#but the red button! its so hard to resist
hypnogold · 3 days
Crescent Park
A special thanks to all my bros on the team!
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As the sun dipped lower behind the trees of Crescent Park, a tense stillness filled the air. The Golden Team moved with precision, converting park-goers one by one, their sleek metallic jerseys glinting in the fading light. Coach Richard oversaw the operation, his towering frame exuding authority, while Walter—recently promoted to team manager—moved with newfound confidence, handling the transformations with growing expertise.
Walter approached his next target, a young man sitting alone near a pond, fiddling with his phone. His heart beat faster, not out of fear or hesitation, but from anticipation. He relished this. As the team manager, he took pride in outfitting the recruits, creating custom golden suits that symbolized their complete submission. He had worked hard to design each uniform, from the sharp white button-up shirts to the black-and-red striped ties beneath the shimmering golden jerseys. Now, it was time to add another name to the roster.
“Hey, man, mind if I sit?” Walter’s voice was smoother now, confident. The young man glanced up, surprised, but nodded.
Walter slipped a golden jersey from his bag, his fingers brushing against the soft, shimmering fabric. “You ever worn something like this? Trust me—it feels incredible. Changes everything.”
The young man raised an eyebrow, clearly unsure of where this was going, but before he could react, Walter grabbed his shoulder, locking him in place. The golden jersey slid over his head with an eerie precision, and as the fabric touched his skin, the transformation began.
The first sensation was warmth—an almost intoxicating comfort that spread from the jersey, radiating into every fiber of his being. The young man gasped, his body stiffening, his mind fighting for control, but it was futile. The warmth grew more intense, like being wrapped in the most welcoming embrace. His muscles slackened, a strange euphoria taking over as his thoughts slowed, rearranged, and reshaped by the power of the jersey.
As the golden spirals in his mind deepened, his name—whatever it had been before—was erased. He blinked, and a new name filled the void in his mind: Dean. It wasn’t just a name; it was an identity, a purpose. Dean belonged to the Golden Team now. His personality shifted, becoming simpler, more focused, his mind locked on one thing—obeying the Cap, obeying the Gold.
“We obey Cap and we obey Gold,” Dean murmured softly, as if the mantra had always been part of him.
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Walter grinned. “That’s right, bro. You’re one of us now.”
Dean’s posture straightened, his hands smoothing over his new jersey. His speech changed, becoming more casual, almost bro-like. “Feels good, man. So good to just… obey.”
Walter clapped him on the back. “Welcome to the team, Dean. Now let’s get you to work.”
Not far off, Brody and Scott were working on another group of men, this time two joggers who had been cornered by the fountain. Brody, with his sharp eyes and quick movements, had already wrestled a VR headset onto one of the men. The spirals flickered to life, and the jogger's body jerked in response, his eyes wide with shock as his mind was engulfed in the golden waves of hypnotic control.
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Brody and Scott are ready to recruit some more bros..
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The man’s breathing quickened as the headset took over, each pulse of the golden spirals draining his resistance. His body sagged into submission, his mind softening like putty, molding itself to fit the team’s desires. His name? Gone. A new one settled in its place—Barry
Barry let out a soft laugh, his former self melting away. He tugged at the golden jersey that now fit snugly over his chest, feeling an overwhelming sense of belonging. His voice, once steady and confident, now carried a playful, bro-ish tone. “Man, why didn’t I do this sooner? Feels so right, bro.”
Scott stepped up beside him, laughing with him, slinging an arm around his shoulder. “That’s what I’m talking about, Barry. You’re gonna love being on the team. We’re all about the Gold now.”
Barry’s face lit up as he joined in the laughter, his eyes swirling with the lingering golden spirals. His focus had narrowed, his thoughts reshaped into one core belief: obedience to Cap and Gold. “We obey Cap and we obey Gold,” he repeated, his voice filled with a mix of pride and devotion.
As more men succumbed, Walter’s confidence only grew. He was proud of what the team was becoming, of the role he played in crafting their identities and uniforms. Each golden suit, carefully tailored and fitted, was a symbol of their unity, their purpose. The fabric seemed to glow brighter as each new recruit joined, as if absorbing the strength of their allegiance.
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Walter spotted another target, a tall, lean man who had been watching the chaos unfold from the far end of the park. The man’s eyes were wide with fear as he turned to run, but Walter was faster. He reached him in seconds, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him back toward the team. The man struggled, panic in his eyes, but Walter was calm, collected.
“You don’t need to fight this, take my headset” Walter said, slipping the golden VR headset over the man’s head. “Just let it happen.”
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The man’s body trembled as the spirals began their work, dissolving the fear, the resistance, until he was completely still, his mind under the control of the Golden Team. His name was stripped away, replaced with something new—Travis. His thoughts dulled, his emotions drained, replaced with a singular focus: obedience.
“We obey Cap and we obey Gold,” Travis whispered, his voice trembling with newfound loyalty. Walter gave Travis his new uniform and he discarded his bright blue one. He obeys Cap.
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Coach Richard watched from a distance, his gaze approving. Walter had come far, and he had proven himself not just as a manager but as an integral part of the team. He made sure every recruit wore their uniform with pride, and he executed the transformations with precision and confidence.
As the park darkened and the last of the stragglers were brought into the fold, Walter, Brody, and Scott stood proudly beside Coach Richard. The Golden Team had grown once again, and with each new recruit, their power expanded.
“Another good day’s work,” Coach Richard said, his voice filled with pride. “We’ll keep pushing, keep growing. They all obey us eventually.”
Walter nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. “We obey Cap and we obey Gold.”
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The others echoed the mantra, their voices blending into a single, unified chant. The park was theirs, and soon, there would be more parks, more recruits, more gold.
At the other side of the park...
I was in the middle of a perfect slapshot, the whistling through the air, when I saw them coming—these guys in golden jerseys. I didn’t think much of it at first. It’s a park, right? People wear weird stuff all the time. But there was something off about the way they moved. They weren’t just walking—they were converging, fast, in this synchronized, almost military formation.
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Then I saw them close in on the basketball game happening across the field. My buddies were laughing and shouting, passing the ball back and forth, completely oblivious to the group of golden-shirted guys surrounding them. My heart jumped, something about the way they moved didn’t sit right.
Before I could shout a warning, one of the golden guys—this huge dude with a smirk—grabbed Tim, our goalie. He yanked a shiny gold jersey over Tim's head. It was so quick, almost casual, but the moment that jersey touched him, Tim froze, his whole body locking up like he’d been hit by a truck. He dropped the ball, eyes wide, and I could see the struggle on his face, like he was trying to fight whatever was happening. But it didn’t last long. His muscles relaxed, and then, something worse—his face twisted into this... this grin, like he was happy, relieved even.
“Tim! Run!” I shouted, but it was too late.
The golden guy holding him turned him around so we could all see. Tim’s back was now emblazoned with a name I didn’t recognize—“Brad 8.” I froze in place, stick in hand. That wasn’t Tim anymore. Brad, whoever that was, nodded, still grinning, and joined the golden guys, completely in sync.
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I felt a pit in my stomach. Panic set in as I watched them move to the next one—Mark. Mark was trying to shove the guys off, but another jersey was already over his head. The moment it touched him, his resistance melted away. His body slumped before straightening into that same eerily obedient posture. He turned around, and sure enough, “Barry 17” was stitched across his back. Just like that, he was gone too.
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That’s when instinct took over. I dropped my ball and bolted for the trees. I ran so fast I could feel the air burn my lungs, but I didn’t stop. Not until I was deep into the park’s wooded area, out of sight. My heart was pounding, and my hands shook as I crouched behind a thick bush, peeking out just enough to watch.
From my hiding spot, I had a clear view of the field. I could still see the others—the guys I’d known for years—being systematically transformed. One by one, those golden jerseys were yanked over their heads, and each time it was the same. First, a struggle, but then... they’d just stop. Stop fighting, stop thinking, and become part of them. Every time, a new name appeared on their backs—Henry, Brock, Chad—and with it, the person I knew was gone.
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The golden guys were chanting something too. I could barely make it out over the wind and rustling trees, but it sounded like, “We obey Cap and we obey Gold.” Over and over again, as if that was the only thing that mattered now.
I saw one of the golden guys grab Alex, the last one left. Alex was a tough dude, always talking about how he’d never back down from a fight. But he didn’t stand a chance. They wrestled him to the ground, and soon, he was wearing the same jersey. When he stood up, his back was turned toward me. “Cody 23” was stitched into the gold, as if he’d never been Alex at all.
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I pressed myself harder into the ground, biting back the urge to scream or run again. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was like they weren’t even human anymore. They laughed, patted each other on the back, but it wasn’t normal. It was like... like they were all sharing the same brain, like they all belonged to something much bigger than themselves.
I swallowed, my mouth dry. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, because if they found me, I knew what would happen. I’d get a jersey too, and that would be the end of me.
The golden guys, now with my friends—no, with Brad, Barry, and Cody—moved on, searching for more people in the park. They’d completely forgotten about the game, about the goals and the ball. That wasn’t their world anymore. It was all about Cap and Gold. That was their new identity, and I was the last one left who wasn’t part of it.
I stayed there, hidden in the bushes, for what felt like hours. The chanting faded as they moved farther away, leaving me alone in the park that used to be ours. I had to get out of here, but every time I thought about leaving, I remembered the look on Tim’s—no, Brad’s—face when they took him. That empty, happy grin. I was terrified I’d see that smile in the reflection of my own face if they caught me.
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I waited until the sun began to set before creeping out of my hiding spot, moving quietly through the trees, making sure no one could see me. But as I left, the mantra kept echoing in my head, the same phrase over and over:
“We obey Cap and we obey Gold.”
It wouldn’t stop. And a part of me feared that no matter how far I ran, I might still hear it.
1 hour later..
I crept through the trees, my heart still hammering in my chest. The sun was dipping lower, casting long shadows over the park. I thought I was in the clear, that I could escape unnoticed. But as I took a step out of the wooded area, there was a sudden rustling behind me.
"Where you headed, bro?"
The voice sent ice down my spine. I turned, and there he was—Brody, one of the golden guys. He was standing just a few feet away, his metallic golden jersey gleaming in the fading light, the white button-up shirt and striped tie underneath still visible. He wore that same grin I had seen on the others, like he was in on some cosmic joke.
I froze, my legs refusing to move, my mouth dry. I had no idea how he had found me, but I could see it in his eyes—he knew. I was the last one left. Brody took a step forward, his grin widening, and before I could react, two more golden-clad guys appeared from the trees—Scott and Dean. They had circled me.
“Coach is gonna be happy to see you,” Brody said, his voice so casual, like we were just old friends hanging out. “You can’t run from this, man. You’re part of the team now.”
“No, I—I’m not,” I stammered, taking a shaky step back. My hands were trembling. “I’m not like you.”
Scott chuckled softly. “You will be.”
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Before I could even think to bolt, Dean moved with lightning speed, grabbing me by the arms. His grip was firm, but not painful. It was almost... comforting. "Don't fight it, bro," he whispered, his voice strangely soothing. "We obey Cap and we obey Gold."
“No! Let me go!” I yelled, struggling to break free, but Dean held me tight. Brody and Scott stepped forward, both of them pulling a golden jersey from the bag slung over Brody’s shoulder. My heart pounded in my chest as I realized what was coming.
“Don’t worry,” Brody said, “it feels good once it’s on.”
I thrashed, trying to escape, but Dean’s grip was like iron. I couldn’t break free. Then, with a swift motion, Scott yanked the jersey over my head. As the golden fabric touched my skin, something inside me shifted—an overwhelming warmth spread through my body, starting from where the jersey pressed against my shoulders, down my arms, into my chest. My resistance faltered, my limbs growing heavy.
The warmth was intoxicating. It seeped into my bones, making my mind feel... fuzzy. My thoughts, once sharp and panicked, began to blur at the edges. I could still feel the fear, but it was fading, being replaced by something else—something far more pleasant. A sense of belonging, of calm.
My legs buckled, and I fell to my knees. Brody and Scott knelt beside me, their hands resting on my shoulders. “Just let it happen,” Scott whispered, “it’s easier that way.”
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I tried to hold onto who I was—tried to remember my name, my life—but the jersey was working its way deeper into my mind. I could feel it now, creeping through my thoughts, replacing them with something new. My name—it felt distant, like a word I had heard once but didn’t fully recognize anymore. A new name was forming in its place.
As I knelt there, struggling against the warmth flooding my body from the golden jersey, the last fragments of my old self slipped away. My name… I tried to hold onto it, to remember who I was before all this. But the more I fought, the deeper the warmth sank in, washing away my resistance. A new name began to form, one that felt foreign and familiar all at once.
“Joshua,” I whispered, the word coming from somewhere deep within me. It felt right, like it had always been my name, like it was who I was meant to be.
Brody smiled down at me, nodding approvingly. “Yeah, Joshua. Welcome to the team, bro.”
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I felt a strange rush of pride. The jersey was no longer just a piece of fabric clinging to my body—it was part of me now. It fit perfectly, like it had been made for me, like it belonged on me. And I belonged to the team.
Scott stood beside me, placing a firm hand on my shoulder, his grip no longer threatening but reassuring. “You feel it now, right, Joshua? The purpose. The brotherhood.”
I nodded, standing up on shaky legs. The transformation had washed away every trace of fear and hesitation, replacing them with something far stronger. I looked at the other guys, at Dean, Scott, and Brody, and I didn’t just see a group of men—I saw my team, my brothers. I was one of them now.
I turned to look at my reflection in the fountain. The name "Joshua 19" was emblazoned on the back of my golden jersey, the number gleaming in the evening light. It felt perfect. I felt perfect.
My thoughts had shifted completely. The confusion, the doubt—all gone. Now, there was only loyalty. Loyalty to Cap. Loyalty to Gold. It was simple, clear, and it filled me with a sense of fulfillment I had never known before.
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Brody chuckled, his voice warm as he patted me on the back. “You get it now, Joshua. We obey Cap and we obey Gold.”
The words slipped from my lips as if they had always been there. “We obey Cap and we obey Gold,” I echoed, feeling the power of the mantra take root deep within me. It wasn’t just a phrase; it was a way of life. A belief. An oath.
Scott and Dean joined in, all of us chanting together, a unified voice of devotion. “We obey Cap and we obey Gold.”
I smiled, finally feeling at peace. The struggle was over. I wasn’t running anymore. I wasn’t hiding. I was home.
As I stood there with my brothers, the mission was clear. We weren’t done yet. The park was full of new recruits, and I knew exactly what my role was now. It was time to find them, welcome them, and show them what it meant to be part of the team. I was Joshua now, and nothing else mattered.
They were told to enter a golden bus and drive of to the Golden Home where all the Golden Team boys live. They needed to wear the VR headsets, because no one knows where it is...yet everyone obeyed.
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I had a purpose, and together with the Golden Team, we were going to make sure everyone understood: we obey Cap, and we obey Gold.
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inkchwe · 23 days
not a bad thing | 𝖍𝖛𝖈
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୨୧ pairing: hansol (vernon) chwe x fem!reader ୨୧ word count: 6.6k ୨୧ genre: fluff, smut ୨୧ tags: friends to lovers, light drug use, fingering, oral (f receiving), mutual masturbation, penetration, cockwarming. ୨୧ synopsis: Just because you've been friends for so long doesn't mean Vernon isn't keeping some secrets from you, and you're determined to confront him about it.
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“Simple but still cute, or spontaneous and fun?” 
Vernon, sprawled out on his back on your bed, looks up from his phone screen in absolute confusion. He’s wearing a rainbow beanie with his plaid button-up and denim jeans, contrasting your leggings and baggy t-shirt. He always acts unaffected by how good he cleans up when he wants to, but you shake the thought out of your head and wait for his answer. “Come again?” he asks.
You’ve been holding out the red and black cropped, long-sleeve shirts for two minutes for your best friend to see. Maybe he would immediately pick one or take his time deliberating, especially with the cutout in the shirts’ centers meant to reveal hints of cleavage. However, the realization that his attention was stolen long ago by some meme in your friend group’s group chat has you huffing and flinging the shirts at the edge of your bed. 
It isn't the first time you've gotten nervous before a date, and it definitely isn't your first runaround with Vernon being out of touch with both his current and past conversations. Still, you value his advice more than anyone’s. Only you need it in an hour before your date arrives, and he’s being less than helpful. “Pick which one you like, idiot,” you whine.
“They’re literally the same shirt. The only difference is the color,” Vernon retorts. He rolls his eyes and resumes his endless scrolling.
“Exactly! I need to know which color you think I should wear. That way I give off the right impression.”
“And what impression exactly are you trying to give?”
“I don't know! Ready to have a good time but not looking to go too fast. Fuck, if only they had a shirt for that.” You rub your temple, contemplating if going on this date was the right decision.
The day Mingyu offered to set you up with his friend, you had half a mind to shut him down. His insistence on this blind date was too much to say no to, though, and going without any romantic or sexual interests for months seemed to take its toll on your resistance. While Vernon wasn't outwardly against the idea, he decidedly brushed it off with a disinterested hum and didn't mention it once until today.
Once he sees the defeat on your face, he caves, leaving his resting spot to grab you by the shoulders. It’s unsaid, but he practically asks outwardly for you to look him in the eye, so you do. “Listen. This guy is gonna like you no matter what color your shirt is. And you wanna know why?” You shrug, deflated. “Because anyone who can't see how hilarious and gorgeous you are is blind, and we don't hang out with blind people.” Vernon crinkles his eyebrows together and sighs. “You know what I mean. Like, metaphorically blind and shit.” 
You laugh. “Thanks, Han.”
You turn away from him to stare at the two shirts still spread out on the bed. “But back to this. Which color do you like more?”
After waiting a few seconds for his answer, you look over your shoulder. He’s miles away, lost in his thoughts again. The look in his eyes and etches of his face are traced with puzzlement, and when you call his name to get his attention and snap him out of it, it’s still there. No matter how hard he tries to hide it with a tight-lipped smile. “Black. Simple but still cute,” he says, his voice soft as he uses your words from earlier, proving he was still listening. 
Satisfied, you grab the top and turn, ready to make a beeline for the bathroom to get dressed. You stop short when you almost bump into Vernon on your way. It's only then you realize how close the two of you are. Less than a foot apart, to be exact. “I gotta get dressed, weirdo.” You try to sound humorous, but the breath accompanying your words sounds bated and unexpectedly airy.
In that second, all while you trace the outline of Vernon’s lips with your eyes, you wonder if maybe it would be so bad to skip the date altogether and do something else. Anything else. As long as you didn’t have to leave the house or Vernon.
“Right,” he whispers, but has no intention to walk closer to the bedroom door. Slowly, his eyes go a fraction wider than they normally do.
Like a silent cue, he steps away and fumbles over his words. “Okay well, good luck and—Sorry, I just—I’ll see you at Seuncheol’s after. You can tell us how it went. That is if you want to!” He stutters, right as he hits the back of his head against the door.
“Hansol! Are you okay—“
“Yeah! I’m fine!” He takes his beanie off to rub the sore spot. “Don’t worry about me. You don’t wanna be late. I’ll see you later!” He races out of the apartment, mumbling and clutching his head. 
While you curl your hair and put on your favorite pair of jeans for your date, your mind goes back to the look in Vernon’s eyes and the thoughts that raced in your head before he took off. And you speculate about what those two things mean, and if they mean anything at all.
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“He didn’t even kiss you? What a dumbass.” Vernon mumbles, grabbing his mocha latte. He takes a vigorous sip, humming at the warmth it brings.
“I know. Now pass me a Splenda packet, please?” You pout. Well-adjusted adults would normally be at home and in bed at ten in the evening. But for you and Vernon, you decide on hanging out in your favorite late-night coffee shop for pastries and cold brew. It was better than sitting around at Seungcheol’s, the usual festivities of weed and alcohol not hitting the same way. You both settled on an alternative to fill your time instead.
“How did it go exactly,” Vernon asks, his voice garbled from the cheese danish he stuffed into his mouth.
“Well, I made it to the restaurant and he was there already, which was nice. But as soon as we started talking about ourselves, he was so flat.”
“What do you mean?” His eyebrow furrow, clearly confused.
“He was just very one-dimensional.”
“How so?”
“I mean, he was either talking about accounting, his accountant friends, or his work projects. Maybe it was better that he didn't kiss me. It might have been as boring as his capacity for communication.” You both share a laugh.
“So, I guess this means you don’t want a boring guy who presses his suits and plays golf on the weekends,” Vernon teases with a grin. You shove him playfully in the arm.
“That’s not the point! I mean, yeah, I don’t mind if a guy is serious, but I want someone who makes me laugh too. Who I don’t have to worry about liking my jokes but also sets a table or buys me flowers once and awhile.” You sigh.
While on your diatribe, Vernon grabbed your vanilla bean frappuccino. In a second, he has your straw in his mouth for a long sip. He smiles when he passes your drink back to you, unapologetic. “Someone who steals your drink for himself?”
You throw a napkin at him in retaliation. “I hate you!”
“Everything okay here, miss?” The barista asks, his name-tag shining against the dim lamps surrounding the cafe.
“We’re all good—Joshua—thank you.” You give him your best smile, to which he flashes his own at you. His teeth sparkle as much as his name-tag does, you think to yourself.
“Just Josh, please. The only one who uses my full name is my mother.”
You two exchange a chuckle, and you notice Vernon is not laughing or smiling at all. His eyes are mere slits, you can barely see the brown in his irises. His mouth follows in the same fashion, but downturned at the corners if anyone was paying close attention.
Joshua hands you a packet of chocolate-covered almonds, and he blushes. “They go really great with the frappes.”
“Oh thank you, but I didn’t—”
“It’s on the house. As long as you keep coming back.” Joshua turns to walk back to the coffee bar, suddenly tense as he leaves you and Vernon at your table.
Looking back to your best friend, you can see why. The original expression on his face has changed to pure anger. Vernon looks like he wants to blip the poor barista out of existence, and his long, hard stare in the guy’s direction might just make his wish come true.
“What’s wrong with you dude?” you ask Vernon directly.
When he turns to look at you, the stone in his expression softens a touch. “That guy seems like a creep.”
“He was just being nice!”
“He gave you a pack of nuts. Who does that?” He scoffs outwardly, and you can’t help but laugh. “What? You know I’m right.”
“Next time a cute guy gives me a snack, I’ll make sure you vet him first.” You wink at Vernon, but he remains hard-pressed. “Come on, don’t be jealous!”
“Of coffee boy? Please.” Vernon shrugs off your comment and crosses his arms. Something unreadable passes over his face for a brief moment. You would ask him about it, but you know the man is anything but overly emotional or easily vulnerable.
You try anyway. “Han, what’s wrong?”
He shakes his head and gets up to throw away his coffee, half unfinished. “Nothing, I’m fine,” he lies, looking away from you with a cold lilt to his tone. “Let’s get out of here.”
