#but they all end up getting along and dib eventually is like ok I guess zim does treat her really nice
mrehkka · 7 months
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Some more ZAGR doodles! Haha I think their first "date" probably wouldn't seem like one. Gaz was like "we can go out to eat but don't sit next to me and don't talk to me I have a boss to beat". Zim enjoyed it lmao. Next date, they actually play games together, and since Zim ALSO games and also he has a computer as a second brain, he predicts the game's RNG for Gaz lmao
Then we have Gaz dressing Zim up haha and finally another gaming date- this time when they've dated a while so cuddles are welcome! (Gaz is playing with joycons if it's not obvious lol).
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hrtiu · 3 years
@flybynite19 come get your man.
Brit’ni haunted the long aisles of the Coruscant Public Convention Halls, her eyes darting from stall to stall. This was the biggest Galaxy of Heroes miniature convention in the Republic, and if she didn’t find it here, she wouldn’t find it anywhere. Finally, in a sketchy-looking booth in one of the auxiliary wings, she saw it.
It was perfect. A mint-condition figure with articulated arms, first-edition armor, and no helmet. It was almost impossible to find a figure of Captain Tabbard without a helmet, and Brit’ni couldn’t wait to get her hands on it. 
She reached out. “How much for-?”
Another hand grabbed the package just before her, blocking her fingers from her prize.
“What’s the price?” the interloper asked.
Brit’ni turned on her rival, ready to throw hands if necessary. “Excuse me! I was here first!”
A Human man blinked back at her from behind huge, yellow-tinted goggles. “As you can see, my hand reached the package first. I believe that means I have dibs.”
“Look, buddy. Just because you have slightly faster twitch reflexes than me doesn’t mean you get this figure. I’ve been looking for it for forever and I saw it first. Run along.” She tightened her grip around his bony fingers and shot him a death glare, then flicked her gaze to the shopkeeper. 
The Ithorian man backed away slowly and raised his hands, his translator sputtering out his apologies. “The price is 70 credits. Whoever can pay gets it. Don’t drag me into this.”
“Please let go of my purchase,” the Human in the goggles said. “I don’t have time for this.”
“I’m not letting go until Captain Tabbard is in my bag. Got it, Goggles?”
He wrinkled his nose and shook his head disapprovingly. “This stalemate is productive to neither of us. I propose a compromise.”
“What, you get the head, I get the body? No way.”
“As humorous as that would be, I was thinking something more mutually beneficial. You seem to be an avid collector, and I have several pieces that might be of interest to you.”
Brit’ni leaned closer to him, but didn’t loosen her grip on the figure. “Something more interesting than a first-edition Captain Tabbard? I don’t think so.”
“If you’re a fan of Captain Tabbard, I’d imagine you also enjoy the Chandrilan Guard. But there aren’t any figures for the standard Chandrilan Guard armor. I happen to have a custom pattern made for their armor. I’d be willing to share as many molds as you’d like if you are interested in creating the whole set.”
Brit’ni salivated at the thought. A whole set of custom CG figures? She’d been doing her best to make her own over the years, but with new resources… She’d be unstoppable.
“You have my attention…”
“We split the cost, 50/50. We store the figure in a locker at Coruscant Central. Then we meet up next week. I show you the goods and we decide on the deal. If you don’t want my customs, you take the figure and we go our separate ways. If you do, we make the trade.”
Brit’ni narrowed her eyes at him. “It didn’t take you very long to come up with this plan.”
He shrugged. “I’m smart.”
Brit’ni leaned closer to him, staring him right in those yellow-tinted eyes. She wasn’t in the habit of trusting strangers on a planet like Coruscant—especially not lately. But she really wanted those customs. 
“Your name is Tech?” Brit’ni asked doubtfully as they walked down to the magtrain platform together.
“That’s what I just said.”
“Ok, sure,” Brit’ni said. What was it to her if he gave her a fake name? They didn’t need to be best buddies or anything.
“We live in a galaxy of billions of planets, populated by thousands of unique species, each with their own distinctive regional subcultures. I don’t see why ‘Tech’ should be a particularly unusual name, considering.”
Brit’ni laughed and shook her head. “Ok, now I get where you got your name.”
They swiped their muni chits and stepped onto the waiting magtrain, finding a spot near the back where they could both comfortably hold to the hand rails. It was a weekend so the train wasn’t as crowded as it would be during rush hour, but Brit’ni still barely felt like she had room to breathe. Just a few inches from her, Tech’s eyes darted back and forth across the magtrain car and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“New to Coruscant?” she asked.
He looked up in surprise, like he’d forgotten she was there. “...Yes.” His expression was oddly guarded, and Brit’ni raised her hands reassuringly.
“You just look like I did when I was still new to the magtrains. Eventually you’ll get used to the close quarters.”
His shoulders relaxed and he nodded. “So many variables, with all these people around. Too many unknowns for my taste. And sentient life is so… unpredictable.”
“Well, I don’t know if I’d put it quite like that but I think I get you. There’s a reason we collect little plastoid figures, right?”
A single eyebrow peaked out above Tech’s goggles and he tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I hadn’t thought about it like that before, but perhaps you are right.”
The magtrain shuddered as it rounded a turn on the old track, and Brit’ni clutched her precious Captain Tabbard tighter to herself.
Why so much interest in Captain Tabbard?” Tech asked. “Some figures are rare because of their popularity, but he was simply rarely produced due to lack of interest.”
Brit’ni bristled like he was insulting her toddling infant. “He’s the best character!”
“I understood that most fans of the serials disliked him because of his treachery.”
“Treachery?” she scoffed. “That’s not treachery. He had good reason to be loyal to both the Old Republic and Tiberian Empire. It was his conflict that made him interesting. And in the end he chose what was right. That’s what makes a good character. Conflict. Struggle. Then overcoming in the end.”
“I suppose.”
“What about you, then? Who’s your favorite character?”
“In Galaxy of Heroes? I don’t know—never seen it.”
Brit’ni’s jaw dropped. “Then why were you ready to fight me over this figure?”
He shrugged. “I’m a completionist. This is the last one I need to complete the set. You know they’re more valuable together, right?”
She just stared at him. Her eyes trailed down to his booted feet, up his khaki slacks, past his drab, navy-colored tunic, and back to those big, yellow-tinted eyes. Who was this guy?
“Deal’s off,” she said.
“I can’t give Captain Tabbard to… to someone who won’t appreciate him.”
“I appreciate him! He’s a first edition, mint-condition, ultra-rare piece that will complete my collection! How much more appreciation can you get than that?”
“No.” Brit’ni shook her head. “You’re not worthy.”
Tech pursed his lips and huffed through his nose.”Well I still paid for half of that figure, so what do you suggest we do? Cut it in half?”
She recoiled in horror. “No! I’ll pay you the 35 credits and I take the figure. It’s as simple as that.”
“That’s unacceptable. You have to at least give me a chance to meet your criteria.”
“How could you possibly do that?”
“By watching Galaxy of Heroes. I watch it, I tell you my favorite character, I show my appreciation for Captain Tabbard.”
“Or I could just take Captain Tabbard home now, and have a figure of my very favorite character to display proudly on my shelf.”
The magtrain slowed and a cheery voice emanated from the intercom. “Coruscant Central.”
“We’re at the station,” Tech said. “I suggest you get off, because I assure you my Chandrilan Guard figures are very good.”
He stepped off the train and Brit’ni bit her lip, her grip tightening on the handlebar as she watched. “Ah, sithspit,” she cursed under her breath, and hopped off the train just as the doors closed.
She hurried to catch up to him—he set a surprisingly quick pace considering how scrawny he looked under those pants—and he tilted his head in her direction in acknowledgment.
“Glad you decided to join me,” he said.
“I really want those CG customs. I’ve been saving up for materials for forever but they’re expensive and my job doesn’t believe in working hours that give me enough time to sleep and eat.”
Tech frowned. “What kind of job is that? It seems like a sub-optimal way to treat your employees.”
“I work at one of the Imperial training facilities. I get to clean up after all the sweaty recruits in the exercise halls. It smells and I hate my life.”
He tensed almost imperceptibly at her side and Brit’ni tried not to notice. Plenty of people on Coruscant didn’t like the Empire, but a job was a job. And Captain Tabbard wasn’t going to pay for himself.
“That sounds… unpleasant. I hope you are able to find alternate forms of employment sometime soon.”
“Yeah, me too. But there aren’t too many options these days,” she said with a sigh. “If I had my way I’d be working in the archives or curating the Imperial Historical Society. I have the training for it, too! But I guess they only need a handful of people to do that, and they need thousands to clean the stormtroopers’ locker rooms.”
He nodded sagely, and she wondered if she was saying too much. Scratch that—she was definitely saying too much. But any time her job came up she couldn’t help but try to distance herself from it. To distance herself from the Empire.
“I also wish I could spend my days doing research and furthering our understanding of the universe. But unfortunately I don’t have that luxury,” Tech said.
Brit’ni looked at him out of the corner of her eye, surprised at the wistfulness in his voice. Maybe she’d judged him too harshly. A completionist who’d never watched Galaxy of Heroes he might be, but they might have more in common than she’d thought. He gave the station map a quick once-over, pushing his goggles up his nose as he read the map, and she couldn’t help but notice how oddly endearing the action was. She cursed herself. She’d always had a weakness for hopeless nerds.
