have guilt when you’re given stuff…” The prince spoke, “My mother and sister trust you…I trust you, and you’re not seen as a guest to us, you’re seen as family” The prince added, Vinny smiled softly hearing that, he saw them as family just as much.
“Thank you…” The cameraman sighed, “You’re all just constantly giving and I have nothing to give back…” he confessed.
“You’ve helped us…knowing what Rida and Enji are doing where we can’t see them is more than enough…especially after what you’ve been put though…” the prince answered, as he soothed Vinnys’ concerns. Shancai tightened the arm bracers, “Done…”
The cameraman stared at his arms, he really liked how they looked and they felt really nice, “I like it” Vinny spoke happily as he smiled at the prince.
“Good, now they’re yours” Shancai answered, as he watched the cameraman turned his arms and admire the arm bracers.
“Thanks” Vinny spoke happily, if he had a tail it would be wagging.
“You like the cloak?” The prince asked, as he brought up the topic of the makeshift cloak.
“Yep! It’s really comfy and the pin keeps it together” The cameraman answered, as he stood up with Shancai.
“That’s good…” the prince sighed, “How’s your wound?” He questioned once more.
“It hurts a little, but it’s just like stinging pain nothing much” Vinny answered, “How’s your stomach?”
“Fine” Shancai quickly answered.
“Don’t bullshit me” The cameraman spoke.
“It’s a little swollen…” The prince confessed.
“Show me” Vinny spoke, causing Shancai to sigh as he lifted up his shirt and undid the bandages. The cameramans’ eyes widened as he saw the bruise, it was a large bluish, purplish bruise than covered most of his stomach. “Fucking hell…that looks painful…”
“It’s fine, I’ve had worse before” The prince answered.
“Yea well that doesn’t change the fact that it definitively hurts” Vinny sighed as he rubbed his temples.
“Are we training or not?” Shancai spoke, as he lowered his shirt, he clearly didn’t like talking about his well-being.
“Alright alright” The cameraman sighed, as they went back to where they were training before, Vinny trying his best to lessen his concern for Shancai. The two kept secrets from others, more specifically when they got hurt. The cameraman didn’t tell Garmadon while Shancai didn’t tell his family.
They were an interesting dynamic, but got along. As Shancai continued to demonstrate the actions to the cameraman, he eventually gave Vinny a turn.
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shmowder · 7 months ago
Yup, it's me again. I'm right here. Entering the event. Like a boss.
Name: Yana Golubeva
Age: 24
Job: Housewife for bitchass husband
She originally lived in Paris with her parents under her birth name, Solène Lamoureux. That was until she was absolutely swept off her feet by a.. completely average man visiting for work. Not much is to be said here. He stayed, until he had to return home. Of course, she decided to go with him, where she got married to him in the Town at the ripe old age of 19, while he was about 22. She had them decided to change her legal name to match her surroundings, taking her husband's last name.
She finds the Town to be quite boring compared to her original home. She doesn't really consider the Town to be her real place in life. But, she's here for her husband and their love. Which is quickly fading the more he's away to the military.
Of course, she's had time to frolick around and made friends while he was away. But mainly confined to the house with her duties as a housewife. Although you can catch her around occasionally. ..usually with other women, having some interesting (lesbian) conversations.
She's more on the iffy side when it comes to believing in the Mistresses. She is a bit suspicious of rather magical happenings going on around the Steppe, but her belief isn't all that strong.
She respects authority. For the most part. She mainly adheres to the Saburovs, feeling pity for poor Alexander and his wife. She can, and she will passively aggressively defend their less than pleasing reign. After all, two people can only do so much. Think of how they must feel!
Of course, you probably guessed it, she's on Clara's side. And, maybe not surprisingly, she's going against Daniil. Her reasoning is very sound. She's going off of her gut, of course! Wait, what do you mean Clara's causing trouble? No no, that's silly. She's really a sweet girl. She is then appalled when the Saburovs practically disown her.
She only has one, eensy weensy, tiny little favor. Fetch her some bread. And some water, please? To be exact, ten loaves. Five bottles. She'll pay you well, of course! And then when you get back to her, all that you get paid with is.. one free hour of lodgings. Isn't that nice.
God dammit.
"TEN BREAD LOAFS??? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND WOMAN???" <- is what I would've said if I've ever met her ingame and accidentally started her quest bc she came into the room right as I was about to rummage through her cupboard
I'm sorry, but I am fully fighting your OC.
Getting one hour of free lodging is hilarious, if she was in P1, I see a lot of people complaining about her quest in the patho subreddit after they realise she only gives those requirements to The Bachelor and The Haruspex, while for The Changeling she is content with one bottle, the water inside being optional.
Omfg, wait no, what if she gives the bread to Clara? Like she still demands the bread, and in the Changeling route, you can visit her to get one loaf of bread for free! After she swindled Daniil and Artemy for 20 loafs total, keeping 18 to herself and setting herself up to survive the rest of the plague.
Ever since I read the "bitchass husband," I absolutely fell in love with her. Oh my god.
Her coming from paris for one (1) mediocre man only to engage in sweet, sweet lesbianism—and hey, no, you can't call it infidelity. It's just two women talking...having a conversation...with fingers and-
I like the detail of her being sympathetic to the Saburovs, especially since you didn't mention her having any kids so she might relate to them on that aspect.
Or, she might admire their love for each other? Because they've both been through great strife together, despite all of Katerina's reputation, addictions and failures as a mistress, not once does Alexander condem her. If anything he's the first to defend his wife, didn't he attempt to band morphine and other medical substances just to help her through her addiction? He never faulted her either, he viewed her shortcomings as his shortcomings and failures as a lacking leader.
Or how they're seen outside the cathedral at the end of p2, holding hands and swearing their devotion to one another even after Alexander lost his governor position, Katerina still stood proud by his side.
Maybe it's reminiscent of the romantic life Yana imagined herself to have with her husband, instead of the fading dull love she's been given.
Actually, Eva might attempt to sleep with her ngl.
I'd love to hear more about her gossipy stories, the fun of being a patho npc observing the three healers run around like headless chickens.
And fuck yeah, Clara deserves so much more love. Yana's house could be a place she stays at for one night after being kicked by the Saburovs, then she goes on her way.
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pumpkinstep · 1 year ago
since I have a shit ton of mobile games
almost 100 downloaded, I think it's time I do another reccomend run
let's start with chill games
Greening and Greening 2
both very cute, you blast asteroids to bring life to dead planets.
there's a very satisfying quality to upgrading the weapons you use to pop asteroids and you get a lil index that shows you what items you're collecting are.
it's a pixel art style and pretty much no ads, though I don't remember if I ever paid for an ad free version.
I'd say 10/10 just about everything I could hope for in a chill game to help me calm down and sleep
Cooking quest
I'm a sucker for cooking games, plain and simple.
this one is also a pixel art game. you run a food wagon and send adventurers out to collect ingredients for you to cook with. practicaly ad free too. you only have to watch ads if you want to earn a few gems or new adventurers but that's it. it does have an ad free option to buy. I did and I haven't regretted it at all
there are micro transactions but way less than your average game has nowadays
also a 10/10 very nice time waster and very cute, can't think of anything I'd want to improve
Ghost hotel
Absolutely adorable. it's clear it's translated from another language but it's really endearing.
you run a hotel for ghosts, earn money to build more rooms and upgrade them. they've been updating the game pretty regularly and recently added a new hotel you can build up.
it's a 2D long scroll kind of game, very much idle game play with merge segments you can do to make baked treats and fullfil orders for more coin. the ads here are entirely optional and I think you can play the whole game without seeing a single one if you so chose. there are microtransactions but not too bad. the progression is well enough that I never felt the Need to buy anything.
if you like nice and slow progression with cute ghoulie graphics, you'll probably really get a kick out of this
10 outta 10 mwah love it
finally a game that gets advertised a lot
Merge dragons
most of the ads are pretty true to the gameplay, merge eggs, get dragons, merge dragons, get better dragons.
I get obsessed sometimes
you got your little island that you expand using dragon power which comes from merging better dragons.
then they have the main gameplay of merge puzzle levels outside of your camp. its cute, not ad heavy, it's practically optional, and easy to play. they've been adding a whole bunch of new stuff recently that I think improves gameplay, like egg storage and dragon breeding.
there is lots of microtransactions though, so keep that in mind. you don't really come across gems easily so you'll have to empty your wallet if you wanna stay on top of events and opening chests. they also sell you chest packs for as much as 20 bucks sometimes, so there's that.
I'm a freak so I spend money on this game but you don't have to in order to enjoy it
if you like merging games, you'll probably like this one
knocked off three cause I spend too much money on it lol
The Tower
it's pretty alright. the ad is exactly like the game, surprisingly enough. I actually started playing this one recently. I play it every now and then but not hardcore.
not really any ads, seems to all be optional. also not much in terms of micro transactions too
it's a very slow game though, so if you that sort of thing, you might like that.
it's a 5/10 for me
final note
those paint by the numbers games, I couldn't find any that source their artists or where they get their images, so I don't play them. I can't really reccomend them either due to that too.
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avatar-anna · 2 years ago
Maybe Next Time He’ll Think
just a short fic about harry as the reader’s bodyguard! i did a really short blurb about this a while ago, but i’ll link it here if you’re curious. enjoy!
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“Y/n, come on. You have class in fifteen minutes.”
Harry knocked on the door, but she still wouldn’t come out. He used to pound on the door, but only because his client had a habit of taking her time in the morning, but Y/n said it was rude and unbecoming the first few times he did it. No one had ever called him “unbecoming” before, but he definitely didn’t like it. So now he knocked on her door. Gently.
When she still didn’t answer, Harry rolled his eyes and tried to contain his annoyance. He reminded himself that this was a good job, that he could be risking his life for a government that didn’t give two shits about him. This assignment was practically a paid vacation. Watch the ambassador’s daughter as she attended an Ivy League. Don’t let her die. Easy enough.
“Y/n, please. You know you’re not allowed to skip cl—”
“Um, I’m not feeling well. I can’t go.”
Well that was very out of character for the ambassador’s daughter. She sometimes missed her alarm and Harry would have to wake her up, but she never missed class, not even when she was hungover from that kegger she insisted on going to. And she definitely didn’t sound sick. Something else was up. Still, Harry played along.
“Okay. Do you want me to run to the store to get you something for you? Should we go to the doctor?”
Harry heard a sniffle from the other side of the door. “No, that’s okay. I think I just need to sleep it off.”
Closing his eyes and mustering all his patience, he said, “Y/n, I’m not playing around anymore. Come out so I can take you to class.”
There was silence on the other side of the door for a few seconds, and Harry thought he would have to resort to pounding on the door again, but then it finally opened.
Harry had never seen Y/n so...not put together before. Even when she was just lounging around the house, she was in some sort of matching sweatshirt and sweatpants. The young woman he saw now...
She was in an old hoodie that was perhaps navy blue once, but it was too faded to be considered that color now. Her hair was in a ponytail, but only a small part of it was still being held up by her knitted scrunchie with sunbursts on it.
Y/n's eyes were puffy too, and her whole face was red, which told Harry that the sniffling was a result of crying, not a cold. Why was she crying?
Shrugging, she said. "Ready."
"Y/n, what...happened—"
"Please don't ask what happened because then I'll start thinking about it and then I'll start crying and I can't cry and go to class, so please don't ask me—"
As she was saying all this, she'd begun to cry again, her shoulders shaking as sobs wracked her frame.
Harry wasn't sure what to do then. He'd done years of combat training, knew how to case a building for possible threats, had even diffused a bomb once. But crying? Y/n crying? He'd never been more unsure of what to do in his life.
"It's, um, it's okay," he said awkwardly. He made the mistake of patting her on the shoulder, which seemed to signal to Y/n that he was offering a hug, which wasn't what he'd been offering, but he wasn't about to push her away as she collapsed in his arms.
Y/n squeezed him tighter than he thought possible while he just stood there, trying to think of where his hands should go. Harry could feel her tears dampening his shirt, but he surprisingly didn't have the urge to pull away. It actually felt kind of...nice? Not the crying, obviously, but the embrace. It felt...right somehow.
"Sorry, I kind of just sprung that on you, and I know you have strict personal boundaries," Y/n said when she eventually pulled back, and Harry quickly pushed away the small, barely there urge to pull her back into his chest.
"It's fine," he said, recovering quickly. "You don't have to expl—"
"I just really thought he was genuine, you know?" she blurted. "He said he didn't mind the curfews or that I needed a chaperone to go to parties. He said he liked me for me." Y/n sniffled and wiped her nose with the sleeve of her hoodie. "But as my mother always says, men aren't worth shit. No offense."
"None taken," Harry said with a frown, but for an entirely different reason than the comment about men.
"He was with some other girl last night. At some party."
Harry vaguely remembered that Y/n mentioned a party yesterday. He told her she could go if she texted him updates every hour, but she said she didn't want to. When he first took this job, he worried that Y/n would oppose his every suggestion to keep her safe, but she rarely put up a fight, and he quickly learned that she wasn't much of the "going out" type, which made his life a whole lot easier.
That wasn’t to say she completely holed up on the weekends. She would ask him to go to a sporting event here and there, and she did go to the occasional frat party. Most nights, though, she was huddled up on the couch watching some show about teen vampires. Harry almost preferred the keggers, but he never said anything about it.
“And ‘he’ is...” Harry found himself asking. He knew Y/n was seeing some trust fund brat, but they all looked the same and had the same names.
“Trace,” she said, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her hoodie. “Serves me right for dating the campus bad boy.”
Harry did everything in his power not to laugh. If there was anything remotely threatening about any of Y/n’s boyfriends, they would never even have had the chance to say hello to her. But he could tell she was upset, so he tried to appear sympathetic.
“A guy with a name like Trace isn’t worth your tears, Y/n. No one at this school is.”
She sniffled again, but the tears had stopped rolling down her face at least. “You’re right. He probably hooked up with that girl because I wouldn’t put out. Only thing I would’ve gotten from him was an STI.”
“He didn’t force himself on you, did he? You’ve never hit your panic button.” Harry’s jaw clenched as he began to see red. It wasn’t just that Y/n was the person he was tasked with protecting. She was Y/n. Devastatingly sweet, she could hardly hurt a fly. In fact, last week she made Harry set the spider in her room free outside instead of stepping on it. She was kinder than anyone Harry had ever met, and if some idiotic loser with a shit name did anything to her—
“No. He stopped when I asked, but I could tell he wasn’t happy about it,” Y/n said, interrupting Harry’s thoughts. “And instead of being a gentleman and waiting until I was ready, he just moved on. Why couldn’t he have broken up with me first? Is that all men want? To get their dick wet?”
Harry had never heard Y/n curse before, a result of very intensive media training. She didn’t even say stupid if she could help it. He didn’t like how much this boy seemed to upset her.
“Do you want to do something about it?”
Y/n looked at him skeptically. “Like what? Egg his car?”
Harry wanted to beat him to a pulp, but even he knew that was more trouble than it was worth. Just barely, though. “No, I, um...” Harry hastily pressed his hand against Y/n’s forehead. “Would you look at that, you spiked a fever. It’s probably best you skip classes today and rest.”
Y/n caught on immediately and threw her arms around him. The scent of her perfume Harry knew she sprayed on her pillow flooded his senses in an instant, leaving him a little dumbfounded.
“Thank you, Harry. You’re the best.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said stiffly. Pulling back, he told her to go back to her room. “I’m gonna go to the store and grab a couple things. There’s a detail watching the apartment, but call me if you need anything, okay?”
Nodding, Y/n went back into her room with a sniffle, but not before giving Harry one last hug. Once the door shut, Harry quickly got dressed and grabbed his keys, setting out for the day. He suddenly had a tight schedule in front of him.
“You don’t have to watch with me, you know. I know how much you hate this show.”
Harry shrugged, keeping his eyes on the television. “I’m invested now.”
He didn’t want the statement to be true, but it was. When Harry came back from running errands, Y/n was on the couch watching her vampire drama. He didn’t plan on sticking around and watching the show with her, but she was looking at him with big eyes behind her glasses, and he caved. “Just because you’re having a rough day,” he told her.
Three hours later and Harry had a blanket and bowl of popcorn of his own.
“It’s addicting,” Y/n agreed.
“I just don’t understand why Elena can’t decide,” Harry said. “Stefan is clearly the most sensible choice.”
Y/n rolled her eyes at him. “It’s not about sensibility, it’s about passion,” she explained. Grabbing the remote, she paused it and turned in her blanket cocoon to look at him. “Elena needs to follow her heart, not her head, and her heart clearly wants Damon.”
“Bad things happen when you don’t use your head,” Harry grumbled. Then he asked, “Who would you pick?”
“Neither. I’d go for Klaus,” she said immediately, then blushed at her quick response.
“The evil psychopath?”
Y/n hid under her blanket. “He’s not evil, he’s misunderstood!”
“Jesus Christ,” Harry muttered under his breath. “I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little scared of you now.”
Giggling, Y/n pressed play on the remote, and they both went back to watching.
It was times like these when Harry forgot that he was working. Y/n wasn’t just his roommate, she was an assignment, one he took seriously. But when she was just sitting on her corner of the couch, and he was on his, both of them in Korean face masks that Y/n swore by, it all felt so normal.
Harry didn’t go into this job thinking he would befriend the subject he was meant to protect. He honestly thought that a girl like Y/n would be an entitled, trust fund baby who was full of herself, but she couldn’t be further from that stereotype. She truly was the sweetest person he knew.
Later that night, Harry was working out in his room. Because he was Y/n’s personal security detail, he didn’t have much free time, so he reserved his workouts just before bed or early in the morning.
As he was between sets, there was a knock on his door.
“Come in.”
Y/n popped her head in, her sleep mask pushed up onto her forehead. “Am I bothering you?”
Harry shook his head. “Not at all. Everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, no creeps outside my window or anything like that,” she said quickly. “But um, I was scrolling on Instagram, you know, as one does, and I came across this post...”
She handed her phone to Harry, who took it. On it was a picture of a car covered in paper. Looking up, he asked what he was looking at.
“Trace’s car,” she explained. “Someone covered it in test results. Positive test results...For herpes.”
“Wow. That’s—”
“Insane, right?” Y/n said. “Everyone’s going crazy over it. Trace will probably never hook up with anyone within a twenty mile radius ever again.”
Harry chuckled and handed the phone back. “Probably for the best.”
Y/n hummed her agreement, and then silence fell between the two of them. Harry figured that was all Y/n came to tell him, but she didn’t leave his room. Instead, she looked around, then at him.
