#but the meanings behind them are quite different. Chuuya is a Sheep Dog
wildflowerteas · 3 months
extremely embarrassed I am once again coming to you with 3 asks😔😔😔 elli read chapter 4
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OH GOD. here we go. i panicked thinking this was about chapter 5 because of the mid-chapter 4 line but from the skim i just did i think I'm going to have to steel my heart or risk cardiac arrest from your reactions to the smut ( which, by the way, was the first smut I've ever written so please go easyonme ). Chapter 4, however, was incredibly fun to write so I'm excited to read through this. ( Sweet Dreams is playing too--i've had the tsp sskk playlist on loop to get in the mindset for part III )
Yes!!!! the PM is also in the tags! i couldn't make a murder mystery AU set in Los Angeles of all places and not have corporations with dirty hands and deep-pocketed old-money types floating around their establishments. Los Angeles doesn't and didn't have a main crime family with a lot of Aura, so inserting the PM without feeling like I was replacing a very real crime syndicate ( like I would if this was NY or Chicago ) was quite nice.
Yeah . . . TSP Atsushi is a whole different thing, on the surface at least. He's older, more experienced ( Yeah. ), and honestly, has bigger problems to deal with than the budding realization that he might like men so he just waltzes into flirtation with Akutagawa like it's nothing. If I were Ryuu I'd have pushed him down the stairwell by now, but he's too smitten for that.
I need to draw Mori in that shirt ( he did step up, after all. The Tsushimas weren't great, even if Dazai thinks of them with that wistfulness seen in Chapter 2 ).
OMG I CANNOT TELL WHATS BEEN BLACKED OUT IN THESE SCREENSHOTS SO I JUST FREAK OUT WHENEVER THERE'S A MASSIVE SPOILER QUOTE TT_TT. My blood goes cold. Poor Elli I bet there are entire conversations that are just a wall of grey rectangles to them.
I'd LOVE to write a bsd au set in a neo-futuristic AU!!!!!! honestly, that would go crazy, I can imagine it already.
I think Dazai is most attractive when he's shutting the fuck up unfortunately
Oh wow I feel like I'm watching a downward spiral into hornyposting in real-time surely this isn't going to go anywhere.
#ALSO: I think canonzai is already quite dog-coded! I know he actually refers to Chuuya as a dog#but the meanings behind them are quite different. Chuuya is a Sheep Dog#controlled#owned#he has a home and he'll loyally defend it to the point of ruin. Dazai pokes fun at that and forcibly opens Chuuya's eyes to the fact that h#HAS free will.#like the STB scene where Dazai puts saving the world on hold for Chuuya to make a decision for himself.#I don't think Dazai would be as interested if Chuuya just did as he was told. Dazai is the opposite. He's a stray#under the illusion of freedom#picking and choosing where he goes#but never belonging anywhere except for the nights in boxes taking shelter from the rain or for the few seconds he's loved when he's being#fed scraps by humans that pity him#but can't bring themselves to take him home. He tries and tries and he can't understand why everyone else--all the dogs around him who were#born and bred for companionship the way he was#have those lives#and he keeps trying and changing himself in the hopes that some day he gets to wear a collar and a tag like the clean dogs on walks with#their colorful leashes#so he learns tricks and welcomes pets and plays fetch#but when he bites people blame his nature as a stray#but he hasn't known anything else ( that is#until he joins the ADA ).#ask#hi guys!#omg i actually dont know where i was going with this#i do think Dazai is also incredibly cat coded#though#its hard becuase nobody is one or the other#thats just#people
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aurorapillar · 5 years
Title: the most wonderful time of the year     Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs Characters: Chuuya Nakahara, Dazai Osamu, Mori Ougi, Elise Summary: Snowball fights are hard to resist, even for teen mafisos
For most of Chuuya’s remembered life winter had not been a time of fun or happiness, rather it had always been a time of hardship and jealousy; winter brought the cold and for kids living on the street that could be a death sentence. When your very life depended on finding shelter and warm clothes, it was hard to find any joy in the season nor feel anything but envy for those who could go home to a warm house and didn't need to worry about anything beyond their holiday plans.
There had been plenty of years spent huddled in abandoned buildings with other street kids, a temporary unspoken truce built between them by the cold wind that broken windows did far too little to keep out; plenty of years gazing longingly at passerby’s with their presents and through the shop windows at the colorful displays and delicious-looking food, knowing that none of that was anything that could be his.
He remembered one night that one of the older street rats, one who’d had the chance to experience a home and family before losing everything, had told the younger ones the story of the little match girl; he told how she’d imagined herself living the life she saw through windows, how she lit each of her matches in an attempt to keep warm, and how come time that her matches had all burned up she’d died in the freezing cold, only to be taken away by an angel to heaven.  He had never really been sure why the guy had told the story, whether he’d been trying to offer some kind of weird reassurance that ‘hey, if you freeze to death this winter, you’ll go to a better place’ or if he was trying to scare them, but it had made Chuuya wonder if one day some of them would meet that fate.
