#but the caves beckon and who wouldn't answer?
you live in pelican town. The farmer comes up to you, covered in slime, gore and other fluids. They have not slept for two days, and are functioning on caffeine and rage. they' lost the ability of verbal communication after the twelfth cup of coffee. They hand you the foot of a rabbit, it's the eighth one this month. You do not question where the rabbit feet come from. The farmer looks really hot today
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squiddy-god · 3 months
Groom of the deep sea
(ghost Azul x reader)
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Re-uploading from terminated blog squid-god-supreme! This is my new blog after tumbler decided I was no long passing the vibe check for unknown reasons- this was a request of a sort of ghost groom azul.
CW : kidnapping, ghost azul, implied drowning, this is really short I should make a longer one tbh, reader is called bride
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The warm salt air was only cooled down by the gentle breeze sweeping across the docks and licking the waves of the water below. Fingers running across the warped wood at the end of the old wooden docks you stared at the water that looked so inviting. 
Ghostly pale and ashen skin like sea sand, a face appeared in the dark Water like it was beckoning you to follow. Cool sea water wets the pads of your fingers and your palm as it descends. 
"Y/n! Hey there!" An older woman calls out to you. You reel back, drying your hand on your pants before scrambling to get up. "Ah! Miss monty, I didn't expect to see you here at the docks-" you chuckled lightly. "Well Deary I saw you over the water like you were about to fall in" she says before her smile falls. "These Waters are haunted, they say, the spirit of the sea witch, don't go chasing faces in the Water now!" You're Sure she meant that last part as a joke but if only she knew. 
Deep below the sea, in a cave lit by glowing flowers and algae, luminescent blues and deep purple hues making shadows on the sea creatures face. Inky black limbs that held a purple hue as they sat in the sand and pad of large sea plants. 
Blue grey eyes gazed with longing at his ashen hand, touch still lingering against the pads of his fingers. "Jade, floyd '' he called and as if waiting, the two eels swam out from the dark corners of the inky black cave. "Yes Azul?"  Floyd answers. "The human, the one who almost jumped into the sea with me- the way their touch felt- like I was alive" he mused, eyes turning to the eels at his side. "Get them"  With that the eels were off. 
"Say, you wouldn't happen to be who we're looking for? Hmm shrimp? " the tall man asked. You took in his odd appearance from where you sat, his teal green hair and sharp, striking grin that seemed almost unnaturally wide. Most striking However was his Mitch matched eyes that seemed to lull you into a trance, "I believe they are indeed azuls bride" another tall man, the same appearance but flipped, said beside you. "B-bride-" you began but soon they were already off the docks, hitting the water without a single splash. "Yeah yeah shrimpy~ " the one called Floyd started "you see our boss has been quite lonely without you" the other continued. "What- wait wait, what do you mean without me-" a sour look seemed to pass over the two men in the Water, they swam closer without a ripple. "Hmmm, doesn't shrimpy remember? " Floyd tilted his head. "To be expected, but I'm sure in time they will want to pick up right where they left off" 
And with that your wrists were grabbed by ice cold and slimy hands, your body hitting the Water was the only warmth that hit your body after chills ran down your spine. 
All lights faded to black as your lungs burned and your fate was sealed.
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smolgloves · 8 months
The Road to Redemption
Summary: Freya has a plan to win back the favor of her colony but she needs some help
TW: Blood, vore mention, fearplay, and mentions of alcohol consumption
Wallowing in self-pity would be easier, just find a burrow and curl up in it until some predator finds her to make a quick meal out of her. But Freya was not going to quit, she was going to help her colony whether they wanted to or not! There were answers in that cave and if Freya could go there, maybe she could help bring a cure to her colony. They would have to accept her back into the colony! 
Fueled by determination, Freya traveled down the path that led to the cave, it was no easy journey on foot. The borrower shirked off rests in an attempt to catch up with Tav's group, all the while she debated on what to tell the group. Should she tell the truth? Surely Tav would be understanding about her situation and help out… if they were even alive. Pain clutched her heart at the thought of Tav being gone; their demise wouldn't have even happened if they just let Huskin drag Astarion away. That would have been so easy, yet Tav didn't do that at all; they fought and saved him while also getting information out of Huskin. If Tav is alive, then they pulled off one hells of a trick! 
Dusk had begun to set, and Freya was exhausted. Her lungs burned along with the aching pain building up in her legs. The temptation of resting was becoming more and more enticing with each step, until a boisterous laughter bounced off the woods. Freya made haste and followed the sounds of joy, but remained in the shadows. Quiet as a mouse, she quickly slipped into some nearby bushes. Peering through the leaves, Freya laid eyes on Wyll enjoying a drink with two other members she recognized from the other night, the towering tiefling woman and the bearded man. A sense of relief washed over Freya, finally she found Tav's group; all she had to do was reveal herself and everything would fall perfectly into place! Yet, the borrower wouldn't budge, it was like her legs froze to the ground. Why was she expressing nervousness now? Surely she could trust Wyll, the man who shared a drink with her! She may not have known the other two, but if Tav trusted them then so could Freya! 
The leaves around Freya shook vigorously followed by branches snapping behind her. Freya turned around and was immediately met with a large wet nose following her trail, it came closer, and Freya could see white fur on the creature. a shriek slipped out of her when it's nose brushed against her. She scrambled back out of the bushes, the beast followed her into the open, and she could see more clearly that it was a dog with pointed ears. It stared at her with curious black eyes, wagging its tail. Freya pulled out her rusty dagger that was graciously given to her by Mirable when she cast her out and pointed it at the beast. “Stay back!” It responded by letting out a thundering bark that nearly caused Freya's heart to stop. 
“Whoa, heel Scratch!” Wyll called out, beckoning the dog to stand by him. To Freya's surprise, the dog galloped over to him, and was met with pets on the head. Scratch lays down by Wyll's feet, though he still glanced over at Freya eagerly. 
“When did you get a dog?!” Freya huffed out.
Wyll smiled. “He's technically not ours, he likes to come and go as he pleases.” 
Freya was still trying to catch her breath when the ground quaked around her. “It's the tiny soldier!” The tiefling exclaimed dropping down on her hands and knees. Freya let out a gasp as she leaned in closer to look at her with wide orange eyes. An uncomfortable heat seemed to radiate off of the woman and graze against Freya's pale skin, despite her clear discomfort, the woman never backed off. “Wow, even your weapons are tiny, I can barely see it with my eyes unless I squint,” Her eyes trailed down to Freya's gray cloak that was fashioned together with a blue button. “Even your clothes are smaller than a doll's! Do you make ‘em yourself, or do you buy them from other tiny people?!” 
Freya's heart leapt to her throat, effectively blocking all words from coming out. This woman looked as though she could crush her with just a pinky, yet she was acting as if she was a giddy child! 
“Karlach, please, you must give our small friend some space.” The bearded man said as he bent down on one knee.“Borrowers aren't normally keen on interacting with larger beings like us.” 
“Oh, right… sorry.” She said, lowering her voice and shifting back a little bit. 
While still completely on edge, Freya could finally ease the rapid beating that pounded in her chest. This was not how she had hoped meeting up would have gone but it was certainly less intimidating than the night when Astarion forced her to meet everyone. It didn't take long for Freya to collect herself enough to finally speak. “Y-You saved me.” 
“From Karlach?” He gave a soft chuckle. “She meant no harm, she's just-!”
“No, not her,” Freya interjected. “That night in camp, I almost fell to my death but you caught me with that blue hand thing!
“Ahh yes, that night you were taunted by our more… abrasive companions.” A smile formed on his lips. “I was wondering how you fared after that, glad to see you're doing better.” 
“I am forever grateful and I don't even know your name.” 
“I suppose we did skip over formal introductions.” The man extended a hand in front of the borrower. “Gale of Waterdeep.” 
She smiled and grabbed onto the tip of his finger in an attempt to give him a proper handshake. “Freya.” 
“Pleasure to put a name to a face.” Gale said. “Now, what brings you all the way out here?” 
Freya clenched her jaw, shifting her body weight from one foot to the other and her gaze hardened as she glanced at the giants looming in front of her. “The plague has infected my colony, worse than it was since I got back.” She stated, sprinkling urgency in her voice. “So I've been tasked to head to the cave and gather some herbs from there.” 
“By yourself?” Wyll questioned. 
Freya crossed her arms. “Don't think I can handle it by myself?” 
“You've proven yourself resourceful, but even the most valiant soldier needs allies.” Wyll gave Freya a smile. “You're in luck though, as we were going to investigate the cave in the morning.” 
“Yeah, you should come with us!” Karlach exclaimed. “Do you still have that little weapon from the other night?” 
Freya realized she never checked the bag she was given by Mirable. For all she knew, the pea shooter could have been confiscated while she was locked up; thankfully, she felt the handle and grasped it to show Karlach. A wide grin curled upon the tiefling’s lips. 
“Hell yes, I gotta see you use it again, maybe on some nasty fuckers this time.”
“We should probably talk to Tav first.” Gale chimed in. “I'm sure they'll want to know of your predicament.” 
Freya nearly lit up when she heard Tav's name, thank the gods, they were okay! However, she contained her joy by forcing herself to retain a neutral expression. She cleared her throat. “That sounds like a good idea,” she said. 
“Let's head back to camp.” Wyll said, standing up along with the dog, keeping his hand on the collar as a precaution for the borrower. “By the way, when we were at the tavern, we were able to obtain a few bottles of Red Dragon Crush from Huskin.” 
“How in the hells did you get that?!” Freya gasped out. “He hardly ever breaks that wine out!” 
A warm smile curled on his lips. “Perhaps we'll tell you the story as we share a glass together.” 
“Count me in!” Karlach beamed. “Think you could go a drinking round with me, tiny soldier?” 
Freya eyed the massive woman, there was no way she could win a round against her, but she'll be damned if she admits that. Freya let out a haughty laugh. “You're on.” 
Gale chuckled. “Now that is going to be quite the interesting drinking contest.” 
“I don't know, Freya...” Tav pursed their lips. “This may be too much for you.” 
The borrower let out a loud groan, she thought she would be excited to see Tav again and Tav would be more than happy to let her join their journey in the cave, but they were hesitant to let her come. Freya even explained how the plague has infected her colony and they still seemed apprehensive about her coming! “Aixosfeaf is commonly grown in that cave and finding it could save my people!” 
“What if I look for it while you stay here?” Tav's green eyes pleaded with Freya to agree but the tiny woman only stood her ground. 
“Do you even know what Aixosfeaf looks like?” 
“Well no… but if you could describe it to me I might be able to help.” They offered.
Freya shook her head, it would be so much easier if she just explained to Tav why she needed to go for herself, but trying to mention her exile only made her chest tighten. Grief wanted to grab onto her and squeeze every tear out of her but Freya couldn't afford to let that emotion take over right now. If she came to them sobbing then They would definitely not let her tag along. This was her mission that she had to see through herself! “I've studied herbs for as long as you've been a monk, you're not gonna be able to catch it if you're preoccupied with something else.”
“Gods, you're still whining about this?” Astarion's voice broke the two away from each other as he strolled over to the tree stump they were sitting by, blood smeared around his mouth. Rage bubbled up inside Freya, she was hoping to convince Tav to let her come before that blood sucker returned from his hunt. His red eyes bore daggers at her once he came up to her. Unlike Tav- who knelt to her level, Astarion seemed to enjoy towering over the small woman. Even while standing on the dying tree stump, Freya didn't even reach the height of his knee. “This is serious, and we can't waste our time babysitting some borrower.” 
“I don't believe I was talking to you.” Freya glared up at the vampire. “Go chew on a rat or something!” 
To her surprise, Astarion knelt down while still looming over her, a cold smirk curled upon his blood stained lips. “Don't tempt me darling, I could always make room for an annoying little rodent that's been scurrying about our camp.” 
Freya never thought she could feel the blood in her veins boil and run cold at the same time but seeing that smug face stare down at her waiting for a reaction just unlocked a range of emotions she never knew she could feel! He was trying to get a rise out of her, Freya wasn't sure if he would enjoy seeing her angry or fearful more; so she bit her tongue and kept a seering glare on him, her heart pounding so hard, she could feel the blood pump in her ears. Maybe that's what the vampire wanted because Freya swore she noticed him poke his tongue slightly to lick his lips. 
“Can we stop this for a minute?” Tav snapped, breaking the tension of the two. They glanced over to Astarion and back to Freya, the two had only been around each other for a minute and they were already at each other's throats! As much as Freya hated the idea of backing down, she didn't want to upset Tav anymore than she had. Thankfully, Astarion seemed to have the same idea as his smirk was wiped away completely. He still let out a huff when he sat back, which prompted Freya to roll her eyes, but Tav did not comment on either of their attitudes. Instead they turned back to the borrower, giving her a soft look. “Is there any way I can convince you to just stay in camp tomorrow?” 
“The only way I'll stay here is if you lock me in a chest.” Freya crossed her arms and shot a look towards Astarion, as if to tempt him to make a snide comment, when he didn't take the bait, Freya turned her attention back to Tav, her expression softened. “And I know you wouldn't do that.” 
“You have a point.” Tav gave Freya a smile, before finally sighing. “Okay, if I can't stop you, then you should know what you're getting yourself into.” They grew silent, an inner debate stirred in their head. For a moment, Freya worried Tav was going to take back their word. “We got into… a scuffle with Huskin.” 
“Wyll mentioned that.” 
“Yeah, it turns out, he knew some more information about what lurks in that cave.” 
“There's always been rumors about beasts that live in that cave.” She couldn't help but chuckle. “I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle.” Freya's amusement died down when Tav didn't indulge her in the banter. 
“It's more than some beast…” A tremor laced their voice. “There's a hag in that cave.”
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scratchandplaster · 2 years
FEBUWHUMP 2023 DAY 25 - Assumed dead
This is the epilogue to DAY 12 - "Can you hear me?". If you're interested, please read it first, otherwise this won't make sense 😳 Same CWs apply, but are only referenced.
"No sign of life. If Henshaw's down there, he is long gone."
General Milton closes the thin journal in his hands. It was not much to read, but more than he needed.
Bowing over the pitch-black opening of the cave system, the holds his breath for a short second.
"Sir?" the Private asks, "How are we proceeding?" The whole unit circled around the nature reserve, the main trails leading to the cave were now blocked for any outside party, to grant a smooth operation. Apart from the stationary campsite Henshaw had found shelter in, there was no sign of human interference inside the woods, but also no trails that could be traced back to wildlife. Just like he described.
Nevertheless, the cave was there, marked by the doctor's lost backpack and its scattered contents. Inside the unit found the aforementioned hole at the end, a lightless abyss opening beneath it. William Henshaw, described by everybody in his institute as an eccentric loner, was nowhere near insanity when he left the city on a short notice. At least that's what the General was told, the journal not entirely convincing him of this supposed truth.
A living forest, its central nervous system sprouting out from the exact point he and his team stand right now, sounds more like a bedtime story than anything else.
