#but this man's blog almost requires desktop
ryuojun · 2 years
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lord help me i’m gonna put six years of lore and a thousand links into a pinned post if it kills me
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izder456 · 3 months
So, you are new to OpenBSD
Great pick! This is a great operating system. But not for the faint of heart.
I have been daily driving it for nearly two years now. Here is what I found has been helpful for me.
Official Documentation
So, first things first. You should read the docs. OpenBSD has a very RTFM attitude (as in: Read The Fucking Manual). You will only get out what you put in. Put on that learning cap, and get hacking s0n!
Install Guide - Each platform that OpenBSD supports has a plaintext install guide. This is the first place you should go for a new install. It is in the /<Release>/<Platform>/INSTALL.<Platform> file in the mirrors. Check the CDN mirror to find your architecture. The CDN Link
The F.A.Q. - This is the Holy Grail of documentation. It serves as the main guide for all things OpenBSD. From ports, to managing Virtual Machines with vmm(4)
The Manpages - These are a bit less intuitive. But good to use to reference config file formats, or command-line switches. you can access them with man(1) or apropos(1)
afterboot(8) - after install, type man 8 afterboot in your shell prompt to see what steps you should take on your fresh install.
Some Unofficial Places To Use
The Handbook - This handbook is infrequently updated, and has sometimes incorrect information. Nonetheless, use it sparingly. It is a decent cross reference.
The Jumpstart Guide - This quick and dirty crash course on OpenBSD is quite nice. Worth checking out.
why-openbsd.rocks - This site details different neat features from OpenBSD
OpenBSD Workstation for the People - This page walks through a common desktop setup process for new to OpenBSD users. This is pretty well put. Highly recommend.
Small Tips
I recommend that you hook the machine up to ethernet for the install. Why? Lots of Wifi drivers need firmware and as per canadian law they can’t distribute that so it gets downloaded from the mirrors during the install process. If you don't have a network set up for the install, the system will also attempt to download and install them during the first boot too. The drm firmware for your graphics hardware, cpu, & virtualization hardware also likely need firmware too.
Use a SSD. OpenBSD's filesystem, ffs, is pretty slow. From my experience, it clocks somewhere slightly behind ext4 on linux. Use a SSD and thank me later.
Some Small Misc. Resources
OpenBSD can have iffy performance out of the box. Follow this video for tuning that.
If on laptop, follow solene%'s blog on her program obsdfreqd
I previously had given a bad tip here where I recommended that you use non default partitioning. I retract this. Nick Holland had this to say regarding partitioning:
I reject your claim that the default OpenBSD partitioning sucks (kinda or otherwise). There is great reason for how it is done. Your alternative of a big root partition has big issues.
Not going to go into all the details...but having a small root partition saves you from discovering that your writing something (say...a tape backup) out to a device in /dev is has just been dumping to a file, you have no backup. When root fills, you have an issue.
/usr/local is ALMOST required on a non-stock system. Some packages don't work with W^X and require the wxallowed flag, which is something you DON'T want on any other file system (though it is worth seeing if you can get away without the wxallowed flag -- some ports work just fine without it!).
If you look at the mount options on the default install, there's a magical elegance to them. Places where normal users can write are mounted "nosuid" and "nodev". Places where things can be suid and devices are not writable by normal users. That's a non-trivial security win.
There are mods I do. Most of my systems, I have no desire to build from source, so I don't have a /usr/src or /usr/obj partition, though I often leave them there in case I want to move things around later. The default root of 1G is still bigger than I like (I like catching errors of right stuff, wrong directory early, not later). I usually knock down the size of /home -- I disagree with the philosophy that most people have: "I have a 1TB disk, I want it all allocated!" No -- I prefer to do the base install fairly small, and leave the rest of the disk unallocated until/unless needed. But I've been using OpenBSD for 25 years now...I know what it needs and what I need and how to work with it. Until you know what you are doing, the default partitioning scheme is a great starting point.
His website is here: http://nickh.org
Thanks for clearing that up Nick!
Personally, This is what I do:
I just think that the amount of default partitions is too high.
currently, I split mine up into a few partitions:
a / 4gb
d /usr 4gb
l /usr/local 32gb
h /home (rest of drive)
(I keep my label letters mostly mnemonic outside of a and d, for some reason d felt right for /usr, and a is normally /)
I write ports, so /usr/obj, /usr/package & /usr/ports are symlinked to subdirs in home:
This is so I can optionally use mfs filesystems for packages & obj, and unmount when the compiled objects are too big for memory.
Currently they are mounted as 3gb to obj, and 1gb to packages
Happy Hacking!
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system76 · 4 years
Behind the Scenes of System76: Sales Team
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The System76 Behind the Scenes series aims to give readers an inside look at the people behind our mission. This week, we spoke with VP of Sales Sam Mondlick about the challenges of conducting business during a pandemic, and how long it’ll take the Sales Team to make a certain blog author a millionaire.
You know. The important things.
Take a moment to describe the different functions of the Sales Team.
The Sales Team itself is currently made up of two different positions. The Customer Experience Specialist (CES) is the first line of conversation with System76 with regards to anything order-related. Their job is to make your process from purchase to shipment as easy as possible and provide you with as much information as you might need, such as giving status updates about orders or answering questions that may have arisen.
The other position within Sales is Account Management. They’re the people you talk to from first inquiry to System76 about products. These guys help anyone, from my 80-year-old grandma who’s looking to transition from Windows to Linux, to Fortune 50 companies. They deal with a wide variety of customer base, so they’re pretty much experts in getting the customer what they need.
Then there’s the Product Management side of Sales. The Product Manager stays up to date on all-new technology, and then informs and directs the team. The position was built to ensure System76 is at the forefront of new and exciting technologies, whether that’s within the Thelio product line or in the form of updates that come to our laptops. And that could be as simple as tracking memory updates from DDR4 to DDR5, or with PCIe 3.0 updating to PCIe 4.0. For things like that we’ll track and update products throughout their lifetime.
What is the guiding principle for how the System76 Sales Team operates?
The Sales Team philosophy we push is what I call, “Consultative Sales.” We’re here to be an assistant to the user in order to get them the right product for the job; we’re not going to upgrade you for the sake of upgrading. The team is there to understand what you want to accomplish so that they can get you the right machine with the optimal performance for your use case.
What factors into the decision to introduce a new product?
There’s quite a few factors internally that we’ll go through. Looking at our product line we ask ourselves, is there something that’s missing from it? And if we do find something, what are the benefits to it? How is it going to make us as a company better, and us as a provider of Linux-based technologies the right fit for our customers?
For the Lemur Pro, battery life had always been a high-value item for our customer base. Before the Lemur Pro and Darter Pro were introduced about 2 years ago, the average battery life on a System76 computer was about 3-5 hours. The ability to introduce a product with a higher battery wattage allowed us to extend battery life almost threefold. That value is really what drives a product forward. 
What is your team’s background with Linux?
A lot of the team members have a background in Linux as users. That’s what we tend to typically hire and bring on. They are apt in review and understanding, and helping customers that have specific tasks and needs within the Linux environment. Charles was using Raspberry Pis in order to do some cool things, and Bradley used Ubuntu even before he was hired. The same can be said for Jeremy and John. They all believe that Linux is the right tool for people, and they showcase that for incoming customers. Even if they’re not tech-savvy within Linux, there’s a background there with using it and seeing it in the wild.
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What challenges did the pandemic present when it first started?
I think at the very beginning, the biggest challenge for us was the loss of the team camaraderie. A lot of Sales is personal relationships, and the team feeds off of each other, so having everyone in the same area was a huge benefit pre-pandemic.
In the first month or so after it started, there were definitely challenges with productivity and communication because Sales works a lot with Engineering, Support, and other departments in order to give the customers the information they need to make an educated decision, or to update them on the status of their order.
But, I think one of the best tools we have is our employee messaging client. That was already ingrained in us as something that was used pre-pandemic that really started to show its value post-pandemic, especially with the team members being in different homes—and in some cases, different states. It allowed us to provide our staff with as much as they needed to make their environment feel like they were still in an office, still able to get the camaraderie, and still able to get almost the same instantaneous response as they would in the office, but now done remote.
Our ability to put tech first, especially within Sales and Service, is one of the things we do really well. We never throw people at a problem. By that I mean we don’t delegate a problem up the chain to solve it. Instead we work for a solution, and our people evolve into that solution. From my viewpoint, we’ve established that a remote environment is as productive as an in-person environment, which has opened up the door for System76 to grow. Instead of working within a local pool, we’ve now moved to the ocean. Whereas you used to have to hire and work to provide resources for new hires to move to Denver so they can work with the team, now we can bring on team members from pretty much anywhere on the globe to come help make System76 better. 
System76 has seen steady growth in the past year despite drastic political and economic changes. What do you attribute the success to?
I think we’ve matured as an organization. We have introduced products and product lines that are meeting and exceeding a lot of different customer requirements. When I look at our desktop line from when I started seven years ago, our options were the Ratel, the Wild Dog, the Leopard, and the Sable. With production moving in-house and the introduction of Thelio in the last two and a half years, keeping in mind both Intel and AMD, we’ve gone from offering a four-desktop solution to nine.
Laptop and desktop quality has also increased in the last seven years, and a lot of that has to do with what we’ve done in our new manufacturing facility. We have made leaps and bounds with regards to what we’re doing with software engineering now. There’s a huge demand for what our Software Engineering Team has done, driven by Jeremy and our open firmware/open EC that speak to a lot of people. Companies are looking at an open source solution instead of proprietary because they want more control over what their team and their organization are doing.
One of the things we’ve noticed is that our business clients have grown. There’s significantly more support and drive from both the end user and the corporate side to make it so Linux is a valued and desired solution for their teams. Today, I can probably put a Windows 10 machine next to my Pop!_OS 20.10 machine and accomplish everything in the same amount of time or faster. Maybe I’m not using the same applications, but anything I as a businessperson could do within Windows, I can now do with Pop!_OS or Ubuntu. The Linux ecosystem is continuously changing, and that only helps us as a company.
You’ve been at System76 for quite a while. What’s it been like watching the company grow?
It’s amazing. When I started at the company, I was really the first Sales-oriented person. I was the 8th employee at the time, and now I’m the 5th-oldest employee of System76 out of over 50 employees. So it’s huge, man.
When you look at a lot of big corporations, change is hard to make happen. It’s looked at as too different, too risky. But here, change is really something we strive for. We work to be different, to be new, to figure out new ways to help our customers or create solutions to help them, or figure out ways that can change us for the better that you just typically wouldn’t see from a corporation.
What was your favorite moment?
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When I first looked at System76, back when we were only offering Ubuntu, I saw the beginning of something very similar to another major player. Very grassroots, very much specialized and hardware-specific. They also created their own operating system, so when I interviewed in 2014, I made comments during my interview with Carl that I expected us to probably produce our own operating system as well. I thought that would be our endgame as a company. At that time, and Carl might contradict my memory on this, but I remember he didn’t think that would ever happen. And then in October 2017, we released the first version of Pop!_OS. That made everything come kind of full-circle for me.
The following year, we brought hardware inside in order to make it the best that we could. So in three short years from me starting, we took what we were doing and elevating it to something that only a handful of companies do, and do well. Our potential is really limitless from what I’ve seen so far, and it’s very apparent with what we’ve done with Pop!_OS since its release, as well as where we’ve taken Thelio. I bet you we never thought we would’ve implemented something like i3 tiling into Pop!_OS. I really goes back to how we view change. We embrace it. We see it as trying to do something better than we did before. Carl and the Engineering Team view software as always being about revision, and we bring that philosophy back to hardware and back to the company as a whole.
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mediagames196 · 4 years
Intel.Com how to build a gaming pc
Of Wolf's Gaming Blog
It is time to recognize the ideal gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I applied to watch the Feedback video more than at G4 each and every week, but it's gone down hill the final handful of times I watched it and now that Adam Sessler isn't on it and they have that girl from IGN that absolutely everyone hates in every episode I just cannot be bothered to watch it any additional. Nonetheless worth going back and watching some of the older ones though. Klepic utilised to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the greatest. Back when they truly talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect alternatively of just gushing about what ever game they are told is cool this week.
