#but this one has a bd-1 so (: i like it now <3 thank u anon
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months ago
BD-1 is the most adorable droid ever known to mankind or alien kind 💕
ive been having a bit of a bad week (bc of reasons that largely include "my phone almost blew up and i had to get a new one and i miss my old phone") but this ask inspired me to decorate my new phone and i feel less oof abt it now <3
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mrs-monaghan · 2 years ago
Hey Shaz it's my bd but unfortunately I'm not celebrating it so I came to your blog bcuz it brings me joy so I was wandering if you could mention some jikook sus moments that made you a jikooker with or without receipt. Thank you
Why are u not celebrating? 🥺 Happy Birthday my lovely!!!
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Please be happy today. No matter what.
I did not believe in Jikook because of a single moment. I talk about my journey here. I have Mizgator to thank for my current state 🤭🤭
So since that's that, guess I'll just find u some random sus Jikook moments for your birthday 😁😁
Exhibit a) Run Bts episode 133 members were supposed to identify the lips presented and Jimin did not even hesitate for a second before saying which lips were JK's
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I find that highly suspicious, don't you?
Exhibit b) Jimin messing up during a live and saying this is our room
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He corrects himself but its too late. Armys caught it. Jikook and sharing hotel rooms... An ongoing saga. Wbk 😁
Exhibit c) Jimin going from this
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To this
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Satellite Jimin at work. At least he was subtle.🤭🤭
Exhibit d)
Right. Now watch that again and notice that where JK touches is most definitely NOT where Jimin hit him. You are not in pain JK, just say you want Mimi's attention and go
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Exhibit e) Jimin is Jungkook's toy and he likes the way JK plays with him
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I.... don't even know where to begin with this one, anon...
Exhibit f) Its common knowledge in the fandom that Jimin likes to bend the candles when he prepares cakes for members
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So when JK's brother posted his birthday cake that one time....
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Two plus two is 4 minus one is 3 quick maths! 🎵🎵 man's not hot. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
Exhibit g) i believe is self explanatory
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#feels 🥺🥺
Exhibit h) Is not really sus. I just wanted to throw it in here coz I find it so cute!!! Jimin didn't want JK to be left out. The way he yells for JK over and over will always be sooooo funny to me. Best part being JK's face
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He's like; babe, calm tf down, I'm here 😂😂😂
No, but this habit of Jimin always being responsible for JK amuses the hell out of me. Whether its telling him to put his toe socks away or apologising to the flying yoga teacher for JK's behaviour, I just love to see it guys. Rare moments of Jimin actually acting like the hyung he is 😂😂😂
Exhibit h) Bon Voyage 1 episode 4. As they prepare to take the photo;
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After the photo has been taken, Boom!
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I love when JK doesn't even try to be subtle. Anygays, teleport JK ftw 🙌🏽
Exhibit i) Bon Voyage sn 2 episode 3. Members are playing for pocket money and it's JK's last chance.
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He had failed before and didn't have any money so he was nervous
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Guess who else was nervous?
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Birthday anon that's kinda sus, no? Why is Jimin nervous? He wasn't nervous when other members were playing, why nervous for JK? Guess he was worried about his baby not getting anything to eat 🥺🥺
Exhibit j) Last but not least, is not sus at all, its just me throwing shade because I can 😌 Bon voyage season 4
V as JK's co-driver:
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Vs Jimin as JK's co-driver.
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He he he heee 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Anyone who's watched it can confirm that this isn't me being an unreliable narrator. This actually happened. Tkk were so.... they were just there. While Jikook on the other hand were having the time of their lives. ☕☕
Happy Birthday anon! All the best 😘😘😘
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theshitthatidoishere · 4 years ago
Ask post owo
DoloresdaizhamorganI said: i refuse to believe Neji died. Although I did have a really bizarre dream that during the war, an outbreak spread causing the deceased shinobi, our beloved Neji included, to come back as vampires who WERE NOT susceptible to sunlight, a steak to the heart, nor anything common to end a vampire. Yeah, that's what happens when you've been binging vampire horror for three straight weeks with no interruptions. Btw, NejiTen is amazing and beautiful.
