#but thats kind of unlikely before he didn’t drink anything it that situation
So I went to the TV Tropes page for Andor, and someone made the observation that Cassian sniff checks all his drinks. Aside from the wholesome fact that the only time he doesn’t do this is with Nemik, there are a lot of supremely fucked up implications to this.
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julilovesyou444 · 1 year
hey baee that last fic u did was so good i literally loved it tysm it was so cute!! i have another request - could you write smth where the reader is the 5th member of the band and tom has lit been in love w her since they were kids, and it’s only when they’re like 16/17 that he finally accepts it and confesses to the reader?? like it’s so unlike him to be all soppy and stuff so he didn’t wanna accept his feelings and he’s like super nervous bc he doesn’t wanna like ruin the friendship or anything but ofc the reader likes him back 😋😋 THAT WAS SO LONG LMAO and super specific again but anyways tysm 💗💗💗
i know you ~ tom kaulitz
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ty for requesting bb! I’m so happy you liked the last one!! hopefully this one is okay too! enjoy💗💗 if anyone wants, feel free to request
warnings: swearing, yelling, drinking, partying, kissing, thats it i think ??
a/n~ thank you for 100 followers!! I sound stupid saying that but seriously the support means so much to me, gustav req coming soon!! stay tuned and enjoy this little piece for now💟 also thank you for all the comments and messages, I LOVE YOU GUYS🫶
(okay but angry love confessions >>>)
sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes !!
“are we doing anything tonight?”, i asked, laying down on the tour bus’ couch. My legs were draped across bills, he had insisted. We had been on the schrei tour for about a month now. the change from regular life to tour life was insane. we were on the schrei tour, about a couple months or so in. We had a little trouble adjusting at first, we were all getting into a lot of arguments, but now we were fine. Bill and Tom still get into arguments a lot, though. Tom has been acting weirder than usual, and i kinda felt like most of this behavior was aimed at me. It felt like he was distant, and I couldn’t figure out why. I have had a crush on Tom for just about as long as I can remember, but I always pushed away those feelings because I loved our friendship too much, and I didn’t want to confess to him and for there to be a rift in between us. I knew for a fact he didn’t like me back. He had so many absolutely gorgeous fan girls who liked him, so there was no way he liked me. He was also kind of a player. That hurt a little at first, but just like the whole situation, I learned to live with it.
“Uhh, i dont think so. We could do something, though. I wouldn’t mind.”, Bill replied, typing something on his phone. The door to the bus opened, and Tom walked in. The smell of cigarettes followed him. We were waiting on Georg and Gustav to finish up the grocery shopping. I thought he was going to go sit down on his bed, but I was wrong. He was staring down at me.
“What?”, i asked.
“Sit up. I wanna sit on the couch too.”, he said flatly. I groaned and sat up for a second, my legs still over Bills. I looked back and saw that Tom was sat behind me, both of his arms resting on the top of the couch. I fell back onto his lap, my head resting on top of his legs. I felt him tense up under me. He raised his eyebrows at me in a judgy way and I rolled my eyes.
“Who said I’m allowing you to do that?”, he said in a bratty tone.
“Deal with it.”
“I guess I will because it doesn’t really seem like I have a choice.”, he huffed.
“Okay, I’m tired of your guys’ bickering, I’m going to go check on Gustav and Georg and see what is taking them so long. Hans is in the store too, I guess he got tired of sitting and driving all day. I’ll be back soon.”, Bill said, lifting my legs up and letting himself get up. Before either Tom or I could protest, he left.
The silence engulfed us. It felt awkward, and I hated it. I had known Tom since we were seven. He had always been a bit of an asshole, but he was nice too. Lately I had just been getting asshole Tom. He seemed somewhat normal with everyone else, except for me. I started to overthink. Did he find out I liked him? Was he uncomfortable around me now? Did he think I was weird?
“sorry for laying on you, I’ll get up.”, i quickly said as I began to sit up. Tom grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back down into his lap.
“No. You can stay. If you want.”, he said flatly.
“Oh… okay, yea.”
I looked up at him as he gazed back down at me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with him. What had changed between us? When he was a kid, he would treat me just like he treated everyone else in the band.
“Is everything okay?”, i asked softly.
“What do you mean?”
I could tell he knew exactly what I meant.
“Oh, I don’t know, it’s stupid, nevermind.”, I looked away.
“No, tell me.”, he used his finger to direct my chin back toward him. His eyes were slightly narrowed.
“I don’t know, Tom, you just seem different, that’s all. I feel like you haven’t been yourself lately, but I’m probably just dumb and it’s all in my head.”
He didn’t say anything.
“I’m sorry.”, i immediately apologized in fear of making him angry.
“Why? You have no reason to be.”
Everything he did confused me.
“Okay, well, I just feel like you’ve been a little distant.”
“I haven’t been.”, he said. He sounded a little bit annoyed.
“Okay, sorry.”
“Will you stop saying sorry?”, he lashed out.
I froze. He usually never yelled at me. He knew I hated when people yelled at me. No matter what the situation was, if someone yelled at me, I would cry. He knew that. I sat up and he tried to get me to stay. I shrugged him off and stood up.
“Um, I think I’m gonna go take a nap in my bunk, I’m pretty tired.”, I mumbled.
“Just wait-“
“Leave it, Tom.”, i said quietly before walking away and over to my bunk. I heard Tom curse underneath his breath. I laid down, and about a minute after doing so, I heard everyone load back onto the bus.
“Okay, we have about two hours left in our drive to Dresden and then you guys can get checked into your hotel and do whatever you want for the rest of the day.”, Hans, our driver, announced. Everyone agreed.
“Where’s did she go?”, i heard Bill ask. He sounded confused.
“Her bed, she’s taking a nap.”, Tom replied.
“What did you do now?”, Bill teased.
“Fuck off.”, Tom said back.
“Calm down.”, Georg said.
“Can we just go?”, Tom yelled up to the front of the bus at Hans.
I felt the bus start to move. I got under the covers. I was still very in love with Tom, and the way he was acting towards me hurt me so much. I didn’t know what I did wrong. I missed the way things were. I silently cried for a minute, I felt so stupid. He shouldn’t have this kind of effect on me. I hated crying. I felt like a baby. I fell asleep within a few minutes, trying to forget about what was happening.
I felt the bus come to a sharp stop. I blinked my eyes open. I could hear Tom and Bill arguing. I couldn’t see them because I was in the back of the bus, but whatever they were talking about, sounded serious. I stood up and walked over to the cracked door. They couldn’t see me, and I could only see a sliver of them.
Bill was standing up, lecturing Tom about something.
“If you like her, why don’t you just tell her??? I don’t get it.”
“I don’t fucking like her, just fuck off.”, Tom spat back at him.
“Yes you do! It’s obvious! You have since, forever! We can all see that you do. We also all see you treat her like she’s nothing, don’t you think that hurts her?”
“It is kind of obvious.”, Gustav trailed off. They were probably talking about one of the many girls Tom was leading on. He always did this. It didn’t surprise me.
“Shut up, Gustav. And so what if I do like her? How is that any of your business? I’m not going to jeopardize the band or anything else for that matter for some silly crush.”
“It’s not a silly crush, Tom. You’re in love with her.”, Bill said. It was silent.
My stomach dropped. So that’s why he’s been acting all weird. He’s in love with another girl. I couldn’t listen anymore. I stepped out the door and stretched, acting like I heard nothing.
Everyone’s eyes darted to me.
“Good morning, everyone! We are here?”, i said as cheerfully as possible. I wanted to play it off like I was completely fine and like the boy I’ve been in love with since I was seven wasnt in love with some other girl I didn’t even know.
“You just woke up?”, Georg asked. Everyone looked a little worried.
“Yea! Your guys’ fucking yelling woke me up so I figured you were probably arguing over the set list, of course you were dicks are deciding without me so I wanted to come and help choose.”, I laughed. Acting skills, on point. The band looked relieved.
“Well, if that’s over then let’s go get settled into the hotel.”. I suggested. Everyone nodded.
Hans went into the hotel lobby and got us checked in while we unpacked all of our stuff onto caddys. He came back, handed us our keys and told us our floor and room numbers. Georg and Gustav shared a room, as well as Bill and Tom. I had a room to myself, it had always been that way.
We took our stuff inside and went up the elevators into our hotel rooms. I unpacked my stuff pretty quickly before going over to Bill’s room to try and make plans for tonight.
I knocked on their door. Tom cracked it open and squinted his eyes at me before opening it all the way. I pushed past him but he grabbed me and pulled me back.
I furrowed my brows at him and tried to continue walking, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Can you not be so stubborn and just hear me out?”, he said. I stopped trying to get out of his grasp and crossed my arms over my body. I widened my eyes and shook my head a little, giving him a cue to start talking.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you earlier. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s with me lately, but you’re right, i havent really been myself.”
I sighed. I didn’t want him to feel bad, especially for loving another girl. It was rare that Tom genuinely liked someone, and I didn’t want to get in the way of that.
“I know why, Tom. Its okay, I understand now. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or something. I wont get so close to you anymore.”
He looked so confused.
“Wait what? What do you mean ‘uncomfortable’? And I never said I didn’t want you close to me? What are you talking about?”
“Tom, I know you. You’re like my bestfriend, its okay. You don’t have to keep secrets from me. And im not gonna be upset if you don’t want me to be as touchy and stuff with you. I wouldn’t want to do anything to affect your relationship or whatever you are deciding to call it.”
“What are you talking about?”, he asked. He was acting so shocked. Then Bill walked out of the bathroom. Since he clearly wasn’t comfortable with telling me about the girl he was in love with, I wasn’t going to push, so I changed the subject.
“Oh, hi!”, he smiled, noticing me.
“I was thinking, what if we went to a club tonight?”
“OH MY GOSH, YES!!! please! I need to party, I’ve been so drained from always doing shows, that would be just what I need. you’d come too, right, Tom?”, Bill asked.
“Yea, I guess.”, Tom nonchalantly replied. He acted as if he was too good for that stuff.
“Go tell Georg and Gustav.”, Bill instructed.
“Why do I have to? Why can’t you?”, Tom complained.
“Because you know I take the longest to get ready! It’s getting late already so I’d like to leave sooner than later.”
“Ugh, fine.”, Tom said, rolling his eyes before leaving the room.
“What’s his deal?”, i asked.
Bill hesistated.
“Uhh, i dont know, he’s been weird. Tom will get over it soon though, don’t worry.”
“Oh, okay… it doesn’t have anything to do with me, right?”, i asked, trying to slyly investigate.
