#but this post was made entirely because the admin of this blog is genuinely surprised by this
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do-it-four-swords · 7 months ago
So I’ve found out that the “color of the tempered steel” reblog that I added to a post talking about steel colors has actually been a part of a lot of reblogs of the post and has even been reblogged by a color of the sky collection blog
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scumbag-monthly · 4 years ago
Hey guys! Evil Ed here bringing you a special PSA. We’re a small fandom here, as you all know, and that means – unfortunately – it’s impossible to avoid drama. Fortunately, it also means that we like, literally hardly ever have it. We’ve been going along pretty fine for the past couple years without much in the way of scalding tea to spill, and I’m grateful for that. We also wanted this blog, and this zine, to be a drama free space, and although we have reassured people of this in the past, I hope I can say truthfully that the zine-blog won’t be cluttered up with anymore of this pointless crap. If you don’t care about any of this, congratulations! You’re a bigger person than any of us, and we’re genuinely thrilled – we hope we can follow your example in the future. If you want the tea, however, it’s under the cut.
About five months ago, give or take, some discourse started in the Scumbag fandom. I’m not going to rehash it here. It is what it is, and it’s more or less in the past. Based on the situation, the “In-House Staff” at Scumbag Monthly (the figureheads behind Electric Boogaloo Publications, who don’t necessarily contribute to the zine every time all the time, but run all the boring unanarchic admin stuff behind the scenes) held a meeting to take stock and determine the situation. Given that the tension was taking place between regular contributors, we all agreed that for the sake of the zine, a decision had to be made, and although it wasn’t an easy decision to make, it was one that we came to for the sake of the zine. I understand that this all sounds very serious and severe for a volunteer run fanzine dedicated to a very niche fandom, but from the start we all unanimously agreed that we would give the zine our all, and run it with the level of dedication and professionality we felt it deserved. With that in mind, it’s also worth noting that despite many of us inhabiting fandom spaces for over a decade, none of us had ever been involved with / close to any kind of discourse before, and I readily admit that we were all well out of our depth.
Some of us were reluctant to take a course of action for fear of hurting anybody’s feelings or making the situation worse. However, I decided that even though R is the acting editor in chief, and has done more for the zine than I ever could, Scumbag Monthly was still my baby, and these were the volunteers – my friends, my family – that I had enlisted to help me. I felt that I had a responsibility to them above all else. So I did something I don’t ever want to do again, I flexed my power as Scumbag Monthly’s creator and made the call.
With regards to the staff members causing drama, I looked at the situation as objectively as I could, and decided that the staff members who had held their posts for the shortest amount of time – two months – and had already missed deadlines in the past, would be asked to leave. Did I make the right call? I like to think so. I felt it was my job to admit that both sides had made mistakes, and make a decision for the sake of the zine and the people who have worked on it since the beginning. Also, by the time the meeting was called and a decision needed to be made, I was aware that numerous people on-staff were feeling anxiety and tension over the situation, without having been directly involved in the original internet. Again, these things ripple, and they are uncomfortable for everyone, and nobody knew how to handle a situation like that. I knew that whatever we decided to do, it needed to prioritise the mental health of the Scumbag staff. I also had to take into account that in the history of the zine as well as the numerous other group collabs I had worked on with these people in the past, there had never been an issue up until this point. I’m sure after this point I’ll be accused of taking a stance with regards to the original drama, or picking sides, or just generally being a biased prick. I assure you I’m not. Again, I made a decision firstly for the sake of the Zine, and secondly for the mental health of the people I care about. I won’t apologise for either of those things.
So, I readily admit that some people were removed from staff. And I will admit my handling of it was less than ideal. It’s worth remembering that this is a thing we do for fun, that we all have lives extending far beyond Tumblr, and we all have stuff going on. In a spectacular case of bad timing, I had a mental health episode that demanded my attention, and although I had already taken a break from Tumblr at that point I needed to take another step back. Again, I’m not gonna apologise for having a life outside the internet.
For perhaps the hundredth time, I relied on R to steady the fallout, because out of us two she has always been the more stable, dependable, responsible one. At no point did I think that she would ultimately become directly attacked based on what was ultimately due to my crumbling mental health. If I had, I assure you, I would have gone full human shield mode and kept her out of the situation as best I could. Again, it may not have been my drama, but I felt I had an obligation to the zine and to the people who supported me in its creation.
If I could have done things differently, I would have contacted the people involved and informed them that they were no longer on staff. I admit that it was immature to not contact them, but at the time my personal life was a mess and Tumblr drama was the last thing on my mind. We were all shaken up, and nobody was feeling 100%. Following my decision to remove some people from staff, we agreed (as an Electric Boogaloo Collective, if you like) that although those people would not be blocked from either the zine-blog or the Ao3 feed, the staff were well within their rights to block anyone who was giving them unnecessary anxiety in a place that was supposed to be their safe space – that is, their own Tumblr blogs. We agreed that the people in question would also be allowed to submit and post to the zine, just not hold a collaborative place on staff that would result in unnecessary friction. I like to think that this is the kind of action that would be carried out in a professional setting, although I have no way of knowing for sure.
Based on the situation, many of the Boogaloos decided to block those involved on their personal blogs, because they did not feel they could handle the risk of anymore drama in a place that, for them, was supposed to be sacred. I supported this decision wholeheartedly, as did R. When R made the decision to block these people on her personal blog as well, I supported her too, because despite the brave face she was putting on I could tell that the situation had upset her deeply, especially since all parties involved were people she considered her friends and she felt like she had failed in keeping the fandom together. I couldn’t stomach the thought of her feeling like any of this was her fault, especially since all she has ever done in this fandom is try to make everyone feel welcome and included, and has done her best to be diplomatic about this entire ridiculous situation. She made the decision (possibly for the first time ever, may I say) to put her mental health first, and I am fiercely and incredibly proud of her. In an act of solidarity, I made the decision to block those in question from theevilesteviled, aka the Dump, aka my personal blog on Tumblr.
