#but they can also worry too much about aers friends sometimes
toustik-blogs · 1 year
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This is my OC Alex ^^
They use they/ae pronouns, are omnisexual and agender
Ae is a part of a friend group and they all live together and ae holds the only brain cell in the group
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dunedan-estel · 3 years
Hi ! For OC ask, can we know 1, 10, 12 for all your OCs ? If it's too fair Aegis then haha, have fun and thank you !
Of course I can answer for all three! Thank you for asking about them! Made my not so good day a better day answering these!
A warning, Aer in the second question got away from me very quickly and the answer for the last one got sad very quick :(
Under the cut (hopefully - sorry if the read more doesn't work again!)
1. Why did you pick their name?
Aegis was about matching it to the Wayfinder Trio - elemental. I wanted something lightning-related after discovering all the Latin words for fire were masculine. Alas, the Latin dictionary I used didn't mention anything for lightning or thunder. So the closest I could think of was Storm - storms aren't always full of lightning, but it still served the purpose of 'negative connotation' to go with her darkness struggles. The thing is, the only one that worked was Cataegis - Stormy Winds, Hurricane. Googled to see if Hurricanes have lightning - it's very rare and a sign of a very bad Hurricane... good enough. But then it was a little too negative and not very defensive. Good thing Aegis - Latin for shield, also heartwood - worked.
That's why her tags are always Cataegis (Aegis) - her full name is Cataegis, but everyone knows to call her Aegis, lest they want to be blasted into the air with lightning zapping them XD
Aer was, again, elementally related. But only Fire was free. And that wouldn't work with someone as calm as Aer. So that left water (confusing to have two Aquas), Earth (naming him Terra would be more a sign of defeat, so that was a no) and wind (which already had Ventus and Vanitas - both their names meaning wind). So Air was the next best thing. Just so happened, Aer also meant clear skies and something very similar to a new beginning. Fitting!
So that left only three elements left - fire, dark, light. Lucis isn't fiery in the slightest, and whilst she does struggle with darkness her light is much too strong. So Latin for light worked wonders. I've also had a thing for the word being used as a name since Final Fantasy XV, so a great opportunity to use it!
10. What makes them nice to be around? I can only really say why I think they'd be great to be around for me, but hopefully, they work for you and anyone else wanting to know them, too!
Aegis is pretty quiet all things considered. Yeah, she banters and can talk non-stop if she wants too, but she also enjoys quiet moments. Wouldn't be the first time she's not really said anything much for a few days. So if you just want to be somewhere quiet, or don't want to be alone but wants silence, she's a perfect candidate. She's motherly but not overbearing - she wants what's best for her friends, but she's not going to complain if they do something she doesn't like much or that's dangerous. In part, it's because she doesn't like people knowing she worries herself sick over those she holds dear, but another part is because she wants her friends happy and overbearing doesn't make her happy (so she's the opposite side of the mum-friend spectrum to Aqua, leading to a few clashes from time to time). But she is always there to patch folks up and try to calm them down if they're worried - even if it's mostly to help herself remain calm XD That being said, if you're sick or injured she lets you know she cares about you recovering. She may not say it but's it's all in action with her. Unless you've reached a point of struggling, then she goes into wisdom mode. Mostly with Terra and Ventus, but it's common XD Speaking of, if you love having people around you who are philosophical? She's great for that. Sometimes it comes out like a long monologue, but she does it. Also never reveals your ills to others - so don't worry about anything private to you getting out. 80% because she'll only remember it when you bring it up again and 20% because she literally forgets about it. Aegis never gives up on you, either. Loyal to a fault.
If you like teasing your friends, she's easy to fluster - especially when it comes to crushing super hard on Tera! Also laughs at herself quite a bit - she knows she's a little clumsy, so she laughs at that. Even if it is to hide embarrassment half the time. You may also get a giggle about her being a sponge and a big old softie.
She bakes - free cakes for you! She's not a pastry chef so... cakes are really all she can do. Had a bad time? Cake for you. Birthday? Cake for you.
Helps you with your homework! If you're drawing or writing and something's wrong somewhere and you can't figure it out, she's the one to go to. And in the same vein, if you want an honest opinion with a little bit of actual constructive criticism, or want something correcting and you're struggling, or just to go through looking for spelling mistakes, she's the number one. She's always very polite and respectful! She knows it's a blurred line and she hates showing her work to anyone if it's not perfect, so she will treat your creations like they're your actual child.
Also, she's the only one you can reflect, deflect and boost your physical and magical defence, plus cast regen. So she's tactically useful to have on hand for survival, too.
Aer's like a blend of Terra, Aegis - he has the boyish charm I envision Terra having (especially when Terra's grinning and laughing), brotherly, you know. But almost more chill than Terra - Terra's pretty chill anyway but this is Aegis levels of chill. Unless you do something that he really doesn't like, he doesn't care. He's more confident when it comes to socialising than Aegis is, but he has that ability to be silent very comfortably. He's not inherently a social animal, but he doesn't mind a couple hours of being social either. Like Aegis, he's very quick to figure out what's going on, looking for answers. I mean, he's 12 in KH3 and he's more on the ball than Sora, Donald and Goofy and truly keeping them on track.
He's as steady and solid as the earth, but as free as the wind. When he's worried, he's that grounding force usually, when he's not worried he's carefree - not to the extent of Sora, but it's a lot easier for him to laugh. If you know him before Terra comes back, you're going to see a worried mess that hides it. He's a boy worried about his mother, his father who's currently Lingering Will and might forget about him as the days go by or when Terra's made whole again. A boy so frustrated with a talking duck that once Aegis goes to the realm of darkness a second time to get Aqua, he snaps at the said duck. He consistently says his favourite story about Terra, he wants to be Terra in the way children sometimes want to be like their parents. He's afraid and when Aegis isn't around, he rarely smiles. But if you know him post-KH3, he's so happy. He still worries about his parents, of course, but they're happy and he's happy. His eyes are so bright and his grin and laugh are just so full of joy and he really just... comes into his own. He's not afraid to say 'you'll be fine'. He's no longer afraid of his darkness, he's... free of fear. He's a kid again, he's making the most with his family.
He's just soft and heart-meltingly kind. He's a romantic and a strong guy or named every wishing star 'dad' as a kid because he knew worlds were the stars, so a wishing star was Terra moving Keyblade Graveyard every night so he could say 'I'm watching over you'. And he named the brightest star in the sky 'Mum', because that bright light was her hope. And he names stars after Ven and Aqua and Sora and Riku and his grandparents and uncle and aunty and friends later on in life. He names a star after his future wife, future children, his own siblings (of which I have not yet decided gender or number - but I'm thinking of a sister) and cousins. Even Lucis has a star.
He's so soft he's openly emotional - great to have emotive people around you. He's a very good hugger. Will carry you around if you're sick and injured. Or if he's just having a good time!
He's the blue-eyed believer - finds silver linings in almost everything, believes in nearly everyone like Terra. But like Aegis, his gut instinct is extremely reliable. He can smell manipulation a mile away - he can smell a trap. So don't try. He learnt from the mistake of his father to never trust someone who speaks of aid but only makes it worse. You might just get possessed, turn into a pain in the butt of a heartless and hurt those you care about without knowing. Also might just get stuck in armour for the rest of your days and who knows if rust would get to it.
(also though a quick design update - his keyblade was going to be very similar to Terra's originally. Whilst that is still the case at the base and about halfway up, it resembles more of a lance at the top rather than a key).
Dry sense of humour (or would if I was any good at humour myself XD) but can also be a little....immature when he wants to be. The latter is quite rare, but if something innocent comes out sound rather uninnocent, he's struggling not to laugh.
Also is easy to make bashful - just compliment him. He'll throw compliments back, but oh call him adorable and you've won the match.
Lucis is my most undeveloped character, but she's pretty much like Aegis - only she truly does prefer few friends but good quality. She's probably not the best to be around, she's the most depressed of my three KH OCs and can be easily irritated, but she's so used to being alone she really has very little care about what you do. Obviously don't get yourself in trouble, but you could be with another group for a few weeks and she'd not even mention it. She misses you ofc, and she's extremely sad when no one's around her anymore, but she's so 'boring' she doesn't blame anyone for it.
She's very cautious so if you're too reckless she'll be able to bring you back (or attempt to) before you get yourself killed, but it means there are many things you'll never see her attempt. Being clumsy like Aegis doesn't help either.
Whilst Aegis is big on singing ballads or trying to be operatic (miserably - Aegis doesn't have the vocal range high or low.... someone has to have my misfortune with that lol), Lucis is into the koto and bamboo flute (both of which Aegis does pick up eventually). She does sing, but she believes so heavily she's no good at it that she sings quietly or under her breath 80% of the time.
If you want to know big words, she may be able to help. Also, she's an aunt to a small boy (who is a direct ancestor of Aegis' and Aer's) so if you're struggling to read something, she can help!