I saw Bill physically get taken aback.
“Uhhhhh no! No, I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”
“Uh i just feel like he’s been acting weird towards me I guess. We used to like jokingly flirt and be pretty close but we don’t ever really do that anymore and it feels kind of weird, but I think I know why.”
“Oh… and why is that?”
“He’s in love with somebody. I don’t know who, but it’s probably one of the girls he’s slept with. I think Tom just feels weird with me being how I used to be like with him because he is in love with her, y’know what I mean?”
“Wait-wait, where did you get this from?”, Bills mouth was agape.
“Don’t be mad but I heard you guys arguing on the bus. I heard only part of it. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything, but obviously the rest of the guys know and Tom is refusing to tell me too. He doesn’t know I already know, but I don’t really understand what is stopping him from telling me.”
“Oh… I see.”, Bill said, contemplating his next words.
“I think he will tell you when he’s ready, I think he just wants you to approve of him and he thinks highly of you. I also think you make him a little nervous.”, he finally added.
“Me? Make Tom nervous? Funny, but no way.”, I laughed. Bill made a face and shrugged.
“Okay, I’m gonna go get ready, I’ll see you in like 45.”, I said, turning for the door.
“I have a question, answer honestly, please.”
“What is it Bill?”
“Do you have feelings for Tom?”
I could feel myself immediately get flustered and my cheeks start to get red. Fuck fuck fuck.
“What?”, i laughed awkwardly.
“Please, I’m your bestfriend, you can tell me if you do.”
“Why do you even think that? Tom is my best friend just like you are.”
“You aren’t denying it.”
“Bill, please.”
“Do you?”, he asked again.
I gave him pleading eyes, asking him to leave it alone.
“You can tell me anything. I wouldn’t judge you at all.”, he placed his hands on my shoulders.
I sighed again. Even if I said I didn’t, I knew Bill wouldn’t believe me.
“Maybe?”, i scrunched my face up a bit.
Bill smiled.
“Why are you so happy?”, i asked, unclear on whatever was going on in his head.
“No reason…”
“Please, Bill. Don’t say anything to Tom. I don’t want to ruin our friendship, he means too much to me. And I don’t want to get in the way of his relationship with this girl.”
Bill smiled at me again. He shook his head.
“I promise I won’t. And if I were you, I wouldn’t worry about another girl.”
“I thought he loves her though?”
“Just dont worry about it, go get ready!! And look hot! Not that you don’t already, but go get more hot!”, he said pushing me to the door, a smile permanently engraved on his face.
“Bill- wait Bill-“I stuttered as he pushed me out the door.
“Please, I’m serious. Don’t say anything.”
“I won’t. Boyscouts honor.”, he held two fingers in the air before slamming the door in my face. I was greeted by Tom leaning against the wall. I flinched, I hadn’t seen him because he was standing behind the open door. His arms were crossed over his chest.
“Jesus, fuck! You scared me.”, i yelled.
“Don’t say anything about what? What were you guys talking about?”
“I hate when you keep secrets from me.”
“You’re one to talk.”, i replied, defensively.
“What? Was it about me? Are you embarrassed or something?”, he took a step closer to me, his face now adorned with a smug grin. I scoffed.
“Get over yourself, Tom. The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“Maybe not, but sometimes I begin to think you do.”, he teased.
I rolled my eyes and turned around to go to my hotel.
“Be ready soon!”, he called after me as i slammed the door.
Bill banged on my door, for the third time in the last five minutes.
“HURRY UPPPPP”, he groaned. I finished zipping up my shoe before opening the door. Bill looked annoyed but as soon as he saw me, his face lit up.
“Oh. My. God.”, he said, looking me up and down.
“You like?”, i asked, already knowing the answer. I was wearing a denim mini skirt that was way too short, a black lacy top that had long belle sleeves with a pretty cleavagey v-neck. It was cropped perfectly to display my belly button ring. I of course had a ton of jewellry on too, with a bit of makeup as well. I wore platform black boots that went up part of my calf. They were leather and I had been gifted them, but I rarely got the chance to wear them.
“Obviously!”, bill exclaimed.
I walked out to see the rest of the band waiting in the hallway. They all looked a little shocked when they saw my outfit. I usually didn’t dress-up too much, mainly because I didn’t have the confidence to do so. I decided to just let go and have fun tonight.
I walked past them and they just stood there. I clicked the button for the elevator and looked back at them down the hallway.
“Are you guys coming or…?”
They scurried down the hallway and got into the lift with me. We decided to go to a club that was only two blocks away. It was a pretty popular club, and we usually got into most clubs that we tried to because of our status in Germany. The bouncer recognized us and let us skip the line. Perks of being semi-famous I guess.
The music was so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts. Bill grabbed my hand to pull me away and get drinks. I turned away and grabbed Tom’s hand, dragging him along with us. At first he just let me hold his hand, but then he held it back, letting Bill and I lead him through the crowd of drunk people.
Bill ordered us all shots. Tom watched as i downed mine, and drank his not long after. Bill snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me away to the dance floor. We danced for a little before some random girl took it upon herself to steal him away. I couldn’t really blame her though. I danced by myself for a little but got bored and decided I wanted another drink. I made my way over to the bar and ordered a drink I saw another girl have. I began to drink it slowly, looking around. I made eye contact with a guy. He was by himself, looking me up and down. He smiled and i smiled back. He had to be at least 22. He approached me and asked if he could buy me a drink, despite me not even being close to the one i just got myself. I told him that if he wanted to, he had to dance with me first. He agreed, and we went over to crowd of dancing bodies.
At first, it started pretty innocent. Just giggling, drinking, and dancing. He started to get touchy, putting his hands on my waist. He had them slowly go from my waist, downwards. I would pull away whenever he got to close to the one thing he wanted, but no matter how many times I pulled away, he would always try to do it again. I looked over and was met with Tom’s eyes. They were staring at me, a sort of gross look on his face. Was he really that disgusted by me?
“can I get you that drink now?”, he winked. I internally cringed but said yes. Free drinks? Fine by me. He ordered me something, but nothing for himself. As soon as the drink was in my hand, he was urging and pressuring me to drink if. I did. Another drink, same deal. I downed the drink, wanting him to just leave me alone about it. Even though I told him not to, he ordered another drink. I tried to push it away, but he kept pushing it towards me. Finally, he put the drink down. I tried to back up, but he pulled me into a sloppy kiss that I wanted no part of. I tried to push him off but he was too strong, or maybe I was just to tipsy.
“get off of me.”
“please, stop”
but he wouldn’t.
“I don’t want this-“, i started, yet another plea for him to stop. a pair of hands yanked me back. before i could even see who it was, I saw Tom step in front of me and push that guy into the bar counter.
“She told you to get off her you fucking pervert. Is getting girls drunk enough so they hook up with you your only hobby. Pathetic.”, he spat. The guy looked like he wanted to say something back, or fight Tom, but he just cursed under his breath and stumbled away. I felt embarrassed. I shouldn’t have let myself get in that situation.
“Thank you.”, i mumbled to Tom. He shook his head.
“Just stop. You’re really fucking stupid sometimes y’know? Putting yourself in dumb situations like that.”, he rolled his eyes as he walked away. I wasn’t going to let him be that rude and just walk away, so I followed him. I watched as he weaved through people. I followed hom, but not to closely. I saw him open a door and go in before practically slamming it. It was too loud for anyone to even notice. I waited a minute before going into the door as well. There were a few flight of stairs. I climbed up them. I had finally made it to the top. I opened the door. The roof.
The cold air hit my face as I stepped out, the smell of cigarette smoke filling my senses. I saw Tom, standing towards the edge of the building, smoking as he looked out at the city. I began to walk over to him. The gravel crunched underneath my boots, making him turn around.
“What the fuck is your problem to me? You’ve been such a dick and I haven’t even done anything. I just want for things to be normal.”, i said, angered.
“They aren’t normal.”, he said, taking a puff of his cig.
“And how is that in any way my fault? I haven’t done anything to you, yet you are treating me like shit. You loving some girl doesn’t mean you can act like that, it doesn’t have anything to do with me.”
“It has EVERYTHING to do with you!”, he shouted.
“What the fuck did I do?! I don’t understand what I did to make you despise me so much! Why do you hate me so much?!”, I yelled back.
“I don’t hate you, I’m in love with you, you fucking idiot!”, he yelled. His eyes widened at his own words.
I was so confused. It didn’t feel real. I could barely comprehend what he had just said.
“What?”, was all I could manage to say. He looked so nervous, his hands shaking.
“I’m fucking in love with you, okay?? I have been ever since I’ve known you. I’ve tried to push it away, I’ve always denied it, but i cant anymore. I’ve tried everything and I can’t! I’ve slept with countless girls but the only thing I’ve ever been able to think about is you. You’re always on my mind and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to get you out of my head. I’ve been being mean to try and distance you from me and make myself stop loving you but it’s fucking torture and it’s stupid and it hasn’t even worked in the slightest. Bill told me you heard us on the bus, it wasn’t some girl, we were talking about you. Its you, and it always has been. I feel sick when I see you with other guys, I get so jealous I can barely handle it. All I’ve ever wanted is you, and not having you is killing me. I’m sick and tired of pretending like I don’t love you because I do! Hate is the last thing on this earth that I feel about you. I love you so fucking much, and I’m sorry for treating you the way I have been.”, he yelled.
I could hardly believe anything I was hearing. Tom Kaulitz? In love with me? This is a prank, right? It felt like a dream.
“Are you serious?”, i asked.
“Really? After that long ass rant or about loving you, you don’t believe me?”, he dryly laughed.
“Tom, im serious, please…”
“Yes, I’ve never been more sure on something in my entire life.”
“Why now? Why haven’t you said anything?”, I asked, still unsure.
“I wanted to, but I didn’t know how to. We would flirt, but you always took it as a joke. I wasn’t joking. I loved you so much as a friend too, I was scared that if I told you, I would lose you. i also hate talking about my feelings and shit, i feel so stupid whenever I do.”
Part of me was still processing everything. Boy I had been in love with forever, loved me back. In the exact same way I loved him, he loved me. I couldn’t hold back anymore.
“fuck it, i love you too. I’ve been in love with you since we were like eight, and I never said anything because I thought I had no chance with you and I didn’t want to make things weird. The only thing I wanted was for you to stay my friend and for you to like me. When you started acting like you didn’t, I felt horrible and I felt like there was no hope for anything for us. I acted like I didn’t feel anything for you because all I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy. Even if it meant you being with someone else. I love you, Tom.”, I rambled.