However, I still took notice when one of the parties in question reblogged a recent Scumbag Monthly post. Frankly, I was surprised that after five months there was still a degree of tension, but was informed by some other staff members that there had still been some drama going on for quite some time. I was deeply upset by this, especially when I saw just how much R had been flamed and blamed for choosing to put her mental health first, and how she had essentially been thrown under the bus for what was ultimately my call. That isn’t fair, and I blame myself.
If you’re still here - after this long ass rambling post of nothing – you may want to consider picking up a day job or some kind of hobby, ha-ha. But if you are still here, with me, under the cut, (and I hope at least somebody will be) I have a request. Come flame me if you want – all G my dudes, I can take it. Hell, I might even deserve some of it for handling this whole situation with the grace and dignity of an upside down bullfrog. But leave R out of it – she didn’t do shit. Anyone on staff will tell you that 99.9% of R’s job is cleaning up after my messes and sorting out my meltdowns. She has been endlessly compassionate and patient with me, and imo, extremely patient about this entire situation, despite how much its bothering her. Furthermore, leave the zine out of it. It’s just an internet fanmag at the end of the day. It’s for fun. That’s all. There’s no deep hidden meaning, no magic codes behind the word searches, no hidden agenda. We’re a fanmag. We like The Young Ones. It’s really not that deep.
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jamaisjoons · 5 years ago
hi, ive read anyone's posts and from what i see everyone is hurt. i see there's a misunderstanding about how statements constructions are being worded. i assume that english is not everyone's first language no? it's understandable that feelings can come across as apathetic because english language lacks words that describes proper adverbs/adjectives. however anyone just justifies their hurt feelings. i admit that apology sounded like a damage control. it's just reni, moon and audge i believe +
+ ur other admins shouldn’t have jumped in like that because it added to the burn, it feels like ur admins r ganging up on moon and audge just bc they didn’t accept the apology (pls correct me if im wrong) and they have every right to do so. i know that u and ur admins r coming to defend reni in a place of love, but this is not ur battle to pick. please clear this out, don’t just leave things without closure. let us leave cancel culture and allow everyone to grow. give the benefit of the doubt. + im sorry if this came across like a hate message but i genuinely want to have them reconciled. i adore each and every authors involved in these. i do believe that all of you are a good person and this is just a misunderstanding.
Okay so I know I said I wouldn’t post anything more about it, but maybe I wasn’t clear enough in my original post so I’ll respond to this and this only. And the only reason I’m doing so is to clarify what I said and nothing else. Again, these are my feelings and you literally don’t have to read them if you don’t want or even agree with them. Hell, choose to ignore them if you want too.
Also, tw, but there are brief mentions of a panic attack here.
So, like, I never said their feelings weren’t justified and if you read my post, I actually outright state that Moon and Audge’s feelings are completely acceptable and 100% valid. More than that I also say that if they don’t want to accept their apology, they don’t have to because really no one who has been hurt has to ever accept an apology and I’ll firmly stand by that. Even if Reni and Jane’s apology was made sincerely, under no circumstances are they actually obligated to accept it and that’s okay!! They don’t have to at all! So no, I’m not mad or ‘ganging up’ on them because they didn’t accept the apology — especially when, again, I clearly say in my post that they don’t have to.
What I am mad about is this has somehow become less about the fact that Reni and Jane made an honest mistake and tried their hardest to correct it and somehow more about the fact that Reni has opinions about BTS and that she’s ‘bashing’ on them when she isn’t and that the MSN admins are all bad people when they aren’t. If it was honestly only about the fact that Moon and Audge were upset by the conversation about weight, there was literally no reason for Moon to post a conversation about musical opinions - that too not even a full conversation but certain screenshots that make it look (to me) like it was just Reni participating and saying inflammatory comments about their music. Again, in my post, I link to a document with almost the entire conversation (parts were deleted due to safewording).
Like I mentioned, you don’t need to agree with what Reni or Cris or Lillia say (I don’t) but there are literally 0 reasons to be offended by it either because a) it happened in a private conversation where BTS wouldn’t ever see it in the first place and b) THEY’RE OPINIONS. NO ONE HAS TO AGREE WITH THEM AND THEY’RE NOT ABOUT YOU PERSONALLY. If this was literally just about the apology and the conversation about weight, I wouldn’t have even gotten involved in the first place really, because again, like I said, I don’t believe the conversation that happened was appropriate, I think Moon and Audge’s feelings of hurt are valid on it, and I don’t think they have to accept an apology if they don’t want to. Except it’s not just about that anymore.
But also, I didn’t jump in because I’m an admin lmfao and neither did Sora. This doesn’t have anything to do with the FWL and everything to do with the fact that Reni, Jane, Bette and Emma are my friends, and as my friends, I’m obviously not just going to sit by and let people hate them for no reason.
I spoke because firstly) when Moon and Audge made this public by posting, they opened it up to the entirety of Tumblr which means anyone can comment on it. It’s not fair that you’re asking Sora and I or any of Reni, Jane, Emma or Bette’s friends to stay out of it when it’s now become a public matter with a bunch of other people commenting on it too - and also actively sending my friends hate and harassing them for a mistake that they’re honestly apologetic about.