1. What r u talking abt?? neji didn’t die he’s alive and happy and alive 👌
2.hhshahshah ok that’s a weird dream but i admit that neji vampire sounds cool
3. Totally agree
@spaneji-roll has said: What if Neji, tenten and Lee would be secret agents like that one skit in naruto SD? I think we all know tenten would be the bad ass one, Lee would almost get killed with every impulsive decision he would make but he'd come out fine and Neji. Neji is just James bond but better because he's Neji.
Omg yeEeeEeeEeEeeeEs i like this sm, and i love the outfits of that skit too so perfect ✨✨
Why do you ship nejiten? Tenten didn't even cry when Neji died. She just recalled him when Guy and Lee were making a fuss. She said,"Why did you leave me Neji?" Or something along those lines. I don't see any romantic aspect in their relationship. They were just teammates who respected each other. P. S. This is not a hate ask towards Nejiten or what you believe in. I want to know your opinion because yours is the only Nejiten blog I follow. P. S. S. I really like your art. It's so beautiful.
Guys if i could tell i really would but the thing is that i don’t even know what i like nt, once i was seeing papabay’s art on Pinterest (not knowing who papabay was xd) and i said “wow this shit is good” and i ended obsessed just like with everything that i like lmao ;_;
Idk i just like that if they were in a relationship it would be so GOOD AND NOT TOXIC LIKE THE OTHER NART RELATIONSHIPS, like just vibing and respecting to each other, but idk just my brain daydreaming xd
Also thank u sm🥺💙🥺💙💙
Hc that hizashi and gai knew each other before the incident...
Y E S but hizashi and gai are in different generations so idk how...maybe a mission?
That scene where baby neji is training with hizashi....HES LIKE A LITTLE TEDDY BEAR IS SO CUTE !!!
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What do you think of LeeSaku?
Sakura deserved better and lee too so yeah i like it 👍
Do you want to hear a song rec? :33
Sure owo
I don’t remember with what drawing i got this ask but thank you and sorry🥺🥺🥺🥺💙💙
That is legit the funniest hate ask I have seen, like you need to know your philosophy to understand my insult, p e a s a n t
I still don’t understand if it was a hate ask or just a meme ngl
search deadname remover on chrome web store that might help úwù
I would use that if i had a computer bc it doesn’t let me in the ipad :’(
After Hiashi dies hizashi is waiting there with a Gun.
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What’s art style bend?
It’s an artist challenge where you have to do a drawing without all the characteristics that define your art style owo
Til that I’m actually taller than hiashi idk why that’s so funny to me but it is...
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Hiashi smol hiashi smol
Imagine hiashi get kicked in the head...literally
Yes please....
I accidentally read that birthday post as habirth ppyday, And was very confused. then I realized I was a fuckin moron and read it right, but anyway, habirth ppyday mel since I’m too much of a coward to say it in their inbox
@meloodles happy late bd from part of this anon xddd
Can I PLEASE get a waffle can I PLEASE get a fuckign waffle
Would you like an egg?
Yes ngl 🍳
wha t does "omnipotenttable mean?
It’s from a nickname that i had a few years ago, when i was making my ig account with some friends they were like “let’s put you table” and i said “just if you put omnipotent before”, and that’s it xd
Rock lee more like broccoli
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What’s your favorite brush?
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what art piece do you feel proudest of?
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This two owo
Have you watched into the woods? Idk I think it’s a pretty good musical.
Nup i haven’t, usually i don’t like musicals but maybe I’ll give it a try
Hey I hope you’re ok, sending you love 💕💕💕
I’m fine now but who knows when I’ll feel like poop again ;-;, I’m trying to not and take advantage of the days that i feel good 💙💙
Does Chile celebrate Labor Day?