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The sound of Vernon’s voicemail causes you to grunt in frustration, the beginning of the message you practically know by heart now. After the stint in the coffee-shop, Vernon walked you home without a word and hasn’t interacted with you since then. After being left on read for the past three days, you are all kinds of antsy. Normally, he would text or call instantly with a reason, but it’s been nothing but silence on his end. Your black phone screen makes you rub your temples. What did you do wrong?
“At this point we should send a carrier pigeon,” Lisa says with a shake of her head. 
“She’s got it bad, babe,” Hoshi comments with a wink in your direction. He kisses Lisa on the cheek on his way to their kitchen. 
When things went wrong, it was second nature to confide in Lisa and Hoshi. Two childhood friends turned dance prodigies and then inseparable lovers? They sounded like the plot of a bestselling romance novel. And admittedly, you wish you could find what they had. Why did you have to encounter so many red flags and road blocks?
“I mean, we all know you’ve been down for him for…three years now?”
“Shut up, Soon!” You exclaim, blushing. “I just don’t know why he’s gone AWOL on me.”
“Maybe he’s in a mood. You know him,” Lisa responds.
“Not like this. This is the longest we’ve ever gone without even sending an emoji to each other,” you say with a frown. You scroll through your conversation, the endless blue bubbles making your stomach sink further.
“He’s gonna be at Wooz’s tomorrow night for that party,” Hoshi says with the slam of the fridge door. You nod your head, already aware. Hoshi smirks. “Corner him there.”
Vernon was closer friends than you were with Woozi, someone you knew in passing because of his relationship with your best friend. But you had been to the guy’s apartment many times before. It wouldn’t be weird to attend, sans Vernon. Right?
“Fuck it,” you think out loud. “Lisa, can I borrow an outfit?”
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The party is in full swing by the time you arrive. Chan answers the door with a grin, patting you on the shoulder when you step through the threshold. Woozi and Seungcheol are karaoke battling in Woozi’s living room while the rest of the partygoers are either drinking beer or in circles puffing and passing.
You decline when Minghao tries to hand you his half of a joint, a dopey grin plastered on his face. You want to be sober when you confront your best friend for leaving you in the dark for half of the week, even if you know it’ll take the edge off of your nerves.
When you find Vernon, he’s grabbing a hard lemonade from the spare cooler on top of Woozi’s counter. His eyes, the usual white around his irises pink from the party favors, go wide when he sees you. “Fuck me,” he says out loud.
“Yeah, fuck you is right,” you bite back. “Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
His mouth is agape, giving no attempt to provide an answer. no answer. You get angrier the longer the seconds go by without one.
“Okay, how about an easier question: Why couldn’t you respond with a thumbs up or something when I asked if you were still alive?”
He runs a hand through his hair in frustration, another curse leaving his lips.
“Fine. Keep being weird about whatever the fuck is wrong. I wanted to try and make sure my best friend was okay, but he can’t even give me a solid explanation as to why he’s being a dickhead.”
Vernon takes your hand and walks quickly with you in tow. The people you pass move out of his way before they get body-slammed, some of them confused while others are too drunk or high to care. 
When you make it to a bathroom off of the hallway, Vernon closes the door behind you and locks it. He takes a second before turning to you with a solemn expression. 
“We can’t be friends anymore.” The words that leave his mouth break your heart to pieces and steal any semblance of air from your lungs. You didn’t expect to come into tonight and lose a friend, especially when you were unsure of what you did to cause Vernon to feel that way.
Your eyes begin to water with tears, but you don’t let them run over. “What the fuck do you mean?”
“I’m saying I can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?” Your voice grows thin. You’re confused how every word from his mouth sounds more sure than the one before while you’re falling apart.
But, even though he keeps up a composed posture, you can tell something inside of him is cracking. His bottom lip is caught in his teeth and his hands are fidgeting, two signs something is bugging him beyond his will.
“Please just tell me what I did wrong and I can fix it. I can’t help make this better if you don’t tell me what—”
In a second, Vernon has your back pinned against the bathroom counter. His lips capture yours in a bruising kiss, giving your quick gasp no time to leave your mouth. He swipes his teeth over your bottom lip while his hands roam from your waist to the expanse of your hips. Soon enough, his tongue is inside of your mouth. He holds your neck with one hand while the other sits on the back of your thigh, hitching it up to press your leg against his side. 
He feels the warm skin of your thigh in his palm and the center of your legs against him, making him groan. His touches and the sounds leaving him make you moan in kind into his mouth, and he swallows it blissfully.
When you separate for breath, you look deep into his eyes. Vernon’s expression brims with naked emotions, ones undecorated and unprepared, ones he cannot hide anymore. “If that’s the only time I got to do that when I’ve wanted to for so long, I had to make it count.” His confession should feel like a shock, something you were not ready for and quick to play off as an after effect of the joints he’s been smoking for the past couple hours, but it doesn't.
Instead, you accept it, with open arms and without a first or second thought to the contrary.
You soak in his words willingly, knowing for certain your heart wasn’t just wishing for someone. It was always wishing, comparing, waiting…for him. And now you have him, in this bathroom, terrified you feel anything less than what he feels for you.
Before he can step back, you take his hands in yours to prevent him from taking them off of your body. How could he think you could stop now? “Han, I need you to touch me more,” you whisper.
Vernon drops to his knees and rubs his hands up and down your thighs, his eyes requesting permission to hike up your skirt. Instantly, you nod.
He raises the denim up over your hips, meeting the cotton of your underwear with his mouth. As soon as his lips are on you, the cloth barely separating him from your clit, most of your coherent thoughts become lost to the wind.
Once he takes his fingers and moves your underwear to the side, you know you’re about to lose the breath in your lungs as well. His tongue licks a long stripe up your pussy, taking in the length of you with ease to maximize your pleasure. Your body quakes from how good he is at running his lips and mouth across you. You take in heavy breaths to try and steady yourself, but it’s no use.
Your best friend is eating you out too well and you have no idea how to function properly. You clutch his head with your hand and move your hips in time with the patterns of his mouth. The throes of your orgasm are so close, and it may just break you.
Vernon prods a finger at your walls, and you feel your body shake harder. “Han, I’m gonna come. Please don’t stop.” He hums against you and takes that as the green light to insert the digit completely.
A couple of strokes to the inside of your gummy walls and his tongue lapping at your clit makes you fall apart, whimpering quietly as to not have the people right outside the door hearing you climax.
Coming down, you sigh in pleasure. The sound morphs into breathless laughter. “I love you,” you finally say with a frail tone, but those three words have never been more true than right now.
The smile on Vernon’s lips revealing his gums and teeth is almost too radiant to stare at. It reminds you of butterflies, especially the ones that still flutter in the small spaces of your chest when he looks at you so reverently. Gently, he takes your cheek in his hand and says, “I love you too, pretty girl.”
You don’t leave the bathroom for another five minutes, spending that time in awe of what’s transpired and soaking in the feelings and love you’ve expressed to each other, all while you feel the bass of a Childish Gambino song beat against the bathroom walls.
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The shuffle into your apartment is so quick you don’t hear Vernon close the door and lock it behind you. Even though you spent enough time pressed against each other in Woozi’s bathroom, the sticky and sweet feelings coming back to you in flashes, Vernon did not let go of your hand the entire walk home from the party. “It was so cold outside, I’m sure my nose is red.” Looking in the hallway mirror, you frown. “Yeah. I look like a reindeer.” You pout, falling into a fit of laughter. 
Vernon chuckles, releasing his hand from yours to place on your cheek, his fingers oddly warm. He kisses the tip of your nose lovingly. “You’re a cute reindeer, if that helps,” He says. Stepping away from you, he takes off his jacket and places it on the coat-rack. “A few minutes with the heater on and it’ll feel like summer in here.”
“Don’t make me sweat, weirdo.”
“I kind of already did, but noted.” Vernon smirks, and right after the next giggle leaves your mouth, you stop to watch him.
Despite knowing how he tasted and how the timbre of his laughter felt against your neck, you knew those things didn’t compare to the candid moments that made you love him. He didn’t take notice of the squinted shape of his eyes reading his phone screen, or even the press of his hand against your back to make you feel safe. But you did, every instance more clear than they’ve ever been before. They were so minuscule on their own, but when they were all stacked together in every year and tear and smile, it was a wonder how you didn’t know you fell in love with him so long ago. 
You don’t have to tell him you feel that way, though. He can see it in the stillness of your eyes, in the small and tender smile painting your mouth, in the red tint of your cheeks. He has felt the same too many times to count. You claimed his heart for all the reasons he claimed yours. Of course, it took you both almost half a decade to realize it.
He steps closer, a breath separating your bodies. Taking your hand in his, he kisses each finger before pressing his lips to the knuckles. You grin wider and rest your head on his chest. It’s a tiny marvel to feel the steady thrum of his heart against your ear, all the times being strictly platonic. Its tempo is a soft rhythm that has sent you to sleep on multiple occasions during sleepovers and movie marathons. Now, it’s as if the rhythm sounds different, beating with an entirely different meaning. You suddenly feel shy with him this close, the silent actions speaking for themselves.
“Are you tired,” he asks, lips brushing the curve of your scalp.
You shake your head. “No. I’ve never felt more awake.” You look up at him, a realization at the forefront of your mind. While you may have been together all night, and your mutual confession in Woozi’s bathroom was barely two hours ago, it feels like a world away since you last touched him. Intent, charged with what needs to be spoken and doesn’t, too vivid to go unnoticed.
Like the blunt release of a bowstring, it’s a sudden rush of lips gravitating to each other. The sensation is a mix of headiness and affection. In you, it’s the pull of your hands on the brown waves of Vernon’s hair and smiles slipping in between his kisses. For him, it’s the swipe of his tongue against your bottom lip to let him in, let him guide, and the reverence of kisses across your throat saying the words he knows are on your mind because they’re on his too. I love you and I want you and I need you and I don’t know how I’ll ever stop.
You make contact with the heat of Vernon’s skin when his sweater rides up, revealing the dips of his hip bones above the waistline of his pants. You spread your hands up and underneath the material to feel more of him, the warmth you desire, and the home that resides there. In his own desperate fingers, you realize he’s also exploring the places in you where he finds comfort and love.
The two of you stumble into the bedroom, caring almost as little as you did entering the apartment. You’re both so focused on each other the rest of your surroundings seem to be background noise, but Vernon does nod when you mention birth control. The back of your legs knock into the mattress, but you don’t mind with his lips at your neck, kissing and occasionally biting. He detaches his lips from your skin to tug abruptly on the hem of your skirt, wanting it gone. He rests his hands there, the request for permission clear. Once he takes it off, you raise your arms to let him remove your top as well. Once you’re clad in your undergarments, you help him with taking off his sweater in a haste, reaching for him again when the fabric finally falls to the floor. The renewed closeness seems to snap you both from your trance.
Your gaze reaches up to his eyes, and his are filled with patience and adoration. “We don’t have to rush, you know,” Vernon murmurs. He could easily let the time speed past him like he did earlier, certain there will be more moments like this to cherish at a slower pace. However, he can't deny he wants you as close as possible, determined to not let his words or actions go unsaid anymore.
You nod, running one hand against his chest while the other curls around the back of his neck. You place featherlight kisses to the column of his jaw as he unclips your bra. Each clip feels tentatively released, as though he’s slowing the two of you down like he wants to remember every moment. Maybe he feels this will only last until the morning, but little does he know that there's no way anyone or anything could be worth giving him up, not as a friend and definitely not as a lover.
He finally unbuckles his belt with determination and lets the metal clank on the wood floor. The only clothing left between you is your underwear, still damp from your previous activities, and his boxers. Immediately, you wrap your arms around each other when the busy work is finished, a clash of teeth and tongue following. A muddled moan escapes your mouth and reverberates against his throat when his groin brushes yours and his hands find your breasts. He rolls one nipple between his index and thumb while he squeezes your other breast with his opposite hand, teasing your skin with the pads of his fingers. The skin puckers and swells at his ministrations, the sensitivity between your legs growing again, wetness pooling there and leaving you aching.
The mattress dips underneath your weight when you fall onto it. You grip Vernon by the waist, but he only takes your hands away from his body and intertwines his fingers with yours. He’s all gravity, his seriousness palpable. The faintness of a smirk sits on his lips, but he shows no intentions of smiling. His boxers seem to grow tighter against him, but you don’t look away from his eyes. “Come here, Han. Please,” you whisper, spreading your legs wider, in hopes he can see how deep the ache he’s placed in every part of you goes. Vernon kisses each one of your palms before releasing them.
“Show me first. Show me how much you want me.” You bite your lip and use your hands to lower the cotton fabric of your underwear until it comes off. Your right hand trails up your body and lands on one of your breasts, squeezing and testing. No matter how you touch yourself, it doesn’t make up for the feeling of Vernon’s hands on your chest. His breath hitches when you press your opposite hand to your clit, a garbled moan unraveling on your tongue.
You tease yourself in small circles, enjoying the expanse of wetness you feel, and press your thumb to your clit again to make your hips roll. It feels like it should, a nice reprieve from the short time you’ve spent without any physical contact. But the lust-blown color in Vernon’s eyes, turning the brown irises that you love almost black, is what makes raspy sounds of pleasure leave your mouth. You want his hands instead of yours, as well as his mouth and his body on you, but his stare is enough to keep you going for him.
To amplify your torture even more, Vernon tugs at the waistband of his boxers until they fall at his feet, his cock fully erect. With the bottom of your lip stuck between your teeth, you run a finger up and down your slit at the thought of him on top of you, underneath you, and more. You release a whimper when he runs a hand up and down his cock, the tip swollen and leaking pre-cum already. You remain there together, sharing heady gazes and touching yourselves with slow and painfully gratifying motions, suspending all of the tension of the night into the air until one of you drops it. A loud, broken groan escapes him in response to the contact of his hand against himself and your body begging to be touched. If only he would let go and touch me, you think to yourself as you feel a satisfying clench in your belly.
“God, I can’t wait to be inside of you,” he says, the last words catching in his throat.
You stop to sit up and grasp the head of his cock, running your hand up and down the girth to replace his. It causes Vernon’s body to shiver exquisitely, and you revel in the way your touch affects him almost half as much as his affects you. You whisper, “You don’t have to wait.”
Those words prompt him into action, pressing his free hand to your cheek and diving for your lips. The two of you fall flat onto the bed, and when his tongue enters your mouth once again, you can’t hold back. You grind your body against his, feeling the press of his erection at your center. “Please, I want you to fuck me so bad.” In the midst of your arduous haze, Vernon’s mouth turns into a wide smile, one you forgot you could miss so much.
You laugh at the beautiful twinkle in his eyes, lust laced into the sound. “What?”
“Aside from you telling me you love me, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear those words”—he brushes an index finger along your lips—“come out of your pretty mouth.” You bite on the tip of his finger, and he pulls it away with a smirk. He replaces it with his lips, using his hand to align and direct the head of his cock to your entrance.
He has no desire to rush, though, a slow, languorous push of his hips to press his cock inside of you following a soft kiss to your temple. But with a sudden jolt of his next thrust that makes you yelp in pleasure, you can tell that desire is starting to wane. “Sorry,” he says, “fuck, you just feel—“
“I know,” you agree. He’s so patient and loving, but the way he fills you and drives in and out, you want nothing more than for him to grips your hips and make a mess of you. After trailing a string of kisses from his cheek to his neck as he continues trying to restrain himself with drawn-out thrusts, you say, “I don’t want you to go slow. We have time for that later.”
“I just—Are you sure?” His eyes reveal all of the yearning he has felt and the doubts that still linger in his mind, the exposure of his feelings almost too much for you to bear. You kiss his lips once again, hoping all of your reciprocated emotions pour out of you and into his reservations to drown them out.
“After tonight, I’ve never been more sure of anything.” Vernon nods and places his hands on your hips, the pressure exemplary. You wrap yours around the nape of his neck.
With a sharp and hard thrust, you moan into his mouth, loving how he pushes himself into you to the hilt. He continues his pace without slowing, loving the smack of his and your hips against each others’ and the way his body connects to yours.
“Fuck,” you whisper in unison, dragging your nails up his biceps and shoulders as he grips your hips harder. You may find bruised skin tomorrow morning, but at the moment, you love how tight his hold is on you. You wrap your legs around his lower back so he can angle his thrusts, and it feels like drowning and burning in the same breath.
From the chest to the hips, there’s an array of points where your bodies meet. With an overwhelming feeling of fullness pervading your body, you’re certain now there was never a time for anyone else to claim your heart when he had claimed it for his own long ago. You close your eyes to enjoy the thoughts bursting at the forefront of your brain alongside the build of your release, but the press of Vernon’s hand against your chin makes you snap your eyes open.
He pushes in deep, filling you to the brim once again, hitting the sweetest spot within you that has you digging the heels of your feet into his skin. You keep your eyes locked with his, but the way he presses down against your body and the new feeling of his hand against your neck makes it difficult to keep your focus on anything besides the profusion of sensations he’s giving you. You pull him in for a deep kiss, all while you push your hips back against his. This time, you capture a groan from his mouth with your lips. The hand against your neck shakes as his hips stutter, the established pace falling off.
In the midst of his lips being attached to yours, You notice the tinge of a whine accompanying his groans and how labored his breathing becomes. You press your fingers to your clit, rubbing circles into your flesh to follow him to his release with your own.
At this point, you cannot tell which sensation feels the best: Vernon’s tongue flicking against the roof of your mouth, his cock sinking into you, his hand pressing lightly against your windpipe, or the drum of your fingers along your center. Regardless, you love the filth and sweetness of each one, and how you’re sharing the same sensations with the man you love. It’s all you could ask for. You cry out when you finally orgasm. Clenching around him, you hold on to every second of the white hot bliss that coats every space of your skin.
Vernon lets out a long string of moans when he releases, filling you up and spilling inside of you. His thrusts come to a halt, pushing his hips one last time to milk what's left of his climax. Breathing fast, you press your forehead to his. Your heartbeats are drums, beating hard and clashing against each others’ tempos. With time pressed against each other, your bodies sticky and his cock still inside of you, they slowly find their way to a soft beat that compliment each other. Vernon huffs out a breath into the space of your neck, and you kiss his temple before he can raise his head and look into your eyes.
“I love you,” he says, panting, his face lit up in the dark. It’s as though he’s found rapture in the solace of your bed and in your arms, and you would not fight him on the sentiment because your smile mimics it tenfold.
“I love you, too.” You kiss him long and sweet, the damn taste of his mouth a new and unending craving.
He pulls out of you to grab some tissues from the bathroom, but not leaving without pecking your nose, which makes you giggle more than it should. He comes back to bed and wraps himself around you, and you breathe in his scent as he rubs soothing circles into your back. Despite that, you still yearn for more of his body against yours, too touch-starved to go back. “Han?”
“Hmm?” He asks, raising his head from the crook of your neck to look into your eyes.
“Could you…I don’t know,” you fumble, unsure of how to get your point across. In trying to find the right words, Vernon seems to understand as a small, boyish grin spreads onto his face. You two discussed your kinks lots of times, sometimes for the fun of it, and Vernon knew some of yours were based solely on your desire for connection and intimacy. And how could he say no to you now when all you wanted was to be close to him?
Wrapping a hand around his cock, he hisses from the lingering traces of sensitivity. He strokes himself a few times before he grows hard again and sinks himself inside of you. While he shudders from feeling you take him so well, he doesn’t roll his hips and you don’t rock back against him. You only press your bodies closer together, love and fullness coaxing you to sleep in tandem with the sound of Vernon’s heartbeat.
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The sun bleeds through your curtains, and normally you would trudge to the window to close them shut and fall back asleep peacefully. This time, though, you don’t mind it when you see the rise and fall of Vernon’s naked chest in the sunlight, all while feeling his arms wrapped around you. You know you could watch him sleep all day, the gape of his mouth so kissable and the warmth of his skin calling to be savored. However, those thoughts come to a halt when the sudden desire to grab something to drink hits you. Hating to leave him, you press a soft kiss to Vernon’s temple.
You take an old button-up of his from your closet and tiptoe to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You know your bed is a room away, but you gulp down the drink to make it there faster. Of course, when you walk back into your room, you see an awake Vernon with a hand propped behind his head. His eyes are droopy, but a sugary smile sits on his lips nonetheless, taking in your article of clothing. “Is that my shirt?”
You grin, a blush creeping on your face. “You left it here, so that makes it mine.” On some level, you had worried this morning would be awkward no matter how many times you had said you loved each other the night before. Still, the ease of falling into your shared banter and routine comforts you. 
“Point taken. You look cuter than I do in it, anyway.” 
Vernon pats the empty spot next to him you were previously occupying, and you have no qualms crawling back into it and into his arms. “Does that mean I can wear all of your shirts when I want? I mean, since I look so cute in them,” you joke, kissing several spots on his jawline.
His hand creeps up to your shoulder, and thanks to the lack of buttons fastened together, he slides the fabric down until one of your breasts peaks out. “As long as I’m the only one who sees you out of them.”
“I think we established that last night.“ You giggle into his neck. “But, to reiterate, yes. You’re the only one I’ll share all of my terrible jokes with, take with me to Taco Tuesdays, and get undressed for.”
Vernon smirks. “That’s what we do anyway, minus the last part.”
“Well, call it an added bonus then, since we’re in love and all.”
The laugh that leaves his lips stops your heart, and you wonder if it’s possible to pack away a sound in your mind for every good and bad day, just to recall this moment. “Deal.”
With that, he places a kiss on your lips as the sun continues gleaming through your window.
You spend the rest of the early morning that way, wrapped up in each other and not bothering to dress. After another post-morning sex nap, you two spend the rest of the day cuddled up on your couch with Chinese takeout, reminiscing about the past, but ready to find out where the future takes you both. Lucky for you, with the way Vernon looks into your eyes, loses his train of thought every time you kiss him, and finds it again when you smile, the future has the potential to be pretty beautiful.
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waughymommy · 2 months
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Chapter 3
After drying his tears, Brian released the tapes of his diaper. He hopped into the shower. He stood as if in a trance while the water cascaded over him. What the hell happened. How could I have been so stupid. Does she secretly think I’m a freak? Snapping back to reality, he hopped out and got dressed. He often liked to dress nicely, slacks, a button down, and a sport coat. Much like the tools in his garage, he wanted his appearance to portray masculine maturity. He didn’t want anyone to know his deepest desires, but now pandora’s box was open. He slipped on his shoes, grabbed his keys. He found Rebecca before walking out, “Ok I will be back this evening Rebe….I mean mommy/” His face immediately turned bright red with embarrassment. She flashed that beautiful smile, “Brian, its ok. You will soon get used to calling me mommy. You won’t even think about it. I love you my precious baby boy.” “Love you too. See you later.”
Rebecca waited for the sound of the garage door closing before she got to work. She reached for her phone and texted her best friend, Jennifer.
