#but they're all unique too which was a bit of a relief to see
mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Oooh, idk why I didn't realize this before, but you also write for txt!!! Do you have any thoughts on how txt realizes they're in love with you??
txt when they realise they're in love
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genre: headcanons; romance, fluff
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy <3
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when he no longer feels awkward around you.
it takes a lot for soobin to settle down with people
the transition from crush to something more has been a bit of a long process
soobin has had to reflect and figure his feelings out on his own which can take time. but when he finally realises and understands his feelings are real for you, a relief takes over him
he feels comfortable around you. he relaxes instead of tenses up. he's not as shy as he was before and looks forward to your visits
he finds your presence warm and welcoming. there are no awkward silences or miscommunications. just comfort and ease, which is something he strives for in his life.
when he can't remember his life without you.
you are so very important to him that you have become his favourite person. his top priority
he spends every minute of every day thinking about you in some capacity. not in an obsessive way. in a gentle way - "oh y/n would like this cafe" or "i wonder what y/n is doing right now, i hope they're okay because i know they were tired before..." stuff like that
he's more thoughtful than he lets on. he loves spending time with you, even the precious spare time that he doesn't get a lot of
and that's how he knew he was falling for you
because he wouldn't give up his free time with just anybody
and you weren't just anybody. you were the one.
when he feels like he's shared his soul with you.
beomgyu likes to joke around but in more personal relationships he craves deepness and intimacy.
he's probably the quickest out of the other members to realise he's in love because i see him as being in tune with his own thoughts and feelings.
he lives for the moments when your both lying on the living room floor together, staring at the ceiling, talking about life and dreams and everything in between
times like these he feels so incredibly in love.
because it feels like an exchange of souls.
vulnerable moments that he isn't used to... he gets emotional when reflecting back on them because they are so precious to him.
because of this, he just wants to give you his whole heart.
when he finds himself caring more for you than anyone else.
not that he is neglectful of his friends or anything. he's still very much a balanced human being.
but he is finding himself to be more motivated with love and affection purely by his feelings for you.
in other words, you've helped him become a more healthier version of himself.
the way he treats others has improved dramatically. he's looking out for them more actively and is more observational instead of staying in his thoughts.
and he takes care of himself better too, making sure to eat properly and stay hydrated.
all of this self-improvement stuff all comes down to his lovey-dovey feelings for you. he doesn't know what to do with all this love he now has so he starts expressing in ways he hasn't down before.
when he feels absolutely accepted.
he feels so comfortable being himself around you, not feeling the need to hold himself back as he does with other people
there are only very few people who really get him. he's unique and a precious boy that should be cherished, and some people don't appreciate him the way you do.
that's why he's so, so grateful that he has met you. it genuinely feels like a fairytale to him, how this all happened. because he often questions why you hang out with him and why you love spending time with him so much.
at one point, he guards his heart, becoming distant because he feels that it's all too good to be true.
but he's able to see that you love him just as much as he loves you. and life could never be more sweeter to him than now.
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itsawhumpsideblog · 6 months
The Safehouse, pt. 18
CW: for institutionalized slavery, mentions of abuse, treatment of people as things, medical setting, surgery, panic attack, flashbacks, broken bones and treatment of same
Advice from the Box Boy Liberation Movement:
Given the percentage of rescuees who enter a safehouse with one or more injuries or illnesses which will require medical attention, it is probable that you will be accompanying rescuees to medical appointments early in their time with you. Obtaining medical care can present unique challenges for rescuees and it is important to exercise complete patience with them in a doctor's office or hospital setting. Be aware that the atmosphere in such facilities may bring up difficult memories or even trauma reactions. Be prepared to help rescuees through anxiety or panic attacks, even flashbacks.
The surgery took longer than Angie had expected, or hoped and as it entered the third hour, she was glad that she had gone to get lunch right after they took Mikey. Finding the cafeteria, eating the sandwich, and getting lost on the way back had taken almost an hour and a half; a call to Tim and a chat with the rest of the household had taken another half hour. Since then, she had been sitting in the uncomfortable hospital chair, watching the clock and fidgeting. Not for the first time, she opened a game on her phone, played for a few minutes, closed it, and then opened it back up.
Angie tried the TV and found that it was showing an infomercial trying to delude senior citizens into converting their savings into gold bars. She fiddled with the remote, couldn't get it to work, and turned the TV back off. Then she played a podcast she couldn't concentrate on.
She was tapping her fingers on the arm of the chair and staring into space when the door finally opened and Wanda came in, holding some paperwork and smiling. Angie jumped up, fighting down a sudden surge of nervous, excited energy.
"It went great," Wanda said, before anything else. "He did just fine and the doctor said she thinks the procedure was a success."
"Oh, fantastic," Angie said. "That's amazing. I'm so glad to hear it!"
"Me, too. Now, let's go over some paperwork while they finish getting him in a cast and then they'll bring him back here to wake up a little bit. We want him awake and... well, usually we would say talking. But let's go with 'alert' this time. Once he's feeling a little more like himself, we can send him home."
"Sounds great!" Angie could have giggled in sheer relief.
"Okay, so there's no discharge paperwork, as such." Wanda flipped through the papers in the folder. "Not for the hospital, anyway. We've got a form here that should go to your Network contacts, detailing what the surgery was, the cost of it- not that Dr. Silva is charging, but just so their accounting folks are aware- and some discharge instructions." She handed the folder to Angie. "We should be done with him in the next half hour."
"Thank you so much!"
"Of course!" Wanda smiled and let herself back out.
Angie sank back down into the uncomfortable chair in relief, grinning to herself. Then she remembered her other responsibility and picked up her phone.
"Tim?" she asked, when he picked up.
"Yup, I'm here and you're on speakerphone."
"Oh, super, thanks. Hi, guys! I just heard from the nurse. She says Mikey did really well and they're going to bring him back in a few minutes. We'll give him some time to wake up and then we should be on our way home in a couple hours. Just wanted to let you know."
"Did they give you the instructions and everything?" Tim asked.
"Yup, all the paperwork we need. I'll hand it off to you when we get back."
"Excellent, thanks. Text when you're on the way and I'll meet you outside, okay?"
"Yup, will do."
"Thanks for calling, we'll see you soon."
"See you soon!" She hung up, took a deep breath, and sat back to wait.
Mikey was unaware that he had woken up, the first time it happened. He had the impression of being somewhere soft, softer than the garden had ever been before, and warm, too. For the first time he could remember- the first time since the drugs had taken his memory away- there was no pain. He felt like he was floating in a warm cloud and his head was light and sleepy. He let the clouds carry him gently away.
Angie watched Mikey as he lay in the hospital bed, waiting for the anesthesia to wear off and for him to start coming around. He was totally still, which he had been for much of the past week, since his fall, but it felt different this time. He wasn't holding himself rigid, nervous and braced against pain. Instead, he just lay quietly, slightly slack-jawed as he slept. Once, his head stirred and a faint smile lifted one corner of his mouth before he sighed in soft contentment and his breathing slowed and evened as he drifted back off to sleep.
He was still sleeping when Dr. Silva came in with post-surgical information for Angie, outlining instructions for monitoring Mikey's recovery, acceptable activity levels, and a basic plan for continuing treatment.
"He did well," she said at last. "I know we really kept you waiting but-" she shook her head. "There was a lot to fix. He's going to be in the casts for a long time and some sort of brace for even longer. I'm not sure I can say exactly how long it'll be, not until we see how his healing is progressing. We're talking months, though, not weeks. The scarring is likely to be extensive, although we did our best. And his joints will probably always ache a little, especially that shoulder." She sighed. "I really wish it was all better news. But there is some good news, which is that when this is all said and done, eventually he'll be able to use his hands and arms. And he won't be in nearly as much pain, which is the important part. The process won't be pretty, but when it's done, everything will be much, much better."
"Thank you," Angie said. "He would thank you, too, if he could." She looked over and smiled at Mikey, still resting peacefully.
The peace did not last.
When the anesthesia wore off, Mikey woke suddenly and completely, the way he had done when he slept every night outdoors and needed to respond instantly to his Master. When his eyes snapped open, he realized that something was very, very wrong.
All he could see were white walls and a white ceiling with bright lights that seemed to shine directly into his eyes. The brightness stung and Mikey squeezed his eyes shut for just a second, as if, when he opened them, he might find himself somewhere more familiar.
But when he gathered his courage for a second look, nothing had changed. He was still in the strange, monochrome room with the blinding lights and he was lying down. Nearby, something was beeping ominously and Mikey felt his heart speed up and adrenaline dump into his system, like it did when he heard those first footsteps cracking a stick somewhere in the dark at the edge of Master's property.
His mind was still hazy from the drugs and not really awake yet, and Mikey had the terrible, foreboding sense that he wasn't supposed to be there- wherever "there" was.
It never occurred to him to be frightened by the fact that he did not remember having come to the strange, white room. Mikey lacked memories of so much that this new gap in his life was barely meaningful. What was very meaningful was that Master was going to wonder where he had gone.
Then, suddenly, Mikey had a flash of memory of another Pet, tall and thin and dark-haired, bringing him fruit wrapped in a towel, and his stomach clenched. If he was here, what had happened to the other Pet? Was he here, too, or had he been sent... Mikey could not even imagine where else the other pet might have been sent. But he knew it would be bad.
All these thoughts crossed Mikey's mind within seconds, a collection of fears and memories and associations that came to him automatically and without larger context. Then he realized, again, that he was lying down on a soft surface and he broke into a cold sweat.
Soft surfaces were not for Pets. He must not be found here. He had to move, whatever it cost him. The cost would be so much higher if they caught him like this.
But when Mikey tried to sit up, he couldn't. Something tugged at his face- a muzzle? It was blowing cold air into his nose. And he couldn't seem to bend his body to begin sitting, or force his aching muscles to lift him. Mikey looked frantically around but without actually taking in his surroundings.
He dropped one leg over the side of whatever the soft surface was and tried again to sit up and found that was impossible. When he swung his right arm up to try to shift his balance and rise, he was horrified to find that it was restrained, tied up in some kind of cloth, and he couldn't even see his fingers properly, only the very ends of them. When he tried to wiggle them, pain shot down his fingers and they didn't even move.
Even worse, his left arm was immobile. He couldn't see it under the blanket, but it was probably tied to something, strapped tightly down to keep him from doing what he knew a good Pet should do. He strained every muscle trying to sit up, kicked his legs to shift his balance, threw his right arm forward in almost grotesque exertion. But he barely moved.
When the door opened, if Mikey had been able to make a sound, he would have screamed. As it was, his eyes widened, his fight-or-flight response in full activation, and he tried one last time in futile terror to right himself.
"Oh my god," Mistress gasped. "Mikey, what- I was only gone for a second- I'm so, so sorry." She hurried over to the bed. "Hey, hey- careful, you- oh geez-" She put a steadying hand on his right shoulder and finally Mikey's eyes landed on her face.
It all came flooding back to him in a rush, like being struck. The terrible beating they had given him the night his old Master died; the time in a cage; the journey to live with Master and Mistress.
Then, even better, he remembered everything that had come since. A comfortable bed he was meant to use and enough food to eat and a television to watch; Nathan's cheerful company and the joy of being re-united with someone who had become a friend; gentle Francis who told him stories when he couldn't sleep and who held his head when he had fallen and was hurting.
Best of all, he remembered that Master smiled and laughed and spoke softly, and that Mistress talked to him like she enjoyed his company and she had kind hands and Master and Mistress looked after them and never, never hurt them.
