#but the will one definatly got better in the top one
izzylovesyou2022 · 2 years
Friendships Last (Some Turn Into Something More)~ Luke Hughes
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Aurora pulled her blanket tighter around her body and looked up at the clock above the TV. It read 7:30. Luke should be home any minute now.
Aurora had moved in with her best friend since the age of five when she turned seventeen. Luke had just bought his first apartment and, with Aurora's family in finical trouble, the decision was made for them to move in together.
She fiddled with the small comfort ball in her hand and turned her eyes--one brown, one green--towards the door. Watching for Luke wouldn't make him arrive any faster but she really couldn't help herself. It was habit for her.
She remembered how shy and awkward they were the first couple times they were around each other. Luke had just turned 9 and Aurora had just turned 8. Kids being kids, Luke at first didn't want anything to do with her, but that didn't last long, and soon no one could tear them away from each other.
A key in the door made Aurora jump but soon a huge grin etched over her face and she threw the blanket off her.
She bolted at him and threw herself in his arms, giggling when he caught her. She let out a happy laugh as he spun her around in a few circles and then gently dropped her on her feet.
"Hiya, petal. What time did you get home?"
Aurora giggled as Luke pressed a kiss to her forehead and took his jacket from him.
"A little after 6, Lukey."
Luke's lips twitched at the nickname his best friend still used for him all these years later and stretched his arms above his head.
"Did you eat when you got home, petal?"
Sometimes Aurora got too distracted by other things to eat, so part of the job Luke assigned to himself was asking Auroua this simple question whenever he came home.
"Yes. I made myself a turkey sandwich," Aurora replied, throwing her comfort ball from hand to hand.
Luke's shoulders relaxed and he patted her on the head as he walked past her.
"How about you pick out a movie for us to watch, petal, while I go change?"
Aurora let out another giggle as she bounced over to the movie collection by the TV.
Horror movies were most definatly out of the question so Auroua hummed and placed her fingers on the DVD case of the original Top Gun movie. Luke often teased her that the reason she loved watching it was because of Tom Cruise, but Aurora instisted she watched it because it was one of her dad's favorite movies.
"Top Gun, Aurora? Why am I not surprised?"
Aurora stuck her tongue out at Luke and set the movie up before grabbing the romote and climbing into Luke's lap.
"This seat is taken."
Luke rolled his eyes but allowed Aurora to get comfortable against him and smiled when she pushed her head under his chin.
It was about an hour later that Luke noticed Aurora wasn't making her usual commentary about the movie. It's not that Aurora was a huge talker during movies, but with certian movies that she'd seen a billion times, she loved commenting on details no one else noticed. She was fansinating that way.
He looked down and noticed she was asleep against his chest. This had happened a million times before, but something about her hand clutching his shirt made Luke's heart thumb hard against his ribcage.
He noticed Aurora had a few more freckles right above her nose. The sound of her soft breathing made Luke swallow a lump in his throat.
If he didn't know any better, he'd say he was starting to fall in love with her.
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eziojensenthe3rd · 1 month
Midnight Gaming: Many turkeys were harmed...
So last night I played Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 past midnight, checked socials to find... first impressions of the borderlands movie are grim.
So Randy Pitchford's shootloot the movie is gonna be out soon and the initial trailers dont promise much. I have zero interest in watching this, mainly because Id like to avoid too much of the randy grease. And if you think im being harsh, bear in mind that the first impressions are out now and they arent great. No thanks im good.
Addendum: As i wrote this, the movie has recieved 0% on rotten tomatoes. LMAO
So now lets get into something better. A  game that has a changed the world for the better. A monument to gaming that has never been topped. A true flawless diamond of video game design. And its wrapped around Doom 3 to anchor its beauty in order for us lesser mortals to comprehend its beauty. I kid, Doom 3 isn't necessarly a bad game, it took a risk by forgoing the high octane shooting for a slower horror feel and it didnt really catch on. Early on in the game in mars city, you can come across a small cafeteria and an arcade cabinet containing the beast known as STTP3.
You punch the turkey, you punch it till it explodes. Another turkey spawns. Repeat the process. And if you get the rhythmdown, you get more points cause thats what it is, a classic high-score based arcade game. Keep at it until you get a high score and HR tells you off. I managed to go as high as this until I called it around 12:30am.
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Y'know what? Who has the highest score on STTP3? Did anyone max out the score? Lemme just look this up and...
Ok yeah I was nowhere close to that..
Yeah so, I was going to do doom 3 but figured I try to get a high score on the turkey puncher for the bit and use this time to talk about something D3 related. Mainly the mod scene, cause while the latter games has a whole collection of mods and fanprojects, Doom 3, or atleast the non-bfg edition one, had a ton of mods itself. You had that odd Duck Nukem mod, the Bubba Hotep one, you had that mod that turned Doom 3 into a Thief game and you had that one that turned it into an imsim.
I never really touched on those mods, at the time I got game mods along with indie games and demos from the PCGamer discs that used to come with the magazine.
I wanna spend some time talking about three Doom 3 mods that I remember fondly and would to share with you all today.
First up is Doom 3 Classic: (https://www.moddb.com/mods/classic-doom-3), which is a mod that recreates the first episode of the original Doom in Doom 3. This was to be honest, the first time I acutally played Doom 1. I wasnt aware the first episode was freeware at the time, so this mod was my first exposure to it. The one great thing about this mod however was its intro cutscene. They didnt need to make it but i'm glad they did.
Next up is Last Man Standing: (https://www.moddb.com/mods/last-man-standing-coop), a mod for Doom 3 that adds online co-op for the game. You can go through the main story of Doom 3 with other people as well the Resurrection of Evil expansion, some custom made wave survival maps. In fact the last mod I just talked about is actually supported by this mod. Definatly was a lot of fun playing this online but you wanna know something else? This mod has a theme song and it kicks ass.
If I had a nickel for everytime a Coop mod for a first person shooter has an awesome menu theme, I would be recreating the doofensmirtz meme, which is a bit overused but its funny when the opportunity comes up.
Last but not least, this one was one that i've played the most because it delivered a lot of gameplay. While completly changing Doom 3 in many ways. DungeonDoom! (https://www.moddb.com/mods/dungeondoom)
DungeonDoom was a mod that changed the game into a rougelike fps-rpg hybrid with a collection of different game types and classes to choose from. A shop to buy items, quests to do and a big procedurally generated dungeon to go through. Heck one of the classes you can choose to play turns it into a sort of card rpg where you can summon monsters and use spells. This mod was just fantastic and I loved playing every minute of it.
So yeah, those were the Doom3 mods of my youth. Loved playing them and I hope this encourages someone to check them out. You need the old version of Doom 3, not the bfg edition in order for them to run. Hopefully you have some fun playing these 15+ year old mods............... oh god.
Thank you for reading this, see you tomorrow. Feel free to leave feedback, anons are currently on.
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello again :)
Heres a second part of my fanfic, as i said in previous post that i will add one or two. I know the begining might be a bit long and boring, but i decided my other two favorite Duskwood characters deserve some love ,too. :)
 Thanks to all who took their time to read it!
Next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital. The bright light from the window made me squint my eyes, and my head throbbed as hell. „Arghh, too bright.“ I mumbled, as a cheerfull voice next to me responded  „Well finaly, I was begining to worry you would never wake up! You know, you're taking those beautysleep advices too seriously.“ My eyes ajusted to the light, and I was looking at that cheerful, loving face, the face I knew oh so well. „Hmm, considering all, an extra hour or so of beautysleep is so allowed for me.“  I said, my voice hoarse a bit. She snorted „Make that 'an extra day or so'! You slept for almost three days!“ she said, walkig towards my bed and hugging me carefully. It felt good, just knowing she was there. She pulled away from me, her face serious.  “What wer you thinking?“ „ I'm sorry Jessy, so, so sorry.“  I said, tears swelling behind my eyes. „ I know what I did was stupid, but belive me, I really tought I was doing the right thing.“ „The 'right thing' almost got you killed Maya!“ she yelled at me, wich made me realize just how much she was worried about me. I burried my face in my hands, tears falling down „Please Jessy, dont be mad at me, I feel awfull as it is already. I realize my actions wer wrong, but I cant undo any of it now. And God knows im more then happy to be alive, and Hannah too! And I know my „sorry“ might not be enough this time, but I reall am sorry Jessy, you cant imagine how much. But please, please, you have to forgive me, I couldnt stand if I loose you!“ I couldnt force myself to look at her, I was so scared she would just get up and leave. And who could blame her, really, after all I did, she would have every right to do so. Suddenly, my hands wer slowely being moved from my face, and i opened my eyes  to see hers holding mine. I lifted my head, and our eyes met. Hers wer now also full of tears. She hugged me so fiercly, and even if everything still hurted me like hell, I was so reliefed and hugged her back tightly as I could. „Ofcourse I forgive you, Maya. I was so damn worried and scared that I will loose you!“ I was releifed to hear her say it, I hugged her even tighter, saying through my tears „I'm sorry Jessy.“ She held me like that for a while, and then pulled slowly back. „I'm glad you're ok Maya.“ She said, smile coming back to that pretty face. „Look at us! Bawling here like little kids.“ That made me chuckle, and i said whiping my tears  „Huh, I never tought our fist time meeting would be with me in the hospital. But, hey, im not picky, i'm just glad I finaly had a chance to hug you.“  „I dont think anyone imagined this to be the place of your first meeting us. You do realize others will want to come and see you? Dan already wanted to come with me, he was mumbling something about how he owes you a whiskey. But i gave him such a stern look, he just kissed me goodby and said to say 'hi' from him and ran away from me.“ The tought of Dan being scared of Jessy made me laugh so hard, i got a little dizzy from the pain. Jessy noticed me vincing, quickly saying „But that can wait, you need to rest more first. It's not like you're going anywhere anytime soon!“ She looked at me all serious, and i understood why Dan acted like he did. „Dont worry, Jessy, I wont try to break out of hospital.“ I said with a grin on my face. „A bit of r'n'r is definatly what I need now.“ „Good! And since i'm clearly your favorite person from our little clique, you wont get rid of me that easy while  in here.“ She said cheerfully. „Thanks, Jessy. I mean it, Im really glad you're here with me.“ „Me too, Maya, me too.“ She stayed with me that whole afternoon, and I was happy about it. We talked about everything we could think of: how we gonna take that walk arround Duskwood together, having coffee at the Rainbow caffee, going to Aurora for drinks. Jessy was so full of life, and managed to stay so positive through all of this mess. She told me that police gave her my stuff and my phone, and will bring me what i need. It wasnt so important, but i could really use my phone.  It was like Jessy could read my mind, and she looked at me with simpathy „Did Jake contacted you?“  There was a knot in my stomack when she asked, because I knew I wasnt out in the clear with what I did with everyone just jet. „I dont know, Jessy,  I guess i'll find out when I get my phone. But im sure Lily told him all about it by now, and to be honest, it's the one conversation i'm scared of having at the moment.“ „I'm sure it will be fine.“ „I really hope so, Jessy. I really care so much for him. I dont know for sure what he feels, and it doesnt really matter, I just cant stand the tought of him being mad at me. Or not talking to me anymore...I got so used of having him arround, even just virtualy..i dont know Jessy, i cant explain it... i just need him in my life. Does this make any sense to you?“  She looked at me, with care and a hint of worry showing on her face „Yes Maya, it makes perfect sense.“ We talked for a while more. She looked at the clok on the wall and jumped „Oh, yay I gotta go, forgot Im meeting Dan! He made me promise to meet later, since I didnt let him come with me here.“ „Heh, better go then, I dont want Dan blaming me AGAIN for getting stud up by you. Or he might not buy me that whiskey he promised, an to be honest I could really use it now.“ I sad smiling at her. „Ohh no, you two are gonna be a pain in the butt when you meet, arent you?“ she groaned, but a smile was written all over her face. „Dont worry, i'll behave..as much as possible. As for Dan, im sure if you join us and give him some of your 'scarry' looks, he'll behave too.“  She bursted out laughing. „Oh, cant wait for it! I'll go grab your phone  real quick, and then im off.“ She ran for the door, stoped, turned arround giving me one more of her beautiful smiles „I'm really glad you're ok Maya.“ I smiled back,“ Me too Jessy, me too.“ She came back with my phone, plugged it to charge next to my bed hugging me quickly before leaving.
It was almost dark outside, and the room was so quiet since Jessy left. There wasnt much comotion in the hospital, and I appriciated it actualy, some peace after all the mess was a nice change. I stared at the window for a while, just enjoyeing the sceene of the sun setting down, the sky taking that purpleish-blue color. I was actually delaying the moment of turning my phone on, because I was scared. A the same time I hoped Jake would contact me, but then I was also scared of talking to him. Its been three days since the incident, and im sure Jake found out everything by now, so maybe he vented some of the anger off in the mean time. Ah, c'mon Maya, dont be a sissy! – i tought to myself – You stared death in the face, and showed it the middle finger, and you're scared of that thing? I took a deep breath, took my phone from the stand, and turned it on. It felt like forever for it to turn when i punched my code, and when it finaly did, i left it aside. The beeping of new messages, missed calls, new emails and all was the only sound spreading through the room. And with every beep my stomach reacted a bit, thinking if any of those beeps belongs to Jakes. I got so lost in my toughts, that a voice snaped me back, startling me a bit. A nurse smiled „Sorry hun, i didnt want to fright you. Just came to chek up on you, ask if you need anyhting and to give you some pain meds.“ She winked at me „It's the good stuff, will help you sleep better.“ „Thank you, mam, im good.“ I smiled back at her, and quickly glanced at my phone - 44 missed calls, 24 messages, 17 emails. That will be some time killing stuff. The nurse was done, she waved at me wishing me good night, saying to feel free calling her if I needed anything. I thanked her again as she left the room. I took my phone, my hand shakeing. I checked 'missed calls' first, and tho i didnt expect it, was a bit dissapointed Jake wasnt among one of them. I opened the messages, and Jessy's message was on top. „Sending you hugs&kisses!“ it was written under the picture of her and Dan, grining with their glasses raised. It made me smile, and i texted her back „Hehe, Dan must be happy you actualy came this time! xD Have fun you two, cant wait to join you. Hugs&kisses“ I checked other messages, and my hearth squeezed a bit when i saw he didnt texted either. I didnt feel like replaying to any at the moment, settling the phone back on the stand. I switched off the light above the bed, turned on the side, staring at now complete darkness throught the window. One tear rolled down my cheek as i closed my eyes, hoping sleep will come soon.
