#but the guys don't like that idea because it would put too much pressure and work on Dust as he is the only one with the knowledge
ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Market
I am back again! Are you guys ready for more domestic fluff? I hope you are!
First Drabble (with original prompt by @spotaus ) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Ready for the guys to be trying to settle more and get used to things? I hope you are!
Horror leans back to look at the new gate with the newly made attached sign. The name Haven proudly displayed on it. Horror nods. All stable and ready.
A honk of a truck and Horror looks over his shoulder. Seeing the familiar truck of Crop and Straw. Horror raises a hand and leans against the post. Waiting.
They stop the truck nearby and Straw grins widely "Looks amazing! you guys made quick work of it."
Horror shrugs "Aside from Dust we are all jobless. We had free time." he snorts at the looked both brothers wear as he turns back to their house. It is still very empty with only a few necessities but that didn't matter to them.
Crop coughs before grinning "Either way. We had a bit of a question for you guys regarding that and Dust's job situation."
Horror stops and shoots them a look "What about it?" he still leads them back. Even so today is suposed to be a relax day and Dust had taken the time to pull Nightmare close and read with him. Horror would feel terrible about ruining that.
Crop follows along "You guys probably don't know but this week is kinda a festive thing going on in town. All the farms collect some goods to have a big sale and trade and everything. Some people set up games and competitions. We may be a small community but we are far spread and it brings people."
Horror nods slowly "So... why need Dust?" it does not sound like a place Dust would enjoy. At all.
Crop rubs his neck "the cooler broke. The big big cooler in the big barn we use to meet up. the city service is being difficult about coming to fix it and is asking for extra for the short notice and some excuse about some unknown holiday."
Horror frowns and turns "That sounds like active sabotage."
Straw waves his hands "we know we know we all know but that isn't the issue. wihtout that working we are either going to have to cut things short as produce kept there won't be kept fresh long enough."
Crop nods "Not to forget the actual fire hazard it makes. We were setting up there when we heard about what was going on and were wondering if Dust could come fix it."
Straw nods and looks hopeful "And it will be great for you all to partake too!"
Cross joins them looking confused "partake in what?" he looks messy and covered in mud. Which is fair as he and Killer have been trying to figure out their terrain and make it safe. They haven't had much progress so far.
Straw gives the same explanation to Cross and Cross looks troubled as he glances at the house "I mean... he and Nightmare were kind of having a break day..." Cross must have made the same conclusion horror had in mind.
Cross frowns "on the other hand... that place may be a good place to get more information on the whole farm thing and see more options for us..." he shoots him a look.
horror thinks before shrugging "I will ask Dust and Nightmare. Can you ask Killer?"
Cross nods and just shouts for the other down the terrain. Knowing Killer will come then. Horror goes inside the house.
The house is still rather empty and aside from a very large comfortable nest by the downstairs fireplace they really have hardly anything. It was to be expected as it was their first week even living in here. Maybe they can even see some stuff for their house at this market thing?
Horror pauses and smiles as he watches Nightmare just lean fully against Dust, clearly looking half asleep as Dust slowly reads a story out loud. Holdign Nightmare against him as he lounges in the nest with their babybones.
Horror feels terrible for breaking the peaceful scene as he quietly joins them and tells them the situation.
Dust thinks it over and looks at Nightmare. Ngihtmare shrugs and mutters that it is fine. They don't need to stay there long.
Dust thinks it over before agreeing. Just to quickly fix stuff and then he will come back as soon as possible.
Horror shakes his skull "We can all go together. We will look around and look for usefull things for the house while you fix it." with someone watching his back. Horror does not like the timing of which this thing broke and how difficult those people in the city are being. better stay alert.
Dust mutters stuff about it being fine but easily enough agrees to make it a group outing.
They meet up with the farm brothers and get all get in the truck.
They get to the town and the whole main road has been filled with stalls and people getting ready.
Cross agrees to stay and help Dust fix the things that need fixing while Horror takes the hold on Nightmare over. He can see the anxious look Dust shoots Nightmare before looking at him "don't put him down."
So Nightmare had been feeling a bit sore when he woke up. easy enough. Horror nods and makes sure to have a secure hold on Nightmare and that his spine stays fully supported.
Straw grins and quickly leads Dust and Cross towards where the electrics are being set up for the big market.
Killer looks around as he stretches "Well... guess we can walk around and ask people about farm stuff?"
Crop is nice enough to help and show them around. They introduce themselves and people keep looking excited when they realise they are the new group of people. Killer grins and seems to like the excitement until people glance in Nightmare's way.
Either way they talk with people and learn about what each farm specialises in. And how the introduction of magic make it possible for a lot of small farmers to survive and really keep producing without a lot of the complicated mechanism.
All around it is interesting. The meet up wiht Gerson and confirm that he can come visit one of these days to see how the house ended up looking and wave at Ellie and Dani who are clearly hard at work with trading some logs with others already. Clearly most of their work will be early in the event.
They end up playing some of the games. They find an axe throwing ring and Killer grins madly at him.
Horror sighs "No Killer."
Killer whines "Come on H! You cna win this easy peacy!"
the person manning the stand laughs "That is what everyone thinks! But the axe is a lot harder to throw and aim than people think. But! If you hit the bullseye you get to pick a prize from the highest plank!"
Killer looks at Horror "Come on H! looks at those plushies!"
Horror sighs as he shoots Killer a look before looking up. They are big and soft alright. He notices Nightmare staring at them with slightly shiny eye lights. But he just turns around to snuggle closer.
Horror looks at Killer "Do not put him down."
Killer immediantly understands and nods as he takes Nightmare over and coos and nuzzles his tiny skull.
Horror walks over and pays enough for one game. It is expensive and normally a scam. luckily Horror has some very unfair advantage.
The man grins widely clearly thinking he won this. "Okay! You get three chances to get as many points as possible or one chance to hit the bullseye for the large prize!"
Horror takes the axe "one throw." and goes to the right spot. He feels the weight of the axe and throws it up and down a few times in his hand. Not as balanced as his own axe and the blade looks dull. So even if you aim right there is a large chance the axe won't even stick to the bullseye.
Crop looks uncertain "Guys? It is fine. We can look around first more." Crop obviously know they are still low and money "These kinda games are often scams-"
the man manning the stand huffs "They already paid for it. just be quiet." Crop glares as he huffs.
Horror nods and listens to the intructions where he is allowed to stand. Then he takes aim and throws the axe, just using pure strenght.
The axe hits the bullseye and plinters the wood as it sinks in. and it sticks.
horror slowly pulls his arm back and looks at the man "Hit the bullseye and the axe stuck. just like you explained in the rules." he takes Nightmare back and nudges him gently to look up "Which one do you want?"
Nightmare looks at the plushies and ends up picking a very large and round plush bat.
the man stammers but takes the prize down for them. Nightmare hugs the plushy and purrs softly in his hold. Horror smiles. very much worth the money. Horror is sure that Dust will agree.
Moments later they see the lights on the big barn, an old barn that got remodelled into a community center, lights up with fairy lights all along the roof, windows and large open door.
Killer grins "Seems like Dusty pulled off a miracly fix again!"
Crop grins widely "I know! lets go see and share the great news!"
They meet up with Dust and Cross and see Dust cleaning his phalanges as he speaks. something about salt and sugar in the engines of the generators and while a mess it was an easy fix once eh figured it out.
Horror nods. So it is what he thought. clear sabotage. Fitting if some large corperation wants to buy these farms out it is fitting they try to ruin one of the few large markets they have. especially as there are used to trade and show off goods and probably get more customers.
Straw rushes off to no doubt share the great news that everything can continue as planned as Horror hands Nightmare back to Dust. Dust sees the large plush bat and shoots them a look. Horror rubs his cheek sheepishly "Killer really wanted me to play the game..."
killer grins widely and speaks about the axe throwing and everything.
Dust snorts and nods as cross looks more anxious "Guys! those things are always scams!"
Killer grins widely "we scammed the scammer! Wlel not scam as Horror won fair and square but still!"
Cross groans "It was probably so expensive..."
Dust shrugs "Just money." he just looks at Nightmare as Nightmare holds part of the large bat, that Horror is still holding for him, as he leans against Dust.
Cross blinks but nods "okay i guess... and the market?"
horror half listens as Killer gives Cross and Dust an update on what they saw and what type of farms are around. Dust however seems more interested in a group of people speaking on their phones after shooting the barn shocked looks. Seems like Dust located the saboteurs.
Luckily after a quick check with the mayor the area gets locked off. The mayor gives their deep thanks to Dust and reassures him something about payment coming their way. Dust shrugs but Killer catching on and quickly explains they are from the new farm Haven and that they can be generally found there.
The mayor thanks them againa nd goes about his way.
Cross tilts his skul as he crosses his arms "Who knew that they way to get people to like you is just to fix all their stuff."
Dust shrugs before looking around "We staying or looking?"
They end up taking the time to look around and meet some more people as they are there anyway. Also get a general idea how expensive phones are in this universe and what their own options for a farm are.
Before they know it is it time to eat and they eat out at the market before gettin Crop and STraw to drive them home.
The day had been busier than they had all expected but all in all not bad.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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Listen, I love Fiddlestan as much as the next guy, but where did we start getting the idea Ford was cold and dismissive towards Fidds during their time working on the portal???
I could totally be wrong because I haven't read every single GF related thing (hell, my journals aren't decoded because I'm a slacker), but like??? The first time he saw him, he bought him his favorite snacks *and* a whole ass banjo and said he'd make it his mission that Fiddleford would be comfortable in his home.
They go adventuring together and talk about things like fashion trends and the future and go stargazing.
Ford is *so* happy when Fiddleford returns that he hugs him immediately. Abd then he feels bad that Fiddleford feels bad about his failing marriage that he throws him a holiday party even though he doesn't celebrate and hates the holidays honestly. And he put on Fiddlefords favorite song (which he despises and honestly? ME TOO FORD. I HAVE BEEF WITH THAT SONG) and drank seemingly spiked eggnog with him despite not usually liking to drink. So that he could make Fiddleford feel better.
He also just openly adores everything Fiddleford does. Maybe it's only in his journals. You could argue he doesn't say it out loud but, like, he exclusively describes him as impressive all of the time-
And I get where it's coming from in like a "oh he's a workaholic who has the pressure of Bill breathing down his neck that he has to be working on the portal 24/7." And like yeah, but in the pages he's a workaholic he's a workaholic practically begging Fiddleford to stay up with him because he loves working along side him. Fiddleford and him work *together.*
Like the page where they're sorta fighting with each other because Ford wants to work more its not "leave me alone Fiddleford, I have to do this" it's "hey! How come you won't stay up with me! Ugh this is so unfair that you're going to bed even though you know I plan to continue working for another hour."
I'm just saying if Fiddleford wanted to cuddle, I imagine Ford's response would be "Oh! Awesome, I love spending time with him 🥰🥰🥰" but he'd just end up using Fidds' back as a table for his studies. Or they'd do that thing where one of them is working on a desk and they sit on one chair in each other's arms.
And, while we're here, realistically? Emotionally stunted, slapped by more women than He's dated, "I can't cry in front of people, and the only thing I'm good for is my fists." Stanley Pines??? He's not cuddling shit. He's got that toxic masculinity ingrained into him. It doesn't matter how incredibly touch starved he is, cuddling is too emotionally intimate and "girly" for him. Honestly if Fiddleford tried to cuddle him he'd probably throw him in a headlock because he's also been on the streets for years now with people constantly trying to attack him.
And I'm not saying this to diss on Fiddlestan. Again, I *like* Fiddlestan! But when I read "Ford could never appreciate him like Stan could" I don't understand it.
They so clearly bonded well together, and if Ford truly was being an asshole (or not an asshole, but just generally unpleasant even when he wasn't possessed) the whole time, I doubt Fiddleford would've stayed. Nostalgia and physical attraction can only get you so far, and Fidds is already facing the horrors in Gravity Falls, Stanford has to be a hell of an amazing person to make someone want to stay. Like, he's a grown adult. Sure he really wanted to impress Ford and allotted himself to be "the tech guy to Ford's smarts" but if he wanted to leave, he could've. And there didn't seem to much keeping him there. Especially when he was having doubts on the portal.
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neptuneiris · 9 months
could you pretend to be in love? (02/10)
The Contract
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader (fake dating)
summary: there is no turning back now and now you and Aemond set the rules and conditions to start the whole farce.
word count: 4.6k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
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I thought this would be a very nice way to wish happy new year to all of you beautiful people who support me and like what I write, you don't know how much that means to me🥺
thank you for so much support and for so much love, I have loved being here and I definitely plan to stay for longer, seeing how that love evolves and my place here as a writer🥰 so enjoy a lot this new chapter that I really hope you like it a lot❤
many blessings to all of you, my best wishes for your lives in this 2024, I love you all so much!😊❤
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It's the first thing you see after turning off the alarm and you curiously enter to read the recent messages from an unknown number, not having the slightest idea of who it might be.
But you let out a long sigh of frustration when you read them and see that it's Aemond, who you don't understand how the fuck he got your number. Of course, it shouldn't have been hard for him, just a few questions and anyone can tell him what he wants to know.
And knowing that you have a long day ahead of you today, you already feel the pressure all over your body when you haven't even left your bed, where you also feel the frustration and all this uncertainty that you thought you had already overcome, but no.
You barely accepted yesterday and suddenly putting the plan into action from one day to the next, it's too much. But without really having a choice, you reluctantly force yourself to get up and start getting ready.
After an hour, you leave your house with the nagging feeling of carrying a weight on your shoulders to school. And all the way there, not even the music in your ears can make your mind calm down for a moment.
Knowing very soon that your whole social life will be a mess and you will no longer be invisible, since after all Aemond was right in that respect, causes you even more uneasiness and also nervousness because you are going to pretend to be the girlfriend of the most popular guy in school.
And once the bus makes its stop, you soon enter the halls of the bustling school. And knowing that a certain silver-haired guy is waiting for you right now, every heavy step you take towards the schoolyard echoes loudly in your ears, increasing your nervousness and anxiety.
You're even tempted to back up and tell him to forget it, but you resist and keep moving forward.
As you walk through the huge doors of the backyard, it's only a matter of time before you make out the figure of Aemond sitting at the same table as yesterday in the distance. Your heart skips a beat and you feel more nervous, but gathering your courage and taking a long breath, you advance towards him, ready but with uncertain steps.
Every step seems heavy, as if you are walking into the unknown and you try to hide the nerves in your gaze, especially when Aemond notices your presence. He watches you and slowly turns to you, a subtle smile on his lips.
Again there is that feeling of telling him to forget it, to find someone else, that you can't do this. But... your mind stops you and screams at you not to be silly, that at the end of it all there will be a reward, a very good reward that getting it by faking a relationship with him, is nothing.
And it's definitely worth it.
So resigned, you reach out to him.
"Hey," he says to you without wiping off his little smile, as you take a seat in front of him and he waits for you to finish settling in, "So you've come."
"Don't bother me," you tell him without humor, definitely contrasting his mood to yours.
"Now what did I do?"
"That," you point to his face, "You're enjoying this, seeing that I haven't backed out."
"Oh, please, I actually thought you wouldn't come and tell me to fuck off after you thought better of it," he justifies himself.
"Yeah? Well, nothing a free admission to your dream college won't do," you say with a slightly sarcastic tone, though implicitly admitting your reasons, "And it's actually not like I like skipping classes, so could we get this started?"
Aemond exhales long, averting his gaze from yours for a moment before returning to watching you.
"You know you'll have to be charming and act like you're completely in love with me in public, right?" he poses, expectantly.
"Yes, I know... in public," you point out to him, "Just now no one knows we're 'dating' genius," you add, underlining the falsity of the situation.
He places a small, amused, smirk on his lips.
He adds with a slightly defiant tone and you roll your eyes.
"Don't get too excited either."
"Are you not?"
"Oh yeah, I can't handle the excitement," you feign in a high-pitched, ironic voice, making exaggerated hand gestures.
Aemond lets out a short but genuine laugh at your gesture. He leans back slightly, his eye revealing a mischievous glint as he watches you.
"Glad to see you're keeping your sense of humor in this," he says with his tone changing slightly to a more relaxed one.
"I don't have much choice, do I?" you reply, accepting his change of mood, but still maintaining a certain emotional distance.
You figure it's just a matter of the two of you getting more into trust, and if you're going to do this with him, you're definitely going to do your part. But for now, this is still a little awkward and unexpected. And the sooner you do this, the better it will be for you.
So you shift your focus and lean forward slightly with a more serious expression on your face.
"So let's get started?"
"Well, making a contract will take up a lot of our time, so I thought it would be easier to just say and agree between us-
"It will be easier this way, to write down and establish the rules and the conditions we want to do during all this, just to have everything clear and not miss anything, Aemond," you interrupt him, taking out a notebook and a pen to start writing.
"Okay, fine," he says, shrugging his shoulders.
"So?" you watch him expectantly with the blank sheet of paper in front of you and your pen in hand, "What do you suggest first?"
"Well... first we need to know when this will all end," he begins to say, adopting a relaxed but firm stance, "And I would say that it may end when it is no longer necessary for both of you to continue pretending. But I think it's a better idea for us to last until graduation."
