#but then again my mind really is drawing a blank and even going through multiple lists of common tropes didn't help ;;;;;;;
stormyoceans · 3 months
halo \(*.*)/ what kind of plot tropes do you hate? was there any movie that had such a plot trope and you suddenly liked it?
hello, anon!!!!
im sorry for the late reply, but sometimes when i get asked this kind of questions my mind draws a complete blank and i forget everything i’ve ever watched, so i had to take a couple of days to think about it ;;;;;; i also wasn’t sure if you meant plot tropes in BLs specifically or more in general, but since you said ‘movie’ i tried to take into consideration tropes that can be found in different genres
honestly i think most of the tropes i tend to not be very fond of are all the ones that feel like a sort of cop-out? for example when it comes to romance i don’t really like 'love at first sight', because more often than not it’s used almost as an excuse to make two characters be together without taking the responsibility to show to your viewers why exactly these characters even like each other. it's the same reason im endlessly annoyed with the 'accidental eavesdropping' and 'dead cellphone' tropes: they're all cheap convenient ways for authors to make the narrative work like they want to without putting any real effort into it. worst trope of this kind i can think of is the 'it was all just a dream' ending, which i dislike with a passion because it usually comes with a lack of consequences and resolutions that enrages me deeply
but to answer to your other question, there is a movie that actually made feel satisfied with the 'it was all just a dream' ending, which is jacob's ladder (the original one from 1990, not the remake from 2019). it's a great, disturbing psychological horror movie and i now realize im..kinda ruining it for you because that's the entire twist but. yeah ;;;;;; that kind of ending made perfect sense for once
im most likely forgetting so many more tropes im not fond of (the 'break up to save them'!!!!!! HATE THAT ONE), but this is what i got rn ;;;;;;;;
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partycatty · 6 months
I don’t know if you’re open to requests but me and my friend have this hc and I would like to see your rendition of it. The reader is stressed about their Algebra test coming up and since Johnny has a PhD in quantum mechanics and deals with that stuff, he offers to help. And as the reader is thinking on the problem Johnny gives them, they put the pencil in their mouth seductively but are unaware of it and Johnny gets a little… riled up. And you can take it from there :)
Love ya !! 🥰💜
ough i love me a big smart man
johnny cage > teach you a lesson
notes: my last fic took all of my mental strength for smut for now so it's only gonna be implied
[ masterlist ]
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• damn you and your stubbornness, you're here trying to get your engineering degree and the class you put off all these years finally creeps up on you... and you hate math. thankfully, your best friend has a phd (which still baffles you when you think about it too much; not that he's stupid, more that it's so out of left field for him that you thought he was joking when he first told you).
• knocking on his door, he answers so quickly you wonder if he tumbled down the stairs to answer you in record time. he was always ready to do anything you asked of him, so you knew he was the right person to go to
• you explain the situation, about how you're teetering on the edge of just tearing your textbooks apart with your teeth before he slows you down with his hands on your shoulders.
• johnny ushers you in, welcoming you to his dining room after sweeping the various accumulation of stuff littering every surface to a degree.
• johnny's smarter than you gave him credit for, focusing on his well-articulated lecture but you find yourself missing the middle portion of his lessons when his veiny arms are exposed as he rolls up his shirt. his hands were so defined, so strong...
• "are you even listening?" he groans dramatically, waving said head in front of your face. "you wanna pass this class or not?"
• you swallow thickly, though the subject is still shamefully fuzzy in your mind. nodding slowly, johnny pinches the bridge of his nose before resuming.
• "maybe this'll be easier if we..." he leans over your seated form, towering over you as he flips your notes to a blank page over your shoulder. "here." he writes an example equation, a relatively easy one so he could break it down for you.
• shaking the dirty thoughts, you try to pick the equation apart, separating what you know is in the correct order of operations, but you're stumped when the denominators don't add up like they should.
• the tip of your pencil brushes against your bottom lip as your brows knit in thought. it swiped across the width of your lip, pushing in ever so slightly against your teeth as you desperately try to find a way past the confusion.
• johnny falls eerily silent, fists clenching as he breathing feels hot and heavy down your neck. he rubs his face, circling the table with a long sigh. the noise draws your attention, completely oblivious to how tight his pants were from the display.
• "sorry," you sheepishly look down at the paper. "this is... a lot."
• "no... no! you're fine!" johnny snaps himself back to reality at your puppy eyed expression, like his desperation for you was somehow your fault when it was really his for not knowing how to keep things in control.
• you feel smaller as you sink into the chair, trying to retrace your steps through the numbers. instinctively, the pencil finds its way to your mouth again and you gently suck on the shortened eraser, your tongue pressing against the head of it as the multiplication takes its time in your mind.
• johnny chokes on air, punching his chest to hide his flustered face. he can't even look at you or you might notice the steam from his ears.... why were you here again?
• "you're not helping," you remind him teasingly, and he jogs to your side with a cool breath to regulate his temperature. "did i do this right?"
• johnny leans down, his chin almost on your shoulder as he inspects your work. the error stands out to him at lightning speed and he pulls at your wrist, abruptly tugging the pencil from your mouth and slamming it against the table.
• "there," he huffs out, circling the error with his finger. "five over nine. not nine over five." his eyes flick between the back of your head and the pencil, and the way the eraser shines. he might pass out if he thinks too hard about it.
• he should've picked an easier equation so you'd stop thinking so damn hard about this, he thinks. the pencil wanders back between your lips and it's when you bite down on the pink tip his flat palm slaps the table, making everything rattle. you jump and look up with a shocked expression.
• "can you... not." he breathes, cheeks red and brows furrowed.
• "not... what?" you look down, maybe you had a bad habit in the math process?
• "don't do that." he's being vague, it's getting on your nerves.
• "you're gonna have to be clearer."
• "keep that thing away from your mouth," johnny points at your fingers twirling the pencil, an accusatory finger firm like he caught it committing a crime.
• "the pencil?" you're caught off guard, wondering what his issue is.
• "yes, the damn pencil!" he groans, running a hand down his face. "can't think straight for a single second when you're... you know."
• it clicks in your head, what he's asking of you. it flusters you but also fills you with an egotistical desire. you always had a lingering crush on your best friend, but you never wanted to act on it out of fear of losing the best thing that ever happened to you. johnny's deep, dark voice makes your core stir as you think about the possibilities, how to test the waters from here.
• you slowly place it flat against your tongue, trying to ignore the taste as you relish in the way johnny twitches his eye at the sight. he wants to look away but you're forcing him to, that knowing glint fatal for his heart. the thought of your tongue holding the heavy weight of his thumb, or worse, his dick, is driving him up the wall.
• johnny stomps beside you, grabbing your wrist and pulling the pencil away, managing to throw it out of your grasp and capturing your lips with his own as the pencil rolls off on its own adventure.
• his kiss is consuming, far too much for your mind as you grow dizzy at the loss of breath. his hands pull at your face and neck, trying to squish your face against his as he swallows every whimper and gasp for breath you expel.
• just as he pulls away to get oxygen, his thumb slides between your lips and presses against your tongue, your hot and heavy breath driving him wild.
• "are you really trying to do this to me?" he asks as your lips wrap around his finger, sucking gently. his eyes flutter shut and he groans, nodding downward with his head.
• "maybe," you quietly reply through his finger, sinking to your knees in front of him, sliding your hands up his outer thighs. you're perfectly in line with his crotch, but your eyes are too busy admiring the flustered actor above you as he looks down his nose. he pulls his thumb away, groaning at the thin trail of saliva that falls down your lip from the loss.
• "i'll teach you a lesson," he reaches for his belt buckle, the clinking of metal dulling every sense but your hearing.
• you can study later... probably.
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wordsarelife · 10 months
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pairing: tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
summary: you and peter both struggle to find the perfect gift and end up proving why you belong together
warnings: reader is risking her health and safety
notes: this is a bit ridiculous, but it's christmas time, so whatever huh?
"what about a cd?" gwen pointed at the stand to your right. the shop was filled with multiple things you could gift someone, just not peter. you wanted your gift to be meaningful and you just couldn't get it right.
"no" you shook your head "he probably owns every cd in the world already"
"what about a sweater?" gwen asked. you knew she wouldn't just give up like that. she had made it her mission to get the perfect gift for you. she thought if she would just name various things she knew peter liked, it would make eventually click.
you shook your head once again and gwen sighed. "you know he isn't the president, right?" she raised her brows at you "he will certainly like anything you get for him"
"i know" you said "but i don't just want him to like it, i want to make him speechless at how perfect it is"
"i don't think such a gift exists" gwen noted "why don't you just draw something or make your own mixtape?" she suggested
"peter is far better at drawing than i am" you shrugged "and i cannot deal with computers, you know that"
"okay" gwen nodded "then think about something that connects the both of you. perhaps something only you guys even know about?"
"ugh" you threw your head back, trying to think of anything "there is nothing, my mind is literally just blank"
"okay" gwen took you by your arm and walked you out of the shop "we're not getting anywhere with this"
"where are we going?"
"central park" she answered simply "where you guys met, maybe that'll help you"
"sure" you shrugged your shoulder "might be worth a try"
the way was shorter than you had anticipated and a few minutes later you were standing at the exact spot you and peter had run into each other.
"and..?" gwen wondered
"give me a minute" you turned around yourself, looking at everything like you had done that day.
there were memories quickly flashing through your mind, a boy with a skateboard, a book flying in the air, a wheel falling off a board.
"the wheels" you exclaimed suddenly
"huh" gwen looked up from her fingernails with raised brows "the what?"
"the wheels" you repeated even more excited "when peter and i ran into each other, meaning literally ran into each other, one of the wheels of his skateboard losened and fell off. we didn't find it, so i bought him a new one"
"so what's the plan?" gwen asked crossing her arms, looking at you suspiciously after she saw your face light up. "no" she shook her head
"come on!" you pleaded "that would be the most romantic gift ever!"
"you really think that wheel would still be here a year later?"
"maybe" you shrugged in a sing song. "where's the romantic in you, gwen?"
"i am romantic" gwen exclaimed offended "just not hopeless, like you are"
"you go look there, i'll search here" you directed and gwen gave in with an eye roll.
it took you about three hours to give up. there wasn't anything close to a wheel laying around in that park.
"what did i tell you?" gwen asked when you guys had sat down on a bench "it's gone"
"well" you pushed your hair out of your face "there is still one place we haven't checked" your eyes darted to the little pond next to you
"no, y/n" gwen said "it's december!"
you took off your scarf and mittens, putting them down on the bench "it's romance!" you argued.
gwen watched in horror as you got out of your jacket. "no, this is madness! you're going to freeze to death"
"i don't care" you got rid of your sweater too. the last piece of clothing you were willing to remove in public. "your apartment isn't too far from here, i'll be fine"
"y/n" gwen shook her head once again "please don't make me tell peter that you died"
"i won't" you assured, before you slowly walked into the water. "ooh!" you bellowed "yeah, this is cold"
"i told you!"
"too late now, anyway" you muttered and with one last look in gwen's direction, you quickly immersed into the water, diving through it and searching for a hint of the lost wheel. you had almost shrieked from happiness, when you really did make it out, right beneath you.
you jumped up from the surface, the treasure right in your hand "i got it!" you called and gwen looked up in surprise as you climbed out of the water.
the adrenaline rush was gone as quickly as it had come and you were shivering. "it's so cold" you stuttered.
gwen quickly pulled the jacket over your shaking form, while she was holding her phone to her ear. "she is shaking, so much. i don't know what to do" she spoked into it.
"who are you talking to?" you asked, while you felt like icicles were growing on your whole body
gwen didn't answer you. she just watched you worriedly, while she gently made you sit on the bench. then she took off her jacket and put it over yours.
"what are you doing?" you once again went unanswered.
"when are you going to be here?" gwen asked into the phone.
"now" a voice behind you said, which prompted both you and gwen to turn around.
"peter" you exclaimed in surprise.
"y/n" peter was by your side in a second "what were you thinking?" he seemed to be more asumed than angry, which was a relief to you.
"i wanted to surprise you"
"well, you did just that" he pointed to his backpack "i brought fresh clothes and the suit, come on" he took your hand. "are you getting home?" he asked gwen, who nodded and waved you both goodbye.
peter walked you to a toilet nearby so you could change, when you came out, spiderman was already waiting for you. he swung you both through new york, until you arrived at his place.
after you had showered and changed into your pyjamas, peter was ready for you to explain what had been going on earlier.
"i'm sorry you had to come and get me" you apologized "i was stupid"
"it's no problem" peter assured "by why the hell did you decide to go swimming at the end of december?"
"because of you" you smiled. you could almost see the question marks popping up beside peter's head, so you opened your bag, taking out the wheel and holding it in his direction.
"a skateboard wheel?"
"the skateboard wheel you lost when we ran into each other"
"it was still there?"
"yup" you smiled "just at the bottom of the pond"
"you're an idiot" peter shook his head "you risked your own health to get me this?"
"of course" you shrugged "you would've done the same for me"
peter smiled and got up from the bed. the next second he was holding a book in your direction.
"the book-"
"- i ruined when we met, yeah" peter nodded "it's even signed, i got it off ebay"
you laughed "this is so much better than my stupid idea"
"well" peter said shrugging "i might not have nearly died while getting this, but i'd say your gift is pretty amazing too. thank you, even if you are an idiot"
you laughed "luckily you came and saved me"
"i'd always save you"
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @taygrls @athenalikethegoddess
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What's Coming Up?
Hi guys! I dunno how many people actually read this blog HOWEVER here's a bit of an update.
It's been a few weeks since the last Reins update. If you follow me on Twitter, you'd know that I had to take a break from like... EVERYTHING because college was kicking my ass, and then I had family over during the break and I've just been trying to feel like a person again.
College starts back up for me again on Tuesday (I don't have classes on Monday) and strangely my motivation to write came back with it. I've just hit 100k words on the Reins document which is crazy, and I'm trying to finish up this chapter so I have two ready to post. I'm excited that we're finally moving forward in the story after sixty thousand words (yes, sixty thousand) of Applejack being either in a hospital or in a rehab centre.
What have I been writing? Lots of dialogue, lots of Applejack being angry, lots of Applejack being kind of sad and pensive, and... Some arguing. Typical Reins stuff.
There are horse things, there are family things, there are Strawberry things, there are Thistle things...
Sometimes, I feel like this story kind of has a mind of its own. Despite me having most things at least roughly planned out, there's a lot of blank space that I kind of just fill in as I'm writing it and sometimes the story surprises even me.
This day in the Reins universe has kind of been dragging on for multiple chapters, but it's kind of a big thing. I actually really like how this part of the story has been working out. I don't think it's my strongest writing, not at all, but I think it's something that's been getting put down in a way I'm happy with.
Sometimes I find it hard to feel confident in my writing, but sometimes I have people tell me they like the story and that really helps. So to those of you leaving me nice comments or even messaging me and saying you like the story, I want to give you thanks. I don't think I would have ever gotten this far in the story without you. To those of you who sent in questions to this blog, thanks as well. Hopefully, when I get back to more regular uploads I'll have more to put on this blog.
In terms of art, I have been extremely burnt out. I haven't been drawing almost anything. I did start drawing a bunch of busts of Reins characters for fun and just for me to have someplace to look at 'em for reference. Maybe I'll post that. Is that something that might interest anybody? Or maybe just even tell me what character you wanna see and I'll draw them. I know I've drawn some, but there is definitely a lot I've neglected.
There are some things in my personal life I'm trying to deal with. Falling back into bad habits isn't great, but it's something that I've been going through. It makes it hard to want to do anything but luckily Reins is something I love and that I actually enjoy doing. That's why I'm so thankful that people are enjoying it. It's not a huge smash hit on FimFiction, but that's okay. It's like our little corner of the site. A little secret place.
I'll hopefully have something to post on the site soon in terms of the next chapter. Like I said before, I have the next one done, I just want to have two done. So I guess I do have something to post, but you know what I mean.
For those of you who like to make roll credits jokes, I did accidentally write the words "letting go of the reins" in the narration. I thought it was funny. I kept it. You'll see. Maybe even chuckle. Point a finger and go "haha title drop".
Anyway, I'm sorry for my absence. For those of you that I was having a conversation with that I suddenly disappeared from, I'm sorry. If you still want to talk feel free to hit me up again I just forgot how to talk to people, to be honest.
More content soon. I promise. If there's anything you'd like to see or hear about, you know the drill.
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drsteggy · 2 years
Work in Progress Wednesday
I originally had a clip queued from a fic I ended up posting on Monday, so I’m going to drop this here instead. I’m working my way through a second play of Skyward Sword and had a bunch of Feelings after the Ancient Cistern that I wrote down. I’m not sure it’s ever actually going to become something- sometimes I go off and noodle on things that aren’t really stories, and I think that’s what this is. So I’m going to post it, because I’m trying to stay in the habit of this weekly post, even if I’m not writing a ton for whatever reason.
Sacred Flame: Farore
Link drops the ridiculously oversized sword, panting. It clatters to the floor, already littered shattered brass and stone. It’s over, for now.
The air in the Ancient Cistern is warm and humid. Water sometimes silently rolls down the tiled, algae stained walls. His boots squelch and his clothes are unpleasantly damp from swimming and sweat, sticking to him in ways they never did on Skyloft. He wipes his brow, flicking moisture away and straightens up. He hadn’t noticed the door when he entered the chamber, too distracted by the sound of the entrance locking behind him and Ghirahim’s caustic giggle.
But he sees it now.
It’s glowing, beckoning.
Surely the sacred flame he has come to find is beyond it. He flinches opening the door, unsure of what else might lie in wait.
The chamber behind the door is unimpressive, all tan and yellow stone with none of gilding and bright color of the cistern. There is no flame to be seen, just a stone altar with that winged crest he’s seen at the end of every step of this journey. He draws the sword off his back and raises the blade up, pointing back toward his home above the clouds.
The sword quickly draws the sacred power, sending a familiar vibration down his arm, and he swings the blade down, flinging that energy toward the crest. The dark stonework spins as he hits his target, lighting with divine potential. The mark of Farore above the altar hums with a warm golden glow.
The altar erupts in green flame that reaches for the high ceiling and spills beyond the edges of what’s become a huge brazier. It should be hot, he thinks. It should be uncomfortable to stand so close to such a conflagration in wet, sticky clothes, but the emerald flames offer no warmth.
He raises a hand to shield himself anyway, the tiny twist in his gut making him forget he actually has a shield on his back. He swallows, leaning back from the roaring, unnatural fire, reminding himself that he does this for Zelda.
That thought keeps him from stepping back.
