#but then Zagreus did THIS and it was too cute not to
missingrache · 2 months
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>fondly regard harry
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bowl-of-brain-worms · 5 months
[disclaimer that im not very far into hades 2 and i dont want to spoil too much for people who also keep dying around oceanus lol]
like everyone is talking about how much he misses hermes when hes away doing his spy shit which is. so. fucking cute. BUT ALSO. this poor man has been through so much. one of his brothers is missing, another is in a damn COMA, moros is too busy to hang out (and is antisocial enough he probably wouldnt want to even if he did have free time), who even knows what nemesis is up to. i can only think about how lonely he probably is.
his edges have been worn down, hes so soft in this game. the way he talks to melinoe seems sweeter than how he talked to zagreus. and zag lived in the house his whole life, he probably didnt get to see charon very much growing up and no one can convince me he can understand charons language clearly. BUT MEL CAN. BECAUSE THEY TALK ALL THE TIME!!!!!
charon visits the crossroads often enough that the shades know him. people dont seem so terrified of him like they did in the first game. HES TRYING TO HELP. AND NOT EVEN FOR MONEY!!!! hestia says something about how the gold in this game (rather than charons obols) are from chronos. melinoe asks charon to "dispose of this" when giving him gold.
hes so interesting this time around i love it. im doing everything in my power to interact with him as much as possible on my runs (the boatman tarot will be helpful when i can finally afford it lol)
the second his portrait is released. its so fucking over.
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h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if I could request Hades boys (Zag, Than, and Hypnos) x reader hcs where the reader loves to bake? ^^ Thank you!
Yes you can! Awww this is such a cute request! Thank you for the request, and your patience lol.
Word Count (Approx): 1,080
Hades Boys! With an s/o who loves to bake!
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Zagreus Zagreus first found out you loved to bake when you got hired to be an assistant to the head chef.
Your services to the lounge made it much more livelier than usual. Many of the shades who had no interest in food before, just had to see what the fuss was about with your baked goods. They were the talk of the house for quite some time after all.
And Zagreus doesnt let you forget that fact, reminding you constantly about how good your treats are, emphasizing how popular they are, as well as relaying the compliments he’s heard in whispers amongst the shades.
One day (or night) he asks that you teach him your ways. He knows how much baking means to you and wants to be able to share in that special little hobby of yours.
Of course Zagreus’ attempts end up with a fire, a horribly charred lump of something that was meant to be bread, and another hefty work load for Dusa in order to clean up the lounge…again. (You offer your best cupcakes as an apology to her afterwards haha)
The fire fiasco also got Zagreus banned from stepping foot into the kitchen again at the insistence of the head chef.
Zagreus would miss being able to steal tastes of your baked treats (and seeing you at work ofc) so much, that he commissioned the house contractor to start selling your treats in Charon’s shops. That way when he’s on his runs he can have a little reminder, and assist from you along the way.
He even took one of your recipes all the way to Eurydice, in return she gave him one of hers for you to try out. You were so impressed by her recipe, the goods made from it tasted like nothing you’ve ever had before! From then on Zagreus became a bit of a messenger between you two, he’d gift you one of Eurydice’s recipes when she gave them to him and you send her one back. You formed a cherished friendship over the shared love of creating food even without having met face to face.
You made sure to express your gratitude to Zagreus for taking interest in your hobby, connecting you to new friends in the afterlife, as well as being a great partner by giving him all the treats he could ever ask for, but the only treat he really needs in the end is you :)
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Thanatos Thanatos was never one for sweets. The taste was too intense and the pure sugary monstrosities reminded him way too much of the surface. Bright, euphoric in the moment, but also very bad for you. All in all he can’t stand the stuff.
So when you first told him about your hobby he admits he had some concern. He’s seen what treats do to mortals first hand and does not understand the appeal.
Until, one day or night he returned to his usual spot in the house, and upon the polished round table that Zagreus got him was a basket of freshly baked bread rolls. In his hasty opposition to sweet foods he forgot that not all baked goods were of the sweet variety. Your baking opened a new door for him that day.
He praised your baking skills the next day. Expressing his gratitude of you accommodating his culinary preferences. You told him that’s what partners are for! That you want to be able to share this part of you with him and are overjoyed that he liked them. He laughs at your enthusiasm telling you he would happily accept any more treats you decided to make him.
And make him things you did, from breads to pastries to savory pies you made him all sorts of amazing goodies. Thanatos thanked you profusely after each gift, pressing tender kisses to your temple.
One evening, he admitted that he didn’t always hate sweets. When he was younger he actually liked a few of them, but after seeing greedy mortals, stuffing their faces and throwing away much excess while others starved and perished. Sweets never quite tasted the same, becoming a suffocating syrupy substance that he cant handle, but he was willing to try again if you made it.
You told him he doesn’t have to try your sweets and you wouldn’t be offended if he didn’t, but he assured you he wanted to, that anything important to you was important to him. And besides if he likes someone as sweet as you then he can handle any sweet treat you make.
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Hypnos Alright, Hypnos sleeps a lot so there not a lot of time for him to eat the goods you make. He claims that the sugar would have him awake for weeks and he’d hate to have that happen. So he appreciates your hobby in a different way.
For instance he loves just watching you bake. The way your hands move so gracefully as well as confidently is super soothing. Your so precise in everything you do its very impressive to watch. You often catch him leaning against the edge of the counter your working on, fast asleep after a few minutes of watching you bake. You find it really cute how much he admires you ^-^
Not even to mention the smell! When Hypnos cuddles with you after you’ve been working a long shift with sweets and freshly baked goods, he practically feels as if he was in Olympus! Nuzzling his nose into your hair he can just fall asleep relishing in your sweet scent as he holds you close.
Well, eventually you are able to catch him at a time where you can convince him to actually enjoy your baked goods. And he was right… He talked faster than usual that day, and was way more clingy than you were used too. Why he rivaled Hermes in how fast he completed his work. His sugar rush antics made quite the entertaining feat. I don’t think he nodded off once for quite a while after that.
But when he did crash, he crashed It caused quite the backup in his work, and he wasn’t allowed to have your treats over a certain sugar level after that. Ordered by Lord Hades himself XD.
But Hypnos doesn’t mind, you’re the only sugar he needs in his life :P
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
I haven’t finished Hades yet bc of Hades’ second boss phase but I still wanted to write for Zagreus bc of my growing love for him 🥹🤍(also Hack this is for you! 🫶🏾) reader is gender neutral!
Ah, Elysium.
It was always easier to breathe up here- the air felt clear, nothing like the heat in Asphodel. It was calm, and the vast ageless structures motivated Zagreus no matter how many times he entered this realm- he was so close to reaching his goal of escaping, so close to reuniting with his mother.
He could tell that he was close to reaching Theseus and Asterius from how many enemies had been spawning more and more in each room, multiplying with no end in sight. But Zagreus was already used to it and well prepared, getting through them with only a few issues.
But the next room surprised him.
He pretty much had most of Elysium memorized (or at least he thought he did through his…many attempts), but yet he had never seen this figure in any one of his travels.
Zagreus’ widened eyes were met with your own.
“I don’t think we’ve met before, have we?”
“Hm,” you blinked and stood up, the faded patched up cloak that covered you slowly gliding around. “No, we haven’t. But yet I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Hopefully good things and not troubling?”
“Well, that would depend on who you ask. But either way, what I’ve heard so far was…interesting.”