He proposes, looking at you intently, waiting for your reaction and you can't help but be a little surprised to hear that.
"Until graduation?" you repeat and he nods, "But you really want to do this for almost five months?"
"I know it's a long time, but that time can be beneficial for both of us," he explains, "That's enough time to give our relationship credibility and authenticity and it's also enough time to handle any problems that arise."
He says and you nod cautiously, evaluating his words.
"But if you disagree, tell me," he hurries to say.
His calm tone and your reasons contrast with the uncertainty and indecision you feel. And the two of you have barely started.
Five months is such a compromising situation and it generates some concern, because you know you will face so many things you still have no idea about and every day it could become more complicated to maintain the farce.
"I guess it's okay," you cautiously admit, trying to see the big picture, "But I feel like it's still a long time. But also reducing that time might not be enough," you agree.
"Yes but I'm sure we can handle it. And don't worry, if at some point we feel it's too much or we don't have enough reason to keep pretending anymore, we can talk iand end it."
You remain pondering, considering his words and after a few seconds you nod in agreement, and write it down as the first point on the sheet. But this alone is the first piece of a much more complicated puzzle.
1. Duration of relationship: Until graduation.
And Aemond also brings up the next point of the contract, expressing his ideas with quiet but evident assurance.
"Now, second..." he begins, "As for behavior in public, we should genuinely show affection in the hallways, cafeteria, and at any school activity and event. In a relationship people don't take their hands off each other, so we should smile at each other, hug each other, make subtle gestures, hold hands-
"Don't say kissing, please," you interrupt him, pleading, taking him by surprise.
"Of course, Y/N," he tells you instantly, incredulous, "Obviously we'll have to kiss."
As if having to act completely in love with him and be every moment touching him isn't enough. But the idea of kissing seems a bit much to you.
"I agree about showing affection and all that, but that kissing thing might be awkward and... weird," you say, trying to be sincere but not seeming completely closed off to the idea.
Aemond looks at you incredulously.
"So you don't want us to kiss?"
"I don't think it's necessary, honestly."
"Are you crazy? How are we supposed to pretend if we're not going to kiss? No one's going to believe us if we don't kiss and that's what will literally make the whole relationship believable," he insists, visibly concerned.
"Yeah, I get that it might seem necessary, but...at least I don't want to be having to kiss you every single time."
"You don't want to kiss me?" he asks you, visibly surprised, confused and... maybe a little hurt?
You watch him silently for a moment not understanding his reaction and then watch him with a small amused smile.
"I'm not one of your fans, Targaryen."
"Oh come on, everyone wants to kiss me," he says confused and incredulous, proving his point.
"Even the guys?"
"Well... yeah, I don't know, maybe some of them," he says with a shrug.
"Seven Hells," you mutter, averting your gaze for a moment, "I-I really don't want to do that," you say, speaking seriously and then you let out a sigh, "But you're right that no one's going to believe us-
"Obviously. I always have," he is quick to say.
"So my proposal is this... we'll kiss, yes, but only when it's extremely necessary, and when I say extremely necessary I mean extremely necessary."
You watch him intently, keeping yourself willing with your proposal, waiting for his opinion, which judging by his face, he doesn't quite agree with.
"And what would those extremely necessary moments be exactly?" he inquires, attentive and interested, also still looking slightly worried.
"In the cafeteria or in the hallways when everyone is obviously looking at us and we're attracting attention. Just don't abuse it."
Aemond lets out a long breath.
"Well, let's limit them to extremely necessary moments," he finally says resignedly and you quickly note the second point.
2. Behavior in public: Show affection as genuinely as possible in public, such as gestures, hugs, and holding hands. KISSING ONLY WHEN EXTREMELY NECESSARY.
"But then that second point is also going to apply to the parties you'll be going to with me and my lacrosse games you'll be going to."
You quickly raise your gaze to him.
"Yes," he nods, "Going to the parties together will also lend credibility to the relationship and obviously we have to be very close to each other. And it's the same in my games, you must go to support and encourage me, like any girlfriend in love with her boyfriend would."
Aemond's words provoke an instant reaction in you, that confusing you and taking you by surprise.
"But I don't go to parties."
"Now you will," he says with a calm expression, reaching out his hand and taking the pen and your notebook.
He is already writing in a section further down the sheet which he lists as; 'additional conditions'.
Lacrosse games.
"Aemond, I'm not a big fan of parties, really," you insist, "You'll have a bad time if you take me with you and I'll probably ruin everything."
"Don't worry, I'll teach you the trick to having a good time and change that mentality you have. Besides I won't take you to every party, just a few," he assures you, "All while keeping up appearances," he hands you back your notebook and pen, "With me you'll never get bored, I promise," he says with a small smile on his lips.
You let out a sigh, placing the notebook back in front of you, still undecided.
"Yes? Well, we'll see about that. I warned you though."
He lets out a soft little laugh.
"Come on Y/N, you can't be that bad."
"I assure you I can be."
"And so what do you do for fun?" he asks you, keeping his smile, curiosity evident in his gaze.
And there it is, the question that totally describes your personality and that in fact you don't like to answer to just anyone, because then they call you boring. But you can't lie to Aemond, he is astute enough and would notice.
So you decide to be honest.
"I like to read," you reply, lowering your gaze and feeling slightly embarrassed, "And I love going to the movies or watching movies and shows at home, either one is totally fine with me. Oh... and... hm... I also like ice skating, although I don't do that as often but... it's something I like too."
And even though it's only a bit of the world of things you like, Aemond listens to you attentively with a soft expression, saying nothing afterwards, as if he's processing every word you've said, while you only feel more embarrassed by the silence.
You know there's nothing wrong with it but it always made you insecure to share your hobbies, mostly because you know that many girls your age enjoy their teenage years going out with friends to parties and getting drunk.
That didn't and doesn't appeal to you now. You have long been more comfortable with the idea of staying home or going out somewhere else instead of going to parties.
It's not as if you don't attend or avoid every social event, yes you can attend and have a good time depending on who you are with and where, but not as often as every weekend.
However, you understand and recognize the logic behind Aemond's suggestion and that is that attending parties, is essential. And just as he is about to finally speak, you do so first.
"I know they are simple things and are not very exciting for most people. I also know they can be very boring but for me... that's what I like," you shyly confess.
"Hm," he says, taking a small moment, watching you softly, only causing you even more embarrassment, "Well, that's not what I was going to say," he says, catching your attention, "Sometimes it is the simple things that mean the most to everyone and, being honest... I find them interesting," he adds, trying to evaporate any awkwardness and embarrassment you might feel.
You raise your gaze, meeting his bright blue eye watching you softly and with his gaze full of genuine understanding, along with that hint of curiosity. And that gets your attention too.
He's not judging you. And even though it's not something he would do or at least hasn't tried to do yet, he's not judging you for it and you see that genuine interest in his gaze.
"Tell you what, for every party you go to with me, I'll read one of your favorite books or a movie or shows you want me to watch," he says, picking up the notebook and pen again.
"What?" you look at him confused, unable to help but smile in bewilderment, "Are you serious?"
"You must set your own conditions too," he states as he writes, "I already dragged you into my world, so now you're dragging me into yours," he looks up at you, "What do you think? Is it a fair exchange or not?"
His proposal takes you by surprise and also confuses you a little, however, the small smile remains on your face.
The genuine expression of openness on his face and the determination with which he wrote definitely makes you feel more comfortable. His willingness to immerse himself in your interests was not something you had agreed upon from the beginning, nor is it something extremely necessary to fake a relationship.
But it's for the simple reason that you both feel comfortable if you're going to pretend for almost five months and it seems like a nice gesture from him to include it, something you honestly didn't expect from him.
And when he gives you back your notebook, you see the new rule under 'additional conditions'.
For every party Y/N goes to with me, I will read a book or watch one of her favorite movies or shows.
"Yes," you nod, "Sounds like a fair deal to me."
Aemond smiles, pleased with your answer and also seeing the expression on your face.
"Great. We'll see if I discover something new I like. And you too..." he points at you with his index finger, "You won't regret it after you have a great time at my parties," he says enthusiastically, with a sort of complicity in his tone.
"Well, we'll see if you manage to impress me."
And right there, the two of you exchange complicit glances, Aemond having that little smile on his lips while you don't understand this strange new alliance the two of you are building.
But even though you didn't expect it, it's definitely to your liking.
"Now, third..." you point to the notebook with your pen, "Reinforcing the second rule, public appearance," you say, observing him, "We must act as a committed and attentive couple to each other at school and to these parties you want us to go to."
Aemond nods determinedly, thoughtfully.
"Yes, commitment at all times," he states seriously.
"So, that also means that neither of us can be with other people for the duration of all this, not even secretly," you add, making the point clear.
"And you want to write that as a rule too? It's obvious that neither of us should-
"I'll write it as the fourth rule, just to be clear about everything as I told you."
"Oh, fine."
3. Public appearance: Act like a real couple in love, be committed and attentive to each other at school and social events.
4. No involvement with other girls/guys: No casual encounters or texting with anyone else for the duration of the fake relationship.
"Oh and also..." says Aemond, reminding, "Since we're at that point, on additional conditions write that we should both upload photos and videos together on our social media. It's another way to lend credibility to our relationship."
"Photos and videos together on our social media," you repeat, looking at the notebook.
And this catches Aemond's attention.
"Don't tell me you don't use your social media," he says beginning to sound alert and concerned.
"No, no, I-I mean, yes," you hasten to say, "It's just... I don't know, I most likely don't use them as often as you do, besided I have very few followers."
"Don't worry, whatever followers you have are fine. Besides, I'm sure they'll increase when I upload my first photo with you."
You roll your eyes with an amused smile.
"Okay, Mr. Popularity."
"And speaking of that, hand me your Instagram and all your networks," he says instantly, grabbing his cell phone from his front pocket, "We better have that all figured out now."
Obviously Aemond's accounts had to be public while you maintain your privacy, with barely thirteen hundred followers while he has almost the entire school following him and probably from other schools as well.
In fact, your numbers compared to his are embarrassing. But you never really had the interest of having more followers on Instagram or more friends on Facebook, Snapchat is the same and apparently that doesn't matter to Aemond.
Upload photos and videos together to our social media.
"And well, I also think another very important thing is to maintain privacy," you suggest, lifting your gaze to watch him and Aemond gives you a confused look.
"Do you really want to write that down too? It's obvious we can't tell anyone-
"Let me enjoy this, Aemond. It's actually fun and I want to write it all down. So act serious," you ask.
He lets out a choked laugh.
"Well, yes, we must be discreet, no one must know that all this is false, only we know the truth and we must keep it that way," he says and you excitedly write it down.
"We mustn't involve our families in this either," you add, watching him intently, "But that will be difficult because your siblings are here," you grimace.
"We can keep up the farse with them for a while too, I'll convince them not to say anything to my mother or the rest of my family. And once everyone here at school is convinced enough, I'll tell the truth only to them," he say sure and confident, solving the problem.
"And you're sure you'll manage to keep them that way?"
"Yeah," he says with a shrug, "They're my siblings. I know how it works with each one."
5. Maintain privacy: Tell absolutely no one about the fake relationship or involve each other's families in it.
"Oh, right, I almost forgot..." Aemond says as he points to what is already written, "You must also go on each year's trip to Dragonstone with me. That's another additional condition of mine."
"What?" you inquire again, surprised and confused.
"Yes, the trip to Dragonstone," he affirms.
Oh God, the trip to Dragonstone.
Dragonstone is an island not far from King's Landing, where there is an ancient castle with a lot of history but has been modernized with the same name and is open to every visitor.
The school makes an annual trip for educational purposes as the castle has relics and structuring from thousands of years ago. You have seen pictures and videos where everything looks really beautiful, ancestral and almost royalty.
In addition the castle offers other activities, such as rides on its huge luxury yachts, surfing, diving and swimming lessons.
You always had the spirit to go but have always known that the trip is anything but educational. You've heard stories that happen with the students, such as getting drunk, partying on the yachts, hot tubs and obviously you've heard stories of who slept with whom.
Even the most reserved get to have fun and it's not something you're interested in. You know you don't fit in that environment, especially since everyone has to share a room and you're sure that if you go, you'll have to share a room with girls with different tastes and perspectives than yours. They probably won't even let you sleep.
"Come on Y/N, you've never been to Dragonstone?" asks Aemond incredulously, noting the grimace on your face for wanting you to go there with him.
"Well, yeah I've wanted to go but... I-I, I don't know, I've heard that instead of learning about the place, everyone goes to having fun, they party, they get drunk and I-I don't...
"And what do you expect us to do in a modern castle on the shore of the beach with yachts and hot tubs?" he inquires again, expectantly, "The trip is planned for the middle of the last month of these five months and you can't let me go alone with the things that go on in that place."
You make your grimace more visible, revealing your clear indecision. And even though you and Aemond have been at odds lately over the matter of tastes, he still places a soft smile in your direction, understanding that you are not like him and prefer to do other things.
"Look, you don't have to go to the parties and drink if you don't want to," he starts to tell you, "But we can at least go to one of the parties on the yachts and then do the activities they offer on site, swimming, diving and all that," he proposes, "We'll take pictures, tour the castle and we'll both be equally satisfied."
You ponder for a moment, considering his proposal. You know you only have to get your father's signature on the permit to be able to go to the island and it's not like you've gone before so... you can do it now.
"Well, I guess that's fine," you nod, "But really promise you won't leave me alone and we'll take the time to do other activities that aren't related to partying on yachts and hot tubs."
"Please, we'll go as a couple, so of course I won't leave you alone. You'll be stuck with me," he assures you, "And I also promise you that we'll do other activities, not just the parties."
"And..." you start to say, in a serious, warning tone, "Also promise you'll pick me up every morning to bring me to school. That's another one of my additional conditions. The bus isn't very comfortable anymore."
He nods, shrugging, completely unconcerned.
"Sure, it's no problem. Besides it will make the relationship more credible," he says softly.
Despite your doubts, you feel a sense of relief at seeing and acknowledging his commitment. And you also feel more confident knowing that you have his support in all of this, even in your conditions. So you write down the two new additional conditions.
Drive Y/N every morning to school.
Dragonstone trip.
At the end you both sign the sheet, looking honestly ridiculous but being funny, then both seal the whole contract by shaking hands.
"So when do we start all this?" you ask him, putting away your notebook and pen.
"I say tomorrow," he gives you a look of understanding, "But we need to talk now during classes in the hallways or in the cafeteria, so that when they see us together tomorrow, it won't be so surprising and will seem more believable."
You give him an unsure look.
"I think it will still be very surprising, Aemond."
"It doesn't matter, we just have to start showing together today, just talking. But tomorrow is when we really start."
And just as he says those words, with that determination, you feel again those nerves in your lower abdomen and that insecurity. But at least you still have all day today to mentally prepare yourself, and you're grateful for that.
"And before I forget this too..." he says again, "I need you to send me all your academic information to work on your college application now," he tells you seriously and you watch him completely attentively, "The five months will go by fast and during that time college applications will start. So it's best to get it all in now."
At this, you feel your heart start to beat fast and you don't know why, you guess because it's a very important issue for you. And more than anything else it's the reason you agreed to do this with him.
"Yeah, yeah, sure," you say softly, "I-I'll email it all to you."
He smiles softly in your direction.
"Very well," he nods at you, "I'll text you my email."
Despite your slight doubts about whatever is going to happen next, the idea of starting a fake relationship leaving you with a knot in your stomach and feeling your emotions mixed, you know this will all be worth a try.
So you pick up your phone and you start to write in an email all your personal and academic information. While at the same time all is said and done and the fake relationship contract is over.
Duration of relationship: Until graduation.
Behavior in public: Show affection as genuinely as possible in public, such as gestures, hugs, and holding hands. KISSING ONLY WHEN EXTREMELY NECESSARY.
Public appearance: Act like a real couple in love, be committed and attentive to each other at school and social events.
No involvement with other girls/guys: No casual encounters or texting with anyone else for the duration of the fake relationship.
Maintain privacy: Tell absolutely no one about the fake relationship or involve each other's families in it.
Lacrosse games.
For every party Y/N goes to with me, I will read a book or watch one of her favorite movies or shows.
Upload photos and videos together to our social media.
Drive Y/N every morning to school.
Dragonstone trip.
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general taglist
@melsunshine @at-a-rax-ia @jxdegodfrey @ttkttt @yentroucnagol @kate-to-the-ki @iamavailablesstuff
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
Hii, can I request something like Reader is friends with Florence or Yelena (you can choose) and they were traveling for work and had to spend like a week in Las Vegas, and one night they got super drunk and got married to each other. Like, how they would react to waking up the next morning with a ring on their finger (bonus points if they're naked lol).
I just love your writing so much 💙 but don't feel pressured to write it if you don't want to ~ 🐳
Waking Up In Vegas
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Fem! Reader
Summary: When Kate throws a party for an undercover mission, it opens the door to you and Yelena to have a little fun, maybe a little too much fun…
Fluff? Idk, maybe more comfort?
