#but then i was like ugh im not going to take an Uber it’s literally barely a mile from my dorm im walking
countess-of-edessa · 2 years
getting diagnosed with tendonitis (temporary) and arthritis (permanent) specifically from ballet ON world ballet day is incredibly disrespectful. gonna keep doing what im doing though.
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ellie233 · 1 year
Kyle broflovski x fem reader
Sinopsis: kyle is too flirty without even noticing and girlie that makes you so mad 😾
*your p.o.v*
We are in a party, me and kyle arrived here like...40 mins ago and I'm kinda getting bored I've been talking to wendy and bebe and drinking and yeah...my head it's starting to hurt and I don't even know where the fuck my boyfriend are, I'm just getting stressed out
Clyde's house is so big so i think i might have to search for my boy like a LOT I'm just so stressed
later i find out that kyle is in a corner being FLIRTY with two dumb bitches that I don't even know, god I'm fucking stressed just too find out him with that girls
i don't say anything just go to grab my bag (that was near where kyle was 🫣) and fucking leave the party
I'm literally in the door ready to call an Uber to go to my house whe i heard the door open...oh no it's kyle
Kyle: babe! What's wrong why are you leaving
You: you know why I'm leaving kyle! Whe talk about this plenty of times i don't like to see you like... you know so flirty and it's seems like you don't fucking care
Kyle: but babe!! I'm not even being that "flirty" like c'mon we just arrived you can't go so easily just because i was being "flirty" *he makes emphasis on that exactly word and that make you so mad*
You: that's it!!! *Starts to walk so agressive leaving kyle behind* I'm fucking leaving you kyle and not only the party, this is all kyle we are breaking up, I'm so sick of this shit every time i try to talk to another guys like kenny or tolkien or even stan!!! "Oh y/n your being so flirty with them stop being such a slut" im so tired of it kyle just fucking leave me alone!
*without even noticing Kyle's eyes started to tearing up he don't even know if it's because he is drunk of it's the feeling of breaking up with his girlfriend,the feeling of being without you just scare the shit of him*
Kyle: what?! N-no! Please don't leave me babe no! I promise you ill be better I'll don't do more stupid shit like always please forgive me! *Grabs your hand and pulls you more closer to him and takes you by your waist*
You: ugh kyle please calm down... I'm walking home okey? There's nothing more that you could do 🤷🏻‍♀️
*you really were a little grossed out because he smells like Smirnoff and tequila mixed*
Kyle: nooo babe please *gets on his knees 🥹* I'll promise you i would change and your house it's not even near Clyde's house you're gonna be so tired if you walk home like this please at least let me drive you home *gets up and grab your hands* please y/n let me be with you :(
You: uuuhg fine kyle I'll let you drive me home and I'll will not break with you (you were so tired of everything so you don't even want to be mad rn 🙄)
Kyle: *sight* god i was so scared *he hugs you and you get on his car <3*
thank you for reading this was my first time doing this kinda stuff so forgive me if you see something wrong okay 🥹?
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moonjxsung · 6 months
okay basically i just need to vent a little and you’re actually the loml so who better to vent to than you🤭
okay but basically i’m so fucking stressed cause i’m leaving for korea on thursday and i have so much to do and i feel like i don’t have enough time? also i’m just so fucking scared and just feeling very meh rn. i’m gonna be flying alone and just so petrified of something going wrong, or me forgetting something important or just that something awful is gonna happen. and also just really feeling weird and lonely and just idk how to explain in but i’m just feeling EVERYTHING so deeply right now and i actually hate it so much. i just don’t know what to do with myself and i’m just struggling with every simple thing right now which feels pathetic cause why am i struggling basic stuff like eating and working and just things that should be simple? and easy?
i don’t know if any of this makes sense and also i’m sorry for like spamming you with this but just needed to get it out and you just feel so easy to open up to and so comforting so yeah🫶
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HI MY BABY I MISSED YOU HOW ARE THINGS 💞💞💞💞💞☹️🫶🫶💞🫶 you’re going to KOREA !!!! That’s so fucking exciting RAHHHH WE ALL CHEERED but I still totally understand being scared of flying alone !!! The first time I flew alone was for a business trip for my work across the country and I was literally PETRIFIED. The thing that worked best for me was to write down a little itinerary for myself in my phone notes (when to check in, my gate info, what time I boarded/landed, all my layover info, even what snacks I wanted to buy and how long I had between connecting flights!!) I also wrote little words of comfort for my future self just reminding myself to take a deep breath and drink water or listen to music and to stay CALM. And every time I started to get nervous I just read little notes from myself and it helped a LOT. Also portable chargers!!! Are a lifesaver!! My phone was almost dead by the time I landed (it was literally like 15 hours of flying) but my portable charger literally saved my life so I could still call an Uber to my hotel otherwise idk what I would’ve done. Don’t feel so much pressure to do everything in one day! Take it day by day and get a small few things done each day, maybe write down how you’re feeling or what you still have to finish and I promise it’ll be so much easier by the time your trip comes around. It’s also so important to just romanticize the whole trip so that it feels more exciting, I was crying when I had to take this business trip and I literally searched for every excuse to get out of it but when I got there I had a giant hotel suite to myself and I ordered chocolate chip pancakes from this little diner across the street and I ate so much food and watched shitty movies alone in my room and danced to Lorde music and it was MAGICAL. Doing things alone can be so scary but really putting yourself in the moment and allowing yourself to FEEL and just make the most of little things like pancakes or bad movies can be so so healing. I hope you have so many special little moments on your trip there and even MORE special moments in Korea!!!! What area are you traveling to & do you have anything fun planned?? I love you bby, don’t stress I am here for you alwayssss!! Also feel free to spam my inbox on the day you’re flying if it helps I will be manifesting a fun & safe trip for you my angel YOU GOT THIS 🫶🫶🧘‍♀️���💘💞
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bright-and-burning · 3 months
I hope I'm not overstepping - ignore me if so - but based on your post, those people sound like some shitty friends??
it’s a teeny bit complicated. basically yes but they’re not intentionally doing so? i think they’re just used to me molding my life around them without question. it’s very hard to explain w/o fully recounting college and explaining the dynamics of me w/in our team lol but i’ll try
the 21st birthday thing was Bad. it was REALLY bad. one of my friends apologized for that one like a month later even tho it wasn’t really her fault (and the cake she got me was the best part of my birthday) so that was nice of her. half of it is on me bc im really bad at asking for stuff for myself (especially w birthdays and whatnot bc i have not had a good birthday since i was 11 and so i get weird and tetchy abt my birthday) and i have a tendency to just wait for people to like. realize what i want. and then get upset when they don’t. and im trying to be better abt that but also there’s this weird inherent guilt for me in trying to ask for what i want bc ive been talked over a Lot in this group. and outside of the birthday stuff also they’re definitely not my favorite people anymore cuz they all live in the suburbs and have cars but refuse to like. remotely accommodate the fact that i don’t have a car lol. they don’t come into the city and i can’t reasonably make it into the suburbs (if it takes me 2.5hrs to get to your apartment i’m just. not going unless it’s your birthday.) so it’s tough. i still invite them to the stuff i do but. shrug.
but also half of the 21st birthday stuff is on them bc . well what happened was instead of going out for my birthday like for some reason that wasn’t even on the table?? it was just assumed we wouldn’t go out even tho Everyone Else’s 21sts were spent in bars?? we watched a movie. but nobody could decide on a movie so i suggested ferris bueller’s day off bc like big crowd pleaser and also literally my birthday only two guys were like ugh no. so instead somehow we ended up watching this horrific 80s movie that was just. an hour and a half straight of rape jokes. which for anyone is ugly and not fun but for me was like my personal hell. so i pretended i had laundry and snuck out the side door to cry in the street for the rest of the night. did a shot in the street w a more distant friend of mine who lived down the way even tho he had a 6am EMT shift the next day bc quote “nobody should turn 21 without doing birthday shots” (he was like i would literally call an uber for us to go out Right Now if i didn’t have to go drive an ambulance in 7hrs). when i came back in they were like oh we thought you went to bed? (tbf that was from a guy im not actually friends w. the worst of the stuff was from him all around. but the vibe was the same across the board)
tldr they aren’t purposefully shitty and i’ve gotta be better at communicating my wants/needs. but there’s a distinct distance nowadays that i don’t particularly feel like putting all the effort into closing when they aren’t putting it in either. especially w the other stuff where hanging out w them feels like . stagnancy. why does nobody want to make new friends. why do we just watch movies we’ve all seen before over and over. why don’t we go do something new?
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
Do you have a specialty dish that you’re really good at making?
Probably crack chicken casserole and cheddar bay biskies
Are you good at making big decisions alone or do you tend to seek approval from others?
I almost always can make my big decisions entirely without approval from others.
Does your town or city have good public transport, or is it easier to drive?
There are plenty of bus stops and trains and uber and such, but most people drive.
What was the last cocktail you drank?
I had some port. C brought me a huge bottle as a gift for thanksgiving. Its freaking delicious.
Are you good at keeping running counts and tallies in your head?
Somewhat, but i almost never rely on it.
How often do you take a nap during the day?
Couple times a year. Almost always when im sick.
What social media platforms do you use?
Snapchat, instagram
Are there any foods you hate the smell of but like the taste, or vice versa?
Ummm not necessarily food but i love the smell of coffee but it tastes like battery acid.
Do you have a dishwasher?
Yes thankfully.
Who do you live with?
Right now just me & mom.
Are you listening to anything right now?
I have frasier on in the background.
Do you make to-do lists?
Making lists is my SHIIIIIIIIIIZZZZ.. It literally makes me so thrilled.
If you could magically become fluent in any language, what would it be?
Have you ever tried vegan ice cream?
Not to my knowledge.
What pet names do you use for your friends/loved ones?
Lol goober, “esther mary susan marie”, uhhh goomba.
What pet names do you like to be called?
My love, sweetie, honey, darling.. But i only like it when its by someone i love.
What was the best concert you’ve ever seen?
Country thunder. I would love to go again
Do you have any hobbies?
Read, journal, letters, sew, draw, paint, crosswords, drives, etc.
What is your favourite pasta shape?
Penne, or fussili or w/e
Have you ever developed your own film?
When was the last time you stayed in a hotel/motel and where was that?
Uhhhhhhhhh solo vaca.
What breed was the last dog you saw?
Im not sure.
Do you watch the Super Bowl?
Usually yes
What’s the most stressful job you’ve ever had?
Either nannying or working with pregnant and hormonal women. ugh.
What was the last text message you received?
“You had to know i have the same feelings for you”
Should you be asleep right now? If so, go to bed!
Its only 9:28 so nah, but eventually ill try.
Tell me about the first five photos you have on your phone or camera.
A bed, benny, a selfie, stretches, and the clean christmas aesthetic.
Have you got any half or step siblings?
No, not to my knowledge lol
When was the last time you were disappointed?
Stuff with K has me very disappointed.
When was the last time you had wet hair?
Do you like kids’ movies?
Yeah. most of them.
Have you ever known someone online and then met them in person? If so, which website did you meet on?
Yep yep. CM mostly.
Have you ever been to the beach? If so, tell me the name of the beach you last went to and when.
Ive been to the beach hundreds of times. The most recent one was out here a couple days ago but its super cold out and everything is freezing.