Patience like no other. Does she even get angry? Yes, but it can months to get her to that point.
When she's struggling, she gets sentimental and feelings of admiration come out - but do not confuse them with love, ever. This is all platonic from her. Unless it's about Ephemer - then that's another story.
I think what mostly makes her good to be around is she just.... finds hope somehow. She could be lost in the deepest darkness, and she'd always find something. She never realises she made that spec of light herself. She never expects anything - she doesn't know how good she is, how cared about she is, but she knows she's good at finding hope even when she thinks all is lost. She's humble and never makes anyone feel bad.
Her motto is 'whatever happens happens - it's out of our control. All we can control is how we act about it.'
12. What do other people often notice first in them? Aegis - resting face of frowning or like she's always sad. They notice her anxiety over unfamiliar people and places, sorrow... but those who look beyond, see her eyes. See her hope. See fear but trust. They see pain and struggles, but an undying flame of quiet determination.
Aer - 'Is that Terra?', his height, his eyes, his smile, his laugh. His belief and hope, his worry and his lack of sleep. His love and joy. His tight grip on his darkness, a raging fire of desperation to have his family whole again. His face looks happy, but his eyes never quite match. Not for a long while.
Lucis - loneliness. Depression. A survivor. A fighter. A storm within her chest. Someone pushing others away so it doesn't hurt when they abandon her just like everyone else. A rose quartz necklace with initials on the stone - her parents. White-hot tears constantly threatening her vision - smile always tight and pained, like at any second she'll scream out the pain she's held in for so long, never allowed to release it because she'll get bullied otherwise. A woman with the world on her shoulders and no one to carry the weight with - it is her burden to bear. So used to being alone she does not know how many people really would help her carry it, if only she wasn't so afraid.
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desideratvms · 4 years
╰☆╮[ HARRY STYLES / ARETE / ANANKE / MUSE 30 ] / [ KENNEDY KING ] is a [ TWENTY-ONE ] year old [ NEUROSCIENCE ] major. [ HE ] is known for being [ HARDWORKING & BRILLIANT ] but [ STUBBORN & SELFISH ].  when i think of them, i imagine [ PITCH BLACK COFFEE, SLANTED KNOWING SMILES, EYES ROLLED BEHIND YOUR BACK ]. and even though they’re a proud HU student now, we all have our roots. theirs run back to them being a [ MHP ( AER ) ] graduate.  i asked around and it turns out they [ AREN’T ] an AOP student. in their interview, they managed to woo the admissions team by [ PRESENTING HIS PROTOTYPE OF A 3D PRINTED SPINAL DISK ]. i guess that’s all there is to know! unless… 
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                          penned by: ☆  MOON , 24 , THEY/THEM , & EST
FULL NAME: kennedy james king. NICKNAME(S): he prefers his full name, but gets ‘ken’, ‘kenny’ and ‘king’ often. AGE: twenty-two. BIRTHDAY: november 1st. GENDER: demiboy. PRONOUNS: he/they. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual. MAJOR: neuroscience ( pre - med ). HEIGHT: 6′1". MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral evil. MBTI: ENTP HOGWARTS HOUSE: slytherin. TRAITS: ambitious, intelligent, disingenuous, judgmental, quick-witted, selfish, petty, passionate, outgoing, charming.
short bio blurb.
for your first few years of life, your cries are met with warm consoling arms, kisses over scraped knees and meals around the dinner table. as you grow older, the concept washes out of sight like a salty tide: slowly, then all at once. your parents draw the lines and your nannies color them in, and with time you realize you might in fact be the only kid in history who doesn’t resent them for it. not one bit.
a son of two brilliant surgeons, your life has been filled with ten-minute holidays and interrupted birthdays. as you grew to understand it, you discovered you hardly minded much. after all, you inherited your parents’ desire for medicine and excellence, and you aspire to be so busy one day, crave it, actually, so you fill your need for attention elsewhere and allot the rest of your time to achieving perfection. you’re in the stars and you know it; there’s no time to hold success against the people that drove you there.
though your family’s social circle shifted its orbit to the rich and powerful, they remain grounded as ever. for this, your ego is your best kept secret at home. mother and father would grill you for your narcissistic reputation, so you hide it when you’re back for the holidays behind big smiles and perfectly roasted turkeys. they want you to be proud, not arrogant, but it’s not your fault: you just can’t help that you’re always right.  
if you fall, though, you fall far –- the kings don’t throw money at problems.
they solve them.
your desire for greatness burns bright in your belly and your affinity for it has a habit of taking over the more tender parts of your heart. you’re not cruel, just destined, and nothing puts you on your toes faster than a threat, so you remove them. poll ten people and seven might think you brutal in your ambition, but all is fair in love, war and the pursuit of knowledge.
you’re focused but more romantic than what meets the eye.  while chocolates and flowers aren’t your forte, but loyalty and dedication are. there’s no better lover than one who has a habit of sinking its teeth into anything they love, and you’re a dog whose never given up a bone in his life.
your softer inner workings are there underneath and you’re not ashamed, not at all, they’ll bring you the other piece of the puzzle one day. someone to help you hold that trophy high above your head and someone to smile while they do. vulnerability doesn’t set you back; it propels you, but you’re still skating around how to equip it just right. you’re prone to using words like fire to mask your ego, and communication fizzles out by a stinging touch.
now, you turn your head toward the future. the snap of latex gloves and the slice of a scalpel. the desire to invent, to perform, to heal – anything along the way is a blip, a moment, but nothing that can’t be solved when you refuse to stop. your fate is in your hands.
background breakdown.
kennedy king is the son of two famous surgeons: dr. amanda peele-king ( mostly known as dr. peele ) and dr. jason king. both have made several advancements in their fields, dr. peele herself working on innovative tools to advance laparoscopic surgery as a general surgeon, and dr. king as a renowned cardiothoracic surgeon.
although his parents were absent more often than not due to their demanding work lives, kennedy knew from a young age that he wanted to follow in their footsteps. raised mostly by various nannies over the years, kennedy was bothered when he was younger when his parents didn’t make it to every recital; however, this was mostly erased as he grew old enough to understand their occupations.
it was love at first sight when kennedy visited the hospital. maybe not the bloody surgery part, but medicine in general, the intense need to know about the body. why it worked the way it did. he was absolutely fascinated. the time he did spend with his parents was used to soak up all the knowledge he could, and they never minded much. it gave them common ground to love the same thing, much unlike his older brother that didn’t have the same drive and passion for medicine the way he did.
the kings were glad to have one son that wanted to follow in their footsteps, and so even if there’s a large distance between them at times, kennedy has always had a fairly good relationship with his parents, even if that comes with immense pressure
personality breakdown.
to say he’s a perfectionist is an understatement. he simply refuses to go into a field and be the flop of the family, so his pursuit of knowledge is pretty unparalleled. he takes his studies seriously, and doesn’t really relate to the college life of skipping 8ams to nurse hangovers.
not that he doesn’t have them -– but we love a man that perseveres.
wish i had his confidence of just assuming everything’s going to go his way. his label means force or necessity, and that’s because kennedy has a way of making things working in his favor with pure force. ‘kennedy, aren’t you worried you’ll fail?’ ‘no.’ ‘how?i’ ‘because i won’t let myself. duh’
although he doesn’t have the softest personality due to the lack of being hugged as a child, kennedy, at his core, isn’t entirely evil. he’s capable of caring about people and does. he’s a passionate person, and that can translate to love and loyalty for the right people. he doesn’t half-ass anything, so when he commits it’s on.
still, the boy has quite an ego. for him to think something is good enough to commit to takes a bit. he’s got particular taste, never backs down from a fight, and almost annoyingly always thinks he’s right. his ambition can sometimes blind him to the point of selfishness at times, even if his heart is in the right place.
he’s got his good qualities, though! for someone he loves, he’s there. he’s quite dependent when he wants to be, and he’s smart as anything. if you need help getting out of a jam, his brain is basically hardwired to know how to land on his feet.
kennedy is very organized and put together. never catch a wrinkle, even on his plain t-shirts. he shows his love through helping: he’s more likely to help you clean your dorm or organize your study notes for your test than deliver a monologue on his love for you, but it counts! you just need to know what to look for.
a brat but sometimes a lovable brat.
wanted connections.
a best friend. kennedy grew up without serious parental figures, so i’d love a childhood best friend with him that accepts him for his serious personality flaws. he would be hella ride or die for this person, which he isn’t for much of anyone else, so that means quite a bit! someone to keep him grounded, call him out on his bullshit, but not completely destroy his ego.
exes. honestly, kennedy can be quite the petty man. i can envision a lot of ugly breakups in his past OR we can plot some exes on good terms! he’s not totally emotionally stunted, can be quite a good boyf when he wants to be, but also a complete nightmare too. any gender feel free to apply!
hookups. self-explanatory. college life. the nature of their relationship will be entirely dependent on the muses and their dynamic, but kennedy isn’t always the nicest to his casual flings depending on their dynamic. some friends with benefits could work, though, for positive casual connections.
enemies. okay, look at this bratty bitch. there is no way he doesn’t have some, if not many, enemies. he has a temper and doesn’t like to be told no, so if you ever wanna verbally spat it out, feel free. he won’t swing, tho. those are surgeon’s hands, baby.  
hate-to-love friendship. someone dopey or complete unambitious that somehow kennedy still loves despite them being total opposites. he doesn’t get why they don’t do their assignments, or why they fall asleep drunk in the bathtub twice a week, but he really can’t deny that they amuse him and he cares about them.
