#but the fandom just kinda brushes over that to say ''well both sides are bad''
berah-ronah · 2 years
tbh my take on the BOE is that they’re a morally complex insurgency with internal disputes over methods and goals, and that the violence they use is sometimes against targets that are innocent (even if “innocent target” is often a loaded phrase that ignores the complexities of structural/imperialist violence) BUT because people are so willing to buy into the Nine House’s framing of them as Violent Terrorists, I will ALSO say that I’m a BOE stan who think that they’ve done nothing wrong and are always justified
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dingbatnix · 2 years
hi! i'm new to the dsmp g/t fandom and you popped up in the tag with your post about a karlnapity au where karl has memory problems! i think the opportunities for this idea are endless and it's a pretty open-ended premise. i have a question! do you think that with all these memory problems, it would bring up different scenarios, all on varying ends of the fluff-and-angst spectrum? for example, one time when karl forgets about sapnap and quackity, he's shy because he thinks that for creatures so small, they'd obviously fear him? or maybe another time he has a brief flash of ill intentions towards the two? i just think that it would be like meeting a hundred different personalities of karl and that's a very fulfilling thought! can't wait to find more of your content, you seem awesome! i hope you have a nice day :)
Holy cow this is a lot.
Oh and hi! Thank you!
Anyway, I hadn't thought about that! It does bring up an interesting question though, like, what if Karl was in a bad mood one day, and then found them? I imagine nothing particularly bad would happen, (cause if I'm in a bad mood I'm not gonna hurt a random animal that I find, even if it's not a normal animal) but he might be more inclined to ignore them, maybe???
And then poor Quackity and Sapnap are just concerned, cause their friend isn't feeling okay, doesn't seem to remember them, and is actively trying to avoid them!
Or, we could go the angst route and, if Karl's feeling bad enough, I imagine he would get mad enough at the two borrowers to either yell at them to go away, feint an attack to scare them off, or just grab them and drop them somewhere, away from him. The height would vary, if he's careless enough to actually toss them away across the room (at the best, bruises for port Sap and Big Q, at the worst, broken bones and maybe a concussion) or just drop them on the couch opposite of him so that they stop trying to climb into his lap.
The repercussions of this would be that Q and Sap would be more wary about approaching Karl anytime he seems to not know that they exist, because that probably means that he forgot them again. They'd probably watch him a bit, to gauge his mood before coming out to say hello.
On the fluff spectrum, bridging on the shyness, I can imagine Karl backing up from Sap and Q anytime they tried to approach him. Like, they want to tell him something so they climb onto the couch next to the human's legs, but Karl is either so startled by the sudden appearance of what seems to be two tiny humans that he either freezes, or jumps off of the couch entirely cause he doesn't want to accidentally hurt them or knock them over.
Or, he'd very, very gently brush a finger up against their sides or backs, shocked that such tiny creatures would approach him with what seemed to be no caution or wariness at all. He'd be even more astounded when they both clambered into his palm and sprawled out like they owned it. He'd be awed by the tiny little movements that he could barely feel fluttering against his skin, each and every time.
For Sapnap and Quackity, well, it's a little frustrating and kinda heartbreaking for them that, no matter how hard they tried, they just never stuck in Karl's mind. They knew that it wasn't his fault, there was just something not right with his brain, but it still hurt. Were that really that inconsequential...?
On the other hand, they get to experience their first meeting, over and over and over again, so there's that, at least.
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cdroloisms · 3 years
Dream tried to stop Wil from creating L'Manburg, Phil tried to stop him from blowing it up, BOTH value people over items and builds, Phil has said that they're replaceable but people aren't, Dream traded spirit for his best friends fishes (we kno he's not someone to talk abt feelings:[) BOTH were kind and selfless but used by almost if not everyone, BOTH were ready to be THE VILLAINS if it meant everyone else could live better after. ONE of them always had someone there, ONE didn't. Intentional?
aaaa sorry for the really inconsistent posts ,, im gonna try to post a little more in the next few days. i have a few things written up, so look out for them? maybe? for now, have this *gestures vaguely* thing ,, it’s kinda a mess but *shrug*
phil is such a fun character, anon, especially for all the reasons that you mentioned in the ask!! he’s a really fun character with a lot of complexities that go (sadly) overlooked by a large portion of the fandom, but he’s super cool even tho i havent analyzed him too much. hope you enjoy (and i hope my interpretation of c!phil isnt too ooc lmao) 
tw: mentioned blood, injury, implied torture/abuse, starvation, trauma, mentioned death, prison arc/pandora’s vault
When Techno first brings Dream back from the prison, Phil doesn’t quite know what to think.
“I don’t trust him either,” Techno assures him, but there’s a flickering anger in the backs of his eyes, one that had emerged ever since he came back from the prison with the other man in his arms, and Phil knows his friend well enough to know that the words are empty in the face of the piglin hybrid’s particular brand of to-the-death loyalty. He shakes his head in reply, refusing to voice his thoughts for Techno’s sake, at least, but the look that the other slants at him suggests that he’s caught onto them all the same.
At first, the work is thankfully mindless; even if Phil has reservations on the man that Techno has more or less dumped into his house, he would hardly wish the clear suffering he’s been through on anyone. The first few days pass in a flurry of brewing potions, wrapping and rewrapping dressings, stitching up cuts and setting broken bones straight. The damage is extensive; Phil has to take more than a few breaks to just leave the house and breathe - he’s far from a stranger to blood and carnage, had received the title of ‘Angel of Death’ for a reason, but even he had never been particularly familiar with this form of cruelty. Torture was a level of violence that extended beyond what even he was willing to bestow - his hands may have caused many deaths, and the weight of each one would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life, but even those had the mercy of being a quick end. The wounds and scars that ripple over Dream’s skin, thin and stretched tightly over his bones with little muscle and fat left to cushion them, speak of horrors that were anything but merciful.
“I didn’t know they were capable of all of this,” Techno says, once, as they huddle of Dream, wringing towels in cold water to wipe his feverish skin. Techno’s hand reaches for the ribboning gold-filled scars that remain from the execution - carefully, Phil raises his hand to let his fingertips brush over them as well. “I mean, I knew he was dangerous and all, but-”
“I know, mate,” Phil looks back at Dream’s face, tight even in unconsciousness, at the darkened, hand-shaped bruises that remain around his throat, at the scar that runs over his left eye, clearly meant to mirror the same one that makes its way down the duck hybrid’s own face. “You said that Quackity and Sam were working together?”
“Yeah,” Techno’s expression darkens, eyes focused somewhere on the wall, seemingly very far away. He said that nothing happened to him in the prison, and he seemed relatively unharmed when Phil activated the stasis chamber, but ever since he came back, sometimes he’ll have moments, and Phil can’t help but - wonder. “Quackity does the dirty work, Sam gives him the way in and out, probably also the tools to do it. It’s-” he huffs a short, self-recriminating laugh. “It’s bad, Phil.”
Techno shoots him a look, and Phil cringes, knowing already that he’d used the wrong tone. Even with the execution, Techno had been adamant to hide all traces of his own terror and fear away from him, masking it all with fury for Phil’s own sake. He knows, just from the way his old friend looks at the ribboning scars that remain sometimes, that he is far from as over the whole ordeal as he acts, but Techno never wants to talk and Phil never knows the right time to ask and they smooth it all behind plans and explosions and hope that the TNT can blow apart the trauma, too. He’s got a sneaking suspicion that the same thing is going to happen, here.
“As soon as we can,” Techno starts again, pointedly shifting his eyes away from Phil’s face, “we’re calling a Syndicate meeting to figure out what we’re going to do about the prison. Like- come on, man, you couldn’t make a more transparent abuse of institutional power if you tried, really-” he looks over, uncharacteristic uncertainty warring over his features. “If you think that’s good, I mean-“
“Of course, mate.” Phil’s voice softens. “Whenever you’re ready.”
‘Whenever he’s ready,’ as it turns out, is easier said than done, becoming even more evident when their charge wakes up from his days long spell of unconsciousness. The worst of his injuries have, under their careful care and the benefit of many potions, healed enough to no longer directly threaten his life, but the vast majority have quite some time to go before being healed completely. Being as the goal was torture and not death, most of his injuries weren’t made to be life-threatening, but rather to cause as much pain as possible - from the grimace that twists Dream’s face when he struggles to force himself awake, they’re doing their jobs.
“Hey, mate, slow down,” Phil murmurs, pressing the man down by his shoulder when Dream weakly tries to push himself up and off the bed, and his struggling only lasts for a few more minutes before he gives up and slumps against his pillow, eyes cracking open and seeming surprisingly lucid.
“Where-“ his voice is wrecked, and Phil reaches for the glass of water at the bedside as Dream coughs. “Where am I?”
“You’re at Techno’s house,” Dream’s eyes widen and then slip closed as he processes the information, a wrinkle forming between his eyebrows as they knit together. “We broke you out, after Techno escaped with a stasis chamber with your book. Do you remember?”
Dream gnaws on his bottom lip. “Um- yeah. I think.” His head turns as his eyes crack open again- “Techno-“
“He’s out, right now. He’ll be back in a bit.”
“Oh.” Dream falls back into the bed, strength seemingly sapped from the short conversation. His breathing stutters, then steadies. “Okay.”
Recovery is slow. Phil doesn’t actually find himself seeing the man very often; now that he doesn’t need around-the-clock care anymore, he’s moved back into his own house, letting Techno do most of the work when it comes to rehabilitating the escaped convict crashing at his house. As he begins to spend more of his time awake and aware, he brings a whole slew of new problems; Phil catches him screaming one day, blurting harsh, angry words as Techno reads, unbothered from the other side of the room, and he stops in his tracks standing awkwardly in the doorway.
“Um-“ he winces when Dream curses, smashes something against the floor, and then curls into himself at the sound. Techno doesn’t even flinch. “Am I interrupting something?”
Dream stomps away, face flushed, arms wrapped around himself. Techno raises an eyebrow.
“You lookin’ for something, Phil?” he asks, and the unpleasant knot in Phil’s chest refuses to unwind.
The episodes, unfortunately, don’t seem to get much better. Though he’s rarely outright violent, Dream looks constantly murderous, usually muttering underneath his breath about something or another while he stalks the grounds of Techno’s house. It’s not too long before Techno sends him out to work around the house instead of just moping within the cottage, which also means that Phil sees him a lot more - tending to a small farm behind the house, feeding the dogs, hacking away at mobs, and usually complaining the entire time. It’s unnerving, even as injured and unarmored as the man is, to see him walking around like this; despite his rather pathetic appearance, swamped in sweaters that dwarf him thoroughly and thin enough to look like the slightest breeze will knock him over, his eyes are flinty and intelligent and bubble with promises of revenge.
“FUCK!” Phil turns to see him slamming a shovel into the snow, stomping away into the woods, and his hands tighten around his cup of tea. Next to him, Techno shrugs.
“Nerd’s got a few issues,” he drawls, and Phil laughs shortly.
“That seems like an understatement.”
“He’ll ease up in time,” Techno sounds surprisingly confident, completely content despite the muffled curses that come from the woods next to them. He’s probably used to it, with Chat and all, but Phil can’t quite seem to find the same calm.
“I just don’t know, mate,” Phil shakes his head. “You sure having him around is the best idea? He doesn’t seem...stable.”
Techno looks up at him over the rim of his cup of coffee. His head tilts, considering, but there’s a small smile on his face that tells Phil that Techno, inexplicably, doesn’t share the same sentiments. There was always a part of him that was, for the lack of a better word, softer than the rest of the server for his self-proclaimed rival, a sort of understanding that Phil could hardly hope (nor would really want to) understand.
“Don’t worry, Phil, if he tries anything I can always just tie him up in the attic or something,” Phil huffs a small laugh, amused, and nods to concede the point. “And- well, call it intuition. You could really try talkin’ to him, you know. He reminds me of you, sometimes.”
The words stick in his head despite his best efforts, rattling in his skull when he tries to sleep, lingering when he catches glimpses of the green-clothed man stalking around their properties. He can’t imagine what would’ve prompted his old friend to make the comparison, can’t think of a single thing (besides their affinity for the color green) that would mark him as similar to the - from what he’s heard - deranged menace with a particular penchant for destruction (not that his rants and fits of anger are doing anything to correct that impression). Even so, Techno had sounded so sure when he’d made the comparison, the words offhand like he’d thought them a million times before, like it was a simple observation that held no more weight than commenting on the color of the sky. Phil watches as Dream lugs a pile of logs behind him, huffing at one of Techno’s dogs that comes to chase and nip at his feet and grumbling loudly before faceplanting into the snow. He just...can’t see it.
Days later, Wilbur comes to visit, a grin on his lips as he dramatically recounts his newest exploit: a nation by Las Nevadas, a supposed safe haven away from the glitter and glory of Quackity’s city; it sounds brilliant, it sounds lovely, and more than anything it sounds stupid, and Phil tells him as such immediately.
“You’re being reckless,” he rants at his son, wings flaring outwards and only barely noticing Dream watching from the corner of his eye, “What are you doing- picking fights with Quackity? Starting another nation- didn’t you see what happened to the first two you made? You’re going to get yourself killed, Wil!”
“Well, I’ve already seen what’s on the other side of death, and it’s really not that bad-“
“You’re my son!” The words are angrier than Phil would’ve liked, and he knows that he looks ridiculous and overbearing, criticizing the actions of his fully grown son, but all he can see is Wilbur’s face, slack with pain and grief, stained with ash and soot as his eyes flutter to half-mast in the midst of the rubble of a country he loved and destroyed and destroyed him in turn. “I can’t lose you again, Wil!”
Wilbur doesn’t quite storm out, but it’s a near thing, leaving with a clipped goodbye and leaving Phil seething on his doorstep. He spends the rest of the night pacing around the house in a sort of mad frenzy, wings stretching and folding over and over. Not for the first time, he longs for the sky, to feel the air through his wings and let the world fall into pinpricks below him; it’s this that leads him to the roof of his house, staring stubbornly at the clouds as the sun sinks down to the horizon.
Phil startles; there, down below him, is Dream. He rocks back on his heels, seeming awkward, before clambering up the wall (Phil rolls his eyes at the ease with which he scales it, the feeling in his chest almost fond) and settling himself on the shingles at Phil’s side.
“Hey, mate,” Phil shakes his head. The fondness leaves, and the irritation that had risen at Wilbur’s words, earlier, comes back full-force. “Sorry- Wil came to visit, we talked. I just needed some time to think.”
Dream hums in acknowledgement, and they fall into a comfortable silence, watching as the sun dipping down past the mountains in the distance.
“You know,” Dream starts, sudden, “I told him the same thing.” He looks up at Phil, eyes faraway with old memories. “Wilbur, I mean. When he made L’manburg- I told him he was being reckless.” He shrugs. “I guess he never listened.”
Phil pauses, Techno’s words ringing in his ears. He reminds me of you, sometimes.
Dream looks surprisingly normal up close - face no longer reddened with fever or pale from blood loss, even the scars fail to really take from the boyishness of his face. He bites his lips, eyes falling away at Phil’s scrutiny, golden blond hair flopping over his forehead, newly trimmed to be something a little closer to his old length, at least in the front, the back pulled into a small ponytail. He’s young, and shockingly awkward, teeth worrying his lip, hands fiddling with each other, shifting his weight from one foot to the other several times a minute. He looks like a kid.
“He never does,” Phil lets himself smile, watches as Dream smiles back, almost like they’re sharing a joke. He wonders how well he really knows the man behind the mask. “Want to come in for some tea?”
Dream smiles wider, and something old and worn in Phils chest, knocked loose ever since he felt his son fall limp in his arms with his own sword shoved between his ribs, falls back into place.
“That would be great,” Dream replies, the words almost hopeful, and they go inside.
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luminnara · 4 years
The Dismemberment Song PART 2 | BOP Victor Zsasz x Reader | 18+
Fandom: Birds of Prey
Summary: Zsasz takes a liking to one of the burlesque dancers at Roman’s club. It turns out the two have a little history together...and they both want to do something about their unresolved tension.
Thanks so much for reading!! I really really hope you like this, because BOP Zsasz needs more love and attention, and I, for one, am determined to give it to him! 
Words: 3,666
Warnings: Alcohol, blood, violence, mutilation, that good good smutty smut (oral, penetration), kinda dom!Zsasz
Requests are open!!
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You had never been in Roman Sionis’s penthouse. It was strictly off limits to anyone he didn’t personally invite, and you didn’t even think that his favorite little bird, Dinah Lance, had been up there. Now, though, here you were, stepping out of the elevator with Zsasz on your heels as you marveled at the converted loft. 
“Holy shit,” you breathed, looking around. 
Roman’s place was filled with weird art, all sorts of exotic masks sitting on pedestals or hanging on the walls. There was a long, dark dinner table with a decorative fruit platter sitting in the center, and an open floor plan allowed to see the spacious living room surrounded by huge walls of windows that overlooked the East End. It was the perfect blend of luxurious and industrial for someone like Roman, and you sighed as you imagined yourself living somewhere so nice.
“‘Sthat all about?” Zsasz asked in that rough, low, almost drawling voice.
“Just admiring the view,” you said as you left him to go stand before the windows.
“Yeah,” Zsasz agreed. “It’s nice.”
But his eyes were on you, not the Gotham skyline.
“Do you stay here with him?” You asked, turning to look at Roman’s henchman with a bright, exuberant smile on your face, as if you hadn’t just murdered a man onstage in the club.
“I do.” Zsasz approached you, hands in his pockets as he moved in that watchful, predatory way you always saw him slinking around with. “I’ve gotta protect the boss. He needs me.”
“You must do a pretty good job of it.” You mused. Now that you were confident that Roman wasn’t going to have Zsasz peel your face off, you were allowing yourself to relax again.