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stilinskitpose · 4 years
Pining over him // Peter Hale
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Pairing: Peter Hale x female reader
Warnings: nsfw , smut , slight daddy kink, hair pulling, choking, unprotected sex, tonnnn of dirty talk and just a lot of sexy sin (plotless kind of)
Characters: Peter, Derek, Stiles, Scott, implies pack, y/n
Summery: The young reader has been fantasising about the feeling of being with a real man for a while now, a real man being no other than the notorious Peter Hale. However, it’s hard to be taken seriously when Peter thinks you are no more than an annoying little teenage girl.
Word Count: lost count it’s a ton
Authors Note: This is my first time posting on tumblr, let alone posting a smut imagine soooo I don���t know how this will turn out. I’m just going with the flow of my hormonal teenage instincts ;)
“Y/n, did you even listen to a word that I just said?”
The deepness of the voice made you snap out of you staring at the entertaining spider that was crawling up the corner wall of Dereks loft, which caused you to jump suddenly on your squished position on the coach, trapped between two clowns, Scott and Stiles.
The quiet yelp you let out made Stiles stiffle a snort causing you to elbow him in the shoulder. The fucker deserved that. You let out a content sigh and an evil smile when you heard a sound of pain from your annoying brother from another mother. What can I say, the pain he feels makes me wither in complete pleasure. I snort at my chain of thoughts and look up to see a confused Derek Hale.
"Yeah sorry, I was just-", Trailing off mid sentence thinking of a viable reason for not listening to the former Alpha. Thinking it would be funny to tell them about the entertaining spider that just crawled under the crack of the wall on the other side of the spacious loft.
“There was a spider” You answer timidly, grimacing at yourself for sounding so stupid in the room full of your pack. Derek looks at you quizzingly, you giving him the most innocent look you could muster, he sighs before letting a small smile come across his features from your utter randomness.
“I was just telling you how we need to keep you somewhere safe incase the Darach decides to pay you a visit” Derek says quickly, you sigh in annoyance hating being treated like a defenceless little girl. You understood that you weren’t anything supernatural or anything but you would think Derek would have a little faith in you since you were so handy with a frying pan from being in a near death experience with the twin Alphas not so long ago. You chuckle subconsciously at the memory.
A mutter of agreements are heard from around the loft from your oh so fellow pack members. Betrayed and defeated, you try voice your opinion on the matter.
“What? No” You probably looked like a kicked puppy. You definatly felt like one. You continued “I’m not some helpless human Derek. Stiles is more helpless than me!” You whine flicking Stiles in the head which he repeated the action harder on me causing me to poke him in the ribs.
“Why has this suddenly turned into bash Stiles day? You know I have feelings too” Stiles offendingly says, his arms spazzing at his sides to try and prove his point.
“When am I ever nice to you” you scoff jokingly earning a chuckle in agreement from him before he went back to listening to the arguement infront of him wishing he had a bowl of popcorn to go along with it.
Derek ignores Stiles and resumes telling me that it’s for my own good. Blah blah.
“Where will I even go anyway? It’s not like I have a line of people waiting to protect me from the looming and pending doom of death itself” You replied, words laced with exaggeration.
“I’ll look after her, it’s not like I have anything better to do”
The husky voice came from the corner of the room shadows dancing across the body of the person that is wanting to ‘look after her’. What am I, a dog? Y/n replied in her head afraid to reply that response out loud since the deep voice belonged to a man she have been shamefully harbouring a crush on for some time now. Peter fucking Hale.
It’s not like she was afraid to converse with him, it’s just that she was terrified of making a fool of her self by stuttering out a few syllables before halting and staring at his piercing blue eyed that made her legs buckle submissively from the dominance they give off. She doesn’t know how he does it, makes her feel like her skin is on fire whilst her heart pounds faster than humanly normal. Without even meaning to aswell. It’s like he was a complete natural at turning her into jelly without even noticing. It riles her up to no extent.
Your eyes widen in shock and your heart beat began to rise much to your dismay, knowing that he probably knew the effects he had on you, since he had spectacular werewolf senses, made you want to crawl into a ball and wither away in embarrassment. But he never made any indication that he knew either from being completely oblivious or because he wanted to salvage that slither of pride you had left for yourself. You prayed the first. But you doubted it since Peter isn’t exactly known for being the nicest human in the planet.
You knew you were probably over exaggerating and stressing about this whole situation way to much but you just couldn’t comprehend what you would do if Peter found out the way you feel since he is abit older than you, being still only a junior in highschool yourself and him being a fully grown mature man that you wanted to pounce on all the damn time. Jesus I need to get laid, preferably by the man invading my dreams at night but desperate times cause desperate measures.
“Look after me? I’m not a child, I don’t need watching over, I have things to do like watching the last season of The Vampire Diaires even though I’m shitting scared to because Stephen dies” You ramble a butt load of word vomit wanting to shut up but your nerves were your worst enemy in situations like these.
“Hey don’t aim your anger on me I’m just volenteering to keep the weak and innocent out of harms way, that’s character development if you ask me” Peter replies smugly as his gaze burns into the your own. You muster up a harsh glare at Mr Hottie before pivoting to face Derek who was evidently waying the little options he had.
“Your not seriously considering this right? You hate him, everyone hates him” I bitterly state, relunctanly turning around to meet Mr Hotties patronising gaze. The evident smirk plastered on his handsome face tells me that he’s enjoying being the cause of this conflict. Mockingly sending a small wave as if proud of the past he has with the pack before him.
Everyone once again agrees with my statement causing Peter to let out an annoyed sigh before saying “I thought we all got over this anger that has been directed towards yours truely, It will give you wrinkles if you frown at me like that sweetheart”, he humours the situation by sending a wink in my direction. Ugh.
“It’s not like we have a lot of options right now y/n, as much as I don’t like it we need as many people focused on defeating the Darach. It will only be for a few days at the maximum. I promise. Please?” Derek had is puppy dog eyes displayed making it very hard for me to deny him, so I bit my tongue and agreed.
Derek had dropped me off at Mr Hotties apartment with my bag laying heavy on my shoulders ready to stay for a few nights. This whole situation is bitter sweet if you ask me. Bitter because you didn’t know if these few days will hold a wave of awkwardness between the two of you and a lack of communication since the both of you have never had a proper convosation other than yesterday when he offered to keep you hostage in his apartment. And sweet because you’d have eye candy for a while. I was not complaining. It’s a win win situation.
You stroll around the apartment amused “I’m not going to lie I have always wondered if you lived in a secret lab or in an underground network of tunnels or something like that but this will do I guess ” you snickered and joked. Peter lifted an eyebrow and smirked saying “I’m not a complete animal darling”. My stomache filled with butterflies at his statement and I cleared my throat looking around the apartment once again.
Peter leaned on the doorframe and cocked his hip against it whilst his arms were crossed. Damn. He gave me a once over eyes lingering on the exposed area where my mid thigh length skirt lay. “Aren’t you a little young to be wearing that?” I frowned and looked up at his defined features past his broard strong shoulders.
“I’m nearly 18 I can wear whatever the hell I want” I scoffed. Peter held his hands up in mock surrender before strolling into the kitchen with his back facing me. I could see the defining back muscles from the outline of his green v neck and the way his bisceps flexed when reaching into one of the cupboards for two mugs. His hands. Oh holy Jesus his hands. The muscular and veiny hands gripped onto the coffee mugs send a wave of arousal downstairs. My mouth turned into an o shape as I imagined all the things those hands could do to me. All the filthy things. A girl can only take so much! As my eyes began to travel down the werewolf in front of me I started to bite my lip at the way his jeans hugged his cheeks as they clung amazingly against his thick legs that held rippling muscle. I have got to ask him what his leg day routine is.
A hand started to wave across of my face as if trying to get my attention, I averted my eyes away from the goodies to see Peter staring at me with a wide smirk along his smug face.
“Are you okay there y/n? You look a little flustered. Something on your mind?” He walked towards me untill I could feel his lips skimming the top of my ear. I gulped in suprised as my eyes widened and started stuttering out an excuse.
“Oh u-um I was just— nothing” I hung my head to look at my feet awkwardly as they began shifting from nerves.
“Hmm okay let me show you where you’ll be sleeping” he his voice rasped against my ear which sent shivers around my body.
He knew exactly what he was doing. I mean how couldn’t he? It was like we were playing a game of cat and mouse. More like werewolf and human. I snorted out a chuckle at my pathetic joke as I lay down on the bed in the spare bedroom that Peter allowed me to use. Glancing down at my lack of clothing, an oversized t shirt that said ‘bugs life forever’ and a pair of white lace panties I let out a heavy sigh clocking my head untill it reached the my phone saying it was 2:45am. My throat was dry from overthinking earlier with Peter, how he got so close to me, pressing his body against mine. Why would he even do that? He thinks I’m an annoying teenager. A child.
Wanting to wet my parched throat I hopped towards the kitchen quietly, attempting not to wake Peter from his room and not bothering with putting on sweatpants as I didn’t suspect anyone to see me in this state. I reached my arms out to the highest cupboard in the kitchen, straining my arm at the height of it and huffed when I couldn’t reach it. A deep voice made me freeze in my position and slowly turn around.
“Did I say you could use my kitchen without my permission?” I gasped as I saw his shirtless form, rippling muscle clouded his chest with light scattered chest hair in the centre that led towards the waistband of his sweatpants. Atleast someone thought about wearing sweatpants.
Holy Jesus for I have sinned. “I didn’t think you would have a problem with it since you offered to imprison me inside the walls of your apartment” I muttered angrily starting to once again reach for the glass that I am determined to get. Little did you know that Peters eyes wandered past the hemline of the oversized sweatshirt you were wearing that was hiked up from you stretching to reach the glass, this eyes lingered on the exposed skin of your thighs and the white lace panties that hugged the underline of your firm ass. Having these sudden dirty thoughts that clouded his mind from his previous dream feels wrong since you are much younger than him. But Jesus did it feel so right to him.
The feeling of someone pressed against you from behind startles you. You move to spin around when a deep voice interrupts you. “I’ll get it for you, don’t strain yourself darling” Peters voice seemed strained as if he was trying to keep himself together as you let out a choked sigh at how close proximity you both were to eachother. As he reached up to grab you a glass and handed it to you, your response make you regret the day you were born. Started from your hands brushing you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
“Thankyou daddy” Both his and your eyes widen at your statement.
Oh my god. Did I really just say that out loud? Judging by his expression, I’m pretty sure I did. Shit. What the fuck is wrong with you? Someone please just kill me right now. A werewolf could come up to me right now and kill me and I would say thankyou.
This is why I shouldn’t be allowed to mingle with others
As he was about to say something but you step back abruptly and close your eyes from shear embarrassment.
A husky voice made you jump on the spot, “ say it again” His eyes glazed over in pure hunger as he watched me like I was his prey and he was the predator.
“I-I don’t know w-what your talking about” my voice sqeaked in pure humiliation
“Say it again” he repeats himself before stalking his way towards you and wrapping his hand round your throat as he squeezed lightly sending an electric feeling of pleasure towards your core. You whimpered at the contact and threw your head back at the sight of this heated haze that bore into yours and so he could reach more of your exposed throat.
“Yes, you do. Say it again. I won’t ask a third time.” He growls and you can feel yourself begin to dampen at his forceful tone.
“Thankyou daddy” You coo.
Fuck.” He curses before lunging forward and taking your lips with his. You immediately open your mouth to his probing tongue and moan when it brushes over yours. Peter pulls away from your wet lips and traces his tongue down your throat as his lips begin to suck along the side of your neck surely leaving marks as he does it making you whine and shudder in pleasure. His impossibly enormous hands glide their way to my chest before capturing my breasts through my sweatshirt starting to kneed and pinch my nipples as he held intense eye contact with me.
“These-” he stopped to grasp them harshly before tearing the fabric of my sweatshirt off making direct contact with them this time with his warm and inviting hands that made me choke a whimper as I was being dominated by the man that I have pined over for as long as I have known him. “Are mine” he finished with a growl flashing his blue luminous eyes. His lips began to assault the hardened nipples, swirling his warm tongue round the bud then biting them teasingly.
“Say it, say that you are mine little girl” he demanded as his hand reached down to cup my pussy through my white lace panties.
“Oh god- oh god yes! I’m yours” I managed to stutter as I became a moaning mess as his magic fingers circled around my clothed clit before he moved them aside and plunged two fingers inside my tight walls.
Barely forming a grammatically correct sentence from the immense feeling of pleasure that I was going through, I reached down bravely to palm his prominent bulge that twitched under my palm.
He growled as his hands ran down your back, grabbing your ass between his hands touching outline of your pussy through your thin lace panties. He pushes you back into the kitchen until you feel your back hit the kitchen table. Peter pulls back away from your lips and flips you around, bending you over the table.
Shocked from the turn of events you let out a yelp, “What are you doing?” you moan and cry out as his hands pull down your panties, kicking your legs open with his feet.
“Giving you what you want baby” He husks as his hands pull down your shorts, kicking your legs open with his feet. You hear him unbuckle his belt before shoving his hand between your legs. “Your soaked” he groans before shoving his cock deep inside your pink and wet pussy.
“ Did you not think I’d notice how you feel about me baby? Your arousal always in the air for me to smell all the damn time I’m around you baby girl, you don’t even realise how hard it was to resist the urge to fuck you everytime I saw you” You purr in content at his sinful string of words.
