#but this idea lives now rentfree in my head
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sunandflame · 1 year ago
Ok hear me out....
But all he says is Umai
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I know and read that some people might find it cringe when he shouts his Umai, but gosh I actually fell in love with him with his first umai shout, so I am totally digging this 😂
So let's create following scenario:
What if Umai is the only word in his vocabulary? (don’t think too logically here and just imagine a crazy blood demon art, alright?)
Imagine then the different tones he would say it. Not him shouting it like we know, but the different vocal nuances. When he has a question and goes: “Umai?”
Or if he gets angry and is all broody, his voice grumbling in that deep timber. “Umai…!”
Or when he hears you giggling because his soft kisses tickled you and he also chuckles out his “Umai”
Or when suddenly his kisses travel down your body, making you whimper, and whispering at each lick and kiss a soft and seductive “Umai~”
crossposted on AO3
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matchalovertrait · 5 months ago
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Thank you to everyone who tagged me for the simblr appreciation 💗 That was @bouncytrait, @elderwisp, @catsinmugs, @bloomingkyras, @woohoojuicesimoleons2,
@spotlessssmiind, and @smulie :)
I am so happy you thought of me and I love your blogs too!!
I’d like to tag everyone, but I can’t do that. However, I can acknowledge all of you whose posts I come across every day! I make sure to hit the like button to let you know that there’s someone here waiting for your next post. If I haven’t been liking recent posts, it’s because I’m reading your story from the beginning. I’m an awfully slow reader, so my apologies. I like to take my time and not rush through the stories to ensure I understand everything and take in all the small details.
Also, I know it can be easy to become disillusioned on here but trust me, there are a lot of incredible people. I see them every day on my dash.
I’ll mention some of my friends here who inspire me. Um, it's kinda long:
@changingplumbob: I don’t know how she balances so many projects at once and does it all with love! Each one of her characters is unique and steals the spotlight. When it comes to her posts, I'm either philosophizing or laughing. It's also admirable how much research she puts into the stories she writes. You can definitely tell!
@deardiaryts4: I love people who do extra things for their sims just like me LOL. She doesn’t have to make a music video or album cover CC. Nor does she have to create actual code for us to solve a mystery, but she does it anyway because she's passionate! She gives it 110% every time with her intriguing story and gameplay.
@ruthplaysthesims goes DEEEEPP into the lore! Blink and you'll miss it. She also has an impressive cast of characters. There are many mysteries in her stories that I am itching to have the answers to. I need to see/know!!!
@abbysimsfun OMG I absolutely love her style of writing, which became a recent influence over my own. She's also a fellow fan and user of Chekhov's guns (I know the name of that literary device now because of her hehehe. No, no actual guns here!). I am captivated by the storytelling!
@dreamyyesenia is so incredibly sweet! She also takes her sims' personalities and interests very seriously and creates the perfect homes/wardrobes for them. She's a master at it and I'm taking notes.
@authorspirit: Her builds are absolutely fantastic. Joy is a smart cookie and she does everything with precision. I really like the chic and regal aesthetic in her posts too. Quite demure
@sharona-sims is my slice-of-life queen!!!! She seems apologetic for the "slow pace" of her gameplay, but I don't mind it one bit. I could keep up with Lily and Michael for the rest of my life, idc, I love them.
@teadreamsims is immensely creative and a great storyteller. I always forget they play on console. That just shows how important imagination is. The gameplay with Fern and the rotational gameplay with the townies happened ages ago but they live in my head rentfree.
@aurorangen: Details details details!!!!! I eat it all up and Rory always gives us extra insight and behind-the-scenes stuff. She's talented in both writing and telling her stories through pictures. And her builds are insane.
@cakepoppresent: Nahhhhh cuz the drama and the wholesomeness, omg. I like how we explore different groups of characters at a time and it never seems like too much. And her videos are everything.
@miralure is on hiatus sadly :( But she definitely left her mark, I never forget her. When I came back to Simblr, I had no idea a lot of people saw commenting as an "embarrassing" thing? She was very welcoming and her mindset is the one I've been following ever since. Because of her, I'm often all up in your guys's comments like nothing lmao. Anyway, her lookbooks were perfection as well as her male sims. Amazing.
@windslar also seems to be on hiatus :( I admire the way she composes her dialogue posts through photos and I've been trying to do it as well as she does. The facial expressions, the angles, etc! It's cinematic.
@cinamun: I don't even have to explain, but I will anyway. The drama, the real-life-issues, the gifs, the heartfelt moments, the plot twists, the in-depth characters, the lore, the background, the wardrobes. Phenomenal work!
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ryuichirou · 10 months ago
Okay I know you made this art like AGES ago but the womb tattoo Idia lives rentfree in my head and I wanted to ask if you had any hcs connected to that, like which character would love it and breed him nonstop, who'd find it hot in theory but not actually want to knock him up, who'd just make him get rid of it to not even risk it... or maybe someone would just make him a public breeding stock?
Hi again, Anon!
I am so happy you liked that one; I randomly remember that idea from time to time as well. We definitely should revisit it, and I should draw it again, but for now I’ll use your ask as an opportunity to talk about it!
First of all, “public breeding stock” is a phrase that feels so wrong yet so right when you apply it to Idia… thank you for putting this image in our heads. Ah, the way he should be treated 😔
As for the boys, I think none of them would want to get rid of the tattoo in an easy non-sexual manner; maybe it’s because of magic, maybe it’s horny monkey brain, but the moment they see it on Idia’s stomach, they’ll go ballistic lol
I also think that the majority of the boys we ship Idia with wouldn’t actually want to knock him up BUUUUT there is some nuance to this whole thing, so let’s go through the list of our main Idia ships…
Azul – this one actually has some hcs, since the original comic is Azul/Idia-centric! The moment Azul learns about the true meaning of the tattoo, he’ll play the “oh how dare you, did you want to use me for your own satisfaction, Idia-san?” card, of course being very obviously fake about this heartbreak and betrayal of trust. And he would completely ignore the fact that Idia wasn’t planning on doing that at all… and he’ll keep talking about it, while having sex with Idia, completely ignoring Idia who is trying to explain that this isn’t the case. The fact that Idia’s mouth starts smiling involuntarily due to how good it feels doesn’t help his case at all.