He hears the musical notes from Fi as she flows out of the sword still in his other hand. She does not address him at all. For once it’s as though he doesn’t exist to her. Instead, she approaches the brazier, her aqua and blue cape flowing around her.
She is immediately struck with four jade colored fireball and swallowed by the conflagration. He cries out as she vanishes, and the room shakes. He has come this far with just this spirit in his sword as a companion. Who is going to accompany him on the next step of the journey?
Another green fireball flies from the flames, striking a wall and then the stone floor in front of him where it explodes into a bonfire, raging and fierce and oddly cold. He takes a breath and holds his ground, determined to see this through. Zelda needs him, somewhere, some when.
Fi rises from the center of the blaze before him. He gazes upon her face which is blank and unreadable as always. Her voice chimes through his mind.
Master, please raise your sword.
Without a word, he holds the blade out across his body, his grip on the verdigris hilt tight enough the skin over his knuckles stretches uncomfortably. He sets his jaw and lowers his brow.
Fi bursts into multiple small flames, rushing toward him. The first strikes the sword with enough force that he staggers back. The second and third push his weapon back toward him and he reaches out to brace the blade with his hand as it is struck again, and again, and again.
When it’s done, emerald flame dances along the blade, the way Fi sometimes dances as she imparts messages from the goddess. He raises the sword overhead again, pointing it back to the sky.
It’s different.
The blade is longer, yet somehow still feels balanced in his hand. The edge is finer, sharper. It’s a better weapon than what he brought into the chamber.
Perhaps it is not yet what it will be.
He swings the sword before him, getting a feel for its new geometry, savoring the weight in his palm, the brightness of the steel magical in the light of the chamber. He finishes by sliding it home in the sheath on his back.
And gasps at the burning sensation on the back of his right hand as he lets go of the hilt. With his heart fluttering in his throat, he holds his hand in front of him. The triangles feel branded on his skin, so bright he can see them through his glove, three equilateral triangles stacked to make a larger one, the lower right one blazing gold.
He’s seen this before, hasn’t he? Those triangles and that winged crest rose behind the Temple of Time in the Lanayru desert.
Fi swings out of the blade. She is somehow different too.
Maybe he is, as well.
Master. It is time for you to learn a new melody
He nods and sighs. The Isle of Song, then. Maybe with a stop at Skyloft for a night in his own bed, surrounded by a still life of what had been before the Wing Ceremony, before the cyclone that ripped Zelda from her loftwing and dropped her to the surface below the clouds and put things in motion.
He turns to exit the chamber, damp pants starting to chafe, boots echoing as he crosses into the room where he fought the automaton. The brass lies in silence and ruin. He pauses to look it over one last time. No one else will ever know what happened here.
He pushes on, ready to leave the cistern.
He hopes Zelda is okay, wherever, whenever she is.
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psikhika · 4 years
i was so close to a year clean from self harm but i had to fuck it up
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Aomine, kise, and Akashi with their s/o using their safe word? Maybe a short fic for each?
A/N: you got it (•̀ᴗ•́ )و …also please excuse my lack in creativity concerning the safeword, I sadly had no better and serious-sounding one than ‘RED’ .-. and I wrote this from a fem!reader’s perspective since I wasn’t sure which one you were referring to! Make sure to get back at me if you wanted it from a different perspective!! ♥️
Tags/Warnings: smut (18+!!) ✅ rough sex (in form of insufficient prep) ✅ ❚ overstimulation ✅ ❚ BDSM play ✅ shibari/bondage ✅ use of blindfold ✅ spanking ✅
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You knew that you should’ve insisted on talking with Kise.
The moment he came home you could already guess that something had happened and that his mood was down in the dumps. Usually, he would grin at you, hurriedly throw his shoes and jacket away, and then proceed to shower you with kisses, but today was different…
Today he’d come in and pretty much whispered that he was home, his movements were pretty sluggish, and even when you’d ran up to him the smile he gave you was barely noticeable. You were pretty quick in understanding that something had happened, so you immediately asked him about it, but he just shook his head in denial and reassured you that everything was alright and that you shouldn’t worry.
You decided to let it go for the time being and see how the evening played out, but unfortunately for you, there was no progress. Eventually, you decided to use your plan B: getting the truth out of him with sex.
He was one of those types that first needed some buttering up before they were ready to spill the beans and one of many ways - and the quickest - you succeeded in doing that was through bodily intimacy.
You had wrapped your arms around his neck from behind and started kissing his neck, whispering sweet nothings along his skin. It took a tad longer than usual for him to relax and indulge himself in your caresses, but things eventually took their course, and within a matter of minutes he’d taken over.
It felt amazingly good at first, the way his gentle hands roamed your body, exploring, experimenting, observing your reactions as he searched for your weak spots. The way your breath hitched when he began to play with your exposed nipples, paired with the slight tremble of your body as he let his fingers slide along your skin fired him up.
He’d soon gotten on top of you and while his mouth and tongue were busy pleasuring your chest’s sensitive buds, his fingers were preparing your lower body for what’s to follow…and that’s when it all went wrong.
Usually, he’d take his time to prepare you thoroughly with his fingers and his mouth. The way he enjoyed the slight thrashing of your body when he intentionally rubbed his fingertip against your g-spot never failed to make him smile proudly and your sweet moans when his tongue’s tip circled your puffy clit was the cherry on top. Next to making you feel good he also teased you occasionally. You like it like that, right? Hm? Is it here (Y/N)-cchi? You’re so cute you know that? You never told him, but his words never failed to increase the already intense pleasure you were receiving.
But today, after making out with you for a short while, he’d laid you down on your bed, raised your shirt up, freeing your breasts that he then kissed and pinched a few times before shifting his attention to your lower body. Once your panties were off you watched him lick two of his fingers and proceeded to stretch you, only problem was that after what felt like half a minute he pulled back and began unbuttoning his jeans, seemingly ready to move on.
You tensed up a little and tried to analyze the meaning of his rather absentminded facial expression. Many thoughts crossed your mind, such as him planning on having dry sex with you or just using his cock to get you wetter, but as soon as you felt his tip against your entrance, your mind went blank.
One of your hands stretched out towards the young man’s chest, planning on pushing him back a little, but a sharp pain made you freeze up on the spot. With wide eyes and a slightly open mouth, you looked up at the ceiling as you felt the painful way your walls were being stretched apart. Your free hand took a tight grip on the bed sheets, while the one on Kise’s chest ended up scratching his skin and even managed to draw some blood. All of these wordless pleas went unnoticed, your boyfriend’s attention was elsewhere but despite that, he didn’t stop thrusting his hips back and forth.
The pain gradually faded away but didn’t disappear completely and slowly but surely it became unbearable for you. Despite wanting to groan in pain, you bit the inner side of your cheek and began stuttering: “R-Ryou, wait please!”
Your voice was hoarse and slightly raspy from forcing back your pained moans so it barely managed to reach the young man’s ears. After vainly trying for a few more times you needed to resort to more drastic measures, so you moved both of your hands up to Kise’s face, taking a tight hold of his cheeks.
“Kise Ryouta! Red!”
The combination of his full name and the safeword both of you had agreed upon just in case, finally succeeded in catching his attention.
His eyes widened slowly as he realized what was going on. You're tensed up and slightly sweaty body beneath him, the pulsating pain in his chest, the almost painful tightness of your rather dry walls, and the most agonizing image for him: your pale face and slightly reddened lips.
Panic contorted his earlier calm facial features and he immediately pulled out, causing you to hiss at this unexpected motion.
“Oh my god, (Y/N)-cchi, I-I’m so so sorry, I–…god…h-how could this happen? W-What did I…what did I d-do?”
The tremble in his voice caused him to stutter as his shaking hands ran along your body in order to make sure that he hadn’t hurt you in any other way. His fingertips barely made contact with your skin, because he was afraid of touching you in some kind of way that could harm you any further. It was obvious that your usage of the safeword had shaken him up, even more than you’d expected, but this was your only option at that time…
With a sad smile, you took his hands in yours, brought them up to your lips, and kissed his knuckles, the sudden gesture making him flinch.
“Ryouta…do I now have your attention?” you softly asked, your kind tone moving him to tears as he ever so carefully embraced you and started apologizing multiple times. The earlier pain might not have been completely gone, but that was secondary, now you caressed the blond head that was buried in the crack of your neck, wet tears dripping down from your collarbone to your chest. In between your lover’s sobs you silently reassured and lectured him about how he shouldn’t go along with your antics if he wasn’t up for it.
When Kise had calmed down he finally raised his head to face you, his snotty and tear-stained face making you smile, as he once again begged for your forgiveness, promising you that the next time his mood was off he’d talk to you about it instead of bottling it up. Knowing that he was a man of his words you nodded proudly and gave his lips a tender kiss.
“Now then…ready for a second attempt?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Being Aomine’s lover was like a rollercoaster ride, at times he could be the person of your dreams while on others he was an unbearable asshole. Even though his attitude managed to make you see red ever so often, it also made your sexual life spicier.
He was a beast in bed, who managed to push you beyond your limits every single time. There was no such thing as can’t for him.
You can’t get into a certain position? He’ll make sure to mold your body into the position he wants you to be, regardless of how flexible you are or aren’t.
You can’t take his teasing anymore and want him to penetrate you? Sorry sweetheart but you’ll have to wait until he’s up for it and until then you’re free to beg and whine about it, providing him with further music to his ears.
You can’t hold your orgasm back any longer and want to cum? Telling him that is a bad move really because the moment he hears that he’ll grin to himself and stop all movements, wait for your body to calm down despite your numerous pleas, and resume only when he’s confident that you’re far away from reaching your high.
And it was precisely because of these past experiences that the two of you had agreed upon a safeword that you were to use only when things went too far. Both you and Aomine were confident that such a time wouldn’t come, until today…
While you were folding the laundry, your lover was in the kitchen, finishing up the dishes you’d more or less had to force him to do. Upon remembering his pouty face you couldn’t help but giggle to yourself, not noticing the tall young man creep up behind you with a mischievous grin.
“Got you!” he called out as he wrapped his arms around your body and pressed himself towards your back. You were caught off guard for a split second but decided to indulge his playfulness as a ‘reward’ for doing the dishes, but your lover unexpectedly took your well-meant intention out of proportion…
“Daiki…w-wait!” you manage to stammer out, your shaky hand gently slapping against the back of the bigger hand that’s hooked around your rib cage. Without fulfilling your request the man behind you keeps the thrust of his hips steady, as he palms your left breast and kneads it.
His slightly chapped lips run along the slight curve of your neck and pepper it with sloppy kisses. You flinch as you feel his other hand slide down your body, heading straight for your clit, and without wasting another second, starts massaging it.
Your vision gets blurry as you feel his rough finger mercilessly draw circles on your already sensitive bud and your moans grow louder as he bottoms out deep inside of you, the slapping of his balls further amplifying the squelching noise echoing in the room. All you can do is cling to him as you feel the knot inside you slowly tightening and dreading to burst any second from all the ministrations.
“You gonna cum?” he asks in a low whisper while nibbling on your ear. You bite your lower lip and nod multiple times as you squeeze your eyes shut and ready yourself for your orgasm.
The moment your walls squeezed down on Aomine’s shaft it made him shudder in pleasure and groan out a silent that’s it as he slowed down his hips’ thrusts, letting you indulge in your orgasm. His deep blue eyes fondly observed the way your body twitched and the slight tremble of your thighs against his own made him tighten his grip around you. While you were still trying to recover from the intense wave of pleasure that had shaken you, you felt how your boyfriend’s cock hardened inside of you, but before you could call out to him, the man took a fistful of your hair and pushed your face down on the pile of folded clothes before you.
He resumed his earlier thrusting speed, but thanks to the slight change in positions he managed to hit the entrance to your womb every single time his hips collided with your soft behind. Truth be told, when Aomine saw you - the person he loved so much - cum that hard by his hands it flipped a switch inside of him. The young man was usually holding many of his kinks and desires back out of worry for the consequences they’d have on your body, but right now all these worries had disappeared and were replaced by a single thought.
I’ll give her an orgasm that will mess her up
You felt an enormous weight push your back further into the mattress, your legs were spread apart, pulled back, and trapped beneath muscular calves. Something told you that whatever was about to happen it wasn’t going to be pleasant, so before your lover began you reached back, searching for his hand and whispering out his name in a slightly trembling voice.
Whatever your intention was, it was completely ignored by your boyfriend, because the moment he heard the silent call of his name he began to downright fuck you as if there was no tomorrow. Your eyes widened at the fast speed at which you were spread apart and the way his body had pinned you to the bed provided you with further friction that made you tear up.
You wished you could say that it felt good, but that might have been the case on another day where you hadn’t cum as hard as you did a few minutes ago. Right now you were in pain. Every thrust forward made your stomach tense up painfully, while each graze of the bedsheets against your abused clit made you jump; you were just so sensitive from before that anything Aomine did, made you shudder and jump as if he was throwing ice-cold water at your burning skin.
Even when you loudly pleaded with him to wait or stop, he seemingly didn’t hear you and kept going. So with not much of a choice left, you tried pushing yourself back against him, your safeword escaping your lips. ”Aomine, stop! Red! Red!“
And just like that all of his movements seized almost immediately, the weight on your back was lifted in an instant, and you were carefully pulled up right into the man’s muscular arms. He didn’t have to say anything, the tight hold around your sore body was enough to get the message across.
You relaxed against his chest and let your head drop on his shoulder as you finally granted your body a well-deserved break from all the over-stimulation. Only when you felt better did you wrap your arms around him.
“…’m sorry (Y/N)” he mumbled against your head in an unusually regretful and pained tone. Having you use the safeword the two of you had agreed upon was something neither of you thought would happen and now that it did, it was quite shocking.
You closed your eyes and planted a soft kiss on his neck, your hand moving up to the back of his head and gently ruffled his slightly sweaty hair.
“It’s ok Daiki, just…just let me rest for a bit next time before going all out like that, ok?”
He leaned back to look into your eyes and sniffled silently, before nodding a few times and giving you a peck on the lips.
Being as perfectionistic as Akashi was in nearly everything proved to be good in certain situations, though truth be told, the young man had bettered himself and was now less hard on himself than before, mainly thanks to you.
In the first few months of your relationship with him, everything was going perfectly well, including your sexual life. He was very attentive and always listened to any worry or topic you had on your mind, not only that but he was also very quick to pick up whenever something didn’t sit well with you. The best example of such a moment was when you’d first started having sex with each other.
Everything was, as expected, perfect but as time went on you felt like something was missing. It just wasn’t enough, you thought and it took you a while to bring it up and when you finally did things turned out to be unexpectedly different.
“Just use the safeword whenever you feel like it’s becoming too much for you or when you’re uncomfortable or anything of that sort, ok?” he softly asks as he tightens the last knot of the red rope around your body, watching you nod in agreement.
The young man took a few steps back to admire his handiwork and deeply breathed in as he pulled out a thin black fabric from one of the shelves. His slender and slightly rough hands brought the fabric around your face and before robbing you of your vision completely, he wanted to confirm the safeword one last time.
“What do you say when you want me to stop?”
“…red” you answered in a silent but firm voice, your response earning you a gentle kiss on the nape of your neck before everything went dark.
The silence and darkness that surrounded you, made you so nervous that you could practically hear the way your heart thumped against your bosom. Your breathing quickened and caused the ropes to practically bore into your skin with each lift of your chest. When you felt the gentle hands of your beloved trail down your back it made goosebumps adorn your skin and you slightly shivered at the prickling sensation.
Just as you’d gotten used to it, the warmth left your back and with your heightened senses, you listened to the faint steps of the red-haired young man who yet again turned around to pull something out of the drawer once more. While Akashi was doing that you tried to get a better feel for the ropes that were constraining your movements, so you wiggled slightly.
“I don’t remember giving you permission to move around now did I?” you heard a low voice mutter behind you and before you could apologize you felt something cold hit your exposed butt. You yelped out in surprise and instinctively attempted to raise your hand to cover your mouth, but the ropes stopped you mid-movement, their rough structure leaving faint marks behind.
After that failed attempt you began to take slow but deep breaths, ignoring the tight feeling surrounding your body. That’s when you felt the object Akashi had spanked you with touch your back and trace your spine’s curve with the leathery surface.
“I trust you’ll behave so that I don’t have to do that again” he cooed next to your ear, kissing it gently while eagerly awaiting your response.
Being in control was nothing new to the young man and it usually didn’t mean much, but now that the person he loved was at the palm of his hands, leaving both their vision and body entirely to him gave him a new sense of power he’d never felt before. His hands were trembling with excitement and just the mere thought of all the possibilities that this little play had in store for you made the tent in his pants feel tighter than before.
Not receiving an answer for that short while during which he fantasized about the upcoming pleasure and sweet pain he’d provide you with, made him a tad impatient, so he brought his arm around your body and teasingly tugged on the knot between your breasts while his other hand lifted the black leather belt from your back and prepared for another spank.
“So you’re not going to answer, huh?”
You tensed your muscles and bit your lower lip as you felt the object hit your buttocks for a second time, but instead of the same tingling sensation from before it hurt, and whenever the cold air around you made contact with your reddened skin it burned so bad that it knocked the air out of your lungs, leaving you behind panting and gasping for air.
Mentally you were still stuck at the first time he spanked you, his unexpected words and the surprising roughness he treated you with were still stuck in your mind.
Was that really the same Akashi who treated you like a delicate flower during your first few times? Did he use his entire strength or is he still holding back?
Question after question poured into your mind, but before you could speak one of them aloud you were slapped yet another time.
“You must be really feeling it if you’re defying me for that long”
N-No…i-it hurts
You clenched your fists and let your nails dig into the ropes around your hands to try and cope with the pain and the way he played with your nipples wasn’t helping.
“Hm? What was that my dear? I think you might want to speak up a little, or else I won’t know what you want” he said in a playful tone, positioning the belt on your bruised skin.
“N-No, Seijuro please!” you begged, body thrashing around, disregarding the slight sting of the ropes. You felt his gentle arms protectively wrap around your body as he leaned his chin on your shoulders and said: “(Y/N)…we agreed on something, didn’t we?”
His voice was silent but carried a certain amount of sternness that made you freeze up and look down in shame. Through gritted teeth, you whispered out the safeword and remained motionless as your lover began removing the ropes around your body. Much to your surprise, they were tighter than expected, so the moment they were loose enough for removal, you felt your blood circulation resume its course without disruption, making you feel a little weak on your knees.
“It wasn’t that hard now was it, (Y/N)?” Akashi asked as he carefully removed your blindfold and walked around you, now facing you. He let his eyes glide up and down your body, regret distorting his facial features.
