#but this cat was once named Lotuskit
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fruitclan · 1 year ago
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Lotusfur! I had sooo much fun with this design.
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antclan-blogs · 1 year ago
Slightstar defended Wheatkit from an eagle and lost a life, she is also expecting kits. Sunleopard has birthed her litter.
This moon’s story under the cut!
Sunleopard lay purring in the nursery, suckling her litter of two new kits. Anisekit and Cedarkit, as she had named them, were mewling for milk and writhing around blindly at the deputy’s belly.
“They’re wonderful.” Bella was cooing as she sat up in her own nest, Hushstep’s litter dozing around her. Lotuskit, Minkkit, Wheatkit and Brokenkit, as Hushstep had thoughtfully dubbed his kits, were a little bigger than they had been before, but still tiny in comparison to the large nest.
“I know.” Sunleopard replied lovingly. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of her newborn litter, just a few days old and still helpless.
Bella sniffed the air. “Goodness, it’s awfully warm in here. I might take the kits out for some fresh air.” She decided, getting to her paws and nudging the kits awake. The youngsters had began to take small, shaky steps, sniffing at everything they could find and staring around the nursery in awe. Though they weren’t quite speaking yet, Lotuskit had managed to mew “Milk” and “Sleep” a few days prior. Hushstep was convinced she would be the smartest cat in the clan.
Bella padded out of the nursery, nosing along the less enthusiastic kits, and purred as Brokenkit managed to wobble his way into the clearing all by himself.
“Well done, Brokenkit!” Bella mewed enthusiastically, and at the sound of her voice Hushstep came rushing out of the medicine den.
“What is it? What did he do?” The tom asked, wide-eyed and excited.
Bella smiled at her friend and gestured to the stumbling white kit. “He walked all the way out of the nursery.” She reported proudly, and Hushstep purred loudly.
“That’s my boy!” He meowed happily, giving Brokenkit a head-lick.
Suddenly, a dark shape swooped over camp. Squinting up at the sky, horror dawned upon Hushstep and Bella as they caught sight of an eagle soaring in menacing circles over the clearing.
“It’ll go for the kits!” Bella wailed. “Hushstep, get them back into the nursery!”
Panick-stricken, Hushstep began frantically nudging the kits back the way they came, ignoring Minkkit’s wails of protest. When Lotuskit stopped in her tracks, the medicine cat darted back and scooped her up, hurrying back into the nursery.
It was only once he was in the safety of the den, licking his kits vigorously, that he realised Wheatkit wasn’t with him. Yowling with fear, he scrambled to his paws and darted back outside. Bella had fled under a nearby bush, not seeing that Wheatkit was stumbling across the clearing with pitiful mewls.
The eagle swooped suddenly, zoning in on the vulnerable kit, and grabbed Wheatkit in its sharp claws. Letting out a wail of fear, Hushstep dived forwards, but the eagle was already carrying Wheatkit upwards.
“NO!” Hushstep screeched, and Slightstar came pelting out of her den at the racket.
Seeing Wheatkit struggling in the grip of the mighty eagle, Slightstar narrowed her eyes in determination and darted across to the high rock. Using it as leverage, Slightstar threw herself into the air and tackled the eagle full-force, digging her claws into it’s throat and killing it in one swift blow. Dead and limp, the eagle let go of Wheatkit and he fell to the ground. Luckily, Hushstep stood underneath him, waiting to catch him and break his fall.
The eagle tumbled to the ground and lay unmoving, closely followed by Slightstar. The she-cat hit her head off the ground, and sprawled out at an odd angle. Hushstep darted over to her, trying to rouse her with his paw, but it was too late: Slightstar was losing her first life.
As her breathing stopped for a few agonising seconds and then restarted slowly, Sunleopard hobbled out of the nursery as fast as she could and crouched beside her leader.
“Is she alright?” The deputy asked fearfully, and Hushstep nodded.
“She’s lost a life, but this means she’ll make a quick recovery.” The medicine cat explained. “Thank Starclan she still has eight left.”
Sunleopard swallowed back her grief and slowly padded back to the nursery: her newborn kits couldn’t be left long without their mother.
As Bella ran back to the nursery to check on the other kits, Hushstep licked the trembling Wheatkit vigorously.
“When I tell you to come with me, that’s what you do.” Hushstep was mewing fiercely. “I could have lost you.”
“Luckily you didn’t.” Slightstar murmured, coming round from her blackout. “What happened? Did I hit my head?”
Berryspot padded up beside Hushstep. “Slightstar, you lost a life.” He told the leader uncomfortably.
Slightstar nodded, as if this was what she had expected. “I hope the fall didn’t harm the kits.” She mewed drowsily.
Hushstep and Berryspot exchanged a confused glance. “What do you mean, Slightstar?” Hushstep asked gently.
The leader gave a small grunt. “My kits. They need to be healthy if we want the birth to go well.”