Warnings: Enemies to loves kind of vibe?, Mentions of drinking, Mentions of gambling, language warning, suggestive themes, Mentions of being sick & hung over | 1.9K
AC: I love this idea; I am also a little biased because I enjoyed the movie lmao, but I hope you enjoy this & thank you for sending it! x
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"Remember, don't blow this!" Kate's voice came through to your earpiece. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at your friend's reminder, "focus on your mission, bishop" you replied before taking a sip of your drink. Kate's plan was to lure her target by throwing a small party at a casino and to your surprise she was able to get Yelena to help her out, considering that Yelena hated the idea of being an Avenger of any kind. The blonde took a seat next to you at the bar, sighing when you looked over to her. 
"I'm surprised to see you here" you said under your breath just so she could hear. 
"It seems that Kate Bishop needed some real help" she replied, downing a shot of vodka the minute the bartender walked away. You chuckled, "it's always a pleasure to see you, Belova" you replied. You could say that you and Yelena were never really the best of friends, she hated everything you stood for almost and you didn't understand why she didn't want to put her widow skills into helping the world. Although she always told you that she was helping the world another way, you just assumed she hated working in a team. 
"I could say the same about you, but it never is a pleasure" Yelena replied, reaching over the bar and grabbing an entire bottle of vodka. "Hey!" The bartender called out, rushing over to the blonde. "Calm down, I was going to pay" Yelena said, her thick accent making it clear to the man behind the bar that she was probably somebody not to mess with. She placed some money on the bar which he took with an eye roll and watched as Yelena popped the lid off and poured herself another drink. 
"Isn't that a waste of money for you? I mean, does the vodka even affect you at all?" you asked. Yelena looked up at you and chuckled, "it does, eventually. It just means I get to drink more than you can before making a fool of myself" 
You rolled your eyes at her sarcasm before you pulled out a small bottle and placed it on the bar, "maybe you should try this" you said. 
"What would that be?" Yelena asked. 
"Asgardian Ale" you replied confidently. Yelena raised a brow, "you mean what the gods drink?" She questioned. You nodded as you downed what was left of your drink and began to pour some Ale into your glass. With a quick flick of her wrist, Yelena's shot glass slid down to you. 
"You're not one for manners, are you?" You cocked a brow. 
"You offered me a drink, I'll thank you when that glass is back in my hand" 
This was what it was always like for you two, bickering with one another. "Guys your earpieces are still on" Kate's voice rang through the small device in your right ear, "do you both still have eyes on the target?" She asked. You poured Yelena a shot of the strong ale and slid it back down to you, "he hasn't moved an inch" you informed Kate.
"Still gambling away those stolen millions" Yelena added. 
"Just, stay focused!" Kate said. 
"Looks like we're in for a long night, Belova" you turned slightly to face Yelena, drink in hand as you slightly raised it up. Yelena sighed in agreement before clinking her glass with yours. She threw the drink down the back of her throat like it was nothing, you couldn't help but chuckle before taking a mouthful of your drink. 
The loud banging on the hotel door woke Yelena, she groaned to herself as she slowly sat up. Her eyes barely staying awake, her head throbbing with a headache, the consistent knocking wasn't helping. She looked to her left and suddenly her eyes stopped fighting the need to be closed. There you lay, naked with the bed sheet barely covering you, peacefully sleeping. Yelena's eyes dropped to her own body before her mind went wild trying to remember the events of last night. 
"Yelena! Open the door!" She heard Kate's call bringing her thoughts back. Yelena stumbled out of bed, grabbing the first two pieces of clothing she saw as she dressed herself as she made her way to the door. 
"Kate Bishop, do you know how to be quiet when somebody is hung over?" Yelena groaned. Kate cocked a brow, "hung over? You? Really?" She questioned. 
"What do you want Kate Bishop?" Yelena asked sternly. 
"Come on, it's been like what? 5 years and you're still calling me by my full name?" 
"It's been 3 and yes" Yelena replied. 
"Right. Well, I just wanted to come by and thank you for the help last night, I know you hate all this Avenger business but it was much appreciated" Kate smiled. Yelena frowned, wondering how somebody could be so cheerful and happy so early in the morning. "You should probably have a shower, might help with the hang over" the archer added. 
"You're welcome, I'm going to take that shower now" Yelena replied, "I'll see you later Kate Bishop" she added before closing the door. 
Her head was pounding more than before, she'd never felt such a strong hangover before she thought as she made her way back to the bedroom. You hadn't moved a muscle which amazed Yelena considering she believed that Kate had probably woken up a few guests on the floor. Before Yelena knew it, she was back in bed and everything was black once more, peace and quiet to sleep off her headache. 
By the time you slowly began to wake up it was already a little after midday, you didn't drink near as much as Yelena, but you drank enough to feel your stomach turning as you slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. It took a second for you to notice the blonde sleeping beside you, your eyes widened when you noticed it was Yelena.
"Oh fuck!" You mumbled to yourself as you pulled the bed sheet over your naked body, "Yelena!" You nudged her. "Wake up!" You said, nudging her a little harder. 
"Mmm" she mumbled as she stirred. Annoyed with her lack of concern, you kicked her out of bed. 
"What was that for?!" Yelena spat as she picked herself up off the floor, "oh I don't know, maybe because I'm naked in your bed in your hotel room?" You snapped, "what the hell happened last night?" You asked, running one hand through your hair only for it to get caught in your locks. 
"All I remember is drinking a shot of that Asgardian Ale and the next thing I know; I'm waking up to Kate Bishop banging on the door and you kicking me out of bed!" Yelena explained. 
"Oh no" you mumbled after finally untangling your hand from your hair. A small silver band on your ring finger only added to the list of worries, you looked up at Yelena who was also looking at a similar ring on her ring finger. "Please tell me we didn't get married" you said. 
"Don't be stupid, we weren't that drunk" Yelena replied, "right?" She added unsurely when she noticed the ring on her finger. You rolled your eyes as you threw your head back onto the pillow, "this cannot be happening right now" you sighed as you covered your face with your hands. The room became silent, you tried your best to rack your brain for any memories of last night but like Yelena you couldn't remember anything after the two of you shared a couple of Thor's drink. 
Yelena wandered into the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face to keep her from needing extra sleep. "I will never trust you with alcohol again" you heard her say as she made her way back to the bedroom. Slowly, you sat back up and placed your feet on the floor. The bed sheet still wrapped around you as you scanned the room to find your clothing only to find it scattered from the living room to the bedroom. "I can't believe you did trust me" you muttered in reply, walking by her and locking yourself in the bathroom. "Look where that got me" Yelena replied.
The evaluator dinged as the doors began to slide open, both you and Yelena were greeted with a very happy, to happy, Kate Bishop with a smile from ear to ear she couldn't help hiding the chuckle that she let out as the two of you walked towards her. 
"What's so funny?" You asked with a cocked brow. After having a shower and returning to your own room to change into fresh clothes, you felt a little better, but a good meal was going to make you feel much better. Kate invited you both to the buffet for lunch in the lobby, Yelena's head still throbbing, not as much as earlier but enough for her to keep her shades on. 
"Just the two of you and the fun you both hide" Kate replied cheekily. 
"Fun?" Yelena questioned. Kate nodded, "you both have no idea what happened last night, do you?" She asked. You looked to Yelena who let out a sigh, "what do you know Kate Bishop?" The Russian asked. You looked back at Kate waiting for her to answer.
"Well, after the team and I got out target, mind you, neither of you were around so thanks so much for the help" Kate started in a sarcastic tone, "I found the two of you drunk as balls in the VIP bar. Y/n, you were dancing on the bar while Yelena threw money at you, from what I heard you both shouted every bodies drinks. So I thought I would leave you both to it, which I did" Kate went on, a cheeky smile on her lips told you she knew more than she was telling. 
"Go on" you said. 
"It was around 4am when you both came banging on my door, stumbling over each other's feet, not making any sense of words but Yelena confidently announced that you both had just got hitched" 
"Oh god" Yelena mumbled under her breath. 
"So, it's true, it really happened" you said, running your left hand through your hair in distress. 
"I honestly couldn't be happier my two closet friends are married!" Kate replied happily causing both you and Yelena to give her an unimpressed look. "Wait, so when you came to my room early this morning, yo-"
"I just wanted to see how you pulled up" Kate interrupted, "and before you ask, no, you both didn't sleep together as far as I know anyway. I tried to get you both to go to bed in your own rooms but you insisted that we go to the rooftop hot tub where you both striped and I had to drag you both back to your room where Y/n passed out in the bed and it took you a another 20 minutes before you too were passed out" the brunette added, looking at Yelena. 
A moment of silence was shared, you couldn't believe the information Kate just had just shared and you made a promise to yourself that you would never drink that much Asgardian Ale ever again. "So, lunch, anybody hungry?" Kate asked with yet another cheeky smile. Yelena turned to you, "divorce after lunch my sweetheart?" She asked in a sarcastic tone. 
"Let's make it quick" you replied.
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Taglist: @marvelfan98 | @boredandneedfanfics | @music-4ever | @marvelwomen-simp | @swaqcenix | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | @caporal-nino | @natashamaximoff-69 | @evilcr0ne | @boredandneedfanfics | @teganmiller | @ihavezeroclue13 | @tobiaslut | @itsmelulu | @axolotllover225 | @koinsss | @nuianced-tck-enby | @springsheep | 
If you want to be on the taglist for my work, please click HERE.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 4 months
"Mmmm, my transition is going better than I ever could've dreamed. My doctor just upped my dose of estrogen a couple months ago and put me on progesterone. Look at these tits I'm growing! They're so suckable, so perfect for grabbing and slapping around. They're totally perfect! My hips are getting wide and I'm finally getting a girl-butt, it already jiggles as I walk. So do my thighs. I've put on like thirty pounds in two months but my doctor says it's totally normal and not to worry at all. He said I should expect to put on more weight, that it's just my body naturally finding its perfect size as a woman, every trans girl goes through it! I can also expect my boobs to grow. And apparently my libido!
Before starting on these drugs I had like zero libido. My cock rarely got hard. I'm tucking it and pushing it against me bed right now but my cock is actually really hard, which feels kinda nice even if it's pretty embarrassing. I've started humping my pillows and other things around the house, I'm just so horny, I can't help it. My cock grew out of nowhere from about two inches to six! My doctor said that's normal, too, and not to worry, if my cock gets too big we can always remove it. But I confided that I sorta liked the idea of having a big dick, and he said most trans girls secretly do.... Guess I'm not alone! The only thing that even remotely helps soothe my constant horniness is eating. So, I miiiight have started stuffing my face when I'm super horny. Hey, my doctor said I can expect to gain weight. What's the harm? I can't go around constantly shooting ropes in my panties all day. Well, I could but I don't want people to judge me negatively as some kind of nympho. Even if it's totally true! ❤️"
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"Urpppp..... ugh.... Fuck, look at how big my gut's getting guys. You can't even see my huge cock under all this blubber. It feels so good when I drop it and it smacks into my fupa and thighs. Fuck! Why does being this fat turn me on so much? This is so disgusting. I only shower once a month..... I should've told my doctor to take me off progesterone back when I was still thin and sexy and not such a goddamn pile of lard. Who gains this much weight in two years? I'm 630lbs! I guess that means I'm piling on about 260lbs a year..... Over 20lbs a month! And my doctor couldn't be happier. I think it turns him on to see me get this big. Every time he checks my blood pressure and sees how bad it is, or tells me how my diabetes is advancing, you can tell his cock is getting rock hard. He loves seeing girls get fat! I can't believe I didn't realize he was turned on by it sooner.
My family is already prepping our house for me to become immobile like it's totally inevitable. I can't stand it, but I'm also morbidly turned on but just how much fat I've piled on so quickly. Just a couple years ago I was a perfect, curvy trans girl, big perky boobs, my cock was like ten inches and crazy thick from me playing with it all day, especially as I ate. Guys loved my body and it felt so cathartic to be so desired. I loved being fucked in public, or even just having men come up to me to reach up my skirt and jerk me off on the bus or on the train. My thick thighs would jiggle, my tits would bounce as I'd roll back my head and eyes, moaning as these strangers would come up just to grab my fat cock and jerk it off for all to see. Now my pretty boobs are just fat folds, barely distinguishable from the rest. My cock is about twenty inches but it's so buried by rolls and folds of lard you wouldn't even know I'm trans. Guess I finally pass.....
I can't even jerk off anymore. At best I can push my thighs together and press my belly down to crush my cock to masturbate, but that's about it..... I'm just a filthy, sweaty, pile of lard. A total pig. My parents are just as much enablers as my doctor. They bring me food all day, even rub my belly and compliment how fat I'm getting. Once I got over 300lbs and stopped going out as much because walking wore me out so fast, my mom started jerking me off as I ate, because she saw I was getting too fat and weak to masturbate on my own. My mom still relieves my cock but it's much more humiliating now. She'll comment on how I never shower, how much I stink, laughing at my uncontrollable gas and constant stomach gurgles and loud noises. She calls me a hopeless cow and says this is what I get for wanting to be a girl. That finally I have a real woman's body and she hopes I'm happy with myself.....
She'll push through my fat folds as I lie back and grab my oversized cock. She'll smack my balls, each the size of coconuts, really hard to 'get me going', then she'll jerk my cock and usually shove two or three fingers in my urethra to fuck it. She'll do this until I climax, all the while calling me a fat, hopeless pig who's gonna weigh over 1000lbs. My dad runs my old social media pages and films these jerk off sessions to upload to all my old pages, so everyone can see what a disgusting fat pig I've become. My dad will gloat, walking in as I sit in a huge pile of my own mess, sweating, belching, my heart pounding through my chest as my body forces more of the junk I pile into my mouth out all around me. I'm just way too fat and lazy to get up and use the toilet.
They let me suffer and sit in my messes for a day or two before they hire a crew to come in and clean me off, treating my body like an oversized object instead of a person. Pushing and pulling me every which way, hosing me down, scrubbing with long brushes between my folds. I still try to shower on my own every month or so but I know I won't be able to much longer. I'm just getting way too fat..... It's all my doctor's fault! And there's no way he'll ever help me lose a pound. The faster I'm headed for a heart attack, the more it turns him on. I wonder just how many trans girls he's done this to? Judging by his Instagram page and the girls commenting on his posts, I'd say hundreds..... Most of them are thanking him for getting them so fat, so maybe I'm just ungrateful? Next time I see him I should tell him to fuck some of my rolls if he wants. He got me this fat, he might as well enjoy his work....."
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l4long-winded · 21 days
Please I have to share an idea- Luca being a big tall man who is ridiculous hot but also a bit of a dork (when he was talking to that other chef 💀😭) has me absolutely feral. Maybe she has a bad previous dates and is sceptical of this handsome guy thinking he’d be an ass but he would show her how perfect boyfriend he is 😍
you meet luca through carmen. your experience with cooking staff thus far led you to believe they all had these compulsive streaks. egos and motivations that didn't signal to you they'd be the best partners. it's not out of any kind of grudge you hold towards others. however, seeing carmen's recently failed relationship and the tumultuous nature of the bear in general, your doubts aren't without valid reason.
you don't consider yourself perfect in the dating realm, either. your success with men has been... others would kindly describe it as unlucky, but you would describe it as embarrassing. dates that go on too long, men who talk and talk and talk, who don't allow you a word in, who expect you to pay and put out in the same night. you're fine paying for your meals, fine even being the listener of a relationship, but it's ridiculous how much you're willing to let slide in your standards, only for these men consecutively failing to meet the bare minimum.
you're on a break from dating when you're introduced to luca. his warm hand lingers, but not for too long, when it sits in yours. his smile is charming, the nod of his head polite as he asks you about your background, small talk easily engaged in because you're not immune to the lull of his cyan eyes, the soft thrum of his accent, and how he spends extra time at your side rather than the other more important people floating about. you share contact details at the end of the night, reluctant to leave, but your responsibilities are calling.
it surprises you when luca winds up calling you two days later (he had to give it a day, at least). your first date in over a year gets planned over that call. you hesitate for it as his voice carries through the line. it would fucking suck if you fell out with someone like this, but the temptation builds far too much, and your curiosity for more gets the better of you. he's tall. he's handsome. he's respectful. you feel like you'd be stupid not to accept his invitation.
he exceeds your expectations. in typical fashion, he takes you to a restaurant a normal person would take months to gain a reservation at, marveling over how lovely you look. he compliments you, greets you with a kiss to your knuckles, adjusts his coat jacket like... like...
like he's nervous.
"is it to your standard? picking up on the oak notes?" he asks shyly, his gaze on the lipstick stain on the rim of your wine glass. you have to assure him of your fondness of the flavor because he gets so close to ordering another bottle to ensure it's to your preference.
luca isn't like other men. he thoughtfully chooses his questions. there's a slight fumble in his words as he carries the conversation, but it never feels awkward. it feels easy to talk to him, and the more than you do, the more you realize how much of a dork he really is. and it's the sweetest fucking thing. it attracts you in further, the promise of another date on the horizon after he picks up the check, insists on it since he's the one who asked you on this excursion, he's the one who had the privilege of wining and dining with you, so it's his responsibility.
curiously, in the following dates you ask him on, he still doesn't allow you to pick your money up. more excuses. a gentleman through and through who opens your doors, his hand resting on the small of your back as the two of you take walks, always so genuinely invested in how your day went even if nothing really happened during it, staying and encouraging you to talk about your emotions when you're overwhelmed without pressuring you, cooking you dinner, and wanting you to be the first to taste desserts he's experimenting with.
he's a steady guidance. he yaps and yaps when the right topic is at hand, muttering soft apologies when he's gone on longer than twenty minutes speaking on a chef you don't know and will probably never meet. but you care too much to be bothered. you like how his eyes light up. you like how his hands move when he speaks. you like how luca is imperfect, aware of it, but he's yours. he's a walking contradiction, but purely boyfriend material, and you are so glad you gave him the chance. all those unlucky dates of the past no longer matter.
they carved the path to luca, and you're grateful for it every day.
