#but this seems to make sense? i dunno if i sound like a moron lmao
opisasodomite · 5 years
Hmm, actually a bailout of the airplane and other industries isn’t necessarily bad IMO.... if it was paired with partial government ownership too, which I think I’ve seen suggested....
Air travel is an essential component of infrastructure and is crucial to the economy. As such I don’t see why it’s insane to suggest nationalizing it and driving down costs the way USPS does for parcel carrying. Any private airline would need to compete with a semi-publicly owned corporation. Seems a fair trade.
And in literally every case the government should be guaranteeing wages and jobs for those in those and other industries hit hard by this debacle.
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ALSO another idea is that she’s practicing her patronus with Dumbledores army and she realise that hers and George’s is the same patronus (I think it’s a magpie) from that moment on you knew you were soulmates, but both too shy to say anything! You end up kissing in the room of requirement, also please include her wearing his jumper, what it would smell like, how she just sleeps in that and he thinks it’s super cute okay I’ll stop now 😘
A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING SO SLOW WITH REQUESTS Y’ALL!!! Writers’ block is a struggle but I managed. Also, this request is everything I’m sorry if it’s bad :-( I did my best, also the end is so sweet I have type 2 diabetes now and that’s on yearning lmao xoxo all my best 
Warnings: None, fluff so sweet it will cause teeth problems probably
Word count: 2.094 (!!!?!?!) 
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Merry Christmas. 
As much as the DA was fun, George really wished he could be headed to his dorm to pack up for the Christmas break. The group of teenagers were practising patronuses once more, and several students had succeeded, however, some, including Y/n and himself were still not getting it right. It was like his Patronus was purposefully hanging back. Whenever he’d cast the charm, a spurt of glowing white mist would emerge from his wand and then, right as he’d think he could see the shape take form it’d disappear. He would be getting frustrated but it helped he wasn’t alone and he enjoyed being partnered up with you. He’d been harbouring a crush on you for some time now but hadn’t ever really gotten the chance to tell you. For now, he was contented watching the way your eyes lit up when you almost got it right. 
“Alright, guys, you’ve done really really well on progress but I think it’s time to finish up, I’ll see you all after the break, okay?” Harry said. As people exchanged ‘happy holidays’ and so on you hesitated to pack up, you had almost gotten it, you were sure of it. Studying your wand, you felt a hand on your shoulder, 
“Hey, I was thinking we could stay a little longer and practice?” George’s eyes were smiling down at you, somehow you’d never noticed just how tall he was until now that he was standing right by you, 
“If you want?” He added when you didn’t reply. You quickly nodded, 
“It’s funny you should say that actually, I was just thinking the same thing,” You chuckled, “I just hope we’ll be able to avoid Filch on our way out,” you said, a twinkle in your eye as you smirked, 
“Don’t worry, L/n, I’ll be there to take the blame,” he winked at you before moving a little further away, getting ready to practice, you followed suit whilst trying very hard not to blush after he winked at you. 
You didn’t exactly know how long you’d spent practising when you finally got it right. At first, you’d taken turns, trying to coach each other but as time passed and you both got more impatient, you’d resolved to just casting it over and over, too deeply concentrated on your happiest memories to notice each other’s progress. 
Then finally, as you closed your eyes and focused hard on the happiest memories you could find, the day by the lake where Fred threw George into the lukewarm water, only to be pulled in mid-laugh himself, the time you’d first flown on a broom, your eleventh birthday when you saw the letter with the uncanny red wax seal waiting for you at the breakfast table. You could almost hear the laughs and exclaims of joys from your past as you yelled out: “Expecto Patronum!” 
You almost didn’t dare to open your eyes but this one felt right and so you looked,  nearly falling over from the sheer surprise: Right in front of you, a glowing magpie was flying in circles, as if testing its wings for the first time, it dove and rose up to the ceiling, where it was joined by another figure. Your first instinct was to congratulate George but then the two patronuses flew closer and you saw it;  two, identical magpies flying constantly near each other, following the other’s suit. It felt like your heart had stopped. Your mind raced as you slowly turned to face George, who was staring at you, his dark eyes glossy in the light of the patronuses. You stood there in silence, even when the animals faded and disappeared with a small ‘whoosh’, watching each other with the knowledge of what this meant. 
The walk up to the common room was silent which was extremely unusual for both you and George. The air was constantly filled with the sense of someone about to say something yet none of you spoke, instead, you walked up the stairs to the sound of snoring coming from the portraits. 