Realisation dawned on both medicine cats at the same time: Slightstar was pregnant, and she had hit her head so hard that she thought they already knew.
“It’s best to play along.” Berryspot whispered, and Hushstep nodded.
“That’s right, Slightstar.” He mewed shakily. “We’ll have to check your belly in a moment.”
YOOO why is there so many kits? i’ll try figure out who’s who and post their sprites soon
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clowderofclans · 3 years ago
I also actually wrote out the allegiances (as much as I could make it out). Thank goodness for this:
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Without this, I doubt I would have been able to figure some of these out. Here we go:
Leader: Earthstar
Deputy: Ajisal (Leafpaw, Mosspaw)
Medicine Cat: Chi-Lotus
Warriors: Stripedclaw (Logpaw), Tailise-Cha, Bearnose, Longtail (Redpaw), Losteye (Lilypaw), Barkclaw (Twigpaw), Sabertooth, Tallpelt, Large-ear, Batpelt, Sharpclaw, Whitefang, Rockheart, Foxnose, Slitherfoot, Stormbelly
Apprentices: Leafpaw, Mosspaw, Logpaw, Redpaw, Lilypaw, Twigpaw
Queens + Kits: Chi-Lotus (Foxkit, Squirrelkit), Owleye (Lotuskit, Volekit, Dogkit, Molekit), Sweetlily, Birdsong, Brightpelt (Dark-kit, Lightkit), Shortwhisker
Elders: Brownear, Mousepelt
...and no, I don’t know where I got some of these names either. Or why Ajisal (what does that even mean???) mentored two apprentices at once, both of whom were Earthstar’s daughters. Apparently there was a leader named Burnedstar sometime after Earthstar. I have... no idea who that was- is? I wrote that he has a partner named Squirrel. That is... all I know about this character. Wow.
So I found my old EarthClan art...
This stuff has to be from, what, mid-middle school? There’s no dates so I can’t say exactly when this is from, but wow. Also you can see how much the way I used to draw cats changed:
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There are also maps I drew of EarthClan’s camp, territory, and the land around it:
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Not much has changed, but apparently there used to be a boathouse/dock/campground? at the far end of the Lake. I’m not sure if I moved that to the ocean by StreamClan or if I forgot about it, but that’s a thing that was there.
Also, apparently there were several Tribes/Clan-like groups who also lived in the area. For some reason all the Tribes lived really close tp each other, way down across the road by a mountain range. The other Clan(?) lived kind of diagonally from EarthClan, also by the Lake. I’m not sure if I changed any of these into the predecessors of the current Clans. Maybe the Clan of Growth became NatureClan or the Tribe of All Nature?
In case you can’t read my handwriting, the other groups were: Tribe of Long Whiskers, Tribe of Bird Jumpers, Tribe of Brown-Soft Earth, Tribe of Dark Earth, and Clan of Growth. ...I don’t know how I came up with these, to be honest.
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grimmfanclan · 4 years ago
Forming Featherclan
Raventhorn, Sparrowshine, and Robinflight were originally members of Shimmerclan. Sparrow and Robin had what was thought to be a bitter rivalry over Raven’s love. As their rivalry slows Shimmerclan gets fresh gossip - Raven is pregnant. After plenty of badgering to find the father, Raven calls a gathering. Raven, Sparrow, and Robin announce that they are all mates. With heads held high, they say the kits will belong to all three of them.
While this is not outlawed in any way, it is highly unusual and makes the clan uneasy. The whispers and sneers become to much to handle and the three decide to leave their clan.
A short story on Raventhorn’s kits and their time away from Shimmerclan can be found here(link later) but in summary: 
The Three meet a kittypet named Gem who shows them a good place to rest. Gem pops in and out periodically to check on the trio and eventually helps Raventhorn through kitting. Although the trio tried to get help from Shimmerclan’s medicine cat, they were turned away at the boarder. Lotuskit and Juniperkit are named after the plants around their new home that make it beautiful. Swiftrain, who was stillborn, was named after the storm the litter was born in. 
Knowing her son might have survived if Shimmerclan had been willing to help, Raventhorn becomes determined to make a clan of their own. 
Once the kits are old enough to be away from their mother, Raventhorn takes Gem on a trip to Starmeadows. Once again they are caught at the boarder but this time a patrol is allowed to escort them to starmeadows. This patrol consists of Featherdrop (Raventhorn’s old mentor), Hawkfang (sparrowshine’s half-brother) and Minkpaw (Hawkfang’s apprentice). 
In their dreams with Starclan at the meadows, Raventhorn becomes Ravenstar and Gem is allowed to be trained as a medicine cat. Their dream is violently cut off as Featherdrop collapses next to them. With ragged breaths, he explains that Hawkfang tried to kill them while they slept and attacked Featherdrop when he tried to intervene. Ravenstar promises her mentor that she’ll name her clan in his honor as he dies. 
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