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singukieee · 3 months
—my all time favourite bts fics (pt. 3) ᯓᡣ𐭩
consists of my personal favourite bts fics that I've read countless of times. including those from other platforms, such as Wattpad, AO3, and Patreon.
For some works that are cross-posted between tumblr and wp/ao3, I'd only link them to the latters bcs I find it easier to read and navigate the stories on those. but I also tagged all the authors I know are here and linked the rest so you can check their blogs out yourself!
I'll also separate this list into several parts simply because there's too many... So it'd be easier for you guys to navigate!
red means unfinished
blue means finished
🗯️ editor's note
(sorted by alphabetical order)
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Merilia by saylilirose
"Mermaids are not real!" That's what you and Namjoon hear everywhere you go. It's funny that you're hidden in plain sight, although perhaps popping a tail in front of strangers wouldn't end well for you. That's what you've come to learn. You've also learned, to hide yourself very, very well. Until- "NO-DON'T JUMP-SHIT!" You and Namjoon are joined by others, not by choice.
🗯️ mermaids and insane drama oooh yes
Moonchild by @yoongiofmine (paid on patreon but so worth it)
Working at a coffee shop that only opened in the late hours of the night was the most exciting thing about your life, really. You never had that many friends, your love life was nonexistent, and you just couldn’t explain the feeling of not belonging that chased you no matter where you tried to find your place. It was when seven very handsome strangers came into your life that weird things started happening around you and within you. Could they be the ones to fill in what’s been missing? Or would getting involved with them and their world put you in danger?
🗯️ aaaah so good!!! so well-written, gahh plott so great, identity crisis (human or...?), werewolf drama.
My Muse by Zennnoe
I felt my lungs suddenly stop and a coldness brush onto my face, I gasped loudly clutching onto my chest. Dropping down onto my knees trying to grasp whatever air in-front of me. But I was at dance practice. So why did it feel like I was breathing underwater? I soon felt the hands of my close friends lift me up and lay me down as I try to takin in as much air as possible, for her. Soon the staff swamp me and I hear them talking about her, my other half. I soon clutched onto my stomach and I shouted loudly in so much pain, pink fluorescent patches bloom onto my skin. Yes they looked pretty. But the reason why they were there was not. As I try to reach out I grab one of my friends hands tightly and request for one thing. "My music. Pass me my music." I beg. This is the only way for me to reach her…to help her. My beloved soulmate.
My Soulmate are IDOLS by tinyeyecat
In a world where soulmates exist and people receive their soul bonds (a red string of fate, body exchange, timer tattoos…etc) when they turn 20… Wet dreams are not the norm for Amber. She should not be haunted by men she doesn't know, let alone by the world-famous boyband, Bangtan. But on the day of her birthday, Amber switches bodies with the idol on stage and finds out that the members of the boyband are her soulmates. All seven of them.
🗯️ this is one wild story... aren't all emi ree's stories so wild tho? but also well-written. (epilogue is on Patreon).
Not My Hybrids by Ghosstwriterss
When Y/n is pressured to volunteer at a hybrid rehabilitation/adoption Center, and asked to house 7 hybrids to help them become comfortable with humans and the idea of adoption, who is she to say no?
🗯️ the kind of story where mc's so freakin nice I don't think she's human. but yea it's all worth it.
One Kiss by DuraWrites
In a world where soulmate exist, where you can only know your soulmate through a dream. Confirm through a kiss and complete the bond through love-making. Han Bora just celebrated her 22nd birthday and not long she started having dreams of her soulmate. Correction. Soulmates. Already being a fan of this popular K-pop group, she immediately knew that her soul is tied to all seven of them. It was a dreadful yet thrilling thought as the realization of being the soulmate to her favourite artists hit her. But it isn't just as easy as it seems. Because she was the only one who had the dreams. So She has to prove to them she's their soulmate. And the only way to confirm that is through ONE KISS. How will an average girl find her way to that untouchable top to prove to the biggest boyband that she's their soulmate? Come along and let's dive into this crazy mess of a journey together.
🗯️ one kiss is all it takes... literally
Out of Time series by Alphathyx
🗯️ so freakin sad wtf but that is why there's an alternate ending. soo good and heart wrenching.
❶ Out of Time
A story about a girl named, Hana who has suffered a chronic condition all her life that would soon take her life one day. But with her final wish, she uses it to see BTS, but the boys decided to have more in store for her. Join Hana, and the members in a fluff filled adventure before time runs out.
❷ Out of Time: Young Forever
The alternate ending for 'Out of Time' and bonus chapters
Parfait by fullspectrumfangirl
Alpha bands are a popular entertainment schtick. Handsome, powerful, talented, they sell the fantasy of availability as much as they sell their music. After all, everyone knows a pack is incomplete if it only contains alphas. Omegas and betas dream of being a part of the balance. Unfortunately, this is more than just marketing. A band needs to function as a pack, but with only alpha members, bickering and infighting are almost unavoidable. Beta managers help, but there is another common tactic that helps the talent maintain equilibrium: house omegas, hired companions who stand in for the missing pieces. BTS is a wildly popular seven-member alpha band. They are known to be particularly kind and humble, but they are still struggling to keep house omegas for their pack. None of the prior candidates have wanted to leave, but one member has protested them all. What is the missing ingredient in their otherwise winning recipe?
🗯️ again, idk what to say but it's good! a really well-written story with great plot.
Peculiar Pack by @daydreamindollie
You’re a successful hybrid writer and psychologist, who takes in seven hybrids one stormy night after finding one of their pack stealing from your garden.
🗯️ cute T.T
Petrichor by @purpleyoonn
You had been working at Bangtan Corporation for almost two years now, and not once have you ever laid eyes on your bosses. That was, until you met them when out with some of your coworkers. Now, you almost wish you hadn’t. Almost.
🗯️ courting... yes please! and again, I love possessive mates.
Plump by koozip
Meeting Namjoon's close friends was something you've been anxious about since meeting him. You wanted them to like you. Starting off with a group chat seemed like the perfect way around your fears. You weren't sure how they'd feel about you in person. So when they fell in love with you and your lovely curves, you were taken by surprise. You soon realize that you're stuck with the seven handsome men for the long run. The chronicles of chubby y/n and her new smitten friends. Based around the group chat named 'chubbybear' that started it all.
🗯️ gosh this one's just warm and sweet, especially for fellow chubby girlies out there!
Rainy Days by Peanut_The_Sugar_Glider
Life had dealt you a rather crappy hand, but you kept on fighting, you kept on existing day by day. On a gloomy day however, you feel as if it all means nothing, as your beloved pet had past away and she always was there to cheer you up and enjoy the gloomy weather, making it less sad and depressing. Be it fate or otherwise, movement catches your attention outside. And your life is never the same after. You never will have to worry about being alone, and you find yourself enjoying the rainy weather.
🗯️ despite the title, this story feels like a warm hug.
Redamancy by strawberheecake
In which Yn met an unknown pack of hybrids living on a land she inherited. Feelings bloomed as the pack helped her weather the storm that is her greedy family.
🗯️ another neat and well-written story <3
Retribution by Babydoll_Blue
The Bangtan Boys were known around campus for being heart breakers, but when they made poor Seul-ki cry, Y/N and Mina decided it was time for retribution. Forming a plan to ruin their images, Y/N sets out to seduce them all.
🗯️ revenge gone wrong... or right? wtf am I typing, just read it guys.
Rose & Thorns by @minniepetals
A lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other, and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.
🗯️ a dramatic and warm story. I'm such a simp for soft but strong MCs like this one.
Safe House by SweetBreadFictions
In a dystopian universe where hybrids exist, the government had turned a blind eye to the mistreatment of hybrids. These persons were used, abused and treated in the most unfair ways. To escape the evil owners, hybrids make their way to the rumored district of freedom called Area 613. To help these refugee hybrids, an underground railroad had been developed by kind people. Being sympathetic to these persons, you run a safe house stop for the hybrids during their journey. As you help these hybrids, seven of them decide that your safe house might be better that any rumored district of freedom.
🗯️ I love when the relationships develop one by one so you got attached to allll of them.
Sanctuary by @softykooky
Some people are lucky enough to be born into a family that loves them. others meet their family in a coffee shop while on the run from the korean ambassador, while they’re holding a man at gunpoint and beating him to a pulp for treason against their syndicate.
🗯️ :")👍
Seven by Worldwidehandsomeyouknow
Life is boring. Same thing, day in and day out. Nothing new or exciting ever happens. I just want something, anything to happen! Well something happens alright. Seven somethings in fact
Sheltered by Gracie30102
What Namjoon thought was trouble turned out to be a blessing as he rescued a wounded kitten who would capture his packmates hearts little by little.
🗯️ s o f t.
Soulmate to You by OT7oramI
When a vaccine leads to unexplained symptoms, the world erupts into panic. What happens when one girl finds out she is soulmates to all seven members of the largest group in the world?
🗯️ another well-written soulmate story! this synopsis doesn't give justice to this freaking good story so just read it please.
Spring Day by @nunchiimagines
Becoming a part time english teacher wasn’t exactly the ideal startup you had hoped for yourself when you first moved to Seoul, South Korea. Luckily, you loved working with children and you were grateful to have found a well paying job with housing included so soon after university. Amongst your class, however, are 5 boys who seem to be constantly ostracized not only by the rest of the students but also by the other teachers and staff members. Becoming attached to you fairly quickly, you’re unintentionally tasked to be their permanent caretaker during their stay at school, even staying past the hours you were needed until they were picked up safely. However, what you didn’t expect was to catch the hearts of their seven older brothers, the leaders of a notorious and well known mafia family in Korea.
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ronearoundblindly · 26 days
No pressure at all! But I had an idea for your ‘how would the Cevans characters react’ I’ve loved every installment of this so far 🥰🖤🥰
How would they react if reader was having an off day and for some reason couldn’t get off so she faked having an orgasm in bed.
Is this because of @cevansbrat0007's Ari fic? (which is great, go read that, but I feel like I've seen a surge in this trope since) Because, see, this is very interesting to me, and I really hope you've read other stuff of mine before, nonnie. I don't write everybody as a perfect gentleman...
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Warnings for various levels of spice since we are, in fact, talking about orgasms, duh! MINORS DNI. See my Light Masterlist for all-age friendly fics!
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James Mace
Ok, I'm not sure it would get so far as for you to actually fake it. Mace is a slow, steady, deep kind of lover. He'd realize you aren't getting anywhere or building up to it pretty quickly, all things considered, and he would make you talk to him while he continues foreplay/touching you. Pretty sure he just wants to be attached to you in some way while you have time together...
Curtis Everett
Curtis gets very intense when he senses you're holding something back, like predatorily intense. Uses his body to cage you in, constant eye contact, probably even pinching/tickling you until you confess.
He doubles down. You fake one; Curtis forces two out of you in return.
Jimmy Dobyne
Shockingly, Jimmy would be super upset if you faked an orgasm with him. (There is one caveat to this: IF HE FINDS OUT.) Jimmy is a straight-forward guy who doesn't enjoy dating games. You aren't into sex right now? Fucking say something. He's horrified by the idea you would just lay there and take it or whatever because what the fuck???
He's got simple rules. If you don't like something, tell him because he can handle himself for one night/a little while or he'll happily do something different. If you never want something he does, then you two shouldn't be together. That's it.
Sex is an important aspect of your relationship, but it ain't the whole thing. Tell him to piss off, or ask for a quiet night of holding each other. Do not lie, cheat, or steal. You lied about being satisfied, you cheated him out of the chance to actually give you what you needed, and you stole his confidence that he recognizes your body's signals. Yes, Jimmy sorta makes it about him, but that's mostly because he feels helpless and a little dirty.
Johnny Storm
Existential CRISIS.
Have you ever faked it with him before? Have other women faked it with him?? Is this a common thing??? Hot shot goes into full-meltdown mode, and unsurprisingly, you end up kinda lost in the narrative there, soothing him instead of yourself.
Oddly enough, you two do end up closer from the experience though because Johnny realizes that he very much values trust and honesty, whereas before he would have thought plain ol' fun the most important thing...
Jake Jensen
Jakey, my beloved, clueless noob... He doesn't really know what to do. He asks a lot of questions. What's wrong? What can he do? What do you want in this moment? Should he have done it differently? Do you need more? Something else? Was it him?
For a dozen times after, he'll ask if that one was real or fake. He's touchy about it, but 90% of his concern is just that you are actually happy. He puts in quite a bit of extra effort for a while after, too.
Lloyd Hansen
I am a broken record when it comes to Lloyd: he does not care. At best, he'd be torturing you to come for his own pleasure. At worst, well, he's there to get off. You don't need to.
If by some magical scenario Lloyd does give a fuck about you or your feelings, I think he'd expect you to take what you needed from him to climax. Otherwise, it's not really his problem.
Ari Levinson
Depends on his own mood for sure. When Ari is stressed or tired, he tends to turn inward and focus on his own feelings, not purposefully ignoring you but still. It reads like he didn't/doesn't notice and just continues on with sleep/the normal routine. If he's got the emotional, energy bandwidth to talk it out with you, he absolutely will. Don't take any offense. Sometimes he's muddling through like you.
Ransom Drysdale
Has no idea. Probably doesn't want to have an idea. Unless it becomes a regular problem, he's just gonna let it slide. He won't bring it up if you don't.
Steve Rogers
On the surface, Steve looks concerned and listens to your reasons for faking, but honestly, on the inside, he hates the idea that you felt the need to. Steve will easily forego sex in favor of literally anything you want to do, so to let it get all the way to love-making and apparently suffering through till he's finished? It makes him a bit sick. He'll get more more restrained and cautious in future, all for want of you never faking again.
Bucky Barnes
Feels like a huge failure as a partner. Spends a good portion of the conversation having you promise to communicate with him better from now on. This is from a man who has so many things going on in his mind that Bucky is often derailed from pleasure/enjoyment during sex. He's just very triggered by the darndest things, and you've been so understanding. Why can't he be that for you, too?
Thank you for asking!
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A/N: I know these are a bit short. Let me know if there's one or more you'd like expanded on, but thank you for reading!
[Main Masterlist; 'Who Would...' Asks; Ko-Fi]
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Omg blurb idea! Imagine Spencer and r are out somewhere and someone assumes she’s his wife (ex they r out at date night and the waiter is like and what will your wife be having?) honestly could be any scenario u want but she immediately is like I’m not his wife!!! And Spencer gets all pouty bc why didn’t u let him think u were my wife? U don’t want to be my wife?! But really it’s just r got scared since they have never discussed marriage or something
It's a fancy place, and you're both dressed to the nines. This date night has been long-overdue, and you're happy Spencer's home from cases for a few days. It's a sleek place where the menu doesn't have prices and they have a temperature-controlled wine cellar.
The dimly lit ambiance and the soft murmurs of conversation set a perfect backdrop for your intimate evening. As you peruse the menu, lost in your own world, a waiter approached the table.
"Good evening. What can I get for you tonight?" He asks, his gaze shifting between you and Spencer with a friendly smile.
Spencer responds, not butchering the French words of the dish like you're sure you're going to.
Then the question is directed asked of you. "And what will your wife be having?"
You don't think it's odd, since this is the type of place where guys order out of etiquette, but the assumption you're his wife makes you freeze as your eyes widen.
"Oh, I'm not his wife." You say nervously, not braving looking at Spencer.
"My apologies." The waiter sincerely replies, and you quickly give him your order to avoid any more awkwardness.
Your clarification makes Spencer look more shocked and hurt flashes across his face. "You...you don't want to be my wife?" He asked, his voice a mixture of disappointment and confusion. "Why wouldn't you let him think you're my wife?"
Your heart sinks at the implication of your hasty response. "Spencer, that's not what I meant." You quickly clarify, reaching out to touch his hand. "I just... I got scared because we've never discussed marriage, and it caught me off guard."
Spencer's pout softens, his brow furrowing as he processes your explanation. "Oh, I see." He mumbles. "I didn't realize it needed to be more of a discussion." You sit there quietly, cheeks hot. "So would it be wrong for me to ask if you ever think about us that way? Like, if you see that in the future for us?"
You squeeze his hand, assuring him your answer isn't negative. "Yeah, I do, Spencer." You assure him. "It's just sometimes, the idea of marriage feels overwhelming. It's not that I don't want it, it's just... I wasn't prepared for that assumption tonight."
Spencer's gaze softens, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. "I understand. I should have made sure we were on the same page. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or put pressure on you with my question."
You offer him a reassuring smile. "You didn't, Spencer. I want that, but I also think we should take things at our own pace."
