#but there's a cat
brokenpieces-72 · 4 months
Plastic Badges
CoD Gangster AU
The next couple of days feel like a blur. They don't go fast, they seem to drag on with you checking your watch. Graves kept telling you to come in, and you know it's just to maintain a facade. Right now, the safest thing you can do is follow along. Nothing but irrelevant paperwork crosses your desk, and you go over it, trying to get it all done, though the letters and numbers all seem to blend together. You really want to take time off and stay at home. On your day off you get called in.
Simon Riley has requested to be questioned by you about the night of the raid. Other officers have tried to question him instead, along with the Los Vaqueros and the 141, but they were less than compliant. Johnny and Alejandro have a temper and an attitude. Alejandro isn't afraid to get loud and Johnny has thrown things a couple times. Rudolfo's answers to questions never give anything away, they're evasive and give nothing that can lay charges. Kyle just kept making small talk or answering with "I don't know" or "maybe". Price has been compliant but given no answers. Simon has simply refused to speak to them. As for Farah and Alex, Alex was able to be released easily enough since there were no major charges, while Farah has only given damning information about businesses in the area. Graves tells you this over the phone, and you ask if you need to come in uniform.
When you put it on, you look in the mirror and... god you look silly. You feel silly. You'd put on the uniform before when you came in the [last couple days. It had all been muscle memory resurfacing, and then a coat over top. When you look in the mirror it feels like a costume, complete with plastic accessories. It feels like you've put on your dad's uniform as a joke saying "look I'm you".
"You're not your father."
Those were Price's words to you that night and they've echoed in your mind. Standing here, it's like he's standing behind you, looking disappointed at what you are. It takes a moment for you to shake off that feeling and head to the police station.
Once you get there Graves meets you with the file to take with you into the interrogation room. He hands it to you, and there's no photo for Simon. You chuckle quietly as Graves heads to the observation room. You stop him.
"I want to conduct it alone." You say. Graves stops with the door partially open. He looks back at you. "Clearly he still has some trust in me, but I'm not going to lose it by having someone spying on us."
Graves doesn't question it, instead he checks to ensure the room is empty before shutting it and standing in front of the door. He gives you a nod, and you take a deep breath.
The room you enter is sparse, with only the table and a couple chairs. At the table, across from you is Ghost, with his hands cuffed in front of him and on the table. Same clothes as before, all dark, and a little baggy, but no armour plating. There's a black face mask covering his face, revealing dirty hair, that's a little messy from wearing a hood. The light in the room does little to bring comfort, with it being an uncomfortable UV. Honestly you wish you could lower the brightness, or turn them off all together. Something about being in the dark with a man who could kill you, and had every reason to felt more comforting than asking him questions in bright lights. You sit down across from him, and open the file, keeping your eyes on the file.
"Simon Riley, born-"
"Yes." He answers before you can finish your sentence. Something about his voice makes you uneasy. It's...compliant. Not defeated but monotone.
"Do you know why you're here?" You ask, moving on to the next question. He says nothing.
"You are being charged with gun violence, murder, destruction of property-"
"I know I am." He says cutting you off again. You know he's choosing his words carefully, so he can't be convicted.
"If you know why you're being charged then why are you refusing to speak?" You ask, trying to sound annoyed rather than desperate. Desperate for him to say something that could get him released.
"I never said I know why I am here, but I know what charges are being laid against. They told me when I was arrested." He exclaims. He wasn't wrong. You shift in your seat, keeping you head down and focusing on the file, looking from paper to paper. You're hardly paying attention to what's written, more using the file as an excuse to avoid looking at him.
"You've been unwilling to speak to anyone else so far. Why?" you ask, still staring down.
"How are you doing?" he asks. You finally look up at the question. Simon is calm, and sitting as comfortably as he can in the chair. There's no anger or frustration in his eyes when he looks at you.
"F-fine." You answer.
"You've been eating? Sleeping?" he asks. You nod. Simon looks at the one way mirror. "Empty?"
You nod again.
“I’m going to ugly in a few minutes.” He says, voice low. “Left pocket, there’s a key. You need to find Nolan. Got it?”
You nod, automatically.
“I have nothing else to say.” Simon says a little louder.
“Hopefully your friends will come around.” You say. He stands up with you, while you reorganize the file and suddenly there’s a table in your face. Simon had flipped it, and you narrowly avoid it hitting you. You hear the faint shouting of Graves calling for assistance. Suddenly Ghost in your face shoving you against the wall. You take the opportunity of his shouting obscenities and shoving as a chance to get at his pocket. Shit wrong one! The door just opened. Get the key get the key. You’re getting grabbed at but manage to get the key into your fist, dropping to ground when the other officers pull Ghost off you. Graves helps you up and the officers get Ghost out of the interview room.