They wound their way through the labyrinthine corridors of Coruscant’s largest magtrain station, and Tech seemed to know every turn and forgotten corner. He took them down another flight of stairs to the lower levels, where the storage lockers were, and a squirmy feeling started to bubble up in Brit’ni’s stomach. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to follow a stranger down into the depths of Coruscant Central without telling anyone where she was. But something about Tech felt oddly comforting. Condescending and annoying, yes, but also kind of nice.
Brit’ni cleared her throat and tried to dispel her sudden nerves. “So… what do you do, then?”
“I’m a tech specialist,” he answered immediately.
Brit’ni furrowed her brows. “A tech specialist? Are you military?”
He looked at her like he’d forgotten she was there, then shook his head, oddly flustered. “No, I mean… I do holo repair, comm device repair, droid maintenance—that sort of thing.”
“Oh.” Sure he did.
“It’s, uh, not very glamorous, but it pays the bills,” he said, tacking on an awkward laugh like the world’s worst holo actor.
Brit’ni resisted the urge to roll her eyes. I promise you, dude. Whatever your secrets are, they aren’t nearly as interesting as you think. She found herself wishing he’d just be honest with her, then reminded herself that she didn’t care. She didn’t. He was just a means to the end of collecting Captain Tabbard, not an strangely cute guy she wanted to learn more about.
They approached a squat Rodian manning the checkout counter for locker rentals and paid up.
“And can we get two locks, please?” Brit’ni asked. She needed some assurance that Tech wasn’t just going to come back later, open their locker, and leave.
The Rodian shrugged and tossed them another lock. “Sure.”
They walked down the aisle of lockers and found theirs—locker number 9999. Tech gave a weird smile at the number, but Brit’ni ignored it and opened the locker, carefully placing Captain Tabbard inside and giving him one last look of longing before closing the locker on his beautiful, first-edition face.
They both stuck their locks on the door, and Brit’ni pulled out her portable comm device.
“What’s your comm signature?” she asked.
“I don’t see that that’s necessary.”
“Sure it is. What if I can’t make our meeting time? What if you decide to watch Galaxy of Heroes but its themes and storyline are too complex for you to follow? What if you decide to back out and just want to give me your lock key so I can pick the Captain up?”
He frowned. “Alright, then.”
They swapped comm signatures and Brit’ni stuck her hand out to shake. Tech hesitated a moment, like he wasn’t sure what to do with it, then took her hand.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” Brit’ni said with a firm, professional shake.
A few days later Brit’ni staggered home from her shift at the training facility with a deep and abiding exhaustion in her bones. She swiped open the door to the small apartment she shared with her younger sister and stumbled through the dark room, determined not to turn on the lights. Her sister was already asleep and Brit’ni knew she had an early shift the next morning.
Brit’ni shed her uniform, took a quick shower, and fell into bed. She could easily have fallen asleep right then and there, but she hated going to sleep right after getting home from work. It felt like giving up—like acknowledging that all there was to her life right now was sleep and work. She rolled over onto her side and pulled out her comm device, checking for messages. There were a few from her mom, a couple of taunting inside jokes from her sister, and… one from a signature she didn’t immediately recognize. 
She opened the message, convinced it was some kind of advertisement but curious nonetheless.
I am happy to report that my viewing of Galaxy of Heroes has commenced. Will keep you updated on my progress. -T
A surprised smile rose to her lips. Maybe her evening would be a little more interesting than usual, after all.
She gave it some thought, then typed a response. The first episode is great, but the rest of the first season is a little slow. Make sure you keep watching to season 3.
She pulled out a datapad and scrolled mindlessly through several news updates. There was never anything interesting anymore—not since the Empire had taken over. All the updates felt like propaganda, but there was nothing else to read. Then her comm device pinged.
Then why don’t I just skip straight to season 3? I don’t understand how people can be such fans of a program while disliking a significant percentage of the content. -T
She snorted. Don’t skip to season 3! I thought you were a completionist.
He responded immediately. Fair point. -T
Deciding to let him focus on the show, Brit’ni rolled out of bed, determined to do something useful with the evening before calling it a night. She pulled a case of her in-progress figures out from under her bed and hauled them over to the small work desk she’d set up in the corner. She had some painting to do.
Commander Fes’s helmet was beautiful. The design etched across its surface was gorgeous, with intricately weaving strips of color and textures. That also made it an absolute beast to paint, and Brit’ni extricated her tiniest brushes from the bottom of her brush bag. 
Eyes straining with the microscopic details, she labored over the good commander’s helmet for a solid half hour before setting her tools down in frustration. She glowered at the thumb-sized helmet, as if her anger would force it to cooperate better, and reached for her comm device.
What paint do you use for your customs? she sent Tech. For the fine details? I feel like I’m going crazy with Commander Fes’s helmet.
I don’t hand-paint details that small. I have a three dimensional stamper, so I design the decals at full size then use the stamper to apply them. -T
Huh. Brit’ni had heard of tools like that, but most collectors had to make them themselves. It wasn’t a simple or easy thing to put together.
I’ve always wanted to use one of those! Did you follow the Talatar template or the Bikqwik one?
Neither. I made my own design, though to be fair the base design was inspired more by the Bikqwik one. -T
Maybe I should make one. I’d love to get those fine details right, but I don’t know if I have the time to figure it out or the money for all the pieces.
That’s understandable. I was able to use leftover pieces from my work, so it wasn’t so expensive for me. -T
Images of a perfectly-painted Commander Fes helmet floated through Brit’ni’s mind, and she had half a mind to ask him to lend her his printer. That would probably be too much, though. She was considering what she should say next when Tech sent her another message.
It’s nice to talk to another collector about customs and painting. My colleagues are not very interested. -T
Brit’ni laughed. Same! My sister and mom indulge me, but they definitely don’t care as much as I do.
She set her comm device down and refocused her attention on Commander Fes’s helmet. It might be nice to use a three dimensional stamper, but this was what she had to work with for now. And as she focused in on the tiny design, she had to admit that it was turning out pretty well.
She soon fell into a groove so deep she hardly noticed the next half hour fly by. Then her comm device pinged again, breaking her from her painting trance.
I’m going to sleep now, but I’m happy to report that I’ve finished season one. -T
Brit’ni’s brows rose. You finished a whole season in one night?
I’m watching it at double speed. -T
That’s cheating!
When you demanded I watch the show you did not specify a required playback speed. -T
Do I have to specify things that should be obvious??
Goodnight, Brit’ni. -T
No longer in the mood to paint, Brit’ni set Commander Fes’s tiny helmet on a stand to dry, then packed up her materials. She crawled into bed and set her alarm, her eyes already heavy with how tired she’d be in the morning. Still, it had been a pleasant night.
The week flew by, and Brit’ni was so busy with work she hardly had any time to work on her figures or chat with Tech. Every once in a while he messaged her with updates on his viewing progress, and he was burning through Galaxy of Heroes at an alarming rate. His last message he sent the morning of the day they’d agreed to meet back up at the station—a simple statement that he’d finished the series. 
Brit’ni wanted to ask him his thoughts, who his favorite character was, and what he thought of the infamous plot twist in season seven, but instead she’d had to run off to work. By the time her shift ended, she was excited to hop on the magtrain and head to Coruscant Central not only to finally see his promised customs, but also to talk to him. Funny, that.
She walked down into the lower levels of the station and quickly found locker 9999. Tech was already there, typing away on some kind of datapad built into his wristguard. Brit’ni didn’t think he’d worn that the last time they’d met, but she also couldn’t really depend on her memory.
“Hey!” she called out, and he looked up from his datapad.
“Excellent. Right on time.” 
He swung his backpack off his shoulders and rummaged through it, pulling out a carefully labelled black box as she approached.
“Are those the custom molds?” Brit’ni asked eagerly.
“Yes.” He opened the box and she could swear the box was glowing from the inside like some kind of mythic treasure.
“I have molds for the standard shock trooper, captain, commander, and the recon units. Four molds in all.”
With a reverent hand, Brit’ni lifted the silicoid molds from their case. The detail work was exquisite, the edges sharp and defined. “I just pour in molding plastoid and let it cool?” she asked.
He nodded. “Yes, that should work adequately.”
She stared for a minute longer, her fingers running over each groove and divet. They were perfect. “Alright, you have a deal.”
“No, but… I haven’t told you about Galaxy of Heroes yet…” Tech said, confused.
“That’s alright, the molds are enough-”
“I watched that entire series in a week. I’m going to tell you about it,” he snapped.
Brit’ni shut the case with the molds and stepped back from him a pace, her eyebrows raised. “Alright then, do you see now why Captain Tabbard is the best?”
“He’s such a minor character, it’s hard for me to understand why he is your favorite. But I do see the nuance and conflict that you mentioned earlier. I can see why you admire him.”
“Who’s your favorite, then?” It had better not be that awful Alduous Rux. Or even worse: Leve Bontera.
“K3WO was my favorite, I believe,” he said.
“The droid? Really?” she asked, though as soon as the words left her mouth she had to admit that it made a certain sort of sense.