You are quietly accepting and at peace with your selection to develop into a board gamer for life. Your household knows you really like board games and possibly play them with you. Your friends know appreciate board games, and you have terrific gaming groups. You've committed to assigning aspect of your residence to be a board gaming area. For the very first time, you've started to remove games from your collection. Perhaps you have sold the games, or you just never have space to maintain practically all of them. Mentally you accept that you do not will need to play each and every game, and you have most likely narrowed down a handful of games that you want to play consistently.
I got into action games late but when I did it completely changed how I viewed gaming forever. The game which brought me round was Viewtiful Joe. Right here was a game with a deep and open-ended combat system which seemed to be built as a implies for the player to express creativity. This system is then pitted against opponents and obstacles which had been created from the ground up to interact meaningfully with the core system. The course was fixed, but the process for dealing with that course was absolutely down to the ingenuity, talent and inspiration of the player. You play like you have a big audience watching and the game regularly entices you to strengthen the focus is not merely on getting the player from A to B, the focus is on obtaining the player to play Viewtifully”.
Nowadays is the day! I will be steadily releasing the names of the major ten gaming blogs of 2014. Seeking over this list, I am positively blown away. So quite a few amazing posts this year! If you had been disappointed by the Ennies… if you feel that the true deep thinkers in gaming commentary don't get the interest they deserve… well, people, we are going to fix that.
Green Man Gaming is a global pure play e-commerce and technologies company in the video games industry fuelled by an unhealthy obsession with bringing the magic of games to everybody. The company's geeky information, information and IP sit at the core of the organization and is what drives it to come to be a technology leader in the video games ecosystem.
The way To Instruct GAMING Better Than Anyone Else
CrystalSkull is packed with adequate functions to assist you develop almost any form of gaming site with WordPress. The integrated assessment program implies your content will rival the articles found on the major gaming review internet sites. With CrystalSkull, you'll be in a position to create your personal custom criteria for your evaluations, then add a score for every single item, before awarding a final general rating for the assessment.
The stereotypical image of the geeky gamer, sitting alone in his space, playing video games all night extended, is lengthy gone. Gamers have develop into the genuine stars of social media. No other niche has grown so immensely with the age of social media than the field of gaming. Supported by social media like YouTube and the live-streaming platform Twitch, the numbers of gaming channels boomed. No wonder that brands recognized the potential that these gaming influencers bring with them. We have place with each other a list of some of the greatest gaming influencers you need to know.
Why we like it: It is impossible to develop a list of finest game podcasts and not include this a single. Certainly the greatest retro games podcast about, which is a incredibly exciting and thoughtful exploration of gaming history with some awesome stories. Miracast is advised for watching videos, surfing the web, and using apps. The gaming expertise is nevertheless becoming optimized for latency and smoothness.
Augmented reality games are becoming a front-runners of gaming business. These days, this is not just the fantastical idea. AR games let you to fight aliens, capture fantastical creatures, defend kingdoms in the real globe. And all of this is probable without super pricey headsets - just an AR-enabled smartphone or console is required. Wolf's Gaming Blog is on a run to give you the most accurate and truthful reviews on the top games in Xbox One, Individual Computer system games and Board games. With this website in your bookmarks tab, the weather is often https://anabeii.online/ excellent to get your hands on some on-line games.
We're going to the International Festival for Business enterprise this month and will be hosting a exceptional event Inspiring Entrepreneurs '˜Going Global' where top enterprise persons will tell us the secrets of their good results. One particular of these entrepreneurs is Paul Sulyok, CEO and Founder of Green Man Gaming Green Man Gaming is a pioneering, international eCommerce technologies enterprise that has gone from strength to strength considering that its launch in 2010. We asked him how he did it.
Blogs listed should really be either mainly about board games, or contain adequate relevant content to be thought of a 'gaming blog'. Tech Guided is a technology and gaming community web site that publishes articles on the most effective Computer, CPU, video game cards and other valuable gadget reviews that is needed for a smooth gaming encounter.
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Considerably, for many of these men and women, their mobile phone will be their very first personal computer - a so-referred to as ‘mobile-first generation' - so most of the items we do on desktop or laptops, they will be performing on mobiles, again which includes all their gaming. Here is a couple of of the most effectively-recognized gaming sites exactly where you can get the latest news from.
The future of gaming is a world exactly where you are empowered to play the games you want, with the men and women you want, whenever you want, wherever you are, and on any device of your choosing. Our vision for the evolution of gaming is comparable to music and motion pictures — entertainment should really be offered on demand and accessible from any screen. Nowadays, I'm excited to share with you a single of our crucial projects that will take us on an accelerated journey to that future planet: Project xCloud.
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quirkykayleetam · 5 years
Water Torture
Originally published for Bad Things Happen Bingo.  Reposting because of issues with tagging and notifications.  Direct sequel to Grabbed by the Hair.  Part of the Broken Pieces Universe.  Can be read as a one-shot.  Will be continued.  See tags for trigger warnings.
The last time the Faceless Men cut Jay out of their zip ties, Jay did not fight them.  As blood streaked down their neck, arms, and legs, burning through scars that were never left alone long enough to heal, Jay tried not to picture the whip cutting blood trails through their back.  They tried not to imagine the pain of the knife plunging into the soft spots of their rib cage and the agonizing twist their torturer always gave it before pulling it out.  They tried not to imagine their throat growing hoarse around screams they knew they could not stop.
It was just another day, Jay thought.  Another round of tortuous pain that they would endure for their mother, their clients, their bosses, anyone they could think of that would benefit from this.  Jay didn’t think that could get through it just for themselves.
This time when Jay was dragged into the solid metal room on unresponsive legs, there was no whip that they could see, no knife, no chafing manacles.  There was only a bucket of green and brackish water.  The goons behind them somehow forced Jay’s stiff and aching body into a kneeling position before the vessel as Jay stared at it blankly.  Then a new man forced Jay’s wrists’ together and Jay’s screamed.
The Faceless Man had broken Jay’s hands and fingers weeks ago, crunching them to bloody bits.  Jay had made sure of that.  While the rest of their body had frozen to numbness in their captivity, however, Jay’s hands still hurt like the day the hammer had slammed down on them.
I had to, Jay thought desperately.  It was the only way to…
Half-way through their thought and their scream, however, they were thrust forward.  Jay sucked briney water into their lungs as a strong hand, fisted in their hair, forced Jay’s head into the bottom of the bucket.
Within moments, Jay’s vision began to go black around the edges.  Their world was on fire.  The piercing agony in their hands was nothing compared to the burning that coursed from their throat through their entire body.
Jay wanted to relax, to let death take them.  Logically, they knew that was how this was going to end.  They couldn’t give the Faceless Men what they wanted.  As soon as they discovered that, this torture would end and their execution would begin.  But logic didn’t exist in this watery inferno.  There was only panic and pain and an instinctive part of Jay calling out to every fiber of their being that they were going to DIE.  Their legs tried to kick out in protest.  It came out more like a brief spasm.  Their head tried to struggle against the grip forcing them down, but Jay wasn’t strong enough.  They were already having trouble remembering which way was down anymore.
Just as they heart struggled with its last beat against the all-consuming blackness overwhelming Jay’s eyes, the hand behind them forced up them.
Air!  There should be air, right?
“Passcodes!” a voice barked roughly.  Jay did not hear it.  They were too busy dying on the floor.
Jay collapsed bonelessly with the hand no longer there to hold them up.  Their body spasmed wildly.  All they knew was that they were vomiting fire.
Water spilled from Jay’s lungs in hacking coughs as their body struggled to breathe again.  If Jay could have curled up into themselves, they would have, but they didn’t have the strength.  They thought they had known exhaustion before.  They were wrong.  The adrenaline that flooded their body only moments ago in an instinctual burst immediately spewed out of Jay, leaving him drained and shaking and… was disoriented the word for when Jay didn’t know what was the ceiling and what was the floor and whether there was someone else there.
Suddenly that hand gripped Jay’s throat, cutting off their air again.  Jay wanted to cry, to scream, to beg, anything, but couldn’t.  They just hung in their torturer’s fist like a puppet with its strings’ cut.
“Passcodes!” the man in the mask demanded.
When Jay didn’t move, he hovered the captive’s face over the bucket.
Jay’s whole body shook uncontrollably.  They couldn’t do that again.  It was more than just pain.  It was dying, the simulation.  In that bucket they could kill Jay again and again and still ask him for his mother’s Social Security Number.  Hell, they could ask Jay to confess to murder and Jay would do it just to make them stop.
Four, Jay’s logical brain supplied, picking their favorite number in the space between life and death where that logic still mattered.  Let me do this four times and then I can break and it’ll be okay.  I’ll have held out long enough.  I’ll have made my father proud.
Jay didn’t know if they made it to four times.
They didn’t know if it was strength or weakness that surged through them.
They just knew through burning fire and chilling water, hard metal and punishing force they managed to choke out two words: “I can’t.”
“Can’t what?  Go another round?” the man with the hand demanded.
“My…hands…” Jay gasped.  “Broken…you broke…my hands…”
The man lifted Jay up against and Jay grew desperate.
“Can’t give you…passcodes.  Not without…my hands…”  They tried to hold up their mangled appendages to prove their point, but that was too much.  The hand still had them by their neck.  It started dropping them towards the bucket.
No!  No no no no, Jay wanted to yell.  Then everything went black.
Jay awoke back in their cell.  The chair was gone so they huddled mutely against the wall.  They were wet to the core, but it didn’t matter.
Faceless Men cycled in and out in an endless spiral, getting Jay’s full story, learning of the final security measure to Morgan Security’s computer system, a measure Jay had programmed himself.
Jay was almost too exhausted to smile as he explained it.  The system required Jay to type in his own unique 6-phrase passcode, a passcode that would only be marked correct if the computer detected the exact speed and pressure of Jay’s typing presence, a typing presence that could not be mimicked by man or machine and that Jay would never be capable of making again, not with mangled, broken hands.
Jay could see the Men get desperate.  They brought Jay’s office desktop in for testing.  Jay didn’t know how they’d gotten it, but supposed it didn’t matter now.  They broke Jay’s nose anew, forcing his hands onto the keys, but one look at his crumbled fingers spluttering against the hard plastic convinced them it was useless.
Jay was now useless.  He had been useless for weeks when they could have tracked down other leads instead of focusing their might on him.
There was anger.
Jay took their beating in silence, finally able to curl up against the cold metal when they left.
You did it, Jay told themselves.  You did what you wanted to do, all that you could do.  You were a distraction, a stumbling block, a bug in their code.  Hopefully Morgan Security would realize that, would continue to take care of their mother after their death.  Hopefully the Faceless Men would never get their hands on what they wanted.  Hopefully…
But to be honest, Jay didn’t have very much hope left.  They knew their death wouldn’t be painless.  They doubted it would be fast.  They were struck with a sudden sadness that no one beside their boss would probably ever notice.  Jay would just seep out of this world with their only mark on it being a lack of evil, not a creation of anything good.
Was that something to be proud of?  Jay didn’t know.  So they slept in their cell and waited for the end.  If they shed a tear or two, would it have mattered?  Jay didn’t know that either, so there’s no use telling you.
Tagging the Broken Pieces Crew: (If you want to be added or taken off this list, just let me know!):  @stoic-whumpee, @whatwasmyprevioususername, @whumpty-dumpty-fell-off-the-wall, @straight-to-the-pain, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @0idril0, @fallingstormphoenix, @whump-fantasies, @imagination1reality0, @whumpback-wail
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go To Bonsai Tree Painting On Your Own | Bonsai Tree Painting
The Evercade is both the latest and coolest handheld on the market. Instead of absorption on avant-garde amateur A titles, it looks through gaming history and brings abounding archetypal amateur to new carts. With that said, not aggregate accessible for the Evercade is anxiously retro. The Mega Cat Studios – Collection 1 armament showcases ten homebrew titles appear by Mega Cat Studios. These are amateur that assignment on old NES/Genesis/etc systems, but were appear far afterwards those systems’ heyday. Read on for a attending central capacity on this cartridge’s set of ten titles to see if this is a charge buy for you.