He didn’t really know what to say, but he didn’t have to say anything. Before long, she spoke again.
“Thank you. I don’t know how you did it, but thank you.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Harry said, turning around to put away his workout gear.
“You were gone for a while earlier today,” Y/n said. “And I made a joke about Trace having an STI this morning.”
Harry hadn’t set out this morning to exact revenge on an asshole, but as he was putting groceries in his cart, he kept picturing Y/n’s face—the tears, the red nose, the messy hair. A guy like Trace had no right making someone as kind as Y/n cry. He couldn’t just sit around and do nothing.
Harry at least found it in his heart not to do permanent damage to the asshole’s Bentley.
Still, Harry merely said, “There’s no proof that I did it.”
“I’d be disappointed if there was,” Y/n joked.
Then, she stepped towards him and wrapped him up in another hug. Harry stiffened, but was quicker to respond than he had this morning. Y/n squeezed him tight, as if she was trying to press her gratitude into him. She eventually pulled away, but stayed close enough that she had to tip her head back to look at him.
Harry met her gaze, and was surprised when an unfamiliar feeling stirred in him. He blinked, hoping that would somehow make it disappear, but it didn’t. He just kept on staring down at Y/n—her dark eyes, button nose, full lips, warm skin. Harry always recognized that she was pretty, but her features were suddenly all the more apparent to him, like he was seeing her for the first time.
But then her phone buzzed, and the haze he was in wore off.
They stepped away from each other, Y/n backing away toward the door. “Anyway, um, I just wanted to say thank you. You didn’t have to do that but,” she shrugged, “It made me feel better, and the whole school is getting a kick out of it, so thanks.”
Harry scratched his head, unaware of his shirt riding up, or the way Y/n’s gaze zeroed in on the small sliver of skin and tattoos that were revealed. “I will neither confirm nor deny such allegations, but if I did cover someone’s car in false test results, I would say it was well deserved.”
Y/n’s eyes lit. “I never said they were—you know what, I don’t need to know. It will remain a mystery, I suppose. Even though I am incredibly curious as to how you were able to—”
“Good night, Y/n.”
“Buzz kill,” she muttered. “Good night, Harry.”
She was about to leave, but Harry stopped her. “No more guys like Trace, alright? Find yourself a Stefan.”
She rolled her eyes as she left, but Y/n’s heart beat just a little bit faster when he smiled at her.
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hiddendrabbles · 3 years ago
...i might need a part three to the whole freddy and birthday cake situation EXCEPT! Now it's the reader's bday! The company was nice enough (surprisingly) to not give them as much work as a normal day so they could at least enjoy their birthday. And Freddy decided to surprise them with a cake! And instead of the usual insults and madness people would give him, reader just claps and appreciates him!! + Bonus points if Reader brings their friends/family to the pizzaplex and he performed in front of them, all of them are being so nice towards Freddy and for some reason the kids are mad at you for being able to spend time with him everyday!
I'm sorry i just really wanna comfort the big guy😔😭
birthday cake w/ glamrock freddy pt 3
oh ho ho! it’s here!!! sorry for the wait! ENJOY <3
tagging others who requested something similar! @thescorpionrodriguez
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It was almost time! Giddy, you practically skipped into the bathroom, clutching your extra clothes to your chest. Your party started soon, and you were eager to get to it. In record time, you changed out of your work uniform and into what you brought in. As you checked your reflection in the mirror, you couldn’t help but grin.
For previous years you never made a fuss about your birthday. But now, it was special. Sure you’d see family, have cake, open a few presents and you’d get to go home early. What you were really excited about however, was surprising Freddy. You’d booked him for your party for free after pulling some puppy dog eyes on a few people. He didn’t know he’d be joining you, but you knew the bear animatronic would be absolutely delighted.
A grin seemed to be permanently stretched across your face as you mingled with friends and family. Congratulations and hugs, and kisses on your cheeks were given to you freely. Family members with younger kids thanked you profusely as well for holding your party at your workplace, knowing that the option of having their own parties there would be out of their budget. You waved of their offers of contributing money towards what they were sure would be a big bill.
Fazbear Entertainment offered their employees a basic party package for their birthday, but most declined and took it as a paid day off. You, however, had been actually been looking forwards to this party for once. Befriending Freddy changed your views on birthday parties to something positive. What you were looking forward to the most was singing Freddy’s praises to your family.
Your younger cousins were all happily running around with their Freddy Fazbear plushies you’d gotten them as past gifts. He was their favorite. How could he not be? You were constantly telling them stories of the lead singer of the band. They crowded around your legs right at that moment, demanding to know when Freddy would arrive. Crouching down, you decided to set some ground rules.
“He’ll be here when we all finish our pizza, ok? Now- wait! Before you run off let’s go over some things.”
You waited for their nods before continuing.
“Awesome! When Freddy comes out, we’re not going to run at him. We have to be patient.”
Adding extra emphasis at the last word, you waited a few seconds for that to sink in.
“We’re also not throwing anything at him at all, understand? That hurts his feelings. We don’t want him feeling sad do we?”
Cries of outrage met your words for even suggesting they would ever throw something at their animatronic idol. You smiled and ruffled the hair of the closest cousin. They were good kids, you just wanted to be thorough.
“Alright, run along and finish your pizza so I can call Freddy to come visit.”
Loud cheers accompanied clapping caused you to chuckle as they scampered away. It was a white lie, Freddy was arriving in ten minutes whether they finished their pizza or not. You took that time to clear off the table that was meant for the cake with the help of some family members. Carefully, you set a party hat with the name ‘Freddy’ on top when it was clean. You and a few of the younger kids had put it together for Freddy to wear at your party. He’d love it, you were sure of it.
The familiar sound of the back door opening caused you to look up. He was here. Since you were near the cake table and not wearing a birthday pin you knew he wouldn’t be looking your way. Freddy stepped towards your cousins who had all eagerly come up to greet him. He was so careful with them, offering hugs and pats on the head, but you could tell he was confused.
“I am so glad to meet you all! It appears none of you have a Birthday Buddy pin on. Has it been misplaced perhaps?”
The youngest of your cousins stepped forward and grabbed one of Freddy’s fingers, slowly pulling him towards you. Your heart melted at the sight of him hunched over to accommodate to her size as he was lead. Pulling your phone out, you quickly snapped a couple, maybe a dozen, pictures.
“Where are we go- oh, superstar!”
Freddy had finally caught sight of you leaning back against the cake table, a wide smile on your face. He felt the grip on his finger disappear and heard little footsteps scamper away. Straightening up, he made his way over to you, noting your lack of uniform but still not understanding.
“Are you here as a guest? Or- oh!”
You presented him with his handmade party hat, interrupting his train of thought.
“It’s my birthday, big guy! Here, we made this for you.”
Freddy was frozen for a second, he feared he may be experiencing a glitch. There was so much to process! It was your birthday, you had booked him out of everyone, you made something for him on your day, he hadn’t gotten you anything-
“…Freddy? You ok?”
Placing both hands on his arms, you tried turning him away from the view of guests, also fearing he would start glitching. Was this a bad idea? Had he not wanted to be here?
Surging forwards, he pulled you into a big hug causing you to yelp in surprise.
“Oh superstar I had no idea! Thank you for having me here as well! This is amazing! Let us join the others, it is time for your song.”
Grin back on your face, you let him lead you back with his hand wrapped around yours. He sang his song, and now finally you were allowed to sing along with him. You stayed tucked into his side as he sang and opened his stomach hatch to present the cake to everyone. There were loud cheers for Freddy and you could see him practically glow with happiness. When appreciative comments were made about the design of the cake, you proudly informed everyone that Freddy himself designed each cake. Before cutting the cake, you rushed back to get Freddy’s handmade hat and carefully placed it on his head with a smile.
When phones were pulled out for pictures, he tried to slip away to give you the spotlight but you refused, wrapping an arm around him.
“You stay right where you are mister! I want a picture of us- of all of us to put up on my fridge.”
After everyone had their pictures taken with both of you, you sighed and leaned against Freddy grinning up at him and opening your mouth to say something before a quiet huff drew your attention. Your cousins had gathered around you again and were pouting.
“Problem, kiddos?”
“It’s not fair.”
You blinked in surprise.
“What isn’t?”
“This is your job! You get to spend all day with Freddy, and you get money for it!”
Laughing, you look up at your favorite animatronic bear fondly as he ducked his head shyly.
“I am pretty lucky aren’t I? Well, if you guys want awesome jobs like me, you have to eat all your vegetables and do your homework. That’s how I got this job, y’know.”
Freddy spoke up, startling you slightly.
“I am also extremely lucky to be working with my best friend. Not everyone is as kind as you all have been to me, I have had so much fun today.”
You could feel your heart turn into a gooey mushy mess at his words. Spinning around, you wrapped both your arms around him, pressing your cheek to his chest. The kids around you joined in and Freddy was in a group hug. He felt safe.
How could he not with you always by his side.
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seokiie · 5 years ago
𝙸𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙰𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚍?
+ 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴��𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘉𝘛𝘚 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺? 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘢 𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘭𝘺-𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶?
+𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 4.8𝘬
+ 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨/𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
+ 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪-𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬, 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭, 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳, 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩, 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘨𝘶𝘺𝘴 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩!!!, 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘯
On AO3 || part two
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Okay. You're okay. You'll be fine. You take a deep breath.
Today was like any other day. You'd just gotten out of your last class of the day and you were heading to work. You were a simple college student (as were most of your coworkers) and the barista job you had at the little cafe right off campus was your only source of income. It paid surprisingly well so you never complained.
The last thing you were expecting when you open the glass doors of the coffee shop is to see a camera crew setting up lights and cameras and-
Is that fucking BTS?
Your eyes grow wide and you have to blink a few times to make sure it's real.
"Hey, y/n, what are you staring... at..." The familiar chime of someone else entering the shop snaps you out of your daze. When you turn around, you meet another pair of shocked eyes. They belong to your close friend, who also worked as a barista.
"Are you fucking seeing what I'm seeing right now..?" Your friend points a shaky finger to the seven handsome Korean men talking to the director. You quickly grab her arm and pull it down to her side when you notice one of the men, with curly hair and particularly dark eyes look over to the two of you. You offer an awkward smile and he simply turns back to focus his attention back on the director.
"Fuck, fuck. He looked at us. He saw you pointing." You whisper yell at your friend before grabbing her hand and dragging her behind the counter and into the back room. It was the only safe place left in the entire cafe that wasn't crowded with security and staff.
"Did our manager say anything about a worldwide boy group showing up to our tiny little urban cafe? Because I sure as hell don't remember it." Your friend paces around the small area of the backroom. The place was jammed with unopened packs of coffee beans and various cardboard boxes.
"No. No, I don’t think he did. Do you think we were supposed to come in for work today? What if they kick us out?" You open the door slightly, peering out into the open area of the coffee shop. It looked like the camera crew finally finished setting up and everyone was getting into their positions. "Ah, they're starting."
Now it’s your friend’s turn to grab your hand. Her nails practically dig into your wrist as she drags you out the room and towards where the camera crew is set up. No one seems to pay you two much attention as they're too focused making sure they had the right angles.
"Look, we can see everything from here without getting in the way." The municipal cafe you worked at was wide and open meaning there was lots of rooms for the hand-carved dark oak tables and big comfortable armchairs that littered the area. Your friend effectively pushes you down into one of the chairs before taking a seat across from you. She was right, you could see everything from here. And you were just out of frame.
The recording starts with the Bangtan boys saying something familiar in Korean and the director explaining... something in Korean. Suddenly, you're wishing you had English subtitles in real life.
It doesn't occur to you until various well-known tools and ingredients are placed in front of the seven guys that they're filming a run BTS episode. You probably should've figured that out sooner. As your eyes skim over the numerous appliances, you also figured out what they're doing. They're learning how to make professional handmade coffee. You guess it's safer than letting them use the bigger machines.
As the recording progresses, you find yourself laughing at how bad they are at following directions. You'd think seven guys who were skilled at learning and mastering choreography could follow basic instructions about using a Moka pot. Boy, were you wrong.
But surprisingly enough, one of them is doing pretty damn good. Actually, he's doing really fucking good!
It's Taehyung, you recognize immediately.
Your eyes follow the curly-haired man’s movements closely. His hands are working expertly against the coffee bean grinder. It's mesmerizing and oh, so satisfying watching the way the veins in his hands and arms bulge as he pushes the top of the grinder down to activate the machine. You bite your lip as your brain slowly flooded with images of those hands around your neck or the way his big hands would cover the expanse of your thighs. Have you always had a hand kink? If not, you do now.
Your eyes drift upward, stopping briefly to admire how sexy he looks in an apron. He's wearing a white button-down shirt underneath it with about four buttons undone. The sliver of skin showing has you reeling.
And then your eyes stop at his face. That beautiful jawline, the perfect curl of his hair, and that dark, hooded look in his eyes. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was looking at... at...
Holy shit, he was looking at you.
You watch as a smirk forms on his face. He'd obviously caught you eyeing him up and at the moment, he was absolutely eating up the way you shifted under his inculpative glare. You nervously look around as if saying, 'you're looking at me? Are you sure?' and he lets out a little laugh in response, his wicked smirk turning into a genuine smile before his focus is back on his coffee beans.
You let out a breathless sound.
Is this what people call a 'y/n moment'?
The recording continues for the next hour as they tried different methods of making coffee. You alternated between watching the show and talking to your friend but throughout that time, you kept feeling a pair of eyes on you, especially when your attention shifted to your friend in front of you. As she talks about how annoying some guy in her psychology class is, you can practically feel Taehyung’s eyes boring through the side of your head and into your soul.
Maybe you just thought he was looking at you. You were such an ordinary person. What would Taehyung- rich, sexy, famous, talented Taehyung want with a boring girl like you?
But you still wanted to test it. You wanted to see if he was really looking at you. If he was staring at you so intently, it had to mean something right?
You look around you to make sure you're not in the line of sight of any cameras before standing up, your friend stops her story to ask where you're going.
"Not going anywhere..." You stand beside your chair and adjust your skirt that had ridden up from you sitting down. "I just wanna stretch real quick."
Taehyung watched as you stood up, his eyes were drawn to the insane amount of thigh you were showing. If your skirt had ridden up any higher, he's sure he'd get a good look at something he's not supposed to see. His grip on the table in front of him tightens at the thought and he's lucky no one notices the way his knuckles turn white.
In your opinion, your outfit wasn't anything special. It was a simple red crop top paired with a black pencil skirt that hugged your waist and hips nicely. Now that you were standing up, Taehyung could get a good look at your body.
You raise your arms up slightly so your hands were behind your head. The action inadvertently brings your crop top up higher and pulls it tighter against your chest. You weren't completely sure if Taehyung was still watching, but to top it all off you tilt your head back slowly, letting your face twist into one of pleasure as you show off how amazing it feels to stretch your body.
When you open your eyes and look back towards Taehyung, you almost stumble back into your chair. To be completely honest, you didn't think he'd have any sort of reaction but you were greatly mistaken.
His lips were wet and parted slightly as if he'd just licked them and his eyes were iniquitous and clouded with lust. He was looking at you as if the only thing stopping him from taking you apart was the bright flashing red light on the cameras.
His stare has you stumbling back into your seat, your eyes not leaving his for a second. It feels like you're locked in place, like you're not allowed to look away until he orders you to.
"You're so extra." Your friend’s voice is kind of distant and quiet but it's all you need to snap out of the weird limbo between you and Taehyung.
"I said you're extra. You stretched and made it look like you were having the best orgasm of your life." She laughs and you roll your eyes in response. When you look back at Taehyung, he's conversing with his bandmates like nothing even happened.
The filming finishes up rather quickly. The time you don't spend gushing at the seven men, you spend quietly squealing with your coworker friend. It feels as if it's over as quickly as it started, though, and as the camera crew starts to load their things into their vans, your manager instructs you to get to your station. He tells your coworker to focus on opening the shop once everyone leaves and she walks away with an "ai ai, cap'n".
The weird ordeal with Taehyung completely slips your mind as you walk behind the counter and put your apron on. First, you had to check to make sure all the machines were working and then you could-
The voice is deep and very familiar.
"Hi! I mean, hi." Your brain is a jumbled mess as you turn around and you're greeted by a tall, handsome man on the other side of the counter. Taehyung approached you. Taehyung is talking to you. Breathe.
"You're, uhh..." You watch expectantly as the man searches for the words. Somehow, his thinking face makes you feel a little less intimidated. "You're a coffee woman. You make... coffee here." He concludes and at first, you're a bit confused until you figure out what he's trying to say. You let out a little laugh.
"Yeah, I work here. I'm a barista." Taehyung tilts his head at your words.
"Barista... Ah, sorry, my English. It's not good." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and your heart practically swells in your chest. He's so cute, oh god. He's so cute and hot at the same time.
"No, no! It's okay!" You raise your hands up in a calming motion before silence falls between you two. You're first to speak up.
"Should we- can I- do you want me to make you something?" You mentally slap yourself for your stutter. Taehyung finds it endearing.
"Make me coffee?" Taehyung asks to make sure he understood you correctly. You nod in response. "You can make Americano?"
"Yeah, I can make you an Americano!" You turn to load the right beans into the grinder but a quick 'jamkkanman!' stops you in your tracks. That’s a Korean word you understand. You look back at him and raise your eyebrows.
"I want to watch, uhh, I want to learn how to do it. Not-Korean style." His smile is nervous, worried if he said the right thing. Without much thought, you usher him behind the counter. You weren't allowed to let customers behind the counter but you're sure the higher-ups would let you make an exception.
"Ok, I'll show you. First, you have to measure the beans." You say simply as you pour a couple of grams of coffee beans on the scale. As your adding and reducing the beans to get the right amount, you're starting to become hyperaware of the man standing behind you. You left space for him to stand at your side but he still chose to stand directly behind you. It was getting hard to concentrate when you could feel the heat radiating off his body.
"Those are too many beans, you know? This is how America does it?" Alarms start going off in your head as he steps closer (if that was even possible). His chest was pressed flush against your back now as he peered over your shoulder.
"N-no, uh... I put too many..." You try to take out some of the coffee beans and put them back in the bag but all you can focus on is the way Taehyung's hands casually find themselves on your hips. Ok, it was certain now. He was doing this on purpose.
"Hmm, too little now. I think maybe..." His voice drops to a whisper and his lips are pressed against the shell of your ear. You bite your lip to suppress a moan threatening to crawl out your throat. "... Maybe you're distracted."