“Mooncalf,” George said it as soon as he saw the fat lady, in a serious voice that sounded so unlike him that it almost startled you. The portrait swung open allowing for the two of you walk into the deserted common room, you glanced at the clock, it was later than you’d thought. George turned and looked at you like he meant to say or do something but couldn’t. You took a shaky breath, 
“‘Night then,” you muttered gently before making your way towards the stairs leading to the dorms, 
“Y/n?” He called, you spun on the steps to face him, 
“Do you think we could practice again tomorrow? Since it’s the last day?” he asked, staring down at the floor whilst his hand tucked at a string on his jumper, you couldn’t believe that you’d made George Weasley nervous, 
“Sure, I’ll see you in the room of requirement after breakfast?” 
“That’d be great,” he said, a small smile tugging at his lips,
Sneaking into the room of requirement had proved not to be difficult when you were with one of Hogwarts’ finest tricksters, however finding something to talk about that wasn’t centred around your patronuses and the now obvious fact that either the universe had played a huge trick on you or, the more probable option, you were in love. It became even more difficult to fill the air with small talk when you began practising, this time with ease your patronuses sprang from your wands, still identical, still seeking each other like they knew they were destined to be together. Each time you and George didn’t look at each other, you just stared at the birds until they vanished like you couldn’t believe it. You really couldn’t. 
“Y/n?” he then said, you looked up at the way he said it, nervously with a certain shakiness in his voice, “I- Erh,” he hesitated, you were sure your eyes were deceiving you, George Weasley didn’t look scared, did he? 
“You don’t suppose we could talk about it?” He said then immediately cringed a little, 
“I don’t know what there is to say,” you said bluntly, he almost looked a little taken aback, you cleared your throat. You could have sworn you hadn’t meant to sound so harsh but something about this whole situation frustrated you. Yes, you’d always liked George but you’d expected to let him know that yourself, in your own way, and even more importantly, in your own time. 
“I know, it’s just,” he trailed off, then stepped closer to you, “This whole thing feels really backwards, doesn’t it?” He admitted and chuckled, 
“I know!” You agreed, glad that he was able to express the way you’d felt, “I wish I could’ve had a do-over,” 
“Or a warning,” He said, and suddenly you were both laughing. Maybe this didn’t feel so unnatural as you’d thought? 
Moments later you were sitting down, talking everything over in what had to be the weirdest conversation you’d ever had; somehow George was even better of a match than you’d always hoped, he was literally like a missing half of you, 
“I dunno- I just always thought people liked Fred more,” He ran a hand through his hair, “He’s always been more outgoing and well,” “Loud?” you suggested, grinning, he let out a breathy chuckle, 
“yeah, well, I never really cared but when we came here, and people started mistaking me for him I just started assuming people preferred him, and then when I met you, I assumed the same so I never gathered the courage to ask you if you liked me.” He said, his grin disappearing from his face, it was probably the first time you’d ever seen George look so serious, nay heartbroken. First when he looked up and saw you frowning at him did his smile tug at his lips again, “I know it’s stupid,” he added, his hand running through his hair again, 
“No it’s not,” you said, “I get it, it must be really difficult having people confuse you for someone else,” George shrugged, “It is sometimes but mostly we use it to our favour so it’s not all bad,” he ended his sentence with a chuckle. There was a small lull in the conversation before you decided to break it, 
“I did like you - do like you, I mean,” you said, looking at your shoes as to not look into his eyes, 
“You do?” He asked, 
“Yeah, since like, our second year,” you laughed, it seemed ridiculous that you hadn’t said it before in the current circumstances, 
“Blimey, Y/n, and you never said anything!” he exclaimed, you reached out and poked him, “hey! You didn’t say anything either,” he fell back dramatically, “Good Lord, we could’ve saved so much time if we’d just confessed earlier,” he groaned, though his stomach bobbed with suppressed laughter, you smiled watching him with his hands over his eyes, 
“We were idiots,” 
“Completely out of it,”
“Fools, we were.” 
You both laughed again, your voices echoing a little in the empty room, then George sat up, “Well, since we’re soulmates now or whatever, can I confess something else?” He uttered, his voice quiet, you imagined this was the voice he used when suggesting a prank to Fred, you nodded, 
“There’s sort of something I’ve always wanted to do,” he said, moving closer, “I’ve just always been too shy,” 
you knew where he was going with this but you didn’t stop him, you did imagine your twelve-year-old self would be fainting right about now, though. His hand reached yours, 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, your cheeks were burning, 
“I think it would be wrong not to,” You said, and before you could wonder where you’d gotten the confidence to say that and smirk at him, he’d given you his token grin and moved in, pressing his lips against yours tenderly, his hand finding the back of your head, his thumb resting on your cheek, just above your jaw, the heat from it made you realise how chilly the room really was, your kiss broke with a soft wet smack. He pressed his forehead to yours, grinning as his other hand found your face, 
“You’ve no idea how many times I’ve imagined that,” he said, sounding a little breathless, the tone of his voice made butterflies erupt in your stomach, 
“Was it worth it?” you asked, he pressed his lips to yours again, “Definitely.” 