He’d never found out though, as by the next year he’d become part of The Sheep and things were easier; with a big group of kids they could send some to cause distractions while others stole stuff, and as a result, things like warm clothes and food were a certainty rather than something that relied on chance.  More people also meant a base was possible as they had the numbers to defend it, they didn’t have to worry about someone attacking and stealing their things, or at least not successfully doing, people had certainly tried.
Of course that hadn't meant everything was sunshine and rainbows, they had had no heating in the building they called home, relying on blankets and layers to keep them warm; they'd also had to be careful to avoid unnecessary wear and tear on their clothes, just because they could easily steal new clothes didn’t mean it was wise to draw attention to themselves by doing it too often.  There were never any presents either, if someone were to find something worth having they certainly weren’t going to give it to someone else, something like that you hoarded for yourself.
Overall, winters spent with The Sheep were a definite step up from winters spent on the street but did nothing to make the season an enjoyable time.
At 16 though, and as a member of the Port Mafia, things were different;  he had a nice warm apartment, even if it was one he had to share with Dazai; he had plenty of warm clothes and the means to buy more if he needed to; and for the first time in his life if he wanted to he could provide gifts for the people who were important to him.  It was strange really, all of those were relatively simple things that most people took for granted, and yet just having them had changed the way winter felt.
The snow didn’t seem grey and dreary, but rather bright and cheerful; the cold wasn’t biting and cruel, but crisp and refreshing; the lights - his thoughts were cut off by the impact of a snowball on the back of his head, and he whirled around with a snarl to see Dazai already packing more snow together and looking far too pleased with himself.
“What the h*** bastard?” Chuuya growled in annoyance, holding back a shiver as wet slush slid down his neck and into his shirt, it felt disgusting and he was more than prepared to throttle Dazai as revenge for it.  The teen in questioned laughed and pulled back his arm in preparation for letting another snowball fly,
“Chibi needs to work on his...OOF” Dazai’s taunt was cut off as a snowball of Chuuya’s own snowball hit him smack dab in the face, knocking him onto his butt and making Chuuya wish he had a camera with him.
“What was that Dazai?” He questioned, his grin bordering on feral and Dazai gave him a disgruntled look before grabbing a handful of snow and flinging it at Chuuya without even bothering to pack it together.   Naturally, the loose flakes were easy to dodge, but the few seconds spent getting out of the way were enough for Dazai to stand up and duck behind a tree, where he began to scoop up snow to form a proper snowball.
The sight of it made Chuuya’s grin widen, he’d only ever really been in one snowball fight, back when he’d still been part of the Sheep; some of the other kids had been having one when he and the other teens were coming back from a supply run and a stray snowball had hit Shirase in the ear, prompting him to start lecturing them about paying attention to their surroundings and how they needed to be more careful.  That hadn’t lasted long though before Yuan had gotten annoyed and slam dunked a pile of snow onto his head, which had resulted in the start of a free for all that only ended when they were all soaked and exhausted.  
Of course, a good portion of them ended up getting sick and that had been a nightmare to deal with, but it had been fun and was a happy memory he didn’t think he’d ever forget.  It had also been a very therapeutic experience to just let loose and throw snow at people he was annoyed at; because despite what the rest of the Sheep had thought and what Dazai probably thought as well, he hadn’t been totally unaware that he was being manipulated, and while he’d been fine letting it happen most of the time there were times he got ticked off at some of their pushiness.
Because of that several of his snowballs had ended up aimed towards some of the more frustrating Sheep members and by the time the fight was over he’d felt much better, he was hoping that this fight would turn out similar.  Although Dazai had turned out to not be quite as bad as Chuuya had thought based off of first impressions, in fact, he could be fun company on occasion, he was still a frequently infuriating person and there were plenty of times when he wanted nothing more than to punch him hard in his smug face.  Unfortunately, he couldn’t do that because Dazai was such a beanpole of a teen that even someone without Chuuya’s abnormal strength could probably snap him in half, which meant even when they sparred he had to hold back and be careful not to hurt him too badly.  He didn’t have to worry about that with a snowball fight though, so long as he didn’t pack them with rocks or ice the worst Dazai would get was a nasty bruise.
Of course, things would be different if he could use his ability, a heavy enough snowball could probably break bones, but No Longer Human negated any chance of that; still, it was something to keep in mind for the future, it would be rather humiliating for enemies after all if they were defeated by a snowball.
The time Chuuya had spent ruminating was enough for Dazai to have finished his snowball plus a small pile of more and the teen found himself quickly having to jump behind his own tree to avoid being hit.
“You’re being rather slow today Chuuya, is the snow too deep for someone your height to move around in?”  Chuuya’s eye twitched at the taunt but he forced himself to ignore it and focused on packing snow into a ball which was then aimed directly at the other teen's head.  It missed, thanks to Dazai moving his head slightly at the last second, but the glare the near hit earned him made up for it.