“I-I’m sorry Sei, I just…I didn’t want to back out because it wa–”
“You don’t have to apologize, I know” he interrupted and caressed your cheeks before finishing what he intended to tell you, “but I told you to use our safeword if something wasn’t to your liking, didn’t I?”
You nodded and apologized to him, but you were still not looking into his eyes, only when he lifted your chin with his finger did your eyes meet. With a small smile, he gave your lips a soft kiss and smiled. “Just make sure to speak up next time, ok? I’ll never be mad at you or anything if you do…this is why we agreed on a safeword after all, right?”
A wide grin adorned your lips as you nodded energetically a few times and wrapped your arms around the neck of your boyfriend, relieved and happy that you worked it out.
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starryhyuck · 4 years
thin walls. (m)
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pairing: softdom!jaemin x sub!reader
words: 1.8k+
summary: you try your best to keep quiet since you know jaemin’s room is right next to yours. turns out you’re not as quiet as you think.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: dom!jaemin, bestfriend!jaemin, roommate!jaemin, oral sex, daddy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie
“Isn’t it weird?”
“Is what weird?”
You’re having your weekly video call with Donghyuck and Renjun, the latter actually paying attention to your conversation while the former furiously clicks away on his keyboard.
“We’ve been quarantining for almost a year now. You haven’t gotten any dick in months and your roommate is like the hottest guy we know,” Renjun clarifies, raising an eyebrow. You both ignore the sound of Donghyuck grumbling loudly as he loses another game.
You roll your eyes. “And you’re so concerned about my sex life because?”
“Because clearly, neither me or Donghyuck have one. I’m living vicariously through you.”
That gets Donghyuck’s attention. “For your information, I am supporting many lovely women through OnlyFans. It’s only Renjun that has difficulties with sexual partners.”
Renjun scoffs. “I could have anyone on their knees for me, and we all know it.”
There’s a knock on your door and you take an earbud out when Jaemin pops his head in. He looks like a mess — his hair springing up in different places and eyes puffy. You frown at his disheveled state.
“Hey, are you still busy?”
Your fingers move at the speed of lightning, barely registering Renjun’s protest when you quickly leave the meeting. You toss your laptop and earbuds aside to give your best friend your full attention.
He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. “If you’re busy, I can come back later.”
“Nope, not busy anymore. Are you okay, Jaem?”
He fully enters the room and shuts the door behind him. He smiles softly at you as he takes a seat on your bed.
“Not feeling too great. Just wanted to see you.”
You ignore the swell in your chest at his confession, worriedly stroking his cheek when you realize how red his eyes are. His hand comes up to play with your fingers, eyes moving in and out of focus.
“What’s wrong?” You finally ask.
He shrugs. “Didn’t do so well on my test today. Feeling a little hopeless.”
Your frown grows deeper. You move closer to him, wanting to soothe his pain.
“Don’t say that. It’s just one test, you’ll do better on the next one. I’ll help you! We can make flash cards and create some trivia games to help you remember.”
He chuckles, eyes still staring down at your connected hands.
“You always know what to say. How is that?”
You giggle. “I earned the title of your best friend for a reason.”
“I suppose you did.” His eyes move upwards to lock on you. “Can I stay here? Just for tonight.”
You freeze. You haven’t slept next to Jaemin in months, the two of you only doing so when you were really drunk or really sad. You don’t even remember what it’s like to fall asleep in your best friend’s arms.
And you two fall into a quiet rhythm, Jaemin’s arms circling around you as he brings your back to his chest. Your eyes flutter shut, focusing on his steady breaths as you try to fall asleep.
You’re startled when you suddenly feel a pair of lips ghost over your neck, pressing a small kiss to your collarbone.
He hums in response, not showing any signs of stopping while he continues to pepper kisses on your shoulder.
“Jaem, w-what are you d-doing?”
“I heard you last night.”
You pause. You try to register what he’s saying, which you find is incredibly hard to do when his tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your neck. You backtrack to last night, when you were feeling so drowsy but struggled to get to sleep. You don’t remember much, except for the fact that you reached to your nightstand to grab your vibrator-
Oh. Oh fuck.
“Y-You heard that?”
He hums again, moving to suck your neck with vigor. When he finally parts from his masterpiece, he chuckles.
“How could I not? The walls aren’t exactly thin, you know. I hear everything — all your silly commentary when you rewatch your favorite dramas, your weekly conversations with Renjun and Donghyuck, the pretty little noises you make when you turn your vibrator on, and the unmistakable sound of porn you watch when you’re really aroused.”
You feel more than embarrassed, stuttering as you try to offer an explanation. Jaemin chuckles against your ear, biting softly down on the lobe. A whimper tumbles out of your mouth before you realize it.
“I couldn’t sleep last night after listening to you. You made me fail my test, baby.”
“I’m s-sorry.”
“If you’re really sorry, you’ll let me eat you out.”
You swear your heart stops. “W-What?”
“I’m hungry. You wouldn’t want me to go to bed on an empty stomach, would you?”
“U-Um, no.”
Before you know it, you’re on your back with Jaemin between your legs. His fingers thumb over the fabric of your pajama shorts and he looks up at you, his eyes glimmering with a question.
You nod. “It’s okay, Jaem.”
With your permission, he slides your shorts down your legs and throws them haphazardly across the room. His gaze darkens at the sight of your lacy panties, which you honestly wore unintentionally today. You’re glad you picked them this morning though, because Jaemin looked like he was about to go insane at the sight.
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
And then his tongue licks a stripe up your clothed core and you yelp. He’s almost predatory, shoving your underwear aside and diving into your sopping pussy. You moan when his tongue furiously licks your folds, curling in on yourself while he holds you down.
He parts from you briefly and raises an eyebrow. “I think you have another name to call me.”
You’re confused yet again. “W-What?”
He snickers. “Forgot already? I listened to all those dirty videos you were watching, baby. I know all your cute little kinks. Now, I know you have a different name to address me as.”
“J-Jaemin, I-“
He clicks his tongue. “That’s not right.”
You gather all the courage you have inside of you, ignoring the clear embarrassment on your face by the fact that Jaemin has discovered all of your secret fantasies.
“Daddy, please eat me out.”
He smiles mischievously. “Good girl.”
You have no time to dwell on your self-consciousness before he’s sinking a finger inside of you, tongue lapping at your clit. You feel like a dog in heat, warmth spreading throughout your body as you struggle to comprehend the fact that your best friend is currently eating you out like his life depends on it.
“D-Daddy, daddy!” You scream when he slips another finger inside, curling them upwards while he sucks on your clit furiously. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-“
You cry out when your orgasm sweeps over you in waves, thrashing and whimpering under Jaemin’s hold. He uses his other hand to hold your hips down when the oversensitivity crashes into you, desperately trying to push away from him.
“D-Daddy, no, I-I’m sensitive-“
Jaemin growls and holds you tighter, fingers still drilling into your pussy and mouth wrapped around your sensitive bud. You don’t have time to warn him when your second orgasm comes just as quickly as the first, convulsing around him. You try to gain a sense of strength to push him away before he can launch you into a third, and Jaemin gets the message as he parts from you.
His chin glimmers with evidence of your arousal, fingers slipping into his mouth while he tastes the remnants of your two orgasms.
He pounces on you, lips crashing into yours and you moan. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and the fact shoots another spike of arousal to your core.
“What else did they do in that video, baby?” He whispers breathily. “Tell me.”
Your brain is a little fuzzy as you try to remember.
“H-He fucked the girl until she was crying and she took it. Anything to please her d-daddy.”
He smirks. “Is that what I should do to you? Fuck you until you’re crying? Will you do anything to please me?”
You know you trusted Jaemin with your life, so you nod.
“Anything for you, daddy.”
He grins. He quickly pulls down his sweatpants and his cock springs up, already half hard. You gulp at his size, and you’re suddenly reminded of why Renjun calls Jaemin the hottest guy you know. Jaemin’s girth wasn’t exactly a secret in your friend group, many rumors spreading around after Donghyuck discovered how well endowed your roommate actually was.
His fingers grip his base, slowly pumping himself while keeping his eyes locked on you.
“Like what you see, baby? Do you think your pussy is ready to take daddy’s fat cock?”
“Y-Yes, d-daddy. I c-can take your c-cock.”
He chuckles at your response, brushing strands of hair away from your face to fully look at you. His look is almost endearing, and you would swoon any other day if he wasn’t about to fuck you.
He lines himself up to your entrance, pausing for a second.
“Do I need to get a condom?”
You shake your head. “I’m on birth control. We’re fine.”
He doesn’t hesitate any longer, pushing into you slowly. You whine at the stretch. You haven’t been taken like this in months, and your vibrator is no match for his huge cock. He coaxes you through the pain, whispering softly in your ear and kissing your neck again to help ease you up.
Once he bottoms out, he waits patiently for your go ahead before moving. You can tell it’s killing him on the inside, brows pushed together as he tries his best not to pound you deep into the mattress.
“P-Please, daddy.”
Jaemin builds a steady pace inside of you, groaning and grunting into your ear as he sinks deeper and deeper. Your mind draws a blank when you struggle to form any coherent words, babbling while he impales you with his cock.
“You’re such a good girl for me. Always so good. Been waiting for this forever, baby. Dreamed so long of having you underneath me like this.”
“Daddy,” you gasp at his unexpected confession, hissing lowly when his fingers circle around your clit. Tears spring up in your eyes from the pleasure.
“Especially all those mornings when you were wearing practically nothing in front of me, you don’t even know how many times I wanted to take you on the kitchen counter.”
You cry when his cock hits you harder and faster.
“But you’re so good for me now, aren’t you, baby? So pretty and perfect for her daddy.”
“Y-Yes, daddy,” you whimper. “I’m all yours. All good for daddy.”
Jaemin groans loudly. “Cum for me, baby. Cum for daddy.”
Your orgasm is blinding, your nails digging into his shoulders as you ride out your high. He follows shortly after you, grunting when he shoots his cum deep inside your waiting womb.
You both lay in silence before you suddenly burst out in laughter. Jaemin eyes you.
“We just fucked. I just fucked my best friend and called him daddy. This is so surreal.”
He chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips.
“Better get used to it. Who knows how long we’ll be stuck in quarantine together.”
You smile. “Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
May I request Ogun with a Black shy female reader doing a training session that leads to a little bit more 🙈
Anon please
You’re a second-generation pyrokinetic (Like Joker and Maki). Idk why but I made up in my head that you have flint-bottomed tap-dancing shoes that briefly light when you scrape your feet against the floor…..so that’s where you get your fire from 🤣🤣🤣
This one is a bit longer than normal cause i gotta build the tension
I am terrible at action scenes bruh
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Chug- lift heels, slide forward, and then drop the heels at the end of the slide forwards
“Hey, Y/n!” You look up from the bland mashed potatoes and corn Company 5 had prepared. It was a hot Sunday morning and your partner in crime was as excited as ever. He stood a few feet away at the back entrance in the cafeteria. Cocking a thumb behind him, he dawns a toothy grin. “Want to play a quick game?” The game Ogun hinted at was one you were quite familiar with and one you should have known he would ask you to participate in today. “Fine, but don’t cry when I win.” You scoop another spoonful of corn before tossing your tray away for recycling. You’d need all your strength cause Ogun never lost without asking for back-to-back redos.
.You didn’t quite understand the need to be sweaty all the time, but always gave in to his whims
Ogun preferred to train in the field where the sun shined the most throughout the day at the far left of the Company. Often as you went on throughout your day-to-day training, you’d spot Ogun doing laps and practicing his attacks throughout the day.
“I’m feeling fired up today Y/n, you might want to be worried.” You close your eyes as you stretched an arm over your chest. You had yet to lose but you knew Ogun only saw that as a personal goal to get past. “Let’s get this over with, I’m tired.” The smell of smoke enters your nostrils giving you enough time to dodge Oguns boosted attack. “I told you about letting yourself known Mr. Montgomery.” You open your eyes, Oguns skin was lit ablaze with his pyrokinetic abilities.
From afar you’ve always admired the swirls that decorated his skin whenever you got amped up, and this time was no different. “I see you’re already using “Flaming Ink” what, you already scared?” Ogun widened his stance, glowing white eyes watching you shift your feet. “I’ve been working on a new move that I want to show you so why don’t you try your little fire trick.”
Curious, you scuff your shoe on the floor and draw your fire...only the fire doesn’t come. You do it again and the light goes out just as quick as it came. “What did you do?” You narrowed your eyes at Ogun. “Oh nothing, I’m just faster than you now.” You take a few steps back, “Oh that’s how you want to play it? Okay!” You take off running at the very edge of the field and Ogun is fast behind you. Internally you admit that he had gotten much faster, but a simple fact as that wasn’t going to make you lose.
Doing your best to maintain speed, you chug and draw the flames close to your chest out of Montgomery’s line of sight. It was small, mostly snuffed by the kick of your legs as you ran but it was big enough to get the job done. Similar to Ogun in his natural state, you too could throw projectiles just not as damage-inducing.
Turning around as you run, your eyes widen when Ogun appears just inches in front of you, “Surprise!” Your flame is snuffed and you tumble bringing Montgomery down with you. You prepare to feel your body be crushed by his muscled one but at the last minute your shoulders are grabbed and you flip again. The change in elevation causes you to lose a bit of focus, but you can still clearly feel Ogun cushion your fall.
“Oh wow, this looks like something out of an anime.” Ogun laughs when he finds himself lying flat on his back, you positioned comfortably on top of him. The position was completely ridiculous with your thighs straddling his stomach but you were thankful that you wouldn’t be in any sort of pain later.
“Looks like I’ll need to train harder huh?” You playfully punch Ogun’s shoulder. Even though the whole ordeal only lasted 6 minutes, you could feel your back drenched with sweat. While you couldn’t wait to get in the shower, Ogun seemed content with being in a salty state. “You’re dripping all over me you know?” Your head immediately snapped down to look at Ogun with wide eyes, “Excuse me?”
Ogun had a neutral look on his face not hinting at any humor behind his words. “You’re sweating really bad. Did little ole me get you all worked up?” He had to be teasing you at this point, but you couldn’t find a single crack in his facade. “Yeah well, maybe if you didn’t choose this big ass field with no trees I wouldn’t be 2 seconds from passing out.” You stand up, a bit wobbly, and help him up. “I’m going to go shower, you can stay out here if you want to.”
Ogun happily joins you on the way to the showers. You could hear his excitement from finally beating you. “Don’t get cocky, it was a one-time occurrence Ogun.” An arm is slung over your shoulder. In a smug tone, Ogun mocks you, “Don’t be mad cause you lost. You’ve had enough time to be cocky on your own terms.” You gasp mockingly before turning your head to spit back a remark but lose your breath from how close his face is to yours. At such close proximity, you become aware of small details. How his skin shinned in the sunlight, how Oguns eyes contained such a very specific hue of orange that they mimicked the fire of Sol almost precisely. You even wouldn’t be surprised if they would burn to the touch.
“What’s the matter, got nothing to say?” Out of instinct, you shove his head away with so much force he goes flying before landing on his ass. Before any questions are asked you deflect, “Gross I got your B.O all on my shoulders.” From behind Ogun scoffs, “How dare you, any other fine lady would be blessed to be near my manly musk.” Stifling a laugh you utter one final tease before slipping into the girl’s shower, “Yeah, manly must.”
It was endless labor as your captain followed you around, blowing that damn whistle. Given laundry duty, you had to take multiple shifts back and forth throughout each level of the building to collect everyone’s clothing. When you came across Ogun’s level your job was hindered as you were forced to wait as he sifts through his piles of dirty laundry, “Trush me Y/n, there’s a shirt that I accidentally put in here but it’s actually clean.” “Ogun if it’s in the dirty clothes then it’s dirty.” You try to haul his stuff out but he stops you. “I swear if you don’t move I’ll burn your stuff.”
Ogun chuckles, “You burn my clothes and it’ll catch your clothing as well.” Ogun reaches inside the pile you held pulling out a blank white T-shirt that looked annoyingly similar to the 12 other T-shirts you had watched him toss to the side. “Unless of course, you’re trying to go streaking which by all means I encourage you to.” You ignore his joke and pretend it doesn’t strike a certain feeling in your gut.
For your next task, you had to prepare different levels of activities for a group of 5th graders coming to the company the next day. Of course, Ogun would be assigned to the same task as well so while you worked diligently to bring equipment from the storage room, Ogun spent his time using each of the items incorrectly. “Please stop bouncing the footballs with the tennis racket before you get hurt.” Ogun ignored you as he dribbled with the racket. “Don’t be mad cause you’re not as creative as me.”
Well, as you predicted Ogun ends up getting punted in the face when he tries to toss the football in the hoop. Even though the sound it made on impact was loud and hollow, Ogun barely flinches when it ricochets. “Wow you seem pretty experienced with getting hit in the face with balls, you barely moved.” Ogun glared as he watched you pick up the football. Absentmindedly you spin the football as you speak, “You know if I didn’t know any bet-” Your speech is gargled when your mouth becomes stuffed.
While you weren’t watching Ogun through a basketball at your hand making you push the end of the football in your mouth. “Wow you seem pretty experienced with balls in your mouth, you gotta show me some time.” You cradle your mouth, it throbbed with dull pain and resentment filled your mind. “I’m sure it’ll be easy, there aren’t going to be too many inches stopping me.”
At this point, both your nerves are on high alert, and the energy in the air shifts from playful to angry. “Oh yeah?” Ogun walks slowly and calmly towards you, raising a brow when you stumble back yet still maintain your glare. The hand cradling your jaw is held tightly in his grasp, “Would you like to try?” The dare only eggs you on, “You won’t last a second.” The faint twitch of his temple lets you know you hit a nerve.
Both you and Ogun’s heads snap to the left. Pan stood at the gym doorway arms waving and whistle blowing, a clear attempt at reprimanding your laziness. The playful aura comes back and you and Ogun are subjected to extra work for your negligence. “This is your fault you know.” he shoots back, “I don’t want to hear it Montgomery.”
Ogun walked down the hallway in search of a new victim to torture, so it was only pure convenience when he stumbled near your living quarters and caught you just before you walked inside. “Y/n! You were absent for dinner.” You take one look at him before dashing into your room. All you wanted was to sleep, training with Ogun, and then having to complete your own set of chores plus extra was tiering. So seeing Ogun wandering out and about during the late hours only met trouble.
You jolt from your train of thought as your door is banged on. “Go away Montgomery, I’m trying to sleep.” Ogun whined, “Well you weren’t trying too hard cause you weren’t in your room yet, now let me in.” You kicked the door back, “No, now go away!”