“It’s my job.” He said simply, coming to stand behind you. He was so close that you could smell his cologne, his breath hot on your neck as he leaned in.
You froze.
His chest was brushing your back and you were almost certain he could hear the way your heart was hammering away in your chest. You held perfectly still, not daring to move a muscle as Zsasz brought a hand up to brush your bloodstained curls away from your shoulder.
His fingers were rough, calloused, and warm, just like the rest of him, his hands big and strong enough that you were confident he could kill you unarmed in the blink of an eye. The weird, sadistic side of you would welcome it; though you had never admitted it to anybody before, you were pretty sure that Victor Zsasz was the only man you would ever allow to kill you.
You could remember the first time you met him, years ago, when he and Roman came to your old gig to convince you to start up at the Black Mask. He had less scars back then, but still the same bleached hair and that fucking handsome stubble on his jaw. You had been entranced as you watched him follow your eventual employer around, the club owner giving them their own corner booth and all the bottle service that Roman Sionis could possibly want.
You could remember how your legs had turned to jelly when the shift manager sent you over to them, but you must have managed to hide it well, because you spent the rest of the night drinking and partying with Roman fucking Sionis. Then, obviously, one thing led to another, and you had gone to work for him.
The part you had never told anyone about, though, the part you never spoke of, was the part where Zsasz had taken you into a vip room.
You didn’t remember all the details about everything that night, but you could still recall every moment you spent on his lap. Every appreciative squeeze he gave your ass and thighs, every low moan he let out as you rocked your hips with his. You still dreamt about it once in a while, even though you were sure that it had all been something about Roman making his lackey inspect the goods before hiring you.
But still...you had loved it.
He always wore his shirts unbuttoned a fair ways down to show off the scars on his upper chest, but that night, you had gotten to see more. You could remember how you had run your fingers over them, and the way that Zsasz had watched you almost reverently. You didn’t know exactly why he etched them into himself, if it was to intimidate everyone or for some personal reason, but you didn’t find them odd or ugly. You loved the raised scar tissue and the way it felt, so smooth to the touch despite looking so gnarled, and it was one of the many reasons you had always harbored a secret liking for Victor Zsasz.
Now, as he stood so close behind you, you felt that same jelly in your legs.
“You should get cleaned up, kitten.” He said in that low voice. “The boss wouldn’t want you making a mess.”
You tilted your head slightly, watching him out of the corner of your eye. “Why don’t you show me to the shower then, Zsasz?”
It came out more sultry than you had intended, but when he responded by pressing his hips into your ass, you were glad. He caught the way your breath hitched in your throat, his eyes trained on yours as he did nothing but stare at you for a few agonizingly long moments.
“Right this way, Princess.” He finally broke away.
You brushed off your mild disappointment, mentally chastising yourself for hoping that would have gone further, and followed him down a hallway, passing a few closed doors before reaching one that stood open. When Victor stepped in and flipped the light switch, you stood and gawked at what awaited you.
Of course Roman Sionis would have the nicest guest bathroom in Gotham.
It was huge, a claw foot tub sitting against the wall across from the sink while a shower was situation at the far end. Everything was off-white and antique gold, simple and elegant and clearly very expensive.
“Holy shit,” you said under your breath, for the second time that night. “Roman doesn’t skimp out, does he?”
“The boss has expensive taste.” Zsasz said, following you in. “Get in the shower.”
You turned and looked at him. “Little privacy might be nice.”
He only stared back.
“Zsasz...?” You gave a little nod towards the door.
“Oh,” he chuckled, laughing to himself as if something had slipped his mind. “Course. Privacy.”
He turned and shut the door, still in the room with you.
You sighed.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“Can’t leave you alone in here unattended.” He said, stepping towards you. “You might slip and fall.”
His voice was slightly menacing, in a way that had you almost wondering if he wasn’t going to find a way to kill you and stage your death as an accident. But you were confident in yourself. If he made any funny moves, you could get him before he got you.
“Fine.” You jutted your chin out defiantly. “Then why don’t you make yourself useful and go warm up the water for me while I get out of this robe?”
You expected him to roll his eyes and sneer, but he didn’t. He didn’t even refuse. He just walked right over, slid the glass shower door to the side, and turned the water on. Just like that. Obediently, as if he actually wanted to. You were so dumbfounded by it that by the time he glanced back towards you, you were still standing there, completely dressed.
He looked a bit disappointed.
“Well?” He asked.
“What? Oh.” You untied your fancy little robe and let it fall onto the tiles, still looking straight at him.
You could see his eyes trailing down your body, those dark circles under them giving him a hungry, starved look. When you hooked your thumbs in the sides of your thong and pulled it down, you saw his chest rising and falling as his breaths quickened slightly.
You smirked. Yeah, like Roman had said, Zsasz was harmless. If he had wanted to kill you, he would have by now. He’d already had a dozen chances on the way up to the penthouse.
As you walked toward the shower, he stepped to the side, seeming for a moment as if he was content to let you go in and enjoy the hot water in peace. Of course he wasn’t, though;
This was Victor Zsasz.
“Wait.” He caught your wrist just before you could step in and you were vaguely aware of the blade he flicked open with his other hand. “You need a mark.”
“What?” You stepped back, allowing him to pull you up to him.
“A mark.” He tapped one of the scars on the side of his face with the knife. “For your kill. Where do you want it?”
You weren’t sure what to say. You had never kept track of the lives you took, but...it really wasn’t that bad an idea. Plus, it seemed like Zsasz wasn’t giving you the option to refuse.
Double plus, it was kind of sexy to imagine him carving you up.
“Here.” you finally said, pointing to the center of your chest. 
Zsasz grinned, showing off those gold teeth that you loved so much. He kept his grip on your wrist but lowered your arm to your side, his knife pressing against the thin skin above your sternum. His touch was feather light, no doubt thanks to years and years of butchering people, both for Roman and for his own pleasure. He new exactly how hard to press in which areas, an expert in the art of slicing through flesh. The steel of his blade was cool and freshly sharpened, gliding along and drawing an angry, but beautiful, red line as blood oozed up and began running down your torso.
 As he dragged the knife down, you let out a hiss of discomfort, pitching forward slightly in pain. He leaned in, his forehead pressing against yours as his blade cut deeper, deeper, nearly down to the bone, and by the time he was finished, you had a four inch long gash ending at the top of your cleavage that was sure to scar marvelously. 
You looked down at it in wonder. Zsasz had done it so...beautifully. He made it so important, this new tally mark. And as you gazed at it, you realized you loved it because he made it. Victor Zsasz, one of Gotham City’s most fucked up criminals, had given you a scar. For somebody just as fucked up as him...well, it practically brought tears to your eyes.
Victor didn’t give you a chance to get weepy. He dropped the bloody knife into the spotless white sink, the blade clattering loudly above the sound of the shower. Zsasz moved his thumb to your new cut, pressing it against the wound and then bringing it up to his mouth to lick your blood off. 
“Zsasz,” you whispered. 
“Victor.” his voice rumbled as he let go of your wrist. “Call me Victor.”
Then his hands were on you, one squeezing your tit while the other grabbed your ass. You gasped in surprise, but his mouth silenced you almost immediately. The kiss was rough, his lips nicked with a few scars, but he was good and you immediately melted against him. He was devouring you, as if he been starved of any attention for years, and maybe he had been. He was hungry for you, insistent, determined, practically begging for more as a low moan rose in his throat. 
Your knees were weak, and you had to break the kiss to catch your breath before you collapsed. You wanted more, though, needed to feel more of him, your hands ripping open his nice designer button down. He wasn’t even mad that you had just sent half the buttons flying around the bathroom, because your fingers were already trailing over the scars that covered his chest, then dipping down to run across his hips. 
His skin was smooth, wherever it was free of tally marks, and incredibly hot to the touch. While you explored, your lips latched onto his neck, kissing and biting and sucking in a way that he hadn’t anticipated. Zsasz was used to being the demanding one, but he wasn’t about to complain that you were so determined to leave some marks of your own. 
Your hands ghosted up over his pecs and then down his abs, and you hummed in appreciation as you felt the neatly groomed hair on his chest. When your hands dipped lower and lower and finally found his belt, he suddenly growled and grabbed your wrists, and your head snapped up to look at him. 
“Shower. Now.” he ordered, eyes dark. 
You obeyed, slipping away from him and stepping into the shower. You could hear him undressing, and as you sighed happily at the feeling of the warm water on your skin, he came to join you.
The shower was more than big enough for the two of you, but he didn’t want to give you any space. He backed you up against the wall, his lips immediately crashing down on yours as he pushed himself up against you. You could feel his hard on pressing into your thigh and whimpered in anticipation, a shiver going straight down to your pussy.
You wanted him so fucking much.
“V-Victor,” you whispered as he leaned back from the kiss. You couldn’t help rubbing your thighs together, trying to alleviate the ache that was quickly building up.
“I wanna hear you purr for me, kitten.” He rasped, his big, warm hand drifting down to your cunt. He found your clit immediately, teasing it, reveling in every gasp and cry you let out for him.
He wanted nothing more than to get down on his knees and worship you with his mouth, but he could be patient.
“You know, when I saw you there, on the stage...” he said as he drew lazy circles around your clit, “...I couldn’t look away...”
“R-really?” You gasped, arching your back as you sucked in a breath.
“Mhm.” He pressed a finger into you. “So fuckin’ beautiful, the way you carved him up...”
You squealed at his touch, the sound like music to his ears. He liked it even more than the sound of his victims screaming...though he was confident you’d be doing plenty of that, too.
“Never knew such a pretty little birdie like you could do somethin’ like that...” he said, slowly pulling his finger out and then pushing it back in again. “All that blood...”
“I-I’ve killed plenty of times,” you gasped, nails digging into his arms as you clung to him. 
“I could tell...you made it look like art...” he suddenly added a second finger, shoving them both in until the rest of his knuckles were pressing against your labia and he had nowhere else to go. 
You let out a loud whine, wanting more, needing more. Before you could demand anything of him, though, he was kneeling in front of you, practically reading your mind as he leaned in to replace his fingers with his mouth. 
You hadn’t expected him to be so skilled, but then again, you hadn’t really expected any of this to be happening tonight. 
He was eating you out as if you were his last meal, as if he hadn’t had food in weeks, as if he was starving. Zsasz was desperate, lapping up all the wetness from your pussy as if it was the only thing keeping him alive, his moans vibrating against your skin. His hair was too short to tangle your fingers in, but you still tried, nails scratching his scalp in a tantalizing way while he gripped your thighs hard enough to leave little red marks behind. 
“F-fuck,” you moaned, leaning your head back against the wall and tensing as he sucked on your clit. Little jolts were running through you, sparks that almost felt electric. Your limbs were tingling as your orgasm built, and as it finally spilled over, you found yourself whining and gasping and chanting his name over and over, holding onto him tightly as he licked at you greedily. 
Zsasz loved it. He wanted you to need him, and he loved the sounds he could pull from you. He could keep going all night, burying his face between your thighs and worshipping you, but now, he wanted more. 
“Turn around.” he said as he stood, licking his lips. 
You nodded, still in a daze as you turned and braced yourself against the wall. He grabbed your hip in one hand and his cock in the other, rubbing the head against your swollen, wet pussy. Next time, he would have you suck him off. Maybe he would ask you to wake him up with a blowjob in the morning.  But now, tonight, he was hungry to feel you around him, and as he slowly slid into you, he savored every moment of it. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, tossing his head back as he buried himself in your heat. “You’re fuckin perfect, kitten...”
You moaned back, the feeling of his thick cock stretching your pussy around it causing you to momentarily forget your words. As he drew out and then snapped his hips forward, you grunted, biting down on your lip as you closed your eyes. He felt incredible, rubbing past all the right spots inside of you as he found a rhythm he liked and began fucking you mercilessly. His hands were grabbing you wherever they could, be it your hips or tits or hair, and as he fell further and further into his desire for you, you could feel his chest brushing over your back as he leaned down. 
“You’re such a good girl,” he growled, nipping at your ear. “Who do you belong to?”
“Y-you,” you choked out, trying to turn and look at him. “I-I belong to you, Victor...”
“Good girl.” he snarled, squeezing the side of your ass cheek as hard as he could. 
The moan you let out was absolutely filthy, and as your pussy squeezed around him, you felt yourself beginning to come undone once more. He pounded into you and your moans and cries grew louder and louder, a symphony of pleasure as you climaxed, and Zsasz followed soon after, moaning your name in your ear as he filled you up. Your pussy milked him, squeezing every last drop out of his cock, and as he caught his breath, you could feel him pressing lazy kisses against the back of your neck. 
“Fuck,” he panted. 
You straightened up and he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you against his chest as he refused to let you go. It was quiet for a moment as you both came down from your highs, the sound of the shower the only thing breaking the silence. Finally, he allowed you to turn around, and as you faced him, you saw a surprisingly serene expression on his face. 
“Stay with me.” he said. It was less of a request and more of a demand.
“What about Roman?” you asked, legs still quivering. 
“The boss’ll understand.”
And that was that.
Zsasz washed the blood off of your skin, insisting that you let him do all the work, and afterwards, he gave you a plush bathrobe to wear. You spent the night in Victor’s bed, and you did wake him up with a surprise blowjob, even without him asking you to. After a round of morning sex, you walked out into the penthouse in your bathrobe to see Roman Sionis already sitting at the table, and for a moment, you froze. You had almost forgotten where you were, and there was your boss, Gotham’s newest and nastiest godfather, spreading some cream cheese on a gourmet bagel.
“Ah,” he said, glancing up as he heard you. “You’re still here.”
“Mornin’, boss.” Victor said, walking out behind you. He was fully dressed, looking and acting as if he hadn’t taken home a girl the night before. 
“The car is waiting for you.” Roman grunted, far more interested in his breakfast than he was in the conversation. “Be quick about it.”
Zsasz bowed his head and turned to you, holding his hand out expectantly. When you only stared at him, he almost rolled his eyes. “Your house keys, princess.”
“My...what?” you asked. “For what?”
“So I can get your things.”
“What things?”
“You’re moving in.” Roman said dismissively, as if it were obvious. 
“You’ve been promoted. Or did you forget?” he asked, giving you a look that suggested he was already tired of your questions. “You’ll be staying here, until you either die, or I fire you, or both. Now, be a dear and give Mr. Zsasz your keys, so that he can get your necessities. I’ll have some new clothes ordered for you this afternoon.”
You stared at him for a moment and then looked at Victor. “They’re in my bag down in the dressing room. But--”
Before you had a chance to finish and tell him that this really wasn’t necessary, he was already gone, calling the elevator so that he could obediently go down to the club and rummage through your purse. You had no doubt that he could get into your locker on his own, and as much as you really didn’t want or need him to go to the effort, you weren’t entirely mad about it. Living with Victor--and Roman--didn’t seem like that bad a deal, and if it meant that you’d get to have more fun with Zsasz, you were all in. 
“Well, glad that’s settled.” Roman said, sitting back and wiping the edge of his mouth with a fancy little cloth napkin. “Welcome to the Sionis penthouse, Princess.”
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nin-deer · 2 years
Day 4 - Forbidden
Natsume's Book of Friends (NatsuYuu/Natsume Yuujinchou)
finally a chance to write for my fav anime!!! I kinda got carried away tho so it's a bit on the long side today...
i couldn't help it i love writing dialogue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Natsume knew that something bad was going to happen. Both Taki and Tanuma felt it, but all of them ignored the signs. They needed to catch that youkai. The youkai had somehow stolen Hinoe’s hairpiece, and she threw a fit every night until Natsume had enough. He got so little sleep normally; he didn’t need another factor keeping him awake through the night. 
The three of them had caught the youkai before everything went wrong. It was actually Taki who found them first, surprisingly. It had briefly crossed through one of the many circles she had laid on the floor, and she immediately alerted Natsume. The youkai freaked out when it was seen and stumbled, allowing Natsume to give it a good punch. After getting Hinoe’s hairpiece from the youkai, it turned out that they had stolen from a number of youkai and people already. Would they have to return every single thing?
Just as he thought that, bushes nearby rustled, revealing a very familiar figure. It was Natori Shuuichi. 
Uh oh.
“So,” Natori said, snapping Natsume out of his reminiscing. “What are you kids doing all the way out here?”
“Hello, Natori-san.”
“Yes, hello Natsume. So?”
Tanuma stepped in front of the circle drawn on the floor, subtly trying to mess it up. Natsume had told him about how these circles were forbidden in the world of exorcists. Although Natori was a friend, who knows what he will do to Taki if he found out.
“Uh,” Taki interrupted. “Natsume, who is this?”
“Ah.” That’s right. Only Tanuma has met Natori. “Sorry, Taki. This is Natori Shuuichi, an exorcist I worked with in the past. Natori-san, this is Taki Tooru, a classmate of mine.”
“Did-” Taki gaped. “Did you just say Natori Shuuichi??? The actor???” 
She started to jump up and down, moving over the circle so her movements messed up the lines on the floor. Surprisingly, both of his friends’ efforts had gotten rid of the majority of the circle so that it was just a bunch of random scribbles in the dirt. 
Natori laughed, running a hand through his hair. “Yes, that is me. Glad to meet a fan, unlike someone over there.”
Natsume scowled, turning away from Natori. “Whatever. We were here because a youkai stole something important to a friend of mine. I was just trying to get it back so I can sleep peacefully.”
Both Taki and Tanuma snorted. Natsume sleeping peacefully? That was a pipe dream. Natori only raised an eyebrow. Even he didn’t believe Natsume got enough sleep, seeing as Natsume always had bags under his eyes whenever they met.
He grumbled. “Okay, so I can at least get some sleep. Better?”
Natori smiled, the lizard climbing up his skin. “Better. So did you guys succeed?”