The two of them carried on like that for a while, throwing both snowballs and insults at one another and just being the teens they were. It was fun, and enough of a distraction that Chuuya didn’t register the sound of footsteps behind him, not until he’d dodged to the side to avoid getting hit and saw Dazai’s eyes widen with horror at the same time he heard the sound of snow impacting against something.
Turning slightly to glance behind him, Chuuya froze at the sight of a bemused looking Mori carefully brushing snow off of his coat, as the last of the flakes melted under his touch he turned his gaze on the two, an unreadable expression in his gaze.  
“Chuuya, Dazai.” He greeted mildly and Chuuya felt his mouth dry up because they had just hit the boss of the Port Mafia with a snowball and they were probably going to be in so much trouble. Admittedly, of course, it was mostly Dazai’s fault; he’d been the one to start the fight and he’d thrown the snowball that had hit Mori, but it also wouldn’t have hit him in the first place if Chuuya hadn’t dodged. Not to mention the two of them were executives and really should be setting a better example than playing around in the snow, it wouldn’t be surprising if Mori was upset or disappointed in them.
Still, he was trying to come up with to say to defend the two of them, when suddenly Mori smiled and stepped to the side to reveal Elise standing behind him, a wide grin on her face.  In the years to come, Chuuya would maintain that he had been too caught off guard by the fact that their boss had joined in the snowball fight, even if it was via proxy with his ability, to properly react; and he’d remind Dazai when he tried to claim otherwise that he too hadn’t reacted in time, but the fact remained that both of them ended up on the ground with snow down their shirts.
What had previously been a one-on-one fight between Dazai and Chuuya quickly turned into a team-up between the two as they faced Elise’s onslaught; despite what her cute appearance suggested, she was a vicious opponent.  All the while Mori watched in amusement, never interfering except for a comment here and there.
“Elise, don’t aim for the face.”
“Chuuya, no matter how tempting it may be, don’t try and shove Dazai’s head into a snowdrift.”
“Dazai, don’t you dare throw that in this direction.”
Of course, Mori had been a doctor long before becoming boss of the mafia and so the moment the two of them had started shivering they were forced inside and ordered to change into dry clothes before they caught a cold.
It was only later, sitting on the couch in his warm apartment with a mug of hot chocolate, that he realized what the unreadable expression he’d seen on Mori’s face earlier was.
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One Punch Man 13 (S2 Ep 1) | Afterlost 1 | RobiHachi 1 | Kimetsu no Yaiba 2 - 3 | BSD 25 - 26 (S3 Eps 1 - 2) | King of Prism - Shiny 7 Stars 1 | Shield Hero 14 - 16 | Double Decker! EX 3 | Sarazanmai 2
The shows that have made it this season will be getting their tags...soon. Because I fell behind early in the season, trying to read ahead is nastier than it really should be...
Update: I forgot to roll out the tags...! Sorry about that.
One Punch Man 2 1
This season’s name…sounds counterintuitive, to say the least.
I love how Genos is carrying a box of hijiki (which looks like hair) and Saitama’s wearing a shirt that says “hair” (in kanji) all over it. It’s funny for a bald man and his “work of modern art”.
I never knew Genos was so blunt. Maybe because the last season was a good 2 – 3 years ago…and was by Madhouse and Shingo Natsume, and so this feels slightly different.
Oh, Sonic…! I didn’t realise how much I missed you! (Not to mention, you look hot with the off-the-shoulder shirt, y’know?)
“Enoki” is a type of mushroom.
Oh, Garou!...Oh wait, there isn’t much more of the episode left, is there…?
Afterlost 1
Oh great…this is the second time the subs don’t work on my device of choice. Then again, it seems to be a problem with the ad blocker and not the video…Okay, fiddling with the ad blocker worked.
Let’s play Spot the Main Character Amongst All the CGI Guys! Yay! (obviously sarcastic)
Without the volume…this OP is, to not put it lightly, s***.
Shoumetsu means “extinction”, not “lost”.
And the reward for Jankiest CGI this season belongs to…
Okay…this is stupid…if it f**ks up even more, I’m out of here!
I know the horned owl is your mascot, but that doesn’t mean you needed a real owl.
Waittttttttt…how did the scientists know Yuki’s father was responsible for this stuff anyway?
I feel like Takuya was shoehorned in. I mean, there’s a better example of this character type in Naofumi (Shield Hero).
This guy’s name, as we know it, is Geek. Wow (sarcastic). Also, I find it funny Takuya has a “ta” on his licence plate.
“…she’s just a package.” - Welp, you don’t get any more blatant than that for female denigration! I think Anime Feminist had a field day with this one.
Come to think of it, I saw some helmets back at Geek’s place but Takuya never seems to use one…
You had one job, Takuya…*sigh*
I swear I said a few previews ago I don’t like 1st person cam…no one ever listens to me, do they???