You stayed in the room of requirement for longer than you probably should’ve, considering you had a train to catch later but neither of you wanted to leave, that was until you checked your wristwatch and realised you had half an hour to make your way down to the carriages,  you walked up to the common-room hand in hand, chatting the entire way, as a complete contrast to the night before. 
“Promise me you’ll write?” he asked again, as people passed by you to find their families on platform 9 ¾ you placed your hands on his chest, “Yes, I promise now go, your family is waiting,” you giggled, he leaned down and kissed you goodbye for the now third time, not that you minded at all, 
“Oh!” He broke the kiss-off abruptly, “I haven’t gotten you a Christmas present,” he said, 
“No, of course, you haven’t, we got together literally today, George,” you laughed, 
“Still - Wait I know!” he blurted before darting to the ground, tearing open his trunk, causing varied reactions from his family, his brothers laughing, Ginny hiding her face in her hands in an attempt to hide a giggle, his mother exclaiming “George!” and his father chuckling behind his sons, 
“Here,” George stretched out a hand, in it he clutched his Christmas jumper from that year, “It’s not much but it’s all I can offer right now,” your face was blushing deeply, he was too good to be true, 
“You really didn’t-” 
“I insist,” he smirked, you took it. 
“Alright then, happy Christmas, George,” you said, tip-toeing to place a kiss on his cheek, though you only reached his jaw, he tilted his head and placed a quick kiss on your lips, 
“Merry Christmas, Y/n.” He said. 
You spent the rest of the day in his sweater, the smell of him; something warm and toasty with a hint of pine forest and firecrackers and a tinge of something else you could never place but always made you smile enrobing you. 
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shinygoku · 3 years
Top 10 CSatM Episodes (1/2)
Ahhh, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons...! Probably only Second to Thunderbirds when it comes to the most popular and beloved Supermarination programme, with only Stingray able to compete for that coveted Silver Medal. But for me, it’s my Favourite!
I could go on and on about it, but for now I’ll go over my personal picks for a Top 10, which may give some insight into what about the way the series ticks makes it so enthralling.
Without further ado, let’s jump in! I’m not ordering them by preference, but rather the Episode order as I watched them on my DVDs (tediously the ep listings never seem to be consistent :T) Spoilers for all eps covered! ✂
Winged Assassin
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Starting off my Favourites is the 2nd episode of the whole show, featuring a good condensed version of the events of Ep 1 if ya missed it and probably the best explanation on the workings of Retrometabolism that canon media is ever gonna grant us. The plot is fairly straightforward, but what elevates this is the aforementioned Exposition, which feels more organic than it did last episode, the interactions between Scarlet and Blue, and even the shocking twist at the ending, where the mission that had been going so well falls at the very last hurdle, in spite of Spectrum’s best efforts.
One of the most chilling visuals in the series is a surfaced shard of a downed passenger plane floating up from the sea, before the camera pans out to show the duplicated plane flying through the air, and another dark shot later on, of Scarlet’s limp hand with blood running down after he died in the effort to prevent the massive explosion that occurs regardless.
Winged Assassin sets a lot of standards of things to follow; traits like massive collateral damage just as part of the Mysteron’s grander scheme, the close partnership of Scarlet and Blue, Scarlet’s seldom used Sixth Sense and even the occasional downer ending, where the Mysterons manage to sneak a victory in and actually kill or destroy their stated target.
White as Snow
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This episode shines a very interesting light on the dynamics between Col. White and Scarlet. It’s obviously one of a superior giving orders most of the time, but in a twist from the somewhat strict nature of Jeff Tracy over his sons who show respect to their father by not arguing back, with these two there’s actually the occassional spark of friction, that Scarlet will voice when he doesn’t like the commands and will only reluctantly go through the motions in the situation. I’m referring mostly to the first Mysteron attack, where a satellite is on a collision course with Cloudbase, but Scarlet unsubtly opposes the plan as there’s the possibility of innocent people on board who would get killed if Spectrum shot it down first. However, he’s overruled... and it turns out that it was indeed a trap, the people on board had been exploded hours ago and what was shot down was a Replicant copy. And that’s just the first half of the episode! But I find it interesting that again, back in Thunderbirds, the call to not remotely destroy something like that on the offchance it was populated would be the Correct course of action, but in this show pragmatism is needed, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Anyway, the episode has another Mysteron attack aboard a submarine, with plenty of tension... but yet, there’s something of a comedic bend to the episode, such as a furious White shouting at the currently dead Scarlet, much to the Naval crew’s confusion, and the scene at the end which I’ve taken the picture from. The weakest part of the episode is probably Blue in charge of Cloudbase, as he doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing and I feel they coulda done more with him. Oh well! At least we got the fantastic music insert, which is also titled White as Snow.