Mikey remembered all these things in a flash of knowledge, the same sudden wash of memory that only moments before had caused him such terror, and then he realized that Mistress was standing over him with her hand on his shoulder. If it had been any of his old Masters, Mikey would have been frightened but he found that even now, standing like that, Mistress didn't frighten him at all. She didn't look angry, only dismayed and- maybe even worried.
He looked up at her as if he was searching for answers to many questions and she smiled comfortingly at him. "Do you remember where you are?"
Mikey wasn't sure and didn't know whether to nod or shake his head, so he simply waited and watched her.
"You're in the hospital," she reminded him and now he did nod, a little uncertainly. That might be true- he might remember the morning, if that wasn't a dream.
"You had surgery, to fix your shoulder and your hands and everything. You won't remember that, because you were asleep for it, but it's over now." He nodded again. "The doctor says you're going to be fine- your hands and arms will be a lot better when you're done healing."
He gave her another nod, since she probably expected it, but he wondered if she would explain why they had tied his left arm down. Mikey felt that there must be a reason for it, but something was making his head feel fuzzy and it was hard to think. Hoping she would understand, he raised his bound right hand and looked questioningly down at it.
"Yeah," she said, as if she was continuing a conversation. "I know that probably feels weird. And it's going to be hard, not having your right hand to use, even a little bit-"
Wait. What did she mean, he wasn't going to have his hand anymore? Forgetting the strange stiffness holding his left arm and the way he was restrained from sitting up, Mikey tried to raise himself and looked frantically from his hand to Mistress. His hand was still there, wasn't it? He could see his fingertips, a little bit, under the heavy bandages and surely it wouldn't hurt so badly when he tried to move it if he didn't have a hand-
Mistress made a face that Mikey didn't realize was guilt. "You don't remember what happened at all, do you?" she asked. He shook his head, a little frantically now, starting to feel his heart speed up and beginning to sweat.
"Oh geez. I'm sorry," she said, and he was surprised to find that she actually seemed to mean it. "I'll start from the beginning. So, during the surgery, they basically put all your bones back where they're supposed to be, right? So they can heal and they won't hurt all the time." Now Mikey nodded again as the memory slipped through the fog in his head, of Master explaining this at home last week.
"And now that it's done, they have to hold all those bones and joints and whatever still, so they can heal. So everything will stay where it's supposed to be. Right?" A nod. "And to do that, they put on some casts. The one on your right hand is like what Nathan had on his leg when he first came home. Remember that?" Mikey found that he did.
"They need your whole hand not to move for- I don't know, a long time. Like a couple months, at least. And they did the same thing to your left arm and your shoulder, but that was a lot worse and it's kind of an awkward spot, so they put the cast over your whole arm and then they attached it around your body to hold your shoulder still."
Mikey just stared. So he wasn't actually tied to the bed? But he couldn't move his arm at all. Well- he hadn't really been able to before, either. Maybe in some ways, this wouldn't be so different.
"Do you want to see it?" Mistress asked. She almost sounded nervous and Mikey wondered if he should be nervous, too. Very gently, Mistress drew back the blanket that covered Mikey from his shoulders down, except where he had thrown it off trying to get up.
When he could see it, he stared at his left arm. The cast was blue and covered his shoulder and then went all the way down over his fingers, just like the one on the right. His arm was bent at the elbow so that his forearm was parallel to the floor and angled across the front of his body. There was a band of the same material around his chest, holding his arm still.
"Does it feel really weird?" Mistress asked, and he didn't even bother to nod. Somehow, he felt that she would know his answer.
"Don't worry," Mistress told him, but it sounded more like an offer than an order. "We'll take care of you. You're going to be just fine."
Mikey nodded, but he thought that getting used to this was not going to be easy.
Next Time: Mikey comes home from the hospital, to his housemates' great relief.
Master List
Notes: These keep being longer than I expected, so I'm adjusting the previously listed summary to account for that. A good problem to have!
Tag list: @pigeonwhumps, @cepheusgalaxy, @i-eat-worlds, @honeycollectswhump @taterswhump, @starfields08000 @whumpsday, @fruitypinapple00, @currentlyinthesprial
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morgana-ren · 1 year
Morgana if Bailey and Leighton DID become love intrests, how do you think it would look like?
Also, wpuld they use pet names? If so, what pet names would they use?
I think it would be pretty interesting, actually!
They'd present the opportunity to do something entirely different than the rest of the love interests!
Not talking shit on them, but a lot of the love interests are pretty... stereotypical. You've got the stalker, the bully, the sugar daddy old enough to be your daddy, the sweet religious boy, the best friend, etc.
And they're great, actually. I love them.
But can you imagine doing something a little... different with it?
I think Bailey's is the most unique. It wouldn't be a stereotypical Love Interest ordeal. It would very clearly be a love/hate thing, which would probably take some insanely high checks with a secret trigger, same with seducing him in his office. Kind of like a secret path you can take after the right amount of choices.
Maybe trying to seduce him multiple times results in a strange encounter. He hates it, and he has a serious problem trying to resist. So, he does what Bailey does and thinks about how he can turn a problem into an opportunity.
He can fuck one of his orphans. If it benefits him. Free stress relief and the like. He's already done it once, so what's done is done.
He'd have a love meter, but it doesn't quite... work in the same way it does with everyone else. He never gets gooey or mushy. He doesn't take you on dates or have nice dinners with you. The higher it goes, the more he just seeks you out-- maybe without even meaning to. There'd be more 'encounters' available.
Maybe something akin to a dominance meter, that if you pay your bills on time, stay out of trouble with the police and other threats, making his life easier, do what he wants in bed without whining and basically just not being a problem for him, it goes higher. You can be his little pet or helper, if it's high. He'll trust you on errands and ask you to drop off sealed paperwork or attend small meetings for him. Kind of like an assistant. He won't pay you, but he'll be a bit more lenient in the future— for a price.
Maybe some encounters similar to Whitney, where he puts you under his desk to uh.... entertain him while he works. Just walks in when you're in the bath. You'd occasionally run into him in town, where he'd save you from an assault.
"No touching my orphans-- for free."
He'd never say he loves you or anything like that. Nothing so touching. But you'd catch him staring sometimes, and he'd immediately look away. Maybe he'd stroke your hair offhandedly when he's finished with you rather than just throwing you out. You become someone he reluctantly cares for, but you'd never see it. He's still an antagonist. You're just bedding him, as far as you know. Lots of trauma. Stockholm syndrome type shit.
Maybe during an assault, you'll get out of it for free (similar to the one in school with Whitney) and they'd say something like "Isn't that Bailey's special orphan? Shit!"
He'd have some rotten encounters with the other love interests. You run into him on date night with Avery and they have the most awkward, tense conversation of all time, and Avery says something along the lines of "Is he your guardian? I don't like the way he looks at you. That's not the way a caretaker should look at their wards" or the like.
He'll actively throw Whitney out of the orphanage if he catches him, and tells him to quit sniffing around you. He couldn't afford you.
Same with Kylar, except maybe he sees Kylar as an active threat and pulls the gun out to threaten him. Tells him that if he harms a single hair on your head, he'll pay in more than just cash.
He'll come and get you if you're gone for too long. Send goons after you if Morgan has you trapped in the sewers. Show up at Eden's place for you. Same with the farm. He'll drag you back home to the orphanage and ask you exactly who the fuck it is you think you belong to. Have you hard against the desk (consensual if you're into it, nonconsensual if you ask him to stop) and warn you to stop disappearing. it wastes his time to go and look for you, so you had better stay close.
When his meter falls too low (dominance, that is) he quite literally chains you to the desk. Tells the school that you've fallen ill and won't be there for a while, and just... keeps you there until he's comfortable enough to release you. It's sort of like a soft bad end until you regain his trust.
He cannot be dismissed. This is permanent. Once you've got his attention, you have his attention. You wanted it so badly, and now you'll deal with the consequences.
Something along that vein is what I picture for Bailey without getting too OOC.
Leighton is a little bit more straight forward. Triggered by consensually sleeping with him at the brothel enough times and making him cum in detention and picking flirty options rather than bitchy ones. Basically, you catch his attention, and he decides he wants to keep you around. He notices your 'little crush' on him and decides to take advantage.
So he makes some sort of excuse to keep you around more often. Maybe gives you an optional afterschool job in the office until it closes when he goes home so that you can be close. You can go to his office to trigger some events. Sorting files for him, sitting on his lap as he works, consensual photoshoots for him, letting him eat you out as you try to focus on his extra paperwork.
Detention is still detention, but there's a more sexual spin on it. Er— more of one than there already is. Instead of "I will obey the rules" over and over on the blackboard, he has you strip and write "I will obey my headmaster" over and over. Your spanking punishments turn into raw dogging. He 'helps' you wash his car, awfully hands-on. Puts it in your ass raw if you've been particularly naughty.
He's super into the power dynamic, and the headmaster/school girl thing gets him off, so a lot of your encounters are education themed. He's 'teaching' you. Showing you how to please a man. Health education lessons. Will spoon his seed into your mouth while rattling off the benefits of swallowing cum.
At the brothel, he'll still occasionally invite another student to join you, but he'll also just do single encounters with you, and he'll pay you more— or not at all, depending.
You basically become a literal teacher's pet.
He can't really take you out in public for obvious reasons, but sometimes he'll take you to a restaurant outside of town and call you his daughter or his niece to anyone who asks. He might try to sneak you off to a hotel on the weekends, making some excuse about a student conference or special project. Sometimes he'll let you stay after school and drink with him in his office. Once his love is high enough, he'll unlock the school during the weekend and you can find him there during the day and do some... 'Roleplay' with him.
(does it count as roleplay if he's actually your teacher and you're actually his student?)
He'll start coming to your around town performances, whether it's at the sex shop or the museum. Always takes photos. He will 'reward' high grades and 'discipline' delinquency.
Does not get on with your other love interests. He's arguably the creepiest. Will deliberately separate you and Robin, and make crude remarks to Whitney about you. Won't spank Sydney anymore, and will just send them out as he uhh disciplines you, making a lewd comment as he does.
If he meets Avery, he calls you his 'best little student' in a way that has his skin crawling, and winks at you as he leaves. Calls you into his office if you've been missing at another place too long— and calls Bailey regarding you, which can lead to some interesting conversation if you're romancing them both. Gives Kylar detention for circling you, telling them to stop 'harassing his top student.'
He's still a pervert, but the higher his love is, the more he fixates on you to the point it can be suffocating and extremely unsettling.
I think if I really put more thought into it, I could come up with something more comprehensive and in character. It could be a really cool little offshoot from the typical love interests and leaves some room to experiment.
As for pet names, I think Bailey tries to avoid them, but in the heat of the moment, will let something along the lines of 'daddy' slip. He's your caretaker, after all. Can't resist it. Talks a lot about how he 'owns' you and how you 'belong' to him. Says you will always belong to him as he marks up your neck. Maybe you should get it tattooed.
Basically giving you a pet name is admitting he thinks of you in a special manner, so he really tries not to. Something something 'dirty little orphan bitch' and 'my little orphan whore.' They'll be slightly kinder if he has high love, but never outright cute or kind. His best orphan, his top earner, his naive little brat. Often claims ownership of you shortly after saying it just to reassert dominance. It's just how he is.
Leighton strikes me as a complete creep. He genuinely likes when you call him headmaster or professor, but will start to slip into 'uncle' territory once he trusts you. Possibly even daddy. He gets off on the age difference and the power imbalance. Really gets off.
You're little girl, his darling student, his precious pet. His loving niece, so attentive to uncle's needs. He gets really eerie with it is what I'm saying. During sex, he's still demeaning. Filthy little whore, headmaster's personal dirty slut. Makes up scenarios about you fucking him to get your grades up, even if that's not the case. Like gets real weird with it.