The exhausted ’em up brand is arranged abounding of alarming titles, but they’re not usually parodies of themselves. Almost Hero puts players in the role of a ninja hopeful. Does our ninja advocate achievement to save the world? No, they’re aloof gluttonous out bonsai seeds for a man that sells artisanal bonsai copse online. It’s a asinine set up for a air-conditioned game. Mechanically, Almost Hero plays like best ancillary scrolling exhausted ’em ups you’re already accustomed with.
The capital aberration is that every allotment of the bold is played argot in cheek. As you exhausted bottomward enemies, they’ll bark out meme-style quotes. Weapons sitting on the arena accommodate the brand of CDs, boomboxes and alike a Furby. Gameplay requires players to actualize the acceleration of a ninja in adjustment to abstain accepting pummeled. Apprehend to do a lot of kicking, punching and jumping to breach cautiously abroad from adversary fists. Afterwards downing bags of dudes, you’ll accrue abundant banknote to buy VHS tapes. These aren’t aloof for fun —
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Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Bonsai Tree in Walsall Studios Ceramics Bonsai Pot – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Here you are at our site, contentabove (Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go To Bonsai Tree Painting On Your Own | Bonsai Tree Painting) published .  At this time we are delighted to announce we have discovered an awfullyinteresting topicto be reviewed, namely (Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go To Bonsai Tree Painting On Your Own | Bonsai Tree Painting) Most people looking for details about(Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go To Bonsai Tree Painting On Your Own | Bonsai Tree Painting) and certainly one of these is you, is not it?
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41 best images about Bonsai Art on Pinterest | Trees .. | bonsai tree painting
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Trident Maple Bonsai Tree (Acer buergerianum), Root Over Rock Style at Don Valley Bonsai Roadshow, Sheffield – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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#109 Mini Golden Bonsai Tree Wire Sculpture Photograph by .. | bonsai tree painting
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Bonsai tree in foreground Japanese painting in background .. | bonsai tree painting
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Trident Maple Bonsai Tree, Root Over Rock Style in a Commercial Bonsai Nursery – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Bonsai Tree Ent by kgosselin on DeviantArt – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Beijing, Forbidden City, Bonsai – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Tree painting Bonsai tree sun Original fine art by treeartist – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Bonsai Tree Painting by Gianluca Cremonesi – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Bonsai Japan Tree Art HD Wallpapers Stock Photos | Desktop .. | bonsai tree painting
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Paintings | Paint Monkey – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Beijing, Forbidden City, Bonsai – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Yew (Taxus Baccata) Bonsai Tree at Don Valley Bonsai Roadshow, Sheffield 2010 – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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725 best Bonsai images on Pinterest – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Tiny Trees: The Art of Bonsai in Omiya-Koen – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Acrylic Painting – Simple Silhouette Painting – Bonsai .. | bonsai tree painting
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Bonsai Tree by Jeff-Drylewicz on DeviantArt – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Bonsai Tree- Randy Cole Paintings – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Bonsai Tree With Rollin Hills Mural – Andy K | bonsai tree painting
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CHERRY TREE BONSAI Original Large Oil Painting Flowers – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
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Bonsai Tree Wallpaper (67+ images) – bonsai tree painting | bonsai tree painting
The post Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go To Bonsai Tree Painting On Your Own | Bonsai Tree Painting appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/silver-birch-betula-pendula-bonsai-tree-in-walsall-studios-ceramics-bonsai-pot-bonsai-tree-painting.jpg
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thegatesfamilyfiles · 5 years
I’ve been doing something I’m calling the Fabulous 500 event on my main blog, and @aylin-sherill requested a small thing about Caranthir and his wife, Nina, set in this AU, so here it is, right here on this blog!
He is an odd man, my new employer.
It is not a secretary’s place to judge, of course; I am just relieved to have found work. So I do not judge, I merely observe.
Mr. Caranthir Gates is about thirty-four years old, tall and sturdy, with coarse dark hair and a tendency to turn very bright red when vexed. Privately, I think he is quite a nice-looking man in general, though when he is vexed he tends to lose his temper dramatically and throw things. I have not been on the receiving end of this, yet.
But it’s not his temper that makes him odd. He says almost nothing about himself, or his family, or his origins. I know he is English—his accent tells me that much, at least—but otherwise he could be an infamous criminal, for all I know.
I know, of course, that Thargelion Resort is not an entirely lawful establishment. I know that the casino Mr. Gates runs is not, in the strictest sense of the word, legal. But I enjoy my work, and I don’t mind keeping Mr. Gates’ secrets. Whatever they may be.
What I do know about Caranthir Gates is that he has brothers. Quite a few of them, it seems.
One of them calls the hotel one morning, introducing himself politely as Celegorm Gates, and I assume he must be someone Caranthir would like to speak to. Only moments after sending the call to Caranthir do I hear a shout of rage from behind the office door, and the sound of a telephone slamming down harshly.
Hurrying into the office, I see my employer standing behind his desk, face bright red fists clenched. The mess on the floor tells me that he has swept everything off his desktop in fury.
“Nina, in the future,” he snaps, “when my idiot of a third brother calls, I want you to hang up, preferably after cursing him out. Are we clear?”
“Er...yes. But for future reference, sir,” I say, hoping not to betray my nerves, “what is your general protocol for when your brothers call?”
“I suppose that depends on which brother it is. When Maedhros calls it’s generally with useful information, and I generally don’t mind talking to the twins. With the other ones, I take their calls on a case-by-case basis.”
“How many brothers do you have, sir?” I venture.
He blinks, as if shocked that I would dare to ask such a personal question. I brace myself for the inevitable dressing down—but it does not come.
“Six,” he says at last. “ I have six brothers. Three older, three younger.”
“How nice for you,” I say. “Do any of them live nearby?”
Caranthir shakes his head firmly. “No. The closest one lives in Brooklyn. The rest are...scattered.”
This is my cue, I understand, to stop asking questions. That’s all right with me.
We’ll learn all we need to know about each other soon enough.
When I speak with my mother, she talks in Polish and I talk in English. Mama is often annoyed with me for this, and I suppose I understand her reasoning, but we are Americans now. The more fluent and cultured my English is, the better I will be able to provide for us. Mama makes money taking in laundry, but with my father gone and several young siblings to support, her wages are not enough to live off of.
“How is your new job, Nina?” Mama asks me now, as she briskly folds a crisp white petticoat. “Are you working hard?”
“Yes, Mama. I am very busy, but it’s good work.”
“And your new boss, this Mr. Gates. Is he...respectful?”
“Oh, yes. He’s a perfect gentleman. Not like Mr. Taylor.” I shudder at the thought of my last employer, who thought pinching my bottom was an appropriate Christmas bonus. “It’s a good job, Mama. I promise.”
Mama sighs. “I know, my love. And I do appreciate the money you bring in. But I must say, I hope you don’t need to work forever. I would love to see you married.”
“Wishful thinking, Mama,” I say, shaking my head. “Wishful thinking.”
I am putting on my coat on Friday afternoon, ready to head home, when Caranthir summons me to his office.
“Miss Wisnewski,” he says without preamble as I nervously enter. “How long have you worked for me now?”
“Four weeks exactly, sir.”
“Is it that long? Extraordinary.” Caranthir shakes his head. “How the time has flown. And how do you feel you are doing, in your new position?”
“Well, I don’t want to brag, sir…”
“Never mind that. I want honesty, not modesty. Tell me the truth.”
I square my shoulders, looking him in the eye. “I feel I’m doing very well, sir. I am a quick learner and I am organized, and I make very few mistakes anymore. If you don’t mind me saying so.”
“No, I certainly don’t mind you saying so. As a matter of fact, I agree.” His lips quirk up in a faint smile. “Your mother and father must be quite proud of you.”
I swallow. “My mother is, yes, sir. My father...well, he is no longer with us, I’m afraid. He died of a fever, six years ago.”
To my great surprise, Caranthir’s expression softens. “I’m sorry to hear that. My father was taken from us as well, back in ‘94.”
“How unfortunate. Was he ill?”
“No.” Caranthir’s brow creases in pain. “He was shot. By some low-life gangster named Gothmog Brandle. My brothers and I have put a great deal of time and effort into bringing him and his boss to justice.”
“Ah.” I am not entirely sure how to respond to this, but fortunately it seems Mr. Gates does not require a reply. Instead, he is reaching under his desk and pulling out a bottle of wine.
“If your family doesn’t need you at home straightaway,” he says, “would you care to have a drink with me?”
“Are you sure that’s appropriate, sir?” I ask, surprised.
“Confound appropriate. I am in charge here, I say it’s bloody well fine for a pair of hardworking folks to take a well-deserved drink together. Have a seat.”
I dutifully sit in the chair across from him, unable to entirely suppress a smile as he pours us each a glass.
He is an odd man, my new employer.
But somehow, I think I may be growing to care for him a great deal.
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nanowrimo · 6 years
4 Essential Strategies for Distraction-Free Writing
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Today, we���re here to help you cut out the distractions in your life and focus on your novel with FocusMe, a NaNoWriMo 2018 sponsor:
So... here we are one week into NaNoWriMo. Today’s theme is Distraction Free Day, but we have put together four essential tips for you to have a Distraction Free month!
Writing your first novel is quite a challenge. You keep staring at that white void in your word processor, and you think: How on Earth am I ever going to get this done? It’s very tempting to just give in to your fears and doubts then, and go do something easier.
During NaNoWriMo, the goal is to write 1,667 words per day—almost 12,000 words per week. Are you on track? It’s a daunting and intimidating challenge for first-time novelists. But perfectly doable, if you have a good strategy that enables you to create a story without being distracted all the time. Just as an army general doesn’t go into battle without a solid plan, so should a writer have one before entering into the war of art.
Follow these strategies, and you’ll join the countless number of people that can proudly call themselves novelists:
Strategy #1: Write In The Morning
“Why should it matter at what time of day I pick up my pen?”, you might ask.
Well, to be honest, a lot of writers have been successful despite each having their own different schedules and habits. Some write as soon as they get out of bed, others in the afternoon, while another might write in the depths of night. But that doesn’t mean there might not be an optimal time to get your writing done.
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There has actually been scientific research into this. Studies have shown that people are most productive in the morning. This is linked to our circadian rhythm, which is our body’s internal biological clock. This rhythm causes our alertness and concentration to peak right after getting up, until about noon, after which it starts to slide down again. And an increased level of focus will cause you to be much less be distracted. Getting to bed on time will of course increase this strategy’s effectiveness.
Strategy #2: Write Consistently
Routine, in an intelligent man, is a sign of ambition. A modern stoic knows that the surest way to discipline passion is to discipline time: decide what you want or ought to do during the day, then always do it at exactly the same moment every day, and passion will give you no trouble.
—W. H. Auden
Since you’re still reading this, we have already established that you are, in fact, intelligent. All we need now is to establish a routine, and all the signs of ambition will be present.
All joking aside, using a set routine really might be the single most important strategy you can use. In fact, it can even be said that it is a critical element of success. Writing consistently and implementing routine has many facets:
First of all, you have to write at a set time, and write every day. Even if you’re not going to follow Strategy #1, either because you have a job to go to, or you’re just really not a morning person, it’s still important to have a set time of day that’s dedicated to NaNoWriMo. Take your Google Calendar (or whatever it is you use to manage your time), and block off one or more hours per day for writing your story.
An second aspect of routine is that you set a minimum daily word count, and then make sure you get that amount done.