Natsume held up the hair piece. “Yeah, but…”
The four of them glanced to the pile of stolen goods. “It seems this isn’t a one time thing. We were just about to figure out what to do with all this stuff.”
The actor walked towards the pile and crouched down, inspecting the items. “Well, it looks like there are a mix of human and youkai stuff in here.” He stood up, brushing his pants as if there was dirt on them, and gave them his award-winning smile. “I can deal with this. You kids go home, okay?”
They hesitantly nodded, glancing at each other. “Uh-” Natsume nervously glanced at the pile. “If you need some help, you can call me and I’ll send a youkai to help you. I can probably bribe Nyanko-sensei to come.”
“I appreciate the thought, Natsume.” He smiled softly at the boy. “But I think I’ll be okay. You just go home and get your beauty sleep, yeah?”
The boy just scoffed and rolled his eyes, a tiny smile gracing his lips. “Yeah, yeah. I got it. See you later, Natori-san.”
“See you, kids! Don’t get into any trouble like your friend over there!”
The boy’s friends laughed, knowing how much of a trouble magnet their friend was. Natsume just rolled his eyes at his friends’ antics. Well, at least they got Hinoe’s treasure and kept Taki’s circles a secret.
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krreader · 4 years
can you fix what’s broken?
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pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader fandom: bts warnings: no happy ending (kinda)  genre: angst word count: 1k+
summary: there was only so much you could take...
a/n: instead of going full no happy ending, I ended up going for something different this time. But I do hope that you still enjoy it ♥
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Jeongguk has been in a bad place lately. Both mentally as well as physically.
He wasn't home a lot and when he was, he wasn't able to relax for even just a minute because it was either him needing to work-out, brush up on his moves for the dance choreo, other meetings that required his presence or writing songs that kept him busy.
Especially that last part was weighing on him.
Songwriting has become a passion for him and because he genuinely loved doing it, it was actually rather easy. But because of the stress he was experiencing lately, no new ideas came up. A writer's block, you could say.
You watched him from the bed as he ripped out yet another page from his songwriting book and threw it on the ground to the last twenty.
With a heavy sigh, you got up from the bed and wrapped your arms around him from behind, kissing the top of his head.
“Come on.. let's take a little break. I could... give you cuddles, or maybe a massage and then I could make you your favorite..-”
“Can you just leave?”
That statement took you by surprise. You straightened your back a little, your arms still loosely around his neck, “Huh?”
“The reason I can't get anything done is because you keep bothering me every five minutes, (Y/N). You finally need to understand that the world doesn't revolve around you and that I can't give you attention 24/7.”
“So it's my fault?” you said with a small snort, equally hurt as taken aback by this.
But before Jeongguk and you could argue any further, his phone rang and he accepted it straight away, walking out of the bedroom for a moment to answer and then walking right back in. You were still standing where you had a minute before, not having moved a muscle.
“I need to leave.”
That's all he said, no “Let's talk about this later” or “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be like that” or even “Please understand me.”
“Leave then,” you replied in a small voice, not moving until he was finally out of the bedroom and then, the apartment.
This wasn't the first time the stress consumed him, but the bigger BTS got, the worse it became. Nowadays, it felt like he was more stressed than relaxed and that weighed heavily on your relationship. Because as much as you wanted to support him, always being blamed like this, like it was your fault that everything was falling apart... you couldn't hold on for much longer.
Maybe... maybe you needed a little break from each other. To see whether or not this relationship still had a chance to survive.
And so after a quick phone discussion with your best friend, you packed up your bags with everything you would need to stay at hers for a while and left without a note or a text.
Jeongguk had no idea what transpired at home while he was gone, too busy sweating his ass off for this new dance.
But the longer he was away from you and the more time he had to think about what had happened, the worse he felt about it.
“Kook, you're staying for the meeting later, right?” Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows as Jeongguk shouldered his bag after the practice and headed for the door.
“Could you.. do this one without me? I have to.. well, I've got something I need to take care of.”
He hadn't told any of them what had happened earlier, but then again, he rarely talked about you these days anymore. Some of them had wondered whether Jeongguk might be losing feelings for you, but the real reason was that he was simply embarrassed. Because he knew that – despite blaming you – you weren't at fault.
It was him and his career that was slowly but surely ruining this relationship.
And that wasn't something he wanted to tell his hyungs.
“Okay,” they nodded, wanted to give him the time and space to do whatever it was that he clearly needed to do.
And so after a quick stop at the flower shop, Jeongguk entered the apartment in hopes of you not being too mad at him and letting him explain.
But there was no angry you, or crying you... there was no you, period.
After having looked in every room, he pulled out his phone and called you.
And because you didn't want to disappear without another word, you answered.
“You're home, I take it.”
“I am. You're not. Where are you?”
He heard a door close on the other line, your voice dropping to a whisper, “I'm at (Y/B/F)'s house. I'll.. be staying there for a while.”
“What?” he asked in a high-pitched voice, “For how long? And.. why?”
You let out a heavy sigh, brushing your free hand over your face, “We can't go on like this, Jeongguk. You blaming me every time you're stressed or pissed. I want to support you and be there for you, but when you call me clingy and worse things every time I do..-”
“I didn't mean it like that, you know that.”
“Do I know that? After you've called me that at least 5 times now?” you walked over to the window, “Sometimes... relationships just become toxic, Jeongguk. And I fear that that's what happened to ours.”
He knew it. He knew he should have been more careful. So often did he hold you in his arms and think: “If you keep this up, she's going to leave. She won't take this forever and she shouldn't have to. You're at fault for hurting her again and again.”
And now it happened.
When he didn't reply, a sad smile spread on your face.
“I don't want to give up on us just like that, not after so many years. But I think we need a break. So just... give me some space, okay?”
The fact that you gave him that chance meant so much to him, “Is there... anything else I can do? Please, anything..”
“Think about priorities again, maybe. Your actions... and how to fix our relationship. Just show me that you still care... once I'm ready.”
Jeongguk sat down on the edge of the bed, your side of it, his hand fisting in the sheets that would have been over your body if he hadn't messed up again.
“I will. I promise, I will.”
Whatever it would take to fix this, he would.
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mrsamaroevans · 3 years
Fandom: Mayans M.C.
Pairing: Angel Reyes x the consequences of his bad decisions with Female Reader.
Words: 3,673.
Warnings: Sad and like a bad word. English is not my first language, so, sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if the redaction is poor.
A/N: This is the first thing I finish like in ages! This was not requested but I couldn’t stop listening to You All Over Me by Taylor and this came out. Thank you so much for reading, feedback is well received. *Gif is not mine*
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“The best and worst day of June was the one that I met you, with your hands in your pockets and your ‘don't you wish you had me’ grin. But I did, so I smiled”
Santo Padre Regional High School.
Those were the words that you read before crossing the door with your mother. You had only one week in Santo Padre and you still had time before the school year begins, but she wanted to have all that ready as soon as possible.
While your mother was making all the paperwork, you were waiting on a bench outside of the office until you got bored. As no one could stop you, you decided to walk around for the facilities of what soon would be your new school. It was smaller than the school you used to go to before moving across the country, but it was okay. Classrooms were big enough, lockers a bit smaller y the patios were open and surrounded by green areas. You weren’t too disgusted about changing school again anymore.
Near the cafetería, was a mural with pictures of the different extracurricular classes and the people who were part of them. The cheerleader’s team looked too pretentious. You hated that cliché, but it was what you felt by just looking at the picture, you could be wrong though. The theatre team looked cool, maybe you’d join them. Then, was the football team.
Guys that looked bigger than what a sixteen-year-old guy should be. One of them proudly carried a big trophy. He had to be the leader, it always is. What was the position they had? You didn’t know, you weren’t too familiar with the terms of the sport.
But that guy in specific caught your attention. It wasn’t because of the trophy he had in his hands or what that meant. He had a beautiful smile, but for some reason, it didn’t look sincere. There was something in his eyes that kept you looking at him. All of him looked happy and proud, but there was something more. Unfortunately, if someone asked you what it was, you wouldn’t know how to explain it. But there was something there.
“You’re new?”
You gave a little jump at the unexpected voice on your side. You turned to your right and you saw him again. The same guy with the trophy in the picture, now in real size at your side.
“I’m gonna be” you nodded and looked back at the mural to see the rest of the teams.
“And, you like what you see?”
That flirty tone in his voice almost made you laugh. You turned to him again and saw that he had a smile that combined with the tone of voice he used and with the question he had made. His hands in his pockets, making his biceps more notorious.
“A little bit, yeah,” you said, willing to not let him intimidate you. And the truth was that you really liked what you were seeing “You are on summer break, right? What are you doing here?”
“I’m gonna do an exam,” he said like he didn’t want to talk much about it, but you didn’t realize it.
“You’re still on finals?” You asked, confused. The first time you noticed in your route was that there were no students or teachers.
“Oh, no… it’s an extraordinary exam. Chemistry” The guy answered as he didn’t care too much that he failed a class. You didn’t know what would be your situation at home if you were in his place.
“So, you’re not good with chemistry, then”
“It all depends on the situation” he smiled.
You kept his gaze for a few seconds. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction to know that the first guy that got close to you in that city had made you shy. But the visual contact didn’t last too long, ‘cause you had to look at the ground for a second.
“What did you say your name was?” You asked, looking back at his face. He had beautiful brown eyes, but you were afraid that if you look at them for too long, he could know all your secrets.
“Angel,” he said and he looked so calm that that frustrated you even more.
“And I’m sure you’re not one”
Angel devilishly grinned and you felt your knees going a little weak. How a guy that you didn’t even know could have that power on you?
“What’s your name?” He asked and when you were about to answer, your phone rang so you lifted your index finger at him to ask for a moment. You took your mother’s call and the first thing she asked was:
“Where did you go?”
“I’m just walking around,” You told her calmly. You felt kinda sad when she told you that you needed to go to the office to sign the institutional regulation. That meant that your conversation with Angel came to an end “Okay... coming” you end the call and as you were placing your phone back into your pocket, you said: “I have to go”
You looked at him for the last time and started to make your way to the office, but you didn’t even give five steps when he spoke again.
“Hey!” He shouted making you turn back to him “You didn’t tell me your name”
“(Y/n)” you smiled and turned around to the way you had ahead.
“I lived, and I learned. Had you, got burned. Held out, and held on, God knows”
All the effort for the first date. The first kiss. The first ‘I love you.' The first time you made love. That day you met his parents and they adopted you into their family right away. All the double dates with his brother and girlfriend. The fairs and festivals. The football matches in which you were the one screaming louder than anyone whenever they made a score. His better grades. The jealousy from both sides. The fights because of the cheerleaders. All those break-ups and comebacks. Those days at the beach. The laughs. The tears. The good and the bad had gone and all because of his insecurities.
How did that happen? With three pictures someone left in your locker.
“What the hell, Angel?” Was the first thing you asked when you confronted him after school.
He saw the pictures and shrugged “You need me to explain it?” Those words had hit you too hard like never before a question had made. Your heart was breaking and it looked like he didn’t care even a little.
“What’s wrong with you?” You asked, not understanding that attitude towards you. He had never talked to you like that.
“Nothing, you’re the one who wants to fight,” He said, turning around to walk to the small desk beside his bed.
“I received pictures of you sleeping with Haley, what were you expecting?” You got close and threw the pictures at his back, they hit him and then fell to the floor. Angel barely looked at them and chuckled.
“It’s not so bad,” he said, turning to you.
“That it’s not so…?” You laughed at what you heard. Angel was a bit distant weeks before you had to go to college to finish your registration, but you never thought something like that could happen “It has to be a joke”
“You left for a week and I had physiology needs”
“Fucking jerk!” You shouted and couldn’t help but push him making him crashed against his desk. Some brushes fell to the floor and the tears in your eyes started to gather. You didn’t want him to see you crying, so you decided it was time to go.
“Everyone told you that but you didn’t want to see it” he aggressively said.
“Well, you got it” you turned to him and shrugged “Another broken heart… you smashed it” your voice trembled with the last words. That seemed to affect him because his hard expression softened for a second “I hope you’re happy”
But Angel wasn’t even close to being happy.
Once you left his room, he sat on the floor and saw the pictures. He ripped them apart while the tears fell from his cheeks. He hated himself.
He was a coward. He couldn’t break up with you, but he couldn’t let you stay with him. You had plans that he didn’t. Your vision of the future didn’t fit with his, and it was because he didn’t have one. He didn’t have plans like you, he wanted to go and take anything that comes his way. You had ambition, you had a plan to make your dreams come true, and him? He didn’t have anything.
To his eyes, you didn’t deserve someone like him.
“I lived, and I learned, and found out what it was to turn around and see, that we were never really meant to be”
Years went by and life changed.
Angel went through something he thought he never would. His mother has ripped away from their lives and that had been a hard blew for him. His little brother was sent to prison y couldn’t help but feel responsible because he made his way to get a gun easier. Ezekiel told him it was for mere protection, but deep down he knew his brother wanted retaliation.
And that made him get life imprisonment for the homicide of a cop.
His relationship with his father became tenser than what already was. But, after all that he had lost, he found a shelter. The club. Mayans MC. Those men went from simple mates to family too quickly.
He had heard from his father that you came back to the city. By that moment you were already done with college and your parents had been —finally— established in Santo Padre. You told him once, that you had fallen in love with the city and that, definitely, you could see your future there. So, when Felipe said that, he didn’t doubt in believing him.
But knowing you came back and seeing you had been so different for him.
He was on his way to the scrapyard in his bike with Coco and Gilly at both of his sides, but they had to stop for gas. Coco was saying something about how much he hated the hot weather and the incensement in the price of gas when a silver jeep parked in the pump in front of his.
Three doors opened. From the driver’s one jumped off a man with braids and sunglasses; he went directly to the pump. From one of the backseats door, as beautiful as he remembered, you went out.
He saw how you fixed your dress and laugh at something someone told you. You were fanning your face with your hands, a sign that you were hot. Then, a couple of seconds later, you took your hair and tied it in a messy bun. The hot air of Santo Padre in summer was excessive.
“We should have closed the windows and put the air conditioner” Angel heard a masculine voice and then he heard your laugh.
“You know that the combination of air conditioner and this weather make me sick, honey”
Honey. Angel hadn’t forgotten how that word sounded coming from your lips, but hearing you say it to another man broke his heart.
A man in a suit that looked to be more expensive than all of the boots Angel had, walked to you. He had a smile when he kissed you and even though he didn’t want to keep watching, for some unknown reason he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“That last house’s not a sign to desist in looking for our home here,” the man told you, taking your hands “We’re gonna find the perfect house or the perfect place to build it”
“I know,” you said and nodded. Your left hand touched his cheek and that was when Angel turned to his bike. The sunrays helped to the gleam of the giant diamond in your finger to not being unnoticed by him.
You were engaged, and you and your fiancé were looking for a house, which meant it wouldn’t take long for you to marry.
“You okay?” Coco asked him. He was pale and it seemed he could faint at any moment. But Angel didn’t answer, he turned to the jeep when the doors got closed instead.
The driver started the engine and that was when your gaze stopped in him.
You looked fine. You looked happy. When your eyes connected with his, you didn’t seem surprised or hurt, or shocked. In fact, he couldn’t decipher what he saw in your eyes.
“You know her?” Gilly asked.
“I used to,” Angel said when he found his voice which wasn’t quickly.
And even though he was hurt for letting you go in the way he did, when he saw you he realized that he had made the right decision. ‘Cause you belong to the world that man in the expensive suit could give you. It was too painful though, to find out —again— that he never really had a chance like that with you.
That night, he required the services of Vicky’s girls and after that, Coco had to drive him to his apartment ‘cause he couldn’t even walk for all the alcohol he drank to cope with the pain.
“So I lied, and I cried, and I watched a part of myself die”
Days after and thanks to el Padrino, he knew who your fiancé was. His name was Miguel Galindo and he was the son of José Galindo, founder of one the most powerful and deadliest cartels in the México-USA border. He also knew that your wedding was set to be in October and that would be in three months.
That day in the gas station wasn’t the last time he saw you. He had seen you in the mall with the first friend you made in Santo Padre. You met in the market and it had been so uncomfortable. There were a lot of people and you had to walk by too close to each other. He also saw you going out of a restaurant with Miguel at your side and once and then you two were in the paper news for going to charity events.
It didn’t matter how many times he saw you at the side of another man, he could never get use to it.
“I know you didn’t want to talk about it at the moment, but… why did you break up?” Felipe asked him. He didn’t more information to know what he meant. Angel had a couple of days going to his parents' house and Felipe knew why.
You had been there on so many occasions and Angel still couldn’t get over you.
“I cheated on her” Angel said “I slept with one of the cheerleaders and I made sure to have evidence. Evidence that I left in her locker”
Felipe sighed and shook his head no “We didn’t raise you like that, Angel”
“I know that” he sounded irritated “But I needed to push her away from me so she could get all the goals she had in life… and it turned out fine. She’s so much better now”
“Did you apologize to her?” His father questioned, hoping to get a positive answer, but when Angel remained silent, he got the answer he didn’t want “You have to do it, Angel. She was and is a great woman, she didn’t deserve that. But at least do it for your mother” Angel turned to his father. There were tears in his eyes at the mention of her “Your mother loved that kid, and she always taught you to apologize when you did something wrong”
Angel nodded and took his gaze up to the ceiling, promising his mother that he would apologize next time he sees you.
A month went by to see you again. A Friday, his father had asked him for help at the butcher shop, so he went out of the clubhouse and when he arrived at the shop, he saw a jeep parked outside and a man waiting by the backseat’s door. For the glass of the shop, he saw his father talking to you. You were smiling and later, your exit coincided with his entrance.
“Sorry,” you said with a small smile and thanked him when Angel stepped aside to let you walk out.