Rebecca: I’m finally going to be a mommy!
Jennifer: OMG, I am so excited. When did you find out?
Rebecca: Last night.
Jennifer: How did Brian react to this news?
Rebecca: Well, that’s the thing. He is going to be my baby.
Jennifer: Excuse me? I don’t even know where to start. What does that even mean? Can we meet up.
Rebecca: Meet me for lunch at the café at noon.
She set down her phone, not realizing she was grinning from ear to ear. She opened her laptop and began her investigation of all the things she would need to purchase. She typed into the search bar Adult Baby furniture. She knew there was an adult baby fetish, but she had no idea how much stuff was available to her. Scrolling down, she found a company catering to adult babies. They had everything she would need. Very quickly her online cart was filled with things. The first things were a crib, changing table and a play pen specifically designed for bigger babies. Brian will feel so helpless when he can’t escape this play pen. She then moved onto diapers, onesies, bottles, and bibs and toys. Good thing Brian isn’t here to see how much this is going to cost. No matter. He is no longer in charge. She felt exhilarated as she confirmed her purchase.
She sat back, imagining her baby sound asleep in his crib, changing his wet diapers, or holding him in her lap as she fed him his bottle. That’s when it dawned on her. She went back to the search bar: how to induce lactation. After a few minutes of research, she placed an order for a breast pump and supplements to aid production. She couldn’t think of anything more nurturing and thrilling than feeding her baby from her breast. But the one thing she still couldn’t figure out was how was she going to get Brian to give into his baby side. His temper tantrum this morning just affirmed that he would be resistant.
Rebecca and Jennifer took their seats at the café. “Before I tell you everything, I need you to promise me that you will keep this private. Please don’t tell anybody,” Rebecca pleaded nervously.
“Of course. We have been friends for years. Now spill it.”
“Ok, ok. So the other day, I was cleaning up in the bedroom and I found this box under the bed. It was filled with all of these baby supplies, but they weren’t for a normal baby. Everything was sized for an adult. Clearly it was stuff that Brian uses. Ever since we’ve been together, I’ve known he was hiding something. But you know Brian. Its so hard to ever get him to open up.”
“Wow, I’m not sure how I would react. But are you sure this is what he wants?” asked Jennifer.
“Well I knew if I questioned him, he would find an excuse and refuse to talk about. Soo, I laid him down and showed him that I had discovered his secret. I decided to give up a one time opportunity to accept my offer to be his mommy, but if her refused that it would never happen again. He accepted. He is so stubborn though. I know he wants this so desperately. He works so hard to make sure I have everything I need and want. I want to do this for him, but how do I get him to let go and fully embrace being little.”
“Hmmm. Have you considered hypnosis? I’m sure there is a way to get him to behave exactly how you want.”
“Hypnosis? I hadn’t even thought of that. I think you are on to something. Oh baby Brian has no idea what’s instore for him.” Rebecca chuckled. “I’ve got some more research to do. I need to get back and prepare for him. I told him that he had today to be a big boy, but that tonight we would discuss his second babyhood. I’ll let him think he has some say over how I treat him, but little does he know that mommy will have total control.”
Brian pulled back into the garage and put his car into park. He took a moment to collect himself. He was still so nervous. He plucked up the courage to walk inside.
“Brian? Is that you sweetheart?” Rebecca called from the bedroom.
“Ya its me.”
“Good, come see back to the bedroom sweetheart, we need to talk.”
Brian cautiously entered the bedroom, unsure of what he would find.
“Come here silly. Everything is just fine. I poured you a glass of wine.” Rebecca beckoned him to the bed. “Did you have a good day sweetheart?”
Brian simply nodded. The nervousness creeped into his throat. He accepted the glass and took a big sip.
“Alright baby. Mommy wants to know all about your fantasy. Don’t be scared baby. So first question, have you ever fantasized about me being you mommy?”
Brian’s cheeks burned, “Yes. Since the first time we met.”
She smiled brightly, “I’m so glad you want me to be you mommy. But I am very cross that you never told me. I know this has been hard for you. But that is ok. How often do you play baby sweetheart?”
“Only a few times. It took me years to work up the courage to buy any supplies. When you went on that girl’s trip a few weeks ago, I spent a whole day as a baby.” Brian still had trouble looking at her as he spoke.
“Ok this is really important baby. Brian, I need you to look at mommy. Have you ever used your diaper?” she grabbed his chin and pulled his gaze up to her eyes.
His blush told her all she needed to know. “Have you ever gone poopy in your diaper baby?”
He cringed at being spoken to like a toddler, but again his embarrassment betrayed his secret.
“Very good baby. I want my baby to completely comfortable using your diaper anytime you need to go. Mommy will never be mad. Afterall, babies have no potty training.” She reached for his pacifier again and placed it in his mouth. She grabbed his hand and led him to the den. She sat him down in his favorite chair. She produced a pair of headphones and placed them on his head. “Now mommy has to make dinner. But I want my baby to relax. I found this special music to help baby unwind. I’ll come get you when dinner is ready, but your butt better not leave that chair until then. You don’t want another spanking like you got this morning, do you?” Brian immediately knew, she wasn’t playing around. Within a few minutes, Brian drifted away, completely unaware that Mommy was training him to be a real baby.
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danveration · 8 months
Darling, angel, sweetheart
Parings: Valentino x female!reader
Summary: You’re not in the “mood” but Valentino, being who he is, tries to coax you into having sex. And it’s hard to resist him. !THIS IS SMUT!
Warnings: Nsfw themes, 18+, dub/con, manipulation, k*lling, smoking, being taking advantage of, virginity mention, power imbalance, forced blowjobs, p in v sex, creampie, missionary position, neck biting, kissing/making out/french kissing, slight innocent reader, reader having a stuffed animal, cuddling, sleeping
You and Valentino had a complicated relationship. You wouldn’t say you’re “together” per-say, but you wouldn’t say that you aren’t. He makes it aware that he sleeps with other people from time to time, and that he actively flirts with people. But he promises that it’s only for business. To get more costumers and porn stars, to up his reputation.
You don’t live with him but you’re over at his place more than you are at your own house. He likes it when you’re always around him. Holding his hand, sitting in his lap, or under his desk while he’s in meetings or doing paper work, etc. You’re drawn to him like a moth is at light, which is ironic. He loves you, so much so that it doesn’t matter what he does in his spare time.. because he does always come back to you in the end. He loves you and you love him back.
You’re more of a shy, innocent, naïve thing. Valentino noticed that right away when meeting you. You were a virgin before he met you, but obviously not anymore. He took that from you the first night be met you. Though you’d never think you’d lose your virginity at such a fast pace.. there is just something about him that made you cave in. May it be his flirty nature, or his gentle touches.. whatever it is, you’re a fool for it.
You’re currently laying in his bed, yawning and clutching into your stuffie. Today was a long day, all you want to do is cuddle up to Val and go to sleep.
You’re impatiently waiting for him to come in the room. You remember him mentioning how he has to shoot extra long tonight. He sounded frustrated about it, cursing under his breath.
You’re just about to doze off when Valentino bursts into the room loudly, the door hitting the back of the wall when he comes in, making you jump in fear.
“Fucking BITCHES!” He yells, his accent coming through. Slamming the door closed, he goes to light his cigarette while mumbling curse words under his breath.
He’s wearing his heart glasses, his red hat with the black and white feather, a black dress shirt that’s mostly un-buttoned with his gold chain, and white pants with a gold heart belt.
You’re looking at him concerned, you’ve never seen him lash out like this before. He’s always been kind and sweet. Little do you know he only wanted you to see that part of him, not wanting to scare you away too quickly. He’s done things you’ve not noticed, like that one time where a man was hitting on you in front of him. He said you were taken and then proceeded to bring you to the other room, telling you to wait there while he makes a phone call. Which in reality, he went back to that man and shot him in the head. Coming back to tell you it went well and that he loves you.
“Val?” You speak out, looking up at him.
He whips his head over to you and breathes out.
“Sorry you had to see that, sweetface. Just some fuckers who think they can talk back to me. Me! Can you believe that?” He says, shaking his head.
He looks away from you and sighs.
“It doesn’t matter though, does it? They’re dead now so there’s no need to stress.” He laughs.
You know he does bad things, even though he tries to hide it. You’re not blind. But you still like him nonetheless.
He stretches and moans, bending his head back and shifting his arms. He looks back at you and smiles.
“Hi, sweetface. How’re you feeling, hm? All tired and ready for bed?” He asks.
“Mhm, I’m feeling good, just sleepy.” You answer.
“Ah good, good. Let me join you.” He walks over to you, with a glint in his eye.
He looks at you seductively, eyeing you up and down. While you on the other hand, are looking at your stuffie with tired eyes.
“Baby.” He says to you.
You perk up and look at him.
“Hm?” You say.
He feels himself get hard. It was a long day today and he needs some relief. Who better to give him that than his best girl? He closes his eyes and breathes in, then opening his eyes and looking down at you.
“I need your help with something. You think you can help me, baby?” He says in a mischievous tone.
You’re just so sleepy that you mumble, “What is it?”
“Well, my love. I’m feeling a bit pent up.” He answers you with a smile, his red eyes glowing through his glasses.
You look up at him with a frown.
“Val, I’m just tired. Can’t this wait till tomorrow?” You ask him.
Valentino’s brows go down and he answers you in an angry tone.
“Darling, angel, sweetheart. Out of alll these other bitches, I choose you to fuck. And you refuse me? Do you know how fast I can get a replacement of you? I can go down the hall and fuck the first person I see and they’d be thankful!” He yells at you.
You didn’t expect him to react this way. Maybe it’s just the long day getting to him. You shrink under his words, looking down.
“I’m sorry, Valentino.” You mumble.
He squints his eyes at you, crossing his arms over his body.
“Better be. Now, what do you say?” He asks you.
You’re pretty tired but you don’t exactly have a choice.
“I guess I can help..” You answer, still looking down.
“Ah, good! Good girl.” He says, walking over to the side you’re laying on. Standing beside you as you’re laying down, he tells you to look up at him.
Sitting up on the bed, you look up and make eye contact with him.
“See how hard and aching I am for you?” He says, gesturing towards his clothed cock that’s straining his pants.
You look down and see his cock imprint, outlining his white pants. Against your will, you feel yourself throb.
“V-val. I don’t-“ You say.
“Shhh, angel.” He interrupts you.
He puts his cigarette down on the side table and goes take your small hand and press it on his clothed cock.
It’s warm and you can feel it throbbing. You go to pull your hand away, your cheeks reddening.
He holds your hand tighter and forces it there.
“Feel that, baby?” He asks you seductively.
This is usually how sex with Val goes. You aren’t feeling it but he makes you feel it. You never thought it was wrong, it’s just.. you changing your mind with time.
“Mhm.. I feel it.” You answer him, blushing.
“Fuuck.” He moans as he grinds into your hand for a few minutes.
“God damn it.” He bites his lip and removes your hand to unbuckle his belt.
You look down at his big hands as they swiftly take his belt off. His hard cock springs out, as he almost never wears underwear. The only time is does is when he wears revealing outfits.
He takes your chin in one of his hands and makes you look up at him again.
“Suck it.” He whispers.
You whimper and look ahead, his cock facing you.
Giving it a lick on the tip, Valentino grunts.
“I can’t fucking take this.” He says, taking your head with his hands and forcing your mouth to take his whole cock.
Gagging, you try to pull back but Val just keeps your head there and starts thrusting into you.
“F-fucking take it.” He says, slightly smiling.
You’re whimpering and moaning, trying to breathe through your nose.
He lets go of your head, pushing you back. You gasp for air and Val laughs at you.
“We’re gonna have to work on throat training.” He comments.
You whimper.
“Val I-“
“Take off your fucking clothes.” He commands you, as he starts stroking his cock with one hand.
You move to take them off, listening to his command. After you’re fully naked, you look at him for guidance on what to do next.
“Goood girl.” He smiles at you, tilting his head.
He tells you to lay down on your back as he gets on top of you. After doing so, he starts kissing you.
Val was the one who taught you french kissing. You never really knew the whole point of it before him. It just seemed awkward. Swishing your tongue around in someone’s mouth. But after him, you understand how it’s so appealing.
He reaches his hand down to touch you, seeing how wet you are.
“Mmm, there you go.” He says as he feels you dripping on his hand.
He rubs his cock onto your pussy, collecting juices onto his tip.
“My favourite toy.” He mumbles.
You whimper as your tummy starts to hurt from being so turned on. Val laughs at you and whispers into your ear, “I’m going to fucking wreak you.”
He slides his cock into you slowly, hissing at how tight and wet you are.
You moan at how good he makes you feel. He always feels so full inside of you.
He looks at you and starts thrusting harder.
“F-fuck sakes.” He says. “You’re gripping me so tight.”
He holds onto your shoulders as he roughly pounds into you over and over and over again.
Each time, your body shakes and you let out a whimper.
“V-Valentino.” You moan.
“Yes, baby. Say my fucking name.” He growls.
You clench around him and he starts going faster.
After a little while of beating your pussy with his cock, his thrusts start to get sloppier. At that exact time, you feel yourself getting close.
“V-Val, I- I’m-“ You stutter out.
“Y-Yeah I know. I can feel it, fuck. I’m close too, baby. I’m so fucking close.” He says, going in and out of you. “You’re such a good toy for me, you know that? Suuch a good girl. Such a good fucking girl.” He grunts.
“Val.. I- I’m gonna-“
“Me too, god. I’m gonna cum inside this pussy. All inside of you.” He thrusts into you one more time and then he goes as deeply as he can into you, letting out all is cum deep inside you.
You come at that exact same time, immediately as you feel his warm seed inside you. You feel claimed by him, physically and emotionally.
He thrusts once more, letting it all out inside you.
He bites your neck, kissing it after doing so.
You feel the tiredness from before hit you like a wave.
He positions himself to look at you, smirking.
“Tired?” He asks.
“Mm.” You mumble.
He pulls out of you slowly and looks down, his cum dripping out of you. He licks his lips at the sight.
Looking back up, he decides that he is also tired now and says, “I guess we can sleep now, ma chérie.”
You blink slowly at him, your eyelids feeling heavy.
“Sleep time?” You mumble.
“Sleep time, my love.” He lays next to you, putting the covers over him and you.
He sees your stuffie on the other side of the bed and reaches for it, handing it to you.
“I think you forgot someone.” He says with amusement in his voice.
He will admit, he has a soft spot for you. Just don’t tell anyone, especially the other VVV’s, they’ll probably tease him about it.
You smile and grab the stuffie. But right now, all you want to do is cuddle him.
“Val?” You say with a questionable tone.
“Hm?” He says tiredly.
“Can.. Can we cuddle, please?” You ask.
He smiles at that and says, “Such a silly question. Of course, sweetheart. Come here.”
You climb onto him, and nuzzle into his chest. You feel like his. His cum dripping out of your hole still, your mind completely full of him.
He wraps all his arms around you, holding you loosely.
“G’night, Val.” You whisper into his neck.
“Goodnight, my little love.” He responds.
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cherryredstars · 6 months
hello cherry! i hope you are having a wonderful new year because i know i am.
little info, this is the same slut who requested overstimulated hobie brown. i read it, gorgeous. literally screenshotted it because of how good it was. i need more of it and i am willing to fight with a spear and a shield for it.
so you know like, 70s/80s are when female domination finally was at it's peak? yes so i would like to request a very dominant and MEAN (maybe even older/more experienced though honestly thats up to you) reader. make her mean its hot. not that being rude is hot, but i like women just as much as i like xy beings and i like my women kinda fucked up
thank you🙏
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Slight Degradation, Choking, Penetrative Sex, Facesitting, Face Slapping, Hair Pulling, Sub!Hobie
Summary: Power to the woman.
A/N: So glad you loved it! Hope you enjoy this one too!!
Word Count: 1.8K (Not Edited)
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The sound of his head hitting the wall is muffled by his moan. 
His hands grab desperately to your sides, his eyes rolling back when you suck hard at his lip piercing, the sting of pain going straight to his cock. Your hands are fisted around the lapels of his leather jacket, pushing him harder against the wall. Your hand falls away from his jacket, going further down until you roughly cup his bulge. He groans, his head leaning back as your mouth starts trailing kisses against his neck. Smudges of dark red lipstick stain his skin, being accompanied by hickeys as you bite and suck on him. His hips buck into hand as you return to kissing his lips. For a second, he tries to gain control, pushing back on you and fighting your tongue with his. 
Your brows furrow, your other hand leaving his jacket and wrapping the front of his neck. You use your entire weight to push back on him, your hand squeezing his neck enough to make breathing slightly harder. He whimpers when he’s forced back against the wall, quickly losing the battle between your tongues. Your tongue invades his mouth triumphantly, exploring his mouth before pulling away. His lips try to follow yours, but the hand around his neck prevents him from getting far. You tsk at him, shaking your head. You press your lower body against his, grinding your front to his bulge. He hisses, his hold on your hips tightening. 
“That wasn’t very nice of you, Hobie.” You sneer, squeezing his neck tighter before letting go. Hobie coughs slightly, his chest heaving as his breathing comes easy. “A pathetic attempt on your part.”
Hobie smirks slightly, tilting his head to the side. “What can I say, love? Y’make me weak.”
Your hand slaps his cheek, his head moving to the slide before you quickly grab his chin and force his face down to yours. You have a disgusted look on your face, and Hobie resists the urge to whine. “Don’t smart mouth me, little boy. Get on the bed.”
He can feel his cock twitch in his pants, his eyes going hazy as he looks down at you. You scoff, pushing away from him. Hobie quickly shrugs off his jacket, grabbing his white beater from behind his neck and pulling it over his head. He throws it to the floor, looking down as his hands rushes to undo the button and pull them down his legs. His underwear goes with the pants, leaving him fully naked as he rushes to the bed. He throws himself onto it, leaning on his elbows as he sits at the edge. You’ve stripped too, leaving yourself in your bra. The rest of your body is bare, exposed to him. Hobie groans as he looks at your body, biting his lip as you straddle his lap. 
His hands fall to your thighs, squeezing them. Your hand goes to the nape of his neck, massaging the base of his head before your hand grabs a fist-full of his wicks. He winces as you pull his head back, forcing him to look up at you. You tilt your head to the side, your other hand coming up to trace the shape of his jaw. He gulps as your thumb presses into his chin, your face leaning down towards his ear. You blow warm air against his neck, causing his body to shiver. 
“Do you want to make me feel good, Hobie?” You whisper into his ear, your voice dripping with sexual appeal. Hobie tries to nod, wincing again when he remembers his hair in your hands. 
“Yes,” he mumbles, his hands rubbing up and down your thighs. 
You smile, licking the shell of his ear before pulling away. Your hands leave his hair and chin, moving to his chest. You push him, making him fall back to his elbows. Your hands fall to either side of his head, your nose almost bumping into his. Hobie’s breath hitches, eyes dropping to your lips before moving back to your eyes. You raise an eyebrow at him, tilting your head again. 
“Good, then be a good little boy and lay on your back at the top of the bed.” You demand, pushing yourself up until you’re kneeling on the bed. 
Hobie is quick to follow your directions, pushing himself backwards and laying his head back on the pillows. You follow him once he’s laid flat on the bed, his eyes glued to your form. Your knees land on either side of his head. Hobie can’t decide where to look, his breath elevated as he looks between your face and your sweet pussy. You smirk, your hand landing on his head to keep his gaze on your cunt. Your other hand slides down your body, two of your fingers spreading your pussy lips apart so he can see the slick dripping from your entrance. Hobie groans at the sight, licking his lips as his mouth goes dry. 
Your hand joins your other on Hobie’s head, tilting it back. You slowly lower yourself, your thighs bouncing the second you’re fully seated on his face. Hobie’s eyes go to your face, half-lidded as his hands come to your thighs. 
“Suck.” You demand, grinding your hips down onto his face. 
He groans as his mouth opens and latches onto your clit, sucking and licking at it. You moan softly, your eyes closing in bliss. You tighten your hold on his hair, a vibration running throughout your body as he moans against your cunt. Your hips buck, his nose rubbing against your clit messily. His breath comes out in sharp exhales from his nose, warming your mound before being smothered with your cunt. His eyes are hazy, hands tightening on your thighs as he laps at your pussy. Wet clicks sound under you, the echoes of his tongue lolling being amplified by the walls. 
“More,” you sigh out, slapping one hand against the wall, the other keeping his head in place as you grind down on his face, “C’mon, Hobie. Tongue fuck me.”
Hobie’s eyes squeeze shut, mumbling against your pussy lips. You moan out when his tongue prods at your entrance, slipping in and licking at your throbbing walls. You curse under your breath, bouncing down on his face slightly to push his tongue in and out of you. The small sounds of skin slapping against skin masks Hobie’s whines, his hands coming up to your hips to glue your cunt to his face. You can tell his tongue is starting to ache by how sloppy it is when he flicks over your clit and tries to find your hole again. Feeling nice, you bring your hand to your clit, pinching at the bud until it triggers your orgasm. 
Hobie laps it up greedily, swallowing it down as he shakes his head to collect every drop. You hiss, getting off his face as your thighs twitch. Hobie pants under you, the lower part of his face shiny with your slick. His tongue peaks from his lips, licking up whatever he can. Even in his dazed state, he forces his eyes to follow you as you go further down his body. He pushes himself up on his elbows just in time to watch you extend your hand, squeezing hard around his tip. He whines, hips jolting as he falls onto his back again. 
You chuckle, letting go of him as you go to straddle his lap. Your hands are planted on his chest, keeping you balanced as you lift your hips. You tease your cunt over his tip, making him breath out shakily. Your hand slides up his chest, slipping around his neck, effectively distracting him before you slam your hips down on his cock. He cries out as his tip hits your cervix, his back arching off the bed before your hand pushes his chest down flat to the bed. One of his hands wraps around the wrist of your hand around his neck as you begin to squeeze, simultaneously lifting your hips and sinking back down on him. He whines at you, eyes rolling to the back of his head as your walls suction around his throbbing cock.
You scoff, lightening your hold around his neck. “I just started fucking you and you’ve already gone stupid.”
“You’re. Acting. Like. A. Virgin.” You grit out, punctuating each word with a hard slam of your hips. Hobie only turns his head to the side, breathing heavily as his cock twitches inside of you. 
You laugh meanly, letting go of his neck. You force his head back to the position it was in before, slapping his cheek before grabbing his neck again. You glare down at him, your hips never slowing as you begin to cut off his air flow. His head is getting fuzzy from the lack of oxygen and from the pleasure coursing through his body, whimpering weakly as he ruts his hips into you. 
“I didn’t tell you to look away.” You scold. “Keep your eyes on me until you cum.”