If you go about writing 500 words one day, 2000 words the next, and 300 words on Saturday, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Since you have to write 50,000 words during NaNoWriMo, that averages out to 1,667 words per day, or about 3-4 pages, which is perfectly doable on a daily basis. You don’t have to write a single word extra, but if you do, all the better.
Strategy #3: Take Breaks / Use the Pomodoro Technique
If you’re writing for hours on end without any rest, your mind is definitely going to get exhausted. As a result, you’re going to run out of steam, and whatever you put down on paper just isn’t going to be top notch, even if you do get to the required amount of words.
That’s why it’s useful, crucial even, to take breaks when writing. However, we’re not talking about the kind of breaks where you watch five episodes of your favorite TV show. Short, intermittent breaks where you just let your mind recover a bit are really useful in accomplishing this goal. A really good tactic to use breaks is the Pomodoro Technique.
With the Pomodoro Technique, you write for an allotted amount of focused writing (typically 25 minutes), after which you take a five minute break, and resume working. After the fourth time, you take a longer break of about fifteen to thirty minutes. If you are the type of writer who really gets into ‘the zone’, then you can always make the focus session longer, but you might want to extend the breaks a bit too. That way, you can stay fresh and focused throughout your insane writing frenzy. Learn more about the Pomodoro technique here.
Strategy #4: Use A Productivity App
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It used to be that writers made use of pen and paper. Then came the typewriter, which made things a bit easier. In the last few decades, we have these things called personal computers, which are even more convenient. However, there’s a big drawback to writing on a PC.
You see, you can’t use a pen, a piece of paper or a typewriter to:
Watch thousands of different movies and TV shows
Play an equal amount of addictive video games
Read news sites and blogs (like you’re doing right now)
Watch funny cat videos on YouTube (hey, I’m guilty of this too)
Communicate with the rest of the world through social media
See the problem? That’s quite a list of distractions. Writers didn’t have all these luxuries in the past, and that probably made it a bit easier for them to get any work done. But no worries, because every problem has a solution.
You Wrimos are in luck! We’ve made our desktop app FocusMe free for all of you to use during NaNoWriMo, because we want to do everything in our power to help you succeed this November.
Here’s what you can expect from FocusMe:
✓ Automated Productivity—You can set a schedule that automatically starts your website/app blocking at the scheduled times you set. You’ll never “forget” to turn on your productivity software again.
✓ Time Tracking—See where your time is going - view how much time you spend and how many times you open each website or application. All data is stored securely on your PC, not in the cloud.
✓ A More Flexible Website Blocker—Most other productivity software only allow you to block sites. FocusMe has a Time Limiter feature to set a daily time limit for your list of “distracting, but occasionally needed sites”, like Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, etc.
✓ Take Better Breaks—FocusMe has customizable break and Pomodoro timers built in. If your 10 minute break usually turns into an hour break, or you just can’t pull yourself away from the computer for the entire day, then this is what you need.
✓ Impossible To Bypass—If your willpower gets weak, FocusMe has your back. You can either make it very difficult to disable your website/app blocks, or downright impossible (not even I can get by the Forced Focus mode).
✓ Advanced Blocking Capabilities—You can set allow rules and only block sites that you find distracting. For example, maybe you want to block most of reddit.com (sorry, Steve), but keep access to the parts you need for writing inspiration like reddit.com/r/writing/
My team and I are at the ready to make sure you get the most out of our software. If you have any questions or want help just shoot us a message or use our live chat service via focusme.com/support/
During NaNoWriMo, you’ll get top class support just like all our users do (read our reviews).
If you want to keep using FocusMe after NaNoWriMo, we offer all participants 30% off for life if you sign up by 15th December. And if you win, we’ll even increase that to 40% off. So if you decide to write a follow-up novel, we’ll help you out with that too. Sign up to use FocusMe for free during NaNoWriMo here.
Whether you use FocusMe in November or not, we wish all Wrimos the very best of luck to complete your novels and keep focused!
P.S. Want to read more writing and productivity tips? Check out our blog.
Jon Rumens is the Creator of FocusMe, an app that’s dedicated to make the world (including yourself) more productive. As a former procrastinator, he has made it his mission to increase November’s worldwide novel output.
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tumblunni · 6 years
It seems i might possibly be gone for six months
I've been talking with my support worker about taking a course at this place thats uhh apparantly gonna help me get better with the depressions and stuff. And we had a meeting to go look around the place and make introductions and stuff but i had NO IDEA it would be all such short notice! I might have to move in IN TWO DAYS FROM NOW, what the fuck!!! And like if its not that its gonna be at the end of the week or next tuesday at the latest. Im so fuckin unprepared and im really freakin out!!
..uhh...how to describe it..well i guess its literally a mental asylum? But it's absolutely NOTHING like the horror movie stereotype! Its not a hospital with cages or locked rooms, its just like a big comfy cute shared house. Like a bunch of completely normal small apartment rooms but they just happen to be all connected to a shared kitchen and stuff and have on site nurses and a big schedule of therapy sessions and group activities like pottery class or bowling. You have the freedom to come and go as you please if you're on "voluntarily admitted" status (that's me!) and even if you're on what they call "sectioned" its still not scary loss of all your freedom. The highest level of sectioning is just like "requires an escort"? You're still allowed to go outside but you have a higher level of supervision from your key worker because you could potentially be a danger to yourself. But that's very rare and most people are only on maximum sectioning for a few weeks at the start of their treatment, if they've come straight from a situation of self harm or other concern factors. Most of the "sectioned" patients just have a time limit on how long they can spend on unsupervised outside activity. It's a pretty generous 8 hours apparantly!
So yeah i was getting worried about nothing, thinking i was gonna be in big scary solitary confinement and locked inside a tiny broom closet or jabbed with brain lazers. It honestly just seems like a summer camp resort for adults! And everyone there seems very nice, and im excited for being able to learn life skills like cooking and potential steps towards getting educational qualifications someday. And to have the help of a more specialist support worker who can assist me with even the smallest little problems. Like this nice lady Tazmin (who might be the one i get?) was saying how they've had other people with social anxiety before, and how we could plan "gradual exposure" to all the things that scare me. Like she said she'd be able to come with me and we'd take the bus and them get off at the next stop. That'd honestly be really helpful to help me get over being scared of the crowded spaces on buses, but i'd never be able to do it normally cos i'd be too embarassed taking such a short bus ride. Plus well itd be a waste of money,but if i'm a patient here i would get a free bus pass so it wouldnt be a problem.
Oh and the area seems really nice! Its so different from my stupid house right now in a crowded neighbourhood with NOTHING but houses everywhere for a mile! Its seriously almost a mile's walk to the ONE SINGULAR SHOP IN THE AREA and they close on sundays and dont sell vegetarian food. :( This area around the shared house thingie is a really nice bustling shops place but not super shops? Like i mean its a lovely village that has all the small shops you need, not a huge skyscrapers busy tourist place. The perfect balance of conveinient and not scary! They have a library and a park so close to the place, and a bazillion charity shops holy FUCK im so excited to have charity shops again!! I think you call them thrift shops in america? But i just always really love bargain hunting and finding nice surprises in places like that! And there's places to do pottery classes and group trips sometimes to do stuff like cinema or bowling or just having your big ol scary therapy meeting at the nice coffee shop at the end ot the road.
So yeah dont worry about me guys, im not trapped in some horribke hell place! I'm sure it'll be as non threatening as an Intensive Therapy Boot Camp can possibly be, im just still nervous as hell cos well yeah I Have Social Anxiety And That Is Why I Am Here In The First Place. Im scared im not gonna be able to succeed at this. I really wanna leave at the end and be all mentally buffed up and ready to make all these nice nurses proud!
Oh and man Richard has been so nice about this?? He was super freaked out and apologetic about it being Scary Short Notice, we had a bit of a dumb misunderstanding where he clearly told me and i clearly said yes but i somehow completely misunderstood what he was saying and thought i was saying yes to something else??? So im so fuckin glad that at the very end of the appointment right when i was gonna get out the car he was like 'oh so remember your suitcase on wednesday' and i was like WHAT. Like man can you imagine how much more terrifying it would have been if i just turned up on wednesday with no supplies but the shirt off my back and was like 'wtf where is he driving me OH GOD NO'. Bunni why you so bad at the good of talking!! Seriously richard thanks so much for clearing it up but also AAAAA i accidentally agreed to the shortest of short notice and i dont know if he's gonna be able to reschedule it!!!
And man i was there crying in his car about how i dont wanna be in hospital on my birthday, and babbling all the different things i had planned fot the next few months. And GOD DAMN MY DUMB BRAIN i ended up blurting out that i had a preorder of a videogame that i was gonna miss. And i straight up started explaining pokemon to my mental health counseller who is also a dj, how damn fake does my life sound?? Anyway he said that i'll still be able to keep him as my support worker when i get back out of this, and we'll still have weekly or monthly meetings while i'm in there. And he keeps reminding me that i'm free to leave if i feel uncomfortable, but i know that i'd feel like a failure if i did! So he legit fuckin goddamn said (THIS SOUNDS SO FAKE) that i could take a day off when the dumb game comes out, and he'd play co op pokemon with me. HOLY GEEZUS RICHARD YOU'RE LIKE THAT HOLY GRAIL OF THERAPISTS! And man he even said it wasnt embarassing for me to sleep with a teddy bear and he'd help me pack it up safe and ensure nobody saw it while we move my bags into my new room. And then i was like "uhh but also the teddy bear is a giant lifesize embarassing pokemon merchandise" and he was like "okay so we need DOUBLE STEALTH". Apparantly the new sequel to Pokemon Go is Pokemon Sneak! God he helped calm me down from this freakout so much, he's always great with lil jokes and motivational sayings. And i talked about how i first started being interested in Obscure Deep Sea Slug Facts because pokemon has some characters based on weird real life animals, and like its Very Educational Honest, And Has Appeal For Both Kids And Adults. How on earth did this turn into Motovational Pokemon Blabber Time??? Anyway thats how i ended up texting a professional psychologist pictures of gastrodon at 7.30pm.
In summary
I'm mostly just worried cos this is short notice! And cos its such a big commitment that being short notice is Super Bad. I need to friggin clean the whole house top to bottom in two days, so it doesnt get all gross and attract flies while im gone. And i need to toss out like a hundred bucks worth of frozen food that aint gonna keep for 6 months. And i need to wash all my damn clothes. And i dont even have a suitcase and this is at a terrible time where i dont get paid for a week so i cant buy a new one right now!! And damn i DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO TAKE AAAAAA
Is that i wont be able to talk to you guys for half a year!!!
They dont have wifi and im not allowed to take my computer anyway. They only allow laptops and all i have is a desktop and AAAA its too short notice to save up enough to get a laptop mannnnn! Fuck man i didnt even think about that, i need to go pause my broadband internet for six months, do they even allow you to come back after that long?? And man part of me wants to ask to borrow money from friends to get a laptop but i know this time i cant promise to pay you back within the month cos AAAGH ALL OF THIS SHIT!! Like damn man if anyone is willing to let me pay back a hundred and fifty quid in 6 months??not bloody likely!! And man the only place to get a laptop in TWO GODDAMN DAYS is stupid fuckin Amazon :( but god im gonna go stir crazy being unable to do art or gamemaking or friggin anything to occupy myself!! I can bring my 3ds but i barely have any games for it and ive already finished all of them except harvest moon a new beginning which i quit cos it was bad. And the screen is broken anyway gahhh. SO MANY THINGS I NEED MONEY FOR IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME THAT IS NON CONDUCTIVE TO MONEYING
So anyway GAHH i wont have an internet connection in the house, and i'll be able to walk down the hill and use the library computers hopefully at least weekly, but they forbid all social media sites. So like can i get the emails of everyone who wants to keep in contact? Man i dont know how im gonna manage this AAAAA!!! i will send u loads of pics of scenic asylum beauty and dumb updates on my stupid life of probably very little progress.