"I'm not... fuck." The bag of beans slip out your hands and fall onto the scale when Taehyung pulls your hips back against his. There's something heavy pressing against you, something that you would only compare to a log.
"Mm, pretty girl with a dirty mouth." He growls and rocks your hips slowly against his, pulling you against him in slow, teasing motions. Your body is starting to heat up and you're not sure if its because Taehyung is essentially fucking you through layers of your clothes or because of his subtle compliment.
"Is there... eunmilhan place?" Taehyung's grip on your hips loosens and you turn around to give him a confused look.
"Place where there's no one?" His eyebrow raises and your eyes light up. He was asking for a more secluded area. You knew just the place.
Very few people had a key to the backroom which made it the perfect place to hide away with the idol. Speaking of which, you're about to fuck an idol. Not just any idol but Kim Taehyung. Maybe that fact hasn't hit you yet. You wonder if he'll make you sign an NDA after.
You flick the light on in the small room before locking the door. The last thing you need is for a coworker to walk in. That would be especially bad.
As soon as you slip the keys into the pocket of your apron, Taehyungs hands are gripping both your wrists and bringing them above your head, effectively slamming you back against the door in the process.
"Taehyung-" Your head tilts back against the door when the curly-haired man presses his thigh between your legs. You were so pent up and touch starved. You were just thankful he was giving you something, anything.
"Hey, you know, in Korea... younger girl has to call older guy oppa. It shows respect." The pressure Taehyung is putting on your clit has you soaking through your panties and your brain struggling to keep up with his words.
"More, ah, please!" With Taehyung holding your wrists above your head and his knee between your leg, you're practically trapped against the door. It makes rubbing against him futile.
"Aishh, such a bad girl. So disobedience. Maybe I shouldn't touch you..." Your eyes shoot open at those words. Not only did you and Taehyung have so little time but the thought of him leaving you unfinished was simply unacceptable.
"Taehyung, please, please!" You whine into the crook of his neck but he doesn't let up. What more does he want from you?
"Call me oppa." Taehyung’s fingers twist themselves into the hair at the back of your head, pulling you back so you were looking straight into his half-lidded, lust-filled eyes. You open your mouth and close it in response.
You weren't completely sure if he was being serious but the way his lips parted, his eyes dropping down to your mouth and staring at them expectantly, it was hard to believe he was joking.
You licked your dry lips and sure enough, Taehyung follows the movement.
"O-oppa?" You feel a bit awkward saying the word seriously, your accent, or lack thereof making you feel self-conscious.
"So cute and shy. Weren't you teasing me so confident earlier?" Taehyung smirks as he kisses down your jaw and you subconsciously let your head tilt to the side, inviting his pretty lips to your neck. "Tell oppa what you want."
"I want you- I want oppas fingers inside me... please?" A growl leaves Taehyungs throat at your words and he says something in Korean that you couldn't quite catch. Almost immediately, he's using both his hands to grab the back of your thighs, lifting you up easily. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist and your arms around his neck. The way he has you pressed back against the door makes holding you up effortless and comfortable.
Taehyung slides your pencil skirt up till it bunches up at your waist and your soaked panties are exposed. He makes a sound of approval.
"You're so wet already, shibal. I want to eat it so bad but no time. Open." Two of Taehyungs fingers are prodding at your lips before you part them slightly and he's sliding them in. Your tongue works deftly around the digits and Taehyungs eyes don't leave yours for a second.
It all happens so quickly, Taehyung pushing your panties to the side in one easy motion, then a pair of spit-soaked fingers slipping into you with ease. You let out a moan of pleasure and a bit of surprise when the two fingers curl inside you. After easily finding your g-spot, Taehyung doesn't hold back. He fucks his fingers into you with quick, sharp motions, scissoring them in an attempt to stretch you out even farther. Lord knows you'll need it.
"Ah, Fuck, Taehyung..." As soon as the needy whines leave your mouth, Taehyung is pulling his fingers out of you with a wet foop. He licks the fingers soaked with your juices, a look of satisfaction on his face before he shakes his head.
"Ah ah, what did I say to call me?" He raises an eyebrow expectantly, his thumb coming up to swipe across your lips in a slow, carnal manner that has a spark of something igniting low in your belly.
"Oppa... oppa, sorry! Please fuck me." Taehyungs thumb drops down to your lower lip, pushing it down slightly so they were parted before pressing a starved kiss to your lips. You let out a mix between a sigh and a moan, relieved to finally have his lips on yours. His tongue works expertly in your mouth and you can't help but whimper, the sound muffled by his lips.
"God, you're sexy when you beg. I can't wait anymore. Can I put it inside you?" Taehyung's hand grips your chin and tilts your head up just a bit so you were looking into his eyes again. His eyes sparkled with something, if you didn't know any better you'd think it was desperation.
You nod your head quickly. At this point, Taehyungs cock felt like your life force and without it you might die.
Taehyung lets you palm at the very defined bulge in his pants before unzipping his slacks and pulling his underwear down just enough to remove his cock from the confines of his boxers and holy shit.
It's massive.
Taehyung's cock is big and heavy in your hands. It's thick and lengthy and the longer you stare at it the more it twitches with interest.
"Ah, it's embarrassing... if you stare..." Taehyung bites his lip as his length jerks upward, blobs of precum beading up at his tip.
"It's so- what if- I don’t know if it can fit..." You stare down in awe. You've never seen anyone so... well endowed? You're kind of scared he might split you in half.
"Wah, a lot say that, you know? But they can take it!" Taehyung looks up at you with an almost innocent smile on his face, a hint of red still on his cheeks and at the tip of his ears. "Your pussy wraps prettily around my fingers so... so I want to see it... I want to see it wrap prettily around my cock..."
You're a bit shocked at his lewd words but you'd be lying if you said it didn't turn you on. Reluctantly, you brace your arms on his shoulders, perching yourself right above Taehyung's length as he angles it towards your folds. His other hand is gripping your ass and effectively spreading you open further.
"Are you ready? I'll put it inside now." He sounds awfully polite for someone about to literally rearrange your guts. You tuck your face into the crook of his neck and let out a quiet 'Mhm'.
You can feel yourself throbbing as Taehyung eases just the head of his cock inside of you. How is it that you already felt so stretched? You whimper against his neck, trying your best to stay quiet as sparks of pain and pleasure surge through you.
It would be a lie to say Taehyung wasn't having as hard of a time as you were. He wanted so desperately to just pull you down onto his cock and fuck you ruthlessly into the door but the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you. His hand trembles against your ass as he struggles to sit you down on his length slowly.
"Fuck, so big, you're so big, oppa.." You bite down at the skin between Taehyungs neck and collarbone and he lets out a low groan in response, squeezing your ass in an attempt to keep you from sliding all the way down onto him.
His tip had just barely made it past your entrance and despite some of his length already being inside, you already felt so full. There's no way he'd be able to fit inside you completely-
Your jumbled train of thought is cut off suddenly by the doorknob beside you jerking rapidly, followed by a series of rhythmic knocks on the door. In a moment of sudden panic, Taehyung's hand, the one that was holding you up, snaps up and presses against the door like it might open at any second.
But if Taehyung's hand wasn't holding you up anymore...?
"Ahh!! Ahah! Fuck, Taeh-" Instantaneously, you're dropped onto Taehyung's cock, his length filling you up completely and sending waves of pleasure and pain through you as his cockhead jabbed tenaciously at your cervix. At that, you're letting out a series of uncontrollably loud moans and he's slapping a hand over your mouth.
"Y/n? Are you in there? What happened?" It's your coworker’s voice. Fuck. The door handle jiggles some more and Taehyung's making an urgent face at you. He removes his hand from your mouth slowly, making sure not to move too much so you don't make a 'suspicious' sound.
"Ha-huh? I'm, fuck, I'm in here. Getting... espresso beans." Your brain is a jumbled mess and you're honestly surprised you were able to get the words out semi-coherently.
"Uh... okay? Grab some milk as well when you're done." You hear light steps walking away from the door and Taehyung can finally let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding.
"You're okay? Does it hurt?" Behind the thick haze of desire in his eyes, there's worry. You'd feel thankful if not for the sharp pain curling around your lower abdomen and shooting through your body.
"Hurts, Oppa... Please move." He was so big inside you and every time you shifted he was pressing against a new spot that you didn't even know existed. Not only that, but the tip of his cock was prodding at your cervix and you needed him to move.
He follows your commands almost immediately as if he was waiting for those exact words, leaning you back against the door completely before pistoning his hips into you at a rate you would not describe as leisurely.
Taehyung's fucking into you with enough force that each thrust has you sliding up and down against the door, accompanied by the door rattling quietly every time he pulled out and trusted back in. Your nails dig helplessly into his back as you let out wanton moans against his neck, an almost fruitless attempt at trying to stay quiet.
"So tight and warm. Feel so good inside you." Taehyungs lets out an airy moan, his breath fanning against your ear every time he fucked into you. "So loud, too. You want, hnng, want for them to catch us?"
One of Taehyung's hands finds itself in your hair, pulling your head back roughly so you were looking back at him with dazed eyes. The action almost felt intimate, the way he was staring at you with so much hunger as he drilled you against the door, the way his eyes dropped down to your mouth as you bit your lip to suppress a moan.
"More, more! Ha-ah, Taehyung, I'm about- gonna-" The words stumble from your mouth breathlessly and Taehyung lets out a mix between a growl and a laugh, pulling your hair to the side so your neck was fully exposed for him.
"So bad, so demanding. Did you forget my name? Already?" Taehyung presses faint kisses to your jaw before trailing lower. You plead when Taehyung sucks a light hickey into your neck, licking it over as if to soothe it. "Don't you dare come."
It's an order but his cock is filling you up so nicely, squeezing against every single one of your erogenous zones even when he was simply pulling out to thrust back in. He's pulsing inside you and you can practically feel him in your throat. How does he expect you not to come??
"Oppa! Oppa, please! Fuck, I'm- I can't hold it-" You tried your best to hold off but you were fighting a losing battle. His cock was abusing that special spot inside you, pounding it with every move of his hips and it was exactly that that pushed you over the edge. Well, that and the feeling of him sucking constant hickeys into your collarbone.
"Ileon jenjang..." Taehyung whines as you tighten around him. White blotches cloud your vision as your orgasm curls in your abdomen and washes over you like a wave. "Wanna finish inside... wanna fill- fill you up... want it so bad... but can't."
Taehyung's words become less coherent and start to switch between English and Korean the closer he gets until he's pulling out and breathlessly instructing you to get on your knees, still pumping himself quickly as you follow the order.
"Wanted- wanted to come on that pretty face as soon as I seen- saw you this morning. Shibal! Open your- open your mouth, jagi." Post orgasm bliss was still thrumming through your body as you looked up at Taehyung through your eyelashes. His teeth were clenched tightly, a low growl escaping from his throat as he looked down at you and pumped himself faster, harder.
The picture of Taehyung throwing his head back, opening and closing his mouth with inaudible moans as he squeezed his cock harder is one you'll never forget. Even if you wanted to.
Ropes and ropes of translucent, sticky cum shoot at your face, some of it landing on your lips and cheeks but most of it landing on your tongue. You make a satisfied sound when you swallow it all down, licking away the excess on your lips.
"Fucking sexy." Taehyung laughs, patting the top of your head gently before gripping your chin and pulling you up in a deep kiss. You'd be lying if you said it didn't catch you off guard. Guys never usually kissed you after coming in your mouth. The way his tongue works has your body flushing and your head thoughtless. You let out a quiet moan into his mouth.
When Taehyung's lips separate from yours, a string of saliva is the only thing still connecting you and your legs suddenly feel weak again. You and the taller man stare at each other for what felt like hours, just examining how wrecked you two were.
"Ah, the time! We're leaving now. I should leave first." Taehyung is the first to pull away, using his thumb to wipe away any of the clear substance still lingering on your face. You pull your lips into a slight pout before soothing your skirt down with your hands. Having sex with an idol, you knew it'd end like this but you were still allowed to be disappointed.
"I don't want manager-nim to find out this happened. It can be our little secret. Here." Taehyung rustles through his pants and hands you his phone. You're confused. What does he want you to do with his phone?
After a beat of silence and you holding his phone idly, he finally speaks.
"Your number."
"Seriously?" You raise your eyebrows, shocked.
"Seriously. If I visit here again, I'll call. We can meet." He fixes his pants and adjusts his clothes to look less sloppy, less like he just had the best sex of his life.
"There's so much else I want to do to you."
[© seokiie]
[I do not allow any translating, editing, reposting, or use of any my work!!]
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years ago
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑇𝑟𝑦 𝑇𝑜 𝑆𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝑀𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content including but not limited to exhibitionism, voyeurism, semi-public sex (don't try it irl), lactating kink, tittyfucking, etc. Aged up/Older Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries. Allusions to infidelity (which I do not condone or encourage)
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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Hongjoong couldn't keep the proud look off his face as he showed off a video of your son playing around on the piano while seated on his lap.
"I'm telling you, he's going to be a musical genius." He boasted to his closest friend, Seonghwa who watched in amazement.
"Mine so far just know how to make messes and keep their mommy and me awake at all hours of the night." Seonghwa chuckled as he gave a lighthearted pat on the bum to the woman right next to him.
"They? You already have two?" You couldn't believe it.
"What can I say? Maybe I'm just really...gifted." Seonghwa winked which had his significant other blushing intensely when he looked her way, the poor thing fanning her face before going to the kitchen to grab more water.
Seonghwa's words left you feeling curious about him and it was a night out for both of you to have fun. So why not have a little fun?
"You must really be packing a lot in there to be able to knock up a girl with 2 kids." You observed as you shamelessly looked at his crotch.
"Well if you ever get too curious I'd be happy to let you experience it firsthand." He looked at you smugly as his thumb cupped your chin.
It was rather dangerous to flirt like this with Hongjoong's best friend right in front of him, but part of you wanted to know what he'd do seeing you act like this, like how'd you'd flirt back in university. You always loved making Hongjoong jealous after all. Taking Seonghwa's hand, you brought his fingers to your lips.
"I'm curious. Very curious actually." You maintained eye contact as you took his fingers in your mouth and mimicked the tongue movements you'd often do on Hongjoong's cock.
Speaking of him, you were surprised as to why he hadn't said or done anything. Looking behind you, you realized he wasn't even there which confused you. Finally you spotted him on the couch and you dropped Seonghwa's fingers out of your mouth when you saw none other than his s/o on Hongjoong's lap.
"Hongjoong!" You angrily exclaimed yet he still had a grin on his face.
"What? I was merely trying to get closer to my friend's soon to be wife." He replied as the hands on her hips went to her ass.
Walking over to them, Seonghwa lifted his partner off the couch and promptly excused himself as he pulled her out of your apartment, no doubt to remind her of a few things. Meanwhile you stood there glaring at Hongjoong who looked unbothered.
"What? It's only ok for you to try and seduce other men?"
You huffed and were about to walk to your room but Hongjoong sat up and hugged you from behind.
"Calm down my little slut, I was only giving you a taste of your own medicine. And besides, you don't need another cock besides mine." He chuckled as he started to play with your pant's zipper.
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Coming back from the kitchen, you widened your eyes as you saw that Hongjoong's a significant other was still flaunting herself to him and he was going along with it.
"This little bitch." You muttered to yourself thinking that no one heard you but someone did.
"It's frustrating isn't it?" You heard Hongjoong say right next to your ear, lips ghosting over the lobe.
"I take it a cat fight is out of the question?" You asked him.
"Actually.... I have a better idea, if you're comfort enough to help me."
Seeing his smirk and wiggling eyebrows, you knew what he was referring to and you decided fuck it. You allowed him to walk you over to the couch but it was you who pushed him onto it before straddling his lap, the dress you were wearing rising up and nearly exposing your lace panties.
"Well you're certainly not a shy one are you?" Hongjoong mused, eyes unable to look away at your chest that was right in front of his face.
"Hey, sometimes a girl's gotta get dirty to get what she wants." You bit your lip as you took his hands and guided them to your hips. Leaning down, you pressed your forehead against his and swiped your tongue across his upper lip.
"Like stealing another woman's husband." You chuckled slyly.
Hongjoong wasn't planning on feeling this hot by your behavior, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't find you attractive. Obviously you were extremely attractive if you managed to steal Seonghwa away from his wife and Hongjoong could now see why.
"Hongjoong!" You both heard his girl shout.
"Took her long enough." You whispered in his ear, trying to contain your laughter after he not only said he was trying to get close to you but also when he squeezed your ass.
The next thing you felt was a pair of arms getting you off Hongjoong before a voice said:
"I'm sorry but we must be going now."
Seonghwa was fuming as he dragged you over into the car, his hand slamming the door loudly.
"Maybe now you'll think twice before letting someone else try to seduce you." You snorted.
"I wasn't actually gonna let her do anything." He told you, a hand rubbing his temples as he tried to calm down both his anger and embarrassment.
"Oh I know you weren't going to let anything happen baby."
Seonghwa's breath hitched when he saw your face stoop down and start to take him out of his pants. He groaned when you spat on his cock so you could begin pumping him.
"Whatever she had you fantasizing about while your fingers were in her mouth, I can fulfill it and even more."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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When Yunho said he wanted you to meet a few of his close friends, you began worrying that an event like what happened with his family would took place. But to your surprise it was nothing like that. And in fact you two weren't the only couple who had a large age difference between them, as his recently remarried friend Yeosang had a wife that was closer to your age so that comforted you.
No doubt Yunho intended for you to become friends with the lovely lady, but surprisingly you were bonding a lot more with Yeosang than anyone, and after a while it escalated to a little flirting.
"So is it true that Yunho bought your virginty?"
You nearly spat your drink out when he asked that, but you composed yourself and smiled as if nothing happened.
"Yeah and I honestly don't regret it." You responded.
"I don't think he regrets it either." He gestured over to Yunho who was happily chatting with some of the other guests.
"Did you also buy your now wife's virginity?" You figured it wouldn't be bad to ask him an embarrassing question now.
"No actually I didn't. I didn't have to. From the first moment, she wanted me like I wanted her and in the end, well...... she ended letting me corrupt her after a long game of cat and mouse." He had a fond look on his face as he began to recall all those memories.
"Well with that face I'd let you corrupt me for free." You wanted to slap your hand over your mouth when you accidentally said aloud what you thought in your head.
Yeosang quirked an eyebrow an amusement at your words.