"Nothing?" he finally asks his subordinate, eyeing the sedimentary depositions suspiciously, "Not a single living creature on the IR? Let me see."
The Private makes way to reveal the screen, only blues and blacks are presented to General Milton, who becomes seemingly more frustrated by the second.
"Even if he went further down, only these crazy ramblings can give us evidence about his whereabouts," he continues. A pejorative expression drifts towards the journal left on the drop-leaf table, the last words of a missing man discarded like nothing.
A humming rises up from the depth and the world stops for a second.
"You hear that, Private?" he breathes, not entirely sure if it is just the sleep he's lacking.
Piece by piece, the hairs at the back of his neck start to rise, like antennae receiving a signal from far away. A call to his innermost being, a magnetic pull to des-
General Milton catches himself, unsure where he is for a moment. He looks at the young Private to his left and back at the screen.
"Prepare the detonation process and evacuate, Private." No developed life in a nature reserve.
"Yes, Sir!" He answers inert, but still dismisses. Vanished hikers.
The General remains, sole in the cave, but not alone.
Whatever Henshaw saw down the hole, he wouldn't give it the chance to introduce itself any further. No mammals in sight.
The humming becomes more present now, pulsating against the walls enclosing the man, sounding almost desperate.
General Milton leaves too, stepping out of the cave's mouth and into the comfortable glow of the afternoon sun. It breaks through the treetops in a sprinkle of almost white, peppering the greenery in a peaceful glow.
Doctor William Henshaw's funeral was held by only his immediate family, the casket empty and buried underneath an old maple tree beside his late husband. Tucked away at the edge of the cemetery, General Robert Milton thanked him for his service and the countless lives he saved.
The humming still beckons him at night, when nobody is there to stop it.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2023 Masterlist]
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Decided to spoil my followers and any readers who may trip over this post on accident~. I introduce you to the beginning of an SPM AU in which Dimentio has no idea of magic and stumbles into a magic city of Sulphuris people, of which Blumiere is a part of. In essence, the first time Bumiere and Dimentio met.
Warning: some mention of blood and a tad bit of swearing. Enjoy!
The night
The bustle of the day had coaxed him out of believing that he'd seen something strange in the back field. Had it not been for the presence of his friends, Blumiere would have stood there, studying that odd silhouette beside the tree. The alcohol he'd Consumed, or more like drenched himself in, gave him a peak in curiosity.
He blankly lay in bed, staring at the ceiling in all its intricacy. The patterns distracted him from hearing the usual vibrations of his magic that lay within the veins of his body. And it was then that he was able to hear the aggressive wail and vibrations of a different kind. From something else. Blumiere huffed a bit, turning an ear to the open window in his room. They were getting louder. Part of him hoped that someone else would go and investigate. The other half, which was quickly turning into two thirds, grew curious. I am royalty, I am part of the Royal DNA in this existence. As his brain prepared a boot to give him up the behind, he found his body answering to the beckoning call of curiosity, standing before he was aware.
His existence was either nothing or something. Like something out of these soap opera movies. He was either fighting for his life against a war with other beings, or learning how to, one day, guide the whole of his kind to safety and protect them from any harm. Please, I just want something different. Something to take me out of it. The alcohol brought forward thoughts he wouldn't usually entertain, ones that he'd usually fight until the urge to answer to them dwindled. Blumiere was made to cave in and exit the large castle of his father's and explore.
Blumiere wasn't exactly drunk, but steps he did take in the street did feel odd. His center of balance was off. But he felt as though he could put up a fight with any threat that may have been laying about. The cobblestone paths in the center of the street weren't helping anyway either. The Count continued to retrace his steps from his night out with his party of mates from the tribe, becoming increasingly open to his senses. Especially beyond opening a gate to the field from before.
Hmm. Maybe he did have a right to start worrying. Blumiere guided the residents, called Sulphuris people, protecting them from any threats that may come into their lives. Their main threat, to date, was human people. Ironic, considering that these pathetic pieces of flesh wanted to throw hands just because they felt threatened. Dying at the hands of a human would be absolutely terrifying, not least because they'd probably want to conduct researches on their magic DNA. And Blumiere was more certain than not that if one got killed and their secrets were unleashed, then they'd want more and they'd be hunted down.
Lucky then, that the town had a magic barrier that surrounded it anyway. Which begged the question, what the hell was able to get through that? If it wasn't a human, or animals, then good lord what kind of species was it?
The souls that inhabited the empty space were agitated. That's what he could hear from his room. Their vibration frequencies were directly related to emotion and intention. Fearful was like an aggressive zipper on an overcrammed airport luggage bag. Whereas anger was akin to a vibration from a phone ringing on a desk. And as Blu surveyed this surrounding area, he walked through a maze of sound and emotion. There was, somewhere, a distinguishing, loud and angry vibration. One of the stronger spirit orbs was, quite frankly, rattled and pissed. Blumiere saw the tree in sight from before under the moon's Spotlight and caught a glimpse of a red spirit orb. The other spirits, ordinarily coloured blue, gravitated away from the ball of anger as it wafted by. Blu followed the path it had left behind and was melted by the sound of shivering and held back sobbing.
"Hello?" Blumiere asked from behind the tree.
"You have a stupid defence system around here, whoever you may be. I need help, come around, I am of no threat." The voice gathered itself enough be coherent. Blu slowly walked around, swallowing hard.
The sight he was confronted with sickened him half to death and he could only thank the higher people of his religion that he was immortal. A young male, knelt in the grass, wheezing and groaning like every breath was an effort. Crimson liquid ran through the blades of grass when it could no longer seep into his clothes. There was too much blood on his shirt for it to remotely sponge up the rest, the clothes were as wet with it as they could be. The stranger finally looks up. It takes a while for Blumiere to follow the blood path toward the strangers face before he realises that, oh... The spirit from before felt so threatened by the person that it had outwardly attacked the new guy. And, as a result, his eye was missing.
"Good lord I must apologise on behalf of that spirit. You weren't intending to harm us, were you?" Blu crouched as he asked and snatched his Cape from around his neck. He hoped it would suffice as a compress of some sort.
"No. I was trying to escape from a situation that was worse from this anyway. So this is actually quite tame to what I'm used to day to day. I'm sure it'll be a welcome change. You can't hope to ever apologise for the spirit. If it wanted so, it would have said it in the immediate aftermath." The guy stuttered, tightening his lips in a half smile attempt.
"Oh... your life was worse than this? Oh dear. Do you have a name?"
"Yes, multiple, of which I've earned. None of which to be proud of by any means. But I associate my name with the past life so I'd rather get myself a new one, which is more positive."
Blu didn't bother waiting too long to prick a vein in his own wrist and apply the clear liquid that slowly dribbled out from himself onto the guys open eye wound.
"Well, I would like to call you something... because I am going to take care of you. What would you prefer?"
"What do you think I deserve?"
The newly appointed "magician" barely had any time to think about whether he would've liked an acquaintance. Blu had already swept him up and started to walk him toward a large castle.
"Why magician? What is that?" The injured man asked again.
"Well, I thought of it because you were able to get through the magic barrier into our town. To do that, you must have inherited some kind of magic DNA within you. And now, considering you're attempting to forget your past, I think you should be called Dimentio..." Blu mused.
He liked that, there was some truth to that. Dimentio drew his hand up to his face. It was only then that he'd realised that Blu had administered some kind of natural antibiotic pain relieving stuff to his eye. It had become a little more bearable now. He found it strange, how he could feel so secure already. Having just met this guy, this feeling was extraordinary. He'd gained a feeling that had been lost on him, or not even found to begin with, for several painstaking years. He'd already exercised precaution, patience and wariness every waking day of his previous life. He wasn't quite sure he'd escaped the trauma of before. After all, he'd just been attacked. But, in some kind of backwards thinking way, Dimentio felt that the events that unfolded that night were signs of change. Of good change, none the less. And the way he could just stride in under a complex system of magic so easily was, difficult to comprehend. But he was definitely sure that this, guy of power next to him was going to help him navigate it. Not least to the begrudging eyes of the residents, if the Count decided to reveal him at all...
((More coming soon, hopefully 😊))
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shadowsnlace · 3 years
Submitting another one. Medieval AU with Shunsui who is in love with a Lady and after protecting her from danger, they’re stranded for the night. He ends up professing his love for her by the campfire.
So sorry this took so long to answer! I hope this hits the right notes :) <3
Medieval AU Shunsui Kyoraku x Reader
18+ only. It's a one-shot, there's gonna be sex. Below the cut it shall go.
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"No More" -- Shunsui Kyoraku (Medieval AU)
by ShadowsNLace
"Lady _____!" A man's voice was calling her name, but it sounded far away as if reverberating from a deep chasm, echoing and not quite formed.
The world was a swirl of green, brown, and gray with blurs of motion that could have been men in armor or perhaps demons. But she couldn't focus, panic had frozen her limbs and stolen her voice, stolen everything.
The clash and clang of steel upon steel, the screams of horses, the screams of men...the blood...
Then his face appeared so close, so handsome even though it was smeared with blood. His lips were moving but she only heard the din of battle around them. There was no way they'd survive. All the time she'd wasted. All the words left unspoken to Sir Kyoraku. All the air left her lungs in a short, desperate gasp for one last sip of life...then, only darkness.
She awoke to golden light reflected on stone. Is this what the afterlife looks like? Am I in purgatory? Surely all her wicked thoughts of Sir Kyoraku wouldn't deny her entry to Heaven, or would they?
"Well, nice to see you're finally awake." Shunsui's smooth timbre washed over her, sending relief flooding through her. She sat up to find him seated across a campfire, stripped to just an undergarment, his bare skin and chest hairs glistening with moisture. "Here, drink this, it'll help put the color back in your cheeks." He handed her a simple cup.
She took a sip of the strong-smelling liquid, then coughed as it burned its way down her throat. She wiped at her mouth, "What happened?"
"There was a skirmish. Brigands," he leaned back, stretched out his legs. "They were no match for me. But, you, dear lady, were quite overwrought and chose to faint right into a rather large pile of horse dung."
"What?!" She suddenly realized that she was wearing his tunic...only his tunic. The flush returned to her face hot and fast.
Shunsui laughed richly, "I had to bathe you, and you are much heavier than you look, my lady."
"Oh!" It was indignation laced with embarrassment all wrapped up into one simple utterance. "Where are my clothes?!"
He gestured to the entrance of the cave where they were sheltering. "Our clothes are drying over there. Lucky for you I had a spare tunic tucked away." His head tilted a bit, a slight smile curved his lips, "My colors look very good on you, Lady _____."
She pushed her damp hair behind her ear, "Do not tease me, Sir Kyoraku." Her eyes met his across the fire, "You always tease me with your words."
His eyes held a playful glint, "Only because you tease me mercilessly with your beauty."
The gasp was small, barely audible. She couldn't take her eyes from his. "I -- I..." she fidgeted, "I never..."
Shunsui sat up, his look becoming more hungry, "The delicate way your hands turn to a task. The way your footsteps fall whisper-quiet like the passing of an angel's feet. The way your neck so gracefully curves when you wear your hair up." His voice deepened slightly, "Your face haunts my dreams. The way your eyes beckon to me drives me to distraction."
Her heartbeat increased word by word, her breath coming in quick bursts. Her skin was tingling, eyes straying to his strong hands. What would it feel like for those hands to roam her body? Those hands that had known war, death, and, if the rumors were true, unimaginable pleasure.
"Sir Kyoraku..." longing was thick in her voice.
Shunsui didn't move, he simply held out his hand to her, "_____, call me Shunsui."
Her hand was small in his. The rough texture of his battle-hardened palm and fingers was a sharp contrast. He guided her toward him, shifting to allow her to settle on his lap, her legs straddling his thighs. He let go of her hand to reach up and cup her cheek, "After your husband's death, I swore to watch over you. All the time we spent playing cards, talking late into the night. Our walks in the gardens. All the time we've had together; the laughter we shared. I thought that I was only there to ease your loneliness." He paused, his eyes roaming her face with a smile playing at his lips, "And all the while it was you easing mine. So many nights I have dreamed of being free to touch you, to love you."
His hand slipped around to the nape of her neck, drawing her into a gentle kiss. He wanted to allow her the choice to push him away, to deny him completely or give in to the passion that had been brewing between them for nearly a year. This was the moment that would make or break him.
She pulled back only far enough to look into his eyes. Now was the time to tell him, "Shunsui, I love you."
Her hands sought the warmth of this chest, moving over his shoulders, and up into the long locks of his hair, drawing him in to unite their lips once again. A little moan of desire escaped as her lips parted to allow him deeper access. Saints, help me, how I want this man!
Three simple words...and his heart was pounding. She loves me!
Shunsui swept in, a sound she'd never heard before sending an exciting vibration through her. A growl? A moan? She couldn't tell, and he gave her no time to ponder it further as his tongue laid sensual siege to her mouth. Her mind spun, caught up in a heady passion that was more powerful than anything she'd ever felt. Her body responded with heat like lightning skipping from nerve to nerve until it settled between her legs.
A tremor ran through Shunsui. He'd had women before, but this....this was something completely different. Just being able to hold her and kiss her made his heart soar. His lower belly clenched as the thrum of desire settled like a heavy weight. He could feel everything tighten as his erection crept its way towards the edge of his undergarment. His skin felt way too tight to accommodate the blood rushing there. The aching began, that sweet moment of anticipation of her touch beating a steady tempo in his mind.
She felt his thickness swelling and growing between their bellies. I need to see, need to touch, need to taste...
She pulled at the undergarment he wore and it began to unwrap. Only a few seconds were needed to reveal the sizable length of him. She smiled as her hands gently lifted his manhood off his belly to stroke over the warm, velvety skin. A deep groan echoed in the cave, but she couldn't take her eyes away from that beautiful piece of him that she'd only been able to fantasize about.
Shunsui watched her face as it lit up with wonder at the sight of him completely exposed. And it made his blood burn. Then, her hands moved over him with such care, he nearly threw her onto her back and buried himself in her. A deep groan slipped past his control before he could think to stop it.
And then she did something he never expected...she shifted to bring her mouth to the head of his cock. He watched in dawning fascination as she licked her lips to moisten them before pressing them against the tip. As she sank slowly, the skillful penetration tore a guttural sound from his throat. He tried to say her name but the sweeps of her tongue stole away everything.
_____ breathed deep through her nose. Shunsui's scent filled her, warmed her. That smell reminded her of days and nights together. Of longing, aching dreams that had haunted her. Now, feeling him slide against her lips, fill her mouth, throb in response to the play of her tongue...
She felt his fingers lace through her hair, fingertips lightly massaging her scalp. She rewarded him with a deep stroke that took him to the back of her throat, just tipping to the point of cutting off her airway. His legs shook, fingers curled, and he hissed, "Oh, god!"
Shunsui's control was fraying fast. He had to stop this before he was beyond the point of no return. "_____." The strain in his voice said just how close he was to spilling down her throat. He lightly tugged her up to face him. "You must stop now."