Operation Time
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Probably ranking in my Top 3, Operation Time is pretty remarkably both one of the most tension filled... yet an extremely funny episode. I guess some of that’s just due to my own odd sense of humour, though some moments are clearly intentional. Both the operation scenes, the Mysteron’s pursuit of the Doctor, and finally Spectrum chasing the Mysteron!Doctor are all played very suspensefully, and I find myself holding my breath. But then the funny scenes, like everything with Magenta and how hilariously pissy and unsubtle the Fake!Doctor gets leave me in stitches! [pun unintended lol]
I dunno, maybe some of the amusement effect is enhanced by the strong contrast between the scenes. Also we get a very grisly death for the Fake!Doctor and this episode establishes weaknesses for the Mysterons that will come up in future instalments. There’s a lot this ep has to offer, even something of an insight into 60′s medicine (though the series is set in 2068). While an extremely minor point, both the scenes with operations have the pssssshh.....fsssssshhhh sound that I associate with ventilators even though they ain’t being used, what’s up with that? But it’s another thing to add to the Atmosphere so s’all good, man.
Odd that I can’t think of much else to put here, I love it so much but maybe it’s so solid in the couple of things it does that’s all there really is to say? I’m feeling frustrated at how I don’t seem to have written enough for it, but trust me when I say it’s excellent and that it’s absolutely a Must Watch if you’re giving the series a look. (Though again, I’m spoiling each ep covered so uhh... read at your own risk if you’re using this to judge it!)
The Heart of New York
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An interesting tale that I’ve actually Heard more than I’ve watched, as the audio adaptation is a free sample on the official Gerry Anderson site! [At least at the time of writing lmao, it’s worth a look anyway. This message was not paid for.]
This story is somewhat unique in that the Mysterons’ plan is pretty tame by their standards. They want to blow up... a Bank. Sure, it contributes to the long game they play, causing disruption and destruction, but compared to the casual massive collateral damage they inflict as part of a more focused murder attempt (again, see Winged Assassin and the passenger plane) this is small potatoes. But still, they end up feeling more moral in this episode than the actual ne’er do wells, a trio of would-be Robbers. These guys are pretty assholish, deliberately using the horrible cosmic war that’s already taken lives in the triple digits to hide behind while they take their pickings from a vault. Captain Black locking these morons in with the explosives feels like poetic justice, that they really did get what they wanted and are punished in kind.
Maybe this feeds the Mysteron’s point, that humans are aggressive, corrupt and selfish... though Colonel White challenges this view at the end of the episode, stating the robbers aren’t indicative of humanity as a whole. The whole shebang is a lot like The Twilight Zone, honestly. All we need is Rod Serling to open and close the episode...
Point 783
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This episode is a bit harder to go into depth on, to be honest, it’s not one with a particular gimmic that makes it more memorable, but it’s a very solid ep all the same. There’s still a fair few layers that keep me thinking, like how it seems one of the Methane Trunk drivers had seemingly been Mysterionised offscreen to enable the Mysteron’s main pawns to me made. Then the first attempt to kill the Supreme Commander is thwarted by Scarlet’s (somewhat inconsistant) Mysteron Sense and perspex tubes that take their sweet time to descend and don’t even prioritise the actual target lol
Anyway, the meat of the episode is focused on the guest vehicle, the Unitron implacable unmanned Tank that can be controlled remotely by human operator or programmed to destroy something particular, and it will not stop or slow down no matter what’s thrown at it. Something something Proto-Drone Warfare commentary. The Mysterons’ last big attempt to assassinate today’s dude has one of their Mysterionised guys from earlier become the target, unknown to everyone else until he draws his gun inside the SPV (who even points out the 6th sense didn’t activate!). Scarlet gets shot 3 times but manages to eject himself and the Supreme Commander, which leads to the above scene, which offers a nice, human response.
Mr Supreme Commander later chews Blue out as it emerges instead of Scarlet going to a Hospital within 10 minutes, Spectrum insisted on waiting for one of their Helicopters to pick him up, which took 3 hours. Poor Blue has to try reassuring the army guys that Scarlet will be fine, truuuuust hiiiim. It makes me wonder if Spectrum is making things easier or harder overall by keeping his Retrometabolism under their hats, though I can understand they’d have reservations, but just trying to gloss over it with a ‘no no, it’s fine, he’ll get better.’ type answer doesn’t seem all that convincing. But I enjoy that it’s semi challenged here. And this episode summary ended up longer than expected cause all the Thinking I’ve done, haha!
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This has gotten a lot longer than expected and will be Two Parts! Find the second half here~
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