“Peter please” you beg. He slaps your ass hard causing you to let out a loud moan. “That’s not my name” he glares. Realising what you meant it took you no time before pleasing him again.
“Daddy! O-oh fuck yes!”
“That’s a good girl, I’m going to fucking ruin you” he growls in your ear making you whimper. His dirty words only spurring how turned on you are.
“Please don’t stop what your doing” your desperate gasps are all that he needed to fuck you untill your screaming his name.
He begins to ram his cock in and out of your pussy as you let out a stream of loud and sinful moans, pounding you into the table, making the table legs squeak against the hard floor. He reached round to grip your hair as the other slings around your throat holding you in place as he begins to whisper dirty words into your ear that makes you eager to feel your pussy pulsate around his hard and thick length.
“Who knew you were such a naughty girl y/n? Desperate to feel my cock inside you, I bet you like it when I fuck you don’t you? Huh? Rough and hard?” You managed to humm before it turned into a stuttered moan as you felt yourself beginning to quiver and your legs to shake he continued to pound you with his cock.
Suddenly the feeling of a knot forming below your stomache makes you stutter out a moan “ holy shit, yes, yes!” You scream as you come undone around him as he continues to pound you through your orgasm. A stream of grunts follow after yours as he came inside you, milking your walls with his hot cum.
“Wow, that was unexpected” you grunt as you try and catch your breath, leaning against the kitchen table.
“You started it, calling me daddy and all” he teased whilst he send you a smirk.
“Well I’ll call you daddy as much as you want next time” you reach out to pull at his short hair leaning to give him a subtle kiss on his lips that lingered.
“Darling, next time I plan to fuck that warm little mouth with my cock” he growls.
That can definitely be arranged
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palettepainter · 3 years
Food for thought 11
Don’t have much to add for this idea yet but wanted to get it written down so I don’t forget
So I’ve already decided what Haiya will do as a job in the near future for his story, hopefully I can show this idea off when I get a chance to work more on Haiya’s story. So far only just started drafting for it so it’ll be a long time before the first chapter is written - but haven’t thought that much about Riley
Initally I thought it’d be a cool idea for her to be a support hero like Higari, but I didn’t wanna make her too much like Higari, so I decided giving her a different career would be a better idea. I thought maybe just a general hero like Ectoplasm, but since I’ve got enough OC’s in MHA who are/do eventually become hereos I didn’t wanna add another one to the pile, so back to the drawing board
I threw around some ideas but I didn’t like any of them enough to make or consider them cannon for Riley’s.
I can’t really go into a lot of detail since I need to show off one more character that’s important to Riley in the future but in short I thought Riley becoming a freelance dancer/dance instructor would be a good idea for her, stuff like break-dancing would be her main style but she’d also try other styles
I’m still deciding where Riley could get the idea to be a dancer from, maybe she sees someone doing some dancing in the streets to some music or she watches a dancing show when she’s little and it inspires her to persue it. Feel free to suggest some ideas!
It’s something she doesn’t realize she loves till she’s older, just before she graduates Middle School. Riley had always been passionate about attending UA, it was where both her dads where, where her brother went (by the time Riley goes to UA Haiya is graduated) and it’s one of the top schools in Japan. It’s her last year of Middle School and she discovers her love for dance, instead of going to after school study sessions (I mentioned Riley tends to not take studying all that seriously so Ecto and Higari thought it would be good for her to join a study group to improve her attitude towards it) she’s sneaking off to the dance club which Tensai (her best friend, will show him off at some point) eventually persuades her to join. 
Riley begins to really enjoy dance club, really REALLY enjoy dance club!! She starts to try dancing on her own and picks up breakdance. Ecto and Higari notice the change in her behavior, but whenevr they ask what’s gotten her so happy Riley always freezes and blurts out the best white lie she can think of
Riley would be very shy to share her love to dance to her papa’s, especially since they had such better occupations. Both ex hereos who are still very much respected, teachers who help guide the future generation...how was she supposed to tell them she wanted to be a dancer??
At some point after Riley had kept her new talent hidden for over a year Ecto and Higari somehow find out just before she’s about to graduate Middle School. So far I’ve only had one idea for how they find out - maybe Riley enters a dance contest but in order to participate she ends up forgetting to meet her family for dinner out, thus causing her very worried parents to go looking for her only to find she was at a contest down town. Riley wins first place in the contest, she’s so overwhelmed when she receives the first place medal and is given an applause...but the moment she see’s her two very concerned looking parents enter the building she’s slowly backing up and then scrambling for the exit.
She manages to make it out of the building, heaving a sigh of relief when she thinks she’s in the clear...only to bump into two very angry but still mostly worried parents. 
Riley is given a very firm talking to when she gets home, her parents rightfully angry that she made them worry like that. When they ask why Riley was even at a dance contest she tries to lie and say she just forgot about the family dinner, then Ectoplasm spots the blue ribbon RIley was trying to hide with her hoodie - he asks again what Riley was doing, and when she lies again Ecto asks her to reveal whatever it is she’s hiding under her hoodie
...With a whimper, Riley reveals the first place medal. Both Higari and Ecto are asking where she got it from, and from there everything just kinda caved. Riley ends up telling her parents everything: How she’d picked up dancing, been skipping study sessions to go to dance club, been doing extra chores to pay for her contest entry, been going out after school to practise her routine in the park...and how she’s so so ashamed that of all things she wants to do dancing
Then of course theres a sappy family moment where her dads tell her they don’t care what Riley does as long as she’s happy. Riley definatly cried and pulled them both into a bone crushing hug (she had an earlier curfew though for three days after making her parents worry)
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transformationloveb · 4 years
Please Don't Save Me (A Sanders Sides Fanfiction)
~premise: After the events of 'Putting others first' Roman's self confidence has hit rock bottom, and he has made a decision to go kill himself. Janus and Patton find a s*icide note Roman left outside his door, and they run into the imagination to go stop him~
Includes: Suicide attempt, self harm, depression,
Ships: Hints to Roceit
Roman rose up into his room and slid down to the ground with his back against the door.
This wasn't an uncommon occurance after videos with the other sides, the princely side was used to The other sides' painful words that tended to show up during videos. However this time it was different. And in a worse way.
Roman shakingly sighed, a few tears sliding down his face. He stood up and walked over to the bathroom and stood in front of the sink, staring at his reflection with a mix of sadness and anger on his face.
It wasn't fair. The one time he got any chance to be listened to turned out horribly. And now the other sides probably hate him even more now. Heck, even Thomas probably hates him now. Roman opened up a drawer in the sink, inside there was a few items, one of which being a utility knife. Roman took out the knife and rolled up one of his sleeves. His arm was bandaged, he had told the other sides if they ever saw the bandages that he had gotten some injuries in the imagination while fighting. But that was far from the truth.
Roman set the utility knife on top of the sink and took off a few of the bandages near his wrist. The now uncovered part of his arm was covered in self-harm scars. Some looking like they'd been there for months, others looking more recent. Roman grabbed the utility knife in his hand and made a cut in his arm, wincing a bit at the pain.
He deserved this. He deserved worse. Roman looked up at himself in the mirror, horrible thoughts zooming through his head. Suddenly, he gets an idea.
"That's it!"
Roman quickly bandages his wrist again and pulls down his sleeve before running into the main area of his room. "Now, where the hell did I leave that extra paper?"
--With Janus and Patton--
Janus and Patton rise up into the living room of the mind palace. Janus covers his eyes from all the light in the room. "Holy sh*t is it always this bright in here?!" Patton chuckles and walks over to one of the brightest lamps in the room, and then turns it off. Janus uncovers his eyes. "My apologies, I can't remember the last time I've been in here." Patton smiles at the other side. "It's fine! Virgil needed some time to get used to being around all these lights too."
Janus smiled a bit. "You should probably go check on Roman." "OH SHOOT Yeah I almost forgot!" Patton heads over towards Romans room and Janus sits down on the couch, relaxed.
"Hey Janus?"
Patton walks over to Janus holding a folded sheet of paper. "I found this sitting in front of Roman's room. I think it's for us." "Well open it then!" Patton does as Janus said and unfolds the paper, Janus jumps off the couch and looks at the paper from over Patton's shoulder.
'My dear friends, I guess I messed up worse than normal this time right? I doubt any of you are going to forgive me and honestly I don't blame you. I haven't forgiven myself for my actions in a long, long time. I want you to all know I care about all of you. I love you all, but I don't love myself. I'm not going to put you through any more of my Crap anymore. You'll all be fine, You've got each other, and you'll end up forgetting all about me really fast anyways. I've been through so much I feel like i'm on the verge of cracking. I'm sorry I'm not strong enough for you. I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you. But know that this is my curtain call, and It's the end of my story. Farwell my friends, Roman.'
Patton starts reading it out but Deceit quickly scans through the page and runs towards Romans room before Patton even gets to the middle of the note. "Hey, where are you going?" " "ROMAN'S GONNA GO KILL HIMSELF!" Deceit runs into Romans room and Patton speeds after him, following close behind.
--With Roman--
After Roman had finished his suicide note, he folded it up and slid it out from under his door. Roman stood up and smiled. "Goodbye." He turned around and walked into the imagination. He knew what he was going to do, and he was ready. Roman summoned a tall building that looked like a tall hotel, and a lake right smack up in front of it. He walked in through a door at the back of the building and headed up the stairs, soon reaching the end of the stairs. Roman opened the door at the top of the stairwell and walked out onto the roof of the building.
--With Janus and Patton--
Janus and Patton quickly run into Romans room. "Where the hell is he?!?!" Janus says, running around Roman's room. "He's probably in the imagination!!!" Patton gestures to the portal to the imagination, Janus nods and speeds into the imagination with Patton right behind.
The two of them pop up in the imagination and look around. Janus sees the building Roman summoned. It was pretty out of place compared to all the other areas in the imagination, due to the fact that every other area looked like something out of a fairytale. "THERE!" Janus points at the building and the two of them run towards it.
They quickly reach the building and run inside, speeding up the stairs.
-Meanwhile with Roman-
Roman smiled as the wind blew against his face. He walked forward towards the ledge, pulling up his sleeves and tearing up all of his bandages there, thus revealing all of his self-harm cuts and scars. He twirled around on the roof of the building, prepared for the end. He steps onto the ledge of the roof just as Janus and Patton throw open the roof door behind him.
"ROMAN!!!" Roman doesn't look at them. "Roman come on, don't do this please!" Roman chuckles as a single tear falls down his cheek. "Goodbye." Roman holds his arms out and steps off the ledge, falling down towards the lake. "ROMAN NO!!!" Patton yells, crying out for the prince.
Janus immediatly turns around and speeds back down the stairs, jumping on the rail beside the stairs and sliding down, Patton jumps on the rail as well and speeds on after him.
The two reach the bottom of the stairwell and Janus busts open the door out and then runs to the other side of the building, where the lake is. He quickly takes off his hat, gloves, and caplet and throws them towards patton, as to not slow him down. He takes a deep breath, and then dives into the lake.
The water around him is dark and cold. Luckily, he is still able to see Roman sinking down deep. Janus swims down after him and grabs onto Roman tightly before swimming back up to the surface.
Once he reaches the surface Janus gasps for air, and hurredly swims towards where Patton is sitting on the land. Janus reaches the land and lifts up Roman, towards Patton. Patton grabs onto Roman and lifts him onto land as Janus climbs up onto land himself. Janus shakes his head, flipping his wet hair around and spraying water everywhere. He then turns towards Patton and Roman and quickly scootches over to them.
Janus listens for Romans breathing, but can't hear any. He pushes down against Romans chest and Roman starts coughing up water. Soon Roman is able to breathe again, but he's currently unconscious. Janus and Patton sigh in relief. "He's gonna be alright." Janus says, smiling in relief.
Patton smiles with gratitude. "Janus, thank you so much! If I had just continued reading that note aloud, I don't like the idea of what would've happened." Janus picks up his caplet, hat, and gloves. "Neither do I." Janus stands up. "We'd better get back and get Roman dry and warm." Patton nods and stands up. "Mind holding these things for me? I'll carry Roman back." Janus says, holding out his caplet, hat, and gloves out to Patton. "Sure thing kiddo!" Patton takes the items from Janus. Janus then picks up Roman bridal style and starts walking towards the portal back to Roman's room, Patton walking next to him.
-timeskip to after they get Roman to his room and get him dry and in bed.-
Roman snuggles into the covers on his bed. Patton had said that he would watch over Roman while Janus went ahead and took a shower.
Janus soon opens the door to Roman's room and heads inside. He had changed into different clothes while he let his normal attire dry. This outfit being a yellow turtleneck and grey comfy pants. He still had his usual gloves and hat though, since those were still dry.
Patton looks up at him. "Hey Janus!" Janus gives Patton a smile. "Hey Patton." Janus stands beside where Patton's sitting. "You should probably tell the others what happened." "Oh I will." Patton stands up from his chair. "I'm also gonna be making some food for Roman for after he wakes up." "Alright, but you should *definatly not* stick to making a treat if anything. I *definatly wasn't* told about your infamous pasta." Patton chuckles. "Don't worry, I'll just be making a fruity pie. And I'm gonna bet that Logan'll be willing to help make a meal for Roman after he hears about what happened."
Patton walks over to the door. "Oh, and Janus?" "Yeah?" Janus respondes as he sits down in the chair that Patton was originally sitting in. "Thank you." Patton says, smiling. "For everything." Janus gives Patton a smile. "Of course." Patton heads out of Romans room and into the mindscape's kitchen.