When was the last time you were sick and what illness did you have?
Im chronically ill. So always.
When did you last wash your hair?
Who did you last speak aloud to and what did you say?
“Text me first!” to mom. We say this every night to one another lol
Do you know anyone with a serious anger management problem?
Yes. a lot. And that is my number one instant turn off.
Do you have a calendar in your room?
I do
What color is your wallet?
Have you ever been to Manhattan?
Are you wearing any jewelry right now? What are they?
I took it all off for bed
Did you get swine flu?
Do you know anyone from Alabama?
How bright is it in the room you’re in?
Its dim. I have a christmas tree and a strand of twinkle lights on. Plus the tv.
What can you smell right now?
Nothing. I have fans on my face so its just air lol
Have you ever bought a game from a site like Big Fish Games or Shockwave?
Have you ever had a snow day?
Do you have an unhealthy obsession with colored furry throw pillows that are different shapes and sizes?
How often do you change your underwear?
Doesn’t it bother you when guys in your family / household leave the toilet seat up so that you wind up almost falling in when you’re sleepy and dazed at 3:00 AM and need to pee?
Uh thats not acceptable. In my family that would be straight up a problem. The seat has to be lowered always.
Approximately how many books do you have in your house?
In absolutely no exaggeration, well over a thousand.
Have you ever had to call the cops on someone else before?
Have you ever been to court for something other than a traffic ticket?
I’ve had jury duty. I was not in court for myself beyond that, but for family.
Don’t you hate it when people suddenly love a celebrity when they die?
No, it doesnt much make a difference to me what people think about celebs.
What type of math are you the best at?
How’s the weather?
It’s cold. 18 degrees right now and my winter coat wont come in until the 6th-9th.
whats your full name?
how old are you?
I’m 30
when’s your birthday?
what starsign does that make it?
whats your favorite color?
do you have any pets?
Yes, two cats
where are you from?
how tall are you?
About 5′9
what shoe size are you?
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
A lot.
if you were prime minister/ruler of the world what laws would you make?
I would literally do anything imaginable to not be in that position
what was your last dream about?
A really random group of people i know were planning a trip. I was going to meet up with them halfway thru the trip. They needed to rent a van and for some reason they put it under my name. Obviously this was a problem when they tried to pick it up. Anyway, the dream was so annoying and boring that i just straight up woke myself up.
what would you do if you won the lottery?
Make sure all my family has their debts paid. Id put aside a good amount for tithing. I would make sure to set aside money for schooling. I would buy houses for me and mom and fam and omg, i just wish.
would you like to build/design your own house?
Ummmm, maybe.
which form of public transport do you prefer?
what talents do you have?
Memorizing. Organizing.
can you juggle?
do you have a cherished childhood teddy bear?
No, not really.
are you psychic in any way?
are you a good dancer?
No. that wont stop me, but no.
are you a good singer?
No, sadly. I wish.
are you a good cook?
If i follow a recipe sure lol
are you a good artist?
Not too bad
are you a good listener?
I think so. Im told so?
are you a good public speaker?
are you a good babysitter?
are you a good mechanic?
No. but if i need to get something done, ill look it up and do it.
are you a good employee?
My employers always said so
are you a good dresser?
No, i cant afford to be right now. Plus im changing sizes so frequently so things are not fitting right.
are you a good swimmer?
Decent enough
are you a good skier?
Never tried
are you a good lover?
are you a good writer?
have you ever been bungee jumping?
Nooooope. That is not for me.
have you ever been canoeing/kayaking?
what types of holidays do you prefer?
Valentines, 4th of july, christmas.
what’s your favorite holiday?
Christmas probably
can you tap dance?
Not anymore
what’s your favorite zoo animal?
Hate zoos.
what’s your favorite sport?
A lot of them
what’s your favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni or a bbq chicken sorta set up
what’s your favorite film?
Ps i love you or sleepless in seattle
what’s your favorite song?
What if we could by blue october
what’s your favorite alcoholic drink?
Depends on the day. Margaritas are always good
what’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Ice water
what’s your favorite tv program?
Frasier, bobs burgers, office, gilmore girls
what’s your favorite boy band?
Obvi nsync
what would be your ideal partner?
Oh thats loaded. I want someone kind, stable, dependable, present, patient, sassy, funny, loving, open-minded, slow to anger, etc.
do you want children?
do you want a church wedding?
Ummmm im not sure. I think outdoors maybe.
are you religious?
I have my faith. Not religion. Relationship over religion.
do you like reality tv programs?
do you like tv talent shows?
if you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?
I would ask questions about the things i think are semi sketchy. I think i would have known about K & all that much earlier if i had pressed the issue of hanging up every time he’s home. I sit and think about that a lot. I probably would have gone on that walk with Logan or i would have pursued C.
how many hats do you own?
Like 10
are you any good at pool?
Lol ummm not really. I enjoy it tho
what’s the highest you’ve ever jumped into the water from?
I’ve done this like “high jump” but im not sure what that was.
have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
have you ever had any brushes with the law?
have you ever been on tv?
I have. A house was on fire in my town and my gram and her bestie used to take us to go find the fires.
have you ever met any celebrities?
No one i found particularly exciting.
have you ever been to Legoland?
Uhhhh no.
have you ever done something heroic?
have you ever played a practical joke on anyone?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no. i despise practical jokes.
what would be your best achievement to date?
Probably the two degrees with highest honors.
do you prefer baths or showers?
do you prefer towel drying, blow drying, or natural drying your hair?
I dont mind letting my hair air dry but it will absolutely go curly and it will be a beast to tame. If i half air dry half blow dry then it is manageable and it is the most presentable
have you ever built a snowman?
have you ever been sledding?
have you ever flown a kite?
what color socks are you wearing?
None at the moment but they were these carhartt creamy ones.
if you cold live anywhere, where would that be?
Anywhere cooooooooooooold.
have you ever been famous?
would you like to be a big celebrity?
would you ever go on Big Brother?
how big is your tv?
I have no idea. Over 50 but i havent got a clue
what is your most essential appliance?
what type of music do you like?
A wide range. Spotify said i had listened to over a hundred different genres (which since when are there that many?)
have you ever been skinny dipping?
how many pillows do you sleep with?
Like 8
what position do you often sleep in?
I toss and turn. I dont sleep
what do you wear to bed?
Shorts and a tank
how big is your house?
It feels enormous right now due to the loss of Gram. its 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. 3 different levels.
do you prefer sunsets or sunrises?
what do you typically have for breakfast?
Often i forget it.
do you like scary movies?
what’s your favorite milkshake flavor?
Anything super sweet lol
have you ever been in a newspaper?
how long can you balance on one foot?
A good amount of time actually. I tried this the other day at the gym while stretching
have you ever fired a gun?
Yes. I’ve been to a shooting range before.
have you ever tried archery?
Once when i was way younger
what’s your favorite condiment?
Mayo prob
whats your favorite clean word?
what’s your favorite swear word?
I dont use them but i dont mind hearing other people.
what’s your least favorite word?
I dunno
what was the last film you saw?
I watched half of a hallmark tonight that was good. But last night mom and i watched “still alice” holy eff.
what football team do you support?
what’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
I often go a day or two entirely.
what’s the tallest building you’ve ever been up?
108 stories (sears tower)
do you have any scars?
do you like marmite?
Never tried
did you ever win in any sportsday events?
I dont bet on them
what did you want to be when you grew up?
Missionary, doctor, vet, or working at an orphanage.
if you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
Oh gosh. Married? Kids? Home? Slim? Lol but im fine. Ill be fine.
what’s the longest you’ve ever grown your hair?
Its really long rn and i need to chop it but i dont want to go anywhere where theyll touch my tumor. So its frustrating.
are you scared of flying?
Not at all. Its nice.
would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or the other way around?
Neither lol
have you ever tie-dyed your clothes?
Of course
how often do you buy new clothes?
Myself? Not often. I have no income at the moment.
are you proud of yourself?
have you ever had a secret admirer?
if you could ask your future self one ? what would it be?
Did you get your one year apartment experience?
do you hold grudges?
I can at times when i feel there wasnt closure. I gotta work on it.
if you could breed two animals together what new animal would you create?
I would not.
do you decorate the outside of your house for christmas?
Frig yea
can you solve sudoku puzzles?
Yes! I love them
have you ever played conkers?
Never heard of it
what’s the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Oh there are so many.
are you much of a gambler?
No, not at all.
are you much of a daredevil?
are you a good judge of character?
In many cases. But lately, sucking.
how long could you go without talking?
I mean, it could be a while i guess?
what has been your worst haircut/style?
When my mom let my sister cut my hair as a kid it was so bad.
can you ice skate?
No. i have such weak ankles and they break frequently so its not the wisest choice for me.
can you summersault?
Yes if i needed to
have you ever sleepwalked?
can you build a house of cards?
Not far lol
if your parents hated your current lover would you ditch him?
I wouldn’t give a flying fig what my dad would think about any “lover” of mine. As for mom, her input does help. But she historically seems to like who i pursue.. For the most part. Some way more than others lol.
have you ever been professionally photographed?
have you ever baked your own cake?
what traditionally adorns the top of your christmas tree?
Nothing lol
what would be your dream sandwich?
Omg i love sammiches so much but they suck so bad GF.
do you have a strong local accent?
Midwestern is known as the “standard” in films and things like that. So it doesnt feel strong to me but im sure it is to others.
what’s your favorite accent?
I like southern, british, kenyan
in O’s and X’s which do you normally pick?
do you prefer black or blue inked pens?
Black if important, blue if for personal use
what was the last thing you recorded off of tv?
A hallmark
what was the last thing you dressed up for?
Grams funeral/wake 🙁
do you prefer green or red grapes?
Red always
what do you like on your toast?
Most anything.
do you prefer liquid soap or bar soap?
how do you like your eggs?
I seldom like eggs outside of moms egg salad.
what’s your favorite saying?
A still sea did not make a skilled sailor.
have you ever been in a tug-of-war?
and did you win?
can you stand on your hands unassisted?
No way
what do you have on your fridge door?
do you love or hate myspace?
I never used it
who was the last person to knock at your door?
A delivery guy lol
how old were you when you last went trick or treating?
Beats me, honestly.
have you ever been bobbing for apples?
Yes its gross lol
what’s your most expensive piece of clothing?
Probably a dress or coat.
what’s the last thing you took a picture of?
Ummmmm a selfie maybe?
what’s the last thing you drew a picture of?
Ooo its been a while.
have you ever bought anything from ebay?
what’s your favorite scent?
can you blow bubbles with bubblegum?
what was your favorite birthday?
One a couple years ago.
can you curl your tongue?
is your belly button an innie or an outie?
It’s an innie.
what is your dream car?
It was always a jeep but i cant afford that realistically.
are you left or right handed?
Right handed.
what was the last book you read?
I can never remember names.
what was the last song you danced to?
Literally any song i hear.
have you ever owned a yoyo?
have you ever been on a pogo stick?
who was the last person to send you a text message?
whats your preferred playing piece in monopoly?
Probably dog.
how high can you jump?
Like not high at all lol
what are your three favorite websites?
Tumblr, old navy, amazon
who was your first crush?
how fast can you say the alphabet?
Uhh never timed it?
vanilla or chocolate?
which is better Mario or Sonic?
do you prefer ice cream in bowls or cones?