“Yes. He always remained level-headed, he was intelligent, but he had his own personality. He was my favorite.”
“Ok, fine, I get it. But what about your favorite organic character?”
“Why does it have to be an organic character?”
“Do you have to argue everything I say?”
“It’s not arguing if-” 
Tech suddenly cut off, his eyes darting down the hall, and Brit’ni followed his gaze. Two stormtroopers had stepped off the landing and were making their way towards locker 9999. Tech glanced quickly away from them, but the tension in his shoulders was clear. 
Brit’ni saw the problem immediately. They looked like they were making some kind of illicit deal here, exchanging goods in the basement of Coruscant Station. The misunderstanding could be easily cleared up under normal circumstances, but Tech obviously didn’t want any attention from Imperials.
Thinking fast, Brit’ni clutched the black case of molds to her chest. “Oh, honey! You shouldn’t have!”
Tech stared doubtfully back at her through his goggles, his eyes growing wide enough to fill the lenses as she grabbed him by the shoulders and hauled him to her.
“What are you-” he hissed.
She pressed her mouth to his before he could give them away, her hands snaking around his back to make sure he didn’t pull away while the stormtroopers were still watching. She worried that she might have to fight him the entire time, which would both make her feel like the worst kind of swamp scum and would also make this significantly less enjoyable. But then he relaxed into the kiss and set his hands at her waist, his long fingers careful and hot against her skin. He picked her up by the waist and spun them around, pressing her back into the lockers. Then he kissed up the side of her neck. Heated shivers ran up Brit’ni’s body, and she wondered if maybe she’d gotten in way over her head.
“Good thinking,” he whispered into her ear once he reached the top of her neck. “My apologies for not realizing sooner.”
“Th-that’s fine,” she stuttered, looking over his shoulder to check for the stormtroopers. They were still there. “Still got eyes.”
He nodded, then kissed her again, this time sliding a hand up her back to run his fingers through her hair. She pressed herself further into him, finding surprisingly firm, defined muscle under his plain clothing. Brit’ni doubted that there was an electronics repairman this athletic in the entire galaxy, and the mystery that was Tech just seemed to deepen with each passing moment. 
Then one of Tech’s hands slipped lower on her waist and all coherent thought fled from Brit’ni’s mind. Her teeth caught on his bottom lip and she tugged gently. He started against her, and she took that as encouragement. Then she slipped her tongue into his mouth, and he started again, this time jerking away from her in surprise. 
Brit’ni’s gaze darted to where she’d last seen the stormtroopers and, Force be damned, there they still were. Staring like a bunch of touch-starved morons.
“What are you looking at, you karking pervs!” she shouted at them.
The troopers flinched away like she’d hit them, then sputtered something about their patrol route and orders to “carry on.” They turned back the way they went and soon enough they were up the stairs and out of sight.
Brit’ni let out a heavy sigh of relief and let her weight lean back against the lockers behind her. “Well, that was a lot closer than it needed to be.”
“Yes,” Tech said, a healthy dusting of red high on his cheeks. “Thank you, by the way. I’d rather avoid Imperial entanglements.”
“Wouldn’t we all?” she said with a wry twist of the mouth.
“And, uh… My apologies, for losing my grip earlier. I… well I have never engaged in kissing before.”
Brit’ni sat up straight at that, her eyes going wide. “Really?” she asked, her skin still tingling from where he’d run his hands up her back. “You could have fooled me.”
“Well, I’ve seen plenty of holos,” he said, shrugging with one shoulder. “The mechanics of it seem simple enough. But, um. I didn’t really know what to expect in terms of sensation.”
“Ah,” Brit’ni said, feeling the heat rising in her own cheeks. “Well, it all worked out in the end.”
“That it did. Now if we could exchange goods?”
They each unlocked their locks and there Captain Tabbard was, safe in his perfectly-preserved box. Tech handed her back her 35 credit share of the price, then lifted Captain Tabbard carefully from the locker. Brit’ni checked the CG molds Tech had given her one more time, then closed and locked the case.
“I guess we’re done, then,” she said, suddenly not sure where to put her hands.
“A pleasure,” Tech said, and she couldn’t help but wonder if there was some secret meaning hidden behind the quirk of his lips.
“A pleasure.”
A few days later, Brit’ni dragged herself to work feeling particularly haggard. She went through the service entrance and changed into her ugly uniform, then jogged to her supervisor’s office just in time to clock in.
She punched the buttons that would start recording her time, then started to walk away from the desk.
“Brit’ni? That you?” her supervisor asked, turning around in his swivel chair. He was a pale, sleight Human who’d barely spoken three words to Brit’ni before today.
She turned back to him slowly, her body already tensing to expect the worst. “Yes, sir?”
“You have a package.”
“A package?”
“Yeah.” He got up from his desk and pulled a drab grey box out from under the counter, sliding it towards Brit’ni with a look of perfect unconcern on his face. “Someone dropped it off early this morning for you.”
“Oh…” That was strange. In earlier years Brit’ni had liked surprises like this, but ever since the Empire… Well, let’s just say that most surprises were bad ones these days.
She took the package back to the locker room and set it down on one of the durasteel benches. Carefully, like she was defusing a bomb, she opened it up. Inside, the perfectly-painted face of Captain Tabbard stared up at her, a bright orange piece of flimsi stuck to his box just over his chest.
Dear Brit’ni,
Thank you for the other day. I should have just given this to you at the time, but I’m afraid I wasn’t thinking very clearly. I hope our paths cross again.
A slow smile crept across Brit’ni’s face, and she picked up Captain Tabbard, holding his box to her chest. She knew she and Tech’s paths would cross again. She’d make sure of it.
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mull3ts · 4 years
Quarantine Boyz, Part 2
Pairing | NCT's 00 line x Reader
⚠ Warnings! | Smut, Orgy (5some), Swearing, Voyeurism, Yangyang now included!, Double penetration, squirting, Dirty talk, spanking, Degration, Anal, *unprotected sex (wrap it up kids!), this goes from 100 to 0 real quick, There's no smut on Yangyang coz idk how to feel abt that 😔
· Part 1
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Week 2: Day 8/14, 9:42 pm
"Wider" Jaemin demanded, "Spread you legs wider princess-"
"Look who's having all of the fun over there" Donghyuck teased from the doorframe along with Renjun. "It wouldn't be very nice to not share, would it Y/N?" Renjun questioned. You shook your head, "If you two wanna join then do something" Jeno said before shoving his fingers back into your mouth along with Jaemin finally entering inside of you.
"Fine" The two boys said stripping themselves from their clothes and joining the rest of you on the bed. Jaemin slowly entered you to help you adjust to him, as Jeno removed his fingers from your mouth now also entering your stuffed hole.
"A-ah, wait Jeno are you gonna-" You asked scared you actually might split in two, Jeno gently caressed your cheek. "Don't worry babe, I'll try to be gentle. No promises though" He said as he was trusting himself inside of you.
"Wow, look at what a dirty girl you are. Taking two cocks in that small pussy of yours" Donghyuck whispered in your ear. "Maybe we should tie your hands together, how does that sound?" Renjun taunted as he watched your face react to Jeno and Jaemin ruining you.
"Answer him, princess. You want your hands tied together?" Jaemin groaned.
You nodded, "P-please, do it.". "Good girl" Renjun cooed as Donghyuck went through Jaemin's closet to find a necktie. "Here" Donghyuck said as he threw the necktie to Renjun to tie around your wrists. They all chuckled a bit looking at your now tied hands.
"Look at how pretty your hands are now babygirl, all tied up so you can't do anything" Donghyuck teased. "You can't do a single thing to us while we wreck your little pussy" Renjun chuckled.
"I think I'm gonna c-cum" You said weakly. Jeno cocked his head to the side and gave you a lazy smile, "Cumming so soon?". "Aw, that's cute princess. Are our cocks really that good?" Jaemin cooed from behind you. Renjun leaned closer to your ear. "Why don't you beg to cum, hm?".
Jeno chuckled at Renjun's suggestion, "C'mon babe, tell us how much you wanna cum". "I-i wanna cum, please. Ah, please let me cum I'll be g-good I-i promise!".
"Promise, huh?" Donghyuck teased. "Y-yes, please just let me cum!" You moaned making Jeno smile at your eagerness. "What do you think, Jaemin? Wanna let our little girl cum?". Jaemin nodded. "Do it princess. But when you cum, look at Jeno and don't you dare take your eyes off of his eyes."
Donghyuck leaned closer to your ear, "Go on babygirl, make a mess on their cocks, Don't hold back". When you reached your high it made you clench hard causing Jeno and Jaemin to cum not long after you. You squirted causing the 2 boys still deep inside of you to curse under their breath. First Jaemin, then Jeno pulled out admiring your pussy stuffed with their cum.
Jeno reached down to collect some on his fingers and pushed it back into your hole causing you to gasp a little at the sudden contact. Jaemin lazily chuckled at your reaction before looking at Renjun and Donghyuck who were staring at you.
"Did she just-"
"Squirt? Yeah"
"Hot" Donghyuck complimented
"Our turn" Renjun said proudly. First Donghyuck lined up with your entrance. But then Renjun was lining up with your asshole. "A-ah, Renjun! Be careful, p-please" You whimpered making Renjun chuckle a little. "I'll try my best, angel".