Like "Do you like when Uncle Leighton's cock makes you to feel good, little girl?" And "you're headmaster's dirty little secret." Territory.
A real winner, he is.
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backgroundagent3 · 27 days
hey!! hope you're doing well!!
i know you're reading funny story right now (ahhh) and probably have a long tbr so there's no pressure to read this but i just read the ex vows by jessica joyce and i think you might like it!!!
it reminded me a lot of happy place in that it focused on a found family of friends and how they changed over the years, and it was a second chance romance, and there's a wedding they're prepping for, but it also felt completely like its own new and different thing! i think it's one of the best non-emily henry romances i've ever read and it's the kind of romance that emily henry writes, where it's more emotional and focuses a lot on the character journey.
anyways, since happy place is your favorite emily henry i thought i'd let you know about it!!
Hii! I'm doing good! Thank you so much for the recommendation, I always struggle a lot finding new books to read. I've got a couple of books I'd like to read first, but it sounds so good, I'm so excited!! I just loved the whole vibe of Happy Place, and I love reading about found families, so I'll add it to my tbr.
I'm almost done with Funny Story and on the one hand I can't wait to finish it and tell you about it, but I also never want it to end!
Also I forgot to tell you I finally finished Daisy Jones & The Six!! It's the book that's taken me the longest to read, which is weird cause it's so good! I guess I was really busy but anyways. I loved the format so much, it's so unique, and it also makes it so easy to read! I have a really short attention span, so a book that's basically all dialogue is perfect for me. Some spoilers ahead!
The characters were so funny to me. I went in thinking it was gonna be a found family but then it turns out they all kind of hate each other. They're all so unique and fun to read about. Camila and Karen are so cool, and Warren's the comedic relief, and Pete's just some guy, and Billy's insufferable, and Daisy's also kind of insufferable, but I still loved her. I've seen a lot of people hating on Eddie, and I genuinely don't understand it?? Yes he had a short fuse, but also yes he was justified (at least in my opinion. I hated how Billy kept screwing him over).
I also loved the "where are they now bit", because here I am thinking Pete is dead throughout the whole book, and then it turns out he just had no interest in being part of the interview (which is very cool of him, I too would try to forget about my incredibly dysfunctional found family). The Julia plot twist was so cool, and I couldn't believe Camila was dead all along! I loved her so much. It was so satisfying seeing what their lives look like today, and every ending was very fitting for each character too.
Also loved reading about Karen and Graham, and even though I knew they wouldn't stay together, I was so invested, and I cried my eyes out at their ending. It's so heartbreaking, and you kind of see both POVs, which makes it even sadder.
I think it's just one of these books that leave you staring off into the distance for a while. Just seeing the lives they lead, and knowing that this is how rockstars' lives were actually like feels so special and sad and exciting, and I don't even know where I'm going with this but yeah. 10/10.
Thanks again for the recommendation, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this book! I'll try to finish Funny Story asap (I'm almost done, for real this time). <3
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
Sorry I tried leaving this as comments on your reply to my ask but there was just too much waffle and it was all jumbled so I’m putting it here😂😂
Sorry it took me a MARATHON of time to reply to, I can’t explain how pleased it makes me that this comment made your day bc honestly every time you update it always seems to be during a v tough week and it’s just this ultimate stress relief and enjoyment that I so so love🥹
Just to quickly waffle about what you said, I’m so appreciative of how you fret over the characters sounding real bc it pays off SO MUCH and though I’m still of the mind that you’ve been given this unique ability to read their minds, I can recognise it must take so much studying of their characters and the words you choose and to have such a phenomenal skill <3333
And honestly I LOVE watching him have all these realisations through Suzy bc it’s so real and so satisfying and I’m so excited (but also terrified bc poor woman how do you compete with soul mates) to see how everything unfolds between them all.
And the LITTLE DETAILS that you should honestly trademark bc you do them so well 😭 but I literally have this growing list in my mind that I need to write down cause they make my heart flutter they’re so intimate and careful :’) I could literally waffle about them all day.
You’re so right, they have SUCH a special dynamic, and often I find it frustrating with real life ships bc it’s not like with films where though characters can be deep they have a specific kind of basis to them which fits a role. Real people are so complex and so it’s not 24/7 that someone gets them so right that you feel like you’re watching a segment of their lives (milex writers in general do tend to have an uncanny ability to write them brilliantly) but with you it feels like everything you write can just be added on to their actual interactions and it’s perfection.
I’m so so pleased that my ramblings had an impact on getting your confidence back to heights it should be at because I rlly can’t explain how brilliant you and your writing are so thank you thank you for all the work you put into it. I’m SO EXCITED for the next chapter 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and one day I’m gonna go into the absolute insane perfection that is the sex scene in chapter 8 bc the realism, build up, and EMOTIONS as well as pure sexyism (almost put sexism there which wasn’t quite right 😂) is just one of the best and sauciest things I’ve ever read.
Also trying to add a cute lil milex hug gif to this is impossible bc they’re all far too sexually charged or emotionally unstable 😂
hiii lovely!! 💝 oh my goddddddd i swear your asks just leave me a blushing, giddy mess every single time 😭😭
i'm so glad to hear that my updates always seem to manage to coincide with a time where they're able to provide you with a little bit of comfort and escapism 🥺
honestly i've always just found other people fascinating, and have found myself imagining what the world might be like through their eyes for as long as i can remember! it's been so much fun to get to really delve deep into that in this fic, so i really love that you notice and appreciate that side of it 🥰🥰 aghhhhhh. it truly just means so much to hear that you feel i capture something real about alex and miles and their dynamic in this fic, thank you 🥺
also STOP your flailing about the smut scene is too sweet 😭 i am SO glad you felt all the build up and emotions worked, and honestly any time you feel like going into it, please don't hold back - i am more than happy to hear your thoughts! it was hands down one of my favourite bits of the whole fic to write, actually 🥰
once again your utterly lovely words have lifted my spirits so much, thank you for your kindness and generosity in taking the time to share your experience of reading four walls with me 💖 you're an absolute gem and i cannot WAIT for your to read chapter nine! (which will be posted tomorrow... 😉)
(god you were not wrong about the milex hug gifs, were you?! aghhh they're both so ridiculous 😭😭 anyway here, have them being their silly, playful selves having the best time together! sending you all the best vibes for your weekend 💜🌟)
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Let's talk about Loki! Under the cut for the sake of those who have not yet seen Episode 2.
OKay so to start with, overall this episode of Loki was a pleasant surprise. Loki himself got to be serious and powerful and I enjoyed that. He's finally had a chance to shine in his own series. The way he played with magic, especially with the shadows at the beginning, was absolutely stunning, and I'm glad we're finally diving into his magical abilities more. He had just the right amount of menace in his interactions with Brad, and the way he was softer and rather understanding when Mobius flipped out was a wonderful counterbalance. So far I'm liking this version of Loki where he's threatening to his opponents but genuinely caring towards his people, and I think whoever was in charge of writing him in this episode did an excellent job reinjecting some nuance and some authority into his character.
Mobius was a little weird at certain points; he's been an analyst for like a bajillion years or something so I think in-character he should've been able to handle reading the guidebook, but honestly he had a decent showing too. Using him as the levity...it's not a horrible decision if it's not going to become a recurring theme, because I don't want him to get dumbed-down, which he's not so far; his deducing that there was set-up was quite clever and I didn't see it coming. It worked in this episode partially because he was also doing some smart stuff, but also because it was offset by the bits of temper and vulnerability he displayed, which were both very well done in my opinion. It actually added another dimension to his character that I really like, and I think addressing that he's more afraid of "what if the life I was supposed to have is good?" than if it was bad is an interesting take, especially considering he seems to be in the camp of "it may be the life I was supposed to have, but it's not my life," because it's good for the show to be exploring those different avenues for the TVA workers, and because it makes Mobius a more unique person himself. I'm also kind of enjoying his little ruthless streak, ngl.
I like the dynamic Mobius and Loki have together right now. Them eating pie together and talking about Mobius's feelings was a lovely scene, and probably one of the most authentic we're going to see out of the entire season if I had to guess. They're working together very nicely; Mobius sort of letting Loki go off his leash with the magic at the beginning was neat, and I just adore the way their less-heroic tendencies are playing off of each other (such as in the Brad-in-the-box scene). I think that makes sense for them, and I'm not looking for these guys to be heroes of pristine reputation, or even heroes at all, just guys who are trying to hold what little they have left together, so it's really hitting the spot for what I expect of their personalities melding together.
(Also, I'm now pronouncing Casey and Ouroboros a ship, although I doubt I'm the first one. The idea of OB being a celebrity to this one guy, and only this one guy, is pure gold.)
I will say, there's still a little much of the MCU-brand hokeyness in the show for my taste. There doesn't need to be something to laugh at every couple of minutes (not that I'm really laughing, because I'm tired of that style of writing by this point). The story can stand on its own without the forced comedy, and if it can't, then the comedy is only going to annoy people further. This is kind of serious stuff, and although I'm not against having some lighter moments or some comedic relief, I could live with Loki actually taking itself more seriously. But, like I said, this episode did feel more genuine to me, so it's not all jokes and quipping.
I'm still not a fan of Sylvie. Her existence annoys me because the female-Loki premise is obnoxious, and she feels so much like every other female character out there she doesn't really have the personal qualities to redeem the premise. Also, I find Loki's obsession with her strange, as she's mostly only been a total bitch to him and clearly wants nothing to do with him. (Which in itself is weird; her acting all butthurt at him in this episode like he was the one who pushed her through a time-door or something was like...what the heck? If somebody can explain that to me, please do, because I feel like I've either missed or forgotten something that would make it make sense.) I find her "normal life" as an 80s McDonald's employee strange, also, because that's...that's not the kind of normal she would envision. Her "normal" should be something regular on Asgard, because she's not a human dreaming of a normal life, she's an Asgardian dreaming of a normal life, although I do understand that according to the rules of the game there's probably not an Asgard where a Loki is welcome...yet Lokis are shapeshifters, so she could sneak in one anyway. That's probably a little nitpicky, I can recognize that.
So, yeah. There we go. This episode of Loki actually raised my expectations for the rest of the season, which is a nice surprise for me. I didn't think I would enjoy any part of this show so much, because the first season really didn't have a moment like this where I went huh. this is pretty good. I hope this episode being so good isn't an anomaly, because I was a huge fan of Loki in Thor, Avengers, Dark World, Infinity War, and I want to be a fan of him again in this show. If the writing stays this good (or gets even better, perchance?) I may end up considering myself a convert.