Her lips were swollen and flushed. He pulled her into a kiss, enjoying a nibble at her full lips. His hands skimmed up her thighs, catching the hem of his tunic, and lifting it up and over her head. He draped it over the plants he'd gathered to make a soft place to sleep.
Guiding her onto her back on the makeshift bed, he took in everything. The way her hair fanned out, the way her eyes looked at him, glassy with a mix of love and desire. Her body was relaxed, inviting...where he belonged.
She smiled as he moved over her to settle next to her, "I have dreamed of you, just like this," one hand mapped the contours of his chest while the other on the back of the arm he has propped on, "finally mine." A strong pulse between her legs sent more heat to pool with the slickness of her arousal. A gnawing ache had taken root there and was worming its way to other places.
When Shunsui leaned in and scraped his teeth over the crease where her neck met her shoulder, she sighed. His tongue followed behind to lave the area before he kissed it and moved lower.
She was keenly aware of the warmth of his breath as it left a trail on her skin, his lips dropping to graze, his tongue darting out for a taste here and there. He left behind sensations of pleasure that were quickly replaced by the next stop.
Shunsui's head was beginning to swim; she was intoxicating, filling his senses to their limits. His hand cupped a breast, the curve fitting in his hand nicely. His lips and tongue explored her silky skin before the texture of her pebbled nipple teased him to linger.
_____ arched into his mouth, her hands threading into his hair needing to touch him. She sighed heavily as his tongue lapped and curled. When his lips closed over that sensitive peak and sucked, a jolt of pleasure zipped through her. She moaned, shifting more into his grasp. But, the pleasure stopped momentarily as he moved to lavish the same attention on the other breast.
His hand strayed lower, over the contours of her ribs and belly, past her navel, and into the valley between her thighs. The wet heat he found made him groan softly, "Mmmm, you're already ready for me."
"Yes," a little pant made her voice breathy, "please, I need you now." Her legs spread wide as his fingers gathered moisture, spreading it along the creases of her folds. When he pushed two fingers against her to expose her clit, she tilted up into his touch. Slick fingers across that bundle of nerves made her groan, her toes curling and flexing.
Shunsui leaned over her, his lips close to hers, his eyes watching the pleasure dance in her eyes. Slowly he eased those two fingers into her. As her mouth fell open at the sensation, he dipped in to add another penetration that had her moving with him to chase what only he could give. Her hips rocked, her lips and tongue met him stroke for stroke until her moans became too strong to contain.
He leaned back, waiting for her to come undone in his hand. Her eyes met his, "P-please, Shun-sui. I n-need you."
He smiled, "You have me, petal." His eyes were nearly feral despite the smile. "I want to feel you clench around my fingers. I want you to drench my hand. And I want to watch while you do it."
Any shock she may have had at his words was obliterated by the body-shaking pleasure of his thumb circling her clit as his fingers hit all the right spots inside her.
Shunsui didn't have to wait long. His scent, his words, his eyes, his skillful hand all sent her spiraling into an orgasm. Her eyes squeezed shut, head and shoulders arched back as her pelvis jerked in short bursts. Her pants gave way to moans she couldn't control. The intensity built until she thought she could take no more. Then, warm wave after wave rolled through her, painting swirls of colors behind her eyelids.
Shunsui drank in every sound, touch, and smell. The rush of her wetness over his fingers and hand sent a powerful throb to his cock. He needed to be inside her. Waiting for her orgasm to abate, he kept a steady rhythm until he felt her body relax.
She opened her eyes to find a look of anticipation on his face. He moved to position himself over her, "Take me in your hand, _____. Help me find my way." She knew that he was asking for more than physical guidance into her body...he was asking for her.
As her hand reached between their bodies, her eyes held his. Her small hand guided his throbbing erection until he was poised at her entrance. "This is where you belong, my love."
Shunsui sank into her, a low groan echoed in the cave as their voices mingled. Inch by inch he kept going. Once fully sheathed in silken heat, he propped on his hands, leaned over and kissed her long and deep.
Her inner muscles were squeezing, beckoning him to move. A slow retreat and return completely coated him in her essence. She lifted her legs, wrapped them around his waist, and wrapped her arms around him. She spoke softly against his lips, "I am forever yours."
Something in Shunsui snapped at those words. It was as if a wild beast had been long trapped and was now set free. Thrust after thrust...no more loneliness...no more wandering aimlessly from bed to bed...no more feeling that a large piece of his heart was missing.
_____ had never felt this before...this feeling of freedom, of longing finally fulfilled, of aching for a touch she thought would never come. This was who she was meant to be with, who was the other half of her soul, who would fill her life with joy...Shunsui Kyoraku.
As he moved inside her again and again, his chest hair curled around her nipples, a gentle scrape and tug that only added to her pleasure. Her hands gripped his back feeling the hard muscles as they shifted with each drive of his hips. Another orgasm was building hard and fast as he picked up speed. Her pants fanned his face and neck, disturbing the curtain of his hair that caressed her collarbone and chest. Tremors ran through her limbs as she clenched around him, primal sounds of ecstasy ripping from her throat.
Shunsui was clinging to the last threads of his control. Riding hard while _____ shuddered, her whole body pulling at him inside and out. She felt so good, so perfect. He'd been reciting poetry in his mind just to be able to last longer than an untried lad. Now, he let go and followed her into bliss.
Some time later, they laid together on the bed of fern fronds and soft moss. Shunsui was on his back and _____ had settled comfortably at his side, her upper body draped across his chest. "Today was terrifying."
He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, the backs of his fingers curling to rub her cheek, "Yes, it was. The horse dung was very hard to wash out of your hair. I thought for sure I would have to cut it."
She smacked his chest, her giggle making the reprimand ring hollow, "Must you always jest?"
He chuckled, "Must you always ask rhetorical questions?"
The familiar pattern of conversation suddenly seemed to be more intimate, more comfortable. She quirked a brow, "All right then, here is a question for you: Sir Shunsui Kyoraku will you be mine forever?"
He smiled, "Lady _____, is that a proposal of marriage?"
"No! Absolutely not. That would not be proper at all." She drew lazy patterns on his chest, letting the silence stretch.
Shunsui's hand stroked her back, his eyes were trained on the ceiling of the cave, "Well, I guess we should get married since you've taken my virtue and sullied me."
She laughed in mock outrage, "You lecherous, skirt-tossing -- "
He was laughing as he rolled her onto her back. He smiled down at her, "And besides, my colors do look great on you."
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husbandohunter · 3 years
What they love about you (part 2)[Genshin Impact]
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Synopsis: It was as if the universe had changed when they saw you.
Characters: Zhongli, Childe, Albedo, Kazuha. Part 1 here
Genre: fluff
"Poetry for my hopeless romantic heart 🥺 and Kazuha, he was the perfect candidate for this. I decided to put Zhongli first of course, he deserves it after saving my ass in Baal's fight."
Spirit flows through the Immovable rock (Zhongli)
Nations fall, truths be told, iron rusts and earth erode
Through six centuries these were stories he watched unfold.
He sees you and the archon knew that you shall too grow old
But despite it all, he loves you for your existence, as nothing can compare to your intransient soul.
The purpose of contracts were made to ensure there had been a fair trade between two parties. Like merchants striking business deals for a favourable outcome, like mother nature maintaing the balance between life and death, like how you and your beloved said your vows and whispered promises to one another as evening bids farewell by the warm welcome of the moon's gentle glow. Those days were the most treasured that you couldn't help remisicing them-- when Zhongli appeared in your life. Your mortal life. How time can fly so fast.
Perhaps this had been a common notion among human standards. That to be connected, both sides must share the same factors in order to proceed the contract. Clearly your placement proved to be mismatched. Unlike Zhongli there could be a day when your legs gave up and you can no longer walk. He will go on without you, continuing to drift in places where you cannot reach, where time was out of the question, further and further away until the mist begins to seize your field of vision and soon your eyes were too old to see.
The difference in age can truly make someone feel alone and Zhongli knew it well. Thus he smiled softly like he always does and held you close, speaking with so much kindness:
My dearest.
Your soul existed like an evergreen tree blooming through all four seasons, unwithered and everlasting, even against the cold storm of white. And it could be as soft as the sunbeam cascading through the mountain peaks while they dust the land with their ethereal hues and emitting the warmth that breaths absolute serenity. If artifacts were a piece of what someone left behind then maybe everything you made was considered an artifact-- a treasure. A piece of you in those handwritten letters, the beauty in your fingertips after knitting him a scarf which caused scars to mar them, and because of how heavy your spirit weighs through everything you did, it became evident that the one he had fallen for was not your skin nor your body but the person who resides in it.
And sometimes he wonders if he had met you once upon a dream. What else could explain the mysterious feeling that made you seem so familiar, even when he only saw you for the first time? Or perhaps you were an old friend from the long long past, someone he stargazed with upon the infinite mounds of grass and glaze lilies, someone whom he shared the taste of osmanthus wine, someone he came to cherished just like how he cherished his own nation. Regardless, whether you were that someone or not, he wouldn't hesitate to relive those times all over again.
If there was a day when the world around you decided to cave in, where time inevitably caught up and you succumbed to change, he would still be yours. After all, the immovable stone was meant to be the symbol of constancy. He already sworn to you that his devotion and affection will never waver, they were solely held towards your essence for you had touched him through the things he could not touch, and left a mark that would last longer than his ancient self can last. Zhongli may have lived through many lifetimes but meeting you was the beginning of everything. You were a mortal immortalized in the world his heart, etched so deep that it stirs him apart, there was no room for anyone else.
Drowning in the ocean flames (Tartaglia)
There was a man who fell deeply in love with war
They raged inside of him like the spontaneous battlefields he came to adore.
Consumed by desire, pain became an addiciton
And he eventually surrenders to the heat of your passion.
While many fear death, Childe learned to dance with it.
He revels in the way his heart pounds endlessly, as if new life had been born from the inside and then bursted like thunder, sending trembling sensations through his veins, bringing him to the peak of euphoria. The feeling was a drug in which Childe hesitates no more when he confronts it, rather he deliberately seeks it. He seeks thrill in the most dangerous situations since they were the moments that made him feel so alive.
Henceforth the Harbinger sought you out. He inches closer and ever so close, those deep cerulean eyes trapped in your hypnotizing ones. Childe loves how you look at him like you were about to devour him, consume him as the flames in hell would, perhaps destroy him completely to the point there was no turning back and yet...he would not mind.
Childe had been so drawn to you like a moth to a light. No. Rather, Adam and the devil, tempting him to sin because the things he would do for you were undeniably impetuous. It was too late. It was too late when you told him you wanted to stay. Too late when you pulled him down, with arms around his neck, stealing away his breath in one swift manner as well as a kiss. Curse you for having so much power over him, from then and there he was no longer the mighty harbinger everyone knew but a man foolish in love. Take him higher. Higher. Take him far. To say you were alluring would be an understatement. The scent of you brings all his senses to disarray and the taste of you-- by the archons-- had never made him feel so starved. All he thought of was mindlessly running his hands over your small back, reveling in the shape of you, exploring every inch and curve in attempt to make you completely his.
This was the reason why he grew accustomed to dancing with death. Because it was you. You were going to be the cause of his downfall and you were the cause of this insanity. Even though you constantly reminded him how risky the situation was due to being a wanted criminal in his homeland's eyes, Childe pays no mind. Didn't he already tell you to trust him? Anyone who threatens you would be an enemy of his, much to their misfortune. Whether it'd be conquering the world and laying it beneath your feet or walking through the depths of the abyss all over again, he'll make sure to have it all and no one can say otherwise.
Shelter (Albedo)
Your warmth was his hearth
Like stars falling onto the earth
Gracing the plains in an empereal bliss
As they trembled under the touch of heaven's kiss
Closing his eyes, you are the first person he sees.
The sound of snow chasing the wind fills the silent night once again while it's whispered blows continued to echo just by the cave's entrance. Albedo had planned to take you back to Monstadt that day but Dragonspine was not the place to be merciful with the weather. No one else except the two of you occupied the abandoned space and a singular camp fire to serve as a source of warmth. You place your hand on your lover's forehead, brushing away his ash coloured strands while he seeps into slumber. Albedo sighs contentedly. Despite the world being engulfed in sheer cold, here he felt safe and sound.
Before meeting you Albedo never really had that. People regularly held him on a high regard and had a hard time matching his pace. He was a born genius to the point that he practically stood out like a swan out of the ducklings' crowd as they admired his brilliance. Truly Albedo was a perfect human being. But when turns around to see the rest he noticed how distant everything seemed. He was so focused on his pursuit towards the universal truth that he hadn't given the time to consider; where is he going with this? And what for? Everyone else looked so happy living in their mundane routines and Albedo soon grew curious about such thoughts. Out of all the places in Monstadt, exactly where does he belong?
Opening his eyes, you are the first person he looks for.
"Welcome home, Albedo!"
The answer was obvious. Home was the sound of his name on your lips. When you were side by side with him while he sketched the landscape from the far distance. In places where the lights were on as he entered the room, knowing you were inside. This feeling couldn't be describe with just a word. Home was not a nation nor was it a destination. Home was in your touch where he felt the most protected.
I'm home.
A sky filled with stars and he only saw one; his Starlight. Your warmth held the emotion similar to the kind where there had only been one cande lit amidst an infinite stretch of darkness. But it also brought the joy of flowers blossoming into the vivid future of new spring. There was no place he'd rather be than the shelter of your arms because with you, Albedo believed he truly found where he belonged.
Pirr against the Scarlet Leaves (Kazuha)
Silencing the world
My heart begins to find peace
Soothed by your presence
- For my beloved, (Y/n)
I remember how the first petal of spring drifted by as it had flown into the crossroads of our path. Subconciously my entire being began to still. This particular flower... it must have come far and wide for the wind to carry such a pleasant scent. Although I had intended to continue my venture onwards but the air ceased to sound and I knew that this way was true. And so nature beckons me to the shore where the waves lulled back and forth under the moonlight's entrance, only then I began to sharpen my vision to see what was before me. You stood there on a rock with your face looking into the sparkling sky, singing a tune that drew me near. Just the mere sight was enough to stir my heart alone.
My beloved, do you know why I named this poem 'Pirr against the Scarlet Leaves?'
Watching you was like witnessing the ephmereal birth of a flower sprouting amongst the slums of an abandoned nation. A fleeting miracle where snow falls from the summer sky. I am compelled to capture these feelings in this poem yet there are moments where my thoughts scatter as if the autumn wind had whisked them away and out of my grasp until a singular leaf is only what was left. Perhaps it wouldn't be necessary for me to keep a notebook of ways I can describe your presence, instead a few simple sentences would suffice. Nevertheless, I only wish to express my feelings for you.
When you're with me it seems I have nothing to think about. The aura around you can silence the world alone, speaking louder than thunder cries, weighing heavily to those around you in ways it would feel empty if you're not here. Yet I could breath as if alleviated from the burdens of my past. This had me realize that this must have been the will of the wind. You were the greatest gift to have ever bestowed upon me and I confess, sometimes my chest aches because of how much I cherish you, it pierces me like a sharp blade but even if my heart bleeds it will continue to bleed only for your sake.