He nods eagerly, his heart lightening with relief. "I agree. As long as you know that's my intended plan with you."
It does sound much better knowing that there's no pressure, and it's something you can let yourself get excited about. "Okay, I want that too."
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astermath · 1 year
nemesis; part two.
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pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
summary: with carmen reworking the restaurant, you’d think his mind would be far too occupied to even think about anything else. yet he can’t shake the guilt from what he’d put you through a month prior. after some talks in therapy, he decides to take a leap of faith and see if he can talk it out with you. he not only wants to convince you that he can be better, but he's got an offer for you too. one you truly can't refuse.
♡ landing page ♡
word count: 4.9K
tags: carmen being unsure about his feelings but trying to be better episode 3265742, letting reader in a little more, APOLOGIES!!!, cursing ig, carm goes to therapy yippee, syd being the absolute realest, regular font below!
notes: sorry this took literally forever omg, I lost my carmen muse for a bit but we are SO back baby. I missed him so much and so sorry if some things don't follow the canon completely (I've been watching season 2 on and off bc I've been so busy lol BUT my fics never follow the canon completely anyways),, hope u guys enjoy and let me know if you'd like a part three ;))
lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list for further carmen berzatto related content! comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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Carmen’s life hadn’t known a moment of mental rest in ages. If you asked him when he last sat down with his thoughts or acknowledged his mental anguish, he probably would have said he couldn’t remember the last time. If ever.
With plans to completely revamp The Beef and everything that came with it, now his feelings should be the last thing on his mind. Renovation plans, unforeseen costs and a completely new menu, sure, he could worry his ass off about those, but feelings? Absolutely not. Good thing he was usually so good at suppressing those anyways.
So why was it that he couldn’t shake the thought of what he did to you?
Why, every time he had a moment to himself, would he be overtaken by this intense feeling of guilt? He didn’t even have to be alone, just a second of quiet and the image of you crying in distress would intrude on his thoughts.
It was getting to a point where he’d told his sister, Natalie, about it. Well, not all of it, he wasn’t even sure if he knew all of it. Just that he knows he hurt you, and that coming to terms with what he projected onto you might be a good first step in understanding himself better.
Or maybe it was something more along the lines of “I gotta talk my shit to some people”. Probably that.
To his surprise, it was actually helping. Besides the group therapy sessions where he’d talk about Mikey, the business and his future, he was talking to other people in his life too. Even told Sydney about you, kind of on accident. The words just seemed to… Flow out. It was probably the exhaustion doing its thing.
“I guess I just felt like,” he kept his eyes on the floor he was sweeping, “she was doing it all to fuck with me. I don’t even know where I got the sick idea that she had some obsession over me, but it— it drove me at the same time. It’s like her being on my heels at every aspect of culinary school just made me want to try even harder.”
“Maybe you painted her in that light because you knew it was a good way to keep pushing yourself.” Sydney spoke almost absentmindedly, sweeping the other side of the room. She listened to everything he said in the meantime, and though what he was telling her was a bit worrying, she was glad they got to have talks like this. Carmen often doesn’t like to bring up his past like that.
“Huh,” he paused sweeping for a moment, “yeah… yeah, maybe. Or maybe it was something else.”
Sydney wasn’t even sure he knew what he was referring to. It sounded like something entirely different, like a crush, but what kind of person treats their crushes like that?
Probably an overworked, pressured, overachieving culinary student with a dangerous need for validation. But she wasn’t about to tell him that.
“So yeah, I visited her restaurant, and… It just felt the exact same as back in New York, you know? Like she was rubbing it in my face again, and— and I know that sounds insane, or conceited, but I just can’t let it go. It’s like the thought of her is stuck to my brain like a stubborn piece of gum.” He wanted to smack himself for that stupid analogy, but what was said was said.
“So how’d you handle it?” Sydney’s head perked up, some of her braids now draping over her shoulders.
“Handle what?” Carmen became more and more uneasy the more he talked about you. Like his chest was tight, it was uncomfortable, but not in the way he was when the health inspection came by, it was different. Weirder. Unfamiliar. He didn’t like it, because he didn’t understand it.
“The talk with her.” She emptied the last bit of dust into the trash bag.
“Oh,” his mind took him back to the parking lot a month ago. The way he could almost taste the tears of your skin from how close he stood, he could hear the shakiness of your breath and the profound desperation in your voice when you apologized to him, when you really had no reason to.
If it was still so clear in his mind, then what must it be like for you?
“Carmen?” Sydney snapped him out of his oncoming train of thought.
“Yeah? Sorry, I— Uh, I don’t know it was…” He runs a hand through his hair, suddenly finding it in his best interest to look anywhere else but her face. “Bad. It was— It was bad.” He looks a bit shameful when he meets her eyes. “I fucked up. I like, went all New York boss on her. And then I just… Left.”
His colleague just stares at him for a moment. She knew what he was like when he snapped like that, but that was with his staff, people he liked. So how badly did he snap on you, a person he’d been resenting for years?
“I’m gonna go take out this trash, and uh… Head home.” She lifts the grey plastic bag she was holding. “But uh, Carm?”
“You got issues, man.” She has a bit of an awkward smile on her face, but he knows she means it. He knows she’s right. She usually is.
He nods, silently, letting her words sink in. He did have issues, everyone knew that, but most people didn’t just say it. That’s why he liked Sydney, she was so real, so honest. She was so good for the business, for the kitchen. And maybe her saying that to him was all part of grounding him in the reality of it all. Of his issues, just that they existed.
“Heard.” he says. His voice comes out raspier than he expected, like he’s struggling to say it.
“Goodnight, chef.”
He’d thought about what Sydney said the entire night. He does have issues, he knows that, he’s just mad at himself for letting everything get this far before seeking help. It scares him. Because it reminds him too much of Mikey. Or what he heard about him when things got bad.
He doesn’t want to make the same mistakes his brother did. Lock people out of his life just because it seems easier, because it’s better to minimize the damage than to figure out why you’re doing damage at all. And yes it’s uncomfortable, yes it’s scary, terrifying even. But he keeps being reminded of how it must feel for you.
It’s something he’d never considered before. He always thought he had you all figured out, all fake smiles and backhanded compliments to distract him. It never occurred to him to just… Ask. It was always just easier to assume. It fit his view of you and it kept him going, even if it was at the expense of ever getting to know you at all.
He’s hoping he can change that with a few text messages and a long, probably uncomfortable, talk over coffee. Just hoping, trying, that’s really all he can do. He’s well aware of how bad he is at communicating, but he has to give it a shot. For you, at least.
He stares at his phone screen for far longer than is necessary, continuously rereading the messages he’d typed. His eyes keep flicking to your contact, making sure he sent it to the right person. The only thing you two had texted about before was a time and place for him to try your new restaurant. His heart aches at the exclamation points and emojis you’d sent; you were so excited, and he drove all that excitement straight into the ground.
He closes his eyes and shuts off the phone. His chest hurts, like he’s been holding his breath the entire time. Maybe he has. You could have that effect on him, making it harder to breathe. He always wondered why he had such nervous reactions around you specifically. He always figured it had to do with your one sided rivalry, but it feels… Different. More complex.
Your eyes are finally peeled off your computer screen when numerous phone notifications alarm you. Truth be told, you’ve been trying your best to keep yourself occupied as much as possible. That usually helps when you get waves of emotions like this, keeping busy, distracting your mind from overthinking.
Ever since your last encounter with Carmen, you’ve been so on edge. Always trying to do something, anything, so you wouldn’t have to think about what happened, why he acted like that to you. Because you know if you did, you’d just start blaming yourself again, and you’d be back to square one.
Your eyebrows raise at the name of the contact. You were sure he’d blocked you, or at least deleted your number after last time. He was avoidant like that, and frankly, you weren’t sure if you wanted him to talk to you again after that anyways. Maybe it was just to drive the point home, make you feel even more worthless.
Still, you were curious. Even if it was just to cuss you out even more, at least you knew what to expect, right?
[carmen]: hey, I really want to talk to you about what happened last time.
[carmen]: well
[carmen]: I want to apologise
[carmen]: but I can’t do that like this
[carmen]: I’d much rather do it in person
[carmen]: if you’d let me
[carmen]: meet me at odette’s tomorrow around 10? coffee’s on me, I just want to talk
[carmen]: please
The last message was sent minutes later than the rest, while you were reading them. He was desperate for an answer, and though you wanted to hear him out, to talk to him, something in you felt off about the whole thing. Like he was just doing this to clear off his own guilt, only to then ditch you just like he ditched you after culinary school. Because you’re rivals, apparently. That’s what you do.
But then there’s something else in you too. The part that’s still nostalgic about New York with him. About the glances back and forth when you were timed on preparing certain things, about the way he’d stare at you when you got feedback, the ignorant bliss you lived in. When you still believed he might have liked you just a little.
That part of you takes the upper hand when you reply and take his offer. Your heart is in your throat, nerves overtaking you already and you weren’t even with him yet. He had that effect on you sometimes, making it harder to breathe.
You wondered what that meant.
Carmen sits alone at a booth, all the way at the back of the café he’d chosen. It’s rather quiet, as most Mondays are, yet at the same time, it’s so loud. Loud in the way he hears the clinking of every spoon against porcelain cups, the crinkling of a napkin and the not so subtle ticking of the clock above the entrance. 10:06. You were late.
Suddenly he's filled with more regret than he's ever felt before. He's not ready to see you again, only to be reminded of how he made you cry, and of his own tumultuous emotions and shortcomings that lead to this moment. It's surprising how fast the emotions he associates with you changed; he's not angry anymore, he's scared, guilty, nervous. He wants to see you so bad and yet he feels like you'd be better off never talking to him again.
It's too late to make a run for it when you finally walk through the door. Hair a little damp from the rain, just a bit disheveled from what he could only assume to be rushing over to the café. And that same angelic smile you offer to the barista that greets you, the same one you'd offer him every morning, whether he looked at you or not.
He had no choice but to look now.
Your smile falters into something more nervous, a little melancholic, when your eyes meet his across the café. Though you knew he was going to be there, something in you feels surprised to see him again. Maybe it’s because he isn’t yelling at you or throwing insults at your head this time. Or maybe because he’s actually looking you in the eye. Since when did he get so good at that?
You sit down across him, taking off your coat and putting your bag besides you.
“Hey.” You smile again, much more awkward this time.
“Hey.” He returns the same thin lipped smile.
It’s quiet for a few seconds. Carmen swears the whole café has gone silent in that moment, leaving the two of you to listen to the sound of your own breathing and heartrate picking up. You’re not sure where to look, not being used to being in such an intimate setting with him.
“Do you want a coffee?”
“Sorry I was late.”
You both talk over each other, and the urge to chuckle about it overtakes you. Carmen can’t help but smile as well. You seem nervous, and somehow that puts him a little more at ease. Like he’s not the only one who’s in their head about it.
“Sorry, I, uhm, yeah— I would like a coffee.” You scramble over your words. “Please.”
“Sure,” he nods, “and no worries.”
“That you were late. I haven’t been here that long either.” He lied. He’d been there half an hour early, cursing himself for letting him sit along with his thoughts for that long and psyching himself out into almost leaving.
You both order and another heavy silence sits between you two. You both know why you’re there, what needs to be talked about. Yet neither of you know how to bring it up.
You’ve lived most of your lives believing this version of each other you had in your minds. Because it kept you grounded. Because it was easier. He never let you in and for the longest time, you were at peace with that. You could have a slightly distant view of who he was, your classmate, your rival. And he could do the same. Keep you out, pretend you were there to keep him on his toes, to always try to outdo him.
Those facades of each other don’t work anymore. The real world has forced you to reconcile with each other, whether you liked it or not.
Your coffee gets brought to your table, and both of you feel this urgency to say something, anything, at least.
“The pastries here are good too, if you want to get one.” He finally broke the awkward silence. He can start with talking about food, something he knows. If all else fails, resort back to that.
“I haven’t tried a pastry besides my own in a long time. Maybe I could learn a thing or two here.” You admit. He knows that feeling. He’s not nearly as adventurous with his food choices as he wants to be, but as a busy chef on the brink of a new entrepreneurship, it’s usually beef sandwiches and frozen meals.
“I think yours were better though.” He takes a sip of his coffee.
“Huh?” You look up, realizing you were avoiding eye contact by staring into your cup.
“The danish I tried at your place. It was fire.”
“Oh. Right. Thank you, we make everything from scratch.”
“I could tell.” He takes another sip. “I guess I�� I kinda forgot to tell you that. In the heat of it all.” He huffs to himself. “Food was so good it made me upset.”
“Upset?” His word use frustrates you. Upset is when they forget to give you your sauce with your order. What happened back there was not upset. That was rage. Wrath. You raise an eyebrow and he realizes he said something wrong.
“Well, more than upset. Listen, I— We need to talk about what happened.” His blue eyes peer into your own. They’re almost distracting enough to avoid you noticing his fidgeting hands.
“I’m listening.” You lean back slightly in your seat. You’d played nice with Carmen all your life, given him every chance to return it. Now it was his turn to try.
"Right." Of course he has to talk. It's his fault, isn't it? He's the one who snapped-- why did he even imply you'd have to explain yourself? He runs a hand through his hair, and there he goes again, eyes darting across the café to find something to focus on as he sought out the right words. You'd almost find it endearing, how bad he is at this, if it wasn't so important to you.
"You don't do this often, do you?"
"What, like-- meeting up for coffee?"
"Talking about stuff. Your feelings and shit." You hid your slightly amused smile behind your coffee cup before taking a small sip.
"Oh. Yeah, no, I-- I don't. Not until recently." He takes a deep breath. Just like they had told him to. “I’ve been going to this therapy thing my sister recommended. S’not much, but… It’s a start. Talked about the restaurant, my brother—“
“Your brother?” Your eyebrows raise slightly.
“Yeah, my— my brother. Mikey.” He looks a bit surprised. He’s come to the shattering realization that he’s never told you anything about his personal life, ever. You don’t even know about one of the most important people in his life, his main drive. You’ve known each other for so long yet you know so little. “I never told you about him?”
“You never told me anything.” You answer curtly. “We never really… Talked, you know?”
“Yeah— yeah, you’re right. I just thought… Wow.” He smiles, more out of shock than anything. He feels so stupid. How immature is it to be feuding this much with a person who doesn’t know anything about you?
“I guess I really don’t know much about you either.” His fingers rake through his messy curls again. “Makes me feel like even more of an idiot for going off on you like that. Like I had you all figured out.”
“Yeah, that was uh... That was something." The mood shifts a little. His smile fades as soon as he sees the melancholy in your eyes return. Of course it wouldn't be that easy for you to forgive him, to feel better about all this. "You know, I never knew you thought of me like that." A small smile graces your features. Somehow it's sadder than the expression you had before.
"I mean, I knew you didn't like me. I was pretty much at peace with the fact that you were never going to like me, either. But I never thought you hated me that much." You sniffle, trying your hardest to blink away any oncoming tears. "Like your life, your entire career, would have been easier without me there at all."
His heart aches at the sight of you, all teary eyed and trying to be brave. You're much braver than him. Sadness is a much harder thing to express than anger. He's starting to figure that out more and more.
"I don't hate you." He starts. He sees the confusion contort your features, and he knows he's not making any sense. "I mean I did-- I did hate you. Or, maybe not you, just... The fucked up idea I had of you. And-- and that was on me, that was my own fault." He feels an urge to touch you; to rub your back, hold your hand, anything to comfort you. It's tearing him apart to know that he's the cause of all this.
"But why?" A single tear rolls down your cheek, leaving a wet streak on your skin in its wake. "Why did you think that about me? I-- I get that we had a little rivalry going but jesus Carmen, did you really think I spent my whole culinary school career trying to outdo you?"
"To be honest... Yeah." He feels ashamed. So ashamed. He hopes the waitress doesn't walk by and listen to any of this, see you crying, and make you feel even worse. "Cooking was always just... My thing. If I was good for anything, it would be that. So seeing you do so well at something I'd started to base my whole existence around, it made me jealous, so fucking jealous." He meets your eyes, even if it's hard. You have to know he's being sincere.
"And it's-- it's unfair, it's so unfair to you, I know, and I'm really fuckin' sorry. I'm trying to work on myself, on everything, and I hope I can prove that to you." His face has that red tint you recognize whenever he's nervous or stressed. You can tell this is taking a lot from him.
"Is that really all? You were just jealous?" Your voice is quieter, fragile almost.
"I don't know. I wanna think it's that simple but I really don't know. There's a lot I don't understand about me, or you, or us. My mind doesn't know how to react when I see you anymore I think, now that things are different." He takes a deep breath, like saying that took a physical toll on him. "You have this-- this weird effect on me, and I don't know how to cope with it. I think it was just easier to be mad at you than to be anything else."
Anger is easier to express than sadness. The easiest out of all emotions, actually. Sometimes a little too easy.
You look to the side, wiping your cheek with the back of your hand. You huff out something close to a laugh, and though he’s caught off guard by it, he doesn’t mind it. Even if you’re laughing at him, at least that means you’re not crying.
“You’ve got issues Berzatto. You know that?”