Yes we do!
hey i read your tw post and just wanted to send u some love!! pls try to hang in there. i love u and i wanna wake up and see ur art again! i wanna see u interact with asks again! i know hope is hard to come by and even harder to keep but it really is the only thing we can do in times like this. please hang in there! i love you!! ❤❤❤❤💕💗💗💞💓💓💓
You motivated me to answer all the ask today so thank you sm 💙💙🥺💙🥺💙🥺, I’m doing my best I’m almost two days without skin picking myself, i’ll try as much as i can i promise 💙💙, love ya
@catkinies has said : YOUR HEADER!!!! GOLD!!! HANABABY!!! ❤️❤️❤️
We gave explosives to hanababy xddd 🤯🤯
i searched ctm and SHELL YOUR MOTHER??? guess i cant complain but WHAT
Jahsjjakajajja this is a CLASSIC, i would say that’s similar to motherfucker but not really 😔👊
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dojae-huh · 5 years ago
1/? (same anon) Yes the liev w ww. The vid made realize how annoyingly persistent jh was in being in dy's space. Its admirable haha anyways again Speculation time! I remember u saying that in ennana jh said smth about being wistful (?) melancholic (?) (sorry i don't remember the term u used) in ukraine that made u wonder if he considered moving on from his feelings. Blackhaired dy happened late 2017 or beginning of 2018 its possible he had made up his mind/accepted himself by then,
2/? w just a few more things he's waiting to fall into place which may include empathy promotions, members views, family acceptance or assurance of jh's love. If we go w jh confessing a second time, him being sort of thoughtful and sad (?) in ukraine may hv rooted from another albeit lighter rejection like u suggested "thank you for loving me (still/all this time)" Then maybe during his bday jh was extra happy bc its sort of a reassurance that they won't undergo another awkward phase-
3/? and that they're good and he can settle w that now. With that in mind, he will then be thrown off the loop the very next day (cooking vlive) by something dy said in relation to his confession/feelings (that he hypothetically made peace w during the hypothetical second time) Maybe its an "I've been thinking about your feelings/our friendship" or "what do u think about others' opinion" or smth-
4/4 w/o making jh too hopeful (thus his antsy and unfocused self during the vlive bc "why is he suddenly bringing this up? " "is our friendship at stake?") while on the otherhand dy was already on his way with slowly reciprocating that's why he's relaxed (bc he now knows/he has plans) but still wary (bc they're risking a lot)
You know, sometimes I ponder over the question of which members had known about Jaedo or at least Jaehyun’s crush before the couple came out to the group. I know that Koreans are pretty determined to not see “gay”, but how badly? 
Unfortunetely, I can’t remember where have I read those Jae’s words about Ukraine. I need to be sure my memory isn’t playing tricks with me. I’m rather positive I remember correctly because the sentiment surprised me enough, but I don’t want to go all out with speculations without having the source to back me up. 
Hm, February 14th is Valentine’s day and on 14th 127 had a fanmeeting dedicated to the holiday. Jae could have caught the spirit and carry it to EnNaNa. Tae and Do visited the radio, so the four members probably celebrated Jae’s BD after the programme ended (JohnDo often ate in a cafe at night after work, so the guys had the option to not go to the dorms right away). Words and repeated confessions could have been said.
One thing I can say for sure about Jae during the cooking vlive. He wanted it to end as soon as possible and to have a talk with Doyoung. He was in a very inbetween restless state. I’m also sure there was no confession from Doyoung’s side. Or we would have had this smug Jaehyun. 
Doyoung is a planner, who does everything meticilously and overthinks too much. He was both very relaxed (the way he was relaxed sitting between Jae’s legs and later docused on the cooking) and a little bit wary (glances thrown at other members, a bit of shyness, when Jae touched him). His behaviour would make sense to me if he had set his plan in motion before the cooking vlive, made a first step (like giving a couple bracelet as a gift).  
Huh, that’s an idea. Let me check. They do wear bracelets, but it’s hard to tell if it’s the Jaedo couple one. The definition is so bad... By the way, I often mention Do fixing a gas stove and Jae remembering to open up the window. Here is the moment at 1:15-2:55.
OK, Do’s is the couple one. So what if he appeared wearing it and that what surprised Jae? Idols often wear same bracelets, rings as a sign of their close friendship, so it doesn’t nesessary have romantic connotation.
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The problem with these bracelets is that Hyuk and Tae had similar ones, but the two of them wore them once or twice. Jaedo didn’t take theirs off for half a year, Jaehyun still likes to wear his to important occasions. 
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