Bowls unless good cones
would you ever work at mcdonalds?
I don’t see it as a negative but im not sure my tummy could do the smells.
what is your sexuality?
I’m straight.
who is your best friend?
In transition at the moment.
0 notes
cheapthrillsbeca · 3 years
54 ☺️
54. “I wanna marry you.” “We’ve only been together for two months. And you’re drunk.”
made this one part of the railroad apartment fic verse alskdjflaskjd
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: clhoeee
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: I just saw this girl in a that same white dress you have
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: you know the one that’s like cute and short adn lacy
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: and i got sad bc you’re not here 😢
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: are you still at work?
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: hi drunkie 😘
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: It’s almost midnight, so no, I’m not still at work lol. I managed to get out of there around 8
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: and I do know that dress. But I didn’t know you liked it so much. I’ll have to remember that 😉
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: I pretty much love all of your dresses 👀👀👀
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: and glad you didn’t have to work as late as you thought. but u shouldve met us out!!
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: you know everyone likes you more than me. they’re all whining about my “””wifey”””” not being here
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: lmao
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: I wish I was there! But by the time I cooked dinner, ate, and showered it was 9:30 and I was too sleepy 
Beca [11:36 p.m.]: ok i forgive yuo
Beca [11:36 p.m.]: what’d you make for din?
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: your fav -- baked mac and cheese
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]:  there’s a bowl for you in the fridge, ready to microwave when you get in
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: 🎉🎉🎉😄🤤🤤😋😋😋😋
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: chlooooo
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: ugh i love you sm
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: like so so much
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: ilke
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: i wanna marry you
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: hahah 😊😂
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: I love you too becs
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: but it might be a little soon for a proposal
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: We’ve only been together for two months
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: and you’re drunk
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: pffffffft doesnt matter
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: im gonna marry u chleo beale
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: gonna marry you so hrd
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: hahaha babyyy
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: you’re too much
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: only you would turn marriage into an act of aggression 
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: 😡😡😡
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: laugh all you want
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: but one day you’ll see
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: youll. See.
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: oh i’m gonna share an Uber with Alicia see you sooooonnnn
Chloe [11:42 p.m.]: YAY!!!
Chloe [11:42 p.m.]: share your trip so I can have your mac & cheese ready when you get home!
Beca groans as she rolls over in bed. Her head is killing her and her mouth feels dry as sandpaper.
She winces as she props herself up on her elbows and surveys the room. The bed is empty, save for Bandit, who is curled up by her feet and snoring softly. There’s a glass of ice water and two Advils sitting on her bedside table, and she sits up properly to take the pills before draining the glass.
Last night was… What was last night?
She closes her eyes as she leans back against the headboard, trying to piece the evening together. Happy hour with her coworkers… those stupid flaming shots that Caleb always makes them take… Ubering home with Alicia… eating her weight in macaroni… 
There’s something else she should remember, and she can feel it, nagging and elusive on the tip of her tongue. But before it comes to her she hears the keys in the front door. Bandit practically trips over himself as he leaps off the bed and sprints out of the room to greet his favorite parent.
Beca gets it, though. If her head wasn’t throbbing so much she’d be running out to see Chloe, too.
Luckily Chloe comes straight back to their room, and it’s the most welcome sight Beca has ever seen.
Because she’s carrying two large iced cold brews from Beca’s favorite coffee shop.
“Dude, oh my god,” Beca says as Chloe hands her one of the coffees. “You are a literal angel.”
Part of Beca wants to go on and on about how much she appreciates her, but she has to attend to her more pressing need of getting caffeine into her body. She takes several sips of iced coffee as Chloe climbs back into bed, cuddling up next to Beca. It takes Bandit a couple of running starts, but eventually he makes it back on the bed, too.
“How are you feeling?”
Chloe gently cards her fingers through Beca’s hair before tucking a few strands behind her ear. Her hand comes to a rest on Beca’s shoulder, and she rubs her thumb soothingly along her neck and collarbone. Beca holds her coffee in her lap and closes her eyes, enjoying the sensation.
“Mmm,” she hums. “Much better now.”
“Do you remember last night?” Chloe asks, and Beca hears the smile in her voice.
“I was just trying to work that out.” Beca's head lolls against the headboard as Chloe’s hand skates along her shoulder, massaging just the right spots. “I remember drinking too much and missing you and the Uber ride and eating way too much mac and cheese. Although, that midnight snack probably saved me from an even worse hangover.”
Beca smiles to herself as she remembers stumbling through the front door last night to find Chloe sitting at the kitchen table in her pajamas, waiting for her with a piping hot bowl of macaroni. 
To others -- to Chloe, even -- it might seem like a small gesture. But waiting up for her, cooking her favorite meal, leaving water and painkillers out for her, bringing her iced coffee in bed -- all of those little acts make Beca feel so valued, cared for, and loved.
That’s when she remembers the other thing that happened last night.
“What are you smiling about?” Chloe asks, scratching lightly at the nape of Beca’s neck.
Beca opens her eyes and turns toward her, heart fluttering in her chest.
“I meant it, you know,” she says quietly. “What I said last night. Or, what I texted, I guess.”
Chloe looks at her, brow furrowing for a few seconds before her features smooth in understanding. She runs her hand down Beca’s arm and closes her fingers loosely around her wrist.
“Becs…” she whispers, smiling softly.  
“I mean, not right now,” Beca clarifies. “You were right -- we’ve only technically been together for two months. People would think we’re crazy. Especially your dad. God, I don’t even want to think about the look on his face…”
Chloe giggles and presses her lips to Beca’s shoulder. 
“Besides,” Beca continues. “I want to wait until I make more money. So you can get your dream wedding.”
Chloe exhales sharply, and Beca understands. They’ve been on the subject for a minute or so, but this is the first time she’s uttered a marriage-specific word, and something about saying it outloud makes everything feel more real. 
“Beca,” Chloe whispers, kissing her shoulder again through the fabric of her t-shirt. She releases Beca’s wrist and laces their fingers together.
Beca places her iced coffee on her bedside table. She wipes her free hand on the sheets before cradling Chloe’s cheek. Beca knows her fingers are cold, but Chloe leans into her touch, looking at her with glossy eyes.
“I’m just-- I’m putting you on notice, Beale.” Beca smiles at her, swallowing around the lump in her throat. “It might not be for a little while, but it’s coming. Just you wait.”
Chloe glances up at the ceiling, blinking rapidly, and Beca’s wondering if she said too much too soon when Chloe kisses her. Beca feels her bottom lip trembling against her mouth, and when she pulls away both of their faces are wet with Chloe’s tears. (Okay, some of Beca’s tears, too.)
“Oh, I’ll wait,” Chloe says, sniffling. “I’ll wait so hard.”
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autistichoromatsu · 3 years
i imagine he'd be SUPER anxious about dating someone with a BABY. like, thats a child. a small person who is impressionable and fragile and he feels as though he is literally the worst guy to be around a baby ever. a bad... stepdad. he imagines himself as a stepdad and immediately feels so sick he cant even stand up, he CANNOT date this lady without being even more terrified than he already would be if it was just her alone. his relationship with choromatsu would become even more damaged than it already was...
but IMAGINE IF he and nyaa chan actually started dating and got serious about it. like, him going over to her house and helping her with her baby. the baby pukes all over him and nyaa is mortified but hes like "oh haha yeah i live with seven people, worse has gotten on this hoodie before, its fine". and he takes off the hoodie and nyaa is like 😳 YOU CAN PUT IT IN MY LAUNDRY IF YOU WANT. and he has no self control so he says out loud IN YOUR LAUNDRY??? WITH YOUR PANTIES????? AND BRAS??????? STUFF THATS TOUCHED YOUR BITS?????????
anyway i think hed be cute with a baby. he'd be terrible about language around the baby though and even worse about his vices
also totoko is part of their polycule because i said so. osomatsu and totoko fawning over and playing with the baby but as soon as it starts crying they both go blank-faced and hand it to nyaa-chan wordlessly
i like this polycule its basically 1 functional adult woman, 1 explosively angry adult woman, and 1 man baby who follows them around everywhere. and i like the concept of osomatsu showing up somewhere looking 100% sloppy and average with an uber-hot woman on both arms and he isnt even rlly thinking about it because they may be his hot girlfriends but the foundation of their relationship is that theyre all just best friends as well. anyway totty never invites him to anything anymore ever and GOD choromatsu's relationship with oso would be SO STRAINED and all of their brothers would be SO FUCKED UP ugh theres so much potential here i could rant about it forever and ever
whats the babys name and gender btw i have no fucking idea. are either of those things ever stated in canon or supplementary material. help me out here
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
im sending you all the good moving vibes ✨✨ make sure to drink some water and stay hydrated
since you asked for some prompts/asks to distract, may i humbly request fedyor finally forcing ivan to let him spoil him after PEL (because ofc ivan needs to be forced to take a day off for once) and like…them just being playful and soft 🥺
Their apartment smells like actual death when they finally unlock the door and step inside, sweaty and tired from the Uber ride home from JFK (their flight from Oslo was late, their Metro cards are out, they got stuck in New York rush hour traffic, etc etc.) and Fedyor wrinkles his nose, gagging a little. "Ugh," he says, dropping his bag and waving one hand fruitlessly in front of his face. "I'm shocked that the neighbors didn't call the police on suspicion of one of us murdering the other and hiding the body in the floorboards."
Ivan raises one eyebrow at him, as if to remark that this is very unlikely indeed for any number of reasons, but he can't deny the reek. Since they were only planning to be away for a couple days, grab Nina and get back here somehow (the idea was for Nikolai to have an emergency American visa in hand by that time), they didn't empty their fridge, take out the garbage, or otherwise prepare for an extended absence stretching from mid-June to the end of August, as it now is. They've certainly enjoyed their impromptu Norwegian vacation -- you know, aside from the whole getting-kidnapped-by-Nazis thing, which put a bit of a damper on the start -- but this. Phew.
They're hot and grumpy, they've been traveling all day, and they just want to drop everything on the floor and go to sleep, but the stink requires urgently to be dealt with, and so they empty out the spoiled food and trash, spray Febreze extensively, turn on fans to blow the hot air around to be hot air somewhere else (it's the dog days of summer and Brooklyn is as wet as a soaked washcloth, their building is old and the air conditioning is chancy), and then order takeout to eat sprawled on the couch while trying not to touch each other too much. Even the most adoring of spouses has their limits in a heatwave.
Finally, once the chores are done, Fedyor has apologized repeatedly to Mrs. Terekhova from the apartment below theirs, and they have reached their limit for any more housework, they stumble to bed, turn on the box fans, and fall asleep. The next day is Monday, but since they're still on leave from work (Ivan has called his boss and assured him that they're not dead, but still), they don't need to get up and rush off. To Fedyor's shock, he actually wakes up before Ivan, which almost never happens. God, he really must be exhausted.
Fedyor eyes his sleeping husband tenderly, creeps out quietly so as not to wake him, and makes an emergency run to Brighton Bazaar to replenish their food supply. Then he throws together some of Ivan's favorite things and carries it into their dim and marginally-cool bedroom, just as Ivan is stirring in panic that he hasn't sprung out of bed at the crack of dawn like a lunatic. "What time is it?" he says groggily, fumbling for his phone. "Do I have to -- "
"You don't have to go anywhere." Fedyor puts down the tray and pushes Ivan back into bed as he tries to get up. "Rest, Vanya."