Janus sighs and looks over at the sleeping prince. "You've been through so much, haven't you?" Janus is quiet for a bit. "I guess i can understand a bit of your confusion and bitterness towards me. You were told so many times that I was bad that when you finally accepted it, I became part of the group. Not only that, but I realized I might've gone a bit to far at some points...I guess what I'm trying to say is...I'm sorry, Roman." There's a pause. "I'm...sorry too." Janus glances at Roman in surprise and sees Roman's eyes are slightly open. "You're awake!" "Yeah...I am..." Roman sits up a bit and looks around. "What happened?" "Well...After you jumped off, me and Patton ran down to the lake, and then I jumped into the lake and brought you back up." Roman thought for a moment. "Why did you save me?" "Why?" "Yeah, why'd you do it? If I were you, I wouldn't be willing to forgive something like what I did so quickly!" "...Because you don't deserve to die." Roman looks at Janus in suspicion.
"How do I know You're not lying?" Janus holds up his hand. "I swear I'm not lying." Roman thinks for a minute, then smiles, before going ahead and hugging Janus. "...Thank you..." Janus hugs Roman back. "Of course."
The two of them soon let go of each other and Roman leans back. "So...where are, the others?" Roman says, prepared for a bad answer. "Well-"
Suddenly the door busts open and Virgil speeds inside, soon followed by Logan and Patton, who just walk inside the room calmly. Virgil runs over to Roman and shakes him by his shoulder. "ROMAN. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!" Patton puts his hand on Virgil's shoulder. "Kiddo, you probably shouldn't," Virgil stops shaking Roman, and then a clearly dizzy Roman falls back against his pillow.
"We're all very glad You're ok Roman." Logan says. "And we also, all wanted to apologize." Roman doesn't say anything for a moment, still getting over the shaking, but then he sits up again, with a surprised look on his face. "You all want to apologize...to me? But I-" "We never realized how much our words hurt you." Virgil says. "And We're all extremely sorry for our treatment of you." Patton continues. Roman stares in amazment at the other sides, and a few tears escape his eyes and fall down his cheek. Patton sits down on the bed and hugs Roman, soon followed by Virgil, then Logan, and then Janus. "Thank you all so much." Roman cries, as he continues to cry. "Thank You so much."
The group of them stay like that for a while, but after a bit they stop, and Roman wipes the tears from his face. "Me and Logan are gonna go make you some food! Right Logan?" Patton says, looking at Logan. Logan sighs. "Of course." The two of them head out of the room towards the kitchen. "But to make it clear, I'm gonna be making the meal." Logan says. "Sure thing!" Patton agrees, as their voices start fading out of hearing from Roman"s room.
Virgil gives Roman another quick hug. "I'm gonna go make sure Patton and Logan don't mess up dinner. See you in a bit ok?" Roman nods and Virgil heads out the door and after Logan and Patton.
Janus looks over at Roman and smiles. "I guess We're both pretty lucky to have such a loving family, right Roman?" Roman smiles. "Yeah, You're right." Janus sighs. "You should probably rest some more, that water was really hecking cold and I'm gonna guess you don't want to get sick." "Yeah..." Roman leans back onto his bed and lays his head down on his pillow. "You're gonna stay here while I sleep right?" "If that's what you want." "Yes please." Roman pauses. "And be sure to wake me up when dinner's ready." Janus laughs. "Sure thing Ro." Roman smiled and snuggles into his blankets.
"Thank you Janus."
"Of course Roman."
Roman drifts off to sleep, and Janus smiles at the sleeping prince, happy that the prince is troubled no more.
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sapphire-strikes · 4 years
I love the scenarios you have set up with FK and the Habitants. Could you write some headcanon about what their relationship is like with the kids in town (Millie, Petunia, Tim Tam) after the events of the Habitat? Maybe they could even help Petunia out with her situation as well.
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These were pretty similar so I'm rounding them into one!
• I headcanon all of their ages to be as follows: Millie (10), Tim Tam (8) and Petunia (7).
• As far as their reasons for being at the Habitat:
• Millie's parents just let her go since she had been banned by the nearby summer camp. (She surprisingly has the most normal home life out of all the young kids at the Habitat)
• Putunia's probaby enlisted on her own somehow and her parents couldn't have cared less. They probaby didn't even know where she was going.
• I also get the idea that Tim Tam is an orphan, who like you said, is probaby on the run. They probaby just showed up at the Habitat and Boris let them in.
• I know you asked about FK adopting them but I like the idea that after the events of the game, Jerafina and Lulia take in Tim Tam and Petunia.
•Parsley even steps up to help them fight for custody. Putunia might have punched him but he could tell there was something off by the few times she talked about her home life.
• After everything that went down in the Habitat, those three began actively hanging out with eachother. They've definatly attempted the whole "three kids stacked on top of each other in a trench coat thing" multiple times.
• Since you took the time to help them out at the Habitat, the three of them got very attached to you and you end up taking the roll of a kind of older sibling to the three of then. You're the probaby the first person they go to when they get themselves into trouble.
• Tim Tam likes to stash their spoils at your house, Putunia comes to you when she has suspicions of evildoers running loose in town and Millie just likes to come visit cause she can stay up past her bedtime when her parents let her spend the night. That's what she says anyway but she actually thinks FK is really cool and feels safe when you're around
•Oh yeah, and you help her fix the stuff she breaks before her parents find out about it.
• Putunia makes a great little sidekick while you're running around town helping people. Sometimes Millie and Tim Tam even want to tag along, but you have to keep a closer eye on those two.
• If you wanna do Boris a favor, try to convince those kids to like him, or at least not be openly hostile towards him.
•You left the them at your house one night to pick up takeout for the four of you and Boris stopped by while you were gone. When you got back you were greeted by the sound of screaming and crashing. You walked in the door and they were all over him. Putunia was clinging to his head puching him in the eye, Millie was standing to the side smaking him with her golf club and Tim Tam was quietly clinging to his leg.
• When you manage to pry them off of him he hides behind you. Putunia explains that "The Green Menace" was trying to break into your house and they were protecting your home!
•"Break" into your house....He has a key.
• You take a look back at Boris and he smiles nervously, looking between you and the kids then back at you as if begging for protection.
•Upon further inspection, he's virtually unharmed, besides his clothes and hair looking rather messed up. You know those three well enough to guess they probaby weren't holding back and not a lot of people can take multiple hits from a nine iron and still be standing. Boris was insanely strong, he could have thrown them all off on his own but was most likely worried about hurting them.
• You figured there was no better time than the present to try and explain to them that Boris had changed. You'd attempt to on other occasions but none of them took you seriously, now they couldn't really ignore you when the green menace himself was cowering behind you for protection.
• After a long talk Millie puts down her golf club, Putunia lowers her fists and Tim Tam pulls his watch out of their pocket, setting it on the table in front of you.
• Good progress! They mumble their apologies and Boris tries to hug them, only for Millie to raise her golf club as soon as he gets close. Well....they're getting there.
• They're still going to be wary of him but at least they don't attack him on sight now!
• For his own sake maybe confiscate Pabit when he has to be alone with them.
"But kids love puppets!"
"Not these kids, Boris"
" : - ( "
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ash-myhill · 4 years
~Lexi in the picture~
No one ever moves to my small town and definatly not in the middle of the semester. But today more than a few large moving trucks passed my house, and still coming. Finally, when I was becoming curious the line ended with a black range rover Evoque pulling a trailer. Even in the early musky light I could see the horses inside. The horses looked restless as they neared their new home, a mansion sorownded by woods and rolling hills, perfect for holding any animals, just a couple blocks over from our home-
Was for sale no longer, it was massive all 3 stories plus it's basement and attic. Our town Greenville county. Not many people new about this place, only few lived here, and most lived in the next town over or online. The closest place to us is a small city, it's biggest market being Wal-Mart, what would it matter with one more family being in it?
Besides not like I would be greeted if they did have a kid my age. Might just be a couple who wanted to live in a small town to show of their stacks of cash. I mentally rolled my eyes and slipped on a pair of my sweatpants. I wouldn't want to talk to a new kid anyways-
"Alexandra get your ass down here now! we're starving just because you feel like sleeping in!"
I flinched at my fathers voice and squeaked audibly, even though he couldn't here it, I know he didn't expect me to reply since I never did...
But that ment I have 20 seconds to get down there depending on his mood, so I grabbed my shoes and my bag filled with my school supplies and stumble down the stairs. When I stepped into the kitchen I was greeted with a mutual sting on the right side of my face.
"Your late" he growled
I squinted and nodded my head firmly trying not to show fear because for some reason this sick bastard enjoyed it. Lightly touching my cheek with my cold fingers in hope to cool it down, it didn't help at all. I threw my stuff out onto the chair my bag was sitting on and glanced at my sister caking her naturally beautiful face in makeup, sitting expectantly at the kitchen table hardly looking my way before answering my un-asked question "eggs and yogurt" she scowled quickly at me with her pale white face. I looked at her again as I got out the eggs. She sighed "runny, like always" she blinked her big puffy eyes in the tiny mirror she held in front of her. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair and fluffed it up. She had a perfect body that teanage guys love, and showed it of too much, but she didn't seem to mind. I fixed it exactly like she liked it placing a cup of yogurt in front of her, only 80 calories of cource, while I cooked the eggs. I made another for me, two for father and one for mother; I could hear her in the shower, I put them all on a plate, getting the 4 pieces of toast and two glasses of orange juice for my parents. I took the plate for father and gave it to him, and as usual my thanks is a slap to the face and a knee to the stomach. His eyes swarmed with anger just like a tornado. I placed mother's on the empty place at the table, along with two glasses. I ate mine quickly, hardly chewing and went into the living room to put on my tennis shoes. I pushed my long chocolate brown hair behind my ears and tied my shoes, I flicked my hair back as I stood my eyes practically the same colour as my hair, the same brown eyes my sister has. Although I didn't cover my eyelashes with mascara only a little (something my mother made me do). I reached in my bag, for my iPod. When I found it, I plugged it in my ears filling with a sweet melody. Putting the MP3 player in my pocket. I slung my bag over my shoulder and rushed out the door. Walking to and from school was my favourite part of the day, since Leah wouldn't bother giving me a ride; although I knew she would never give me one. She didn't want everyone at school knowing she was related to me. Even though half the school already knew. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the cool air nipping slightly at my face, indicating the coming winter. The falling snow, the Christmas trees, the cool weather...... I loved it all.
When the loud voices and blaring horns interrupted my music I knew I was at school. I looked up to see Leah and her boyfriend Samuel making out against her car. I scowled and walked past them briskly, taking out my earphones and placing them back into my bag. I walked up to my locker and slowly opened it. As I switched out my morning routine and afternoon notebooks, I heard a shoulder connect with the locker next to mine. I looked up to see Samuel smirking down at me. The top of his hair spiked up in grease . I blinked, confused to why he was here, looking as if he wanted to talk to me. Not that I would answer.
I closed my locker door and put my bag over my shoulder again beginning to turn away Samuel grabbed my upper arm in a tight grip to stop me. I winced and froze in place.
"Aren't you going to say hit me?"
He asked in a mocking voice. I wanted to rip my arm from his grasp, but I was scared he would do much worse.
I shook my head and closed my eyes but they flew open as he pushed me against the lockers, releasing my arm from his grip and instead placing it just above my head. His other arm held my waist, trapping me in. My heart hammered in my throat, fear gripping me in its tight claws. His eyes hungrily searched my body up and down, and his hand slid up my shirt. My eyes flickered around for anyone to help me, or a teacher to stop him.
"Aw, c'mon that's not very polite just say something, anything c'mon virgin." He teased.
I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth it was something the whole school teased me about, something I was proud of. I didn't want to be anything like my family. Everything they did I did the opposite. They curse, I don't. They take advantage of the opposite sex every chance they get. Every word that comes out of their mouth is hurtful, so I just don't speak. I pushed him away something I knew I would regret later, but I didn't care. He scowled at me. I tightened my grip on my bag at took a step away when a shrill voice stopped me.
"Alexandra you whore, what do you think your doing with my boyfriend!" my sister, Leah shrieked, stomping over to me. I flinched at her word as she pointed a perfectly manicured finger in my face.
"You are so gonna get it tonight."
She growled, huffed took Samuels hand and led him away. My hands were already trembling when he turned back and winked at me, before kissing Leah's head and pulling her tighter to him, wrapping his arm around her waist. My hands were still shaking when I sat down in U.S history class. Slowly and steadily I took out my notebook, opened it and pulled out a pen. The thoughts running through my head are not good, and scared me to death. My father punching me in the eye, in the stomach, kicking me everywhere his feet could reach. All of them ended with me bloodied, bruised and defeated when I had done nothing wrong. At the back of the class, I hung my head in my hands trying to calm down. Tears spring in my eyes, but I held them back. Not in school. Not here, once my hands had somewhat steadied, I began to take notes scribbled on the board about the civil war.i was done before the bell rang, and flicked to the back of the notebook and continued writing my short stories. My stories were where I wasn't hit. I could actually speak to people without being scared. A world where I had a boyfriend - a good one. These stories, the books I read, my music. They were the only escape I had. And I loved every minute of it.
"Miss Rose" a deep voice said, bringing me back to my awefull world. I looked into my teachers dull gray eyes. "We are going to be having a new student coming into our class tomorrow, I wanted you to know he will be sitting next to you" he? My eyes widened and I shook my head. I was happy sitting by myself. This was my favourite class; he couldn't ruin it like this! A boy no less! He was going to ask me so many questions, and I wouldn't be able to answer him. No, I could not sit next to a new kid.
Mr. Williams shrugged "I'm sorry Lexi, but we have no other room for him." He looked like he wanted to pat me on the head or something, but he knew I didn't like to be touched. " I'll inform him of your... Speach impediment" that'll just make him ask more questions! I thought my shoulders dipping. I ran my fingers through my hair as he turned around and left, strolling back to the front and begining his lesson.
I had seen trailers passing by my home earlier today, but I didn't think there would actually be a new kid! A new kid in Greenville high was almost unheard of. Something that almost never happened. Everyone will be  falling over him no matter how cute or ugly he is. And that ment everyone would be over at my table for 1st period, wanting me to reply but I wouldn't. I mean I did have a notebook I could write to him on, but that would seem unlikely.