Not dis shitto agen!
Okay, enough complaining. It seems Yu-no wasn’t bad enough, so they had to produce something like the Chaos Dragon and Seisen Cerberus of old…
RobiHachi 1
It’s Takamatsu being Takamatsu again. Also… I forgot to mention this earlier, but…Taiga Umatani seems to be related to Kurari Umatani (who is credited for Boueibu), so…I wonder if it’s a collective writer’s name for Studio Comet, like Izumi Todo for Toei? The only thing that goes against that is the fact “Kurari” existed during the Diomedea days of Boueibu. Also Isekandar seems to be related to Yamato’s Iscandar (which Takamatsu seems to like, based on the fact he once used Matsumoto metres as a shorthand for being in space). If you don’t understand, Yamato’s endgoal contains a place called Iscandar and that’s by Leiji Matsumoto.
Okayyyyy…what are these rabbit creatures…? But yes, it does smack of Boueibu simply because the episode layout’s the same.
Hmm…? So Robby seems be En (the do-nothing life) in spirit, but Kinshiro in background, but also he runs away from his fortune. “Hmm” indeed.
Oh! That’s what this string of misfortunes reminds me of! The monsters of the day from Boueibu.
Hatchi is a Kinshiro in looks but an Atsushi by being a goody-goody.
Hmm…they actually bother to show girls now…apparently Takamatsu went to a boys-only school, which is why his original works focus on dudes (as in, you can pick out when Takamatsu is adapting someone else’s work because it has a heavier focus on girls as supporting characters).
Mechs and spaceships are probably two of the only ways I accept CGI…and you, Takamatsu sir, have just done it (the latter)!
Aw! Lookit his (Hatchi’s) face light up like a Beppu’s! It’s cute!
Hatchi getting out the hatch…lame, but still somewhat effectve on me (because that’s my wordplay game you’re playing, Takamatsu…!).
LOL, it’s a transforming mech. It seems my words from a few comments earlier were basically foretelling the future.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 2
Yikes, “Sakonji Urokodaki” has a lot of strokes…
My Little Sister Lives For Headpats…hey wait, don’t all anime kid sisters do that(?)
For some reason, I know the “Don’t Lose Your Way” meme from Kill la Kill and yet I’ve never…watched KlK…?(!)
I swore that was Giyu (it’s the haircut, I swear), but it’s a random demon…
When all you have is a hatchet…use your head. (LOL)
Ooh, nice eyecatch!
This is really black comedy, in a sense. (I remember this demon fight from the manga which is why I say that.)
Hmm…this wispy stuff wasn’t in the manga.
Come to think of it, I don’t know how Tanjiro got his scar…
If you squint really hard, you can see CGI Urokodaki and Tanjiro…
He probably has no footsteps because of his shoes. Or the fact he’s a ninja. Were there ninja in the Taisho era…? Update: Tanjiro has the same kind of shoes…oops.
Come to think of it, Daisuke from DN Angel had to dodge traps every day before he became Dark…(thinking of this because I reread the first volume of DN Angel recently)
Oh! Manga panel preview! That’s quite fun, really.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 3
I just really like how Tanjiro’s eyes grew larger with what was clearly resolution before he closed the door.
Why do the non-descript hunters look like Giyu too…?
I’ve never seen KnY so comedic…and that’s coming from someone who thought the Head Demon fight from last episode was funny.
Welp, this is…kinda interesting (<- says a fan of Touken Ranbu).
This letter writing…it reminds me of Kekkai Sensen somewhat.
This realistic water…it’s beautiful, but it looks like it came straight out of Niagara Falls. Is that…too realistic for anime?
“No matter…”
It’s a fox version of Speed of Sound Sonic! Then again, the real Sonic is around this season and probably won’t be happy about that comparison…
Is “that guy”…Giyu? Or the demon who slaughtered Tanjiro’s family?
Spider lilies! I didn’t mention it last time, but the symbolism of the spider lily makes the ED real cool.
Bungou Stray Dogs 26
I’v read the wiki page for Chuuya enough to know the next few eps involve the LN Fifteen, so even though I haven’t read a translation of the source material, I know some of the ins and outs of it already.
Ooh! Kitty! (If you’re a manga reader, you’ll know the cat’s significance.)
I think at this point in time, all viewers are used to Dazai’s bulls*** by now.
Is it just me…or did Bones use CGI for the city? It actually looks kind of good…! Sasuga Bones!
I have a fic that predates Fifteen and could be set in the same period (the fic’s vague enough that it could’ve been them at 15, 18 or even 12)…and basically the only thing I got wrong was the fact Chuuya doesn’t have his hat (because I wrote Chuuya as having his hat in the fic). Also, the banter is tenser than I imagined it, but that’s subjective and something only I, the fic writer, can compare.