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viviz's maniac's intrument sturcture is actually so unique n smart
idk the name of the instrument but they have only one beat stretching through the song until the first chorus, which is where a few more beats are added. then those beats continue until the second chorus, where even more beats are added. and the final chorus is like the result of the build-up ygm
also which group(s) do you think need more attention?
i say oneus and stayc. if those groups were under big4? you bet they'd be one of the biggest 4th gen groups. not to mention their songs, which are literal bops, and apart from one or two, their title tracks never miss. people fr be sleeping on amazing music!!
omg. i literally agree with all of this and it's like you've taken a peek inside my mind!
viviz maniac is such a good song, i cannot say this enough. the instrumental is so euphoric esp when it comes to the end with the amalgamation of all the beats. also doesn't help that the last chorus choreo hits the sweetest of spots hehe this song deserves all the recognition, it's so... gfriend. viviz. kpoppy. all good things.
i agree with you- oneus and stayc have so much potential, they've always done sth a bit different and unique and their sound is so pleasing to hear, they def would have had more recognition if they were from the big4 (or if ppl had taste bruh i know most of the ppl don't listen to groups that aren't from the big4 or close). and i don't think they've had a single miss-- they've always done their thing brilliantly and if we don't like a specific song, we should just accept that it's not our taste and move on instead of thinking that that cb was not it, yfeel? can't like every song from a group even when it's your fav 🤷‍♀️ and that's okay hehe. essay ahead:
i've been listening to oneus since debut, and they've always done that thing with their title tracks where all 3 chorus are different, with the first two being just one thing away from pure satisfaction- like they literally tease us throughout their entire song, and when the final chorus hits? utter relief, ascending to the clouds, 9999 levels of euphoric satisfactions achieved! not everyone can do that, and they do this incredibly well. their choruses always hit the spot! like in 'come back home' and 'lit' to name a few. i swear if ppl just listened to them, they literally have top tier discography
and stayc! i'm not familiar with their bsides, just the title tracks, but i bet their bsides are just as good. i think like everyone else my first song of them was asap and i started following their music soon after. i love how while trying different concepts and sounds, they're still so distinctively stayc. you just know it's a stayc song as soon as it plays. if i could have one word to describe their songs, it would be 'fun'. like even with their more sentimental song 'beautiful monster' (my underrated queen, literally my fav song from them) they have that fun element about them, bubbling with youth and it's so refreshing. i'm quite a fan of their recent cb too. they never miss, and i wish more ppl heard and appreciated them.
you can tell i'm serious about them LMAO i've written an essay. i do think kbands deserve a whole lot more too bc come on. they're just another level. however, for kpop groups... i must talk about weeekly.
weeekly literally have such amazing vocals and performances. i know prob everyone heard their song 'after school' but like, don't you think they have such a nostalgic sound about them? if you heard their recent cb 'vroom vroom', it's so... idk why it reminds me of sth and i can't quite put a finger on what. their songs do that to me. monday is amazing and has so much potential as a main vocalist, so does soeun. they're literally such a power vocal duo. i've been listening to them pre-debut so its sad to see they still don't get the recognition they deserve. idk if it's bc their company don't have the budget for them or they're not that popular that they don't have many comebacks but they always slay
dreamcatcher too. literally such an amazing group full of the best performers in the industry, dare i say. their presence, concepts, skills are on par with some of the greatest kpop groups and im glad they're finally getting some limelight. the fact that they have choreos like 'scream' and they're singing live blows me. they're like the ateez of girl groups.
there's so many more i could talk about- purple kiss, pixy -- both with unique concepts and amazing performances. i don't stan a lot of the 4th gen boy groups so i can't say for sure (i'm made for the girls i guess) but sf9 comes to mind.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
For all the beats that The Beetle has with Dracula, one thing that it never touches at all is the variety of how people feel towards the common enemy.
-Mina is a complex case, she declares she feels no mercy for Dracula at first due to what he did to Lucy, then after she gets the same affliction from him she feels pity despite how relentlessly she hunts him down, and then relief from seeing his humanity at peace upon death.
-Van Helsing at first gives the impression of being clinical, but from reading his own account at the end we see that he feels that killing a vampire is to him just as horrifying and violating as murdering a human person. Despite how much they had tried to kill him and Mina.
-Serward sees vampirism as a terminal illness to be eliminated. Euthanasia is a comforting word.
-Jonathan hates all vampires' guts throughout, they're devils who belong in Hell. Except if the vampire Mina. Then he'll become one himself.
In The Beetle the variety towards the enemy is
-Everyone: Bugs and Arabs are evil
-Robert: THE BEETLE!!!
Yeah, that's an excellent point! In Dracula, there is a lot of variety to the characters's - actually, you could stop the sentence there, even. Every character is distinct, and while their goals all firmly align, there is definitely nuance to how they view the situation and thus to their thoughts about the villain. Meanwhile in The Beetle, there just isn't that level of nuance anywhere, but especially in regards to Theb in particular.
I think I've mentioned this before, but it's really hard to care too much about most of Marsh's characters because at the core they all seem to hold the same awful values as him. There isn't even anything really interesting done with contrasting different values or opinions... unless you count Marjorie's whole "I am a strong, independent woman! *gets kidnapped*" thing, which is clearly proving how wrong she is to the readers. Or Percy being more 'meek' and willing to wish Marjorie happiness with Paul - that was clearly set up for us to join in with Sydney at scoffing/laughing at him not being much of a man. Even when it would make more sense for a character to believe something different, or to express something in a different way, it usually doesn't happen. It's why I'm really glad we never got any real Paul Lessingham POV (though he still hurt his own image a lot with some of the things he said later on), or The Beetle for that matter. Not to point to the sexyman contest, but it's true that the less we hear from them directly, the more likeable the characters tend to be.
Marsh doesn't really go in for unique character voices, either. I wrote a post midway through Dracula Daily last year, but the search section is terrible and I can't find it right now. Anyway though, not only does each character think and act differently, but they write differently too. They focus on different things, describe stuff in different ways, the amount and for what purpose they write all inform their characters. To some extent that isn't possible in The Beetle given we don't get to see things like letters to different people and such, but even in this 'deposition' style first-person it should be more distinct. Honestly, the one POV character who stands out the most is Sydney, whose narrative is at least somewhat distinct. The other three though, don't really have unique 'voices' in the same way. In-universe, Holt's story is written up from what people remember him telling them after his death, so it makes a bit of sense, but it's still just so much more boring to read, honestly. I like my characters to be more distinct!
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SO first I'm gonna talk about what I didn't like so I can end with the good stuff, cause I do think it was really good! And I actually do hope for more! Also these are subject to change as I just watched all the eps and once with friends and we excitedly talked over quite a bit of it plus it was a bit of a blur
OKAY first problem I had was there didn't feel like there was a really good stand up moment for us usopp in syrup village arc, in the original he had that moment where he was getting torn to shreds literally brought to the brink of death, and he still kept standing up to defend Kaya and the village, and it didn't feel like he got that moment at all really, which was both strange and sad to me, plus with no Jango he didn't get to save the day at all (also mini add on, I agree with moon paws post, with merry dead it felt really weird to just leave Kaya on her own, especially since we didn't meet anyone else in the village like the kids)
The next thing is, well, while I actually liked a lot of the changes they made from the source material (especially in syrup village, despite my major complaint with it) a LOT of the changes made to Arlong Park I really didn't like. The village not knowing her secret, showing her fight with belimeir before literally any other part of their relationship, some of the Fishman stuff, and a few others I can't think of rn, idk I feel like this arc hurt the most from not getting enough time yknow? Like I really didn't feel the emotional impact I felt from originally reading and watching this arc (aqlso another mini add on is no hatchi which was surprising)
One neutral thing before we get into the good is tho there was a lot of fun and silliness, at times this felt like a gritty reboot with the gore and killing and cutting of comic relief characters, part of that I liked and part I didn't, and I know it comes from not having enough time and not having as much suspension of disbelief to play with with it being live action
OKAY NOW TO GUSH ABOUT THE GOOD!!! First is the AMAZING fucking sets and costumes and casting!!! All of the places felt unique and true to their source, the world felt amazing and colorful, with the only thing I can compare it to being speed racer live action movie (tho it wasn't quite that colorful), the costumes were all so fun to see the characters in, and all the actors did so well! I think just about every character we all had a moment where we went "wow [insert characters actor here] is SOO good!" All their interactions were so perfect too! Ugh! Amazing!
And this is rare but most of the changes to the source material I actually really enjoyed! All the added stuff with garp and koby and helmepo was really really good character work, and good showing of the navy system and values and the worldview of the individuals within it. The changes to sanjis character I actually really liked, where he's a bit warmer, and not a sex pest but just more a sap I thought was done really well, along with all the zoro sanji interaction. I thought a lot of the syrup village changes were really well done, as much as I like Jango the cat brothers actually worked really well, and I ADORED the interactions with the crew and Kaya and I fucking ate up the scene where they're getting chased around by Kuro. I'm sad the kreig pirates got phased out but I did enjoy their fight with Hawkeye a lot, and I understand why they did what they did. All the changes to the characters also felt natural and they still felt like themselves yknow? OH ALSO all the buggy stuff was so good!!! Having his head along was so perfect and fun! It was just amazing, amazing show everyone involved should be proud!!
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felladesign · 1 year
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Are you tired of waking up feeling achy or not getting a good night's sleep? It might be time to consider investing in a new bed. Having the right type of bed can make all the difference when it comes to getting quality rest.
In this blog post, we'll explore different types of bedroom sets in Malaysia and discuss the benefits each type has to offer so you can find the perfect one for your bedroom. Read on to learn more and sleep soundly tonight!
·       Innerspring
Innerspring mattresses are a classic choice and remain popular today. They feature a coil system, which can be designed with various gauges of wire to offer different levels of support.
The coils are usually topped with layers of foam, fiberfill, or other materials for added comfort. Innerspring mattresses are typically more affordable than other types and offer good support, making them a good option for those with back pain.
However, they may not provide enough motion isolation, so they might not be the best option for light sleepers or couples. Overall, innerspring mattresses can be a solid choice for those looking for a traditional mattress feel.
·       Memory Foam
One of the most popular types of beds in recent years is the memory foam mattress. Made with layers of viscoelastic foam, memory foam molds to the shape of your body, providing pressure relief and a comfortable sleeping surface.
Memory foam is also known for its ability to isolate motion, making it a great option for couples. While some people love the sink-in feeling of memory foam, others may find it too warm or dense. If you're interested to buy a bed online in memory foam, be sure to test it out in person to see if it's the right fit for you.
·       Hybrid
The hybrid bed combines the benefits of memory foam and innerspring, with a layer of foam on top and coils below. This results in a balance of comfort and support, perfect for those who need relief from pressure points without sacrificing a traditional bed feel. The foam layer molds to the body, while the coils provide bounce and responsiveness.
This allows for good airflow, making the hybrid bed a great option for hot sleepers. Hybrid beds come in various firmness levels, making them suitable for different sleep preferences.
They are also typically more durable than traditional innerspring beds, making them a smart investment for long-term use. The hybrid bedroom set in Malaysia may be a bit pricier than other options, but it's worth it for those who value both comfort and support.
·       Airbed
If you're looking for a bed that's easy to store and transport, an airbed may be the perfect choice for you. These beds come with an air pump to inflate and deflate, making them great for guests or camping trips. Many airbeds also come with adjustable firmness levels for a customized sleep experience. While they may not offer the same level of support as other types of beds, they are a practical option for those who need a temporary sleeping solution.
·       Futon
Looking for a bed that's multifunctional and space-saving? Enter the futon. Originally from Japan, this versatile piece of furniture can serve as a sofa during the day and a bed at night.
They come in a variety of bedroom sets in Malaysia materials and styles, including traditional tatami mats and modern metal frames. And with their compact size, they're perfect for small apartments or guest rooms.
·       Waterbed
If you want to experience a unique sleeping sensation, you might consider getting a waterbed. A bedroom in Malaysia contains water instead of traditional spring coils or foam, which provides a distinctive sensation.
You can adjust the temperature of the water in the mattress to keep you cool or warm, and some waterbeds have dual water chambers so you and your partner can customize your settings.
Waterbeds require regular maintenance, as they can leak or grow algae if not taken care of properly. However, they can offer excellent pressure relief and contouring, providing you with a comfortable and supportive sleeping surface.
Finding the right bedroom in Malaysia can make a big difference in your sleep quality. A bed that provides comfort and support is essential for a restful night's sleep. With so many different types of beds available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for you.
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i was tagged for the flaws/strengths/talents thing by the lovely @hircines-meatloaf for this! :D
not sure how many characters i’m going to feel like doing so it’s under the cut for ~space reasons~
Rules: Bold the traits which apply to your OC. Italicize the ones that apply sometimes.