Later my third period teacher told the class the same thing, that a new student would be arriving tomorrow and he was going to be sitting in the desk in front of me ( since I was at the back again). She looked right at me when she told the class to take a welcoming to him and show him around I love all my teachers, and they loved me like they do all the kids, and they want me to talk again. The second half of my freshman year was when I decided that not talking was better than talking at all. It got me into less trouble. I had always been a little sassy when I did talk, and that got me a lot of bruises from my family. I was in the first half of my junior year now, and Leah was in her senior year. I did her homework for her since I had already taken those classes in this school since we were always short of teachers.  Mrs. Campos, my third period teacher also taught biology, which I had in fact taken my freshman year. She had heard my voice but now I had none.
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Blurred Lines Chapter 22 - Reunions
hey hey hey chapter 22 is out and we switching back to Kyradia this ones a doozy
Kyradia and Ashara wait for the possible arrival of the sith they encountered
The room was quiet, Kyradia could here the sound of her breath as they waited in silence, in then out in then out in then out.
“We have been sitting here for ages” it was true they had been here for what felt like years
Ashara scoffed “It’s only been like an hour Kyradia be patient” what but it felt like sooo much longer
“so what exactly is our plan here? I kinda forgot to ask” Kyradia was still feeling rather unsettled, ever since the encounter in the first temple something had felt off with this but she couldn’t place it
“uhhh well I thought we’d wait here and then we can watch them do whatever they were doing, maybe then ambush them i dunno” there was something to that but it seemed a little rough around the edges
“what if they sense us or have macrobinoculars like ours” sure Kyradia could hide through the force but Ashara not so much
Ashara frowned suddenly “uhhhh... um well” Ashara paused for a second “I uh didn’t think of that Mas- uh Kyradia” wow maybe she shouldn’t trust Ashara’s judgement implicitly
“right well let’s come up with a new plan, cause I don’t think stealth is really an option” Ashara nodded quietly, she seemed a little embarrassed but Kyradia couldn’t place why “As much as I want to know what they are up to I think we should prioritise stopping them first before this gets out of hand” Kyradia was trying so hard to not make this a whole thing, she had a lot she wanted to do and this was an annoying obligation
“I see your point I guess we can find out the details afterwards, if we’re gonna fight them you need to stay with me. I don’t want a repeat of yesterday” Kyradia never meant to run off but sometimes it’s necessary
“I uh dunno I get into a kinda frenzy when i fight” it was true in most fights she only remembered what happened afterwards
Ashara looked at her in the eyes “just... please ok for me” Kyradia knew she was probably right
She let out a small smile “yeah... ok I’ll try” she couldn’t promise she would but she would defiantly try “so what we guard the entrance” they hadn’t scouted any other entrances but Ashara had a point they should stick together
“yeah but if we’re gonna we will need to close up the other way in to the main room, I don’t have the umm right composure to bring down a wall so if you don’t mind” wow way to dance around the fact Kyradia was a angry person
“sure no problem” Kyradia made her way to the corridor on the opposite side of the room. She closed her eyes and began to think back to her argument with Kavaraa, the self righteous hypocritical points and the fact she just ran. She quickly could feel the rocks come loose and as she opened her eyes the corridor was no more. 
“alright let’s go to the entrance” Ashara beckoned her over to the remaining way out. Kyradia grasped her hand tightly and cloaked their forms
The jungle was peaceful in it’s own way, from the vantage point on top of the temple Kyradia could see the trees rustling wildly in the wind. It felt like the tables had somewhat turned; now they were the ones guarding a temple from interlopers, that was assuming they even turned up. They were going out on a limb but this was the only lead they had so they had to at least follow it up, Kyradia had a pit in her stomach she wasn’t sure why but this whole situation just seemed odd. The Milirian seemed like she had good intentions but nothing about this seemed like it would turn out good. That usually meant someone was manipulating her and Kyradia knew all too well what that felt like, between Valkorion, Revan and Zash she wouldn’t ever wish that on someone. Her money was on the blonde one being the culprit, she seemed to be the smarter one and more in tune with the force, either way they needed to be stopped. Kyradia felt her hand get squeezed, Ashara couldn’t cloak herself so this was unfortunately necessary. Kyradia had never been one for physical acts of affection, she found them awkward and weird but she had a few people she didn’t mind it from. Ashara seemed really worried about her which was definitely surprising after everything that happened Kyradia was sure Ashara wouldn’t care about her wellbeing anymore. She still didn’t know everything though and when she did she probably would hate her again, maybe it was just better to get it out the way, that’s what Andronikos was saying right maybe she should.
“hey Asha-” Kyradia started
Ashara interrupted her suddenly calling out “look look down there” damn it maybe later
Kyradia was startled but tried to look “where?”
Ashara replied “where I’m pointing” she was shaking Kyradia’s arm now
“Ashara you’re invisible I can’t see your arm” Kyradia continued to search the trees for what she was pointing at
“oh right um yeah look by that ridge to the left” Kyradia scanned down and sure enough she could see the two interlopers from before, yes they came! the long blonde hair stuck out like a sore thumb. They were trying to travel through the bushes to sneak up, same as their strategy but a lot less well executed
“let’s get into position and surprise them” Kyradia began to lead Ashara over to the left. Ashara was having trouble walking while invisible which wasn’t surprising it takes some getting used to, after a little bit of guidance however they were in position and could see the two sith below.
“ready” Kyradia asked letting go of Ashara’s hand
“ready” Ashara said as they jumped
Kyradia landed with a resounding crack in front of the duo “well look who we found” both the Milirian and the Human were taken aback jumping back a few feet each
“h-how did y-you find us” the Milrian said clearly intimidated
“well Ashara found an ancient relation between the temples around that excess con temple, she’s smart like that” 
“Exar KUN” Ashara interrupted, dammit Ashara not in the middle of the monologue
 “yes, that guy and we thought weird ritual doers are bound to visit” Kyradia smiled “and I’m afraid we can’t let you past”
The blonde one spoke up “n-no we have to get past we have to you can’t just stop us” she clearly didn’t understand the magnitude of the situation
She ignited her lightsaber “oh I think we can”
the duo glanced at each other before igniting their lightsabers, the Milirian lunged at Ashara and the Blonde at Kyradia, Kyradia easily parried the simple move and went for a low slash. To her surprise she saw the form of the blonde disappear and reappear 10ft away, where did she learn that? no matter Kyradia could too, she quickly shifted next to her grabbing her by the throat.
“now now play nice” Kyradia sneered, the Blonde began to struggle as Kyradia kept her in place, this was a good intimidation tactic but also would allow her to further question the Blonde. The Blonde continued to struggle as Kyradia lifted her off the ground but it was no use she had her- suddenly she saw a fist career into her head knocking her to the ground. The bitch punched her what the hell, Kyradia wiped the blood out her eyes before looking to see where the Blonde was heading, to the temple big surprise, she could see Ashara was sparring with the Milirian and barely keeping up with her, she could handle it. Kyradia channeled the rage she felt after the bitch punched her and reached out with the force, suddenly the blonde stopped frozen in place, perfect. Kyradia could feel her begin to push against her force keeping the Blonde in place, she slowly moved towards the blonde keeping her steady
“stay still I don’t wanna hurt you” she paused “too badly” she could’ve broken her nose the blonde could do with some repercussions. The force was certainly strong in this one Kyradia could barely keep her still
She had just caught up to the blonde when she suddenly heard a voice “STOP INTERFERING” as she was pushed back onto the ground by a wave of force energy. She hit the ground with a thud but that voice it was weirdly familiar, who did that? no time Kyradia quickly sat up to see the blonde running into the temple, shit she had to catch up. She quickly stood up and concentrated, using the force she began to run after the Blonde but as she got to the door the Milirian stepped in front of her 
“STOP” she pointed her lightsaber at Kyradia threateningly. Kyradia sighed and threw her casually out the way with the force, she didn’t have time for that. She bolted down the corridors of the temple determined to stop this once and for all. As she skidded round to the main chamber she saw the blonde had set down a holocron and some ingredients
“you better stop right now or I’m gonna lose it” she began to stride forward but as she did she felt a strong force wind push her back, no way was the blonde this strong. 
Kyradia began struggling against the wind as that voice echoed throughout the chamber “ah Kyradia I’m afraid you wont be coming any closer” no what the hell was this? who was that? she struggled against the wind but couldn’t move any closer to the Blonde. 
The Blonde had started meditating as the voice continued “now I’m afraid you’re too late, I have regained the power to subdue you, you won’t come anywhere near this ritual” If this is some Zakuul person trying to get revenge on her AGAIN she was gonna freak out 
“I actually took a page out of your book, I gotta say the ghost method definatly has it’s drawbacks” the voice chuckled as Kyradia tried as hard as she could to overcome the force keeping her out of the room to no avail.
“WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?” it knew about her old life before she was the commander, who was she?
Suddenly the room began to light up and beams of light began to divert towards the holocron, WAIT THE HOLOCRON! “now now now apprentice you always were two steps behind, the information is all right in front of you, put it together”
That wasn’t possible, it couldn’t be she had been sealed away for good. “No it can’t be you! I trapped you away in the mind prison”
“well clearly it didn’t work, every prison has ways out my dear” the voice began to cackle as the blinding energy entered the holocron “you really need to learn the only way to put sith behind you is to kill them otherwise they always come back apprentice”
Kyradia began to push with all her might against the force “I am not your apprentice you bitch and I’m going to stop you” she began to move forward slowly the force was weakening, maybe she could get to them.
“oh my dear I cannot wait to see it with my own eyes but I’m afraid I have to run, Lusari time to go” suddenly the force stopping her from moving was gone and she stumbled onto the floor. When she looked up she saw no sign of the blonde. But... it didn’t matter none of it mattered Kyradia just sat there in silence for a minute, she was back, Zash was back...
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Okay, so um, this is gonna have a couple parts. I don't have a title for this, but it is a Jotaro/Female Reader fic. This first part is SFW but it will get into N*SF*W in later chapters.
*UPDATE: Title is now called "Whirlpool"*
You were starting to lose hope.
Interview after interview and still no call backs.
You had put your resume out at almost anything since moving to the city. Having a few meetings, you thought the interviews were going well. Nope. It always ended with a handshake and a 'We'll call you if you get the job.'
But those calls never came. Your savings were dwindling fast.
Sitting in your apartment, you wondered if you should just take a job at a fast food restaurant in the meantime. Or better, maybe move back home where everything was familiar and comforting.
You had no friends here. Not yet anyways. You had been so wrapped up in finding a job that you didnt feel like going out to bars or clubs; the rejections making you depressed.
One Wednesday afternoon, you got a call from an unknown number.
Usually, you dont answer numbers you didnt know, but you picked it up anyway. "Hello?"
"Good afternoon, is this Y/N?"
The voice was so deep; definatly a male. It sent a chill down your spine. "Y-Yes..." You said cautiously.
"My name is Jotaro Kujo, I am a marine biologist. I saw your resume at one of the places I had visited recently. You are looking for work, yes?"
Your eyes darted around the living room. This was extremely unexpected. "H-How did you see my resume?"
"I had a meeting with one of the places you applied to. Your resume was sitting on top of a stack of papers, I ended up taking it."
"Isn't that wrong?"
"Probably. But I am looking for help and thought maybe to call you. Would you be interested in coming in for an interview?"
Your breath caught in your throat.
You had been on many interviews, but for some reason, this was different. This Jotaro guy swiped your resume from someone else desk and called you. He claimed to be a marine biologist, which intrigue you. You didn't have any background in that field but you knew enough to get by.
When you didn't say anything for a moment, Jotaro asked if you were still there.
Coming back to reality, you agreed to the interview. What else did you have to lose?
"Great. Are you available tomorrow at 4pm?"
Jotaro gave you the address to his office which was down at the local college. You guessed he taught a couple classes there. "See you then." He hung up.
Letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, you bounced with excitement.
"I need to find something to wear!"
You shook with nerves as you held onto the door handle. This was the place, since on the door his name was written.
Opening it slowly, you crept inside.
The room looked bare save for the large desk in the corner. There where a couple of bookshelves, but even they were empty. Are you sure this was the place? You looked at the door you came through again.
"You must be Y/N."
That deep voice again.
You turned your head to see a very tall, broad shouldered man in a black, long sleeved turtleneck. He also wore white pants; a white hat sitting atop his head. He came into the room from the other door that you noticed that was off on the side. That must be his real office.
"Y-Yes." You extended your hand in greeting. "Thank you for inquiring about me."
Jotaro seemed to hesitate for a moment before shaking your hand. Maybe he wasn't comfortable touching strangers.
His turquoise eyes looked at you, as if studying you what kind of person you could be. But that only made you blush, making you a little more nervous than you actually were. Finally, he shook your hand.
"Right this way."
He grunted, showing you to his office that was through the door he came.
You thought as you looked around the room. The walls were full of his accomplishments and pictures he had to have taken of sea creatures. The office seemed a little cramped as his large desk took up a lot of space. There was more room in the first room they were in, why choose this as a work space?
"Please, sit." Jotaro waved a hand to the empty chair opposite of him on the other side of his desk.
You did as instructed, taking in his features as you did. He couldn't have been any older than twenty-nine. Your eyes went back to the plaques on his walls. He's done so much at such a young age.
"Tell me about yourself."
Jotaro's voice brought your attention back to him.
"Oh, um. Well, I moved here from my hometown in hope of starting something new. I like to follow though and get my tasks done. I graduated top of my classes in high school and college. I'm very organized with projects, making sure that it exceeds to one's expectations."
Jotaro nodded his head a little and wrote on a piece of paper. He noticed you wringing your hands. "No need to be nervous."
Embarrassed, you tucked your hands under your legs. "I'm sorry. It's just, I've been on a lot of interviews and they all fell through."