Angel looked at his father and the expression on his face said “Go” so he just nodded got out of the shop.
“Hey, (y/n)” his voice went out less determined than what he wanted, but it worked out to have your attention. The driver had already opened the door for you, but you still turned to him “Can we talk?”
“Uh… I don’t see why” you said.
“Please…” Angel insisted, feeling nervous for the first time in too long.
“Fine” you nodded and made a sign to your driver for him to wait. He took the butcher bag and went to the trunk “What happens?” You asked, giving a few steps towards him.
Angel pointed at the table so you could sit with him, and you did.
“I never apologized for what I did to you,” he said after a few seconds of silence. He saw you sighing and shaking your head.
“Angel…” you began to say, but he interrupted you.
“No, wait… I’m sorry. I truly am and I was in that moment too” he accepted, taking you by surprise ‘cause that day you didn’t see any repentance in him “I was a jerk, you didn’t deserve that and I’m so sorry”
You didn’t know what to say for a moment. Clearly, you had gotten over what happened, but, talking about it only took you to all the pain you felt and the depression you fell into that lasted more than you would have liked.
“Well, thank you for your apologies. I accept them” you finally said and Angel looked relieved with those words “But, don’t worry anymore… it’s been some years and we got over it, right?” You asked with a small smile on your face.
“Yeah…” Angel lied “I think it turned out fine for both of us”
“Yes, everything’s fine now” you repeated “And, well… we’re going to find once and then, the city is too small. Is good that it won’t be uncomfortable next time we cross paths” you smiled once more and stood up “I have to go” Angel accepted that and even though he wanted to make you stay a little bit longer. You stopped and turned to him by yourself “Angel?”
Angel looked up to you, you were closer than what he thought you would “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry about your mom,” you said pressing your lips together. When that happened, you called Felipe and Ez and talked to them, but you didn’t dare to talk to Angel.
“Thanks for the flowers” you shook your head no. You sent those flowers because you were in pain for what happened too, not because you wanted to look good before them or for them to thank you afterward.
“I loved her. She was amazing”
Angel smiled, remembering the times when his mother had told him that you were the one and that she would love to have you as a daughter-in-law “She loved you, too. She loved you so much” he admitted.
You smiled and did something that took him by surprise: you hugged him.
Angel reacted in time to hug you back, he did it tighter though, like he didn’t want to let you go again, and the truth was that he didn’t want to.
“Bye,” you said when you got apart, but he couldn’t say anything back. He just looked how you got in the car and how the jeep went away from the shop as he held on to those five seconds that the hug lasted.
The days kept on going until they became weeks and October arrived quicker than Angel imagined. El Padrino was invited to the wedding ‘cause he had been close to your future late father-in-law, so Miguel appreciated him.
Angel had promised himself he wouldn’t go. Being there and see you taking someone else’s name wouldn’t help in anything, but couldn’t contain from doing it. A few minutes after seven p.m, he drove to the church and waited outside. He was in a spot in which people couldn’t see him, but he would see when they go out. In his hands, he had a strip with black and white pictures from one of those machines at fairs. Those were the only pictures he kept after you broke up with him.
In the first one, you were only smiling. In the second, he was kissing you and in the third, you were smiling and showing your left hand in which you had a candy ring that Angel bought for you.
At 7:45 people started to leave the church and it didn’t take too long for you and your now-husband to go out. You looked beautiful. Your smile could light up the whole country, and, the man at your side looked happy too. He should be. Marry you should be enough reasons to be the happiest and luckiest man on the planet.
A tear fell when your husband cupped your face and kissed you. It didn’t matter how happy you looked, Angel couldn’t help but wish to be him taking your hand at that moment. He looked down at the pictures and sighed. He left them in the tree trunk that was being used as his hiding spot and turned to you, one last time.
He still loved you like the first day and he couldn’t deny it, and also couldn’t hide it. He was hoping to find you in another life to make things right.
“Cause no amount of freedom gets you clean. I’ve still got you all over me”
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136 notes · View notes
Fandom: Chicago PD / One Chicago
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warning/s: hostage situation
Word Count: 1,727
Requests:  Can I have a jayxreader imagine where reader likes Jay, but thinks him and Erin are a couple, she talks to Kim about it, and so she kinda avoids them both, then she somehow gets In like a hostage situation and Jay is panicking about it and when they go in he goes to her to check on her and she just brushes him off and ignores him more 😔 and when they get back to PD he corners her In locker room to ask why she’s ignoring him and confessions are made 
   // AND // 
Hi! Could I request a Jay x reader in which goes crazy with worry when reader exchanges herself in a hostage situation (exchange wasn't planned beforehand)! Thank you!
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It was strange, the things you thought about when you had a gun pointed at your head, and you’d know, this wasn’t exactly the first time. 
When the drug exchange Intelligence organised had gone sideways in the backroom of a bar in Canaryville and a patron had been taken hostage, you’d decided to do the smartest and most well thought out thing you could think of: you offered to take her place at the other end of the barrel.
Needless to say, this wasn’t the turn of events your unit had planned for, and you just knew the exact conversation you’d be having with Voight about your recklessness later. If there was a later. 
But a civilian was safe and out of harms way, you’d done your duty.
Your Sergeant had sent you in with Jay to make the deal, though you weren’t actually partners, but Jay had the Canaryville insight you needed to make an introduction and Erin had spoken to your suspect in an official capacity the previous day, so Voight had paired the two of you up together. 
Now, you couldn’t help but think about the conversation you’d had with Kim, your actual partner, that morning about the whole situation, despite the gun to your head and Jay panicking in front of you, unable to give up your covers but trying his best to talk down your erratic suspect. 
The whole situation being your feelings for Jay. Oh yeah, you had it bad. And the make it even worse, you were pretty sure he and Erin were together anyway. Kim had told you she wasn’t sure, but everyone had noticed the tension between Jay and Voight recently, and his not so subtle warnings about keeping things professional with Erin. He always swore it was, but you couldn’t help but wonder.
So you’d decided to try and avoid them both, sort out your feelings, but apparently that was too much to ask for when you’d found yourself partnered up with Jay. 
“Listen man, we can work this out okay, we have the money, we showed it to you,” Jay tried to reason with Barney, the suspect in question with the very much loaded gun. He’d been jumpy from the get go, twitching during the entire deal, and Jay had wanted to pull out. You, however, had had to be stubborn, still annoyed about him and Erin even though you’d had no right to be, and so you’d insisted you stay. 
Voight was so going to chew you out for this.
“Nah, nah man I don’t like this, something’s not right,” Barney shook his head, his gun hand very much as unsteady as the rest of him - was he high? Not that it mattered in the moment, you didn’t have to be a sniper to find your mark when the barrel of your gun was firmly pressed into the side of a person’s forehead.
Jay took a deep breath, eyes wide with worry as he looked to you, “take the money,” he blurted, hands still out to try and show Barney he wasn’t a threat.
“No man, the deals not happening-” Barney tried to tell Jay again, but he only shook his head.
“I’m not talking about that deal, okay? Take the money and give me back Rachel,” he offered instead, still using your cover name in an attempt to keep the situation from going nuclear.
You blinked, surprised by his offer, you hadn’t expected him to go quite so off the book. Barney seemed to hesitate too, “the money for the girl?” He clarified slowly, other arm slacking a little from where it had been wrapped around the top of your chest and shoulders.
Jay nodded immediately, slowly and deliberately reaching for the bag of money on the table and dropping it at his feet, Barney’s eyes following it with eager curiosity. He may have been suspicious, but he wasn’t very bright. 
The whole point of the exchange was to see the drugs and make the bust, not that pointing a gun at someone wasn’t cause for an arrest enough, but you’d needed to see the product to link it back to a bigger supplier, without that, you were back to square one and out a fair amount of money. 
But Jay didn’t seem to be thinking about that right now, he seemed to be entirely focused on you.
“I kick you the money at the same time as you let her go, how about that?” Jay negotiated, not really hiding his concern. Part of you wanted to object, this wasn’t exactly the objective, but you weren’t in any position to argue, if you’d just listened to Jay in the first place this wouldn’t have happened. 
Barney mulled it over before nodding, the large bag of cash being too good to resist as his grip on you started to relax. Jay kicked over the money, gesturing for him to let you go and take it. 
Hell no, you thought. As soon as his grip on you had relaxed enough you aimed a sharp elbow to his gut, throwing another one into his nose as he stumbled back, spinning around and disarming him before he knew what was happening. 
Intelligence was bursting in in seconds, Jay rushing to you to make sure you were okay. “Y/N, Y/N are you okay?” He reached a hand out to your shoulder but you brushed him off, shaking out your arm and rubbing your elbow.
“Fine,” you basically snapped, surprising him. Honestly, you were more annoyed at yourself at this point, but for some reason you were taking it out on Jay. You knew it wasn’t fair, but you needed some space right now, heading past him to Kim as Erin cuffed Barney, trying not to look at Jay’s confused and hurt face. 
A tonne of paperwork and an ear full from Voight later you found yourself sat in the locker room at the end of your shift, head in hands as you thought about the day, unable to make yourself move. 
You’d let your personal feelings for Jay interfere with your job, something you’d wanted to specifically try to avoid by avoiding him and Erin in general, but it clearly hadn’t worked. What were you going to do?
“You still here?” A voice came from behind you, making you jump as you looked back to see Jay wandering in, heading for his locker as he regarded you carefully. 
“Just heading out,” you replied coldly, forcing yourself up to grab your things out of your locker as quickly as you could.
Jay, however, had other ideas. As you slammed your locker shut and turned to leave, echoing a generic ‘night’ in his direction as you did, he stepped quickly into your path.
You nearly collided into him, blinking in confusion. “Jay-” you began but he cut you off.
“You’ve been avoiding me for days, and today- Y/N, I don’t understand what I did, I thought we were at least friends, but you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder and I need to know why,” he said, clearly getting something off of his chest that he’d been debating saying for a while.
You took a breath, not sure what you’d expected really, of course you couldn’t have kept it up forever, but you weren’t really prepared to answer him. “I- I’m not- look, I know I messed up today-”
“It’s not just about today Y/N, but if I’ve done something to offend you I’m sorry, we need to talk about it though, sort it out so it doesn’t affect our job again,” Jay explained, expression softening as he added: “you could have been seriously hurt today, and I couldn’t handle that.”
“I’m sorry,” you swallowed, mind racing to come up with something to day besides telling him the truth, “it’s not you, really it’s not, I’m figuring something out... it won’t happen again,” you promised. 
“If something’s wrong, I’m here if you need to talk,” he offered, “I’m worried Y/N, I care about you and I-” Jay stopped himself, as if saying something he shouldn’t have.
“I’m good Jay, and I don’t want to keep you, if Erin’s waiting upstairs-” you slipped up, wincing in realisation as Jay gave you a puzzled look.
“Erin? Why would Erin be waiting, she went home about an hour ago I think,” Jay told you, “you almost sound like Voight.”
“Is he... wrong?” You dared ask, kicking yourself for even doing it, definitely not being subtle anymore. Though, you hadn’t exactly been subtle before. 
“About me and Erin? There’s nothing going on between me and Erin, she’s not the one I... I just, no, I don’t like Erin like that,” Jay fumbled an explanation, looking a little sheepishly at his feet.
“Oh,” you replied, sounding a little too happy about that fact as you thought about his words, “but you do... like someone like that?”
Jay looked back up at you, rubbing the back of his neck. “Don’t you know?” He asked, looking at you in a way you couldn’t quite describe. 
You looked at him questioningly, mind trying to figure out who he was talking about as he looked at you, and then it dawned. Was he talking about you? He couldn’t be, could he? No, surely not. But the way he had said that, the way he was looking at you...
“Oh,” you gasped as he cleared his throat, looking embarrassed. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything, it’s not like I expect anything-” he started but you cut him off with a surprised laugh. Well, he’d been honest with you, the least you could do was be honest back.
“Jay, that’s kind of why I’ve been avoid you,” you said, clarifying quickly when you saw his face fall, “not because I thought you liked me, but because I thought you were with Erin, and I liked you, I like you, and I didn’t want to be weird or awkward, which I guess it exactly how I ended up acting really, but...” - breath god damn it - “I feel the same way, is I guess what I’m trying badly to get across.”
There was a pause before Jay smiled, you loved that smile, “can I buy you a drink?” He offered, gesturing towards the door. 
You smiled back, “I’d like that.”
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lilsuzn · 4 years
MLQC Gavin - Fluff abc headcanons
So by the popular demand - I am back.
Just kidding. No one was asking.
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Warnings: None (the reader is gender neutral)
Dedication: @marytheredqueen
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
You need to trust me when I tell you that Gavin had indeed tried to find at least one thing he could dislike about you. Many times.
Yet your body seems to have no flaws. He checked quite a few times at this point.
Your heart is pure. Loving. Patient. Loyal.
Whenever you’re at his side… The world is at peace. No pain exists, nor does suffering.
You are his purpose. You are his equilibrium. Nothing matters as long as he can be by your side.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your beautiful eyes.
There will never be anything more beautiful than the way they shine before your lips meet in a loving kiss.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Him on his back.
You in his arms. Laying on top of him.
Your head rests on his chest, no matter if it’s your front, side or back that presses against his muscular torso - it’s perfect.
He also likes the smell of your shampoo… it’s just intoxicating for him.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
He likes doing things outside with you.
Attending festivals, engaging in new, interesting sports, indulging in some street food or picnics.
He’s a sucker for long, romantic walks too, soooooo
He takes you out to the festival. Buys all kinds of yummy food for both of you to share. Wins you an enormous plushie and then carries it around for you. While holding your hand. Tightly.
Then takes you for a night stroll, to then kiss you under the sky full of stars before you turn back.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He only feels like he can really express himself around you - so it will get intense. In all the best ways.
Gavin doesn’t shy away with showing you his affection, even if he tends to have a slight problem with voicing it sometimes.
His expression softness, his fingers brush delicate circles on your skin.
He doesn’t need to say anything. You know.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Oh he really, really wants a family.
Two kids… or maybe more.
A dog for them, maybe.
House with a big garden and a treehouse.
He wants to play and fool around with his kids. Put them to bed. Support them. Be proud of them… Everything his father never did.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
When you want something, no matter how silly it might be - it’s yours.
Don’t even make me start on what you need.
Because there are very little things (and all of them are about you) that could make him happier than seeing you happy because of what he gave you.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
It's not optional.
There will be hands holding whenever it's possible.
It’s as much for your safety as it is for his comfort. 
All these guys with eyes better don’t use them to stare at you. 
See this hand? This beautiful gem of a person is with ME.
Likes to hold your hand while snuggling on a couch. Or in bed while falling asleep.
Holding hands is like a physical projection of the bond that’s between the two of you - and he loves it.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He would blame himself. No matter what. It might be ridiculous, but he would always feel guilty for not preventing it from happening.
Wouldn’t leave your side. Would help you with anything and everything.
If there’s a concrete person or a group of people that caused your harm... Insert a very, very angry and strong bird cop with a gun.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
You would have a light-hearted relationship in which he would tease you from time to time and he wouldn’t be mad if you did the same to him.
However he’s not one to prank you. He would find no enjoyment in it.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Gavin loves to be kissed and he loves to kiss. All over your face. All over your body.
Any kisses are game. Slow and passionate ones. Heated ones. Sweet, delicate, loving, appreciating - he loves them all as long as he can share them with you.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Acts of service - He looooves to spoil his lovely sweetheart (you) this way. Wants to bring you food, tidy up your apartment for you, brush your hair, paint your nails… Just ask him and he will do it. Whatever it is. And then he will do things on his own initiative, because he likes to surprise you. You smile so beautifully when he does…...
Gifts - He likes gift giving as I already mentioned in G, but it’s no indication of love to him. He just enjoys your reactions. Prefers to show his love differently.
Physical touch - His number one and you can not convince me it is not. He’s a snuggly bear who loves kisses. You are just so soft and warm and he loves you sosososososo much. Would never want to hold this way any other. His physical affection is something reserved only for you. 
Quality time - see Q.
Words of affirmation - Gavin is not very good with words. Not that he can’t be when he wants to, but he kinda doesn’t want to most of the time. It’s uncomfortable. He’s feeling unconfident doing so. He prefers other ways, but when he does speak up… It’s the most adorable and loving thing you will ever hear in your life.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
It was your first 'real' date, but even though you both confessed love to each other, you weren't a ‘official’ couple yet.
At least there was no proper act of becoming a one.
You walk through the park on an evening of a chilly fall. Not many people in sight.
You just finished a lovely dinner date. Gavin even bought you a dessert to share.
And it just felt right. Everything.
The way your fingers were laced. How you both couldn't spot peeping at each other.
"Will you be my girlfriend Y/N? Please?"
He sure was pretty sure you wouldn't deny him, but he didn't expect you to throw your arms around his neck and kiss him the way you did.
"Nothing could ever make me happier than that, Gavin."
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He’s scared of losing you.
Either by you walking away from him after discovering that you “deserve so much better”
Or by not being alert enough to protect you…
Surely, he would prefer the first option, but he can’t deny that both would hit him harder than anything else ever could.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Gavin is a little bit of an odd duck in general, but I think he has one major weirdness about him.
I would call it… A Keanu Reeves complex.
He doesn’t like compliments. Always feels like they’re far from true, because he always feels like he’s not enough and maybe even never will be.
Which is so far from true.
Like, Vivi, come on! You’re so freakin perfect!
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He usually calls you simply by your name, but the boy has his moments.
Moments when he can help but call you all sorts of the cutest names.
Little angel, starry eyes, little munchkin along with the classics like honey, babe, sweetheart, treasure and my precious.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He just wants to be by your side. Any. Chance. He. Gets.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Moonlight by Ariana Grande
Because Gavin’s sweet like candy, but he’s such a man...