Secondly) whether I choose to get involved or not is of my own volition and as I said in my post, they’re my personal feelings and in no way did anyone had to agree with them. Hell, you don’t even have to read them if you don’t want because they’re all under a read more cut anyway. Anyone can literally choose to scroll past the posts and stay out of it if they want to.
Thirdly) I don’t think it’s fair for you to assume their apology was damage control when it wasn’t. I was actually speaking to Reni and Jane while the situation was happening - not afterwards - while. And I know from personal experience that they’re honestly really upset about it. Hell, (tw: panic attack) I had to calm Reni down from a panic attack because she was that upset she let something like this happen (end of tw). But again, those are your opinions and these are mine, so if you think it sounds like damage control fair enough and you’re entitled to it.
Fourthly) I literally have nothing against Moon and Audge personally, I just think they chose to handle this incredibly poorly (then again, it’s their blog and they’re entitled to post whatever they want, but also they, and anyone else, shouldn’t really be surprised when it becomes a huge thing and other people get involved) but I don’t hate them or anything myself and I don’t think anyone should. Just as I don’t think anyone should be hating Reni, Bette, Jane or Emma. Cancel culture is stupid on either side, especially when no one is reading all posts (and why I linked every post involved in the first place), making baseless assumptions without all the information, and when everyone’s feelings who are involved with this situation are completely valid.
I agree that it’s a misunderstanding and honestly I really just want to see it end myself but honestly, when you post something like this on tumblr publicly, I don’t know what else anyone expects than a bunch of useless drama that’s only going to be inflamed more and more by people getting involved without having the whole story. Though, I really hope it dies soon, and it’s definitely dead on my blog from after this ask.
Lmfao I’m going to end this with I’m sorry if it comes off really harsh, I don’t mean to and I’m not mad or angry at you for sending me this ask at all. It’s just really frustrating to see my friends getting put through the wringer and being harassed for something that’s an honest mistake, and for things they shouldn’t be harassed by in the first place (Reni’s opinions on BTS and their music). Reni, Jane, Emma and Bette aren’t bad people, they’re lovely human beings and I’m so glad I’m friends with them and I just hate seeing them hurt like this with people thinking the worst of them just because of one mistake that was never intentionally malicious in the first place (and yet everyone seems to think that it was). Again this is all I’m going to say on this but I really am going to move on. We literally have so many bigger problems to face right now and the fact that we’re wasting our time on this is honestly ridiculous imo.
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artsy-jandi · 8 years ago
Sebaka pt. 01
@sharingan-rasengan-chidori Erika, I have a present for you. =D
Sebastian and Erika. I ship them.
After that headcanon, I felt I had to add more to it since it felt incomplete to me. Since last year, I have been self-shipping myself with Sebastian secretly. I would even internally be scornful of girls pairing themselves with "my man", but I never went and attacked them over it as an anon, or non-anon, since I know Sebastian is not real. If I had, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself even after I apologized. I like my reputation as a sweet girl more than a fictious demon. I value my genuineness. When I was thinking about my crossover (the one I mentioned in my reblogged post after Erika posted my headcanon I shared with her), I jokingly thought up Sebastian whining up with Erika at the end of my story even though I already have an ending in mind. When Erika reblogged a "share your headcanons of me" post, I decided to share the one I thought up. She liked it enough to accept it as her love story for her and Sebastian.
So, here are my headcanons, or scenario, for Sebaka. The first third of the story. I originally wanted to post the entire thing. But seeing how much I have come up with in just three days, I think it would be better if I just posted them in parts.
Before They Married, Before the Adventure
- When Sebastian and Erika met; Erika thought she was dreaming, while Sebastian thought he whined up in the future of London since Erika does live there.
- Erika let Sebastian stay at her place, but they had to keep it secret since she still lives with her parents. Sebastian made that part easy for her being the demon he is.
- Erika introduced modern technology to Sebastian. He is fascinated with smart phones and tablets.
Sebastian: So, the telephones, or smart phones, of this era are just smaller tablets? Erika: Pretty much.
- While Erika was at school, Sebastian did a ton of homework while looking for a way to get back to his 'time'. Since the Victorian era ended 130+ years ago, Sebastian had a lot of questions about the gap between that era and the current one he was in. He went to the internet and library for this excessively.
- On the web Sebastian discovered:
Cat videos: he watched these for hours before he went on to something else. ((He learned about animal shelters from an add that played before watching a compilation of cats greeting their owners home on YouTube)) )
The Black Butler fandom: He's had many reactions to this population of people who oddly support him and Ciel. It intrigues him. But his spine became solid ice learning the horrifying fact that he has been shipped with Grell of all people, although he can't decide which pairing is more sickening: the Sebaciel, or the Sebagrell. He has accounts where he flame wars with people who attack Lizzie for any reason they can come up with. He has been banned from forums for this, and has even gotten people banned with him, or just flat out banned by "doing some research" and reporting them to the admins. He enjoys reading the theories and analysis people come up with. He has seen the impressions people have done of him and the others. Normally, he is not impressed by the amateurs, but when he does find some very impressive ones, he offers his wholesome critique. Same thing can be said of the fan art and fan fiction.
It was also because he found the fandom that he realized he was not only in the future, he was in the future of a dimension where the Phantomhives never existed. This was where Sebastian really had to think about what to do. He decided he would take advantage of his time here to learn about the past of this dimension while hoping it would prepare him for the future of his own.
The Kuroshitsuji anime and manga: Sebastian was surprised that his time with the young master had been recounted in these strange books people called "manga". He fondly read through the chapters of the past times working for his lord, and he was fascinated with the art of animation. The anime, of course. When he watched the Book of Circus animation, he laughed at Grell's shock over him seducing Beast. But that was short lived when Grell started enjoying it like a porno. Sebastian went back to reading the manga, and it would be a while before he went back to watching the anime.