Zagreus chuckled at your words and took in your form- you didn’t look like the typical Shade, and he didn’t see you armed with anything. Nor were you talking down at him, your eyes being full of kindness and your tone light and airy.
You weren’t someone sent by his father to stop him. Good.
“I tend to have that effect on some. Seems like I don’t have to introduce myself, but I feel like it would be rude if I didn’t.” He held out his hand and gently smiled. “Zagreus.”
You took his hand and introduced yourself in return, and Zagreus couldn’t help but marvel in your touch. Your touch was so soft and warm- he let his fingers hold onto you for a bit more before he came to his senses and let go.
He cleared his throat, hoping his embarrassment wasn’t that obvious. “Well then, it’s nice to make your acquaintance. It’s always welcomed to see a pleasant face that’s not out to kill me.”
You giggled at his statement, “I’m glad to be of service, my lord.”
As much as Zagreus would like to stay and get to know you more, he knew what led beyond the next doors. He could hear the chants and just imagine the cheeky grin on Theseus’ face. It made him roll his eyes, but he knew that time was of the essence.
It seemed that you understood his dilemma as well, and walked with him to the looming doors.
“I would say I hope we see each other again, but I think that would be wishing bad fortune on you.” You sheepishly smiled, fiddling with your cloak. “But, I do have something that could help you on your journey if you like?”
Zagreus couldn’t help but smile- you really were too kind (and cute).
“I would, actually.” And he felt himself grow stronger, having more chances at battle before the River Styx called him back.
“I truly do hope this isn’t the last I see of you.” He confessed. “Hopefully the next time our paths cross is under better circumstances.”
“Likewise.“ You agreed. “I’ll be waiting for the moment.”
He stood before the entrance and heard the rising chants of the undead. He glanced to get one last look of you, a bright twinkle in your eye as you waved him off.
“I’ll be cheering for you, young Prince.”
Zagreus was able to hear your words before the growing cheers from the arena drowned them, which left him with a new fire lit inside of him. Not even Theseus’ arrogance was able to deter him.
“Alright,” he swung his Stygian Blade and got into his stance.
“Let’s get this over with.”
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ginavampina · 5 months
Your Astarion&Darcy illustrations are SO CUTE! I wonder...does Darcy takes after mommy or after daddy regarding the personality?
Ahh thank you! I love them both very much 😭
D’arcy is very mischievous but overall a very happy lil lad. In terms of his personality I think he has a lot about him that could be traits from either parent, though when he’s younger I imagine he takes after Astarion’s fun/mischievous nature more.
I like to imagine D’arcy has the temperament of a kitten. Playful but is also a keen (but clumsy) hunter. He is as chaotic as you would expect a baby dhampir to be 😭 He rarely sleeps in his own bed and will often “hunt” his parents whilst they sleep which consists of him wriggling his way onto their bed and pouncing on Astarion’s face. The gum bite attack usually follows. For a time I imagined they swaddled him and tied him to their canopy bed so he was hanging upside down like a bat and he slept soundly. D’arcy’s infamous sleeping arrangement was what initially inspired the coffin piece I did for the three of them too!
Thank you all for the D’arcy love. He’s a squishy lil boy and he’s just so precious at this stage of his life. Well, actually, D’arcy is always precious. If you want an idea of what he’s like when he’s older — think of someone like Zagreus from Hades Game. Their personalities line up quite well!
(Also sorry to everyone who thought D’arcy was a girl 😂😭)
Please enjoy a lil bonus of this cleaner coffin lineart update!
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eanul-rmbl · 3 months
part 2: dog days and puppy love
wc. 1.1k+
warnings: no beta
notes: hmm, I don't really like this one too much, but it's kind of cute! I like writing the "struck by lightning" crush moment, more than the actual "falling in love" part, sooo.....
That nostalgic day had been around a month ago, in early June. Right now, the two of them were in Hypnos' room, with the door open. (Y/N) lied stomach down on his bed, scrolling mindlessly on her phone while he rested in an equally awkward position on the floor. Breaking the silence, she spoke up. “Why is a raven like a writing desk?”
Hypnos looked up from his clipboard. There was something that glinted slightly in her eyes that he couldn't quite decipher. Something slight. Something quick.
“Why is it?” he spoke up, too, keeping her in his gaze as he tried unthreading the intricate thoughts of her mind with his. Of course, this did nothing and she only gave him a long standing cheshire grin as she held her phone in one hand and fiddled with a moth plush she had brought with her in another.
“Because Poe wrote on both of them.”
“Because who wrote on what now?” She burst out laughing as he grinned at how funny the word 'Poe' sounded, and why this 'Poe' wrote on top of a bird. She threw her phone carelessly across his bed and hitting him lightly and repeatedly with her stuffed moth. Hypnos felt moths up his throat as he struggled to say more. “Wait, what kind of sick person writes on birds, even? Cruel world.”
Hypnos was joking.
It took a considerable amount of time for her to finally start calming down.
“Because,” she breathed out. “Because Edgar Allen Poe, an classical writer, wrote on, or about, both of them. Wrote on as in wrote about, and wrote on as in on top of.”
“Oh!” hummed Hypnos, before returning to his clipboard. “Fun!”
She grinned, shifted to pick up her phone.
“Hey now,” she started, lightly gripping his shoulders as she shook him back and forth. Hypnos ignored the fireworks, and tried to forget her cheshire grin. “Don't go back onto your lists and infographics just yet, Hypnos. I've yet to make you laugh.”
Hypnos hummed. “Make me laugh, huh? Well, I haven't had a good laugh since, hmm.. Since Zagreus got bit by all these mosquitoes! He could have put on repellent, or stand near the smoke, but he just stood there and said ‘I'm strong, I can handle it!”
(Y/N) snorted.
“He, in fact, could not handle it! And was left swollen, head to toe!” Hypnos said, coupled with exaggerated movements and funny expressions. He could feel her suppress another one of her hearty laughters inside her wide smile as she ruffled his hair. Hypnos suppressed himself from melting there on the spot.
“That's nice,” she said, though Hypnos knew it was much more funnier than just nice in her eyes. “But I'm trying to make you laugh. Now why do I always buy the green leaf lettuce instead of the romaine?”
“You do?” Hypnos asked. Personally, he saw little difference in either lettuces. “Why?”
“Well, I wouldn't want the lettuce to get lost, now, don't I?” It took a few minutes, then some explaining, and then a couple more minutes before Hypnos got the joke. When he did, he simply hummed again, saying it was a good joke and giving one of his own.
The rest of the afternoon was spent similarly. While she braided her hair, she'd launch a terrible pun his way. Usually, it'd bounce off his cloudy hair and she'd have to explain it to him. Then, he'd give her a funny moment of his life, usually where Zagreus ends up comically hurt. She'd laugh and lightly hit him with her stuffed moth, and he'd grin and hum at her difficult-to-understand riddle-jokes. Never once did he laugh, yet never once was he ever displeased.
“Oh, oh I've got one,” she waved his hand next to Hypnos until he looked her way. He set aside his clipboard and pen, and listened to her. His eyes were struck by the sunkissed angel who laughed melodies and smiled blessings. "See, this one time I was playing a video game with Zagreus. Well, he was playing and I was just watching. But that doesn't matter, really!”
Hypnos hummed.