So wherever you are, wherever you may be, I can feel you in the breeze. Return soon my beloved, I'll be here, waiting.
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d6rkroom · 3 years
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— ‘𝗻𝗼𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼.’
finn mcnamara x top!male reader. (wc; 1.7k)
#a/n: this took way longer than it should've, my apologies fer’ that! BUT THANK YOU ELIAN FOR GIVIN’ ME THE GENERAL IDEA FOR THIS, I HAD A TON OF FUN WRITIN’ IT! YER’ BIG BRAIN AS HELL!
warnings. forced breeding, dubcon, mentions of cheating, possessive behavior, degrading k., dumbification, brat taming, sex infront of a mirror, manhandling, belly bulge, cum inflation, implied mpreg.
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it was expected, it was only a matter of time before his olden behavior caved in on him and he relapsed right back into those sickly habits from nothing more than a year prior.
finn mcnamara was a slut. a dirty, good for nothing cheater. you knew his loyalty was short lived— his drive for exploration and choas secured that lucid notion in your brain ever since the two of you had started your dating journey.
how naive were you to untrust your heart with him, so utterly idiotic.
there you were, fingers curled around the doorknob as you lay in wait for your boyfriend to take note of the new presence clouding the room. your face was sheathed in coats of not shock, nor distaste— just inflicted with an expressionless disappointment. whatever bit of rage that fogged your mind swiftly dissolved along with his sexual mate that accompanied your spot on the bed.
nonchalant as ever, he sent a sloppy smile your direction; probably as a result of whatever poor pounding he just received from the rather small looking guy who was just in your room. pathetic, he couldn't even wait a few hours for your attention so he tossed aside his pride and let his greedy hole get creamed by someone at least half your size.
“satisfied with yourself, whore?” a satirical snear contorted your lips. one he knew a little to well, one he could tell apart from your usual one. the one you would often flicker as the two of you conversed. he knew you loved him, as did he; yet, the outcome of pushing your buttons was one he couldn't shake the craving for.
“hah, as satisfied as ever— sweetheart.” his first mistake was underestimating your tolerance for his bullshit. the second was letting that sour chuckle rip past his throat.
he was already exposed, clothes abandoned along side his dignity. letting such a inexperienced and second option hook-up ruin his beautifully stretched hole was baffling to you. was he really that desperate to have his ass filled and feel full for the remainder of the evening? you already knew the answer to your own inquiry.
he sputtered out a few words that glazed past your ears and straight out the back of your head. you had no care to hear any other soft attempts to convey how what he committed was mistake or how his body was now yours for the night. you had tunnel-vision set on his spend, plump ass that was already wiggling in the air— contrast from his cheek, which was pressed into the matress.
you give a harsh smack on the milky flesh, making finn’s lower half jolt in retaliation; halting his train of thought and stopping his tongue mid monologue. his hands instinctively sink into the pillow beneath his neck. you shift your weight, prying his thighs apart and spreading his cheeks wide open; the perfect view. the head of your cock, flushed red and throbbing gives a few pokes at his pulsating rim which is already venting around nothing.
you give his hole a few, firm slaps from the length of your shaft. beckoning that bratty inclination from out from beneath him— you wanted to hear those lips bark out your name. persuading you to rock in and out of his useless body.
“you want that? my cock to just slip right inside you without need for an apology? without regard for what i just caught you doing in, our bed?”
you almost give in, but you're smarter than to let finn get what he so desperately wants, that easily. rubbing your palm into his hips, small pats connecting with the side of his abdomen insinuate he fetches the mirror from the corner of the bedroom. no words were required in the exchange, he knew his place— plain and simple. and he sure as hell knew what you silently commanded he do.
an exasperated groan grumbles from the depths of his chest, his tongue clicked in annoyance at the sudden expectation for him to remove himself from his lewd position. so stupid, he throws away your years of love to get fucked by some stranger and then complains as you whisk him away from the sheets. he had driven you to your witt's end.
“excuse you, cunt? did i just hear you protest, after cheating in my bed, in my house? don't forget who owns you.”
his blood ran cold and the hairs on the back of his neck sprung to life with an accompanying chill that relished up his spine. his shoulders visibly cringed at your tone as he wasted no time flipping over and hoisting the mirror slowly to the foot of the bed. with the reflective piece of glass now fitted nicely as it leaned against the bedframe— finn crawled atop the messy array of sheets.
“y/n look.. m’sorry don't-” he wasn't allowed to finish, at least not anymore he wasn't. you weren't going to let him disrespect your authority under your roof any longer.
without thinking your hand reaches to unbuckle your belt, fingers toying with the zipper and button respectively. tugging your pants and boxers down without caution— you carded a few free fingers into his messy, mop of hair. digging into and only making it a much more noticable mess than before as you yanked his face to meet yours.
you felt a guley glob of spit collect under your tongue, shooting the wad right between his eyes; saliva leaking down the bridge of his nose and bleeding onto his upperlip. you knew how he adorded being tossed around like trash, better yet, treated as such. he was getting off to this, his eyes pooling wide with lust everytime a vulgar insult leaped from behind your teeth.
he tries not to let his words slur as you play with his still, very tender asshole. breath hitching every step of the way as you spin him to face the direction of the mirror. his hole was still lubed and wet from his previous visitor, giving you very easy access with little push or resistance.
his eyes roll back, you keep your gaze attentive on his decoy on the other side of the glass. your fat cock streaching him out has his lips parting to release a squeal of appreciation, a lavish burn following close suit as you sink deeper inside of him. he's not regretting his choice to unturn his devotion towards you; not yet at least.
“getting off to this slut? look at yourself, i haven't even started to really fuck you yet. pathetic.”
finn’s eyes are trained on his reflection, the look of tragedy curling over his spit-slicked lips. he could feel how deep you were, reaching spots he didn't even know were there. he can also make out the veins on your cock dragging along his walls and you're right; he is getting off to this. it felt so good— he felt so good— it all was good.
you rut into his ass like a feral animal, grunting cocktailed with sour remarks to keep the tension rising. instinctively he clings onto the fabric beneath him for dear life, knuckles fading from bright red to a pale white. through the fog of pleasure clogging his mind, he can only keen out an audible ‘yes’ to all of the questions and words that jumbled from your mouth.
with your eyes fixated on the way his skin ripples and jiggles against your hips, the fat riding up onto yer’ waist with the brutal pace you keep. he attempts to protest with how close he feels himself getting, only to be cut off by one hard slam after another— cock drilling into his tight little hole with intentions to impregnate him.
concepts of his usualy flat tummy growing round and bloated as you fucked it full of your little swimmers now press into your mind. each seed racing to see which will be the one to knock up your boyfriend; rendering him yours forever. your vigor prevails, motivated by the sole image of your slut giving birth to one, maybe two of your genetic creations. your offspring.
finn wonders if the cheating scandal really has your stamina skyrocketing, that is until through the intoxication of your speed— he realizes. fuck, you don't have a condom. he can't get pregnant, as much as he'd want to settle down with you he has way to many jobs that would release him from employment if they found out he had a baby in his belly. you wouldn't do that to him, would you? you knew how near and dear traveling from place to place, job to job was to him. was this punishment?
“sweeti- ah! y/n c-condom!”
even with his tongue tripping over ever other word, you could decipher the clutter of gibberish all too well. he had figured out your plan to breed his tiny body.
“oh? that silly thing? i gotta make you my wife, remember? just a stupid little whore who can only work from home. nobody wants to fuck a pregnant bitch. maybe that'll teach you to keep it in your pants.”
“n-no— ah-! fuck..”
your words sent tingles over his scalp, squelching noises resonate through the air mingled with your bitter laughter. drool starts to seep from the corners of his mouth and tears begin to well up in his eyes as he watches his mirror double get impailed by the outline of your cock. he knows soon that a small child will fill the roll of your shaft, he can't do anything but try to resist as the idea of your warm, stick love flooding his womb only grows on him.
at this point, all finn is doing is whimpering on your cock, degrading making the pressure behind his thighs hotter and his ass tighter. that familiar knot twisting in his lower stomach begging to snap as you roll into his prostate with a hunger glistening in your eyes. you flip finn on his back and catch his bottom, wet lip between your teeth and tug with the push of your hips. eye contact is never broken as your hot load spurts long and sticky ropes through his ass and into his belly. so full, he's so positively full as he feels your genes enter his boy womb— effectively impregnating and painting his gummy walls with white fluid.
soon a bunch of mini you’s will roam the empty spaces in your home and you'll start the perfect family together. you had planned to make him your bitch for quite some time, but the cheating only sped up the inevitable. finn sobbed into the crook of your neck; protruding tummy poking at your abdomen as he loosely attached to you.
the whole ordeal would be burned into his brain and yours, the mirror serving his eyes a sick reminder that he was now tasked with carrying your kid. forever.
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Out of Time (14)
Read on AO3
Word Count: 7283
Previously: Dan duplicated and went for Jack, Maddie and Jazz. With some help from Dani, Valerie and Vlad, they defeated Dan... not before Jazz revealed that their parents know. Also... "You okay Mr. Lancer? How did you escape?"
Mr. Lancer started to answer, but a different voice beat him.
Now: Meanwhile - Lancer's in trouble. Warning: Violence, ectoplasm, some graphic descriptions.
Please let me know what you think! Feel free to drop a reply or reblog whatever. Next chapter will be out on Wednesday (link will be in the replies!)
"And what, may I ask, gave you the absurd idea to come out here in the middle of a ghost invasion?" Mr. Lancer frowned as he glared at the two teenagers in front of him. Dash and Kwan looked at each other sheepishly, neither appearing to have an answer for the vice-principal. Lancer sighed, rolling his eyes slightly as he jerked his arm backward toward the school. "No matter - get to the Nasty Burger. That's the nearest safe zone."
"Isn't the school closer?" Kwan asked, frowning slightly.
Lancer sighed again. "It would be closer, but Phantom's shield caused parts of it to cave in." he shooed them quickly. "Now go on, I don't want Tetslaff on my case tomorrow morning about two freshman on her starting line-up injured in a ghost attack."
Both boys nodded, before they jogged past the school. Lancer watched them go with a slight frown, bringing the walkie-talkie up to his mouth. "Two more coming your way Maria."
He heard the gym teacher scoff. "Only you could get away with calling me that William," she replied gruffly. "I have a reputation to uphold."
Lancer hummed non-committedly, hearing the line click as she signed off. He took a look around the school grounds, making a mental note to figure out who left their cars in the middle of the street on a Sunday during a ghost invasion. He looked up at the dark sky, frowning as he saw jagged pieces of Phantom's shield looking like it would fall.
"Mr. Lancer?"
The teacher turned at his name and his eyes widened in shock. Daniel Fenton was staggering over to him. He looked injured, tripping over his feet as wide blue eyes looked at him in alarm.
"War of the Worlds! Mr. Fenton, what are you doing out here?!" Lancer exclaimed, rushing over to the teen. They met in the middle, Danny falling into the teacher's arms with a small cry of pain. "What happened!?"
"I-" he started, looking around wildly. "The ghost - it attacked. My family - Mr. Lancer, my family!"
Lancer frowned worriedly; the boy was in hysterics. "Danny, I don't understand," he said slowly. "Deep breaths now. What about your family?" He tried to get the boy onto his feet but needed some support. "Why are you out here on your own?"
A look of confusion crossed the boy's face briefly, before it subsided. "He - that ghost," the boy started, seeming to calm down. "He went after all of us. I escaped but my family - they must still be there!"
Lancer looked the boy over - now that he was up close he saw no definite signs of injury, nor did he seem to show any illness that he claimed to have when he was last in school. Lancer frowned; the teacher had been subject to this boy's excuses for two years. Danny may lie, but when he was worried or concerned, you could hear it clearly in his voice. This? This seemed different. It was cold - distant.
"Where? Your parents have been fighting for hours around the city - I saw your mother not too long ago." He turned west, toward the park with a frown. "Are you sure they were captured?" The boy nodded earnestly. "Alright, let's get you to the Nasty Burger and then we can get to your family."
Danny frowned. "The Nasty Burger?"
Lancer let go of the teen, seeing that he was stable now, and headed toward the local hangout, beckoning the student to follow. "The nearest safe area?" he supplied, a questioning eyebrow raised in Danny's direction. Again, a brief look of confusion flashed across his face - Lancer could have sworn the boy's eyes were red - before it disappeared, the boy in question nodding in acceptance.
They walked in silence, Danny following the teacher closely as Lancer spared him another glance. Danny's eyes were darting around but he held a small smile that made the man's skin crawl.
Something was wrong.
"Hey Mr. Lancer?" Danny called out evenly. They locked eyes, Lancer giving a small nod inviting him to continue as he faced forward. "Whatever happened to the test I cheated on?"
Lancer bristled, surprised by the question. "I don't follow."
"You know? Last year?" the boy continued. There was something in his voice that Lancer couldn't place. "The C.A.T.?"
Mr. Lancer stopped, eyes widening and not turning around. He heard the boy do the same a short distance away. He swallowed slightly, licking his lips before he answered. "You didn't cheat on the C.A.T." he said calmly.
"Oh," Danny's voice was tart now, something more sinister underneath. "What happened to the answers then?"
The teacher's gasped slightly, getting unnerved at the line of questioning. "Danny… you gave those to me." He turned around to face his student, suspicion rising throughout his being. What did the Fentons say about overshadowing?
The teen's eyes were dark, a scowl plastered across his face at the answer. "You know," the boy said darkly, not hiding any malice in his voice. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." The teen's body started to glow, red eyes radiating heat around them. Mr. Lancer stumbled backward, trying to get away from whatever was possessing his student. "If you didn't bring my family to the Nasty Burger, telling them about that test… I would have never existed. I suppose I have to thank you."
What!? Lancer thought, mouth opening and closing as green energy started to swirl around the boy's body. "American Psycho!"
The ghost, laughed, mixing in with Danny's voice, unnerving the teacher. "Do you see it yet Mr. Lancer?" he asked sinisterly. "The resemblance? Come on - you're a smart man." The ghost moved toward him, making Lancer move backward to get away. "It's the end for you," the ghost said, smiling as his hand lit up with the same green energy that surrounded him. As it raised its hand in striking position, it gasped - a red vapour coming from its nose. It barely registered the sensation before a black and white blur slammed into the ghost with a yell. The blur stopped, hovering in front of teacher as the ghost was flown backward, skidding across the concrete.
Lancer let out a sigh of relief as Phantom turned around, looking at him worriedly. "Are you okay Mr. Lancer?" His voice was gruff and low, as if it took too much energy to keep speaking.
"Better thanks," he said, eyes still wide as he looked at the scowling ghost thrown back. Phantom's gaze followed, a grim expression washing across his face.