Jotaro was silent for a few minutes, shuffling through some papers he had on his left until he found what he was looking for. Your resume.
"You don't have a lot of references here. But I see you took classes in zoology."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I've only really done side jobs while I was in college just to get by and save up for when I moved. I want to work with animals; I loved going to the zoo as a child and since then, I knew I wanted to work with them."
"So you know about marine life, too?"
You shrugged. "Enough to not sound dumb." You chuckled nervously.
Jotaro moved his hand over his mouth, hiding the smirk you had given him with your answer; he didn't want you too see his expression.
Composing himself, he rose from his chair, motioning for you to follow him.
Coming back to the first room, he stopped next to the empty desk.
"I'll give you a chance. This will be your space, you can do with it what you want."
Wait, what?
He just said he was giving you a chance? He was hiring you?
You looked at the desk. Seeing that you were the first thing people would see when they come in, you realized you were being hired as a secretary.
It wasn't something you were thrilled about. But you decided to take it anyways; Jotaro was the first person to offer you a job let alone hire you right on the spot. You accepted, gratefully.
"Thank you, Mr. Kujo! I promise I would do my best!"
"Good. I will see you tomorrow morning."
He shook your hand again and you parted ways.
Back at home, you cried tears of happiness. You finally found a job.
Though you had no idea how to be a secretary, you figured you could just wing it. It would be a learning experience, but just like everything else you've done, you would do your job with dedication.
"Good afternoon, Y/N! Is Professor Kujo in?"
You smiled at one of the other teachers that worked at the facility. "Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Westin, let me see if he's ready to see you." You buzzed Jotaro's phone. "Mr. Kujo, Mr. Westin is here to see you."
There was no answer, but Jotaro's door opened and he emerged, waving him to come in. Mr. Westin followed, shutting the door behind him. "Did you get that report from the lab back?"
Jotaro handed him a folder.
Mr. Westin nodded. "Great work, Jotaro. Are you ready for the field work coming up?"
"I will be." Jotaro grunted. "Y/N has set up hotel and anything else I needed."
"She's a helpful little angel, huh? Since she came around, your work has been flourishing."
Jotaro flicked his eyes toward the door. Just on the other side, you sat at your desk. His work load had gotten lighter in the last six months, thanks to you. He had been able to work and focus on what was important while you took care of the minor things.
Sometimes you had brought him lunch when you knew he was too wrapped up in his work to even stop to eat.
He was to be leaving in a couple days to do field research on ocean life on the coast of California for over two weeks. But something about you not being there nagged at him.
Remembering the other teacher was talking to him, he said, "Yeah. She's been a real big help."
Mr. Westin nodded and said his goodbye to you, leaving the office.
Looking up, you noticed Jotaro leaning against the door frame to his own office with his arms crossed. He was looking at you but not saying anything. That didn't surprise you, he was a quiet man. But his stare made you a little uneasy. "I-Is there something wrong, Mr. Kujo?"
The way you addressed him made his stomach do flips. It was an interesting feeling. One he hadn't felt before. "Did you make the preparations for my trip?"
"Yes, sir. Its all right here, I finished it this morning. Your flight leaves at 7 am Friday morning and your hotel is booked. Food is all taken care of and there was even some money left over if you wanted to do any shopping." You looked back at him. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
Jotaro strode to your desk in just three steps; those long legs taking him anywhere in a flash.
"There is. Call and change the itineraries to two people."
"Two, sir?"
"You heard me. Call the airline and add another person. Call the hotel and add another room. Make sure everything accommodates for two."
"S-Sure. May I have the name of the second person so I can make sure they get everything they need?"
Jotaro turned back towards his office, saying your own name.
"Wait, what?" Your head shot up at him. "Me? You want me to go? What does a secretary like me have anything to do with this trip?"
Jotaro kept his door open as he sat back down behind his desk. You stood and followed him in. Before you could say anything, Jotaro spoke first.
"You have grown from the nervous girl that walked through here six months ago. During your interview, you said that you strive to get your tasks done and do it with dedication. I've seen that you've proved that."
You blushed. You never really got that kind of praise from your other bosses.
"You wanted to work with animals, correct?"
You nodded.
"Well, then, come with me on the trip. Learn more about marine life."
What an amazing offer! But you couldn't help but think he was really just bringing you along so you can do his minor tasks. "Thank you, Mr. Kujo, but again, why do you want to bring a secretary?"
He interlocked his fingers and brought his hands up to his face; his eyes staring at you intently. "The word 'secretary' for you leaves a bad taste in my mouth. From now on, you are my assistant. You will still have your duties as you've had, but I'm taking you on this trip to help you learn more about marine mammals."
You couldn't find the words. You were thankful for his kindness, truly. But you weren't sure about going. You started wringing your hands again.
"Yare Yare Daze." Jotaro muttered. "If you don't want to go, just say so."
"Huh? No, I mean. Um..." You decided to go for it. What harm could it do? You developed a decent friendship with your boss, and he was offering this paid trip to you. "I-I'll go."
Jotaro did his best to hide his excitement; keeping his expression neutral. "Then get to work on getting yourself on the itineraries and take the day off tomorrow to pack and get some rest. I will see you at the airport."
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bekaroth-reads · 5 years
Psycho Mantis x Reader x Liquid Snake
You were sitting on the couch watching something on the TV when you suddenly felt someone else sit next to you followed quickly by the feeling of a very boney body fall on top of yours. Mantis was still wearing his mask from earlier today. It wasn't unusual for him to keep his mask on even when he was home at your small apartment becasue it was a way to dampen his psychic abilities as well as to cover his face, which he was always sensitive about even with people he trusted.
"Is there ever a time when you're not watching that thing?" He voice had its usual rasp and the muffled sound to it from his mask. "Hey, I'm entitled to whatever I want after a long day." He didn't seem to be a fan of this answer and turned to look at you. "No, you're absolutly not! Not when there's more important things to do...like paying attention to me, for example." You somehow knew that he was going to suggest that.
Mantis didn't get very much, if any positive attention when he was younger. And, after he met you he seemd to be making up for lost time. He did have Liquid with him off an on ever since they were children, but the times where they were with each other for extended periods of times were few and far between until recently. The fact that he did trust you enough to act this way with you threw you for a loop the first time you experenced it. After all he was a warhardened mercinary, and this softer side wasn't something that you were expecting to really be there. What really threw you off was when he asked you to call him by his actual name Tretji. He liked to remember that he was more than just an agent of war sometimes.
The thing with Tretji is that because he is ace, all he ever really wanted was attention, maybe some hugs, and on the very, very rare occasion a kiss on the cheek or the like. Usually if you just paid attention to him for only an hour, he would be good to go for the next week; though both of you would definatly take any oppertunity to be with each other you could get to be with each other. The two of you simply sat there and talked with each other while whatever random programming ran on the tv, both extremly content with the situation. That is, until Tretji whined, "And, I just got comfertable..."
You were about to ask him what he was talking about, when you heard the sound of the door opening and closing followed but the sound of boots clunking on the floor. The tall blond that you assosiated with the sound soon walked into the small living room. Tretji must have heard Liquid coming with his psychic powers. "Hey." was all he said when he looked over and saw the two of you, and you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was exhausted. He looked at the two of you for a moment before almost demanding, "Scoot over."
"There's another chair right there, bossy." you nodded you head to the furniture in question. "We didn't buy a couch for only two people to sit on it." "We didn't buy a couch for you to wear your nasty, old boots on, either." Tretji laughed at your response, and Liquid gave him a scoul. "Be careful, Mantis. I am your commanding officer, after all." "Not, here you're not, Eli." The name was said very pointedly as you all knew that Liquid didn't really care for his actual name, and so the two of you didn't use it unless it was to get under his skin. Liquid huffed, and sat down in the chair long enough to take his boots off before walking back over to the couch and pushed you forward so he was sititng behind both you and Tretji.
After awhile of the three of you seemingly just sitting there in silence, Tretji asked you, "What do you think?" You lughed a bit. "I couldn't hear you two. I don't know what you were talking about." The problem with living with someone with psychic powers is that some times he would talk to one of you in your mind without thinking about it, leaving that other in a very confused situation if they needed to be added to the conversation.
"We were just talking about weather or not I should grow my hair back out." Tretji filled you in. "What are the pros and cons to it?" "I haven't grown it out for years, so it would be interesting to do. But, it might cover my tattoo if I'm not careful." You heard Liquid snort at this and you turned to look at him right as he snarked, "It's a bloody barcode, man. And, your mask covers it most of the time anyways."
"Are you having a rough day?" you questioned as you turned to face Liquid more. "I don't want to talk about it." "Yes, he is." Tretji interjected. "You mind your own business!" Liquid huffed as he flipped Tretji and you around so he could get a tighter hold on the thin man, squshing him between himself and you. "Would a kiss make you feel better?" You asked, and Liquid immediately lit up. "Absolutly!"
It wasn't a very long or dramatic kiss, but it seemed like someone else thought it was. "That's disgusting!" You heard the familiar, muffled, Russian accent from the man inbetween Liquid and yourself. "You know, for being one of the world's most feared mercinaries, you can sure be a drama queen some times." You laughed. As you looked at him, you saw Liquid behind his shoulder, who gave you a michevious look that let you know exactly what he was thinking. Once he gave you a silent signal the two of you team attacked Tretji; both of you giving a kiss to the sides of his face that weren't covered by his mask. This caused him to let out a very dramatic, "NOOOOOOOO!" and the two of you to laugh. You knew that he was actually alright with it, seeing as he probably knew what was coming the moment that Liquid thought of it and would have stopped you two if he wasn't.
"What were you even watching, anyway?" Liquid questioned after awhile of the three of just sitting there comfortably holding each other. "Nothing really. Just had it on for whitenoise. We could change it to something if you want." You then noticed the sounds of deep rhytmic breathing under you. "Hey, I think Tret is asleep." "Hmm? What...didn't hear... I feel asleep." Liquid mumbled. "What?" you laughed at his tired mumbles, as he slurred something else before passing out entirely.
You weren't going anywhere as Liquid's hold on you was extrmely tight, even with Tretji inbetween you. Not, that you would want to. Times like these were your favorite of all.
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zmayadw · 4 years
Evening all :)
Time to continue with the story.
Wishing you all a nice evening :)
Back at the room, i quickly took another shower, and still wrapped in my towel opened the wardrobe. Hmm, what to weare? I havent really paid attention when i packed before coming to Duskwood, i just threw clothes in my suitcase, i was lucky i took enough clean underweare. I decided for my grey skinny jeans, black straps top, and my favorite green shirt. I loved that shirt, it made my eyes more greener when wearing it. Arround my neck was a descrete silver chain, with a clover pendant that i got from my mom. I was releived when i found out in hospital that i havent lost it when all the shit happened. She gave it to me when i was 10ish or so, telling me it will always bring me luck and keep me safe, and i always did feel safer wearing it, so i rarely took it off. My toughts got interruped by the sound of a message on my phone. It was from Jessy, informing me she and Dan will pick me up in about 15 minutes. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, put on some face powder since i was still a bit paleish. I putted some mascara and my lipgloss on. I grabbed my shoes and my purse. One more quick look at the mirror.I was ready and decided to wait for them outside. I wasnt out for long when Dan steered the car onto motels parking. He left the car and went for the back doors opening them for me. „Wow, Maya, i almost didnt recognize you, all dressed up!“ he grinned at me. „Should i take that as a compliment?“ „Definatly!“ he said, winkig at me, as i sat in the back seat, Jessy turning to me. „You look great!“ she smiled at me. „Thanks!“ i replied, smiling back. „I hope you're hungry.“ „Actually, im starving.“i said with a smile. After days of gloom toughts about all, and well, Jake mostly, seeing him today got me in good mood again.