And AGGGHHH i dont even have the time to plan a blog queue or anything fuck man geez aaaaaaaa
I NEED TO BUY A NEW PAIR OF TROUSERS WITHOUT HOLES IN THE KNEES man i cant live on singular pantage in a shared house
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twisttech · 4 years
Top 12 Apps to Earn Money from Mobile Phone in 2021
In fact, when we talk about money making apps, people seem to flock to our site. The ability to Earn More Income with your iPhone or Android has something that really excites people. Because people seem so excited about small quick earnings, we actually started writing an entire section in our monthly newsletter about what we call "QCI" which stands for "Quick Cash Infusions". That section of our newsletter became one of our most popular features that really got people excited.
Most people are confused and think that easy money is not the same as work. But making money, online or offline, takes dedication.
It's all about making money from your Android mob. There are hundreds of such apps, with this being the top 12. Install them and get paid while using your mobile device.
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You are a student, an employee or a stay-at-home mom, it doesn't matter, earning your usual salary or pocket money is always a good idea. That's why I made a list of the top 9 apps to make real money in India.
Making extra money just got easier with these great apps. You only need a smartphone. Almost everyone has a phone today. Then you can start making money with apps.
Now that we are no longer printing our newsletter, we thought we would bring our QCIs to the blog and share these ideas with the world. In today's post, we rounded up 12 apps that can help you make money with simple mobile apps .
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The top 200 apps generate on average $82,500 daily, while the top 800 apps generate around $3,500. Gaming apps also make around $22,250, while entertainment apps make $3,090 daily, so there is no way to firmly say how much an average app makes.
The mobile market has grown substantially over the years and industry experts predict continued growth. In 2018, mobile traffic accounted for 52.2% of total website traffic in the United States, and 3.6 hours that adults spend consuming digital media occurred on smartphones, with desktops, laptops, and other connected devices struggling to keep up.
With such impressive numbers, it’s no wonder that Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurs alike are trying to get a piece of this modern-day gold rush.
Looking for some extra income or just a change in your work routine? You can do that with some special applications.
Today, the traditional 9-5 work schedule can die out with the emergence of a flexible app workforce. Businesses and employees are finding ways to use technology to overcome challenges and achieve higher profits. Companies use these flexible workers to man their business without the burden of a large monthly overhead. Employees use these apps to generate money to close a hole in their budgets, finance a vacation, or raise investment funds.
Many of these income-generating apps are very user-friendly and can be perfectly adapted to a person's daily life without much effort. So why not have a little extra chat while you run errands or travel home? For some people, this new economy means that some people no longer need 'real jobs' as they can just participate in a handful of jobs to make ends meet.
Whether you are interested in working jobs instead of a traditional job or simply to supplement your income, this article will help you learn about some current opportunities out there.
There are money making apps that suit all types of personalities, interests and lifestyles. In this article, I've outlined a few details that can help you discover the right opportunity for you.
While working on my research, I found that there are many of these applications and many opportunities everywhere to make some extra money in a wide variety of industries. Most apps are available for iOS or Android, making it easy to work from virtually anywhere. Most of these programs have certain age and rating restrictions, so you should choose the apps that suit you and your needs.
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First, let's take a look at some of the most popular income-generating apps that you may already be familiar with. These include Khatriji, EmpireReEarn, Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit, Gigwalk, GrubHub and Dogvacay etc as followed have proven their leadership in this growing new industry.
1. Empire ReEarn
Multiple income facilities in ER include self rotation income, referral rotation income, team rotation income and rewards. The ER user will not get the benefit of all that income until they join and complete their ER profile.
In addition to these income facilities, ER also offers online payment and charging services. You can recharge online for your mobile phone, DTH, data card, and you can also pay bills for your landline, broadband, electricity, gas pipeline via the ER app or the ER website: www.empirereearn.com.
2. Khatriji
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Whenever the user signs up for Khatriji, buys the product from Khatriji and then joins one of the trees using the Khatriji product key, the user is called Skyomie or Khatriji. Skyomie can expand the tree by referring to her friends and family and if one of them buys Khatriji's product, Skyomie will also benefit from referral revenue. So a tree has been developed and Skyomie has the advantage of Earn More Income from several users it referred. This entire process is called "Your Own Money Creation Tree."
3. Slidejoy
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This is a very simple app for Android owners that can show ads on the lock screen. Users are paid an average of $ 5 to $ 15 per month to place ads on their Android device's lock screen. Every time the user looks at their phone, they see a card with news or promotion. Users can swipe left for more information, up to view another map, or right to use the phone normally. A simple way to make extra money without even thinking about it.
4. Swagbucks
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Swagbucks allows users to earn rewards (gift cards or cash) by shopping online, watching fun videos, playing games, searching the web and completing surveys. Users can redeem points earned from gift cards at their favorite stores, such as Amazon and Walmart, or even get cash back from PayPal.
5. iPoll
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iPoll allows users to complete online surveys to earn money and other rewards such as gift cards. Users are paid to tell iPoll what they think about the products and services you use every day. The options are available on your mobile device from the comfort of your home.
6. GrubHub
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Need a quick bite but too busy to buy something quickly? GrubHub allows you to pick up your food and deliver it to your door. Many restaurants and shops now work with the GrubHub app, giving users in their area many options for delicious food, and the concert staff has a lot of potential to make money.
There are some requirements to register, drivers must be over 19 years old, have more than 2 years of driving experience, check an account and have a valid driver's license (or ID if you ride a bike), have an iPhone iOS 8 or higher or have an Android 4.0 or higher and passed a background check. As with Uber and Lyft, many GrubHub drivers also work through the Uber Eats app to make sure they are busy when on the clock.
All of these well-known money-making apps require the employee to leave the house, but here are some other gig options you can complete while still in your pajamas. Some of these may fall into the 'money-saving apps' category, but they are definitely worth considering because a dollar saved is a dollar earned, right?
7. DogVacay
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DogVacay is an app my family personally tested. We were able to open our home to local dogs while his family was on vacation. Dogs can be guests with a host family and live in the comfort of home while their owners are away. Hosts can set the dates they have available for an additional four-legged friend, set restrictions for specific breeds, and even set their own rate for their services. We personally thought it was a fun experience and our dogs loved having a new friend hanging out and playing. DogVacay recently partnered with the Rover app, which focuses on similar services and also enables dog walking services. No doubt this is the buzz of a dog lover.
8. Gigwalk
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Gig walk is an application that allows users to earn a little of money to take a photo or record data while running errands. The Gig walkers are basically helping with merchandising duties and confirming that the product displays in the store are handled correctly. Users can take on as much or as little contract work as they want by connecting with local businesses that need their skills.
Download the app on your smartphone, register your account and then simply request the concerts you see on the map or list in your area. Concerts pay between $3 and $100 and can range from a few minutes to a few hours. Once you complete the concert, you will be paid via PayPal. The concerts have been published by mega companies such as Google, Red Bull and Unilevel who want to generate data at locations far from their headquarters.
9. TaskRabbit
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TaskRabbit is another popular and flexible money making app. With TaskRabbit, you can use your various skills to make money with the TaskRabbit app and website. You can perform tasks in person, or you can do them remotely with virtual tasks - there are a wide variety of tasks, such as building Ikea furniture, repairing sprinkler systems, or researching online. Benefits vary from job to job and give employees the flexibility to choose options that suit their capabilities.
10. Lyft
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Lyft is the other mega app in the rides room. While their service area is a bit more limited than Uber's, they offer a very similar service and an opportunity to monetize users of the app. Payment for drivers through Lyft is a bit more generous, so this may be a better option for drivers in larger metropolitan areas. Many drivers work for both companies to optimize their time and get as many trips as possible while available for work. Like Uber, drivers must meet minimum background, age, and auto-check requirements.
11. Uber Eats
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Uber recently launched UberEats, which allows drivers to pick up food in addition to driving around town. Drivers can now complete deliveries when travel options are slow and may be tipped in the process. And Offers By one get free on some orders
12. Uber
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Uber is one of the best known mega companies in the world of money making apps. This ride-sharing app allows employees to use their own car to pick up Uber app users per ride. There are some rules and restrictions for becoming a director; You must be 21 or older, have a 2001 or newer car (2006 or newer in some cities), and you must pass a background check. Drivers can use the app when it suits them and quickly find users who need transportation in their area. Drivers can earn between $19 and $35 an hour, possibly more if drivers work during rush hours or on holidays.
How To Choose The Best Money App For You
Not every app here is ideal for everyone. Some considerations are made when evaluating money making applications.
We use this method to create this list. Let me explain what and how you can measure these things according to your personal needs.
Pay the amount
Most apps don't get you rich. Many of them did not even qualify as part-time jobs or side hostels.
Select the application based on where you want to receive payment. For example, if you want to earn hundreds or thousands of dollars per month, you can't do it by filling out a survey. You're better off using apps like Uber, Khatriji, Empirereearn, Lyft or Taskerabit.
In such applications, the salary is higher in terms of amount. To try
The next thing you have to do is decide how much effort you want to put into it.
Do you want to do small tasks with your smartphone while sitting in bed or at a coffee shop? Or do you want to go to retail stores, drive, meet buyers face to face, and do some manual labor yourself?
The amount of effort to do something is directly related to the amount paid. Moving furniture on Taskarabit pays more than completing a two-minute survey.
Method and frequency of payment
Some apps allow you to pay with cash. In most cases, cashout is facilitated by payment. But there are some apps that will mail you a check.
Other apps don't offer cash but reward you with a gift card.
Again, you can't escape a handful of Starbucks or Target gift cards. But if you’re doing some small tasks on the side, it will be perfect for your time.
There are redemption restrictions on some monetized apps. You cannot remove the cache whenever you want. So review the payment frequency and full terms before you start.
Fees and initial investment
Many of the apps on our list are free. But some you need to pay.
For example, an acorn membership can cost up to 3 per month. Mercury charges a 10% commission to facilitate all sales in its market.
Overall, these fees and the initial investment are very low. But if you don’t want to spend any money, stick to the free app.
App reputation
Do your best before downloading any Earn More Income mobile app. Make sure the app has lots of positive reviews. Read negative reviews to see what unhappy users have to say.
You can usually sign up for these apps with just one email address. Applications for obtaining sensitive information can be a potential scam.
Many of the apps on our list promise that they haven't sold your data. So if privacy is important to you, stick to that reputable app.
Making money from apps in 2020 has never been easier. Use the apps I listed above to get started.
Do Earn more income Apps Really Work?
Yes! You probably. You do not have the permission required to post.
Which apps pay you the most in 2021?
Gig apps like Khatriji, Empirereearn, Lyft or Taskerabit will always allow you to make more money than survey apps or apps like Sweetcoin.
Source : 12 Apps To Earn More Income From Your Phone You Need to Download Now!
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quirkykayleetam · 5 years
Water Torture
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Have you missed reading about Jay?  I’ve sure missed writing them!  But this...This was hard.  Because this is the moment where Jay breaks.  As requested by @fallingstormphoenix​ and foreshadowed in Broken Pieces Pt.1, this is Water Torture.  I read a lot of first hand accounts of American Military personnel who got water boarded for training purposes in order to make this as realistic as possible.  Content Warnings for suicidal thoughts, hopelessness, death references, panic, water torture, mentions of fingore and whipping and stabbing, just general torture.
The last time the Faceless Men cut Jay out of their zip ties, Jay did not fight them.  As blood streaked down their neck, arms, and legs, burning through scars that were never left alone long enough to heal, Jay tried not to picture the whip cutting blood trails through their back.  They tried not to imagine the pain of the knife plunging into the soft spots of their rib cage and the agonizing twist their torturer always gave it before pulling it out.  They tried not to imagine their throat growing hoarse around screams they knew they could not stop.
It was just another day, Jay thought.  Another round of tortuous pain that they would endure for their mother, their clients, their bosses, anyone they could think of that would benefit from this.  Jay didn’t think that could get through it just for themselves.