"Still alive, I see," the ghost snarled, staggering upright. It still unnerved the man that he was in his student's body.
Phantom's eyes narrowed. "You seriously need to chill out." Lancer watched as the teen hero's eyes turned blue, as did his hands as he sent a blast of ice toward Danny Fenton's body. As the boy froze, Phantom turned back to the teacher. "You need to get out of here," he said urgently, landing and bringing a hand to his chest. "Dan won't rest until he kills you."
Lancer thought he might throw up. Dan…. Like Daniel? "Me?!" he asked incredulously. The teacher shook his head. "No wait - what about Mr. Fenton?"
Phantom tensed, frowning at the teacher. "That isn't Danny Fenton," he said darkly. "And it never will be."
"Come again?" Mr. Lancer asked weakly, looking to the frozen figure a few feet away. His form seemed to be melting the ice.
"When was the last time you saw him?" Phantom pressed, facing the frozen ghost and holding his arm out protectively to stop the teacher from running over. "Think Mr. Lancer - when was the last time you saw Danny Fenton."
Lancer blinked at the question. "Friday," he answered, looking ahead. "And he was ill."
Phantom raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you really think the Fentons would let him out to fight ghosts if he was ill? He's still hold up at Fentonworks under the ghost shield." Dan broke through the ice with a roar, cutting off their conversation. Phantom's jaw set, eyes narrowing as Dan mirrored his stance. "Mr. Lancer - you need to get out of here. I don't know how long I can hold him back."
Two rings of white light appeared at the imposter's waist, transforming him in a larger, flame haired ghost. Lancer gasped, turning back to the younger ghost in front of him; the boy did not look well.
"Will you-" he started, but Phantom glanced backward, a side glare indicating that he over stayed his welcome. "Be careful." With one last warning, Lancer ran toward Casper High, the closest place away from the feuding ghosts.
As Mr. Lancer finally left, Danny allowed himself one moment of relief before glaring across at his older self. I need to get him out of the city, Danny thought frantically as Dan stalked over. The older Phantom was furious, running toward him with a wordless roar. Danny braced himself, going into a fighting stance before Dan reached him, blocking a punch to the face. Danny ducked, sweeping his injured leg with a wince, knocking Dan off his feet and punching the older ghost in the face. Dan recoiled, growling slightly as he launched at the teen again, tackling him to the ground.
Dan grinned as he pinned the younger Phantom to the ground, punching him repeatedly in the face. After the sixth punch, Danny managed to free an arm and with a grunt threw Dan off of him. He rolled over with a groan, coughing slightly as he attempted to stand, ignoring the small drops of ectoplasm coming from his face. He gasped suddenly, flipping back in the air as Dan came at him again with a flurry of punches. Danny dodged them all. Eventually, he found a small opening and punched Dan clean in the gut. It hit true, sending Dan flying backward with a grunt of pain.
Danny dropped to one knee, wincing heavily as he eyed his evil counterpart. "You won't win," Danny told him, breathing hard as he glared at the ghost in front of him.
Dan smirked as he got up, breathing equally as hard. "Really? I thought I already had?" he goaded. "Face it Danny, you're fighting a losing battle here. Either I waste you now or I wait until you run the clock out on yourself. You may have saved Lancer - for now - but how about our parents? Jazz?"
Danny's eyes lit up in anger as he stood up. Plan be damned. Danny breathed deeply and let out a desperate Ghostly Wail. It caught Dan by surprise, sending him back toward a shop with a crash. The wail didn't last long, Danny cutting it off with a strangled cry of pain as he dropped to his knees. One hand came to his burning throat, the other curled around his side as the rings of light attacked him again. That was stupid, Danny berated, gasping as green sparks of energy attacked his core.
He was exhausted, wondering how he would ever think of getting Dan to the forest now as he doubled over. "Come on," he grunted, trying to focus through the pain. "You're not done yet."
A crash from afar had his head whipping up. Dan flew upward, hands alight with ecto-energy racing toward him. The evil Phantom landed forcefully on the ground, creating a shockwave of energy outward from the impact. It hit Danny in the chest, sending him crashing into a light post. The boy shook his head, trying to clear it and stand up. Another round of sparks attacked him, keeping him grounded as Dan moved toward him.
"It's like I've said before," Dan said as he finally reached him. "I'm inevitable." He picked the boy up by the collar and flung him across the road, hitting one of the abandoned cars with a sickening crash. Danny groaned, moving slowly and glaring at Dan.
Suddenly, Dan stopped - a blank expression on his face. Danny barely had a chance to register it before something shifted. Dan contorted, looking more animalistic than he ever had. He bared his fangs, tongue hanging out and red encompassed his irises. He let out a roar - sonic waves coming out, making Danny fall again. The teen looked up with wide eyes, frozen in the face of sheer power coming from his evil self. The roar caused the car windows to explode outwards as they cracked, bits of rubble started to break apart from the ground; this was no wail. This was raw energy. Red eyes locked with green and with a vicious smile Dan teleported in front of Danny, grabbing the injured teen by the throat. The teen let out a cry of pain as he was choked for the third time that day.
"You told them?!" Dan hissed, his ghostly echo much deeper than it was normally.
Danny let out another cry of pain as he stared at his evil self with wide eyes. What?
"Our parents." Dan continued, eyes narrowing. "They know who we are… and they accepted it." He threw Danny roughly into another car, causing the car alarm to go off. Quickly, Dan flew over again, grabbing him by the arm and put a foot on the boy's back. He pushed Danny toward the ground, hearing the small gasps of pain the boy beneath made. With a dark grin he pulled Danny's arm upward and after a sickening pop, Danny's shoulder came out of his socket. He barely registered the younger's scream through his fury.
Dan snarled, letting go of his arm to grab a fist full of his hair. "You don't deserve their acceptance!" He growled. The evil Phantom hurled Danny in the air; hands alight with green energy and sent a strong ecto-blast toward him.
The blast hit him straight on and with a shout, Danny was sent flying backward. His back hit the school hard, bouncing off it slightly as he slid to the ground. He groaned, looking around blurredly in the direction of his future self. So much for getting him out of the city.
"Was the old man worth it Danny?" Dan jeered at him. Danny's hands curled into fists at the sound of the ghost's voice. "You're weakened and alone, my duplicates are taking care of the family and what are you going to do?" Danny's aura shone brighter in anger as his vision cleared. Dan was staring at him almost gleefully, white fangs shining eerily over the town ahead. He started to walk toward the downed teen, hands alighting in green ghost energy. "Your whole world is ending and you're powerless to stop it."
Danny's core throbbed angrily at those words, filling him almost to the edge with harsh electrical energy. His aura sparked to life again and with a quick change of colour in one of his eyes, Danny released a strong ecto-blast coated with electricity straight from his core. It hit its mark, making the ruthless Dan duplicate disappear with a wordless shout of surprise. Finally free of the onslaught, Danny whimpered slightly, sinking lower into the ground as raw green sparks racked his battered frame.
Why'd I think this was a good idea again? He thought bitterly, wincing as something burned at his side. He moved his good arm slowly, vaguely realizing that it was the same side he was hit earlier and swore as his white gloves were smeared with ectoplasm. Not good.
He fumbled slightly with his belt, ignoring the searing pain from his dislocated shoulder as he attempted to grab the Ecto-Enhancers. Come on! As he finally grabbed the pouch, his fingers twitched, sending the Ecto-Enhancers out of reach on the ground in front of him. Danny glared at the small pouch, trying to levitate it closer but pain erupted through his entire being, letting out strangled moan as his vision blackened.
"Help," he whispered desperately, pushing his injured vocal chords further. To his ears, it sounded like he was yelling. He closed his eyes, finding it too hard to keep them open. "Someone. Help."
His injuries and his exhaustion were finally starting to get to him. Vlad wasn't kidding - this sucks. He tried to move again before he was stopped by sharp pains shooting through his ribcage. Broken rib... great. The distance sounds around started to fade as started to lose consciousness.
Danny didn't know how much time had passed when heard hesitant footsteps. Here, he thought desperately. I'm over here. The footsteps got closer. A clang of metal then he heard a voice.
"Brave New World!"
Lancer thought wildly as he hid under his desk in his office. Ghost shield's broken; can't head for the Nasty Burger while those two are at it. More explosions shook the ground as the two ghosts clashed violently outside. Lancer swallowed thickly, glancing to the flashes of green that illuminated the office. Come on Phantom he thought desperately.
The glass shattered as another explosion echoed outside. The teacher shuddered, glancing at the exit as he heard voices yelling outside. If he got to the gym, at least there would be something he could use to defend himself. He crawled out from under his desk, dusting himself off before he gave the exit another glance.
Another crash, a car alarm and a scream reached his ears. The gym it is. The man took off. He made it down two hallways before the building shook in a terrible explosion. Lancer gasped, watching as some of the lockers broke away from the walls, falling into the hall and blocking the way he came. When the building stopped shaking, Lancer continued his journey. He made it to the equipment room, opened it with a shaking hand only to be blocked by equipment that had fallen over. Great. Lancer looked in the small opening of the doorway, reaching inside to grab the best weapon that he could find. His hand found something cold and metallic, which he withdrew very quickly. It was an old beaten golf club. Since when did we have a golf team!? Nodding slightly at the weapon, he glanced to Tetslaff's office. Frowning slightly, he opened the door, peering into it. Once he realized it was clear, he moved to enter it before stopping.
It was too quiet.
Lancer paused, listening for any sounds from the outside world. No explosions, no screams and no ground shaking. He breathed deeply, waiting for something… anything to give him a clue of what was happening. A few minutes passed before he let out a breath. It must be over. He turned back in the direction of his office, wincing as he assessed the damage. "Insurance better cover that," he muttered, turning back to the gym hallway. He was close to the parking lot exit - not the best escape route but better than a sitting duck.
Lancer made his way slowly, golf club at the ready, as he moved through the corridor. He stopped briefly as he passed a window, sucking in a breath at the debris littering the football field. Careful to avoid the broken glass, he continued, keeping a close ear for anything out of the ordinary. When he reached the door, he paused, frowning. The last time I was outside, Phantom and that other ghost were about to…what do the kids call it? Throw Out? Do I really want to go out there? The teacher listened again, waiting at the door for some sort of sign that it was safe. Did they move elsewhere? No explosions, no signs of any fight nearby. He waited a few more minutes before taking a deep breath and opened the door.
The whole block was destroyed; cars with dents, craters on the ground, a few fires here and there. Lancer's jaw dropped, staring at the utter destruction. Green eyes looked at a particular deep crater with smears of green across the pavement. He felt his body move before he was aware, carefully following the green substance through the parking lot until he saw something crumpled on what was left of the wall of the school.
Rather - someone.
Lancer had never seen Danny Phantom so still; the teen's body was littered in injuries. He had his eyes closed, breathing shallowly while he gripped his side. The green ectoplasm oozed out of his body, looking more and more like blood with every second. Lancer's grip on the golf club loosened, letting it fall with a clang onto the ground. Phantom flinched slightly, curling his fist.
"Brave New World!" the teacher exclaimed, eyes widening at the spectre in front of him. Lancer moved toward the boy, kicking a small black pouch with a familiar logo on its front. "What-" Lancer started, picking it up and glancing back toward Phantom. The man jumped, gasping as Phantom's luminous green eyes looked at him desperately. "Phantom - are you... is that…" Phantom's eyes moved toward the pouch, back toward the teacher and back down to the pouch. Lancer frowned, his gaze following Phantom's to the item in his hand. "You need this?" Lancer asked. The ghost opened his mouth to respond, only voicing a strangled gasp and a wince in pain. Phantom nodded slowly, looking at the teacher with a silent plea.
Lancer un-zipped the pouch as he moved to Phantom's side. The young ghost's eyes followed him, blinking heavily as if he would fall unconscious at any point. Lancer's eyes widened, looking at the glowing green syringes and then back to the teen. "Stay with me," Lancer said gently, ignoring his trembling hands and offered the syringes to Phantom. The ghost moved, attempting to take one before he closed his eyes with a grimace in pain. He swallowed, breathing heavily before he opened an eye and looked at Lancer. Lancer looked at the syringes, then back up to Phantom as he realized what the ghost was trying to ask him. "You want me to give this to you?" Lancer asked slowly. Phantom's eye closed, pushing his head back toward the wall of the school before he nodded. Lancer's frown deepened, taking one of the syringes out of the pouch. His hands were shaking still as he moved it towards the boy's arm. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, noting that his voice too was shaking. Phantom's eyes opened again, green meeting green as they tried to communicate. Finally, Lancer nodded, steadying his hand as he injected the contents of the mysterious glowing substance into the ghost.
Phantom's eyes closed, a sharp gasp escaping his lips as the syringe became empty. "Phantom?" Lancer asked softly. He didn't respond. A small sense of panic and worry shot through the teacher. "Phantom, are you alright?" Lancer moved a hand to the ghost's face, touching it gently as he tried to get Phantom to wake up. Please don't tell me I destroyed our town hero. "Phantom, can you open your eyes? You need to stay awake. You're losing too much… blood? Is that your blood?"
Phantom let out a short wheezy laugh which turned into a small fit of coughs. Once they subsided, he nodded, finally opening his eyes and locked onto the teacher. Lancer sighed in relief, falling back to lean on the school wall. "You have to stay awake - my first aid training only covers humans you know." Phantom sent him a quizzical look. "What? I'm a teacher in the most haunted city in America. You think I wouldn't know first aid?"
Phantom gave him a small smile. "'kay," he rasped, wincing.
Lancer frowned, noticing the dark bruises around the ghost's neck; the evil Phantom might have crushed the boy's vocal chords. He then looked to Phantom's side where his blood seemed to have slowed. Odd. "What did I do to you?" he asked quietly, trying to keep Phantom conscious.
Phantom made a face, attempting to speak but a small groan came out instead. He closed his eyes tiredly, breathing through the pain. "Heal," he managed after a while, his voice still raspy and low.
At least I know I won't kill him. "Okay," Lancer said, swallowing slightly. Green eyes looked over the injured hero, finding the dislocated shoulder. He frowned. Phantom may not be able to stay awake if I reset it. "Phantom?" The boy hummed in response, opening his eyes slowly. "Your shoulder is dislocated, I can fix it but you need to stay awake. Can you talk to me as I'm doing it?"
Phantom groaned. "Hurts," he ground out, grimacing as green sparks appeared at his waist. Lancer's eyes widened as they coursed through the boy for a few minutes before disappearing. Phantom's eyes closed, groaning again as he leaned heavily against the wall of the school. "Story," Phantom whispered weakly, eyes scrunched tight.
"Story?" Lancer repeated, furrowing his brow. "You want me to tell you a story?"
"Distract-" Phantom cut himself off with a gasp as more sparks moved through him.
Lancer swallowed as Phantom's body tensed through the pain. Distraction… he wants me to distract him. "Okay, but you need to pay attention," he said gently. "I've had enough students fall asleep in class - don't want to add you to the list."
Phantom smiled, a hint of amusement on his face. "Teacher…..Boring," he wheezed.