As a result of reading the manga and learning the real circumstance of his situation, he is taking notes on what to do and what not to do during those "arcs" so he will be prepared by the time he gets back to his dimension (The Weston arc has yet to "start" at his dimension). He is also taking notes from the theories and predictions people have made about his dimension.
Black Butler II: He is taking note to ensure he has his arm intact when he does eat Ciel's soul, if that rule is very relevant in his dimension. His idea of being a butler doesn't involve starving for eternity. (But then there is that twin theory going around.)
Many cooking recipes: He is abusing Erika's printer for his recipe collection.
Arthur Conan Doyle's work: He is reading his work before they are even published in his own dimension while looking for those complete collection volumes of Sherlock Holmes. He wishes to bring them back with him for his young master.
Aoshima, the Isand of Cats: when Sebastian learned that Japan had an island mainly populated by cats, he ran over there to see it for himself. For the first time in his existence, Sebastian knew what Heaven felt like. But he wouldn't bring Erika here until their honeymoon. He also took note to visit this place again in his dimension when it became Aoshima Island.
- When Sebastian started staying at Erika's place, he couldn't stand how dirty it was. Naturally, he set to cleaning up her home. When her parents got back, they wondered how everything was so spotless. Erika got scared, and tries to make Sebastian stop cleaning her place because she thinks it could give him away. But she remembered how sneaky our butler is, so she eventually dropped it.  
- As a result of staying at Erika's place, Sebastian has spoiled her cat, Morrigan. Morrigan wouldn't be going back to eating dry cat food. Her parents are concerned about this.
- It goes without saying Sebastian (and Erika when she isn't busy) had been looking for Ciel and his group. Unfortunately, they have not been found. Sebastian fears they might be in separate dimensions.
- When Sebastian and Erika are not busy, they either watch Holmes, or Erika shows Sebastian around Modern London.
- When Sebastian was watching Black Butler on the computer or TV, he tried to jump into the screens thinking he could go back to his dimension that way. But that didn't work. He just made a fool out of himself by knock the screens over.
- When Sebastian and Erika watched Black Cat, Sebastian said he would gladly feed the Sweepers as long as Sven Vollfied gave him a couple of cat bombs as payment. (Sven has cat bombs that summon cats. Sebastian's favorite toy.)
- When going through London, Sebastian questioned why Erika is not a people person. But that was just the start of the many questions he had for her.
- It's safe to say everyone that saw Sebastian thought he was a spot-on cos-player. That didn't stop them from calling him Sebastian and requesting him to take pictures with them while Erika plays camerawoman. Just wait for those comic cons.
- A guy caught a Pokemon that was on Sebastian's head. Sebastian then asked Erika what a Butterfree was.
- Sebastian is appalled with the excessive language people use.
- Sebastian is impressed with the independence women have gained in the future.
- He never intends to tell Grell about the sex changes that would be readily available to him in this dimension when he gets back to his own. Not like he would bat an eye at him if Grell did become a she, he just doesn't want him to know about this dimension's accessible sex changes.
- When Sebastian and Erika went to a book store, Erika introduced him to Garfield. Sebastian is amused. They also ran into the guy that caught the Butterfree. He named it Sebstian.
- When Erika is working on her blog homework (the requests she gets), Sebastian reads through them and offers her some suggestions. Hence, he became her muse.
- When Sebastian was going through her blog, he discoveries to his horror that Erika fancies him with Ciel. He didn't take it very well. More like he didn't what to think of it. But he doesn't confront her about it for a while. When he does, he pops question after question why it fancies her.
"I am not very amused with people pairing me with my young lord. To be frank, I find it disgusting." - Sebastian Michaelis
As long as she wasn't attacking people who ship Lizzie with Ciel, he could let it go.
- When he learned about Erika's fear of the dark, he teased her about it in anyway he could think of. As he naturally would. He did it a bit out of revenge for being shipped with Ciel, but mainly out of amusement. But when it got out of hand, he apologized and went easy on her. He made it up to her by playing cat videos on her computer as she fell asleep since he knows it would soothe her. https://sharingan-rasengan-chidori.tumblr.com/post/155276499266/since-sebastian-is-a-creature-of-the-night-and-he#notes
- Sebastian had to learn how to brew a perfect cup of coffee for Erika to enjoy since she is not a tea drinker. This took time, but Erika was patient with him.
- Sebastian offers Erika a shoulder to cry on when she is lonesome for her cat, Allaidh. As a demon who has lived a long life, he has had many cats come and go. It goes without saying he knows the painful agony of having his precious cats pass on from this life. It isn't one of the best things about his existence. Erika's sorrow over her deceased cat was where Sebastian and her really started to bond once he started to share with her tales of some of the cats he fondly remembers.
- When Sebastian and Erika realize he might in this dimension longer than he wished, she suggested he get a job so he could afford a place to stay. He immediately jumps at the opportunity to look for a animal shelter to work at. He also took a job at the book store he and Erika went to before. He did this to further educate himself.
- Have you read the headcanon Erika has for Sebastian working at a cat shelter? Everything, but the parts about owning it, is pretty much what happens there. https://sharingan-rasengan-chidori.tumblr.com/post/158151477181/can-i-have-a-sebastian-headcanon-of-him#notes
- When Sebastian started working at the book store, lots of people went there just to see Sebastian. Mainly girls. But he manages to get them to buy a few books. When he is not busy, he reads history books, and Garfield. He read every volume available in his first week on the job.