No sound is heard, not even a shuffle. Sighing you walk towards your bed with a content smile, you’d apologize to him later but now it was your time for rest. Heavy wind billowed through your opened window making you shiver as the curtains tickle your skin. The sharp coolness made your teeth rattle but it was just the right amount of cool you needed in order to head off quickly to dream land. Turning the dial of your lamp, your room is shrouded in darkness and you climb underneath the covers. Nothing could stop the relaxation you were about to receive…….nothing but the feeling of “something ain’t right.”
Opening your eyes and expecting the worse, you are then greeted with the worst as the same fiery eyes you admired hours before, hovered above your face. “You should really close your window.” You scream and throw a punch in Oguns direction but it is in vain as he catches it and pins it down. “I should really get you back for doing that earlier.” Ogun doesn’t make any move to let you go or even speak again. “How the hell did you get there so fast?” You are unable to look away from his eyes, nothing else would have mattered anyway.
More wind blows through your curtains. “I told you I’ve gotten faster.” You can feel his breath caressing your cheek the closer he gets to your face. The hand wrapped around your wrist tightens despite your body being slackened. “Oh yeah?”
No one knows who moved first. All you know is that your pajamas were being ripped off of your body as Ogun aggressively devoured your lips. Tossing everything to the ground, Ogun sits above you, with his shirt was off, you are given the liberty to admire his chiseled body. Ogun makes quick work with fingering you open, watching with a toothy grin as your chest shakes and your breath stutters. “Not talking much now are you?” He doesn’t care if you respond, all he cares about is wearing you down. You pull him closer, nails dragging down his back, as your orgasm overwhelms you. “Ogun!” Your legs are hiked up and over his shoulders as he positions below you.
“Good job, I don’t want to hear anything else but my name.” The stretch was burning and filled you tightly. “How many inches you think that is?” You weakly slap Ogun’s arm as he weakly ruts into you before pulling out completely, “S-Stop making fun of me.” “ Aww, but it’s fun!” Ogun is slow and precise as he mashes his hips forward. There is no hesitation and the pace stays at a fluid toe-curling pressure. “You’re so silent now Y/n. Tell me, how does it feel, huh?” Your back raises from off the bed, “It...good-I oh god!”
The simple fact that you couldn’t speak sent tremors to Oguns cock. He wanted to tease you more, make you break. Your pussy was wet and sopping for him and not even Sol could make him stop fucking you, not when you looked so beautiful underneath him. But a mischievous streak doesn’t go away that easy.
Leaning back on his haunches, you are put back on top of Ogun, the same position you were in when on the feild. He doesn’t move and just looks at you, “What are, what are you doing?” You try to bounce but he holds you down making you pulse around him. “Please let me move.” But he doesn’t, the only movement you get is when you’re held down harder on his cock. “How many inches Y/n?” You shrug, “I don’t freaking know like 5 or something!?” You just wanted to cum not answer a random questionnaire.
Ogun uses his strength to lift you up and slam you back down. “Wrong, try again.” It takes a moment for you to catch the breath that got knocked out at the second stroke. “Do you really want me to stroke your stupid ego, fine 8inches!” You are slammed down again and this time it hits a special spot just short of your G. “Wrong again, don’t be a smart ass Y/n” He rubbed your side. “Come on, play my game for a little bit, don’t you want to cum on my dick?” Oguns hands squeeze your breasts, thumbs rotating the dark circles of your areolas leaving your nipples to tingle in need.
“Si-Six damn it! It has to be like 6.” your answer is mumbled but is loud enough to satisfy Ogun. As if you weighed nothing less than a piece of paper, Ogun uses his thighs to bounce you on his cock. Your chest bounces in his face taking his immature mind to cloud nine. He could feel the tell tell sign of his own orgasms cumming, as your ass slammed down on his shaft. “Stop squeezing down so damn hard!”
Being the person you are, you don’t listen even after you feel Ogun spill inside of you. “Oh fuck!” You rearrange your own legs and start bouncing at your own pace. The tight grip on your waist means nothing as you chase your second cumming. “Hurry up you little shit my balls are burning!” Ogun tossed his head back as his mouth releases cracked moans. His cock continued to twitch as it became softer but still stimulated. Soon, Ogun couldn’t take the stimuli anymore and pushes you down on the bed. The feeling of his fingers thrusting in and out of your pussy was a little less satisfying than his cock but you cream around it just as easily.
You lay down giggling while Ogun goes in and out of sleep. “I was right, you didn’t last a second.” “Shut the hell up, you’re like a vice.” Your sweaty state somehow doesn’t bother you as you rest in the afterglow. Your blinds continue to shimmer as the wind continues to blow. “Five and a half.” The numbers mean nothing to your muddled brain, “What?” Ogun looks at you, “5 and a half inches is the correct answer but I appreciate the 6.”
Suddenly the glow was no longer worth it.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Comics | A.G
Paring: Aidan Gallagher X Fem!Reader
Summary: Aidan meets an unusually pretty girl at a library while trying to find a textbook for school
Warnings: Cursing
This male was not easily captivated by females. His heart was guarded with the highest of security. Being hurt multiple times was the reason for his high guard.
Not only that, but he was surrounded by actresses and models his entire life. Pretty girls didn’t phase him. Smart girls did. Intelligence was a significant impresser for him.
This girl, whom he found himself falling for, was extremely intelligent. She was a good beauty, of course, but her smarts are what made her stand out. Her sense of style was odd as well.
Her earrings had Yahtzee tiles, the right ear had the letter F, and the left had the letter U. She wouldn’t be her without her signature, Doc Martens. A blank jacket usually resided around her waist, along with a graphic tee covering her chest. Jeans or leggings were generally on her legs.
Aidan adored her. She was gorgeous, and her brains were brilliant. Her personality was bright, just like her vibrant dyed hair. This girl we’ve been speaking about, you may ask? Her name was Y/n L/n, and she was brilliant.
Y/n had finished college by the time she was just twenty, and Aidan was just finishing his associate's degree. They met at a library.
She was browsing through the comic book section like she frequently did. He was looking for a textbook, but his eyes were caught on this extraordinary female sitting at a table alone. The textbook had fallen from his hands, causing a clattering noise.
Y/n perked up at the sound and saw him. He was cute, in her opinion. But he seemed so far out of her league. He was adorable. He picked up the textbook and sent her an awkward smile that made her heart race.
She looked over at the nervous male and sent him a wink which caused his cheeks to flush a scarlet. Aidan walked over and bought the textbook. Then with hesitation, he walked to her table and sat before her.
Y/n slowly looked up from her comic book to see him with an open textbook out, accompanied by an iPad which was meant for writing notes. Y/n’s head laid in the palms of her hands.
“ Did I startle you? “ Aidan queried nervously, “ No, not at all. But it seems that I have surprised you. “ Y/n smirked, and Aidan blushed again.
“ Y- You did startle me. “ Aidan stammered, “ That’s adorable. “ Y/n snickered.
“ Whatcha got their pretty boy? “ Y/n questioned, trying to glimpse at the textbook, “ O- Oh, it’s um- “ Aidan began as he scrambled through his notes.
“ It’s my last class. I need to get my associate's degree. I graduate in December. “ Aidan answered, “ I remember those days. “ Y/n reminisced.
Aidan furrowed his eyebrows at the girl, “ Got a question for me? “ Y/n teased, “ I don’t mean to be rude, but how old are you? “ Aidan asked out of pure curiosity.
“ Twenty years old graduated college with my bachelors in May. “ Y/n responded, and Aidan was taken aback, “ H- How? “
Y/n chuckled, “ I started college my junior year of high school. I work as a comic book artist. This is part of my work. I analyze comic books because it helps me when working to draw my characters. “
“ H- Have you read The Umbrella Academy? “ Aidan inquired, “ Indeed. It was one of my assignments to analyze it in college. I’ve also watched the Netflix series. You are Number Five, if I’m not mistaken. “ Y/n explained.
Aidan visually gulped, “ Y- Yeah. I did play Number Five. “ Aidan replied, “ So you’re the famous Aidan Gallagher. “ Y/n taunted.
“ I guess so. “ Aidan responded, “ So Whats someone as famous as you talking to little me? Mm? “
Aidan’s cheeks flushed again, “ Y- You caught my eye. I think you’re pretty. “ The male nervously spoke, “ But if the rumors are true, beauty doesn’t appeal to you. Intelligence does. “ Y/n replied with a slight smirk.
Aidan didn’t speak. She knew him or knew about him. She was smart, brilliant. She had all her facts and knew them like the back of her hand. It left him astonished.
“ Might wanna close your mouth. You might catch swallow a fly by accident. However, it’s just a suggestion. “ Y/n winked, and Aidan immediately closed his jaw.
Without another second passing, Y/n stood up with her book in hand. Then she exited the building. Aidan was left in shock at the forward female. Now he was left wondering if he would ever see him again.
A couple of days later, it was Saturday. This meant that Aidan would go live for his Patreon. Secretly he hoped that the girl would join. Hell, he didn’t even get her name. He’d never find her again.
Aidan started the live, and immediately the chat was filled with different comments. The male searched through some of them. He was desperately looking for something to start a conversation with.
“ ‘Do you have more music planned?’ “ Aidan read aloud, “ Yes, indeed I do. I’ve recently been overwhelmed with inspiration. “ The male answered.
Again he skimmed through the comments, “ ‘What was the past week like?’ “ Aidan questioned, “ Well, I’d say it was interesting. I met this person getting my textbook for my last class, and they were very intriguing. “
Now the comments were flooded with questions asking who this person was or what they looked like. Aidan scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“ I- I actually didn’t get their name. “ Aidan stuttered out, “ ‘What did they look like?’ Well, they had dyed hair and sported a pair of glasses. They also had Yahtzee earrings. They were really cool lookin’. Regardless they caught my attention. We had a little chat, and then they left. “ Aidan explained.
That’s as far into detail as Aidan got when speaking about her. Truthfully he couldn’t say much more other than how confident and cocky she appeared to be.
After finishing his class on Monday, he scrambled to grab his things and head to the library. But this time, he had a specific gift for the girl who he didn’t know the name of. However, he thought the gift would be much better in her hands than his.
So, without a second thought, Aidan sat down at the same table and began notes. The sound of a bell ringing is what caught his attention. There she was. She was handing the librarian a stack of comic books.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The girl then proceeded to walk out of the door, and Aidan grabbed the gift to follow her.
“ Wait! “ He shouted as he left the library.
Y/n turned around to be met with the boy she met only days ago, “ Hello? “ The confident female chuckled, “ I- I saw you check in all those comic books and not getting any. May I ask why? “ Aidan queried out of breath.
“ Well, if you must know, I’m moving. It turns out Los Angeles isn’t the place for me. “ Y/n responded, her tone airy and light, “ O- Oh. Well, I wanted to give this to you. “ Aidan spoke, slightly disappointed at the news.
Y/n took the comic in his hand. It was the first issue of the Umbrella Academy, “ I love the thought, but I already have a copy. “ Y/n denied softly, “ Open it. “ Aidan replied.
Hesitating, she opened the comic. On the first page was a signature. Not just anyone’s signature. Gerard way’s signature. That had been her idol for years and the entire reason she was in the field of comic book illustrating.
“ D- Do you like it? “ Aidan asked nervously, “ How did you? And why? Stuff like this is valuable. “ Y/n said as thoughts ran past her head.
“ Well, I have the other copies signed at my apartment. I thought this would be much better in your hands. “ The male smiled, “ I hope you don’t mind, but I may have accidentally left a bookmark in there. “
Y/n shook her head, “ No problem. “
Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek. Aidan’s cheeks flushed a bright pink, and Y/n smiled as she clutched the comic close to her chest.
“ Y/n L/n. Remember it. “ Y/n winked as she walked away.
Aidan watched as she left him on the sidewalk dumbfounded, “ Oh, I’m so fucked. “ Aidan murmured, knowing he was wrapped around her finger.
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
After watching some anime, can I request the brothers and Side characters with an MC that makes really great bentos in their aesthetic with their favorite meals? MC could make Lucifer a fancy dish of steak done to his favorite temperature, side dishes are organized neatly, and the bento is red and black to match his design or she made pink/pastel treats for Asmo is a very cute bento that matches his style. I think it would make their day when they receive something so cute from the human
ABSOFRICKINGLUTELY! ANON! I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! However, I write gn! Whenever possible, so I hope you don't mind. Also, I've only made bento once, so I did a tinny bit of research. Most of them stray from traditional bento, however I tried to make sure I had the four components, (protien, carbs, salad/veggies, and fruit) (except Asmo), and different cooking methods for each. Some of them I forgot to explicitly say what colour the box was, so I'm sorry about that. I didn't do Luke because he had a role in Simeon's, and I blanked. (Sorry) Also, some of them have links bc I started to lose inspiration and motivation to write the same thing over and over again bc brain juice went bye. Hopefully I did this justice, I may have gotten a little carried away...sorry for rambling.
MC Makes Bento For The Boys
Lucifer had been working non-stop for the past few weeks
You had barely seen him, as he was so busy going back and forth from the castle, meetings, and he had banned everyone from his office. It had gotten so bad that he would "postpone" his meals, but nobody had seen him eat in a while.
You had a lot of spare time, so you did meal prep for the whole week just for Lucifer.
It was a little past noon by the time you finished, (and made Beel swear he wouldn't touch the food because you would treat him at Madam Scream's later), so you decided to make a bento box for Lucifer's lunch today with some leftover beef and rice you had.
With your protein and carbs taken care of, you prepared some roasted asparagus to add some colour to the box as well as a couple of carrots. You also added an umeboshi plum on top of the rice to match the colour of the box. (A/N I personally don't mind umeboshi on it's own, but if anyone wants to try it, I highly suggest you eat it with rice or have water on hand 😂)(oh yeah, umeboshi is a small, sour, pickled plum.)
In the final box you arranged a couple of orange slices, strawberries and grapes.
Satisfied, you brought the box and a glass of water up to his study. You didn't even bother knocking, knowing he would just send you away anyways.
You were greeted by a low growl. "Get out."
You rolled your eyes. "No. You need to eat Lucifer, and I'm not leaving until I know you've finished this."
"I don't have time for this MC. I have to-" he was cut off by his stomach rumbling.
He blushed slightly, and continued to busy himself with work.
"Please? I hate seeing you overwork yourself like this. Have you looked in the mirror lately? When was the last time you slept? Eaten? Had something other than coffee? Have you even gone to the bathroom in the past 48 hours?"
He sighed, folded his hands under his chin and looked up at you through disheveled raven locks.
"...you really aren't going anywhere until I eat." It wasn't a question, rather a statement with a trace of relief in it.
You extended the bento box out to him once more, though this time he accepted it.
"....thank you MC.....this is quite delicious. Perhaps once I'm done my work I can take you out to Ristorante Six to show my appreciation."
You pushed his hair back and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Once you're done your work, you're going to sleep. That's an order, sir."
He silently cursed himself as he felt himself blush again
You were planning to stay until he finished, but then you heard Mammon and Levi fighting.
"I'll take care of that love. Make sure you drink that water too. Also, I prepped meals for the rest of the week for you, so you have no excuse to not eat. I bribed Beel, so they should stay there, but as an extra precaution I got Satan to teach me a protection spell. I didn't tell him what it was for, so it should be fine."
He watched you close the door behind you and wondered what he did to deserve someone like you.
He was complaining to you because his actions finally caught up with him, and tomorrow he had to go out and repay some witches with time and favours, (being a bagboy), instead of money
He started belly-aching even more when you told him you weren't interested in joining him.
Luckily you were on dinner duty tonight, so you had a legitimate excuse to leave his pity-party
However while you were making dinner, you decided to show Mammon a little bit of sympathy, and set some rice and pork cutlet aside that you could use later.
After dinner, Mammon followed Lucifer, trying to convince him to give him money.
So you had ample time to continue working on his bento.
He had a three compartment wooden box
You scooped the rice into the box, put the cutlet on top, and two thinly sliced pieces of lemon on top.
You cut up some yellow, red, and orange bell pepper to put in the top left corner of the box
In the last compartment, you cut up golden kiwi, pineapple chunks, and a couple blueberries
You were about to put it in the fridge, when Mammon came screaming into the kitchen.
You sighed. "It was supposed to be a surprise Mammon! I made lunch for you for tomorrow, because you're going to be doing some running around and who knows when you'll get a moment to yourself? I was going to cast a spell on it to keep Beel from eating it, so it would have lasted overnight too... I just want to make sure you have something healthy to eat and so you don't have to spend money on take out. If you don't want it though, I'll just give it to Beel..."
He blushed furiously. "Ya don't gotta worry bout me, silly human. The Great Mammon can take care of himself! But-uh, I'll probably end up taking it anyways, because it's umm, it's free food! And Mammon ain't about to pass that up!"
He tried to grab it, but you pulled it close to yourself and turned, blocking him.
"You only want it because it's free? Ok. Fine. You'll have to pay me if you want it." You teased
He whined a bit. "Aw come on, ya even said ya didn't want me spendin money tomorrow! And ya said it was for me! MC, this ain't fair!"
"I didn't say you had to use money."
The next day while Mammon was out and about, trying to carry multiple bags of stuff for the witches, he happily ate his food, a light blush on his cheeks as every bite reminded him of the way you felt against his lips yesterday.
Levi had lost out on another draw despite having spent copious amounts of money on the tickets
As such, he had locked himself in his room to temporarily drown in his sorrows
You decided to make Kyaraben, character bento, for him. (Kyaraben can also refer to animals, real life celebrities, or natural settings)
(I would do Ruri- Chan but I have no fricking clue, so here's a link to a recipe for Pikachu Kyaraben because that's what you did instead)
Hesitantly, you brought your creation to his room and lightly knocked on the door.
"...I don't wanna talk to anyone right now."
"Levi, it's me. I brought something to cheer you up! At least let me give it to you if you don't want me to stay."
You could hear some scuffling and mumbling from behind the door. "I highly doubt there's anything a normie like you can do to help."
You tried to brush that off, because, ouch, but you knew he was upset so you tried not to take it to heart.
He was pouty as he opened the door, his demon form on display.
His expression immediately changed when he saw the bento in your hands.
"WOOOOOAAAHHH!!! THIS IS FOR ME??!! YOU MADE ME BENTO??!! This is something straight out of anime!!! Uh...uhm...d-do you maybe w-want to share it?"
The last part of his sentence had him blushing furiously, and he refused to look you in the eye.
"Sure. Maybe we can watch that anime you texted me about a couple days ago too."
His eyes lit up with joy as he used his tail to gently grab your wrist and pull you excitedly to his couch.