"Oh really? You little innocent thing would let me corrupt you? Tell me, what if it had been me instead of Yunho that paid to have his way with you?" Yeosang was bold enough to tuck some of your hair behind your ear, his large veiny hands making you get wet as you imagined them undressing you.
"I'd let you fuck my pussy for free." You admitted as you began to lean into him.
Unbeknownst to you, Yunho had listened to the entire conversation and now he stepped in to pull you away from Yeosang. He looked beyond mad and you thought you fucked up for real. He dragged you into some lonely part of the park you were all gathered in and pressed you up against one of the trees. Before you could speak, his large frame trapped you as he started to pull your dress up.
"A long time ago, I paid for this little pussy of yours, isn't that right?" He harshly asked.
You nodded immediately before gasping when Yunho practically tore your panties off you, leaving your bottom half exposed for anyone walking by to see. You tried to pull your dress down, but were stopped by him.
"Don't even try it. Like I said, I paid for your pussy which means it's mine to show whenever I want....." You shuddered when he plunged two fingers in you.
"And fuck whenever I want. Just me, no one else. "
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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You weren't going to lie that you felt uneasy about Yunho's wife talking a little too friendly with Yeosang. Even though you tried to listen to what Yunho was saying, your eyes kept trailing back over to them, and you couldn't stop squinting your eyes at her.
"You can stop being on edge about my wife, she's not going to steal Yeosang away from you." Yunho assured you.
You looked back at him with a face that let him know he was stupid.
"Oh honey, you have no idea what a woman can be like. Don't be fooled by our innocent appearances." You warned him before looking back at Yeosang.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Judging by his tone, you knew Yunho felt offended that you meant anything remotely offensive towards his wife.
Wanting to lighten up the mood while simultaneously letting him understand your point of view, you fully turned your attention to him and smirked as you 'innocently' began adjusting his tie.
"Wha-what are you doing?" Yunho couldn't help the stammer in his voice when you came close to him.
"I'm just fixing this up for you." You answered, your voice sounding as smooth as honey.
"That's not necessary-" Yunho gulped when he tried to pull away only for you to suddenly pull him back in, your body now pressed to his, your breasts peeping out of your cleavage daring him not to stare.
"A woman may help a man tie his tie, fix his belt or..... adjust their collars simply to be nice."
Yunho stiffened and blushed red when you leaned in and whispered with a honey like voice in his ear:
"Or it's because we're trying to get you guys to fuck us."
You knew your plan worked when Yunho's eyes shot wide open and he excused himself to go stomp over to where his wife and Yeosang were. You patted yourself on the back especially when you made emphasis on the adjusting collars part, knowing that Yunho saw just as you did how his wife had adjusted Yeosang's collar before and he was not subtle about checking out her cleavage.
Your proud smile did not leave your face even when you saw Yeosang slowly approaching you. You knew he definitely saw how you were with Yunho and you were curious to see what'd he say. Humming softly, he went behind you so he could wrap his arms around your waist while his face buried itself on your neck.
"Mind telling me why you were so close with Yunho?"
Reaching a hand up to pat his hair, you answered:
"Simply teaching him a few lessons on how women seduce men."
Yeosang couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at your words. You giggled when you felt his lips press open mouth kisses along your neck.
"Yeah you're an expert in that category, aren't you?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"Umm...uh Y/N?" Mingi, San's friend spoke up.
"Yeah?" You wondered what was bothering him.
He seemed unsure whether to tell you or not, whatever it was that he was trying to say. Clearing his throat, he finally decided to spit it out.
"I think you spilled something on your shirt when you went to the kitchen and didn't notice."
You were confused as you didn't remember spilling anything on yourself. Looking down at your shirt, you laughed as you realized what it actually was.
"Oh! I didn't spill anything, that's just my boobs." You blurted out.
Mingi flushed pink as it clicked on his head what you meant.
"Oh...right. San had mentioned before that you lactated a lot but I didn't think-" He stopped himself before he went further.
"Didn't think?" You pressed him to continue.
"Didn't think it'd be that much." He confessed, eyes curiously eyeing the wet stains on your shirt.
Getting turned on by another man staring at your breasts, you reached for the bottom of your shirt and pulled it off of you. Slowly, you began to pull your bra up as well, your breasts popping out with a bounce that had Mingi biting his lip. San came in to find you topless and with his friend admiring your tits and although he'd usually be very jealous, something about it made him get aroused.
"My wife's tits are so pretty aren't they Mingi?" He startled you both when he made his presence known.
"God yes." Mingi couldn't lie.
"Maybe you should taste them." San suggested as he reached for one of them and squeezed it so a bit of milk would come out of it.
Mingi hesitated but after San reassured him it was fine, the giant male latched his mouth onto one of your breasts, sucking on it fervently. If you thought it couldn't get any better, soon San joined in, taking a hold of your other breast and taking it into his mouth. You threw your head back and moaned loudly as both men sucked on your breasts, your hands cupping the back of their heads to push them further into your chest.
"Just watch Mingi, she can literally cum untouched by just having us breastfeed from her." San chuckled in between his suckling.
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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"I should cut off your balls." You threatened Mingi as he confessed to you what had transpired the day before at San's house.
"Honey please don't do that. At least you heard it from me, doesn't that count for something?" He pouted at you as he tried to hug you.
"Yeah it counts for getting it sliced off in one whole strike instead of piece by piece." You grunted as you evaded his embrace.
"Ok, what's it going to take for you to forgive me? Ask for anything. If you even wanna withhold kinky times from me, I won't even blame you."
You actually thought long and hard about how to get back at Mingi. Just what could possibly make you get even with him after he confessed to sucking on his friend's wife's tits? The light bulb went off in your head at once.
"Can you ask your friend San to come over?"
Although he was confused by your request, he nonetheless did as you asked and called him over. San was just as confused, but he figured he was probably there to help his friend out and apologize for what happened and take responsibility. But what he was not expecting was for you to throw yourself on him and start seducing him right in front of Mingi, who was equally shocked.
"You got to have your fun with his wife yesterday right? I think it's only fair he gets to have fun with your wife, don't you think Mingi?" You smirked over at him.
San was hissing and grunting as he layed on your bed, watching intently as his cock was buried deep in between your boobs. Every time his head popped out, you made sure to stick your tongue out to further stimulate him.
"You seem to have a thing for breasts Sannie." You teased as you began to fuck him between your boobs even faster.
"Oh fuck!" San cried out as he tried to keep himself from cumming.
"Mingi also likes a good tittyfuck every now and then, but he's more of an ass man above all."
You looked over at Mingi, who sat quietly on a chair in front of you both, watching it all go down with a tent in his pants.
"Mingi come fuck my ass." You suddenly told him.
"Are you serious?" Mingi widened his eyes.
"I just got done saying how you're an ass man and I'm feeling empty. Now are you going to stay sitting down or are you going to join in?"
In minutes, Mingi had gotten up and had stripped himself off his clothes, and now he was positioning himself right behind you, cock twitching at fucking your ass while your breasts fucked his friend.
"You really are a kinky little lady."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Wait, you met Y/N where?"
Wooyoung wasn't surprised to hear the disbelief in Jongho's voice as they shared stories about how they met their current significant others.
"In the strip club I frequented. She was one of the dancers there." He repeated himself.
"What? Did she drop her panties onstage and you immediately bought a ring?" Jongho teased him.
"One, we're not married...yet. And two, I actually had to get her alone to be able to see her with no clothes on. And fuck when I did, I decided to snatch her away before anyone else got a chance to." He admitted.
"Was she that enticing to you?" Jongho questioned him.
"Trust me, she's the type of woman who can dance her way into a man's heart. Or pants." Wooyoung boldly stated.
"I doubt she could dance into mine." Jongho firmly said.
"Oh really? You think so? Wanna bet on it?"
Wooyoung didn't hesitate to pick up his phone and call you right away. Hearing his mischievous tone, you knew he was up to something. When he asked you to come over to his office in one of your old costumes from your exotic dancer days, you got a hint as to what it could be and it excited you to think about it.
You came into his office, thinking he wanted a private show but you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw that he wasn't alone. You looked at Wooyoung, asking for an explanation.
"Baby I hope you don't mind but.... I wanted you to put on a little show for my dear old friend here." Wooyoung shifted in his seat.
You were about to scold Wooyoung for even thinking of such an idea, but Jongho spoke up first.
"She can try all she wants, but I doubt she'll be effective in seducing me."
You scoffed at the man's words and at that moment you wanted nothing than to wipe that smug look off his face. Setting your phone on the desk and pressing play, you walked right in front of Jongho and let the long trench coat fall of your body, revealing the glittery lingerie you were hiding. Although Jongho tried to remain stoic, you could see that the corners of his lip twitched slightly when you began to dance.
You felt proud of yourself when it seemed you were finally getting him to break as you rolled your body on top of him, your hips mere inches from actually grinding down on his crotch.
"Can I touch her?" Jongho finally blurted out, nails clawing the couch underneath him.
Wooyoung and you both exchanged a triumphant look when he asked that.
"Only if you admit I won the bet, then I'll even let you fuck her."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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"Are we really doing this right here?" You giggled as Jongho continued to mark kisses across your neck as he pushed you onto the desk behind you.
"Can't help it. I just really wanted you now." He winked when he came back up to cup your face and hungrily kiss your lips.
You found it odd that Jongho was suddenly getting frisky with you while at work. He'd never ever approve of you two risking getting caught doing something inappropriate during work hours. But you figured it was because back then you two were a secret and now almost everyone knew you two were married. So you just didn't think too much of it and instead enjoyed as his strong hands gripped your thighs and spread them apart so he could fit himself in between your legs.
Just as you two were getting lost in each other, the door opened and someone came in.
"Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" A man whom you had never met before asked as he seemed embarrassed about walking in on you two.
"Oh, not at all Wooyoung. In fact I was expecting you right at this time, after all, I did call you here."
Jongho looked so unfazed about having his friend walk in, in fact, he looked almost too happy about getting caught like that, it was so unlike him. Just as you slid off the desk and began adjusting yourself, Jongho stopped you.
"Wooyoung? Remember the other night? When you let your little exotic dancer give me a lap dance?"
You widened your eyes when he said that, hearing that for the first time.
"Among other things." Wooyoung nodded.
Taking your hand, Jongho slowly walked you over to where Wooyoung was seated.
"Well.... I think it's time you let me return the favor."
Before you could even guess what was happening, Jongho sat you on Wooyoung's lap, your back pressed against his chest.
"I left her wet and bothered so I think she'd really appreciate it if you helped her out." Jongho winked at you before stepping back to his desk to get a better view.
You whimpered when you felt Wooyoung's hands slide up your shirt to cup your breasts.
"Are you ok with this babygirl?" He asked you.
Having Jongho watching you intently and being left needy by him, you didn't hesitate to let his friend know that you were more than ok with him touching you, which delighted him and Jongho as well.
"Don't hold back on her, she likes it rough."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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jiminrings · 4 years ago
i think stem!koo would compare himself with the other guy and start questioning if that’s more oc’s type and if he’s just the outlier. maybe even tries mimicking the other guy to see oc’s reaction… like if oc was talking to hobi and guk saw and then when they meet up a few day later oc’s like???? why are you blonde?
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
besides hoseok having the divine ability to throw pretty cool parties, it turns out he’s actually pretty cool too — too bad jungkook doesn’t know how to handle his jealousy at all.
“would you hate me?”
there’s no morning like today, really
no morning like today because all three of you woke up before 10 am
setting alarms when there are no classes is the equivalent of setting yourself up and you will not subject yourself to that!! — you wake up at like 12 pm max
yoongi would typically wake up at 4 in the morning, groggily realize that it’s iNDEED 4 in the morning, and go back to sleep — he wakes up seven hours later <3
jin’s sleeping pattern (or as what he calls un-blinking hours) fluctuates so oftenly and is therefore non-existent — he wakes up only when you wake him up!!
the three of you just started coming out of your rooms one-by-one and were in a daze looking at each other :|
no morning like today because now that the three of you woke up practically at the same exact time for an unknown reason, you asked if you can have jungkook come over for breakfast and they agreed
“do you guys mind if i invite jungkook for breakfast?”
“nah. go ahead.”
“it’s alright i understand i-?? what did you just say?”
jungkook also feels like there’s definitely something in the air this morning and it’s not weed lol
jin greeted him and yoongi nodded at him??? it felt as weird yet gratifying as a nickelodeon show crossover
all of you are immersed in casual and playful chatter in a somehow haze!! seokjin’s on autopilot preparing four (!!) bowls and yoongi’s getting the family (!!) cutlery instead of the disposable visitor ones
which is why the moment you ask a seemingly-loaded question, everyone just immediately snappeD out of it and was brought back to reality
“would you hate me?”
“never.” (jungkook fervently shakes his head no that his neck felt like it was unscrewed at one point)
“i would gaslight everyone and everything for you.” (yoongi snickers with his hands across his chest, actually thinking that he could also gaslight anything for you even if it’s an inanimate object)
“depends.” (jin carelessly shrugs as he tries to convince himself that you wouldn’t commit arson to his dream shared house with you and yoongi)
well they really didn’t let you finish ://
“thank you, but i didn’t mean it that way,” you snicker in thought at each of their answers, giving jungkook a grateful pat on his knee
yoongi almost scowls at that but he, along with jin, catches your incessant gaze
oh the question is meant for the two of them???
“would you hate me if i convince the two of you to split with me the cost of a canvas painting?”
a what
since wHEN are you into canvas paintings???
the two of them have their mouths slightly ajar and even jungkook’s joining in because even if he’s nOt included in this conversation, he’s also surprised???
“like an old abstract painting?” jin grimaces and therefore breaks the silence, blindly folding in his fluffy pancake mix to look at your reaction
“god, no,” you shudder already at the thought of an old painting with asbestos you can’t gauge the meaning of being hung at the large empty wall, “it’s for our dorm.”
.... oh?
they aren’t really against chipping in for an item that only yOU would benefit from, but it’s kinda exciting to think that all three of you are involved
“how big is this painting that you’re talking about?”
yoongi asks in deep thought, already thinking about nails and screws (which probably aren’t allowed) and the backup heavy-duty mounting tape
he’s curious already!!!! screw him!!!
“really?” your eyes considerably widen, looking at the teo of them, both shrugging at each other and that’s already your seal of approval!!! see!! you didn’t even have to plead :D
“A1 — that’s what the guy said. i found him on instagram!!”
yoongi narrows his eyes at you unironically, tch-ing at what you just said
“i don’t speak in barbecue sauce, y/n.”
.,.,.,...,. pls
jin snorts extra loudly because yoongi’s completely serious and not kidding at all when he only knows A1 as a goddamn brand of sauce instead of an actual measurement
“A1 means 23x33 inches in sizing, dumbass.”
the guy at the receiving end of chuckles only nods with newfound knowledge, already mapping it out
“what’s it about? i-i can chip in too if you’d like!!”
jungkook interjects sincerely, raising his hand out of classroom habit to which he sheepishly brings down
“it’s okay, koo. you don’t need to,” you reply back sincerely and effectively shut out the egging that yoongi and jin are giving him, something along the lines of “hey jungkook!! what if you pay for it whole, hm? you can come over for breakfast next time if you do.”
jungkook was really about to steal your phone and enter his card information in a sECOND if only you didn’t stop him
“the painting is to die for, y’know?” you hype it up as much as you could, holding jungkook’s hands in place so he can stop reaching for his wallet
“it’s a painting of a sheep on a field, with the mountains behind it, that says atleast we’re under the same sky!!”
it’s pretty much safe to say that jin and yoongs were ready to lay down their money right then and there
neither of you can put a finger on it but it just tOUCHES your heart!! it’s a piece that pops up in your mind every now and then and feels like a fond memory while at it
“...and sent! quick too — he already gave me the payment confirmation.”
that’s nice!! not even five minutes after you sent your proof of payment and he already acknowledged it
the fact that it’s already paid for now aND is probably gonna get delivered within a matter of days is exciting, really
“i think i’d toss and turn in bed until that painting arrives,” yoongi yawns in admission, going into town with the powdered sugar on his pancakes that you physically had to stop him
“i’d save that painting first when there’s a fire,” jin snickers but it’s not that well-received, getting a pointed glare in return from yoongi, “fine. i’ll save y/n first and then the painting.”
this is your happy place :-)
your three favorite boys in the whole entire world in the sAME room!! and they’re not arguing!! there’s now dwelling in the past!!
just mediocre tolerance from yoongi and jin’s side, then half-giddiness and half-nervousness from jungkook’s side
“when it arrives, i’ll take a picture of the three of you and get it printed!”
kook offers and it earns him a ruffle on his hair, surprisingly from jin, that makes him almost chOke on the most delicious pancakes he’s ever tasted
“thank you, koo.”
jungkook’s getting used to this, actually
normally he’d expect a kiss on his cheek for his wonderful offer!! or maybe a hand on his thigh!! but he’s slowly starting to realize that you’re not always a physically affectionate lover
he’s admittedly the clingier out of the two of you but it’s okay!! right!!!!!!! it is :D
he’s sitting beside you right now on the couch anyway!! he’ll take that
yoongi, however, will nOT take it because that’s his spot and jungkook’s taking it away from him >:( he’s only noticed now out of the twenty minutes the four of you have been sitting here
he’s sneakily scraping off the powdered sugar from his pancakes and to the edge of his plate, ready to spill it on jungkook so he’d have an excuse of pushing him to the bathroom and take his spot beside you
just one more scrape and-
literally everyone jolts with the abrupt knocking on your door and it even panics you a little
“w-who’s that?” jungkook fidgets on his seat and raises his feet on the cushions (no one can scold him bc everyone is also preoccupied) and his hand grips on your forearm out of instinct
“are you expecting anyone?” you ask jin because this may just be namjoon who’s rushing to get inside because students might see him
“no one,” he shakes his head and turns to yoongi, “this yours?”
yoongi shakes his head, his hand still clutching at his chest, “didn’t even order anything online these past two weeks.”
this is okay!! robbers don’t knock on the door, right? :-)
you make the initiative to stand up but you get tugged almost immediately by the three of them, shrugging them off as calmly as you could
“i’ll just see, alright?”
you peep on the keyhole and you relax immediately, just seeing a delivery guy with a huge package
you open the door and jungkook sputters of why the hell you would, about to skid towards you when-
is that-
is that jung hoseok??
jung hoseok as in your junior, the one who’s notoriously known for throwing the coolest parties ever?? to which he gets even the seal of approval from his seniors??
the same hoseok who threw the party wherein jungkook was ditched by jimin and you needed to walk him home? the one who threw the party wherein tae slipped outside and you needed to take him to the hospital??
tHAT hoseok????
he’s kinda cool for all of that actually
he’s just as surprised as you are, mouth actually dropping agape
the both of you are so surprised that neither of you seem to acknowledge the mammoth of a package that he’s holding
“oh my god, you’re the one who ordered my painting!!!”
hoseok actually leaps to hug you and it’s a miracle that you’re not knocked over with his sheer force, giddily jumping up and down as if embracing you is not enough
he pulls off before you could even poke at him, instead holding you by your shoulders and jostling you lightly now
jungkook’s watching the whole thing unfold and he’s still quite stuck on the couch, head tilting in confusion
why.... is hoseok.... hugging you.....
why........ are you letting him..... hug you
“oh my god!!! you’re the one!!!!! i-i thought no one would buy from me because i’m a small business and i don’t have a lot of works right now and my style is different but — yoongi!!!!”
hoseok attaches to yoongi next and the older guy just chuckles, patting him on the back
they’re not really close and no one really hugs their senior like that, most especially yoongi, but here they are
“let me guess, you’re one of the three who bought it, right?? y/n messaged me saying that she has two friends chipping in and asked me that if i could, add in some freebies!! and i did!!!”
man,, hoseok is quick
“we didn’t know you’re the one who made it,” you admit which gets a lot of nodding from both parties
“i didn’t know either that you guys were the one who bought it!” hoseok exclaims and turns his head to jin, “mr. kim!!! thank you so much!! you complete the trio, right?”
you and yoongi are bAFFLED at hoseok hugging seokjin, or rather mr. kim, aka an official of student affairs
what’s even more baffling is that jin doesn’t look surprised at all
“you two — i- uhm? i don’t-...”