“Yeah. I’ve been told.” He smiles, and it’s heartfelt this time. Not nervous, or sad, or awkward. He’s happy to see you a little more at ease.
“It’s just really crazy to me.” You trace your finger over the edge of your coffee cup as you talk. “I spent so much time in culinary school looking up to you. And then I find out you were always just trying to keep up with me.”
Carmen’s eyebrows raise a little at your words. “Looked up to me?”
“Yeah, like… Your drive, your passion, it’s so impressive. Always looking to improve, to do better, it just— it inspired me to do better too. As cheesy as that may sound.” You smiled. “S’why I opened up in Chicago, you know.”
“Really? Huh.” He leaned back in his seat.
“Because I wanted to work with you. Or for you. Either would have been fine with me.” You sigh. “I like owning my own place, but… I don’t know, for some reason I always imagined us working together.” You smiled. “Is that stupid?”
“No,” he replied quickly, “no not at all, I— I totally get that.” He’s quiet for a few seconds, and you can practically hear the gears turning in his head when he stares at you for a moment.
“I mean you’re a remarkable chef, really, like— insanely remarkable, and, well, we’re revamping the restaurant completely right now. We need people— more people, new people, and so, I was wondering— or I’ve been thinking—“ He stops himself from losing his breath from all his rambling, before he freaks you out even more than he already has.
“I want you to come work for us at the Bear.” He puts his hands together, as if he’s about to beg. “Please.”
You can almost hear yourself blinking out of confusion. There’s suddenly no more loud silences, no, the café seems dead quiet for once. All you can do is stare at him, wait for a laugh, because clearly this was a joke right? There’s no way Carmen Berzatto, chef supreme, arch nemesis of yours, would want you anywhere near him, let alone work in his own establishment.
“I’m sorry?”
He feels stupid already. You had every reason to say no. He’d been the biggest asshole in the world to you, he’d kept his distance all his life, and now he expects you to be his employee. Or, well, colleague, more so.
“I’m uh— we’re redoing the restaurant entirely. New equipment, new staff, new everything.” He swallows; the thought of everything that needed to be done arises for a moment. “We need people that work hard, who know what they’re doing and who are passionate about it. And I barely know anyone who’s better at what you do than yourself.” He pauses, waiting for you to stop him. But you don’t.
“So I’m asking if you’d work for me. With me. It won’t be anything like old days, if anything I— I need to learn from you.” He scoffs at himself. “Could take a thing or two about how to communicate with my staff.”
You smile, and he genuinely thinks you’re about to start laughing at him. You chuckle, but it’s not mean, it’s honest. Cute.
“You know, you have great timing.” You grin.
“I do?” the smile on his face reflects the hope he feels.
“One of my chefs wants to take over the place for me. Well, has been wanting to. I haven’t had an exact reason to say yes to her yet.” You shrugged. “Guess I do now.”
“…Is that you saying yes?”
“It’s definitely not me saying no.” Your eyes meet his, and there’s something between you both that’s different now. It’s not like there’s a switch that’s been flipped. It‘s more like this conversation was the turning page of a new chapter.
“I’ll think about it. I want to see it first. Maybe talk to some of your staff.” Carmen’s chest strains a little when he thinks about you interacting with Richie. Then he’s reassured when he thinks about you interacting with Sydney or Marcus. You’d fit in well, you have great feeling for people.
“Yeah— yeah, I get that. Totally. I can arrange that. Uhm, we’re renovating right now, actually, it’s all really kinda wild, but if you wanna stop by, chat with Syd, or Nat, or talk about the plans, let me know. I’m sure they’d love to talk to you.” He’s not lying, you seem like you’d get along well with them. Especially Sydney. Your thinking processes are very similar to each other. And to his.
Carmen gets the bill, even though you try to pay for it.
“It’s just a coffee, just let me get this one.”
You let him have this one, simply because you can’t argue with him after the conversation you just had. You’re in too good of a mood after his proposition too.
He walks you to your car, hands in his pockets when you reach it. It’s cold outside, and his breath comes out in visible puffs of air. His nose is a little red, but you think it looks cute.
“Thanks for coming, by the way,” he starts, “I know you didn’t have to. Like— after how I acted to you. But— But I really do appreciate that you’re givin' me a chance here.” He’d always been confused about how positive and faithful you were in people. He never thought he’d be grateful for those exact features too.
“No worries, I… I had a good time. I’m glad we talked.” The keys jingle as you fidget with them. Among them is a keychain in the shape of a cherry, he recognizes it. It reminds him of how little you’ve both changed. And how much.
“Yeah.” He sighs. Relieved, almost. “Me too. But I’ll let you leave, might wanna tell your chef the good news.”
“Good news?” You quirk an eyebrow.
“That you’re selling them the business.”
“I haven’t decided yet, Carm.” You scoff. But he can tell you have, you look too excited about it all to not have your mind made up yet. It excites him too. Scares him a bit as well, but what’s a new chapter without a bit of tension?
“Right. Sorry.” He huffs. “Just text me when you wanna head over to see the place. It’s uh… It’s a work in progress, but it’s getting somewhere.”
“I believe you. I’m looking forward to it.” You lean back against your car a little.
“Yeah. Me too.”
“See y’around?” You unlock it and walk up to the driver’s side.
“Course. Uh, don’t be a stranger.”
You grin, leaning down to get into the vehicle. “Never with you, Berzatto.”
He watches you drive off, standing in the cold for far longer than any sensible person has any business standing there. But he feels good. He feels warm.
He thinks about what you said to him before you left. You were right, you were never a stranger to him. You were always like a constant in his life; whether you were actually present or not. And even if he didn’t know that much about you, which he was insistent on changing, you were never a stranger.
Never with him.
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tag list <3
@beebslebobs @thatone-brightstar  @spr3id  @deadandstill  @777iii  @magicboytrash  @dogdevourer @wiipes @sierrahhh  @crayzmarvelfan800 @azxulaa  @astridyoo15   @rexorangecouny  @azxulaa @jointherebellion215 @diorrfairy @chanluuvr @idontexist-anymore @wolfiealina
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krispycreamcake · 28 days
HALLO!!! could you do sakamakis with a ballerina s/o perchance ? ヾ(≧∇≦*)/
Sakamaki brothers with a ballerina s/o
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Shu Sakamaki
🎻- Now because he's been alive for hundreds of years, he's seen the best of the best
🎻- And because of this, nothing you do could really pique his general interest
🎻- Wellllll ok maybe a little. He'll watch the first time around and have that image of you dancing so gracefully stuck in his head and he'll blame you for "keeping him up"
🎻- He wouldn't oppose you if you asked him to play the violin while you dance (he wants you to, so please ask)
🎻- Always shows up to your concerts, he would never miss it for the world
🎻- Slowly becomes your emotional rock since he knows the kind of pressure you're experiencing to please those around you
🎻- Since Shu is a leg man, let's say he likes to see you dance for a couple different reasons
Reiji Sakamaki
☕️- Your biggest fan ever, like I'm not even joking
☕️- LOOOOVES to see you dance and asks you to perform in private for him
☕️- Gives you pointers because he wants you to always succeed
☕️- Speaking of succeeding, he always books your auditions, makes sure you get there on time, have adequate practice sessions, etc.
☕️- Thinks you're so sophisticated and won't say it, but he thinks this makes you 10x more attractive
☕️- "How will you ever get the lead role with such shaky movements? Must I need to demonstrate every little thing for you?"
Ayato Sakamaki
🏀- Like almost everything else, Ayato takes pride in the fact that his s/o is a ballerina
🏀- I feel like his overall reaction would change depending on your gender tbh
🏀- For example, if you're a guy, he'd make fun of you for it until the day he sits in that crowded room and as the music blasts through, engulfing him in a sugary symphony, no matter HOW many people are on stage, all he can see is you
🏀- If you're a girl, he'd be more open to the idea and won't make fun of you as much, but that doesn't mean he won't tease you
🏀- Like Reiji, he also pushes you because he insists that you shouldn't have to settle for second place, or god forbid third
Laito Sakamaki
🃏- Yes yes we all know he makes perverted and out of pocket jokes about it
🃏- Finds ways to somehow include you being a ballerina to benefit him, ie flexibility
🃏- Aside from the obvious, Laito is very impressed with your ability to literally dance on your toes
🃏- He throws roses at your performances
🃏- "Don't get too cocky up there, remember no matter what, you'll always be my little bitch nfu~"
🃏- Aside from all the awe he has for you, he also has a side of him that thinks being able to move your body in such a fashion is a bit creepy
🃏- So if you ever wanna spook him, just weirdly articulate your body, trust
Kanato Sakamaki
🧸- Does your makeup for performances 100%
🧸- He loves seeing you dress in frilly pastel outfits
🧸- Gets violently jealous however, emphasis on violent
🧸- You should only be showing yourself off to him, not other people
🧸- He supposes however, that it just can't be helped, clipping a bird's wings will only make it wander about in life without a purpose
🧸- DO. NOT. piss him off before a performance, he WILL break your legs
🧸- Putting aside his violent outbursts, he thinks you're just the cutest thing ever and might even consider himself lucky that he wounded up with such a person as yourself
Subaru Sakamaki
🥀- Thinks it's cool
🥀- I wouldn't say he has strong opinions until he sees you actually perform
🥀- Like Ayato, his eyes would be glued to you all night
🥀- "I didn't realize you were that good- Of course I'm not saying it was anything special! Fuck off! Just be glad I even showed up to that stupid thing"
🥀- Honestly might doubt himself a bit and reasses his own self to see how compatible you guys are
🥀- After all, you're surrounded by talent all the time, it must be exhausting coming home to a lifeless monster like him right?
🥀- Please tell him that he's enough for you, he'll push you to be your best self if you let him know there's nothing to be worried about
🥀- Similar to Reiji and Ayato in that sense, but he knows when to quit and when to give you space
🥀- Think of those dads at their child's recitals where they always look peeved and they have that one dad pose where they sit and lean back with their arms crossed
🥀- That's him, but he's actually enjoying every moment of it
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yutahoes · 8 months
CEO's Favorite Intern
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main characters: CEO! boyfriend! ex-sugar daddy! Yuta Nakamoto, intern! university student! girlfriend! ex-sugar baby! Y/N  (feat Accounting Department manager! supervisor! Mark Lee) word count: 4.4k words  genre: fluff, suggestive summary: Working in the same company as your boyfriend is hard enough. Being an intern in your CEO boyfriend's company is difficult. warnings: sugar baby-sugar daddy themes, suggestive, age difference, jealousy, a whiny baby Y/N, lots of kissing, failed ending (I tried) based on an ask and a part two of this fic. Writing has been really rusty lately but I hope you'll like this simple fic. And please leave feedback if you can.
You desperately searched for your name in the list of the students and their assigned company, praying that you would be put in a known company. You weren’t the best student in class. You were even convinced your teachers don't even know who you are so being in decent company would be a blessing enough. You saw your name followed by four other names but the company's name made you wide-eyed. 
Nakamoto Corporation. 
Your boyfriend’s company. 
Of all the companies there are, why there? Maybe your boyfriend has something to do about it. 
You raised an eyebrow at him while eating your steak. He kept on saying that he doesn’t know that they’ll put your name on the trainees assigned in their company but you’re not buying it. You know how sneaky Yuta is. He just chuckled at you, “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t give you any special treatment even if you are my most favorite intern.” 
But that is not what you were scared about. You were scared to fail. And it will all be embarrassing because you might fail in front of your highly esteemed boyfriend. 
Even if you go to the same company, you make sure to wake up earlier than your boyfriend and prepare for the internship. You cannot be late and you have to look at least presentable for your first day. “Are you going to wear that at work?” You glanced at the black pencil skirt and dark blue button blouse that you were wearing, nodding. “I’m so glad you’re going to my company.” He started getting his bath towel, “Wait for me. I’ll drive you to the company.”
“You can’t.” You immediately retorted while putting on the cross earrings he gave you as a gift. He stopped in his tracks, staring at you in confusion. “It will be weird to see the CEO and the intern coming to work together.” You explained and he blew on his bangs as if frustrated. “I’ll go first.” He was about to say something when you made your exit to the door. 
The commute was hard. Why is his apartment so far from his office when he goes there every day? The bus was crowded and you hated how your feet were hurting because of standing up. You even had to push outside the bus to get out of your stop. And even if you luckily survived the bus ride, you still have to walk so far to enter the company building. 
Even if you have been dating Yuta for a while now, it is your first time coming to his company building. You knew he had a decent business, that the corporation he had started years ago is booming in the industry but this is just too much. Now, you just felt an unbearable amount of pressure to do well in this internship. 
“Hi,” a guy greeted, smiling widely at you. “I’m Mark Lee, are you Ms. Y/N?” he asked and you nodded, confused as to why he was asking that. “I’m from the Accounting Department,” he started before offering you his calling card. So he works here? “I’m tasked to show you around.” You nodded. Maybe you’ll be working under his supervision. But he looks so young, probably the same age as you or older but not too much. He told you that your other schoolmates were assigned to different departments while you were assigned to Accounting. 
He showed you around, making sure that you would have an idea where certain offices are since they’ll probably ask you to move around. When you reached the department, you understood why. Seated opposite your desk is a woman in - probably - her late forties, then another woman looking stern with a drawn fine line of an eyebrow. Another man who was wearing thick glasses and had white hair can be seen inside the room. And there’s Mark Lee who looked like an outcast in the group of four people in the department. 
Not only do you feel that you’re an intern with how they order you around but you also feel the generation gap whenever they ask you how to print or edit the files or even input a certain figure using the computer. It hasn’t even been the whole day yet you’re already so frustrated and tired. How can Mark keep up with this every day? 
If there is one department that needs interns, that would be Accounting. Mark needed someone he could ask for help with. 
And you made sure that you’ll be of great help to Mark. 
You were so busy helping around that you forgot one tiny detail, the CEO of the company. The four people were standing up, greeting him politely when Yuta entered the Accounting Department. There’s an obvious tension in the air like they’re terrified of him. Is your boyfriend bullying his employees? And they’re even older than him. Is that even an appropriate work environment? “I’m just here to check on the financial report.” You watched as the youngest of the group handed him a folder with shaking hands, “Is this double-checked? I don’t want to see the same mistakes as the other reports.” You purse your lips at that. You did see a lot of mistakes when you rechecked the file but it was almost all small typographical errors or plain mistakes in the input of the formula.
Mark nodded. “Miss Y/N helped a lot in double-checking the file.” Yuta glanced at you before nodding. What was that? When he left the room, the four had a collective sigh that amused you. Are they that scared of Yuta? 
You’re not that good in Math, it’s still a mystery why you were put in the accounting department. But seeing how the employees of the department interact with the CEO, you realize you might have been in the right department. 
“Are you hiring new employees?” You asked Yuta while eating dinner. Since you both just returned from work, you settled on Chinese take-out. “I think the accounting department needs more people,” You licked the sauce of the noodles from your finger before continuing, “Younger people.” 
Yuta handed you tissues but before you could wipe the remaining sauce on your fingers, he took your hand and licked the sauce for you. “You’re actually in the wrong department. My instruction is that they should put a guy in accounting.” You glared. So he’s aware that accounting has one of the toughest jobs in his company? “Do you want to transfer to my floor? My secretary can train you.” 
You shook your head, “I thought you wouldn’t give me special treatment.” The guy only gave a hearty laugh. “I’m fine in the accounting department, Mark needs more help than he can get.” 
You thought the CEO was getting back at you with your decision. He kept on returning the files your department sent to his office and kept on checking even small mistakes. You even thought that it was his way to see you in his office but once you handed the folder to his secretary, you would just wait for the returned file in his office lobby. 
It was Mark who assured you that he's usually like this. Accounting is one of the most important departments in the company. They are in charge of finances coming in and out of the company. Indeed a small mistake can change everything. But if Yuta is aware of that fact, why put only four people in the department? It can use a lot of people, younger people. 
If there is something that you’re getting from this experience, that is an immense respect and admiration for Mark Lee. He’s always smiling, and always patient with his older co-workers. He never gets mad and is always speaking cheerfully. Maybe he’s an angel sent to Earth. And he deserves a raise for all his hard work. 
“You know ever since you started your internship, all you ever talk about is Mark Lee” Yuta noted one Saturday morning. You were having breakfast in a posh and private waffle shop near your place. 
Your fork stopped midair and you purse your lips at his words, making sense of it. You were always with Mark. You work together. Of course, you’ll talk about him. “He’s such a hard worker. I think your company will crumble without him.”  
“Then, should I promote him?” He definitely deserved that. And Mark will surely be super happy if that happens. But if he gets promoted, he’ll leave the accounting department. “Or should I just wait for you?” Yuta took a bite of his waffle chicly. 
“Wait for me?” 
“When you start your position in the company.” 
You blinked twice before cocking your head to the side in confusion, “What position?” 
“I’m still thinking about it but maybe a COO.” Your eyes widened in surprise. That is a huge position. You know how employers tend to employ interns especially if they did a good job. But a COO? That’s a high-ranking position, next to his. “Why do you look surprised?” Because that is a huge title for an intern. “Half the company will be yours if we get married, Y/N.”