“You okay kid?” Phil asks. You take a moment watching Ghost, and then nod.
“Yeah yeah.” You say and Phil helps you up.
“Come on. You and me, take the rest of the day off.” He says absently, as he gets you out of the interview room. “Let’s get some food.”
You both leave and suddenly you find yourself in a booth at a cheap diner, the key clenched in your fist. Graves was able to make the excuse for you, that you needed to take the rest of the day off since it was your day off regardless. You’d agreed to Simon’s instructions automatically but he hadn’t said why. Only given you the key which you felt biting into your palm now.
“What did Ghost want?” Graves asks. You don’t say anything just staring and thinking. Why Nolan? He was important but he was a thug. Was he connected to the raid last night? What happened? You needed to get the case file. There had to be reports from the raid but how many of them told the truth? Did Nolan know the truth? Where would you start?
Graves puts a hand on your arm, pulling you from your questions. You pull your arm away from him. He sighs at your reaction as you fidget in your seat.
“I did what I had t-“
“Which was what?!” You snap, keeping your voice down.
“Y/n, I could’ve arrested you. Makarov learned about the raid, he got to the tip you left. If I didn’t step in you’d be behind bars.” Graves says.
“…past few days I’ve wanted to be.” You admit. You know why Graves did it. It really fucking hurt though.
“If Makarov got you I don’t want to think about what he would do to you.” Graves says. “Make you an example, use you against the gang.”
You don’t want to admit it but Graves made a call that saved your ass. Ghost seemed to still trust you, but the others you aren’t sure. You still wonder if giving Graves the tip was a good idea or if it had made it all worse because Makarov had gotten hold of it. All you know now, is you need to take control. Simon gave it to you, and Graves held the door open.
“I need to think this all over. I need to solve all of this. So far they can only be charged for the raid but if I can disprove guilt in that case they could walk free?” You look at Graves.
“The reports are damning but overall reasonable. I’m theory it can be used to support a case but not make one.” Graves exclaims. “Makarov hasn’t had a chance to go over them he had to go on leave. Will be gone for a few more days.”
“That’s my time limit.” You say fidgeting again.
“You better be careful and focus on this evidence and only this evidence.”
“If I can bring down Makaro-“
“No.” Graves is very firm and stern when he says it. “Makarov isn’t on the table he’s at the table and you need to keep it that way until you get Price and others off of it. Makarov can easily put things in front of you to lure you away from them. Whatever Makarov is doing right now, you need to see it as your time limit and only your time limit.”
“Save them first, get Makarov buried later.” You say. Graves nods.
“You want a ride home?” He offers.
“No I have somewhere I need to go.” You say.
“This case is yours now, y/n. All of it. You have full access to what you need. Laswell can get you more. Focus on this and then you can get to Makarov.”
The key is burning a hole in your pocket as you arrive at the safehouse. You were extra careful, keeping your head down and taking a ridiculously longer route. You arrive at the door and it’s locked. You take the key from your pocket but it doesn’t fit. Shit. You look around and along the brick walls. There has to be a way in. You notice one that looks a little worn. Bingo.
You pull the brick out and there’s a key to the door inside. You open the door and step inside. You shut and lock it behind you. It’s quiet, and all untouched. It feels like you’re walking into a memory. All the small moments, all the big events that happened in here. There’s a feeling of exhaustion over you, as you feel the desire to plop yourself on the couch. A tiny sound stops you.
There’s a soft pert sound and a soft rub against your legs. You look down and can’t help but tear up a little. Ghost’s stray cat. She was still here. You crouch down and give her some ear scratches, and she hops up, with her front paws on your leg sniffing. You know she’s wondering where Ghost is.
You pick her up and take her to your bedroom. The kittens are still there, a little bigger and eyes starting to open. Mama’s been taking good care of them. You set mama down and she curls up in the box with her kittens. The bed when you sit on it, feels right. You know you’re in the right place, but not why. This was your home for a long time but what was the key for? It had to be something.
You hear the door to the safehouse open. You stand up, and take the gun out of your belt and move toward the entrance. When you poke your head out you see Laswell, Charly, and Alex who both turn and see you. Charly has her brow raised, while Laswell turns to face you. Alex is reaching for his own side arm out of instinct.
“Nice costume.” Laswell comments.
“I’ll go change.” You say lowering your gun and leaving to change.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @tai-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666
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