“... hoseok’s my plug. our plug, actually.”
hoseok doesn’t even look the least bit fazed, even nodding and laughing as he raises his hand
“i’m a business major!!”
ok wait maybe that does explain everything
jungkook’s so lost looking at the scene in front of him and frankly, he doesn’t know if he’s still included at this point
he’s frazzled when hoseok’s eyes slightly widen at the sight of him but later grin at him, looking back at you to wiggle his eyebrows
“and jungkook, is a stem major.”
it seems like no one but jungkook is surprised at hoseok’s sudden barging presence in the dorm
no one is batting an eye when he invites himself to stay and plop on the couch
“here, you can have mine.”
jungkook helplessly looks at you when you offer yOUR plate (that has one whole pancake left) to hoseok and leave him be
no one’s questioning him because after all, the three of you are busy unwrapping the package while he continues to explain
“what was i saying again? oh right!! i panicked when i saw the money transferred to my account because even if we were chatting, at first i was a littlE hesitant because like, bogus buyers amirite??” he speaks through a mouthful of pancakes, “and then you paid!! and i saw the address and tHEN i was really excited and like panicked? i didn’t want to get it shipped when you’re this near because that’s expensive!! and i wanted to thank the three of you personally!!”
“— which is why i sprinted all the way here!!”
that explains hoseok’s breathless and sweaty state, the whole tale of him bumping into the dean at one point and almost stomping on a pigeon making everyone entertained
everyone besides jungkook.
is it just him or is everyone’s eye twitching right now
is this his dorm? no. but does he feel like hoseok’s intruding, regardless if he lives in here or in the perspective of a fellow visitor? yes.
apparently, nONE out of the three of you seem to think so
because it’s all so good!! hoseok probably lives in your dorm too because why else would you give up your breakfast for him??
the three of you are actively fawning over the painting and jungkook’s just sO sure that it’s giving hoseok the biggest ego boost of his life ://
they just share a class or two, they aren’t really close anyways
hoseok’s the type to be intimidating and popular at the same time but surprisingly, he’s friendly in a way
ok maybe jungkook’s just getting a little over in his head rn
if he leaves, then it’s also hoseok’s time to leave!!!
he’s already practicing the words in his head
“come on hoseok, they’re the furthest thing away from being done at fawning. let’s walk together back to the dorms.”
he’s about to say it when-
“anyone have a headband i can borrow?”
hoseok asks aloud and effectively catches everyone’s attention, making you stand up in agreement
what the fuck is actually happening
jungkook watches you hand one of the headbands you wear during your games to hoseok, a guy you barely know, like it’s no big deal?????
that headband smells like your hair!!! the hair that he loves to bury his nose into and plays with!!!
that’s yours and you’re giving it to hIM?
jungkook’s stomach actually drops even if he just finished eating minutes ago, ina daze looking at hoseok putting it on his blonde hair
he doesn’t know what’s stemming from his heart nor what his tummy’s telling him, but jungkook doesn’t like it at all.
“i’m going home,” kook murmurs behind you who’s instructing yoongi and jin to level the painting some more, snaking his arm around your waist
“really? oh, okay. text me when you get home.”
you only sweetly smile at him and jungkook’s actually awaiting the offer of you walking him home, but it doesn’t come
that’s okay!
“bye. love you.”
he softly says yet it’s enough for everyone to hear, his hand still secured snugly on your waist
jungkook’s about to go for a kiss on your cheek because he’s sURE that both yoongi and jin would scowl at him if he took it any further, but he catches hoseok at the corner of his eye and it’s all out the door
he unexpectedly presses a chaste kiss on your lips and playfully drags out the mwah! at the end, much to the daggers your friends send him
that’s enough!! hoseok already saw — you’re taken by him. jungkook doesn’t need to worry now that hoseok knows :)
...... he may have spoken too soon
he’s already established that you’re taken by him, that’s great! even hoseok teases him when they see each other the next day
was that an ego boost? yes
what wasn’t an ego boost is seeing hoseok talking to him and parading the halls with your headband on!!
that’s yOUR headband!!! not his!!! what happened to merely borrowing it?
did he just happen to steal it from you, or did you just let him steal it from you?
jungkook positively thinks that’s the end of this whole heart-clenching
hoseok has your headband but jungkook has you. it’s clear who’s actually winning in life
but god is jungkook wrong again
he texted you in the same morning on what you were doing since you had your classes cancelled for today with no professors coming in
going to brunch with hobi instead of sleeping all day. jin’s in the office and yoongi’s out on grocery duty. have fun w your classes :)
Uhm I literally just passed him in the halls two minutes ago
really? lmao that means he’s skipping class then
no because hold on
hoseok’s sKIPPING class to go to brunch with you?
you’re going to brunch with him???
jungkook uncomfortably tucks his phone back into his pocket as class starts, chewing at his bottom lip
do you want him to skip classes so he could go to brunch with you?
better yet, is hoseok better than him because it’s no problem for him to skip classes??
now that he thinks about it, jungkook hasn't skipped even a single day of classes ever since freshman year
he used to take pride on his attendance but now he uh kinda wants a blank mark on his card actually
he could go to lengths of skipping classes if you asked him to!! he can!! of course he'll do that for you
but you don't ask him to and it's obvious that you only learned now how hoseok's able to meet you in the first place, but the reason behind it didn't seem to faze you
in fact, it looks like you're even amused
jungkook has to physically shake his head to get rid of his thoughts but that doesn't do anything
he's still thinking about you and hoseok during class.
he's trying not to dwell on it but it's difficult when he's always reminded of it
every time he comes over, the painting is GLARING at him and that's the reason jungkook just keeps his eyes on you for literally the whole time that he's there
your phone sometimes dings and it's a tiktok notification of hoseok sending you one
everything he does, hoseok and his outrageously blonde hair just seems to follow him
you had cat fur on the sleeve of your hoodie because you pet the campus cat awhile ago and jungkook was about to shriek because even that reminded him of the guy
all he's done this week is become bothered and frustrated to the point that even jimin, oftenly the most clueless and easy-going guy in the room, noticed it
"trouble in paradise?"
jimin's cool voice is the first thing that snaps him out of his anti-hoseok tirade in his mind, his eyes landing on his roommate lazily
it's actually jimin's red hair that makes jungkook look twice because when he saw him in the morning, he was still blonde
....,.,. blonde....?
"hmm? am i right? is it rEALLY trouble in-"
"remember that time you ditched me in hoseok's party? or that time i made your paper because you forgot and you were hung-over and then you ended up getting an A?"
jimin's head tilts at jungkook's enumeration, blinking owlishly at him
".... yeah?"
"good," jungkook nods in acknwoledgement at jimin's recall, "because i think i'm gonna cash in the favors that you owe me."
it's pouring
it hasn't rained in so long and it's raining sO hard that you might have to look for a candle later on
it was on the news anyway that it was gonna rain this hard but no one really expected that it'd be this hard!!
nonetheless, jungkook soothed your worries and said he'd come over because the two of you haven't seen each other in like three days
maybe it's just you but something feels off with jungkook
oddly, he's gotten a little bit more attached to you yet weirdly distant at the same time
for some reason, he asks a lot more questions too
just yesterday, he sent you a screenshot of a white polo, asked if it looked good, and proceeded to immediately purchase it once you said it looked nice
just because you don't frequently comment on what you notice, doesn't exactly mEAN you don't care about it
jungkook's a big boy!! an adult!! if he wants to say something to you, then he says it
he always has the words in his head, that much you know
but yOU, however.,.,.,
you really don't have the words right now
because as soon as you open the door, your eyes land on your boyfriend
your boyfriend in his usual hoodie who's been growing out his hair and is looking very much blonde and different
“you’re blonde?”
you rhetorically ask in shock and you're clueless to the fact that you look like a fish out of water, your hands unconsciously darting out to his chest
“hmm, you like it?”
jungkook hums and tries to keep the giddiness he feels at bay just seeing you look gobsmacked, your hands moving from his collarbones to his neck and finally, to his hair
you offer no answer because you find yourself kissing jungkook before you could even let him in and close the door
he mewls in satisfaction when you kiss him deeper and cup his cheeks, his hands finding no hesitance in pushing your bodies closer by the waist
"my handsome boy," you mumble at one point in the kiss, eternally grateful that the two of you are the only one in the dorm right now
jungkook preens at your attention, mumbling to your lips before he makes the move to kiss you determinedly
“you like me better than hoseok?”
in a single second, he doesn't feel you kissing back at all
he's so confused as he pulls away, dark brows, in contrast to his blonde hair, knitted in confusion
“quit it.”
there's no actual edge to your tone but you feel like it, an incoming realization starting to dawn on you
jungkook's oblivious to your boiling irritation, clueless to how the dots are connecting in your mind and how you're not sure on how to tackle them
“what did i do? i was just asking you if you like me better than him.”
he says nonchalantly and it's the tone that irks you — as if his seemingly harmless question didn't reveal what he really wanted to get at
“i’m with you, jungkook. has that not been established enough yet?”
your voice is still calm yet you trudge away from him, your boyfriend quick on his heels to trail behind you
“i mean you did kiss me on the mouth just now,” jungkook points out as if you weren't aware. “because i’m blonde just like hoseok.”
“oh my god."
it was just a strong hunch at first but hearing it first-hand from jungkook accelerates your sentiment for what he did even faster, your eyes rolling to the back of your head that rubs him the wrong way
he runs his hand through his hair out of habit, reminding you even more that it's bleached and blonde yet for all the wrong intentions
“is asking you so wrong? why are you getting defensive?”
you snicker at his inquiry, hands across your chest that just challenges him to do the same
“what’s wrong is that you dyed your hair blonde for no other reason besides the fact that hoseok is!”
now that jungkook hears it from you, his eyes narrow
“can’t i just be inspired?” he snaps, “can’t i be inspired to look this way because you look at him in that way?”
“what way, jungkook?”
seemingly caught in a blindspot, he tries to backtrack
“i-i’m not-“
you're having none of it and to be honest, you're not even sure if it just pure anger that you're feeling at the moment
“you spent hours in a salon, is that it?" you prod him and that makes jungkook avoid your eyes, huffing under his breath, "got jimin to help you out?" that actually hits a nerve on him and makes his eyes zero in on you with much annoyance, "what did you go through just because you’re so inspired?”
“you look at hoseok like you’re in love with him!”
“i’m not in love with hoseok, jungkook!" you articulate every word but even that seems to anger jungkook further, "why would you even think of that?”
“because you’re only supposed to look at me that way. y-you’re not supposed to go to brunch with a guy alone when you just met him. you’re not supposed to lend him your headbands when he can just buy them! you’re not supposed to do the things you’d do with me with other guys!”
“he’s my friend. just like yoongi and jin are. i can do these things with them but that doesn’t mean i love you any less.”
jungkook rolls his eyes and even your profession of love doesn't budge him at all
“there you are with your guy friends again.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
you feel him treading to dangerous territory but you stand your ground regardless, your voice shaking when you add
“yoongi and jin came into my life way before you did, jungkook.”
it was to simply remind him but he feels as if it's out of spite, looking at you pointedly before patronizingly chuckling
“i know. i can never win with you, that’s it, right? just because you’re older than me by a year and you have friends that want to beat me up — you always win!”
his voice raises by the end of his sentence and it's his words that make you grind your teeth together and your nostrils flare, lip dangerously close to trembling
“i’m sorry if i’m jealous and i don’t know what to do because this is the first time i’ve become a boyfriend, alright?"
jungkook throws his head back and gestures to you, shaking his head while he's so close to crying because of his pent-up insecurity
“i’m sorry that i don’t know what to do and you always do because you probably had like ten boyfriends before me, right?? i’m so inexperienced and new to you that you can’t even stand me and-“
there's pin-drop silence in the room.
jungkook only realizes his words belatedly and the weight that they carry, eyes in a stand-still on you who looks the furthest thing from being appeased at him
you're actually hurt.
“how dare you, jungkook.”
your fists are balled to the point that the tips of your fingers feel numb from the pause in circulation, but oddly enough, jungkook feels the most remorseful when he sees your figure deflate and therefore relax
“don’t come home, it’s pouring. or go back to your dorm, whatever. i don’t care.”
he's planted by his feet but he realizes to move when you're walking out of your own dorm, prying away his hand from your elbow
“you can sleep in my room. i’m sleeping out tonight.”
part two
as always, lmk what you think!! i love answering asks :D what do you want to see from the lunchbox lovers next? send them here <3
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you weren’t supposed to hear that (F! reader)
A collection of instances where your roommate hears you moaning their name whilst your fingers are between your legs. Or your neighbor. Or maybe you walk in on them saying your name. Take your pick 😈
warnings: NSFW, manga spoilers (in terms of what the boys do post timeskip) words: 9.7k (oops)
a/n: wow it’s been awhile since I wrote one of these!! This has been half finished for a while and i finally got the inspiration to complete it. please enjoy!! 💖
Other parts: Kuroo | Sakusa
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Being Ushijima’s roommate is fairly simple. He’s easy to get along with once you get past his jarring frankness and strict regime. Seriously, the guy never changes his routine; working out at 6am, breakfast at 8, leaving for practice at 9, home at 5, dinner at 7, and in bed by 9 o’clock. He’s a machine, but you don’t mind his predictability. It certainly makes your life easier being able to plan around his tried-and-true schedule.
You saw his ad for a roommate a few months ago when you were desperate to get out of your parents’ house and into the world. They weren’t too keen on the idea of you living with a man, but upon meeting Ushijima, they changed their minds quickly. Neither of them able to believe that stoic Ushijima Wakatoshi would ever lay a hand on you. Plus, the deal was far too good to pass up, he is seriously underselling the room you’re currently renting; and there’s the bonus that he’s frequently absent at away games, leaving the entire apartment for you to enjoy alone.
You learned quickly to keep your mouth shut on who exactly your roommate is, never inviting anyone over anymore in fear of them finding out from the various volleyball paraphernalia Ushijima so sparsely decorates the apartment with. It became difficult for you to tell if people you just met actually liked you, or if they just wanted a glimpse of the infamous Ushijima Wakatoshi and maybe an autograph. And don’t even get you started on his fangirls that he’s so oblivious about.
To your surprise, he was indifferent about having a roommate of the opposite sex. You thought for sure he’d try to ‘keep your honor’ or some shit like that, but all he’d asked you was what your job was to make sure you can pay rent, if you were tidy, and if you didn’t mind being alone. He’d seemed satisfied with your answers, and you’d moved in the following week.
The first and only time Ushijima has someone over, you get home from work surprised to see an interesting looking character standing in the kitchen across from him. They both look up at you, Ushijima giving you a slight nod in greeting while a wide smile spreads across his friends’ face.
“Ushiwaka! You didn’t mention your roommate is that pretty!”
Ushijima blinks as if he’s never considered that about you before, while you chuckle. “Ushi…waka?” You don’t think you’ve ever heard anyone refer to him in such a casual manner before.
The red-head beams, slinging an arm around Ushijima that he surprisingly allows. “Yup, me and Wakatoshi have been friends since high school!”
Now it’s your turn to blink, never having expected Ushijima to have friends outside of volleyball. Especially not ones who call him by his first name. In fact, you don’t even know if he considers any of his teammate’s friends either. He doesn’t spend any time with them outside of volleyball (that you know of) and so far, this is the first person he’s brought to the apartment since you moved in.
“Well,” the visitor nudges Ushijima in the side, who’s expression hasn’t changed throughout this entire interaction. “Are you going to introduce me or what?”
Finally, Ushijima speaks, his deep voice rumbling through your chest as he says, “This is Tendo, we played volleyball together in high school.” He doesn’t show it, but he notices your piqued interest at that information.
“Oh?” You say, “Do you still play?”
Tendo waves his hand dismissively, “Nah, it wasn’t for me. And I’m nothing compared to golden boy over here.”
You try to hide your amusement. This is definitely not what you were expecting from one of Ushijima’s friends. Tendo is rather enjoyable and chatty, much unlike the stone of a man sitting beside him.
“Tendo is a chocolatier in Paris,” Ushijima supplies.
Now you can’t hide your surprise. “Wow! That’s really amazing. What are you doing in Japan then?”
“Just visiting,” he beams. “And of course, I had to see my best friend Wakatoshi-kun.”
“Are you going to his game tomorrow?” You ask, ignoring the way Ushijima’s attention focuses on you. He didn’t think you paid much attention to his volleyball schedule besides when he’s going to be away.
Tendo nods excitedly. “Wouldn’t miss it! You should come too!”
You open your mouth to give some excuse, but then close it again at Tendo’s expectant expression. You bite your lip nervously; in the time you’ve been living with Ushijima you’ve never once actually seen him play. There’s a part of you that avoids it, fearful you might become one of his dreaded fangirls. But you can’t refuse Tendo��s invitation, and to Ushijima’s surprise, you agree to attend.