Once he had arranged everything to his liking, he sat down and bashfully accepted the bento.
At some point, he asked if he could feed it to you, however, there was only one pair of chopsticks
Blushy otaku very much enjoyed the bento, not only because it was like his anime, but also because it was you who made it.
He also got a couple indirect kisses, and could not focus on anything but that for the next few days.
You and Satan had been spending a lot of time together lately because he was helping you study for a test
Thanks to Satan's tutoring, you had managed to get a much higher score on the test than you had imagined.
As thanks, you wanted to make a kitten Kyaraben
You found him in the library at a desk, hunched over a book, studying some foreign language.
He was so engrossed in his studies that he didn't notice you right away, so you tapped him gently on his shoulder.
"Ah, MC. I'm afraid I missed you coming in. Are you alright?"
You smiled and nodded. You brought the box out from behind your back with your test papers on top, the mark clearly visible.
"I couldn't have gotten that mark without your help, so I made you some bento as thanks. I hope you like it."
His eyes widened in surprise. "Oh MC, that wasn't necessary. Spending time with you was enough for me, but thank you."
He slid the lid off the bento and chuckled when he saw what you had done.
"That's quite clever kitten. Perhaps next time you can show me how to make it?"
His pet name made you blush a bit, but that didn't stop you from agreeing.
You two spent the next few hours discussing different meals you guys could learn to make together.
Asmo had been taking you shopping lately, hyping you up and helping you destress with spa nights
In return, you decided to make a dessert bento box in a pretty pink container.
It was a square container split into nine compartments.
Across the top three compartments, you arranged a rainbow of mochi.
On the bottom three you arranged a rainbow of macaroons.
In the two outside compartments left, you put a mini Wicked cupcake in each
Finally in the middle, you arranged Hershey's kisses into a heart.
Satisfied, you made your way to his room and announced your presence at his door.
"Come in darling~ I'm just finishing up my nails!"
You let yourself in and settled across the table from Asmo.
"I brought you something. I just wanted to thank you for helping me out lately and show you how much I appreciate you!"
You placed the box next to him so he could see what you had done.
His squeal of excitement almost decimated your eardrums, however moments later you were enveloped in a very tight, heartfelt, "smooshy" hug, but his elated expression made up for your temporary loss of hearing.
"Ohh MC! You're so sweet!!!! These look delicious, let's share them!! Just let me take a picture first with my favourite snack!!"
You sat back and expected him to pick up a cupcake, but yelped as he pulled you into the frame.
"I said with my favourite snacc MC, and I meant it!!" (Yes, he still took a picture of the bento)
You wanted to plan an outdoor date for the two of you that wouldn't require you to excersize.
So you decided to try and make Koraku Bento, or picnic bento, but even bigger in hopes you would be able to temporarily satiate Beel's hunger
Because you were making so much, you needed multiple boxes, and a couple days to prepare, so you asked Simeon if you could work at PH so Beel wouldn't get to it early.
Of course, he agreed
Day one, you prepared five different fillings for the Onigiri you were planning to make: sha-ke (salted salmon),umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum), okaka (bonito flakes moistened with soy sauce), kombu (simmered kombu seaweed), tuna mayo (canned tuna with Japanese mayonnaise)
Day two you prepared three large protiens, (chicken, beef, and pork), each enough to fill about two containers each. You cooked each of them differently. You also cut up/prepared vegetables you wanted to use for tempura.
Day three you woke up early in order to be ready to take Beel out after his game. You made rice and finished making the Onigiri, (which Luke was adamant you let him make with you).
And Simeon helped you make the tempura and a beautiful salad to accompany everything else.
However, now there was a lot of stuff to carry and you wanted to greet Beel out of his game.
So the angels took care of transporting the food to the roof while you went to get Beel
"Why are we going to Purgatory Hall? Are we having dinner with the angels?"
"Not quite. The date I wanted to take you on had a slight change of plans. We just need to get to the roof-"
"Do you want me to fly us up there?"
You considered it for a moment then agreed. If nothing else, you would be avoiding Solomon.
Once you landed, appreciation for the angels swelled as they had laid everything out so beautifully.
"...oh. It looks like someone else is doing something up here. It smells really good, so we should probably go. I don't want to eat someone else's food and ruin their night by accident....again." He tried to leave, but you pulled on him gently.
"I'm glad you think it smells good. This is for you! I made it for you, and the angels helped me bring it up here when I went to pick you up."
His eyes widened. "...All of that...you made it for me?"
You couldn't help but smile and nod at his bashful expression.
He hugged you gently. "Thank you MC. I know that took a lot."
"It was worth it! You haven't even tried it yet. Come on, I'm hungry!" You giggled.
Beel's stomach growled in response, causing a slight blush to light his cheeks. You're so good to him❤
Belphegor (this has a bit of crack energy, I'm sorry. So will Solomon's😅)
"MC....can you pass me my D.D.D?"
"MC....can you give me a massage?"
"MC....can you switch my laundry for me?"
"MC....can you pass me my pillow?"
"Belphie, I love you. I understand you're the Avatar of Sloth. But what the actual fuck? Your pillow is under your arm, just move it under your head. I've already gotten up, like six times to do stuff for you."
He groaned. "But it takes too much effort!" He smushed his cheek into his arm and attempted to give you puppy-dog eyes.
"Sorry, only Beel can pull that off. If you want your pillow moved less than a foot, you're going to do it yourself. You of all people should now how frustrating it is to get up as soon as you sit down."
He groaned again and grumbled as he moved his own damn pillow.
You tried to relax a bit. Normally your time with Belphie consisted of cuddles, movie nights, planeterium visits, or just plugging into some music and enjoying each other's company, like you were trying to do now.
Until you made eye contact with him again.
He was going to ask something-
"MC........... can you get me a snack?"
Dear God, he was not gonna like this.
"Of course Belphie. I'd love to."
You made your way to the kitchen with new found energy.
You were going to make Shikaeshi Bento (revenge lunchbox)
Basically, it's supposed to be inedible or embarrassing, and be used to convey anger or overall dissatisfaction
So you grabbed his bento box, dumped uncooked rice into it, cracked an egg and left the shell in the box. You used purple food colouring to make a heart.
You brought the box up to Belphie, who was surprisingly still awake
"That was quick."
You grunted in response and walked out
"Hey why are you leaving?!"
A few seconds later, you heard, "MC! ...WHAT DID I DO??!! I JUST WANTED A SNACK!!...MC PLEASE COME BACK I DON'T WANNA GET UP!!"
So, usually Barbatos is in charge of making sure the Demon Prince eats
However, you told Barbatos that you wanted to make something special for Dia
"My Lord would thoroughly enjoy anything you made for him. He's been very busy lately, so I'm sure he would appreciate the kind gesture."
Barbatos graciously gave you precedence over the kitchen, giving you full access to everything you could ever need or want.
You decided to make him bento with your favourite protein
One compartment you filled with rice, using sesame seeds and an umeboshi for garnish
You arranged pieces of your favourite fruits in one of the smaller compartments
Then you made your favourite type of tempura, and prepared the sauce to go in the last two compartments
You asked Barbatos where Diavolo would be, and he escorted you to his office.
"My Lord, MC has come to speak with you."
Diavolo's head shot up and his face lit up with delight as he watched you walk through the door.
"MC! A welcome surprise. How are you? Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine! I actually just wanted to give you something." You gave him the black box.
"I made bento with some of my favourite things...you mentioned wanting to get to know me a little bett-"
You were cut off by Diavolo crushing you in a hug
"...My Lord, MC needs to breathe."
"Ah, my apologies MC. This is the most wonderful, meaningful thing anyone has ever given me. How can I adequately express my gratitude? Simply name anything you want, and it shall be yours."
Once you had regained your breath, you gave him a small smile.
"Anything? Could I trouble you for your time?"
"MC, Lord Diavolo must finish his work in a timely matter. I can clear his schedule for afterwards."
"Barbatos, could they stay long enough for us to share the wonderful meal they've prepared?"
Usually Diavolo's begging and sad eyes™ would be powerless against him, however the soft spot he had for you and your much- less-seen sad expression were enough for him to bend this once.
"My Lord, I'll be back in an hour. I'm afraid that's all the time I can allow."
He stepped out, and allowed a small smile form on his face as he heard the two of you celebrate, also knowing that later on he would be listening to a very happy prince recount everything you two talked about and how much he loved you.
You, the brothers, and the other exchange students had been invited to the demon lord's castle for another event
It wasn't for another day, but you felt your chest tighten as you remembered Barbatos
Did he even get to eat those days when everyone was there?
You didn't want to take that chance, and decided to set up a small, filling bento box.
It only had three compartments, so you stuffed each one.
One had rice and meat.
You made some sushi and tamagoyaki to go on top.
For the last compartment, you made a simple chickpea salad.
The next day, Barbatos welcomed you all to the castle, as per usual.
However, this time he stuck around once the brothers and others had left.
"I...Well you already know, but this is for you!"
He nodded and graced you with a smile. "My knowing does not take away from my appreciation MC. Admittedly, nights like this are very demanding. I will repay you later. Thank you."
He tried to walk away, but you yelled after him, "You're not supposed to repay someone for a gift! Just take it!!"
He smiled to himself as he started to eat some food.
Perhaps this night would not be as taxing as he thought
You had been experimenting new dinner recipes with Luke at Purgatory Hall; you were watching him while Simeon was away.
"If we leave these leftovers out, Solomon will get to them and ruin them."
"....why don't we make bento for Simeon? He's coming back tomorrow, isn't he?"
Luke beamed at you. "Okay!"
He went to get a small bento box divided into fifths (two large bottom compartments and three small top ones).
"Ok, so in one of the big ones, we can fit the rest of the rice."
Luke nodded. "Can I use this?" He held up a star-shaped cookie cutter.
"Of course!" You helped him mould the rice into a stable star shape.
He looked so happy designing stuff, you let him take the lead.
By the time you were finished, it was easily the most stunning dish you had seen.
"Wow MC! We should do this more often!" He was very proud of himself, and rightfully so. "I can't wait to give it to Simeon!....Is it ok if I give it to Simeon? It was your idea, so it's ok if you want to do it instead..."
You just smiled at him. "You can give it to him, you did most of the work anyways. For now though, you need to get to bed."
He pouted slightly, but complied.
The next morning you woke up to Luke speaking very animatedly to Simeon.
"Yeah! We tried a bunch of new things, and then MC suggested we make you a bento box with the leftovers, and it turned out really well so I can't wait for you to try it!!"
You leaned against the kitchen doorframe observing the interaction.
"Thank you Luke, it looks wonderful. Good morning MC. I hope you slept well. Thanks for ba- for helping Luke while I was away."
He smiled gently at you before Luke was trying to get him to try the bento again.
He took a bite and smiled at Luke.
"It's delicious. You guys must have put a lot of love into it, as always." He looked directly at you at that point, but Luke was too elated to notice the silent exchange between you too.
"Don't get mad at me! You agreed to test spells with me!"
"You asked me when I was half asleep Solomon! I also meant later, not right away!"
"Well, you're not a frog anymore, so I don't see what the problem is."
.... No, you weren't a frog anymore
That didn't mean you were happy about being a frog in the first place.
You texted Simeon, 'Who's on lunch duty today?"
"Me. Why?"
"I'll make us bento. We can picnic, the exchange students, that is."
So you spent the next little bit making normal bento for the three of you.
"Simeon said we should probably leave in five minutes" you thanked Luke and started on Solomon's.
You made Shikaeshi bento; you cracked four eggs and aligned their yolks into a rather phallic shape, added way too much fish oil, and threw a few sesame seeds on top.
However, once you made it to the picnic grounds, Solomon opened his box and gasped.
"MC, you know me so well!" And proceeded to drink right out of the box, the rest of you looking on in horror.
"I thought you were mad at me and you were going to give me something disgusting like Mac and Cheese. I guess all is forgiven. Thank you!"
At that point you couldn't even stay mad, that was just disgusting.
Aye, I hope you liked it anon, not sure if this is quite what you meant but....yeah.
Love y'all!
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megthemewlingquim · 4 years
Omg meg for Kinktober could you write   ❛   your face would look better between my legs.   ❜   where the reader is teasing Bucky/Loki (you pick) all night when they are at a party or something? And the reader says that and that's the last straw
Come Again?
Summary: You cross the line with your teasing, and Loki punishes you.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: teasing, dom! Loki, oral (fem receiving), orgasm denial / delay, heavy overstimulating, multiple orgasms, aftercare
A/N: Hi, babes! This is my DAY TWO entry for Kinktober.
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You really shouldn’t feel this good about what you’re doing. It’s not really a good thing, not to your husband, who just so happens to be the God of Mischief. But it is, at the same time.
What you’re doing is wearing something incredibly skimpish. Revealing. A dress that doesn’t even reach to your knees and has no sleeves. His favorite color, emerald green. Very, very fitted for you. He would know, he made it for you. But he had no idea you would use it to your advantage.
And Loki can only handle himself for so long before he snaps. You know this.
This is not the first time you’re deliberately trying to get on Loki’s nerves, but this is the first time it’s this… extreme. You’re really pushing your luck.
It’s a party hosted by Tony, one of many that you’ve attended with Loki. The air was different there after you married Loki. The two of you were complete, one flesh, absolutely inseparable, and everyone around you knew it, even if they hadn’t attended the wedding.
Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Bucky, Clint, Steve, Tony, Wanda, Vision, and Sam are all there, along with any S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who wanted to come - not many did.
You’re currently sipping on a Dr. Pepper that Tony so kindly poured in a wine glass. You’re not one for alcohol, except maybe the occasional hard seltzer. Today, you’ve decided, is not a night for alcohol.
Loki is beside you on your left, with an arm draped behind your shoulders and a finger drawing small, slow circles on your right arm. He looks... hm, happy is not the word for it, but he does not look annoyed or irritated. He looks blank. 
“Baby?” you ask, an aside. You keep your eyes on Steve, who is currently listing everything that probably happened in those new timelines he created. “Everything okay?”
“Oh, yes,” Loki replies nonchalantly, “I’m fine. It’s just that my wife has been absolutely naughty with her attire, and I have a very annoying hard-on, but I don’t want to indulge her because quite frankly, she doesn’t deserve it.”
You freeze, and for a second, you cannot bring yourself to say anything. Your eyes widen, just a little.
Then, you smile. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
His eyes widen, then, and he leans forward, his lips grazing your ear. “Do not test me,” he whispers, his words laced with dominance and daring. “You know what’ll await you when we get back home if you do.”
You nod, your whole being suddenly stiff with desire and that submissive fear that isn't really fear.
"Now, what do you say?" he asks softly, not pulling away, a little grin on his face now. His tone is almost condescending.
"Sorry," you whisper, your chest heaving. Your mind, however, thinks the exact opposite.
“Apology accepted.” It’s a mystery to you if he believes you or not. He sure makes it seem like he does believe you, but you’re talking to the god of mischief here. You really can't be sure if he's being sincere.
And even if he is, you're not, and you like it.
Time passes by quite slowly, but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. Tony offers another toast to you and Loki, the newlyweds, though the wedding was three months ago. Bucky and Steve share a dance. So do you and Loki.
He holds you close, both hands around your waist. You sway from side to side, and he twirls you occasionally. Your eyes are aglow with love, sheer love for him — so much so that you almost forget how you're dressed, and what you're doing to Loki.
Now's the time. The time to get what you want.
You lean in at the very end, your lips close to his ear. "Your face is all blushy. It's cute. But it would look better in between my legs."
His grip on your waist gets tighter.
There’s a split second of tension. Then,
"We're leaving," he says simply, and his tone is so quiet, so deep, so dark, that this time you're petrified. Both petrified and incredibly turned on.
Oh, so it's going to be one of those nights.
It’s quite easy to leave, you find out. You suspect that Loki has placed his invisibility on the both of you, so that no one notices you leave. When you both pass Thor from behind, however, he looks around. For a second, his eyes land right on you. But then he turns back around with a shrug, an unseen smile on his face.
“He knows,” Loki mutters. “I don’t give a damn if any of them know... not in any other circumstance. But this...” He takes a hold of your arm. His grip is tight. “This is between you and me this time.”
And with that, you make your way towards the exit.
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Walking home is tension filled as well. Loki keeps silent, his arm wrapped around you. It seems protective to the common bystander, but you know that it is also possessive. You stay close to him, gripping onto his coat as if you’re a child.
When you both get home, he locks the front door. A common practice when it’s time to go to sleep, as it is with most families. But, you notice it’s only 7:04 p.m. when you look at the clock on the wall.
He says nothing while you set your coat on one of the dining chairs and your purse on the table. He eyes you with eyes so minimally narrowed that it wouldn’t even seem like anything’s different to them, but you notice. Even now, his gaze is piercing, primal.
You take one step towards the general vicinity of the bedroom, and he pounces on you like an animal. His grip is not too tight, nor is his face too angry - you know what kind of a mood he’s in.
“Did you really think you could get away with that?” he asks, almost smugly. “Naughty little thing.”
He all but throws you on the bed, not exactly man-handling you, but still being a little assertive.
“It was very rude of you to tease me like that,” he says, his tone once again condescending. He clicks his tongue. “Oh dear... what are we to do with you now?”
His eyes glance over your form; you’re still in your tight fitted dress, but your hair is now down. The look in your eyes is different, too: you look small, weaker.
“Well,” he says slowly, inching closer to the bed, his voice dark. “Let’s see. You wanted to tease me so badly, you wanted me to feel that... frustration... so badly. How about we give you a taste of your own medicine, hmm?”
His gaze hardens. “Take your dress off.”
And what can you do but obey?
You slide your dress up and over your torso, and let it fall beside you on the bed in a heap.
“Bra and panties, too.”
You do so, the air seemingly closing in tight around your form. Goosebumps break out, and you shiver. Your eyes never leave his.
All he does is look at you. He doesn’t move. “What are you thinking, pet?”
“I want - “ You swallow. “I want you.”
He chuckles. “It seems like you want a lot of things today. Never fear, pet. But...” his voice darkens again, “remember, this is a punishment. And you need to learn your lesson.
“Lie down on the bed. Do not spread your legs.”
You let yourself fall back, leaving yourself bare to him. A faint green glow appears in your peripheral vision. You hear a quiet buzzing noise, and your breath hitches.
“Oh, yes, pet,” Loki whispers seductively. “Today we’re edging you until you can’t take it anymore. You’re going to feel the same frustration that I have felt, and you will not be able to come until I allow it. Understood?”
You gulp, nodding your head frantically. “Yes, yes, please —"
“Please what?”