Aellai Darrell
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Raewyn Corellius (who has recently undergone a name change! her tag is the same though for reasons, mostly that i am lazy)
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Evelyne Antonius
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Tamera Light-Bringer
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Lyra Darrell
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Adelaide Darrell
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Asenath Darrell
FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | over-analytical | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny SKILLS & HOBBIES art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing  | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
if you’re interested, i’d love if you’d @ me if you decide to do your own characters!!! :D
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neko-nemesis · 3 years
𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩.~
Huffman x reader <3
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❗WARNINGS❗: None, fluff <33333 some love for underrated npc Huffman. 🍭 Alternative ending from this Kaeya's fic.
Not proof-read
𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒄𝒆: Yona of the dawn
Word count : 1.4k
Note: There's just something about Huffman that tells me the man is a gentle giant. Ajhshdjsjs please they're one of the best kinds! I hope you guys enjoy this lil fluff for our man Huffman, a little compensation for leaving him hanging in Kaeya's part >//< Notes and reblogs are highly appreciated!! Thank you so much for the insane support, I'm very grateful <33 love yaa 🤸🏽‍♀️
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Your heart was still heavy from the earlier encounters, from seeing that woman and Kaeya walk away and them just getting along all flirty, which ofcourse hit a spot on your nerves but you're not about to ruin your mood over this any longer.
Afterall you too got a date to go to, ofcourse.
You can't help but think though, is it okay? Will I be okay?
Well the universe didn't give you the time to ponder over this, as you jump from your seat a bit, startled from the knock on your door. You remembered as your eyes drifted off to the clock on your bedside table! Ah right, it's him.
Quickly walking over to the mirror, you make sure you're all set, idly mutter positive affirmations to keep yourself composed as you then made your way to the main door. Swinging it open to reveal Huffman. You couldn't lie, outside of work... well without wearing his whole getup as a Knight of Favonius, he looked very charming. Common Mondstadt clothing wrapped around his well built figure aside from the unique piece of cloak and coat, a gentle reminder to you about the temperature decrease around evening.
You smile, acknowledging the visible difference of height between the two of you as he looked down at you, smiling as well as having his face turning red as he too takes a minute to admire you from top to bottom. "Good evening miss L/n." He was the one to say the first words between you two. "You.. look beautifu- well pretty! Uh your dress is stunning if that's okay for me to say." Well Huffman was internally beating himself up for being so awkward and stammering over his words like a teenager. He's never been like this.
Your soft laugh helped him be less tense though, "You look great too, Huffman." You assuringly smiled at him but then you realized it's been a good minute since both of you have been staring at each other like this. "Oh!" You turn back and quickly grab your bag, taking the time to hide the blush on your face too. "Well, ready to leave?" You cock your brows at him, to which he sigh out of relief from the change of subject and nods.
"Yes, miss L/n."
You were honestly surprised to say the least, Huffman was always not the strict and disciplined Knight that swore to protect the city and it's citizens under any costs. No, He seemed to be a man of tales and have a talkative nature under his serious cover. Taking a walk all the way to the Starsnatch Cliff, he kept you entertained as he shared his time in the Knights, about his dreams, why he even decided to join the Knights 3 years ago and confessed of being in the Barbara Fan Club, which lead to another whole conversation, both of you sharing love and admiration for the deaconess who was with no doubt a very good idol. You too talked about your life, your experiences, your daily jobs and all the shenanigans acts you sometimes deal with, whether it's treasure hoarders or hilichurls. Impressing the man with your capability of defending yourself well enough.
Picking a spot near the cliff, you both sat down, both being on the edge but unconsciously without even noticing you two came closer and closer as you both got comfortable with time, up until you both were leaning against each other with no gaps in between to cover and Huffman had his hand snaked on your waist protectively mindlessly.
"You know, it's been a while since I've gone out like this and just..I would like to thank you" Huffman turns to you, suddenly speaking after a while of peaceful silence, you look at him with assurance to continue.
"I honestly didn't think you'd accept me when I've asked you yesterday.." he lets out a chuckle, scratching his neck sheepishly.
"Oh?" You smirk, "Why is that?"
"You know, I just didn't think I'd be interesting enough to have a sliver of your graceful presence." He smiles.
"Ah cut it off. I'm a commoner, you're speaking as if I am one of the nobles-"
"You give yourself less credits for who you are and you know, you don't have to be a noble to catch my attention." he cuts you off, you freeze. Noticing just how close he is to your face. His heart was rhythmically beating along with yours, he was just as nervous as you but he shoot his shot and decided to be a little bold. "The way you are, since the first day I've laid my eyes on you.."
At this point, both of you were breathing hard. You think, you think hard. It's been a while you felt this way. Well you felt this way with Kaeya but the difference is that man is probably out with that woman, playing with her as he played with the strings on your heart but the man infront of you right now, Huffman was internally praying to every Archons and the whole Celestia that you'd just close the gap between the two of you.
You mumble to yourself, "fuck it." As you let your mind throw any concerns or feelings your harbored for the captain with a silver tongue out the edge and closed in the distance between you and Huffman and really savor just how soft his lips felt on yours, how his brown strands tickled the side of your face and just how sweet he felt, specially when you felt him smiling against yours while he just protectively raised his other arm on the back of your head as he laid you down. His body weight erased whatever cold you had felt cause of the wind and just how safe you felt in his strong arms.
Leaning back much to your dismay, you let out a small whine as he laughs, looking down at you. Catching his breath while he couldn't help but say, "You really look as beautiful as the Cecilias." your eyes drifting to the side to realize, you were laying on the ground surrounded by freshly bloomed Cecilias. That made you flustered and look away, anywhere but at the man above you. Gosh his heart was exploding, you are just adorable. "Hey hey no" his warm fingertips gently turns your face to look at him, "look at me, Archons forbid if I allow myself to miss this pretty sight." Your eyes went wide and your skin was on fire while Huffman just couldn't stop smiling and being amused by your every cute little reactions. Before you could muster up anything to say though, the man already has his lips on yours again, almost groaning in relief against you.
The moment was short lived though, as footsteps from afar caused you both to lean back fast and look at the source of the sound. Ah, you both spot the couple that always stayed secretly on the cliff was coming towards your way. Seemed as though they haven't noticed you two in the dark and from that distance, them being Marvin and Marla. Huffman points out it's best if you both sneak away without them noticing, as you both didn't wanted to be seen at this time, considering this is just the first date.
Walking pass them somehow through the trees, you both made you way back to Springvale, the night was still young and silence took over between the two of you. Except it wasn't awkward or tense. It was rather peaceful and comforting, his warm hands never left yours. You noticed he never looked at you but you could make out the blush covering his face on the entire way back.
Finally though, he looked at you as you both step up to the front door of your house, looking back, his face still red but his pretty lips curled into a smile that probably hurt his cheeks from smiling for so long.
"So.." he starts, "Soo." You smirk, unlocking the door, you peered inside, "We didn't get to eat anything, you know?" You say, teasingly ofcourse. But Huffman was a little late to get the memo as the smile faded from his face and pure panic took over. "O-oh! Oh Barbatos forgive me, it slipped my mind, I can run over to Good Hunter right now and fetch us a meal-"
You laugh, raising a hand to stop him, "Please! Huffman I was just joking." You opened the door wider invitingly, "Besides, wouldn't it be nice to have something homemade, hmm?" You wink, catching on, the sweet little smile returns to his face. Stepping in, he removed his cloak and the coat he had on underneath.
"Well, I have no complains, miss L/n."
"Y/n is just fine."
He brings your face a little closer to his by leaning down, "Okay, y/n." Before kissing you again, pulling away and suggesting he shows you a thing or two of what he knows about cooking, to which you jokingly ask him to not burn down your house.
To ask again, is it okay? Will you be okay?
I think, you will be.
Tags: @softsukkei @pixicharm dedicated this bit for you lovelies, pardon me for being late ahhh. Thankyou both for this whole idea <333
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helloalycia · 3 years
teenage dirtbag [five] // wanda maximoff
summary: spending the afternoon with the Maximoff twins proved to be interesting... and prom night finally arrives!
warning/s: none.
author's note: here’s the final part to this mini series! i’m so glad you all enjoyed it and i appreciate every note i get, thank you 😊♥️ i’ve still got other wanda stuff in the works that will be posted soon, so stay tuned!
part one | part two | part three | part four | lil bonus bit for after p5 |masterlist | wattpad
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After a few tries and encouragement from Pietro, I managed to win the black cat plush toy for Wanda. It was strange, her brother wanting me to make a move on her, but I guess it reassured me a bit to know he thought I was actually good enough for her.
The two of us headed to the diner next door to find Y/BF/N and the other Maximoff twin, myself hiding the plush toy behind my back.
"Finally, you two took forever!" Y/BF/N exclaimed when he saw us approaching their table.
"Y/N here is one stubborn girl with that machine," Pietro explained with a smile as we took our seats. His eyes fell to the drink in front of him. "Oh, you ordered!"
"Just the drinks," Y/BF/N said, before looking to me as I slid in beside him in the booth. "I got you a Cherry Coke. Your favourite."
I smiled gratefully. "Thanks."
"So, what d'you win?" he asked, quirking a brow.
Feeling the heat rising up my neck, I looked to Wanda who was sat opposite Y/BF/N. She was leaning on her hand as she stared at me with a kind smile on her lips.
"You said you wanted the black cat," I said nervously, before holding it out to her. "Here."
Taken aback, she raised her eyebrows but accepted the gift. "Aww, Y/N... you didn't have to!"
I shrugged, smiling awkwardly.
She grinned, studying the toy before looking up at me with sparkling hazel eyes. "I love it. Thank you."
Nodding, I glanced at Pietro who was grinning with pride before me. I could feel Y/BF/N staring at me and when I looked his way, he was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows knowingly. Rolling my eyes, I focused my attention on the menu to distract myself.
"So... what shall we order?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.
After relaying our order to the waitress, Pietro was the first to speak up.
"Okay, I have to ask," he began, leaning forward slightly as he looked between Y/BF/N and I. "Are you guys dating?"
I almost choked on my drink as I looked over my glass to see him grinning cheekily. He knew full well that Y/BF/N and I were only friends, so what was he playing at?
"Definitely not," Y/BF/N answered with a chuckle. Y/N here is practically my sister."
"Exactly," I added, giving Pietro a look that basically said I'm going to murder you. "He's been my best friend since we were kids."
"So there's never been feelings there?" Pietro continued to question curiously, leaning back in his seat.
Wanda slapped his arm gently. "Leave them alone, Piet."
"Never," Y/BF/N answered for us both. "Like I said, she's my annoying little sister."
I quirked a brow and looked to him. "Little? I think I'd be the older sister in this fake sibling relationship,"
"But I'm a month older than you," he stated like that was explanation enough.
"But you act like a child," I retorted. "I'd be the older one."
He rolled his eyes, though a smile was playing on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
I rolled my eyes, too, before looking back to the twins. Wanda was smiling as she sipped her drink and Pietro had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked to me. What the hell was he thinking?
"So you're not interested in Y/BF/N," he thought aloud. "And you definitely weren't interested in me..."
"You made a move on Y/N?" Wanda asked suddenly, looking to her brother with knitted brows.
I breathed out through my nose, eyes falling to the table with embarrassment.
"Yeah, but she made it clear she didn't like me," Pietro said with a shrug, before looking to me again. "So who do you like then? Or is their a girlfriend we don't know about?"
Looking up, I saw three sets of eyes on me and I suddenly felt nervous. Y/BF/N and Pietro were watching with amusement dancing in their eyes as Wanda chewed her lip curiously, awaiting an answer.