We parked infront of the Black Swan. Leaving  the car, i turned to Dan saying teasingly  „Last time you got stud up comming here, this time you're here with two beautifull women.“ As i said it, both Jessy and me grabbed Dan, each under one of his arm. „What more can a guy wish for!“ he said, grinning, but added as we neared the entrance „ But, sorry Maya, i'll be going home with just one of you, tho.“ He turned to Jessy, giving her one soft kiss. „Good answer.“ I teased „And dont worry about me, my broken heart will just have to drown its sorrow with some chocolate!“ I tried to sound serious and hurt, but Jessy looked at me, and we both stared laughing. Dan shook his head at us „Man, and Jessy tought i will be pain in the ass when we meet. You two are impossible.“ „Untill you get some whiskey in you.“ i teased, mischievous grin showing on his face. „Exactly!“ he chimed happily, but Jessy was already giving him one of her stern looks. „Dannn..“ she started, but i stod to his defense „Aww, c'mon Jessy, dont be like that. You did promise me you will let Dan of the hook when i get out of the hospital. We are celebrating afer all.“ Now both Dan and me wer looking at her, making the best puppy faces we could. „Oh you two!“ she said, waveing her finger at us. „Fine, just this once! As you said, we are celebrating.“ Dan gave me a high five as a sign of our victory, wich now made Jessy shake her head, adding wit a groan „Oh, im soooo gonna regert this.“ I hugged her, pecking her on the cheek, cherfully saying „We could all use some fun.“ She looked me inquiringly, as we wer seated at our table „What got you in such a good mood?“ „Oh, nothing much“ i said, not realizing my smile widening „I'm just happy to be alive and kicking.“  The restoran was really nice, and quite packed with people, but not too loud, so we could normaly talk. We ordered some food and just had a nice time, talking casualy, eating, drinking, laughing and teasing eachother. Jessy became a really good friend to me in this short time, i was grateful to have her in my life. Both her and Dan. And she and Dan went so well together. He looked tough at the surface, but she calmed that restlesness in him. And she looked happy with him, sincerely happy. At some point, Dan excused himself and went for the toilet. As he left the table, Jessy looked at me, squinting her eyes „Spill it out already!“ I tilted my head on the side „What possibly could you mean?“ „Ohh, dont keep me on edge, Maya!“ she pleaded. „I knew the moment i saw you something was up.Spill it!“ „Fine, fine“ i started, her look getting all curious. „I saw Jake today.“ I said grinning like a little kid. She squileed from excitement, waveing her hands on the side „Talk! Now, before Dan comes back! And dont you dare to leave anything out!“ I chuckled at her. I quickly told her everything that happened, her listening patiently. When i was done, she was smiling from ear to ear, and i guess i did the same. „I told you so!“ she siad, and i burst laughing. „Oh, i had a feeling you might say that.“ „Well, was i wrog?“ she asked, to wich i shook my head in agreement with her. „Then i should say it again: I told you so!“ she said cheerfully. „“All right, all right, lets not get ahead of ourselves“ i started „It was a start, a promising one, but he still cant get over it completly.“ „That may be“ she said „But it wont be long till all will be allright again, you'll see.“ She smiled at me, and let a little squeek of excitement again, and this time i joined her. Dan returned to the table, looking both of us quizzically „What are you two up to now?“ he asked, as he sat back at his chair. We looked at eachother, grinning, and Jessy replied, winking at me „Oh, just talking some girls stuff.“ Dan made a face „You're talking about 'hacker boy', arent you?“ I looked sharply at him „Yes we are, if you must know. And i told you to stop calling him that.“ As i said it, i kicked him at his lower leg under the table, just as he was taking a sip of his beer. „Sorry, sorry“ he said, stedying his glass „Old habbits die hard.“ I stuck my toung at him, and he did the same back. „Stop it you two!“ Jessy hissed at us, and we started giggling. „Well, then“ Dan started to say „If you dont mind, leave that mooshy wooshy stuff for later, when im not arround. I would like to keep my dinner 'in', if you get me.“ He made a gaging gesture, wich made Jessy hit him on the shoulder. „What“ he protested „I'm just being honest here.“ He grinned at her. I smiled „Fine, fine, no more wooshy mooshy talks from now on. But, im in need of that chocolate then, to compensate for it!“ i teased, and Dan just grinned at me „Way ahead of you!“ Now it was my turn to look at him with confusion, when the waiter came to our table bringing three pieces of chocholate cake. I took a bite of mine, Dan asking „So, all good?“ „You're lucky i'm a sucker for chocholate..so, yes, all good.“ I said smiling and taking antoher bite. „Well, since you're in such a good mood, i have a confession to make.“ Jessy was looking at me now, smiling through her teeth, a bit nervous . „Our evening kinda doesnt involve just this dinner.“ „Mhm, go on, talk“ i said „I had a feeling you had something else in plan for me tonigh.“  „Well, its just that everyone was asking me about you..soooo i invited them all to join us for drinks at Aurora later.“ „Kinda tought that might happen.“ I said seriously, and Jessy's mood got down a bit. „But, only if Dan promisess me some karaoke fun.“ Jessy chuckled. „Dear God, is there anything you didnt tell her?“ Dan asked, and she started moving her eyes from one side to the other, gesturing her thinking „Hmm let me see.“ Dans eyes opened wide in wonder. „I might still keep few things to myself.“ She turned to me, winked, and we laughed. Poor Dan took three big gulps of his beer „We better hurry to Aurora, i need something stronger then beer.“
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writeouttaluck · 6 years
This is a quickie. Partially inspired by my childhood and teen years.
Both Elementary and Middle school had hammered home the idea that people are shitty and that they will fuck you up at any given chance in any way they think of. I started spending more time by myself and away from people. The only time I ever left was to hang out with friends and even that seemed to be falling apart for me. It was rough, really. Ive known my friends were shitty for a while, but its what i got. Everybody else is either too stupid or weird for me to fit into. Not to mention the assholes.
Everyone in my class was a fucking asshole and they could suck a fucking dick if they thought i was about to drop years of resentment and turn the other cheek.
Fuck that.
Ill stick with the criminals. At least they can be fun.
After my first day of 7th grade, I felt about 3 feet tall and twice as exhausted. I had an inkling that it was depression. I did some looking online and thats what matched how i feel. Tired, lack of motivation, easilly upset by everything. It felt like i was loosing my edge and i cant say im too happy about that.
At the same time, it seemed that as one fire was being put out, another was being discovered. Something felt wrong. I was still angry as ever but it was different. I was more angry at the world than i was angry at a particular thing.
I was slowly realizing that things just arent gonna get better and if they do, it wont be for a long, long time. I was pretty much destined to do nothing with my life considering i wasnt smart enough to carry myself education wise. Ive needed help with a lot of things for as long as I remember.
It felt unfair. I was supposed to be such a smart person, right? Yeah what a crock of shit. It seems that adults have been lying to me about far more than just santa claus and the tooth fairy.
And right now I really felt like knocking someones teeth out of their head.
Like the universe had read my fucking mind, I heard a few pebbles get tossed at my window.
I got out of my chair and peered behind me. Out the window stood Dylan. He cupped his hands and shouted.
“Lets fucking go!”
I nodded and slid the bandana up my face. I grabbed my leather vest and walked out of my room, making sure to close the door behind me as quietly as possible. My mom was passed out on the couch again with the dogs laying beside her. I stared for a moment, watching her breathe heavilly in her unconscious state before i decided it was safe to sneak away. I practically slithered to the door before taking one more look back.
Mom layed facing the tv and away from me. I knew the dogs were gonna go apeshit as soon as the door opened and so i prepared myself.
Then like ripping off a band aid, I swung the front door open and hopped outside, swinging it shut behind me. They started barking like crazy as I thought they would and so I stepped down the stairs on my porch real fast and ran around to my backyard where Dylan was waiting.
“What took you so long?” he said to me as I caught up with him.
I didnt answer, deciding that answering him was just a waste of time.
We walked through our backyard and through the tall grass of the house that lived behind us. It happened to be on the market for years now and didnt seem to be selling anytime soon. That made it a great place to break into and hang out. It was a regular thing at this point. Although since the yard was so open and surrounded by other houses, we kept the hanging in there to a minimum.
“Dude, this fucking kid has been talking some mad shit about me recently.” Dylan started in, “Hes been talking to my girlfriend and saying some really fucked up shit to her. Saying what he wants to do to her and all this shit and I swear if I get my fucking hands on him…”
He spoke with gnashed teeth and a vein fit to burst from his neck. He said all this while looking at his phone screen. I could only assume he was looking at this guys facebook profile.
All at once Dylan turned back to me and showed me the phone screen.
“This fucking faggot. Im gonna fucking kill him!”
I looked at the photo and quickly recognized his name. That was the guy my girlfriend cheated on me with. I could feel my blood draw to a boil as i stared at him. I balled my fists at my side white knuckle tight. Each digit made an audible popping sound as they rolled up.
“You know this kid?” Dylan asked me.
I looked away from the phone and to dylan and nodded my head.
He nodded back at me in understanding and we both had the same idea in mind.
“Lets find this motherfucker”
After some talking and walking and all kinds of looking, we figured the easiest way to get this fucker out of his safe space was to have Dylans girlfriend bait him into coming to a secure location. We decided that under the bridge in town was a pretty good place considering that not many people know how to get to the path down under. We headed there and waited for the little bastard.
After a while of sitting around, it was about 9:00. The sun had gone completely down at this point and it was dark. There wasnt any foot traffic above for nearly an hour until we heard a bicycle rattle its way over the wooden slats. I nodded at Dylan and he ran over to the bushes to go hide while I stayed in the the open. I leaned on one of the concrete beams and crossed my arms.
This was going to be interesting.
“Bella! Psst, Bella!” I heard him whispering as he walked down the little hill. He waded past some real tall grass and walked out onto the smooth surface before he noticed me standing there.
“Uh...hi?” He asked, looking at me.
I stared at him and waited.
I watched as Dylan stood from the grass behind him and bolted in the guys direction. Dylan decked him from behind in the back of the head and he stumbled foreward, falling on his hands.
That was my cue.
I walked over and pulled him up to standing level. He had his eyes squinted shut and teeth together. That punch definatly hurt.
Not taking time to hesitate, I held him infront of me with my hand around his mouth and holding his right arm behind his back.
“So, you think youre hot shit, huh?” Dylan said standing over him.
He drove a fist into the guys gut and I struggled to hold him as he doubled over in pain. I snapped him back into place as dylan got into his fighting stance. He stepped over and punched him across the face hard. It was the kind of hit that would leave a bruise the size of an apple. I felt the guy breathe heavier, and tears hit my hand that was still clamped over his mouth.
Dylan reared back again and swung, hitting him right in the teeth. The guys head rolled back a bit at the force of the hit. Im suprised that didnt knock him out.
Than dylan got a start and drove his foot square into his gut. The guy moaned in pain under my hand.
Then the guy did something balsy. He bit right down into my hand, hard. My instant reaction was to let go of his mouth and suddenly he pulled his arm away too. He tried making a dash for it but my anger had flared at the pain. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back hard into the rocks and gravel at my feet. He flew into the rocks face first and tried getting back up. I grabbed his belt and tossed him again, swinging his face into the rocks once more. At this, I didnt wait to see if he was gonna get up again. As soon as his head was raised, I crouched to his level and put my hand on the back of his head, slamming his face into the sharp rocks again. He yelped a bit in pain so I flipped him over and clamped my left hand around his throat. I squeezed like I meant it and closed off his wind pipe. He looked up at me in pity as he choked. I picked him up off the ground a bit and slammed him back down. I brought my right up like a big ass flesh hammer and brought down hard on his face. I raised it again and smashed him in the face again.
Once I saw the color start to drain from his face, I let go of his throat. He coughed and gasped for breath he desperately needed. I saw something move quickly out of the corner of my eye and brought my arm up to sheild my face. Dylan pelted a handful of sharp rocks at the guys face before following it up with another hard punch. Once I knew dylan had this, I stood up and brushed myself off.
Dylan crouched to his level and looked him in the eyes. Than he did something that actually shocked me. He produced a knife from his pocket and flipped it open real fast in front of the kids face.
Holy shit, was he actually going to kill him?
Dylan brought the knife up and dragged the dull side of the blade down the guys face, who now was so terrifyed that he had full on tears streaming down.
Right as I imagined dylan jabbing the knife through his eye, He stopped just short and whispered real low.
“You come near my girl again or If I hear you talking shit about me around down, Im gonna come to your house and kill you and your whole familly. Do you fucking understand?”
The guy just looked at him in fear.
“DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?!?!” He shouted in the guys face.
He quickly nodded out of fear.
Than Dylan clamped his hand on the guys face and shoved him back to the ground.
I got up as did dylan and we both started walking back to the top of the bridge. Once we got up there, we saw the guys bike parked next to the bench without a lock. So Dylan kicked the peg up and started walking it over the bridge.
At first I thought maybe Dylan was gonna steal this guys bike but that didnt seem like something he would do. Then we got to the mid point in the bridge and he stopped walking. I stopped too. He suddenly grabbed the bike by the middle and flung the whole damn thing over the edge like a big ass frisbee.
It dropped for a second before we heard it smash into the water below.
“That will teach that fucker…” Dylan said.
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captain039 · 6 years
Why cant you love me?
John Marston x reader
I always loved John and now hed in HD I love him even more xD another one shot.
Summary: Your horse didnt like you very much but John did.
Warnings: nothing much just fluff.
Damn the rain! Damn the mud! Damn this horse! damn everything why your at it. Today was not the best day the ran started pouring thunder booming in the sky and your new horse buckled you off and ran just like that. You were sat in mud rain pouring over your head and no horse, not a good day.
You were walking back to camp arms crossed pissed as can be no one dared confront you except one dumbass.
"Hey Y/n, woah" He shut his mouth seeing you covered in mud.
"You ok sweetheart?" his damn nicknames.
"Peachy" You scoffed going under the tent. You and John had a confusion relationship you loved him no matter what ever since you joined he had your back and treated you like everyone else not like a lady. He would always flirt around but the Abigail came they had a child and she left him just like that made you wanna hunt her down for hurting him. But that was in the past now couple of years maybe but it still hurt you. You stripped off your coat and skirt leaving you in an under top and pants. You were shivering the wind making you colder.
"Come on you need a drink or something I'll ride you to Valentine" John said waving his arm you sighed putting on a fresh coat going to him. He put his arm around your shoulder walking to his horse. You both rode silently the rain still pouring you huddled closer trying to gain some warmth.
"Not much further" He called you nodded watching the trees. You made it to the hotel you paid for a bath and room as you walked to the bathing room. You took off your wet sticky clothes sinking into the warm water. You sighed quietly your muscles relaxing. You heard a knock.
"Its me you ok?" John called.
"Yeah you can come in" You said he didnt at first but finally walked in closing the door. The bubbles covered everything you didnt mind everyone had been around for a long time to be comfortable.
"Feel better?" he asked taking his hat off.
"Yeah much thank you" You said smiling before closing your eyes. You heard shuffling before his hands rested on your shoulders massaging.
"Such a gentleman" You smirked he let out a laugh definatly shaking his hand. His hands were rough but you didnt mind.
"You find the dumb mare?" he asked you shook your head.
"No ran off like a rabbit" You sighed his hands kneading away the stress.
"Well get you another one tomorrow for now have some rest" He said patting your shoulder you gave him a soft smile as he left. You dried yourself and put your clothes on and headed to the saloon finding John sipping a beer.
"Here you are mi'lady" You laughed shaking your head taking the drink from him. You had a slight buzz as you stopped drinking John was a bit wobbly on his feet making you roll your eyes. He got beat up by some drunk also his nose and eye bloody. You brought him back to the hotel quickly sitting him down before getting some alcohol and swab.
You cleaned his eye making him hiss, you quickly apologised he seemed sober enough now.
"Just cant stay away from the fight can ya?" you questioned.
"Apparently not" He snorted hissing afterwards as you cleaned his nose cut. You sighed finishing him off before putting the items away. You went to put them back when his hand caught your wrist.