"I rested with you," Ivan says, one arm thrown over his face. "For almost a month. In Norway. Remember?"
"Rest now, I mean." Fedyor sits down next to Ivan. "For someone who rescued me from literal, actual Nazis, you sure are resistant to taking a mental health day now and then."
"I had help," Ivan points out. "With rescuing you, I mean."
"I know, but it's not relevant right now." Fedyor breaks off a piece of toast with whatever horribly hearty spread Ivan likes on it, and waggles it enticingly under his beloved's nose. "So eat."
"You always make me eat," Ivan mumbles, opening his mouth nonetheless and allowing Fedyor to insert the toast. He chews contemplatively, eyes closed, as Fedyor studies the silent weight of weariness on Ivan's shoulders, the release of all the worry that he has been carrying even after the end of the operation on Utoya, the arrest of Jarl Brum, their return to safety. He leans forward and kisses Ivan's head, and Ivan looks at him in surprise. "What was that for?"
"Because I love you, idiot." Fedyor bites his lip and smiles. "You're the best man in the world, you know."
"I don't think -- "
"The entire world," Fedyor repeats, very firmly. "I will not be taking criticism at this time. And you're going to relax and take it easy today, and I am going to spoil you. Because I adore you, and it is what you deserve. Got it?"
Ivan glowers. Only he would bristle at being asked to chill the fuck out, metaphorically and literally. But at last, he sighs. "Yes, Fedya," he says meekly, as ever. "I will do as you command me."
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
oh bitch sit tf down for this one. story time bc you asked 👀 he’s so hot brown hair, beard, green eyes, nice arms and shoulders. just overall a hot guy. everyone in the office thinks so. we interacted a few times at work and he was always nice. one of those ‘i make eye contact with this man all the time at work’. a work eye candy. but he would always tell me to have a good day. and if i mentioned something to my coworkers about vacation or stuff he would remember and ask me about it. we both watch football but like different teams so hed tease me about it.
one time i went out with my friends, not work friends. saw him out and he bought me a drink and sent it over. my friends were like who is that, hes hot. and i said “that...is my boss” and they were all shocked. but then hyped me up. so i went over and said hi. thanked him for the drink. his friends conveniently left when i came up. then we sat there and talked. had another drink that he paid for. put my hand on his arm while we talked. bit my lip. leaned into him. you know how it goes. when i got up he wrapped an arm around my waist and said he could drive me home. and i said “or you could take me to yours” ...we went to his. we debated a little bit. decided we could be civil at work and not tell anyone. and boy, was it worth it? the fact that it was not a one time thing might answer that 👀 his fingers ugh so good. and his tongue. he was respectful throughout which made it all even hotter. told me i didnt have to return the favor. but then i undid his belt and unzipped his jeans with my teeth and he said i was “going to be the death of him” i said “i havent even started yet” and he said “dont be a tease” so i didnt. for the most part 🥰 then he picked me up and threw me on the bed not forcefully which was hot af. then we finally actually went at it. multiple times. it was good. really good. left scratches on his back kind of good. he drove me home in the morning so i didnt have to uber. happened a few more times and was even better. we havent since quarantine started but i definitely have thought about him since 👀
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HELLO HE SOUNDS SUPER HOT I THINK I LIKE YOUR BOSS TOO (honestly you had me at beard 👀) agsjfls okay but the constant eye contact with a hot guy always gives me butterflies okay like bless you for making eye contact with this man all the time!!! HE REMEMBERS?! 👀AND HE TEASES?! 😏
STOP STOP STOP THE MAN SENT A DRINK AND HIS FRIENDS LEFT?! they soooo know you and mr hot boss must’ve been talking about you 👀👀 PLS GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR NERVE AND CONFIDENCE YOU GO NONNIE!!!! i don’t think I’d even have the nerve wow pls i look up to you 😭😭 “or you could take me to yours” BITCH ((affectionately of course 💛)) IM SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!! FINGERS!!! TONGUE!!!!! I AM DECEASED 😭😭 is there an age gap?? lemme know what it is bc i need to know if we’re going to refer him ass hot boss or silver fox 👀
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nonnie, imma need you to connect back with mr hot boss/silver fox because he sounds like a catch and phones exist for other reasons besides texting and calling 👀👀👀
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mayabishopapologist · 4 years
station 19 - season 4, etc
this is long but i want to put down my thoughts before thursday comes and i guess i have A Lot To Say.
honestly didn’t pay much attention to this show until halfway through season two—  always liked maya and was glad that they gave her more to do. going into season 3, i was excited for more character development &stronger storylines. however, by the end of  301 the dip in quality was glaringly obvious. a quick google search revealed that there was a new showrunner and, well, it showed. 
while the show had been going in a really good direction with balancing the screen time between andy and the other regulars, this season, the plot was all over the place. it was uber dramatic and just. so much happened just to happen? seemed like every other episode had a major event(deaths alone; ryan,rigo,pruitt?!!?). they were so frequent, it was hard to process. it was also hard to get invested as the characters themselves moved on(or were shown to have moved on, extremely quickly!) 
i enjoy the show for what it is and i have no delusions about broadcast tv shows (or shondaland productions, for that matter)but the suspension of disbelief.... i mean: a stabbing, a robbery, a shooting and a car crash? all in one episode? please! lmaooooo. drama for dramas sake is always boring and weakens the story.  
& as for the characters... .
everyone felt like a hollow version of themselves this season and it was hard to watch sometimes, actually. characters switched motivations /personalities for the sake of the current episode and i know this show is very ‘monster/emergency of the week’ but. some consistency! please! like—
maya: she’s always been determined and focused but they went so far with it this season, it was almost cartoonish. her competitiveness was hinted at in season 2 but she was always portrayed as self aware. ‘the beast,’ as she dubbed it to andy, was something she knew of and tried to contain, because she knew it could get out of hand. 
yet, in season 3 she suddenly forgets this and just. becomes the most power hungry/singularly focused person, ever. she goes after the captain position behind andy’s back, (citing andy’s emotional state, because of the death of her best friend as a reason she shouldn’t get the job?? huh. since when is maya this purely callous??!) she just doesn’t give af, suddenly, about andy at all, and goes for a job that she is hardly qualified for(she was lieutenant for like, a few months?)
and then after she gets the position, she just. loses all sense of reality? literally she was so unhinged(fun to watch but so much) and it was like. um?? maya has never been the uptight one (they've mentioned and depicted andy as being the one like this, multiple times!) and we know she knows how to have fun, so, for her to all of a sudden just. not know how to read the room? yeah okay. to make her so intense and severe, especially w the drills and training was, a choice. a bad one, on the writers part. like, i get that they needed her start as captain to be dramatic or whatever,  but there were ways to do that. and even the animosity with the team and her went so far, i just think that whole storyline was amazingly lazy, honestly.  
and the friendships!! andy and maya’s friendship is just, a mess. at this point they've spent more time at odds, and the idea that they're supposed to be best friends with this super close bond? yeah, i just... i dont buy it tbh. if they'd spent more time building up their connections and making us understand why they would be friends and showing them being there for each other past a few scattered scenes her and there? maybe. but so far, that hasn't been the case.  making that bond real, solidifying that friendship, would have made this conflict have more of an emotional impact. but doing it now? making maya ‘turn’ on andy, this soon and this drastically just. it made her seem like she was extremely jealous and had been waiting to pull the rug out from under andy all along. and also, why would they stay friends when, so far, maya has showed, time and time again, that she’s willing to let her wants/ambitions leech on her loyalty to andy? (jack thing, job thing, etc). although, it’s not like andy’s a good friend to maya either, she’s selfish and seems to like it when maya is in her corner but isnt always there for her. they went so far with the idea that maya was this coldly calculating asshole that she was almost a villain?? it was so silly to me.
and the traumatic home life plot they gave to maya was clearly their attempt at some adding nuance to her character and trying to explain why she would act the way she did, but to me? it fell flat. it was rushed, and they went from zero to 100(why did her mother come to talk about her divorce/abuse at maya’s job? like she was literally working? idgi. no boundaries lmaoo) 
and i actually relate and sympathize w maya a lot. and while i liked that they were exploring the many ways abuse can present itself, it was very... hm, ham-fisted. just super rushed and then wrapped up so quickly. they have, i think, written themselves into this dark place i fear they have no intention of exploring. 
and while i understand it, i hated how far they let maya go, especially because i don't feel they’ll adequately address it. they move on so quickly( maya was deaf for like half a season and then. she just. wasn't) and i hate the idea of her just being ‘fixed’. a relationship and an apology doesn't undo years of abuse, idc. also will they ever address maya’s um, thoughts about death??? because that was super heavy and not just something someone gets over? going to need for her to get actual professional help. that isn’t her girlfriend, like. asap. 
speaking of carina, i do like her and maya together a lot. big part of why i watch, ngl. but i need their relationship to be a lot more reciprocal. like, lets dial it back on the codependency, maybe. carina cant (and shouldn't have to) hold her up so much ! that’s not love. also maya needs to start being a good girlfriend. they started off that way, i know they can get back there. but like, we hardly got to see them settle into it, we got those cute 30sec clips of sweetness then maya was lashing out and cheating and it was like. wait a minute! what??? 
for s4, i want to see them working at reconciling—im talking, groveling, awkward in-between moments where carina isnt sure she can trust her. okay, tough conversations, hell, even jealousy because let's be real. maya working with jack is a lot for carina to just. take? i know i absolutely would not be happy about that, but i also wouldnt take maya back so... anyway! brushing over that would not just be a missed storytelling opportunity, but it would also be super unfair to carina and do a huge disservice to their relationship as a whole. as cute as they are, having cute moments with no real depth would get very old, very quickly.
carina: what can i say but-perfect, amazing, fantastic, WOW
seriously, carina is almost unrealistically perfect. she takes a lot and has been through the most (can they be nice 2 her this season? like just for fun) going forward, im going to need her to be more than a plot device to calm and soothe maya. i get that she was introduced as a love interest, but in season 4(as a season!!regular!!) that cant be all she is.
speaking of, it was really weird to me that she was promoted to station 19 and not greys because... what is a gynecologist going to do at a fire station? the general consensus seems to be that she’ll join warren’s PRT but like. she’s not a general surgeon so that’s a reach but, i want her around so ill buy it. i just want better and more for her tbh. not just screen-time, but also character development and depth! also friends! tired of carina being isolated, they did it on greys which. a waste! i meaaan, amelia was RIGHT. THERE. just look at the material! for s19, i want her, vic and travis to be friends or even just her and vic, like yesplease! i also want to know more about her and im tired of her being treated badly. like, i think society had progressed past carina being shitted on, thanks!
vic: my fave!!! they did so lazy by her this season ugh. she’s so charismatic and charming and just so good!! yet, her storyline was all over the place. we hardly got to see her sit with her grief  (spontaneous crying aside; barrett doss is so good!) she was just kind of... around. and that relationship w jackson. lol. it was so obviously for crossover potential and well. i didnt hate it or like it. actually, i was mostly indifferent. bored, even when they were onscreen together. i just didn't care and wanted more of vic, not vic and whoever. i know they're up in the air rn but i wouldn’t be torn up if he doesn’t come back. 