Azul doesn’t really buy the breeding thing, but he’ll still get overly horny simply due to how much power he has over Idia in this state, especially as the tattoo lights up with his every move and how Idia exhales whenever the dick leaves his body. They’ll break the spell, but Azul will definitely use it in the future. Controlling Idia by having the one thing that he wants sounds like too powerful of an idea to ignore it. Azul is on his way to learn how to cast it! (he’ll also try not to think about how much he genuinely loved seeing Idia looking like this and desiring him…)
Jade and Floyd will get super into in this exciting new thing that Idia did to himself. It’s like a fun toy just got upgraded into the best toy! Idia is already pretty easy to chase and freak out, but when he’s barely running because his body actually wants him to get railed by these two, even though his mind isn’t… it’s perfect. It also feels like when Idia is scared of them, his sexual frustration gets even worse, so by the time they finally get tired of playing around and pin him down, his tattoo would be so bright and hot and his hips would move on their own because he’s desperate. These two would really push the tattoo’s effect to its absolute limits before they even get to touch Idia directly. So of course they’ll comment on how pathetic Idia looks, and of course they’ll play with him for hours!
While they probably won’t be very interested in the breeding part, they would love how Idia begs them to stop but also keeps clinging to them. They’ll also love how his belly is getting filled and stretched as they finish inside for the 5th time both, and Jade would be the one to not only comment on that, and then Floyd would put pressure on the belly to make Idia squirt out everything he’s been storing inside for the past two hours. His tattoo almost started disappearing, too..! But now that Idia is empty, it’s bright and hungry again.
Ortho – Of course he’ll help his niisan/niichan out! Isn’t it for the best that they can do it together and Idia won’t have to embarrass himself in front of other people? Not to mention, they’ve read a hentai manga just like that about a younger brother who helped out his older sister in the exact same way! What do you mean Ortho shouldn’t have access to this type of literature? Too late! Anyways, he’ll ignore Idia moaning about how wrong this it because he’s too busy enjoying how the tattoo colour changes whenever he changes the settings of his robo-dick.
Ironically, I can picture him of all people kind of wishing to knock Idia up, both as AI Ortho and as actual human Ortho. Not only he’ll say it while fucking the living daylights out of Idia, he’ll also make sure that by the time of his third orgasm Idia would start agreeing with him while crying of pleasure. This would’ve instantly became a cringe memory that Idia could’ve easily brushed off (he wasn’t really himself, it was the tattoo’s fault) when the whole thing is over; but Ortho would say that it’s a bummer that actually knocking Idia up is impossible… Ortho, please, you are the one person who SHOULDN’T think about it!
Sebek – no thoughts head empty; after figuring out what kind of curse this tattoo implies and yelling at Idia for being so obscene, he’ll get consumed by the desire to breed him. Maybe fae react to this type of tattoo stronger? Maybe it’s just a Sebek thing. But the moment he stares at the tattoo for longer than 2 seconds, his pupils will dilate and he will get super horny. He might get a vague desire to actually  impregnate Idia, and it’ll keep his hips going like crazy, but it wouldn’t go further than that. Even though for a moment there he really would feel like Idia’s body is capable of handling fae eggs or anything else for that matter… Still, Sebek will fill Idia with to the brim and just keep creampie-ing him until both of them pass out.
Lilia – he is the one guy who is actually aware about the tattoo and what it represents, and he would be very impressed by the fact that Idia managed to do this to himself somehow. This is absolutely the first time Lilia witnessed someone doing it on accident… He’ll scare Idia with stories about how some infertile fae casted this spell on themselves and pumped out like 5 babies that year in one go, and how the tattoo means that Idia won’t go back to normal until his body is properly satiated with thick and potent seed. Idia could just ignore it of course, it won’t kill him, he’ll just feel incredibly horny all the time and start feeling the urge to shove anything even remotely phallic inside his ass—this is where Idia would beg Lilia to stop talking and making everything worse lol
Lilia will fuck Idia alright! And he’ll feel him good, while still talking about how Idia’s body will start changing whether he wants it or not. Idia will be completely terrified but also too horny to think about anything because Lilia would feel way too good.
But ALSO. When Lilia himself is done (grandpa can’t go 10 rounds like he used to…), he could actually do the “making Idia a public breeding stock” thing and just invite all the Diasomnia students to have their way with Idia. He’ll stay there the whole time, holding Idia’s legs and patting his head playfully while Idia completely loses his mind because both his hair and his tattoo would go absolutely crazy because of how overwhelmed and horny he is. He wouldn’t remember just how many guys he took that day, but thankfully, they left plenty of autographs on his body with a marker that Lilia found somewhere.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 1 year ago
hey ha! saw requests are open so i take the chance and may request something also sorry for the english 👉🏿👈🏿 soooo the thing is im obsessed with lucifer from sandman in an unhealty way and there is this idea in my head that lives rentfree so luci saves f/reader that is trapped "in" a demon that shows them there bigges fear and all the things and people that they did something to they regret so we are crying and fearing but luci comes like " T_T...you shouldnt be here" grabs over our shoulder puts there wing protectiv around our back und guids us to the illusion that the demon is creating at a point where the illusion brings us to hesitate the next steps luci push us forward and be like the lightbringer angel they are and we are like 🥲🥲🥲 mhmhm thanks and fluff stuff
i know its kinda specific and its ok if your not up to this but want to drop here im a fan of your writhing so im looking forward to everything you post xD
so have a good one ans thanks for your time 🌚❤️
Hiiii anon!! Thank you for the request! It’s detailed, and I love that 🥰 I tried to follow your request as best as I could. Hope you Enjoy!! 💞💞
Shadow Shadow ~Soft!Lucifer Morningstar xGN!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, happy ending fluff, demonic possession, crying, anxiety, implied anxiety attack, greatest fears, comforting, pet names, fluff ending, etc.