- Eventually, Sebastian got another part time job at the university’s library. This influenced his decision to work as a teacher in the Weston Arc.
- Have you read the headcanon Erika has for Sebastian working at a cat shelter? Everything, but the parts about owning it, is pretty much what happens there. https://sharingan-rasengan-chidori.tumblr.com/post/158151477181/can-i-have-a-sebastian-headcanon-of-him#notes
- As a result of going to Japan to see Aoshima Island, he discovered who Yana Toboso really is. But he wouldn't tell anyone about it, except Erika. But she wouldn't know that until their first time between the sheets on their wedding night.
- Sebastian figured the best way he would get back to his dimension is to break into the government's secret files for any projects regarding traveling to other dimensions. So he did just that on Erika's computer. (He has yet to purchase a laptop.) Sebastian is willing to look through all government files just to get home. Rather it be the United Kingdoms, or other foreign nations. Sebastian is very determined.
- When he is not using Erika's computer to rummage through the government's archives, he is breaking into their bases to go through them himself.
- Sebastian discovers in Mexico that a dimensional warper had been stolen by a thieves back in the 1980s. Sebastian speaks to the literally stars of space to find this stolen machine. (Demons are capable of talking to the stars. I learned this reading Solomon's Testimony where he actually dealt with demons during the Temple's construction.
110. And behold, in those days one of the workmen, of ripe old age, threw himself down before me, and said: "King Solomon, pity me, because I am old." So I bade him stand up, and said: "Tell me, old man, all you will." And he answered: "I beseech you king, I have an only-born son, and he insults and beats me openly, and plucks out the hair of my head, and threatens me with a painful death. Therefore I beseech you avenge me."
111. And I Solomon, on hearing this, felt compunction as I looked at his old age; and I bade the child be brought to me. And when he was brought I questioned him whether it were true. And the youth said: "I was not so filled with madness as to strike my father with my hand. Be kind to me, O king. For I have not dared to commit such impiety, poor wretch that I am." But I Solomon on hearing this from the youth, exhorted the old man to reflect on the matter, and accept his son's apology. However, he would not, but said he would rather let him die. And as the old man would not yield, I was about to pronounce sentence on the youth, when I saw Ornias the demon laughing. I was very angry at the demon's laughing in my presence; and I ordered my men to remove the other parties, and bring forward Ornias before my tribunal. And when he was brought before me, I said to him: "Accursed one, why didst thou look at me and laugh?" And the demon answered: "Prithee, king, it was not because of thee I laughed, but because of this ill-starred old man and the wretched youth, his son. For after three days his son will die untimely; and lo, the old man desires to foully make away with him."
112. But I Solomon, having heard this, said to the demon: "Is that true that thou speakest?" And he answered: "It is true; O king." And I, on hearing that, bade them remove the demon, and that they should again bring before me the old man with his son. I bade them make friends with one another again, and I supplied them with food. And then I told the old man after three days to bring his son again to me here; "and," said I, "I will attend to him." And they saluted me, and went their way.
113. And when they were gone I ordered Ornias to be brought forward, and said to him: "Tell me how you know this!" and he answered: "We demons ascend into the firmament of heaven, and fly about among the stars. And we hear the sentences which go forth upon the souls of men, and forthwith we come, and whether by force of influence, or by fire, or by sword, or by some accident, we veil our act of destruction; and if a man does not die by some untimely disaster or by violence, then we demons transform ourselves in such a way as to appear to men and be worshipped in our human nature."
- Testimony of Solomon, verse 113
Winter, Dr. Jay. The Complete Book of Enoch: Standard English Version (Kindle Locations 2147-2150). Lulu.com. Kindle Edition. )
- Sebastian finally learns the whereabouts of the stolen dimension from a certain star: a man from Oklahoma took the machine when he was visiting Mexico during a vacation. A friend of his made during his trip wanted to take the machine. When they successfully took it, the Mexican played decoy while the other took the machine. The Mexican promised he'd meet up with him after they escaped the cops. But the Mexican friend was captured and sent to prison where he died of old age. The man from Oklahoma still kept the machine and waited for him all those years. He went on to have a son, who just happened to have been the guy that caught the Butterfree on Sebastian's head in London.
Sebastian: What a strange coincidence.
- When Sebastian came back to his apartment, Erika was there with the recently released Kuroshitsuji chapter. Sebastian informs her of what he has learned from his hunt, and Erika reveals she had met the guy he's looking for at her university. His name is Harold Larry Lewis, and he is an exchange student from Oklahoma. Sebastian asks Erika that she set up a meeting date for them. He has questions to ask him.
- Sebastian and Erika meet Harold at the farmer's market where he was buying a bag of buns with olives and dried berries. (I had one of those, and I really would like one right now. I'm hungry.) He just happened to have been eating one, too.
- Sebastian, Erika, and Harold go to a secluded place where they won't draw too much attention. Sebastian proceeds to inform Harold:
Sebastian: Mr. Lewis, I had learned something very interesting about your father. Back in the 80s, he had stolen some government owned property. A dimension warper, to be exact. From what Erika has told me about you, you are studying for a degree in technology and engineering. This studious pursuit of yours wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the warper, now would it?
Harold is dead quite. He is wondering if Sebastian is a detective, FBI, a secret agent, or even the actual Sebastian Michaelis. Before he can run, Sebastian places his hands on Harold's shoulders. "I'm not going to hurt you.", Sebastian starts, "But I will tell you this. If you so much as tell anybody who I am, I personally will do you in. You can keep the machine, but I need it to find my master, and hopefully get back to my dimension." "You... You really are-", Harold turns to him with his face paling in fear. Sebastian grins smuggishly, and draws closer to his ear to finish Harold's sentence, "One hell of a butler.... So, do we have a deal, Mr. Lewis?"
