#but the new mha chapter... you will be missed shiggy
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theshinazugawaslut · 10 months ago
Will answer all asks tomorrow, and I'll also be starting my writing as promised!
Thank you to every single one of you who supported me during this time, I'm genuinely so thankful, and every single person here has given me so, so much positivity!
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toliveforthehopeofitall626 · 4 months ago
First Time Omega: Chapter 3 (An MHA fan fic)
Everyone was tired and bored. It had been a few hours, three to be exact, since you had all been taken. There was no word about what was happening from the lackeys left to babysit you all. Several of the beta's around you had started to complain about leg cramps, needing to use the bathroom, and other various bodily issues. You yourself, though of course were still anxious about your medication, were also growing increasingly hungry. You hadn't eaten anything since the night before and you were sure everyone around you could hear his stomach growling.
Suddenly the door opened and there stood the villains known as Twice and Spinner. Two beta's who belonged to the LOV. You thanked your lucky stars these were the two that had been sent to your group. Of all the LOV members these two were the ones that weren't as well known for violence. If you were lucky, they were just checking on your group and would leave you all alone. Today you were not lucky. 
Spinner stepped forward and began calling names. Several kids stepped forward and were led out of the shed, leaving only you and two other Beta students behind. Once the others had all been led out and back into the vans the two villains came in and dragged you and the others out. You could feel your heart pounding wondering why you had been left, why you'd been one of the few singled out. 
You and the others were roughly pulled along into what looked like a main house. From there you could see trails that lead off to two other places that you could only guess housed your other classmates. Once inside the main building you looked around. It was exactly what you'd have expected a villains' lair to look like. A large main room with several smaller ones sprouting off for who knows what. In the middle of the room were the other main members of the LOV though one was missing, The leader of the group, Shigaraki. 
"Well well what have we here?" The tall, dark-haired villain covered in scars spoke. Dabi, aka Toya Todaroki as he recently revealed. "Looks like three little mice no one cared about." you shared confused and scared looks with the other two who had been brought inside. "Oh, you hadn't heard? You three are the only Beta's whose family refused to pay the ransom. Oh, didn't you know? There was a second part of our plan. You were all bate of course, several of our own are out fighting right now with the boss against the heroes. No one ever said we couldn't use you all to get something else we needed, and man most of your parents were willing to pay anything. "
As you looked at the other two who were brought in you realized both of them were scholarship kids. Their poor families probably couldn't afford to pay whatever it was the villains asked for. Your own mother, however, she had no reason to not pay yours... other than to possibly finally be rid of you. "What did you threaten... to get them to pay?" You spoke for the first time since all of this happened.
"Death of course." He grinned darkly as he formed his signature blue flame in his hand. "If they didn't pay, we told them we'd kill you. We lied of course; it would be such a waist for such good little beta's to be gotten rid of. No, we have much better plans for the three of you, as well as the Alpha and Omega who were left behind, don't worry you won't have any interactions with them. The omega will be sold off to some heat house to be used as a pup mill, the alpha's strong, he'd make a great villain with his quirk. Shigaraki is going to break him. As for the three of you, Shiggy's been dying to get his hands on some new bodies to create more nomu's. So, I suppose I did lie, you do have to die, but you'll get a new and better life, isn't that exciting?"
The three of you all began to panic, only this time there weren't several dozen others packed around you to worry about getting hurt. You narrowed your eyes and quickly looked around the room for anything you could use. There wasn't much but you were smart and crafty... and your quirk allowed for versatility. You grinned as you pulled one of the laces out of your shoe and activated your Quirk. Its name was Transmutation. Any object that you touched you could change down to the molecular level into another object. One of the only draw backs was that the new object had to take relatively the same amount of space as the old. The other drawback... it only lasts for a limited amount of time. The bigger the item the less time it lasts. 
The shoelace became a rapier in your hands, not that you really knew how to use one, but you figured any weapon would be better than doing nothing and letting these villains turn you into a monster. You could tell that the villains hadn't been expecting any of you to fight back, and they certainly didn't know what any of your quirks were. If they did, they never would have let you keep any of your personal items. You gripped the sword tightly and charged forward at the villain closest to you, it just happened to be Himiko Toga. You could smell her Omega scent as it filled the room, almost like she found all of this exciting... of course she did, she was known to be insane.  
She didn't seem at all worried or phased by your attack as she effortlessly dodged out of your way, sending you to lodge your sword directly into the wall behind her. As you tried to pull the blade free, she came up behind you and jumped on your back. "Awe no fair. A cutie like you shouldn't be used as a nomu. Maybe you can stay and be my new plaything." She giggled crazily, gripping tightly onto you. "The last two playmates of mine who I loved betrayed me. You wouldn't do that, would you, cutie?" You felt a sharp jab as she stabbed one of her needles into your neck. 
"Get off of me you psycho!" You shouted before slamming her back against the wall to try and knock her off. This of course just caused her to laugh and hold on tighter. What was with this woman? What kind of past could have led to her becoming something so... clinically insane.
"Awe come on, name calling is not very nice cutie. Better stop that right now. We have ways of keeping you quiet." She laughed before pulling the needle out of you and stashing it away somewhere. You noticed while you struggled with Toga that the other two students were also struggling to fight off villains, though both Dabi and Kurogiri, the shadowy one, stood by watching. For a moment you wondered what they were up to before you were brought back to your own situation, with Toga holding you with a death grip. It wasn't long before the world grew dark and you fell to the ground, passing out. 
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