He closed the distance between us. He placed his hands on each side of my jaw, his thumbs slowly caressing my cheeks. I could feel myself get goosebumps, staring up into his dark eyes.
“you were going to let me be with someone else so I could be happy? even if it meant you weren’t?”, he softly asked. I nodded.
“what did I ever do to deserve someone so sweet liek you?”, he murmured. His eyes glanced down at my lips. He took one of his thumbs and pulled it across my bottom lip, tugging down at it gently.
“God, you don’t even know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you.”
“How long?”
He laughed.
“Forever. I want to kiss you now more than ever.”
“Prove it.”
He chuckled at my boldness. Tom leaned in, our noses brushing against each other. I couldn’t stand the teasing anymore, I had waited too long. I dipped his face and pulled him down. Tom, smiling into the kiss at my neediness. It was so passionate, I could kiss his mmm forever. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I pulled him in more, unsure if he was even able to get any closer than he already was. he tasted like Marlboro Reds and liquor. I loved it, I couldn’t get enough of him. One of his hands found its way down to my waist, while the other one tangled itself in my hair. He tugged ever so slightly, earning a soft groan from me. Tom smiled at this, getting the exact reaction he wanted. He pulled away, our foreheads resting against each other.
“fuck, you look so pretty. I wanted to tell you how good you looked earlier tonight but i was too scared.”, he mumbled. I smiled, the sweetness that I had missed was returning to Tom. I pulled him back into another kiss, the first one being incredibly addicting. Our tongues fought for dominance, of course he won.
The door to the roof swung open, startling both Tom and I. We attempted to pull away, but I before I could even see who it was, I heard Bill’s voice.
“I was looking for you guy- OH MY GOD.”, he said, a little shocked. his face quickly turned into a smile.
“What took you guys so long?”, he teased.
“Oh shut up.”, Tom laughed, his hand now around my waist.
“Well, I ordered us some more shots, so… c’mon. you guys can finish whatever this is later.”, he smiled, waking back into the building.
“let’s go inside.”, i said.
Tom kissed me again, this time with the full intent of being sweet and gentle.
“it feels weird to say out loud now, but I love you.”, he said into my ear. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I looked back up to him, seeing the very boy that i fell in love with all those years ago.
“I love you, too.”
a/n #2 ~ THIS WAS SO LONG IM SORRY. also sorry for this taking so long the first one I wrote DELETED😕 I’m on vacation right now but I hope you guys enjoyed this long ass story.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
You want Vitamin F, then let me supply you one;
Genshin boys transform into cats.
A Furry Predicatment [Cat Genshin Impact x Gn!Reader]
Synopsis: Venturing to Springvale the boys inhale the fairy dust that turns people into cats, now they must endure the consequences.
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Venti
(A/n): My student just sent me a video of her cat. I think thats a sign anon. This was meant to be written. part 2 here :P
The grumpy cat (to no one's surprise) who wears the same iconic frown with the same matching gloomy eyes. He's grumpy about this outcome in particular, plus the fact he can't even voice his frustrations except for meowing noises and the endless craving for raw fish. RAW, how despicable.
The maids were looking for Master Diluc except that he was already there...in your arms. Just like his hair, his fur is the fluffiest as if he were a gigantic ball of hilichurl hair. You would nuzzle your face into it because he just feels so warm!
Absolutely will NOT live like a cat. The uncrowned king of Mondstadt refuses to drink water from a bowl. He cannot eat anything unless you feed him with utensils. NO, no he will not shove his mouth into the plate, its uncultured and unsanitary.
He never though taking baths would be so nerve-wracking (cat instincts). It was terrible, choosing between the feeling of water against his body or licking his paws to clean himself (a much more comfortable choice). This kind of lifestyle was miserable.
The mischievious cat (oh no) cue pink panther music, he's the Tom with Jerry's brains. Unlike Diluc, Kaeya will ultimately fall into his cat instincts and somehow uses it to his advantage.
You bet he's gonna spy on people. At night he would jump upon the rooftops to peek through Goth Grand Hotel's windows (watching closely at the Fatui), until the Darknight Hero comes in. Diluc knows it's Kaeya, it's rather uncanny how he does it, hence the cat runs away immediately.
The type to lick you upon contact. You think this was a quirk that came with the spell but he was actually doing it on purpose. Usually targets the neck because he could get a reaction out of you (ohoho you're tickilish there eh?)
As he is roaming out on the streets, always manages to escape the dogs. Kaeya knows his way around the city like the back of his hand, he enjoys watching them bark endlessly while he licks his paws in a mocking manner. Until one of them hopped up, now things got tricky. Basically Kaeya gets himself to alot of trouble as a cat, the worst part was when a bunch of kids started to join in too.
The fiesty cat (he was always a fiesty cat) who hisses alot. Even his fur stands up like a porcupine when expressing his distastefulness. The way he meows almost sounds like a low growl, bares his fangs as if he were a thirsty vampire. Will scare alot of people away with his behaviour, even dogs.
But damn he would make a pretty cat. Golden eyes, dark green stripes and teal fur, the purple diamond still tattooed between where his eyebrows once were, it didn't take long for Verr Goldet to realize that was Xiao.
And the worst nightmare of all, while Cat Xiao roams around the city at night he happened to attract alot of other stray cats who lived in the streets. They were very attracted to his beauty, cornering him until there was no where to run, that was the only situation where Xiao was scared enough to run away.
His ears are the most sensitive. He can't help but purr whenever you pet between them. Though if anyone were to grab his tail, the outcome would not be very pleasant...
The curious cat (who does not die) that will appear from every corner, silently, mysteriously as if he teleported. Once Lisa found him between the bookshelves of her Library while seeing a pile of books stacked upon the floor. Before she could shoo him out, she realized that the cat was way too smart to be a mere cat and quickly deciphered that it was the Chief Alchemist.
Of course no one else in Mondstadt knew it was Albedo, they thought you just had a very talented pet. Margaret even decided to put him against Prince to see who's cat was the best. It wasn't even a competition. Catbedo could paint a picture just by using his paws.
But Klee found out eventually (she deserved to know). She would open her drawer, take out her bow and stick them upon his fur. It seems that Albedo can never get a break when it was against his little sister, she will find indulging activities to do without consent.
Astounded by the sheer talent your cat possessed, the Knights of Favonius offered to hire your cat to be trained as a Knight Cat because animals are very good at deciphering clues for investigation. Oh how unaware they were.
The type of cat for crazy cat ladies. It's the vibe he gives being an old man ranging to a thousand years. Zhongli is very behaving, very considerate and very calm in his cat form. His favourite activity is to snuggle upon your lap while you quietly read a book.
He is indeed a tall black cat. Has incredible and refined posture and if he were to stand up on his hind legs, he can even reach as far as the kitchen counter! Though he does not like the fact that he sheds so much fur, it leaves a huge mess behind him (in which you had to clean up)
Zhongli decided to venture into Liyue's streets and see what it's like to be a cat. He starts communicating with some of them, speaking his cat language (meow meowmewomewo? meeoooow). Needless to say, the cats had no idea what he was saying.
If there were any cat-related dish he eats, it has to be sushi. Raw sashimis if possible. You worry if the choice was even healthy for a cat but you remembered that he was still a god. He'll be fine, right?
The annoying cat (that you must take care of, remember) whos a little too impulsive for his own good. Childe finds the excitement running through him whenever he spots a mouse, a squirrel or even a bird. One moment he's in your arms, the next he just leapt high into the air and running into the streets.
Adventurous as always. You take him to the pond to get some fresh air. Childe is not afraid of water, at all. He plays a game with the fishes, trying to see how much he can catch in one swipe. You had to keep a close eye on him otherwise he'd fall in and drown.
Loves climbing trees but shortly realizes that he can't get down. You tell him to jump but he feels hesitant so you had to climb up and get him. However, now the two of you were stuck and Zhongli had to get you both down one at a time.
Childe has the prettiest blue eyes as a cat. They were big and bright, almost feminine. But you knew that look was the look of upcoming trouble.
Oh God Barbatos.
Venti can't stop sneezing. His own fur is all over the place and he just couldn't catch a break (or a breath). Every second he will hiss-sneeze, they sounded like dying noises.
You had to get him to Lisa as fast as possible otherwise the death of Barbatos would have been caused by his own self.
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I’m having your baby..
Part 1: Congratulations
Harry’s name and photo popped up on your screen as he called. “Harry?” you answered anxiously.
“Hey, uh do you have a minute?”
You walked into the kitchen looking for an excuse. You just weren't ready to have this talk yet. “Uhmm actually I was just about to-”
“(y/n) seriously we need to talk.” Harry sounded annoyed and you didn't like that. Normally on the phone with you he was happy and cheeky, telling jokes, and asking a million questions. This conversation just seemed so dry, so unlike him. It seemed like he was scolding you almost.
“I guess I have a minute...” you mumbled sitting on the barstool in the kitchen. “What seems to be the problem Harold?” you gave the attitude right back, not in the mood for one of his mood swings.
“Well I was thinking maybe we should talk about the things I’m currently being tagged in online. The articles about you. Specifically about you being pregnant. Don’t you think thats something we might need to discuss?”
You were twirling your hair through your fingers anxiously and wondered if he was doing the same...even though he sounded more mad than anxious. “I mean I don't know is it? If anyones pregnant, not saying I am or anything, but it's me and not you who's actually affected so what's the big deal? You can still go off and live your life, touring the world, singing, writing albums in complete isolation, and then hooking up with random girls you meet at the bar. Living your best rock star life Harry. You know what? I have a question for you. Why do these things, these articles, these tweets, and stories about me bother you now. It's been weeks, you haven't even called or texted. You probably haven't thought about me either. Actually, haven't you moved on by now? Isn’t it that time where you find someone new, someone better, someone more fit in managements eyes, someone your fans will approve of?” You bit down on your lip while holding back tears. This is not where you wanted this to go but here it was. There was no going back now. Harry had opened a door he probably hadn't meant to.
Harry sighed into the phone and cleared his throat before speaking again. “All I want to know is if you're pregnant and if the baby is mine. That’s it. It’s an easy and quick answer (y/n).”