I wonder who the yellow-tinted Ability holder is…? Update: That’s Randou. Spoke too soon.
There was a box in the subs…I wonder what symbol that might’ve been.
“…closest to the explosion.”
BSD 3 2
Oh, so that’s what Randou was for! I see now.
Chuuya may be OP, but he’s one heck of a fun character…also, he’s not as OP as Saitama, so…yeah.
Oh, the ED from last time is the OP. I should’ve known.
I like the almost storybook-style of this episode!
I thought Dazai was faking releasing the hostages…I was wrong.
Face-stealing aliens return! (They were around last ep too, I think, but they were harder to see then.)
Again, watch for the cat!
Well, with only one suspect (or 3, if you count the Sheep kids), it was quite easy to figure out one of them was behind it. I kind of suspected Randou, anyway, considering what I’ve learnt from all the mysteries I’ve read.
Because I was watching this episode with the volume down low (so I could hear the OP and ED), the volume really did work wonders for the plot this ep…!
King of Prism – Shiny 7 Stars 1
This is the final debut of the season, so basically how this and Shield Hero perform will decide what will stay and what will go. Oh, yeah…apparently this is the companion to a movie, but the movie and TV series have slightly different content.
This dude’s (the one at the very start’s) so grumpy.
…welp, I didn’t expect it to be that much CGI.
This chunk of exposition…makes me feel like I missed something. It was probably in the previous movies, come to think of it…
Basically, this is…uh, Makura no Danshi or Room Mate all over again??? I’m noping out of here…! Bye!
Shield Hero 14
I’m putting this on the chopping block…just so you know.
…uh, age gap romance? It’s hard to tell at this stage, but they (Filo and Melty) sure act like it is romance.
Welp, this survived the chopping block. “Raphtalia backstory” is a good enough reason to stick around for, isn’t it?
Double Decker! EX 3 (FINAL)
I always miss the OP when I’m not watching Double Decker, but I miss the ED even more…
I can’t believe they tried to get away with a Spirited Away parody…!
I can’t believe I get to see Dr Apple all buttered up like this…
I love how Kirill is censoring himself. (At least he can prove he’s not a girl, unlike Valery/Milla, whose entire shtick is the confusion between genders.)
Oh! I think I know the answer to the case already! It was Kirill’s soap, so Doug is the “killer”. But then…why is it Derick, of all people???
LOL, the angles were so reminiscent of Detective Conan…
Underwear-stealing sextuplets…? Why does that kind of sound like Osomatsu-san…?
Ahh…I really am going to miss this ED. See you next time!
Shield Hero 15
I never thought Raphtalia would be so angry…that’s Naofumi’s job.
Okay…it’s the age-old question: do demis listen with their animal ears or their human ears? Do they even have human ears??? (That’s 2 questions, isn’t it…?)
Uh…CGI dinosaur, much?
Shield Hero 16
…and of course, the Queen is a loli. Of course (<-sarcastic).
“Why’d I even have to feed this KFC farm?” – LOL, but I wonder what it sounded like in Japanese…? (i.e. I didn’t listen to it and when I try to do that, there’s always something over the top of it…)
Sarazanmai 2
I wonder if I’ll ever get used to watching Ikuhara on a weekly basis…?
Wait…y’mean, Keppi’s breath smells like cucumbers? Uh…okay, TMI.
Enta’s Japanese house kind of looks like the one in Mawaru Penguindrum.
Wait…why does the Japanese word for “Fish Buffet” (Osakanazanmai) end in –zanmai? Does that mean Sarazanmai is…Dish Buffet?! (LOL)
Notably, one of the signs said “Union” in katakana. It must be an English play on words…y’know, trade union and union = connecting with each other? I’m surprisingly enjoying myself a lot with Sarazanmai, by the way. I didn’t think I would, but I am!
I think that might be Irohassu water. Or Dasani. I saw both those brands in Japan, but I don’t remember which had the green flowers.
Oh…my goodness! Nekoyama (Cat Mountain) Mokichi (written with kanji for “hair” and “luck”). It’s a Boueibu monster! Frick, I’m laughing too hard!
It’s very small and very thin, but the word next to the cat in the eyecatch is neko.
“…Meow God!” – It’s a pun on “Oh, My God!” but with a “meow” in it. It’s pretty forced, but it does get the nuance of the joke across…
Why the heck did the subbers choose “herb” as the word for weed in this? “Weed” is sufficient, right? Right…?
Well…if that spurt of water wasn’t symbolic…I don’t know what is.
The title translates better as “…but I want to steal”. Y’know, add a little force into it.
The two As and the “sara” below it seem to make a zombie face, huh?
Ooh, that ending…
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aurorapillar · 5 years
Title: in languor dreams of death    
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Chuuya Nakahara, Dazai Osamu, Mori Ougai
Summary: There were a lot of things in life that Dazai would never admit out loud, and one of them was just how much Corruption terrified him.