"What is it?" you asked he tugged you closer gently making you fall on his lap. You blushed furiously placing a hand on his chest.
"John what are you?" you were cut off by his lips you were shocked but melted into his kiss. His arms moved around your waist holding you closer as he kissed you gently. He pulled away looking into your eyes as he sighed quietly.
"You dont know how much I love you" He whispered so quietly you almost didnt hear him.
"John" He shushed you with his finger letting you off.
"I better get some rest gonna have a hangover tomorrow" He chuckled lightly heading to his room. You sighed as he left leaving you confused and slightly heart broken you loved him to.
he woke up with a massive head ache but he did remeber what he did he didnt regret it either. The rain had stopped thank fully as you woke up ready to go. John met you downstairs drinking some coffee.
"Shouldnt you be having water Mr. Marston?" you questioned he snickered.
"Probably" You huffed thanking the hotel man before heading outside.
"How bout we get you a new ride?" you nodded heading over to the stables. You saw a beautiful thoroughbred his coat black and white mane.
"Hes a crazy one he is no one wants him" The stale man said. You walked up to the beast he reminded of your old horse Duke, John watched you as the creature snorted at your hand before nudging his nose to it.
"Well I'll be damned" The stable man said.
"She has a way worth beasts" John said as the horse neighed happily.
"Well she can have him for free been tryna get rid of him for months" He said.
"Thank kindly sir" You spoke leading the black beauty away. You saddled him up and you and John headed out.
"Where to?" You asked.
"Surprise" You sighed following the man. The horse was amazing definatly not like that other git.
John brought you to a cliff area as you slid off your horse and walked over to him seeing the amazing view. It took your breath away as you stared seeing the birds.
"Wow" You whispered.
"Its something alright" John said standing next to you.
"I do remember last night Y/n and I meant what I said" You froze looking at him his face serious.
"I do love you no doubt about it but I dont think you'd want some worn out outlaw" He said rubbing his neck.
"John Marston dont you ever say that your wrong" He frowned looking to you.
"I love you also" He smiled genuinely smiled before kissing you gently again.
"Glad" he whispered making you smack his chest lightly embracing him, now you had him you weren't letting go.
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whats ur stance on the wheels vs doors debate?
when i first got this ask i thought it was probably a shit post and just your general run of the mill tumblr nonsense, but something told me there was more to this ask, so i looked up the door vs wheel debate and...
Holy shit, how did i not know about this, i enjoy pointless debates, i live for arguments that have no true consequence to them. i love seeing people go to insane lengths to prove their side on mundane disputes
thank you anon for bringing this to my attention and sending me down this rabbit hole of what truly is a wheel, and what can you reasonably call a door.
so buckle up i havent chosen i side yet, so im gonna to extensive lenghts to decide my stance and thus the hill i shall die on
alright so my first order of business was to find out what counts as a wheel or door. 
WHEEL:  a circular frame of hard material that may be solid, partly solid, or spoked and that is capable of turning on an axle
DOOR: a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and opened also : a similar part of a piece of furniture
but most people would say that: in general doors can be walked through and wheel are on vehicles 
(with some exeption that i think most people would argee on, like cupboard and locker like things for doors and potters wheel/ game show wheels type thing (idk how to simply catogarize those things) for wheels) 
now that i have that infomaton i can get a better idea of what im doing
so looking around the room i’m currently in i can see 12 definate no doubt doors and 12 sliding windows that could be called doors by the definition i gave but it is bit of a stretch and if asked someone they probliyl wouldnt call it a door, so ill put a pin in that for now.
looking around the room again this time for wheels i see 8 definate wheels and 8 fans which dose match the definiton i gave but yet again most people don’t look at a fan and think “hey thats a wheel” 
ill have to expand my thinking.
to the rest of my school! so my school had 6 houses and about 350 lockers each. so that’s 2100 door already. and theres about 50 other lockers so 2150 doors just by lockers, and then theres the bathrooms like each bathroom at my school has and average of 6 doors illl say and maybe 10 bathrooms acrosss the school so another 60 doors. and the class rooms? they all have doors, and many of them have cupboards or side rooms so like 3 or 4 doors a class room and who knows how many class rooms we have? 
and then theres all the offices and hidden store/mantenence rooms.all the kitichen cupboards we have like 4 or 5 kitchens.  then we have all the padock gates, all the shead doors the 21 doors for just one aviary complex
HOLY FUCK I FORGOT THE PHONE LOCKERS we got like a thousand of them
and that’s just 1 school
it’s not looking good for wheels here and im definatly leaning towards doors]
but granted i have been unfair to wheels, a school is a stationary place so not being many wheels isnt that unexpected.
so where do you expext to find wheels? vehicles. and what do most people have? a car.
so your average car has 6 wheels,( 4 in use 1 spare, 1 steering) but also 6 definate doors (boot, front, 4 side) and then you could count all the various compartment doors way out numbering the wheels.
that’s all that i could think on the initial rant from the top of my head.
im pretty sure im on TEAM DOORS
and a common saying i have is: “one of the best way to prove a theory is to try and disprove it.”
 so lets look at some other peoples arguments, shall we?
one argument i found that was in fact a verry good argument was “wheels get replaced a lot” and this nearly stumped me, sure there are a lot of doors but with wheels being replaced a lot would the number of door be enough. my thoughts where an unsure yes.
but then i checked the origional question again. 
“do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?”
its all in present tense. if a wheel is replaced the old one is probably gonna get destroyed in some mannor and thus, no longer be a wheel
 and to try and bring in past and future doors and wheels that are not currently in existance must be the result of a desperate reach.
so that argument holds less water now, and granted not every wheel thats replace will get destroyed, but certnaly not enought to tip the balance in wheels favor.
one thing i can see threatening team doors is all the tiny toy cars they dont have an equiviant door like with cars, but im kinda sure doors from else where can counter act that but i cant say for 100% certain.
but for me this is all in good fun and if we can find for certian which has more i shall acept it.
ok wow this turned out long. im not done with this debate but im gonna leave my initial thoughts here.
for now.
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daughterofsinsloth · 7 years
Hello. I saw your post about giving recommendations of skk fics and I seriously love them! Thank you ❤️ Is it okay to ask you if you know any skk fics that are complete multi-chapter? I had been trying to search them but I most see one shots and abandoned multi-chapters.
Hello hello anon-chan!!! thank you so very much about your comment!! It means a lot! :) Mmm… I jnow what you mean! I have a lot of favorite fics that are uncompleted! But let’s have some fate that they will be upload! 💪💪
Here some soukoku multi-chapter fics!
i won’t lie (i knew you belonged here) by mountainlaurels:
(AU/9 chpts) this one is my very first fic and the one that actually got me inyo skk. the writer has done a great great job bringing you to their wolrd. here we are on modern setting but abilities are still on. Chuuya works at a flower shop and Dazai at the cafe across the street.  their interctions are slow and natural. you cant help but ship them. the other bsd characters are all in and they are treated respectifully and well done as if they are the mains. i really like the story and how it grows to the finale.its well writen and the feelings are overwhelming! this has a spanish translation from the writer.
Intoxicated by setosdarkness:
(AU/21 chpts) a really really great fic! nothing less from setosdarkness! definatly read her other works that are currently on-going. they are awesome and cinematic-like. really welldone and well-written. the plot is a bit tricky but it keeps you on edge. you get into the characters and when you will finish it, you will be suprized. its a mafia!AU and everyone plays. its a well build game. you are gonna love it. there is also smut in it, but its part of the game too. the hole thing is a game that you cant helped it but fell willingly into it and you will be satisfied with it.
Find Something Worth Dying For (And Learn How to Live) by kibasix:
(17 chpts) read the name of the writer.. no thats it. thats my analysis. KIBASIX! we are talking about one of the best writers, in my opinion. I cant even explain how perfect this fic is! this fic here?! I cried my eyes out! i was waiting the next chapter like kids wait Santa. simply immersive. it was an absolutely agonized journey. it was like a dance between the feels and the rightness of their world. its chapter was more majestic than the last and the next was more painful than the last. the writer’s words get imprinted in your heart and mind and you cant help but want to read more, feel more, see more. it has a cinematic feel. it starts from the very beginning and we see skk relationship how it evolved and how it suttered  like you are seeing it live. a sad poem in a form of a fic. the characters are practically singing their emotions out, only to be ignored by their life. and yet the fate laughs at them as she entangle them together. I can talk for hours how they write each of the character like a living being, forgeting none, and how they give each one a right place and the spotlight they deserve! an amazing work that leaves you full and empty in the same time. this one has a smak 4 chpts sequel “
Sparks Like A Match (Burns Like A Wildfire)
“ and another sequel that is yet to come (I believe in you kibasix-sama!). also check their other works, both multi and one-shot!
Noir by Adargo:
(20 chpts) another gem. another feel train. noir is the color of skk and this fic is the sorry song of their lives. a corrupted fic that leaves you craving for more. here we read with the shadow of Corruption on our back and the characters live under it.  its one of the character lives under their own corruption and try to get out only to have an odd feeling at the end. it could be more chpts or only this this and the feeling will be the same. we never leave corruption, just learn to live with it in this noir world. although I would love to see more, when you finish it you can only mutter a “wow” and then never live properly again. rips your heart out and fixs it momentaly to rip it again later. you live and breath with the characters and in the end you breath a new air, a better one for me. this epitomy of angst heals you so amazingly. as the characters go a step foward you take one too and from then one your heart has a different weight. a truly and without doubt exceptional work.
A Hearts Desire by Kaokita:
(AU/6 chpts) a beautiful fic. prostitute!Chuuya  opens to us a world that we see journalist!Dazai to bark in and challenge Chuuya in a “bet of felling in love".  a proud chuuya is always  present but here it compinate with a kinda impulsive chuuya, exposed to Dazai's hungry feeling for actual feels. here we are talking about the dark world of the underground were a no less dark but bright light (dazai) comes to shake the everyday life of our protagonist. its well written and well build. doesnt leave you with a complain and brings you to another world. really enjoyable to read. spoiler oda and chuuya having seeeeeex
 Forgettable Significance by Witheryvine:
(32 chpts) after the anime, the feels start.  if you thought that dancing with angst was easy, then you havent read this own. betreyal and love complicate each other and come to you to cry with them. a really interesting work and stunning. it is overwhelming but you want it to be. there are things that are needed to be said, words that have to come to the light and the writer not only do that perfectically but also gives you more to heal yourself  and breath.  it takes a lot to take back someone who meant the world for you and throw you away, yet! the writer  has done such a nice jod giving as the feelings, thoughts and fears that you cant help but be one with it. the style of writing helps the fic to encrave into you and honestly i havent see many write it so good.
You Won’t Lose Me (So Don’t Leave Me Behind) by hybridempress:
(14 chpts) now it will be a terrible mistake to leave this out!from bottom to the top its a must read. an emotional roller coster with the best of fluff. emotions well hidden are suddenly out. too fast changes leave you breathless and the characters have to take fast decisions, act fast and start to live from the zero. a phychological rebirth thats requares a lot of courage to abandon everything so you can chase after an old wild dream in a form of a man, new to you but as old as time to your heart. along with sequel of it  “
You Have a Heartbeat (You’re Real, You’re Here, You’re Human)
” by mostladylikeladythateverladied they create a perfectly must read at all cost fic that gives you the most satisfying feeling of “ah thats how it should be done”. skk are a complicate pair but the writers give them to you bare to see and feel with them to all your might. p.s. that amazing scenes with sskk at the sequel cured my heart!
Sorrow Already Spoiled by Soukokuhell:
(AU/16 chpts) an awesome fic is here once again. this AU is really well written and well build around two people  way too hurt, who find love and healing together. trying to move foward but with the past to hunt them down. love and fear are walking together here. the angst is getting healed by the characters emotions and the lovemaking is great! with each chapter the characters are getting healed and at the finale you get to breath again. the fluff is in the love and devotion they have for one another.
All Aboard by Asmicarus:
(8 chpts)an action fic with a lot of feels. chuuya is suffering again and dazai is an asshole but you can see that there is much more behind them. Dazai’s manipulating nature comes out to play and although it fools everyone, Chuuya manage to sutter it to the ground with a few words. the remark is 10000000% what we all need and what Dazai needs to hear. he pretends to be human but chuuya leave him naked to the bone. from here the story takes another turn to dazai realizing what is happening and what he needs and chuuya finaly decides to take what he deserve.
Silver and Shining by ShesAParadox:
(25 chpts) okay thats a fic that i havent read in a long time, but i remember it still in this day how good impression it left me.  the protagonist is fate and the puppets are skk, but not like any other fic. here there are a little things they can do.as their lives unfold and hardships are presented to them continuously, it becomes apparent that they are both the best and worst thing to have appeared in each other’s lives. the well written text  gives you piece by piece their thoughts and mind, fears and love from the first meeting  are amazingly describe and it leaves you complete. it  happends what it should happen. 
Underwater by meupclose:
(11 chpts) one hell of a fic. here is hopeless chaise with mori as the hunter and dazai as the prey. chuuya is the ‘innocent’ love one of dazai who has been called to play the savior. oda feels rip you apart, every character battles with inner and out demons and dazai is having a crisis. yet! the writer never fails to right a complicated masterpiece where life and death are playing chess. the fluff and smut take the fic to another level as a celebration of life and mori is practically playing death himself. a foolish man who wants to be a god and dazai is the child here who is desperate to live. chuuya steals the spotlight and lead to the end. its an excellent work of a mad song with the most logical story in a world that rules are made to be broken.
from my prievious fic rec please read “own no doubt”, “shared gravity” and insomnia_productions.
Why most of them are angst-like I dont know and Im sorry dear anon-chan. Im terribly sorry! kinda..  nonetheless they are all amazing and you should read them!!!
thank you very much for your ask! I hope that my reccomendations were good and you enjoy reading them! Tell me what you think~~ have a wonderful day anon-chan!!!!bye bye :)
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