“Fuck you Harry.” He was pissing you off now. He was acting like nothing mattered and like getting pregnant was your fault. “I am pregnant with your baby but guess what it’s none of your damn business.” you hung up and dropped the phone on the counter, tears rushing down your cheeks. Why did he have to be like that? Didn’t he think that this was hard on you too? Didn’t he understand that you were panicking. Panicking about having a baby, growing a baby inside you, caring for the baby alone, telling people that you were about to become a single parent, affording everything the baby would need. The list continued to grow things that just would not work out. Your hands drifted to your lower stomach to where the baby was growing. Something about it comforted you at the same time. It made you feel less alone, less like Harry had left, and more like a part of him was still with you and for now, that was enough to remind you that a baby is a blessing no matter the situation. You would figure the rest out eventually.. it’ll all work out...just give it time. These are the thoughts rushing through your head as the tears stopped. You were not about to let Harry destroy this moment for you. You walked upstairs and into the guest bedroom where you laid out the onesie and binkie on the bed. “This is going to be your room little one...I’ll make sure its perfect by the time you get here. I promise.” 
After calming down a little you went to bed and pretty much stayed there until noon which is when you called Luke and asked him to come over. You wanted to talk things over with a rational voice, and well he was the only one other than Harry that knew you were pregnant. His noisy truck pulled up to your driveway and he ran inside trying to avoid the rain. “Hey you.” he said setting a large bag of food on the counter. “I grabbed some Chinese food, figured you might be hungry.”
You smiled and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, I don't think I’ve actually eaten anything all day.”
“Well thats not going to help you grow a baby...” he was digging into a box of rice, attempting to use his chop sticks. 
“I guess you're right...I should probably look into what diet changes I’ll need to go through.”
“Isn't getting pregnant like an excuse to eat whatever you want whenever you want?”
“I mean kind of but no” you laughed and grabbed some chicken from one of the containers. “I’ll still have to watch what I’m eating so I don't get diabetes or get fat...I don't want to look terrible once the baby is here...I’m already getting all the hate for being pregnant let alone for being fat afterwards.”
Luke shook his head, dropping the chopsticks and using the fork. “Babies naturally cause you to gain weight, thats nothing to be ashamed of. Plus, I read some of those articles and I wouldn't say its hate. Most people are excited for you. And for Harry. I’m guessing he knows now?”
You nodded and dropped your head to the counter. “He knows. Doesn’t change anything though does it? He’s still not here, we are still not together, and he's still on tour doing whatever he wants.” Luke rubbed your shoulder and you looked up, more tears in your eyes as you thought about the situation again. You started crying and Luke squeezed your shoulder. You looked up at him sobs now echoing through your chest. “I just-I just miss him so much. I-I’m all alone too.”
“I know (y/n)...I know.” Luke wiped the tears and smiled. “It’ll get easier. I promise. I mean its only been a few weeks and I’m sure the baby thing makes you think about him a little more but you know what? If he’s not here to see this baby grow, be born, and live, then that’s on him. Youre going to be an amazing mother and Harry’s involvement or noninvolvement won't change that. And you are NOT alone. I’m right here with you, and I’ll be at every doctors appointment, meeting, birthing class, whatever you need me for. I’ll be there.” You smiled and Luke looked relieved. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too (y/n).” He hugged you tightly and you returned the favor, your chin resting on his shoulder. “Now, are you ready to down some of this food and watch a movie?”
You nodded and ate another piece of chicken. Luke returned to his chopsticks and the two of you ate pretty much everything. You stood up laughing and lifting your shirt. “I guess I have an excuse for looking a little chubby after eating far too much. My food baby is an actual baby too.”
Luke laughed and shook his head, “You never look chubby though.” 
You rolled your eyes and followed him into the living room. The two of you cuddled up on the couch and under loads of blankets. You decided to watch The Parent Trap, something you both hadn't seen in a while, but you quickly fell asleep, exhausted from everything that day. You snuggled into Luke and he tightened his grip on you. The next thing you know, someone is pounding on your door. Luke who had also fallen asleep sat up confused. “Are you expecting anyone?” You rubbed your eyes shaking your head no. He stood up and walked to the door, opening it a bit to look out. You glanced at the clock, it was almost 3 am, why was anyone at your door. “I don't think this is a good time..” you heard Luke harshly whisper. You stood up and walked over to the door. Your heart sped up, your stomach did flips, and your mouth dropped open. Harry was standing on your doorstep, dripping wet, and shivering. 
“Of course you're here with him.” he shook his head and turned around.
“Yeah he’s my friend, why wouldn't I hang out with him?” you snapped back following him outside. The rain was pouring, instantly soaking your clothes. The wind blowing was freezing your skin but you were mad now. “When has me and Luke hanging out ever been a problem? I’ve known him since I was 10, he's my best friend, he's- he's like my brother.” Harry had stopped and was watching you. His lip was between his teeth and his hair covering his eyes from being so wet. You glanced behind you and Luke had gone back inside, giving you the privacy you knew you needed. “Why are you here Harry? It’s super late, its wet, and its cold and-”
He ran his hands through his hair, slicking it back so he could look at you better. “Why do you think I’m here?” You crossed your arms across your stomach and frowned. Harry sighed and stepped closer. “Theres no way in hell that you carrying my baby isn't my business. How could you even think that? How could you even think I wouldn't be here for everything, for the appointments and well whatever else you need. I know it wasn't our plan and I know we are going through something but I want to be here. For you and for the baby.”
You had tears in your eyes but thankfully the rain was washing them away. You nodded and looked down. “Harry-”
“(y/n) please...let me be there-here let me help. It’s my baby too.” He stepped closer and moved your hands away from your stomach. He got down on his knees, gently touched your belly and wiped his nose. He was crying too. Normally people crying made you uncomfortable and nervous, but Harry crying was one of the saddest things ever. He looked like a sad angel and that hurt you more than anyone would know. You instinctively reached out and touched his hair, wiping it away and wrapping your fingers in the curls. Harry looked up and smiled. “I cant believe it...theres a little baby in there. Its 50% you and 50% me..thats so crazy.”
You smiled and nodded, you had thought the same thing earlier today. “I uh- I have a picture. A picture of the baby. It’s inside if you want to maybe see it..” Harry looked surprised but extremely happy. He nodded and you led him back inside to the kitchen. Luke was sitting at the table drinking a cup of tea confused by the fact that Harry was in your house. “It’s right here..” you showed him the black and white image magneted to the fridge. 
“Its so tiny.” Harry looked in amazement and smiled. Luke was in the background mocking Harry and so you shot him a look. “Thats like our baby.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into a tight hug. Your nose burying in his soaking wet t-shirt. You wrapped your hands around him and smiled. It was okay to give in every now and then right? Might as well enjoy while its here? Harry wiped his nose again and you stepped back with a smile. 
“Are you okay?” you asked, your hand lingering next to his.
“Yeah its just a lot to take in..like the fact that I am going to be a dad..it’s just crazy.” Luke snorted and Harry looked over at him annoyed.
“I understand the feeling.” you touched his hand and his eyes shot back to yours with a small smile.
“I’m sorry I wasnt there for you yesterday...I should've known..I should've-”
“This is insane.” Luke walked over annoyed. “(y/n) what are you doing? What happened to the ‘Im a strong independent woman I don't need him’ vibe?”
Harry shot Luke a glance to which Luke responded. “I am strong and I don't need him...” Harry looked upset, hurt flashing through his eyes. You continued on, “I don't need him but I want him here...I want him to be there for the baby..”
Harry smirked and nodded. “I want to be there. For the baby and for you. I promise...I’ll be there for everything if you want me to be...I just want to get to see the baby grow and become like an actual baby. Just tell me what to do. Tell me I can be a part of this with you..”
You smiled and hugged him. “Of course I want you to be a part of everything. This is your baby too.”
Luke stood up frustrated and gave you a look. You stepped out of Harry’s arms and towards Luke. He shook his head and laughed. “I’m gonna go. I’l talk to you later (y/n).” 
“Not now.” Luke grabbed his jacket and then walked out, leaving you and Harry alone for the first time in weeks. 
Harry sat down with a pleased expression on his face and you frowned. You don't know why Luke was acting like that. You didn't even know what caused the fight but for some reason it really really upset you. Tears fell down your cheeks again and Harry looked concerned. He walked over and pulled you into his chest, “What’s wrong love?”
“I just don't know why Luke is acting like that. Like why is he mad at me? I didn't do anything.” 
Harry wiped a tear and smiled, “it’s not you...he just has to figure things out and come to terms with the fact that I’m here and I’m staying. It’ll be okay.”
“Promise you won't leave me?”
“Promise. I’m here for good- well for the next 18 years anyways.” 
“You better be.” you yawned. It was now almost 4:30 am and you were falling asleep. 
“I will be” Harry whispered. “Come on, lets get you into bed.” Harry helped you upstairs and pulled back the covers.  You changed into some dry clothes and walked over and climbed in. Just the way you liked, Harry tucked you in. 
You yawned again and he smiled, moving the hair that had fallen to your eyes. “I’ll uh-I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Harry, wait.” You looked over at him again. “Change into something dry and get in..please? I just sleep better well not alone..” Harry nodded and dropped his wet clothes to a pile on the floor. He rummaged through your closet, finding the one thing Harry had left- by accident by the way. It was just a t-shirt but he smiled and threw it on, climbing into his side of the bed. You rolled over and smiled, trying to keep your eyes open. “Thank you for staying.”
He kissed your forehead and smiled. “Anytime love..” Your eyes closed and Harry scooted in closer, rubbing your arms slowly with his fingers. It was easy to say, you had the best night of sleep you had since Harry had left the first time. His scent, his touch, everything. It just made you sleep so much better and for that you were insanely grateful for that reason- and of course the fact he wanted to be part of the babies life. 
Part two, let me know what you think!
Part 3: Plum Sized
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palettepainter · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons on when Ecto and Higari got together or when they were younger?
Yep! Here are some
-I mentioned in a post with Higari’s family that Higari left for the city at 16 to go on UA’s support course. With him being raised in the country and the family still recovering from the passing of his dad Higari was very nervous and hesitant when he first joined UA. He was the awkward one in class, the outcast, he knew little to nothing about city life, the only thing he did know was his Uncle’s home (I have yet to draw out his uncle but hopefully can soon) where he was staying while studying at UA. I imagine Powerloader probably got bullied a little, being the shy quite kid he got unwanted attention, it never escalated to Higari getting seriously hurt, it was mostly stuff like name calling, throwing paper at him in class, people taking his seat, the worst it ever got was when he started to get pushed over in the hallways. With Higari still being emotional over his dads death lead to him lashing out, which then resulted in him getting in trouble. The bullying didn’t help Higari in classes either, and his anxiety made him forget things more easily, and his grades gradually began to drop. 