Clapping his hands together Tendo says, “We get to sit in Ushiwaka’s special seats! Maybe I’ll bring some chocolates for us to snack on…” And when he sees your eyes light up at that, he smiles again, “Chocolate for the lady, done.”
You laugh, and then Tendo is seeing himself out, telling you he can’t wait to see you both tomorrow. And once he’s gone, you can’t help feeling like you don’t know what to with yourself now. Not with Ushijima’s stare boring into your back. After a minute he says, “You don’t have to come.”
And if this had been the first week you’d known him, you might’ve taken that a little personally. But knowing him, he thinks he’s just stating something. He doesn’t see how it can be interpreted as him not wanting you there. “No, it sounds fun! And Tendo seems nice.”
“Tendo is very kind,” he states, and you have to resist the urge to chuckle at him. Ushijima is not a man of words and if that had come out of anyone else’s mouth you would’ve thought they were little strange. But in the months of living with him, despite your limited interactions, you’ve gotten used to his mannerisms.
Looking away from him, you start retreating down the hallway to the safety of your room, but before you disappear you say one more thing. “Plus, I’ve never seen you play.” Then you’re gone, not to be seen for the rest of the night. You don’t see him watch you until you’re out of sight. If you had, you would’ve been shocked by his dumbfounded expression at how the small smile you gave him made his heart stutter for a moment.  
Ushijima has to leave much earlier than you do for the game, but he informs you that Tendo will be by to pick you up and go to the game together. Then, for the first time probably ever, he bids you goodbye and tells you he’ll see you afterwards.
Tendo comes by the apartment a few hours later, sporting an Ushijima jersey and a box of chocolates he asks to hide in your bag. For having just met him yesterday, he easily leads the conversation, asking you all sorts of things—though he seems particularly interested in your relationship with Ushijima. You try to assure him it’s nothing. Really, you aren’t even sure if you can consider Ushijima your friend. Right now, you’re pretty much strictly roommates and that’s it.
When you let it slip that you’ve never seen Ushijima play, Tendo is shocked. “Really? Not even on TV or anything?”
You shake your head. “Nope! I guess I never thought of it.” The lie slips through your teeth easily and Tendo doesn’t bat an eye at it.
Though he does grin telling you, “You’re in for a treat then! Have you ever watched volleyball at all?”
Your regretfully admit to him that no—you’ve never seen a game. You do vaguely remember the rules from high school, but they’re a bit fuzzy now. Tendo tells you not to worry and spends the rest of the train ride to the stadium filling you in on all the aspects of volleyball. And the more he talks, the more excited you get.
When you finally enter the stadium, Tendo is amusingly proud to show off your VIP tickets to be allowed entrance to the special seats reserved solely for Ushijima’s guests. To your delight, they’re some of the best seats in the house and you and Tendo get to work on the chocolates you snuck in while you wait for the game to start. Already the stadium is buzzing with excitement and you can feel your own continue to grow.
Meanwhile, Ushijima hasn’t said a word that he has visitors today. So, it comes as a complete surprise to his teammates when a chorus of cheers erupts from his seats when he enters the stadium. He doesn’t take note of how shocked his teammates are—he’s never had any spectators before. And none of them ever expected one of them to be a girl.
“So, who’re your friends?” Heiwajima asks during warm-ups, nudging Ushijima in the side and motioning his head towards you and Tendo.
“Isn’t that Tendo-san?” Kageyama notes, his own eyes up in the stands.
Without looking upwards, Ushijima replies, “It is.”
Heiwajima rolls his eyes. “Yeah, we aren’t so interested in him as we are the beauty sitting next to him.”
Now Ushijima lifts his attention, eyes drifting to you. He hasn’t told anyone on the team he has a roommate. Not because he has any reason to hide you, but there has never been a reason for him to bring you up. So, he doesn’t think much of it when he says, “That’s my roommate.” And then introduces you.
Everyone on the teams’ eyes nearly bug out of their heads at that information.
“Ushijima, you bastard!”
His brow furrows. Why is he a bastard? You’re just his roommate. And he never lied to anyone about you, nobody ever asked.
“Keeping that a secret from us this whole time!”
He ponders that. He wasn’t really trying to keep any secret. “It’s not a secret,” he says. “You never asked.”
The team guffaws at him and continues to grill him about you until Hirugami claps his hands and tells everyone to focus on the match. They’ll have plenty of time to discuss Ushijima’s secret roommate later. Again, Ushijima tries to explain it you were never a secret, but Hirugami brushes him off and tells him to start spiking warm-ups.
It isn’t hard for him to ignore you and Tendo during the game. He’s used to having nobody here for him, so he just treats it like any other day. It’s nothing special, he’ll play the way he usually does. Meanwhile, up in the stands, you can’t keep your eyes off him. You finally see why he works so hard, and maybe understand him a bit better.
He loves volleyball, you know that—but seeing him in action really drives it home. He’s a machine. Every time he serves or spikes you swear the other team’s arms are going to rip off from the force of the ball. And the sound that ricochets in the stadium when the ball connects solidly with the floor is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It’s like a clap of thunder rattling your bones and before you know it, you’re cheering loudly alongside Tendo with no qualms.
It’s exciting being here. You can feel your heart racing in your chest each time the Adlers or the other team is at a critical point, and sometimes you catch yourself holding your breath in anticipation for the outcome. You never thought watching a sport could be so thrilling.
And Ushijima is incredible. You suspected as much, but actually watching him for the first time is something else. You can’t help gobbling up the sight of him, his powerful thighs thrusting him into the air when he jumps, his biceps on display when his hand connects with the ball—and above it all, that sharp look in his eyes that sends goosebumps prickling down your spine without your permission. If Tendo notices you shamelessly ogling your roommate at all, he doesn’t comment.
He's oblivious to the fact he’s actually playing a lot more intensely than he usually does. Which some of his teammates never imagined possible. And most of them, besides the clueless ones alongside Ushijima, have a pretty good idea what’s different about this game. Though they can’t pinpoint if it’s just a result of having spectators in general, or if it’s you specifically.
The Adlers come out victorious after four hard sets, winning the first and second, but then having to snag the win in the fourth. You watch as the team gets swarmed by reporters looking for a post-game interview and Tendo tugs on your arm telling you that Ushijima is going to meet you by the locker room. You must give him a surprised look because he holds up the card dangling around his neck with a grin. “VIP, remember?” You giggle and follow him out.
In the locker room, Heiwajima and others try desperately to invite him, you, and Tendo out with them after the game. But he has to decline, you three already have plans. And he doesn’t wait around to see their disappointed expressions as he heads out of the room to look for you and Tendo. He finds the two of you nearby and once you catch sight of him, a smile splits your face in two.
“That was amazing, Ushijima! I’ve never had so much fun watching a sport before!” You gush once he’s in earshot.
“Volleyball is very fun.” He nods as the three of you head towards the exit. Ushijima purposefully avoids the spots he knows he is likely to be ambushed by reporters or fans, opting for a back exit instead that he sometimes uses when he wants to make a quiet escape.
“I had no idea being left-handed was such an advantage! Tendo told me it really throws people off apparently.”
Tendo sneaks him a smile and then throws an arm around his shoulder. “So, where is the great Ushiwaka takin’ us for dinner?”
You end up at a nice restaurant not too far away, and of course Ushijima gets recognized a couple times being this close to the stadium. He politely agrees to autographs and declines photos, seemingly unaware to the fact they’re just taking them secretly when they return to their tables. And while you’re waiting for your food to arrive, you can’t seem to stop talking about volleyball. Admitting that you’ll probably watch a few more of his games from home now and even cover your face in embarrassment when Tendo suggests you get your own Ushijima jersey to wear in support.
It’s then that Ushijima realizes he very much enjoys listening to you talk about what you thought of volleyball. Though he does feel heat creeping up his neck at the thought of you wearing one of his jerseys. All the while, Tendo is sitting beside you smirking up a storm, and Ushijima can’t for the life of him place why.
After dinner, when you’re walking a bit ahead of them and out of earshot, Tendo nudges him playfully in the side. “She’s pretty great, right?”
He looks at your back, expression unchanging. “She’s a good roommate.”
Tendo groans dramatically. “No blockhead—like, she’s pretty great, if you know what I mean.”
He blinks. “Do you want to ask her out?” Tendo can’t help slapping himself on the forehead. Who was he to think that Ushijima has any idea you are available, and he has a very high chance with you?
“Not me,” Tendo spells out slowly. “You.”
“I don’t want to ask her out.”
Tendo’s thin brows lift. “Are you sure about that?”
Tendo doesn’t miss his slight hesitation before he says, “Yes.”
And he doesn’t—you’re his roommate, and a good one. He likes having you around, but not the way Tendo seems to think.
But Tendo isn’t convinced. “Okay~,” he sing-songs before skipping up to loop his arms through yours and make you laugh about something. Ushijima thinks about that for a few minutes, why doesn’t Tendo believe him?
When you first moved in, it took a few weeks to get accustomed to each other. But once you figured out his schedule it became a lot easier. You know exactly when to hide in your room if you want to avoid him and when to come out once he’s gone. After going to his volleyball game, you especially try to avoid him during the times he’s walking down the hallway towards the shower, damp with sweat from a workout. Your brain can’t seem to function seeing him slick with the shine of sweat, his hair clinging to his forehead, and a towel draped around his neck—it’s too much for you, as much as you hate to admit.
But one week, you swear he’s on a warpath to make you a stuttering, flustered mess. Despite knowing the fact you’re certain Ushijima has no clue he can have that effect on people, much less do it on purpose. But every single day he’s waltzing around the apartment without a shirt on and while he doesn’t seem to see the problem with it, you don’t think your heart can take it much more.
And it’s the final straw when you see him a few days later, a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin as he saunters across the apartment from his home gym towards the bathroom in the hallway. All while you’re standing dumbfounded in the kitchen trying really hard not to get caught staring at his enormous biceps or the way the shine of sweat accentuates the dips of his abdomen. It’s in this moment you can truly understand why he has so many fans despite his rather stone-like demeanor.
“You have got to put a shirt on,” you blurt when he’s halfway across, knowing this will turn into some dangerous territory if he keeps walking around the apartment half-naked.
He stops in his tracks, his head cocking the only indication he’s confused by your statement. “I don’t want to wear a sweaty shirt,” he says by way of explanation. He doesn’t seem to notice your flustered expression. “I might catch a cold.”
You resist the urge to groan and slap yourself on the forehead. “Fine, then I’m wearing whatever I want around the apartment,” you say, determined to make him realize why he can’t just walk around like that. Though knowing Ushijima, you’ll never get through that thick skull of his.
And as you suspect, he simply replies, “Alright.” Before disappearing into the hallway and the bathroom to take a shower.
You lower your forehead to rest it on the cool countertop, shaking your head at how dense he really is. And you’re beginning to realize you think it’s endearing. While his infuriatingly toned body may be a major perk, you’re starting to see that you like him too. Now you actually groan. You swore this would never happen—not with Ushijima at least. But here you are.
After that, you make a pointed effort to wear the shortest shorts you can possibly find whenever he’s around. And you purposefully pair them with an oversized shirt, so it doesn’t look like you’re wearing pants at all. But if it has any effect on Ushijima, you can’t tell. You can’t help cursing his dumb impassive expression every time you retreat to your room for the night. Seriously—is he swayed by anything ever?
However, Ushijima hardly knows what to do with himself the first time you strutted out like that. He might be dense, but he’s still only human. His eyes naturally span down the expanse of your exposed legs and he has to grip his water bottle like a vice in order to keep it from clattering into the sink when you rise to your tiptoes to grab something from the top shelf. Your shorts ride up even more, hugging the curves of your ass as you stick it out to balance yourself.
You let out a surprised sound when he appears behind you, easily picking up the thing you were vying for and handing it to you without so much as a word.
“I really need a stepstool or something, huh?” You joke, taking it from him gratefully and blissfully unaware he was just blatantly staring at your ass.
He doesn’t say anything, but the next week you find a small stepstool leaning against the cabinets for you.
Staring at your phone in your hands, you thank any god listening that you brought it with you. How stupid do you have to be to lock yourself out of your apartment when you’re taking the trash out? Sitting on the floor against your door, you lean your head back on it and let out an exasperated sigh. You already went down to the office for help, they called a locksmith, and they aren’t available until tonight. And by that time, Ushijima will be home from practice and you won’t need the service anyways.
You have several options here. You could call a friend and stay with them until Ushijima gets back from practice, but they all live too far to walk to, and you don’t have your wallet. You could hang out in the apartment buildings lobby until he gets home, but if your phone dies, you’re stuck with nothing to do and no way to contact anyone.
The last option is slowly beginning to seem like your only option: calling Ushijima at practice for help. Burying your face into your hands you groan—you really don’t want to do that. Plus, you doubt he’s going to answer his phone anyways. After you sit there for a few more minutes, you take a deep breath and steel your courage. Leaving a message is better than nothing.
Despite deciding to call him, you still stare at his contact for a few moments before finally pressing the ‘call’ button. It rings a few times, then unsurprisingly goes to voicemail. When it beeps for you to leave your message, you swallow your pride and say, “Hey Ushijima, I know you’re at practice, but I locked myself out of the apartment…and the locksmith can’t come until tonight. If you by any chance get a break, would you be able to let me back in? I’d really appreciate it…sorry for the inconvenience and disrupting practice!”
Then you hang up and slump against the door again. Might as well head down to the lobby to sit somewhere more comfortable than the hallway floor. You turn the brightness down on your phone to conserve battery and resist the urge to just sit in the lobby scrolling through social media to pass the time. If he by some stroke of luck calls you back, you want to make sure your phone isn’t dead.
“Hey Ushijima, your phone was ringing in the locker room while I was in the bathroom. It was your roommate~,” Heiwajima teases. Ushijima slowly looks past his shoulder back towards the locker room door—that’s odd. You’ve never called him before. “And she left a message!” He coos.
Before Heiwajima can make any more comments, Ushijima strides past him to check his phone. They’re taking a short break and he doesn’t see a problem with making sure everything is alright. You wouldn’t have called if it weren’t important. He doesn’t see the rest of the team share suggestive looks behind his back. Before you, Ushijima refused to check his phone during practice, no matter how many messages he had (which are few and far between but still).
Upon hearing your message, he calls you back immediately.
You’re shocked that he’s calling you back within a half hour of your call.
“Uh, hi,” you say upon answering the call. “Sorry for bothering you. I’m surprised you saw my message so fast.”
“Heiwajima heard my phone ringing while he was in the bathroom.”
“Lucky me,” you joke.
He gets straight to the point. “I’ll leave now.”
Your eyes widen. He’s going to leave practice right now to let you back in? “Oh—um, you don’t have to do that! I’m just waiting in the lobby; I can wait until you have a longer break or something!”
“I can come now,” he says plainly. Then he hangs up on you. You sit back in the chair you’re sitting in and huff out a breath speechless. Never once has Ushijima left practice early. And now he’s just dipping out without hesitation because you’re a major idiot? You can’t fathom it, and the little voice in the back of your head that’s been slowly falling for him is absolutely swooning at the thought.
When he enters the gym again, Heiwajima finds him immediately, while the other members of the team look curiously on as he asks, “So, what’d she want?” Immensely interested in the fact that judging from his sweatpants and jacket over his practice clothes, Ushijima looks like he’s about to leave.
“She’s locked out of the apartment,” Ushijima explains as he heads towards the door.
The team looks around at each other surprised. They don’t get another word in as Ushijima explains to the coach the situation and says he’ll be back in less than hour. Then he’s out the door and a few of them start chuckling to themselves, while the more clueless members wonder why in the world Ushijima would willingly leave.
The gym isn’t far from the apartment, so it’s not long until you see Ushijima step through the front doors and sweep his gaze across the lobby. You greet him right away and the two of you get in the elevator. The silence is unbearable for you—though you’re sure he’s completely fine with it.
When you reach the door and he lets you in, you finally say, “Thank you. You really didn’t have to leave practice though; I could have waited.”
You swear his eyes soften, but it might just be your eyes playing tricks on you. He appreciates that you are being considerate for his time, but he found he wasn’t keen on the thought of you being locked out. It didn’t sit right with him. Not when he’s only 20 minutes away. He’ll be back in under an hour, and that’s better than you just sitting out here for several hours.
He just nods his head and says, “I’ll come anytime.”
At those words, that voice inside your head becomes a pathetic puddle and it’s an effort to keep your knees underneath you.
He can’t explain the way his heart lifts at the smile you give him. Stepping backwards into the apartment, you say as you’re closing the door, “See you when you get home.”
He’s surprised how that word coming out of your mouth makes him feel.
Any feeling of domesticity is thrown out the window the morning you’re walking around the apartment in one of his sweatshirts he lent you a few weeks back when you were cold. He’s stops in his tracks in the hallway seeing you in the kitchen at the stove cooking breakfast, his sweatshirt too big for you covering your shorts and just brushing your bare thighs.
Without giving him the chance to quell it, against his will, his dick strains against the front of his sweatpants and he rushes out the door with barely a goodbye in hopes you don’t see it. It doesn’t even go away on the train on the way to the gym, no matter how hard he tries. His thoughts subconsciously drift to the sight of you and how soft your thighs looked. It’s shocking to him how much he liked seeing you in his clothes. It was the same sort of sensation he felt when Tendo suggested you get yourself an Ushijima jersey—only it’s a hundred times worse.
He tries to ignore it, walking into the locker room like nothing is wrong, stripping his sweatpants and jacket off and shoving them into his locker before he looks around and sees Heiwajima staring at him with raised eyebrows. Then his eyes pointedly look downwards before he lifts them to meet Ushijima’s again. “You wanna deal with that before practice?”
“It’s fine.” He’s sure it’ll go away once he starts warming up.
But then his thoughts drift to you warming up and stretching in his clothes. You bending over, his sweatshirt sliding up your chest, revealing more of your ass and thighs as you count to ten. And any sort of effort he’d put forth to settle down is destroyed as his shorts feel uncomfortably tight. What is going on with him? He hasn’t been able to stop thinking of you as of late, and it’s only been getting worse.
Heiwajima just starts laughing. “Seriously dude, nobody wants to look at that all day.” Then he motions his head in the direction of the showers.
Ushijima’s eyes widen, realizing just what he’s suggesting. He hesitates for a moment, but eventually concedes. He won’t be able to play like this. Nobody seems to care as Ushijima grabs his towel and heads off to the showers, despite feeling distraught about what he’s about to do. He’s never really been one for masturbating, so it surprises him how easy it is to let you in his sweatshirt come to mind as he wraps a hand around his cock. And he comes a lot faster than he expects too.