“But anyways, through no fault of my own- Actually, scratch that, it was completely my fault- he ended up accidentally turning on the ‘time limit’ option for all the in-game levels..” Hypnos had actually forgotten the rest of the joke, and the afternoon. He didn't remember the long set up that would usually be too long for him to bear, but was made bearable through her. He didn't remember what the joke was even about. If Zagreus was actually important enough for the joke to have been mentioned in the first place.
Though, he did remember the giggle that danced in her throat as she spoke energetically. He remembered how she moved her hands in exaggerated motion, pantomiming every little minute detail.
He remembered how he genuinely laughed for the first time in a while. It wasn't an upbeat hum to fill any silence. It wasn't a nervous laugh to calm his mind from any perceived threat or danger.
It was true, humble laughter.
Several minutes after she left, Hypnos was still sitting on the floor, looking down at his clipboard. Thoughts and memories remained.
(Y/N) was always laughing, always smiling, since he met her. At least, he never saw otherwise. There was always that signature glint of wonder in her eyes that communicated love for the world, and love for its inhabitants. If, he wondered, If I lived more in the world, would she love me just as much?
Hypnos sighed, and jotted down some other list on another set of tasks he'd like to complete. He remembered how, in their previous exchange of jokes, he had made a self-deprecating one. She frowned and made him kiss her stuffed moth plushie. Told him not to put himself down like that.
He remembered that, with ears tipped pink and a light warmth blooming over his cheeks, he hadn't made another sad excuse of a joke for the rest of the afternoon.
“I care about you, you know..” The oddly shy voice echoed in his ears.
She went through that effort to make me laugh, he thought to himself. He failed to fight a creeping grin on his face, so he instead covered it with the feather of his quill pen, despite nobody else being there. Laugh!
There was a girl who was always seizing in laughter. A girl that he met right before school ended, when they both graduated that year. A girl who’d become quick friends with him over the summer. A cute, upbeat, and cheerful girl his age who seemed to love everything this world had to offer.
Hypnos hummed. I always thought my type was older, tough and muscular people, not..
Yet here he was, in his room, sitting on the floor with his quill pen in one hand and a clipboard in the other, failing to fight a grin as a thought crept up his mind.
Never once did she treat him like a joke. Never once did she laugh at him. Never once did she leave him to rot in his apathetic lethargy.
She might be taking him seriously, and Hypnos kicked his feet at the idea.
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crescentfool · 1 year
I noticed you're a Ryomina!!! How did you get into it? And do you have any good fanfics/doujinshi you can advice me to read? ANYTHING on Ryomina actually? I'm dying for anything about them!!! Thanks!!
yes!!! it's me!!! i'm ryomina fan (one of many)!!! thank you for visiting my askbox, i'll do my best to answer all of the questions because it always makes me happy to see that ryomina sparks joy for people! :D
...this got really long because i like linking to things, so i'm putting it under a read more (IM VERY NORMAL ABOUT THEM)
how did i get into it? i got into persona 3 around august 2021 through the movies- at the time my only experience with the persona series was with P5R / P5S / P5D. p3 was the one that interested me the most (i thought minato was very pretty + i caught wind that the themes of the game were very resonant with people). i picked the movies over the game because i'm a guy who plays games at a snails pace, haha.
admittedly, i did latch onto ryomina because of the scenes in the third and fourth movie (i have mentioned in the tags of this art i drew how much i felt like i was exploding and blasting off to the moon watching it).
but what really dug me into the ryomina hole (and what has kept me there) was thinking about how much ryoji encapsulates the themes of p3- and how interconnected his fate is with minato. i wrote some musings about their dynamic here, if you're interested!
tl;dr: what if we were both boys and we were mirror images of each other and i inherited your kindness and looks but god doomed our narrative even though we're soulmates
on ryomina fanworks recommendations:
regarding fics: i'm going to assume that you've probably read the fics that have the highest kudo ratings on them, so i won't really be listing those.
a personal favorite fic that i always hold close to my heart is Eurydice's Vow by crescentmoontea, which explores the idea of ryomina in p5r's third semester. this was the first fic i read about ryomina and it made me tear up lots...
i also think a lot about I Alone Await You by Nail_gun, literally scrumptious writing that captures the ryomina dynamic so so well. actually check out Nail_gun's other ryomina fics while you're at it too!
other fun fic i'm fond of: can't get my mind out of those memories (what were they?) by foxmulder_whereartthou. ryoji being homeless lives rent free in my head and it's all because of this fic. there's a bunch of other fun ryominas from the same author too (i still need to read them)
BkZa555 also has some fun AU scenarios if you're into that too, notably with Zagreus (P5-Setting, Ryoji focus) and The Definition of Insanity (TIME LOOP fuckery!), but they're currently ongoing.
these were some ones that came to my mind first- as i have the strongest recollection reading them. admittedly i haven't really been reading fic this year, so i don't have many recommendations from fic that came out this year. but if you're so inclined to let ryomina consume your soul, i definitely recommend giving the newer works in the ryomina tag a look-see and see if it strikes your fancy!
as a side note, i do have a few ryomina fics that i've bookmarked on my ao3 here, though i have to say that i'm not sure how well they hold up in terms of like... what i would seek out of a fic these days. but they made past me happy so i bookmarked them, LOL. it's kind of outdated (my collection of fic recs has my old username *disintegrates*).
regarding doujinshi: i have not read all the ryomina doujinshi available, but as a starting point, please take a look at this list from pandora-scans from livejournal!
notably, this is where you can find the strawberry-chan say good bye doujin- which features a small and cute comic from shuji sogabe (the p3/p4 manga artist), as well as other artists. the existence of this doujinshi is the funniest thing to me because it's like "HEY if you're wondering what the volume 8 cover is really gay it's because sogabe contributed to a ryomina doujin." this fact makes my head spin (positive). it explains a lot about the manga.
regarding persona side material:
i know you didn't ask for these but i thought that i mine as well list these too, since i feel that the side materials have some fun expansions on ryoji and minato's interactions. i haven't... watched/read all of these but, hey, i like to share these things!
for comic anthologies for the persona series (some of which have ryoji!). if you're interested in reading them, here's a scanlation index from maboroshi-no on tumblr. i don't think this is a comprehensive list, but i think it will be a great starting point!
for some translations of the persona 3 drama cds, check out imaginary-numbers on dreamwidth! ryoji and minato interactions can specifically be found in the persona 3 character drama cd vol. 1, and for the audio + english subs, you can watch this video on youtube:
and ohh the musical. ryoji singing and dancing gives me so much joy. i haven't watched the musical in it's entirety (only fragments), but here are some links that may be of interest to you:
Ao no Kakusei (The Blue Awakening), Sakuya version - playlist for the first p3 musical, translated by Phoenix Maiika.
Ao no Kakusei (The Blue Awakening), Kotone version - playlist for the femc version!! also translated by Phoenix Maiika on YouTube.
Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade (English Subtitles) - playlist by rumio!