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penofdamocles · 4 years
14 22. 39 50 57 68
100 Random Character Development Questions
Detail one secret shame your character feels. 
Dozens of times, in varying situations, Madison’s upset his friends in the normal way, that friends do, when just by being themselves they rub the wrong way with someone who isn’t exactly like them. The problem is that he takes these mistakes extremely seriously, blames himself for not knowing exactly what they wanted and acting accordingly, and feels a need to fix himself in order to never upset the given person again in the future. Whether his friends are actually upset and about what is a grey area that he’s constantly drawing assumptions from, and said friends might disagree with his assessment, but in every instance, willing to do anything to keep them all from giving up on him or hurting him to make him go away, as he believes he deserves, Madison promises to do and be better in the future.In his own eyes, he’s broken this promise dozens of times over. All the things he promises to change or stop are neutral elements of his personality and mental illness twisted into unforgivable flaws inside his own head, or inherent urges written into his angel programming that he blames himself for not being good enough to bypass. The fact that he repeatedly makes these “horrible mistakes” and then is incapable of successfully changing or erasing the part of himself that “caused the problem” is seen as a huge flaw in its own right, inherently selfish that he “refuses” to alter his thought processes to make someone he cares about happier. His friends like him the way he is, of course, and rarely seem to take that promise seriously, but Madison knows that he lied to everyone at some point, and the self-hatred and shame from being built of flaws that he seemingly doesn’t care enough to get rid of, even when they hurt those he loves, has eaten him for a long time. The unkeepable promises just add to that; though he’d never remind anyone he made them.
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
Mads hasn’t seen a lot of things, and would call a few different unrelated events equally “the most beautiful thing”, including his first sunset, his wife, his ward’s birth, the storm he flew into, most of his friends and their neat abilities, he thinks lots of things are beautiful, stuff like that. But one thing always stuck with him, and though he wouldn’t admit it since it seems self-absorbed and arrogant, witnessing his soul’s healing ability activate for the first time, in the context it did, would rank at the top. He didn’t know it existed at all before the power was urgently needed to save Seculus, but the clouds of colorful buzzing light that surrounded them, combined with Sec’s visible improvement and the knowledge that Madison was the one doing this, that he was finally capable of helping his friend (and finally good for something); that stuck with him. Though, he would say that Sec’s look of joy and relief was the most beautiful thing in this situation.
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
Oof! Oof!! In Madison’s professional opinion, robbing a person of their free will and ability to choose is bad enough, but the worst thing is going further, taking their memories, and identity, planting desired patterns of thought and mental blocks and traps to keep them from so much as thinking about specific inconvenient things without pain, conditioning them to have certain feelings toward certain things or maybe none at all, punishing them with temporary nonexistence and reinforcement of this programming for every hint of rebellion, pressing and shaping them into the preferred shape until they’re incapable of functioning whatsoever without being controlled and directed. Until they’re something completely different, empty but conscious, molded into a subhuman tool by whoever thought they had the right. Essentially, the worst thing he believes can be done to a person is to make them not a person anymore, without killing them. He gets very strong feelings whenever he sees a situation resembling this, and if it sounds familiar, it should; it’s a thorough description of brainwashing, and word for word what happened, and is still happening, to Madison himself. Of course, he doesn’t see this as ‘the worst thing’ in his own case; he’s not a person, after all! (The depressing irony is lost on him.)
How does your character feel about their own mortality?
Now this is an interesting one, because technically, Madison can’t die again; voices don’t age or get sick, and Madison’s healing ability prevents him from being killed violently unless every spark of his soul were destroyed at once. Even when voices do die, their soul lingers without form as a highly functional but extremely lonely ghost, for the eternity they would’ve had otherwise. However, a recent discovery revealed that if a voice goes for a little longer than a month without visiting the astral plane, they begin to disappear entirely, without the energy of their home plane to sustain them. Without intervention they’ll simply vanish like they were never there. Madison’s been thinking about this latter scenario a lot. The concept of forever, potentially spent alone, scares him, especially with the knowledge that his family is in an afterlife he’ll never have access to, and with each wave of overwhelming hopelessness, the idea of doing absolutely nothing until he completely disappears has tempted him more and more. The hateful growth taking up residence in his head until recently has made matters much worse. He used to have an intense fear of anyone choosing to kill him at any time, and though that was irrational in the first place for several reasons, that anxiety’s gone now. If Madison were mortal, he’d have probably left a long time ago; he’s died before, what does he have to fear from doing it again?
Has your character ever killed anyone?
No he hasn’t! Not even on accident. Madison’s had a pacifistic mindset since he was with his ward, it’s one of his core principles to never resort to violence when angered or upset, even in small amounts. That said, he’s not exactly capable of murder even if he wanted to, with his poor fighting abilities and anxiety around blood, not that he’s had a chance or desire in the past. Even now that he’s learning to use a proper weapon, he’s intent on only using it in defense of himself and others, and though he’s wished death on several people’s abusers at this point, there’s been no need for it yet. Mads believes that it’s his fault directly that the people in his place of work when he died were killed along with him, however, though there isn’t solid proof of that, and if there were, it would have been unintentional and impossible to predict the outcome when it happened.
How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it?
Stronger than any other sense he has, that’s for sure; too strong, in fact. Between what he was built to do as an angel in supporting and helping a person with his whole being, his own intense instincts as a parent and friend, and the extremely high standards he holds himself to, Madison takes responsibility for everyone else’s problems and then some. It’s a consistent, unshakable mindset that when he sees someone struggling, he has to help in whatever way he can, or sometimes ways he can’t, which he then puts responsibility on himself for not being capable of. 
Madison when first introduced to the world was wildly inconsiderate of anyone’s wants, feelings, or concerns outside of his ward; he learned how to care about people from Seculus, another angel with a really bad self-sacrifice problem, and he saw her as such a kind person that aer unhealthy tendencies were taken as law. It took so much effort to get to the level of decency Mads has reached now that any sort of dismissal of others’ pain is interpreted as a huge step backwards into the cruel person he was before, that he needs to immediately make up for. His feelings may differ, but whether it’s familial, romantic, ward-esque or empathetic, he offers up everything when someone has a problem of any sort, especially emotional, and if there’s no fixing it, takes responsibility for its very existence, taking on their pain like this makes anything better. This in itself is ironically self-absorbed, though at the same time the only responsibility he takes for his own issues is to claim that he doesn’t matter enough for them to be a concern to himself or others. It’s irresponsible to worry others with his own problems, when they can’t easily be solved and don’t directly impact those besides himself. Obviously this gets frustrating sometimes.
There is also a gripping need to protect others, especially those he cares about. Witnessing someone in danger sets off his angel dad instincts, the first of which is to throw himself between them and the threat, either figuratively or literally. When they won’t let him, he gets panicked, as it feels like he’s forced to stand there and just watch; there are only a couple of people he trusts enough to let them protect him in return. Putting others in harm’s way for his own sake seems irresponsible. (Also ironic!) This is most of the reason he’s learning swordplay, so that he’s more effective in defending others, as opposed to just being a fragile obstacle.
On a lighter note, he feels the same intense responsibility for most living things, and having a pet in his life has helped his own self-care routines somewhat. His dog is relying on him for food, care, and shelter, and if he allows himself to stop functioning entirely or disappear, Madison will be causing him to suffer; thus, he continues to exist, on his worst days, just so Bo won’t have to be in pain. Being told by people, as well, the pain this would cause them, also forces Madison to stick around, but it’s out of guilt, not reassurance at being cared for.
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jeonbase · 6 years
Hi Andrea can you please recommend me some angsty yoonkook fics ? I need a good cry akdkz thanks !
i think i actually made a list before? but i’ll just redo it
hope u don’t cry too much ;;
la douleur exquise - sobi 
(au, ghost au, angst):
[ la douleur exquise : french - the heartbreaking pain of wanting someone you can’t have. ]
the boy with the scarf changes everything.
(this is one of my ult favorite angst fics) 
to prosper - xiajin 
(mythology au, fluff, angst, love at first sight, forced separation, light smut)
do you adore me as much as i adore you?