That’s the first time he jerks off to the thought of you. He tries to brush it off as a necessity for him in order to practice well that day, but it soon becomes a terrible habit he can’t stop. Especially when you keep doing things that make him uncomfortably hard. Like still wearing those tiny shorts around the apartment, doing yoga in the living room, showing him your Ushijima jersey you finally ordered online—seriously, never in his life did he think this would ever become a problem.
He hardly knows what do with himself at this new infatuation.
Recently, you’ve started going out on dates because you’re beginning to feel this strange tension between you and Ushijima, and you have no idea how to deal with it besides letting some other guy pound you into a mattress while you ashamedly picture it being Ushijima instead. One night, when you’re bidding him goodbye as you’re on your way out the door, he asks you, “Will you be home tonight?”
Your heart stutters a bit at that word. Home. And then you feel disgustingly guilty that he’s noticed you don’t usually come back after these dates. Meaning you think even he can put the dots together on what you’re doing.
But really, he’s asking because what you’re wearing is already making his pants feel tight and even though it makes him feel a little ashamed, he needs to get his frustration out somewhere that you’re out spending the night with other guys. It makes him feel incredibly jealous—an emotion he’s not used to yet.
“Probably not,” you tell him, swallowing your pride about it and shutting the door.
For the next couple of hours, he tries to resist the demon in his head telling him to go sprawl out on his bed and think about you with his hand wrapped around his cock. But even after he makes dinner, works out, and takes a cold shower; it’s still there nagging at the back of his head. And he knows it won’t go away until he’s coming into his hand with your name spilling from his lips. He resigns himself to this becoming something he does now and heads off to his bedroom to satiate himself.
Your date is terrible. He wasn’t like this when you met him at the coffee shop last week, but tonight he must be feeling extra lucky. Enough to let his cocky, asshole nature shine through and you find yourself forcibly smiling your way through dinner. It doesn’t help that all you can think about is a certain stone-faced, stoic, gentleman who’s just sitting there waiting for you at your apartment. And just the thought of letting this guy touch you tonight makes your skin crawl. So, once the dinner is over, you end the date short, blaming it on not feeling well. He looks pretty put out that he won’t be getting his dick wet tonight, but you’re not inclined to care very much.
Unsurprisingly, the apartment is dark when you return. Ushijima goes to bed promptly at 9 o’clock every night, so you weren’t expecting to find him awake. So, you’re stunned into silence when you hear sounds emitting from his room on your way to yours. It sounds like he’s…panting? Is he working out?
Your brow furrows and your curiosity gets the better of you. You know it’s wrong, and such an invasion of privacy, but you just can’t stop your fingers closing around his doorknob, turning it slowly to just get a tiny peek into his room.
Your heart comes to a jarring halt at the sight you stumble upon.
Never, in your entire life, did you think you’d catch Ushijima Wakatoshi masturbating.
It never even occurred to you that is something he might do, not really seeming the type to.
And holy shit—is it a sight.
Your mouth involuntarily dries up at his enormous hand wrapped around his equally massive cock, pumping it from base to tip as his hips work in unison with his hand. His hair is a bit damp, and fuck—his cloudy, lust-filled gaze is making heat pool in your core. Additionally, he’s completely and utterly naked. Who the hell jerks off totally naked is beyond you, but you aren’t complaining as you watch the way the muscles of his abdomen ripple with each movement of his hips and breath he takes.
You could probably stand here watching him do this forever if you’re being honest.  
That is, until your name falls from his lips.
You swear the floor drops out from under you.
At first, you think he’s caught you. But you soon realize that is very much not the case. His hips start shuddering, his pace becoming erratic as he chases his orgasm and you’re suddenly struck by the thought of: you don’t want him to finish without you.
And before you can hesitate, you open his door fully and step into his bedroom.
His reaction is nothing like you imagined from someone who just got caught masturbating by their roommate who’s name not two seconds ago escaped his mouth. Anyone else would have yanked their hand away and scrambled to cover up. But not Ushijima.
To his credit, he does cover himself, but he does so in such a calm manner, you’re shocked. Plus, you can see he clearly still has his hand around his cock beneath the blanket. The two of you just look at each other for a few moments, and after what seems like eons of silence, he opens his mouth and says, “You said you weren’t going to be home.”
Your brows raise, amused he’s chosen that as his defense. “I think I said, ‘probably not’ actually.”
His expression doesn’t change as your gaze drifts downwards towards his impressive erection that somehow has not gone away despite that he’s lying there in all his naked glory caught red-handed.
You lick your lips subconsciously. “Can I help you?”
He wasn’t expecting that. Nor was he expecting the way his dick twitched in his grasp at your words. Or how heat is spreading across his entire body at the way you’re looking at him. Is he really going to let this happen? He’s pretty embarrassed you caught him, but you don’t seem phased at all. To him, you almost look…excited.
You don’t really wait for him to respond, taking the way he eyes you up hungrily as a yes, and stepping further into the room. Tentatively, you start lifting away the blanket he covered himself with, and he seems to be in a daze as you toss it aside, baring him for you to see. Glancing up at him, you see he’s breathing heavily, his pupils blown wide as he watches you—and while he may not be able to tell you with words how he feels, his body is telling you enough.
But you still want to make sure. Settling yourself between his thighs, you set a hand on each of them and squeeze lightly to get his attention. His olive gaze rises to meet yours and you ask, “Is this okay?”
Without hesitation, he replies, “Yes.”
And if you know Ushijima at all, he means what he says.
You get yourself a bit more comfortable between his legs, chastely kissing each of his thighs, finding it immensely ego boosting at the way they tremble at your touch. You make your way to the base of his cock and lick one stripe up to the tip. He groans quietly at the sensation, realizing his hand will never be enough again.
His fists curl into the sheets beneath him as you take his head into your mouth, and you fail to suppress the quiet groan that emits from you at how heavy he sits on your tongue. Your mind immediately wandering to what he might feel like inside you—if this goes that far, that is. His eyes haven’t left you, watching you intently as you take more of him into your mouth, the weight of his heady gaze making heat pool between your legs.
Steeling your confidence, you hold his stare as you take nearly all of him into your mouth and start bobbing along his length. A barely audible hiss escapes him, the muscles in his arms straining with how hard he’s fisting the sheets. Yet, you still have his rapt attention, and it makes you want to make him feel so good he has to close his eyes and lean his head back against his pillow.
The thought of having Ushijima Wakatoshi a puddle beneath you makes your thighs clench together. An action that surprisingly doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
In a matter of minutes, you’ve made him throw all qualms out the window and you soon get your wish of seeing him let go. His eyes close, head leaning back revealing the strong column of his neck, and his hips start to move in tandem with your bobbing motions. A guttural groan escapes him when you hollow out your cheeks, and the sound rumbles through you before adding to the growing ache between your legs.
You can’t imagine he’s even close to reaching the end of his stamina, but you are certainly losing patience. So, you pop off his cock, and start making the motions to undress so you can finally fulfill your fantasy of riding him.
He startles you by lifting himself to rest on his elbows, his deep voice filling the silence, “Wait.” You pause, your dress already halfway off. He sits up and pulls you into his lap, completely unbothered by the fact your clothed core is now sitting directly atop his prominent erection. “Let me,” he says so softly you think you might combust.
His hands replace yours, and he gingerly unzips the back of your dress and starts sliding it off your shoulders, each inch of newly exposed skin met by the soft press of his lips. You have no idea if he’s ever been with anyone before, but whatever he’s doing is making your insides scramble and burn. His movements are slow and meticulous, like he’s savoring each touch are you’re positively melting in his lap.
Eventually, you have to stand up to shimmy the dress down your legs, but he sits at the edge of the bed waiting patiently before his large hands rest at your hips and pull you back into his lap. Now you’re looking down at him, so you lean down and press your lips against his.
He’s somewhere else entirely—heaven, maybe, as you kiss him. Your lips are soft, body pliant and warm against his as his fingers dig into the plush skin of your hips. He groans involuntarily when your fingers slide into the hair at the base of his neck, tilting his head so you can kiss him even deeper. You’re pleasantly surprised when his tongue darts out questioningly and you happily open your mouth for him.
I’m doomed, you think as his tongue sweeps in at the same time he uses his hands at your waist to grind you down onto his hips. He feels absolutely huge beneath you, and you have no idea if he will even fucking fit inside you. “Fuck…Wakatoshi,” you breathe. His fingers grip a little harder at your voice saying his name like that, but you’re too dazed to notice what it does to him. You continue, “Fuck me, please.”
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, and for a moment you think he’s going to comply with your request. Instead, he murmurs, “Not yet.”
You almost pout, but then he’s unclasping your bra and lifting you to set you down on the bed. He doesn’t waste much time ridding you of your underwear next, and you have to resist the urge to cover yourself as he stares at you with a near predatory look in his eyes. “You’re perfect,” he says, clear as day and you feel heat course through your veins at his words.
He’s looking at you like you’re the only thing in the world to him right now. The intensity of his wanton gaze making you squirm beneath it until he lays his body over yours, the comforting weight of him pressing against your skin as he takes your lips again. He elicits a moan from you, his fingers dancing along your sides and his tongue sweeping into your mouth, making you nothing more than a trembling mess underneath him.
His lips leave yours, but he slowly begins trailing kisses along your jaw, down your neck and across your collarbone; almost as if he’s worshipping every inch of your skin before he reaches your breasts. He takes both of them into his enormous hands, the callouses of his fingers scratching along the supple flesh, making your back arch into his touch. Pressing a chaste kiss to your sternum, he rolls your nipples between his fingers, all while keeping his steady gaze on you. And you have no idea how the simple action of him just teasing your nipples while pinning you with those olive eyes is so unbelievably erotic your head begins to feel light.
And then he takes one of them into his mouth and you about lose your goddamn mind. How the fuck does he know exactly what to do? In the time you’ve known him you’ve never once seen him be even remotely interested in anyone. But at this point, you’re well past the point of caring how he learned his way around a woman’s body.
His tongue laps at the pert bud, all while he keeps his meticulous pace on your other nipple before turning the attention of his mouth to it. Without thinking much of it, your fingers dive into his hair, curling into the strands as he continues his worshipping. Though it does pull a deep rumble of pleasure from his chest that goes straight between your legs.
“Wakatoshi,” you pant breathlessly, chest heaving, desperate for him to do something about the growing ache at the apex of your thighs.
This time, he seems to heed your words. He pops off your breast and wanders with his lips down the expanse of your stomach, his hands finding purchase at your hips as he settles himself between your thighs. Your thighs tremble in anticipation as he presses soft kisses to each of them, fingers kneading your hips and pulling you closer to his mouth.
Never in your life did you think you’d have Ushijima Wakatoshi between your legs, looking for all the world like he’s about to devour you.
He groans as he slides his tongue between your folds, drunk on how wet you already are. And despite the fact his cock is throbbing almost painfully and leaking on the sheets, he knows to take his time. If you want him to fuck you, he has to make sure you’re ready for him.
You throw your head back, fingers fisting into the sheets as a lewd moan escapes your throat that only makes him bury his face even deeper into you. His tongue finds the bundle of nerves at the apex and sweeps across it, moving in small circles that have you finding purchase in his hair to keep him there as you move your hips in unison with his tongue.
A loud gasp fills the air as one of his thick fingers enters you, the ministrations of his tongue not stopping as he slowly pumps it in and out of your core. He’s kept his attention on you this entire time, his gaze never wavering as he watches you fall apart at his mercy. And he finds he’s thoroughly pleased at how easily his finger slipped into you, enough that he tentatively prods another one at your entrance that after a moment slides in without any resistance.
It’s so satisfying that he buries his face even deeper, his tongue pressing harder against your clit as you fuck yourself on his fingers. At the sensation of his second finger, your own find purchase in his hair, babbling utter nonsense that if you were in a clearer state of mind you might be a little embarrassed about.
“Please,” you beg, desperate for his cock inside you, “fuck me Wakatoshi. I want you inside me.”
He nearly falls apart at your needy request, but he isn’t finished yet.
You continue to plead with him, until you abruptly feel the absence of his tongue and you look down to find him staring intensely at you. Your throat clams up at his smoldering gaze as he says simply, “You aren’t ready.”
Your mouth drops open as you blink in surprise. Is he joking? Are you not frantically fucking yourself on his fingers right now, desperately asking for him to be inside you? How can you possibly be anymore ‘ready’?
“What are you talking about?”
Now his eyes drop, and very quietly he murmurs, “I’ve been told I am…quite large.”
“By who?” You blurt.
All he says is, “Others.”
You decide to leave it at that, your attention traveling to his erect cock, it pulsing so hard you can almost see it and dripping from the tip. You swallow nervously trying to imagine that going inside you. Ushijima just watches you eye him, his two fingers still knuckle deep in you, which he seems to have forgotten about as he angles his head in question. “Do you want to keep going?”
Warmth blooms in your chest at his concern. “I would very much like to,” you reply, smiling innocently at him, despite the fact the position you’re in is very much the opposite of innocent.
And the answering small smile he gives you makes your stomach flutter. It’s so soft and dazzling, it nearly knocks all the breath out of you. He presses his lips to your inner thigh, smiling against your skin, and all you can do is stare in awe of him.
Then, as if remembering where is fingers still are, he drags them slowly out of you, his mouth latching on to your clit once again before sliding them easily back in. Soon, he’s got you writhing on his fingers once more, toes curling and your own fingers gripping onto his bicep you can feel flexing with each thrust of his hand.
He waits a bit longer, until his fingers are soaked with your wetness again, before tentatively prodding a third finger at your entrance. He stifles his groan against you when he finds that it slips in along with the others effortlessly. Particularly as the grip you have on his biceps tightens, nails digging into his skin and eyes flaring open at the new sensation.
“Fu—fuck,” you mewl, holding on to him for dear life as he continues his slow and methodical pace. At this point, you’re practically shoving yourself onto his fingers, wanting him to fuck you deeper and trying to match the pace at which his tongue is flicking against your clit. The sensation becomes overwhelming, your thighs starting to tremble with the effort to not come around his fingers and mouth.
“Wakatoshi, please—I’m going to—,” you try to warn him, nails digging so hard into his arms that you’re leaving small crescent indents in his skin. He doesn’t stop though, not until you’re practically sobbing, “Let me come on your cock, please.”
That seems to be his undoing. His fingers and mouth abruptly leave you, eliciting a small sound of discontent from you. But you quickly shut your mouth at the sight of him leaning over you, aligning his hips with yours, one massive hand palmed around his cock as he pushes forward.
When the head of his cock sinks into you, a strangled gasp rips from your throat at just how utterly massive he is. Instinctively, your fingers wrap around his wrist to keep him from going any deeper as you say, “Slow.”
His brow is furrowed in concentration, as if it’s taking all of his willpower to keep from snapping his hips forward and sinking to the hilt in you. “Of course,” he growls, his voice taking on a deep tone that makes your toes curl.
And inch by glorious inch, he pushes deeper into you. His forearms coming to rest on either side of your head as he takes your lips to distract you from him nearly splitting you wide open. You tug him closer, fingers tangling in his olive hair, slanting your mouth against his and slipping your tongue inside which he gladly allows.
Eventually, his hips meet yours, and he pulls away to rest his forehead against yours, his toned chest rising and falling with the deep breaths he has to take in order to keep his sanity. The feeling of your tight walls clamping down around him is enough to make him hiss through his teeth, “Shit.”
The word alone makes heat pool in your core. Ushijima Wakatoshi never swears.
“Holy fucking shit.” You correct him. He’s seated fully inside you and you’ve never felt so full in your entire life. Your legs splayed out to either side from just how big he is, and once glance down confirms his thick thighs are shaking with the effort to be gentle.
He just shakes his head at your crass words, then pulls out slightly before ramming his hips back into yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him close to you, your chest meeting his and his head finding the crook of your neck and he begins slowly. And while you’re very much enjoying each of his careful, deep thrusts, you very much would like to be pounded into his mattress. You’re certain he can.
You wonder if he’ll dirty talk with you.
Running your fingers through his dampening hair, you whisper against his ear, “You feel so good, Wakatoshi.” He merely responds with a kiss against your neck and a small approving growl that makes you keep going. “You know what I thought about anytime I was in someone else’s bed?” He makes no indication whether or not he likes you talking to him, so you press on. “This,” you murmur, “You.”
He stops, and for a second you think you’ve gone too far. But then he rises from your neck, and you swear to god—you almost come on the spot at the carnal glint gleaming in his eyes. Like he is about to utterly and completely destroy you. Your entire body buzzes with anticipation as he finally draws his cock almost all the way out of you before driving his hips home in a way that sends you into total euphoria.
His pace becomes brutal, his hips punishing, wordlessly making you realize it was a mistake for you to ever think anyone but him should be between your legs. It was pure luck you stumbled onto something you didn’t realize—he was immensely jealous every time you came home in the morning, clearly having spent the night with someone else.
It drives him so wild that he growls against your lips, “You’re mine.”
The words are so deliciously possessive, you can’t help the way your walls tighten around him, nor how your legs wrap around his waist and start helping him with each thrust of his hips.
“Yours,” you say, lips brushing against his. His hands wander down your sides, fingers digging into your hips pulling you even closer so that there is virtually no space between your bodies. He’s resting almost his entire weight on you, and his warmth and build is so strangely erotic, the coil in your stomach winds tighter and you can feel your impending orgasm begin to climb.
He cages you in his arms, hips never relenting, seemingly chasing his own release. His quiet grunts of pleasure are going straight between your legs, and you can’t help but start exploring the expanse of his exquisitely toned chest pulling an even deeper sigh from him making you almost melt on the spot. Your hands eventually find a place to rest in the dimples of his hips, relishing the sensation of his muscles moving beneath your fingers.
He refuses to finish before you, no matter how unbelievably tight you’re pulsating around him. So, he reaches between your bodies, fingers finding your clit, pride filling his chest at how you moan lewdly; your head falling back and fingers grappling even harder onto his hips. He takes the opportunity to press kisses to your throat, shoulders, collarbone—any expanse of skin he can get his mouth on.
“Fuck—yes,” you groan, hands leaving his hips to weave their way into his hair, using your legs to push him even deeper and meeting each of his thrusts with your own. You start quivering under him, your body preparing for the onslaught of pleasure rising in your chest, threatening to snap at any moment.
You come completely undone when Ushijima commands, “Come for me.”