You stood up in surprise. You didn't know if that was because of the huge fortune coming your way or the fact that Yuta had planned on marrying you. This relationship just started as a sugar daddy-sugar baby one. He needed a companion, you needed money. True, it drastically evolved after some time. But talking about the future, getting married to him is something that you felt farfetched. Yet, here is this topic.
Yuta smirked against his coffee cup. “Sit down, baby.” He ordered in a commanding tone as you shakily obeyed him. “You shouldn't be surprised. When I asked you to be my girlfriend, I already had marriage in mind.” He put down his coffee cup before cutting your waffles into tiny pieces, urging you to eat. “That’s why you need to do your best in this internship, graduate, and wear your graduation gown.” He stared at you, dark orbs pulling you in which made you gulp the lump in your throat. “Then prepare your wedding gown.”   
It must be the talk with Yuta that you dreaded going to work. How can you work as an intern for a company you’ll soon be managing? Is this Yuta’s plan all along? Did he purposely ask for you to be assigned as an intern at his company? 
Your schoolmates, who were interns of the same company, were all spouting compliments on their experience as interns of the Nakamoto Corporation. If the CEO decides to absorb them into the company, you will be managing them in the future. 
This may not be for you. 
Can you resign as an intern? Is that even possible? 
If you cannot do that, maybe you can just quit as Yuta’s girlfriend. 
That would be easier. 
You didn't have any motivation to go to work but Mark already looked worried the moment you stepped foot inside the office room. "Y/N, you have to help me," he said, a strain in his voice evident. 
Wait, what happened? Is he about to cry? 
You have never rushed work before, maybe running to get to class on time is the only time you decided to move faster. You were almost surprised when you finished the report Mark had asked you to do. You didn't know you could type so fast. The senior colleague’s file of the monthly report was corrupted from her flash drive and they could not open it. Luckily, Mark saved the copy from last month and retyping is easy. The department also had to present to the CEO in half an hour which added to Mark’s panic. 
Mark was fidgeting outside the conference room. “I’m not a great presenter,” he said more to himself, “But I have to do this for the sake of my co-workers in the department.” You nodded. It hasn’t been a month but you already saw how frustrating it is for Mark. How did he endure this workload for this long? Mark is such an angel.
You tapped his shoulder, smiling warmly at him. “You’re doing great, Mark.” 
He returned the smile, “Thank you, Y/N.”
A cough can be heard followed by the secretary of the CEO excusing himself to enter the board room. A side glance was all the CEO could give you both. The side of his lips frowning. “The CEO is in a bad mood,” Mark noticed, which made you nod. “Let’s hurry inside.” 
It was your first time watching your boyfriend at his work. True, you have watched him in video meetings looking all serious. But seeing him in this board room, managing his employees who are significantly older than him stirred something inside you. How come everything Yuta does is such a turn-on? Your gaze would fall on the leather watch on his wrist to the evident veins on the back of his hand, wanting him to touch you in that part that’s getting wetter by the second. Your eyes trailed north to his dark necktie, wanting that material wrapped around your wrist as he gave you immense pleasure. Watching the tip of his pen tapping his lower lip, made your mind drift off to what those lips can do. Fuck, you badly want him and you’re still clocked in for two hours here in the office. When your eyes met his, he raised an eyebrow before looking away.  
He probably knows the effect he has on you. 
When your department was called, your attention focused on your colleague. You smiled at Mark, tapping his shoulder to encourage him as you sat down in front of the laptop, volunteering to help him with the technical stuff. Your teamwork is rather dynamic and the presentation of the monthly investment goes on smoothly. You would give small smiles his way, proud that he did amazing despite his low confidence in his speaking skills. He’s just amazing in this job. 
“Since the investment remains stagnant, what do you think should we do Mr. Lee?” The CEO asked, startling you. His tone was different from the other presenters. Mark looked like a deer caught in headlights, his eyes wandering around as if asking for help. 
You raised your hand and muttered, “Sir,” You called which made the CEO look at you. “Isn't that question supposed to be directed to the marketing department?” 
“I’m not asking your opinion, intern.” Even the room got silent at his cold tone. Why is he suddenly like this? “Mr. Lee?” 
You didn’t even hear what Mark said in the shock of what happened. Is Yuta usually like this to interns? Maybe your boyfriend is such a huge bully. 
When the other department was called and the interns did share their opinion, he gave a warm reaction to them. Even if the employees were doing a terrible job in presenting or the interns kept on making mistakes, he never made the same reaction as when he shouted at you. Is he mad at you? Does he hate you? 
Instead of going home early, you found yourself drinking with your colleagues from the accounting department because of your bad mood. The senior workers kept on telling you that it was normal, Yuta is always like that. But no, you cannot. Not when you feel that it’s unfair. How can he treat his employees like that? How can he shout at you, an intern, in front of the other employees? And why only you? 
“The CEO is probably extra grumpy because he didn’t get laid.” One of your co-workers claimed that you dropped the glass you were holding. Mark was already at your aid, wiping the table and handing you tissues to wipe yourself. “Rumors are saying that he has a younger girlfriend.” 
You felt your heart stammer in your chest. There are rumors about that? Do they know that the girlfriend is you? Or is there another girlfriend that you aren’t aware of? Is he cheating on you? 
Maybe that’s why he’s cold to you in the office. Maybe, he wanted to push you away. 
Well, who would ever want an intern as a girlfriend anyway? 
All these thoughts running in your mind, and the fact that you had some drinks, made you unaware of the bicycle on the sidewalk. If not for Mark pulling you back, you wouldn’t even realize that you almost got hit by a vehicle. “Are you still thinking about what the CEO said?” You shook your head. Surprisingly, it isn’t about that anymore. It’s worse than that. “Don’t take it to heart, Y/N. I think the CEO likes you.” 
You gave him a timid smile, stopping to walk in front of your apartment building. Now, you just wanted to lie down and rest. “That’s nonsense.” You tried to shrug, “Have you heard how he shouted at me?” 
“He’s strict with you because he saw your potential,” Mark claimed but you shook your head. “And you have become his favorite intern.” 
You chuckled lightly. That’s impossible. You must be so drunk that you have been hearing things from Mark. “Thank you, Mark. This is my stop.” He glanced at the tall building before nodding, “Take care on your way home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You didn’t hear any word coming from him and just went inside the building. 
The lights were off when you came inside the apartment so you clicked on the light switch to illuminate the light on your way to your room. You almost jumped in surprise seeing Yuta seated on the couch, turned to where you are. “It’s late,” he said in a low voice. “Did you drink?” He stood up, walking to where you are. “On a work night?” 
“I’m not drunk,” you tried to counter but your words are slurring, “I spilled beer on myself.” You stopped when he held your forearm to help you balance but you slapped his shoulders which made him groan. “I shouldn’t be talking to you.” 
Yuta chuckled, pulling you closer to him. “Are you mad because of what happened earlier?” You rolled your eyes and he held your waist. “You told me not to give you any special treatment.” 
“But that was too much!” You shouted. “Are you like that to everyone or just to me? Do you hate me?” 
If not for Yuta wiping the tears from your face, you wouldn’t know that you’re crying. “Baby, I’m sorry.” He said in a soft voice and if possible, pulled you closer. “I don’t hate you, I would never hate you.” Then why was he mad at you earlier? “And to be honest, I hate myself more.” You stared at him in surprise. Why would he? “I let my jealousy take over my emotions.”
He gave you a small smile before kissing your forehead. “You and Mark, smiling and touching each other.” Your eyes widened at that. What? Mark Lee? But you work with each other and it’s just shoulder pats. Yuta kissed your nose, “I hate that you’re so pretty and those guys at work kept looking at you.” Then he kissed you on the lips, a quick smack but still surprised you nonetheless. “I hate that those pretty words coming out of your lips turn me on so much.” Wait, what? 
“You have no idea that when you said sir earlier, I wanted to bend you in the conference room and make you shout that same word repeatedly.” 
You sobbed, bawling your eyes out. It was now his turn to get startled. “I thought you were pushing me away.” You cried, “I thought you didn’t want me anymore.” 
But he just pulled you closer, hugging you tight. “I’m sorry, baby" he kept on whispering. “That's the contrary actually.” He tried to calm you down by pressing butterfly kisses along your neck, fingers trailing on the skin under your shirt. "I want you so much, it's crazy." He kept on kissing your exposed skin, opening the buttons of your blouse. “You reek of beer, let’s get you cleaned up hmm?” 
Maybe it was the intoxicated state you’re in but you let Yuta pamper you that night. He was so careful while giving you a bath, rubbing your skin while whispering how your idea earlier was right and that your department did a great job. He listened intently to how you tell him how stressed you are with your job. 
In contrast to his gentleness while taking care of you was his roughness in bed. You kept on moaning the word ‘sir’ and he would thrust in you in the roughest way possible. “I love you,” he whispered against your ear, lying beside you. “I’m sorry.” 
A chuckle escaped your lips, eyes closing as the tiredness loomed on you. “Since you got laid tonight, maybe you won't be that grumpy tomorrow.” You only heard Yuta laugh in response. 
You were so sore the next morning that you begged Yuta if you could take the day off. But since you’re an intern, without any special treatment, he didn’t let you. He helped you, though, by volunteering to drive you to the company. You were anxious the whole time you were inside the car. What if someone sees you with him? A CEO and an intern together is a bad image for a company. But you found out that Yuta has a special parking area, hidden from other employees. 
Yuta only gave you a couple of minutes to walk ahead of him so no one could see the two of you together but he caught on to you while walking to the elevator. The employees greeted him and he gave a wide smile, greeting them as well. When you reached the office of the accounting department, the senior workers were all whispering about how the CEO was in a very good mood today. “He probably got laid last night,” the senior colleague claimed and you lightly smiled. That was so absurd but it wasn’t wrong. 
The day isn’t that busy but you noticed how Mark kept on moving from one place to another. He kept you inside the office, retyping documents, while he ran the errands to the other departments. When you took a break on the office terrace, you found out why. “Rough night?” He asked while handing you a cup of coffee. “You were limping on the way in. You’re lucky they didn’t notice you.” 
It was embarrassing. Is Mark really that observant? He turned around, back leaning on the ledge, as you sipped on the coffee he gave. “So how rough did your boyfriend take you last night?”  
Isn’t that too much to ask? “You don’t know if I have a boyfriend.” He raised an eyebrow, looking as if you got caught. 
Mark laughed before raising his head to point at someone by the window and you were surprised to see the CEO looking at you, arms crossed. “He looks like he’ll kill me. You might not have done so well last night.” he joked with a light chuckle. 
You glared at him, “How did you know?” 
“I wasn’t that sure at the start but after the CEO had been too strict on the department, I kind of put two and two together.” He claimed then smiled, “And you live with him, don’t you? You cannot afford that luxury apartment, Y/N.” Is Mark that smart? How did he find out about that? “Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul that we have an office romance. But I have to tell you something…” 
Your phone rang, and Yuta’s name was seen on the screen. Mark gave you a nod to answer the call, “Tell Mark Lee that Lee Haechan from marketing is looking for him.” Yuta said that confused you. Why didn’t he just call Mark? When you relayed the message to the guy beside you, he was smiling from ear to ear while telling you that he’ll see you later. You asked who Lee Haechan was and Yuta quickly answered, “His boyfriend.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise while looking at Mark. Boyfriend? You didn’t know Mark had a boyfriend. And a co-worker? Is that what he was supposed to tell you? “Wait, how did you find out?” 
“Company rumors.” Your boyfriend listens to rumors in the company? “And I know how ecstatic Mark is whenever he gets assigned to the Marketing Department.” Now that he mentions it, he does look more excited about working with that department. An office couple. How exciting. 
“But wait,” You claimed, turning your back to the ledge that you’re face to face with the CEO. “Are you that jealous of Mark that you always watch him? How do you know that he gets ecstatic working with marketing?” 
You can see the smile forming on your boyfriend’s lips, “I know Mark before you do, baby.” A light chuckle can be heard. “Besides, before you came, he was my favorite intern.” So Yuta does have a favorite intern. And maybe that’s why Mark confidently said those words to you last night. Does this mean you’ll have the same route as Mark? 
“I thought I wouldn’t get any special treatment?” 
“You won’t. You still have to work hard and complain about how shitty your boss is.” You rolled your eyes but you knew there was a grin on his face. “But you automatically qualify as the COO so whatever you want to do with the company in the future is all in your hands.” That was such a position from being just an intern. Why does he keep on pushing you in that position? “Or the wife of the CEO. I won’t complain.” 
You chuckled. There’s no doubt he’s a man with authority. “The wife of the CEO sounds much better. A total jump from being an intern.” 
You saw him smile from the window. “Ask for the monthly report and bring it to my office,” he ordered, then winked your way. “Let me hear the complaints of my favorite intern.” 
You smiled then put down the phone before walking your way back to the accounting office. 
Being the CEO’s favorite intern isn’t so bad at all. 
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keesdarlin · 9 months
☆// merry and bright (MDNI, 18+)
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info! 141 + könig + keegan / fluff, established relationship + gender neutral reader
cw! no CWs
prompt! their favorite christmas/holiday activities
notes! i'm not big on christmas usually, but this seemed cute so i thought i would do a little bit of writing for it. hope you enjoy :]
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könig's favorite holiday activity is going to see the lights. he'll take driving through the neighborhood in a car if he has to, but he really likes making a whole night out of it. to him, going to see the lights is an entire event. you'll dress up all warm and stop on the way out to grab some hot chocolate or tea or whatever it is you fancy along with some warm snacks. then you'll find a nice neighborhood, probably packed with all the other people who had the same idea as you, and just walk through it. it's a nice way to just get out for a little bit, to bask in the fresh air and that winter chill. a nice excuse for him to spoil you a little bit with some treats and sugar. he keeps a hand on you so that you don't get swept away in the crowd and is ridiculously attentive to you. asks if you want him to go get you more hot cocoa when your cup empties. pulls you closer into his side when you complain about how cold it is. looks at all the displays that you point out and smiles for every picture. it's all very sweet, really. he just loves seeing the way your eyes shine while you're looking at all of the pretty lights.
kyle loves taking you present shopping. he mostly likes it because you like it. window shopping, putting so much care and attention into choosing gifts for someone else, trying to figure out what you want for yourself. it's even more fun when you're doing all of the shopping in one place, preferably the mall. it's convenient and lively and full of energy. the lines are kind of a pain, but it's a little bit less annoying when he has you to talk to. he buys you whatever snacks you want while you're shopping. stopping for lunch is the best because that's prime time for people watching. you guys will just sit in the food court while listening to other people's conversations and commenting on them. makes sure that you're as comfortable as possible before you leave the house -- good shoes, comfortable clothes, hair tie on hand just in case you need it. he brings along band-aids in case you end up getting a blister. he also takes note of things that you like. he can't resist getting you a little gift or two to slip you when you're at home later.
soap really likes the parties. really he just likes any excuse to see you all dressed up, especially for a party. add in some alcohol and he's having a great time. in his defense, what's not to like about a good party? music, free food, and some scheduled time to hang out with all of your friends, maybe catch up with some people that you haven't seen in a little while. he likes how clingy you get at parties too, all in the spirit of cuffing season and everything. you guys are basically joined at the hip, you either hanging on his arm or his arm wrapped firmly around your shoulders or waist, keeping you pulled to his side. he likes the whole deal -- the themes, dressing up, having an excuse to dote on you a little extra, the coziness. he's super down to get lost in the moment of course, but he's always paying attention to you as well. all making sure your cup is full, making sure you have a plate of snacks if you're hungry or a sweater if you're cold, making sure you have someone to dance with if you feel like it. the whole event just gets him going.
ghost really enjoys the lazy days that the holidays allow for. he just likes having the time to just exist with you. of course he loves planning dates when your busy schedules allow the both of you to see one another, but that can get a little bit high-pressure from time to time. if you're lucky enough that he's home for the holidays when you also happen to have work off, he really prefers to stay in with you. his favorite part is probably getting to sleep in late with you pulled to his chest. there's no risk of him waking up to an empty bed because you had to run off to work or go buy milk before an appointment or whatever else life throws at you. even if he wakes up before you, he can just hold you to his chest and find comfort in the sound of you breathing (and you can do that same. just listen to the beating of his heart as he sleeps beside you). when you are both finally awake, the morning is still slow to start. you stay in bed for another hour or three and take your time convincing each other to get up and start the day. it's usually simon that caves first, getting up and dragging you out of bed along with him. you both trudge to the kitchen, enjoying the coziness of your little apartment as you make tea and scrape together a lazy breakfast. from there you spend the day in your pajamas, cuddling on the couch and watching movies under a few blankets, dozing off and on, occasionally grazing on snacks.
price usually enjoys being in the kitchen with you around the holidays. this usually consists of him being your little helper or leaning against the doorframe and rambling while you cook whatever you've set yourself to. he'll stand with you and make jokes or talk about random stuff while you roll out sheets of cookie dough or work on cooking something for dinner. to keep him occupied you'll assign him ingredients to dig through the cabinets for, really just so that you don't have to do it yourself. he'll probably find it with maximum efficiency too just so that you're not left waiting on him. he hands it to you, waits for you to measure it out, and then puts it back so that you're not losing any counter space either. and he's always bugging you for a taste of whatever you're making whether it's cookie dough or soup or whatever, but especially if it's some kind of sweet treat. if you're making cookies, you can guarantee that he'll sneak one off the cooling rack when you're not looking. would absolutely insist on making the most absurd gingerbread house with you (and would probably end up either painting you with frosting or eating it all).
i'd like to think that keegan's favorite part of christmas is the snow. anything to do with the snow, really. during the first snow of the season, he drags you out to see it. it doesn't matter if you're working or sleeping or what, but cue keegan shaking you as gently as his stifled excitement can muster to come out and see it. if he's not with you when it finally start snowing, he'll call you and leave a short but sweet message about it. he loves playing in it; it's one of the only times he lets his guard down. loves snow angels, building igloos and snow men, having snowball fights, sledding. the whole nine yards. he just has a blast with it. he also teaches you how to make snow creams when you guys have the time for it (firm believer here that keegan would like his snow creams with chocolate chips). sometimes he'll go outside by himself and just sit in the snow for a little bit or stick his hand in it and feel the way it melts on his palms. it helps ground him, helps clear his head. no matter the case, he's more than happy to be able to share it with you.