P3 Weird Musical DVD & Soundtrack Booklet Scans by rumio_k - twitter thread that links to these funsies, if you don't have twitter, here's the publicly shared drive link.
god. these sure are a lot of links, huh? i hope you enjoy them- pick and choose whatever sounds most appealing! (if this overwhelmed you im sorry GKLHLDH i just like being very comprehensive in my answers about things so i got carried away).
and as a reminder, you (and anyone else reading) are always welcome to browse my tags/archive and reblog things from there anytime! i have... nearly 300 ryomina posts which, while mostly consists of art, has a few fics, meta, hcs, gifs, memes, and whatnot scattered about.
or browse the minato and ryoji tags too! there's.. nearly 1k minato. and 500 ish ryoji. and they're going to keep on growing because i can't stop being obsessed with archiving these things. god help me i am so deep in this hole called ryomina hell and now you're here too. welcome aboard!
there's always going to be a lot of fun ways to enjoy rotating ryomina around in one's brain, i think- they're a pairing with such fun symbolic imagery that is So Deep (to me) but ALSO they're immensely hilarious and weird guys (affectionate). so i love to share these things in hopes that it gives you joy too! they are the most couple ever (to me) (i'm biased)
thank you again for the ask! i hope it can satiate your need for more ryomina, and be a nice aide in exploring the p3 fanspace :)
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randoimago · 2 years
Hypnos x reader with the prompt “Our friends set us up under the mistletoe” sounds like a cute idea, so I’ll request that, please!
“Our friends set us up under the mistletoe”
Fandom: Hades
Character(s): Hypnos
Type of Request: Drabble
Note(s): You got it!!
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He doesn't know rather to be silently seething at Zagreus or thanking him. He's told the godling, in confidence, that he likes you. He didn't think anything would happen. But when Persephone decided to show everyone one of the seasonal celebrations on the surface, he should've known.
You're being pushed next to him and he is gripping his cup tightly, but giving you a relaxed smile to act like nothing is wrong. And nothing is wrong besides the fact that he's so close to you and holy crap you're so cute.
Zagreus is the one that led you over and mentioned going to grab drinks while you chat with Hypnos. You were talking and Hypnos was listening, also noticing Zagreus say something to Persephone and some plant began growing above the two of you.
"What's that?" Hypnos suddenly asked, making a face as he did cut you off and he made a note to apologize later. He knew what the plant is, it was explained to them all beforehand, but he thought playing dumb would be good to get you to notice. You followed where he pointed and went silent. Hypnos felt himself sweat at the idea that you were displeased.
“Our friends set us up under the mistletoe,” was your response and he gave a hum, continuing to try to act dumb. "We're supposed to kiss."
"Oh well, don't want to break tradition right? Knowing the luck in this place, we'd die a horrible death." He tried laughing it up, only for him to be startled at you leaning in to kiss him. He didn't get to react as you pulled away (too soon for his liking). He wanted to say something but his throat was dry. Good thing Zagreus came back with drinks as he took what was going to be the godling's cup. You took the other one and gave Hypnos a smile before walking away.
"Can you do that again?" Hypnos asked after a few moments. Zagreus snickered and gave him a pat on the back before leaving too.
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devotion-disorder · 10 months
HI OMG now that i have ur attention (kinda) w the last ask about dol can i just say that ur blog is one of my favs FR FR!! your artstyle is perfect i wish i was U!!!! smooch smooch smooch chuu chuu chuu x1000000000 chuus i hope you have the best day of ur life everyday!! and that little kylar chibi is so cute :3 in the time that i’ve sent that ask he has since kidnapped me!! <33 i ignored him the entire time though bc why would he do that!! (he’s cute but i can’t let him get out of hand) and i escaped dw :3
okay and note about dol; UR SO RIGHT i love the grind of getting money it’s so rewarding!! i’ve became a little sexy spa girl to entice customers into givang me monay…. ohohoho. but now idk what to do with all of it, what do you spend money on other than baileys weekly payments?? i avoid giving them money HEHE ( but i do pay them once a month though so robin doesn’t get shanked))
love u love u great artist and author and everything!! multitalented starshine!! + + + + + Love
also. what’s Hades… ahaha… ur my game plug
omg anon you are being too nice what the FAWK....im jus your game plug.............asudhaiudhawiudawhiad😭😭😭😭 <- im morphin into this emoji in real time. sentencing you to ten thousand smooches NOW
i also loved to grind for cash in dol LOL but it was mostly just for the millionaire vrelcoin achievement. because theres nothing i love more than meaningless achievements in viddy games😔then once i got it i just spend it on literally anything because money just becomes a non-factor lol
but also thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about Hades. you will regret this. under the cut cause da post is long:
Hades is an indie roguelite game released a couple years ago! and literally I cannot find a single bad thing to say about this game im being serious rn. The storyline? Fucks. The music? Fucks. The art? Fucks. The characters? I need to fuck everyone so bad. The gameplay? I've never been more addicted to dying. and this game is fully voice acted like WHAT?????
In the game you play as Zagreus, son of Hades, and youre trying to escape from your house because you hate your dad and also to find your mom. but theres also tons of other characters with their own sub-plotlines AND there's a dating mechanic. there's honestly so much goddang content and the writing + voice-acting is totally solid!!
i'm not much of a Gamer™ myself and im usually pretty shit (or mediocre at BEST) in action-heavy games, but even i found hades to be super enjoyable :oo it did took some getting used to in the beginning, but after getting the hang of it and because of the game's natural progression it does get significantly easier. I think the game is really well-balanced, and no matter what weapon or boon you use its still really fun.
if i remember correctly back when the trailer dropped it caused quite a stir on twitter/tumblr because it looked so good. And guess what!! they're making HADES 2 BABEY!!! but that comes out in early access next year i think.
so yeah. check it out if you want! or maybe later if you have finals. because I will admit that sometimes.....when i couldve been drawing or doing something productive. i was not. because i was playing hades. so um. sorry guys.
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sleepnowmychild · 4 months
The gods and shipping
Note: I feel like shipping isn’t the right term, given this is religion and not fandom. But I can’t think of another word that means ‘the act if supporting two (or more) people together as a couple’ so I’ll use it for now. And if I find something better I’ll edit this post.
This gets long so I’ll put it under the cut
So I don’t think it’s any secret the gods had many many lovers. Rarely did they ever have just one. Each of those lovers and their story plays some part into the deities mythology and the lessons we’re meant to learn from those stories. So I’ve never seen an issue with shipping the gods in their many established relationships. I mean, many couples are worshipped together. Hades and Persephone, Eros and Psyche, Ares and Aphrodite.
Some of the established relationships may not be entirely healthy ones, but again those myths exist for a reason. To share a lesson about love, relationships etc. or sometimes simply to give a god/hero two divine parents. But there’s a reason for every relationship established in myth.
So what about creating your own? Seeing two gods that don’t have an established relationship and seeing them as counterparts?
In my opinion I don’t see too much of an issue when it’s done with respect and acknowledgment of those gods ‘official’ consorts. I say ‘official’ in quotes because some gods have more than one marriage, or who that consort is depends on the myth. But you get the idea, the main established relationship for that god.
For example: when I first learnt of the Sisyphus myth, and how Ares had rescued Thanatos, I couldn’t help but think about how the two are linked in their domains. There is no war, without death. If you want the bloodshed and fighting of a war you need death to be present. War is a tragedy that can’t exist without senseless killing. Ares can’t do his job as the representation of the more brutal aspects of war without Thanatos there to take the souls and clear the battlefield of the fallen. I was rather surprised there was no one off myth that paired the two together as a couple, given how perfectly they seemed to fit together. So I admit, I kind of ship them.
While Ares is most often associated with his affair with Aphrodite, and she’s his main partner. The gods had so many partners I don’t see any issue with looking at the story of Ares rescuing Thanatos and thinking it’s kind of a cute concept pair them up. I acknowledge his ‘official’ partner is Aphrodite, but have to admit the symbolism in a pairing with Thanatos is a great concept.