(i love hades!yoongi x perse!kook so much)
i hear you in the spring breeze - ial 
(au, angst, implied depression, implied suicidal thoughts, major character death)
[17/09/01 2:12 AM] yoongi: i still dream about you[17/09/01 2:12 AM] yoongi: a lot[17/09/01 2:12 AM] yoongi: more than i should[17/09/01 2:12 AM] yoongi: is that weird
[17/09/01 2:43 AM] yoongi: don’t answer that
[17/09/01 5:57 AM] yoongi: is it though
(breaks my heart every time i read it but i love it so much, beautiful fic)
slow song - darling 
(hyyh au, angst, implied domestic abuse, destructive suicidal thoughts, hurt/comfort)
don’t do over.
do better.
and like flowers in his hands, death blooms - bellamees 
(hades/persephone retelling, angst, mild smut, mentions of death)
“i have this friend, he has a spare room,” namjoon says, and he sounds apologetic. “he’s an undertaker.”
heart bind - xiajin 
(fwb au, famous yoongi, singer jeongguk, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, mentions of starvation, mentions of attempted suicide, internalized homophobia)
yoongi didn’t need to break his heart; jungkook did it all on his own.
Not Dark Yet - dreamingdaegu 
(au, angst, parallel universes)
Every year, Jungkook returns to the forest.
Maybe this year he will find what he’s hoping for.
i know i���ll fall in love with you, baby - witheredleaf (micooled) 
(soulmates au, fanboy jeongguk, rapper yoongi, fluff and angst)
The soulmate/soulbond au where Yoongi is part of a famous rap duo and Jungkook is his diligent fanboy, they meet at a fansign and things escalate from there
(alt. Yoongi didn’t sign up for this)
eternity - xiajin 
(au, spirits, angst, tragic lovers)
while the sun creates, the moon waits.
the nights really were made for saying things you can’t say tomorrow day - siderum 
(canon verse, slow burn, angst, jeongguk centric)
“you know, the fact that my rap puts you to sleep should be insulting,” yoongi says wryly.
the continuation fic ‘color in your cheeks (the feeling flows both ways)’
algae bloom - cherryjjk 
(canon/idols, angst with happy ending, fluff, smut, slow burn, praise kink)
“You have no goddamn idea, kid!” Yoongi screams, shoving Jeongguk away from him hard, just to get some space, “I hate myself for doing this to you. Every single day I wake up wishing it could be simpler. Wishing that I could have fallen for Jimin, Hoseok, fuck, anyone else but you.”
alternatively; yoonkook sort out their feelings, together.
hunt you down, eat you alive - notyoongs 
(zombie apocalypse au, bunny hybrid jeongguk, angst, fluff, smut)
“What’s going on?” asks Jeongguk sleepily, nearly tripping.
Yoongi doesn’t answer, just moves them along the walls until they get to the living room and he peers out of the window. “Fuck,” he says, hurrying to pull Jeongguk toward the door. “Fuck, fuck—”
“Hyung,” whines Jeongguk, rubbing at his sleepy eyes, and Yoongi finally turns to look at him.
“Zombies, Guk-ah,” he says. “There are zombies outside.”
(or: yoongi finds a bunny hybrid. the zombies find them both.)
siren song - xiajin
(magic au, angst, hurt/comfort)
the thing about jungkook is that he’s a bit of a spacey witch.
with you, anywhere - fruitily 
(hyyh au, angst with happy ending, amnesiac jeongguk, light smut)
“i loved you, too,” he says, but it’s not true. he did a lot of things, but he never lied to jungkook. so he corrects: “i love you, still.”
aere perennius - bellamees 
(gods & goddesses au, tragic romance, angst with happy ending, hurt/comofrt, mild smut, reincarnation, soulmates)
“one thousand three hundred and seventy-six years, hyung.”
or; gods never die, until they do.
As venom as love itself is - monoxxide 
(au, emotional/psychological abuse, hate sex, angst, love/hate, verbal humiliation)
Jeongguk is weak and just can’t help but loving Yoongi
Yoongi is weaker and just can’t stop Jeongguk from loving him
Your Smile Is My Happiness - Sealegs2414 
(angst, fluff, pining)
“Hyung…” the shorter male just grunted in reply.
“Is there a reason your knees are shaking and your hand is squeezing like there’s no tomorrow?”
Yoongi refused to turn his head towards Jungkook and meet his gaze. If it hadn’t been for the fact that it was really dark outside even with all the lights of the city, Jungkook could have seen his hyung blush. Sadly that was not in the cards for him to night. The two could see each other just fine but it wasn’t quite bright enough to see any dusting of pink on either of their faces.
A gruff, “No,” was the reply he got as well as a forced relaxation in the grip that the elder had on his hand but it still never moved. The knees however, well they got a little worse before they got better.
mouthful of forevers - notyoongs
(goblin au, major character death but not really, past minor character death, soulmates, fluff, angst with happy ending, eventual smut)
he can’t help the worry that gnaws at frozen feet as he waits for jeongguk to summon him, waits for the tell tale smoke that rises from his hands, lets him pinpoint jeongguk’s location and go to him. but it doesn’t come—it never does. and it’s new: this yearning. inexplicable, almost, for a heart that has beat for hundreds of years and never allowed itself to feel something like this.
maybe it’s time that yoongi let himself feel it. let himself acknowledge all of it—the way jeongguk has nestled into his heart, has made a place there for himself with candles and glittery costumes and bunny smiles. the way jeongguk has convinced him, bit by bit, that there are worse ways to live. yoongi is supposed to die—he was supposed to the first time, centuries ago. but now, finally, he understands something he couldn’t anticipate when he waited all of those centuries for his bride to show up: it’s not a punishment to live if he finally has something worth living for.
(or: yoongi has waited almost a thousand years for his bride, like the universe intended. but when jeongguk finally shows up, yoongi stops playing by the rules. a guardian: the great and lonely god au.)
transatlanticism - bellamees
(dystopia au, sun/moon au, night/day au, mutual pining, love at first sight, mentions of sexual content, angst with happy ending)
jungkook lives in the day. yoongi lives at night.
(or: the realms of day and night, two different worlds coming from two opposite poles, mingled during this time.)
sonata - numajiri
(au, pianist yoongi, cellist jeongguk, light angst)
yoongi’s fingers slot onto the keys like the first words they have ever known
all the ashes in my wake - shelightsupwell 
(hyyh au, explicit sexual content, hurt/comfort, suicidal thoughts, mental health issues, minor violence, implied/referenced child abuse, angst, angst with a happy ending)
Hoseok is right. Yoongi can’t expect Jungkook to read his mind. He just has to tell him straight out that sometimes he feels like garbage and he just wants to crawl into the nearest trash can and set it on fire from the inside, and it’s got nothing to do with whether or not he’s actually happy, because he absolutely is, but also he’s not.
Two years after Yoongi ran away from home, he’s reunited with Jungkook, and childhood friendship gives way to romance, but for Yoongi, struggling with depression, the relationship is as much panic-inducing as it is comforting.
surrender - notyoongs
(tokyo ghoul au, smut, heavy angst, murder, bloodplay, power dynamics, secret relationship, body horror, self mutilation, cannibalism)
jeongguk could kill him, but—he doesn’t. and maybe that’s enough to call it love.
the sound of winter - officialmaknae 
(werewolf/abo au, alpha yoongi, omega jeongguk, slow burn, angst, rape/non con elements, underage drinking, blood and gore, minor character deaths)
Yoongi has a lot on his plate, but when his pack discovers a small pup in their territory, he finds that he’s about to have a lot more.
Pale Petals - sue_bts 
(prince and peasant au, prince yoongi, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, tragic romance, past abuse)
Min Yoongi is blind in his arrogance and power. Jeon Jungkook is a petal the prince plucked from a bouquet.
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This might sound a little strange but how much does it usually cost to go to Gallifrey One? I can't find the prices on the website and thought you might know.
Not at all! I can only answer from my personal experience as I’m from the UK who has travelled to Gallifrey One twice now so it may vary for you depending on your budget and where you’re from. My friend who I travelled with this year has also done a Gallifrey one guide which I will post below;
Gallifrey One tickets for next year are on sale on April 13th.  