He nods the best he can, his hands grabbing at your waist and squeezing the skin to help him fuck up into you. You moan, rewarding him by lightening your grip on his neck. He sucks in air greedily, gasping and choking on his moans. You can feel your orgasm fast approaching, making your hips just barely lift as you chase the pleasure. Hobie can feel your walls clench around his cock, causing him to moan and whisper pleas for you to cum around his cock. It sets you off, crying out as you slam your hips down on his one last time before your body twitches with your orgasm. Hobie hisses as he empties soon after, lazily fucking up into you to help the both of your ride out your orgasms. 
You breathe heavily, your eyes closing as your hand falls away from Hobie’s neck. You slowly push yourself off of him, landing beside him on the bed. His head is already turned towards you, a fucked-out look still on his face. You smile at him, turning on your side so you lean on your elbow. Your finger traces his jawline, your thumb dragging down his bottom lip. You give his cheek two quick pats before you push yourself off the bed. 
You grab your panties and pants, pulling them on before grabbing your own tank top and throwing Hobie’s leather jacket over it. You walk to the cracked mirror hanging on Hobie’s wall. You ruffle up your hair, swiping your thumb against the smudge of lipstick near the bottom of your lip as you see Hobie sit up on bed. You turn when you’ve fixed yourself up, walking back to him. You grab him by the chin, pulling him into a deep kiss. He moans against your lips, following after you as you pull away. You push him back onto the bed, walking away and to his door. You turn one last time towards him, giving him a moving wave. 
“Guess you weren’t that much of a loser after all.”
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I’d let reader top me.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Like Betta Fish Do Part 25
WC: 3,537 Masterpost CW: Canon typical violence
“I can’t believe I’m in a custom suit,” Danny said as he admired himself in the mirror.
“It is really weird the first few times,” Jason agreed as he did up his own cufflinks.
Danny twisted so that the very faint blue on blue pattern sewn into the suit caught the light. It gave the impression of rolling waves. “So how many fish things did you manage to fit in?”
He watched the reflection to catch Jason’s lips tick up into a pleased smile.
“Well there’s the fabric itself, deep ocean blue.”
“And patterned like waves,” Danny finished. “I caught that.”
“Your shirt and tie are sea foam white.”
“Okay, that one might be a stretch,” Danny said, but he touched the fabric gently.
Jason rolled his eyes. “I’m counting it. The pocket square, very nontraditional, is a Japanese indigo linen in a pattern that is a historic representation of waves. The buttons are abalone, the cufflinks red coral, and the tie pin is mother of pearl.”
“Six, if I give you sea foam white.”
“You better, I worked hard on this. And it’s actually seven, one last thing,” Jason said. He picked up a blue velvet jewelry box off his side table and held it out.
Danny took it curiously. It was bigger than a ring box, but smaller than a necklace case. He brushed his thumb over the soft covering before he snapped the lid open. His breath caught.
Inside was a set of earrings. Simple silver studs for for his cartilage piercings, a pearl earring for his left ear, and then the show stopper: a crystal studded and delicate woven silver betta fish on a chain for his right ear. Its black pearl eyes were bright. They almost made it seem alive.
“I tried to stay subtle with the rest, but this I couldn’t resist,” he said. “You’re my fish, and everyone at the gala should know that.”
Danny carefully closed the box before he flung his arms around Jason’s neck and pulled the other down for a kiss.
“Careful,” Jason murmured when the kiss broke, “if we show up late and mussed Tim will frown at us the whole night.”
“That would be a shame,” Danny whispered back before kissing Jason again.
“I can’t believe I’m being the voice of reason,” Jason said, “but you have to let me get dressed.”
“Fine,” Danny said, even if it made him want to pout. “Maybe… I can take it off after the gala then?”
The pink that Jason blushed was more than worth being bold and Danny took a moment to admire it before he turned to put in the earrings.
Behind him, Jason knotted a white (or sea foam, Danny supposed) tie and shrugged on a matching jacket. The suit looked bright, almost glowing, against the rich blue dress shirt that complimented Danny’s own suit. He couldn’t be sure what it was from this distance, but Danny thought he saw the glint of white on white embroidery on the cuffs and lapels of the suit. It was the silver fish bone tie pin that made him laugh.
“People are going to have questions.”
“Let them,” Jason said with a cheshire smile.
“I’m starting to get what going to a gala with you will be like,” Danny said.
“Oh, this is tame for me,” Jason said. “I’m behaving.”
“I know, it’s part of your charm.”
“If only the press thought that,” Jason said, grabbing his phone as it beeped. “That’s our car.”
“I wish we could just take your bike,” Danny said, watching Jason put his phone back down, “and our phones.”
“Suit lines. I’ve got a connection to the family,” Jason assured Danny.
“Still. But I guess those suit lines do really great things for your ass and it would be a shame to ruin that,” Danny agreed with a put upon sigh.
“You’re incorrigible tonight,”Jason said (not that he seemed to mind if his smirk was any hint).
“Maybe it’s just that new years mood,” Danny said with a little shrug, lacing their fingers together as they left. “This year turned out pretty great, and I bet next year is going to be even better.”
“Yeah? Any reason for that?”
“Well, I happened to move to a city that’s pretty weird but also pretty awesome,” Danny said.
“Good reason,” Jason agreed. “What else?”
“I’m finally in the degree for what I want to do, and I’m kicking ass at it.”
“Of course you are, you’re brilliant,” Jason said, holding the door open to the town car after he subtly checked the plates. “Nothing else?”
“Well,” Danny drew the word out as he slid into the car. “There’s this guy I met, maybe you know him? Tall, dark, and handsome?”
“I don’t know, he doesn’t sound real,” Jason teased and leaned into Danny’s space.
Danny leaned up and pressed Jason into a light kiss. “He is pretty magical.”
“The red carpet, less than magical,” Danny said once they were through the sea of reporters and photographers. “I’m going to be seeing camera flashes for weeks.”
“Only a few hours at most,” Jason said.
“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, your whole being is just one blinding white blur,” Danny said, motioning at Jason, who laughed and caught Danny’s hand.
Jason pressed a quick kiss to the fingertips. The cameras went off in another round of flashes, apparently not having enough of the lost Wayne and his boyfriend. “Come on, let’s head further in away from this circus.”
“Is your family here yet?” Danny asked as they headed into the gala proper. Jason was skilled at keeping them moving without getting caught up by any one group, even as he greeted some of them.
“Bruce, Damian, and Duke arrived pretty on time so Bruce could greet people. Tim is around here somewhere too, networking I’m sure unless Bernard has distracted him. He’ll have arrived with Cass and Steph, who you haven’t met. Steph isn’t family, but she’s family, you know?”
“I think so?” Danny at least assume that meant she was in the Bat life.
“And Dick should be around here or will soon, likely with Barbie.”
“Barbie?” Danny took one of the drink glasses that Jason had snagged. The tart tang of cranberry bloomed across his tongue followed by the burn of alcohol and lingering taste of sugar. It was good.
“Yeah, but don’t call her that. Her name is Barbara, but she goes by Babs.”
“But you can get away with Barbie?”
“He was a very cute kid,” a voice behind them said. “Somehow he convinced me to let him.”
Danny spun and then had to look down to meet the gaze of the red headed woman in a wheelchair. He couldn’t help but feel a pang for Jazz, but it was softened by the fact that he’d get to see her soon.
“Bull,” Danny said with a smile, offering his hand. “I refuse to believe that Jason was ever not a little shit.”
“Oh, no, he was still a little shit,” Babs said, returning the handshake firmly. “But he was a cute little shit.”
Danny sighed dramatically and looked over at Jason. “Where did you go so wrong?”
“Hey, I believe it was you who were extolling the virtues of my ass in this suit not that long ago,” Jason said with just the hint of a pout.
“I think most of the press will be doing that too, so I’m not sure how much weight that has,” Babs said, painted lips ticked up in clear amusement.
Jason just sighed while Danny laughed.
“I like you, Babs. Is Babs okay for me to call you?”
“Of course, you’re Jason’s man, so you can call me Babs. And I really do prefer it to Barbara. The name is just a little old fashion, you know?”
“And you’re a modern kind of woman?” Danny asked with a smile.
“In so many ways,” Babs said. “But I better go make the rounds, or at least find where Dick is. He got distracted.”
“Isn't he always?” Jason said and bid Babs farewell.
“Are they together? Dick and Babs?” Danny ask as he watched her wheel away.
“Not anymore, but they were,” Jason explained. “They’re still really close. And Babs has been close to the family for a lot of years, so she’s special to all of us, you know? She’s a real inspiration to Cass and Steph.”
Oh, that sort of friend. “Wait, was she?”
“Yeah. So you know.”
“Yeah, I bet,” Danny said. The wheelchair meant something a little differently now. He took a breath and looked around the gala, which was already swarming with beautiful, laughing people. He felt out of place without Babs’ friendly face distracting him.
“Come on, I bet we can find some family to talk too,” Jason said, taking Danny’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “There are a few people who I’ll need to hit up tonight for the Foundation stuff, you know, try to get some donations from them or build up the start of that, but you don’t have to hang with me during any of that. There's plenty of siblings around for you to chat with and use as a distraction. Hell, could always introduce you to Lucius or some of the other inventors we have and you all could talk nerd shop.”
“Nerd shop,” Danny repeated with a sigh. “You say Lucius who I’m going to assume is the Lucius Fox and call it nerd shop like that man is not out there breaking barriers and changing the world with his inventions? And that’s just the stuff that’s been announced to the public! Who knows what else he’s been doing behind closed doors! It must be mind blowing.”
“Well, thank you, but I have a lot of very smart people working for me, so it’s hardly just my work that’s out there making waves,” a silky voice said from behind them.
Danny spun and couldn’t help the little squeak he gave.
Jason chuckled and reached out to shake the man’s hand. “Lucius, how are you doing? Did you manage to drag any of your family to tonight’s event?”
“Just my lovely wife. The rest found excuses, you know how it is.”
“I do. Sadly I’m in a position of note now,” Jason said, the words practically had air quotes around them, “so I’m afraid that my days of excuses are gone.”
“Oh, I’m sure that you can still find a few when you truly need them. You’ve always been mighty good at that.”
Jason just shrugged with an unrepentant grin. “Well, you know. But anyway, Lucius, this is my boyfriend Danny. Danny, this, as I guess you know from that sound you made, is Lucius Fox.”
“Of course I know. Really, sir, the work you and your teams have done… amazing.”
“Just Lucius, Danny,” the man said, reaching out to shake Danny’s hand. “If you’re dating Jason I expect that we’ll run into each other from time to time and I am too old for formalities like that.”
“Alright, just Lucius then. I can’t wait to tell my friend Tucker I met you.”
“Another one for, what was that you said Jason, ‘nerd shop talk’ like you are?”
“Totally. He’s in computer sciences, but he’s not bad at engineering some hardware when he needs to. Mostly to be able to get his software to run on, but I always make fun of his soldering.”
“So you must solder a lot then?”
“Yes s— er Lucius. Aerospace engineering, but I grew up always tinkering and things. I still do it some, but it’s harder here when I don’t have the space, you know? First dibs on tables and tools go to the other majors, which I get, since they need them more than us.”
“Still, hard not to be able to get your hands dirty when you want to. Are you going to be in Gotham for the summer? Not sure where you call home.”
“Well, at the moment, home is Gotham. I want to visit some friends and my sisters, but I’ll be here, yeah. I might take a summer course and get an advanced math knocked out or something.”
“A good plan. You should reach back out to me around early May then. I bet we can find a corner of one of the labs for you to at least use on the weekends when no one is around doing work much.”
“Really?” Danny said, hands twitching at just the idea of getting into a space where he could do some inventing. He had so many new ideas from his time at Gotham U on to improve some of his parent’s inventions or even make new things.
“Really. There will be the usual red tape and all, background checks and paper work and hours you’re allowed in, but those things can be worked out. Can’t keep a curious mind and skilled hands stagnant, now can we?”
“I know I can’t,” Danny said with a little laugh. “Thank you Lucius, really, I’ll definitely take advantage of that again. And start planning! I mean I have plans, of course I do, but a lot is just rough sketches, you know? I need to do some proper diagrams for a few things.”
He didn’t want to waste a moment once he had access to tools again— especially not the tools that were available to him at a place like Wayne Enterprises. Danny idly wondered if it would be out by summer that he knew about the Bats. Lucius had to be involved in that work and it would be so cool to take a look under the proverbial and the literal hood of those gadgets. Did they store the Batplane here?
Lucius chuckled and smiled. “Yes, I think you’ll fit right into that corner. You two boys behave now.”
“Never,” Jason said with a laugh and shook Lucius’ hand one more time as they parted ways.
The night turned into a slew of little meetings like that— people coming up to talk to Jason. Some of the conversations were enjoyable like with Babs and Lucius (Steph was overwhelming, but cool), some were with the many family members Jason had, and some were with the tpyical the socialite crowd. Those people seemed either to be there to get their claws in Jason or to observe Danny like he was some curiosity. Danny really could do without that type. Luckily, Jason seemed to know this, and Danny was passed off to Dick a few hours in and then freed to the food table after some teasing.
Really, even with the gawkers, the night was pretty fun.
“Hey Barbie, have you seen Danny recently?” Jason asked as he crossed her path at the party.
“No, but I’ve been talking tech. Have you tried over by the food?”
“That’s where I just came from,” Jason said with a little frown. These things were really too busy, one of the many reasons that he hated them. “I guess I’ll go try another sibling. Dick hadn’t seen him in a bit either, he got distracted by one of the people from the foundation that works with kids.”
“I keep waiting for him to join you there, you know. You could try Tim if he hasn’t been co-opted by Bernard yet,” she suggested. “How long has he been schmoozing?”
“Too long, Tim is worthless to me I’m sure. Cass would be—”
Jason dropped instinctively to cover Babs before he even registered the sound of shattering glass.
The all to familiar muzzle of a gun pressed into the base of Jason’s head. “Turn around slowly. Try anything and I’ll shoot through you to get your lovely friend.”
Jason locked eyes with Babs, a thousand messages passed in that look as he slowly raised his hands and turned around.
It was one of the waiters.
Okay, it was a number of the waiters, Jason mentally corrected as he took in the room. Each of them with a gun pointed at some portion of the party. Jason spotted Bruce and Damian where they were being rounded up and Steph over on the edges of the room, but he couldn’t find Tim, Dick, or Cass on the quick glance at the space.
He snapped his focus back to the gunman at a popping sound. The man raised his left hand to his face and smeared the popped paint pellet across his face, coating half of it in a splotchy blue.
Guess they knew what Two Face was up to now. Speaking of the man of the hour, Two Face walked through the shadowed window, black and white suit spotless and fit for the event, and flanked by henchmen. He was clapping. Head tilted so that the bright lights caught his good side.
“Lovely event Bruice! Really, a shinning light in Gotham to ring in the new year. Don’t mind us, please, we’re just here to pick up the usual, jewels, watches, money clips, wire transfers. I’m afraid we need the extra funding…” He twitched, twisting so that the scarred side of his face was tilted forward. “Because the damn Bat made sure we lost it all! I’m hoping he shows tonight. I’d like to make sure he doesn’t make it to the new year!”
Dent cleared his throat; his right hand smoothed back his hair, tipping his head back the other way. “Sorry about that. Just some… linger resentment. You all know how it is. But let’s not get too serious yet! Brucie! And his adorable little spawn! Some of our guests of honor too! Behave if you don’t want to be shot in the head.”
Jason watched helplessly as Bruce, Damian, and several other social elite like the mayor were lashed together with rope. Two Face walked over after they were trussed and slapped a bomb to Bruce’s chest. While the the henchman secured it, Two Face turned to the crowd.
“Where is he? Our darling lost prince of Gotham?”
The gunman stuck the cold metal back to the base of Jason’s neck and pushed him forward.
The bomb started ticking down.
“There you are! When I heard you returned to us, my heart swelled, truly,” Dent said, looking up with his good eye as if praying to heaven. “And now! Now I hear you’ve found love!”
Dent bent over, cackling. The enlarged, yellow eye looked up at Jason from under the white bangs. “So let’s play a game while we count down to midnight.”
Two Face’s goons dramatically rolled out a podium. Two bright red buttons were mounted to it, right below a large television.
Danny was on the screen.
He was tied to a chair in some building’s basement. A bruise was already blooming to life around his right eye, deep blue as his suit. He had clearly caught a fist to the lip too. The fish earring was bright silver, catching light reflected from the pool of water that the chair was sat in.
“As you see, we’re giving your boyfriend some hospitality,” Dent said, smooth side of his face to Jason as he walked around the podium like some perverse Vanna White. “So you have a simple choice: decided what type of love is more important to you. Do you press the left button and save your boyfriend, letting your family and these other lovely people die to the bomb…”
He rounded the screen, scarred open eye starting at Jason accusingly. “…or do you press the button on the right and save the people in this room, but fry your boyfriend to death with electricity?”
Two Face snapped his fingers.
Danny’s head jerked up, unfocused eyes staring just to the right of the screen.
“Hey, dead boy,” Danny rasped. Just talking made the split on his lip crack and bleed again, adding another line of blood to his chin. On the screen the red was bright, bright, bright—
Jason clenched his hands. He was going to kill Two Face. “Hey, fish.”
“You know, the irony of this whole thing is that it does make me realize I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you.”
“Yeah? That's convenient. I've been in love with you for weeks.”
Dent cackled and motioned grandly at the trussed up people. The bright, bright red of the bombs’ timer counted down another tick. “Looks like you're all out of luck! True love always wins.”
He twisted to Jason with the scarred side of his face and growled, “Forty-five seconds left.”
“You know what you have to do, don't you?” Danny asked.
He was smiling at Jason, a soft calm thing. But Jason didn't know if he could trust it. He didn’t know Danny's limits. He didn’t know if this would kill him the rest of the way.
But he did know what Danny would never forgive him for. He knew he didn't really have a choice. “I do. I'm sorry.”
“Don't be.”
Jason lunged and hit the right button. On the screen, the wires sparked bright with electricity, lighting up the pool of water. And Danny screamed.
And screamed.
And screamed.
The camera cut out.
AN: We're finally here! To the scene I wrote last year! Aaaaaah~
I would say I'm sorry, but this time I truly am not. (Please don't stab me.) ._.
It will be fiiiiiiiine... right?
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propertyofyoutube · 5 months
So here’s my idea! Sam x Colby x Reader but with temperature play!!
My vision is Sam and Colby both being on the dom side and reader being sub and one of them uses/chooses something really cold like using ice and the other using something hot like wax play candles and they use them at the same time on the reader and its just pure love and smut and filth with maybe a sprinkle of after care?(the reader may go into sub drop???) (Also I kinda imagined her tied up to kinda intensify the sensations but she doesn’t have to be at all!)
Im sorry if this is to specific! I just love your writing and think you would do amazing with this! (Ps if you want not Sam x Colby x Reader requests I have SOOOO many ideas and could send as many as you would like 😂😂)
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Tap once for no, twice for yes - EXPLICIT
Summary: Sam and Colby never competed for your love, never once made you feel like one was better than the other. One day, you decided to tease them, whilst they were both not home on separate outings. After sending them saucy photos, you made it officially a competition.
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, dom!sam, dom!colby, sub!reader. Temperature play, hot wax, ice cubes, READER GOES INTO SUB!SPACE, squirting, slut, whore, princess, baby, swallowing, oral, rough sex, restraints, vibrator, overwhelming multiple orgasms. PURE FILTH! Aftercare.
Not edited. Requests open!
Authors note: I hope you like this! I will be doing a part 2 to this request, where reader goes into sub!drop and uses her safe word. I didn’t want to go too hard/negative for the first story in this book… follow to keep up!
You sighed as you tossed over in your bed. As you picked up your phone it was only 2:30pm. “Ugh!” You groaned as you tossed once more. 4 more hours until Colby was due home and god knows how long until Sam. It was Saturday, which meant business meetings, personal meetings and so much more. But for you, a Saturday was a day off. You hated Saturdays… but you loved Saturday nights. That moment, Sam and Colby returned home, having missed you as always, and making up for the lost time in every sensual way possible.
As you thought about what you had coming later on, your thighs pressed tightly together, thinking about the basement. Damn, to YouTube their basement was the react channel set, but on the other side of that camera was a sex dungeon. Imagine Christian Grey’s red room times one hundred.
Before you met Sam and Colby, you were what most people say “vanilla”. You hadn’t had many sexual partners who explored all areas in the world of intimacy and pleasure. Once you and the boys became an agreed throuple, Colby wasted no time to introduce you to all new levels of passion. And once Sam got a taste, he couldn’t resist seeing you, obeying their demands, on your knees ready for whatever they wish. You could almost feel their hands tracing your curves, your toes curling as they brought you closer to each and every orgasm.
Suddenly your eyes snapped open, bringing you back to reality. “Fuck.” You breathed out as you felt your body desperate for them, for whatever they had in store for you. Your phone suddenly dinged as you looked down at the text message that flashed on your screen in the group chat named, ‘Our girl’.
Colbs🖤: hey baby, how’s your day going?
You began typing out instantly: it’s okay, I just can’t wait for you to-… Your frown quickly turned to a mischievous smirk as you had a bright idea. You held tightly on the back button as the message quickly disappeared. You jumped out of bed running to your dresser. As you pulled on the top drawer, your eyes fell wide as the range of the hottest lingerie sets. You fumbled through the sets and one pieces until landing on the brand new, laced corset top and matching panties. “Bingo.” You said as you chuckled to yourself. You quickly changed into the beautiful set and you couldn’t lie, you looked fucking hot. You bit your lip as you replied,
You: how long will you both be?
Colby’s typing bubble made your stomach flip in excitement. This was a risky move you were about to pull, this was punishment material. But you couldn’t wait to crumble at their touch.
Colbs🖤: I’m not sure baby… why what’s wrong? Is everything okay?
You smirked, trying to think of the best way to get them home. You walk over to your full length mirror, lowering down onto your knees. You begin to type,
You: I’m just trying my best to resist going down to the basement…
You bit your lip in anticipation as you awaited his reply, or Sam’s. It was less than a minute before Colby’s message appeared.
Colbs🖤: fuck… someone’s horny😂
You chuckled as you read his text, but before you could start type out another message came through.
Sammy❤️: wait, what’s happening?
You giggled as you definitely had both of their attention.
Sammy❤️: don’t you dare go to that basement without us, y/n.
You bit your lip, it was working, and only after one message. You sat back as Colby continued, you admired the way Sam and Colby never fought over you, for love, for sex, for anything.
Colbs🖤: agreed. Don’t y/n, or there will be consequences when we get home.
You rolled your eyes, truly not giving a fuck how badly they gave it to you. You quickly positioned yourself in the mirror as you snapped a photo. You attached the saucy picture of you in your sexy set.
You: either one, or both of you, get home now or I’ll sort myself out…😏
You waited in anticipation as both of their typing bubbles popped up. The messages instantly came through within seconds of each other.
Sammy❤️: y/n what are you doing… I’m in a meeting with the merch team.
Colbs🖤: fuck, you take that off right now. I’m in line to get some lunch.