i want more for vic past just romantic entanglements. i know we’ve gotten a bit of her past, but i would like to see more! also, what about employment accomplishments? her artsy theatre friends? her family? just. more vic, please!!
she’s so fun and cool and when they let her, she shines. they need to let her! 
jack: my boy! so dumb, but i love him sm. he def needs like. major help, though lmao. and maybe it’s just me but im tired of his sex addict plot. like, we get it, but can we move on now? kthanks. they need to let him work on himself especially, the constant self sabotage. it's getting old. for ALL of them, actually, seriously, how many times can they all get in their own way.
andy: don’t really think about her. the mom storyline seems like it would be wonderfully dramatic, im intrigued. she and sullivan are cute, i guess. hope they make it.
ben: no major issues w his storyline, hardly remember it honestly. i liked the rapport he was building w vic and want them to explore that relationship more, its cute. 
travis: so funny and adorable, let him do more.
dean: loved him in all his entitled first born African son glory. i didnt so much love the baby plot but that always bores me. his sudden love for vic though. lol. since when? it def, came out of no where and while i really enjoy their friendship, to me, there is zero romantic chemistry there so i would prefer it if they just. stopped. lmao. also. the way he treated her because he could get a handle on his emotions? ridiculous. has humanity not like, gotten past the ‘he’s mean bc he likes you’ thing?? like grow up maybe?
and this isnt just about dean but like. are there not more single young people in seattle? why do they all have to sleep with the same 5 people. ik for the sake of plot, workplace relationships are easier but still. i think they should branch out. really. 
overall, i want better for all of them, and i think if the writers would just. take a moment and stop trying to tell so many stories in such little time, they could do better! also, whoever’s out there. please, enough w the crossovers! dont want to be forced to watch greys just to know what’s happening on 19. i get that they're in the same universe. it’s only mentioned every other episode. we. get, it. i liked what they did with private practice, it was like once every few seasons. and i know they won’t do that, but maybe, two a season. 
this is so much. but this how does have a ton of potential and i just really want it . like, get there.
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Survey #395
“suicide? i’ve already died  /  it’s just the funeral i’ve been waiting for”
Have you ever met a famous political figure? No. Have you slept for longer than usual today? Ugh, no. I officially have my APAP mask for my sleep apnea, and I chose the one that covers my nose and mouth considering it varies which I breathe from when I sleep depending on congestion. It is very hard to get used to. When is the last time that you experienced rejection–literal or imagined? Hm. Is there an artist or celebrity whom you admire for their craft but take issue with their personality or politics? Yeah, such as Marilyn Manson. He's a pretty gross person but by god do I love his music. What’s the last thing you made out of clay? An anatomically correct heart. Do you like bacon bits on your salad? Yes. What do you do to celebrate Earth Day? Nothing. :/ I wish I could think of something to do for it. Have you ever had someone try to intentionally bully you to suicide? Bro what the actual fuck. No. Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? My nephew Ryder. Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? I've kissed a girl and it felt pretty great, so. Name three things in your room that others probably don’t have in theirs: 1.) a snake; 2.) a huge meerkat collection; and 3.) an APAP machine. Besides furniture, what’s the biggest thing in your bedroom? My snake, I think. Describe your feet: Ugh, the worst. My feet are horribly callused from when I used to walk all the time. I have small toes. What’s a pretty bird? Peacocks. Besides sleeping, what do you do in bed? Just about everything. .-. How do you like your hoodies? Loose/oversized. Can grills be sexy on a guy? They're hideous, if you want my honest opinion. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yes. How fucked up are those, honestly... I really hate the concept of teaching children that they have to tell some random guy things they feel bad about and let him ask God to forgive you or else you're going to Hell. What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? Brown. Can you do a backflip? No. Where are the last three places you went? The TMS office, a gas station, and my sister's house. Do you consider yourself a flirt? No. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? I actually don't know, but at least close to 30 now for sure. I just know we were both in high school, but he failed I think two years. What’s something that makes you feel more creative? Music. Who has the best personality on YouTube? Guess who, lmao. Which YouTuber seems uber-confident? Mark is a very confident person. I envy 'im for that. What is the funniest YouTube video you have ever seen? I watch YouTube like... constantly, so I've seen thousands upon thousands by now. I really don't know. Have you ever been inside a Victorian mansion? No, but that's like a dream marriage venue for me. What was the most boring field trip you ever want on? I don't think I ever had a boring one. Man, I miss those. Do you enjoy watching videos of babies being born? NO FUCKING THANK YOU. Does ANYBODY? Are you a hoarder? No. If you were rich, what things would you get done cosmetically? I would say liposuction, but I honestly want to lose the weight myself. If/when I lose the weight I want to, I am 110% getting loose skin removal at LEAST on my stomach because I feel hideous with it. Also if I achieve my weight loss goals, I want to get a breast lift. Weight loss-related things aside, I'm pretty serious about getting laser hair removal on my legs because I HATE shaving and my legs are VERY hairy, and the hair is dark, so I'm extremely self-conscious about it. Are you the type of person who asks a lot of questions? It depends on who I'm asking. With some people, I'm afraid to look stupid if I ask too many. How many states have you visited in your lifetime? If you're excluding the ones I've merely driven through as well as lived in (which is only one), I've visited Ohio, New York, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, and Illinois, so six. I MAY have been to Michigan as a baby, but I don't remember. What is your biggest fear for the future? Ending up homeless after Mom passes. I'm scared my family will give up on me, which is completely unrealistic, but I'm terrified of living on the streets. Do you like seafood, or not so much? I only like shrimp. Have you ever cried from being so nervous? Oh, certainly. What is your favorite book series, if you have one? Hm... of all series I've ever read, probably the Shiloh trilogy. I adored the books and the movies. Have you ever had a parasite before? NO NO NO NO NO, DON'T MAKE ME IMAGINE THIS. I am PETRIFIED of parasites. Do you have a big heart when it comes to animals? Absolutely! Have you ever put your pets in a kennel for a while? I actually don't remember? It's possible when we've gone on an extended vacation, but I'm unsure. Whenever we've gone somewhere, friends have normally taken care of our animals. Where is your favorite place to buy clothing? Hot Topic or Rebel's Market. Do you enjoy listening to older music? I love classic rock and metal. What do you think is the most stupid song out there right now? "WAP" for fucking sure. I haven't even heard the whole thing, and I don't EVER want to. As a child, did you ever want to become a mermaid? Nah. Ariel was my favorite princess, but I wasn't obsessed with mermaids or anything. Can you compose sentences in any other language than your own? Some German, yes. Mainly just the basics. Have you ever met someone who was really racist before? Yes, many. -_- Do you have any celebrity autographs? No. If you could be a Disney character for a day, who would you be? Maybe Kiara from TLK. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear? Black. Did you ever build furniture forts as a child? Oh yeah, lots of times! I sometimes even pretended they were burrows and I was a meerkat, ha ha. What kind of dog is your favorite? I have a beagle bias. Do you prefer water or land? Land. Have you ever had a seizure? No. Do you plan on losing weight any time soon? Hunny, I've been trying to since 2016. -_- I lost like 70-ish pounds through 2017-2018, but recently I've gained almost like... all the weight back and it is upsetting beyond words. Have you ever been in a heated pool? Uh, a hot tub? Yes. Are you looking forward to anything? Getting Venus' terrarium, finishing TMS so I can maybe get a job, visiting Sara again... What was your GPA in high school? Over 4.0. Do you require a lot of private time? OH yes. What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? I hope achieving a sense of accomplishment and becoming content with my hopeful career, marrying a fantastic partner, and having a family of lovely pets. If you have a favorite television show, who’s your favorite character? I'll go through the very few I deeply enjoy: 1.) Mozart in Meerkat Manor; 2.) probably Hyde from That '70s Show; 3.) perhaps Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist; 4.) Jerome from Ginga Densetsu Weed; and 5.) Shiro from Deadman Wonderland. Did you use to watch Blue's Clues? OH yes. I loved that show as a kid. Do you stutter when you get nervous? BADLY. Your lunch consisted of...? What DID I have... uhhh OH leftover pizza. What is your favorite kind of chips? Hot, crunchy Cheetos. What is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I wouldn't. Do you have any embarrassing usernames? Some from the past, yeah. Do you have a backpack in a shape of an animal? No. I found a meerkat one once, but it was way too small for me to use in school. :( I was so disappointed. Have you ever waxed your legs? No. I've waxed my upper lip and eyebrows, but especially with how long and thick my leg hair is, I think waxing there would be excruciating, so no thanks. Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it? No, but I would if it had a cool design. Have you ever taught a little kid to flick people off? No, and I wouldn't. Children generally don't have a strong enough grasp on when profanity is appropriate and not. Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? This is VERY common. Like right now, my right arm is the Sahara with how dry and raw it is. Do you always clear your history after using the computer? Nah, got no reason to. Have you ever eaten a Big Mac? No, because I know I wouldn't like it; I don't like lettuce on my burgers. Do you feel like you’re judged for your looks? For my weight, yes. Name one world issue that upsets you. Just one? Poverty is high on the list. Just... no one should have to live like that. Do you like Wendy’s frosties? After they thaw a little bit, oh yeah. It's physically impossible to drink them for a good few minutes because they're so damn thick.
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writingsbymarie · 5 years
Its You
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Word count: a whole 5.4k 
Pairing: Tom Holland x Female!Osterfield!reader
Warnings: Some steamy make outs, dancing without space for Jesus, swearing, Harrison being a cockblock lol
A/n: This is the longest Fic I’ve ever written so I hope yall like it.
 Harrison is probably the biggest pain in your ass. Yes, you loved your older brother, but he was extremely overprotective when it came to you. Yes as your older brother he was “responsible” for you but sometimes it could be annoying as hell. You and Harrison currently shared a flat together splitting the price in half. The college you were going to was right by his flat so he offered to let you live in the other room in his flat since he was looking for a roommate since Tom was gone a lot and honestly so was Harrison which was definitely nice. But on the topic of Tom. Tom Holland had to be the nicest guy you ever met. You had a huge crush on him and by huge your in love with him. Your crush started 4 years ago. You were 15 and he was 19. Tom came over to see Harrison, but Harrison was running late. You were sitting on the couch wrapped in the blankets with a bowl of popcorn watching The Avengers when you heard someone open the door.
“Harrison” you called thinking he was back from the store. 
“Not Harrison, it’s Tom,” he said as he walked into the living room. He was wearing a tight white shirt with sweatpants making you drool a bit. Before you had a crush you always thought he was hot, but then that developed into feelings. 
“Harrison is at the store right now, but he should be back soon. You can watch Avengers with me until he comes if you want” you smiled patting the couch gesturing him to sit down.
“Could never say no to Avengers” he laughed taking a seat next to you. You looked over at him to see goosebumps arise on his skin, so you shifted puting half the blanket over him. You also scooted closer to him and your legs were touching. He smiled at you making you blush and look down which he definitely notice making you want to hide under the blanket.
“Ya know this is gonna be you in like a year” you grinned, and he laughed.
“Yeah I don’t really know how to handle it I’m still freaking out” he laughed covering his face. 
“You’re going to be amazing, you are so talented, and soon you’re going have a whole army of fangirls, you’re gonna be a Harry Styles” you declared putting your hand on his shoulder. 