The first step is, of course, get a ticket. Even if you don’t manage it at the point of initial sale for any reason (remember the contends to sell out in 24 to 48 hours), all is not lost; the con operates a ticket transfer policy which gets going late in the year, and ends typically about a week before the con. Sellers post in the Facebook group for the event, and buyers contact them with an expression of interest. Tickets cost about £80 dependent on the exchange rate. Both times I have been, I have operated a “buy ticket now, worry about getting there later” policy. You do not need to immediately get a flight booked as soon as you get a ticket.Full-price flights can cost as much as £600-700 economy, but there are many opportunities to as much as halve this to £350-400 in airline sales, or if you have a credit card that gives you Avios (what used to be known as Air Miles), which can be used towards your flight. Air New Zealand and Aer Lingus are often the cheapest options, and people who have flown with them report good things. If you are travelling from elsewhere in the UK than London, and are an inexperienced flyer, British Airways offers a hassle-free experience of your domestic and international flight leaving from the same Heathrow terminal (Terminal 5) Remember to apply for your ESTA from the US Department of Homeland Security in good time. This is part of the Visa Waiver scheme for non-US citizens and everyone must have one that comes from a country participating in the scheme. It costs a nominal fee of about £30, and most of the airlines prompt you to do it as part of the booking process. Be aware it takes about 20 minutes to complete. They do tend to ask you some personal questions (your social media usernames). It is better to tell them everything for a hassle-free process, but this is a matter of personal choice.Hotels. The Marriott is expensive outside of the con-block rate. When the block goes online it sells out in literally seconds. Normal price for the Marriott is 230 USD a night. I have not managed to secure a room at the Marriott either time; have a backup plan, there are many excellent options a short walk away. The Crowne Plaza is only one block from the Marriott and is reasonably priced at 900 USD for 5 nights for 2 people – around £368 each. The Hilton is highly rated by con-goers next door, the Renaissance Marriott is next to the Crowne Plaza and is more basic. Cheaper options are to be had further away. Almost all hotels offer free airport transfer buses directly outside the International Terminal. Note it is not really practical to stay downtown and travel in, the subway is on the other side of the airport. There is an extension being built on the other side of the Marriott though whether it will be ready or convenient for next year I am unsure.Eating does not come cheap and you must remember that tax is not usually included in prices shown on menus, nor is a gratuity for which a minimum of 15% is the norm. A pizza in one of the hotels will cost between 17 and 20 USD before tax. If you are on a budget and have the arms and legs for it, visit Target or CVS and stock up on essentials. Eating in hotels is most expensive (though if you want to minimise your time away from the con is often a good idea), but fast food options exist close to the Marriott, with Subway, Carl’s Jnr and Denny’s all close by. Denny’s is due to be demolished soon (everyone was surprised it was still standing this year). In-n-Out Burger has several branches less than a mile away. For breakfast at Carl’s or Denny’s, reckon on about half of hotel prices (15 USD vs 30 USD)Travel around the city is remarkably cheap. A 10 USD subway travelcard will take you a long way. Hollywood with the Chinese Theatre and Walk of Fame are almost right outside Hollywood Highlands subway. Santa Monica is well worth a visit if the weather is favourable, with its iconic pier and glorious miles of clean beach. Other con matters. Autographs and photos are slightly cheaper here than the UK, often you will pay in USD what you would normally expect to pay in pounds, and even then, the very biggest guests will charge typically no more than around 40 – 45 USD. Evening receptions, where you get to have drinks with the stars rotating around tables for a couple of hours, are 95 USD. Diamond passes are around 235 USD, but are excellent value – multiple photos and autographs, often green screen, a free gift or print, and an hour-long meet and greet. Lines are not as long as in the UK and very well organised, so those wanting an auto or photo will certainly be seen. If you buy more than one Diamond Pass, you should certainly consider a Tardis Tag which was 795 USD this year, but gets you all of the big guests, plus any others that are Showmasters, rather than con-sponsored guests. Note that there are also Kaffeeklatsch (coffee morning) sessions, which last an hour, and offer a chance of talking to one of the less popular stars for an hour as part of a group of a dozen. These are free, and were done on a ballot process this year. As Simon has pointed out, your con ticket gets you so much more than a normal con. There 5 panel rooms including Program A in the main hall, and they operate all day, every day – ever wanted to learn circular Gallifreyan in a classroom? Now’s your chance. Most rooms keep going until 7p.m. and even then there are evening events taking place with quizzes, comedy sketch shows, karaoke and more until midnight in some circumstances. And of course, there is LobbyCon. The Marriott Lobby is the main socialising and hanging out area, where friends gather throughout the day, evening and into the small hours. The guests often hang out in the Lobby with each other (and if you know them from previous events, often, you), and in the evenings, the atmosphere is wonderfully friendly. Finally, ribbons. Ribbons are humorous or sometimes just direct quotes from the show, printed on fabric, with a small adhesive strip on the top. They stick to each other so you wind up with a long roll of them as you exchange them for those other people have brought with them. They are an excellent way to socialise, make new friends, and enjoy the con – there are ribbon exchange meets throughout the con, but often people also exchange ribbons in LobbyCon too. Its huge fun and I would recommend it as part of the con experience. As a guide, I paid around 100 USD for 250 ribbons this year and traded all of them by Sunday lunchtime. Ribbons Galore and PC Nametag are two of the most popular companies. Note that they charge a design setup fee, and then a unit price per ribbon. The unit price goes down as the quantity goes up, so play with the quantities a little to see how many you can get for what money – once you get up above 250 ribbons or so, you wind up getting more of the same design for free effectively. The big “but” here is delivery, which is horrendously expensive to have them shipped to the UK. If you have a kind friend in the US who will accept delivery and bring them to the con, then great, but the other alternative, is to have them shipped to your hotel, for which the hotel will charge you a nominal fee (5 – 20 USD), and pick them up from the concierge on check-in.Ticket: 80 GBPFlights: 350-400 GBPHotels: 350-400 GBPFood and subsistence: 45 USD per day (budget) 80 per day (expensive)Autos and Photos: vary on the person, say 150 USD, plus diamond passes and evening receptions for the more extravagant.Travel: 40-50 USDRibbons: 100 – 150 USDSo yes, Gally can be done for around about a thousand pounds, but a budget of 1500 GBP will make it a much more comfortable experience where you have to worry less about running out of cash. But be warned. Once you have done it, you may never want to miss it again, and you may never look at cons the same way again!
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They Don’t Come In Twos
So I said I’d write a story starring a nonbinary human and their shapeshifting alien friend, and not only have I done so, but I’ve also planned a whole series based around them and their crewmates! This series will start off focusing on some nb struggles (All heavily based on things I’ve experienced, by the way!) but will later expand into different “Space Australia” plots, and I might even write some side-stories based on suggestions from you guys! 
Anyways, without further ado, here’s the first chapter of They Don’t Come In Twos.
Frys thought that ae were pretty good at understanding human culture. Ae had taken a couple of courses a while back on human behaviour, and besides that, aer ship always had at least one human on it - the second-in-command was human after all - so ae’d been around humans for a good ten cycles. Ae also knew that ae were more knowledgeable about humans than any of aer colleagues back at the Center. Though ae were the first to admit that ae wasn’t the best at human ‘stuff’, and often, ae’d find aerself completely at a loss as to the reasons behind something a human did.
The reason as to why their friend Benny was lying face down on their bed and making a soft noise of discomfort was one such thing.
“Benny?” Ae stood tentatively at the doorway, aer tail curled around aer legs to try and let the human know ae wasn’t trying to interrupt whatever it was they were doing (Not that Benny could see that, with their head firmly shoved into their pillow). Ae wasn’t close enough with Benny to just walk in, they’d only met a few weeks ago, and even though they’d really “hit it off”, as humans said, Frys didn’t feel comfortable entering Benny’s room without their permission. “Are you feeling alright?”
Benny made a noncommittal sound, as they often did when they weren’t feeling well, or were tired. It seemed, in Frys’ opinion, to be a confirmation that something was wrong.
“Do you want me to contact the medbay?” Benny shook their head, and turned their head to the side slightly.
“I’m not sick, Frys, there’s nothing the medbay can do right now.” Right now? Perhaps this was one of those ongoing illnesses humans had that would require more intensive care that Frys had read about a little while ago? No, they said they weren’t sick… Perhaps they were lying?
“You are acting the way you do when you feel sick, though. Tell me the truth, what is wrong?”
“Nothing!” Benny’s voice was louder now, and Frys thought ae may have done the wrong thing. “Listen, Frys, it’s just… It’s hard to explain.” “Then tell me, and I will do my best to understand.”
“Alright.” Benny sat up, coughing slightly as they did so, which Frys noted - more evidence that their friend might be ill. “You better come over here then, this might take a while.”
The seat next to Benny’s bed was not made for a Vlaenue, but the pair of stools sitting next to the cupboard were a close enough fit. Folding aer front legs carefully, Frys waited for Benny to start talking, watching them closely as ae waited, looking for any other signs aer friend might be unwell. Ae didn’t look them in the eye, of course, as ae knew it made Benny very uncomfortable, and aer friend was uncomfortable enough already.
After a long pause, Benny let out a long hiss of breath. “So uh… have you ever heard the term ‘dysphoria’?”
“No, unfortunately. It seems somewhat familiar to me, though, I may have seen it in passing.”