You giggle to yourself, as you removed the corset, placing your arm across your breasts, taking another photo.
You: okay baby, it’s off😉 fine if you’d rather eat that lunch. Stay there.
You teased knowing Colby hated when you tried to boss him around. As you began typing a reply to Sam, you knew exactly what would get them both.
You: please Sammy, please come home. I need you to feel for yourself, just how soaked I am… 🥺
You waited, as Colby’s bubbles popped up first.
Colbs🖤: I know what you’re trying to do y/n…😒
Sammy❤️: baby… I wish I could, but I don’t think I can get out of this one. Believe me, I want to… so badly😢
You sighed loudly, you had to go further. They needed more convincing.
You: I usually wait for you both, everyday… but if one of you doesn’t get home in the next 20 minutes, I’ll quick frankly make myself cum
You quickly ran to the basement, your need for them intensifying every second. Before they could reply you took a photo of the large 4 poster bed, covered in satin sheets.
You: first one home gets to do whatever the fuck they want to me 😏
A couple of minutes passed and you knew that they were probably on the phone discussing the situation. They never competed.
Colbs🖤: fuck Sam, she’s done it now… you’ve been very bad y/n. You better have yourself on your knees, waiting for us.
Sammy❤️: we’re on our way. First one home gets to show you just how bad you’ve been…
Your eyes lit up in excitement.
You: yes sir.
You quickly headed back up the stairs to grab a lighter for the candles and an ice bucket, accompanied by a bottle of champagne and 3 glasses.
You had heard the front door open as you kneeled in front of the bed, facing your back to the door. Your long hair covering your bare back as you left yourself in just the lace panties. Your body tingled with excitement as you anxiously waited for who ever was about to walk through that door. Sam always went a little bit easier on you. You had them both wrapped around your finger, but you definitely knew Sam’s weak spots. He was easier to break than Colby. You knew you’d pushed them to their patient limits today and lowkey hoped Sam came first for the punishment.
“You’ve been very naughty, y/n.” Colby’s voice echoed through your ears as a smirk spread across your face.
“I would say I’m sorry… but I’m not.” You said cheekily.
“And now she’s back talking?” Sam said with a scoff of disbelief. Your eyes fell wide as you hadn’t heard the both of them arriving.
Colby smirked at Sam before slowly walking around to stand in front of you. Your eyes still facing forward, not looking up at him. Colby slowly placed his fingers below your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his. “You tried to make us compete for you, y/n… and that is our number one rule…” Colby said his voice low.
You tried so hard to fight back a smile, “I’m sorry…” you said softly.
Sam sighed from behind you, as you began to walk around to join Colby, “you can apologise by being a good girl for us… now get onto the bed and keep that pretty little mouth shut.” Sam said, his voice demanding and dominant, taking you by surprise. Damn, you really had pushed all their buttons. ‘Oh shit.’ You thought to yourself. You nodded before stand up and climbing onto the bed, sitting in the centre facing the boys who were now stripping down to their underwear.
“Lie down.” Colby demanded as you instantly laid your head back. Your heart beating a million miles per minute as you stared up at the ceiling.
Suddenly, both Sam and Colby appeared either side of you. Restraints in hand. “We had no control today…” Colby said with a slightly annoyed tone.
“I thinks it’s time we reimplemented who is in control here.” Sam continued as your body squirmed at their touch. You nodded slowly as they took one arm, and one leg each wrapping your wrists and ankles in the leather, strapping each of your limbs to a corner of the bed. You tried to close your legs, your thighs desperate to squeeze together as your panties grew even wetter, but it was no use.
Colby stood tall as he walked back up to your head, a red satin blindfold in hand, “you treat us differently.” He said softly as he placed the blindfold over your eyes. “Like we’re polar opposites.”
You swallowed hard full of a mixture of excitement and nerves.
“So I think we should show you, the effect polar opposites can have on you.” Sam said with a smirk.
Sam and Colby looked at each other before nodding with smiles. “What’s your safe word?” Colby asked as your breath shook.
“Red.” You whispered.
“Louder.” Sam said firmly sending shivers down your entire body.
You obeyed instantly, “red.” You spoke clearly.
“Good girl.” Sam said softly.
Colby picked up a candle from the dresser that you had lit. He walked over to the bed as Sam bit his lip, ready to watch the pleasure radiate through your body. “Sam… I think our little slut here needs her pussy eaten.” Colby said as Sam licked his lips. “She’s so desperate, look at her.” Sam couldn’t help but smile at your squirming body, stretched out across the bed as your knees tried their hardest to close.
“Always so desperate.” Sam said as he moved to the bottom of the bed, between your restrained legs. Sam looked up at your panties, he could see just how wet you were through the Lacey material. “Such a slut, you’ll do anything for us to fuck you senseless.” Sam smirked as he spoke watching how his words made your clit ache even more.
Colby leaned down by your head as he spoke softly, “do you want Sam to taste you, baby?” He asked. You nodded your head as Colby shook his, “words baby. Tell Sam exactly what you want.”
Sam’s hands suddenly touched your legs, as he slowly dragged them higher and higher, across your thigh towards your pelvis. “P- please Sammy. Please taste me.” You begged. You could feel your core pulsating at the thought of it.
Sam looked up at Colby from between your thighs as Colby nodded. Sam wasted no time, moving your panties to the side and connected his lips with your clit, sucking and swirling his tongue instantly.
Your back arched off the bed in pleasure, the feeling of Sam’s mouth working away on your core was like a dream.
“Fuck baby, you are soaked…” Sam groaned against your core as Colby licked his lips at how your body moved.
“You know those photos got me all hot baby…” Colby said looking at the candle in his hand. “And you’re going to get just as hot and bothered as I was…” Colby bit his lip as Sam’s eyes looked up at him, his mouth still devouring you. “Remember to use your safe word if you need to.” Colby reminded us as suddenly he tilted the candle over your torso. The hot wax hitting your skin as you moaned louder, a string of curse words leaving your mouth. You felt a knot in your stomach as the hot wax trailed down your body and Sam’s tongue entered your core.
“Fuck!” You cried out as Colby looked down on you and Sam gripped your hips, holding you in place.
“You thought you were so smart to tease us…” Colby grunted as he continued to pour once again, “using your body like a little whore.” His voice sent you over the edge, your orgasm hitting you full speed as you suddenly covered Sam’s face in your juices.
“Fuck baby…” Sam gasped as he sucked you up, “little warning next time?”
You breathed heavily as your heart beat strong and your body shook uncontrollably, “I’m-I’m so sorry.” You moaned out.
“You will be…” Colby grunted as Sam stood up from between your legs. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.” Colby said, his voice even lower as his hard cock was finally freed from his boxers.
Colby didn’t give you a chance to recover, he wanted to take out his frustrations in the best way he knew how to, making you cum, again… and again… and again. Colby lined himself up, hovering above you. He suddenly pushed himself deep inside of you as you cried out. “Fuck Colby!” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head beneath the blindfold as your stomach was in knots once again.
Sam walked over to the ice bucket with the champagne, taking out 2 ice cubes. “After all that wax, you must be a little hot there baby…” Sam said with a smirk. Colby groaned loudly as he fucked you. You could hardly take in what Sam was saying as Colby hit your g-spot with his dick every time he pushed deep inside of you.
Sam climbed up onto the bed after removing his boxers, positioning himself up near your head. As Colby pounded into you, Sam took the two ice cubes as your body froze as the two ice cubes were placed on your nipples. “Oh shit!” You cried out, your back arching once again. Sam began to move around your chest, the ice leaving freezing cold trails of water.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good.” Colby groaned as his face scrunched from the pleasure of your walls wrapped around him. He suddenly sat up slightly, positioning himself so he could continue to fuck you whilst grabbing the candle.
“If you’re going to treat us like opposites, then we’re going to treat you with opposites.” Sam breathed heavily as Colby bit his lip starting to pour some of the hot wax once again. The feeling of both the hot and cold touching your body was sending your senses into overdrive, your head becoming lightheaded with pleasure as you moaned louder.
Suddenly you felt that knot about to explode, “fuck… I’m gonna cum!” You cried out, trying to give them warning this time.
Sam suddenly leaned down, the ice pressed back onto your nipples as the hot wax trickled down your stomach, “cum baby. That’s our good girl.”
“Fuckkkk.” You groaned as you came once again, your body exploding into a whole new world of ecstasy.
“That’s it baby.” Colby groaned louder, but he didn’t stop, he continued to pound into you at a strong pace, not allowing you a second to cool down. “Now be a good girl and open up for Sam.” Colby demanded as you parted your lips. You could cry from the feeling they were giving you, the pleasure, the passion, the overwhelming mix of emotions.
Sam positioned his cock against your lips, “wider.” He said his voice horse. You quickly dropped your jaw as Sam pushed the head of his cock into your mouth, “fuck, princess.” He moaned.
Colby watched as Sam began to fuck your mouth as you continued to get thrusted into by him. “God she’s such a slut for us Sam” Colby said between moans.
“She’s our slut… our girl.” Sam moaned as he pushed his cock further into your mouth hitting the back of your throat.
Colby threw the candle aside as he picked up a vibrator that rested on the edge of the bed. He turned it on full whack immediately as he quickly put it against your throbbing clit. You moaned louder against Sam’s cock as he threw his head back from the feeling. Out of nowhere a surprise orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks as you squirted all over Colby's cock. He pulled out for a moment as you sprayed him and covered the sheets, leaving a puddle.
“Fuck baby girl.” Colby said as he breathed heavily, his eyes wide at the sight. He suddenly re-entered you as he began thrusting harder and faster than ever, the vibrator instantly back in place. Your body was exhausted, you were afraid of how much more it could take.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum… and you’re going to swallow every bit.” Sam said as he ran his fingers into your hair. You nodded slowly, hardly able to move from the lack of control on your body.
“Me too.” Colby grunted louder as he pounded fast. “One more time baby, you can do it.” He said as he pressed the vibrator harder against your clit. You felt as you walls clenched around Colby once again, your back arching off the bed as Sam leaned across and grabbed a handful of ice cubes, dropping them all onto your body as you cried out louder.
Sam twitched in your mouth, “fuck…” he ground as he suddenly came filling up your through with his hot cum. He pulled out slowly as you lifted your head slightly to swallow. “That’s a good girl.” Suddenly your body was once again filled with pleasure from head to toe, your entrance begging for some relief, for a break as you came once again.
“Fuck Colby! Cum… please cum!” You cried out. As Colby looked up at your scrunched up face.
“You got it princess.” He grunted as he pounded deeper into you one last time fucking you harder than ever, he was right, there was no way you were going to be able to walk. “Fuck y/n.” He shouted as he pulled out spilling his cum all over your lower stomach.
Everything went silent. Apart from the sounds of you all panting. Sam instantly jumped off the bed, grabbing a towel to clean you off. You couldn’t help it, you completely disappeared, reverting into sub space. Your mind escaping to a place of quiet, happiness and calm. Your body lay still, your heart pounding. “Are you okay baby?” Sam said but you didn’t respond. He looked at Colby, they both knew exactly what was happening before they both jumped into action unbuckling the restraints and your body was completely limp.
Colby kneeled next to you on the bed, taking the blindfold off slowly, “baby?” He said softly, but your eyes looked as though you were no longer there. He looked up at Sam, this has happened before but it never worries them any less.
Sam crouched the other side as he took your hand, “y/n… y/n can you hear me? Tap once for no, twice for yes.” He said concerned.
Suddenly he felt two small taps on his hand from your index finger. They both sighed in relief. Colby reached up to stroke your hair as he used his other hand to take yours. “Do you want us to take you upstairs, princess?” He smiled as he felt two small taps on his hand.
Sam jumped up, grabbing a blanket as he wrapped it around you, your whole body no longer in action. Inside your mind, you knew what was happening but it was as though you completely disconnected from your body. Colby picked up, bridal style, the blanket wrapped rightly around you. He walked you up to your bedroom, he slowly lowered you to the bed, beneath the covers. “Do you want us to leave you baby?” He asked reluctantly as he knew sometimes you preferred to be alone when you went into subspace. Suddenly he felt a small tap on his hand. No, thank god. Colby climbed into bed with you, as Sam entered the room, water and food in hand ready for when you came back to them. Colby place you on his chest as Sam climbed in the bed on the other side of you. He leaned down kissing your cheek.
“Do you still love us, baby?” He said with a smirk as he always did when this happened, he chuckled as he felt two taps. “Good.” He kissed you once more before sitting against the headboard as Colby did, your hand held tightly in his.
“Take your time baby…” Colby whispered, “we’ll be here when you’re ready.” He kissed the top of your head as you tapped the both of them twice. Sam and Colby looked at each other with a sigh, as even though you loved the sex you all had, they always felt guilty when this happened. No matter how many times you tell them it’s not their fault.
Sam picked up the remote control as he headed onto Netflix and began to play your comfort movie. Both of them holding tightly onto your hands as your head lay comfortably on Colby’s chest. “We love you.” Colby said, honestly.
“So much.” Sam added as you tapped them both twice. You laid there, allowing your body to relax ready for you to come back to reality.
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pleasured-ambrosia · 1 year
hi!! could you do a drabble of miguel protecting fem!reader from an ex or something like that? also i love your work !!
((Might get put on Ao3. Have not decided. College is hard. This was also written to be like pre-ASTV, back when Miguel wasn’t so sad and grumpy.))
The sound of your back popping breaks the long silence in Miguel’s office, your arms stretching to the ceiling as you let out a yawn. You had begun the long process of cataloging the many anomalies faced by fellow Spider-People that morning. However, even as the little clock at the bottom of your laptop screen flashes the late hour of the night, your stack of encounters is still tall enough to wobble at the slightest bump against your desk. The reports—if one could even call them that—are a mix of typed and written sheets of paper, as well as the stray napkin blobbed with ketchup or more mysterious substances.
Although it had been your idea to keep a database of anomaly encounters, you couldn’t have predicted that Spider-People had such . . . diverse forms of keeping track of their adventures.
A mug appears in your peripheral, breaking you from your thoughts. Your eyes follow the large hand wrapped around its handle, landing on the vague shape of Miguel O’Hara’s face, lit only by the orange hues of his computers. At one point, he had offered to teach you how to use them, but the process only put off your project’s completion further.
“I’m just taking a break,” you half-defend, half-yawn.
“Nah,” replies Miguel, nudging the mug closer to you. “You’re done for the night. Get some sleep.”
You sipped from the mug, letting the taste of herbal tea drown out your complaints. Your eyes take in Miguel’s form, noting that his usual blue and red suit was replaced with a gray jogging suit better-suited for your dimension than his. “No patrolling tonight?”
“I will after I take you home.”
You raise a brow with a small grin. “I can work a portal just fine, you know.”
“It’s not that.” Miguel’s stance shifts as he shoves his large hands into his pockets. “I just want to make sure you get home safe.”
Your grin widens. “So I can’t take care of myself, is that it?”
Miguel lets out a frustrated noise from the back of his throat. “No, I didn’t mean it like that . . . Por Dios, I just mean—“
“Miguel, relax. I’m messing with you. Walk me home if you want, but I have to stop by the store on the way home. Sound good?”
“As long as it’s quick.” Yet Miguel didn’t seem to mean it, watching as you pack up your laptop and roll up its charging cable. The two of you look almost normal standing in Miguel’s office, with him dressed in sweats and you opting out of your Spider-ensemble for an oversized sweater and a pair of jeans. You sling your laptop bag over your shoulder, imagining what it would be like for Miguel to walk you to a train or a bus rather than busting out a portal. You could probably make a decent living off data entry, but what would Miguel do? Maybe he would be a scientist, and despite working in two different departments, maybe he would become your friend.
“What’re you thinking about?” Miguel asks. He taps a button on his watch (which he would insist is, in fact, way cooler than a watch.) A portal of geometric shapes in red, orange, and yellow opens in the middle of Miguel’s lab, swirling with anticipation.
The vision of Miguel in a white coat and a button-up makes you snort. “Nothing.”
Before Miguel can press further, you grab his forearm and drag him through the portal.
Miguel has more practice at inter-dimensional than you, so it wasn’t much of a surprise that he remained calm as the portal thrusted the two of you through time and space. You, however, are less professional, waving your arms and resisting the urge to scream as your stomach turns into knots.
Landing on his feet, Miguel catches you before you can face plant onto the pavement of Earth-575, otherwise known as home. Your face burns with embarrassment as it hits the center of his chest and your arms wrap around Miguel’s middle. He’s warm, you think. And soft!
It was obvious to everyone in the Spider-Society that Miguel was in great shape. After all, most of the Spider training regiments had come from some of his own workouts. The man could probably rearrange your apartment without breaking a sweat, which was why it came as such a shock that despite Miguel’s muscles, you feel ready to snuggle into him like a pillow.
“You should really work on sticking that landing.”
You push Miguel away to glare up at his smug face. “You’ll get humbled real fast when I knock your ass to the ground.”
At that, Miguel roars with laughter. “I’d like to see you try.”
You huff, spinning around to take a look at the nearest street sign. The nearest convenience store is only two blocks away, making your apartment only an extra two. “Let’s move it, O’Hara. If you’re nice, I’ll buy you a snack.”
Although Miguel could very well buy his own snacks, he follows you anyways, taking extra care to shorten his strides so that he can walk by your side. Most of the residents of your city are tucked in bed by now, although a handful of lights accompany the sporadic streetlights. Besides the occasional rat or partygoer, you and Miguel are the only ones still out.
“Did you think the college kids were going to kidnap me in the middle of the night?” you tease.
“Absolutely,” Miguel deadpans. “They’d lock you in the basement of their frat house, and you’d starve because they haven’t gone grocery shopping since the semester started.”
“Is that what you did in college? Lure people into your frat house of doom?”
“Absolutely not.” Miguel beams with pride, his chest puffing out. “I was on the quiz bowl team.”
Your cackles bounce off the tall buildings lining the streets. Tears spring from the corners of your eyes as you clutch your stomach to keep it from aching. You can picture it now: a scrawny, awkward Miguel with thick glasses frantically consulting his team for the championship-winning answer.
“And when did you become all of this?” you ask, gesturing at Miguel.
He ponders this for a moment. “I didn’t become Spider-Man until I joined Alchemax, but I guess I branched out a little more towards the end of undergrad. Got more into working out, making connections.”
You turn around a corner, finding the entrance to a small convenience store. A small bell rings as you pull open the door, Miguel propping his arm over your head so that you can enter first.
“I’ll just be a second,” you assure him.
“One,” Miguel starts.
“Real mature, O’Hara.”
“Seriously, I’m going to web your mouth shut.”
“I swear to God—“
You make a beeline for the coolers towards the back, tuning out Miguel’s chuckling. By the time you pick out a half-gallon of milk, he’s perusing the long aisles of chips. You never really stopped to ask what kind of brands and flavors Miguel has in his dimension. They banned cigarettes and absurdly large sodas at gas stations, but that was all you heard. You make a mental note to ask, maybe even to buy Miguel something new to try.
You load up on a mishmash of items that hardly pass for a late-night dinner, filling your arms with small plastic bowls of cereal, styrofoam cups of ramen, and an overpriced bag of beef jerky. It’s not until you start weighing the pros and cons of ice cream over chocolate that you notice him.
His hair is longer than when you saw him last, curling around his ears in dark tufts. His guitar case is slung over his shoulder, and judging by the heavy eyeshadow and leather pants, he must’ve had a gig earlier.
You decide to skip grabbing something sweet, spinning around to make a beeline for the cashier when he calls out your name.
You turn around slowly, heart hammering in your throat. It takes everything in you to force a smile. “Kasey, hey.”
“Long time no see. Haven’t seen you at The Clover lately.”
“Oh, you know,” you’re thankful that the bundle of snacks in your arms gives you something to hold, “just been busy. Haven’t had time to go out.”
You used to rehearse this moment in the bathroom. You had a whole script where you laid everything out on the table—gave Kasey the verbal beat down he deserved. Yet as you stand across from him, the words won’t come out. Is it my Spidey-sense? you wonder, but this feels different. Your Spidey-sense always led you to action. Whatever this was . . . it was paralyzing.
“I tried texting you,” Kasey continues.
I changed my number, you want to say.
“I haven’t been checking my messages lately.” Your voice cracks at the end, and you can tell Kasey noticed. Kasey always noticed.
“We should grab a drink, then. I actually just finished up tonight if you want to—“
“Are you ready to go?”
A large arm wraps around the small of your back and pulls you close, prompting a small oomf. You tilt your head back to look at Miguel. “Oh, uh, yeah. I’m ready.”
Kasey says your name again and smiles, sending a shiver down your spine. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”
Miguel smiles down at Kasey, who barely reaches his chest. The expression looks more like a test than one out of sincerity. “I’m Miguel, and you are interrupting our date.”
Before you can reply, Miguel steers you to the cashier. He sets a bag of chips you didn’t even realize he was holding onto the counter and waits for you to do the same. You reach for your wallet, but Miguel’s faster, handing the cashier a twenty and not bothering to wait for the change as he takes the plastic grocery bags. As he escorts you out of the convenience store, you catch one last glimpse of Kasey’s slack-jawed face.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” you moan halfway down the block.
“I have paid for your snacks plenty of times.”
“No, not that. You shut him up just like that!” You snap your fingers for emphasis. “And you said we were on a date. And you put your arm around me!”
“It was the first thing that came to mind!” argues Miguel. “I didn’t need your Spider-sense—“
“Lo que sea—to tell that you needed a little help.”
A beat of silence passes.
“Some great hero I am,” you grumble. “Can’t even handle an ex-boyfriend on my own.”
“We all have people that get under our skin. And sometimes no matter how hard we try to get them out, we can’t.”
Miguel’s gaze focuses on the street ahead, his face contemplative.
“You know, a convenience store would be a pretty lame first date.”
Miguel shrugs. “Well, if you’re going to be so ungrateful, I guess I’ll just eat all of this junk food myself.”
You did not tease Miguel for the rest of the night.
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felassan · 3 months
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕
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Combat shot, with the Ability Wheel open. Elf sword and shield Warrior Rook (cape and flowing hair!!!), Harding and Bellara fight a red lyrium ogre. Compared to early game, like here, more abilities and parts of the ability wheel are unlocked. The display advises that the ogre is vulnerable to fire damage and resistant to what looks like necrotic[?] damage, which we know is a thing (and it makes sense why that wouldn't affect darkspawn much). The purple and bronze color theme of the game is evident in the display. The bottom three icons must be Rook's current skills. The icons on the right are Bellara's, the left Harding's. I wonder if the bar at the bottom is Rook's 'special resource' bar? (the one that is Momentum for rogues) Then, in the bottom left, I guess the green bar is Rook's HP, along with notification that Rook currently has three health potions[?]. It looks like right on the d-pad consumes a health potion, while down on the d-pad could maybe be swap weapon set? We can see that both Harding and Bellara have access to a healing skill. In the bottom right, we have the option to navigate, change target, select, close and cancel.