Or A Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope 
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Not at all. At least at first.
He gets better with time, but you still need to ask for it. He would never just come to you to lean on your shoulder and tell you what troubles him.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Well. A lot.
Because of what I say in X below.
He just assumes that you don’t reciprocate his feelings, because he doesn’t deserve it.
He eventually tells you about his feelings under your insistent questions regarding the subject.
And then? After he finally tells you?
That’s when it escalates quickly.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
At first he tries to keep it inside. Not let you see… But it’s pretty obvious since he doesn’t talk to you. Barely throws any acknowledgment your way.
It would take quite some convincing for him to tell you what’s wrong.
Unless it’s jealousy that is a reason behind his anger. Then he will show you just how upset he is…
Not necessary in a bad way, tho...
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s very proud of you. Always.
Even when you think you’re a failure, he still recognizes how hard you work and how smart you are.
And he also prides himself for earning love of a woman as wonderful as you.
But he’s not a show off. He doesn’t like to be in a center of attention. He doesn’t care for compliments or recognition.
He knows how wonderful you are and that’s all that matters to him.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Well, it goes without saying.
Yes. Obviously.
This is Gavin. He does it actively throughout the whole story like it’s the only thing he knows.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s not an expert in emotions.
He gave MC a blood stained letter and was surprised she was troubled by that.
Okay, let’s not sugar coat it - he’s not good at it at all. I said it.
I’m sorry. I wish it was different for you Vivi.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
I think in Gavin’s case it would be no kneeling with a ring type of thing, because he personally sees no value of that.
Of course, he would if you told him that that’s what you want, but if you don’t…
It would be a beautiful, summer evening. The both of you watching a beautiful sunset from the rooftop of a high building.
Last months you spent together were absolutely wonderful. Life with you by his side was much happier than Gavin could ever dream of… And the way the golden sunlight graces your skin is so, so beautiful.
It wasn’t the first time the thought crossed the bird cop’s mind. He caught himself thinking about it more and more often as your relationship progressed… And before he knew it, the words left his lips.
At first you were sure you must have misheard, so you asked him to repeat. And he did.
His beautiful eyes glimmered with so much love… just as much as you felt for him. 
How could you say no to that gorgeous man that adores you so much?
And after that, expect to someday come back home to find the most beautiful and meaningful ring in the world waiting for you to wear it.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Gavin is a man who enjoys simple things in life.
He likes to cozy up with you on a couch on his birthday. 
Watch a sunrise and drink cocoa with you on Christmas.
He obviously enjoys various sports, especially if he can enjoy them with you.
But what really, really makes him perfectly calm? Driving Sparky with your hands around his ways and your chest pressed against his back.
The feeling of freedom mixed the warmth of your closeness… how could anyone ask for more?
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lunasealy · 3 years
AkiKoha cupcakes day
Fandom: Project Sekai Colorful Stage!
Ship: AkiKoha - Shinonome Akito x Azusawa Kohane
Characters: Azusawa Kohane, Shinonome Akito, Aoyagi Touya, Shiraishi An
Language: English
Words: 1.596
Ena’s birthday was coming closer and for this time Akito decided to be a good brother and not only give her a present, but also to make something to eat. One time while coming home he noticed a cute bakery that made colourful cupcakes, they also had cute decoration and they seemed perfect for Ena.
Akito wasn’t really experienced with baking but he was always ready for a challenge so after finding a good recipe and the ingredients, he asked An if they could borrow the kitchen of her father’s shop when it was closed and fortunately they got the permission.
“Perfect now we start! But why you’re the only one here?” Akito was kind of surprised to see just Kohane there with him “An is with Aoyagi-kun in the other room. Her father left us the kitchen in exchange of them re-organizing some old vinyls… An said that since Aoyagi-kun seems so serious he would be more of help to her, while I would be more helpful to you in the kitchen. I’m sorry if you’re uncomfortable Shinonome-kun…”
“Ah, I kinda lost that part… I’m not uncomfortable, sorry for giving that impression. Did you bake before?”
“Some cakes with my mum, nothing too difficult… But I’m sure that we will be able to make great cupcakes for your sister!”
“Not just ‘great’. They will be ‘perfect’!” he said that with a bit too much seriously, noticing how Kohane seemed a bit worried he smiled a bit “Don’t make that face, I don’t want to pressure you. So… We gotta start from the base, right?”
“Yes… I think we have to start with the eggs and sugar, right?”
“Exactly, let’s put everything in this bowl and then… Can you pass me the electric whisk?” he asked while opening one by one the eggs.
“Here it is. I’ll start to weight the flour…” Kohane didn’t want to make any mistake so she carefully put the flour on the kitchen scale with a spoon, it had to be perfect!
After they carefully put everything into the bowl the base for the cupcakes started to have the perfect texture, Kohane took out the stamps for muffins and Akito tried his best to put the right amount of paste into each stamp, then they put the whole baking tray into the oven.
“Now we gotta wait for 20 minutes, right? Maybe we can start with the butter cream.” said Akito looking right into the oven because he wanted to be sure that the cupcakes grew.
“Yes, I think it’s a good idea! Maybe while you do the syrup I’ll start with the butter and sugar?” asked Kohane taking the electric whisk to get started.
“Yes, I don’t want you to get burned so I’ll do the syrup. Here’s the butter and the sugar… This bowl should be big enough.”
“Thank you Shinonome-kun. Now…” Kohane tried to start slowly since she didn’t want to make a disaster, she thought the butter was warm enough so she raised the speed a bit “What…? Ah, okay okay, maybe it was too much!”
“What’s… Ahahah.” Akito couldn’t help but laugh seeing the poor Kohane with some butter on her face.
“Ugh, I think the speed was still a bit too high…”
“I’m almost finished with the syrup, you want some help?”
“No, no, I’m fine Shinonome-kun! I want to be of help!”
“Okay then… But first maybe clean yourself.” Akito leaned in with a tissue and brushed the top of her nose.
“Ah… I… Didn’t notice, thank you, Shinonome-kun.” Kohane was a bit flustered and to her credit Akito regretted what he did a second later because he could feel his cheeks getting red too.
“You’re welcome… I’ll go look at the syrup, I think it’s almost ready.”
“Yes, we have to be careful…!”
They both returned to work and then while Akito was pouring the syrup in the bowl Kohane mashed everything with the electric whisk until the texture was smooth enough.
The timer of the oven went off too and the base of the cupcakes was ready: time to decorate!
“So, we probably should start dividing the butter cream into section to use the colouring, where do you want to start?” asked Kohane ready to get more bowls.
“I think we could make it in 3 sections: pink, blue and yellow. Pink for the bunnies, blue for the cats and yellow for the chicks.” Akito was looking at his phone to see any examples of how do do that “Then for the ears and faces we could use those small candies, right?”
“Yes, I think it’s a good idea! I’ll start pouring the colouring then!”
“Thanks, if it’s not a bother can you also do the decorations with the candies? Your hands are smaller than mine and you seem more delicate… I think you would do a better job. I will do the work with the sac à poche.”
“No bother at all! I’ll do my best to make them the cutest bunnies, cats and chicks!”
Akito smiled while looking at her, she was so determinate to make a good job even though it was just a small present for someone she didn’t even know. He couldn’t make a mistake after all the effort Kohane put, so after the butter cream was ready he started the work with the sac à poche and later he just went on the side to let Kohane do her work with the candies. She was so serious and concentrated, Akito didn’t even notice how much he was enchanted until he heard “Finish!” and he somehow returned to his normal self.
“Wow… They’re relly cute! Kohane your hands are really magical.”
“Thank you Shinonome-kun… I’m glad you like them.” to say that she was smiling brighter than a star it was an understatement, she was so happy that Akito liked the result!
“How about we try one? Then we take one for An and Touya too.”
“Yes, I think the cat would be perfect for Aoyagi-kun…”
“The bunny is perfect for you. We’ll do that.” Akito took one ready to cut it in half “Ugh, I was too rough… I hope the cream will not fall, take it fast.”
“Yes! Let’s try…”
They gave a bite and in chorus said “Delicious!!”
“Yes, that’s how I wanted them! Ena will be happy.” said Akito with a big smile.
“I’m happy that the result was perfect as we said! Ah, Shinonome-kun, this time you’re the one that is dirty. Take a tissue.” she gave him one but was a bit confused at his face “There’s something wrong?”
“Kohane… You’re also dirty again on your nose!”
“What? I can’t believe I’m so clumsy…!”
Akito again cleaned her nose, this time also laughing a bit “There, it’s okay now! Thank you for the help, Kohane.”
“Thank you too, Shinonome-kun. I’m happy that I was able to help you, I hope your sister will also like the cupcakes.”
“She better do or I’ll eat them all!”
They both laughed at that sentence and then started to clean the kitchen as well since they were finished, on contrast An and Touya were still busy.
“How is it possible you’re not finished?” asked Akito a bit surprised.
“Ugh, there’s so much dust! But wait, you left some cupcakes for us?!” An hugged Kohane right away “How sweet of you!! I’ll take the chick, I feel kinda bad to eat it because it’s so cute!”
“They really are cute… I think your sister will like them. Thank you for leaving one for me too.” said Touya grabbing the cat one.ù
“They’re also super tasty! My Kohane can do really anything, right?”
“I didn’t do everything, I was just helping Shinonome-kun!”
“Exactly, just admit you like something I cooked, it’s easy!” Akito had a smug smile on his face, knowing that she would’ve never admitted that.
“No way! I’m sure it’s all thanks to Kohane’s influence that I like them. Now, can you guys also help us?? Pretty please??”
“I guess I have no choice since you left me the kitchen… Come on, let’s go back to work.” Akito sat down and for another 2 hours they were busy organizing the vinyls, An’s dad had a really big collection!
That evening Akito gave Ena her present and the cupcakes, fortunately she loved them and when he logged into Instagram that night he saw her stories with the cute cupcakes and also a post on her profile. Maybe despite her grumpy face she actually liked them but was too difficult to admit that.
Not that he was that different from her, before sleeping he messaged with Kohane to thank her again for the help and he couldn’t help but remember how passionate she was with the decorations, but also a bit clumsy with the electric whips.
“Kohane… Is kinda cute…” he whispered by himself but when he realized what he said he just decided to put the phone away and throw his face on the pillow, what the hell he was saying?!
The phone made sound and he rolled over to look at the message.
“Then today will finish with a happy ending^^ I’ll see you tomorrow, good night Shinonome-kun!”
“…” He felt really stupid for taking that much time to reply with a simple “Good night, Kohane.” and while he was sure to have sweet dreams, he wasn’t so sure about how he felt with having that much Kohane on his mind, or maybe he knew since he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
Another small scene I had in mind after I read a quote from a yume account on Twitter:  “Imagine decorating cupcakes with your comfort character”. Idk I felt like it was a cute idea for them, probably they’re a bit ooc but tbh sometimes I like to write just for my own and this is the case.
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queenof-literature · 3 years
A Sick Wild Child - Chapter 10
Chapter 10 - Cold
Aaaand we're back! Sorry for the long wait, college is wack.
Uhh big angst warning for this chapter. I can't really tell if this is angstier than the rest of the chapters? But the warning is there.
As I said earlier, I am going to be rewriting this fic as I add to it. Nothing major will change, but I kinda cringe a little when I read back on it because I feel like my style has developed more as I've written.
Ao3 Link:
I hope y'all enjoy!
The rustling of the leaves above were the loudest sound Warriors heard outside camp. Between the soft snores of his companions, the distant flowing stream, and the cackling of the fire, perhaps he should have let himself relax, if only a little. Being as rigid as a board would do no one any good if monsters came, yet Warriors could not force himself to relax. Strained eyes jumped between the other Links, the world outside their overhang, and the only other two not resting.
Whatever allowed Wild to be semi-coherent hours ago had faded as night went on, stuttering chest still rising and falling roughly. 
Twilight hadn’t left Wild’s side, still holding tightly to the boy’s clammy hand. Warriors let out a sigh, trying to force some tension from his shoulders as he stood, slowly making his way over. 
“You need to get some sleep.” Warriors settled next to him, still keeping a sharp ear out for potential monsters. He had made the mistake of letting down his guard, and he wouldn’t do it again.
“I’ll sleep after your watch.” Twilight was lying, and they both knew it.
“You make fun of Time for taking on too much, but you’re the same damn way.” Warriors huffed.
“Pot, meet kettle.” Twilight snarked and Warriors rolled his eyes at yet another dumb country metaphor. “Besides, be careful what you say, Old Man is probably listening.”
“It’d be hard not to with how loud you two are.” A voice said from Time’s bedroll.
“Sorry, Time.” Warriors and Twilight spoke in unison, chuckling lightly when they heard a tired sigh and grumbling.
“Any signs of Wild waking up again?” Warriors nodded towards Wild’s restless form, keeping his voice far lower.
“Nah. I wouldn’t be so worried if he was getting some actual sleep.” As if sensing his name Wild shifted once again, letting out unidentifiable croaks and murmurs. Twilight stroked his thumb across the back of Wild’s pale hand in an attempt to soothe him once more.
“Yeah…” Warriors spoke awkwardly. “The worst will be over soon, then he’ll be able to start healing. Hylia knows Legend and Hyrule are going to shove a rainbow of potions down his gullet when he can handle it.” Warriors joked, feeling success at the small chuckle he received from the other young man.
“I know he’ll be okay, but…” Twilight trailed off, looking down once more at his protege
“Yeah, it’s hard to see him like this.” Warriors nodded.
“Well yeah but I’m worried for what comes after.” Twilight’s eyes still hadn’t met his.
“What do you mean?”
“When he comes to, how much of these nightmares is he going to remember? Some are fake, but his brain is already… addled.” Twilight said for lack of a better word.
“You’re worried about the memories.” Warriors understood now.
“Yeah. He doesn’t remember anything besides a few memories, I’m worried the real ones will mix with the fake ones and just confuse him more.” Warriors hadn’t even thought of that.
“He’ll be okay once he’s aware enough to talk them through, that’s always seemed to help him in the past.” Warriors reassured, clamping a head on his companion’s shoulder. “I know there’s a lot in the air right now, but we need to focus on the now. We’ll deal with the future when we get there.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks War.” Twilight smiled at his companion, finallying meeting his eyes. Both settled in against the wall, taking comfort in the other’s presence. 
Cold, scared, confused. Fear struck his heart when he felt the familiar emotions, among others he couldn’t name. His lungs spasmed, and he felt himself cough roughly. Drowning… was he drowning? He didn’t feel wet, water meant drowning… right? Something warm and gentle slid across his hand and he shivered. What was touching him? Was it bad?
No… cold was bad, warm was good, or so he thinks. Yes that seems right. And what was touching him was warm so he could trust it. Yeah, that logic made sense.
Something was wrong though, he shouldn’t be feeling this way. This wasn’t normal. He tried to open his eyes. Wait, when did those get there? He had a body, and bodies had names. Did he have a name? Whatever was blocking his eyes refused to budge, or perhaps it wasn’t even trying. He felt his ears flicker when a noise drew close to him, and the warmth caressing his hand paused. No, don’t stop! He cried out, or he thought he did.
The warmth moved from his hand, allowing the cold to flood back, and he tried to cry out, he wanted to be warm he didn’t want to be cold. He relaxed once more when the warmth moved under his eye, under his eye… his cheek. The hand pushed into the skin of his cheek softly, and he tried to focus on what he heard above him, but he couldn’t push down his panic. What was his name? Everyone had a name, what was his name?
The warmth, which he now recognized as a hand, pushed his cheek with more intent, the noises growing louder. But he couldn’t focus on that, he could only focus on the empty space where his name, his very identity should be. What was his name? Everything would be okay if he could just remember his damn name-
“Wild?” A voice echoed above him, snapping him back from his spiral. Wild… that didn’t sound quite right, but it certainly didn’t sound wrong, and he clinged to it. Wild, Wild, Wild. That was him! 
“Wild?” Another voice asked, and Wild was sure it was a different one. The hand patted his cheek, and Wild felt his nose scrunch. He didn’t like that.
 “Wild? Are you awake? Can you open your eyes?” Wild’s ears perked at the tone, an odd mix of hope and concern. Now out of his spiral, Wild tried once more to open his eyes. Shutting them tightly once more when light assaulted his vision. He felt his head being turned, vertigo crashing into him, only relaxing when his nose brushed against something slightly course but soft.
“Try again.” The voice coaxed. Wild was skeptical, but did as he was told. With great strength, Wild peeled open his eyes. Even after his eyelids revealed the world around him he couldn’t see right away, it took a while for his vision to clear, yet the voice never grew impatient. He felt heat to his back, and it felt like a fire. Maybe that’s what was so bright. After the fuzziness finally faded, Wild could see he was facing a chest, but it looked odd. There was something missing around the shoulders...
“There he is.” The other voice proclaimed quietly.
“How are you feeling, Cub?” Wild felt the chest he was facing vibrate as the person spoke. Cub… cub.
“Tw’ligh?” Wild slurred, wincing at the dryness of his throat.
“Yeah, Cub.” Wild looked up at the face above him, who looked positively elated for some reason. Wild finally realized why the man looked so off, the usual pelt wrapped around his shoulders was gone. Wild glanced around, eyes slow and fluttering. After looking down he finally realized it was covering him instead. 
Wild tried to blink away the fog. That wasn’t right, this was Twilight’s pelt. Oh no, did Wild steal it? That wasn’t very nice…   
“Wild?” The other voice washed over him once more, and Wild realized it had probably been a while since he had responded.
“War?” Wild recognized the bright blue scarf, and the eyes that matched. The fog was slowly receding from his mind, but annoyingly stuck around the edges.
“That’s me.” Warriors confirmed with a fond smirk. “How are ya feeling?”