“Ah. Right. Um. Well, you’ve been doing a lot of human research, yeah? You probably saw it once or twice in human culture or something?”
“Most likely, perhaps if you give me a brief definition of the meaning, I will remember.”
“Yeah, yeah, that should work.” They shuffled on the bed, shifting their legs out from under them and instead crossed their legs in front of them. A wise choice, Frys thought. Sitting on their legs for much longer would have stifled the blood flow, causing “Pins and Needle”, as many humans called it. “Might as well just explain what it’s like to me, shouldn’t I?”
“That would most likely be the best course of action, I agree.” Frys closed their upper row of eyes in agreement.
“Alright, uh… you know how when I told you I was agender, you didn’t think it was that big of a deal right?”
“Yes, I still have difficulty understanding why you believed it would be.”
Benny laughed. “Yeah, should have realised a shapeshifting species would be less rigid with all that kinda stuff. Well, uh, with humans, it is a big deal, ‘cause for a whole bunch of years they assumed that what your body was like defined who you were as a person, and were like ‘If you have these traits, then you have to be this’ and stuff. It’s not like that as much anymore, but… well, you getting what I mean so far?”
Frys nodded - a gesture ae’d learned from Benny themself - and gestured for Benny to continue. “Well, uh, for a lot of my life, people assumed I was a different gender because of that stuff, and when I didn’t actively go against it, they didn’t think to stop, and so I started to believe them. My traits were…” Benny paused, and took a sharp breath. “Um, were shoved into this weird binary of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’, and it kinda, y’know, stuck?”
“I think I do know, yes. You found yourself unable to stop thinking of them as such, am I correct?” Frys hoped ae had understood Benny correctly, sometimes ae had a little trouble following their train of thought.
“Yeah, you’re totally right. So um, once I figured out I was agender, and started presenting in a way that made me comfortable with myself, I kept remembering stuff people had said about some of my features beforehand. How they made me look.” Benny’s hands moved to their wrists, gripping them tightly. “And… ugh, I still do it. I don’t like looking feminine or masculine but every time I look in a mirror all I can see are the things I know other humans are thinking about me and I can’t stop and I hate it and I feel so disgusted with myself and fake and -”
This wasn’t the first time Benny had gotten into this kind of state, and after the last time had ended poorly, Benny had told Frys what to do to help. “Benny.” Ae interrupted, hands holding the human’s arms in a gentle, but firm grip. “Deep breaths. In… and out.” Ae repeated the phrase as Benny’s chest rose and fell, the ‘heartbeat’ Frys could feel slowing to a more normal speed.
“Thanks, Frys, I’m really not in the mood to have some kind of meltdown right now.” Benny smiled, and Frys noticed how tired they looked. Had they slept at all last night.
“You are very welcome, Benny. And from what I’ve heard you saying, I think I do remember a word or phrase similar to what you are describing. Are you feeling a type of physical distress due to  either with your physical state, either your appearance or physical attributes, how other humans perceive you, or how you feel you are treated in relation to your gender?”
“Pretty much, yeah. Where’d you get that definition from?”
“I believe it was an ‘article’ written by a transgender activist, though I do not recall their name.” Frys paused for a second, aer tail flicking as ae thought. “I shall have to look it up after this conversation. But I digress. I think I may be able to relate to how you are feeling, actually.” “You can?” Benny looked surprised. “Really?” “Indeed. In the community I grew up in, we called it… I think the closest translation would be ‘state sickness’. State sickness is the feeling of physical distress and dismay caused by trying to stay in a form that is wrong for you or is no longer how you personally feel comfortable presenting. I experienced it once, a few cycles before I signed on to this crew, in fact.”
“You did?” Benny paused, before tentatively asking, “What was it like?”
“Horrible. I had a romantic partner at the time who often complimented how I appeared, and their words made me feel happy and cared for. However, when I discovered I was Aeyrz, a far more feminine gender than the one I was before, I was afraid that my partner would not want to stay with me if I changed forms. I forced myself to stay as I was for a whole cycle, to the point where even strangers could see I was in pain. I eventually admitted what I was doing to my partner, and they insisted I change forms, that they wouldn’t stand for me hurting myself because of what they thought.”
Benny was silent for a second. “... Are you still together?” “No. But we separated for a different reason, and we remain close to this day.”
“Good.” Benny shifted again, moving to hang their legs off of the bed. “That sounds a lot like dysphoria, to me. But I can’t change my form like you can. All I can do is wait and save up for surgery later, and take medication, and wait….” They trailed off, before letting out a rattling sigh. “I wish I could change like you.”
“If you could, you would not be yourself, you would not be human.” Frys tried to choose aer words carefully, but wasn’t sure what might be the right thing to say in this scenario. “And besides, even if you were able to, you would change like you, not me.”
“True,” They smiled. “Very true.”
“And besides,” Frys continued, aer voice a little unsure. “Just because other humans have called part of you feminine or masculine, does not mean they are if you do not want them to be. You are the one in control of your body, and you are the one who says how your appearance should be seen.”
Benny smiled, a bright, toothy grin that didn’t really match how upset they seemed to have been just a minute ago. “Thanks, Frys, that means a lot to me. And thanks for letting me talk too, I think I’m feeling a little better.”
“Wonderful!” Frys nodded aer head, though perhaps that wasn’t the appropriate moment, and then realised ae had yet to let go of Benny’s arms. Neither of them seemed to have noticed Frys was still holding Benny, albeit in a far more loose fashion. “Ah, I apologise, I should have let you go before.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Benny waved their hand noncommittally, as Frys let them go. “I’d have mentioned it if I wasn’t having a good touch day and I was getting stressed out, you’re all good.”
“That is good, you seem to have been having a bad enough time before, I would rather be a help to your emotional state than a harm.” Frys tail swayed a little, showing aer relief, as a bell sounded from the speaker in the corner of Benny’s room. “Ah, it appears to be the hour of dinner. Is your dysphoria too great to go down to the cafeteria? Would you like me to bring you something?”
Benny pushed themself forwards, off their bed. “No, it’s fine, I’ve been dysphoric as heck and gone to dinner before, and I’ll do it again. ...I’d appreciate it if you could divert any conversation away from my appearance though, that’ll do nothing good to me right now.”
Frys waited for Benny to move past aer before standing. “Of course. I will do my best to help you, my friend.” It was times like these that Frys wished ae could mimic a human’s smile, but aer mouth simply couldn’t make those kinds of shapes. Benny seemed to get the picture though. Did they understand Vlaenue body language, perhaps? Aer tail would certainly have given aer away if they did.
“Thanks, Frys, you’re super great!” Benny smiled again, a more gentle one than the grin they gave aer before. Perhaps they had been exaggerating that smile, to prove they felt better? Frys wasn’t exactly going to ask, of course, so perhaps ae’d never know. “Anyway, we’d better hurry. I heard it was pizza night tonight, and you know how much Alvin loves garlic bread!”
Frys thought that ae were pretty good at understanding human culture, though ae were the first to admit that ae wasn’t the best at human ‘stuff’, and often, ae’d find aerself completely at a loss as to the reasons behind something a human did. But since ae hadn’t made Benny feel worse during their conversation, ae felt pretty certain that dysphoria, or at least this result of dysphoria, was something ae did understand, at least to some degree.
Ae also thought that if Alvin ate all the garlic bread ae was going to cry, but really, that was simply a given.
Frys and Benny’s descriptions of dysphoria are both ways I’ve described my own dysphoria to other people, more or less. This isn’t the best thing I’ve written, but I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of They Don’t Come In Twos!
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astrifer0us · 7 years
2, 4, 8, 9, 16, 26, 28, 29, 41, 46 and 49 for your dnd chars, as well as the dissolve me characters. hahaha i'm so sorry good luck
OC QUESTIONS | Accepting
i already answered a bunch of these but im never consistent in character development so whatever here
2. Do they have anytitles? How did they get them?
Only three have actual titles!
Ser’s official title is Lady Serafima Isidora Tammeth ofDawnhost.
Chal is, in some iterations of the universe, now Ser ChalIllith’vir, Marquis of Darton, thanks to a birthday gift from the Conman.
Ciara’s title, officially, is Lady Ciara Rosa Juno Arradiah,Runner of Waves.
4. What is theirrelationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Didthey know both parents?
Calvael: His mom is dead, his dad left them when Cal was tooyoung to remember. Calvael loved his mom to bits though. His best memories withher are of the both of them gardening in the sun. A bad memory is definitely theday his mother got killed.
Rorik: His biological parents died in the fire that burntdown most of his town. He was happy with them, but never quite felt like hebelonged. His adoptive elven mother disappeared a couple years ago, and Rorikis still unsure whether she still lives or not.
Renethil: She never knew them, as she was taken from them bythe Seers when she was very young.