-Ectoplasm on the other hand was the total opposite. I have my own headcannon for his parents and I don’t want to spoil too much, but basically his parents where very well off money wise and work in the music industry, hence why Ecto has a love for singing - they weren’t millionaires by any means, but they where well know for their occupations and thus had plenty of money. Because of this Ectoplasm was considered somewhat famous among his classmates, and maaaybe a teenie part of him enjoyed the attention at first. Unlike Higari Ectoplasm had a large social circle and was good at talking with people, though he never really felt like he had a propper close friend. With his parents again being well known and quite wealthy, Ectoplasm was never sure if someone was friends with him because they genuinely wanted to be, or because his family was wealthy. Ectoplasm in reality was also pretty lonely, but he’d accepted that making friends would always be difficult with who his parents where, so sadly, he’d come to accept the fact he may not ever really get a proper friend. He covers up his loneliness by studying, it helps him focus on something, and helps his grades improove - a win win. Ectoplasm didn’t really focus much on making friends during UA..until he meets a ginger haired support course kid in the library
-Their first meeting was very brief: Higari had gone to the library to try and find a book on mechanics and engineering to prepare for the end of year test that was coming up in a few months, if Higari failed to pass he could get booted from the course. Ectoplasm unlike Higari was a high achieving student, and Higari was one of the lowest. Ectoplasm who has finished collecting the books he needs walks past, sees Higari struggling to reach a book (curse his shortness), and so Ecto walks over and picks up the book for him. Higari timidly thanks him, before Ectoplasm nods and then walks away. It was the first real time Higari has actually had any kindness shown to him, so the memory of that day has stuck with him. Ectoplasm didn’t think too much on it, he just helped out, no big deal.
-The two reunite however during an class exercise a few days later, the hero course students would be paired with a student from the support course - the aim of the exercise was for the support course students to design a support item for their hero student they where paired with, and then present it as their final project. Higari was more confident in making things rather then paper tests, so he had a bit of confidence going into the exercise. Right before the pairs have been picked Higari notices Ectoplasm standing with the rest of the hero course students, and how a lot of the people from his class seem to be looking/whispering about him. Higari had never been in the city before and so knew nothing about Ecto’s wealth, he just figured Ecto must have been pretty popular. While the pairs are being picked, Higari hopes he won’t be paired with someone mean...and surprise surprise, he ends up being paired with Ectoplasm. For the rest of the day the students are given time to know their partner, and then discuss ideas for a support course item. Higari recognizes Ecto as the kid from the library a couple of days back but is to shy to bring it up, he probably forgot about him anyway. The two introduce themselves, and thats when Ecto makes the comment on how Higari looked familiar. Higari was a bit flattered he’d been remembered, and it gave him another confidence boost to explain the library meeting the two had. Ectoplasm thinks for a moment, before realizing Higari was the kid he helped out at the library a few days ago. From their things go pretty well, Higari finds it easy to talk to Ecto once he’s found his confidence and Ectoplasm is very patient. Ectoplasm propses the two meet up at lunch time to talk about the project, and Higari can only nod eagerly (he always ate alone at lunch, so the idea of someone wanting him to sit with them made him happy, even if it was jus to discuss a school project)
Higari ends up going home feeling a little better then he did before 
-Days pass and Ectoplasm is surprised at just how quickly Higari was able to design a potential support item for him, maybe even a bit impressed at his speed, While Ectoplasm trained Higari watched, studying his attack style so he could work on an item to help him. It was obvious in the first few days of Higari watching his fighting style that Ecto liked using his legs to attack, and thus Higari designed a support item that would not only protect Ecto’s leg from sustaining damage, but also strength his kicks. Higari first showed him his initial sketches at lunch time, where he ended up going on in a bit of a tangent, for all of two minutes, before he suddenly went quite. Ectoplasm wanted to ask why he’d all of a sudden stopped, he hadn’t lost interest or anything, but Higari, saying he had nothing more to say, hurriedly leaves with a nervous glance over his shoulder to Ecto. The same kind of situation happened three more times, Higari would say something smart and then suddenly pipe down for no reason. On the fourth time it happened Ecto finally asked what was wrong. Higari insists it’s nothing, and Ectoplasm - not believing him - asks again. Higari as a kid is not used to opening up to friends since...well, he didn’t have any. But in the end, he tells Ecto. He admits how some other kids at UA tease him for being so nerdy about engineering, and so he just learnt to keep his mouth shut. If he gave them nothing to tease him over, then they couldn’t pick on him. Better to be quite then bullied he figured. Ectoplasm offers him reassurance, saying he doesn’t mind if Higari rambles, and that he was honestly interested in the project and what Higari had to say if he felt like it was important. Higari may have been a little awe struck, he’d never had anyone aside from family listen to him babble, so Ectoplasm, someone who might as well have been a stranger, telling him it was totally okay for him to nerd out and ramble was new
but oh BOY did he ramble, Ectoplasm may not have understood half of what he was saying, but he listened regardless.
-Their friendship begins to grow from their, Higari feels at ease around Ecto, maybe he gets a little clingy with him but that’s all because Ecto to him was his first friend. Ectoplasm begins to view him less as just a project partner as more as a friend, and in seeing Higari light up about mechanics he too feels happy. Alas neither of the two have the courage to ask the other round for dinner or meet up outside of school - Higari was too shy to ask someone like Ecto, a popular kid, to hang out. And Ectoplasm didn’t want Higari to find out about his parents wealth and then view him differently. So many times Ecto’s ‘friends’ has really just been interested in him because of the money his parents made, and he didn’t want to ruin what he now had with Higari. In the end the universe forced them to hang out - Ecto usually hung around at school even after the day was over, he liked walking home in piece, but on this particular day Ecto didn’t have his umbrella and it was raining. Hard. He rushes home, getting thoroughly soaked in the process and is chilled to the bone by the time he reaches the bus stop. Ten minutes pass, he’s still freezing cold, and then Higari walks past. Higari didn’t even recognize Ecto at first, with how soaking wet and miserable he looked. Ecto brushes off Higari’s worrying when the smaller by notices how Ecto is starting to shiver, and says he’ll be fine when the bus arrives. It took a bit of time for Higari to speak, but after finding his voice he timidly asks if Ecto wants to wait out the rain at his place - it’s not that far from here, and he’d at least be warm. Ectoplasm thanks him for the offer but declines, but quickly agrees when a giant bolt of lightning lit up the sky and the rain fell down harder. Higari leads Ectoplasm back to his Uncles home, where Ectoplasm is practically dripping with water. 
Ecto tries to tell Higari that he’s fine, but Higari is already dragging him inside and throwing a towel over him. Higari’s uncle was a bit surprised when Higari brought a friend back home (he knew Higari struggled with socializing) but was over the moon none the less, he was terrible at hiding how happy he was and quickly made Ecto a hot drink. Ten minutes later Ecto, now slightly warmer then before, is standing in Hiargi’s room with a towel wrapped round his shoulders as Higari tries to dry of Ecto’s school books on his radiator. Higari’s room is small and doesn’t have a lot of stuff aside from the usual bedroom things: bed, cupboard, desk, beanbag and a window. When Higari moved down into the city he didn’t bring all that much stuff to decorate his new room, just stuff like clothes and other personal belongings. The only real decoration themed stuff he had where tiny model cars sitting on his window sill. Higari notices Ecto staring, and apologizes if the model cars are too nerdy. Ectoplasm shakes his head, saying that his dad had a few model cars around his home. The two get to talking, filling the silence with conversation, it was the first conversation the two had that wasn’t school related. Higari opens up a bit about his family and siblings, telling Ecto a bunch of stories from his home back in the country while Ecto eagerly listens. Ecto was and still is a single child so never had any sibling issues growing up, never had to share anything, or fight over the TV, so he found Higari’s stories interesting. Higari felt bad for just talking about himself so he eventually asked Ecto about his family. Ecto still didn’t want to tell Higari that his parents where pretty well know, so instead said that it was just him, his mum and dad - which wasn’t a lie. After Ecto had dried off and warmed up, he hurried on home, Higari insisting he take his umbrella, he could just return it at school tomorrow. 
Ectoplasm leaves with a big smile on his face.
-Higari eventually found out about Ecto’s parents half way through their project. Ecto had started going round HIgari’s after school so the two could discuss the support item’s design and how it could be made. Ecto’s parents noticed the change in their sons behaviour, how he’d always seem more happy after returning how from this mysterious friends house. After Ecto returned home after being soaked with rain he explained to his slightly worried parents where he’d been. His parents decided that it might be time for Ecto to introduce this Higari friend of his, so they plan to invite him round for dinner - despite how Ecto felt nervous about the idea. Higari was very flustered when Ecto asked him round for dinner, at this point Higari was maybe starting to get a little smitten for Ecto, but he fiercely denied it. Higari enthusiastically accepts after his shock, and spends the rest of the day trying to prepare his most smartest outfit. The next day after school he goes round to Ecto’s home, where his parents greet him. Ecto’s parents, more so his dad, was very nosing in the teasing sense with Ecto so was very eager to meet this new friend Ecto seemed so happy about. Ecto hoped Higari wouldn’t comment on how posh everything looked, but he noticed. Higari felt a little out of place in such a fancy looking home, and even commented on how fancy everything looked. The truth comes out at dinner, where Higari comments on all the framed music posters Ecto had around the home, to which his parents then admit that the family has always been big in the music industry. Ecto at this point is half sinking in his chair because NOW his parents have moved on to tell childhood stories from when he was little, that Higari eagerly listened too. At the end of the meal and after Higari goes home Ecto sulks to his room, ignoring his parents who ask whats wrong. Ecto is hesitant to approach Higari, knowing that he’ll just ask a lot of questions all about his parents and their music careers. Higari notices how Ecto is avoiding him, and is worried maybe he did something wrong. One day he manages to catch Ecto just before he leaves the lunch hall, the two are alone in the hallway and Higari shyly asks why he’s been avoiding him - where Ecto then snaps.
He knows his parents are cool, he knows having rich parents is cool, he knows that Higari is going to ask so many questions about them, he knows Higari is going to ask if Ecto could get them an autograph. Everyone always asked about his prefect parents, and he was so tired of it! 
After Ecto has vented out his frustrations he sighs and turns to leave, but before he can Higari quickly rushes infront of him. Higari says he doesn’t care if Ecto’s parents are rich, he likes spending time with him because he enjoyed his company, no other reason. Higari hadn’t even heard of the music his parents made until they named some during dinner. Ecto raises a brow, still suspicious but still desperately wanting to believe Higari. Higari begins to panic, not sure what to do, in the end he does the first thing that comes to his mind and asks Ecto to meet him after school tomorrow. Before Ecto can ask why Higari has already rushed off, leaving Ecto very confused.