Donghyuck was thrusting himself inside of you making sure to go as deep as he could. "Fuck babygirl, h-how are you still so tight after 2 cocks rammed your pussy?" He asked. "That's cause she's our good little girl, right princess?" Jaemin whispered in your ear. "Y-yeah, a-ah! Renjun!". Your nails were creating little marks in your hands as you couldn't grip onto anything. "Calm down, angel, the pain'll go away" Renjun said softly trying to easy your pain. Donghyuck on the other hand, was now thrusting in you relentlessly. "You like that, babygirl? Hm? Tell me" Donghyuck taunted. "S-slow down! Please" You begged as Renjun now started to thrust in your ass adding to the pleasure that you couldn't handle. "You want me to speed up? Ok" Donghyuck teased. "God, you're so hot"
With Donghyuck and Renjun's dicks both inside of you at once, you couldn't help but cum quickly. "M'gonna c-cum! Please l-let me cum!" You moaned. "Not yet, babygirl, us first" Donghyuck said sternly. Eventually the 2 boys filled you with their cum resulting in you squirting again. "Look at you..." Jeno said looking at your cum filled pussy, "All fucked out from 4 cocks, what a little whore you are for us. What do you say after we fucked you so well, babe?" Jeno questioned cocking his head to the side.
"T-thank you" You mumbled "Thank you for what princess?" Jaemin said lifting your chin to make you look at him.
"Thank you all f-for fucking me so well"
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Day 9/14, 11:33 am
You woke up, with excruciating pain.
"Hi there, hot stuff. Glad to see you awake"
"I am pain Lee Jeno"
"Wonder who's fault is that?"
"25% of it is, babe" He smirked then kissed your forehead. "Can you get up?" He questioned.
You shook your head ask he lazily laughed at you. "Aw, here, I'll carry you". He scooped you up in his arms and brought you to the kitchen where the rest of the boys were eating
"Hi there, cutie" Cooed Donghyuck while eating a sandwich earning a glare from you as Jeno sat you down then taking a seat for himself. "I see that you can't walk" Jaemin said smiling at you. "Sush, Na Jaemin" You mumbled as Donghyuck cleared his throat.
"So," Donghyuck began, "What happens now?". "I guess we could take turns?" Renjun suggested. "DIBS ON HER FIRST!" Yelled Donghyuck followed by Jaemin, Jeno, then Renjun. "So, Donghyuck first, then Jaemin, Jeno, and last is Renjun?" You questioned, they all nodded. "I'm gonna be adventurous and take you in the kitchen" Donghyuck whispered to you, "NU UH NOT IN MY GOSH DANG KITCHEN LEE DONGHYUCK. I rule this kitchen, therefore I can fuck in this kitchen, not you" Said Jaemin sternly causing laughter to erupt in the kitchen.
"So when do "the turns" begin?"
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And so that's how it went from days 9/14 to 13/14
They all took turns as they said they would and you were fine with it
Then there was the last day where you supposedly "Could go outside"
But I know what you're thinking
Ladies and Gentlemen, that will be added, in time
I'm letting you recover ;D
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Day 14/14, 11:11 am
"So we can't go out?"
Renjun shook his head, "Nope"
"Listen here, Smurfette, I need some weird special detergent for this Peppa Pig apron because the little tag said so. What am I gonna do?" Jaemin snapped. "Chill out Jaemin, it's only an apron" Donghyuck retorted. "What did you do to that apron anyway?" Renjun asked.
"I might've got cum on the apron" Jaemin mumbled.
"Huh?" Renjun and Donghyuck blurted in confusion.
"I got semen on the apron" Jaemin hissed. The two boys infront of him bursted out in laughter, "You got cum, on your Peppa Pig apron?" Donghyuck said in disbelief.
"Yeah" Jaemin mumbled while Renjun was laughing hysterically.
"You got what on your apron?" You exclaimed walking down the stairs with Jeno.
"I got cum on my fucking apron" Jaemin sighed, as now you and Jeno started laughing. But you stopped laughing, followed by Renjun, then Jeno. Donghyuck was the only one left laughing.
He cleared his throat, "Oh, we're not l-laughing anymore. Uh, w-why?" Donghyuck stammered out.
"J-jaemin and Y/N f-fucked in the- the-" Renjun said with caution
"Oh just say it"
The room was filled with eyerolls and groans of disbelief. "W-we sanitized it if it makes you feel b-better?" Jaemin hesitantly spoke.
"Will you all, stop? Or else I'll sing that Justin Timberlake song in German"
"How do you even know that song-"
"Ten showed me" Yangyang whispered
Day 14/14, 11:11 pm
"Oh, fuck" You moaned
The light turned on.
Yangyang was met with his 5 naked roomates looking straight at him.
"I'm assuming Jaemin didn't close the door, again"
Jaemin nodded, "You wanna do this, Y/N?" he asked looking at you with a knowing look.
"Come here"
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*a/n: And tada ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the long awaited Quarantine Boyz part 2 🤧 Sorry if that ending was a bit rushed because I honestly didn't know how to end this. Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this~~~ 💖💖💖 -Abi~ <3
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krizaland · 5 years
Imagine- Yandere!Dib (or just stalker!dib) x reader x Zim Where the reader recognizes dibs real creepy behavior and ends up going to Zim zam their friendo/crush for comfort and/or protection. And then that freinddhip becomes something more? Sorry for the long thing
Don’t be sorry! I love your idea! I kinda got carried away so there’s gonna be more than one chapter!
Be warned: Yanderes are creepy fucks. This fic will contain stalking, and obsessive behaviors.
Ever since you were little, you always were a little too nice. Anytime you saw someone in trouble, you always had the urge to help them no matter what.
Usually, most people would except your help and you would walk away feeling like you’ve done the right thing.
You never once regretted helping someone in need.
That is until Dib came along.
It all started in Elementary Skool. Dib was being picked on by a gaggle of bullies.
They dangled his favorite camera in front of his face while they pelted him with insult after insult.
Just hearing the sounds of Dib’s pained cries made your heart ache.
You remember pushing the bullies away and saving the camera.
The moment you handed the camera back to Dib, you noticed an unnerving look behind his glasses.
At first you brushed it off and tried to continue on with your day.
However, Dib insisted that you stay and talk with him.  You didn’t think much of it so you decided to humor him.
That was your biggest mistake.
The next thing you were bombarded with a flurry of conspiracy theories and accusations of random students being bigfeets and vampires in disguise.
Needless to say, you were pretty creeped out and decided to avoid him from that day fourth.
However, your attempts were all in vain.
No matter where you went, Dib would always be there, ready to drown you in another wave of paranormal nonsense.
Things only got worse as you got older.
Dib’s desire for your friendship had mutated into something far far worse.
To say he had a crush on you was a major understatement!
He would always follow you around and try to get your attention.
Whenever you needed something, Dib would miraculously have it for you the next day.
However, you knew that if you accepted the ‘gift’ you’d be subjected to yet another paranormal rant.
So you decided to politely decline his gifts, no matter how bad you needed the item in question.
Dib seemed to give up on you after he figured out you weren’t interested in his ‘gifts’.
Or so you thought.
You soon found your locker flooded countless love notes and slabs of heart shaped meat.
Each note was creepier than the last and you couldn’t get the stench of rotting meat out of your locker no matter how much you cleaned it.
You then started to notice cameras following you wherever you went.
At first you assumed it was just part of the Skool’s security system. After all, you’ve heard rumors that the Skool tends to watch students like hawks to make sure they don’t cheat on exams.
However, it didn’t take long for you to start noticing the same cameras peeking outside of your window.
Needless to say, you decided it was best to keep your blinds shut from that point on.
Of course, closing your blinds wasn’t enough to stop the creepy coincidences happening wherever you went.
Not by a long shot.
You soon found some of your underwear and dirty socks had mysteriously vanished.
The trashcans outside your house always rustled throughout the night. Only to be found tipped over by morning.
Things only got creepier at Skool.
You would always feel someone breathing heavily down your back whenever you talked to another student.
You would turn around but no one would be there.
To make matters worse, the next day, the student you had talked to would go missing.
Whenever the class needed to work in pairs, Dib would somehow always end up being your partner.
You always dreaded being paired with Dib for when he was’t spewing his usual brand of paranormal nonsense, he would often spend his time showering you with the creepiest compliments imaginable.
Things got even worse when the Skool Dance rolled around.
Dib wasted no time and sauntered up to you.
“Hey, Y/N! Glad I caught you! I was wondering if you had a date to the dance yet?”
You could see the madness oozing from his amber eyes with every word he spoke.
“Oh! Well I’m actually not going to the dance.” You admitted as you rubbed the back of your head.
“Oh? Why not?” Dib asked as he drew closer.
“Because I have a lot of homework to do.” You knew that wasn’t too far from the truth. You did have a lot of homework but that wasn’t the main reason.
“That’s why? You know, I could help out with that, if you want.” Dib offered, his eyes continued to stare into your soul.
“No. No that’s ok! I’d prefer to do it all myself. A-Anyway, I gotta get going! I gotta get to class and stuff so bye!”
And with that, you ran as fast as your legs could take you.