There were a lot of things in life that Dazai would never admit out loud, and one of them was just how much Corruption terrified him. He wasn't scared of it for the same reason that most people probably would be, thanks to his ability he had no need to worry about Chuuya's ability harming him, no what scared him was the way Chuuya changed when using Corruption.
The fact that Chuuya was an incredibly important person to him was another fact that Dazai would never admit out loud; the two of them had gotten off to a rough start and Dazai was well aware he'd done many things that had hurt Chuuya, yet despite that the two of them had managed to build a strong bond. It was a different type of bond than the one Dazai had shared with Odasaku, Oda had been a sturdy port in the middle of a storm, a medley of warm and gentle colors, a beacon of safety; he'd been Dazai's best friend and a teacher of sorts.
Things with Chuuya, on the other hand, had been much more volatile; he was all vibrant colors and burning passion, everything he had he'd fought to obtain and keep, teeth bared and claws sharp. He valued straightforwardness and hated manipulation and trickery, yet ofttimes kept his own feelings and intelligence hidden behind a mask of insults, bluster, and impulsiveness. Above all, he was loyal to a fault and so very human, an irony that wasn't lost on anyone in the know about his origins.
All in all he and Dazai were polar opposites, and yet, in the end, they were both children who'd been forced to become adults way too soon, only able to ever act their real age with each other. Just two lost boys who'd managed to find a home and family in each other.
And yet, whenever Chuuya activated Corruption, that vibrant boy disappeared. All of his fire and personality gone in a matter of moments, replaced by nothing but an endless abyss of rage and destruction. When in his corrupted state, Chuuya had no friends or allies, he would focus on the last task Chuuya had thought of before activating his power and then, once that was done he'd turn his rage on whatever else was around him. If you were unlucky enough to get in his path….
Well, there was a good reason Double Black was so feared by the Mafia's enemies.
Dazai remembered all too well the first time Corruption had been activated, it had only been a few months since they'd been partnered together and the two of them had been taking down a small organization that had been encroaching on Mafia territory. Or well, Chuuya had been taking them down while Dazai had been playing on his handheld and returning Chuuya’s insults with snide remarks. Ever since the debacle with the Sheep, Mori had been much quicker to shut down any new groups that popped up in the Mafia’s territory; most of them were unlikely to ever get strong enough to pose a threat, but that was also what they'd once thought about the Sheep.
The night had been going well, the organization was pathetically weak and Chuuya was easily dominating the scene, leaving the grunts they'd brought as backup with little to do but watch. Then the ability user had shown up and everything began to fall apart.
According to the information they had on the group, there weren't any ability users among them, and yet there one was tossing around bolts of electricity like an oversized battery charger. It was a bad matchup for Chuuya, gravity had no effect on electricity and the constant barrage of sparks kept the boy from getting close enough to physically attack the man. Unfortunately, the other ability user wasn't having any of the same problems and Dazai couldn't hold back from clicking his tongue in annoyance as a bolt slammed Chuuya into a crate near where he'd been sitting.
While Chuuya shook off the electricity still coursing over his body, their Mafia backup open fire on the enemy, only for each bullet to shot down by a bolt of lightning, the shooters soon being shot down themselves as the ability user turned his attention towards them. Unlike Chuuya, who after a minute or so had managed to shake off the effects of the hit and get up again, none of the men rose. They did however twitch, but Dazai was fairly certain that was due to the electricity running through their bodies and not because any of them were still alive.
Chuuya had stared at the bodies, his face a mixture of horror and anger that Dazai wouldn't truly understand until years later after Odasaku died, his eyes seemed to linger especially one sandy-haired man who Dazai vaguely recalled he'd seen Chuuya hanging out with before. What had been his name again? Nishi? Nishiki? Something like that, Dazai didn't really remember, he only remembered the man's face because he'd been very loud in his determination to be Chuuya's friend. Not that that would be happening now.
"You…" It was the deep guttural growl in Chuuya's voice as he spoke that had torn Dazai's attention away from thoughts of dead bodies and foolish attempts at friendship. Turning his gaze back to the boy his eyes widened in surprise, a rare occurrence, as a dark red pattern began to crawl it's way up Chuuya's arms and neck and his pupils shrunk to pinpricks. His mouth opened in a feral roar and Dazai watched in fascination as he charged towards the ability user, the ground cracking beneath his feet with each step. For a moment a panic expression appeared on the other man's face, before twisting into a sneer as he shot a bolt of lightning at Chuuya, only for his face to become one of shock as the boy easily dodged it.
Within seconds Chuuya was on the man, or rather the man was on Chuuya as the boy hit with enough force to smash the right half of his torso to pieces, blood and guts splattering everywhere. As he fell to his knees, a scream of pure agony on his lips, a dark orb began to form in Chuuya's hand before being thrust right into his face. The force of whatever it was would have probably sent the corpse flying backwards through the wall if it was for the simple fact that there was no corpse left to go flying, it had been obliterated, along with a good portion of the floor.