Enjoy (:
The dishes had piled up in your kitchen sink. They had been bothering you all day, so with a sigh, you got up and went over to address them. You started cleaning the dishes one by one…
Your ears perked up when you thought you heard the door move. You looked back at the kitchen door, but it hadn’t moved. Odd, you thought.
Suddenly, you felt something invade you.
The feeling was hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced and entered you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body go numb. You were sucked into yourself, having no control over your body anymore, somebody else was now at the wheel.
Everything around you was dark. You could still vaguely see through your eyes, but you were being pulled into the darkness more and more.
Suddenly you were pulled into a memory filled with true fear and terror. You started to shake as you were forced to relive these twisted thoughts and memories. They were warped, having heightened fear and fright. You started crying, falling to the ground and shaking uncontrollably.
You didn’t know how long you were in those state, but you were cradling yourself on the ground, scared to death and sobbing uncontrollably.
Suddenly, you heard a voice, not one of your own.
“You should not be here…!” The booming voice exclaimed.
You then felt the invasion start to be pulled out of you.
The feeling was still hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced you once more, but this time exiting you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body come back to you. You were sucked back out of your depths, having finally control over your body again, the somebody else at the wheel now gone.
When your vision came back to you, you saw a tall figure with strong wings standing in front of you. You were still shaken and scared for your life. Your lip trembled and you immediately put your hands in front of your face to protect yourself.
“My name is Lucifer.” The large being spoke softly, bringing one of their wings around you, “What’s your name, little thing?”
The wing around you made you oddly calmer. You felt protected. And you felt like you could finally breathe.
“I… Y/N…” you whispered, wiping the tears away for your eyes.
Lucifer nodded slowly in understanding.
“That is a lovely name.” They cooe, “I am sorry that you had to experience that, my sweet…”
“What… W-what was that…?” You whispered.
Lucifer sighed.
“One of my more roudy demons who got away from me.” They admitted, “It won’t happen again. You need not worry.” They reassured you.
“No but what was that…?” Your voice trembled as you thought back to the horrific feeling that you had felt in every bone of your body for that time.
You winced and tears threatened to spill down your cheeks once more. Lucifer sighed in sympathy.
“You see, Demons like to thrive off of the human mind… And this demon specialized in fear” They explained gently, “So the demon pulled out your biggest fears to feed off of and survive inside you. Humans call this possession.”
Tears began to flow down your face once more. You nodded at their words.
“It was so awful…” you choked out, your voice cracking.
Lucifer’s wings held you closer and their hand came behind you to rub your back.
“I know, little one…” they cooed lovingly, “But the demon is gone now. It will never bother you again.”
“Ok…” you whispered, looking up at the Lightbringer with watery eyes.
“Thank you” you choked out.
“Anytime, little one…” Lucifer gently spoke, “I’ll come back to check on you soon, alright…?”
You hiccuped and nodded. Then Lucifer left and you were back in your kitchen. With your dishes.
Lucifer Morningstar Masterlist
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kurayami-no-ko · 24 days ago
I got tagged by @study-in--scarlett to share my wips and I assume that this means stuffs I am actually working upon instead of random ideas I keep meaning to write but never actually get around to writing so here is a list.
[Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell] The Lady with the Shawl: This started as a discussion in a Discord server but I ended up actually writing it. It is a story about the affair between Mrs Redruth and John Uskglass. I am not sure how it will end but I am just making it up as I go along.
[The Second Reproduction] Half Demon or Half Human?: This is a love story between Jin and my OP, Melissa. The first chapter was published in 2022 and I took a long time between some chapters (it only has 7 chapters) but I still mean to work on it despite not having written a single word for this fanfic for quite some time now. (I swear I will work on it tomorrow, next week or something!). However, Jin is my trashy husbando and Melissa is one of my most detailed OPs and they both live rentfree in my head so I will try to get this finished one day.
Idea that I probably will work on (maybe if you hit me with a stick?):
[Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories & Homicipher crossover] Tentative title: Segundus, Simonelli and the sojourn in the house of monster. I already drew a rough outline in my mind but the crossover fanfic will be basically Segundus and Simonelli getting stuck in the house from Homicipher and having to decipher monster speech while trying to stay alive (it will be mainly Segundus trying to stay alive because I am pretty sure Simonelli has mad luck and survival skills). Mr Crawling, my beloved, will obviously show up in this and aid Segundus in not getting murdered.
Tagging: @liliththunder if you want to talk about your WIPs.
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someone-you-do-not-know · 2 years ago
Howdy, partner 🐴
How about we play a little ask game, hm?
(Hetalia fanfics writer ask game)
26, 13 aaaand 5, please 💜
Hi, hi, hiiiii! I love playing games! :D
5. What do you keep in mind when writing a particular character? Since there's no character specified, I'll just go with the general things I keep in mind for all characters. The most important thing for me is that their dialogue fits them – like, it has to be their voice. Rereading, rewording, and rewriting dialogue is so important to me, so the whole thing doesn't sound like the same character speaking. I also have certain things I write on the first draft that end up sounding unnatural later. Such as Romano swearing too much (yes, it's possible), Spain starting his sentences with "Ah" and ending with a "haha," and the list goes on. A funny thing is that I actively avoid Prussia using awesome. He'll say sweet, cool, great etc., but his awesome counter is very low. Because I hate when a fanfic has him saying it all the time. It needs to have impact. It needs to actually be awesome.