-One day later after school and Ecto and Higari are standing outside Ecto’s favourite karaoke place. Ecto asks how Higari knew this was his favorite place, and Higari shyly admits he remembered Ecto mentioning it once. Ecto blinks down at hi, he remembered? The two are pretty awkward when they first enter the karaoke room together, unable to make eye contact. Higari insists Ecto pick the first song, not like he knew anything about music anyway. Ecto is a bit shy at first, he’d never sang to anyone other then his parents, but Higari is patient as Ecto looks through the different songs. After finding one of his favorite songs and listening to the first few lyrics Ecto eventually found his voice and started singing. He wasn’t sure when he’d started dancing but when the song finished he was no longer sitting - Higari stares wide eyed, and Ecto feels blush come to his face. When Higari starts clapping his hands Ecto hurries back to his seat, but manages to stutter a flattered thank you. The end up having a blast, Ecto even got Higari to sing a little (they may have danced a bit more too). By the time the two head home it’s dark, but they exchange numbers and head home, Ecto realizing that Higari is in fact, a true friend.
-As for when they got together, it took them ages to finally become a thing. Higari was the first to develop a crush and Ecto despite being smart was a total oblivious idiot to Higari’s affections. The two finish their end of year project with a pass, Higari getting a high grade for the support item he designed and, thanks to Ecto, got a high enough mark on his paper test to pass. When they graduate the two temporarily move into an apartment together, but soon Ecto’s hero career picks up and he eventually moves out - Higari was sad he had to go but didn’t want to hold him back, they talked when they could with both having busy careers, it was only after Ecto suffered the loss of his legs did their relationship begin. Higari was one of the first people aside from his parents that got to see Ecto in the hospital. Higari is prepared for Ecto to vent, to yell..he’s not prepared when Ecto just grabs him into a hug and cries. Higari is there to comfort him and support him through recovery. With Ecto needing assistant he moves back in with Higari in his apartment when he’s discharged from the hospital - Higari is there to witness the sadness, the anger, the self hatred, and he’s there to offer a shoulder to cry on when Ecto needs an outlet. One day Ecto tells Higari he’s thinking about retiring from being a hero, with his leg gone there wasn’t much he could do, and the prosthetics he’d been shown at the hospital weren’t build for combat. It crushes Higari seeing Ecto look so defeated and miserable, so much that he pulls out the old school project designs he made, and redesigns them into combat suitable prostethics. Higari spent many days at his work desk perfecting the design, making sure they where perfect. He’d been with Ecto through his physical therapy and rehab, he knew Ecto’s fighting style better then anyone else, and finally finishes. When he presents the  prosthetics to his doctors and after they’ve been approved as safe they allow Ecto to try them out. They’re a bit hard to get used too, as he’s gotten used to the other prosthetics the hospital gave him. He’s a bit wobbly, and fell over a few times in the beginning. But after trying training again, something he hadn’t done since his injury, they work like a charm. Seeing Ecto happy for the first time in ages makes Higari smile, he’s so busy praising Ecto that once again is caught off guard when Ecto pulls him into a tight hug, thanking him over and over - Higari hugged back, some happy tears may have been shed 
-After Ecto has his new prosthetics Ecto buys a bigger house for the two to live in, mostly so that if his prosthetics for some reason broke, Higari would be able to fix them quickest. But it was also becasue Ecto was starting to get a little crush on his old school friend. I’m not really sure how they two would announce they’re dating, it just sorta...happened. They where both shy and a little awkward at first when it came to kissing, but they’ve got the hang of it now!
Some other small notes~~
-Ecto wanting to become a hero was at first a sort of rebellion thing. He got tired of friends always asking about his parents and their career, so when it came to choosing a course he picked the hero course, not wanting to be apart of his parents music career. Jokes on him cuz in the end Ecto ended up liking the idea of helping other people by being a hero, and his parents where supportive 
-When Ectoplasm told his parents he and Higari where dating his parents admitted that they thought Higari and Ecto had been dating since their time at UA. And despite Higari’s worries Ecto’s parents like him
-I’ll draw his dad out eventually but Ecto’s dad spoiled the crap out of Ecto. Both Higari and Ecto had fun loving dads while their mothers where more serious. Ecto’s dad was ready and prepared for when Ecto brought a girl or boy home, he’s got a tone of baby photos of Ecto and he’s ready to embarrass him (which he did when Higari came over years later, Higari was very amused)
-With Ecto and Higari both being teachers at UA and not wanting to draw villains attention, they had a small private wedding with some close work/school friends and their parents. The real celebration began when Ecto, Higari and their friends from UA all went out to karaoke to celebrate. Everyone got drunk
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iplaymatchmaker · 4 years
Hi there, me again, if I read the rules correctlyyou said we could do a separate ask for a separate game. If I read incorrectlyplease just ignore this, if not if my first ask wasn't to much I'd love to ask for an ikerev matchup as well! I'm bi, female (she/her) sagittarius sun, virgo rising, libra moon, ENFT. I'm 5'2, chubby/curvy w/ great boobs, I have longer  brunette hair w/ peekaboo highlights (they've been every color, but currently pink), brown eyes, glasses/contacts, 7 piercings & 26 tattoos. I'm very empathetic (sometimes to a fault) and have sever anxiety and depression. It takes me awhile to warm up around new people and be myself. I often feel intimidated in big social settings, such as parties, and often use alcohol for some liquid courage to help me let loose and be me in those situations. I've suffered some emotional and mental abuse at the hands of a step parent which has left me with some trauma and triggers; people raising their voice at me or making quick movements toward me or in my direction usually result in me crying and secluding myself for awhile. Oh and I have daddy issues, thanks absent father. That said I also don't do great with authority, I hate being told what to do, and I hate being told no. I can put up with a lot of shit, but eventually it usually becomes a 'straw that broke the camels back' situation and I fly off the handle and then break down. I am also extremely generous and do all I can to help my friends and family when they need it. I have some self confidence issues from weight gain, and I usually feel my best when I'm dolled up with my makeup on and hair done, usually with a dress and heels. I'm a Ravenclaw thats hates to read, but I love learning & know tons of trivia; like I know so many random facts about so many things from history, to movies, to graveyards, and much more. I often correct people on things, which some perceive as me belittling them, but its never my intention I'm just trying to share my knowledge and trying to help them. I am very creative I love crafting; resin art, macrame, cross stich, those are just some of my favorite things to do art wise, I also enjoy coloring books. I love to laugh and think I'm pretty funny, I usually have a dark sense of humor, if you don't like humor we won't vibe together, and if you can't make me laugh we will not be a good relationship match. I like to go to the bar and do karaoke, it's one thing I've learned I'mvery good at. It took me about 2 years, but I've since learned to be confident with my singing and now its one of my favorite things to do. I drink, obviously, gin and tonic is my favorite. I also smoke, I love my hookah, and I've had my medical card for about a year and it's done wonders for my insomnia and cramps. For about 2 years I've been getting severe cramps and stomach pains, and after 5 er trips in a month they didn't find anything, its still a mystery but at least the bud helps the pain. l'm very into the witchy aesthetic; my style is either very Stevie Nicks, pinup, or 2009 emo/scene depending on the day. I collect animal skulls and bone, taxidermy, crystals, and plants; I also practice the craft & love to make spell jars for people. I love tarot and really enjoy doing it. I live for Halloween & enjoy all things macabre! My favorite show is That 70's Show and if I could live in a replica of the Forman's house that would be my dream. I am also very sex positive and rather adventurous in bed. I'm a brat and a voyeur, I'll get down with just about anything. My love language is giving and receiving gifts. I put alot of thought into holidays like Christmas, I plan months in advance to make sure I get everyone the perfect gift; but I also will sometimes see something that just reminds me of someone and have to get it for them. That is all I can think of right now to add about myself. I'd love 4 and/or 10 for the prompt part. And again thank you for doing these, I'm such a ho for them, and again I'm sorry its long.
I match you with
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Thank you so much for requesting 🥰🥰! I’m sorry this took so long, but here it is! I hope you enjoy it ❤️! I Hope you don’t mind the sprinkle of angst in the second ask.😅
I was thinking Ray at first, but I ended up going with Mr smooth, since Ray is too predictable after Nap.
Edgar is known among the red army officers as the person who will make you feel safe, especially during your first encounters with them, before you find out they’re all dorks.  What he doesn’t expect is how at home he feels when the two of you are together. He never feels like he’s being judged when he’s around you and he lets himself go, despite the indoctrination by Claudius that he should always keep people at a distance to avoid being viewed as weak.
Not long after the two of you met, he decides to take you out along with Kyle for a drink, to help you get more accustomed to Cradle and its people. When you realize how much Kyle loves to drink, you follow suite, the two of you very quickly getting tipsy. Edgar laughs at the two of you for a bit, happy to see a new side of you as you allow yourself to grow more comfortable with them. Eventually he leads the two of you outside of the pub and arranges for a carriage to take you all back to headquarters, trying his hardest to tame the both of you.
He absolutely loves it when you sing to him, especially after a particularly hard day of work. He relaxes at the sound of your voice, often drifting off. It touches him more than he would like to admit when he finds you’re still there when he wakes up.
You are a light in his life and he wants to give back in kind, often dedicating his days off entirely to you. He loves giving you gifts, or surprising you with a romantic dinner to show his appreciation to you, for being there and understanding him.
While he doesn’t have the creativity to participate in most of your hobbies, he loves to watch you do it. The amount of passion you show for your art, the way your eyes light up when you’re working, is a picture perfect moment that he could look at for hours.
Prompt 4: Meet cute:
You couldn’t stop fidgeting as you stood outside the Red Army Headquarters, waiting for Kyle to fetch someone to help you. After you told him about burglars breaking into your house he insisted he get one of the officers to help you, despite you doubts. It was hard not to worry as you considered the prospect of having to turn to Jonah for help, knowing how hard he could be to communicate with, capable officer or not.  
When Kyle finally emerged, it wasn’t Jonah walking next to him, but a man you didn’t recognize.  
“Sorry for the wait. He’s not easy to find.” The man stood a few heads higher than you but his softer features and aura helped to make him quite welcoming. You begun to relax at his presence, wondering if he was as smooth as he seemed.
“Edgar Bright, at your service.” He offered you a gloved hand, a soft smile playing on his lips. His grip was soft but secure. He was smooth.
“Kyle filled me on the details but I’ll need a statement from you as well.” You tensed up, the idea of an interrogation being especially daunting considering you didn’t know much more than they did.