“You think so” he questioned. “Its a lot to take in, and I’m the third Spiderman what if I’m so much worse than Toby and Andrew”
“Tom, trust me, you are going to be incredible and they are gonna love you” you assured, and he smiled at you which he had done many times before, but this time your heart melted and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks yet again.
“Thanks, Y/N” he replied grabbing your and hand and giving it a squeeze. 
And that was the day you realized you had a crush on Tom, and flash forward 4 years later and that so-called crush was now love. And your love for Tom was now starting to drive you a bit crazy. Due to your crush on him you broke off things with guys way too frequently, and you knew that you would always be his best friends younger sister, but you had some hope that maybe, just maybe he felt the same way. 
“Harrison can Willow and I please come to the club with you tonight, we can’t get in without you and Tom” you begged. There was a club by your flat that was supposed to be one of the best, but it was so hard to get into, but since you knew a certain celebrity that was going tonight you could get in with him. 
“I do not need to see you wasted all over a bunch of guys, absolutely not I am not clubbing with you” he maintained causing you to groan. 
“Ugh Harrison please, it’s supposed to be the best night they have had in a while and I’m 19 you have to stop acting like im 14 please” you complained.
“Harrison just let her come it’s gonna be an awesome night” called a voice from down the hallway. It was Tom who was staying at your flat to catch up with Harrison for the week. You felt heat rush to your face but quickly brushed it off.
“SEE, Tom agrees that you’re being overdramatic so Willow and I are going” you declared with a smile on your face. You were pretty sure Harrison’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. 
“Fine, but if I see any guy touching you, ill beat his arse” Harrison grumbled as he walked to the kitchen. You saw Tom emerge from the hallway with no shirt making you feel a bit dizzy. He held out his fist and you bumped yours with his giving him a smile. 
“Thanks” you breathed looking at the ground to stop yourself from checking out his body. He had just finished filming for Far From Home and his muscles were honestly too much for you to handle. You started to walk forwards towards your room to call your friend, but of course, you ran into slipping in on the tile causing you to fall. But you didn’t hit the ground. Toms strong arms caught you and your hands were currently places on his bare chest. And to say you were gone was an understatement. You looked up and met his eyes taking a deep breath. When you realized where your hands were you immediately removed them your face literally turning tomato red. 
“Sorry” you squeaked practically darting past him to your room. You quickly shut the door putting you back against it taking a deep breath. You put your face into your hands feeling the warmth from being so embarrassed. You walked to your bed flopping down on it. You grabbed your phone and messaged your best friend Willow telling her tonight was a go. Tonight was the night you were going to get over your ridiculous crush on Tom and find a cute guy and have the time of your life. 
You were leaving for the club in about 5 minutes. Willow had arrived at your flat wearing a skin-tight navy blue dress with satin pumps. You were wearing something similar except your dress wasn’t as short, and it was red. You walked to your room grabbing your purse. As you walked out of your room you ran into Tom whose eyes widened when he saw you. You swore you saw his eyes skim over your body, but you pushed that thought to the back of your mind. He was wearing a black button-up with jeans and well he looked hot as fuck. 
“You clean up nice Osterfield” he smirked, and when you say you almost passed out you were not lying. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, and as he said that he for sure checked you out. 
“T-thanks” you stuttered walking away from him towards Willow who looked like she was about to burst out laughing after seeing that whole altercation. You quickly gave her the death glare. Harrison walked out of the bathroom and the second he looked at you his jaw dropped.
“Okay yeah, you are not wearing that” he exclaimed making you frown.
“Haz, I can wear whatever I want, and out uber is here, so we have to go,” you said before he could say anything else you grabbed Willow’s arm and walked out the door. Harrison jumped into the front seat and you sat in the middle between Tom and Willow. Your thighs were touching and your heart was racing and Willow could tell, so she started laughing. You just shook your head leaning your head back on the seat. The club was only a Ten-minute drive so you were there in no time. You got out of the car and took a deep breath. You were going to find a cute boy, get drunk and forget about Tom. 
You walked towards the entrance behind Tom and Harrison. Tom showed his Id and gestured for you guys to go in. You walked in to see lights flashing and music booming. Willow immediately grabbed your hand dragging you to the bar.
“Stay safe” yelled Harrison as you walked off. You turned one last time to give him a thumbs up and then you disappeared into the crowd of people. You both took a seat at the bar ordering a shot of vodka to take the edge off. The bartender poured the vodka into the shot glass and you downed it the taste burning your throat. You shook your head making a disgusted face from the horrible taste and Willow laughed and took hers. The bartender then gave you some kind of margarita and told you it was from the guy to the right of you. He was cute, but he looked a little old for you so you just smiled and looked away. Your eyes traveled to the dancefloor as you sipped your drink. Your eyes landed on Tom who was dancing with a gorgeous brunette which honesty stung. But when you made eye contact with him. He winked. The dude fucking winked, and honestly, you thought you imagined it because you were a little tipsy, but he definitely winked. You turned quickly ordering another vodka downing it once again. You were never going to get over him you thought as you leaned against your hand closing your eyes. You felt a tap on your back thinking it was just some random guy you stood up and turned around to say you werent in the mood to dance, but you were face to face with Tom.
“Hey” he bubbled stumbling a bit. He was much more intoxicated than you obviously.
“Hi” you responded a bit confused why he left the dance floor with the girl he was with before to talk to you.
“Are you having fun” he questioned wiggling his eyebrows. Making you laugh a bit. 
“Yeah” you lied. He obviously noticed because his smile turned to a frown. He grabbed you handed making your whole body go stiff.
“Come dance with me, I want you to have fun” he beamed dragging you to the crowded dance floor. You were too shocked to say anything and before you could protest you were on the dance floor. Tom started dancing like an idiot shaking his arms and jumping up and down to the beat making you giggle. You swayed a bit to the music still nervous to do anything. Tom noticed that you were uneasy. He came closer to you and put his lips close to your ear.
“Just relax Y/N, and dance I swear it feels so much better when you just feel the music and forget about your problems” he assured and then backed away and smiled. You took a deep breath. He was right you were being uptight and worrying too much. You knew you should be enjoying this because you were currently dancing with your crush. Even though this was not your goal of the night you should make the most of it. You smiled back and started to sway your body to the music. You lost yourself in the music forgetting all of your problems just like Tom told you to. You danced with yourself for a song until you were pushed into Tom by another girl. You took this opportunity to wrap your arms around his neck. You refused to look at his face, but he didn’t object. Instead, his hands found your waist. You were already steaming hot from dancing and being enclosed in so many people, but somehow you felt yourself get even hotter. You both swayed to the music and you rested your head on his shoulder. You decided to make a bold move and you turned your body pressing your back against Toms. Honestly, you were making a move, and the only reason you were was probably the alcohol. Tom’s hands remained on your waist, but his grip got a bit tighter as your bum rubbed up against his groin. You felt his breath on your neck making you dizzy. He left a couple of kisses on your neck and then he spun you around to face him. This time you looked up at his face. There was a lot of tension, to say the least. His eyes went from your eyes to your lips and his head began to slowly get closer to yours, and suddenly reality hit you. You were about to kiss Tom Holland. The person you have been in love with for way too long. It was 100% the alcohol because there is no way you could this sober. You closed the gap connecting your lips with his. His lips were soft against yours. It was a slow sensual kiss. He pulled away, your foreheads still connected. 
“You’re Beautiful” he proclaimed, and he kissed you again. This time it was much faster and needier. You pulled him as close as you could and his hands fell to you bum making you gasp into the kiss. He took that as an opportunity and slipped his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues fought for dominance him obviously winning. Your lips moved in sync and you felt as if you were on cloud nine. You made out on the dancefloor for what felt like hours until you felt your phone vibrate from the pocket in your dress. You pulled away making Tom giving you a confused look. You took out your phone to see Harrison was calling you. Your stomach dropped when you realized you just intensely made out with his best friend while he was in the place. 
“I gotta take this” you squealed in a small panic terrified that he saw you and Tom. You answered the call once you got off the dance floor.
“Harrison are you okay,” you asked your heart beating out of your chest.
“Yeah I’m fine I was calling to see if you were okay” he responded. You let out the breath you were holding thanking god he didn’t see you and Tom. you felt your phone vibrate quickly looking down seeing a text from Willow saying she was exhausted and ready to leave when you were.
“Yeah, I’m fine, Willow and I are gonna head out, but you and Tom have fun okay” you insisted as you walked towards the exit.
“Sounds good, Tom and I will probs be out for a couple more hours, just let me know when you get back to the flat okay” 
“Okay, See ya later” you finished hanging up. You texted Willow to meet you outside the club as you exited the front of the club. The cold air hit your body, and you started to process what happened. Yeah, it was wrong, but it felt so right. You couldn’t stop smiling. You turned to see Willow walking out the doors of the club the huge grin still on your face. Willow wiggled her eyebrows. 
“Girl I haven’t seen you this happy since you met Jake Gyllenhaal what happened” she questioned. 
“I kissed Tom” you squealed, and her eyes widened
“No fucking way” she gasped, but you just nodded. You both jumped up and down like two five-year-olds who got what they wanted for Christmas. “You need to tell me everything” she exclaimed. 
“Okay my first question is was he a good kisser” she pressed.
“Oh my god yes, his lips may be thin, but holy shit that man can kiss, and the way his hands felt on my body I thought I was gonna pass out” you giggled and her face was filled with excitement for you. 
In the uber, you explained how everything went down and the Uber driver probably thought you guys were crazy because you were both freaking out. Willow was the only person you ever told about your massive crush on Tom and shes “shipped it” since the beginning. You guys exited the uber stumbling up to your flat. You both plopped on the couch turning on the TV grabbing a snack. You both talked about your nights until you both knocked out the TV still playing. 
The next morning you woke up on the couch and Willow was still fast asleep, but she was on the floor making you chuckle. You dragged yourself from the couch to the bathroom your head throbbing. You looked honestly horrible. Your makeup was smeared you were still wearing your clothes from last night. Your hair was knotted as well and you honestly looked insane. You popped and Advil and stepped into the shower. You washed all the makeup off your face your body relaxing as the hot water hit your body. The headache began to go away and then you remember what happened last night. Your closed eyes shot wide open. You made out with Tom. you felt excitement but also dread. Questions flooding your mind. What if he regrets it? What if he doesn’t even remember? What if it ruins our friendship? What if he tells Haz? Honestly, the thought of facing Tom made you so anxious you wanted to throw up and it wasn’t the hangover talking. You finished up in the shower and wrapped a town around your body. You exited the bathroom to see Tom who walked out of the guestroom. You stopped dead in your tracks. He looked hungover just like you. You were not ready to face him so instead of saying anything you darted to your bedroom closing the door. This was going to be a long day. 
After getting dressed you walked out of your room to the kitchen to see Tom and Harrison making coffee. You avoided looking at Tom, but you for sure felt his eyes on you. Willow was still knocked out on the floor next to the couch, so you went over shaking her awake. She groaned sitting up rubbing her neck. 
“I’m so fucking hungover” she groaned standing up to go to the bathroom.
“You feeling okay,” Harrison asked. 
“Yeah, a killer headache, but yeah” you breathed. “I’m assuming your fine since you never get hungover you lucky bastard” you laughed.