Your lip quivers, and you take a breath. “Yes, Master.”
“Good girl. Keep your eyes on the celling.”
Inwardly, you smile. Outwardly, you quiver and shudder in anticipation.
Suddenly, you feel your arms move upward. They are then locked above you, and you look up, seeing spinning neon - green rings of light. They look like handcuffs, you notice, and you lose your breath.
The vibrator trails up your legs, and with every movement you become more and more aroused and needy. It’s so close to where you need it, and yet so far. Loki is a tease, especially in times like these.
He brings it up, right next to your clit, and you buck your hips up with a desperate whine, and he chuckles darkly. “Teasing comes first. Then the pleasure. Then the agony... and, then, eventually, the releases.”
Releases. That’s plural. 
He holds the toy there, watching you as you slowly begin to feel the pleasure it brings you. You don't make too much noise. Knowing Loki, moaning could be off limits.
His voice is a deep murmur:
“Do not ask me to come. You will be silent, aside from your desperate moans and whines and gasps. You will not find your release until I allow you to. And once you come, I will keep you here, unable to escape. You’re going to come, then, until you can’t take it anymore. I will force orgasm after orgasm from you until you’re a mewling, pathetic little mess. This is your favorite type of punishment, yes?”
You’re gasping now, both at his words and the feeling of warmth that has now grown into a fire in your gut. Your legs shake and your back arches, but you cannot get him to help you out in any way.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he whispers. “Remember, you will not control your pleasure today. I will.” With that, he moves the vibrator a little more upward, right on top of your clit, and you emit a sound that sounds almost like a squeak.
“Do not come.”
He holds it there, almost certainly watching how you buck your hips up and strain against your magicked restraints. You’re practically drenched in sweat, eyes fixed on the ceiling but closing rapidly. Trying to get away, trying to hold your orgasm back, because you both know you’re achingly close —
You practically scream through gritted teeth when he removes the vibrator. Your cry turns into a light, frustrated sob. 
He does it again. And again. And again.
There’s a pause in which nothing else happens. You can tell that Loki’s thinking something, in the middle of hearing your frustrated sobs.
“Have you learned your lesson now, wife?”
Wife. This is when he’s letting up, revealing more of his tender side. The dom is leaving, and the husband is coming onto the stage.
You sob again. “Yes — yes, yes, I have! Please, Master, just let me come! Please, please, pl —”
The vibrator is shoved onto your clit at full blast. Loki’s voice becomes stern again, and he demands:
“Come. Now.”
And your orgasm hits you like a train. Now, you scream through your teeth, almost blacking out at the intensity of it. It’s over as quick as it arrives, however, and it soon replaced by sheer beautiful agony once again as Loki keeps the vibrator on your now overly sensitive clit.
You try to move away. You have the audacity to try to move away.
“What did I tell you? That was only the first half. I’m not done with you yet. You’re going to come until I let you go.”
Your next three orgasms are almost painful, and he rips them from you with no mercy. He stands there, not moving. His eyes are on yours, and they’re almost blank. It’s a miracle his hand hasn’t gotten tired yet.
“Do it. Come again.”
“One more.”
Finally you muster up the courage to cry out, the tears never fading from your eyes. It feels good, too good. You love it and despise it. “Loki...”
“I know, pet, I know.”
You look up at him, then, surprised at the tenderness in his voice once again. The Loki you’re looking at now is no longer the dom, no longer Master. His eyes are softer, kinder. He’s your husband now, and you practically sigh in relief.
“This is the last one. Can you come for me one last time?”
You manage a nod and a breathless smile.
“Good girl. Come, come for me, my angel.”
Somehow, this last orgasm is soft. Gentle. It’s not nearly as painful for you - you can compare it to a slow wave.
You can feel the restraints disappearing as soon as it ends and you instinctively jump away from his touch and curl up into a ball. Your body is still shaking, every nerve jumping and hot. All you can try to do is focus on the feeling of the air on your skin, which is now sweaty and warm, and the somewhat cooler sheets below you.
Loki must’ve slipped into bed beside you, because you feel a weight come against your back.
He waits to touch you. He waits until you say that he can. When you do, he sweeps you into his arms, running his hands up and down your own arms and kissing his way around your neck and shoulders. All the while, he never stops whispering his praise:
“Such a good girl for me.
“You did so well, sweet.
“You can rest in my arms now. I love you, my angel.”
Sleep takes you easily.
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togglesbloggle · 4 years
How We Decided
The day after tomorrow- that is, February 18, 2021- the Perseverance rover will attempt to land on the surface of Mars.  It will enter the planetary atmosphere at an acute angle, giving it as much time as possible to experience drag and slow down from orbital velocities.  Because Mars’ air is so thin, and the rover is so heavy, this will fail- in the best case, Perseverance would still be going almost a thousand miles an hour when it impacts the surface.  To help save itself, the craft will deploy a parachute of advanced design, seventy feet across and able to withstand supersonic velocities.  This, too, will fail.  Even with a parachute, there is simply not enough air between Perseverance and the Martian surface to slow it down all the way.  So this is where the rockets kick in.  Once air resistance slows the rover to a bit less than two hundred miles per hour, the heavy heat shield will be jettisoned, and a system of secondary rockets will fire against the direction of motion until it slows to near-hovering.  In a final flourish, the rover will descend from the rocket-boosted frame on coiled springs, until it touches down in the western part of Jezero crater in the northern hemisphere of Mars.
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As it happens, Perseverance’s destination was one of the very last things we decided about it- not until the craft itself was fairly thoroughly engineered and designed.  Formally, the decision was made by the mission directorate.  In practice, they follow the consensus of the scientific community, which in turn hashes things out at a series of open-invitation workshops.  Things began with a call for white papers- an open suggestion box, basically.  In 2015, the first workshop narrowed things down from thirty serious proposals to eight candidates.  In 2017, the second workshop further winnowed the list down to three.  And in October of 2018, after three days of presentation, debate, and discussion, the final workshop selected Jezero Crater from these final three candidates using a simple vote of all attendees, and passed on the recommendation to the mission leads.
I haven’t been in the business for very long, so the final workshop was the only one of these where I actually participated.  It wasn’t a close vote as such, and I didn’t break any ties, and technically we were just making a strongly worded suggestion.  Nonetheless, my vote is one of the reasons why the Rover will be going to Jezero Crater instead of Syrtis Major or Gusev, and I think I’m entitled to feel ownership of this mission choice, just a little bit.
(This is, of course, terrifying.)
Having gone through the experience, there were a few surprises worth noting.  The first was how small some of the numbers are here.  The conference was not very large: only thirty proposals, debated by just a few hundred attendees.  I’ve seen book review contests with more entries, and that are read by a wider audience.  Which is to say, this is a situation that was, and is, extremely responsive to individual effort.  In that small a room, populated by people that are philosophically committed to changing their minds when they see good evidence or a good argument, one person can stand up and change the future in a very real way.
The second surprise was the attendance requirements.  Or rather, the lack thereof.  The project is public, paid for by American taxpayers, to whom I am profoundly grateful.  And one way the process reflected that public-spiritedness is that this is not a walled garden.  A small attendance fee (iirc, $40?), and you’re in.  You get a vote, if you want to use it.  A few non-scientists even took us up on this; there’s one retiree (a former schoolteacher, I think) that’s attended every major conference I’ve been to in the last few years, and sets up a small table in the back with his home mineral collection just for fun.  In practice this open-door policy is limited by the obscurity of the event itself; if you don’t move in research circles, you have to be something of a space exploration superfan to hear about it.  Still, as symbols go, you could do worse.
And now that we’re coming up on the day itself, the same kind of public-facing mindset is making me think about why I was persuaded to vote for Jezero Crater, what it means to explore there, and how I’d justify that choice to those of you that made the ongoing discovery of Mars possible in the first place.
If you want to know what Perseverance is like, and what you can reasonably do with it, start with Curiosity- the two are built, more or less, on the same chassis.  That means you have a mobile science lab about the size of a Volkswagon Beetle.  Add some mechanical improvements (no more wheel punctures!) and a few bells and whistles (microphone!  helicopter for some reason!).  Trade out some of the scientific instruments- raman spectroscopy instead of a mass spectrometer, for example.  And it’s got these:
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That, dear reader, is a sample return canister.  Not to be returned immediately, alas, but to be returned nonetheless.  One of Persevereance’s primary directives is to find interesting rocks, collect them, and leave them in place for a sample return mission in the early 30s.  There’s a ton of work we can do in situ, but there’s even more we can do in a clean lab back home; things like isotopic analysis really need a much more controlled environment than you’ll get in the field.  And so a major, major consideration is to optimize Perseverance’s landing site for cool rocks that we’d like to take back home.
The other thing that Perseverance is really good at is astrobiology.  There’s no such thing as a life sign detector as such, but this rover represents an attempt to approach that ideal: instruments like SHERLOC and SuperCam are adept at finding organic compounds and fine-scale mineralogy and chemistry that might be influenced by microbial metabolism.  This is a natural extension of what we’ve been learning so far: Spirit and Opportunity showed us that Mars formed under the influence of liquid water.  Curiosity showed us that this was not just wet, but actively habitable: lakes and rivers at a neutral pH under a rich and temperate atmosphere.  The next question along this line is the hardest, and the scariest: we know it was habitable, but was it inhabited?
If you’re like me, that question makes you feel weird.  Collecting rocks is one thing, but a fossil?  The mind rebels.  We’ve spent the last two generations of space exploration tempering our expectations, reminding ourselves that the other worlds in our solar system are largely barren and dead, learning again and again how precious life is in the cosmos.  It’s hard to get in the mindset of people back in the 40s and 50s who could, somewhat reasonably, imagine that Mars might not just host life but multicellular life, vegetation and robust macroscopic ecosystems.  We look back at the science fiction of the era, swarthy soldiers hopping from planet to planet in silver rockets, and laugh at the naivete.  A smile at the exuberance of youth, if we’re feeling generous.  When we were first beginning, we may have imagined ancient canals on Mars and crystal cities on Venus, but that was when space was a blank canvas for us to paint our fantasies.  We’ve learned so much since then, and if it was less fun, at least it was true.  We did the hard thing and accepted reality over fantasy.  We accept that extraterrestrial environments are hostile to life- cratered, silent, and still.  We’re grownups now.
Imagine that we were born just a bit earlier.  Say, three and a half billion years or so.  We raise our telescopes to the sky, and we see a sister-planet.  Not red, but white and blue, with an atmosphere full of clouds and multiple large bodies of water scattered across its surface, prominent ice caps and snow-capped highlands, rivers tracing their way down to the lowlands in the north.  (Maybe the water is all under the ice, not open to the air at the surface; maybe the liquid pools are small and limited to craters, not feeding a large ocean.)  Sober scientists might have suggested we shouldn’t get our hopes up too much- after all, the gravity is much lower, there’s no tectonic recycling, and there’s no protective magnetosphere.  But is sterility really the default assumption we should be making here?  Is ‘we are alone in the cosmos’ really the most sane conclusion to draw from this situation?  Is it not worth, perhaps, sending a rover to go see?
We’ve adapted our sensibilities to a dead solar system because in the moment we’re looking, it kind of is.  We’re hopeful for the icy moons- and the evidence keeps mounting there as well- but the terrestrial planets are a grim reminder of the fragility and contingency of our own world.  The thing is, the more we learn, the more we discover that we’re a bit late to a very, very interesting party.  Venus is a hellscape, but it probably didn’t start that way.  Mars is a desert, but once it was an oasis.  What makes Earth special among the terrestrial worlds isn’t that it developed a temperate climate, but that it kept a temperate climate for more than four billion years.  Stability, not habitability, is the party trick that makes us unique in the solar system.  And if we’re really committed to being grownups, to accepting what’s real instead of what’s easy, we have to learn that lesson too.
And life does not need four billion years to begin.  Not even close.
That brings us to Jezero Crater.  The most interesting feature here is a large river delta- based on some clever geology, we’re pretty sure that a large river emptied into the crater during Mars’ wet period.  When the rapidly-flowing water hit the still water of Lake Jezero, the loose sediments being carried along the current all fell out of suspension at this place, forming a large pile of detritus at the mouth of the river that accumulated over the lifetime of the system.  Even more interesting, check out this geologic map:
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See those tiny teal deposits to the right side of the image?  Those are also river delta deposits.  Which means the thing labeled ‘delta’ on this map isn’t the original extent- it used to be much, much larger, at least twice as wide.  Which also means that the outer edge of the ‘delta’ that we see here in this image is actually an erosional surface, and we get a natural cross-section of the thing with the oldest deposits at the bottom and the youngest at the top, just before Mars lost its hydrosphere.  By climbing the outer edge, we can move through time across a large fraction of the habitable period.
Here’s another image I’d like you to see:
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The crater I’ve been showing you is the small circle in the lower right- color is elevation, covering a span of about 5 km.  The black line is the watershed of that river, the region of Mars that channeled water to the delta.  In other words, the river delta collects sediments- and potentially, biosignatures- from a region hundreds of kilometers in diameter, and gathers them all in one place, neatly sorted by time.
For this reason, ancient deltas on Earth are a favorite of paleontologists.  In addition to being comfortably wet and active itself- plenty of access to biologically important nutrients, fresh supplies of liquid water, and a nice dynamic environment- deltas do the legwork for us.  Rather than exploring a huge fraction of the planet with a tiny rover, hoping that we stumble upon an ancient life sign, we can position ourselves at the mouth of the proverbial fire hose and let life come to us.
This does come with some tradeoffs.  Most importantly, whatever we find, we won’t know the original geologic setting.  If we find an unambiguous fossil of some kind- a microbial mat, perhaps- then we’ll know less than if we’d found it in its original home.  And if we don’t find life, then the samples we take will be similarly uncertain.  They’ll be defined in time, at least relative to one another, but not in space.  In the case of life signs, this is an important caveat, but the bare fact of proving that extraterrestrial life exists is sufficiently monumental that it’s still a secondary concern.  But if we’re just talking about geology, that’s a hard thing to lose; that terrifying multi-stage descent isn’t the only risk we’re taking.  We’re leaning into the astrobiology mission hard with this one.
And the search for life is, in itself, fraught.  That’s putting it mildly.  There’s every chance that any evidence that’s even slightly marginal is going to touch off decades of debate, rather than being some kind of slam-dunk.  As it should!  Life is such a fuzzy concept, and such an important concept, that it should absolutely be held to the highest degree of scrutiny we can muster.  This is why it matters that Perseverance includes sample return- in the highly likely case that the findings are disputed, we’ll hopefully have the chance to subject those samples to the highest degrees of scrutiny.  So it feels like the right time to go hunting.
On top of that, there’s the ‘evidence of absence’ problem.  Strong biosignatures update our priors very hard in the direction of life on Mars.  But what is the correct amount of evidence necessary to convince us that Mars never was alive?  I’m not sure, but failure to find microbial mats in Jezero probably isn’t enough.  So the search for life can succeed, but if it ‘fails’ that doesn’t necessarily teach us much; the best experiments teach you something no matter what, and ideally a commitment this large would meet that standard.  This is, more or less, baked into the search for extraterrestrial life, and there aren’t too many ways out from under that problem.
That said, Jezero in particular has some compensation.  As I mentioned, we’re collecting a lot of good data regardless; and even without the gologic context, there’s a ton of opportunity to sample different minerals and how they formed, and get a nice broad sample of the Martian surface over time.  And, even better, here’s the location of another interesting potential field site, in northeast Syrtis:
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Note the proximity to Jezero crater!  And Syrtis is also a fantastic candidate for a sample return mission.  It has exposed mesas with layered outcrops going all the way back to the earliest days of Mars, and extending (potentially) through many of the most interesting periods.  Now, these are not ideal for the search for life, although they’d give us a ton of technical data about surface chemistry and the behavior of the atmosphere during the early, wet periods; it would go a long way towards resolving arguments about the temperature of the early Martian climate, for example, or tracing the early destabilization and loss of the magnetosphere while teaching us loads about the planet’s core.
Those mesas are still pretty far away.  Too far, probably, for a sensible rover lifespan to make it all the way there.  But there’s a plan- called the ‘Midway’ route, as a nod to the compromise nature of it.  See, halfway between Jezero and these mesas, there are a lot of banded rocks that look suspiciously like they’re sourced from the table mesas in Syrtis.  And those, we can get to, maybe.  If we call a specific deadline on looking for life in Jezero, then we can pivot to Midway and hopefully take a really deep look.  So, in the end, we’re going hard for astrobiology research, but we’re not going all-in.
The importance of the search for life is… well, there are a lot of people out there, and we enter the world in a lot of different ways.  Most of us agree that the existence of extraterrestrial life would be a Big Deal, and we tend to have a lot of different reasons for that.  It’s not a bad subject for a future post or three, in fact.  But there’s one thing lurking in the back of my head that’s a non-obvious reason to go looking.  This wasn’t discussed at the workshop particularly, but it fed into my vote somewhat.  Check the logic of this for me, see if it makes sense:
Worrying about existential risks, we sometimes talk about the ‘great filter’.  That is, the mysterious phenomenon which explains the lack of extraterrestrial civilizations reaching out to us.  Now, maybe we’re in a zoo or a preserve or something, and intelligences are out there watching after all; maybe the Earth really is the center of the cosmos, because of the simulation hypothesis or the various religious explanations.  There’s no real way to know for sure at this point.  But consider the space of very real possibilities where the universe actually is material, and actually is mostly barren.  Why?
Stepping through the sequence, it might be that abiogenesis is really hard- going from a temperate world to a living one is almost (but not quite) impossible.  Maybe there’s some hurdle to clear between genesis and encephalization.  Maybe, given encephalization, civilization and tool-use are almost impossible.  Or maybe there are many civilizations like ours, and the great filter is ahead of us- it is almost impossible for technological civilizations not to self-destruct or turn in to lotus-eaters before they reach interstellar civilization.  There are a lot of possibilities for the filter, and for present purposes we’ll divide them into two categories: those which we would have already passed, and those which are in our future.
And here’s the thing: for each possibility we can exclude from the great filter, all the other possibilities increase commensurately, becoming more likely in our estimation.  (Assuming the exclusion is ‘clean’ and doesn’t favor some other possibility, that is.)  Given that the silence continues, if we could somehow prove that technological self-destruction isn’t a big risk, that would commensurately increase our guesses about how hard abiogenesis is.
Life on Mars, especially if we could be very sure that it evolved independently of Earth life, would be a strong argument against the difficulty of abiogenesis.  One biosphere in the solar system, and nowhere else, might be down to luck.  The one biosphere has to be somewhere, right?  Two in the solar system, and nowhere else, is a good bit less reasonable.  If we find a second genesis on Mars, then we’ve learned that life is not rare.  That the hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way are likely host to many billions of different living (or at least once-living) worlds.