"You know there's nobody, Pietro," I said through a forced smile as I looked to him.
His cheeky smile was still present as he said. "Really? I thought you mentioned someone back then. Whilst we were playing in the arcade."
Oh, boy, was he going to die.
"You misunderstood," I played along, before kicking him in the shin to shut him the hell up.
Of course, it was just my luck that the leg in front of me was actually Wanda's. She squeaked an 'ow' as she bent down to rub her leg.
"What was that?" she asked with confusion.
Pietro must have pitied me, having put me on the spot enough in the past two minutes, as he looked to his sister with an apologetic smile. "My bad, Wands. My foot just twitched."
I breathed out with relief as Pietro looked to me, trying not to laugh. He was lucky we were with company otherwise I would have killed him there and then.
I wasn't expecting to be hanging out with the Maximoff twins on a Saturday afternoon, but by the time dinner came to an end, I realised how much I enjoyed the day. And I think I could say the same for Y/BF/N, too.
The rest of our meal was pretty uneventful after Pietro's initial teasing, to my relief, and Pietro eventually quit it with the overt hints towards his sister. The last thing I wanted was for Wanda to feel uncomfortable, so I was glad he eventually cut it out.
At the end of the meal, Pietro and Y/BF/N offered to split the bill between them – something about chivalry not being dead, I don't know, all I knew was Wanda and I were getting a free meal so why complain? – and headed to the till to pay, leaving Wanda and I alone.
She was hugging her new black cat plushie on her lap adorably, making me smile.
"Aren't black cats supposed to be bad luck or something?" I asked, earning her attention.
She put her arm on the back of her seat, leaning her head on her hand as she gave me her full attention. "I didn't peg you for the suspicious type," she taunted.
I smiled. "I never said I believed it. Just what I've heard."
She chuckled, licking her lips. "Fair point... I don't believe it either. I just love black cats. They're so cute and get way too much stick for merely existing."
It was my turn to laugh. She had such a unique way of thinking that I couldn't help but be attracted to. Something as simple as the way she was smiling at me right now warmed my heart.
"How is your hand by the way?" she suddenly asked, eyes looking down to it.
I squeezed it into a fist and released. The purple bruising along my knuckles had turned yellow-green which meant it was getting better, but it did still hurt a little. Nonetheless, I didn't want to make Wanda feel bad, so I gave her a reassuring smile.
"It's okay," I said, making her look up at me with concerned eyes. "I mean, it hurts a little, but it's getting better."
She pursed her lips, nodding. "Nate really did deserve what you did. Bet it felt good."
I raised my eyebrows with surprise, certainly not expecting that. "I guess it did a little, but..."
"It's okay, I'm not biased," she promised with a slight smile. "We broke up, remember?"
I relaxed before mirroring her expression. "Then yeah, it felt pretty great. Karma for hitting me with that stupid football."
She chuckled, leaning back into her seat and clutching her cat. "Karma, indeed." There was a pause, before she grew excited. "So prom is coming up. How are we feeling?"
I groaned playfully. "We're feeling exhausted already. I'm not a huge prom fan."
She gasped. "Seriously? Y/N, come on, it's our last one! How aren't you excited?"
I pulled a face. "The concept of dancing in a hall with people I barely speak to isn't exactly appealing."
She straightened up, hugging her cat closely. "So what, you're not gonna go?"
"I'm not sure yet... Y/BF/N has plans to ask someone and really wants me to go, too," I admitted. "But I've not decided. I might just leave him to it."
She tilted her head to the side curiously, eyes studying me intensely. "What if somebody asked you to go with them? Then would you go?"
I tried not to laugh as I leaned my head in the palm of my hand on the table. "Nobody is going to ask me, Wanda. Nobody even knows who I am."
She scoffed playfully. "Now that's just not true. You're beautiful, Y/N. Funny. Kind. Intelligent. Someone is bound to ask."
I rolled my eyes, hoping to distract from the heat rising to my cheeks. I knew she was just saying all of that stuff to be nice, but God was I awful at accepting compliments.
She must have noticed as she leaned forward on her own palm, eyes glowing with entertainment. "Okay, what if you asked somebody?"
Appreciating the subject change, I leaned back in my seat. "I wouldn't even know who to ask."
She thought about it for a moment, before saying, "Pietro was being annoying earlier with all of that questioning, but he's right. Is there nobody you're even remotely interested in at school?"
I quirked a brow, wondering if she was serious. The way she was watching me patiently, a small smile tugging at her lips, made me believe she was. And I found that I couldn't bring it in myself to completely lie to her. So, I didn't.
"There's one person," I admitted reluctantly, swallowing hard. This piqued her interest as she sat up straight, an excited look on her face. I continued, "But I could never ask her."
She gave me an are you serious? look. "And why not?"
I tensed my jaw, smile fading at the thought. "She wouldn't say yes."
Wanda's expression softened. "I doubt that."
Feeling a little uncomfortable, I shuffled in my seat. "She wouldn't. And it's fine anyway! I mean, I wouldn't even know what to say. It's pointless."
"Try," was all she said. And in response to my confused face, she added, "Try asking me. Practice what you would say if I was this girl."
I shook my head. "Wanda, that's not–"
"Just try!" she insisted, sitting back in her seat and smiling encouragingly. "No harm, no foul, right?"
Maybe a little, I thought, but straightened up anyway.
"Okay, er..." I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling nervous as her eyes followed my every move. Looking up, I felt intimidated by her gaze, even though she had the softest smile and kindest eyes directed my way. "Wanda, would you like to go to prom with me?"
Without hesitation, she nodded. "I'd be honoured to, Y/N."
It was fake, this whole thing was 'practice'. But God, I wanted it to be real so bad. She held my gaze, confident and startling and wonderful all at once, and I had no idea what to do. My palms were getting sweaty and my heart was racing the longer she stared. My gaze fell to her lips at the wrong time, as she licked them and I wanted to lean in, wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her hard and tell her how I felt. I wanted to ask her to prom and dance with her in the school gym. I wanted to hold her hand and pull her close, staring into her eyes without fear of going too far.
I wanted her.
"Okay, we're all done here," Pietro's voice broke our staring contest. He clapped his hands together, stopping by the table. "You both ready to go?"
Wanda nodded, already sliding out from the booth. "I'm ready. Y/N?"
I looked up and forgot how to breathe when she smiled down at me.
"Y-yeah," I got out, wiping my palms on my jeans before sliding out the booth. "All ready. Let's go."
Prom came upon us in no time and I'd made the decision to attend. My sister ended up convincing me with Y/BF/N, the two of them rambling about how it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a rite of passage before graduating high school. As much as I hated the thought of attending, I knew they were right, so I agreed to go.
Y/S/N came over to help me get ready, as she was the one who picked my dress. I wanted to wear a cute pantsuit, not really one for dresses, but after her complaints – "you're really milking that whole 'I'm a lesbian' look aren't you?" – I agreed on a dress that she chose.
She helped me do my hair and makeup before taking loads of embarrassing photos of me at the door. I went to prom with Y/BF/N and his date – some girl he liked in his Maths class – which wasn't too bad, but I didn't want to third wheel too much, so I gave them space when we actually arrived.
The school had done a good job at converting the gym into something unrecognisable, I must admit. Plus there was food, which was always a good distraction.
Some acquaintances from some of my classes said their hellos to me and engaged in some quick conversations before moving on. Admittedly, it wasn't too bad catching up with people I'd shared class with over the past several years. Y/BF/N even had a few dances with me, both him and his date, which was sweet, but honestly, I still felt out of place.
Two hours in, I was already fed up of the experience, opting to stand on the sidelines by a cocktail table with a sad glass of punch. I definitely didn't expect to see Wanda approaching me with an impressed smile on her lips. I hadn't actually seen her since arriving, the place full of students and myself barely recognising anyone as it was, let alone in a full gymnasium.
"You came," she said when she stopped my table, eyes looking me up and down. "You look amazing, Y/N."
She was one to talk. I tried not to drool over how beautiful she looked. I assumed she'd be one to wear a dress, but I guess I assumed wrong as she was pulling off a burgundy suit and white blouse. Her hair was curled and left out, paired with a smokey eye makeup look that only complimented her eyes perfectly.
"Says you?" I replied with a smile. "You look gorgeous, Wanda."
She smiled bashfully. "Thank you... so what made you change your mind in coming?"
I laughed uncomfortably, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Partially forced by my family, partially felt like I had to."
She laughed alongside me. "Well, I feel like you made the right choice."
"Not too sure about that," I joked, before straightening up. "So, who was lucky enough to bring Wanda Maximoff as their date to the prom?"
She rolled her eyes at my compliment, smile on her lips still. "Nobody. I came alone. Well, alone but with my brother."
I was surprised at that, but tried to hide it with a nod. "Alone works, too."
"Says the girl who also came alone," she teased.
I couldn't help but smile with amusement. "Yeah. Says she."
Setting her purse on the table, she began to open it. "I was looking for you earlier. But I couldn't find you."
I watched as she fumbled around in her purse. "Yeah? And what did you need?"
After a moment of searching, she finally pulled out two slips of paper that looked like tickets. Holding them up with a small smile, she said, "I've got two tickets to the Paramore concert happening in the summer."
My jaw dropped with disbelief. "You're kidding."
She shook her head, holding them towards me. I accepted them, looking to see if she was pulling my leg. She wasn't.
"These are really good seats," I pointed out, before looking up at her. "You scored big time."
She laughed as I held the tickets out to her. Accepting them back, she said, "I did. And I bought them for a reason."
I raised an eyebrow as she watched me.
"We've got to get matching tee shirts somehow, right?" she joked lightheartedly before looking to me with certainty. Green eyes sparkled with hopefulness as she said, "Come with me."
My mouth went dry. She was asking me to go with her, holy shit.
I opened my mouth, about to speak, but she cut me off.
"Don't say maybe," she said, chewing on her lower lip nervously. "Say yes."
The music and the dancing students and the lights all faded into nothing as Wanda waited for a response, stepping closer to me, way too close to be platonic. I was overwhelmed, definitely not expecting this. Never in a million years did I think Wanda Maximoff, the most popular girl in our grade, would be asking me to see Paramore with her. I didn't even think she knew I existed! 
Her eyes darted between mine patiently, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel her breath tickling my lips as she waited and I looked down to hers, suppressing the urge to lean in.
"Yes," I finally spoke, voice barely a whisper as I swallowed hard. "I'll go with you." 
She nodded, but that wasn't enough as she licked her own lips. I looked back to her eyes, only to see her looking down at mine.
"Can I kiss you?" she muttered softly, making me freeze in place.
Her eyes looked back to mine, dark and patient. I managed to nod weakly, and she wasted no more time when pressing her lips to mine a in a slow, gentle, warm kiss. Her hand wrapped around my waist, tugging my body close to hers, as the other rested behind my neck, giving me goosebumps and turning my insides to jelly.
I closed my eyes, melting into her embrace, one hand planted firmly on her waist as the other rested on her chest. She tasted like peppermint and her floral perfume was infiltrating my senses, making my head dizzy in the best way possible.
When she pulled away, I opened my eyes and was immediately submerged in pools of green. Still so close to her, I kept ahold of her waist as she did the same with me, eyes flickering down to my lips once more.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time," I admitted breathlessly.
She looked to me again. "Why didn't you?"
Her lips were swollen slightly, red lipstick ruined. I could only imagine the mess on my own lips, but I didn't care.
I smiled nervously. "You were with Nate."
She tried not to laugh. "How stupid of me." Eyes falling to my lips again, she added, "I should have broken up with him sooner if it meant I could do this."