Wild didn’t know how to answer that. Everything hurt, his muscles felt heavy and useless, his head pounded, his throat was on fire… worst of all…
“Cold.” Wild rasped, trying to bury his face into the chest beside him, enjoying the rumble he felt and the sound of a fond chuckle.
“Sorry, Wild. Your fever hasn’t broken yet, we can’t let you get too hot.” Twilight really did sound sorry, but that doesn’t sound right. Fever means hot.
“Cold.” Wild stressed again, his small movement sending a spike of pain around his ribs. “Hurts.” Wild whimpered at the aches and pain that surrounded his body, especially his ribs. 
“I know, Cub. It’ll get better soon.” Twilight promised.
“How?” How did he know that? Wild didn’t understand. Goddesses, it felt like he was dying-
Wild froze at that thought. No, no Twilight would tell him. Twilight wouldn’t be so happy, he wouldn’t. The conversation continued as Wild’s world was crashing down on him.
“Your fever hasn’t broken, but it is getting cooler.” An optimistic voice continued, not noticing his panic. Why were they so calm? Wild was dying, he was dying! He felt his breaths get more labored, only sending further panic shooting through him. No, he needed to breathe, breathing meant life and Wild was alive he wasn’t dead he was alive-
“-we’ll fix it, Wild, I promise.” Wild tuned in once more and his heart lurched. Fix it? No, no , no, nononono. 
“N-no!” Wild cried out, trying to sit up.
“Woah!” Warriors bolted forward to keep Wild from agitating his illness further. They just got water in his system, they didn't want him to throw it back up now.
“Tw-i. Don’t. P-please don’t.” Wild pleaded.
“Don’t what? Cub we’re not going to do anything.” Twilight’s voice tried to be calm, but the underlying panic only sent Wild further into his spiral. Twilight knew and he was hiding it! The shrine… not the shrine.
“Na- the shrine. P-please. Anythin’ but the shrine. Just let me go.” Wild begged, coughing roughly at the end. Twilight felt his chest grow cold and his stomach drop. ‘Let me go’, ‘No more shrine’, Twilight felt lightheaded. He knew what it meant. Let me die. 
“No, no Cub, you’re not hurt. Not badly, you’ll recover.” Twilight tried to reassure but Wild was too far gone.
“Hey, hey.” Wild felt a different pair of hands on his cheeks, calloused from constant swordsmanship, but impossibly gentle. “Calm down.” Warriors soothed, brushing aside Wild’s bangs. No! He didn’t understand. He couldn’t do it, not again. He couldn’t wake up with nothing but a name he didn’t recognize, cold, hungry, scared, alone. 
“No shrine, nothing like that. We’re staying right here.” Warriors comforted. Wild shook his head, ignoring the nausea it brought. They didn’t understand, he would forget again. He would forget again. Zelda, the Champions, Riju, Teba, Yunobo, Sidon, the Links. All of them.
“Wild.” Twilight’s voice was soft, but stern, demanding Wild’s attention. “Wild look at me.” A hand took his chin, and he was met with dark blue eyes swirling with intense emotions, half of which Wild couldn’t name. “We’re staying right here. We’re nowhere near the shrine. You’re just sick, you’ll get better, on your own.” Twilight specified, rambling in the hopes that Wild would finally understand. Twilight felt his chest loosen when Wild calmed down slightly. 
Twilight wouldn’t lie about that, Wild could trust him. 
“No shrine?” Wild confirmed.
“No shrine.” Twilight put on his most reassuring smile, covering his turmoil at Wild’s earlier words.
“Never. Promise.” Wild demanded in the most stern tone he could muster, and judging by Twilight’s shaky smirk he didn’t do a very good job. 
“I promise, Cub.”
“Yeah, Hylia knows we wouldn’t even know how to work it- ouch! What it’s true.” Wild tried to laugh at the indignant noise, but all that came out was a coughing fit. He still didn’t understand what was going on, but there was no rush or panic or shouting. It wasn’t like the first time. There were no lasers, or carnage, or desperate screaming.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Twilight deemed after Wild’s fit had passed. “You need more rest.” Wild shook his head. He wanted to stay here, away from the things he sees when he closes his eyes. It was nice here, the fog was finally parting and if he went to sleep it would surround him again.
“Yes, Wild.” Wild heard Warriors laugh at Twi’s exasperated tone.
“No.” Wild commanded, well aware of how much he sounded like a petulant child.
“Wild, we’ll be right here. You need sleep. Real sleep.” Wild shook his head again.
“I’d be careful. Mama bear is ready to knock you out.” Warriors teased, yelping when Twilight used his free arm to smack his shoulder.
“Wild, I swear to Hylia, you are going to sleep.” Twilight threatened. Wild huffed. Fine. Wild lifted a shaky and weak hand from under the pelt, pausing to rest the limb above the covers. Slowly he lifted his left hand, barely reaching his target. He swatted uselessly at Twilight’s chest, trying to find a grip. Finally he managed to snag onto the older’s tunic, just above his heart.
“What are you doing?” Twilight chuckled, all ire forgotten at the Cub’s clumsy actions. This would be the hard part. Wild prepped himself, before putting all his strength into his left arm and pulling himself up as far as possible. Even the simple motion of pulling himself up was like climbing a mountain, all his stamina depleted by the time he put his plan into action as his ribs jolted and burned. His world twisted and swirled as dizziness washed over him, his head feeling light and his eyes watering.
“Wild!” Twilight yelped in surprise, hopefully not waking the camp. Automatically his arms flew around Wild to catch the boy now cradled to his chest. “What the hell are you doing?” Twilight asked again, far more bafflement and scolding in his tone. Wild stubbornly shoved his head into the crook of Twilight’s neck, breathing hard. Nausea surrounded him and his aching muscles cramped and twitched. Twilight winced as Wild coughed directly into his throat. Good things this wasn’t contagious.
“You can’t do that! You can’t push your body like that!” Twilight scolded, his words contradicted his actions as he rubbed soothing circles into Wild’s back.
“I mean, you could have asked.” Warriors agreed, smirking at the scene before him now that Wild seemed to be recovering from his little stunt.
“Stay.” Wild demanded, gripping Twilight’s shirt as the other was cradled to his own chest uselessly. His body had no more energy left to spare and he relied completely on Twilight to keep him from falling.
“I’m right here.” Twilight’s exasperated tone morphed more into confusion. Twilight wasn’t getting it. He was warm. Wild was so cold, and he wanted to be warm. Even if that meant soaking up heat from Twilight like a lizard did on a sunny rock.
“Warm.” Wild’s lips twisted into a crooked smile, not aware enough to try and make both the scarred and unscarred sides of his face match. Warriors didn’t even hide his fond grin at the cheesy sight before him, and Twilight’s shocked face was certainly a bonus.
“Wild your fever.” Twilight chided nervously, attempting to gently get Wild away from his body heat. Even being in his lap was pushing it, Hyrule told him to be careful before he went to bed.
“Warm.” Wild huffed, annoyed at Twilight moving too much. Twilight glared at the muffled laugh he heard from Warriors. ‘Help me!’ Twilight mouthed, glaring at him as the other just shrugged and smirked. Jackass. Twilight supposed it would be okay for a little bit, but… just until Wild fell asleep. Besides, Twilight couldn’t bring himself to push Wild off with the dopey and lopsided the grin the younger had. Instead Twilight tucked the covers and pelt around him, knowing he made the right choice when Wild sighed happily and burrowed further. It was the most content he had seen Wild in days, and if Hyrule found out Twilight had disobeyed his instructions and kicked his ass, it’d be worth it.
“We can watch his fever. Let him have this.” Warriors confirmed the voice in his head, and Twilight relaxed at the fact someone else agreed, allowing himself to lean against the wall to better support Wild’s weight.
“Yeah, I don’t wanna move him.” Wild made a noise that Twilight could only interpret as agreement, and tried not to laugh and disturb the boy curled into him. 
“He can understand what we’re saying… that has to be progress, right?” Warriors questioned.
“Yeah, but at this point his fever breaking is the best we can hope for.” Twilight responded as he felt Wild succumb to sleep once more. Twilight didn’t want to admit how worried he was that his fever would never break. He knew that Wild would get better, really he did. But Hylia what Wild had said… what would Twilight do if he had the option. If Wild was dying in his arms and he had a choice. If he had a choice between Wild living with no memories, waking up with them all gone, probably long dead, alone and scared. Or letting Wild, his cub, die. Both options almost sent Twilight over the edge of despair just picturing it.
“Stop.” Warriors scolded, eyes peering into him. Twilight snapped out of his thoughts and glanced back in surprise. “I know what you’re dwelling on. Stop it. It won’t help anything.” Warriors’ tone was harsh, but his eyes were compassionate.
“I know but-”
“No buts. It won’t come to that.”
“You don’t know that.” Twilight’s voice cracked ever so slightly. Warriors sighed, of course he didn’t. Of course Twilight wasn’t the only one who thought at night about where this quest could lead.
“None of us do. But focusing on what-ifs, especially insanely specific ones, doesn’t help it just makes us all suffer. All of us, Twilight.” Warriors stressed, relieved at Twilight’s eyes widening, knowing he had gotten through. The words were harsh, but Twilight never listened when it was just his health on the line. He needed to know that watching him go through that hurt, just as it hurt them when one of the other Links were in a pit of anger and hurt.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Twilight squeezed Wild, needing to feel his heartbeat against his own. He focused on the breaths he felt against his neck. They were shallow and rough but they were there.
“Don’t be, I get it.” Warriors assured. “But let's face it if we think about everything that could happen on this crazy fucking quest we’ll be here for weeks.”
“Yeah…” Twilight shifted, ensuring Wild didn’t have too much pressure on his ribs.
“I’ll watch his fever, you need to rest.” Warriors commanded softly.
“You know that’s not happening.” Twilight glared.
“I didn’t ask you to sleep, I asked you to rest. You need it.” Warriors raised a challenging eyebrow, turning concerned when Twilight just nodded.
“Yeah… okay. Just make sure he doesn’t get too hot.” Twilight leaned his head against the rock, shushing Wild when he mumbled and huffed as his pillow moved. Warriors reached over and placed his hand on the cub’s forehead. 
“It’s fine for now.” Warriors smiled, happy the raging fever had dulled, even a little.
Both Warriors and Twilight quieted, and Twilight allowed himself to simply breathe as Warriors kept a sharp eye on the world around them.
Wild is on a mission and no one shall stop him.
Thank you all for reading! I'll update the summary when I rewrite a chapter so you all know.
And thank you all again so much for the support. I love every comment, and I’m so glad so many people enjoy this story!
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maryniss · 3 years
The Match Is Still Going
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Summary:  2 times Chuuya dyed Dazai's hair and one time he didn't.
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Chuuya Nakahara
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara
Tags: Fluff; Kinda?; idk - Freeform; 5 Times; its actually three times; 2 times + one bonus cause i had no idea; Hair Dyeing
Notes:  this. i wanted to finish this for so long. but now the fic is here and im not really proud of it. but it s ok cause yeah. idk. enjoy anyway byebye i.
Chuuya decided to dye Dazai the second that insufferable man dared to make fun of Chuuya’s hair color. That meaning Chuuya decided to dye Dazai thirty minutes after meeting him.
Knowing him now, he was surprised that he didn’t say anything earlier. But, as fifteen year-old Chuuya was sneaking into his new partner’s apartment -soundlessly, not that it mattered, ‘cause Dazai was sleeping like he was dead (some people’ wishes just can’t come true)
Chuuya snickered under his breath as he tip-toed into Dazai’s bedroom. The brown-haired man (not for long, though) was snoring loudly and the only thing Chuuya could think about was that ad he had seen on TV, about how to stop your husband from snoring excessively, or something like that. It was probably an ad for nose spray.
           Verixil! And all the problems are gone! Sleep tight!
Chuuya shook his head and he looked at the objects in his hands. A tube of red hair dye, a brush and a towel. Did he know what to do with those?
Did that stop him?
Also no.
Chuuya opened the lid of the tube and he poured some substance into his gloved hands (plastic hands, of course, he would never ruin his gloves only for that) and as he squeezed hard, the tube made a sound like a fart and Chuuya stopped. Dazai didn’t even react, but the redhead was tense and his didn’t breathe, waiting for something to happen.
Nothing did, so he just poured some more and then he took a wavy strand of Dazai’s hair and scrubbed the dye onto it until it was slick. He did two more strands and then he got bored and just put the whole thing onto Dazai’s scalp, not caring what the dyes was going to stain.
He then left and closed the door behind him, going to bed in his own apartment.
He slept well and he woke up even better. Dazai was screaming and he was trying to wash his hair, to make the ugly, neon orange color go away. Chuuya rolled on the floor with laughter and his sides started to hurt. The dye was spread uneven and parts of Dazai’s hair had now the color of poop.
He won this time.
1-0  for Chuuya.
Actually, let’s make that 1-1 because Dazai also dyed Chuuya’s hair purple the very next night and there were no words to describe how ugly it looked. Even if there were none, Dazai still found some and Chuuya also found words to describe how ugly Dazai looked.
Koyo took a photo, even neither of them wanted to.
They still keep the phot in their drawer. None of them admits it.
Chuuya was walking down the street and he was in a bad mood. No particular reason. He just felt down and he didn’t have any plans to even try to make himself look happy. What was the point? There was no one who cared anyways. It had been like that since he was little. And then there was a period when there really was someone who asked if he was ok; if he said he was not, then that someone would just nod and walk away. But, it was something…
Chuuya stopped and he looked at the barber on the other side of the road. A slim and tall silhouette disappeared inside right before Chuuya could actually tell that it was Dazai. The redhead rolled his eyes (out of habit) and he tucked his hands in his pockets and continued to walk. He wanted that coffee right now or he felt he would die. A common feeling that Chuuya was sick of. The coffee was going to solve everything…
His feet did not take him to the closest café, instead he entered the barber shop. The bell rang, but Dazai didn’t even bat an eye.
“So only a quick cut, right?” asked the barber, a small man wearing thick glasses, their lenses yellow. He was smiling and the air around him was cheer-full.
“Yeah, only a quick cut, and if you could show me how to make a hole through my skull painlessly while you are there, it would be great.
A French melody started playing and Chuuya rolled his eyes and smiled. The room was quiet but Dazai was practically radiating and the barber looked at him with an uncertain look.
“Uhm, I guess I could? But not painlessly, though.” Dazai sighed and closed his eyes.
“No, it’s ok. I’ll try elsewhere.” Both of them seemed to forget that Chuuya was there. But, suddenly, the hairdresser looked up and he was probably on his way to say “Can I help you?”, but Chuuya quickly put a finger to his lips and the man shut his mouth.
The people that just entered were dangerous; he could feel it. So, he just did what everyone would do: “I am going to bring my scissors and we can start.” Dazai didn’t say anything.
The man run to another room and closed the door. Chuuya lifted himself up a little bit and floated where Dazai was, looking in the mirror in front of him
He could now recognize the melody that was playing? How could he not? It was `La vie en rose` by Edith Piaf. Koyo was obsessed with this one some time ago when she was dumped by a cute barista from the coffee shop across the Port Mafia’s office.
Dazai’s eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping. Chuuya looked around and then he saw it: a botte full of a light-green hair dye, looking very much like wasabi. He didn’t hesitate and he took a spoonful of it.
Dazai snored. Chuuya put the substance gently onto Dazai’s scalp and spread it with his fingers. The brown-haired man (whose hair color was once red and also poop-like) opened his eyes and looked up at Chuuya.
They both stared into each other’s eyes for twenty-three seconds. Chuuya had counted it. He then smiled and left, Dazai looking dumfounded. He then looked into the mirror and saw the mess on his hair or that his hair was. He sat up quickly and went after Chuuya.
But the redhead was gone. And “La vie en rose” was pouring on the street and in the hot summer day and it seemed somewhat romantic.
Dazai would kill Chuuya the next time he would see him. There was no other chance now for the small man; he was obliged to commit a double suicide with Dazai.
2-1 for Chuuya.
Because Chuuya knew Dazai. That’s why he didn’t respond all of his messages that begged him to come over. Because he knew that Dazai was probably drunk.
What he didn’t expect was for Dazai to actually come to his apartment, knocking insistently at his door and shouting some nonsense. Chuuya tried to ignore him, but he forgot one crucial detail: he did give Dazai a copy of his keys, so, when Dazai entered in the bathroom where Chuuya was soaking in the tub, drinking some wine, the only thing the small man could do was to curse at his foolishness.
He shouted and cursed and almost spilled the wine, but Dazai didn’t move: he only sat there with a big smile plastered onto his doll face, and Chuuya was creeped out of his mind. He could only ignore him and that’s what he did.
It had been a hard day in the Port Mafia, ok? That’s why he fell asleep in the bath tub, with Dazai watching him intently.
He let his guard down and when he woke up, the apartment was empty. But his hair was a wonderful, delicate, simply beautiful, what more could we say, tone of blue, only strands of it still being that red Chuuya was so proud of.
Only later did he find the photo of them when they were smaller, glued to his bathroom mirror. He smiled and he when he flipped it over, he saw only saw a ‘2-2’.
If you look at it from another point, it could mean something else; Chuuya knew and his heart let itself sink in that sensation for a bit.            
2-2 and match is still going.
They are still chasing after each other, trying to always be the best. Both of them know that they are unstoppable when they are together. They knew and they didn’t care because in their world, that is smaller than it seems, the arbiter hadn’t blown in the whistle yet.
  Notes:  Cause they love each other duh please stop being so dumb
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This is written though to @mizunetzu Christmas event secret Santa. I didn't know when to post it but on the day of the deadline. So I hope the person whoes secret Santa I got to be like it and it is good? Which I doubt.