And as wonderful as that news is, as much as it makes me so happy that I literally had to take a second to cry on my bed for a bit, it also makes the great silence much, much scarier.  Today, we can reassure ourselves by saying that life may be rare in the universe.  But what if it isn’t?  If the cosmos is full of life, but not full of thought, then…
If this is the case, we need to know.  We need to know as soon as possible, and we need to know it while we’re engaged in the great project of technological development and moral progress.  It’s easy to imagine that this particular mission is one that can be framed in purely positive terms- the joy of discovery, the vastness of truth, the love of how things might be.  But I do also have this sense of civilizational fragility, you know?  And understanding the risks that we face and the chances we’re taking- that’s not idle curiosity.  That’s genuinely urgent.
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whenisitenoughtrees · 4 years
If you’re still doing these, 33 with Moceit? ALL the fluff with perhaps a little dash of angst?
@thatoneloudowl i was gonna do a dash of angst but then i knocked over the angst jar and spilled a couple cups so. there is a little more than a dash. but the ending! is fluffy! don’t worry!!
for 33. Sometimes, I just want to cuddle, okay? Is that so bad?
Title: like a puzzle (we fit)
Word Count: 3,328
Content Warnings: mention of disordered eating, self-isolation as a form of self-harm
(fic masterpost w/ ao3 links)
These days, Patton wanders the mindscape like a ghost. Frankly, Janus is beginning to find it annoying.
Or at least, he would, if the sight didn’t make his heart clench, didn’t make his stomach turn, didn’t make some unidentifiable emotion rise up within him, threatening to spill out before he even lets himself acknowledge it. And he’s not acknowledging it, if only because doing so while Thomas’ mental health is in such a precarious position is a risk he’s not willing to take. But that’s not enough to stop him from watching Patton out of the corner of his eye, not enough to stop him from tracking his movements, from taking in the way he seems—
Well. Bereft seems like a good way to put it. Bereft of his usual spark, his usual joy. And bereft in another way, too, because as the time passes, Janus realizes something else: Patton is isolating himself.
It’s fairly obvious, at least to him, so he’s surprised that none of the others have picked up on it— or perhaps they have, and they’re ignoring it, but that seems like a level of maliciousness that he doesn’t think that the so-called “light” sides are capable of. Because Patton is suffering, and he can’t imagine that they would let him go on in this way if they knew, even if they are angry with him. So, they’re not cruel, just oblivious, and if the situation were any different, Janus might laugh about the fact that he of all sides is the only one to recognize that something is wrong.
But this is no laughing matter.
Patton’s face is pale and drawn, his eyes watery, his smiles wan and fake. He’s grown thinner, too, if Janus isn’t mistaken, and that is yet another cause for concern; Patton is not the best cook in the world, but that has never stopped him from trying. The fact that he’s stopped cooking, perhaps even stopped eating, is worrisome, and the worst thing about all of this is that Janus isn’t entirely sure what to do about it.
He knows self-care intimately, all of its practices, all of its uses. It’s his job, and in theory, getting Patton to take better care of himself should be easy for him. But Patton has always been particular about deserving things, and Janus doesn’t know that he’s reached the level of relationship that would allow him to persuade Patton that he doesn’t deserve to be treating himself this way. He’s not sure that he’s could convince him of it outright, and while he thinks that manipulating him to come to that point of view might be doable, the idea leaves a sour taste in his mouth.
Already, his judgment is being clouded by sentiment. He wishes that he were more upset about it than he is.
But whether he knows what to do or not, something needs to happen, and an opportunity arrives soon enough. He’s lounging in the common room— and the fact that he has the freedom to do that now is still nothing short of spectacular, frankly, not that he would ever admit as much out loud— when Patton comes down the stairs, bleary-eyed, and goes to fetch a glass of water from the kitchen. He watches, curious, as Patton passes him with barely a glance.
It is instinct to follow him. Patton doesn’t seem to notice his presence, so he leans against the doorframe, observing quietly as Patton fumbles a glass from the cabinet, almost dropping it, and sticks it under the tap to fill with water. He considers saying something when Patton gulps down half of it in one go, and again when Patton sighs, bracing himself against the counter. But it feels like an intrusion, somehow, and the words won’t come.
So, he doesn’t say anything, preparing himself to jump in the moment that Patton turns and sees him.
Patton turns and sees him.
“Hello, Pa—”
But Patton flinches violently, and Janus is cut off by the sound of glass shattering on the floor. All thoughts of having a cool, measured conversation fly out the window.
“Shit,” he says, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to— here, just let me—”
He steps forward, choreographing his movement so Patton can avoid him if he wants, but Patton is staring at the ground, his eyes wide as they flit across the glass now scattered on the tile. He doesn’t react as Janus takes his elbow, guiding him away from the glass shards, and he doesn’t react when Janus snaps his fingers, getting rid of the mess entirely.
Janus’ concern grows.
“Patton?” he asks. “Patton, are you with me?”
Slowly, Patton blinks. His gaze comes into focus, and then he smiles, a smile so clearly plastered on, so clearly fake that it sits like a physical weight in Janus’ gut.
“Janus!” he chirps. “Hi! Sorry about that, I’m not sure what came over me. Guess I’ve got a real case of butter fingers today.” He waves his hand, holding a Butterfingers bar between his fingers, and Janus frowns. He knows a deflection when he sees one, though he’s less certain that Patton realizes that he’s doing it in the first place. By now, he wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an ingrained instinct.
Look away, Patton is saying. Wasn’t that a funny joke? Pay attention to the joke, not to me. I’m alright.
“I should be the one apologizing,” he says. “I startled you.”
Patton laughs. “That’s alright,” he says. “Really, I guess I just wasn’t paying enough attention. Was there something that you needed?”
He maintains a blank face with an effort. “Do I need to have a reason to spend time with you?” he asks, and there is the first crack: a moment of bewilderment passing across Patton’s face, as if he can’t possibly believe that someone would want to be around him for the sake of his company. It’s a familiar look, a bitter one, one he would never admit aloud to having seen in his own mirror.
“Of course, I would love to talk to you,” he continues. “But only if you’re amenable.”
Patton squints at him, and this, too, is familiar ground, as Patton tries to figure out whether he’s sincere or not. He waits patiently as Patton’s expression folds into something just a little more genuine, tinged with relief.
“Sure,” he says. “I’d love to talk for a little while.”
Something sour coats Janus’ tongue; a half-truth, then, though which half, he can’t tell. Patton is almost as practiced in lying as he is, though his are so often self-directed. But for now, he will take the admission at face value, and as he walks over to the couch, Patton follows, settling on the cushions next to him, and that is what is important.
“In all honesty, I wanted to know how you were doing,” he says, keeping his voice as gentle and sincere as he possibly can. It doesn’t come naturally to him, but somehow, it is easier when it is Patton. Easier to open up, easier to express his true concerns. Easier to allow himself to care, and he wishes he didn’t have to read into that, but he knows very well what it means, even if he’s shelving it to be considered at a later date. “It’s been some time now since the wedding, but I couldn’t help but notice that you haven’t been spending much time around the others lately.”
The wince is so quick that Janus half-wonders if he imagined it. But no— it was masked quickly, but it was there.
“Well, you know how it is,” Patton says. “Everyone’s so busy lately, me included! You know, with Nico and all.”
Janus feels his chest fill with warmth at the mere mention of the name, though he keeps his infatuation off his face as well as he can. There is not a single side in the mindscape that isn’t taken with Nico, completely and utterly, and Janus is unashamed to count himself among their number. Nico is who Thomas wants at the moment, after all, and Janus is always eager to let Thomas act on his wants.
But bringing him up now is nothing more than another distraction, one that he sees through immediately.
“I don’t know at all,” he agrees, “But, Patton, I can’t help but feel as though this is something else.” He flicks through a couple of options in his mind, wondering what will get through to him the best. After a moment of consideration, he reaches out and places a hand on Patton’s arm. It’s awkward; casual physical contact is not something he’s particularly practiced in. But Patton doesn’t seem to mind it, or at least, he doesn’t move away, though he appears a bit startled. “You’ve moved past busy into outright avoidance.”
Patton’s jaw works. “I’m not avoiding—”
Patton stops and looks at him for a moment. And then, he slumps in on himself, like a marionette with its strings cut. “Am I that obvious?” he asks, and he sounds so miserable that for a moment, Janus wants nothing more than to wrap him up in his arms and hold him until his pain goes away. An unusual instinct for him, but perhaps it makes sense; Patton has always liked hugs, as far as he knows, so it’s not unreasonable that his first thought would be to offer one.
His drive for self-preservation goes far beyond preserving himself, after all.
“Not really,” he says, “but you know how I’m so terribly unobservant.” He pauses, and then goes on, more quietly. “I won’t force you to talk to me if you would rather not. But we’ve had the conversation about repression before. Multiple times, if I remember correctly.”
Patton laughs, but there’s no warmth in it. Just something sad, self-deprecating.
“No, no, you’re right,” he says. “And I know it’s not good, I just—”
He waits, and Patton draws in a breath.
“I’ve been thinking,” he says, “about my mistakes a lot, lately. And I— I understand that it’s okay that I make them, and that I can’t be perfect, and as long as I try my best to fix things and do better then it’s alright, but it’s just that— Roman’s been so happy lately, you know? Because he finally got something that he wanted. And it just sort of hit me that I’ve been keeping him from having that for so long. He hasn’t been happy in so long, and I’m not even sure that anyone’s been happy in so long, and it’s all my fault because I’ve been saying that it’s wrong to want things for yourself, but it’s not really wrong at all and I know that now, but I just don’t know how to—”
“Patton,” Janus says, squeezing his arm, “please, breathe.”
Patton stops, looking at him, which isn’t exactly what he meant him to do, but he’s breathing, at least.
“Is this why you’ve been avoiding them?” he asks. “Because you’ve been worrying about this?”
Patton glances down, his hands twisting into the hem of his shirt.
“I just don’t want to hurt them again,” he says, voice small, and Janus is surprised at his own flash of anger. Who it’s directed at, he can’t say. The others, perhaps, for letting it get this bad. Himself, for not seeing it sooner.
“I understand that,” he says, “but even if you weren’t letting yourself magnify your missteps, which you are, by the way, you can’t possibly believe that they’d want you to hurt yourself instead.”
Patton jerks. “I’m not—”
“Oh, you’re not?” He breathes out sharply through his nose, trying to regain some of his composure. If this were any other side, he would feel comfortable in berating them from dawn to dusk, but Patton is too fragile for that right now. Even he can recognize as much. “Patton,” he says, softer, but firm, “when was the last time you ate?”
Patton’s brow furrows. “This morning,” he answers, “or— no. Wait. It had to have been— no, that’s not it either.” The corners of his eyes pinch as he tries to work through it, and while Janus has to admit that it is some relief to know that he hasn’t been denying himself food on purpose, the fact that the question is a difficult one at all is still very concerning.
“I—” Patton stops, stutters. “I guess I haven’t been very hungry lately. I didn’t think it had been that long—”
“It’s alright,” Janus interrupts, even though it isn’t, because there is an edge of panic beginning to creep into Patton’s voice, and he would like to avoid that if he can. “Well, we can work on it, at any rate.”
Patton’s hands are trembling. He pauses, considering for a moment, and then reaches out to take them in his. The contact is startling, despite the fact that he initiated it, and judging from the way Patton stills, the sentiment is shared. It is almost enough to make him pull away again, writing the venture off as a bad idea, but he doesn’t want to give Patton the wrong impression, doesn’t want him to assume that he stopped for any reason other than his own hangups about touch.
“That is,” he says, “if you’ll allow me to help. I can’t force you into anything. Ultimately, you’re your own person. Or rather, your own part of a whole person. But that means that the decision is up to you.”
Patton doesn’t reply. He’s staring at where their hands are connected, his face twisted into an expression that Janus can’t even begin to describe, and a horrible suspicion enters his mind.
Self-isolation can be a form of self-harm, too, and Patton has always been so tactile by nature.
“How long has it been since you last touched someone?” he asks, and Patton startles, yanking his hands out of Janus’ grip like he’s been burned. Janus tries not to let it sting.
“That’s not—” he says. “That’s not a big deal. I can— I don’t have to— and I didn’t want to bother anybody, so I—”
“Right, because asking people for a bit of physical contact is such a bother,” he says, his voice veering sharper than he intends.
“Isn’t it?” Patton asks, and Janus rears back at his tone. “Everyone’s dealing with their own things right now, so why should they have to help me on top of that? And besides, I’m clingy, and nobody—”
“Who told you that?”
Generally, he refrains from trying to murder his fellow sides, if only on the principal that they’re all needed for Thomas to function properly, but if it turns out that one of them has caused this, that one of them has called Patton clingy, made him think that seeking out affection when he needs it is somehow wrong, or a burden on others, then he refuses to be help responsible for his actions.
“No one had to tell me that,” Patton says. “But it’s true, isn’t it? I’m too much, and I’ve been trying to be better about that too, but it’s just—”
No, no, no.
“No,” he says. “It’s not true. You’re not too much, not when it comes to things like this, and anyone who has ever told you otherwise is wrong. No—” He raises a hand when Patton goes to cut him off, though he doesn’t actually exercise his silencing ability. Repressing Patton now would be the exact opposite of helpful. “And that includes yourself.” He reaches out and takes Patton’s hands again, holding on tight. He can feel how tense Patton is, how every muscle in his body has stiffened.
“Please,” Janus says. “Tell me what you want.”
Patton’s eyes well up with tears. His lips quiver. The silence stretches on.
And finally:
“I— sometimes, I just want to cuddle, okay? Is that so bad?” It’s a whimper, a plea, and really, Janus is absolutely going to kill each and every last inhabitant of the mindscape for neglecting Patton like this, for allowing him to believe that something so simple as cuddling him would be a chore, would be too much. He’s going to kill them, but later, because here and now, Patton needs him more than he needs any acts of violence, no matter how well-deserved.
“Of course it’s not,” he says, and hopes that the sincerity comes through, hopes that Patton doesn’t assume he’s lying. “Come here.”
And even as he draws Patton closer, he begins to panic. He has never done this before, never been asked to do this; generally, the others have always assumed that he likes his space, and usually, that’s true enough that he’s never bothered to correct the notion. It’s had the added benefit of keeping Remus at arm’s length when he’s difficult to handle, but he would be lying— ha— if he said that he’d never considered the drawbacks before now, never let himself wonder what it would be like to have someone else so close to him.
He’s never cuddled. Never been cuddled, never cuddled someone else. So really, he is possibly the absolute worst side for Patton to be stuck with right now.
But he’s what Patton’s got, so he tugs Patton up against his chest, wrapping his arms around him. Patton makes a noise, something between a gasp and a whine, but it only takes a second for him to melt into the touch, all of his weight landing firmly against Janus’ body as he goes limp as a ragdoll.
It’s an awkward position. He doesn’t know anything about cuddling, but he’s fairly certain that it’s supposed to be more comfortable than this.
He wonders if the fact that he feels like his skin is on fire is typical, or if that’s just him. A consideration for later, maybe, though his heart is beating almost too fast to ignore.
“Here,” he says, “let’s—”
He pulls back, heart panging at Patton’s soft whimper, but he settles himself on the couch, a sprawling position halfway between sitting and lying down. He beckons, then, and Patton wastes no time before lurching forward, draping himself along Janus’ body, and this— this feels right, somehow, their limbs slotting into all the right places, curving against each other, and Janus places his hands on Patton’s back to keep him in place. Not that he needs to; Patton doesn’t seem to want to go anywhere.
Patton tucks his face underneath his chin, resting against the hollow between his neck and collarbone. Janus has to suppress a whimper of his own. He’s never been touched there. Not ever.
He feels himself melting into Patton just as much as Patton is melting into him. It’s new, and strange, and a bit terrifying, but he doesn’t want it to stop.
Patton lets out a sigh, long and low. “‘M sorry I was being dumb,” he murmurs, words barely intelligible.
“It’s not dumb to be scared, or to have self-doubt,” he replies, though it’s a struggle to make himself coherent. His brain feels mushy, his thought processes slow, like wading through knee-deep water. “You’re wrong, of course, but it’s not dumb.” He pauses. “And it’s definitely not dumb to want someone to take care of you.”
“‘M glad you’re here,” Patton mumbles. “I’m glad it’s you. Thank you, Janus.”
Something in his chest bursts, warm and brilliant, and he doesn’t think it’s the contact.
“Of course,” he says, fighting to speak past a mouth that has gone very dry. “Anytime.”
Patton shifts, snuggling closer, and he wonders if Patton realizes just how much he means it. Because he does, perhaps more than he has ever meant anything else.
He’s not ready to say it, yet, though. Not yet ready to make it known, to open himself up to that. So, for the moment, he holds Patton against him, and lets him rest. Safe, warm, and though unspoken, loved.
General Taglist: @just-perhaps @the-real-comically-insane @jerrysicle-tree @glitchybina @psodtqueer @mrbubbajones @snek-boii @severelylackinginquality @aceawkwardunicorn @gayerplease @elizabutgayer @dwbh888 @thatoneloudowl @sanderssides-angst @gayboopnoodle @wildfire5157 @ldavmp4 @a-ghostlight-for-roman @sammy-is-obsessed @imlovethomassanders @a-yeet-bop-bop-boom @halfords-hysteria @random-fander @addykatb @i-cant-find-a-good-username @intruxiety @maybedefinitely404 @arya-skywalker @thefivecalls @nerdy-emo-royal-dad @bisexualdisaster106 @teacupfulofstarshine @neo-neo-neo @lollingtothemax
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Only You ~ Rowaelin
A Rowaelin fanfic, set if Aelin’s parents had lived and she had met Rowan under normal circumstances, if Erawan and Maeve weren’t threats. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Ten: Unexpected 
Chapter Nine ~ Chapter Eleven 
@endlessdaydream @aflickeringsoul @tillyrubes10 @fredweasleyhasadhd @rowaelin-cressworth @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @rowaelinismyotp @rosegoldannie @maryberry @viajandosinalas @becarefuloflove @allthebooksunderthemoon @sheharahu 
The two of them had been reluctant to break apart, neither one wanting to break contact first. But when they had, Rowan didn’t move from her bed, he sat close to her, his hand drawing patterns on hers.
“Was it worth the wait?” Aelin smiled at him.
Rowan chuckled. “Gods yes.” 