To Be Continued
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travelteatv · 6 years ago
A week after Hamilton and I moved to Toronto, we made the bold move to leave Toronto. Not because we didn’t love it here (we did/still do) but there were bigger plans afoot for the week, an entire season, in fact…
Autumn. AKA fall.
Ok yeh it was a bit random but it made sense at the time. We got a good deal on car hire and I had always heard about how New England is meant to be spectacular this time of year, so we made a somewhat rash decision and booked a trip to Boston. It felt very weird packing our cases and buying snacks (we got super healthy cinnamon buns, candy, chips and mini muffins for those wondering), from the local supermarket to go on a road trip to America; whenever these trips had happened before, it took months of planning, budgeting and discussion.
Hamilton and I very roughly plotted our route and booked hotels along it (based sheerly on price) but we didn’t spend that much time thinking about what we were going to do in each place. I wanted to go to Boston because it’s one of the big cities in America I haven’t been to and the drive was meant to be nice – simple as that.
Now, Boston was the point of interest on this trip but our general reasoning for it was really the fall colours. Now, if you’ve been outside in North America recently you may be aware of the fact that a couple of weeks ago, fall colours weren’t that prominent. The weather has actually been pretty hot. Nonetheless, I can confirm that we did manage to find autumn. It wasn’t easy but we did in fact find it, so don’t worry, the title ‘fall road trip’ is not clickbait. I mean, would I ever lie to you?
  We got a streetcar along to the Toronto Eaton Centre and picked our car up from the roof of it (Thrifty is based there it wasn’t some shady deal but it was odd walking into a shopping centre with our bags I’m not gonna lie).
If you keep up with this blog, you will have seen my post about this very exciting rental car booking… Basically, we booked a ‘surprise car’ which meant we didn’t know what kind of car we were going to get. It was the second cheapest option (by about £3) and was maybe the most enthusiastic about getting a rental car I had ever been. It’s always fun picking up a car because you don’t know what you’re going to get – you know a rough category but this could have been anything (within reason). I full on expected a sports car/SUV/potentially a van.
  I am sad to announce that we did not get any of those things…
We got a very simple Toyota Corolla. Not a Mustang, not a Jeep, not a Limousine.
But you know what? It was actually pretty great. It was really easy to drive, had space for everything, was comfortable… Ok I sound middle-aged but genuinely, it did what we needed. No, it wasn’t that exciting but we did make it there and back in one piece in the thing and it had a bit of pick-up, so I can’t complain.
  Now the big announcement is over, let’s get back on the road. Our first stop was Lenox, Massachusetts – we had toyed with the idea of staying in Albany for the night but after a quite look on booking.com realised that Albany was, way too expensive for one night. So we looked elsewhere – Lenox had affordable but nice looking accommodation and it made our journey into Boston the next day a lot faster (okay yes this is because we had to drive further the day before but that was do-able). Hence, we ended up there.
The drive from Toronto to Lenox  (including the very dull, dragged out border crossing) took a long, long time. I’m talking 8 hours and counting kind of long. I didn’t necessarily help with this as I had read about toll roads being expensive because if they’re automatic, the rental company can charge you admin fees for them paying the toll charge and then getting the charge over to you, so I requested we take non-toll roads. This seemed a bit irritating at first as it added so much time onto our journey but actually, I really think it was the best way to go about it; we didn’t pay any toll charges and we saw some beautiful roads that we otherwise wouldn’t have seen.
It did mean we pulled up to Seven Hills Inn, Lenox in the dark but we knew we would get to see it in the day, so this wasn’t the end of the world. When we arrived, the staff had gone but they left an envelope on the desk for us with our key and a nice note about breakfast, which was appreciated. There were also copies of the New York Times, which I can never turn down. (Yes, we attempted to do the crossword and yes, it was too hard).
Our room was in the ‘Terrace Building’, next to the main house. I imagine some people think of it as a downgrade but we actually really liked it. It was very American; the building itself really reminded me of summer camp, plus it was quiet as everyone else had opted for the pricier, main house. The house itself was one of the oldest houses I had seen in America, which was cool. It was filled with antique furniture, fireplaces and antique people, who seem to love antique furniture and fireplaces. Plus, us.
We loved the whole place – it was cute, the staff that worked there were nice and the breakfast was fun. I mean, the breakfast was odd but we didn’t dislike it – the guy came out and said he was “thinking of making eggs and breakfast potatoes, did we want any?” It felt like we had gone into someone’s house and they offered to make us breakfast. Some other people in the dining room were less enthralled by his approach but we found it quite charming.
The only downsides to this place were in the room. A) There was no tea and coffee. B) The TV was from the past and constantly made a crazy high pitched noise. C) There was no Wi-Fi within the room. But I wouldn’t really complain about any of those things.
  We left with full bellies and some looks of disdain from the older people, who definitely did not think we belonged there, and headed on our merry way to Boston for a very odd night in a hostel and a fair amount of tequila as a result, which I will discuss in the next post.
We didn’t stop anywhere on the way simply because we didn’t have time but I’m pleased to say that we managed it in every other drive, so if stories of a weird hostel don’t pull you in, maybe adventures in thrift shopping will (just saying).
  Thanks for reading!
TORONTO TO BOSTON | AUTUMN ROAD TRIP A week after Hamilton and I moved to Toronto, we made the bold move to leave Toronto.