13. What character took the most research? This is hard, because I don't... I don't do character research? Not really, at least? I do historical research for plot and idea purposes and sometimes check out fanart or other fanfiction for a ship I'm not as familiar with if I plan to write it (such as when I introduced nyo Russia in Birdbrains), but I don't do a lot of dedicated character research. I might look up canon heights, eye colours, and other stuff, but I'm not sure that counts. Spamano just lives rentfree in my head, I don't do research for their personalities. I do research for the plots I want to do, or history I'm interested in. Like, I've read a lot about history, but it was because I wanted to learn the history of something, not because I wanted to use it for Hetalia fanfiction. I just also end up using it for Hetalia fanfiction.
26. Any Hetalia AUs that live rent free in your head? Every Hetalia AU I write or plan to write is living there, of course. Not a lot of canon ones though. I stole these characters, they are my dolls to play with now!
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years ago
Hey there!
I watched PS I hate you since you recommended it and...wtf how was this Show so good?! Like... the scene at the end with Wantan will live rentfree in my head for ever.
Thank you so much for the idea to watch it and I am now even more excited for The Jungle and got the feeling that Mix Character might be queer in some way since I havent seen him make out with one of the girls. Cant wait for Pat and Off together🙏
Have you already predictions for the Show?
hi anon!
omg I know right?? the show was a lot to say the least lmao but I loved it! The agony I felt from week to week trying to figure out who put the video on was,,,, intense djgdhgf
I did like the ending though. And the part with Wanwan was insane. Pat nailed it. (also not me loosing it over Wantan lmaoo) This was my first Snap25 production but judging from the trailer, I'm pretty sure The Jungle will be about as intense lol.
"Mix's character is queer because he's not making out with any girls" djkhfd you make interesting conclusions anon 😂 I don't think we can assume anything for now lmao let's see what happens.
OffPat seem to be a crowd favorite lol I'm excited to see them!! They're a powerful duo for sure.
The trailer was very inconclusive so I have no predictions whatsoever. It seems that there is a murder which should be interesting, also Nanon is playing twins? Or is it a split personality thing. I don't know. But I'm here for all of it lol. Need me a good messy show to get into the Only Friends mood lmao.
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redwidow616 · 1 year ago
So so many, where should i start?
- the fight, the wave just incredible, adam copeland is so amazing as ares and ofc the kids are as well, walkers expressions in this episode especially
- it was so funny how annabeth had no idea what was going on
- when annabeth told percy not to go to olympus and percy said "im tired of running away from monsters" the implication!!!!!
- little disappointed buy the design of the throne room on olympus, could have been more glamorous but the scene there amazing everything perfect (also "make sure i never see him again" dude you're gonna see him a LOT from now on)
- I'm kinda wondering why annabeth was in the forest because luke manipulated her so easily before so she wouldn't say anything about clarisse
- the betrayal scene felt so much more personal and devastating with luke asking percy to come with him instead of just trying to kill him
- percy's "I'm sorry" just for luke to immediately attack him was so heartbreaking
- the goodbye scene on the hill, very cute, very healing (for us and them)
- Percy calling kronos grandpa will live rentfree in my head from now on
- the gabe statue scene of course still amazing, a highlight, we've all been waiting for it from day one
In conclusion i loved it and I'm so excited for season two and i hope we get more episodes so they can still include a lot of details but don't have to rush through it
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ilredeiladri · 8 months ago
This idea will live in my head rentfree from now on 😍
10 Things I Hate About You AU, where twin's parents proclaimed that Sharpay can date only when Ryan also gets a date. So Zeke is desperate and after none of the wildcats can be bribed by baked goods, he breaks his piggy bank and suggests to pay his hero on a mission. Chad, on the other hand, have been saving for a car for way to long. And how hard it can be to ask a dude to go to movies couple of times? Bitchy!Ryan however arent having any of his bullshit.
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valodia · 2 years ago
So pumped to get back to art after the hellish week ive had~ To do list for tomorrow i have like 3 drawing ideas about TGCF now that ive finished reading it, one meme idea on the same topic, and id also rlly like to make another song.
Edit: i also have to draw another 3zun or nieyao art so that eveyrone remains well aware im still obsessed. Ngl Hualian have been living in my head rentfree but its not they i daydream about to fall asleep at night.
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vaskadenisov · 3 years ago
gonna keep passing around the magician monologue to different projects like it's a single braincell
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myzzjolanda · 2 years ago
Alright this one is relatively short, but it lived in my head rentfree for a couple of weeks right now so I decided to finally write it down. Enjoy Pairings: Larissa Weems x Reader Warnings: none  Wordcount: 862
You woke up to the sound of rain and wind outside. When you felt shivers going down your spine and couldn’t find Larissa next you, you opened your eyes to look around the room to see where she was. You heard some movements and then a toilet flushing, which immediately answered your question. Content, you laid your head back on the pillow and pulled the blanket all over your body. The bed was nice and warm, and by the sound of it, the world outside of this room would feel cold and cruel. Therefore, you had decided at the spot to spend the whole day in bed with Larissa. Your Larissa. A few moments later, you heard soft footsteps coming back to the bed. You felt the mattress moving while Larissa moved her way in bed again. “Oh, you thought you could steal the whole blanket while I was away for a second?”. She placed a kiss on the blanket where she supposed your forehead would be. “Had to, ‘twas cold without you.”, you hummed back. “Don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to sleep naked then.”,  Larissa answered cheerfully. You grinned while you poked your head out over the blankets. “That was your idea last night. Can’t remember that you complained.”. She smiled at you softly when she pulled you closer and put the blanket over her body as well. You immediately took the chance to crawl as close to Larissa as you possibly could. You let out some sort of sigh of relieve when you hid your face into her shoulder, put an arm around her waist and placed a leg between her legs. “Oh?”