#but then I dislike the archival hell of one collective story with minimal tags
snickerdoodlles · 3 years
Question for fic friends (writers & readers!)
I’m going to move more of my fic stuff to AO3 for preservation concerns. The stuff getting posted to AO3 will most likely be things like the patpran pirate AU or patpran elementary AU—pieces of works that are full scenes, and maybe even some of the more story-like plot sketches ala patpran Luca AU, of stories that I’m unlikely to write (or at least not finish any time soon). A lot of these pieces tend to run ~1-2k each
So my question for y’all: is it better to post these as one collective story, or post each individually in a fic series?
I can see the pro/cons of each and I’m rly torn on which way to go for them? 🤔 for the collective, nothing would be tagged beyond consistent pairings (ie probably patpran, mayyyyybe inkpa) and I’d maybe tag characters, with each update titled by AU type or story reference. so that’s archival hell and potentially v annoying if someone’s looking for a specific story, but it’d be all bundled up together quite neatly
alternatively, I post them all as individuals with full tags & summaries for each. the incompletion status would be noted via the series they’re in plus author notes (probably). pros would be easy saving of a story that looks interesting and an easy way to track if I do suddenly update it or write more, plus easier to remove it into its own Thing if I do continue it. But I worry it might also be annoying to flood the BBS tag with these when I could just bundle them together?
So I’m rly just wondering like? Is there a preference either way or nah??
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