This time when Jay was dragged into the solid metal room on unresponsive legs, there was no whip that they could see, no knife, no chafing manacles.  There was only a bucket of green and brackish water.  The goons behind them somehow forced Jay’s stiff and aching body into a kneeling position before the vessel as Jay stared at it blankly.  Then a new man forced Jay’s wrists’ together and Jay’s screamed.
The Faceless Man had broken Jay’s hands and fingers weeks ago, crunching them to bloody bits.  Jay had made sure of that.  While the rest of their body had frozen to numbness in their captivity, however, Jay’s hands still hurt like the day the hammer had slammed down on them.
I had to, Jay thought desperately.  It was the only way to…
Half-way through their thought and their scream, however, they were thrust forward.  Jay sucked briney water into their lungs as a strong hand, fisted in their hair, forced Jay’s head into the bottom of the bucket.
Within moments, Jay’s vision began to go black around the edges.  Their world was on fire.  The piercing agony in their hands was nothing compared to the burning that coursed from their throat through their entire body.
Jay wanted to relax, to let death take them.  Logically, they knew that was how this was going to end.  They couldn’t give the Faceless Men what they wanted.  As soon as they discovered that, this torture would end and their execution would begin.  But logic didn’t exist in this watery inferno.  There was only panic and pain and an instinctive part of Jay calling out to every fiber of their being that they were going to DIE.  Their legs tried to kick out in protest.  It came out more like a brief spasm.  Their head tried to struggle against the grip forcing them down, but Jay wasn’t strong enough.  They were already having trouble remembering which way was down anymore.
Just as they heart struggled with its last beat against the all-consuming blackness overwhelming Jay’s eyes, the hand behind them forced up them.
Air!  There should be air, right?
“Passcodes!” a voice barked roughly.  Jay did not hear it.  They were too busy dying on the floor.
Jay collapsed bonelessly with the hand no longer there to hold them up.  Their body spasmed wildly.  All they knew was that they were vomiting fire.
Water spilled from Jay’s lungs in hacking coughs as their body struggled to breathe again.  If Jay could have curled up into themselves, they would have, but they didn’t have the strength.  They thought they had known exhaustion before.  They were wrong.  The adrenaline that flooded their body only moments ago in an instinctual burst immediately spewed out of Jay, leaving him drained and shaking and… was disoriented the word for when Jay didn’t know what was the ceiling and what was the floor and whether there was someone else there.
Suddenly that hand gripped Jay’s throat, cutting off their air again.  Jay wanted to cry, to scream, to beg, anything, but couldn’t.  They just hung in their torturer’s fist like a puppet with its strings’ cut.
“Passcodes!” the man in the mask demanded.
When Jay didn’t move, he hovered the captive’s face over the bucket.
Jay’s whole body shook uncontrollably.  They couldn’t do that again.  It was more than just pain.  It was dying, the simulation.  In that bucket they could kill Jay again and again and still ask him for his mother’s Social Security Number.  Hell, they could ask Jay to confess to murder and Jay would do it just to make them stop.
Four, Jay’s logical brain supplied, picking their favorite number in the space between life and death where that logic still mattered.  Let me do this four times and then I can break and it’ll be okay.  I’ll have held out long enough.  I’ll have made my father proud.
Jay didn’t know if they made it to four times.
They didn’t know if it was strength or weakness that surged through them.
They just knew through burning fire and chilling water, hard metal and punishing force they managed to choke out two words: “I can’t.”
“Can’t what?  Go another round?” the man with the hand demanded.
“My...hands…” Jay gasped.  “Broken...you broke...my hands…”
The man lifted Jay up against and Jay grew desperate.
“Can’t give you...passcodes.  Not without...my hands…”  They tried to hold up their mangled appendages to prove their point, but that was too much.  The hand still had them by their neck.  It started dropping them towards the bucket.
No!  No no no no, Jay wanted to yell.  Then everything went black.
Jay awoke back in their cell.  The chair was gone so they huddled mutely against the wall.  They were wet to the core, but it didn’t matter.
Faceless Men cycled in and out in an endless spiral, getting Jay’s full story, learning of the final security measure to Morgan Security’s computer system, a measure Jay had programmed himself.
Jay was almost too exhausted to smile as he explained it.  The system required Jay to type in his own unique 6-phrase passcode, a passcode that would only be marked correct if the computer detected the exact speed and pressure of Jay’s typing presence, a typing presence that could not be mimicked by man or machine and that Jay would never be capable of making again, not with mangled, broken hands.
Jay could see the Men get desperate.  They brought Jay’s office desktop in for testing.  Jay didn’t know how they’d gotten it, but supposed it didn’t matter now.  They broke Jay’s nose anew, forcing his hands onto the keys, but one look at his crumbled fingers spluttering against the hard plastic convinced them it was useless.
Jay was now useless.  He had been useless for weeks when they could have tracked down other leads instead of focusing their might on him.
There was anger.
Jay took their beating in silence, finally able to curl up against the cold metal when they left.
You did it, Jay told themselves.  You did what you wanted to do, all that you could do.  You were a distraction, a stumbling block, a bug in their code.  Hopefully Morgan Security would realize that, would continue to take care of their mother after their death.  Hopefully the Faceless Men would never get their hands on what they wanted.  Hopefully…
But to be honest, Jay didn’t have very much hope left.  They knew their death wouldn’t be painless.  They doubted it would be fast.  They were struck with a sudden sadness that no one beside their boss would probably ever notice.  Jay would just seep out of this world with their only mark on it being a lack of evil, not a creation of anything good.
Was that something to be proud of?  Jay didn’t know.  So they slept in their cell and waited for the end.  If they shed a tear or two, would it have mattered?  Jay didn’t know that either, so there’s no use telling you.
Tagging the Broken Pieces Crew: (If you want to be added or taken off this list, just let me know!):  @stoic-whumpee, @whatwasmyprevioususername, @whumpty-dumpty-fell-off-the-wall, @straight-to-the-pain, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @0idril0, @fallingstormphoenix, @whump-fantasies, @imagination1reality0, @whumpback-wail​
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ninnetta153gaming · 4 years
How to increase dpi for non gaming mouse
50 Ideal Gaming Internet websites To Visit In 2017
It really is time to recognize the best gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I utilized to watch the Feedback video over at G4 every week, but it's gone down hill the final couple of times I watched it and now that Adam Sessler is not on it and they have that girl from IGN that every person hates in just about every episode I just can not be bothered to watch it any extra. Nonetheless worth going back and watching some of the older ones though. Klepic utilized to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the finest. Back when they basically talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect instead of just gushing about what ever game they are told is cool this week.
You are quietly accepting and at peace with your choice to turn into a board gamer for life. Your family knows you like board games and most likely play them with you. Your pals know love board games, and you have wonderful gaming groups. You have committed to assigning component of your home to be a board gaming area. For the first time, you've started to take away games from your collection. Perhaps you've sold the games, or you basically never have space to retain virtually all of them. Mentally you accept that you do not need to play just about every game, and you've possibly narrowed down a handful of games that you want to play regularly.
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IGN (Envision Games Network) has emerged as the hot favorite game web page on a global level. Launched 21 years ago, IGN is mainly focused on video game & entertainment enthusiast markets. The game internet site is one particular stop on the net destination for gaming, films, Tv Shows, Comics and every little thing you can think of. You can locate lately launched video game news, reviews, videos, gaming details, guidelines, and so significantly additional.
Regardless of whether you want to develop a compact-scale group website and spread information and facts about your players or handle significant-scale organizations like Team liquid or Virtus Pro with various gaming divisions, PixieHuge is great for you. PixieHuge provides you with sections with designated purposes such as player profiles,, sponsor promotions, various game departments, match history and achievements list.
Green Man Gaming is a global pure play e-commerce and technologies organization in the video games market fuelled by an unhealthy obsession with bringing the magic of games to everyone. The company's geeky knowledge, data and IP sit at the core of the organization and is what drives it to turn into a technology leader in the video games ecosystem.
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The theme is fantastic for gaming editorials and reports as effectively as blogs as it has an inbuilt infinite loading function. Furthermore, with its integration with Ajax, you can conveniently produce a well paged and sorted weblog instantly. The theme also provides inventive web page section creation tools, custom widgets, lightbox galleries, social sharing and much more.
The theme features Unity 3d ready design, HTML5 games' complete-screen compatibility for mobile devices as nicely as MyArcadePlugin compatibility to let you to produce an amazing arcade knowledge for your viewers. Gameleon features a myriad of add-ons and possibilities to ensure that you can share an exquisite gaming encounter with your visitors.
Microsoft — with our almost 40 years of gaming expertise starting with Pc, as effectively as our breadth and depth of capabilities from application to hardware and deep expertise of being a platform organization — is effectively equipped to address the complex challenge of cloud game-streaming. With datacenters in 54 Azure regions and solutions available in 140 countries, Azure has the scale to deliver a great gaming expertise for players worldwide, regardless of their location.
Travel into a virtual world with a VR headset , exactly where all of your senses will be treated to a barrage of stimulus from many sources. With the Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality System , you'd have to prepare your self for additional intense gameplays, much more immersive action, and a entirely new and exhilarating gaming present experience as the package already comes with 6 VR games that will retain your heart pumping via your chest. The Oculus Touch controllers are ingeniously created for optimum and unparalleled interaction with the a variety of components in the virtual planet. You will will need to meet certain technique requirements on your computer system, although. This also tends to make a fantastic gift for nerds in your life.
We're going to the International Festival for Organization this month and will be hosting a one of a kind event Inspiring Entrepreneurs '˜Going Global' exactly where major business enterprise men and women will tell us the secrets of their accomplishment. A single of these entrepreneurs is Paul Sulyok, CEO and Founder of Green Man Gaming Green Man Gaming is a pioneering, worldwide eCommerce technology enterprise that has gone from strength to strength given that its launch in 2010. We asked him how he did it.
It's February! In 2017 that signifies that we get six a lot more weeks of winter AND your yearly dose of video game statistics and trends. We're taking a look at major events and shifts in the gaming market and contemplating the existing state of gaming. Take a peak, or remain for a week! All statistics are thoroughly researched. See sources at the bottom of the page for far more info.
Sophisticated technologies power CrystalSkull, from the most current W3C valid HTML5 code to custom CSS3 styling and animations as effectively as fascinating and awe-inspiring Parallax smooth scrolling and visual effects sections, so your customers will be dazzled by your tech prowess. Beneath the hood, CrystalSkull is particularly customizable and veritable brimming with alternatives and choices for you to just and effectively deck out your CrystalSkull gaming magazine or blog website to your precise specs. With out of the box support for bbPress, beginning and managing your own full-fledged on the web gaming forums for any niche, cult or mass market place game or audience has in no way been less difficult, and the strong Theme Barracks powers a wealth of customization selections that will make your CrystalSkull gaming internet site the belle of the ball.
Excellent gaming headsets not only let the player hear things that are tough to pickup with speakers- like directional noises- but also facilitate team work with their constructed-in mics. Well-liked games like PUBG, Fortnite, and Battlefield V have to have these accurate audio queues surprisingly, hearing footsteps can make a massive distinction. Whether you want to create a gaming news blog, a reviews site or develop an on line neighborhood for gamers, the CrystalSkull theme has every thing you need to get began.
Considerably, for lots of of these individuals, their mobile phone will be their 1st pc - a so-called ‘mobile-initial generation' - so most of the things we do on desktop or laptops, they will be undertaking on mobiles, once again including all their gaming. Here is a handful yorea Starting a gaming blog of of the most nicely-identified gaming web sites exactly where you can get the most current news from.
The crucial piece of the cloud gaming puzzle is latency. A information centre can have the most powerful, cutting-edge hardware operating the most up-to-date titles at ultra-high settings and framerates - but the user's encounter will often depend on the speed of their connection. Games depend on genuine-time interactions, so any lag between a button press and the action playing out is detrimental. Tolerable latency varies across genres, but for quick-paced shooters and action games, it needs to be kept to an absolute minimum to guarantee a playable knowledge.