Mort: They didn’t have parents in that sense, since theirclan had a more communal way of caretaking and raising children. They remembersitting with one of the elder tieflings one stormy night, braiding each other’shair, their unexperienced fingers tugging loose strands, both of them tellingstory after story.
Chal: Chal’s relationship with his family is a littlestrained. He had a good bond with his mother, who accepted him and loved himunconditionally. His father did not like him as much, and this feeling wasmutual. He does still respect him for teaching him the ways of trade, but that’sall of the good he can say about him.
Aiki: Aiki has no parents since ey’re an android.
Wyatt: Wyatt could give less shits about his parents,really. It sounds harsh, but they never had a good connection, and he has histwin.
Ghilli: Ghilli barely remembers her mother, knowing onlythat she died shortly after she and her sister were born. She and her fathergot along swimmingly though, and she learnt everything she knows from him. Shestill remembers days bent over a forge, making her very first hammer.
Serafima: Ser has a great relationship with her parents.Sure, they can be a little overbearing and overprotective at times, but that’sonly logical, she’s the first-born child after all. A bad memory she vividlyrecalls is when her dad got very ill, and no one was sure he’d even make it.
Eiridi: Eiridi’s family was killed by a roving band of orcsand goliaths. She remembers them pretty vividly though, including each andevery one of them being violently slaughter, her tired wings carrying heracross the mountains as fast as she could. It’s… not a good thing to thinkabout.
Aer: Aer never really had parents in that sense. They weremostly raised by, well, literal animals, and other forest gnomes, but therenever was a real familial relationship.
Amaranthe: The clan of selkies that she belongs to doesn’thave clear familial relationships. The closest she has to a parent is the headof the clan, an elderly selkie woman called Hyrre.
Tamsen: Likewise.
Ciara: Her connection with her parents used to be prettystrong, but it’s watered down a little now that she’s living on her own. One ofher very first memories of them is of her mother teaching her to swim in theocean.
8. Did they have petsas a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Calvael: Calvael is literally afraid of anything bigger thana small cat. He likes birds, though. No pets for him, however.
Rorik: Rorik has no pets, sadly. He was trying to raise somebirds, but all the eggs went bad. He’s very set on getting a pseudodragon now,however.
Renethil: She has no pets, nor did she ever have one, andshe hasn’t really considered the thought of one. She’d like a cat, but thememories of Syardis with Adodak as a cat have kind of spoiled that idea.
Mort: No pets for them ever, but they wouldn’t mind one,they suppose. It’s not something that’s ever come up.
Chal: Chal hates cats, is indifferent to dogs, but mostother animals are fair game. He’d like something fancy like a pseudodragon, orsomething more obscure like a Flumph.
Aiki: No, no, and no. Ey has Mokir though, that’s kind oflike a pet.
Wyatt: Wyatt has his loyal German Shepherd named Shep, whois his trusted companion and he loves him very much. He’s very smart and waybetter than Claws. Also, Wyatt is incredibly allergic to cats.
Ghilli: She’s never had pets or considered getting one. Shedoesn’t think she could take proper care of it on the road.
Serafima: She had a little lizard when she was a kid, but it’sdead now, and she never got a new pet. She’d like one, though.
Eiridi: She is like a pet.
Aer: Aer doesn’t believe in the keeping of pets. They cancommunicate with small woodland animals, and they’re their friends.
Amaranthe: She gets along with the smaller fish in theocean, if that counts.
Tamsen: They’d love pets! Pretty hard to take care of themin the ocean, though.
Ciara: She had a dog as a kid, but she never really caredfor pets all that much.
9. Do animals likethem? Do they get on well with animals?
Already mostly answered above? A thing of note is that catsseem to love Chal. It’s the worst. He hates it.
16. Do they collectanything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?  
Calvael: Dried flowers.
Rorik: Pelts and furs.
Renethil: Fashion and contempt.
Mort: Nah.
Chal: Money and jewelry.
Aiki: Sweaters.
Wyatt: Anything valuable.
Ghilli: Gems and other pretty stones.
Serafima: Little trinkets and keepsakes.
Eiridi: Shiny things!!!
Aer: Nah.
Amaranthe: She has an entire box of handmade jewelry thatTamsen keeps giving her. It’s adorable.
Tamsen: Anything they can make jewelry out of. Shells,stones, beads, anything.
Ciara: Nah.
26. How do they actwhen they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Calvael: Mostly he just smiles a lot.
Rorik: He’s very visibly happy: A lot of smiling andlaughing, sometimes humming, bouncing.
Renethil: She tends to try and hide it, but her ears arevery expressive, and she blushes easily.
Mort: What is happiness.
Chal: Expressive ears man. He has his emotions tightlylocked up, though, and only a few people will ever see him actually genuinely happy.
Aiki: What are emotions.
Wyatt: He has a very boisterous laugh, and his eyes tend toget a little glimmer when he’s really happy.
Ghilli: She’s a very expressive person, and will hum andlaugh and sing. Also ruffling hair and generally being affectionate and touchy.
Serafima: Leg bouncing, hand flapping, all the little nicethings, as well as a wide smile and squinty eyes.
Eiridi: She whistles. A lot.
Aer: They get this little devious smirk, but their eyes getall crinkley when they’re genuinely happy.
Amaranthe: Her smile is very warm, and anyone who sees itfeels blessed, cuz she doesn’t show it a lot.
Tamsen: Tamsen is very vocal in their happiness, and willclearly let you know.
Ciara: Ciara tends to get all blushy when she’s happy.
28. What is theirbiggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
I already answered this a while back here so im just gonna addthe characters that aren’t in there.
Eiridi: Eiridi gets all tremble-y and shaky when she’sscared, and will hide in her wings. She’s scared of the dark and not very goodwith fire either.
Aer: Aer thinks they hide their fear well, but they have atell-tale twitch above their left eye that shows when they’re scared.
Amaranthe: Amaranthe is the type to hide her fear to protectothers, and it’s very rare that you’ll actually see her afraid.
Tamsen: Tamsen gets all wide-eyed and shaking when they’rescared, and try to hide behind someone else.
Ciara: She’s very afraid of drowning, even though she’s areally good swimmer and loves the ocean.
29. What do they dowhen they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very overprotective?
Calvael: Chances are he’s also afraid of it, so he won’ttease, mostly just relate.
Rorik: He might tease a little if it’s a really unexpectedor irrational fear, but he won’t be mean about it.
Renethil: Depending on who it is, either mock them or justkeep quiet about it.
Mort: They’re not disrespectful, and will probably not evencare, so long as it doesn’t hinder the progress.
Chal: Definitely tease, but not in a mean way.
Aiki: What are fears.
Wyatt: Tease a little, but he’d also be pretty protective,especially when it’s someone he’s close to.
Ghilli: She is the Ultimate Mom and will Protect you.
Serafima: She’ll respect it and tell you not to worry.
Eiridi: Probably laugh. Social graces? She doesn’t havethem.
Aer: Honestly, probably tease a lot.
Amaranthe: Depending on the person, laugh but not say muchelse, or protect them.
Tamsen: Be very kind and sweet and generally trustworthy.You’d  tell them anything.
Ciara: Be protective.
41. What’s theirsexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do theylike/need in a relationship?
Calvael: Mmmmaybe straight??? Who even knows/?? He hasn’thad much time or opportunity to figure it out so he doesn’t  know.
Rorik: Bicurious.
Renethil: Sexrepulsed asexual lesbian.
Mort: Ace panromantic.
Chal: Panromantic pansexual polyamorous.
Aiki: Acearo.
Wyatt: Hecka gay, but would fuck a girl probably. He’s not that picky.
Ghilli: Super super super gay. Powerlesbian.
Serafima: Pansexual panromantic.
Eiridi: Birds.
Aer: Aromantic pansexual.
Amaranthe: Homoromantic homosexual.
Tamsen: Panromantic demipansexual.
Ciara: Questioning, later resolved to be biromanticbisexual.
46. Do they make agood first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? Howdo they introduce themselves?
Calvael: His first impression is probably him trying to becool and utterly failing. So yes, quite accurate.
Rorik: Overenthusiastic puppy. He can be a little awkwardwith meeting new people and will often blurt out anything that comes to mind.
Renethil: Ren tends to keep herself distant until she’s surewho she’s dealing with. She usually introduces herself with her full firstname, and tries to keep up a haughty air.
Mort: They’re not good with people, and first impressions ofthem are usually either really stand-offish and cold, or really awkward.
Chal: Chal is very good with words and a practiced talker,so he tends to make a good first impression on people. He’s a fan of a bitoverdone gestures of amicability, like sweeping bows and hand-kisses.
Aiki: Cold, arrogant and an asshole. So yes very accurate.
Wyatt: Wyatt doesn’t usually say much when they meet newpeople, and prefers to let his sister take the lead, so he can come off asdisinterested and arrogant, which he isn’t, really.
Ghilli: A true Mom. She will adopt you and you probably won’teven mind.