A creepy smile spread across Dib’s face as he watched you escape.
“Just you wait, Y/N, you’ll be mine someday…Then we’ll be together forever.”  
A small giggle escaped his throat. The giggle quickly grew and grew until Dib erupted into full on maniacal laughter.
The next day, your savior had arrived.
Standing next to Ms.Bitters was the cutest boy you had ever seen!
He may have had lime green skin but you couldn’t care less. After all you’ve seen way weirder kids walk through the door before.
“Class, I would like to introduce the newest, hopeless appendage to the student body. His name is Zim” Ms. Bitters grumbled “Zim, if you’ve got something to say, say it now because after this moment, I don’t want to hear another sound from you!”
Zim was taken aback by Ms. Bitters’s outburst but he quickly regained his composure.
“Hello, friends. I am a perfectly normal human-worm baby. You have nothing, absolutely nothing to fear from me. Just pay no attention to me and we’ll get along just fine.”
You struggled to stifle a giggle as Zim spoke. He sure did have a way with words.
Dib’s mouth was agape as he pointed at Zim. His body shook with anticipation as his crazed mind searched for words to shout.
“Take your seat now Zim!” Ms. Bitters snapped as she slithered back to her desk.
Zim cheerfully plopped down into the seat next to yours, only adding to Dib’s madness.
“Today’s lecture is about outer space and about how it will EVENTUALLY IMPLODE IN ON ITSELF!” Ms Bitters sneered.
Zim immediately hopped up onto his desk and waved his arms around.
“Yes, Zim?”
“In the event of say, a full scale alien invasion, how prepared do you think this planet’s defenses would be? Tell me.” Zim’s voice quivered as he sat back down.
“As I was saying, the universe is just doomed…doomed..dooooomed.” Ms Bitters crooned as bugs crawled around her face.
“Ok, am I the only one here who sees the alien sitting in class?” Dib asked as he managed to regain his composure.
The other students looked all around the room while your buried your face in your textbook.
You felt your stomach churn as you knew that Dib would harass you about Zim at lunchtime.
“There!” Dib snapped as he snapped a finger in Zim’s direction. “Right there!”
A horrified expression spread across Zim’s face as pink sweat dripped down his face.
“That is no kid! He’s an alien An alien! One of the monsters I’ve been talking about! He’s here to conquer Earth-”
“Oh not this again. You’re crazy.” Zita huffed as she folded her arms.
“What about his horrible green head?!-”
“INSOLENT FOOL-BOY! It’s a skin condition.” Zim interjected.
“And he’s got no ears! Is that part of your skin condition?! Huh?! No ears?!” Dib whined as he gestured to his own ears.
“Yes.” Zim replied as he somberly looked down at his desk.
“Man, Dib! You think that just because someone looks different you can call them an alien?” one student asked.
“I guess Old Kid is an alien too, huh?” Another added.
“How’s it going?” Old Kid chirped with a wave.
Dib sighed and got up out of his seat.  He scribbled away on the chalkboard before pulling out a metal pointer.
“Ok, this is us,” Dib pointed to a drawing of a naked human man. “And over here, this is Zim!” Dib pointed to a crude drawing of an alien.
“See the difference? Anyone? Anyone? Questions?”
One student raised his hand and grumbled.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with you? All you talk about is seeing aliens and ghosts and seeing bigfoot in your garage.”
“He was using the belt sander. Y/N! Back me up here! I know you can tell the difference!” Dib pleaded as he turned to face you.
Sure enough, everyone’s eyes were on you as you sunk into your seat.
You opened your mouth to speak but Zim spoke first.
“Oh Puh-lease! He’s always saying stuff! I remember that one time Mhm-Hmm.”
“Hey! You just got here!” Dib snapped as he zipped up to Dib’s desk, “Don’t let him trick you! I know what I’m talking about! And there it is. Sitting. Right. There.”
“Well he does look pretty weird.” Said one student.
“Yeah! And he is sitting.” Added another.
“You see? Actual proof that all of the things I’ve been saying are actually right!” A crazed grin spread across Dib’s face as he spoke.
You looked over and saw poor Zim sweating bullets. You knew all too well what it felt like to be humiliated by Dib.
You decided you had to do something. And fast.
“Finally a way to prove that I’m…That I’m..”
“That I’m crazy.” You mumbled from behind your textbook.
“Ok, now that makes sense.” Zita admitted as she sat back down.
“Man, we almost believed him.” Another student added.
Dib let out a growl as he shot Zim a fiery glare. Zim returned the glare in kind and prepared for a fight.
“Doomed…Doomed…Doomed…Ok go to lunch now!” Ms. Bitters commanded.
And with that, everyone flied out of the classroom and headed for the lunchroom.
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weedberries · 5 years
I got this Invader Zim AU idea...
Ok so, there are so many people doing this im even a little ashamed just to come up with it but-
I’ve had many thoughts surrounding the smeet in issue #7 and i wanted to know what could’ve been.
Also, this idea sparked after i read this fanfic
It’s ZaDr btw.
So the concept is heavily based off of that fic.
On to it already.
The idea is that Zim left Earth to help the Empire against the Resisty, but it ended up horribly and Zim betrayed the Tallest after THE BEANS got spilled.
Basically, after the fall of the Irken Empire, Zim is too heartbroken to go back to Earth, since it would just give him bad memories, so instead, he becomes a beast hunter (this is something i got from issue #10) and just goes around from one planet to another, fighting and capturing beasts to sell them at good prices.
Eventually, he gets to the planet in issue #7 and the thing happens: he creates a smeet, BUT instead of getting it killed, he takes care of it, and basically becomes a dad, going on adventures hunting, and teaching his son, in his own unique Zim way.
Oh btw i got some concept art i guess
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Yeah i like Tall Zim (he’s still shorter than Dib tho)
Meanwhile, in Earth, Dib just goes nuts, then accepts it, becomes depressed as well, and Gaz helps him out a lot through it, even convincing him to do and finish college.
Dib decides to just follow his father’s steps (he’s well aware he is a clone at this point) and just lives everyday, quite dull and stressed.
When he decides to try dating to find something meaningful to keep going for, and fails, he gets himself a cloned daughter, thinking “maybe this is why im a clone myself” and not giving a flying fuck.
His daughter is born, he falls absolutely in love with the child and decides to change what his dad did, and actually takes good care of the child.
Here’s some art of them too
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So the actual idea was that the little smeet got lost, and ended up on Earth, how? My idea was: Monster haunt goes horribly wrong, kid becomes lost in fucking space. Thus, the smeet ends up in the last planet his dad would want to go to, but eventually has to because he loves his son way too much to leave him in rotting filth ball.
In Earth, the little Smeet is found by Gaz, who decides that since she’s in no proper condition to take care of an alien child, to leave it with her brother “he has a daughter, he’ll know what to do” but this was beyond terrible. Now Dib has to push his nostalgia back everytime the little irken does Zim stuff.
So Zim gets to Earth and begrudgingly goes to the only human he trust enough to help him. When he gets there he immediately says he WILL pull Dib’s fucking guts out if he refuses to help. But lucky for him, Dib kept the smeet safe and sound while he thought of what to do about him.
The point im trying to make is: TWO CHILDHOOD ENEMIES AND SINGLE DADS RECONECT AFTER MANY YEARS AND EVENTUALLY GET MARRIED, THE END. But not really because smeet and kid have to bond if they gonna be siblings.
So the whole thing would just be some mutual pinning because both of them little shits are to stubborn to confess that the other gave they’re existence meaning before the child did, because rejection is not an option for they’re sensitive asses. Did i mention the babeys do bonding stuff??
About the babeys
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The smeet is named Todd (guess why?) and he’s a cocky little shit just like dad. He thinks his dad is awesome and hopes he’ll grow to be just as cool an irken as him.
He doesn’t have a PAK, since he was born naturally, and ages at a different rate from other irkens (as of now, he’s 12 earth years).
He gets allong well with GIR.
When he gets to Earth he immediately befriended Dibs daughter.
Dib’s daughter is named Ann, she love her dad, but thinks he’s a little to clingy and overprotective at times, she gets along better with her auntie Gaz, the coolest aunt in the world, quoting her, and is just as curious as Dib.
She especially likes cats, which is a forbidden love for her since being a clone of Dib implies sharing his allergies.
She’s ten and smart as fuck, because again, clone.