I smiled widely, heart fluttering in my chest at her words. Leaning forward, I took her bottom lip in mine, giving her a final kiss that was long overdue before pulling away.
"In case you couldn't tell, you were the girl I wanted to ask to prom," I said, stepping back slightly, but taking her hands in mine.
She bit her lip to contain her smile. "I figured... and for the record, I would have said yes."
My cheeks began to heat up, but I smiled nonetheless. "Well, in that case... Wanda, would you like to go to prom with me?"
She grinned. "I would be honoured, Y/N."
I mirrored her expression. She held out her free hand.
"Do you wanna dance?" she asked gently.
I accepted her hand, squeezing it gently. "I'd love to."
Before either of us could make a move to do so, we heard Pietro's voice shouting in the distance.
We turned to the left to see him racing towards us in his blue suit, a knowing smile on his lips.
"You took forever," he said with disbelief to his sister. "I thought I'd have to keep flirting with Y/N in front of you for you to get the hint and make a fucking move."
Wanda rolled her eyes, but I smiled as her cheeks dusted pink.
"And you!" he said, looking to me. "You're so oblivious it hurts."
"Wanda didn't know I existed before this year," I told him, half joking and half serious. "I had every right to be."
Wanda squeezed my hand, earning my attention. She shook her head. "That's not true. I always noticed you."
I gave her a knowing look. "Seriously?"
With an endearing smile, she nodded. "Seriously."
I sighed, looking away and definitely not expecting that. "Well, okay then."
She laughed, pulling me close and wrapping an arm around my waist comfortably. "I believe you owe me a dance. C'mon.
Pietro opened his mouth to speak, but Wanda merely pushed past him, guiding me to the dance floor.
"Not now, Piet," she said, before looking to me with sparkling eyes. "I want to dance with my girlfriend."
I was sure it was impossible for me to smile anymore.
"Girlfriend," I noted aloud, nodding. "I like the sound of that."
She grinned before standing opposite me, holding out her hand. And as I accepted it, I felt a warmth spread all over me that was only possible because of one girl and one girl only.
Wanda Maximoff.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 2 years
Back with my minibang fic chapter 2! Don’t know how I forgot to mention my marvelous beta @wsoupofpain in the last post, but shout out to her!!
(Ch. 1) (chap 3) (chappy 4) (ch five) (six)
BREAKING: NASA Lands Earths First Manned Spacecraft on Mars!
A tragedy following the wake of Danny's disappearance and the strange set of circumstances revealed between five points of view. But how did he get caught in the first place? And where did he go?
Chapter two: Broken Spirits (Read it on AO3)
[TW: unethical science and experimentation, neglectful/bad parenting, asphyxiation]
If the timing is suspicious, the doctors Fenton don't think anything of it. Shortly before Danny's disappearance, agents from the Ghost Investigation Ward came to interview Jazz for an internship she applied for, hoping to further her research in ghost psychology before college in order to be taken more seriously. A mere six days after their son goes missing, the G.I.W. agents return to confirm her internship acceptance and approach her parents about a consulting position in their agency.
Apparently, the G.I.W. managed to get their hands on an exciting and unique new test subject, and though all information about the subject is confidential, they believe the Fentons will be able to provide invaluable assistance during the experimentation phase. Despite the strenuous predicament they find themselves in, it's an opportunity they simply cannot pass up, especially not after the government promises to allocate additional resources to finding their missing son.
Besides, being able to work so closely with their daughter is no small comfort after the disappearance of their other child. After the G.I.W. sets them up with a fully equipped ghost science lab, Jazz wanders in from time to time, a relief every time they see her face. She asks questions about their work which they're more than happy to answer in great detail. If it's odd that she's suddenly taking an interest when she never has before, her parents don't think so.
Although they are brought in as consultants specifically because of the new specimen, the Fentons are never allowed to be in the room while the G.I.W. scientists run tests on it, and the closest they ever come to seeing it are the peculiar samples that get delivered to their lab every few days. The ectoplasm samples collected from the specimen are uniquely pure and powerful, but even more intriguingly, the government scientists have somehow been able to collect blood samples from the specimen.
Obviously such a discovery rocks the Fentons to their cores and they waste no time analyzing the blood samples. In them, there are microscopic ectoplasm molecules, invisible to the naked eye, but nonetheless contaminating every cell. Their instruments show that the ectoplasm has corrupted the DNA until it is unrecognizable as fully human blood and no distinct genetic markers can be identified.
"So you can't tell who this person is?" Jazz asks, and her parents laugh a bit at the idea that their daughter might consider a ghost to be a person.
"It's not a 'who' anymore, sweetie," her mother says. "It would have been interesting to study a ghost's genetic markers, but in the end, it doesn't really matter who it was before it became a monster." If she doesn't seem satisfied with this answer, her parents are too distracted to notice.
The agents and science officers of the G.I.W. ask very different questions. "You're sure this is accurate?"
"Of course," Maddie answers. "I designed these instruments myself, and I have no reason not to trust the data they give me."
"What sort of data do these instruments provide?" asks Dr. H, and when Maddie explains, he asks. "Can you make a similar device for me to use in my own lab?"
She says yes, of course.
"Can you make me a device which can see through a ghost's core, for examination purposes?"
Jack is fascinated by the prospect, and readily agrees.
"What materials do you need?" Dr. H asks.
"Can you make me a scanner that can read the spectral equivalent of brain waves? What sort of data do you lack to design such a device?" Such a tricky request when ghosts don't have actual brains, but Maddie is enticed and enthralled by the challenge. She needs to run tests, experiment on her own terms. "Yes, we can provide you with undamaged test subjects. Work quickly."
"Can you create a vacuum capable of containing ghosts?" Not only can they, but they already have. Proudly, the Fentons show off their ghost weasel and all its amazing functions, capable of sucking up and containing vast numbers of ghosts, completely inescapable. "Not that kind of vacuum," Dr. H interrupts. "I was thinking more along the lines of a vacuum chamber. A closed capsule that mimics the lack of atmospheric conditions on, say, the moon."
"Ooh." Jack and Maddie both grow giddy at the implications.
"You're testing the new specimen's potential status as an extremophile! How absolutely marvelous!" Maddie remarks.
"We have observed at least one ghost going into space without a protective suit or space ship, the one who called himself Plasmius," Dr. H agrees. "It's a line of study that has intrigued us."
"But it stands to reason that this new subject might not be able to survive in the vacuum of space as we have observed other ghosts being able to do, depending on how different it is to standard specters." Dr. H nods, but Maddie has already turned away from him, searching for a pencil to start sketching up designs while her husband grabs their sketchpad of blueprints off a countertop. Whatever else the G.I.W. has to say about the Fentons, they certainly work fast. "We can absolutely make a vacuum chamber that can hold a ghost. We'll get started immediately."
Dr. M is a different kind of scientist than Dr. H, and asks very different questions. She's more focused on ghost theory than getting her hands dirty with ectoplasm samples. "I understand that ectoranium is something of a ghost repellent, and it nullifies most of their uncanny abilities."
"It also causes ghosts immense pain to touch the substance, and releases chemical fumes which weaken them and cause them intense discomfort," Maddie adds, only for the notoriously stern Dr. M to shut down her claims.
"It is the opinion of the Ghost Investigation Ward that paranormal entities such as ghosts are non-sentient and not capable of experiencing pain," she says. "Please reserve such foolish postulations as they will be summarily disregarded, and are thus a waste of time."
"Whatever you say," Maddie responds with a knowing smile, shaking her head. She is sure that the G.I.W.'s official stance on whether ghosts can feel pain is wrong, but they likely stand by it out of legal obligation, so she doesn't bother to dispute it.
"Now, after substantial research," Dr. M continues, "I've concluded that ectoranium either does not occur naturally on Earth, or if it does, no naturally occurring source has, of yet, been discovered, however it can be found on certain comets and asteroids. Would the presence of ectoranium deposits affect a ghost's ability to survive in space?"
"I do not believe so," Maddie answers. "My husband and I have observed that ghost Plasmius in exile inhabiting the surface of an asteroid with a confirmed presence of ectoranium. Our research shows that while ectoranium vastly decreases the efficacy of a ghost's more dangerous abilities, like flight and gravity resistance, intangibility, and telekinesis, it's more innate abilities, like functioning without oxygen or maintaining a consistent shape will remain.
"We've discovered certain other stimulants which can cause a ghost to lose the ability to maintain a consistent form, causing it to dissolve, or become amorphous, however we have not found any way to negate a ghosts ability to function without breathing. That seems to be an immutable fact of their existence. Finding a way to suffocate a ghost is one of my husband's pet projects, I'm sure he'd be willing to enlighten you, if you asked."
"That's quite alright, thank you," Dr. M refuses. "I have more questions for you at the current time."
"Ask away!"
"Do you believe it is possible for a human to somehow gain some of the abilities of a ghost?" Maddie lights up at the question.
"Not only is it possible, my husband and I have seen it happen before!" Running to the computer, she enters her password and searches for the appropriate files, certain that Dr. M will find value in them. "A while ago, in Amity Park, there was an outbreak of ghost flu at the local high school, spread by disease carrying ecto-mosquitoes. Now, ghost flu is utterly amazing as a condition because one of the unique symptoms of ghost flu is exhibiting ghost-like abilities."
"Elaborate," Dr. M requests, as if Maddie wouldn't expound unprompted, though she is already planning to before Dr. M asks.
"Victims of ghost flu were able to use at least one ghostly power, intangibility, gravity resistance, duplication, spectral body manipulation—it's unlike anything I've ever seen, even among ghost related afflictions like ecto-acne."
"Do you think it's possible to synthesize a compound that would elicit that kind of reaction without the illness?" Dr. M asks. "A serum of sorts, or perhaps some kind of device, which could give humans ghostly powers?"
"My husband and I have been working on a few theories about that, using controlled ectoplasm exposure in lab rats. Slowly introducing purified ectoplasm—free of the impurities which cause illnesses like ghost flu and ecto-acne—into their bloodstreams, and analyzing the results.
"I can give you the experimentation logs, but so far we've had limited success. Our working theory is that it has something to do with the rate of ectoplasm exposure. Introducing it slowly, the rats' bodies fight the ecto-infection too quickly for it to take effect. The next stage of our experiments is to increase the dosage. We've tried a few times, but found that too high of a dose kills the rats instantaneously. Although it does create ghost rats, it does not create living rats with ghost powers.
"We put the experiments on hold when we came to work in this facility, but now that I'm on the subject, I'm curious to see if we can further this experiment with the information gleaned from the new specimen's blood samples."
"I encourage you to further these experiments posthaste, and report your findings," Dr. M says stiffly. "The G.I.W. is most interested in such experiments. If you require anything to effectively conduct these experiments, do not hesitate to ask."
"Of course!" As with every other question and request, Maddie is more than happy to carry out Dr. M's suggestion, and when she brings it up to her husband later, he enthusiastically agrees. If Dr. M's intentions are worrying, the Fentons don't concern themselves with them.
"Excellent," Dr. M says, and starts to leave.
"Wait!" Maddie stops her. "I know it's not really your department, but do you know if the investigators have made any progress in finding our son?"
"That's not my department," Dr. M says. "If you wish, I can request that the appropriate staff member be directed your way to answer any questions you may have about the investigation."
"Yes please, that would be wonderful," Maddie agrees. "My husband and I will resume the experiments we were talking about right away!"
"Affirmative." With that, Dr. M leaves the lab and Maddie walks over to the workbench they've designated for anti-ghost weaponry to talk to her husband about the experiments to give living creatures ghostly abilities. Just as she suspected, her husband is thrilled at the prospect of returning to those particular experiments with the full support and financial backing of the government.
