#but they need to be able to hold a convo of mire then 5 minutes before then
no actually, penny 4 ur thoughts on vince and mick's dynamic? im curious if u have some hypotheses abt it.
imo some anecdotes abt vince (throwing a tantrum backstage and going to the ER bc he broke a jar, quote from sharise (i think) abt his daily routine of nothing but two tuna sandwiches and doing martial arts) kinda give a vibe that he's easier to calm down, chiller yknow. less weird and out there with his outbursts. so i definitely could see some kind of distant-ish mutual respect dynamic between them, given that mick was the one to pick him for the band. not sure it's a very coherent supposition but that's all i have for now.
I think you raise a good point here about the mutual respect thing! Here's how I see it they have a distant respect for each other because they could never do what the other does ya know?
Mick has talked to Eddie trunk about why he's the only Mötley member whose never sung on a song and he says it's cause his voice sucks so bad that he could never.
Vince couldn't do what Mick does as he doesn't have that musical flare that Mick does, he doesn't have the knowledge to play like Mick and doesn't care to learn it as he thinks Mick's talent is way to far from his grasp to try and recreate. And he's lazy while Mick is hardworking.
I actually think there's low key some fasication between the two , as they are so different in so many ways and while that can be annoying it can also make them envious of each other.
Mick is jealous about how confident Vince is and Vince is jealous about how how much brings to the table musically and how intelligent he is.
I know we talk a lot about how Tommy and Mick are total opisites, but I don't nessasery think that's so true, they still have enough in commen to have something to talk about and I just don't know what these two would realistically talk about.
Mick being the one to pick Vince for the band is the only real strong vincemick evidence I know of but even then it's not really cause Mick only picked him because the girls went crazy for him at the club and "sex sells", (in my brain he also picked him cause he wanted to look at the pretty boy all the time,anyway short vincemick interlude over)
There's a lot of potential for passion here though, I mean some of the best friendships/relationships are opisites attract but that could also be the cause for friction that could make the two repulsed by each other. But idk.
In conclusion I think Vince and Mick respect each other and are low-key kinda envious that they don't have the talent and qualities of the other, but because they never talk to each other they've never sorted this issues out and neither of them cares to as they don't really have enough common ground to start up a natural conversation with each other to get deep enough to the point of a fight.
This is the realistic answer in my opinion. It's so early here I hope anything I'm saying is making sense :')
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