That’s all i got for now, sorry for wasting ur time
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transsteves · 7 years
how about some byeler/elmax headcanons about working at a summer camp?
ok ok ok so- will and mike went to this summer camp when they were kids and when they turn sixteen they’re both like this seems like a totally great idea- and mike ropes in el, because he’s highkey in love with will and can’t cope for a whole month alone with him- el ropes in max bc she’s low-key in love with her and there’s no way she’s third wheeling it for a whole month- el and mike make a deal that if everything goes south they’ll pretend to be 100% straight for each other- (that doesn’t need to happen)- they show up on the first day all nervous and excited and mike and will are standing As Far As Possible from one another (so el and max are rlly close together and max is blushing)- the first week is just safety checks and drills and training and the kids actually start on week 2- and the camp counsellors get paired off for different groups of kids- and it ~just so happens~ that mike and will get paired together and so do el and max- except mike totally engineered it all- so they’re together every day and sleep in bunk beds every night in their cabins so they’re… literally never apart from each otherbyeler:- will gets really excited about the arts and crafts bits and mike finds it ADORABLE and goes totally heart eyes- will catches him staring at one point and mike clears his throat and tries to brush it off but like, mike literally was resting his chin in his hands and straight up staring at will Not Subtly At All- then they go rock climbing the next day and will straight up refuses to do it and starts having a panic attack about it before they’ve even left the cabin- and mike instinctively grabs his hands and breathes with him to calm him down and tells will he doesn’t have to do it, he can watch from the ground and look after the kids- and guess what will is heart eyes over mike all day because he’s going up and down that rock face like nobody’s business- and at one point a kid gets scared at the top and mike goes up to guide them down and. wow. will’s. head over heels and full on applauds and woops when they get back to the ground- when they’re eating dinner with the other counsellors will is just pushing his food around his plate and isn’t really paying attention to the conversation and is kinda just glancing up every now and again bc he’s deep in thought - and mike just inches his hand closer to wills under the table till the backs of their hands are grazing each other, and eventually intertwines their fingers- and will smiles and blushes and tries to make it subtle but he’s almost glowing red, and he has to hide his face in his puffy jacket- and when they get back to their cabin will kisses mike and it’s awkward and they’re both really quiet and they stare at each other for a really long time before will just says ‘night’ and crawls into bed and hides under the covers- and mike sits on the edge of his bed underneath will’s for quite a while but he can’t think of anything to say so he just lies down and tries to go to sleep- (neither of them can sleep and they both just lay there in silence for the whole night)- and eventually mike sneaks out to go to el’s cabin so he can maybe calm down and they talk to each other for like two hours because they’re both freaking out, and mike can’t believe that will started that kiss because that’s insane, right? - and then they go back to their respective cabins- when will gets up in the morning he moves about in silence because he thinks mike doesn’t feel the same way- they go to breakfast though and mike holds wills hand under the table again- and they’re on a hike after, so they walk behind the kids to keep an eye on them all and they can talk discreetly- (except all the kids want them to get together and they’re all like, listening in and passing messages along the line about what’s happening between them)- and it’s quiet for a really long time but like half a mile in, mike elbows will in the ribs playfully and starts saying “hey, about last night…” before will cuts him off- and will starts sort of whisper-rambling about how he’s sorry and he shouldn’t have done that and it doesn’t mean anything- but then mike says he wants it to mean something and will’s heart feels like it’s gonna explode- “really?” “yeah, I… I like you. a lot.” “holy shit.” “kids, will.” “oh yeah”- they go back to being quiet after that, but will grabs mike’s hand again and both of their hearts are fluttering - (a couple of the kids are giggling and glancing back to them every now and again)- they have like a whole two and a half weeks left of the camp after that and they’re always holding hands fairly subtly but one of the kids always notices- they catch a couple of them pointing and giggling - they do the arts and crafts one day and one of the kids has drawn them in crayon holding hands and it’s adorable but they both blush like crazy- and they end up making out in the cabin one of the nights and will has to go stand outside for like an hour afterwards because holy shit- the last night all the counsellors have like a mini party after all the kids have gone home and someone has a hook up and they’re just a lil tipsy and will sits on mike’s lap the entire time and they end up drunkenly making out leant up against a tree for like 4 hours- also they’re holding hands and whispering to each other when jonathan comes to pick them up and take them home the day after and jonathan just gives will a tiny wink and a subtle thumbs up lmaoelmax:- max gets really excited when she and el are paired together and silently air grabs, and el just glares at mike because it was definitely his doing- she’s secretly really grateful though because now she gets to be right near max for nearly a whole month- when they get into their cabin max runs and jumps into the top bunk while shouting “dibs” and el just smiles and watches as she settles in- max just gets super excited about everything because she never got to go to summer camp as a kid but she secretly really wanted to and el finds it adorable how much she throws herself into everything- el’s really quiet and sort of adopts all of the quiet kids and sneaks them extra treats because the louder kids win all the games- max notices and starts making competitions that aren’t just for outright participation, like art contests and teamwork games, and el just swoons a little- honestly max is loud about most things and gets really excited about everything but when it comes to her MASSIVE CRUSH ON EL she gets really quiet and clams up- but every morning when they go to breakfast she gives el her waffles and smiles across the table and el blushes A. WHOLE. LOT.- after about two weeks el asks if she can braid max’s hair and max looks like she’s about to scream and blushes massively but dips her chin to her chest and mutters ‘I guess’- max spends all night sat on the floor of the cabin while el sits on the edge of her bed braiding max’s hair with her tongue sticking out of her mouth in concentration- when she’s done she pats max on the shoulder and beams with pride- and max turns around grinning and tries to thank her but the words get stuck in her throat when she sees el’s smile- and max goes super quiet again and turns back around and starts fiddling with the sleeves of her official camp counsellor sweater- and el thinks she’s done something wrong so she starts apologising and she starts really quietly but when max doesn’t seem to react she just keeps going and she starts getting worked up and gets way too personal- “—im sorry the braids are bad and i’m sorry for being so weird I just really like you and—”- she tries to keep talking but she can’t because max has turned around and wrapped her hand around els chin and pulled her into a kiss- and it’s longer than either of them expect like… a good ten seconds- and when max finally pulls away el just stares at her wideeyed and gaping and max starts panicking- and she mumbles something about leaving something in the woods, grabs her bag, and runs out of the room- and el’s stuck in this weird haze of oh my fucking god and holy shit- after a while she starts panicking because max hasn’t come back and that’s when mike knocks on the door and they go outside and sit on logs and chat for two hours about how both of their crushes have kissed them and how much they’re freaking out- when el goes back into the room max is still not back and she waits up all night panicking- max comes back in the morning and she’d just walked around all night- and she comes in with apologies and she’s got her head ducked and el gets up and rushes her and kisses her almost as soon as she opens her mouth- and max is super shocked because el’s reaction from the night before made her think she’d made a mistake- and they’re both internally screaming and their hearts are going a mile a minute- they go to breakfast hand in hand and act like they’ve been together forever - when they’re sat round the campfire on the last night max has like one beer and gets really giggly and starts peppering el with tiny kisses all over her forehead and cheeks and kisses the back of her hands all chivalrous whenever she gets the chance- max also totally gets down on one knee and asks el to go out with her at four separate points in the evening after various quantities of beer and el rolls her eyes and says yes every time- on the way home the next day they’re all piled into the back of jonathans car and mike and el fistbump each other sat bunched up in the back seat bc their new s.o.s are sat on their laps the whole way home ay
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dumbgaybitch · 7 years
have yourself a merry little christmas (thor x loki)
Well I promised @thorkicraving a fluffy Christmas Thorki fanfic, so here it is! It’s my first fanfic ever, so I’m not sure it’s going to be worth anything, but oh well. Comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome.
I’m not really feeling up for smut just yet… sorry? I might try it out sometime later, though.
Hope you guys like it, and merry (early) Christmas ♥
NB: Egil is a is a masculine given name derived from Old Norse, meaning “to inspire fright; the edge or point, a sting”. (Yes, I did my research, even for a cat’s name. Don’t judge.)
(I have no idea if I did this right lol sorry)
Characters: Thor, Loki
Pairings: Thor x Loki, Grandmaster x Loki (mentioned)
Universe: Human AU
Words: 1,881
Trigger warning: incest? But like, not really?
Summary: Thor surprises Loki with a huge Christmas tree that they set to decorating on a backdrop of Mariah Carey songs and Christmas carols, nostalgic memories and ugly sweaters, and not-so-brotherly feelings. Sprinkle some holiday cheer on top, and you get the perfect recipe for a cozy afternoon.
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Loki was sitting in the window seat, a book in one hand and soft jazz music playing in the background. With his free hand, he was absentmindedly petting the small, purring kitten Thor had so petulantly decided to adopt a few weeks before. Loki had rolled his eyes, but said nothing because, as always, Thor would eventually have ended the discussion by saying he was the eldest, the smartest, the strongest, and -probably the most valid argument in Loki’s eyes- that he owned the apartment they lived in. So, they had gotten a kitten. Not that Loki really minded.
The front door opened, and he didn’t even have to look up to know who had just stomped in. “Brother!” Loki could positively hear the joy in his brother’s voice. Whatever was putting him in this good a mood, he didn’t want to know. “I see you’ve grown quite fond of Egil here.” Loki scoffed, not lifting his eyes from the pages, not stopping his fingers from stroking the cat’s pelt. “Don’t get your hopes up brother, I still call him Garbage.” Thor huffed, which immediately ignited a smirk on the younger man’s face. He took immense pleasure in calling the cat horribly offending names -well, offending to Thor, at least. The kitten probably didn’t care at all what name he was given, as long as he was being fed and pet.
“Stop saying nonsense and come help me.”
“Help you with what?”
“If you’d look up from that goddamned book, you’d know!”