. Larissa sounded surprised. “What happened there?” “Nothing”, you answered, “I just missed you.”. “But I’ve only been away for 2 minutes.”, she whispered back in your ear. “I don’t care. Still missed you.”. You could feel her smile while she placed another kiss on your forehead. You hummed again softly. You fell asleep soon again, and woke up a few hours later to Larissa trying to get up again really quit. You opened one of your eyes. “Trying to leave me again?”, you asked her playfully. She smiled at you and placed, yet again, a kiss on your forehead. “It perhaps is a good idea to take a shower and have breakfast, my love. Together. We could go outside to weathervane for some hot chocolate…” “No. Please. We can shower but I want a breakfast in bed. And lunch. And dinner. I want to stay in bed all day.”, you answered lazily, still covered in blankets. Larissa looked worried. “Why, my love, don’t you feel well?”, she asked you. “No, I just want to spend the day in bed with you. In your arms.”, you answered while you climbed on top of Larissa, your head resting on her chest and your legs in between her legs. “Ooh?”, Larissa said with a joyful tone, “Are we feeling playful today?” “No.”, you giggled. “Not yet at least. Today I’m feeling clingy. I need you today. Feeling like staying with you like this all day long.”. Larissa stayed quiet for a moment while she played with our hair and gave you kisses on your head. “I like that, little one. As long as I may hold you all day long.”. You smiled softly. “I like that. I like being your teddybear.”. Larissa started laughing. “Oh, you are much more to me than a teddybear, my love. But today you are a really sweet teddybear.”. You looked at her with a big grin. “Good. And what am I to you on other days?” “Oh, darling, so much.”, Larissa answered while she turned around to lay you under her so she could be on top. She gave you a soft, sweet kiss at your lips while she looked at you, just as much in love as the first time she kissed you. “As I said  a multiple times already today, you are my love every single day-“ another kiss, “-Some days you are my sweet tiny babygirl, mostly in bed-“, another kiss, “-But most importantly, you always are my sweet little awesome girlfriend who makes every day worth it to wake up again.”, she finished. Now she gave you a longer kiss. She hummed content while she lovingly cupped your face with one hand and placed her other hand on your waist. You felt tears come up in your eyes. Larissa stopped kissing you. “No, don’t stop.”, you said, almost worried again. “But sweety, have I said something wrong?” “No, that was just the sweetest thing someone ever said to me.”, you answered softly. Larissa grinned softly. “Really? It’s all true though.”. You were at a loss for words for a moment. Then you cupped Larissa her beautiful face. You gave her a long, intense kiss. “I love you, Larissa Weems.”, you giggled while you hugged her close. “I love you too, (y/n) (y/l/n).”, she answered softly while she pulled you in a sidewards hug and pulled the blankets over your heads again. She gave you a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t ever leave me, sweet teddybear.
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thecatspasta · 11 months ago
Oh god lets go
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Questioning my music tastes has historically been a bad idea
The Sticks - Mother Mother: GOD I WOULD DIE FOR THIS ALBUM. Mother Mother has fantastic music but the sticks is where I think they shine the most. The Cry Forum and To The Wild are such fantastic songs you have no idea. I rly like cesspool of love, little pistol, lets fall in love and business man as well. GOD ITS SO FANTASTIC GO LISTEN RN URGH
Jackrabbit - San Fermin: Ok I dont listen to this much BUT jackrabbit, parasite, the woods and two scenes changed my brain chemistry you have no idea. URGH god ok its so good go listen to the woods esp
Sleep in Color - Jack Conte: Anyones whos got me talking abt music has probably heard me go off abt Like a Match but omg this entire album is so good, like a match obvi my fav I would throw up. Its sort of dissociation core?? Idk its rly good I like like a match and hollywood endings. Its a sort of short album (i think its an ep actually but idc) BUT ITS SO WORTH IT GO LISTEN NOW
Eureka - Mother Mother: Mother Mother again BUT I love Eureka I think the songs here are all bangers, but I rly like calm me down, aspiring fires and simply simple. ESP aspiring fires that songs abt mental health stereotypes (god the line 'ill show you what thats like and wave goodbye as you run for your life' lives rentfree in my head) ITS SO GOOD HOLY CRAP pls when you have the time go listen
VideoSongs Vol 1 - Jack Conte: So there are 4 vs albums and theyre all fantastic but I like 1 a lot. Favs from it are Eat, Passenger Seat, Lonely Ghost and Yeah Yeah Yeah V2. Throws up actually, I love yeah yeah yeah both versions, but v2 i once listened to on loop for 72hrs straight HELP. Passenger Seat is sooooooo npdcoded its insane. Ppl who dont have npd stop making songs that are just a step by step on what the disorders like LMAOO. LONELY GHOST HAS SUCH A GOOD SOUND YOU NEED TO EXPERIENCE FOR YOURSELF jack conte is so good at sounds and noises urgh
Sckrpnch - waveform*/melaina kol: OK SO THIS HAS A RLY CHILL VIBE TO IT but still has dark undertones (looking at you tell me) and its rly good. This albums rly niche from what i can tell and Id be shocked if you recognized it BUT URGH its rly good omg. I was rly obsessed with it last year but it sort of fizzled out before slamming back with the force of a truck. Favs are wrm, sckrpnch (you spell that by going suckerpunch and then removing the vowels) and tell me
Spirit Phone - Lemon Demon: Ok so gravitron is so good bc I just like noise I like sounds and it does that. When he died, redesign your logo and crisis actors are constantly in my head Im obsessed on a level you truly cannot comprehend. All the music on here is rly catchy and I LOVE IT TO DEATH URGH OMG. Spiral of Ants my love as well
Race - Alex G: I LOVE RACE its been getting popular on tiktok recently and that fact hurts my soul but urgh Ill tough it out. Anyways Gnaw hits so so hard esp the outro. Let it go and crab are SO GOOD the sounds are fantastic I will die. Also omg the lyrics. Ive called Alex Gs music 'Songs for traumatized kids' and this album is a prime example of it LMAO. Things to do also urgh omg omg throws up ok im good
Very Good Bad Thing - Mother Mother: OK SO I LOVE THIS ALBUM SO SO MUCH OK. HAVE IT OUT CHANGED MY ENTIRE LIFE ISTG ITS SO GOOD HOLY CRAP. Also Very Good Bad Thing is so amazing THROWS UP. My friend made an animation with the song kept down but ALSO THE SONG IS AMAZING IN ITS SELF GO LISTEN NOW URGH THROWS UP SCREAMS AND DIES i like mother mother someone ask me for my song recs. I also like I Go Hungry (jon sims core song) and Jump the Fence
I did not mean to ramble this much abt music I am so sry hope you enjoyed tho
Tagging @iamfabiloz, @cassiecryptic, @lysia-doodlez, @valsperfume, @changella404, @river-not-a-stream, @starry-voidss, @narcvampp, @checkadii
Favorite Albums: choose 9 and then tag 9 people!