Outside of a worship context: when it’s in the form of a myth retelling like TSOA, the Hades games, Hades town etc. since they’re merely retellings and the depictions of the gods in those stories are more akin to a fictional character, you can really do whatever you want with them shipping wise. I fucking love Zagreus and Hypnos together in the context of the hades games. But when we’re talking about the actual gods, I don’t even know if they’ve ever interacted so I can’t see them together. Retellings in the form of books, movies, games etc are free reign in my opinion no matter how wild the pairing is (yk as long as it’s not any illegal shit).
TLDR: I don’t see anything that wrong with shipping the gods, as long as it’s done with acknowledgment of their ‘official’ consorts and respect. You can worship two (or more) gods together and think they’d be cute, or enjoy the symbolism they’d represent.
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babumakeanart · 5 months
6 hours of playtime of Hades II -thoughts so far
This post will contain spoilers so those who want to avoid seeing them please don't read anything under the cut. Also, take these are my first 6 hours only, my options might change, develop etc. Don't take anything too deeply as this is my brainrot i need to get out because I am just amazed by this game!
First - Melinoë and the story: 
Melinoë is the most badass sweetheart and she is very pleasant protagonist to follow and learn things in her footsteps, like Zagreus's dynamic to another character she can be respectful but can bite back when her line is past which I really like and it is fun to watch and person is hype for another interaction with NPCs and the environment. 
So far the story is ‘simple’ and I am putting it like that because so far we have a clear goal but you can sense there is something deeper going on and is really interesting to explore. So far I got into the third level, already forgot the name of that but it’s the Mourning Plains or so and boy, that place gave me the creeps the first time I got there and THE BOSS!! oh boy :’DDDDD 
Gathering items:
This is what I kind of find refreshing in one way, that I can gather ingredients much faster than it was in Hades I. Maybe it is just me but gathering the crystals in Hades I is tedious and I still need to buy so much furniture for the house. So far I like the variations you can get and use things for. The gardening is very nice and I think I saw Odysseus checking the garden at one point?? very cute. 
And taking different tools for the run so far doesn't feel like bother to do so and if you unlock forget me not you can actually see what tool you need for recipes. So unlocked stuff is very helpful to you. 
Of course, the fight style is very different than Zagreus had. Zag feels more like go and smash and be fast, while Mel feels more strategy fight. Not that is slow is still a nice hack and slash, and the difference is very nice to see between siblings! So far I unlock all the weapons and my fav is the axe :DD and the flame weapon is so funny when you are running with them XD 
I do not really know all the lores about all the characters that are being in the second game as well some in the first game but I love how the game is built on Nemesis' interaction with your runs. How she sometimes (so far I have met her like four times or so in my runs) challenges you who have the most kills, clears the room before you even have a chance to stop and she blocks one doors so you have to choose the other door!! also she buy items in charon shop?? it feels so alive?? and I love it so so much!
Hermes and Artemis:
AAAAAAAAAAA seeing these two actually being there with you is so cool! love it 
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Clothes: It's such a tiny detail but when you get different fabrics your clothes change color and is so adorable TTATT ofc my fav is lavender
TTATT do i need to say more??? 
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CHAOS: okok when I seen the door to the dimension where Chaos is I sprint there without any thinking but seeing the SPRITE??? hello?? IS THAT MEG?? what does that mean, what is happening why does Chaos look like Meg? What happened to the underground?? This was a point in the game where I really stopped and my brain did this: 
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Didn't make a screenshot because I was just stunned but wow
Anyway if anyone want to scream with me please you are very welcome to because I am crying about this game!!! Excuse my bad English I just had to get my thoughts on the paper otherwise I would do no work haha 
Love to hear all the theories!
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toast-is-ticklish · 2 years
An...Informative Experience?
Lee! Zagreus, Ler! Megaera
Zagreus has an interesting question that puts him in an eventful position. Lots of tension. Thanatos makes an appearance!!
Zagreus had been on the other end of Meg's death stare many, many, many times, admittedly mostly for good reasons, but this time he was really just quite confused.
"Zag," she ground out between clenched teeth, "What exactly are you trying to play at here?"
Zagreus put his hands up in mock surrender. "Nothing! Really! I'm just quite curious, and, well, everyone else seemed to get quite strange and jittery when I asked the question..."
"I honestly can't believe you would ask me such a question like that. Tsch. It's sort of sad, even for you."
"Well if you're quite done marveling at my apparently depressing lack of knowledge, I would very much like to know what this tickle thing is."
Meg gave him a discerning look—the type that used to make him want to squirm when he was a little younger. He raised an eyebrow.
"Alright. Fine. I'll show you."
"Show me? Oh—oh okay—" Zagreus followed along awkwardly as Meg pushed him up against the wall, smiling somewhat sheepishly.
They must've been quite a sight in the lounge, but there are not many things to which the dead are unaccustomed.
An exasperated sigh. "Try your best to stay still."
"Is it painful? I think I'll be quite—hng!"
Long nails slowly traced over the sides of his ribs and sent waves of tingles throughout his torso, making Zagreus resist the urge to squirm.
Meg's eyes sparked in a way that was concerningly familiar to the looks he recieved while fending off her whip.
"What was that, Zag?"
She sped up her fingers and skittered them all around his open torso, leaving Zagreus wishing he had maybe chosen an outfit with more coverage.
"Ihihihi! Ihihihi—Ahahah!"
This new sensation was turning Zagreus's brain to mush—he felt like he was actually melting as he let out these embarrassing giggles. His face was growing too warm for Meg not to notice and he only hoped she wouldn't say anything about it. His body seemed to have a mind of its own as it squirmed uselessly and weakly grabbed at Meg's wrists.
She apparently decided she'd had enough of that as she swept up both of Zagreus's hands and held them over his head. Zagreus's stomach flipped at this new position.
"W-wait, Meg, I—"
"Wait for what, Zag? Where'd all that curiosity go?"
"J-just! Plehease—AHAahah!"
His words were cut short as he collapsed into shoulder shaking, endearing, laughter; throwing his head back in a way that it almost hit the back of the wall.
Meg couldnt stop her smirk when she dug into Zagreus's exposed underarm, finding herself pleased by the way his body short-circuited underneath her fingers.
"Never thought I'd find something that left you speechless."
Zagreus just laughed and tugged at his arms a little, unsure he was capable of much else at this point.
Something in Meg's demenour relaxed as she studied Zags face, taking in his laugh. It wasn't like his usual quiet chuckles. It was loud, and full, and it had a sort of rough undertone to it like it wasn't used in quite a while. If she just leaned in a little closer she could see his scrunched up face, how that flush had so tastefully colored his pale skin—painting his cheekbones, neck, ears...
Looking at him this way it was hard to deny there was something about him that was sort of...
Meg said under her breath; before suddenly snapping back to reality. She pulled her hands away as if they had been burnt, taking several steps backwards. Purposely peeling her eyes from Zagreus as he caught his breath. She needed to stay professional. This was  completely out of line! What had even spurred her to—
"Meheg?" Zagreus wobbled on weak knees, and Meg did not think about how well that may have suited him. "Thahat—" he attempted to clear his voice, "That was quite the sudden...display. Not that I—! Well, uhm."
Meg glared, turned to leave the lounge because yes gods damn it she was embarrassed, only to see a very frazzled looking Thanatos gaping at the two of them.
Zagreus's remaining flush intensified somewhat as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Did you ehm, see all of that, Than?"