They waste no time in procuring rats to use as test subjects and working on a way to combine pure ectoplasm with the contaminated blood sample. With the both of them working full time on the compound they synthesize a test dose by the end of the day, and inject the first rat to see the results the next morning.
The following day they're excited to see that the rat's once-brown coat is pure white, and its eyes glow yellow, though there is no corpse in the cage. When the agent comes into the lab to report to the Fentons about the investigation regarding their son, Jack is testing the Rat's reaction to the ghost proof cage and Maddie has just taken the first blood sample and is diluting it in a test tube.
"Agent Q!" Jack's booming voice announces when the man walks through the door. "Any news about our boy?"
"Yes," Agent Q reports, stone-faced and emotionless as always. "It is with regret that I have come to inform you that your son's body was found dead on the shores of Lake Eerie." His monotone voice cuts through the air in the lab like a scalpel and the Fenton parents can only stare in shocked silence. "There was evidence of him being attacked by wild animals, before reaching the lake, but the coroner has determined the cause of death to be drowning. There is no evidence of foul play. It appears the incident was a... tragic accident. Your daughter has agreed to go to the morgue to confirm the identity of the body so as not to take you away from your work, but we are quite sure it is your son. He has the same birthmark."
The silence of the lab is broken by a distant scream in the direction of Lab '05-∆Φ, where the new specimen is undergoing experiments. It sounds like Phantom's ghostly wail, like the screams of a dying child. They can't help but wonder if their boy—if Danny screamed like that before he died. And if the story is unlikely, the parents are too distraught to question it.
A teardrop drips from Maddie's face into the test tube she's holding, and the solution bubbles over. With a gasp, she lets it go, and it plunges toward the ground.
When she drops it... it shatters.
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alllovegoddess · 2 years
i know they're suuuuper new and the seasons ongoing but tsubaren
tsubaren <333333333333
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
tsubasa has clinical depression because she watched her senpai (WHO IT'S IMPLIED SHE WAS IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH?) got publicly executed via card games. she's ALSO the most popular girl in school. ren is an easily excited tokusatsu hero fan who wants to impress tsubasa Literally So Freaking Badly. tsubasa initially thinks that ren is kind of annoying and a pain to deal with but after seeing ren's sincere, straightforward passion, and her genuine desire to help others, she starts softening...a lot. a Lot a lot. she even sees a bit of her beloved senpai in ren...
in the most recent episode they have a sleepover and tsubasa does her best to show ren that no matter how much she idolizes her, she's Not perfect, so there's also a degree of not wanting to stay on the pedestal ren puts her on. which is always wonderful lovely perfect ideal
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
my ideal version is the one where the next frame after this was them kissing
Tumblr media
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
for tsubasa, someone stubbornly sticking with her the way ren does is annoying, yes, but also a relief, because it means someone genuinely wants to know her more than surface level. for ren, who's got a bit of a complex about not fitting in with other girls because of her interests and her energy, being told by tsubasa (someone she kinda idolizes) that it's okay to just be herself, means a lot to her. it's honestly pretty mundane compared to the other two i've covered but it's no less meaningful to both of them
favorite interaction they have in canon
at the end of the previous episode where ren stumbles backwards into the ocean and gets all wet and tsubasa's like "lmao" and then pulls off her socks and shoes and jumps in after her. so that they're both the same. and then they play in the water together. i genuinely started tearing up typing this up
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
i want them to kiss onscreen so bad it's unreal
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Could you do TFP bots (or just a few of them if you have charcater limit or just don't feel like doing them all, as long as Wheeljack is ingluded I'm good) with a human they just recued and they're like "I'm gonna call my dad hold on" and if they protest they're like "nah you'll like him I promise, just give him a minute" and her dads their old bot friend who went MIA (you can decide who the dad is, or go with Ironhide if you're as indeciceve as me lol)
I miiiiight just have to do this as a short story I hope that's okay! Got my Wrecker boys Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus.
Dust was still settling as you realized the threat was over, the collection of vehicons having scattered long before the cave had finished it's partial collapse and leaving you under the gathered team of bots who'd come together to shield you from falling debris. Rubbing off the powdered rocks covering your face, as well as coughing up the taste of dirt, you took a moment to gather yourself as your new giant allies did the same. It wasn't worth thinking about what would have happened if they hadn't come along when they had... In your defense, that ambush had come out of nowhere.
"You okay there?" A deep voice above you rumbled with concern, encouraging you to tilt your head upwards at the big green bot looking down at you. His optics were friendly, and despite his absolutely massive size and hands that transformed into wrecking balls, you immediately trusted him.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks to you guys." You said gratefully, looking to each of the gathered team as they brushed the dust off themselves.
"Protecting organic life is the primary responsibility of Autobots, think nothing of it." The largest of them said, somewhat gruff as he meticulously picked off the worst of the rubble that had showered down upon them. Immediately, you knew he was the one in charge. Towering above the others and with shoulder pauldrons thicker than two of you, he gave off the energy of someone who took no nonsense and had the firepower to back up his authority, yet his gaze was mostly just annoyed as he looked down to you again. "Our second responsibility, however, is remaining hidden from the denizens of this planet. Saving you required us to break cover."
"Give the kid a break, sir. They managed to escape a whole squadron by themselves before running into us. I think we can cut them some slack." A far gruffer voice said, cutting in as the battle scarred mech in question took a protective step your way. Quite immediately the colors on his unique build were familiar to you, but you decided to stay quiet on that fact, reaching for the cellphone thankfully still secure in your pocket. While you hadn't found what you'd been looking for in this mine, at least you had something far more interesting to report.
The big blue bot looked to the other with an impressive frown, unintentionally cementing your thesis as to the scarred mech's identity. The back and forth continued more or less without an acknowledgement of your presence. "They've been seen in our company, Wheeljack. By the procedure Optimus established, we must now secure their wellbeing, and that will be quite the undertaking."
The only one who had not yet spoken, a smaller but solidly built blue bot who seemed the youngest of the group, chose that moment to jump in with a quip. "Doubt docbot will be too happy about another human in the bunker."
"He's all talk. Ratchet wants these little guys as safe as the big guy does, he won't put up a fight." The gruff one, who you were starting to like more by the moment, said with an amused but reassuring smile in your direction. Unable to help smiling back, you suddenly felt that this turn of events might have been more than you could have ever hoped for. If only you could get a word in edgewise...
"You're purposefully missing the point, soldier. We-"
"If it's gonna be such a hassle for you, I'll take 'em myself."
"Jackie..." Once more, the gentle green giant spoke up, looking quite concerned at his friend's purposeful egging on of the bot in charge. You got the sense that this kind of thing happened often by his tone, but personally, you were getting a little tired of being ignored. None of what they were discussing was necessary, and if anyone would have bothered to ask you they'd know that? Finally fed up, you took a breath and raised your arms to draw attention to your tiny self.
"Um, hello? Excuse me!" You shouted, mercifully ending the bickering and securing four pairs of optics on yourself. Relieved for the silence, you pulled out your phone and held it up, projecting your voice to ensure you were heard. The shocked expressions didn't cease when you started to explain, but you didn't let that stop you. Sorting this out would make everything easier for everyone. "I think there's a bit more going on than any of you know. Let me call my dad really quick, he'll set this straight."
The first to reply was the one you knew had to be the rookie of the group, who awkwardly cleared his vents and broke the silence only hesitantly. "Uh, bringing more humans into this really isn't our goal-"
"Who said anything about him being human?" You cut in, grinning from ear to ear at the looks they all gave you. Now that you had their unbroken attention, it was only a matter of summoning your dad and waiting for him to arrive. Dialing his frequency into your phone, you prepared to share just as much information as it took to get him here fastest, wanting to see the look on his face when he arrived and saw who you'd found. This was going to be fun...
The roar of a familiar engine had thankfully silenced the second round of bickering to break out amongst the two argumentative bots, who had gone back and forth between listening to you and calling for their superior. It had been entertaining at first, but by the time that roar had echoed down the tunnel you'd been relieved to hear it, and had hopped to your feet from your seat on a convenient rock. The bots had reflexively drawn their weapons, but there hadn't even been any need for you to stop them. A worn red paint job skidding around the corner had made them all hold fire.
In a rush, you'd run out to greet the massive off road vehicle just as it began to transform, and in moments had been embracing the offered hand of a hulking bot who kneeled before you with an expression of happy relief.
"Wheeljack!" Your adopted dad cried out in absolute joy, letting you move safely to the side before approaching the bot who's identity you'd properly guessed. Ironhide had told you so many stories about the Wrecker, it made sense that you'd been able to tell who he was by appearance and mannerisms despite having never met. The two bots greeted one another with an earth trembling chest bump, after which your beaming father turned to the green bot with just as much enthusiasm, shaking hands and crashing their fists together with overwhelming power. "Bulkhead too? Where have you guys been?"
"We might ask you the same thing, soldier." The big blue bot said, cutting in with the same serious look that appeared to be his only expression. On a closer inspection, however, you could see a certain light in his optics. He wasn't altogether displeased to see a new arrival. Standing somewhat awkwardly to the side, the young blue bot appeared delighted if not quite confused.
"Uh, long story, Ultra Magnus sir. I've been on this planet for some time. Found this little troublemaker when they were half their current size, and I've been raising 'em to help with our cause." Ironhide said affectionately, stepping back and dropping to one knee to be more on your level. Before you could puff up proudly at the praise, a single digit tussled your hair as he often did to tease, and you sputtered before playfully pushing him away and undoing the damage. Chuckling, he turned back to his comrades. "Never figured I'd bump into you all here! Jackie, Bulk, and uh..."
The attention turned to the young bot, who only smiled with a wave and a not offended clarification on his name.
Wheeljack gave your dad a playful punch, still buzzing at seeing his old friend alive. The friendship you'd so frequently heard about was clear as day before you. "Glad to see you in one piece, old Rusthide."
"We've been here for years, Ironhide. How come we didn't detect you?" Bulkhead said, looking just as happy but burdened by the question at hand. Ironhide tapped his audial with a somewhat glum smile.
"Communicator's been busted for ages, all I've got is an earth link for cellphones." He said, recalling an injury he'd endured long before meeting you. The line he'd built relied on earth technology, and you still remembered how many tries it had taken to get it right. It was impossible to imagine a whole other team of beings like himself had been out there the whole time... Yet he didn't look at all regretful as he glanced down at you. "If I'd known I wasn't alone, I would have introduced myself and the kid ages ago. Looks like we've got my little one to thank for bringing us together."
You pouted and crossed your arms at the comment. "I'm not little anymore, dad."
"They did alright in a scrap, but how about we get you two back to base? I'm sure the other's will want to hear the story." Wheeljack said, easing your damaged pride with the compliment. You had indeed evaded those Vehicons for a good long while before being rescued... speaking of which, you could use a bit of rest somewhere secure.
Once more, Ultra Magnus stepped in to halt the festivities. "First; I shall communicate with Optimus and let him know what has transpired. He will likely want to meet you in person before we make any rash decisions."
"Seriously? Come on, Mags! Let's get this bot in an actual base!" Wheeljack replied in a huff, bringing back the arguing from before as if it had never stopped. Looking quite amused, Ironhide merely chuckled and offered you his hand, allowing you to get a lift onto his shoulders as was your custom. Clearly not phased by what he was seeing, the only parent you'd ever known let you get comfortable before following the group out of the partially collapsed cave. Who could have thought your simple little scouting mission would end like this?
"Come on kiddo." He said softly, watching the bickering with an expression of nostalgia. "I have a feeling things are about to get pretty interesting."
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