Loki looked up, slightly alarmed by the angry tone Thor was using. He didn’t want to get bashed over the head with his book. His eyes went from his brother to what he was holding, and his mouth fell open, a childish gleam lighting itself deep in his eyes. “A Christmas tree!” He bounded up to it, his book falling forgotten on the floor and Egil scrambling to stop from hitting the ground face-first. The tree almost touched the ceiling, its big branches all but hiding Thor’s imposing bulk. A full-blown grin illuminated Loki’s face as he tilted his head to the side. “I call dibs on the star!” Thor shook his head and laughed. “Okay, fine, but I call dibs on helping you reach the top.” Loki could already imagine his warm hands around his waist, his strong body behind him, lifting him high up to help him put the golden star on the highest branch. He gulped and turned his head to the side, feeling a blush creep up his neck, his ears, his cheeks. I shouldn’t be feeling this. It’s not allowed. “Yeah, sure… brother.”
Thor didn’t seem to hear the change of tone in his brother’s voice, or at least he didn’t show it, choosing instead to set the big tree down in a corner of the living room and head to the kitchen for a well-deserved glass of water. As soon as he disappeared around the corner, Loki ran his slender fingers along his face, exhaling a long sigh. When he opened his eyes, he saw Egil sitting at his feet, big caramel-colored orbs trained on him. “What?” The cat didn’t answer, tilting its head to the side to watch him more intently. Loki scowled and pushed past it to fetch the holiday decorations. He wouldn’t let something as stupid as unwanted flutters in the stomach get in the way of Christmas.
When he got back to the living room, stacks of cardboard boxes in his arms, his jazz music had been replaced by a Christmas playlist, Mariah Carey singing her heart out at top volume. Thor was sitting on the couch, his Christmas sweater sporting an exceedingly ridiculous Rudolph, a photo album open in his lap. Loki set the boxes down and sat cross-legged next to his brother, peeking at the pictures he was looking at. They were memories of when they were kids, outdoor picnics and birthday parties and family reunions, camping nights and barbecue dinners and bonfire evenings, northern lights and snow, fishing at the lake in summer. The raw beauty of Norway, pure and whole in those precious moments filled with happiness. “Do you miss it? Norway, I mean? The life we had?”, Loki asked, voice soft. He could see the nostalgia flooding his brother’s eyes, and even though he thought himself selfish, he hated seeing him that way. Thor was his big brother, the strongest of the two, the one who was supposed to protect him, keep him safe, watch out for him, and be there for him, through thick and thin. Seeing him sad or feeling down just didn’t sit well with Loki. It just wasn’t Thor.
“Nah, I don’t… miss it, not to that extent. I just… Sometimes, I just wish we could go back to how things were back then”, he answered, fingers delicately stroking a picture where he and his dad were laughing like mad. Back when I had a family, back when I trusted you, back when we knew how to feel around each other, back when everything was simple. He didn’t say it, but Loki knew him well enough to be able to read his sky-blue eyes. Loki frowned. “It’s ok to miss your family, you know.”
“It’s your family, too.”
“Sure.” Loki turned his gaze to his lap and started picking threads in the couch. He had always felt like an outsider, a stranger to this family, even when he hadn’t known he’d been adopted. “I just don’t miss them the same, I guess. I don’t know. Oh, enough with that already! Let’s get that Christmas tree all glammed up!”, he exclaimed, jumping up and slamming the album closed, setting it aside, not even bothering with Thor’s weirded out glance. He started picking out glittery tinsels and shining baubles, scowling at Egil who was desperately trying to catch the hanging end of a decoration. Thor shook his head, laughing, and got up to help him. “Did you get your taste in sparkly decorations from En?” Thor teased. Loki blushed, his scowl deepening. He hated the mention of his ex and their disastrous excuse for a relationship, but he hated it even more when he saw how gleeful it made Thor to tease him about it. He grumbled something under his breath. His brother came closer, leaning towards him, his head tilted to the side in the most ridiculous impersonation of innocence Loki had ever seen. “I’m sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you.” The blonde man’s grin became so obnoxious that Loki got the irresistible urge to wipe it off his face, and the only solution that somehow came to his mind was to kiss him.
Right there.
Right then.
And it was unexpected, and it was violent, and it was blissfully sweet and terribly lustful. It was something they both craved from the deepest pits of their beings, something their very cores vibrated to, something their hearts sang to. Thor’s arms wrapped around the younger’s waist, pulling him closer. Loki’s fingers slithered up his brother’s neck, latching onto the short blonde hair, nails digging into the soft skin of his scalp as he deepened the kiss. They were eager, hungry animals that hadn’t been fed for years.
Loki broke the contact, gasping for air, eyes wide and heart thrumming in its bone cage. What had he been thinking? What had he done? He tried pushing away, panic clear in his blue-green eyes, but Thor was too quick. He slammed him into the wall, hands coming under Loki’s thighs to lift him up and set him on his hips, pinning him between the wall and his own, strong body. “You’re not going anywhere,” he growled, his hot breath fanning his younger brother’s face.
“But -”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Loki. Isn’t this what you wanted? Isn’t this what you were aiming for?” The truth was, he hadn’t calculated his move. For once, he had acted solely on impulse, obeying his needs, his desires, his wants, even though he had made sure they were hidden deep inside. Even though he thought he had made sure they would never take the pace on his conscious behavior. “Is this what you want, too?”
“It’s what I’ve been craving, for years,” Thor said, voice rough and deep and filled with longing. Loki shivered and felt his veins ignite with the fire of desire, driving him mad with want despite the fear twisting his stomach. His brother bent down and traced his neck with kisses, coaxing a soft moan out of Loki’s throat. Thor’s voice rumbled through his rib cage, strong, clear, commanding. “My room.”
Breathless, Loki nodded. “Yeah sure, let’s do that.”
Christmas morning
Waking up next to Thor was probably the best gift Loki could have asked for. Cold winter sunlight was streaming through the curtains, outlining the golden crown of hair on his head, the defined muscles of his arms, the white sheets carelessly wrapped around his lower half. Loki stretched out a hand and softly caressed his cheek. He almost jumped out of his skin when Thor grabbed his wrist and kept his hand close to his face, not seeming to want to let go anytime soon. Without opening his eyes, he asked: “Awake already, princess?” Loki rolled his eyes, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I know you rolled your eyes.”
“Thanks, Captain Obvious. But I mean, princess, really? What am I, the god of sparkles?”
“You could be,” Thor replied, stretching, and then reaching for his brother, spooning him, engulfing him in his warm embrace. Loki had never felt so good.
“Right, because everyone knows I embody the rainbow-and-glitter spirit of unicorns.”
“Make that ‘sarcastic princess’ then.”
“God, you’re insufferable.”
“I know.” He could feel him grinning.
“Get back home safe, Peter. Tony, please watch out for him. Thanks. Merry Christmas everyone!” The last member of their friend-become-family group left the apartment, and Thor let the door fall closed with a sigh. Leaning on the wood, he directed a grin towards his brother. “Finally. Some alone time.”
Loki rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on the edges of his lips. “As if we didn’t already spend enough time together, huh?” Thor shrugged, a bashful smile on his face. “I guess all this is so new… I want to make the most of it.” He stepped closer and wrapped the younger in his arms. “Oh, would you look at that?”, he said, pointing upwards, above their heads, lips stretching into a grin. His blue eyes were twinkling with mirth, not leaving his brother’s face for even a second. Loki raised his gaze to the ceiling, lowering it back to Thor to better raise his right eyebrow at him. “A mistletoe, brother? Really? I didn’t take you for the sentimental type.” The blonde man scoffed. “Oh please. I know you love it.” Loki wrinkled his nose. “I don’t like romantic sappy shit, no.”
Thor rolled his eyes and swooped down to steal a kiss from his brother’s lips. “Course not.” A grin inched up his mouth, mirroring Loki’s smirk. The younger one shook his head and gripped Thor’s neck, coming up for a long, sweet kiss.
It really is the most wonderful time of the year, isn’t it?
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vainenpoika · 6 years
attempted fic the first
I don't own anything belonging to J.K.Rowling and associates thereof. I also have no idea what I'm doing, and may yet regret making this available to the public.
in which the longbottoms and potters Go Way Back (read: fealty oath going back literal centuries), and so madam augusta is Immensely Narked Off when dumbledore dares to place harry with someone else and won't even arrange for playdates. clearly the only acceptable response is to raise neville on stories of potter/longbottom comradelyness and send him off to hogwarts with strict orders to invite harry over at the earliest opportunity. so when they meet on the train, neville recognizes him straight away but respects his decision to not use his last name for now - maybe he wants to make an especially dramatic entrance, that's almost traditional for pureblood heirs anyway. heavens know malfoy will be trying something similar, though plainly his discretion is not nearly up to the same standards. really, barging in like that and insulting everyone, has the boy no tact? what has his mother been teaching him? neville hardcore channels his grandmother to gratifying effect. malfoy makes himself scarce. having thus boosted his confidence, neville is actually almost expecting gryffindor, only to find himself in hufflepuff after all (the sorting hat approved of his loyalty). harry remembers what malfoy said about hufflepuff and duffers, but he also remembers neville making a right fool of him on the train, and asks the hat to put him with the badgers; the hat sees a kid following a friend and allows it. hermione was already sorted gryffindor, we'll see how that goes for her. ron weasley winds up in ravenclaw, shocking most everyone but especially his brothers. malfoy stays in slytherin. i'm sure there are other people we care about, they remain canonical until further notice.