Thanatos seems to remember himself and quickly responded, eyes flitting about. "Yes, well, it is not my place to judge. It is...pleasant to see you taking revelry in something other than battle," he glanced at Meg cautiously, "Both of you."
Meg narrowed her eyes, giving the two gods a frigid look. "I have no time for this."
She didn't allow herself to feel bad for her cold behavior, even though she knew neither had done anything to provoke it. Instead, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.
Silence burnt through the room for a moment.
Zagreus sighed, shoulders sagging. What even happened back there? Had he done something wrong?
"I...apologize for her behavior, Zagreus."
"No, no, it's really fine Than, I just thought...well, I don't know what I thought, really."
Thanatos tried his best to give a reassuring look. "I don't believe she dislikes you, not really. Give her patience, space. Use that blasted persistence of yours."
Zagreus let out a weary laugh at that. "Well, my 'blasted persistence' hasn't proved very productive thus far."
At that, Thanatos let out a chuckle, grasping Zagreus's hands in his own. "It certainly worked on me."
Leaning his forehead against Thans, Zag felt himself relax a little. "Yes, you're right. You're always right."
A small grin. "Well, I certainly wouldn't object to that."
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smallraindrops-blog · 2 months
Finally finished the Icelos fic! I wrote some of this with a migraine, so I apologize if there's spelling errors or odd sentence structure. ;w;
Imagine, if you will.
Icelos, playing with her brothers in the front yard, their parents keeping an eye them from the house. Her taking a moment to breathe when she hears what seems to be the sound of a cat mewing. It's not often, but animals do end up in Elysium from time to time.
Straying away from her brothers (who are now arguing over who would in a fight, Uncle Zagreus or Uncle Thanatos. Hypnos chimes in with all the time Zagreus has died, and Y/n watches from the sidelines. Phobetor is on the firm side that Aunt Megaera would win against both of them. Y/n agrees.) She moves closer to a group of bushes. Pushing them aside, she sees what was what made that mewing sound.
An injured Flame Wheel. Its wheels cracked and splintered with bits of light shining through.
Mortals, both humans and animals, can take the form of one if she remembers correctly (and she does. Dad loves reading them stories about Elysium and it's shades when it's time to nap.)
The Flame Wheel, upon noticing her, starts to growl, and Icelos starts to panic. Flame Wheels only defense strategy when agitated is to explode. She quickly braces herself.
But she doesn't hear it ignite, only growls and a whimpers.
She hears her dad call for her, father too. She's make her decision.
When calling for your daughter who has a habit of collecting animals, one should expect her to have a new companion.
However, her returning with a type of Shade known to explode is not something anyone can be prepared for.
Y/n knee-jerk reaction to pull his daughter away from the thing was only stopped by Phobetor grabbing his legs and Icelos pleading teary-eyed look. Hypnos quickly looked over his daughter before her pleas to keep the Flame Wheel reached Y/n. Look, father, it's behaving so well. It hasn't even exploded!
Icelos was quickly comforted by Hypnos who keep his weary gaze on the little chariot with sharp teeth, his eyes softening at the little whimpers it let's out.
And with his husband and daughter giving him pleading eyes, Y/n has no choice but to say yes, with very strict rules about it.
Y/n was later seen with his daughter playing with the cat-like chariot before returning it to the further depth of Elysium.
Now, when walking through Elysium, it seems as if every Flame Wheel looks on in wonder at the kind daughter of Hypnos, some even trying to follow her home.
Y/n quickly makes sure they're sent away before they get comfortable.
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Omggggggggggggg! First thing! Make sure to take care of yourself! I would smack you with a newspaper on your head but you already have a headache.
Also never apologize for errors especially when dealing with a migraine!
Putting the rest under the readmore
i will imagine.
Okay so aaaaaah this is so so so cute! I love little domestic scenes like this.
Little Phobetor def is a Megaera fanboy, he got a sign for her and everything.
awwww that poor little flame wheel!
Hypnos reading bedtimes stories to the kiddos 😭 ( i have really been wanting to write that fic aaa, i might be staying up late tonight.)
definitely, Icelos will keep her parents on their toes (and all of the kids really lol)
of course y/n always give in when it is Hypnos. He is a sucker and they both know it.
y/n doesn’t sleep that night, too worried about the flame wheel, and was ready with a hidden bucket of water for sure.
awww, i can see it so clearly, a little parade of flame wheels following her around everywhere.
Awwwwww i love this so much. Good job anon! I enjoyed so much, i think i read it over seven times before i could even respond. You did great job getting that wholesome family vibes and i just know everyone else would enjoy it as well!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful fic!
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Picture Book
Panda's Notes: Very late happy birthday to @ssnicker-doodless! This is technically in an AU that splices the characters from Hades into the version of Olympus/Underworld from Lore Olympus, but we can just call it a modern AU if you want. >w<
Zagreus had been up in the attic for the better part of the morning. Most members of the house had rightly assumed that he was looking for something, but at this point, they figured the teen was just screwing around again.
But they were wrong, obviously!
Zagreus had rummaged through box after box; shelf after shelf. The attic was shockingly organized, another mark of his father’s uptight past. …More uptight past. But apparently, that meant it didn’t need any labels. Father Hades was sooo great at remembering things, it seemed. Zagreus wondered why he hadn’t inherited any of those good traits as he flipped through another old book to try and decipher this shelf’s pattern.
He sighed and set it down. This entire bookshelf was all stuff about wars. Not what he’d been asked to find.
He moved to the next one, already hearing the groan inside his head as he noticed how much thicker these books were. His inner monologue shut up when he lifted one; despite their width, the books were light. The pages weren’t made of paper, and—oh!
“Finally…” He sighed with a smile. This was the photo album shelf. Now he just had to find the picture…
Well, even if Zagreus had remembered which photo his father wanted from the album shelf, he’d long since forgotten after he’d started looking through each one.
White covered albums seemed to be from Olympus; all of Zagreus’ favorite cousins had baby pictures, birthdays, even more recent events.
Green albums were filled with photos of Mother and the mortal realm. Persephone’s favorite plants and gardens; sneaky photos of Athens taken over decades. Human lives were so short… Zagreus wondered if they’d even live long enough to have cameras.
Purple albums were all of Nyx and her children. There were so many… Exactly how sentimental was Mother Nyx? Then again, Zagreus was learning a lot more about his family lately.
Red albums—It was a red one! That’s why he was up here. Gods, that took forever. Zagreus thumbed over the spines—there were only two this time, oddly enough—and grabbed the first one excitedly. He sat down against the shelf, and as he opened the album, he felt a knot forming in his chest.
These were his albums. Dozens of pictures of Zagreus as a baby. In his mothers’ arms, Father’s, Nyx. Him meeting Than and Hypnos, posed next to Megaera too. Zagreus wiped his eyes with the heel of his hand, laughing softly to himself as he kept flipping.
“Zagreus?” He flinched as the attic door opened, and Thanatos leaned in to look around. “You’ve been up here for hours; your father is looking for you.”
“I told you he probably ran off to play with Cerberus or something.” Megaera’s voice crept into the room as Thanatos pushed the door open.
“I am here, actually.” Zagreus called, waving a hand in case they truly couldn’t see him. “Appreciate the confidence though, Meg.”
She chuckled, and both of them approached him. Thanatos crouched beside him, peering over his shoulder. “Did you find what your father wanted?”
“Can’t be this…” Megaera murmured, a hand on her chin as she glanced the photos too. “Can it?”