Serafima: Ser can be a little uncomfortable and awkward, butshe’ll cover for that by being very loud and extra.
Eiridi: The least social bird-person you’ll ever meet.
Aer: Aer can be very charming and sweet, often paintingthemselves as a lost child. Don’t trust them.
Amaranthe: Amaranthe is… not good at first impressions. Orsecond. She comes off as a cold bitch to basically anyone, but that’s mostlyher self-defense mechanism.
Tamsen: The sweetest child you ever did meet. Protect them.
Ciara: Ciara is a little awkward and can say things withoutmeaning them.
49. What is theirmost valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to takeeverywhere with them?
Calvael: The scarf he got from his mom, that he always wearseven when it’s way too warm.
Rorik: He used to not be very sentimental, but now there’sthe stone Traxae gifted him upon her death, that he carries in a hidden pouchunder his armour, over his heart, to remember her by. At night he often takesit out and holds it for a while.
Renethil: She’s not sentimental at all. Of course her spellbook is important to her, however.
Mort: They don’t believe much in material possession. Themost important to them is probably the long braid, that they promised theywouldn’t cut off until they brought vengeance down upon those that murdered herclan.
Chal: He’s not super sentimental, but he does have a smallnecklace with a jade pendant that his mother gave him, that he usually wears.
Aiki: No.
Wyatt: His most valued object is most definitely the ringleft to him by Traesyc. He goes stir-crazy when he doesn’t have it around hisfinger, and is constantly twisting it, to the point of scraping his skin attimes.
Ghilli: Her warhammer, Lola, is definitely the mostimportant object to her. She crafted it together with her dad, and it’sbasically her best friend.
Serafima: Her journal, filled with drawings of her family,and of her travels. She’s not too sentimental, but she likes to have some pieceof home with her.
Eiridi: She doesn’t have much possessions in general, so no.
Aer: Nope.
Amaranthe: The necklace made for her by Tamsen on their fiveyear anniversary.
Tamsen: The little shell Amaranthe gave them pretty early onin their relationship. Amaranthe keeps insisting it’s silly, but they love it.
Ciara: She’s not really sentimental, and doesn’t have manyvalued possessions.
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astrifer0us · 8 years
5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 19, 21, and 25 for your dnd ocs, Alyona, and the android apocalypse characters. have fun.
OC QUESTIONS | Accepting’
5. Are there any story arcs you would like this character to explore?
Meh idkk???
Please let this asshole realise that it’s okay to let other people take care of you.
I want Michaela to have like a badass warrior woman moment man.
I’m not sure. I’d like for him to let go of his mother’smemory sometime, and live for himself.
Please give Chal a redemption arc in which he realises that,wow, he’s been kind of a bad person. Wow.
Ahh idk. I really loved that she died and came back as aghoul, and I’d love to see what she learns from that, tbh.
Ehh, no clue yet.
Well she’s getting into a pretty cool arc now, having todeal with the loss of her love interest and actually grasping for a goal so shecan live on, so yeah, I’m excited about that.
Noooo clue yet.
I want to corrupt my little wolf boy so bad. Give this boy afiendish warlock pact or something, fuck him up.
????? Honestly I’d love for em to realise humans aren’t toobad but. They kind of are.
At some point I want him to get over Traesyc and put itbehind him but rn? Let him grieve let him suffer.
6. What would your character like (or have liked) to do with their life?
Kick ass.
Go… outside….
Find a solution to the android problem, save a lot of people.
Live in his nice house on top of a hill and tend to hisgarden. Please. Leave him alone.
Chal is pretty content where he is now. He has centuries infront of him if he plays his cards right, and he’s intent on making the most ofit.
Ghilli is here to make the world a better place, and take noshit from anyone. A simple life.
Preferably live out of spite.
God, that’s a hell of a good question. She doesn’t reallyknow herself, at this point. She doesn’t really have a clear goal or a path setout in front of her.
Just let this child explore the world at her own pace,please.
LET THIS BOY BE HAPPY!!! I want him to be nice andcomfortable with Morana and explore the world and figure everything out.
??? idk. Be free as the wind.
She wants to find a new flock at some point, but right now she just wants revenge for the death of her old one.
???? sorry lmao
God he’d love to just. Stick with his sis. Go onsilly adventures. Have fun, and not worry so much.
7. Who is your character’s best friend?
??? no clue.
Issy and Michaela. Not that they’d admit it.
Kita and Michaela.
Kita and Isidore, obviously.
Definitely not himself lmao, but??? He doesn’t really. Haveone.
Temperance and the Conman.
??? who knows. Maybe Ealda at this point.
Yknow. Barty. Probably.
Morana and Traxae, definitely.
His twin, Scytta. They’ve been best friends since birth.
11. What crime is this character most likely to be convicted of?
Murder. Definitely murder.
Punching someone they shouldn’t have punched.
Breaking in.
Hacking into her superior’s computer.
Trespassing or something minor like that.
… Slavery. But they’ll have to catch him first. So probablysomething smaller, like, say, influencing a rich person to hand over theirmoney.
Something dumb she did to protect someone else.
Literally anything. They don’t have great morals.
Breaking a rule she wasn’t aware existed.
Theft, poaching, something like that.
They’re a wild little gnome living outside of civilisation.Laws are not a thing they’re aware of.
Literally same as above.
Breaking eir programming, probably.
…. Ykno. Murder.
14. What is this character’s relationship with religion or the church?
Oh no. No, fuck the Overseers. Nope.
They don’t particularly give a fuck, to put it bluntly.
He was raised by a catholic family, but doesn’t really care about any God anymore.
No time for religion in a post-apocalyptic wasteland man.
Calvael is not religious, though I could see him becomingreligious later on. He’s the type for silent prayer.
Gods are for losers, just don’t mess with them.
Ghilli is devoted to the creator of dwarves, Moradin.
The gods have forsaken them. I mean, that’s what they think.
Ren is a very loyal follower of Zehir, and recently became acleric of him.
Ser worships Kord with great enthusiasm.
Rorik is not the most pious, but he always sends smallprayers and sometimes offerings to Avandra.
Aer is not all about gods, but they do recognise theirexistence.
Eiridi has little knowledge of gods, and does not worshipone.
Fuck gods.
He’s not very devoted, but does wear a little symbol of hisdeity around his neck. He’s pretty sceptical about gods in general, and doesnot believe they are as benevolent as people make them out to be. He’d ratherplace his trust in things he can see and experience.
21. Do you ship your character with any other characters? (This includes characters from other universes and canons)
??? Nope.
Isidore and Kita would make a good couple if they could stop arguing for like 5 minutes.
See above. Doesn’t stop him from flirting with everyone.
Michaela had a tiny crush on Kita when she was younger, but she got over it.
Not anything concrete, but @celticrune and i Have discussedsome things abt Calvael and Whisper and it was cute.
Boy oh boy yeah. Chal and @celticrune’s Temperance were mostlikely a thing back in the days and I still ship it HARD. Also, Chal and @kima-ladyofvord‘s the Conman, its great its wonderful 10/10 would ship.
N o p e
I don’t… wanna talk about it….. (but Syardis-debacle aside,Ren and @dunno-audino’s Lynnae would be the best, most dangerous couple ever and itsgr8)
Not at the moment.
Boy yeah. Rorik and @celticrune’s Morana is like. The OTP.
Not atm.
Hahahahaha. Traesyc. :c but apparently him and @celticrune’sKeiji also work very well together so there’s that.
25. What does this character mean to you? 
just gonna only do my dnd chars here cuz the rest is all a lil. meh. havent writtene nough abt them yet.
Calvael was my first DnD character, but since I didn’t getto play him much, not a lot yet. He’s great anyway.
SO MUCH U DON’T EVEN KNO. He’s hands down my favourite, justbecause he’s this little, snarky piece of shit, he’s wonderful to write andheadcanon about and just??? I love him????
Ghilli I unfortunately have not played a lot yet, but she isvery fun to play, so there is that. She’s also the perfect mix of adorable anddangerous that I love.
Tbh not much yet lmao.
Ren is like. So great. She’s very little like me, but she’smy perfect outlet for my aggression and anger. Also, I love caster classes andshe was my first real caster class I played. She’s amazing and I love her.
I haven’t played Ser yet, but she already means a lot tome??? She’s letting me prove that, heck yeah, neurodivergent characters cankick ass like any other! Disabilities don’t have to hinder your progress! Iwanna be like her!!
Rorik is my little child. My son. I love him so so much. He’sthe one that really got me into DnD, I’ve been through so much with him, it’shard to describe just how much I care about him.
Not a lot yet? Though honestly any nonbinary character meansa lot to me just cuz. Well.
Not a lot, but she’s fun to play.
Not much.
So much please protect this child from me I hurt him so muchbut he’s!!!! so good!!! To hurt!!!!
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