“No need to worry, it’s simply protocol. You can trust we will find whoever did this without any turbulence.” There was something very reassuring about him. Something that makes you think everything will be all right.
“Thank you.”
 The two of you left Kyle behind, retreating to Edar’s room to discuss the details of the investigation. After he poured two cups of tea he took the seat opposite you, as if the two of you were about to chat about the weather.
“Could you give me the details of what happened? It would be very helpful to hear it straight from the source.” You took a sip before starting with your statement, hoping to calm your nerves.
“I don’t know much more than you do. I was out for work most of the day and when I came back the place was a mess and many valuables were missing.” he seemed to have switched to work mode, completely focused on you.
“What time did you leave for work that day? And when did you return” he scribbled down on a piece of paper, his hand practically moving on its own.
“I left around 8 and came back around 6, I think.” When he put the pen down his attitude returned to relaxed gentleman status.
“I will start with asking the people who might have been present at the scene. I’ll get back to you once I’ve made some progress.” The conversation was over but you found it hard to leave. It didn’t feel right letting one man do the investigation on his own, despite it being his job. It was your house that had been rambled after all.
“I want to help as well. I know my way around the area, I can get in touch with some people.” His eyes widened, seemingly taken aback for the first time that day. He quickly composed himself, smiling again. You noticed something different about it now. Something in his expression told you he was more interested than before.
“I wouldn’t say no to a lady.” You smiled for the first time after the incident.
“Let’s get going then.”
 Prompt 10: Admission Of Feelings.
You continued working on the investigation for the next few weeks, the two of you growing closer by the day.
“There don’t seem to be any witnesses, but it’s unlikely no one was present. The break in happened in the middle of the day.” He rested his head on his chin, not touching the parfait sitting in front of him.
“Maybe they were there but didn’t notice anything. It’s not hard for a professional to pick a lock discreetly.” They two of you sat in silence for some time, both lost in your own theories of what happened that day.
He must have realized your worries, turning on his comfort face.
“We’ll find them. Don’t worry.” Usually you found his words comforting, but you couldn’t keep the frustration from your voice when you looked up at him.
“Realistically speaking, it’s probably not going to happen. They made a clean escape and left nothing behind. You don’t need to baby me, I can put two and two together.” Despite the harshness of your tone, you found him smiling, after the initial surprise wore off.
“You never cease to amaze me.” He opened his mouth to say something, but the words never left him, his eyes turning to the window. He was up and out of the café before you could ask what he had seen.
“What the-“when you looked in the direction of the culprit, you shot up, following after him.  
A man stood outside your door, seemingly fighting with the door. When he noticed the two of you approaching him, he dropped his bags, taking off before you could reach him.
“Stop!” Edgar run after him, his speed taking you by surprise, making it hard to catch up.
The man took a sudden turn, heading towards the narrow alleys of Central Quarter, giving you an important disadvantage in the chase.
Your legs ached and your heart was threatening to burst out of your chest. When you thought you couldn’t keep going, you rounded a corner to find Edgar, sitting on top of the man, pinning him in place. If he was tired from the chase, it didn’t show.
“I suppose I don’t need to ask if it was you who broke in a few weeks ago?” his gaze was cold and his grip was tight on the man’s shoulders.
“I- I just- I-it wasn’t me!” Edgar ignored him, turning towards you. Something flickered in his eyes, but loud footsteps coming your way didn’t let him act on whatever it was.
“The Jack? Sir, what happened? We heard the commotion and came to investigate.” A handful of Red Army soldiers stood in front of you, their eyes switching between Edgar and the man under him.  
“Take this man back to headquarters. I will interrogate him later.” Edgar pulled the man up, pinning his hands behind his back.
“Yes sir!” when the men led the thief away there was silence. Edgar’ kept his head low, not looking you in the eye as he tried to calm his breathing, the adrenaline of the chase slowly fading away. You knew you should be happy the man had been caught, but something was wrong in the atmosphere. You weren’t sure if you should speak up, or let him ride whatever it was out. He didn’t give you time to think on it, finally walking toward you. His hands were shaking when he reached out to touch your shoulders, a mixture of frustration and worry in his eyes.
“You…. Why…” you weren’t sure what to say, so you put your arms around him instead, hoping it would offer him some comfort. You stayed like that for some time, until his hands stopped shaking.
“I didn’t want you to see me like this.” His words were muffled by the fabric of your shirt. When he lifted his head again, something inside him seemed to snap.
“You shouldn’t have followed me. What if something happened? You could have gotten hurt.” He looked away, his eyes shut tight. You wondered what image was going through his head to cause him so much pain. You cupped his face, forcing him to face you.
“Edgar, look at me.” And he did. The sight of you seemed to calm him down.
“Nothing’s going to happen to me. I’m right here.” It took some time for the words to register, but when they did his face moved closer to you. You encouraged him, pulling him closer, your lips connected in a brief kiss. When he pulled away he took a step back, as if scared he had hurt you.
“I-I’m sorry.” You moved closer, smiling up at him.
“There’s nothing to apologize for. Except maybe pulling away.” You laughed. When he realized you might feel the same way he took your hands in his.
“You’re an amazing woman.” He paused to gather his breath before meeting your gaze again.
“If the thought wouldn’t be appalling, could I see more of you, outside of work?” you couldn’t keep the laughter inside.
“Appalling? Edgar, do you think I would kiss someone I find appalling?” you pulled him back in, hoping to get your point across.
“I’ll never get enough of this.” His smile was brighter than you’d ever seen it.
“I’ll hold you to that. Because we’re just getting started.” The moon was bright above you as you laughed, your happiness overflowing.
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softforcal · 6 years
please do poly!lashton hqs because i cant stop thinking about that never have i ever interview
POLY LASHTON X READER (+poly lashton on tour with reader)
oh, you mean this video at exactly 5:35 seconds?
-okay fam lets get on this shit
-(side note this is 5.5 k of the cutest shit i’ve ever written wtf, but i’m making a continue reading because its too long fam, it’s too long)
-(and as always i don’t know jack shit about tours or promo tours or when they get hotels or venues or interviews or anything so here we go)
-so because this video was mentioned in the ask i’ll try to incorporate it because why the fuck not, here we goooo
-meeting the band at a house party in LA
-you know who they are but it’s kinda odd to approach (like i dont know if any of you have ever been in a random situation where there’s a celeb just out and about but they are hard as fuck to approach unless they come to you first)
-eye contact is key fam
-if you can make eye contact with them it might invite them to come over, and celebs can be kinda cocky so they’ll usually go for it
-this has been a PSA on how to be a gold digger by me, @softforcal
-anyways, you notice Luke because this boy is tall as fuck
-you’re having a convo with a few friends but you’re eyes keep going back to the tall blonde
-and then his eyes meet yours
-you smile, giving him a small look up and down before turning back to your friends
-the second time you look and catch his eye, this gives him the green light to come on over
-so he approaches and sees your drink is almost empty, “want another one?” he asks, motioning to your drink
-”sure, thanks.” you grin, and he turns to lead the way to the bar area
-”what’s your poison?” he asks, looking at all the drink options
-you tell him what you usually have, and he’s just like “hmm, sounds great, i might have to try one.”
-so you begin to make one for yourself and him
-”I’m Y/N by the way.” you say as you hand him the red solo cup with your mixed drink of choice
-”Luke.” he smiles, clinking your cups together before you both drink
-you can tell he’s already kinda buzzed
-and you know what buzzed boys needs? to dance. that’s what
-you finish your drinks and you realize how close the two of you are standing, he’s looking down at you with a lazy grin
-”we should dance.” you state
-he shrugs, taking your empty cup and setting it down, “lead the way.”
-grabbing his hand and leading him to the room where people are dancing
-grinding on tall people is difficult as fuck, especially if there’s a significant height difference but like you’re both drunk and horny
-so as soon as that doesn’t work the best you turn around and reach up, grabbing the back of his neck, he leans down and then the two of you are making out
-its kinda naughty in front of all these people but neither of you really care
-and he gets riled up so easily
-he actually groans “fuck” when you start kissing his neck
-”lets get out of here.”
-going back to his place and having insanely hot, semi drunk sex
-you both are there for good sex
-so probably a lot of hair pulling, swearing, groaning and hands roaming everywhere
-it’s incredibly hot
-but ya’ll just met at a party so in the morning you’re gone when he wakes up
-you don’t leave a note or anything, just gone
-he has no idea who you are or how he’ll be able to find you again, lets be serious, it was loud and this boy doesn’t even really know your name
-i mean, it was hot and you fucked Luke fucking Hemmings but you assume you were just a one night thing, he’s a rock star after all
-LA life continues
-you’re at a party a few weeks later and you’re on the dance floor having a great time when hands land on your hips
-you turn around to see who it is and your heart leaps when you recognize the blonde hair and cheeky grin, Luke’s bandmate, Ashton fucking Irwin
-“what’s you name?” he asks, leaning in so his lips brush over your ear and he can make sure you hear him over the loud music
-”Y/N.” you answer
-you exchange smiles and you turn around again, his arms wrapping around the front of you so he can press his body against yours
-shamelessly grinding your ass against him and fuck this homeboi is hard already
-at this point you’re kind of freaking out
-I mean, you can’t fuck the singer and the drummer can you?
-and then Ashton’s lips are on your neck and the answer is yes. yes you fucking can.
-dancing until neither of you can stand being there any longer
-Ashton grabs your hand and the two of you leave
-unlike Luke who drove with both hands on the steering wheel, afraid if he touched you he wouldn’t be able to wait to be home, Ashton’s right hand is on your thigh as he drives, he’s more in control and its hot as fuck
-(fam i just realized, don’t drink and drive. lets just say neither drank too much because i’m too lazy to fix this)
-he’s such a gentleman, he opens your car door for you once you get to his place
-but as soon as the two of you are inside his lips are on yours and you’re pressed against a door, then a wall, then the bed
-he is rough as fuck
-rougher than Luke but its exciting and fun and new
-its just raw fam. animalistic.
-in the morning you’re about to leave but Ashton’s arm tightens around you, “where are you going?” he breathes against your neck, voice all low and sexy
-”I wasn’t sure if you’d want me to stay.” you answer
-Ashton laughs, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “stay.” he states
-relaxing against his chest
-”so… tell me about you.” you say once the two of you are fully awake
-he laughs. he never knows if the girls he hooks up with know who he is or not
-”in town for a few days then i’m heading out to do a press tour to promote a new album. back in LA for a bit when that’s done then going on a world tour after that.” he states
-”wow.” you say, “busy boy.”