Warnings: none
Fandom: my hero academia/ Boku no hero academia
Title: The Love Letter
Ship: Mirio x male Reader
Mirio is quite a good guy always fun to be around, he turns to look at the positive side of things.
And that's what made you like him even more, his great and fun. Since the day he met you he stuck around like a log every corner you turn you met him with a wide smile spread across his face.
At some point you started having romantic feelings towards the said boy, a little afraid to speak up. You didn't know his sexuality or what kind of person he's into, it kinda confused you since he surrounds himself with all kind of people, different personalities, genders, ages and taste.
His definitely a attention seeker, for great friendships.
Instead of pouring your heart out in person not wanting to face humiliation, or be seen spilling tears. Not wanting to be friend zoned in person.
You could only do one affected thing...
Write a love letter♡
Yes go a bit old school and express your feelings through written words on a piece of paper and stick it into his bag, anonymously.
"Hey, (L/n) look here isn't this dress really pretty or what?" One of the girls in class leaned over showing a certain (h/c) who was bored out of his mind face down on desk drool running down his chin
"Huh?" Lazily turned to look at the girl as she shove the magazine into his face. Forcefully taking it for her sitting up straight again so he can actually she what she was yapping about
"Yeah, I guess so?"
"I mean like yeah it's cute isn't it?"
(Y/n) ignored the rest of the girl's blabbering turning his attention back to the book in his hand flipping through the pages, it was pretty noisy in class being break and all everyone can enjoy their food as well as break.
"Did you hear, Mirio Togata another girl confessed to him."
"I heard he rejected her."
"Really, I bet its cause he doesn't have a quirk anymore."
"What a shame I guess his not worth it anymore."
"Its so sad how he keeps smiling like that."
A few girls whispered. (Y/n) had enough slamming his hand onto the table startling the girls
"His not worthless, his power isn't the only good trait about him! He has a great personality and strong believes!" The boy yelled taking his stand turning away leaving the classroom
Most of the class was shocked especially Tamaki and Nejire knowing (Y/n) isn't actually a person that gets easily angry
"Wow that really happened?" Mirio questioned a little surprised, Nejire just told him what you did for him first he thought it wasn't necessary but then again you were brave enough to defend him. It was sweet in a way made him happy to know your looking out for him
"Yeah, my the way you where going to show us what's in your hand?" The purple haired girl says trying to speak past her friend back
"Oh! This-" Mirio paused reaveling the Piece of paper that was behind him, a bright smile spread across his face he was practically sparkling
"O m G, is that a love letter!" Nejire gaps getting happy for her friend, her heart all pounding even if it wasn't meant for her she would always care and love her friends, even Tamaki cracked a shy smile taking a quick look at the happy blonde
"Yep, it's a love letter. Found it in my bag."
"Really what does it say what does it say?!"
"It is the most beautiful and loving thing I have ever read, the feelings and emotions poured into writing it, the reason why they love me made me feel completed, when and how got me to tears and laughter I couldn't help but smile. I'm in love." Mirio smiled softly a single year sliding down his cheek arms hugging the paper tightly to his chest
"Wow.. who sent it?"
"Anonymous. They where to afraid to give it in person or speak up, it makes me sad to think so."
"Oh.. mmh?" A concern look spread on Nejire face feeling bad for her friend "so you'll never know who it is?" She whispered is a sad tone
"Oh! No," Mirio laughed rubbing the back of his head "I know this hand writing anywhere I've seen it too many times, I know who this is."
"Yep. Now if you'd excuse me I gotta a crush to hunt down" Mirio waved disappearing down the halls, leaving his two friends behind
"Why that bitch!" (Y/n) cursed kicking the wall leaving dusty shoe prints on the stone, anger written all over his face, sadness building up in his eyes
'Why would anyone be valued to their power? Instead why not love them regardless of what they are, who they are, what gender they are or not. You should love the person not what they have!'
"It pissed me the fuck off!"
"What does?" A kind voice traveled with care and a little worried to (Y/n) ears, making him turn to the owner of the loving voice. Mirio stood there a small smile on his face soft gaze upon your form
"Oh! Mirio sorry it's nothing." (Y/n) says looking away avoiding eye contact his shyness immediately returns with a aching heartbeat and a uncontrollable blush
"Hey, (Y/n) buddy I wanna talk to you." Mirio slowly walking toward you till he was face to face trying to catch your attention by going into your line of sight but it only ended up with you turning your back to him, unable to control your heartbeat wondering if he could hear it just as loud as you are
"So, I wanna thank you. I heard from Nejire what happened and I'm really grateful that you stood up for me I didn't know you care that much. So thanks (Y/n)." The words made you so happy, if this makes you feel like your about to die what would a kiss do?
"There's something else I want to talk about too, this is kinda girly but. I got a love letter today!" Mirio started talking in an unsure tone till he ended the sentence with a much more gleeful and cheerful tone all smiles and rainbows
"R-really ?" You took a quick glimpse at the paper in his hand turning back to the wall
"Yeah, wanna hear what it says?"
"N-no-" your voice came out below whisper unheard from Mirio as he continued
"I was thinking today about how very much I love you, and how I never have the courage to tell you that. So I wanted to sit down and let you know how truly in love with you I really am Mirio.
I still remember the first time I met you I thought you were weird and you till are, we were both still in middle school so I didn't know much about my feelings, it took me very long to figure out, You were smiling ear-to-ear and absolutely lit up the room it made me feel shy and awkward around you which I'm not. I tried avoiding you but like paper you stuck to me like glue.
Till today you still make me happy and shy. Weak to my knees along the way
I truly think you are the most handsome guy in the world. I love the feeling of your gaze on me even the tiniest brushed of skin makes me hyper. Your smile lifts my spirits on even my worst days. I love your laugh and your ability to find humor in every situation. I’m so grateful for everything you do for me.
You truly complete me. These last few years have been the happiest of my life. I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to always have my best friend by my side, but I'm too scared to face rejection and see a sorry look on your face.
I'd rather keep myself hidden in your shadow. So I can just love you for awhile longer
I truly love you. Mirio Togata."
"Yeah that's really pretty." I sighed, why would he read it to me? I send it anonymously it hurts just knowing I can't be with him
"Yeah it, is really pretty it makes me happy to know someone cares this much about me and is afraid to tell me in person. This letter is making me happy but I'm already in love."
What? He.. why do I feel like crying? My heart ached worse and it hurts
Tears started falling dripping down into the ground disappearing beneath the sand, (Y/n) body started trembling as he hugged himself feeling hopeless and pain
"(Y/n) what's wrong?... why are you crying?!" Mirio panicked not knowing what to do, only to turn you around facing him and hug you tightly to him pressing your face into his soft chest arms securely around your back
"Its okay, it is okay (Y/n) I'm right here you can talk to me, does it hurt somewhere did someone say something mean." He spoke softly between your sobbing and whimpering holding you tight as possible
"I-I ... lo-love you-you Mi-rio.. please don't g-go!" It made a kind smile appeared on the blonde face he lift you chin so that your eyes met, his shirt was all wet from your crying but that is the last thing on his mind
"Hey, calm down. Its okay I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." You finally steady your breaths you heart still beating out of your chest, as Mirio whips away your tears
"I love you too. (Y/n) (L/n), the love letter is truly beautiful."
I hope you enjoyed. ~
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realityhelixcreates · 3 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 77: Like a Good Old-Fashioned Barn Raising
Chapters: 77/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: pg
Relationships: Loki x Reader
Characters: Loki (Marvel),
Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Party Time
Summary:  Buridag begins!
Loki was awake long before you were, getting preparations ready, loose ends tied up, last minute orders sent out. He allowed you to sleep until you woke on your own, having removed his little illusory alarms from you some time ago.
Sometimes flower petals still rained upon you, and perfume rose from your footsteps, but no more snakes in the bath.
So you rose slowly, stretching and yawning the grogginess away at your own pace. Time was very hard to tell by looking out windows at this time of year, but when Loki entered the room carrying an egg sandwich, a little pile of fresh potato chips, and a glass of coffee, you placed yourself firmly within brunch territory.
Loki flicked on your sunlamp, gestured at the chair, and handed you your brunch once you'd taken your seat.
You munched your food and absorbed your light while Loki laid out the day's plans. You'd get dressed in a ceremonial outfit that included your armor and helmet, and join the parade that was gathering even now.
They were initially going to put you on Sleipnir. You had asked them not to. Sleipnir was magnificent, but you had no connection to him, nor to Leynarodd, who was the second choice. Your sweet, stout, shaggy little Acorn was who you preferred, a horse that belonged to no one initially, but who had formed a trusting bond with you.
Your clothing was, predictably, green, the underdress and apron a dark mossy color, hemmed on all edges with fine gold braid, embroidered with stripes of delicate knotwork, and your mark, also in gold. Over the top of this went your quilted tunic, in it's shimmering jade, and then your armor; the breastplate, the tassets, the bracers, pauldrons, greaves, and poleyns, though the last two were not visible. They went on over the leather trousers you'd been given to wear under your dress. They were sleek things, made of tough black leather, pleated in diagonal patterns, just like something Loki would wear. You thought the pleats had the advantage of putting more leather between you and any danger, and were flexible as well.
There were actually places where your familiar oval brooches could be fastened, your strings of shining beads strung between, your chatelaine dangled. Your belt was tooled leather and brass findings, hung with a leather purse, your Yggdrasil phone case, a small drinking horn carved with your mark, and of course, your knife. A little burst of deep pink against all the gold, green, and black.
You wore a minty-green velvet cape, a gift from Andsvarr, and your beautiful helmet to top it all off. You truly looked like something out of a fantasy novel, someone who looked like they should be standing next to the legendary figure that Loki currently cut.
He looked enormous, with his many asymmetrical layers, and molded shoulder guards, his billowing cape and hair spilling from beneath his magnificent curling horns. He shone with nornbein, and his cloak, shot with silk, shimmered subtly.
“You're so beautiful.” you mumbled. Loki smiled, and leaned down to adjust your cape, cheeks dusted with pink.
“Thank you.” he said, “I make every attempt. Though I think I will fade into the background under the power of your radiance.”
Warmth rushed to your face.
“Um, I know we've got to hurry and get Acorn, but I want to ask you a favor, Loki.”
“Anything. Tell me what it is and I'll make it so.”
You took a deep breath.
“I need you to stop trying to impress my father.”
The pink on his cheeks transformed into bright red.
“Ah. Yes, I rather hashed that, didn't I? I apologize. I thought that was still standard procedure, but your father, uh, explained otherwise.”
“Mhm, I'll bet he did. Look, I know you wanted to surprise us, but when it comes to things like that, you really oughta run it by me first. I could have told you that wouldn't work out the way you thought it would. You know, saved you from being chewed out like that. You can let me save you sometimes too.”
“ Like with the Huldra.”
“Kinda. Dad's not as bloodthirsty as she was, but he's a lot more stubborn.”
“Like father, like daughter, hm?” he teased.
“You have not seen me be stubborn yet.” you warned, and he gave you a quick smooch.
“A blessing, I'm sure. Very well, I agree. Surprises get run by you. Anything to save me from another tongue lashing. That man truly does not hold back.”
“I mean it though.” you persisted. “I'm not saying that you can't have any surprises at all, but talk to me about big stuff like that. If it's something that Asgardian law or custom would demand, but would be insulting to a human, we can maybe hash out an alternative that would satisfy both. That's the point, isn't it? Please, I really don't want to deal with anymore trouble between you two. Don't get hung up on impressing him, he has every reason to reject it, and he will. No more gifts, no toasts, no calling attention to him in public, nothing. He hates being the center of attention. Just let him be a guest, and see, without interference, that his little girl is doing fine on her own.”
“I really didn't mean to make him so angry.” Loki said, a little crestfallen. “And the more I tried to explain, the angrier he became. I just wanted him to know how much I value you. I wanted you to know too.”
“Material culture is different where I'm from. There are places in the world where that would have been understood and appreciated, but we've stopped doing it. In the same vein, fathers don't make all the decisions for their daughters anymore, so you don't actually need his approval. But...I need you to understand, it's not just that you took away his child, though that's bad enough. It's that I'm the only family he has left. My grandma only had one kid, and that was my dad. And she's dead, and so's my granddad, before I was even born. And then my mom died, and Beth too, and so I'm all that's left for him. And I have this giant Sword of Damocles hanging over my head all the time, and he's had to worry about that for my whole life. Most of the women on my mom's side all died from this, but occasionally, rarely, there's one that doesn't. I'm starting to hope that might be me. Maybe the magic is protecting me. But he's not going to be able to accept that so easily. I'm all he had left, and you took me away. That's all that's going to be important to him. You didn't even have to do the things you did in New York, this is the worst possible crime you could commit, in his eyes.”
Loki heaved a sigh of remorse. “And I cannot even return you to him. It seems there is one more thing I cannot set right.”
“The best you can do is make sure I'm okay. And don't bother him anymore. And maybe let him come visit more often. The more he sees me living my life and being fine, the more confidence he will have that I'm actually safe here.”
“I shall endeavor to help you thrive.” Loki promised.
“All right, so if that's settled, we should go get our horses.”
Acorn was, like you, a bit overdressed in your opinion. Long tabbards and blankets covered her from nose to rump, green and gold, embroidered with oak leaves. They were so long, they almost brushed the ground. Ribbons were braided into her wild mane and tail, and bells jingled with every movement. Like you, she could barely be seen under her splendor. But she was probably warm, and happily accepted a carrot from your hand. Placid as always, she let you up on her back, and fell into step behind Leynarodd, who likewise, followed up behind Sleipnir, whose hooves still rang like bells even over the thin layer of packed snow that covered the recently cleared streets.
There was a whole procession of people-this was a parade after all, and Thor, on Sleipnir, was preceded by the twin Valkyries, carrying Asgardian banners, as well as several musicians, and Beli, who chanted an ancient epic on the exploits of Buri.
Saga had translated the chant for you a while ago, and it sounded something like the sensationalized, self-aggrandizing boasts of pharaohs, or Mesopotamian kings-the kind that claimed to be rulers of the world, or rulers of the heavens themselves, to have battled armies of demons, killed giant lions with only a stick-that sort of thing. But when Beli called out those verses in such an ancient dialect of Asgardian, the words themselves felt powerful.
Thor followed slowly, Sliepnir plodding along, both of them absolutely huge. Loki and Leynarodd came right behind, only slightly smaller. And then you and Acorn, almost comical in your stature, diminutive by comparison. You were keenly aware of it, but either all of Asgard was too polite to say anything about it, or they simply didn't care.
The human guests, corralled in roped off areas, whooped and cheered when when you passed. Behind you, more musicians played, and a circle of Seidkonas walked in silent dignity. Then came more banners, the rest of the Valkyries, representatives of each noble house and guild, and the rest of the Aesir in Asgard, provided they didn't already have another position in the parade.
After them, the gathered Asgardians began following, lengthening out the procession, bright balls of magical light bobbing overhead. The sun had barely peeked over the horizon, and would be slinking away in a mere three or so hours, so the mage lights sparkled everywhere. Helpful Einherjar herded the humans to the next specially roped off area, so they could follow the parade as well; you caught a few amused faces at the playful rowdiness displayed by celebrating humans.
That was just how humans were when they were excited about something. Humans loved to holler, to jump, and dance, and clap. Some of them were even trying to keep time with the music.
You weren't actually able to pick out your father or Tara in the crowd, nor anyone else you knew, so you just kept your head forward and your back straight, trying to look as dignified as you could.
You'd only ever seen a few of what you considered 'proper' parades: in a small town a parade mostly consisted of people waving from the backs of neighborhood pickup trucks and tractors, maybe decorated with balloons or paper chains, blasting music from dusty old speakers. In the autumn, there might be pumpkins and corn stalks, and usually hayrides. But never anything like this spectacle.
As you got closer to the construction site, the apprentice mages responsible for all the floating lights started throwing sparks from their hands, like colorful sparklers. The gathered Asgardians began lining up in their designated areas, ready to play their part. The foundations had already been dug, and everything that needed to go into them was already there. All that remained was the pouring.
Thor, Loki, and yourself dismounted as close to in unison as you could manage, the horses carefully lead away to a temporary enclosure. You headed to the stack of decorative bricks, and took your place among the Asgardians there, while Thor gave the order for the cement to pour.
While this went on, Beli gathered his students and skalds in front of the Huldrastone to recite a modern epic. Within the first few verses you realized that it was about the Huldra's attack, and your confrontation with her.
Of course, the poem was much cleaner and more elegant than the actual events had been, but certain things had still been included. Your ears burned beneath your helmet when Beli reached the part where you had 'bestowed upon the fallen prince, a gentle sacrificial kiss, knowing that to trade life for life would grant him breath once more.'
You had finally spotted your father and Tara in the crowd; he crossed his arms and glared upon hearing the verse, while Tara gave you a cheezy grin and thumbs up.
As the poem reached its conclusion, the cement finished pouring, and a new recitation began. As Thor and Loki knelt and began scratching ritual runes into the wet cement, Beli's current group of student came forward and began telling the story of Beli, while apprentice mages illustrated the words with colorful, stylized illusions.
There were harrowing battles against huge stone people, the construction of the original Bifrost, which at that time connected a fleet of alien ships to one another. The illusions showed the gathering of construction materials, the building of a platform in space, and the grand revelation of the crystalline platform upon which Asgard slowly grew. Mountain and plain, river and ocean, building after magnificent building rose into the sky. Their ships captured and carved an asteroid, then set it in orbit as a bright new moon. All this was accomplished by the use of a glowing, icy blue cube that was difficult to look directly at. It was compelling though; it caught and held your attention with its beautiful, sparkling light.