Lancer's eyebrows rose. "Are you calling me boring Phantom?" he asked with a smile. The smile faded as Phantom's jaw clenched and more sparks moved through him. "Okay, okay - I'll make it an interesting one," Lancer rushed. "You just stay with me alright?"
Phantom nodded, relaxing slightly. Lancer frowned, moving to Phantom's left to get closer to his arm. "Did you know I have a playbook to guilt students into studying?" Phantom's eyebrows rose, but didn't open his eyes nor respond. "It's true. In my years of teaching, I had to get creative. Besides, my students - thankfully - don't want to learn much about my social life and figured I could mess with them. Interesting enough for you?"
Phantom opened his eyes and looked at the teacher, inviting him to continue.
"I'll take that as a yes," Lancer said, gingerly taking Phantom's arm in one hand and placing the other on his shoulder. He had to time this right. "So my ultimate play works like a charm. See, I have a photo of my sister on my desk and lead the wayward students to believe I don't have enough time to see her since I spend most of the time tutoring students." Lancer had Phantom's attention now, the boy's eyes swimming with confusion. "Here's the thing Phantom," Lancer continued, prepping himself to move the shoulder back into place. "I don't have a sister." Phantom's eyebrows rose incredulously. Here goes. "That photo? It's of me on Drag night."
"Wha-OW" Phantom yelped hoarsely. Lancer moved quickly, putting the shoulder back in place. The teacher grinned sheepishly, watching Phantom's eyes close tightly as the pain moved through him, hissing through his teeth.
"Derek thinks it's hilarious that no one has figured it out," Lancer said quickly, attempting to have Phantom focus back on the story rather than his pain. "He's even offered to dress up as Edwina Lancer to sell it one of these days as a play on my middle name. I think perhaps Ms. Fenton figured it out but she's never said anything nor told her brother, which worked in my favour last year."
Phantom looked at the teacher with wide eyes, gasping as he attempted to process both the pain and the story. "Derek?" he asked with another grimace.
Lancer smiled softly. "My partner; he travels a lot for work so we only ever see each other on the weekends."
Phantom was quiet for a few minutes, breathing deeply through the pain. "Why this story?" Phantom asked finally, his voice sounding less wheezy as he moved to sit up straighter. Lancer helped steady him when he faltered.
Lancer shrugged. "I get to go home to him after all this is over, thanks to you." Phantom gave him a small smile. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, Phantom throwing his head back against the wall of the school as he healed. It was Lancer who broke it. "Can I ask you a question?" Phantom turned to Lancer, nodding. "What was that ghost? He clearly did a number on you."
Phantom's smile disappeared, a dark haunted look drifting across his face. "Someone who shouldn't exist," he said quietly.
Lancer frowned at the response. "He said I created him," Lancer continued. "He wanted me dead."
Phantom shook his head. "You didn't," the teen assured, swallowing slightly. His voice was stronger now. "He's… a lot to explain." Phantom let out a long sigh. "Do you remember the C.A.T. last year?"
Lancer nodded, remembering the evil Phantom saying the same words.
"There was a timeline that caused some stuff to happen - really bad stuff," Phantom continued, shuddering slightly. "That combined with some really stupid choices on my part caused his existence. I defeated him once with some help, but he escaped."
"Sounds like a lot of time travel and alternate reality stuff," Lancer replied with a small smile.
"Kind of, yeah" Phantom said sheepishly. He swallowed again, pushing his head back against the wall and breathed deeply.
"Wait…" Lancer said, realizing something. "Is that why Danny Fenton turned in those answers? Because you asked him to?"
Phantom chuckled darkly. "Nah. He found out what would happen on his own; realized it was too high a cost."
Lancer frowned at the ghost's tone. Danny had been so relieved when he found out he could do the make-up test, showed up for detention on time and accepted it all in stride. In fact, he seemed like he expected more punishment than what was given. It took him months to realize that it wasn't so big of a deal once he came clean. "What cost was that?"
Phantom shuddered. "You really don't want to know," he said cryptically.
Lancer tried to reply, but was interrupted by a faint explosion in the distance. Phantom's head moved toward the sound, face hardening. The teacher frowned as he saw Phantom's eyes clouding in thought and concern. "You're not healed completely, are you?"
"No." Phantom's curt reply came with a frown. They sat in silence again, a few more explosions coming drifting to their ears before a light sparked in his eyes. "Do you have your cell phone?" Lancer frowned, taking out the older flip phone and showed it to the ghost. "I have an idea - can you call FentonWorks?
"FentonWorks?" Lancer repeated.
Phantom nodded, shifting slightly with a wince. "Yeah - they're supposed to have the ghost shield up soon."
Lancer furrowed his brow, but dialled the familiar number nonetheless. Phantom gave him a stiff nod before he leaned back against the brick with closed eyes. It rang twice before an automated message erupted through the speakerphone.
"You've reached FentonWorks!" Jack Fenton's voice boomed. "If this is a ghost related emergency, please stay on the line - or holler! We're probably there already. For the fudge watch, please press 1, if you're the V-man - HI VLADDIE! - press 2, if you're trying to reach my Jazzy-pants for a date hang up -"
"Dial 4304," Phantom told him. "Jack goes on a while, and that extension goes to the lab."
Lancer gave him a look of bemusement and did what he was told. It rang twice before someone picked up. "Hello?" he said.
Various voices filled the other line, too far and mumbled in the background for the teacher to make out. Lancer frowned, looking at Phantom for some guidance. Phantom's brow was furrowed in thought, perhaps trying to figure out the voices, but said nothing. Eventually, a voice got closer.
"What do you mean you don't know who's on the phone?" a young man's voice asked. Lancer didn't hear the reply. "Did you answer it?" again, the reply was too quiet to hear. "Clockwork, you're the Master of - for the love of all things technology Frostbite don't touch that!" Phantom grinned- actually grinned - as the voice continued to berate Frostbite for touching something called a 'Ghost Gabber'.
"What exactly is going on?" Lancer asked meekly. Phantom shrugged in response, still smiling.
"Check the infirmary for more gauze - Mrs. F has them stacked," the young man's voice continued, getting louder as he got to the phone. Lancer frowned, finally recognizing that he knew this voice. "You've reached FentonWorks Base Operations."
"Sound and the Fury - Mr. Foley?!" Lancer exclaimed. "What are you doing down there?"
"Mr. Lancer?" Tucker asked in disbelief. "What - you know what, never mind. The Fentons have me manning coms while they're out 'kicking ghost butt.' What's wrong - there's kind of a lot going on at the moment."
Lancer raised an eyebrow at the teen's tone. "More than whatever evil ghost we're facing demolishing the entire town? Or rather the school?"
"What!?" Tucker exclaimed. "Damn, he must have duplicated again without us knowing. You okay Mr. Lancer? How did you escape?"
Lancer went to reply, but Phantom chose to intervene. "Tuck," he said.
Tucker was quiet for a few moments before he spoke in a soft, hopeful whisper. "Danny!?"
Phantom smiled. "It's me." Lancer looked between the phone and the ghost in slight confusion. There was something more there that he wasn't privy to. Were these two friends!?
"Dude - where the hell have you been!?" Tucker asked incredulously, the relief evident in his voice. Definitely friends. "Are you okay?" the boy cut himself off. "No - wait Danny! Sam -"
"Is fine," Phantom told him firmly. "She's with Ethelwulf, safe and away from battle."
Tucker scoffed. "You do realize that Ethelwulf is currently holding off Dan's forces from entering parts of the city right? If she's with him, you know she's fighting too."
Phantom sighed, clearly amused. "So much for plan A then," he replied.
Sam… wait. "You're not talking about Sam Manson!?" Lancer exclaimed. His outburst went ignored.
"Danny, what happened," Tucker pressed. "You've been gone for - holy f - twelve hours. Please don't tell me you've been fighting all this time." Phantom was silent and Lancer had a sinking suspicion that was exactly what had happened. Tucker seemed to agree with the teacher. "Dude. Are you okay?"
Phantom's face twisted in concentration as he tried to answer the boy's question. "I - honestly I don't know."
Tucker was silent on the line for a minute before he responded. "Where are you?"
Phantom seemed to be taken aback by the question. "Tuck -" he started.
"Don't you dare lie to me right now," Tucker said angrily. "Danny - where are you." When Phantom didn't respond, the boy changed tactics. "Mr. Lancer - where are you two?"
Phantom gave him a pleading look, making the teacher frown but he answered nonetheless. "Casper's north parking lot Mr. Foley. Near the entrance."
"Tucker - you can't come out here," Phantom pleaded. "You're the only one who can -"
"Figure out the shield, I know," Tucker finished. There were some keys clicking in the background. "But I'm not leaving you out there."
Phantom frowned. "We may not have a choice," he said cryptically as blue and green sparks appeared again. Lancer was impressed at how well the boy weathered them now. "How close are you with the shield?"
Tucker sighed. "I'd say about 90% positive that I accounted for all the variables, but I'm not using it until we know that you aren't affected. We can hold Dan off until that point."
Phantom grunted in acknowledgement but did not reply right away. Lancer frowned at the quiet ghost, watching him in anticipation. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Phantom broke the silence. "You said Dan duplicated," he said quietly. "How're - "
"They're okay," Tucker assured him. "Well, your - Mr. and Mrs. Fenton are. I haven't heard from Jazz but I think Mrs. F went after her. Mr. Fenton went to find you."
Phantom nodded, eyes glancing above toward the last remnants of the green shield. "90%?" he asked. Lancer noted with unease how the boy seemed to glow slightly in anticipation, how he tested the movements of his fists, wincing only slightly if he found something a little sore.
"Yeah," Tucker confirmed. A beat of silence before Tucker gasped. "No. No way."
"Tucker," Phantom said tiredly. "90% is a lot. It's more than we had - and we need that shield."
"No," Tucker repeated quickly. "Don't ask me to do this."
"What are you talking about?" Lancer asked, confused.
Tucker sighed. "Danny, if I put up that shield and we're wrong, I'm going trap you out there. I can't - hell, you look awful."
Both Phantom and Lancer bristled, the former's eyes darting around before finding the surveillance camera near the school entrance. The boy let out a soft "oh", then sighed. Lancer's eyes followed Phantom's as he pieced everything together.
The teacher frowned disapprovingly. "Mr. Foley," he started evenly. "You didn't just hack into the school cameras, right?"
"Technically speaking - no," Tucker replied, a hint of guilt coming through his voice. "The mayor gave the Fentons access to all the cameras in the city."
"And how, exactly, did you know which camera it was?" Lancer asked.
"… I plead the fifth."
Lancer sighed. "Of course you do."
Phantom let out a fast stream of air through his nose before he stared straight into the camera in question. "Tucker, you need to put up the Ghost Shield; if you do, I can take mine down. It'll send Dan and his forces out of the city."
"With you out there like a lamb to slaughter?" Tucker countered. Lancer made a small noise of approval at the simile.
"Look - if I'm stuck out there, I'll have Ethelwulf and Sam out there with me." Phantom smiled ruefully. "Besides, there's something going on with my core. Even if we were at 100% there'd be a chance this wouldn't work."
"So you're saying regardless of whatever we do, I need to let you go out there injured? Fat chance."
"Tucker -"
"No Danny, you listen!" Tucker shot back angrily. "You're my best friend! Don't ask me to do this - it's literally life and death here."
"Don't you mean death and death?" Phantom joked.
"I'm not making this call," Tucker stated firmly, ignoring the small attempt deflection. "You asked me to put up that shield as part of a plan - that plan did not include you sacrificing yourself to save us."
"And what about the town?" Phantom shot back. Phantom's aura flared as he argued with the camera. "What about all the ghosts that Dan pushed out of the Ghost Zone? That shield can protect everyone in Amity and more importantly - I trust you Tucker. You always have my back."
Lancer sat in the silence that followed with his thoughts racing at what he heard. Mr. Foley saying that Phantom was his best friend confirmed Ms. Manson's involvement - meaning that Mr. Fenton must also be involved.
With ghosts. His students were involved with ghosts.
What was even more peculiar was Mr. Foley's hesitancy in his skills. Lancer knew he was a strong student - even stronger when technology was involved - but the oozing self confidence that normally accompanied his skills was nowhere to be seen. It must be dire if he's this unsure.
Phantom looked away from the camera and to the phone still in Lancer's hand. His eyes held a sad resolve as he spoke. "You told me you'd see my self-sacrificing ass from a mile away - I promise you that's not what this is. I'll be back Tucker. We need to get Dan out of the city, then I'll meet up with Ethelwulf and Sam in the forest. Ethelwulf will teleport us back. Tucker - if we get this shield up, I can actually recover."
Tucker sighed. Lancer assumed the young hero was getting through to his student. "What did Sam say?" When Phantom didn't answer, Tucker tried again. "Danny - you and I both know that Sam would not go along with that plan willingly. Especially if you looked half as bad as you do now. So what did you have to say to get her to agree to this plan?"
Lancer watched in slight amusement as Phantom looked flustered and slightly embarrassed by the question. It was almost as if … wait - could it be?
"I told her I'd come back," Phantom replied simply. His eyes avoided the camera, phone and teacher.
"That's it?" Tucker pressed. Lancer suddenly noticed the teasing shift in tone.
"Well - it was more how I said it rather than what I said."
Tucker suddenly laughed, making Phantom scowl. "Dude. You told her, didn't you?" he asked slyly.
Lancer watched Phantom sputter embarrassingly, making a lot of denial noises and looking very uncomfortable. Oh Mr. Fenton - you missed your chance.
Another loud explosion brought them back to reality. Phantom swallowed, any form of embarrassment gone as he tried to reason with the teen. "I get why you don't want to make the call Tuck," Phantom started. "I do - so let's do this together. Put up the shield and I'll be back. Promise."
There was a long silence before they heard Tucker exhaled loudly. "Okay," he replied softly. "I trust you."
Phantom smiled softly. "You're my best friend too, you know."
"I know. Hey Danny -" Tucker stopped, his voice cracking.
"Me too," Phantom said gently. He glanced back at the camera and nodded. "I'll be back."
"Good," Tucker told him, any emotion in his voice was replaced with a happier, joking tone. "Because if you miss my birthday next week cause you died, I'm running up your tab at the Nasty Burger."
Lancer watched as a genuine smile came across Phantom's face at the abrupt shift in tone. "The usual?" he asked.
"With extra everything," Tucker confirmed. More key clicks. "I'll get the shield up in 5 minutes. Be careful."
With a soft click, the line disconnected. Phantom sighed and looked at the teacher. "Thanks Mr. Lancer," he said, pushing himself upward. Lancer scrambled upward to help, but the teen simply jumped in the air and hovered in place. "Thanks to you, we can get that shield up and protect the town. And for you know… not letting me bleed out all over the parking lot."
Lancer frowned, looking the boy over. "Why do I feel that Mr. Foley was right? That going back into a fight like this would do you more harm than good?"