“Yep I am totally fine, sucks you got the bad hangover gene” he joked making you laugh. 
“Why did you leave so early,” Tom asked catching you off guard. You finally met his gaze but you quickly looked away. 
“Willow and I were both tired” you mumbled as you sat down on the couch. 
“Did you have fun at least”  he probed. You knew he remembered which just made you more embarrassed because you were avoiding him, and you were going to continue to avoid him because talking to him about it freaked you out way too much. 
“Uh yeah” you sighed. You heard the bathroom door open revealing a sick looking Willow. 
“I think I drank too much yesterday” she groaned. You lifted yourself from the couch going to Willow. 
“Haz, I’m gonna take her out for burgers across the street, so I’ll be back later” you declared. You felt Toms eyes on you again and you looked up for a split second your eyes meeting his, and he gave you the “we need to talk look”, but you looked down ignoring it. “Willow I’m just gonna grab my shoes and we can go” She nodded and walked towards the couch to gather her belongings. You made your way to your room and once you walked through the door you went to your closet. Right as you turned around you heard your door close. You whipped around to see Tom. 
“We need to talk about last night” he pressed. 
“What about last night” you shrugged trying to act oblivious. You felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. Your stomach was doing backflips and you were damn near about to go into full panic mode.
“The kiss Y/n, I know you remember” he scoffed. Walking closer to you.
“Oh that,” you said dumbfounded. 
“Harrison can’t know, It was a mistake we were both drunk” he addressed making your heart sink. That hurt. You felt your heartbreak, and you felt tears begin to form in your eyes, but for your sake, you took a deep breath trying to act like you were fine. You were trying to figure out how to as if the kiss meant nothing, but it honestly meant so much. 
“Y-yeah” you agreed looking down at your feet. Your nails dug into your palms and you bit your inner cheek to try and hold yourself together. 
“I’m glad we’re on the same page” he confided. You didn’t say a word though. You were scared that if you did you would break. So you simply slid your shoes on him and pushed past him not even looking at him. You walked right out the door Willow following you most likely confused. 
“You okay” she questioned looking at you with concern, and you just broke down the tears you were holding back finally flowing down your face. 
“He said all of it was a mistake” you whimpered. 
“Aw honey I’m so sorry” she offered wrapping her arms around you. You hugged her back crying in her arms for a minute, but you pulled away wiping your eyes. You weren’t going to let him hurt you like this. It was one kiss, and you weren’t going to let it ruin your life. 
It had been about a week since the Tom innocent, and as much as you wanted to say that you were fine you were heartbroken. You had completely avoided Tom the whole week, which he definitely noticed because he texted you asking you if you were alright, and you just didn’t respond. Unfortunately today you were going to have to see him because the Hollands were throwing a pool party which you had already agreed to go to. 
“Y/N we gotta go or we’re gonna be late” Harrison called, 
“Coming” you yelled back as you grabbed towel slinging it over your shoulder. You walked out of your bedroom meeting Harrison in the kitchen.
“Are you okay, and please be honest with me because you’ve been acting weird all week” he acknowledged hia eyes soft. You gave him a soft smile and wrapped your arms around him.
“I’m okay just having a rough week, thank you for caring” you whispered. You backed away from the hug. Harrison gave you an endearing smile that you returned and then you were off to the Holland residence where you would spend the whole afternoon attempting to avoid Tom. 
When you reached the Holland house you were greeted by Sam. You and the twins were pretty good friends. You were the same age as him and you guys had attended the same school. You gave Sam a small hug and then he led you to the backyard. 
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever Y/n how have you been,” he asked curiously. 
“uh, pretty good, what about you, anything new with you” you queried. 
“Nah just the same old boring stuff as usual” he laughed as you walked towards the pool. You saw Paddy swimming in the water. His eyes lit up when he saw you. You were Paddys babysitter because the boys were never home, and you didn’t go out to the clubs much. Paddy got out of the pool running up to you giving you a big hug making you yelp.
“Paddy you’re gonna get my clothes all wet” you exclaimed trying to pry him off, but he just giggled now trying to get you as wet as possible. 
“Will you come swimming with me” he beamed as he started to shiver.
“Of course just let me get my stuff together and I’ll come swim” you laughed he smiled wide then ran back into the pool jumping in. You found an empty spot and placed your belongings down laying your towel out on the lawn chair. You peeled your shirt off and pulled your shorts down. You then turned towards the house to see Tom’s eyes on you. He was yet again checking you out, and it pissed you off. You didn’t understand what he was playing at. You shook your annoyance off and headed towards the pool. There were a couple younger kids who were most likely paddys friends, and then Sam and some other people from your school in the pool. You entered the pool slowly the water cold against on your skin. 
“Just jump in Y/n youll get used to it” Sam laughed. 
“No way in hell am I jumping into this pool” you shivered, but then Sam grabbed your arm pulling you into the water with a small shriek. Your body hit the water and you felt the cold seep onto your whole body. You shot up from underwater shivering.
“Sam I hate you” you shrieked as you splashed him, but he just laughed. 
Once you finally got used to the water you joined the game of Marco polo which then led to chicken fights. You were currently on Sam’s shoulders laughing your ass off because neither of you could stay steady. You were currently up against Harry and Paddy. Somehow Sam slipped making you both fall into the water. You both came up from underwater facing each other and you both burst out laughing falling into each other. You were pretty sure Sam was flirting with you. He was being extra touchy, and he kept complimenting you. You didn’t mind though, and as bad as it sounded you hoped Tom was watching. You hoped he was jealous. When you looked over at Tom he was watching, and his jaw was clenched as you began to flirt back with Sam. You felt bad because Sam was your friend, but making Tom jealous made you feel like you were on top of the world.  
“Sam I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick” you called as you pushed yourself out of the pool. You walked to your lawn chair grabbing your towel. You wrapped it around your body and entered the Holland home. You walked to the bathroom and did your business. You washed your hands then exited the bathroom to find Tom waiting outside the door.
“Why were you flirting with my brother” he pressed.
“Why do you care who I flirt with, you have no right to question who I flirt with” you sassed.
“I don’t care” he defended his jaw clenched. 
“If you don’t care why did you ask” you provoked an eyebrow raised.
“I don’t know” he quipped his cheeks tinting red.
“Are you jealous” 
“No” he replied extremely quick.
“I don’t believe you” 
“I am not jealous” he defending moving closer towards you until you back hit the wall. He was so close to you, you could feel the heat radiating from his body. The tension in the air was thick. Your heart was beating out of your chest. You both stared at each other for what felt like age until Tom slammed his lips against yours making you squeal. Your eyes were wide open. You didn’t kiss back at first. After a couple of seconds, your eyes fluttered shut and your arms moved up his torso to wrap around his neck. His arms went from your waist moving over your bum to your thighs
“Jump” he mumbled against your lips, and you did as he said wrapping your legs around his waist pulling him as close as you could. Everything was moving fast. Tom’s hands began to fidget with the string of your bikini.
“Tom are you in here” 
It was Harrison. You jumped out of his arms so fast scurrying to the bathroom shutting the door. Tom looked just as panicked as you. He pointed to the bathroom gesturing you to go in.  
“Uh yeah, I went to go find one of the inflatables for the pool” he lied. You heard their voices get quieter until you couldn’t hear them anymore. You let out the breath you were holding. You dragged you back down the door going into a ball. You put your face into your hands wondering what the hell was going on. You were genuinely confused, because he said the kiss was a mistake, but then out of no where he kissed you again. Talk about mixed signals. You stood up rubing your temples. You walked out of the bathroom back outside. You sat on your lawn chair and watched Tom from across the backyard. Your eyes met his and he gave you a smirk. This man was going to be the death of you. 
After the pool party, you headed back to the flat. Harrison had a date tonight so you would have the flat to yourself. You put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and turned the TV on. You looked at your DVDs seeing Spiderman homecoming on top of the stack. You didn’t want to watch it but you found yourself opening up the case and plopping the disc in the PlayStation. You heard the microwave go off and you strolled to the microwave dumping the bag of popcorn into a bowl. You shut the lights off and flopped onto the couch. You pressed the play button and the movie began. You sat there admiring Tom, thinking about what happened today. You wondered what would have happened if Harrison didn’t walk into the house. You were off in your head until you heard a knock at the door. You pushed yourself up and dragged yourself to the door. You looked through the peephole to see Tom. Your heart skipped a beat as you opened the door. 
“Can I come in?” he asked his eyes pleading you to let him in.
“Sure, so what brings you here Harrison isn’t he-”
“I can’t get you out of my head. Ever since the night at the club, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And this is so wrong I mean you are my best friend’s little sister, and if he were to find out I’m pretty sure he would kill me” he blurted leaving you speechless. You stood there your mouth agape as you tried to process what he was saying. “Can you please say something” he begged.
“I don’t know what to say” you gulped. 
“I like you Y/n and not just as a friend” he expressed coming closer to you. He put his hand on your cheek and leaned into his touch. 
“I like you too” you whispered. Tom let out a sigh of relief bowing his head. You then put your hands on his cheeks bringing his face up to look at yours. You smiled softly at him and then connected your lips. The kiss was sweet and slow. Tom’s hands fell to your waist pulling you close to him. The kiss began to get more desperate. Hands roaming each other’s bodies. You pulled him towards the couch, and he laid you on the couch and then hovered over you. 
“I love that you’re watching my movie darling” He goated his lips from yours making you whine. You felt his lips fall to your neck sucking on it making you gasp and let out a moan. 
“I can’t help that you are so attractive and your acting skills blow me away” You felt Tom smile against your neck. 
“I’m pretty sure you’re the attractive one” he smirked. You pulled his head back to yours kissing him again. Your hands roamed his body sliding under his T-shirt. He then broke the kiss to pull it completely off. You gawked at his build body. 
“Like what you see” he smirked making your face flush red. He dove back down to kiss your neck making you moan again. He then sat you up to remove your shirt as well. You usually would be insecure, but the way Tom looked at you made you dizzy. You were so in the moment that you missed the sound of your apartment door opening. 
“What the fuck”  
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iwaizooming · 4 years
‘and i ordered another uber, and guess what? THE OTHER FUCKER DIDN’T COME EITHER??!!! THE FAWK???? so i got scammed of $17, and it was windy as hell too and i stood outside for like 10mins.’ 😁😁 😁😁😁 <- that’s me TRYNA NOT LAUGH. girl i would have kept calling like HELLO GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK!! i never knew uber connect existed wow but I HOPE THE GUY’S OKAY oh my!!
i’ve been good, drinking water yes yes, i need to get my flu shot because it’s become cold and my body can’t handle that plus when i go i’m gonna have to get my pills refilled 😔💔. UGH I HAVE another complain BECAUSE THATS ALL I EVER DO but we’re getting an assignment on friday or money for econ when we literally have one due (thursday) like CAN I PLEASE GET A BREAK?!! that’s all a girl is asking for damn.