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For my own sanity, I didn't include musicals because I could fill up a whole other 3x3 grid with them, and comparing musicals to non-musical theater albums is weird.
Those last 4 that you definitely don't recognize are by Old Earth who you should definitely listen to if you want artsy ambient indie folk with really intricate guitar. My absolute favorite artist by far, and also the most obscure artist I listen to by far.
Electric by The Pet Shop Boys — I think this is my favorite album period. I am still pissed off that Tom Scott called it "not that great" in the old Technical Difficulties podcast. Maybe I'm biased because it was my favorite album when I was 14 and because it's where I really fell in love with the Pet Shop Boys. God I love them. So much. I'm way too excited for the new album and I worship geowayne's website where he analyzes all their songs. I probably should have put another PSB album on here, but there isn't another where I'm in love with every track. Plus honestly so many of my favorite tracks of theirs are B sides. They still release B sides with their singles, and this album cycle, the B sides are honestly better than the actual singles. Anyway electric is pure synthy electropop and I adore it in that way you can only love something you first heard at 14.
Pure Heroine by Lorde — I read a quote somewhere where Lorde said she tried to really put all of being a teenager into the album, so much so that once she became an adult, she probably wouldn't understand or like it anymore. I can definitely say that I'm not nearly as attached to it anymore now that I'm an adult, but God, it was my life when I was 13. She really did capture the unique ennui of being a teenager. I wrote a novel in eighth grade, and I wrote at least half of it to tracks from this album. Also, hot take: Royals is my least favorite track by a lot. Buzzcut Season is my favorite.
My Head is an Animal by Of Monsters and Men — God, this one was my life when I was like, 12. I fell in love with folk there, and I'm still in love nearly a decade later. Another album where I still love every track.
Strange Trails by Lord Huron — hey look, an album I actually discovered and came to love as an adult! The fact that I love Lord Huron's brand of folky horror/fantasy/western music that tell stories with characters should not surprise anyone. Also, if I had to describe my experience with schizophrenia in one song, I'd choose Meet Me in the Woods.
The Tragic Treasury by The Gothic Archies — Look. Hear me out. Is it a album based purely on A Series of Unfortunate Events? Yes. But. Is it also an album where I genuinely love every track and have genuinely been known to just throw it on shuffle? Yes. I mean I think of one lyric from this album, like, weekly. I swear it's not just ASOUE brainrot that makes me like it so much. If it'd ever gotten a vinyl release, I'd absolutely own it. I wish it had gotten one.
a low place at The Old Place by Old Earth — honestly this is probably only my favorite Old Earth album because it's the one that I was able to actually get on vinyl and being able to play that vinyl is so lovely. I mean, it's good, but so is everything by Old Earth. Then again, Less Words is my favorite single track by them and it is on this album. Look. All the Old Earth albums I've listed here are, at most, 20 minutes long. If you like ambient artsy indie folk with lyrics that are there more for the way they sound than their meaning, try one.
light shaped by Old Earth — god the lyrics to this one. Normally I don't like Old Earth for the lyrics but. "It gets old/then it's done" and "what if it's just some song that gets you home" and especially "I'm holding your arms/and you're holding my eyes/and I lie like the right thing to do" are all just so great. And so is the middle track with no lyrics.
... until they're called by Old Earth — have you ever heard an album so good that you a) just played the whole thing and danced to it in your basement nonstop for the full 12 minutes, and then b) wrote a poem about the experience? People talk about finding God, but dancing to that album was the moment I found athiesm. The beauty of us all being here for no reason, just feeling things and living and doing our best to make something beautiful out of it.
Two Torches, at a Place Where Three Roads Meet by Old Earth — I'll be honest, I don't have much to say about this one. They're just a really solid three tracks.
... Yeah okay I really like Old Earth. Don't judge me.
Thank you @cygninae and @thehistoryone for tagging me! I'll tag @ven10 (I'm surprised neither of the people who tagged me tagged you), @weirdthoughtsandideas (ditto), @70snasagay (hmmmm i wonder what you'll put), @cat-boy-tom, @thetreetzar, @buncoreclown, @notthatalex, @unfortunate-sapphic-disaster, and @roach-in-the-kitchen. No pressure, obviously!
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drovenna · 3 years ago
Here's an art challenge for you, if you're feeling up to it/are feeling spicy lol.
You know the Medusa, right?
So instead of having multiple tiny snakes as hair, what if instead she has just one giant snake as her hair on her head? Wouldn't that mind be funny? Also kinda would be a cool concept to see as well.