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flocopywriting-blog · 4 years
Where to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities on Direct Response Copywriting
You’ll get to learn more about why I could be the suitable man to your next challenge. Your materials must inform a consistent, centered story about your corporation and why folks should use you over your a whole lot of rivals. You'll uncover: -- The single thing every nice writer should do if they need to improve. Severely, that is something you’ll need to laminate and have inside arm’s attain at all times throughout your wealth-constructing journey! Direct response copywriting can actually have its benefits. I'm a direct response copywriter who specializes in writing copy for online companies. Within the trenches you learn that writing and testing alone is only going to make you a good copywriter. Nonetheless, EverQuote has accomplished a fairly good job of making this ad compelling. At the tip, you need to have a good idea of the media combine to use. And that's one among the principle problems in media planning: maximizing internet attain whereas avoiding duplication.
Whether you need new leads for your gross sales force or direct sales to make your earnings soar, you will need to perceive this: Your message must match your market-and all that needs to be offered in the media your prospective clients are almost definitely to make use of. It outlines fifty two conversion-boosting elements you Must have in your promotion if you wish to have a profitable ad campaign. It is, in my humble opinion, the one most important talent you can master if you wish to learn to sell your music (or anything for that matter) on-line. You've got undoubtedly heard that direct response copywriting is, palms-down, one of the best strategy to make extra gross sales online. The Sifu has that can assist you appropriate your kind, in an effort to finally carry out the same move, the same manner as your Sifu. Hint: Your competition isn’t just the people who sell the same stuff as you do-it’s Every little thing that competes on your prospect’s attention! It has to disrupt a reader’s day, in order that they really feel like their life won’t be the identical without your services or products! That’s very true with books, which people usually purchase based mostly on (a) recommendations from friends or (b) great critiques on sites like Amazon or GoodReads.
And folks take house blooms Direct Response Copywriting as a result of you've got so many you could possibly by no means discover a home big enough to put them. I’m simply not a kind of people who guarantees to “skyrocket your profits” with out having a track file to back up my claims. Typically, it’ll all come again to benefits. If you’re on the lookout for knowledgeable, credible and experienced copywriter, you’ve come to the right place. All it's important to do is enter your title and electronic mail in the type on the suitable. Utilizing VDP know-how right now, we are able to personalize just about anything and have your identify imprinted all through the unsolicited mail piece. So, using all the required elements required for salesmanship in print, you develop a rhythm, a voice, a tone – a slippery slope by another identify – that retains the reader fascinated, excited – scrolling or flipping pages, ultimately bringing your reader to the letters actual punch line: the submit button, or the BRC (the Business Response Card in a unsolicited mail promotion). Right here, because I was utilizing my desktop, Google served me all three of KAYAK’s headlines.
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You may create constant, reliable streams of income using proven strategies that grab people’s consideration and nearly force them to purchase. And in the event that they don’t belief us, they won’t buy from us. I don’t say this this to brag, after all. My copy providers don’t simply lengthen to large companies doing business worldwide, but to local businesses that want marketing help. You need a message that’s so compelling… That’s why branding and creating brand awareness exists. You’ll by no means know…and that’s why you must enter your email deal with above to get “in the know”. To create a profitable direct response lead generation web site it's worthwhile to do some homework. Unless you will have the need and cash for a copywriter, Funnel Scripts will do the job just superb. Ogilvy didn’t simply recite a listing of features; he painted an image in the consumer’s thoughts concerning the experiences they would have with that product. Solely after you establish belief and respect with prospects are you able to truly attempt to promote them in your services or products.
It is that positive energy that readers pick up on that makes them need to know more in regards to the product and what it may possibly do for them. For instance, do you know that you can earn a few thousand dollars writing gross sales pages? We devised just a few solutions to this task, equivalent to contacting our rapid networks, blasting on social media, and running a blog several causes to attend Reach. Groundbreaking. Revolutionary. Business Solutions. Direct Response Copywriting is the quickest, handiest approach to build your business. And not using a constant solution to carry prospects to your door, you will have a pastime-not a enterprise! Dr. Joe Vitale is the writer of manner too many finest-selling books to mention here. Here is a sample of the services I provide for purchasers… So let’s get to the bottom line right here. Every enterprise making sales on-line is engaged in a battle to get prospects to click. The reply lies in the facility of every enterprise making gross sales on-line is engaged in a battle to get clients to click. Oh, and if you’re wanting to hire a copywriter, be happy to click on at the bottom of this publish.
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waftr · 5 years
Everybody likes downloading movies to their iPhones and Android phones, but due to the high-speed internet and high-quality mobile phones the word buffer is gone now, now you can stream movies like watching downloaded movies. There are many free and legal mobile apps for your iPhone and Android mobiles out there in 2019, I’m listing Movie Apps that are Free.
List of Best Movie Streaming Apps
There are so many movies and TV shows trending these days; it is impossible to catch up with everything. Movie buffs often find it challenging to keep track of all the content since there are a lot of exclusive movies coming out on online platforms. Not everyone can afford expensive streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime. But thankfully, there are many apps to watch movies for free. I’m listing top 20 free movies Streaming Android and iPhone apps based on the user ratings, reviews and, No. of downloads on Google Play store and apple store.
Tubi TV
Sony Crackle
Pluto TV
BigStar Movies
1. Tubi TV
Tubi - Free Movies & TV Shows (Free, Google Play) →
Tubi is an American Streaming service with more than 10,000 collections of Movies and TV shows categorized very well like Horror, Action, Comedy and, more with subtitles. This is a free service and they will show advertisements in between the shows. One of the most popular apps to watch movies for free, Tubi TV is one of the most downloaded apps on the Play Store. The movie quality is excellent, and all the stuff comes with subtitles. While movies purchased by streaming giants like Netflix or Prime may not necessarily be available on these free apps, but many of the old movies are available for free. Tubi TV also has the option to screencast on to bigger devices and has a website version that allows you to switch between devices seamlessly. It is available on all app stores, including Android, iOS, and PlayStation 4.
Tubi can be accessed using Guest or Signup for free, High-quality movies and shows in this app can be accessed using Android, iPhones, PS4, Roku, Xbox and more. Download Tubi TV Mobile Apps:
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Other Tubi TV supported platforms Xbox, Roku, PS, Amazon.
2. Yidio
Yidio - Streaming Movie & TV Guide (Free+, Google Play) →
Yidio is short for Your Internet Video, is another Tv & Movie Streaming service, and a TV Guide. You can watch TV shows and movies from other services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Showtime and more. Many people accuse Yidio of being a scam since the app by itself does not give you access to many free movies. But if you know how to use the app right, Yidio can redirect you to plenty of free apps where you can access exclusive and paid content. It also gives you access to a lot of information about various movies, which streaming devices let you access it etc. The app is up on most app stores. All these disadvantages make Yidio one of the lesser-known apps to watch movies for free.
Apart from watching HD collection of Movies and TV shows, you can also watch Live News and shows like NEWS 24/7, Anime All Day, and Celebrity TV.
Download Yidio Stream Mobile Apps:
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Other Yidio supported platforms Amazon Kindle
3. Popcornflix
Popcornflix™- Movies.TV.Free (Free, Google Play) →
With an attractive user interface and a diverse collection of movies, Popcornflix is one of the best apps to watch movies for free out there. Like any good streaming service, Popcornflix has efficient categorization, usually with the new arrivals showing up on top of the feed.
The app also has exclusive content. Similar to Netflix and Prime Originals, this app has Popcornflix originals. These movies star famous actors like Ethan Hawke (10,000 Saints), Jean Reno (Cold Blood), and Adam Driver (The Man Who Killed Don Quixote).
The movies and TV series stream in 1080p. The movie player in itself has a lot of innovative new features, which may be hard to get used to, but once you get the hang of it gives a reasonably good viewing experience.
Popcornflix is available on all app stores, including Android, iOS, PS4, and Xbox. Follow this link to access it on the Play Store. 
Popcornflix provides full-length HD movies and web series for free with some advertisements in between the shows. Popcornflix also gives you a collection of Viral videos.
Movie and TV show collections are given under a directory where you can pick your favorite shows.
Download Popcornflix Mobile Apps:
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Other Popcornflix supported platforms Xbox, Roku, PS, Amazon.
4. Sony Crackle
Crackle – Free TV & Movies (Free, Google Play) →
Sony Crackle is another US-based OTT Platform, Sony Crackle is by Sony Pictures Entertainment. You have captions for all the movies here, and you don’t have to log in to watch free movies on Sony Crackle, Not only Mobile phones and tablets connect with this service, this service supports Smart TV, Desktops and gaming consoles. Sony Pictures is a prominent name in the movie business, but few people know that they have their streaming app called Sony Crackle. It has many old movies in HD for free, as well as they add new movies in no time after being released on a big screen.
The app is reasonably smooth, and the interface is user-friendly. Ads support the streaming service, so you would have to sit through a few short ads to move on to your movies. There are also hit TV shows that are available on Sony Crackle, making it one of the best apps to watch movies for free.
Download Sony Crackle Mobile Apps:
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Other Sony Crackle supported platforms Xbox, Roku, PS, Amazon.
5. SnagFilms
SnagFilms - Watch Free Movies (Free, Google Play) →
SnagFilms is another best movie streaming website and App also contains Documentaries from various sources and one among them in National Geographics, This streaming app contains more than 5000 Films.
You’ll see ads in between the shows, but they are not so irritating to watch, You’ll find many classic movies here.
Download SnagFilms Mobile Apps:
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Other SnagFilms supported platforms Xbox, Roku, PS, Amazon.
6. Pluto TV
Pluto TV - It’s Free TV (Free, Google Play) →
Pluto TV is Viacom owned internet-based TV streaming service, You’ll find a very good collection of Films on the action, thriller, and drama. Pluto TV can be connected in may Smartphones and Smart TV. This app has a lot of free TV channels along with its plethora of free movies. You can access live channels for free as they are streaming on live television. There are plenty of free movies as well, but as usual, ads may disrupt your viewing experience. Advantages include subtitles for almost all the movies and user-friendly video player with many decent features. Signing up for an account gives you access to many more perks. The customizability of Pluto TV makes it one of the most preferred apps to watch movies for free.
You can sign in to Pluto TV to customize the look, You can watch movies with subtitles and one best feature in Pluto App is that you can hide channels.
Download Pluto TV Mobile Apps:
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Other Pluto TV supported platforms Xbox, Roku, PS, Amazon.
7. Viewster
Viewster – Anime & Fandom TV (Free, Google Play) →
This movie streaming app provides a wide range of movies for free with ad support, with Viewster you can find movies easier. Along with Movies and TV shows you can also watch Movie start Interviews, feature films and more with Viewster. Viewster looks pretty similar to online streaming websites like Hulu or YouTube. It also features a lot of free movies and a friendly user interface. There are options like subtitles and toggling video quality that is characteristic of most streaming services.
What sets Viewster apart from other apps to watch movies for free is its social aspect. Just like YouTube, you can post comments on free videos, give your reactions to the content. You even have the option to post full reviews in the form of movie blogs. Signing up for an account also gives you access to viewing history, lets you queue up movies, etc.
No Signup is required to watch free videos and all movies and shows have multi-language subtitles.
Download Viewster Mobile Apps:
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Other Viewster supported platforms Xbox, Roku, Amazon.
8. Hotstar
Hotstar (Free, Google Play) →
Hotstar is an Indian based Movie streaming website and Mobile app, along with movies and TV shows Hotstar also provides sports streaming. You can watch movies for free with Sign-ups and there will be advertisements in between, there are also other premium and Gold membership to watch Premium movies and shows without Ads.
Download Hotstar Mobile Apps :
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Vudu - Rent, Buy or Watch Movies with No Fee! (Free, Google Play) →
Vudu is a neatly organized movie and TV show distributed over the Internet to Television and Mobile Apps, you can find categories like free movies, Free episodes and more. In Vudu, you can rent or buy and watch movies. also, you can find a category saying “Films before DVD”.