"Well, well," Dazai had drawled, clapping softly as he finally stood "Quite the trick you have there, I wonder if Mori knows you've been holding out on us? " There was no response to his taunt, causing Dazai to frown "Ignoring me? That's not very nice Chibi~" He'd pouted, only to stop short as Chuuya lifted his head and let out a terrifying laugh; it wasn't a sound Dazai had ever heard come out of him before and he couldn't stop the fear that gripped his heart for a second.
Chuuya slowly turned towards him, his eyes vacant of any recognition and it became clear to Dazai that whatever was going on, Chuuya was not the one in control. He didn’t have any time to dwell on that though as his partner lunged forward, sending a ball of dark energy flying straight at him; there was no time to dodge and so Dazai took a moment to ponder on whether or not death via obliteration would be painless before losing the chance to find out as his ability nullified the attack.
As disappointing as that was it had made one thing clear, whatever was going on with Chuuya was part of his ability, meaning he just needed to touch him to stop it. That was easier said than done of course, even without his ability Chuuya tended to be faster than him, so he'd have to catch him off guard; and the sooner he did so the better considering the blood Dazai could see beginning to drip from Chuuya's mouth and nose. It seemed Chuuya's body was not equipped to handle whatever was happening to him for very long.
Fortunately Chuuya's attention seemed to have drifted from him following his attack, and he now seemed to be focused on destroying as much of his surroundings as possible. Wasting no time Dazai had dashed forward, wrapping his fingers around the back of Chuuya's neck just like he had during their first meeting, and as he did so the marks on his partner's skin slowly receded and he'd collapsed backwards into to Dazai’s arms.
"Dazai?" The boy's voice was shaky and questioning, but he wasn't able to get more than a word out before he erupted in a fit of thick wet coughs, blood splattering his lips and dripping down pale skin. For the second time that night Dazai felt a hint of fear as he quickly turned Chuuya on his side so he hopefully wouldn't choke on his own blood, the boy was worryingly pale and his skin was cold and clammy to the touch, his breath coming in harsh wet bursts as his coughing fit died down.
"Oi Chuuya, come on don't make me carry you back to headquarters. You know, for such a tiny thing you weigh a ton, I think you're getting fat." His taunt brought no response from the smaller boy other than a slight fluttering of eyelashes as his eyes started to drift closed. "Chuuya! CHUUYA!" Dazai's voice was panicked as his hand scrambled for Chuuya's neck in search of a pulse, it was slow and threads but it was there, which drew a sigh of relief from his lips.
Reassured that for the moment at least Chuuya was alive, Dazai reached for his cellphone to call for a pickup and a doctor, his mind absently noting that his hands were covered in blood, Chuuya's blood. It seemed like an eternity that he waited there, Chuuya’s head resting on his lap, the slight rise and fall of his chest the only evidence he was still alive.
When Mori strolled through the door finally, it was the most realized he had ever been to see the man; he had no idea how desperate he'd sounded over the phone to make Port Mafia's boss himself come down, but judging by the slight widening of the man's eyes, the scene he'd come across was not what he'd been expecting.
The man knelt down next to the two of them, a frown playing on his lips as he reached out to check Chuuya's pulse,
"What happened?" He questioned, and it was only the knowledge that Chuuya would soon be getting medical attention and that it was dangerous to show weakness in front of Mori, that allowed Dazai to compose himself and answer.
Mori hummed thoughtfully as he finished, his eyes lit up with both interest and excitement, whatever his thoughts were on the matter though, he didn't share and Dazai was too tired to try to figure them out at the moment. Mori stood and motioned one of the men he'd brought with him to pick up Chuuya, only too narrow his eyes thoughtfully as Dazai swooped in before them and gathered his partner in his arms.
At that moment though Dazai didn't care what conclusions Mori drew from his actions, all he cared about was the realization that he'd gotten far more attached to the red-haired boy then intended and he didn't plan to leave his side until he was awake and back to annoying him.
In the end, it took a whole week before Chuuya woke, and as much as he hated hospitals Dazai had stuck by his side the whole time, only leaving to eat and shower. Mori had been a frequent visitor as well, at one point commenting that Chuuya was probably only still unconscious because it had been the first time using that power and he'd probably wake up quicker after subsequent uses, which had set off alarm bells in Dazai's head.
Those alarm bells had quickly turned into sirens after Chuuya had woken up and Mori had expressed his intentions to weaponize his ability, which had been dubbed Corruption, for the good of the Mafia. Dazai hadn’t missed the flinch and look of fear in Chuuya's eyes at that declaration, and had silently promised the boy that he'd only ever factor it into their plans as a last resort.