You knew what that device was: you had learned about it in your lessons with Saga. It was the object known as the Tesseract, a four dimensional creation meant to house the incredible energy of an Infinity Stone. Perhaps that was why it was simultaneously fascinating, yet hard to perceive. Your curious human brain was drawn to its uniqueness, yet equally unable to fully fathom it.
That device was the key to Asgard's existence and eventual success. It was unthinkable to you that Odin had just lost it on Earth, as Sagas histories had proclaimed. It must have been a terrible loss.
Thor and Loki completed their carving, and began the process of imbuing the foundations with divine power. Goosebumps rose on your arms, and there was a pricking in your sinuses, like you were about to sneeze. There was almost a flavor to it.
The actual blessing didn't take nearly as long as the rune carving ritual, and soon, the two brothers stepped back, to allow others to begin their work. More mages worked a spell together that lifted the water out of the cement, drying it within moments. People came forward with wires and pipes, floor and wall supports, insulation, hammers, plaster, bricks, and mortar. In rotating lines people laid flooring and installed fixtures, scraped grout and assembled frames. Every now and then youths moved through, sweeping up dust, always away from you.
It suddenly became clear that that was why you were so far back in line, why you'd been assigned a decorative brick, something that would be placed near the very end of the construction. There would be no dust then. Gratitude swelled in your chest, but you said nothing. There was singing now, simple, repetitive melodies that sounded like work songs.
Every hour, volunteers carted huge, heated cauldrons around the lines and groups of human spectators, dipping out hot drinks like witch's potions, and it was possible that there was a simple sort of magic in things like hot chocolate, strong coffee, and buttered rum on a cold day.
The building went up faster than you thought possible, the widows, doors, and lights being set into place as auroras began ribboning across the sky.
Finally, there was one brick left. You lifted it up, as the singing seemed to intensify, scooped some mortar from the pail, and fitted it all into the only remaining slot. Giving the brick a light pat to make sure it was secure, you turned back to the assembled crowd.
“We did it.” You said, and the cheering began.
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thepigeonsopinion · 3 years
So, "Hack San" was released...
The episode "Hack San" has finally been released and here I am now, about to go on and on about the episode :) But first let's do a small summary or synopsis of the episode!
Warning: Spoilers to the episode "Hack San"
The episode starts off with Marinette trying to make up excuses to stay in Paris/home, instead of going to London to visit her Aunt. So far, all of her attempts have been failures. Marinette then has no choice but to leave Paris with her family. Meanwhile, Gabriel or Shadowmoth creates a new sentimonster with the name of Hack San, which is a virus that allows for Markov to be vulnerable to an akuma. Then, Marinette contacts Alya to meet her at the train station before she is to leave. Marinette gives Alya the Ladybug miraculous trusting her to protect Paris while she is gone. Alya has a chat with the kwami's, Tikki and Trixx, in which they tell her the ups and downs of being the holder of the Ladybug miraculous and the guardian of the miracle box. Alya returns to the park that she was hanging out at before Marinette contacted her. At the park, Alya starts to fuss over everyone's emotions, mainly if they are feeling any negative emotions. Meanwhile, Markov is effected by the virus and is akumatized by Shadowmoth and becomes Robustus. Robustus then (through the internet) takes control of people and orders them to give him their most prized possessions. While on the train, Marinette's parents are affected by Robustus, which leads to Marinette being captured by Robustus. It is then Alya's responsibility to protect Paris. Alya transforms into her version of Ladybug, and while she is trying to find her new super hero name she is met with Chat Noir. Chat Noir does not immediately trusts the new super heroine and suspects they are the villain. However, this distrust is cut short because of the akuma Robustus still being at large. Robustus orders everyone to capture Ladybug and Chat Noir. The super heroes hear a person crying for help and while Chat Noir is at first suspicious, Alya heads straight to where the civilian's voice was heard. This turns out to be a trap and the super heroes are forced to run into a building where they are also trapped by Robustus. Alya summons her Lucky Charm to aid her in this situation. Alya or Scarabella receives a frying pan. This leads her to think of a plan to manipulate Robustus to release the people's possessions in exchange for both her and Chat Noir. Robustus agrees to this and releases all of the objects and among those objects is Marinette who catches on quickly to the plan and uses the frying pan to release the akuma. The super heroes are released as well and Alya uses her Miraculous Ladybug. And as always, Paris is saved once again. A few days later, Marinette and her family are back from her trip and Alya suggest Marinette/Ladybug go talk to Chat Noir, and she does. Ladybug and Chat Noir have a talk about how someone knows about Ladybug's secret identity and Chat's new found fear that Ladybug might not be there anymore, in which Ladybug gives him the reassurance that she won't be going anywhere. And, the episode ends.
Yay! Another very detailed and unnecessary summary of the episode! Welp! It's too late now. :|
Anyway! Now onto my opinion or thoughts on the episode!
(Also I'm re-watching the episode as I do this so this might have some unnecessary details. Anyway, carry on!)
First things first the, I know that Marinette is trying to get out of going to London and staying in Paris, but I swear her excuses are getting weaker. I swear she had better excuses in the earlier seasons or is it just me? Not to mention, since Marinette is so desperate to stay in Paris she purposefully trips down the stairs. Damn the dedication and I mean, I know that Marinette needs to stay in Paris just in case, but she has left Paris like three times now, you would think that she would have a backup plan if anything happened in Paris when she wasn't there (and I'll talk about one of her solutions later on *cough cough Scarabella cough cough*). Also, Tom's desperation and persistence for Marinette to come on the trip is kinda amusing. And the not so subtle jabs at the aunt :0
Moving on! Ummm Nooroo and Dusuu you know that Gabriel is RIGHT there right? I mean he could probably hear what your saying. Also, Gabriel are you just deaf or did you not just hear what they said? Because their right behind you. When Shadowmoth made Hack San, was the weird "Haah" sound really necessary? Also, why does the virus, USB thingy low key look like Nino's shirt logo. Are they somehow connected? Or did they just run out of ideas for the design? (Not me being salty over a sentimonsters design) Why the fuck is this robot doing like three things at the same time? I know that he's a robot, but come on.
Hmmmm. No other option you say? What about bringing the Horse miraculous with you like in Startrain? Or use the cosmic suits that can legit let you fly around the world? Come on, let's be honest here giving Alya the Ladybug miraclulous wasn't the ONLY option. Claps to Alya for doing a fake doubting act, but in reality just trying to think of a new superhero name. You almost got me there Astruc, you almost made me thought that Alya had her doubts about taking over for Marinette, but in reality is just super excited to take over. Props to you my dude, props! Also, I'm not going to lie Alya all of your name ideas are kinda weak, I mean the fandom has better name ideas than you do, but then again that is to be expected. Props to the kwamis for putting all the pressure that Marinette has on her back and transferring it to Alya. Thank you for making Alya aware of all the pressure Marinette's under. Even if Alya's probably not going to bring it up and probably will just brush it off. Yes, Alya just keep telling your self that this weekend is going to be totally chill. Not to mention, Tikki being more supportive to Alya than to Marinette, whaaaaaaaaaaa- :0. Alya you just told yourself that this weekend was going to be chill why the heck are you making your life harder for yourself. To be honest, if your acting like this already you deserve whatever is coming for you. Marinette, honey, why the fuck do you need to right down 675 tips for Alya? I mean I get 33 tips even 40, but 675, really? Not to mention, the tip about laughing at Chat Noir's jokes even if they aren't funny just to make him happy, why the fuck do you need to keep him happy he could be mad, upset, or sad and I wouldn't give a fuck :p.
I will say this again, how the fuck does a multi-intelligent robot that is connected the world wide web, that is also doing at least 4 things at the same time get tempted and corrupted by a virus by clicking on a cute kitty cat ad. HOW!?! EXPLAIN THAT TO ME!?!
Okay, so remember when we thought we were actually going to get a canon Marcenial moment. Hahaha welp Astruc you've done it again you have crushed our shipping dreams again. I hope your proud of yourself. Also, the most precious possession to Marc is his and Nathaniel's manga/comic, really?
Damn the amount of times this girl makes us and Trixx second guess that she's doubting herself, like she's done it three times now. Not to mention, why is her ladybug suit more detailed than Marinette's hmmm? I mean, don't get me wrong I like the design, but why can't Marinette have a detailed suit like this? Also why is Alya acting like The Owl? *Hoot Hoot!* I also just realised that the kwamis are a bit territorial, well not Tikki, but Plagg and Trixx have proven themselves to be a bit territorial of their holders.
I love Chat Noir's distrust to Alya as Ladybug because this shows a different side of Chat Noir that Paris doesn't see, but does Alya see this and realize how much of a ass he is? Nope. Also, not going to lie, his distrust kinda amuses me. Carrying on! Chat Noir, I can hear the toxic jealousy from here my dude, you might want to tone it down a bit, you've got a audience here you know. You know, I was expecting him to say his most prized possession was Ladybug, or even his kwami, Plagg, but I wasn't expecting him to say croquettes. OMG! GUYS! IT'S HAPPENING! CHAT IS FINALLY BEING CAUTIOUS FOR ONCE INSTEAD OF IMMEDIATELY JUMPING INTO TROUBLE!!! Also, Chat Noir being responsible whaaaaaaa- :0. Ummm, why the fuck did they just run into a building, when they legit could've jumped out of that mess, like seriously why isn't anyone using their head today?
Moving on! Why the heck is most of this episode just Alya trying to think of a super hero name like seriously, I know it's supposed to be some kinda of gag, but it's starting to get a bit annoying. Chat Noir being supportive to Alya: *slow clap*. When Alya's whole plan is to just to leave everything up to Marinette, Me: Wow! I TOtAlLy didn't see that coming! Hehehe Chat Noir with a pot over his head. You know, I thought upset Chat Noir was enough for this episode, but now we get sad Chat Noir and Ladybug reassuring him, just wow, you have out done yourself Astruc.
AND! That's that end of the episode! So all in all, this episode wasn't that bad? But it wasn't my favorite (maybe one of my least favorite tbh :0) Mainly, because of the appearance of Scarabella and ladybug catering to Chat Noir needs. This is probably mainly because I'm a bit biased, but in my opinion and I will repeat in MY OPINION I don't think Alya really deserves to get the miraculous. I mean yeah, Marinette has given her trust to her and has told her that she is Ladybug, but has she really done anything to show that she deserves that trust. If I'm being honest she has shown more reasons for Marinette not to trust her. One of the reasons being that Alya doesn't fully trust Marinette herself, and the other being that she disobeyed Marinette by telling Nino that she is still Rena Rouge and not telling her that she did so.
Anyway! Those are most of my thought's on this episode. This has been a loooong week for me with the addition of school now. So expect me to be posting more on the weekends than on weekdays.
Anywho! I hope everyone has a great rest of their day. And always remember...
But that's just my opinion (・ε・)
(This week has been soooo tiring and with the edition of this episode and a sneak peek of a new episode coming up, I know it's only beginning. *smiles through the pain :)*)
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snarkwrites · 4 years
24.12 - mistletoe kiss, lip gallagher
Title: Mistletoe Kiss Theme: Mistletoe Fandom / Character(s): Lip Gallagher x OFC/Reader (female) Warnings: Alcohol tw. Also, probably hella fluffy. Word Count: my guesstimate is roughly 1.2k.
Hey, hi! So if you guys haven’t caught on by now, I’ve decided to take part in the 12 Days of Christmas challenge that @champbucks​ put out back in November! And if you’re reading this, tonight is the end! And I’ve chosen Lip Gallagher for this prompt. This takes place roughly around season 2?3? It’s when Lip is still doing the tutoring and he was tutoring Karen. Annyway, let’s just get into it, shall we?
There really isn’t anyone on my tag list for Shameless, so I’m not tagging anyone. If you want to be added to it, shoot me a dm/ask over at my main @snarkandsarcasmftw​ and I’ll happily add you. Or you can click the link below and add yourself.
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“You’re on the wrong side of the tracks, princess. What’s that big shot boyfriend of yours gonna think, huh?” Lip’s breath was warm against the shell of my ear as he stopped behind me. His chest pressing lightly into my back as his hand wandered down to my hip, squeezing, molding me right against his body.
It was a clear sign of intimacy and I clearly enjoyed every second. I peered up at him from over my shoulder and gave a teasing little smile as I shrugged. “Maybe all the house parties uptown got boring? Or maybe..” I turned around to face Lip completely, stepping closer to him as I did so. “Maybe your earlier offer after our tutoring session today intrigued me, Lip.” 
“Oh yeah? What was that offer? I’m havin trouble rememberin.” Lip teased playfully and I pouted, pretending as if I were going to turn away. He spun me back around, pulling me close to him. “Karen’s pissed. She found out I blew her off to tutor ya.”
“Oh? Well gosh, I’m just so sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble between you and Karen.” I batted my lashes, biting my lip as I gazed up at Lip. 
Reaching out, my hand circled his wrist, leading the hand that he held his bottle of liquor in straight for my lips.
He chuckled. “I thought good girls didn’t drink.” Lip teased.
“I never said I was a  good girl, now did I?” I teased him right back, swallowing the sip I’d taken and trying not to grimace as it burnt all the way down my throat and then my stomach, settling in. I could look at him and tell he wasn’t buying it and he saw right through me. He pulled his hand and the bottle away and chuckled, shaking his head.
“Easy, doll. That’s the hard shit.”
I pouted a little. A group of football players rushed through the door, pushing Lip and I even closer together in the process. And as that happened, I happened to glance up. And when I saw the mistletoe directly overhead, I didn’t think, I just acted.
And to my surprise, I wasn’t the only one. 
I rose to tiptoe, my arms going around Lip’s neck. My fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. Lip’s arms went around my waist, pulling me off the floor just slightly. His face inched closer and closer to mine. The seconds it took for our mouths to meet honestly felt like hours and by the time his lips locked on my lower lip, sucking until I could feel it swelling under the pressure, I was whimpering quietly and had melted completely against him. His fingertips dug into my sides, squeezing as he kept me held in place exactly as I was. My lips parted willingly and his tongue swept between, tracing carefully over my teeth before finally meeting my tongue and tangling with it. One of his hands moved up my back, tangling in my thick braid, tugging it loose and using his grip on my hair to pull my mouth even deeper into the kiss. I nipped at his bottom lip and his free hand lowered, gripping a handful of my ass as he pulled me up the front of his body, growling quietly as our mouths continued to clash.
The kiss broke and I pulled away a little to breathe, Lip chuckling as I did so.
“Boyfriend ain’t gonna like that much, hm?”
“I broke up with him earlier. Apparently, I spend too much time with you lately and he wasn’t happy about it.” the words tumbled out over each other and I felt my cheeks burning because I really hadn’t meant to say that.
At least, not out loud. To him. Then again, I found myself thinking, tonight is one of those nights where I haven’t stopped to think about anything I’ve done. And so far, it’s gone pretty okay.
He wasn’t really saying anything. I was starting to panic a little. I was about to backtrack. Apologize and make a hasty retreat.
To my surprise, as soon as it registered what I’d said, Lip was grinning. Pulling me closer to him all over again and wrapping his arms around me. “Where you goin, huh?”
“I..” I trailed off, going quiet as Lip gripped my jaw, guiding my gaze back up to him. I bit my lip and took a few shaky breaths. “I thought you were gonna laugh or something, I don’t know..” going quiet all over again.
“Do I look like I’m laughin?” Lip asked quietly, his forehead settling against mine. “In case ya missed it, doll. I’ve kinda been dropping not so subtle hints for a while now how I really feel. Hell, I wouldn’t have taken the offer to tutor you if I didn’t wanna get to know you better and didn’t know how else to do it without that big shithead you called a boyfriend hangin around all the time.”
I gaped at him, mouth opening and closing. “You..”
“Yep.” Lip answered, chuckling quietly as he pulled me into another long and slower kiss. Our bodies rubbed together a few times during, sending shivers racing right through me.
“You walkin home?” he asked quietly as the kiss broke.
I nodded, although given the turn of events, I really didn’t want to go home tonight. I spoke up again quickly, “I mean.. I don’t have to, it’s not like my parents are home to give a shit about whether I’m there or not. They’re in Manhattan or something…” I shuffled my feet, staring up at him.
Lip chuckled. “Good girls don’t spend the night at a guy’s house, sweetheart.”
“And again, Lip. I never said I was a good girl.” I reminded him, laughing softly as my mouth brushed against his all over again and he pulled me in for another kiss.
“You’re not like the girls I know though, darlin.” Lip muttered with a soft smile as we pulled apart as the kiss broke. Our bodies brushed and I molded myself against him  letting  out a quiet whimper. His fingers dug into my hip and his forehead rested against mine all over again. I melted into him and rested my head against his chest. “I think I’m feeling a little tipsy.” I mumbled.
“You wanna get outta here, sweetheart? My place is just a block away.” Lip eyed me with tender concern. I think at this point it was becoming laughably clear that I did not drink. Ever. And that the huge sips I’d taken of his bottle throughout tonight  were really starting to work on me.
“Yeah, please?”
He chuckled, scooping me up and carrying me out the door. Once we were outside and the chill in the air hit me, I cuddled myself into him, burying my face in his neck.
“We’ll get warm in a minute, doll. Just a minute.” Lip promised as he started to walk towards his house. I smiled against his skin and muttered with a soft laugh, “This is not how I pictured tonight going when I left and found myself here after the fight with Johnny.”
“It’s not, huh? That a bad thing or a good one?” Lip asked, gazing down at me.
“Very good.” I hiccupped. “Specially considering you didn’t laugh or anything when I said what I did.” I met his gaze, biting my lower lip as I snuggled against him all over again to stay warm.
It was on the tip of my tongue to ask if all the kisses tonight meant anything, but I didn’t dare right now… Maybe later, when we were both more sober.
For now, I just wanted to enjoy the moment. Be with him and just not think about anything but what was happening right here and now.
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