“I don’t know, honestly.” Zagreus shrugged. “He told me to find a red photo album. Didn’t specify which one. I might bring down both just to see.”
“I don’t remember any of these...” Thanatos said softly, flipping a couple of pages himself and chuckling.
“Wait!” Zagreus grabbed his wrist, laughter already lining his voice. “Look!”
His eyes had fallen on a photo featuring the three of them climbing all over Cerberus. They all looked so tiny; Meg’s wing was barely the size of her shoulder; they were still in diapers, even!
Zagreus laughed, pulling the book closer to try and inspect the photo better in the low light. “You two are so cute here! By Gods, you’re both even smiling!”
They certainly weren’t smiling now though, and Zagreus could feel tension growing in the air around them. He cringed a bit as Megaera glared down at the book, his laughter turning into an awkward chuckle as he started to close it.
“Okay, well, I should probably take these to Fa—”
“Ah.” A flinch rocked Zagreus’ entire body as the pommel of Thanatos’ scythe pressed into the page, the weight of his ire pressing Zagreus’ knee to the floor. “Sorry, but uh…”
“Yeah…No offense to you or the family, Zag, but we’re destroying that picture.” Meg sighed as if she were just suggesting what to eat for lunch. Her practice whip cracked hard through the dusty air right after.
“Hey, hey! Easy!” Zagreus yelped, scrambling to his feet while yanking the book to his chest. “If you destroy this book, Father will kill us; mostly me!”
“Not the book; just that picture.” She stalked forward, gripping the whip between her hands and cracking it against itself.
Thanatos placed a hand on her shoulder, stepping in front of her. “What she means to say is, well… Actually, I can’t think of an alternative. But let’s calm down a little. Just hand over the book. It’s one picture; we’ll take responsibility.”
“Like he’d notice anyway.” Meg huffed.
Zagreus, for his part, was certainly not short on integrity. “I—Look, I do get it, you two. But if the picture’s in here, someone must like it. …And I do too.”
Than’s face fell. Good cop was off the table. Zagreus knew what came next. Dammit, he wasn’t good at this yet. He called to the shield Father had given him. Aegis; that was its name. Maybe he could swap the book in there instead.
“Go for the throat.” Thanatos growled, and Meg just smirked.
Zagreus squeaked, the threat alone putting him off balance. What actually put him over was Than’s scythe hooking under his ankle and ripping it out from under him. Megaera lunged, and her hand pressed his collarbones to speed up his hard fall against the floor.
“Let go of the book, Zag.” She practically purred, one hand clutching the edge of the book as she sat on his waist. “One. Chance.” She gripped his chin, staring into his mismatched eyes with a smug, domineering fondness.
Zagreus could feel his chest tighten, heat filling up his cheeks as a nervous smile pulled his lips. He crossed his arm across his chest, bracing the book against himself even as she hummed “patiently”.
“The throat it is, then.” She smirked, two of her fingers loosening off of his face to drag their nails up his neck. The squeaking giggles that welled up behind them only made him tense up more, and he was shocked to find that he couldn’t move his chin from her grip at all.
“Hmhmhm….” She sighed, those two fingers just…dragging slowly up and disappearing for a second just to do it again. “How slow do you want to do this?”
Zagreus bit his lip, but he realized she wasn’t asking him. Thanatos was standing over him, staring at his face for any apparent signs of weakness, probably. He rolled his eyes with a chuckle.
“He’s already late. We might have to be fast.” Without any other fanfare, he dropped to his knees, hands darting past Zagreus’ arms to dig into his sides. He leaned down to whisper against the side of his head. “Let’s see how he handles being torn apart~”
Megaera flinched a little when Zagreus screeched and tried to kick his legs. She reset her position, setting her weight just above his knees to curb his flailing.
“You guys!” Zagreus cried out, voice cracking around squeals and cackles as he tried to twist away from hands that…weren’t moving. Dammit.
True enough, Thanatos’ hands hadn’t moved an inch after gripping onto his flanks, except for a few errant pinches and maybe pressing the pads of his fingers in. He didn’t scratch or even twitch a finger unless his grip came a bit loose. Between him just…being there and Meg still teasing at his neck, Zagreus felt justified in his slight overreaction. His grip didn’t loosen, especially when he felt Meg try to pull the album.
“Tired already?” Thanatos asked with a smirk once Zagreus stopped moving. “Need a jump-start then?”
Oh. Wow, this was more serious than Zagreus thought.
Than’s fingers were moving all of a sudden, and Zagreus could feel every individual brush. They skittered and scrambled and squeezed fast up and down his sides and across his stomach. Right on cue, Zagreus was shrieking with laughter again, more or less doubled now that Thanatos was making an effort.
“See, you have plenty of energy in there!” Thanatos taunted, changing his tactic to rapid pokes around his belly. “Maybe you can use it to see reason!”
“I-I’m not trying t—” Zagreus’s voice pitched into a screechy cackle as Meg brought both hands up to skitter her nails across his neck. “Meg, please!!”
He was trying desperately to twist under Meg’s weight. Snorts starting to break up his laughter, and the heels of his sneakers scraped against the hardwood with his effort.
“When did you get so tough, Hades Kid?” Thanatos whispered fondly against the side of his head, one hand moving to the edge of the album. “Let go of the book.”
His voice was long gone, but he still managed to keep a grip that Thanatos wasn’t overpowering with one hand.
“We’re encroaching on this not being ‘fast’ anymore.” Meg chuckled.
“Want me to try the Lock Breaker?” Thanatos didn’t make the mistake of loosening his grip or stopping his fingers.
“Normally, I’d say I don’t want to go deaf, but this might be more important.”
“Fair enough.” Without giving Zagreus a moment to think, Thanatos moved his hand to scribble relentlessly around his bellybutton, nails dipping in and tracing the edge as fast as he could.
Meg may have exaggerated about going deaf, because Zagreus didn’t think he could get any louder than a minute ago. He actually wasn’t sure how long he’d been stuck here, but now was definitely the worst of it. Meg’s hands had moved to pin his waist, stopping him from twisting around at all as he was cackling himself hoarse.
He hadn’t even noticed when he lashed out to grab Than’s wrist, but in an instant the book was gone. Thanatos pushed off of his chest and stood up with the book over his head.
“Ha! Never fails!” He cheered, stepping back and flipping to the page.
“Than, wait!” Zagreus choked out, finding a second wind to struggle. Meg wrestled him easily, letting him flail a little, but stopping him before he could make any distance.
 The sound of something tearing ripped silence through the room.
“Oops.” Thanatos chuckled, closing the book and setting it on the floor. Meg grinned as well, loosening her hold and standing up herself.
They exchanged a smug look before they noticed Zagreus sitting on the floor. He stared at the empty space in the book, heaving a choked sigh before closing it. “I’m glad you two are happy.” He hummed patiently, moving to stand up.
“Zag…” Thanatos cringed a bit, about to reach out to him.
“Are you three done making all that noise?”
The trio practically jumped out of their skin, looking up to see Hades in the doorway.
“A-Ah, sir…” Meg murmured warily, straightening awkwardly.
“We…Um, sorry.” Thanatos confessed, showing the handful of pieces from the torn photo.
Hades stared down at them, sighing and rolling his eyes before stepping aside. “You’re all late for your training. Out.”
“Yes sir.” Megaera and Thanatos nodded quickly and descended the stairs.