There had been nothing he could do about the numerous training sessions Mori required them to have though, all he could do was stand on the sidelines and wait until he needed to turn off Chuuya’s ability and carry him to the infirmary. Unlike the first time, he never stayed by Chuuya’s bed until he woke up, it would be dangerous for both of them if Mori realized Dazai actually cared about his partner. And hadn’t that been a shock for Dazai to realize, that he did care about Chuuya; as infuriatingly annoying as the boy was, he’d brought a sense of variety to his life and while it didn’t fill the emptiness in him, it was something he didn’t want to lose.
Thankfully it seemed Mori had been correct in assuming Chuuya would wake quicker as his body got used to using Corruption, by the time Chuuya had activated it five times he was down to only about three days of unconsciousness afterward, though of course he still remained stuck in bed drugged up on pain medications for several more days.
Despite all the time spent practicing though, it wasn’t until the Dragon’s Head Conflict that Corruption was finally purposefully used in a mission. Given that it had been the death of a friend that had caused Chuuya to unlock the power in the first place, Dazai supposed it was only fitting that it was the death of more friends that caused him to choose on his own to use it in a battle for the first time.
Since Chuuya's desire for revenge went along nicely with Dazai's own plans, he had happily stood aside and watched the widespread destruction with fascination, the many times he'd trained Corruption with Chuuya couldn't compare to watching him use it uninhibited. All it had taken was a matter of moments for entire buildings to be demolished and Dazai was left with a sudden understanding of what the destruction of Suribachi City must have been like.
He only let Chuuya rampage for a few minutes before wrapping his fingers around the boy's wrist and canceling out his ability, they didn't want to end up destroying all of Yokohama after all. Scooping his partner's hat up off the ground, he spun it idly on his finger, gazing around at the destruction surrounding them.
"My my, I'd say that's a job well done, wouldn't you Chibi?" He commented, not really expecting a response; it was clear that Chuuya was barely hanging on to conscious. Sighing loudly, Dazai stopped spinning the hat, instead placing it on his own head so his hands were free to pick Chuuya up in a princess carry. "Hmm, maybe we'll get a raise for this?" He muttered to himself, beginning what he considered a far too long walk to find a ride.
As it turned out, not only was a raise in store for both of them, Chuuya had managed to net himself a promotion to Executive thanks to his actions. It was a bittersweet victory, as an Executive Dazai knew Chuuya had finally gained the chance to look through his files and gain much sought after answers about his past, but now that Mori had gotten a definite taste of what the two of them could do together, they would no doubt be sent out on more and more missions together with instructions to use Corruption.
As usual, Dazai's prediction turned out to be correct.
It wasn't all bad though, Chuuya was a fun partner to work with, not that Dazai would ever tell him that, and bugging him often led to funny stories he could tell Oda and Ango. Chuuya's body also seemed to adjust better to using Corruption, he’d still cough up blood and blackout after using it, but his time spent unconscious had greatly decreased and he was usually out of the hospital within a few days. Sometimes he was out even sooner then that if he had his way; of course when Dazai had proudly told him that he was getting almost as good at escaping hospitals as he was, he’d only received a punch to the gut as thanks, which he found rather rude.
Even with the good points though Dazai still couldn't claim to be happy, he still felt empty, but he supposed he was as close to content as he could be until he either found a reason for living or successfully managed to kill himself.
Then Oda had died and everything changed.
Leaving the Mafia was simultaneously harder and easier then Dazai had thought it would be. With Odasaku dead and Ango revealed to be a spy, there wasn't much of anything left to emotionally tie him to the organization. Really only Chuuya was left, and while he'd probably miss the angry little hat rack, it was far to easy for Dazai to come up with reasons for himself why leaving his partner behind was fine. He'd always been good at lying.
Chuuya was happy in the Mafia, he liked it there, he wouldn't want to come along with Dazai even if he asked. Besides they hated each other, they were always fighting, why would he even want him to come along? Chuuya would be better off without him anyway, Mori wouldn't be able to make him use Corruption anymore so he'd be safe and happy while Dazai focused on becoming a good man for Oda's sake.
They say if you repeat a lie enough times it will become true, and while that in itself was certainly a lie, it was easy enough to make yourself think it was true if you kept it up. And so Dazai easily pushed his regrets to the side and left without a backwards glance.
But then Chuuya came down those stairs four years later and suddenly it wasn't so easy to ignore those long pushed aside regrets. Being on the side that saved people had made a difference in Dazai's life and he didn't regret making that choice, but as he slid back into the old pattern of bantering with his former partner, he couldn't help but wonder if he should have given Chuuya the chance to make that choice as well.
Despite having not wanted to join in the first place, Chuuya had slid into the Mafia like a well-oiled gear, his inclusion helped things run smoothly and it was like he'd always belonged there. But was he happy? He should be, if there was anything in the Mafia that would make him unhappy it would be being used as a weapon, and with Dazai not there to make Corruption an option, that couldn't happen.
Still, as he watched his old partner's back disappear out of the dungeon, he couldn't help but wonder if he'd made a mistake.
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