She placed another chaste kiss on his lips, savouring the feel of it, the taste of it. She would never get enough of this, of him. If this was what it was like from a mere kiss she hated to think how she would feel when they took things further— because when she was healed, they would be taking things further. 
Rowan scented her arousal and coughed. “You need rest Aelin.” His words pained, like it took all his strength not to feast on her right then. Rowan returned to his chair, even with the distance she could still feel him on her lips. She brushed her fingertips along them, smiling to herself. She didn’t want to think too hard on the repercussions of what had just happened. She didn’t want to think about the bond or the future; she was just content to bask in that brief moment of utter bliss. 
A knock on the door pulled them both from their thoughts. Her mother and father were loitering in the doorway, assessing the situation. “Can we come in?” Her mother asked tentatively. 
Aelin smiled warmly at them, nodding as they stepped through the archway and into the room. Rowan took that opportunity to stand, bowing slightly to her parents and then to her. “I’ll be back later, Aelin.” She wanted nothing more than to make him stay, but she understood that he wanted to give her time with her parents. 
Neither of her parents said much as they pulled another chair to her bedside, both taking a seat. Her mother looked tired, dark circles under her eyes and her hair braided messily over her shoulder. Her father too, looked worn out, the usual glint in his eyes gone, replaced with a gloomy look. 
“I’m not dead, you know. You could look a bit happier to see me.” She attempted humour, hoping to ease the tension, to ease the worry from her parents faces. 
“The healers had no idea what you’d be like when you woke. You hit your head hard, and there was so much blood—“ her mother choked back a sob. 
“It was such a low fall, I don’t— I don’t understand what happened.” Aelin could barely remember any of it, after the fourth or fifth shot of whisky the evening had started to blur, and the carriage ride home was a complete blank in her mind. 
“You were too drunk to stop yourself, you just let yourself fall into the ground. If people hadn’t been there to help… Gods.” Her father pinched the bridge of his nose. “This could’ve been a lot worse, Aelin.” 
“I didn’t exactly do it on purpose.” She looked away from her parents, focusing on the flickering candle on the table instead. 
“That doesn’t matter. Whilst we’re obviously relieved that it wasn’t more serious, you cannot be going out and getting drunk like that. You are a member of the royal family, people look up to you.” Her father looked away from her, breathing deeply for a moment before turning back. “You have an image to maintain, and I know you don’t enjoy it, but this is the life you have, and unfortunately you cannot do what you want, despite what Lysandra might say.” HIs voice was quiet, but his tone stern as he spoke. 
“Rhoe…” Her mother placed a hand on his knee. “Not now.” Evalin shook her head lightly.
“No, continue. I’d like to hear what he has to say.” Aelin knew where this was going. Her father had had this talk with her when she was sixteen after she had broken her wrist racing horses with Aedion. He’d done it again only a year ago when she’d spent most weekends of the summer getting drunk with Lysandra and Sam— although they didn’t know about Sam at the time. 
Her father continued. “We’ve been lenient with you for a long time, letting you get away with too much. Things are changing and you have to start taking more responsibility. No more running away when things get hard or locking yourself in your room when you can’t deal with something, no more getting drunk to solve your problems— playtime is over Aelin. You need to start acting like the queen you are going to be.” 
Even in the past she had never heard her father talk to her like this, with such evident disappointment. She felt embarrassed… mostly because he was right. She had been sneaking off with Sam for years, ignoring her duties to play pretend, going out partying with Lysandra or taking days off to go riding around with Aedion. Orlon had probably let it slide because there was no rush for her to be queen, but at some point he would step down and she had to be ready for that.
“I’m sorry.” 
“And whatever is happening with Rowan… you have to sort it out. If you are not going to accept the bond then we must know so we can find other options for you.” 
She flinched. “Other options?” 
“You are expected to marry Aelin.” 
She looked to her mother who remained silent by his side. She hated the way her mother turned meek when there was confrontation. More than that, Aelin hated how she felt looking at her parents, feeling the shame and frustration rising. 
She let that frustration surface. “I know. I am well aware that I have to marry and that people are waiting for me to make a decision about Rowan; but Orlon will be on the throne for a long time before I have to step up anyway, so why is there a rush?” 
Her parents looked towards each other, their brows furrowing. “Because…” Another glance.
“Because what?” 
Her mother spoke this time. “Orlon has decided that in one year he would like to step down.” Aelin could feel the world stop. “We were going to tell you a few days ago, but with everything happening with Rowan and Sam…” She trailed off. 
Her father once again began speaking. “He has been ruling for forty years Aelin, he’s starting to get tired. He has been king since he was twenty-two and you know he doesn’t have an immortal life ahead of him. He wants to spend whatever time he does have left with Darrow, not thinking about running a kingdom.” 
She tried to feel anger at Orlon, but she couldn’t. They’d never discussed when Aelin would officially take over the throne, only that she would at some point. Her father had never wanted to be king, so he had passed the title to his child; that child being Aelin. She had assumed Orlon would rule until he physically couldn’t any longer… but one year. That was so much sooner than she ever imagined. 
“A queen is expected to be married when she takes the throne. And given your situation...” 
She stilled. “That is an antiquated tradition. Why should a woman be expected to be married when a man can take the throne and be single his entire life?” Her head had started to ache, she blinked back the black spots in her vision.
“So you’re not accepting the bond then?” 
She rubbed her temple. “That’s not what I said.” 
Rhoe stood then, frustration on his face. “Then I do not understand the issue. Why are you making this all so difficult?” Her father paced as he spoke. “You have known this was how it will work, and you have never fought it until now. Why?”
Her flame burned on her fingers, her body going hot. “Because all of a sudden I’m not getting a choice!” She tried to calm the flame that was fighting to be released. “From day one I was told that any decisions would be mine; but from where I am sitting, that isn’t happening.” 
“Taking the throne has never been negotiable, Aelin.” 
She glared at her father, who did the exact same thing back, before she finally said, “it was negotiable for you.” 
“It was different for me.” 
“I had a daughter to pass the title to. You do not.” 
She was silent. 
“This is about more than just taking the throne, isn’t it?” Her mother’s first words.
Aelin tore her eyes away from her father and turned to her mother. “Considering you’ve mentioned marriage multiple times, yes, this is more than just the throne.” She rubbed her temple. “Even if I officially accept the bond with Rowan I will still be forced into marriage— after knowing him for three weeks. And don’t give me the lecture about how we’re mates.” 
“That isn’t what—“ 
She cut her off. “And then if I don’t accept the bond, I’ll be forced into marriage with a stranger.” 
“So it’s about you not wanting to get married?” 
“That’s not—.” She groaned. “I want to get married; just not on someone else’s schedule.” She blew out a breath. “I just want more time to really figure out what I want.”
She shook her head, the aching increasing the more she argued. “It doesn’t matter. My head hurts, I want to sleep.” She turned away from her parents, trying to steady her breathing, trying to calm her fire as she did. She didn’t turn as her mother came to place a kiss on the back of her head. She stared at the empty bed at the other end of the room, willing her mind to quiet. 
She didn’t know how long she stayed that way. She didn’t stir as footsteps sounded behind her, but she relaxed as she scented Rowan. He didn’t say anything as he climbed onto the bed and brought his arm around her waist, enveloping her in his warmth. He placed a kiss on her head, just as her mother had done, and she felt herself relax at his touch. 
The two of them stayed like that for a while, long enough that Aelin had started to drift off. His arm was a steady weight over her, a blanket of protection from the world. She drifted in and out of consciousness, Rowan never moving his position. And in between those brief moments of rest, she let her mind think about the future, about what she would have to do. 
She must have fallen asleep because she woke later to Rowan talking in a low voice to someone. He was no longer behind her, the coldness he had left was enough to get her turning to see who had arrived.
Aedion was stood there, concern etching his face as he looked at Aelin. Rowan had stopped his sentence to look at her too— and she could have sworn she saw a flicker of love behind the concern. 
“How are you feeling?” Aedion asked. 
“Like I’ve said to everyone… I could be better.” She tried to lift herself up and Rowan was there in an instant, gently helping her into an upright position. He loitered by her side as Aedion spoke.
“Lysandra feels awful. She’s only just managed to stop crying.” 
“It’s not her fault I was clumsy and fell from a carriage.” A bad attempt at lightening the mood. 
“She feels like she pushed you to go out with them, that it’s her fault your parents are—“ 
She stopped him. “We don’t need to talk about my parents.” 
He looked to Rowan who was pretending to be interested in the spec of dirt on his shirt. 
“You came back then.” Aedion directed his statement at Rowan. 
“Of course.” 
“It was nice of you to let us know you were going in the first place.” Aedion’s tone was cold as he spoke. 
Rowan practically growled his response. “It was none of your business.” 
Aelin wished she could sink into the covers, or disappear completely. 
“It’s my business when my cousin is hurting and moping around the palace for two weeks, wondering why her mate left without telling her.” 
She stilled. “Aedion, it’s fine.” 
“It’s not fine. You were not fine. He should be on his knees begging for forgiveness.”
The two males stared at each other, neither saying a word.
“Let me know when you’re back in your normal rooms, I’ll swipe some cake from the kitchen and we can talk.” He didn’t say goodbye as he left the room. 
“He seems nice.” 
She glared at Rowan. “Don’t start.” 
“How are you really feeling?” Rowan took her hand in his own. She warmed at the touch. Despite their time apart and despite not officially accepting the bond— there would have to be some sort of ceremony for that—, Rowan was the only person she could stand to be around right now. 
“I feel extremely overwhelmed.” She kissed his palm. “And I feel anxious.” 
“Do you wish to talk about it?” 
She mulled it over. There was no doubt in her mind that she could trust Rowan, but she was afraid of scaring him away; the thought of actually being queen terrified her, and she had been preparing since birth for it… Rowan had not. It scared her that everything was moving so fast.
“Nothing you say will scare me.” It was like he had heard her thoughts; or perhaps the expression on her face said everything. 
“Orlon is stepping down as king next year and when he does, I’m expected to take the throne. It’s not like I didn’t know that… it’s just—“ 
“It’s happening sooner than you thought.” 
She nodded. “I just thought I’d have a lot longer, you know?” 
“Orlon wouldn’t make this decision if he didn’t think you would be ready.” Rowan squeezed her hand. 
“Maybe he’s just trying to give me some sort of wake up call.” 
Rowan laughed. “Or that.”
Her smile fell away as she said, “I’m expected to be married before I take the throne.”
“Is that why you’re anxious?”
She shrugged. “Partly.” 
“You can talk to me Aelin.”
“I just—“ She swallowed. “Marriage is terrifying— it’s not that I don’t want to eventually get married.” She thought for a moment. “I think what is scaring me is that I’ve realised the person I want waiting for me at the end of the aisle is a male who I’ve known for less than a month of my life.” She took a deep breath. “I feel like I am going crazy… because in the time that it’s been since my father informed me of this, I’ve somehow come to the conclusion that it’s you I want to marry.” Another breath. “But I’ve been so distant from you; and we’ve spent almost two weeks apart and then suddenly I’m looking at you and none of it matters.” She finally met his eyes. “None of it matters because you came back, and we’re together.” She paused. “I look at you Rowan and… I am home. I touch you and my entire world is set ablaze. I sense the bond between us and I feel—“ She couldn’t find the words. 
“I know.” He whispered, then louder. “I know because I feel it too. The very first day I saw you, I knew.” 
She could feel it— the bond. Solid and unyielding as it flowed between the two of them. 
“I’m not scared of this Aelin. If you want me to be the one at the end of that aisle, then I accept. Because there is no one else in this universe I would want to spend the rest of my immortal life with.” He lowered his brow to hers. “I told you before that even when this world is a forgotten whisper of dust, I will wait for you. That is still true.” 
She closed her eyes, savouring the closeness of Rowan. “You don’t have to wait anymore.”
Her lips touched his own and it was just as beautiful as the first time. And as Rowan deepened the kiss, she felt that bond pulse between them, she felt their souls entwining and Aelin felt herself shudder at the sheer intensity of it. 
She had absolutely fallen in love with Rowan and she would burn this world to ashes for this… for them. 
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
can we please get more jj and daughter!reader? it’s genuinely such an amazing series and i’d love to read more about them :)
JJ x daughter!reader content!
Move-Ins and All-Nighters
"There's a boy in my bed."
You turned over, sleep clawing at your eyes.
There, in your bed, clad in an old and fading FBI t-shirt and holiday pajama pants (even though it was mid-may) laid your mother. Her eyes were settled onto the ceiling, your fan creaking and shuttering as it ran. It always did that, some kind of screw loose that made it clatter the way it did and the sound soothed you to sleep, thankfully, because god knows the image of your mother with any kind of tool to fix it in her hand simply did not fit.
The images of your dream, Harry Potter singing opera at a talent show, were fleeting and you groaned, shoving your face into your pillow with a 'humph'.
Will had moved in that day- or yesterday? You were too tired to check the clock but judging on the darkness you could only assume it was well into the early morning, your mother too jittered from the sudden moving in of her boyfriend to sleep. She had been practically bouncing all morning, the pregnancy, sudden and shocking, had made the couple move far faster than they had planned. Will had agreed to move in with the two girls and JJ had practically been flying ever since, making way for the man in their tiny three-bedroom house.
"He doesn't snore, he just breathes really loud. Like, really loud. I think he has asthma or something, and there was a tiny lull for like two minutes where I thought he was dead but I think-"
You groaned again, this time flipping onto your back and joining your mother in watching your creaky, shaky ceiling fan shudder and moan as it whirred in circles. "You're killing me, smalls." Your voice was a tired whisper, but it wasn't irritated. No, you couldn't be irritated because you knew just how stressed your mother was.
Your mother was stressed because of the new baby, her hand constantly flying to the non-existent bump throughout the day, throughout the night, throughout the morning, as if checking to make sure the baby was still in there. She was stressed because of Will, of what the baby meant for them, of what it meant for you and her. The two of you had only ever had the two of you. The two of you, which had been incredibly difficult and terrifying for her when she was just a pregnant teenager leaving her small town home for the first time, a baby in her belly and a father that wanted nothing to do with her. Difficult when she was the only one on diaper duty or school drop-offs, or first days of school. But had become her favorite thing in the world because you were something that she had never planned for but everything she was thankful for. A good kid, a great kid, a best friend who knew her and that she knew like the back of her hand. Someone she could climb into bed with at four in the morning because her...boyfriend? Baby daddy? Her Will, was snoring and she had never had someone stay in her house, sleep in her bed, and promise to be there to take half of the diaper duty, school drop offs, or first days. She had never had someone who said they would be there unless it was you and the idea of an outsider joining the Jareau girls was too foreign for her mind to understand alone and so here she was, in your bed.
"He cooked chicken." Your mother said absentmindedly, hand flying down to rub her belly.
You wondered if it would be a boy or a girl. You and Penelope had bets, she bet that it ws a boy, but you bet it was a girl. Honestly, it was just hope that it was a girl because you had no idea how to be a big sister to a boy. Although, you also had no idea how to be a big sister to a girl, in fairness, but you were a girl, so you figured the learning curve was a bit smaller.
"He did." You agreed. "Little spicy for my taste, but I'll get used to it." Your mind flitted back to dinner, the sight of Will Lamontagne in your kitchen, using your stove, searing chicken not something you had ever imagined. To be fair, you hadn't imagined him doing a lot of things in your kitchen, partly because your mother and you hardly ever used your kitchen. She couldn't cook for the life of her unless it was microwavable or instant pot and that was one of the many things you had inherited.
"He washed dishes- he took out the trash." She continued absently.
You nodded with a sigh. "Mhm."
"My bathroom smells like boy. Like boy soap and boy shampoo-"
"Ah, well at least he uses different bottles. If he used the three in ones I would've had to tell you to kick him out, that's a non-negotiable."
Your mother remained in her trance, her thoughts raging about her brain like a balloon deflating.
The fan teetered on.
"He put a book on his nightstand, in case he can't fall asleep. You know what genre he reads? Non-fiction. It was about WW2. Who reads about World War 2 when they're trying to fall asleep?"
"Well, to be fair, history class provides me a pretty good nap time and I wouldn't say that it's too bold of an assumption to claim that the content serves as an effective lullaby."
She turned, a puff of air being released as she did so. With as dark as it was in the room you could hardly see her, in fact you couldn't. Not really. Only the outline of her, but your memory filled in the blanks. Your memories filled in her face, her eyes which were probably wide as saucers, lips turned into a frown, one that turned down more with stress, eyebrows knitted, a face of panic, of terror, of uncertainty.
"I finally get what Penelope means when she says she doesn't like change."        
You nodded. This change was...weird. Will had come to your house before this. He had visited on weekends, showed up to soccer games, even grabbed you from school a couple of times. He was nice and reliable and...strange. Strange, because, suddenly, you weren't all your mother had. Sure, she had the BAU, she had always had her team. The team that had watched you grow up. Spencer who helped with your homework and told you bedtime stories- stories that you forced him to make up because you knew that he could recite every book he's ever read in its entirety without breaking a sweat and you told him that that was 'cheating'. Bedtime stories had to be made up, you had told him, and he obliged because he was Spencer. Or Morgan who showed up to your games when he could and had gotten kicked out on multiple occasions for yelling at the refs. Penelope who played Princess with you and saved every single drawing you had ever made her, or Hotch who had let you dance on his feet. Elle who sang to you when you had begged her, or Emily who made it her life's purpose to show you all the good music and movies. Your mother had a village, but she had never had a single person.
A person for her. A person who you watched her slowly trust. Trust to grab you from school, or go to your games, or sear chicken in your kitchen. You watched her make room in her closet for him, and clear out underwear drawers, and you knew that he was there. He was there and he was good. 
"This change is good, though." Your hand went down to grab hers. "When I was growing up, I had you, and I had you all to myself, and that was pretty amazing. But this baby is gonna get to have you and Will, and Will is...well, he's a dork."
Your mother chuckled.
"He likes to read history before bed and sings along to the radio when he drives. He likes strawberry ice cream over chocolate, and his favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard. He's a weirdo, Mom, but he's good, he's here, and he's willing to put up with us, that's a pretty hard sell, if you ask me."
Her hand squeezed yours, a lessening of the tension and you knew that whatever you were doing was working because when she next spoke it wasn't as stressed. "We're not that bad."
You snorted. "We talk through every movie, go through four tubs of ice cream in a week, and last week, for three days straight, we spoke only in transatlantic accents just to see what it would be like. We are annoying and if he didn't run within the first two minutes of living with us, then he's not going anywhere."
The pillow case ruffled as she nodded, and you gave a tired smile at the tiny victory. "Now, go be a big girl and sleep in your own bed, I have a Geometry test in five hours."
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