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the-nootella-lady-blog · 8 years ago
Infinite Game-shows Propaganda.
Hello everyone! I have never exactly used Tumblr before. Heck, the only reason I ever made an account was so I could make this blog. I have something important to say. Well, at least I see it as important. Before I start, I’ll just like to let you all know that I think that IGS has potential to be a great game-show group. I can see that the HRS worked very hard to make they’re games as good as possible, the only reason I am making this is because of the community itself and how the admins act towards other people. Also, if you don’t like vulgar language, don’t read this. I don’t use much bad language myself, but the screenshots contain a lot of them. So please, take this blog with a pinch of salt.
So, how do I begin? Oh, I know. The situation occurred yesterday when I just joined on the UXG Discord for the day. It was pretty freaking late so I was tired and what not. Then, OUT OF FREAKING NOWHERE, someone told me that IGS were “bullying” Nicole in there Discord chat. Yeah, I was SO freaking angry about that. I would show you a screenshot if I could. Don’t worry though, I still have multiple screenshots to prove on what I’m saying is true. So.. I flat out demanded the Discord link. Of course, a bunch of other people from UXG were already there, bickering with the IGS. So I got the link a bit late. When I did get there however, I was muted for a bit. So I couldn’t react to this..
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Or this,
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AND This..
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These aren’t in any specific order since it shows proof and what occurred anyway. So.. Yeah. I decided to read it and found out that, strangely enough, The Rejects also triggered IGS somehow. I don’t even understand what The Rejects did and why they were involved whatsoever. Eventually the owner of IGS, Seaaa, unmuted me. At first, I was so relieved. I thought that the owner was going to solve the situation. But did he? Actually.. He did. AT FIRST. This is what he said when he didn’t turn into an idiotic twit.
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I mean, at least I could TELL that he was attempting to help at one point. He wanted to stop the bickering and drop the act. What I want to know is, why did he turn into a douche?
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No really. I am genuinely curious. One moment he was like, “OH FIDDLE DE TEE, MY HRS HAVE GONE SAVAGE! TIME TO STOP THIS ANGRY BICKER SESSION WITH SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS!” To this? “Oh look here, look at this net! THIS NET THAT IS CALLED AN INSULT HURDLE.” I just don’t get it. It makes no god damn sense to me. Would this be a good time to mention that IGS don’t have any freaking rules in they’re chat? You’d think that a 2000 member group would have at least a few rules to balance the sensible to the outright crazy, BUT NOPE.  How did Sea mess up THAT badly? If you DON’T want this type of stuff to happen, HAVE SOME FREAKING RULES. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if a four year old was secretly running IGS. You want to know why? Because four year olds don’t like rules and purposefully try to disobey them but they wouldn’t get told off too much because they were still an immature brat..
I am fully aware that the owner at UXG should have reacted much better then he did, but if I’m perfectly honest, other owners would have done the same. He wanted to stop the drama that was going on in the chat, but all he got was backlash and names thrown at him. He received 0 respect. NONE WHATSOEVER. I’ll just post a screenshot of something that Unix PROBABLY shouldn’t have said..
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I understand that it was just an expression, but at the same time, he should of remained civilised about the whole thing instead of doing what he did. He reacted the best out of anyone in that situation though. I would say IJuly was generally the most calm about it, but she only came at one or two moments saying to “Leave them” Or “Don’t let them get you all riled up.” It really didn’t work for me. I generally wanted to stay until they were somewhat calm. Eventually they kicked everyone involved, so that thought was kind of pointless.
Now here’s something on The Rejects side of the spectrum. The only reason I know that The Rejects were uh.. kind of involved was because a user named Sayaka (Yes, they’re avatar was Sayaka from Danganronpa Happy Trigger Havoc.) Ended up getting name called constantly until she freaking CRIED. Yup, a bunch of HRs and Contestants made another person cry. That’s just cruel. Guess what, Sea, instead of trying to resolve the situation like a normal person, said.. UGH.. THIS.
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And he didn’t just say it once. If you didn’t bother to look at the screenshot, HE FREAKING SPAMMED IT. Yup, that’s some GREAT advice Sea! You insults someone so much that you make someone cry, BUT THAT’S OK BECAUSE IT’S ONLY THE INTERNET WHERE YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! I seriously despise people like that. It doesn’t matter which country you are in, which race, which religion. Someone is behind that computer screen. A HUMAN BEING is behind the computer screen. A human who has feelings and emotions. It is very easy to make someone crack and burst out into tears. People on the internet never seem to realise about how easy it is to mess with ones emotions. Sea is a perfect example of this.
There’s another thing I thought I’d mention. Sea PM’ed the owner of The Rejects. THIS is what Sea said to Devlin.
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UGH. That’s such a big fat lie and Sea knows this.. “I don’t even know Ya’ll.” Number one, what the hell is wrong with you? Number two, You DO know us, because if you look at the times real carefully, it was only 6-8 minutes before Sea got involved. Sea KNEW that the predicament was going on before hand and did absolutely nothing before then. Sea allowed everyone to bully Nicole, insult Unix along with Sayaka making her cry, and let the HRs mute us so they could force us into the VC while calling us some names. Also.. This is a great time to point out that Sea said something about the Old owner.
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“No building skills.” ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? The old owner isn’t even relevant to the entire circumstance! Why bring him up. Heck, why bring him up, JUST to insult his work? I don’t know the old owner myself, but I swear to god if he is SOMEHOW worst then this. I will lose faith in humanity. By the way, “No offence is he sees this.” Oh Sea, I have a great idea! If you don’t want to hurt the old owners feelings, how about you, OH I DON’T KNOW, keep it yourself? Like Jesus Christ, it’s not that difficult!