Phantom smiled, shrugging with one shoulder. "Probably because he is," he replied simply. "Besides, I'm not fighting alone. Between the Fentons, the Shield and my allies, we got a pretty good shot of getting him out of Amity Park. This will work."
Lancer nodded. "I can't stop you then?" he asked. Phantom shook his head. "Then perhaps a reminder, Danny Phantom, that Amity Park is with you."
With a determined nod and a small smile, Phantom disappeared. Lancer sighed heavily, looking down at the spot Phantom occupied just a moment ago. He knelt down, picking up the discarded pouch with one syringe left in it. Pocketing it with a frown, he then took out the Walkie Talkie. "Tetslaff - it's me. I'm on my way over. And do I have a story for you."
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sapphic-sails · 4 years
Promptly ignoring several assignment deadlines, I bring you:
@spop-palentines 's
Day 24: Teams and Alliances
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"You coming?"
Start hesitated, looking at her sister's outstretched hand. She didn't know what to say. It'd been years since she last smelled her home.
"Not really," she said, recoiling. Glory screeched sadly on her shoulders. She turned to look at the magical owl, who was easier to face than the expected impatience in Tallstar's face and spoke, "I want to be ready. I want to go home. But I... I'm scared."
"It's okay," Jewelstar said, coming up from behind having turned off the ship. "We're all a little afraid. But we promised we'd fight for our planet, our home. We're in this together."
He placed a comforting hand on his little sister's shoulder. Glory gave a squawk of approval and gently nipped at Starla's ear. She looked affectionately at her brother and took Tallstar's hand.
They'd landed on the outskirts of their village, right outside the woods. They'd expected to find it secluded except for the tall, camouflaging trees, the slippery insects slithering about, the occasional wild predators that Glory would signal to them about. But the forest grounds looked devastated and withered. Long green pipes ran the entire ground forming a labyrinth for the non-existent insects. There was not a squeak, nor a wail, no distant snarling of predators. Glory's mood seemed affected by the forest's disdain and wouldn't light up in the darkness.
"Where is everybody?" Jewelstar wondered aloud.
"Are we too late?" Tallstar said, her voice wavering.
Starla didn't speak. Her attention was on Glory who sat perched on her shoulder, her feathers drooping, her head bent low.
"Maybe we'll find them in the village," Jewelstar suggested. But Starla knew her people. They loved the open moonlights, the soft-blue light cast down through the canopy of leaves. The children carried their sleeping bags on the edge of the forest and lie down counting stars till they fall asleep. She used to be one of them, passing out under the little twinkling lights every summer night.
But it couldn't hurt to check.
"Let's go, then," she said, softly, for the sake of a sleeping Glory.
Tallstar stepped into the woods. Starla and Jewelstar watched in confusion as she trudged on and followed once she began to get swallowed by the darkness. Glory, still fast asleep, did not offer any light.
The siblings went on ahead, unpleasantly amazed at the silence of the woods except for the chirping of a few night insects occasionally heightening over the dim but not going on for long. Starla followed Tallstar from behind while Jewelstar brought up the rear, turning his head in every direction for his good eye to get a better look.
Tallstar stopped in the middle of nowhere. She raised her mechanical arm and extended it to reach the canopy high above. A little rustle and a burst of bright moon light escaped into the clearing where Tallstar stood, gazing up with satisfaction. The moon itself was not visible but it's beam could brighten up an entire corridor of Horde Prime's ship.
"Remember what they used to say?" Tallstar said, withdrawing her arm.
"Look for the brightest moon beam under the leaves," Jewelstar answered, quietly.
Finally, Starla remembered their elders story. Horde Prime wasn't the first to attack their home. Every time, the people escaped to this secluded spot within the woods where they'd form an alliance and rebel against their oppressors. But Starla thought it was all fictitious since she could never imagine anyone hurting their planet.
"It's that tree," Jewelstar said, standing beside Tallstar. Glory snorted a little. Starla walked ahead and stood beside her siblings, right under the moon light, bathing Glory in the brightness. She woke up with a tiny hoot, vigorously shook her head and sent a tremble down her tail through her feathers. With a joyous screech, she lighted up and flew overhead, circling the canopy that surrounded the moon light.
"Let's go," Tallstar said and stepped closer to the giant tree with the big hollow,big enough to fit in a sizeable predator, enveloping an infinite darkness. Glory flew down and sat on the edge of the hole, screeching in beckoning.
"I'll go first," Tallstar said. Glory hooted in agreement and flew inside. Starla's heard lurched a bit inside her ribcage now that her companion had been swallowed by apparent nothingness.
Starla followed her sister. Once inside, she felt an incline in front of her. "Slide down!" Tallstar's voice echoed from somewhere below.
And so she did.
Glory didn't need to glow bright any longer. Starla had landed in a vast underground cave, nearly the size of the mine they'd been stranded in in search for Thulite, that comprised of less than fifty of her people, scattered about in all the corners, all snuggling close to someone. A bonfire cackled in the middle. Children drew with sticks on the muddy floor. Everyone seemed peacefully but miserable.
"The Star Siblings," and elderly woman said, walking close towards them. "You've come at last."
Starla brushed the dust off her clothes as she stood up, but was once again showered with more as her brother landed behind her.
"What happened here?" Tallstar inquired, her eyes scanning the population. Starla knew what she was going to ask next and she feared to know the answer. "Are they all that's left?"
"Its been years, my child," the old woman answered with an quivering voice. "Wouldn't you be more surprised that even these survived?"
Jewelstar had walked up to stand beside their sister. "We're here to help," he said, resting a hand on Tallstar's shoulder. "We're here to fight for our home."
"And where were you when the fight had dissipated within our people?"
Jewelstar began to reply but Starla interjected. She strode forward and planted herself in front of her siblings. "Yes, we escaped," she said, her voice surprisingly steady."But so did so many others. We came back to fight the Horde. We know what makes Prime weak."
She'd the attention of the entire cave now. They looked at her, some pitiful, some intrigued, most sympathetic. She knew what they were thinking. This was the exact way she and her siblings greeted the Etherians. She knew the feeling of hopelessness and the yearning for all of this to end, the only light in the moments brought by the company of her brother and sister.
"Look, we have been to numerous planets, most of them overtaken by the Horde," she went on. Glory comfortingly perched on her shoulder. "And we thought it was hopeless too. That we'd never stand a chance against the Armada. But we also met with people who gave us hope. Horde Prime doesn't like resistance. He'll do anything to quench it. But what he doesn't know is his Armada of deadpan clones can face only much. They've no wit or mind. We can overtake them!"
"And did you think we never tried?" one of the youths snarled at her. "Do you think we gave up without a fight? Not all of us escaped to find an alternate home. We stayed behind and fought back. Look what that got us!" They gestured around them, at the ghostly faces of the only people left on the planet.
"But we cannot give up," Jewelstar said, coming forward. Glory squawked and shook her wings. "We have to keep fighting. It's the only way."
"My dearies," the old lady once again spoke, "the people are tired. They have lost hope. Unless you can give them that, they'll not fight back."
Starla buried herself behind her brother's shoulder to conceal her watery eyes. She didn't know what she'd expected. Did she think that the people she'd left behind would rally behind them to fight a lost cause?
"There's not much you can do, darlings," the old lady continued. "If you seek my advice, I'd tell you to remain here. In safety."
"No," Starla growled, hot tears streaming down her face. "No, we spent years stranded on a planet. I'm not going to sit and wait for the end anymore."
She rushed out of the cave, climbing up the slide through which she came down. Glory lit up the hollow passage. She heard her siblings calling out to her, but she kept on climbing till she felt the ledge of the hollow. Glory waited outside, still glowing.
"Starla, get back here!" Tallstar cried out.
Starla pushed her leg over the ledge and climbed out, bathing herself in the moonlight, the stars above the canopy blurred for the endless crocodile tears that seemed to overflow out of her eyes.
Glory screeched nervously and flapped her wings in panic. Starla sunk to her knees and let the pain of failure overwhelm her. She sobbed relentlessly while Glory kept screeching warning.
Tallstar fumed at her brother for not letting her follow their sister. Now, as she held Starla's knives in her hands and watched a panicked Glory screeching and circling above them, she couldn't imagine any worse possible punishment for Jewelstar than the one he was receiving now.
"I am such an idiot," he growled, smacking his head against a branch. "How could I have let her be alone?"
"Yes, you're an idiot, but what can we accomplish by beating ourselves up, right now?" Tallstar challenged. "We need to go find her."
"How will we do that?" Jewelstar roared, punching his fist against a tree bark. "We don't know anything about the Horde or their ships, or if she- if she's even alive!"
As much as Tallstar feared so herself, she wouldn't let it show. "We'll get her back Jewel," she said, soothingly. "I promise. Even if we have to burn every ship of the Armada to smoke her out."
"We might have an idea where she might be."
The siblings looked up. It was the same youth who'd snapped at Starla earlier. Tallstar got a clear look at him. He seemed about the same age as Starla, sappy green hair in a tangled mess, scratches covering his arms, each an incomplete arc. His face was pleasantly dark, the colour of firewood, and several piercings sprouted from his ears and lips, a particularly large one on his chin.
"The giant Spire, that was the beginning of their conquest," he continued. "Its the most heavily guarded region. You wouldn't be able to step foot in the vicinity before getting vaporized"
"Well, we have to try," Tallstar said. "We will not leave her alone. Jewel, get your axe."
Tallstar jumped at the collective command and turned to the tree hollow. Every single person, elders and youths and children, had climbed out, looking determined.
"We'll come with you," another young girl said. She was the one snuggling close to the boy with the piercings. "We know a few tricks to distract them, handy when we steal their rations. Besides, we won't leave one of us behind."
Tallstar received agreeing nods from the rest of the people. This was exactly what Starla had hoped for.
"Thank you," she said, softly. "Thank you so much."
Jewelstar raised his axe above his head. "In the name of the Rebellion!" he called.
After a brief hesitancy, the others raised their fists or weapons and echoed his call.
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myguccifiedwig · 5 years
•° In a tribe, 1270. °•
She's walking around the tribe, fulfilling her duty as a leader and making sure everything is going where it must be, pushing down every ounce of pain from the past month and letting life do its thing. Something like that.
"Mrs. Diana!"
She heard from her back. Oh god, what now?
"Hey! Um, how have you been?" The combatants' leader, Timothy, said with his best friend, Ben, at his heels.
"Um, could be worse," She replied truthfully, "how's the training going? Hopefully our little heroes are gaining their strength!"
"Oh, yeah, they're doing wonderfully! Big men, they are," He said, almost... Guardedly?
Her suspicions were answered when Tim started scratching the back of his neck and gave a quick glance at Ben, who hasn't spoken a word, Diana noticed.
"Um, are you free at the moment?" Tim asked slowly.
She looked at him quizzically before answering, "I'm just walking around, so, yes,"
"We have somewhere we want to take you," this time it was Ben who spoke up, "have to,"
"Oh..." She studied their faces for a second. Tim and Ben were um... Louis' best friends. Her now dead husband. Ex husband. Who no one knows where his corpse is, some believing that he was burnt to ashes while on a mission, which... Isn't something she necessarily likes to think about. They only found his ring, which she has now worn every single day of those two months of him being gone.
She trusts Tim and Ben. How could she not? They're what she likes to think as what she has left from Louis. So she follows her heart.
"Um, alright," she nods to herself and snaps up at them, "yeah, where do you want to take me?"
Timothy looks around with a serious look on his face before turning back to her, "We kind of can not tell you, you'll have to find out for yourself,"
"Should I be worried...?" She started getting very suspicious.
"We really have no time, this is really important, just get yourself and your horse ready, we're leaving in ten minutes," Tim excludes impatiently and throws his giant axe, that she has no idea how he lifts, over his shoulder and the two start walking towards horse stable.
She's left staring after them before she sighs,
"Guys, we have been on the road for three hours, where the fuck are you taking me?!"
She's getting impatient, if you can't tell.
"Nearly there, Di, just be patient," Ben answers with another frustrated sigh.
"Since when have I been So?!" She furrows her eyebrows at him.
"Louis never told me how annoying you are..." Ben whispers.
"Hey!" She quickly got riled up, "he-"
"we're here!" Timothy announces loudly, cutting them off.
"Um..." Diana looks around confusedly, "where?"
They ignore her question and get off their horses, to which she huffs exasperatedly before following their steps.
They tie their horses to a tree before Timothy turns to her.
"This is it, just go inside that cave over there." He points to where it is exactly.
"What, why?! Where are you guys going?!" She stares at them incredulously.
"Can you just go already?" Ben asks fake-sweetly.
She glowers at him before turning to Timothy, who was watching them tiredly before talking.
"we'll be right out here, we're not going anywhere."
"How do I know I'm not going to be killed?"
"Because you trust us,"
"No, I don't"
"What's going on here?"
A new voice joins in.
Ben grins, Diana freezes.
"Hey, man, she's right here. Tough to handle, that one is, don't know how you do it," Ben comments.
She doesn't have time to think of a comeback because the laugh she hears is so familiar.
So, so familiar.
She abruptly turns around and stares.
"Who is that?" She asks slowly. "Stop fucking with me, why am I here?"
"What do you mean, you don't know who that is?" It was Ben's turn to be confused.
She is fuming.
"You guys brought me all the way here, just to make me see a man who looks like my dead fucking husband? For what? Do you even know how cruel it is to-"
"Dee," The man frowns, "It's me, Louis,"
She looks around at everyone and tears pool in her eyes.
"Get away from me, who is this, it's not fair to play with someone's feelings like that,"
The guy finally comes close enough for her to see his features. Man, he looks just like Lou, she thinks.
She shakes her head and takes a step back when he got too close for her liking.
"Who are you?" She steadily keeps the eye contact.
A hand on her shoulder abruptly shakes her out of her trance, and she turns around to see Tim's pitying eyes,
"Trust him, trust us,"
She looks back ahead distrustfully and doesn't move when the man takes another step closer.
Not when he gets close enough to raise his hand and caress her cheek carefully.
To the point where she got cross eyed trying to keep eye contact.
"Figured it out yet?" He whispers.
She feels woozy.
Her once confused teary expression turns into an angry one in a split second and she abruptly moves away.
"You... How could you?!" She's mad.
"You made me think you were dead... You made us think you were dead! You know how much crying I've done these past two months?! They've all been for absolutely nothing! My heart feels like it's torn in half you bloody dick!" She gives his chest a strong push to express her anger even further.
"You have to listen to me, Dee, just give me a chance to-"
"You think you have the right?! I've been trying to manage double the work all on my own while you're hanging out in your bloody cave?!"
He sighs frustratedly.
"No, I've not just been hanging out in here, there's a lot to explain, just... Can I just hug you? I missed you an awful lot,"
Her face falls and she stands there limply before hugging him tightly, "of course I missed you, I just really hate you right now,"
He laughs and kisses the crown of her head before she adds, "But like, you told them but didn't tell me?! I have no idea how you even like that Ben guy, he's insufferable!"