It's interesting looking at the buttons for different skills and actions and trying to figure out what they are based on what the symbols could represent. ^^ Highlighted is a skill of Harding's called "Shred". The display advises the damage amount, cooldown time and general effects applied by that skill. It staggers enemies and looks like it sunders armor. I wonder if in this shot, the player has hovered over Shred on the wheel (purple light highlighting it, info popup on that specific skill). Then, the system helpfully auto-advises what other skills the party have right now that would make a combo with Shred (amber arrow, top skill of Bellara's being highlighted in amber) - a handy suggestion. It also explains why it makes a combo, namely that a certain effect of that skill of Bellara's combines with the sunder effect of Harding's Shred. With the symbol and name of Shred, I guess the idea is that Harding fires a shot that shreds through an enemy's flesh. :>
As for where they are fighting in.. the growths on the walls and black tentacle-looking things could be rubble and roots, but they remind me of Blight corruption in general and such as we see here, and well, there is an ogre. The gold on the floor and the shape of the gold patterns on the wall gives ancient elvhen ruins. There is also a plinth of some kind in the middle of the room. I wonder if this could be this area and battle mentioned in the Game Informer cover article:
"After a few more combat sections, including against a Frenzied sentinel, we reach the center of the temple. In there is an artifact called the Nadas Dirthalen. Bellara knows that this means “the inevitability of knowledge”. Before we can progress, a darkspawn ogre boss attacks, hitting hard with unblockable, red-coded attacks and a massive shield that you need to take down first. It is weak to fire After defeating it (it’s a climactic arena fight), Bellara uses a special crystal to power the artifact and remove it from the pedestal, which destroys the Veil Bubble."
This ogre has a shield next to its HP-type bar and this room could feasibly be an 'arena'-like area. The plinth in the room could be the pedestal. Bellara is present at that point in the game as here, and the aforementioned temple is an ancient elvhen space.
Btw, Bellara's backpack is so cute.
Harding's party icon has her staring off to the distance, scout-like, ever looking forward, while I feel like Bellara is looking into my soul!
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Combat shot. Mage qunari Rook, Bellara and Neve. The Ability Wheel is not opened. It looks to me like Rook here has the same overcoat on as qunari Rook here. The party are fighting red lyrium darkspawn. In the bottom left, the possible 'change weapon' button has a different symbol; where previously it was a sword and shield because warrior Rook, here it looks like a staff (for mage Rook). At the bottom, in the possible 'Rook's special resource' bar, where previously in the prior shot it was empty, for this shot it looks to be fully charged. (and here it would be mana as Rook is a mage)
It looks like a meteor has just struck the earth, sending darkspawn flying. Rook, here a mage, has an ability where its symbol looks like an asteroid or meteor. I think this Rook has just cast the new spell Meteor, which was mentioned in the June 14th Discord Q&A:
"Fireball and Cone of Cold do not specifically return as spells in this game, but their successors do: Meteor and Frost Nova. These two abilities serve the exact same combat role and function as the previous two, only “with quite the glow-up”, especially Meteor. It is “so satisfying nuking a group of darkspawn with a well-placed Meteor”."
And in this screenshot, we can see why. :D
It also looks like there is a skill that can only be cast when Rook has two 'blue bubbles'-worth full on their Mana bar. And, I wonder what the purple bird symbol skill is?
To the right, next to the wagon and crates, it looks like there may be a chest we could loot. Crates and wagon left from previous Veil Jumper excursions?
The enemies here just have plain old HP bars (red color), no armor or barrier or anything on top of it. Compare the ogre in the previous shot which has an 'armor' bar with a yellow-orange color.
Location: This is Arlathan Forest. In the distance is ancient elvhen ruins and architecture, the floating rocks in areas with Fade 'warping', and trees, some which look to have the orange foliage of that area. The pink iridescent hazy light gives a whimsical feel like Game Informer described, and recalls the iridescence you see on soap bubbles. It makes me think that 'wall' of light is the edge of this particular Veil bubble. I think this shot is set in the opening four hours of the game, after the gameplay reveal video and in the section following that described by Game Informer. In the distance is the elven temple that the team are fighting towards (inside there would be Nadas Dirthalen and the ogre fight).
One question I have is is what is the blue orb thing in the distance, just beyond the fiery arc of the meteor? A piece of ancient elven tech? Part of how Veil Jumpers navigate around?
To reach it, we must remove the floating rock rings, and Bellara’s unique ability, Tinker, can do just that by interacting with a piece of ancient elven technology nearby
I wonder if this orb thing is one of those pieces of tech Bellara can perform tinker on. ^^
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Combat shot. Human rogue rook and Harding fight in the streets of Minrathous in the opening section of the game. Look at the water effects of raindrops hitting the ground, and the reflections!! They are fighting demons, which are redesigned in this game. You can see the raw veins of their exposed 'nervous systems'. Maybe these are what Shades look like now? ^^ their lil swords are new.
Looking at the arrangement of five skills in this shot and the last one, I wonder if the button on the bottom left is the 'auto-attack' one? Here it's just some arrows (archer Rook), in the previous shot with mage Rook it looks like it could be a mage staff or a mage staff in the process of doing a basic attack.
In the upper background in the center of this picture, that blue light icon is the Inquisition hairy eyeball. What does this indicate? The critpath we need to follow to progress?
The vases and hanging pots make this street feel lived in. The height of the buildings and slant of them make the streets feel closed-in and claustrophobic. It's a neat vibe, living in Minrathous if you aren't one of the upper classes probably feels quite hemmed in and oppressive like that.
The team has taken the lore and art direction seriously and with care, you can tell. :) down to things like the shape of Tevinter doorways and the shape and red glow of Tevinter windows. It's very cool!!
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Arlathan Forest, known from a file name. Qunari Rook (looks like a mage), Bellara, and Emmrich explore an overgrown ancient elvhen ruin. Beautiful golden light, sun dapples and beams through leaves, branches or vines hanging down, crumbling cobbles, broken walls, the shiny gold patterning and curving shapes and arches of ancient elvhen architecture (even the cobbles were laid in curves). This shot is beautiful, the game looks beautiful. ^^ I'm so looking forwards to exploring ancient elven places in this game and finding out more elf lore, and I can't wait to hear what insights and thoughts Bellara has to offer in these locales. Emmrich looks so polite here hh.
In the foreground is a statue of a hart or halla. As with here, it looks to be an asset from DA:I (example of one in Ghilan'nain's Grove in that game).
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Arlathan Crater, known from a file name. A beautiful scenic shot, no party visible. (If Photo Mode does indeed end up being a thing in this game.. think of the potential :D) Ancient elven ruins and two halla, in a way that reminds me of the elven ruin Bellara appears in during the character trailer.
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Mage qunari Rook, Davrin (yayy!!) and Bellara. I'm sounding like a broken record here but just look at all the fine details. Scratches on Davrin's shield, detailing on clothes like textures, patterns and stitches.. how cool Rook's staff is (could this staff be a Warden mage staff? the feathery design reminds me of Davrin's Warden griffon shield), Bellara's many pouches, the magical particle effects lighting up Bellara's gauntlet-bow. ^^ The team here are in some dark, overgrown, ominous and twisted looking place, and they are threatened again by the red lyrium darkspawn. To the right of Bellara's head and behind her bow, you can see pustules of Blight/Taint corruption. It also looks like there is a lantern near Bellara's head hanging from a post, a lantern with grey metal wings. Maybe this shot was taken in a Warden locale, like the outskirts of Weisshaupt or something?
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A beautiful shot of Bellara using her magical gauntlet. Comparing the vegetation here (with the red patches) to that in the 'two halla' shot, it looks like this shot is also taken in Arlathan Forest / Crater somewhere. I wonder if this shot shows Bellara in the middle of using her ability "Tinker"? She's looking at something and the gauntlet is lit up like its magic is interacting with something.
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glitterguts13 · 1 month
What about the genshin boys going into labour dreading the worse, only to find it extremely pleasurable? Like they are practically cumming their baby out
YESSSSS TW: erotic birth, characters have both a penis and a vagina, graphic birth, belly button and umbilical cords used for masturbating, it's weird and unrealistic but you know that. This took me 4 days to finish, don't let it flop. Mondstadt
Albedo "Ooo....ooohhh...." rocking his hips, Albedo lets his head fall forward. His cock twitches, and as he leans against the wall, he snakes one hand between his legs. "Come on...almost there..." his belly tenses, cock going hard as another contraction forces him to bear down. The head begins to spread his cunt open, and without thinking, Albedo grabs hold of his cock and gives it a rough pump. "Almost the-there..." he squats down, closing his eyes and working his wrist as his pussy blooms. "Fuck!" he swears, cumming hard as the baby slips from him and onto the pile of blankets below. Gasping for breath, he lifts his squalling newborn, still confused and hazy.
Bennett "Ohh...oh yes, yes!" he can't explain it, and shame was lost hours ago. The waves of pain had given way to pleasure, each contraction causing his cock to twitch and jump. Benny knows he should be in pain, should be crying and screaming, but instead, he finds himself cumming for the third time in as many hours. "Yes...YES!" he reaches around his swollen belly, fingers pinching at his clit as his cock twitches and fails to produce any more cum. All at once, as his orgasm waves over him, he feels something large and heavy slip from his gaping cunt. "O-oh, oh Archons-!" he lifts his baby up in shock, snuggling them close as he thanks whatever deity was watching over them.
Diluc Locked in his bedroom, Diluc sways back and forth. His cheeks are red with shame, and there was no logical way to explain what he was feeling. The heaviness in his womb felt comforting, the waves of pain slowly dissolving into muted pleasure. Even as the head begins to shove its way out of his aching cunt, Diluc can't stop the moan of ecstasy that leaves him. "Fuckkk...fuck..." he barely pushes, pussy spasming through an orgasm and forcing his infant into his waiting hands.
Kaeya "Fuck...yes...oh yes...yes!" his back arches off the bed, eyes nearly rolling back into his skull as his cock spurts ropes of sticky cum all over his quivering belly. Hours of labor had worn him down, but now he found himself unable to hold back. He grabs his cock and squeezes, forcing a second orgasm in seconds, a scream of blinding pleasure filling the room as his newborn pops free onto the ruined sheets.
Mika "Ohhhh...ohhh...whats....happening..." squatting on the floor, Mika lets his head fall back. His hands rubbed circles over his heaving belly, his pussy dripping with slick as he caresses the tender skin and feels his baby wiggling inside of his bulging cunt. "Noo...oh-oh- OH!" his eyes fly open, cock standing at attention as his baby slips free with little resistance. Panting, it takes a moment for his orgasm to wash away before Mika finally pieces together what just happened.
Razor Howling with pleasure, Razor curls around his belly and paws at his dripping pussy. Every nerve in his body was going haywire, screaming with joy as his body contracted. All at once, he feels his pup slide free, and he whines at the empty feeling left in his cunt.
Venti Legs pulls back nearly against his chest, belly round and full, Venti babbles into the wind. "Yes, yes! So close...so close...fuck...yes! Oh...oh...ohhhhhhh~" The burning sensation of having his pussy stretched beyond its limits sent him over the edge. Giggling and moaning, he doesn't even feel his child leave his body, too focused on just how amazing it felt.
Baizhu He'd seen it once before, a mother asking for his assistance in bringing their child into the world, only to watch in surprise as she orgasmed her way through the agony. Never did he expect to experience it himself. "So....full...." a trail of drool slips down his chin, eyes glazed over as he palmed at his aching cock, "T-t-t-to...to....m...much..." the first of his twins rested heavily against his cunt, it's twin still tumbling around in Baizhu's oversensitive womb. He feels them flip, watches their form stretch his skin, and wails with pleasure. The first of the twins popped into his hands, while he panted his way through the waves of his orgasm.
Chongyun The thought crosses his mind, perhaps he had been possessed by an evil spirit. Was that what was causing such sensations? He quickly chases the idea away, possessed or not, the pleasure was immeasurable, and he could care less what was causing it. "Ohhhh...ohhh....so....good..." he pumps his cock messily, going still as he cums, baby sliding onto the sheets.
Gaming He muffles his moans of pleasure as best he can. With his family helping with the birth, Gaming can't stop the humiliated blush spreading over his cheeks and down his neck. His aunties hush him, laughing and telling him it's fine, to be thankful to experience a 'painless' birth. "N-nnnyhh...oh...oh....oh~!" his hands run down the curve of his belly, back arching as the head pops from his dripping cunt. "S-s-shit...shit...so...so full...oh...ohhhhhh fuckkkk~!" he grips his belly, cock splattering the underside with cum as one of his aunties skillfully catches the newborn.
Xiao Pain was an old friend, but pleasure was worrying. He shouldn't be enjoying this, that isn't how birth worked. He should be screaming as his cunt was ripped open, but now, all he can do is stifle a moan behind his trembling hands. "Archons...forgive me-" he cums with a shout, body jerking violently as his orgasm catches him off guard. The baby lands safely onto the small bed he'd prepared, wailing loudly.
Xingqiu The midwives share a confused look, but only shrug. Xingqiu's fingers were buried inside his leaking cunt, stroking his most sensitive bits as fluid and slick squelched obscenely. "Oh~ Yes~ Come out~ Come out, come out, comeeee~" a smile is plastered on his face as his pussy spasms, his baby sliding onto the bed much to the shock of the midwives.
Zhongli The stone pillar found himself crumbling quickly. As his child slid further down into his cunt, another low, moan of pleasure all but purrs from his lips. His hands work circles over his aching belly, teasing the tender skin and sending a shiver down his spine. A soft moan spills from his lips, his child plopping ungracefully onto the bed of blankets below.
Inazuma Arataki Itto Pinching at one of his nipples, Itto groans as milk streams between his fingers and down his chest and belly. Massive cock jumping with each tweak of his tender breasts, Itto shouts in shock as a contraction sends pleasure pulsing through his overly crowded womb. "Oh- fuck yes!" he's all but laughing with glee as the first of his children drop into his waiting hand, the cord still binding them together dragging over his overly sensitive clit and causing a full body twitch to shock his system. "Fuck...fuck~!"
Ayato Dignity be damned, Ayato wasn't letting any stuffy old midwife ruin this for him. What was "proper" be damned, he would take the strike to his family name if it meant feeling such pleasure over the sheer agony of childbirth. "Oh...Archons...here it comes~" tender belly flushed red to match his cheeks, Ayato throws his head back and pushes, "Oh...oh~ Oh it's so big, it's spreading me wide open-~!" laughing giddily, the head of the Kamisato house ignores all the stares and cums with a shout as his heir tumbles into the world between his legs.
Gorou Pups already born, Gorou isn't sure he can take another orgasm but his body was begging. His cock was wrung dry, gapping cunt twitching around nothing. In the haze of pleasure, he reaches for the umbilical cords still hanging from his pussy, and shoves them back inside of his cunt. It helps him feel less empty, but as he begins to pull them out, slowly, it triggers another orgasm. Wrapping them around his knuckles, he pulls, hard. They go tight, and the feeling of the afterbirth tearing away from his womb causes him to scream with pleasure, the fullness of the bloody sac leaving his pussy finally satisfying his needs.
Kazuha He hums, soft smile on his lips as he rocked his hips back and forth. "Opening up...like a flower...open....open up nice and wide~" he lets his head fall back, womb contracting tightly as his baby wiggles further down his birth canal. "That's right...almost there....mommy is waiting-" moaning loudly, Kazuha bares down, dick twitching as his infant falls into his waiting hands.
Heizou Dizzy with need, Heizou crawls onto all fours. Heavy belly dragging the ground, he whimpers with pleasure as his cunt spreads open. Slick and fluid dripping down his thighs, he squeals as a rush of fluid rushes from him. "Hmm...hmmm....come on baby...almost there~" he leans forward, pressing his belly into the floor as he bore down. The newborn pops out into the midwives waiting hands.
Thoma Resting in the warmth of a bath, one leg hung over the side of the tub, Thoma stroked his cock in long, languid movements. Everything seemed to be moving so slowly, but as the pleasure pulsed inside of his cunt, Thoma allowed his body to do as it wanted. He could feel his child descending down, the sensation of his birth canal being battered sending a shiver down his spine. "Oh....yes....yes...thank you Archons-!" he bares down, belly tightening as hid body expelled his infant into the warmth of the water.
AlHaitham He'd read about it, once, long ago. He was certain it was a myth, or a misremembered story, but as his cock twitched to life for the fourth time, and his pussy pulsed with pleasure, AlHaitham believes it to be fact now. "Shit- right there-!" the pads of his fingers graze over his clit, a tight moan leaving his throat as the baby pops free with little resistance.
Cyno It's funny, really. At least, it is to Cyno. Cum stained his clothes, unable to undress fast enough, the pleasure shooting through him causing his knees to buckle and his cock to spasm once again. The head bulges in his pussy, a thrilled keen leaving his chest. Cyno catches the baby in his waiting hands, still shivering from his orgasm.
Kaveh If AlHaitham ever saw him, he'd never be able to live it down. Whimpering softly, Kaveh runs his finger around his popped belly button, teasing the sensitive nub as his belly contracted. Heat burns his cheeks, watching as his navel bulges further outward with each push. "Ohhhhh....ah...ah..ah...hooo..." he presses his navel inward, gasping as it sent a shockwave of pleasure through his aching cunt. "Hooo~ Ohhh...hooo..ahh....fuck..." he pinches it, pulling it sharply and screaming out in rapture as he cums, baby all but falls from his slick pussy.
Sethos Panting heavily, Sethos watches as his belly contracts. The muscles clench around his womb, the sight of it sending shivers over his body. Sitting with his legs wide apart, curious eyes follow the trail of slick and fluid dripping down onto the floor. His cock is hidden under his expanded womb, but as he relaxes and allows his distended belly to rest, it rubs against his aching dick. Each pant caused his belly to bounce, tickling the weeping head of his cock, till finally, he cums with a scream. The baby slides into his hands, and Sethos is left dazed.
Tighnari Two pups nested safely beside of him, Tighnari whines as another orgasm threatens to wash over his already exhausted body. He curls his tail under himself, humping it frantically as another contraction pushes the last pup into his cunt. He howls, head being thrown back as his baby pops free.
Freminet The water helps to soothe his nerves, but never did he expect to find himself enjoying the experience. "Shit...oh...no...no...no~!" he can't stop it, his body forcing the baby from his womb and into his hands with one final orgasm.
Lyney "Yes....yes~! I'm just...a breeding bitch~!" muttering under his breath, Lyney didn't care anymore. Fact was stranger than fiction, and the way his body was reacting couldn't have been further from what he'd expected. Letting his fantasies run wild, Lyney didn't feel an ounce of pain, only the overwhelming need to cum again and again- "Yes! Yes, yes YES!" he bares down, cock spurting cum on the underside of his belly while he catches the infant slipping from his cunt.
Neuvillette Shame filled him, hot and red. Birth wasn't meant to be pleasurable, yet here he was. He ran his hands over his swollen belly, eyes half-lidded as he trailed a teasing nail down the dark line that had formed during his pregnancy. His nail scraps over his navel, and he shivers, cock twitching. He gives it a pinch, tugging and pulling the sensitive bud while his belly quivers. He thinks how good it would feel to have something take it between their teeth, nibble on it, and the heat of their breath against the curve of his heavily filled womb- He cums with a cry, water splashing around him as his baby pops free with a rush of cloudy fluid.
Wrio Held up in his private quarters, Wrio takes a mental note. Never tell a soul what happened during this birth, and if someone asks, it certainly wasn't this. Desk covered with cum, pussy leaking freely all over the carpet, Wrio leans against his chair and bares down. He bites onto his sleeve to stifle the moans of pleasure, eyes fluttering closed as his cunt clenches tight, his newborn dropping into his hands.
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jinx-xxed · 3 months
Out in the Cold
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☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
A/N; This kind of AU is what most of my writings are based in, so I hope this is a good introduction! There will be more of these to come :) I hope you enjoy!
Part of Written in the Stars
Part 2
Summary; You are a pupil of the Force under Supreme Leader Snoke along with Kylo Ren. You hate him. He’s arrogant and cocky and has done nothing but make your life miserable. So what happens when you have to save his life?
Content; Aftermath of TFA, treating Kylo’s wounds, enemies to ???, Kylo’s a loser, reader taking things into their own hands, probably some medical malpractice, some Force connecting, reader also hates Hux
Wc; 3.9k
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
“Leave the base at once and come to me with Kylo Ren,” Snoke’s voice manages to remain booming and intimidating even amongst the collapsing rubble. His projection leans back in the throne he’s sitting in, his gnarled face creased in contemplation. “It is time for you both to complete your training.”
“Right away, Supreme Leader,” you say, head bowing. His projection fizzles out not even a second later, leaving you alone to figure out how to complete the new task you’ve been given without losing your life in the process. The planet is imploding, and there’s only so much longer before the sun boiling beneath the surface breaks through and burns everything on it to mere ash in the atmosphere. It all went awry so quickly, it’s almost laughable. Starkiller Base—Hux’s little passion project—has been rendered a failure, destroyed by Resistance forces.
You tear through the halls of the base, the entire foundation shaking and crumbling around you. You stop by your office, which has already been mostly cleared out by members of your elite personal fleet—Fleet 74—and grab BB-12 who’d been waiting for you. He rolls obediently behind you as you rush out. People are in a frenzy, most trying desperately to get to transports and get the hell out, others trying to stick it through and finish whatever duty they’d been given by a higher up. You tell whoever you can to head to the hangars, to pile onto transports and evacuate, even if it’s hard to hear over the commotion. You click on the radio that’s attached to your shoulder. “Fleet 74—this is your captain speaking. I’ve been given a new assignment I have to complete before I can leave, so I can’t lead you out. Follow formation, follow Chief, and I’ll get back to you when I can.” You say, shoving past a panicked lieutenant.
“Heard, Captain. Stay safe.” Chief, your second in command, responds. “We’ll be waiting for you.”
You enter into hangar eight, and it can only be described as chaos. Stormtroopers and engineers and all kinds of different workers are running about, getting into whatever kind of ship they can while trying to maintain some kind of pathetic semblance of order. TIE fighters screech as they shoot into the burning atmosphere, orange and red and black blazing outside the hangar opening. Flames lick at the darkened sky, rising from the cracks in the planet that look as though they’ve been torn open by a gods hands. You can feel the planet dying beneath your feet, you can feel its desperate call to the universe as it burns and burns and burns, swallowing itself whole. You focus on your breathing to block it out.
You fly down the catwalk, down the steps leading to the main floor, searching for one of the smaller transports. Workers part for you, letting you take your pick, knowing you take priority when it comes to evacuations. In the eyes of the Order, they are lesser, meant to be your stepping stones—but you’ve never seen it that way. You’ve never cared much for the hierarchy despite your favorable position within it.