wait, what? i thought you just didn't like formalities, i never would have thought - this is an actual problem. well. you may wish to sit down for this. comfortable? right. well, i have good and bad news for you. good news: congratulations, you're a lord! that means you get respect, extra priveliges, and even a certain amount of governmental power. bad news: i regret to inform you that you are a lord. that means you have responsibilities, and you havent been taught how to handle them. worse news: you are the last of your line, which means that i have no idea who, if anyone, has been acting as your regent. this is worrisome, especially considering it should have been their job to keep you informed and prepared. chances are that you do have one, owing to the fact that the economy has yet to outright collapse, but that they don't even close to have your interests at heart. with me so far?     i think so?     good, because i really don't know how i could have made it simpler. now, our families have been friends for a rather long time, meaning that i am honor-bound to aid you in times of need. this qualifies, though i don't expect you to take my word for it.     why wouldn’t i?     you've known me for one whole week, i could be out to steal your fortune for all you know, i would be remiss in my duty if i allowed you to trust me on one week's acquaintance so just let me do the honorable will you? and find yourself outside sources as well, i shan't have you learning all of this from one probably biased source!     this is really important to you, huh.     ... yes. on which note, lesson one: honor is important, not just for you personally but for your house. minor infractions might be forgiven but never forgotten; major infractions and you end up like the malfoys.     huh?     lord malfoy broke his oath to the king of france once a couple of centuries back, and his children had to sell everything and move to england before anyone would trust them with literally anything. they still bear the shame of it even now, and it's only in the past couple of generations that they started regaining some of the honor they might have had. you do not want to do that to your descendants.     um. yeah. how do i not do that?     simple version: do not break your given word. if you anticipate any difficulty keeping a promise, then do not make the promise. your family's oaths and alliances are something you should definitely look into, and soon, but there's also a decade's worth of general knowledge that you're missing, and some of that is urgent. family magic and honor are tied to each other, but i have no idea how sensitive to that kind of thing you may be, so if you happen to get a really bad feeling about a particular course of action, i'd look into it very closely before making a move.     oookay? is that something that's likely to happen?     it varies from person to person. don't worry about it unless it happens, just don't discount it out of hand if it does.     okay, i guess. so wait, if you have to help me out, does that mean i should be doing stuff for you too?     if i go to war, you would have to go with me, i think, and you can't try to cause me serious harm outside of extenuating circumstances, but that's not likely to come up very soon. again, this is the kind of thing you shouldn't just take on faith, so do your own research when you get the chance. alright?     ... yeah. this is kind of a lot to take in, though.     fair. i can't think of anything that really can't wait, so we could pick this up again tomorrow?     um, okay. and, er, thanks.     yeah. want to work on the herbology essay?
it's actually ron who ends up crying in a bathroom on halloween, and neville is the one who notices. harry's still the one to insist on going after him, though. when they get to the bathroom, they find ron behind a makeshift barricade that's holding up pretty well, actually, looks like he managed to magically reinforce it, but his wand is in splinters on the floor. harry jumps on the troll's back, then neville uses a chunk of stone to break its skull. ron is fucking traumatized, but also rather grateful. when the professors show up, ron is like, 'i was just taking a leak, prof', to which mcgonagall replies that this is a girl's loo, weasley, try again. (it's myrtle's loo, to be precise. this may become relevant. don't ask me how the troll got there tho) when it's all settled, the hufflepuff duo get a shitton of points and a lecture; ravenclaw in general gets an antibullying seminar and a lot more supervision, which will come in handy when luna shows up next year. ron gets a new wand, paid for out of the bullies' pocket money, and some new friends. in gryffindor, alone among jocks, hermione granger feels rather melancholy. not to worry, though, pretty soon she'll be playing chess and studying with ron in the library. it will be a longstanding joke in their year that the hat accidentally put hermione in ron's place and was too embarrassed to correct itself when he showed up.
    so. what now?     i figured we might start by answering any questions you've come up with?     um, ok. i have a list, actually.     good thought.     right. so, ah, you mentioned a regent?     yes, that is one of my own more urgent questions. whoever they are, they certainly haven't been doing their duty by you.     so how would i find out who it is?     hm. do you know who your solicitor is?     ... i have a solicitor?     okay, i should have expected that response. the answer is probably, unless your regent is actively sabotaging your house. i'd suggest writing to gringotts and seeing who they have on file. if anyone knows what's going on with your estate, the solicitor should. if not, get a new one and have them find out soonest.     right. ok, write to gringotts, then write to solicitor if available, and if they can't help then find someone who will. got it.     ... are you actually taking notes on this?     well, yes? i mean, you're taking the time to teach me what i should have already known, the least i can do is pay attention and learn quickly, right?     that... you bring honor to your house.     okay, i haven't gotten that far in my reading. what precisely does that mean, and how should i be responding?
malfoy eventually works up the nerve to apologize to harry for getting off on the wrong foot (as they've both been avoiding further antagonism) and offer an invitation to his house for the holidays, to which harry looks shifty until neville steps up and says he's already got a prior engagement, thanks, but perhaps malfoy would be up for attending the longbottom's annual yule ball? and malfoy is a bit embarrassed because yeah he should've guessed the longbottoms would've claimed first dibs on the potter, but that's a bit overshadowed by being the first malfoy invited to longbottom manor in a longass time. like, pre-immigration-to-the-isles ass time. he accepts with alacrity and runs off to write his mother. (harry asks if neville really meant it and is nearly smothered in the hug that follows. the latest longbottom is quickly coming to the conclusion that the potter needs all the hugs he can get)
    wait, so when you said that 'our houses are friends', did you actually mean something more along the lines of 'your house pays fealty to mine'? because that is what i am seeing here.     are you just now looking that up?!     peace! i thought it was the usual mutual aid alliance. i started with the more recent records, but they just say that of course our houses always act together, what more do you expect from longbottoms and potters? i've only just now gotten far enough back to figure out how we got that way, is all.     fair. yes, your ancestors did swear to mine. standard oath for that period, protection for service and mutual good faith. it doesn't really come up in daily life, just when one or the other of us gets into some sort of trouble. i'll get you a look at our family chronicles over holiday, if you like?     cool. but, er, it says something about renewal of oaths?     not until i'm confident you know exactly what you're doing. you've enough people trying to take advantage of you, i'll not add to that list. bit difficult to take appropriate revenge on myself, you see.     well. i wouldn't want to make trouble, i suppose. so remind me what devil's snare has to do with purple sponge mold again?     they're symbiotic, see; the snare needs the dark to survive, while the mold grows faster when watered with blood...
so hufflepuff house in general is more-or-less rule-abiding, but they are still teenagers and dumbledore's little speech about the third floor and death is a fucking challenge. they held a whole house meeting about it and set up their own rules, 'nobody below third year' and 'this shouldn't need saying but Share Your Findings!', and 'anyone who disobeys will be turned in to the professors, yes, bartely, that means prefects too'. because they know the younger years will unionize if they aren't included in some way, they're mapping it out on one of the walls, having bribed the weasley twins to come up with ink the professors couldn't see. by the end of the year and quirrel's little game, hufflepuff house has it pretty much figured out - the whole thing is a trap, designed to match an intruder's skill level and let them in, with just enough trouble to dispel suspicion, but not out. luckily for hufflepuff, it's designed for a single intruder, not a group. only the potions challenge seems to have taken that into account, such that if you aren't prepared only one person can get past at all. but they have most of the permutations mapped, and when harry's little squad realizes what's up, it's a hufflepuff prefect they go to. they end up making extra barriers around the area, spirit wards as well as physical - turns out ron is Real Good at Walls these days - rather than going in after, but we still get a nice dramatic scene - maybe harry helped cast one of the wards and he uses that link? maybe it's in a dream the next night? - and quirrel is still thoroughly gone.
everyone passes their exams, more or less, and then it's time to negotiate living arrangements. harry, being now old enough to have some say in the matter, uses that fealty oath to be like 'actually neville is the boss of me, headmaster, not you, and neville's gran is the boss of him, so i'll be staying with her for the holidays kthxbai', at which point dumbledore is forced to disclose the whole blood ward business rather ahead of schedule, to which madam augusta is Even More Narked, but that's when neville steps up and asks if the wards are bound to the house or to the family, because if it's the house then he's going with harry and if it's the family then they're all coming with him, so there. nobody is quite sure how to explain to the Young Longbottom that the dursleys are grown adults with no obligation to listen to him, not least because technically he will someday outrank everybody present and has no obligation to listen to any of them, but dumbledore admits that it is the house actually, so he gets to go negotiate the dursleys into letting yet another preteen cohabitate with them. in the background somewhere, ron and hermione have made arrangements to spend a week or two at each others' houses. it'll be fun. harry promises to write malfoy over the summer, having graduated to awkward-but-vaguely-friendly acquaintances. we'll see how that goes.
ron has a Supremely Awkward summer at home with his gryffindor family, and finds himself ducking into percy's room more than once for a bit of peace and quiet (percy tolerates this in exchange for a good word in penelope's ear) and avoiding the twins wherever possible. he has a great time at hermione's though, picks up a few words of french, and arthur at least enjoys hermione's return visit. they quietly agree that most future summer visits should be at her house.
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