"Hey, I'm right here!" Ben crosses his arms and huffs, but Tim was too busy grinning at the scene while patting Ben's back a little too hard.
"Let's go inside, there's a lot to explain to this feisty one," Louis smiles and beckons all of them inside.
"Nah, I'm saying here, I'm not gonna be close to her any longer," Ben refuses.
"We'll just go back, you guys make up for the missed time," Tim winks at Louis unsubtly, to which he laughs at.
"Alright, lads, see you tonight," He waves them good-bye while Diana stands there confused.
"Get inside, I have to clarify a lot of things."
"So they basically left my ring to make you guys believe I'm dead, which would obviously cause havoc,"
"I know we're in war, but... What do they get from that?"
She snorted, "Yeah, 'cause you're the best one out there, huh?"
He made an affronted noise and hit her shoulder jokingly, "You make me sound so selfish,"
She laughed at him and gestured for him to continue from her place next to him on the ground.
"They um..." He raised his right hand, "did this,"
She reached out to hold his bandaged hand but immediately retracted it when he winced.
"What did they do?" She frowned.
"Um..." He hesitated for a moment, "it doesn't matter,"
"Lou," she looked at him pointedly.
"They hit a nail into the middle of my palm," he squeezed his eyes and said it in one quick breath.
It was silent for a while.
"What...?" Tears pooled in her eyes as she picked up his hand, a lot more gingerly this time, "Lou, that's... I can't imagine that, I don't want to,"
He sighed, "You really wouldn't,"
"When was it?" She asked after giving it a little peck.
"About... Three weeks ago? I still need to reach out to Chris to make me something that can help me hold a sword without it hurting, that's Ben's mission for today, trying to get him to get him all this stuff without him knowing I'm still alive,"
"Why are you still hiding, love? I don't see the point,"
"I'm running away from them, still, I kind of escaped from the place with the help of another victim, they might have attacked the entire tribe if they knew I was there," he explained.
"Right..." She sighed.
He leaned his head back against the wall and smiled warmly at her.
"You okay?"
"I missed you..." She looks up at him, "Your mum is heartbroken, you sisters, everyone is, they think our tribe is going nowhere with just me in charge,"
"I know it could've went just fine if I were to pass away,"
"Shut up," she looked up from his hand on her lap to look him in the eye, "don't mention you dying anymore, I hate it,"
"Okay," he smiles before turning a little more sad, "and uhm, about my family, I miss them a whole lot and I feel so bad for doing this, but I can't have you telling anyone just yet. We need to keep this a secret until the coast is clear, we're going to attack their base tonight, Ben, Tim and I,"
"With this hand?!" She looked at him like he had two heads, "Lou, you can't just hold a sword with it,"
"I really wanna go home as soon as possible," he looked at her guiltily, "it's why Ben's getting me something to keep my hand in tact,"
"And if it doesn't work?"
"I... Guess I'll have to wait until it's safe to hold a sword,"
She thought silently for a moment and made a decision.
"I'll go instead of you,"
"What?! No! No way! This is my problem, I'm gonna fix it!"
"Ours, love, ours. I do know how to use a sword, you know that right?! It's what made you fall for me," she smiles.
"I fell for you because of so many things," he says, "either way, no,"
"It's safer, Lou, they don't know who I am, we could finish them off and none of them would know we're with you,"
"I made up my mind, it's a no," he looked to his side with a serious look on his face.
She sighed.
"Alright, stay safe,"
"You're one to say,"
He sighs.
"I promise, we just need to finish off the big guy," he makes quotes with his hands, "then I'll be right back home,"
Her expression softens, "promise?"
"pinky promise," he loops his pinky around hers, a small gesture at which makes both of them smile wide.
"Horses are ready!"
"That's my cue, I guess," she gives him a disappointed smile.
He gives her forehead a small peck just because.
"Love you, don't do anything stupid," he gives her an accusatory finger but quickly retracts it because of course she's going to try to bite it.
"Love you more," she gives him a lopsided smile behind her back and heads off home with Ben and Tim, much to her dismay.
An hour into the trip, she turns to Ben.
"Hey, Ben?"
He keeps looking ahead, "Hm?"
"I want to ask something,"
"As long as it's not about tonight, sure,"
"Well..." She trails off, "what if it is?"
"Then I wouldn't really answer your question, anyway,"
"Ben," she whines, "I could help,"
"Louis gave us strict orders not to talk to you about it," he recites sternly.
"Look, I won't come on my own, I'm not that stupid," she explains, "I'll gather a good amount of combatants and we'll come as reinforcement,"
He seems to consider it for a moment, "I don't know..."
"Just tell me the base number, I promise, I won't do anything dumb," she insisted.
"Main base," he says after a moment and purses his lips when Tim gives him an unsure look, "Main base, just... Please don't get us in trouble for this,"
"You really think the three of you could attack a whole base? The main base? With Louis's fucked up hand?"
"We talked to him about it, stubborn as a mule, he is," Ben mutters.
She laughs knowingly, "The one trait we share,"
"Don't know how the two of you get along so well,"
"I still have no idea,"
"You ready lads?" Louis announces.
"We sure are," Tim answers, "How're you and your hand doing?"
"Not the best," he purses his lips and tries to stretch his fingers out, "But we can do this, we have to,"
"Lou, you said you'd wait if it weren't healed enough," Tim tries, "you know this won't be easy,"
"It's not impossible to use it, so we're going for it," Louis becomes impatient, "I miss my tribe, gotta get back to my people,"
Tim sighs and heads towards his horse, "yeah, alright,"
He really hopes Diana stays to her word.
"Alright, most of them are asleep, we can take them guards down," Louis whispers to his friends from where they're crouching down behind some bushes.
"What happens after that?" Ben whispers back.
"We just have to get to Noah's tent and do what we have to do,"
"Wow, great plan, Lou," Ben deadpans, "we won't kill him in his sleep, right?"
"If we have to, yeah, but I'd prefer not to either,"
"Alright," Tim looks at both of them, "Ben and I will take those two down, they're blocking the main entrance. We take them down and get in disguise with their clothes, it'll make it easier for us to blend in,"
"That's what I call a plan!" Ben grins.
"Yeah, yeah, sure," Louis waves them off, "Just do everything without me,"
"You can't fight with this hand Lou," Tim explains quietly, "you will if we need you to, yeah?"
"Yeah, now go, we have no time,"
Ben and Tim share a nod and approach the guards from each side, elbowing the backs of their necks and succeeding in making them pass out.
They go through the process of changing into their clothes and hiding their bodies before turning back to Louis.
"We don't know what to expect behind that gate," Tim points out.
"We'll just have to find out, then," Louis stands up.
"Wait!" Ben grabs him behind, "You can't just get in like that, you don't even have the clothes on, they're gonna recognise straight away,"
"Right..." He realises, "Well you go in before me, I suppose, and call for me when the coast is clear,"
They nod before finally standing up and going inside.
It's been five minutes. Louis counted. He's worried.
That's why he stands up and peeks behind the gate doors.
"So what might two Turkish idiots want from a place like this, huh?"
Ben and Tim are cornered. Fuck.
"Answer me!"
"I'm not saying a word,"
"Now's not the time to act all heroic, Tim, please, you literally could've made up a good lie right here,"
Louis sighs. Idiots.
And so he does what a fellow idiot would do and joins them inside. They pretty much have nothing to lose, literally every guard is there.
He steps inside and immediately grabs all the attention, but what grabs all of his is the person standing on the side that he didn't see.
"Well, well, well, look who we have here,"
He narrows his eyes, "Noah,"
A guard grabbed him straight away and there he stood next to his friends with a sword to his neck. This isn't going well.
"I sometimes really question you Turks' stupidity, and honestly, this answers my question," Noah grins and steps forward until he's right in front of Louis, to the point where Louis had to cross his eyes to look at him.
"How dare you dishonour my people like that," Louis glares at him the best he could, considering the proximity of their faces.
Instead of an answer, Louis receives a kick to his stomach.
"How's you hand?" Noah smirks.
"Shut up," Louis just focuses on not crying out loud from the pain.
Noah takes a step back to pick Louis's limp hand covered in iron and laughs loud, "Wow, so efficient,"
He drops it to the floor next to where Louis is sat, which causes it to start throbbing bad.
It doesn't help that he steps on it after that. Louis screams from the agonising pain.
"Tie them to the gallows!" Noah walks back and forth, "It's been a while since we've had a party,"
Louis thinks hears everyone cheer, but he's too busy focusing on the crippling pain while being dragged to the bloody gallows.
"Fast guys, we have no time to waste! Tie you horses to the trees and move fast!"
Diana manages to gather thirty combatants I'm total without getting caught, although her mother in law was a bit suspicious.
"Where have you been dear? I haven't seen much of you today,"
"I have some work to do outside the tribe, I'll be back before you know it!"
She didn't actually lie, did she?
She's worried sick. They're forty minutes late for the time Tim and Ben gave her, and the possibilities are endless.
"Go, go, go!" She whisper-yells and beckons them on by one to surround the different gates and be ready to get inside as one.
She looks around to check, but she doesn't see anyone outside. That's not necessarily a good thing.
She sighs and turns to everyone around her.
"On the count of three, and soon as I put my hand into a fist, everyone with swords is going to jump out behind me and get in there. The ones with bows are gonna stay behind the bushes to cover us, have we got a deal?"
Everyone nods. That's enough, she guesses.
"Three... Two... One... Go!"
And the mission starts.
All three of them are tied to gallows. How did they reach this point.
"The one and only, Louis William Tomlinson, the hero of the Turkish empire! Tied to gallows," Noah walks back and forth and Louis's eyes follow his moves coldly, "All because of me!"
Louis turns to his boys to find them watching the entrance nervously. Weird.
"Hm?" Tim hums back.
"You waiting for someone? You didn't tell anyone did you?"
Tim snorts, "I wish I did,"
Louis was cut off by Noah's words.
"Why let's start," He gets close to Louis's face again, always gets on his nerves, "shall we?"
Everyone cheers and Louis swallows nervously. Guess it was the right thing to make them think he was dead, then.
Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull!
He pulled.
He was losing consciousness. This was it, then.
Except, was it?
He saw... A flying sword?
He's definitely dying.
In one swift move he falls to the ground with a thud.
What is going on?
He looks up to see Tim cutting the rope around his neck hastily with a knife and in seconds he felt the relief of it being off his neck.
He looked up and blinked a few times to try and figure out what's going on, and god damn it, that little shit.
He grins.
"Lou? You alright?"
"Yeah, Tim, I'm good, let me just," he tries to stand up, but putting the weight of his body on his hand failed him miserably as he fell right back to the ground, "yeah,"
"I'm gonna carry you out of here, just wait for us to be done with this, we'll be done in no time,"
"No!" Louis refuses, "no, I wanna help, just... Just help me up, please?"
"I don't think-"
"Fucking lift me up, Timothy, I chose to be here and I'm gonna fight,"
Tim sighs after a moment and helps him up.
"Please don't make me regret this,"
"You won't," Louis assures while looking at the scene in front of him with dark eyes. He missed this.
He opens and closes his hand around his sword handle, he can do this.
One last breath, and he's pulling it out of its scabbard.
And he fights. He kills two people but his hand feels tired so he stands to rest it, but-
"Watch out!"
He looks ahead and that same flying sword comes hitting a guy's skull.
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stevennavarro · 4 years
Ravenous Desire: A Reflection on Lord of the Rings
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I think I'm beginning to understand why Frodo chose to leave Middle-Earth and sail away with Gandalf and Bilbo to the Undying Lands.
At first it seems ridiculous. The evil that had threatened their very existence was now defeated. The companions who had helped him accomplish this were with him. Why leave such a place of joyous harmony?
This place, as we all know, is called the Shire, and it offered much beauty — flowing green fields and hobbit homes full of life and friends (the best kind of friends in the world). This was where Frodo grew up. It was home, and the home he had fought to protect. But Frodo, now back from an arduous journey, needs something more. But not "more" in the sense that the Shire was sufficient. That would be like calling a baby's first steps insufficient. They are needed at that point life. It’s "more" in the sense that whatever the Shire had been pointing to all along, was now at the forefront of Frodo's heart.
I imagine that while growing up, the neighbor's fields or a chance at sport or the songs sung at the Green Dragon, were enough to stir up wonder and curiosity. They held experience beyond what a young hobbit immediately contained. But now Frodo had seen what was out there. He had learned foreign languages taught by war, death, ecstasy, fear and honor. His heart was locked in a position (whether favorable or unfavorable I don't know), which produced a yearning, an ache for a greater kind of beauty.
This ache was awakened by that which nearly destroyed him: the dreadful and powerful ring. Every king lusted after the glory it promised, every queen ravenous for its splendor, every creature hungry for its might. This, Frodo held onto throughout his entire journey, like a cup of water he could not drink of while trudging through a desert. He was not indifferent to the ring, that's certain. His desires danced around that strange object, toying with the prospect of indulgence as it hung from his neck. True, he had resisted its call more than anyone could have. But eventually he caved in. Frodo saw that in the moment when everything depended on him destroying it, he instead answered its beckoning. When he could have chosen to dismantle the evil that plagued his world, he simply could not.
"I'm sorry, Uncle. I'm afraid I lost it," he later told old Bilbo when asked for the ring's whereabouts. At first, I thought Frodo was shying away from telling him the ring was no more. But now I see he was speaking honestly. Because he did not destroy it. To destroy it means deliberate action to get rid of the thing. Instead, as he admitted, he lost it. An accidental happening, a misfortunate misplacing, one not of his own will. He told the truth. And more than that, he showed where his heart now stood, for don't we look for that which we've lost?
Living at the Shire would bring about good times, that's not in question. But wouldn't all those good times, every small bit of kindness, each burst of joy, painfully prod at the dissonance within? A congratulatory slap on a broken back. Rich wine spilled over an open wound. It would always be war. One side welcoming and beckoning him towards a place where food and warmth can be enjoyed with company. The other side whispering to him that this will never satisfy and that he doesn't belong among such innocent life. None of this can compare to the sweetness of that forbidden fruit, and after all, that is what he desires, isn't it? It is what he's made of, this prideful and selfish appetite. For, when all was laid bare, he failed to choose the light. Only, where does one turn to when that which is desired no longer exists? But surely all of his desires aren't dark. Wasn't it his virtue that saved them? Wasn't the destruction of the ring his doing since Gollum was brought along by way of Frodo's compassion? Yet wasn't his fate tied to that pitiful creature? Where does that leave him?
This is why he did not weep as the others did when the time of departure came. Not because he wasn't sad. No, he had borne more sadness than all of them. But because he was sailing off beyond the reach of these questions, to a land where the war within would cease. Yes, now — finally now — he was destroying the power of the ring. For he wasn't simply leaving Middle-Earth for a new adventure, as if novelty was worth the departure. But in his voyage, I believe, he was choosing a great and pure pleasure that only a place beyond the sea could offer and thereby putting to death that haunting craving inside of him in order that true life might bloom at last.
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