Zagreus remained there, unable to look his father in the eye. He held the album tight to his chest, and he felt himself shaking as heavy footsteps crossed the floor.
“I needed this one, actually.” Hades huffed, and Zagreus heard him pick up the other book. A hand touched his face, and Hades thumbed his cheek. “Tears are precious, boy. Don’t waste them on what doesn’t matter.”
“…It mattered enough to keep, didn’t it?”
That hand moved to pet his hair. “That wasn’t even the original.” His voice almost sounded pleased. “Bring that to my office. I’ll put in a new copy. Maybe you’ll see a few others.”
Zagreus blinked, staring after his father before chasing him down the stairs.
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dreamerswriter · 6 months
Flying with the Cutest Zoom
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That is adorable.
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This is the side of Idia I hope we see in Book 7. If man figures out time travel or creates the Iron Man suit, all my gems will go to him. I love him.
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You know, he has the work ethic. Huh, Idia too wanted to leave hell like Zagreus... Sorry, I've been playing Hades lately. I love it. A good game. That being said, yes, I love my OC Persephone with Idia even more
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Oh my gods that sounds amazing.
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Ok, one, this is too cute. Two, does Idia have a jetpack?!
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I've never pulled an all nighter, but I want to try it. That being said, go with them.
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Aw, so he doesn't have a jetpack. What a shame.
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How does that work? Does Ortho give Idia a piggyback ride or bridal style carry?
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Aw, he's a good big brother! He wants to go with them.
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Oh, my gods! The Zoom Ortho wanted to really fly!
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How do you sleep like this? Before anyone says anything about airplanes, you are inside the plane. Idia is outside. How the frick did he fall asleep?!
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Ok, that's too cute.... and sweet. They had a nice day out together and flew above the clouds. That's wonderful to see!
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On the other hand, how does that work? Will this Zoom create a problem with the technology he brings back from this realm? Does it not matter? Is it the same? I have so many questions. On another note, did Zoom Ortho go through the trauma simulate that is book 6 yet? Ortho mentions it and Vil talks about the film club, so it has already happen. I am just curious if the Zoom Ortho went through this.
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eanul-rmbl · 3 months
part 3: dog days and puppy love
wc: <1.1k
warnings: no beta. very brief description of (symbolic) bodily harm caused by the corvids. also, less action and more "laying down the groundwork"
One day, the cicadas buzzed loudly amidst the summer heat. It was another dead-of-summer temperature that Hypnos would love nothing more than to pass out in. 
And I would have, he mused to himself as he feebly attempted to cool himself down with a red fan. But his eyes drifted across the area, and attempted to see what little he could make out through his sweat in the searing climate. Each time, this eyes would land on her. I would have fallen asleep by now, surely..
She was grinning about the heat, or, as she described it, the “calming warmth of a summer's day, that envelops you in a hug and makes you want to fall asleep”.
He blinked at her and gave her an exhausted look.
All Hypnos really got was the ‘falling asleep’ part, really.
She was talking to Zagreus while Zagreus was talking to Thanatos (how the son of Hades could balance two completely separate conversations, Hypnos did not know). Thanatos was ignoring Zagreus, and instead spoke to Megaera who was also juggling conversations between Dusa's gossip and what Thanatos deemed to be relevant topics of discussion.
Hypnos grinned as he slumped into what little shade he could find, fanning himself weakly. It felt like his flesh was melting like buttery fat off his bones. Slowly, he almost began drifting of into a dream; one where it was cold. One where he wasn't bearing the weight of his sins, or whatever.
But his eyes drifted blindly once more over to (Y/N), who was still grinning and laughing in her half-listened conversation with Zagreus. Zagreus laughs back. She grabbed his shoulder, which was bare, and shook him back and forth. Zagreus was wearing a black tank top. Of course he was wearing a black tank top. She ruffled his hair and gave his back a light punch. Okay. This was okay.
Both his heart and lungs began working again after he blinked.
Hypnos huffed lightly to himself, off in the shade while everyone else suffered in the sun. His fan barely worked in the humidity of the area, anyways, so he put it away into his bag (which was surrounded by everyone else's) and closed his eyes shut. Sleep welcomed him immediately, like it usually did, and he drifted off to sleep.
Were the two of them dating, him and her? The question began tearing into him. You don't just ask someone if they're dating.
Hypnos began feeling sick at the stomach. This wouldn't have been the first time he had a crush on someone that Zagreus had an affair with. Megaera was proof of that. Heck, Hypnos even dated her a while after she broke up with Zagreus, for a short bit. It turned out that he had idealized her for her strength, among other things.
Oh my gosh, am I idealizing her, too?
All sorts of questions swam through his head. He couldn't tell if it was them who brought him a newfound splitting headache, or if it was a sign of heatstroke.
What if I'm not treating her fairly in my mind?
What if I'm only friends with her because I think she's cute?
What if she's only friends with me because I know Zagreus?
His eyes snapped open as he greeted the world with a light gasp. The world greeted him with blinding hues of blues and green, from having fallen asleep in the summer heat. Quickly, he felt around for his fan, before realizing it was in his bag.
“Welcome to the land of the living, Hypnos,” said (Y/N), who looked ethereal while Hypnos was still half-asleep. “It's time to go inside. Everyone already got their bags and all.”
“Thanks, man.” It felt weird.
“Man?” She elbowed his side and ruffled his hair a bit. Though, he was still too groggy to understand or remember anything. His eyes blinked him in and out of existence. He rubbed them intensely as she guided him into the cheap cinema, where the others were at.
The movie was dizzy, and confusing, from what Hypnos remembered. One scene had the main character hallucinating, with the camera and sound designs absolutely assaulting his ears with white noise so white, it was like it was bleaching his ears.
Another moment, the main character kissed some guy. He thought it was their childhood friend, though he couldn't say for sure.
Overall, Hypnos was constantly blinking in and out of sleep during the movie. Each nap, though feeling like a lifetime, took around ten minutes from the 180 minute movie. The cinema room was all but fully loaded with people; Hypnos sat between (Y/N) and some stranger who sat with their partner. It felt as if a tight squeeze, and he struggled to get comfortable.
He'd blink, and the main character was in a wheat field, being ripped to shreds by a murder of crows.
What the heck, he'd thought, blinking slowly. ..Is going on?
To his right, (Y/N) leaned over to him. The cinema, combatting the intense heat Hypnos remembered from the outside, was freezing to Hypnos. It was as if each squeaking chair had a full on air conditioner underneath it. Or perhaps, it was because he hadn't brought his duvet under the summer heat. (Y/N) shifted over to whisper into his ear. Hypnos shivered.
“The main character's being punished by the ravens- morally gray to the plot, specifically- for cowardice and plotting.” Her voice was low in the whisper, deep; clear, concise, and calm. Hypnos was conscious to make sure his hand didn't meet hers on the arm rest. “They wanted to save their lover, and their lover did get spared, but now they're suffering for it.”
“Hmm.” Hypnos hummed and leaned subconsciously in her general direction. She didn't shift away, and turned her head back to the movie.
“Let me know if you need any more recaps.”
“Sure thing.”
But when Hypnos woke up once more, he found his head resting on her shoulder. He flinched, and his fingers, which rested on the arm rest between them, quickly grew tense and clammy. He leaned forward, to see that Zagreus was, indeed, sitting to her right, and proceeded to slowly lean as far away from her as he inconspicuously could.
His last dream, before the movie ended, had him being ripped apart by a murder of crows.
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