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So this idea lived rentfree in my head for a while, and now I had the sudden motivation to do it. Thanks anon for this idea♥️
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atlas-of-galaxies · 2 years ago
reko and/or kai for the asks! :]
I will do kai. for you toby <3
first impression - mannnn this guy's sketchy as hell. gonna keep Sara as far away as possible, thank you very much. impression now - OUGHHHH. what a deeply tragic character. there's something especially sobering about not getting to know a character until they're already dead and gone. favorite moment - "This ... is resistance!" my first playthrough I was too devastated by Joe to properly appreciate Kai's final moments, but on replays ... woof. alternatively, when he finally breaks in the Main Game as his role is revealed. it's incredibly sad but BOY does it hit hard! idea for a story - I'd love to see a chat between Kai and Hinako, two people who have never known anything but the organization they're ultimately betrayed by. him meeting any of the dummies could be interesting to see where his priorities lie in the human vs doll debate too ... unpopular opinion - I don't think he's coming back in 3-2 lol. I'm sure we'll learn more about him but I think he's good and gone; his death would lose some meaning if it turned out to be a fakeout. favorite relationship - moreso what could have been but ... Kai and Sara sibling aus live in my head rentfree ... favorite headcanon - I love him being a hacker/tech guy on the side ... Kai and Shin being the only characters who know how to use a computer real.
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heroloverangel · 4 years ago
New Addition
After a year as a family of three, you’re ready for more.
(aka Dadzawa lives in my head rentfree 24/7)
It’s a tough night for both of you. Aizawa’s been preparing his class for their next round of internships, working long into the night to make sure none of the students fall behind on their studies. You know he’s running himself ragged between teaching, the increasingly frequent patrols as an active hero, and everything else he’s got on his plate. It definitely seems like you’ve got the easier job at first glance, but putting a certain little girl to bed after an exciting day is so much harder than you’d imagine.
It’s been a year since he introduced you to Eri, and immediately you knew you’d do anything for her. You and Shouta were dating for years without any plans to get married, but doing so made it easier to adopt her. You found a new job that allowed you to work from home, so that you could live fulltime on the school’s campus with them. You spent countless nights in the first few months holding her through her nightmares, but the first time she drifted off in your arms and called you “Mama” in her sleep, every compromise you made for this new little family was worth it.
She’s almost eight now, and today’s been a busy day for her. After weeks of pleading, the older students were allowed to take her out to the zoo. “Froppy has a sister, did you know that?” Eri asks you as you tuck her in. “Satsuki’s seven, like me. She’s really nice, she said she wants to play with me again.” You smile at your daughter, promising you’ll invite her over soon. “Froppy loves her a lot, doesn’t she…” her thought is interrupted by a yawn. You let her tire herself out as she tells you about her day, listening along to her words. One comment in particular makes you pause, and she circles around to it several more times before her heavy eyelids flutter closed. “Please, Mama? For my birthday?”
You clear your throat and choose your words carefully. “Daddy and I have to talk about it. It’s a big job, you know.” Eri nods, finally slipping into her dreams while you flip on her nightlight and shut the door. You release a deep breath you didn’t realize you were holding and let yourself consider her request while you get ready for bed.
You’re not the only civilian that lives on campus; there are other teachers with families, and there would have been a riot if they’d had to leave them. There’s not much room in the little apartment the three of you share, barely bigger than a few regular dorm rooms combined together. You look around and think to yourself, if you rearrange some things, there just might be enough space for one more. You have more free time now that you work from home, and surely you could arrange some leave next year...
You’re still deep in thought when your husband wanders in and drops onto the bed like a rock. “Hi,” you prod the tired lump next to you and he only grunts in response. “Do you have a second? It’s about Eri.”
Shouta turns his head to look at you with his full attention. “It’s nothing bad, don’t worry. She had so much fun at the zoo, and she was just telling me what she wants for her birthday.”
“A cat?”
“No, but good guess. She told me she wants-” you swallow, the words sticking in your throat. “She wants a sibling.”
“A sibling.”
Nodding, you continue. “A sister, specifically. But she doesn’t mind if it’s a brother instead.”
Aizawa sighs and sits back up, stretching his arms. “What did you tell her?”
“Just that we’d talk about it. It’s not like we have to decide right now, she’ll love a cat just as much as a baby in a few months. It’s just...something to think about.”
“And what do you think about it?” He’s looking at you with interest despite his previous exhaustion. “Are you okay with it? Having another kid?”
You flop down on the bed beside him. “I think I like the idea,” you admit. “I know we never talked much about kids before, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about it. We’ve got Eri now, and I love being her mom way more than I ever expected. If they’re as good as she is, I think that maybe I do want more.” You look over at him and smile. “And you turned out to be a great dad, too.”
He nods, and you notice a faint smile spreading along his face. “We’re surprisingly good at this.” You snort out a laugh at the compliment. He’s pulling at his clothes and continues. “It’s late, we’ll talk about it tomorrow.” Stripped to his underwear, you curl up beside him and his arm wraps around you. “You didn’t do anything impulsive like quit your birth control, did you?”
“Of course not, that’s ridiculous.”
That faint smile has morphed into a more devious smirk. “Good. Then there’s no harm in giving it a trial run.”
“Shouta? A what-”
His lips are on yours before you can ask. A rough hand snakes past the hem of your shirt and travels upwards, dragging the fabric with it to uncover your chest. He palms your breast and your nipple hardens at his touch. Your mouth opens to let out a quiet moan and his tongue slips inside with more energy than you’d expect from a man who barely has enough time to sleep. You let him guide you onto your back, only breaking the kiss when he pulls your shirt off completely. “Kitten,” he murmurs and you have to fight back a shiver at the tone of his voice. “I want this with you.”
His lips graze along the pulse in your neck and you’re aware of how fast your heart is pounding. He gropes at your chest until you squirm and then pries his mouth away from your throat to trail his attention down. You groan as his lips move over your breast, tongue peeking out to barely graze along your nipple and your fingers run through his messy hair.
“You want this? A baby?” You’d felt almost self-conscious before when you mentioned it, but now in the heat of the moment the words make you feel warm and tense in the best way.
“Only with you.” He meets your eyes; you can tell he’s serious and it’s unexpectedly touching. He resumes his task, sealing his mouth around your areola to suck harder on it as he teases the other with rough fingers. He can read your body like a book after all this time, and before long you’re squirming beneath him while you tug at his hair in response. He presses against you and you feel his cock hardening against your thigh. You move to strip him but he pushes your hands away instead. “Be good for me, kitten.”