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imagine--if · 2 years
hii i saw that requests for alice in borderland were open and i rann 🏃🏻‍♀️
could you do a scenario where chishiya and banda have a crush/interested in the same s/o?? how tense would that be, especially in the solitary confinement game?? 👀👀👀
A/N: Oooo this is an awesome scenario idea, thanks for your request!! I'm still open for AIB requests until the 15th, so if you're interested then send some in!! A particular ask has caught my attention for after this... jealous Chishiya 😵😍 Little obvious disclaimer that the GIFs aren't mine- but look at Chishiya's, he's staring RiGhT aT uSsS 😭
Chishiya and Banda Both Crushing On You Includes...
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💛• How'd you even manage to get the attention of both these guys?!??! I'm jealous 🥲 because the way these two fall for someone, combined, is basically the most intense and warm and crazy hot experience you'll have in quite a while. Let's say that this all starts in the Jack of Hearts game:
💛• With Chishiya, he's drawn to the little, unnoticeable things that interest him, like being a lot smarter than you look, or making a good decision that surprises, or even outwits him somewhat. There's not much of that in the borderlands, apart from Arisu's selflessness that absolutely confuses him until he starts admiring it, and the deadliness of the games, everyone looks like they're going to die. Except you. So he'll most likely start following you around - very subtly - observing your way of doing things and interacting with other players, until he properly approaches you. Probably asking you for his symbol on his collar, and asks you if you want yours. If you turn him down but give him his or something, he'll actually be taken aback... in a good way, because now he's obsessed with wanting to know how your mind works. So, basically, you've got yourself a new partner.
💛• With Banda, however, subtly and patience are not his things. All it takes is one minute of eye contact, or hearing something a little psycho come from you, anything that's potentially original and beautiful to him, and suddenly he's right in front of you with that dark smirk, giving you a twisted but flattering compliment. That's it. Now you've got a new protector who grows oddly possessive and obsessive over the first few rounds, pulling you back when you think about joining the others' big group. You don't need them. You've got him.
💛• So when the two ultimately end up bumping into each other when they both go to talk to you or something, there's just a moment of stretched, painfully strong silence as Banda eyes up this new 'distraction' to your attention, and Chishiya takes him in with that annoyingly indifferent, and kind of smug, look, before his brown eyes meet yours. Banda looks in your direction too. No pressure 😅
💛• I mean, Chishiya tolerates pretty much everyone, but Banda lurking around and infecting your brain with his sadistic ideas of entertainment and advice on how to win every game like he has, is something he's apprehensive of. He'll see how you react to it at first before jumping in, but overall, Chishiya thinks you're the first truly curious and inspiring person that's caught his attention in the Borderlands, and that's something he doesn't want to let slip as soon as he's found it.
💛• Banda has little to no empathy or care for anyone except what you're happy and unhappy with, so he's gonna be pretty forward with Chishiya and give him one of his hushed, intimidating, close-up threats to move along and find someone else to play with. When Chishiya retorts smugly with a comment about how the last women he hung around with suddenly made it onto the murder section of the newspapers, he'll get a deathly glare in his eyes, and basically the only thing stopping him from snapping at that moment is the rule of the game being that you can't outrightly hurt anyone.
💛• They let it go for now, but neither one of them is put off from hanging around with you. The rest of the players in the big group find it odd how you're just sitting there at a table, and within a few moments, Chishiya comes striding in offering his snack with you, sitting beside you on the table, all the while Banda's unblinking gaze is fixed on you from the other side of the cafeteria, where he sits on the floor against the wall. The Jack probably notices it too, but doesn't say anything, since no one really wants to see Banda Sunato get angry.
💛• Once the game has gone on and it's over, Banda has some 'business' to attend to with Jack, and probably makes you wear a tracker or something so he knows how to come and find you when he's done and figuring out how he can have more, or all, control over the lands. Cocky psycho even tries to kiss you goodbye too, and whether you let him go for it and leave you flustered after an intense few moments, or push him away gently with a blush is your choice. Either way, he'll still respond with one of his smirks and a wink before he causally pulls out his pocket weapon and goes into one of the cells after Jack.
💛• That just leaves you with Chishiya, who Banda has 'trusted' to keep you safe while he's gone. Since Chishiya figured it all out with him and survived the round in a pretty impressive way, Banda doesn't misjudge his intelligence and capabilites, even though he seems a little too relaxed when entering these life-or-death games. Still, you'll end up leaving with Chishiya wandering by your side and making small talk about who you are as a person as you go for the next game, or to meet his gang from the Beach, like Arisu. He's surprisingly talkative in his own way as he uncovers more about you and listens to every word you say, but when the questions are reflected back at him, the answers are simple and short - at first, anyway. It's not all because he's reclusive, but mostly because he didn't really like his life, or have much of one, in his opinion, before the Borderlands. But now, maybe he does. Intelligent and nice to look at. He'll stick around for sure 😉
💛• Elsewhere, Banda basically pulls up every file and piece of information on you instead of outrightly asking. It's safe to say that he's an obsessive and possessive crusher/lover, and he'll make that known once he's sorted things out and comes to find you again. And he will come and find you again 😏
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moons-of-dewclan · 8 months
Uhh I’m sure you’ve been asked this before but!!! Do you have any advice for making a clangen comic? I’m kinda doing a disaster clan but in intervals of 5 moons, and I can’t fit in the specific prompts on one image (and I’m too lazy to draw like 5 pages) so uhmmm do u have any advice? :3
The reason I go in intervals of five is because I’m a curious guy and I draw and play clangen on separate devices so uhhh oh god am I oversharing I’ll shut up now
MY TIPS WON'T BE GREAT bc my whole art experience is 'do what i want when i want how i want and if it's not fun i don't do it' SO IT'S NOT A TECHNICAL THING BUT LKASNDLKASD I CAN TRY!! what's been good for me in clangen is, • always mark down your seasons! bc it sucks to forget what season the event took place in when you go to draw it • don't shove every tiny prompt and event into a moon if you don't want to (it's a lot of work..) • it's ok to have a clan of 40 cats and only follow 1 or 2 main characters. if the pressure if the amount of cats you end up with is too much, IGNORE EM. + silhouettes are ok if you wanna imply a full camp. use stamps even • IF an event happens that you think is going to have a damper on your enjoyment for the comic (like if your favourite cat dies), RELOAD AND PRETEND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. authenticity is not Real in media you make for fun. unless it's fun for you for favourite main character BillyBreeze to kick the bucket to a random event, you don't have to save and go with it. if it makes you go 'euuhh..' and not 'NOOO!! (smiles in hidden)', 'ok' or 'OHOHO ;)) OMG COOL', screw it. never put anything above your muse and inspiration. • which brings me to, save after every event you like happening! so patrol events, or something. in case randomly something rly weird happens that doesn't make sense with the story or what your cat would do, you can just restart • if you develop your cat, and they do something wildly out of the personality you developed/hc for them, you can ignore it in favour of character consistency (I WILL NOT LIE, i wanted to 100% never change or refuse anything in the game, but i changed lyre's personality after the prompt came up saying that he MAULED VANILLABRIGHT FOR DOUBTING HIS LEADERSHIP. ARE U INSANE HE WOULD NEVER. plus character development is allowed, even if ingame events don't represent it well. so do what you gotta do. game files are easy to change!) • FOLLOW THAT LAZINESS. and follow fun. do what will keep you having the most fun through the entire thing. if you wanna end at 30 moons, do it. if you wanna stop and restart and do a different idea, do it. your own enjoyment matters most. so the second you go 'ugh i don't wanna'- DON'T. whatever it is, don't. nobody is paying you for this, do what you want. (unless they are paying you for it.. then damn, lucky)
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Icarus Part 9
Hello and welcome back to this wonderful fic! Like I've said before having a set schedule for each story got hard and I've resorted to posting on vibes alone.
This week's vibes are all over the place because of the pain in my elbow. It's getting better but it's taking every ounce of self-control and self-preservation I have not write as many words a day as I can to make up for lost time and slowly work my way back up to my old schedule so I don't re-injure it.
But as I've said, if you want to see a specific work more often, drop me an ask and I'll see what I can do.
Here we have Eddie being a sweetheart and Steve and his friends being dorks.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
NDAs were such a large part of Steve’s life he couldn’t remember a time he didn’t have them. For everything.
Even producers had to sign them before they could even breathe in the direction of The Fallen in the recording studio.
It was an exhausting but necessary part of his life. Just like the locked room in his apartment.
Shane and Spence had done an amazing job with Steve’s little notebook of song material. And shocker, only two of them were love songs. Most of the rest of the songs were about trying to survive in a world you had to hide.
He knew that a lot of critics would tell them to lose the masks if it bothered them so much, but at this point Steve didn’t care. They were working on their third album in three years and he was fucking tired.
“Again, from the top,” the producer said into the com. “Abbadon you got a little pitchy on the second line. Watch it. Astraeus, you’re coming in too early. It’s duh-ba-ba-dun and then you come in. You’re coming in on the first ba.”
Steve and Shane nodded and they began again.
Steve’s brain thought it was going to melt out of his ears. He had a test for his certification after today’s session in the studio and he was sure all the information would have leaked out by then.
But apparently Steve’s brain went on autopilot taking the test, and not only did he pass, he passed with full marks.
Spence clapped Steve shoulder. “Hey, man if this whole rockstar gig ever falls apart, you should come be an EMT with me.”
Steve grinned back. That wasn’t a bad idea actually. With his lifeguard training and his affinity for thinking well under pressure, it really was the ideal job.
“I might just take you up on that.”
They broke up for the day and as Steve was putting away his guitar his phone rang.
“Hey, Eds,” he greeted.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie replied. “How did your test go?”
“I aced it!” Steve said, bouncing on the tips of his toes in excitement.
“What?” Eddie cried. “Baby, that’s so amazing! We’ll definitely go out tonight and celebrate. But that’s not the reason I’m calling.”
“Oh?” Steve asked.
“How far are you guys into the album?” Eddie asked, hesitantly.
Steve frowned for a moment. He looked over at Spence and Hopper. They had all had a really rough session today and it had become almost grueling in a way that the other two albums never felt.
“Not as far as we’d like,” Steve admitted. If anyone knew what they were going through it was Eddie.
“I’m sorry, babe,” Eddie commiserated. “Would it be better to continue at it or take break touring?”
Steve scratched his cheek thoughtfully. It would be nice to actually take time with the album and not push it out as quickly as possible.
“A break for sure,” Steve murmured. “We’re on our third album in three years, and even though we just got back from a tour, it was less exhausting than being in the studio right now.”
Eddie was silent for a moment. “Have you thought about changing the studio you’re working in? Sometimes a change of scenery can help.”
“I guess we could try,” Steve muttered. “I just didn’t think we had that kind of pull with the record label yet. I’ll call Robin later and see what she can do.”
Eddie hummed in agreement. “So the reason I was asking, babe, is that they have given us a choice of two sets of dates. One that would start at the beginning of the new year and one that would start next summer. And since we’re taking you with us, our management is going to coordinate with yours.”
Steve wasn’t sure which he would prefer, if he was being honest. “Can I talk to my boys and get back to you on that?”
“Sure thing, Stevie,” Eddie said fondly. “You can tell all about what you guys decided when we meet up for drinks tonight, how does that sound?”
Steve let out a little sigh of relief. “Yeah, that sounds great, Eds. Text me the details.”
“You’ve got it!” Eddie said and then they both said their goodbyes and hang up.
More work, Steve thought mournfully. He didn’t want more work. He was tired and miserable and he should have been happy. The record was liking the album so far, they were about to go on tour with the biggest metal band in the world, he was dating Eddie. Why wasn’t he happy?
He put his head in his hands and forced himself to breathe. He knew that a lot of what he was feeling was being forced to wait when he didn’t want to.
That even if he was out as Abbadon, he couldn’t be out with Eddie. Both of their labels would have literal bitch fits. They could be out to their friends, but as far as the media went, that was off limits. Being bisexual or gay was better now, but it could still tank their careers if they came out with actual same sex partners. Steve’s career especially, new as it was.
Steve let out a low shuddering breath. This whole masked identities shit was tough. He didn’t know how those other bands could handle it. Maybe the difference was that their families knew. He honestly didn’t know.
But he had chosen to walk down this road. When they first started playing and getting turned away by how they looked, they chose to not change themselves, but to become someone else. And it worked and he really couldn’t argue with the results.
Steve loved his job. He loved that he got be in a band with his best friends and that his platonic soulmate was their manager. He loved getting out there on stage and singing his heart out. But it was hard sometimes.
He pulled out his phone and called Robin. “Hey, what are the label’s requirement on getting this album done? Like does it have to be at this studio with this producer?”
“One sec,” Robin said, pulling it up on her computer. She scanned the document complete with searching for key words. “Doesn’t look like it. Why? What’s up?”
“You know how we’ve hit a wall in the studio?” Steve asked around chewing on his thumb.
She scoffed. Of course she knew. “And you’re thinking a change of venue might help or at the very least a new producer?”
“Yeah...” Steve said. “Eddie suggested it, but I wasn’t sure if we had that kind of clout with the record label.”
Robin was quiet on the line, but Steve could feel the cogs in her head turn. “I’ll get on it.”
“Thanks,” he said, breathing out a sigh of relief. “Did Eddie’s label send over the tour dates?”
“Let’s see...” she hummed. “Yup! I’m reading through them... and I’m guessing you to talk with everyone before making a final decision?”
“Right in one,” Steve said. “Preferably with whether or not we get someone else in to produce.”
“You’ve got it, babe,” she said. “Does this have a deadline?”
“Eddie said he would like to know by tonight,” he said, “but I can tell him we’re still working things out and that’s we’ll get back to him.”
“That would be ideal, yes.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “I’ll still talk to the boys and at least get a feel for what they’re thinking even if we can’t shift producers or studio.”
“Sounds good,” Robin said. “I’ll get back to you as soon as I learn anything.”
He hung up and pulled up the group chat and messaged his friends to meet at his place. He had stuff he wanted to talk with them regarding upcoming tour dates.
Simon and Shane texted back immediately. Spence had left them on read for about fifteen minutes before responding with a question about how long they would be.
And then the ribbing began.
-Oohh...you with that girl?- Shane
-He totally is!!- Simon
-Pics or it didn’t happen- Steve
-Pics!- Simon
-Yeah, man, is she cute?- Shane
-Why do you care, Shane? You’re gay- Spence
-Because like a flower I can appreciate the feminine form, even if I don’t want to fuck it- Shane
Pic comes in of Spence on his couch with a gorgeous dark-skinned woman with soulful eyes and long black hair.
-Meet Nadia
-Lucky guy!- Simon
-That’s quite the flower :P- Shane
-Yeahhh...I’m sorry, man, as much as I would like to let you stay with your lady love, we really need to talk. Business. :(
-I love my job. I love my job. I love my job. I love my job. -Spence
-lol! You keep telling yourself that and maybe one day I’ll believe you- Shane
-GASP! Spence doesn’t love us! :’(- Simon
-Damn it. Fine I love you all- Spence
-Simon uses sad emoji against Spence, it’s super effective! (pokeball emoji)- Steve
-Meet at my place as soon as you can- Steve
There was the usual chorus of affirmative responses and Steve set down his phone.
He looked up at the ceiling as he huffed out a sigh. His friends were on the way, Robin was trying to fix the problem with them hitting a brick wall making their album, and Eddie was supportive.
It helped that Spence was dating now, too. They could commiserate about their love lives.
Simon hated that while he could get girls as Asmodeus but not as himself he swore off dating until he found someone who liked him for him and not just because he was a rock god.
Shane just liked having fun. Wherever that took him. Usually gay bars with lots of booze and dancing.
They weren’t “rich and famous” enough for the wild parties and shit. At least not yet. They were getting a lot traction with their second major album though so that was probably going to change fast.
Steve just glad that he would have Eddie and Robin holding his hand though this.
He looked over at the contract on his table and sighed. Like Spence, he really did love his job. And he knew that there were hundreds of bands wishing to be in his shoes.
He could do this.
He was, after all Abbadon, lead singer of The Fallen and he knew how to do this shit.
Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
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