You clamber into the transport, immediately shutting the ramp when BB-12 is safely inside and connects himself into the ships’ systems. You haphazardly slide into the pilots seat, flipping switches and pressing buttons with a near panicked efficiency. “Gods damn all of this,” you mutter to yourself. Although from the look of the base, it seems the gods have already done a good job of damming it all to hell.
The ship roars to life, engines purring and controls feeling sturdy within your palms. You shoot from the hangar, leaving the caving infrastructure of Starkiller Base behind and entering into the thick pine woods surrounding the territory. That’s where Kylo Ren is supposed to be. He left the base when this all started, chasing after some fresh faced Jedi girl and the traitorous Stormtrooper that decided to accompany her. It creates a strange uneasiness in you, wondering what state Kylo must be in to result in him having to be retrieved. Snoke better not have me going out here just to find a dead body.
“BB-12, activate life-form scanners.” You call back to the droid. He gives a robotic chirp in response and the scanners activate on a monitor to your left, the screen a jumble of different information. A sensor runs across a circle, beeping idly as it comes up with nothing. You curse, also hearing the alarms to your right as the ship warns you of dangerous surface level conditions as if you don’t already know about the planet splitting apart beneath you. It looks far worse from your place in the sky, fractures akin to spiderwebs forming and spitting lava that swallows chunks of earth and trees. You can see the specks of straggling Resistance fighters amongst the stars as they flee, shooting into hyperdrive and getting far, far away from this place.
Trying to find one man in an expanse of trees and snow and darkness and fire is going to be near impossible like this, you realize. Relying on sensors that are jammed from broken frequencies and a crumbling planet isn’t going to work. You sigh to yourself, straightening your back in your chair, flicking on autopilot, closing your eyes, and steadying your breathing. The destruction around you steadily fades as you descend into the Force, becoming merely background noise as you search for one thing in particular. Your Force combs through the planet below, running through the trees like a wolf on a hunt, sniffing, searching, chasing.
A heartbeat, erratic and struggling, fighting to be heard amongst the wailing of the dying planet. Your eyes shoot open and your hands fly back to the controls, snapping the ship out of autopilot as you jerk to the right. You begin descending when the heartbeat gets louder, pounding in your ears. You ease towards the ground, crushing a few trees in the process and kicking up clouds of snow. You order BB-12 to stay on board as you lower the ramp.
Snow sucks at your ankles, it settles into your hair and bites at the exposed skin of your face. You’re sure there’s ash mixed in there—you can smell it in your nose and taste it on your tongue when you breathe in. You hurry forward, eager to get this all over with. You notice the signs of a struggle on the trees as you pass, burning gashes within the bark, branches sliced clean in half and charred at the ends. Lightsabers. There’s blood on the ground as well, standing out starkly against the white of the snow. This battle had not been a good one for either side.
Up ahead, you see something abnormal. A black form, laying lifelessly in the snow—and that’s when it hits you. You’re overwhelmed by feelings of rage and disappointment and grief and fear and blatant pain, coming to you in waves of violent flashes of color and creating an uncomfortable tenseness in your muscles. It’s suffocating and purely Dark.
Kylo is collapsed on his back, eyes closed and lips slightly parted, chest steadily rising and falling. At least this wasn’t a waste of my time, you think. You study him with disinterest, some sick sense of arrogance rising in you at the sight of him fallen on the ground, entirely at your mercy. You take note of the wounds littering his body, the most obvious being the massive gash that now lays across the left side of his face. It’s open and bleeding, smearing his skin red, running from his collarbone all the way up past his eyebrow, the edges cauterized and burnt black. A lightsaber wound, just like the ones within the trees. Part of you wishes you could’ve seen it, seen the slash that did this to him, see the girl that managed to do what you never could. You sense rather than see the other injuries on him, knowing he has quite a few and that they’re all causing him to lose an alarming amount of blood. He won’t last much longer out here, that’s for sure.
Leave him, a voice hisses from the darkest corners of your mind, the ones you try to ignore. You shake your head and ignore them now. Leaving him here would do nothing for you, your head would be on a spike just as soon as you abandon him.
You look past him to the cliff he’s laying on, the ground split perfectly through the middle, entirely isolating him from the way back to what was once the base. An ominous orange glow emits from the fissure, and you can feel the raging heat from where you stand. A tree crumbles right in front of you, the earth coming loose at another quiver of the planet and succumbing to the lava that swallows it in less than a second. That’ll be you soon if you don’t move it.
You grumble to yourself, glaring down at the man that’s the bane of your existence, and position your body. You grab at his arms first, the fabric of his robes wet with melted snow. You haul him up and sling him over your shoulders, nearly buckling under his weight. “Oh good fucking-“ you hiss, muscles bunching and straining. You knew he was dense but not that dense. You use the Force to help, taking off some of his brute weight and at least allowing yourself to walk.
You stumble back to the transport, your glower feeling like it’s permanently etched onto your face at this point. You move to the cargo hold where there’s a cushioned fold out table set into the wall. You gracelessly slide Kylo onto it, struggling for a second to get all his limbs in place and secure him in position. Without his weight on your back, you’re able to hurry to the pilot’s chair, the planet now rumbling more violently than it had before. Surveillance systems on the monitors are screaming at you, telling you to get the fuck out now. It doesn’t have to tell you twice. You prepare the hyperdrive, flying higher and higher into the sunless sky, the edges of it beginning to blur with bright blues and whites as you ascend into lightspeed. You’re shot far from the planet just as it finally gives in to the molten heat boiling in its core, a shockwave exploding from its center that rocks the ship and makes it beep in alarm.
You collapse in your seat, blowing a sigh out of your lips in relief. You scrub your hands over your face, the tips of your fingers cold from the snow. However, your relief isn’t allowed to last long as you hear movement behind you, turning the chair to see Kylo suddenly back in the world of the living, trying to get up and off the table. You can almost feel the way that each shift of his face or neck pulls unpleasantly at that gash, birthing a searing pain that’s so acute it’s nauseating.
“Stop-“ you say, getting up and out of the pilots chair, “stop moving. You’ll only make it worse.”
His eyes snap to you, only now noticing that you’re there, deep brown irises dark with a swirl of unpleasant emotions. His brows furrow, despite the way it pulls on the wound, as if he wants it to hurt more. Portions of his hair are plastered to his forehead and cheeks, both from melted snow and blood, his skin is clammy and pale, making him look entirely disheveled and nothing like the Commander he usually does. There’s a shame that’s rising in him, brewing like a storm. Shame that you’re seeing him like this, shame at the fact he lost—shame that’s going to quickly boil into anger. “Why are you here?” He demands, his voice low and holding a wild uneasiness. He’s vulnerable and he’s weak, two of the worst things to be when you’re in the First Order. It makes him as volatile and dangerous as an injured animal.
“I was ordered to retrieve you before you imploded with the planet.” You say roughly, immediately on the defensive. “We’ll be returning to the Finalizer and then moving to the Supremacy under Snoke’s command. He told me we had further training to complete.”
There’s a confusion that flashes across Kylo’s face, but it’s brief as you sense his consciousness shift drastically like an uneven scale, his body slumping against his will. His head smacks back against the cold metal wall, eyelids fluttering weakly, shallow breath passing desperately between parted lips. His left hand clutches at the cushions beneath him, though it’s an absent action—he doesn’t know what he’s holding on to, or why he’s doing it, only that if he doesn’t, he thinks he’ll lose his last anchor on whatever’s keeping him together. The adrenaline in his body has fully run out at this point, nothing left to keep the blood-loss and debilitating pain at bay, and now it’s hitting him at full force. You can only imagine the wave of nausea that’s probably rolling through him, creating an awful sinking feeling in the gut.
There’s panic that rises in you at the way his condition has worsened so quickly, and you hurry to dig through the deeper part of the cargo hold to pull out the standard issue first aid kit. “BB-12, open your storage port.” You snap, the droid detaching himself from the ship’s systems to follow your orders. A compartment in his front clicks open, revealing a small assortment of materials you keep hidden within your companion. You pull out a syringe, a can of ointment, and a bag of pills—all things you definitely shouldn’t have but stole anyway. “Send an alert to the Finalizer, an urgent order for medics at the ready on my return.”
BB-12 leaves you be to assess the situation before you: a gravely injured man that’s very possibly on the cusp of dying under your watch. There’s five injuries of note; the one on his face, a clean gash on his right shoulder, the jab of a saber on his left, the blaster shot in his side, and a cut along his left leg. You grit your teeth, channeling every bit of medical practice you’ve gotten from Jaharah—your fleet’s medic—and from the base training every officer receives. Keep your hands from shaking, focus on stopping the blood, clean the wound, do what you can. Don’t let him die. If he dies, it would definitely mean your own demise at the hands of Snoke, so there’s plenty weighing on you here to keep you focused.
You move for the syringe first, biting off the cap of the needle and going to move down the collar of his padded armor. In his agony-filled haze, he reaches his hand up and grasps at your wrist, his hold weak and weightless. His fingers are freezing, even beneath his gloves, a result of an onset of hypothermia. He mutters half-coherent phrases like don’t and leave me, but you ignore them and shake him off. You and him share a similarity in the way you’re both so vehemently against any sort of pain relief, whether it be as a result of training or some sort of masochism, you’re not sure. But you remember all those years back when you were all alone and dealing with your own gruesome wounds, trying so desperately to stave the blood, to keep it from hurting as badly as it did. You remember wishing for something, anything, to make the pain go away but never being given the relief. You’re sure he’s feeling the same now. So you stick the needle into the taut skin of his neck and shove two pills into his mouth, forcing him to swallow.
A low groan leaves him, his head slumping, fresh sweat beading along his hairline. “If you die on me I’ll be so fucking pissed with you.” You hiss, mostly to yourself since you doubt he can hear much of anything now anyway. He’s still with you, just barely, and you feel his anger rolling off him in waves. He probably wants nothing more than to throw you out of an air lock and into the cold vacuum of space. You move to focus on the wound that’s eaten into his side, too deep to have cauterized enough to stop the worst of the bleeding. You struggle to pull back the burnt layers of his uniform to see the injury, quickly resorting to just cutting it away with the scissors in the first aid kit. It’s bad, of course, with just the outer edges of the wound black, the rest a throbbing, oozing red. You grab the gauze and coat it in the ointment: a highly potent healing salve that’s meant to help with different kinds of system regeneration and pain relief—and a salve that’s nearly impossible to find or make nowadays, hence why you keep a secret stash. He better be grateful that I’m using what little I have on him.
You press the gauze to the wound, blood almost immediately soaking through and staining your palm. You add more and then put a wrap around it all to keep it in place. The others aren’t as bad, being simply surface level injuries from a lightsaber, so you instead focus on the awful wound on his face. You haven’t seen a wound this horrid on someone else in a good few years. You take your clean hand and place it against the top of his head, using it as a sort of direction control, tilting his head back. He keeps silent, the only evidence of his discomfort being the stuttering of his breath and the twitch of his good eye.
The sedatives and pain relievers have kicked in by now, evident from the slight release of tension in his shoulders, how he’s not trying to fight you despite him regaining consciousness, and the way his suffering is no longer suffocating the Force around you. You begin to clean around the wound, your faces so close together it’d be considered invasive in any other circumstance. The space is silent except for the sound of your mixed breathing, the smell of blood and burnt flesh assaulting your nose with each inhale.
You try to be gentle with your work, but pulls on the gash are inevitable, and you see his hands clench out of the corner of your eye each time. There’s also the occasional flicker of the lights as his Force shoots out from him since he’s unable to keep control on it in this state, and so it’s taking his anger and pain out on the things around him, thankfully avoiding you in the process. You move down his face, down his neck, and to his shoulder where you have to cut away more of his uniform. The wound doesn’t get any better until it finally cuts off just below his collarbone, and it gives you a feeling of relief, like a light at the end of a tunnel. You clean as much of the blood as you can, then layer on ointment and gauze. You gather a general sense of his condition with your Force, digging deeper than the surface which is now unbelievably easy with him in a weakened state, unable to put up as many walls against your prodding. The ones he does have up are weak and simple to bring down. You almost feel bad… almost. The salve is doing it’s work, trying so desperately to start the regeneration process in a desolate environment, but it’s doing a good job of easing his pain and bringing him steadily away from death’s doorstep. You begin to clean the remaining injuries until there’s urgent beeping at the control panel, drawing your attention.
You huff, straightening yourself. Kylo’s stable enough to where you could leave him to see whatever’s causing the disturbance, but it still makes you uneasy. You unclip your cloak, rolling it into an odd shape and putting it at one end of the table. You then ease him onto his back, idly feeling the warmth of his body beneath the layers, his head lying against your cloak. “Rest,” you order, “we’ll be back to the main ship soon, so you can get proper medical attention.”
His dark eyes watch you as you move to leave, his face drawn into a tired neutrality. “You did a good job.” His words are quiet, weak, but they make you stop regardless. There’s something else he wanted to say that he kept to himself, something he’s quickly hid away so you can’t access it. You feel some mixed emotions with a lingering sense of gratitude he’s trying to beat down, creating a weird feeling of embarrassment in him.
You don’t look at him, but the slight rise of your shoulders is enough. You clear your throat. “Thanks.”
You enter the cockpit—the beeping having not stopped—and slump into the chair. The blood staining your hands smears across the control panel as you mess with it, trying to receive whatever message is trying to come in. The radio communicator buzzes to life. “There you are, finally.” Hux. “I was beginning to wonder if your transport was an empty carrier.”
The muscles in your jaw tense automatically, words bitten through your teeth. “Do you have something important to say, Hux?”
“Did you manage to retrieve Commander Ren?” He asks, annoying voice made more annoying by the crackling of the comms.
A small growl builds at the base of your throat at his tone, like he doubted you were going to be able to succeed. There’s a reason the task was entrusted to you and not him, and it’d do him good to remember that. “Yes, I did. We almost didn’t make it before your little project ate itself alive. Really great job, by the way.” You know that has the general seething, you can practically see the way his nostrils would flare and his eyes widen in your mind. Starkiller has become both the height and ultimate failure of his career, and you’re just digging bloody fingers into his open wound. “Did the Fleet members on the base make it back?”
Now it’s Hux’s turn to bite his words. “No need to worry, General, all your friends made it back in one piece. I would suggest you hurry back to the Finalizer, there’s much to be done.” And then he’s gone, the communicator clicking off.
“Stupid bastard.” You spit.
You glance back at Kylo, a black mass laying on a fold-out table far too small for someone his size, his eyes closed. It makes another spike of panic spear through your chest, wondering if he died when you turned your back for just a moment, but a brief reach with the Force has you relaxing. He’s just fine—well, as fine as he can be in a state like that: covered in gauze, sedated to hell, bleeding, trying not to aggravate the wounds by moving. You study him for a second longer before turning back to the control panel, the Finalizer coming into frame along the upper edge of the glass paneling of the viewport. There’s a sense of foreboding that comes along with the appearance of the massive flagship, one that has you steeling yourself and sitting up a little straighter.
It seems one chapter has just ended and another one is just beginning.
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ravenshavenn · 1 year
Inspired by @zephahhhh so all credit to them :)
NSFW Snape X gender-neutral reader imagine (Snape's pov)
Summary - helping Snape relax after a long day (tw- blowjob, crying, first time, swearing)
The office blurred and Severus heard himself gasp.
"Are you alright?" a soft voice rang out.
Kneeling between his spread legs Y/n looked gorgeous. They had rested a gentle hand on Severus's thigh. Blinking those large doe eyes hypnotically up at him. It was enchanting.
"Yes." was all he could manage. Voice hoarse and shaky.
"Good." They practically whispered back. "Because I was just starting to get comfortable."
Feather light touches of Y/n' s fingers trailed up Severus thigh. And The poor potions master resisted the urge to squeeze his eyes shut at the sensation. Would this be a good time to tell them he'd never done this before? Or would that be to much?
"Merlin, I've wanted to do this for months." Y/n purred working the buttons of his trousers.
The confession broke Severus train of thought, sending a bolt of pleasure straight to his already hard cock. He whined jolting forwards slightly. Panting heavily. His dark eyes blown wide. Normally pale cheeks flushed slightly. This was incredible. Was this what he'd been missing out on all these years?
Y/n looked up at him again devilishly "So responsive." They praised him "It's incredible."
Severus swallowed thickly, struggling to find the words to respond. All he could focus on was the now rhythmic throbbing of his cock.
However, Y/n seemed to be done studying him. Instead with an oddly, heart-warming, gentle touch they pulled his boxers aside and brought out his member. Severus sucked in another sharp breath.
His cock was already leaking a sticky trail of pre-come. The tip hot to the touch and an angry reddish purple.
Admittedly Severus's useral rampant anxious thoughts were silenced by the way Y/n was looking at him. They seemed almost transfixed. Sending a much needed boost to Severus shrivelled ego.
That was before they moved. Abruptly they lent forward, sticking out their tongue to lick a trail from base to tip. Severus did buck his hips then. Letting out a hiss through clenched teeth, eyes screwed shut. Y/n only smirked.
"You taste incredible." They mumbled leaning in, inhaling his musk. Severus could only moan again. Feeling as soft kitten licks lathered the underside of his head.
"I-I good!" Severus gasped out between pants.
His hips moved at their own pace now, bucking up into the soft licks. Then without warning Y/n took Severus fully into their mouth. The heat engulfed him and he cried out.
Surely nothing could compare to this. His hand would never satisfy the same again.
Every pass was like a shock of electricity straight to his gut. His head swimming and foggy with the feeling.
It must have only taken Y/n once, twice, three passes before Severus almost screamed. A stream of bitter seed ran down Y/n's throat. A desperate hand made its way into Y/n's hair and they moaned.
Panting heavily Severus opened his eyes. They were glass and watering. His breath coming out in ragged gulps.
"sshhhh" Y/n soothed softly still on their knees. "Relax for me."
Severus nodded lazily. The tears begining to stream down his red cheeks, over his parted lips.
It was as though he was floating, the safest he'd felt in years. Then he noticed Y/n's wicked smirk.
"Want to go again?"
242 notes · View notes
andypantsx3 · 2 years
confetti confessions | todoroki x reader
summary: “Shouto–?” you started, but you choked off as he suddenly shifted, leaning closer. It brought a tiny puff of some delicious cologne to your nose. “Hold still,” he intoned softly, his face drawing nearer. A wild thrill went through you, and the admission he’d just given you echoed loudly in your brain: “I am told I…kiss people.” This wasn’t–he wasn’t about to kiss you, was he?
tags: fem reader, birthday party, first kiss, slight misunderstanding, SFW
notes: Hello my loves! Please ignore how overwritten this is in some parts, and underwritten in others. I wanted to get it up in time for Shouto's birthday. I hope you enjoy it despite its condition!!
wc: 2.3k
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The party was deafening.
Shouto’s apartment was stuffed with dozens of people, clamoring one on top of the other, armed with plastic cups and beer cans and little disposable shot glasses stamped with fire and ice emojis.
The space had been converted into something approximating a bar this evening, and festooned with absolutely heinous decor by Mina and several of the more enthusiastic former members of Class A until it was nearly unrecognizable. It was blanketed in red and white streamers, a riot of red and blue balloons, and hanging confetti poppers that people kept setting off anytime a new arrival walked through the door.
Almost all of the members of Class A were all accounted for, and they’d reeled in plenty of other friends and heroes besides. Some had taken the evening off, but you’d caught a great many in hero costume, too, dropping in for a beer on their way on or off a shift.
Mina had also produced a karaoke machine from somewhere, and you could hear it being put to highly creative use in the kitchen–-Mina and Kaminari serenading anyone who dared duck back in for a drink with a chorus of drunken wailing that only vaguely approximated a song you thought you might know.
They were so loud on top of the already voluminous chatter that you didn’t hear his approach, at first.
He dropped down onto the couch next to you, startling you so much that you almost sloshed your drink over your lap.
Which would have been a loss, considering the extreme amount of digging around in the various libations Kirishima had procured to find something even remotely above bottom-shelf. You’d learned that most pro heroes couldn’t afford to be picky, with the kinds of metabolisms they had and the sheer amount of liquor it took to get them drunk.
“Shouto,” you breathed out in relief, when you realized who’d sat down next to you.
Despite the sticky heat and the copious surprise confetti showers everyone had routinely been subjected to throughout the evening, the birthday boy himself looked just as inhumanly perfect as usual. His hair had been raked through with some kind of gel that you suspected was Camie’s doing, and he wore a pale blue button down that underlit his fading summer tan in the most horribly gorgeous way ever.
Not a single hair or stitch was out of place on him. The only real concessions to the fact that he’d been attending a party were the tiniest hint of a flush on his criminally high cheekbones, and a red plastic cup clutched in his long, unfairly pretty fingers.
“Happy birthday!” you said, happy to catch him for the first time since you’d gotten here, nearly an hour ago. You resisted the urge to smooth down your own dress, hoping you didn’t look too much of a try hard.
“Thank you,” he intoned, low and soft and barely perceptible over the sound of Mina and Kaminari’s howling. “I am…happy you could come.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” you promised him. If it had been anyone else, you might have preferred to retreat back to your own apartment after the kind of soul-sucking work week you’d had. But the very thought of seeing him always had your skin fizzing and your heart working double time.
You’d been nursing a crush on him for about a million years, and you were not about to miss his birthday.
A tiny smile pulled at his mouth, and he put an arm out over the top of the couch behind you, drawing in just a little bit closer to you. You clutched your drink tighter, like a protective talisman, as though Shouto was an obscenely persistent demon whose influence might be warded against.
“A Grammy-winning performance we’re hearing tonight,” you said, taking a sip of your drink. It was ostensibly vodka and some kind of juice, though you rather thought that the bartender–a smiling Kirishima–had taken significant liberties with the ingredients.
As if on cue, a third voice joined Mina and Kaminari, sweet and high but so uniquely detached from the appropriate key that you wondered if she’d ever even heard the song before–Ochako.
“Is that what we’re doing,” Shouto answered, tone bland. “Hearing. I rather thought we were...enduring.”
You laughed into your cup, almost inhaling the liquor when a huerrk! noise sounded in one the microphones like someone had snatched it, and an annoyed voice growled, “Oi, quit your fuckin’ caterwauling.”
“Some of us more gracefully than others, apparently,” you snickered.
Shouto’s unperturbed expression said it all.
“He offers very little grace, indeed,” Shouto said, taking a sip of his own drink. On the side, you saw a message spelled out in messy sharpie–FOR THE BIRTHDAY BOY! GIVE HIM MOSTLY JUICE, DO NOT LET HIM HAVE MORE THAN A SHOT AT A TIME!! It was followed by what looked to be a tally of how many shots he’d been poured already: three.
You suppressed a smile.
“You’re on a watch list, huh?” you asked, gesturing to the cup.
To your surprise, the dusting of pink on Shouto’s cheeks seemed to deepen. His mouth arranged itself into a little pout and he spun the cup in his fingers to reread the text to himself.