[ ouu and girl the same thing happened to me with uber. so i was super hungry and ordered some pho and the guy came to my house (i was checking the map). n e wayz, i got the notification saying my food is delivered and i was like 👁👁 where because it ain’t with me that’s for sure. the guy left with my food 😭😭. so i called them and they gave me my money back but ugh i was so mad i really wanted the pho. ]
but girl how your day/night was good and you had lots and lots of water babes. 😼❤️.
it’s okay you can laugh i laughed too after i got over my misery 😔😔 but yea he’s okay he just got food poisoning smh 🧍‍♀️
omg girl ik this reply is a few days late but sheeshhh i hope your econ assignment(s) went well the fawk that teacher of yours is ruthless i stg
but thank the lord uber returned my money 🤧 or else i’m gonna stomp my way to HQ and cry bc i’m a broke college student and they stole my gdamn money lol
i hope you have a good day bby imy mwah 😽💖
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Tfa character review! (9/12)
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Chunky rock and roll rebel! I love him! He played an interesting roll in human error, and provided one of the more interesting episodes ive seen. This episode gave him hints of tfp Soundwave, in his mechanical skills, and being one of the more difficult bots to handle. He talked a lot more too, which i could appreciate. He had teo little helpers too, Ratbat and Lazerbeak! Which turned into guitars?? Which i LOVED??? I personally LOVED this take on Soundwave. I still prefer tfp, but this one is DAMN good.
Verdict:8/10. Loved him. He's literally "fuck the man!!" And i love him. Take him home, depending on your folks. If your folks love rocking out against the man, then go for it. Otherwise? Bah you dont need them, just go ride into the sunset with your punk rocker boyfriend.
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Lazerbeak! Soundwave never leaves a continuity without her. This series didn't make her look AS cool as tfp, but damn did she deliver! She's got Soundwave's back, and will completely chase down anyone who messes with him. Not a speaking role in sight, but she didn't need it! I support our little rocking robin, and i want her to have a good life, rocking on with Soundwave!
Verdict:8/10. Bring her home, show off this pretty birdy! She gets well with other pets!
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(Yes i know i used the same picture shut up)
Ratbat! Not much personality is shown, as Lazerbeak is Soundwave's primary gal, but i have the same love for Ratbat! I mean, hes such a gothic rocker? I support him in all his endeavors.
Verdict:8/10. Take him home, your parents will think hes a neat, gothic little pet.
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Everyone's favorite arms dealer! Swindle is a business mech, who gives everyone what they needed, and his stuff is TOTALLY legitimate. Totally. Smooth talking and looking absolutely snatched (like his recent supply. Aka he absolutely fucking loves looting). He had a minor amount of time on screen, but i enjoyed him every second he was on! Cute, absolutely stunning, and i want him as my uber. So bad.
Verdict:8/10. Take him home, he'll sell overpriced shit to your parents, then take you both on vacation.
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(Secondary form not available in purple)
Deer boy! I liked tfp Shockwave for being a goth titty bf, but this boy? Ugh god his waist is for the GODS. He's, for some reason, VERY fucking attractive??? And his voice? Im down for. Horniness aside, i do like his character. Intelligent, sneaky, huge Megatron fanboy. This one actually showed emotion, which is unlike tfp, and i REALLY appreciated that!
Verdict:8/10. Take him home. Your parents will be surprised that you found not only a smart boy, but a GORGEOUS boy.
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thepreggochronicles · 5 years
Spiraling part 4: Strafford
So Jenny dragged my ass out of the house.
She made me go to a COUNTRY bar.
I had been telling her no for three days.
I said I hate country. She said I do too but it’s 10$ until midnight! She even said she’d pay for me. I was like it better not suck!
I only went because I felt bad, she really wanted me to go.
So Jenny kept having us go back and go back to drink more and more.
I was drinking tequila sunrises and still felt pretty sober.
Mind you Jenny knows a lot of people here cause she’s a stripper.
So men are constantly coming up to her, recognizing her, etc.
So I told her I think the guy behind you is checking you out.
Turns out this guy that Jenny has been leaving on read, this handsome white guy comes and gives her this giant lecture on how he had been trying to talk to her and she’s been ignoring him for years. He was like yeah, you are acting different now because I’m in person. Blah blah blah he was really going on and on about it.
I was having a pretty boring time until-
This tall dark and handsome guy comes up to us and starts talking to me
he asked me if I wanted to dance and I said no. I know shocking but like it was mostly country lol.
He offered to buy me a drink so I said okay he goes “but I only drink patron.”
I was like bitch that’s my drank! Lol
After I had that shot finally all the other drinks started hitting me. He was like I have to pee will you wait for me?? And I was like “you want me to wait for you to pee??” 😆
He was like “I mean not like in the bathroom! But yeah.”
“I was like okay fine. Im tired of being a third wheel anyway.”
So he peed 😂 I still think it’s funny.
When he came out we had a super nice talk getting to know each other. He is actually a nice guy and I started to notice that he was actually insanely handsome with good style.
He was talking about how he’s been to Miami and he was like “a girl like you in Miami you could go where ever you want. With your long hair and tan skin. You’d get into VIP, id have to pay 100$”
He was like “I’m only tan because of Miami.” I said how old are you?” He was 24. Bingo.
I was like “ Thank god some guy tried to hit on me earlier and then I found out he was 21 🙄 ew.”
He had to pee again! Lmao he was like “wait for me! I know I’m so needy.”
And when he came out he was like “ Ithought that was you!” oh my god.
I look over and there’s this couple and a short girl is leaned over the railing making out with some guy behind her 😂 she actually really did look like me I was dying!
I was like “what kind of girl do you take me for??” 😆
So he asked me if I wanted to dance (again weird to meet a guy that likes to dance)
But we went to the dance floor and they started playing hip hop! I was like oh it’s on!
I started grinding on him and he was just saying oh my god and holding my hips and we were up against this railing they have.
I looked up at him and we started making out.
I know I know, I’m a shitty person.
I REALLY wanted to kiss him.
I was staring at his lips for the past hour we had been talking and oh my god he was such a good kisser.
So he was like we can go to my place or we can go to your place. If you want. There’s no pressure.
I was like I’m not going to have sex with you.
He was like that’s fine! You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with I was raised by women so I know how it is.
So Jenny starts blowing me up and I tell him oh god I have to tell Jenny what we’re doing because she’s my ride.
So me and Jenny of course had to give him a hard time 😂 Jenny was still with Snapchat guy that she left on read.
She goes “I want to see your ID!” And I was like “yeah lets take a picture of it! Just in case you try to murder me.”
He goes “okay yeah yeah” 😂 and gives us his ID
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He’s black and white. Mmmm he looked way hotter in person and naked.
Anyway Jenny said fine! But please be safe.
We literally ran holding hands to the car.
I’ve never wanted to fuck somebody so bad.
We got to the Uber and he was holding my hand and kissing my hand ugh he was being so romantic and sweet.
We got to his place and it was on! He was like okay I’ll take off a piece of clothing and then you take off a piece deal? And I was like okay deal.
It didn’t last long before we were both completely naked and omgggg his body was so amazing.
We were making out and he was kissing my boobs and licking and sucking on my nipples.
I was already so wet.
He was like is a condom okay? And I was like yeah that’s good I’m glad you’re being safe.
He said I know you’re super wet I can feel it through the condom. Drip drip 💦
So he gets on top and positions himself in between my legs and starts slowly putting it inside.
I was like it’s been so long like 4 months.. and he was like it’s been two for me.
He was HUGE. It hurt all the way up to my stomach that’s how much it was but he was also so good to where the pain wasn’t that bad. He was like is it a good kind of pain though? I said yes.
So we had sex three times and then he said the condom broke.
And he takes it off and was like want to just go without it? And I was like yeah!
Tbh I hate using condoms they just don’t feel as good.
Whew he took it off and it felt 10x better. He knew how to go slow but he also knew how to be rough.
He was like bite into the pillow! Lol I was like sorry I can’t help it!
Finally I came and he pulled out and came on me.
I was like well it’s late.... and he goes so you’re just gonna nut and leave 😂
He was trying to get me to go on a date with him tomorrow.
Noooo... but you have work in the morning.
So then it hits me that I didn’t tell him about Justin...
So I told him so idk if I told you this earlier or not but I have a boyfriend.
His face was like :o
I was like uhm but he lives in georgia so I haven’t seen him in months.
He was like so what made you want to tell me this? And I was like to be honest I guess.
He was like do you feel bad? And I was like noooo.... yesss... i don’t know!
It got so awkward.
So I was just gonna leave and he was like “I mean it sucks.
Like you can’t have two boyfriends.
So we can keep fucking but idk..
Like what if we are at dinner and he calls?”
Which I wasn’t even thinking that far ahead.
He was like so what were you looking for?? Just a fuck? And he goes just to fuck. To himself.
And I was like well what were you looking for?
And I was like why do you look mad! You are acting weird and looking at me differently.
He was like well how did you expect me to react!
So things died down and we ended up fucking again.
He was like does he fuck you like me that’s why you’re here huh and I was like omg I can’t do this.
So we ended up cuddling and he said I could stay the night there but he had work at 9am and I said it’s okay I’m just gonna take an Uber home.
He was like okay.
So he walked me out and gave me little pecks on the lips and then a long kiss.
And made fun of my kissy face.
He said you still owe me a text tomorrow.
We Rock Paper Scissored over who would text who and I lost.
And that was the weird end to my night.
Also right after that my Uber driver tried to force himself on me but that’s another story id rather not explain...
Súper weird night..
Super mixed feelings.
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xserpentlife · 5 years
3.20 Reactions - Spoilers
Raw Reaction. No editing to this so so it may not be grammatically correct and spelling is not checked. I just write while I watch the show.
no survivors my ass
6 heads but I still don’t trust it 
So riverdale has Uber 😂😂
Why is everyone so freaked out about it OH I wonder why jellybean I wonder why 
The way jug says what’s a gospel has my dying idk why but it just does lol 
Wet fangs I’m here for that 
So what Cheryl doesn’t wear white now orrrr
Omg the will you go to prom with me 😂😂
I want Fred back 
Okay well dna and fingerprints that’s promising 
I still Idkkkkkkkkk thooo
Damn gargoyle bus
Why does no one wear gloves when dealing with “crime scenes”
Forging a signature he gonna get it
I’m sorry so they know she’s 30 but she’s still in the school how in tf
The naval academy 
The money slip 😂😂
bruh I s2g if Edgar Jakes “Jason” from her it tries to kick her out for prom queen that’s f’ed up 
I love pop 
6lbs Archie wtf
It makes way too much sense for it to be Edgar idkkkkk
Bruh is Betty gonna busy in here requesting to see his tattoos 😂
Like he would take off his shirt if he had symbols like 
This boy gonna collapse from exhaustion 
JUG 😂😂😂 A relief I’m dead
Poor Cheryl she’s so sad 
These Hughes’s scenes have me rolling 😂
Archie is gonna lose these fights 
Like he’s gonna not fight 
well mom you literally just came into Archie’s life when your not too busy like he’s been boxing before you were there calm down like I get it but chill if your son loves boxing let him box 
Why pop look so sad
Also like do people in riverdale just like have this shut laying around 
so Josie’s gone now you gonna try to get with Veronica again 
“Suddenly” shoukdnt have makes any sense 
Why open it without Jughead like of course you would 
Dumbass Betty left before 
really a hockey stick really
REALLY 911 really Betty
Okay ima just throw this out there say he isn’t back and what if Betty is imagining things like I doubt it but what if 
Jug bein a cute protective boyfriend laying his head on hers while she’s scared in a blanket awwww the biggest AHHHHH i don’t usually love it but ahhhh
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