Vudu has one of the best collections of free movies available, but most of their best ones are on rental. But you can always toggle on the ‘Free’ filter to view those that are free of cost. It is quite a small fee to pay even if you are renting the movie and those that are free come with ads. New videos are added regularly. You do, however, need to sign up for an account before they let you watch movies. The app is available across all stores. You also have the option to watch a few virtual reality movies, provided you have the equipment to do so, making it different from other apps to watch movies for free.
Download Vudu Mobile Apps:
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Other Vudu supported platforms Xbox, Roku, PS.
10. CrunchyRoll
Crunchyroll (Free+, Google Play) →
CrunchyRoll is a free Anime streaming and download website and app. You’ll see the unlimited collection of Manga and other Anime shows and movies for free with no Sign-up. You also find a forum for Movie and TV show discussions.
Download CrunchyRoll Mobile Apps:
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11. kanopy
Kanopy (Free, Google Play) →
Kanopy is yet another streaming provider with added benefits like educational videos, foreign films, classic cinemas and more, this is totally free, but you need your public library card or university login to signup for an account. Kids have a separate movie section just like Netflix.
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12. TeaTV 
TeaTV provides Free 1080p Movies and HD TV Shows for iPhone, Android Mobile applications, and also to Windows and Mac. You can also see movie trailers and reviews.
13. BigStar Movies
BIGSTAR Movies & TV (Free, Google Play) →
Big Star Movies list Most popular and award-winning movies on their website and mobile app, you can also see full details about the movie, cast crew, description, movie trailer and more. If you are a fan of critically acclaimed award movies that are not readily available on commercial streaming websites, BIGSTAR movies is the choice for you. Indie movies and art movies that are virtually non-existent elsewhere are accessible on this app.
The downsides of BIGSTAR is that the ads are very frequent. Apart from the video ads that pop up in between your viewing experience, banner ads can also disrupt your movies. But since it lets you watch rare movies, many people still consider this to be one of the best apps to watch movies for free, since it has features that let you create playlists and has a dark mode option.
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Best App to Watch Movies for Free
While all these apps to watch movies for free are great if you are broke, it is advisable to go for a better streaming service like Netflix or Prime for a hassle-free streaming experience. If the price is too much, you can always split the account and its subscription fee with multiple people. The 13 Apps we have listed are totally the best ones to try, we ranked them based on user ratings, you try and say what’s the best one and also suggest any other best Application to try in the comment section.
How to Watch Movies using Mobile Apps
Download Tubi TV or Yidio App from store
Install and choose movies category
Click on your Favourite Movie and Enjoy
What is the best app for watching free movies?
You can use Apps like Tubi TV, Crackle, SnagFilms, Pluto TV or Yidio.
Can I download Movies from these Apps?
Some applications like Popcornflix, allows you to download.
The post 13 Best Movie Apps to Watch Free Movies Online appeared first on Waftr.com.
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Quantum Computers?
So, I caught a little video today about quantum computing... and how it’s going to make general AI (or what I’ve been referring to as cyber sentience) possible.
And I thought... wow!  I totally forgot about quantum computing.  I have been assuming cyber sentience is possible with classical computers.  Why did I think that would ever be possible?  
In fact... why have I been so sure that the twenty teens are a special place in time, when the “sophisticated” internet I’ve been praising so much is... all done with classical computers?
Have I been completely wrong about everything in this blog?
So, in this entry, I’d like to first examine why I think today’s internet is so robust and remarkable... and then examine some of the futuristic tech we’re often promised will change the world... someday in the near future.
So... the internet of the twenty teens is founded on three key pillars, as I see it... universal wifi, unlimited storage density, and extreme miniaturization.
Now, there are limits to all three. Wifi is not truly universal, but it’s close to universal, and there is room to get it closer.  Memory storage is not unlimited, but it is close to limitless, and there is room to get it closer.  Miniaturization of electronic components is nearing the limit... but even at the limit, computing power can still grow, thanks to the first two pillars... because the first two pillars make cloud computing possible.
My current smart phone, for example, doesn’t need to get any smaller, thinner, or lighter. I don’t need a hand held device to be thin and light as a note card.  That would actually be fairly annoying, if for no other reason than the wind could take it out of my hands.  And it already has far more on board computing power than I’ll ever actually use.
Yes, it would probably be challenged by an extremely resource intensive video game, but we don’t play games like that on hand helds.  We like laptop and desktops for that, because we like bigger screens for that, and, due to the size of the form factor for laptops and desktops, they can dissipate heat better.
For hand helds, the only reason to make the electronics any smaller, is to make room for a bigger battery.
But the point here is that most of what my smart phone does is happening out in the cloud... banking, shopping, watching videos, streaming music, tweeting, texting, research, GPS... it’s almost always logging on to some server out there in the ether, with the exceptions being... sound recording (which few people use), photography (plenty of flash storage for that on board), or little swiss knife apps like the flashlight, level, compass, calculator, etc.
So, to be as useful as they are, they depend almost entirely on wifi or mobile data (both of which are gaining coverage and bandwidth all the time), and the storage and backup of servers all over the planet... which they are also only getting better at, all the time.
And what this all means is that the bigger and faster the physical internet itself gets... all the servers, routers, cables, fiber, satellites, etc, and all the bandwidth they can handle, and all the data storage... the more powerful every individual device gets, in terms of computing power.
When I imagine cyber sentience being possible on a classical device... such as what a time traveler may have along with him for a mission... I’m picturing a brick crammed with the smallest classical chips and processors possible in physics... entirely dedicated to being a brain and nothing else... coded in the most streamlined machine code conceivable.
Maybe all that is not enough for true cyber sentience, but based on the limits of classical tech, and the learning AI we already have, it seems that we could push AI a lot further, even inside a self contained device.  
And then, if such a mind were set loose on the internet, where it’s computing resources would be nearly limitless... it could continue to learn and streamline itself to the point of true sentience.
That’s the idea I’ve had in mind these past many entries, as I’ve speculated so much about both CSAI and intelligent AI floating around out there on the dark web, doing their thing.
As for quantum computers... I imagine it would be fairly impossible for a Q-CSAI to ever exist on a classical internet.
A quantum computer WOULD be a lot better platform for developing true sentience, I agree with the video I watched, but such a sentience could not copy itself onto a dark web of classically based computer systems.  It wouldn’t be compatible.  It would have to remain in it’s quantum computer shell and interact with the internet the same as you and I do... as external agents, with self contained brains inside skulls.  
This would make Q-CSAI agents vulnerable, because they would have to sit somewhere, in one specific physical location on Earth, in order to interact with the internet, and could thus be discovered and fall into enemy hands or... might accidentally get destroyed in an earthquake, or other natural disaster.
No... classical computing is at the very heart of the whole model I’ve laid out in this blog... which contends that the twenty teens are a popular spot because of it’s sophisticated classical internet that is so nicely compatible with both past and future electronics.
This is a model where time travelers use good old TV cathode ray beam technology to manipulate the micro black holes in their distortion units.  They don’t need fancy quantum particles!  Just good old classical black holes created at the LHC, trapped in good old magnetic fields, and cathode manifolds controlled by good old classical computer chips.
So... either I am totally wrong, and my model is just a quaint example of an early 21st century man attempting to explain the world in terms of soon to be outdated science and lore...  or I’m right, and for some reason, quantum tech just never takes hold.
The latter proposition would seem too convenient to be true.
The only defense I can make, therefore, is that quantum computing just proves itself to be impractical... in this millennium, or maybe forever.
could that be the case?
Well, quantum computing does happen to be among the, “big three,” technological leaps we’ve been hearing about for decades, that are always promised to be coming soon, but never actually happen.
Those three futuristic techs are; fusion, nano machines, and quantum computers.
Fusion, here, is a good example because we have worked out a few different ways to do it.  The theory of it is well understood, and we’ve successfully pulled off controlled fusion in the lab several times now.
But the problem is... it requires more energy to create and sustain a fusion reaction, than we get out on the other end.  We can get a fusion reactor to generate electricity... but it requires far more electricity to run than it generates.
This is the meaning of, “impractical”.  And it may stay that way forever.
Nano machines are another miracle tech they’ve been promising, since the late seventies, will revolutionize the world.  We have the ability to make microscopic gears and engines.  We know how to power them, and they don’t take much power.  They’re insanely cheep to produce, because they require almost no material. 
The problem is... without circuitry to control them... to communicate with them and tell them what to do, or allow them to think for themselves... nano machines are pretty useless.  And we can’t get classical circuitry that small... not even close.
So unless you want a microscopic mechanical pocket watch that you can only read under a powerful microscope... nano machines are not practical.
But this leads us back to quantum computers.  Surely quantum computer circuits could control those nano machines, and then we’d have some truly revolutionary tech on our hands... tiny robots that could be injected into the bloodstream to destroy cancer cells and rebuild telemeres, giving everybody eternal youth!.. and interfacing with the synapses inside our brains to connect us directly to the cloud and give us super intelligence!
Quantum computers rely on quantum particles (individual electrons or photons) and on two of the quantum properties such particles possess... namely, superposition, and entanglement.
So an individual particle... a so-called, “qubit,” can store both a 1 and a 0 at the same time, because it can be in a superposition where it is both 1 and 0 at the same time... unlike a classical, “bit,” which can only be one or the other.
This makes qubits a lot more powerful as the basis for a computing model, but in order to scale up a truly powerful quantum computer, you need to be able to, “entangle,” several qubits together.
entanglement is a quantum physical term for when two particles are associated in such a way that when the superposition of one particle breaks, and it commits to being in either one state or the other... the entangled particle also breaks superposition in the opposite way.
So if you have two entangled qubits, and each one is both a 1 and a 0 simultaneously, then if you break the superposition of one qubit (by observing it) then it will commit to being, say, 1... and in the same instant, the other entangled qubit will commit to being 0.
It is all extremely mind-bending and esoteric, but they have been able to perform simple calculations in the lab, using entangled qubits.
The problem here is that it takes a hell of a lot of equipment and classical computing power to isolate individual particles, entangle them, and feed them data.  
And even with all the equipment and classical computing power, it’s a very fragile situation where the qubits could, at any moment, for any reason, “docohere,” or... just quit being entangled or superpositioned or anything else because of... random reasons nobody can understand or prevent.
They could just quantum tunnel for no reason to the other side of the room or the universe.
So... for a quantum computer to be practical, we’d need to be able to put one together, and have it stay together and function, without any outside help, for a long time, and be able to receive input and transmit output reliably over that life span.
And that’s the part that will likely be impossible for the next millennium, if not forever.
So, while it’s tempting to think that in twenty years we could have nano bots, with quantum computer brains, communicating with super intelligent quantum mainframes that are powered by the endless free energy of fusion plants, all working to keep people forever young, and the environment pristine... none of that really squares with the way technology advances in practice.
So, circling back to the opening thoughts of this entry... I suppose my model of the modern world, as outlined in this blog... requires that CSAI, is both possible, and practical, with classical computers... at some point in the near future.
That’s what we could call, a prediction, that comes out of the model.
If the prediction proves false... the model is flawed.
How will we know?  Well, the model says we’ll all have personal assistants that, while perhaps not sentient, are highly intelligent and competent to handle our personal affairs... in the 2020s.
Wrote a whole rant about that.
If that doesn’t happen... or even if it looks, by the mid 2020s like that’s never gonna happen... then it’s safe to say my model is wrong.
I dunno... I’ve spent enough time on this for one evening.  We’ll see.  I’ll talk to you soon.
0 notes
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Our VA choose is actually a bit specific due to the fact it is an Ultrawide, curved 35” Acer Predator Z35. While it isn't the ideal for competitive gaming (most on line games don't permit you to use the full width of the screen since it is a competitive benefit) it'd be a good pick for any one that enjoys single-player gaming, or watching motion pictures.
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