You fight back a whine. “Fuck, Shouta.” Laying back to the mattress, you offer yourself to him and he takes full advantage. His attention to your breasts grows rougher, pinching and mouthing over you with more enthusiasm but staying gentle enough not to leave marks on your skin. Your hips buck up against his for stimulation but he only presses you back down with a taunting gleam in his eye. You let yourself focus on the way he’s touching your chest and don’t notice his other hand moving until it slips into your pajamas. A jolt runs through you as his fingers brush over you, just firm enough to stroke your clit through your panties and you sigh. “You’re such a tease.”
Aizawa moves off of your chest, leaving your nipples so sensitive that the contrast of the cool air almost hurts. Your shorts are yanked off without a thought of resistance and he stops to admire you. With your legs spread apart there’s no hiding the damp spot he’s created, which only gets more obvious when he presses his fingers against you and rubs the fabric against your eager cunt. You grind yourself into his touch on instinct and he lets out a quiet little laugh at you; the clear fondness only warms your heart.
Neither of you keep your underwear much longer. He doesn’t stop you this time when you grab for him and bring him down for a deep kiss, and it muffles the pleased noise you make when his fingers press into your pussy. “You don’t even need this,” he notices, easily stretching you open despite how much your walls clench around him. You’re panting beneath him already as his fingers work deeper into you, liquid heat in your veins as he brushes along your g-spot. “Come for me, kitten.”
You shake your head, forcing yourself to speak. “I want you inside me.”
His thumb teases your clit. “No, let me watch you come first.” You can’t deny him, he knows you far too well. He’s learned your weaknesses like the back of his hand after all these years, and it takes an embarrassingly short time for him to bring you over the edge. You can’t hide the spasming of your muscles as his fingers stroke you to an orgasm and keep moving to prolong it for you. You blink back to reality eventually, body relaxing underneath him with a dreamy smile of your own. It takes your dazed mind an extra moment to recover, but the sight of him above you brings you back to the present.
“Shouta, fuck me now.”
You don’t have to ask him again after the scene he’s just watched. He’s almost in a hurry now to push your thighs wider apart and settle between them. You look between your bodies and lick your lips at the way his dick twitches as he rubs against you and coats himself in your juices before the tip slides into you. His gaze moves from your spread open cunt up to meet your eyes again. “You’ll look good pregnant,” he murmurs in your ear and then thrusts deep into your ready body.
You don’t have the chance to process his words; immediately you’re too distracted as he quickly sheaths himself fully inside you in a few movements. “Feels good,” you pant out between heated kisses; he’s obviously enjoyed watching you more than you thought. “You’re eager tonight,” you manage a breathy laugh. He doesn’t bother answering you, shoving his tongue in your mouth to keep you quiet as his hips rut steadily into yours. His pace isn’t usually this frenzied but you can’t complain, enjoying every moment of his affection. A strong hand reaches for you and pulls your thigh up higher, shifting the angle and allowing him to fuck deeper into your cunt. His lips on yours are the only thing keeping your moan from being too loud, and your hands dig into his hair again to spur him on. “That feels really good.”
His breathing is barely winded but his voice sounds so appealingly rough. “You want this so much. I can feel it.” You nod and hold his face, both of you staring into each other’s eyes for a moment before sharing an unexpectedly soft kiss. A shudder runs down your spine as he rubs against your sensitive spots with practiced ease. You can feel another orgasm gradually building, the throb of his cock deep inside hints that he’s not far behind. “Tell me what you want.”
His pelvis grinds against your clit and your words come out shaky and preoccupied. “You.” Aizawa stares down at you as his pace quickens and his hands grip firmly around your hips in encouragement. “A fa--there, more. A family.” There’s an fresh sense of excitement between the two of you, and a bubble of pure, delirious happiness wells up within you. “I want your baby, Shouta.”
His smirk is wide and matches your own. “I can do that.” That’s the end of the conversation, his lips far too busy trailing over your collarbone and back to your tender nipple. You clamp a hand over your mouth to stay quiet, whining into your palm as he thrusts hard inside of you. You’re squeezing his dick so tightly, he can tell you’re close and increases his efforts to take care of you you first.
“Shoutaaa,” your whimper is muffled by your fist but he still hears it. Your muscles tense and he feels that familiar clench of your pussy around him, milking him to finish and practically begging to be filled with his cum. “Shouta, Shouta, Shouta.” He gives you what you want so much, warmth spreading inside you as he finishes with a hoarse groan that might be your name.
The two of you stay like this for a minute and catch your breath, slowly coming down from the heat of the moment to a more reserved kind of contentment. He pulls his spent cock out of you as he drags himself over to his side of the bed with a yawn.
“Damn,” you fight back a laugh, almost giddy. “I know we’re not seriously trying, but it feels like that would have done it if we were. Does that make sense?”
“And I know we’ve still got a lot to talk about, and we’ll do that later. But right now, it really feels like this is right for us.”
There’s no answer. You glance over, and it’s not a surprise that he’s already asleep.
You wake up in the morning to the smell of fresh coffee and a man ready to discuss your potential children like a tax meeting. You expected nothing less, and it’s a welcome comfort to sit in bed together and talk about everything. You talk until it’s time to wake Eri up and the day begins. You talk more at night when he gets home. You talk even more over the next several days until you’re both truly ready for your future and you begin actively working on it.
It takes a bit of time and you keep it a secret between yourselves at first. You wait a few more weeks until Eri’s birthday, and she’s the first one to learn about the baby growing safely in your belly. Your little girl is all smiles as she touches your stomach and you explain that she’ll be a big sister soon, and your little family will have a new addition to love. You watch your husband pick her up, she has plenty more presents to open, and you wonder how you’ll manage all of the happiness ahead of you.
tag requests: @lhcartoonist
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