Something about his husky, lust filled tone; his lips making their mark all over your skin, and the harsh thrust of his hips sends you over the edge. Your body bows off the bed, and Ushijima meets you, his arms wrapping around your middle to press you against his chest as his lips latch onto your neck and he buries himself to the hilt in your wet heat.
For the second time tonight, he curses quietly, holding you to him as your walls pulse with your orgasm and he finds his own release alongside you. You hold on to his shoulders for dear life as waves of pleasure roll through you, your body spasming in his grip all while he kisses you softly. It’s tender and erotic at the same time. As you start to calm down, he claims your lips, tongue sweeping in as you push his damp hair off his forehead before cupping his cheeks.
He pulls away from you, only to set his forehead against yours, your warm breath mingling. Both of your chests are still heaving, and although it’s silent, it’s comforting as he holds you.
After a moment, you open your eyes and find his closed, his lips curved into a barely noticeable smile. It fills your heart seeing him look so…content. “Wakatoshi?” You say quietly. His eyes open and your throat closes at just how handsome he is. “I…I like you.” Your eyes close now, embarrassed at how pathetic that sounded.
“I’d hope so.”
Your eyes burst open finding him looking at you comically seriously. You know he doesn’t mean it as a joke, but you can’t help the smile that rises to your lips. He gazes at you curiously as you ask, “And? Do you like me?” As if his softening dick isn’t still inside you right now.
Though, it still makes your heart flip when he replies without hesitation, “Yes.”
“Good.” You grin. “I’d hope so.”
You kiss him again before he finally pulls out of you and without a word, he gets off the bed and disappears out into the hallway. You grimace at the mess between your legs but are pleasantly surprised when he returns with a warm towel to clean yourself up with. While you deal with the mess, he rummages around in his drawers and at first you think he’s looking for clothes for himself, until he hands you a pair of his briefs and a t-shirt.
You must eye them curiously because he sets them on the bed saying, “Sleep with me.” He doesn’t word it like a question.
Taking the clothes, you smile teasingly up at him. “I just did.”
To nobody’s surprise, he’s relatively unfazed. “Overnight,” he explains further. “In my bed.” Though the light dusting of pink coloring his cheeks as he says this makes you want to smother him with kisses all over again.
You slip on his clothes and climb beneath the sheets as your response. You watch him dress, marveling over the muscles shifting in his back and arms until he covers them and joins you in the bed. He draws you close to his side, letting you run your fingers across his cheek before settling at his chin and pulling his lips to yours. You kiss lazily until you both grow tired and you tuck your head under his chin, letting his fingers intertwine with yours and enjoying the affectionate kiss he presses to the top of your head.
He surprises you when he says into the silence, “Are we going to do that again?”
The chuckle that escapes you is by no means meant to be mean. He just fucked you better than anyone in your entire life and if you were in deep shit falling for him before this—you’re doomed now. Yet, you don’t mind in the slightest. Not when being here in his arms feels exactly where you should be.
So, you kiss his neck and reply softly, “Yes.”
You don’t see his answering smile.
taglist: @bobawithpomegranate @anothermessedupbitch @abswrites @toorus-goodgirl @apollochjld @vicassa @sssjuico10
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bajitheestallion · 3 years ago
WET DREAMZ. - takemichi hanagaki
synopsis: i ain't ever did this before, no.
contains: slight femdom (?), perv takemichi, lowercapped, mentions of stalking sorta kinda, fem reader, this nigga NEEDS it, its obv he does, exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, mentions of a one night stand
a/n : listen to wet dreams - j. cole when reading, even if this isn't gonna be that long. mdni, etc etc all that good shit.
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TAKEMICHI hanagaki isn't a pervert. he makes it obvious he isn't, well he thinks he does. he never notices how his eyes manage to fall on every dip and curve on your body as you cheerily talk to him with no intent. the way your lashes met and batted up at him while he couldn't help but tense up. the thought was always nudged off your shoulder because takemichi is always nervous around women, he's just nervous.
even if his hands always fell a little bit lower every time you hugged, how his breath hitched and his shoulders tensed whenever you even accidentally grazed upon him. even if you didn't notice how he peeked around corners and slid into alleyways right after you both split up to head home, the melodious sound of quiet grumbles and whimpers.
he was just a friend who was a bit inexperienced, you knew he was. you joked about it often, letting your warm fingertips drag across his chest whenever you walked past him. the bare minimum, obviously you weren't interested. he knew you werent, so he let this game of cat and mouse go on longer until his body finally got used to it. and surprisingly enough, he did!
that was until you had brought up the question.
"are you all still virgins?"
a bit of silence lingered with the sound of another table in the back hollered with the sound of some time of sports team doing something you were uninterested in. it was a fairly small get together, just a few life long friends. you, takemichi, mikey, draken, and mitsuya were sitting on bar stools with a wide variety of drinks on hand. the counter was wood and fairly fucked up, several carvings or drawings of what you assumed to be a vagina next to someones phone number, or the loving sight of initials with a heart around them. but you paid no mind.
"no. did it seem like it?" the first answer quickly tore the thick tension in the air you knew you'd create. of course, this was intentional, and of course draken was the first one to put it out there. "you forgot where i used to live?" he asked before letting his lips connect to the glass of his beer, eyes closed and relaxed.
takemichi flinches.
"i'm not either." mitsuya quickly chimed in with a hiccup sticking at his adam's apple, causing it to bob gently. "it was bound to happen, i guess i am a charmer." his hair is messier than it was when you all first met. his cheeks and nose are dusted a gentle red, as well at the tips of his ears.
you can hear takemichi stumble out of his seat.
mikey just nods and keeps sipping at the fifth drink he's had for the night.
takemichi waddles off without a word.
"y'think you caught him?" mitsuya looks towards you sluggishly, his eyes digging right into yours, "we, well i," he hiccups and looks a bit nauseous for a second, before regaining his composure. "i can tell you were waiting." and he was right, because you were waiting.
more importantly, so was takemichi.
and you know how takemichi gets when he's impatient.
considering his hand was in his hair and his back was against the wall of the fairly dirty bathroom. it was unfair. unfair how you got to prance around in small skirts and tight shirts that hugged your body in.. oh, so loving places. he can't help but stare and imagine his hands holding your waist passionately, thumb stroking your skin and tracing your v line.
hanagaki's face is flushed a bright red, he's practically shaking as he tugs his jeans and boxers down to the middle of his thighs. the feeling of the not too strong alcohol lingering in his system, huffing out of his mouth as he panted. waiting for his hard on to fling out and bead precum right at his red tip.
his dick is pretty. he doesn't know it though. it's not too small, but also not too big. around 5-6 inches, his tip is a bright red, and always twitches if he's that aroused. he covers his mouth with his shirt and lets his eyelids hesitate to touch before his finally starts moving his hand.
sure, it's not your mouth, nor your cunt. it'll do. he moves the shirt from his lips and seems a bit dazed, letting his tongue hang out a bit and let out a loooooong slow line of spit fall from the organ, right onto his neglected shaft as a make-do lube. his stroking is deathly slow, and his body is shaking and twitching against the cold wooden door.
you pressed your back against the door, making sure he heard the thud of your body touching it.
"how long were you waiting?" you expect him to take a while to respond.
"too long. t-too long." takemichi's voice is shaking and he sounds inches away from blowing his load on his stomach. he repeats himself since the first time he spoke, it was a bit too quiet. he slides down the door a little, his stroking getting a bit more messy at the sound of your voice. chest rising and falling in tune with his off-tuned breathing.
"i bet." your legs instinctively spread. you won't get caught right? the bathroom is pretty secluded. you let your body do the thinking and you start sliding down, letting your skirt ride up your thighs as you pull the thin cloth of your panties down your legs, kicking them off until it's around your left ankle. your middle and ring finger trace down your torso and fall right above your clit before starting to move in circle on top of it mindlessly.
"what were you thinking of?"
"you. like, a lot. a-a lot." he sounded quiet again, "i couldn't help but leave." it sounds like his hand is starting to move faster, which causes yours to as well. the sound of both of you attempting to stay quiet, letting your noises blend and hide within the loud booming of cheers on the other side of the bar. "you'd feel... so nice on top of me. so.. fuckin' pretty." his words seem a bit more jumpy and his moans sound more full. dripping with hints of lust and gentle bursts of evidence he was enjoying this a bit too much. you sink into his words, whenever he's like this you can always just let him take over your mind, explaining how your fingers were already inches away from slipping inside of your cunt.
"you'd look real nice when i'm inside of you. i wanna cum for you, r-real bad." your fingers slide in right as he says it, he really is in control, even if you thought you were.
the feeling of your fingers curling and nudging at all the sensitive spots hidden in your gummy walls as takemichi unknowingly let his his words fly right in one ear and to your cunt. floating words of pleads mixed with longing moans. you remember these in specific, you'll possibly remember it the rest of your life. he's got you in his hold when he least expected to.
"i really.. really wanna feel you. you're so pretty." with a gentle swallow of his spit at the end.
"'s.. 's.. close.. shitshithsihit.." his paces picks up then quickly slows down, and your fingers attempt to keep up.
the crowd on the opposing side of the bar grows quiet as you both reach your climax, causing the both of you to cover your mouth so no one managed to overhear.
he cums in spurts, his white load dripping down his knuckles as he finally lets his eyes open slowly. but, while he can catch his breath, you're a bit busy trying not to get called. "let's not make this a one time thing, huh hanagaki?" you say with a grin, being slightly taken aback at the sight of your phone screen lit up with a text.
"i-i mean.. okay?" he responds while you read the message.
' can we talk tmrw? '
' imy '
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years ago
hellllooooo amigo
so I was wondering if you could write a lil fic about Micah mentioning his birthday is soon but not expecting anyone to care about it but then the reader surprises him with a present and Micah’s like :O
I’ve had this idea stuck in my head for the past week lmao but if it ain’t your thing or if you’ve done something similar before then don’t worry about it my g :)
howdyy amigo <33 so i had all these good ideas and then i was writing and the creative block hit HARD so i high key hate this and its a mess but i hope i pulled through in the end and i kinda went a little off topic but oops enjoy anyway :0
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You never really gave a thought to Micah’s birthday. Not because you didn’t want to celebrate it but simply because he never mentioned it to you. It wasn’t really a tradition to celebrate a gang members birthday although the group would never pass up a chance for drinking. Mostly those celebrations were reserved for big scores.
For some of the special members of the gang however, there were celebrations. On Dutch’s the whole gang would practically feast and party for the entire week and for Miss Grimshaw Javier would perform while Sean gave a right old toast. Dutch even insisted on a party for Molly and you laughed at Karen and Mary Beth who whined the entire night about “Miss fancy pants needing her own royal party”.
Of course even for the other members you’d notice when it was their birthday. You’d seen when close friends of Arthur leave gifts beside your own at his tent and for Jack’s birthday John and Abigail tolerated each other enough to spoil the boy with gifts surrounded by family.
That’s why you thought it was rather odd when Micah, your sweetheart never told you about his birthday. You thought he may have damn well forgot it when you overheard him one night with Bill.
He was mumbling into a bottle of whiskey, half on his way to passing out when he mentioned he was getting too old with another birthday coming up in a few days. Of course the bastard wouldn’t tell you, for all his boasting he’d never been one for parties or celebrating.
So with that in mind you spent the rest of the night formulating a plan to at least celebrate his birthday between the two of you.
You’d learnt from Bill the next morning, who wasn’t nearly half as drunk (or hungover) as Micah that his birthday was in exactly three days.
So that left you with three days to formulate just how you’d surprise the man you’d come to love so dearly for his birthday.
Coming up with a celebration was relatively easy— he wasn’t one for crowds, he enjoyed your company and only yours alone and he loved a good whiskey so naturally you’d take him away from the gang’s camp and head down to the Dakota river for the night.
It was finding a good gift that had you tearing your hair out. It was hard trying to find something that would be personal enough for Micah to appreciate when the man in question held few personal belongings, and naturally a new revolver was completely out of the question.
You decided to give up on your mission to find him a gift after nearly chewing Swanson’s ear off for singing while you were trying to think and rethink your gift.
So with a new formed headache you headed into valentine to purchase a nice and rather expensive whiskey for tomorrow night.
On your way out of the general store you noticed a beautiful Dutch Warmblood horse trot into the stable behind his owner. The horse had a large white spot over his leg and it couldn’t’ help but remind you of Baylock.
Smiling to yourself you put the whiskey in your saddle bag and walked into the stables to buy Micah his birthday gift, one you’re sure he’s going to love more over any new jacket or gunbelt.
Micah’s day went about relatively normally for the most part, waking up together with a kiss and a coffee but you couldn’t help be slightly more affectionate than usual.
You’d spent most of the day together, Micah talking with you while you did chores and you talking with him while he (reluctantly) sat on guard duty. All the normal things about the day went on and you kept your secret until the sun was just about to dip over the mountain.
Micah was leaning against a tree, sharpening his knife when you came up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You played with the ends of his hair, taking in the sight of him as he holstered the knife and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’ve got something for you.”
You leant forward and placed a soft kiss to his cheek, smiling against his skin at the curious sound he made.
“Hmm? You sure that something isn’t right here in front of me sweetheart?”
You giggle softly as Micah tries to pull you in closer for a proper kiss, deciding to indulge in his wishes for once. It was his birthday after all.
Pulling away from the surprisingly tender kiss, you give him a gentle smile as you untangle yourself from his arms.
“Common, let me show you.”
You take Micah by the hand, almost dragging him to the other side of camp by the horses which drew the attention from a few of the gang members but you didn’t have a care in the world as anticipation grew.
Leading him over to Baylock who is newly saddled, you watched as Micah stared blankly at it before tentatively bringing a hand up to feel over the soft premium leather.
The saddle was all black to match Baylock’s coat with white inlay in the seat and silver on the horn. All of it was the finest quality at your request and even the bedroll was a finer cotton than most.
Micah couldn’t help the smile that broke out onto his face and he turned to you looking like a kid on Christmas.
“You get this for little old me?”
Your own smile matched his as you wrapped your arms back around his neck once more.
“Well I thought since you’d never ever want another revolver and there isn’t much more you love than those guns and Baylock that you’d want a new saddle for him.”
Micah brought you in for a tight hug after that, managing to lift you slightly as you clung to him for dear life. He looked up at you from your new position.
“Sweetheart there ain’t nothing I love more than I do you—“
He sets you back on the ground, leaning in for a kiss but letting your noses bump and your foreheads touch.
“—worth more to me than any ol’ revolver, I love you.”
You close the gap between the two of you, melting into each other as you feel just how much Micah is in love with you.
“I love you too Mikey, and happy birthday— do you like it?”
The look you give him is one of hope and he can’t help but nod and wrap his arms tighter around your waist.
“Course I like it, but yer didn’t need to pay for this. Looks real fancy.”
Micah looked over the saddle once more, his eyes beaming as he saw how well it complemented Baylock’s coat. He was impressed, of course by the gift but because you had cared enough to get it for him and it only confirmed the feelings he had for you.
“Who says I paid for it?”
You saw Micah smirk at your comment and give a low evil laugh.
“That’s my sweetheart I know and love.”
Of course this time you had paid for the saddle, one of the few items you were willing to pay for but that didn’t mean the two of you didn’t steal practically everything else.
You pull away from Micah and hoist yourself up onto Baylock’s saddle, holding your hand out to a very confused looking Micah.
“Common you, I’ve got a nice bottle of whiskey and two glasses waiting for us.”
Down by the river you and Micah were perched up on a large rock that was floating in some shallow water by the river bank. You’d hidden the glasses and whiskey in a tree and the two of you were now laughing together as you drank through it slowly.
Your head was resting under his chin while his arm that wasn’t holding his glass was draped over your shoulder. The moonlight reflecting off the water was more than enough for the two of you to see as he topped up your glass for you.
“Gosh so how old are you now?”
Your words were light and charismatic, the two of you giggling about all sorts of things that night. Micah looked up in contemplation, humming as if he was trying to remember.
“Ehh must be close to forty now— thirty nine I think.”
You whistled, only to cut yourself off with a small laugh as you raised the glass to your mouth.
“You are getting old Mr.Bell, the next thing you know I’ll be able to outshoot you.”
“Sweetheart you can already outshoot me…”
Despite the lighthearted tone of the conversation, you noticed how Micah got uncharacteristically quiet.
“Micah? Are you alright?”
You sit up to face Micah, noticing the flush on his cheeks which wasn’t the fault of the whiskey and the way his attention was on sloshing the liquid in the glass.
“I am gettin’ old sweetheart, at least in terms o’ outlaws—“
“Micah what are you saying?”
You stare at him confused, completely unprepared for what he says next.
“— ‘m saying that i love you and yer the only one I’d ever wanna grow old with.”
Your eyes widen, in fear? in hope? You weren’t quite sure, maybe it was shock at the fact Micah Bell had said he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
“B-but I thought you didn’t want redemption!? I thought you never wanted to leave the gang, this life!”
Micah shakes his head, putting down your glasses and taking his hands in yours as he squeezes them to reassure himself more than anything.
“I didn’t— I don’t. Oh hell I don’t know what I want but I would throw it all away for you, if its what you wanted.”
He seems to regain some of his confidence after a deep breath and he waves his hands in front of you as he tries to formulate what he wants to say.
“Ya’know have a house and all that…”
You smile gently, your heart melting at the thought that Micah would give up everything for you. You lean forward, taking his hands and threading your fingers before kissing him.
The kiss depends as you momentarily forget where you are and you both start to let your hands wander lower over each other until Micah knocks the glass of whiskey over.
Pulling back from where you’d almost crawled on top of him, you smile sheepishly and sit back down on the rock. This time you sit between Micah’s legs so his arms can rest in your lap and his head can rest on your shoulder.
“Well a house and all that can wait since I’m perfectly happy growing old with you robbing and thieving our way across the plains.”
Your head rests against his own as you feel him litter soft kisses over your shoulder and neck.
“Sounds like something I could get used to.”
Micah whispers his words against your skin and the two of you enjoy the peace and each other’s company. Your hand gives his own a reassuring squeeze, letting your eyes close as you relax and listen to the sound of the river flowing.
“As long as I have you and get to celebrate a hundred more birthdays with you, I’ll be the happiest person in the world.”
Micah squeezes your hand back, sitting up so you could get comfortable against his chest as he rests his chin on top of your head.
“Not sure ‘bout a hundred but you have me for as long as this world lets me darlin’”
You hum sleepily, getting closer and closer to sleep as you listen to his gravelly voice.
“I Promise”
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