He seemed to contemplate it for a minute. And then he dropped a bombshell.
“I am told I am given to somewhat…amorous inclinations, if I drink too much too quickly.”
A shocked little thrill went up your spine even as you spluttered out an astonished laugh. “Amorous inclinations? Did you flash somebody??”
Shouto looked embarrassed, his long eyelashes fluttering. “I am told I…kiss people.”
Your interest fizzled like a bottle of newly-popped champagne. “You?” you asked incredulously. “The very man Hero Weekly described just last month as pro heroics’ most notoriously aloof ice prince?”
You knew he was nothing of the sort–altogether too kind and warm and thoughtful if you knew him at all–but a zoomed-in shot of the line in that article had done its rounds of all your group chats, and Class A had been milking it for weeks. Only two mornings ago, Kaminari had rolled a snowman in the snow outside his building and carved a set of abs into it, lobbing a photo of it into the discord with a “lookin good todoroki!!”
Shouto’s right ear appeared to be very pink against the white of his hair, and you found yourself transfixed.
“I have it from reputable sources,” he said.
You tried not to think about what the little flutter in your stomach meant when you thought of Shouto wanting to kiss someone. You pinched your leg just under the hem of your dress. Just because you had the world’s fattest crush on him did not mean you could have used those circumstances to your advantage.
You could be better than that.
“Well, I hope the sources enjoyed themselves,” you said, trying not to sound at all jealous.
Shouto turned his most strategically bland look on you, and you laughed.
“You’re right, you shouldn’t kiss and tell,” you said, smiling.
“You are making fun of me,” Shouto said. His full mouth pulled into another pout and you thought you might be having heart palpitations at how cute he was. That or your drink was getting to you.
You couldn’t help the way your grin softened. “Gotta get my licks in where I can, you’re otherwise way too perfect.”
That seemed to give him pause, however. A white eyebrow raised, and he stared at you for a moment, those mismatched eyes picking over you in surprise. You realized quickly that you’d maybe been a little too complimentary. “Well–I mean—you know. You’re nice and…heroic, and stuff…”
“Heroic and stuff,” he echoed, his tone dry.
You nudged him with the toe of your boot, a rebuff, but Shouto just shifted again, leaning in conspiratorially. Your heartbeat spiked as the angle brought his profile further into view. You tried not to stare at the way his open collar framed the strong lines of his throat.
“I am a pro hero,” Shouto said with zero inflection.
You could tell he’d flipped the tables on you, then, and was poking fun at you with his usual customary blandness so many people took for aloofness.
“Well then congrats on meeting your job criteria,” you said, trying to sound normal. “Our city can sleep safe.”
Shouto’s mouth twitched, the hint of a smile pressing at the corner. You suppressed the little lick of pleasure that went through you at having made him smile, ducking your head.
When you looked up, however, Shouto’s expression had changed. His mouth had slackened, and he was looking at you with a renewed focus, his eyes curious.
You froze–unsure what had just changed.
“Shouto–?” you started, but you choked off as he suddenly shifted, leaning closer. It brought a tiny puff of some delicious cologne to your nose.
“Hold still,” he intoned softly, his face drawing nearer.
A wild thrill went through you, and the admission he’d just given you echoed loudly in your brain: “I am told I…kiss people.”
This wasn’t–he wasn’t about to kiss you, was he?
But he drew even closer, his expression intent, and you couldn’t see what else he could possibly be doing. Your heartbeat picked up. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you took in a deep breath, feeling all of your focus concentrate on your mouth.
You waited. Exhaled a shaky breath–
And then long fingers touched the hair at the side of your head, and you felt a soft tug.
Your eyes shot open only to see Shouto’s hand retreating, something golden and glittery clutched in his fingers.
“You had confetti in your hair,” he said.
Mortification speared you, and you couldn’t help the horrified flush that rose to your face.
He had been leaning in for fucking confetti!
You were an idiot!
“Oh my god,” you choked, trying to stifle your embarrassment. But it was too late. Shouto glanced down at you, and his features grew concerned.
“Y/N,” he said, his tone growing urgent. “Are you well? Is something the matter?”
“Nothing!” you said quickly, flapping your hand. “Uh, thanks for getting that!” Your voice came out strangled however, the least convincing tone ever, and you could tell it registered falsely in his ears.
“Have I done something?” Shouto ventured.
“No–it’s not you–” you said.
Of course he hadn’t done anything! It had been you, suddenly off balanced by his unexpected admission, basically desperate to imagine any scrap of his affection! But he’d never even given a hint that he felt anything more than friendship for you.
“Then you–?” he murmured, his brow furrowing. It took a long moment, his expression puzzled. But then you watched with some horror as it dawned on him. His features went smooth and clear.
“You thought I was going to kiss you,” he said. Like he was stating an inarguable fact, the color of the sky or the grass.
His tone was once again horribly bland. Only this time it wasn’t anything to laugh at. This time it was like an arrow through your chest.
“I–no–well, yes, but I–” you floundered. “I didn’t, um, obviously you haven’t had enough drinks. Not that I would expect it anyway. It’s just that you said that thing and it was…in my head…”
“You thought I was going to kiss you and you…accepted it,” Shouto continued, as though he hadn’t heard you.
You cringed. Yes. You had all but puckered up for it.
“Y/N,” he said, and there was a note of something soft in his low voice. You did not like where this was going. “Did you…want me to kiss you?”
“I never want you to do something you don’t want to!” you rushed to reassure him.
But Shouto’s eyebrows just rose, and he leaned towards you again, those mismatched eyes going just a little bit wider. “I don’t believe that’s a no.”
You couldn’t have produced an answer if you tried. You just stared at him helplessly, heart pounding.
“And if I…did want to kiss you?” he asked finally.
You gaped, the question short-circuiting your brain. Maybe Kirishima had put a little something too much in your drink. Like a hallucinogenic or like, lead paint.
“You…kiss me–” you garbled out, your voice strangled.
Like that had been some kind of confirmation code, Shouto’s mouth quirked, and his face dipped nearer to yours again. “I’d like to kiss you,” he said.
You made the most embarrassing sound of your life.
But then his mouth was on yours. It was warm and soft and utterly perfect, just as devastatingly good as you might have pictured. Shouto tasted like his drink, sharp sake and some kind of fruit juice, and he kissed slow and sure, in a way that made lightning zing through your veins.
You were utterly certain you would never forget this moment for your entire life.
“Is it your birthday or mine,” you wondered stupidly when Shouto finally drew away. You could feel the huff of his laugh on your lips.
You opened your eyes to see him watching you closely, a wry little curl back at the side of his mouth.
“Definitely mine,” he decided, placing his cup on the coffee table in front of you. “The loveliest gift I have ever been given.”
Another hot flush crept down your chest. You smiled at him, feeling bubbly and giddy and stupid. Shouto reached out, tugging your cup from your fingers too, and then leaned back in to put his mouth close to yours again.
“I have been hoping for this particular gift for a very long time,” he said. “Perhaps you might indulge me with one more?”
You couldn’t believe this was real. You leaned in, grinning like an idiot.
And then you gave him the first of many more–your confetti still clutched in his fingers.
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twinkletfout · 5 months
Rude boy — part.4
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
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You saw his eyes swell, the red tint came into view as tears started pooling in his eyes. He looked away for a moment to play it off. You wanted to calm him, cheer him up. Be there for him. But you knew it was not your place. But before you could say anything he stood up and made himself out of the bar.
You guessed that the girl didn't see him, too busy with having so much fun with her new man. Despite the pain that slightly eased, you got up and went outside. It looked like he was calming himself down, you were glad that he was actually keeping his cool. Just like the way you are, you really can't hold back your tongue.
“Calm down, big guy. Not a big of a deal, hm? Lets go—”
You should really think before you talk, only if you thought about this before you said it anyway.
“What if it is?” it was a whisper, a mumble before his voice raised, he shouted.
“What if it is!?—” his voice cracked, holding back the tears for a minute before he continued
“She can do whatever the hell she wants? Fuck around with random guys, like its nothing?— I didn't date her for her to do that, and I, I just wanted to win her back I.. I loved her.”
you stood your ground as his voice slightly lowered, if he finally came to realise the fact that she doesn't want him anymore by taking out his anger on you. You didn't mind actually, just the way your heart aches for him right now, something also healed at the same time. And you felt guilty for feeling like this.
He was so wasted, too drunk to speak or talk that now he is spewing some random things as he kept on drinking. You told the bartender to not give him anymore, but when he realised. He gave you one pouty face like he was a goddamn toddler. And oh my god was that cute. You never saw this side of him before, it's like you unlocked something new about him and you loved this side a lot more than his usual self. You smiled to yourself before you said that it was enough and helped him stand up. Putting his hand over your shoulders as you supported his weight so he could walk easier.
Getting in the taxi was such a pain in the ass, as you finally entered the hotel and booked a room for one, the prince was literally dozing off and you had to carry him to his room. Because of this one guy, you lost your entire freaking day. You dropped him on the couch as soon as you entered the room. “God you are too heavy” you mumbled to yourself, but you knew he wasn't listening, it was like he was waiting to lay somewhere to finally sleep. But at least a good night's sleep will get everything off of his mind.
“You better call me the next morning, im leavin’ “ you said as you opened the door. You weren't expecting him to get on his feet or for his hand to wrap around your waist as he closed the door with his other with a sound. “Don't leave” his breath graced your ear as it sent a shiver down your spine. “Stay the night” he said as you turned around to face him. His whiskey eyes are getting you the one drunk now and you couldn't deny it as you looked up at him. “With me”
He leaned in, his lips almost touching yours as he waited for your consent. “We shouldn't—” you whispered. “One kiss won't hurt, hm?” His lips grew into a smirk as he said. “you are drunk, you nee—” you protested trying to push him back. “Please” he practically pleaded with those cerulean eyes, that was too hard for you to resist. And the hand that you used to push him back slightly lost strength and that was the sign he was looking for his lips to meet yours. Pulling your body towards him as your back hits the door that's now closed. One of his hands undid the few buttons of his own shirt before pushing your skirt upwards. He gave random kisses down your neck, your collarbone, your cheek before he started to grow more and more impatient.
“Luna…” he mumbled against your neck, that's what it all took for you to react.
Luna? Who is that?
You brought your hand to push him away as you put your skirt down.”Luna?..” you questioned, more likely to yourself. It didn't take you much time for the picture of his blondie lover to pop in your mind. You felt a strong pang in your chest as you figured things out. “Get some rest boy, i should get going now” you opened the door as he suprisingly retrieved you. “Dont call me that” he said before you leave. “Its Gojo.” he told you before turning his back as he flopped onto the couch.
Everything else was a blur, you got on a taxi and went to your own appartment. Maybe it was because your were holding yourself back from overflowing with tears.
A day passed with no contact of Gojo, but he did send the money more than that you said you wanted, you spent most of your time drawing and designing your new dress, it was your dream to make a dress of your own that will satisfy your thoughts about how good it needs to turn out. Even though you never spent much time with him or new him for a long time. Gojo always had to occupy in your mind and you hated him for that.
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dairy-farmer · 10 months
(Dicktim, breathplay) How about.... training Timmy to hold his breath by holding him underwater in a pool. But really it's Dick with his head and shoulders above water holding Tim under while fucking into him, only letting him up for a brief gasp of air when he's wasted all his oxygen moaning.
Or pushing them both to the bottom of the pool, fucking and keeping him there until Dick cums inside....
idk, could just be an excuse for them to do cnc breathplay (though huge potential for undernegotiated kink/boundary violation)
👀👀👀👀👀 no because dick being put in charge of bath duty for tim when he's injured, essentially making sure tim doesn't slip and hit his head from being too exhausted or making sure he doesn't fall asleep in the tub and drown.
tim just looks so sweetly helpless while nursing an injury even though he insists to dick he doesn't need to be there. but tim's protests seem to stem more from him being embarrassed about dick seeing him naked. tim is initially determined to not let dick into the bathroom, attempting to speed ahead and close the door behind him, but with a broken leg its more of a...hobble. so dick is forced to negotiate. if tim really is so embarrassed about being naked in front of him then why doesn't dick just undress with him. would that make him feel better?
tim hesitates but doesn't protest when dick starts pulling off his shirt and unbuttoning his pants. dick doesn't really have much to be self conscious about. he personally thinks his ears stick out in a weird way and he doesn't like that his thumb in his left hand is a half inch shorter than the one on his right, but overall dick is pretty sure he's a nice looking person while naked.
tim is more shaky undressing, his body shivering like a chihuahua. he knows tim's nervous with dick's eyes on him and so saying any words of comfort won't help but...dick still can't help but let out of soft coo of affection as tim rolls up his little cotton training bra.
tim is just too cute. he has little buttons for tits. little baby mounds that look so soft and sweet with pink little nipples. that's not even mentioning the pretty little pussy he has when he hops out of his shorts. dick has tim sit on the rim of the bathtub while dick wraps and tapes his leg and arm cast in plastic. which means dick gets an up close view of the cutest puffiest little pussy he's every seen. tim's flash of pink insides wink at dick from behind two soft looking cunt lips that dick desperately wants to feel and stroke his hands against. but tim is still so nervous that dick reaching forward and pinching tim's little baby cunt might make him explode.
bath time with tim is easy, fun even. dick uses a little porcelain bowl to dip into the water and pour over tim's head so he can rinse out the soap in it. he feels like a mother washing her baby as he uses a wash cloth to wipe and scrub little circles along tim's body. dick's hands might...linger around his tits and he might take his time with tim's cute baby making parts.
at first dick just plays with tim a little, squeezing his baby tits, fondling his sides, eventually sinking a finger or two into tim's warm little hole. tim whines initially, attempting resistance or to seem non compliant by saying about how his head hurts or some limb hurts even though dick can feel tim's heated eyes on him every time he undresses and that he can feel how tim's baby cunt is already sticky and wet when he presses in. teenagers. they always want to act like sex isn't something they're guilty of thinking of 24/7. but dick plays along. he whispers little assurances and promises to tim that it will feel good, that he'll like it and he just has to trust his big brother. and tim will blush all down to his tits and look reluctant before nodding and letting his eyes close while dick fucks two hard fingers into his baby cunt until it's red, twitching, and throbbing under the water.
tim makes little mewls as he cums, his cunt going tight around dick's fingers before settling down and not saying anything when dick fondles the rest of him.
eventually dick grows braver, climbing into the tub with tim. he tells tim it's so he can better wash his hair and dick is already naked anyway so why not just take the bath together? tim says nothing about dick standing up and his cock already being aroused.
once in the tub dick lets his cock bob in the water as he adjusts his limbs to fit together with tim's as they sit across from each other. tim's face is red and it's more than just the temperature of the water. his sweet eyes keep going back and forth between dick's face and his cock. making tim give him a hand job with his unbroken hand is easy all he does is wrap a hand around tim's thin wrist and guide it to his cock. he gives a few rolls of his hips until tim gets the idea and starts stroking him. from there the next time dick goes a little further, tugging tim into his lap and watching his cockhead mash against tim's tiny pussy underwater. he loves the sight of the lips stretching around him as he presses the head inside tim's trembling insides. tim makes little gasping and grunting noises from the effort and dick worries about alfred or bruce hearing him so he starts spinning some tale about training, about tim learning to hold his breath. tim loves new training lessons and takes to this like a duck to water.
dick is able to fuck tim all he likes while pinning him underwater, a single hand on tim's sternum is enough to keep him under.
sometimes dick will squeeze and grope a tit while tim is going tight around him. it seems like oxygen deprivation and the struggle of trying to keep holding his breath makes tim's cunt like twice as tight and dick LOVES it. he fucks tim harder and rougher, biting his tongue and swallowing his moans and grunts and trying to minimize the sloshing water from tim struggling underwater. dick is careful, he makes sure not to keep tim under for too long but he does push tim's limits. tim keeps both hands cupped in front of his face. one pinching his nose and the other one that's wrapped in a cast sealing his mouth. his eyes stay closed and his brow furrows in concentration and stress as dick fucks him hard deep and fast, watching his cock sink all the way in, pelvis meeting with a chubby cunt before pulling out and sinking back in. little bubbles of air float to the surface as dick is intent and focused on trying to cum as fast as possible.
by the time tim's cast is removed a month later he can hold his breath for 8 whole minutes before he starts to flag. which is more than enough time for dick to pump him full of his load and keep his cock inside tim's slick, hot hole.
initially dick had been reluctant about being assigned bath duty. but it had been sort of his fault for not catching tim when he'd been blindfolded on the train. he'd apologized profusely when it happened, his heart nearly pumping out of his chest when a turn tim hadn't anticipated resulted in him rolling back and off the train, landing in a heap on the gravel beside the tracks. dick had been in front instead of behind tim so he hadn't been able to catch him.
tim had forgiven him for the train incident but bruce hadn't. he'd been furious walking into the emergency room just as the doctor was wrapping tim's limb, the x rays sitting in a folder on a nearby table. an apology wasn't enough according to bruce. if tim had landed a little closer to the tracks his arm or leg could have been completely cut off, they were lucky he'd remembered to duck and roll while he was in the air.
bruce had wanted dick to see what the consequences of his actions were and sentenced him to helping tim bathe until his casts came off.
dick was certain him getting his dick wet had not been part of bruce's plan when assigning punishment.
but dick figured that getting pussy out of the whole ordeal well worth it in his opinion.
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vashatxt · 1 year
anonymous asked: Can you… write Blade getting hor knee for Kafka when he’s Mara-struck?
i absolutely can <3
there is no obligation to send any tips but if you feel like passing on a good deed, my kofi is https://ko-fi.com/idolelysia
cw: nsfw
"Bladie," Kafka's eyes are wide, and she's trying her best not to let on that she's enjoying this. "Your strength surprises me more every day."
He's different. Usually, she can gain control over him with just the slightest command, her spirit whisper only giving him the push over the edge that he needs before he comes back to himself, but this... Blade is resisting that pull. And he's taking that energy out on Kafka, and she sure as hell isn't going to strain herself to put a stop to it. It's not her fault that she enjoyed the feeling of the rough, scarred hands that once belonged to a uniquely talented crafter of weapons on her shoulders. Blade shoving her against the wall and pinning her there, his eyes darkening, a smirk spreading across his face as he pressed his crotch against Kafka's thigh and heard her gasp at the feeling of his cock, hard, throbbing - he's hungry. He needs her.
"Do. Your. Worst."
She punctuates each word with a pause, her lips parted, running her tongue along them and watching as Blade's gaze followed it. "Submit to me, Kafka," he says.
It's a risk. But she has enough faith in her abilities to know she'll be able to regain control over him and soothe the ill effects of the mara once they're done - she's just cocky enough to not feel fear.
"Please, Bladie," she blinks, shrugging her shoulders so that he can release his grip just long enough for her to let her coat fall to the ground. "Make me yours."
A switch is flipped; Blade grabs her and buries his face into her neck, sucking and biting, intent on leaving his mark, on finding out how loud he could make her scream. It's new for Kafka, to not be in control, but she wants this - so, in a way, she still is. She leans her head back and gives him what he needs, the more she yelps and moans his name and digs her nails into his back; the harder he goes in on her.
His hands trail to her button-down shirt, and he pulls away from her now purple and red neck to watch as he rips it open, his strength popping each plastic fastener and sending them flying. Blade can feel himself begin to salivate, like an animal hunting its prey, at the sight of Kafka's chest, her tits pushed up by a translucent maroon bra. He cups them through the fabric first, and Kafka looks down, too, burning the image of his gorgeous hands on her into her mind.
Impatient as she is, Kafka then reaches behind her to unclasp the bra, and while she does, Blade follows the curve of her waist to her hips and her ass, where he can help her rid of her shorts.
"There's still a barrier," Kafka points out, once she's standing in front of him in nothing but fishnet tights.
"Not really," his voice is deep and hoarse, a darker tone to it than usual. "They're pretty easy...,"
His fingers drag down to her thick thighs. "...to...,"
They hook into the web of thread between them, and Kafka feels a shiver down her spine.
"... adjust," Blade spits the last word, which accompany another rip - Kafka spends a hell of a lot of money on her clothes, but she doesn't give a shit today - creating a perfectly positioned gap in coverage, just in the crotch of the tights.
"Beg me," he's taking enjoyment in it, Kafka moans his name as he grabs at her cunt, like it's a toy, something of his own to rough around. He then lifts his hand to his mouth, just to taste her slick that now coated his fingertips. "Come on, Kafka. Beg me."
"Please - please, Bladie," she allows the desperation to come through, her breath hitched, blinking at him like an innocent girl. "I need - I need you to f-fuck me...,"
He scoffs, then undoes his zipper, letting his pants fall to his ankles. Kafka doesn't waste time, she wraps her arms around his neck and allows him to hoist her up against the wall, holding her around the waist, her thighs spread and grinding against his cock, slowly bouncing up and down. "You want me inside you?" he whispers. "You gonna show me how loud you are for me? You fucking cock whore?"
"Please, pleaseeee," she moans. "I need... I need...,"
"If you need me to destroy your cunt, Kafka, then you're in luck."
He thrusts inside of her, and it feels different than all the other time's they've fucked, the times she's sat on his dick and spilled dirty words from her mouth while the pathetic, pretty little boy who looked at her like she was a goddess tried his hardest not to cum too quickly. This is an entirely different Blade. The Mara... it made him different. He's relentless, she can feel his thrusts all through the body, not just the familiar burning desire in her tummy to be filled up. Blade doesn't pause or take a breath, even as Kafka's eyes well with tears and her nails begin to draw little trickles of blood because of how hard she's clinging on to him, her body weak and limbs like jelly. He feels so big, her cunt tight. He kisses her while she screams and bites her bottom lip hard, until it swells and a metallic taste fills her mouth. "Bladie...,"
"You sure you can fucking take me? Or do you want me to pull out and let you fall to the ground, discard you like a piece of trash who doesn't even deserve the chance to do so?"
Kafka can feel her cheeks burning, her entire body is ablaze, she clings on tighter - "I can take you, I can, I can....,"
They cum at the same time; he spills his load into her as the pressure against Kafka's clit sends her over the edge, she's dizzy and so, so messy down there, Blade saying her name, weaker and softer each time, draining his balls with each final thrust. Kafka can feel her own cum as well as his leaking out while Blade slowly pulls out.
"Good boy," she soothes him, snapping back to reality and regaining control with her spirit whisper before the Mara can hurt him. "Thank you, Bladie."
He slumps to the ground, and Kafka follows suit. "It's okay, sweetie. You made me feel so good. We can rest here, if you need."
Blade is exhausted; she feels almost bad. But his hand reaches out for hers and their fingers intertwine; they lie down together on the concrete floor and he cuddles up on her chest without ever letting go. Maybe they both needed that. Maybe he was finally figuring out what she already knew: that he loved her, that he was weak for her and only her.
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