By the way, did I ever tell you that Sea let’s admins and contestants get away with the “N” word? WELL, THEY DO. SEA LET’S PEOPLE HAVE THEM IN THEY’RE FUCKING USERNAME FOR HEAVEN SAKE! I would show a screenshot, but I won’t for specific reasons that are obvious.
I’m going to show a random screenshot that I actually managed to take yesterday.
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Yeah, this leads back to the Sayaka thing and that no one seems to give a shit about anyone on the internet. People like that just sicken me. Worst part of all of this is that a friend of mine hosts there. I told him I wouldn’t go to IGS anymore because of this. I felt like I insulted him or worse. He may think I’m selfish. I don’t know if I did the right thing by saying that.
Well, I have found something else to back up my claims. Well I say found, it’s actually something I’m returning to for some help. It is a blog on Tumblr. It is called, “Ending This Once And For All.” In this blog, the author, Cosmic, explains why a group that she used to ended. She said that it’s because she generally doesn’t like the game-show community anymore. I somewhat agree with her actually. In it, she mainly exposed groups that made her feel this way. Reality Gameshows, AR$E (Yes, I spelt it like that on purpose.) And of course, IGS. I will now copy and paste on what Cosmic said about IGS and her problems with the group, (To put it nicely.) I also plan to link the blog that I’m quoting at the end of this blog. Also, the screenshots I show don’t belong to me. I’m only using them to make a point.
“FIRSTLY, we have…Infinite Game ShowsYou’ve heard of this group, it died like 2 months right? And just ‘came back’ like 3 days ago or something. Anyways their ‘return’ was essentially to copy Godz Games, who we will get to later. Anyways, IGS essentially was a pretty shitty group and community. It’s grown on it’s lack of strictness, shitty games, and edgy community that’s essentially VERY FAMILIAR, which will make sense later. Anyways, why don’t we begin with where IGS started showing themselves to LG, aka months ago, when holy sent me this message:”
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“ As you can see, he asked me if I was paying ‘paper’ aka PaperStrikeV, who was eventually BANNED for hacking, to hack IGS. However this is false and this can be backed up by the simple fact of these messages exchanged months beforehand: “
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“As you can see Paper himself planned this out. What he planned to do, was manipulate IGS into thinking I paid him to hack IGS, the thing is, even if people believed him, there’s 1 thing not right here, he was never given robux. Nor was there at all any messages sent exchanging this, if this was really done, why would I use roblox? And why would he message me ON roblox? Also, what would be the point of insulting him? Obviously he just sent messages to make it to make it seem like I was in a deal with him, the proof that proves is the simple fact I never once exchanged any messages asking for such a deal, proving that Paper planned this to frame me.”
“What does this have to do with IGS? IGS decided to act immature, various HR’s, and members in fact. What happened was Sea, who is ironically the current owner, planned to spam PM my members, that I was paying hackers, and to ‘join IGS to stop it’. Clearly they didn’t use their brains, and were responsible for one of the shutdowns of LG, this happened in September/October if you remember. Here’s the message that was sent to various LG members:”
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“The message stated: “Your owner LovelyCosmicStar is buying hackers to hack other gameshows seasons! >insert username
“Now, what I tried to do was message holy, I told him it wasn’t me, however not much was done to make sure his group knew I was not involved in paper’s hacking. However, no shout, no forum, absolutely NOTHING besides asking people on the discord was done. You’re the owner, not a member, you have the power to stop something, so why wasn’t it done? There’s various reasons why it wasn’t done, holy could of been just lazy, hated me, or believed them. Either one really works. However to show you more proof, I will show screenshots of trixie, a IGS member, admitting to botting and even threatened to bot more messages. This was a threat that was written on the IGS discord.”
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This is all I will show from Cosmic’s post. I don’t want to take all of her hard work when really, you should be reading this on her blog. I just wanted to make a point. This shows that IGS haven’t just threatened to hack UXG and TR. They have also done it to Lovely Games. It confuses me on how they have so many allies. Why would people want to ally with someone who does all of these things? Heck, they have probably done worse now that I think about it. DON’T BELIEVE ME ON THE ALLY THING?
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BOOM. THERE YOU GO. Oh, there’s also two extra pages. 3 PAGES OF ALLIES FOR A GROUP THAT DOES THIS.
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I am honestly surprised. OH. I JUST REALISED HOW TO RUN A GROUP!
Step 1: Have 0 rules on your Discord. This will make you admins think that they can do whatever they want. Which involves insulting someone until they cry.
Step 2: As an owner, you must lie to another owner just to make yourself seem innocent compared to everyone else. You also must cause wars for literally no reason whatsoever. That will get you new enemies. You also must be real darn careful because your enemies will try to hack you at any moment! Man, making enemies sure was worth it.
Step 3: If you are an owner, you must set a terrible example for everyone else! Act like an immature brat so everyone else will do the same! You must act like you are superior to everyone so you seem like the coolest one around. Everyone will copy you. So more insults got thrown around.
Step 4: Insult the old owner even though, without them, your group probably wouldn’t exist.
And those are the steps to somehow having an group with 2000 members! What? A bunch of people have been exposing you on Tumblr or Google Docs? I’m sorry, I never said your attitude towards other had consequences. Whoops!
I honestly wanted to say so much more, but I feel like this blog is getting to long. So I’m just going to leave it here. I wanted to do this so IGS faces the consequences of what they have done to people in the present and past. I will hardly be on Tumblr so, see you around. I suppose?
158412836057/ending-this-once-and-for-all Cosmic’s Blog. ^^^
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