-he laughs at that, then you’re both laughing, then he’s kissing you
-morning sex is still rough but not as rough as before, it’s slower
-and of course round two leads to round three in the shower
-”hey if you have stuff you have to do today i can go-” you begin to say
-one night things can be super confusing with when you’ve overstayed your welcome and shit so it can be awkward as fuck fam
-”wow, was the sex that bad?” Ashton laughs
-grabbing his face and kissing him, “the sex was great, i just don’t want to make this more than what it is.”
-”and what is this?” he asks
-”up to you.” you say, pulling away again, “if this was just a one night thing thats fine-”
-”doesn’t have to be a one night thing.” he states
-”aren’t you going on tour?” you ask
-”phones are magic babe,” he says, kissing you again, “come on, i’ll make you breakfast.”
-he gives you some comfy clothes to wear
-spending the day hanging out and getting to know each other
-he’s such a sweetie and you vibe really well
-plus there’s the whole raw sexual attraction thing going on
-probably having sex like ten different times
-and suddenly its dark out again
-”i should really get going.” you say finally
-he pouts but agrees, he wants you to stay but he doesn’t usually vibe so well with girls so maybe its a good idea for you to go so he can process whatever the fuck he’s feeling
-”let me just grab your number.”
-”do you need a ride home?” he asks
-”i think i’m okay, thanks.” you smile, beginning to take off his hoodie and change back into your clothes
-”you don’t have to give me back my stuff.” he says, taking your hands to stop you from undressing, “you can give it back next time.” he grins
-what a cheeky boy
-you laugh and he kisses you again before you leave
-As soon as you’re gone Ashton calls Calum because he needs someone to listen to him rant about what just happened
-”how soon do you think is too soon to see her again?” Ash asks. “well, we go on tour in like a week-” Calum points out, “but you could invite her to your leaving party. thats in like five days.” “five days is good.”
-meanwhile you’re gushing to your friends because holy fuck you fucked Ashton and Luke and Ashton seems actually interested in something more
-”well who was better in bed?” your friends ask
-they were both amazing so that’s not an easy answer
-Ashton texting you the next day that he’s having a party and he really wants to see you again before he goes on a press tour for a month
-”holy fuck what do i do? Luke will totally be there.” you groan to your friends… but like… you can’t just not go
-you and Ashton talk on and off almost every day until the night of the party
-you get dressed up and you look insanely gorgeous
-when Ashton answers his door and his eyes go up and down your body he groans, “fuck you look amazing.” he says as he pulls you into a hug, kissing your cheek
-introducing him to your best friend who he said could come too
-he lets you guys inside, “drinks are in the kitchen, you know where that is.” he grins, Calum is near the door, Ashton invites him over, introduces you and your friend to Cal then leans in and says to you: “i’ll find you later.” he has to go to host things
-you talk to Cal for a bit, he’s a sweetie and then your friend wants to go get drinks so you leave Cal to go to the kitchen
-keeping your eyes out for Luke
-you don’t know that Luke has already seen you talking to Calum and as soon as you’re gone he goes up to Cal, “the girl you were just talking to, why is she here?”
-Cal is kinda confused, “that was Y/N, Ashton’s new chick. why?”
-”thats the girl i was talking about!” Luke scream whispers, “the girl from a few weeks ago who was gone in the morning, didn’t leave her name or her number.”
-”well fuck.” Cal says, taking a sip of his beer
-and they’ve both heard about you from Ashton by now. how he saw you dancing at a party and he came up to you, which is similar to what happened with Luke so in both cases they approached you, so they know you’re not a gold digger or a leach or something
-you’re just a gorgeous girl who caught both of their eyes
-Luke goes and finds Ashton who is helping someone with a music playlist, he drags Ashton upstairs to Ashton’s bedroom, “Y/N is the girl i got with from the club a few weeks ago.” Luke states
-”what? no fucking way.”
-and then they’re both shook
-because when Luke had woken up and you weren’t there he was actually pretty sad because you were a really cool chick
-but Ashton has been gushing about you for days
-so now what?
-”i mean, do you want to actually date her?” Luke asks
-”i was thinking about it. do you?”
-”fuck, i mean if she’d left me her number or something then sort of, yeah.”
-”well we should just talk to her about it.” Ashton finally says
-cuz neither of them are mad about it you know? like they understand the whole business of a one night stand. a mix up like this has never happened before but whatever
-so they go downstairs and Luke approaches you while Ashton goes and finishes what he was doing when Luke grabbed him
-”hey.” he says
-your heart visibly dies because you look really shook, but you collect yourself, “hey.” (your friend had left a little bit earlier so you were alone with the tall boy)
-”i know about you and Ashton and it’s fine.” Luke says, hoping to ease your anxieties right away, “he’s chill with it and its all good.”
-”neither of you are mad at me?” you ask
-”no, why would we be?” Luke grins, “besides, it sounds like you were about to leave Ashton like you left me that morning but he woke up before you could dash.” he teases
-you laugh, letting out a breath, “yeah, sorry about that, i’m really not a ‘stay for breakfast’ kind of girl.”
-”sucks, i would have loved to take you out for food somewhere.”
-before you can respond Ashton is there, his arm around you, “lets go sit on the couch.” he states
-so the three of you go to the couch and you all sit down, Ashton’s arm around you, Luke’s hand on your thigh
-you’re not sure what they’re even going to say to you
-and then your favourite song begins playing and of course you say “i love this song!” and you have to get up and dance
-so you get up and dance and they’re both watching you and they both adore the way your body moves
-before they can help themselves they’re both dancing with you
-Ashton behind you, Luke in front
-and when i say ‘dancing with you’ i mean a lot of hip grabbing and grinding and all the shameless dirtiness
-Ash’s lips find your neck and Luke bends down to kiss you
-you’re just like: ‘holy fuck is this leading where i think this is leading?’
-”you look so fucking sexy.” Ashton groans in your ear
-”fuck yeah she does.” Luke agrees
-”bedroom?” Ashton asks
-you all kind of look at each other, Luke nods and they both look at you. you nod and then Ashton is pulling you and Luke through the people and up the stairs to his bedroom
-going inside and locking the door immediately
-you can hear the muffled sound of dubstep and the bass thumping through the room from the room bellow
-they both are all over you
-not knowing whose hands are whose
-but all your clothes disappear and so do theirs
-you want to please them but they are both just way to turnt from looking at your gorgeous body since the moment you walked into the house so they make it clear the night is going to be about you
-Luke eating you out first while Ashton works on your tits and marking up your neck
-screaming their names and knowing no one downstairs will hear you because the music is so loud
-its so dirty, having both of them upstairs while Ashton’s party rages on under you
-then it’s Ashton’s turn and he uses his fingers which he is insanely good at
-you’re already a moaning mess by the time they ask if you’re ready for them
-and none of you really talked about double penetration or anything so that’s not on the table, instead Ashton fucks you first
-he fucks you from behind, holding you up to his chest by your neck while Luke kisses you and works on your tits and your clit
-when Ashton finishes, Luke switches in
-”i’m going to go kick everyone out.” Ashton informs the two of you, sending you a wink before he leaves
-Luke goes pretty hard too and you can tell part of him wants to prove a point and make you sorry for leaving before he woke up that morning
-he’s more into missionary or legs over the shoulders so he can kiss you
-his fingers (nails painted red) skimming over your throat, over the love bites Ashton left
-forehead against forehead as you both cum
-him staying inside you for a bit, both of you trying to steady your breathing
-”so can i have your number now?” he asks
-you both laugh your asses off
-cuddling against his chest
-Ashton comes back a while later, “everyone’s gone.” he says, collapsing onto the bed next to the two of you
-they both wrap their arms around you
-”you better be here when we wake up.”
-falling asleep and then waking up in their arms
-they have a pretty busy day but Ashton drags you and Luke to a breakfast diner a little ways away
-getting a back booth so you can sit between the two gorgeous men
-”so you guys are going on tour.” you say finally, addressing the elephant in the room
-”yeah but we both have your number now so…” Luke says, pulling out his phone and making a group chat between the three of you
-none of you want breakfast to have to end but they have stuff to go do so they drive you back to your place, giving them each a kiss goodbye
-and you think that’s going to be the last you see of them
-but no
-of course they want to see you again the last night before they go on tour
-the same sort of threesome happening
-they have to wake up early to catch a flight and they both kiss you before leaving, Ashton giving you a key to lock up when you finally leave because its like five in the morning and he is not about to just kick you out
-they leave, you sleep, and when you wake up you realize Ashton just gave you a fucking key
-you get your first message from them when they land at their first destination
-casual talking about what they have to do while promoting things
-they get horny way to often and are very vocal about it
-facetiming a bit
-naughty facetiming if you’re into it
-so Luke and Ashton are doing a pretty great job keeping you a secret
-Calum knows they both slept with you but he left Ashton’s party pretty early that night so he has no idea you all slept together
-as far as Cal is concerned, you’re just a girl Ash talks to sometime
-and then comes the interview
-”never have i ever dated someone another band member dated.” “hmmm…” (laughter) “maybe, i don’t know.” (both drink) “this worries me” “why are you two drinking right now?!” “i dont know.” “what does that mean?” “i don’t know.”
-as soon as they’re done the interview Calum’s just like “are you both still talking to Y/N?!”
-Luke and Ashton are both just kinda like ‘idk’ because technically they’re both still talking to you, would they call it dating? hmmmm, idk
-”you two better figure that shit out.” Michael states, “its not like you could both date her.”
-and of course this gives Ashton an idea.
-because he and Luke both really like you and they’re best friends so why not both date you?
-later that night Ashton goes to Luke’s room and the two of them call you
-”there are my guys.” you smile, “how was the interview?”
-they both kinda look at each other and laugh, “it was good, you’ll see it when its posted.” “how was your day Princess?”
-you talk about your day for a bit but you can see Ashton is a bit restless, you can hear his fingers tapping on some sort of surface in the hotel room, “Ashton are you okay?”
-”Michael said something today and it got me thinking about this whole situation.” Ashton explains. “we both really like you.” Luke jumps in. “and we both want to date you.” Ashton states, “both of us at once.”
-its such an odd conversation to take place over facetime
-”so like Polyamory?” you ask. “yeah.”
-”but you guys get back and then you go on your world tour-”
-”we want you to come on the world tour.” Luke grins
-so that’s a lot of surprise for one phone call
-”do you need time to think about it babe?” Ashton asks
-you laugh, “no, sorry i’m just a little shocked. yes i’ll go on tour with you two and yes, dating you both sounds good.”
-you talk for a bit but you have to go, you say goodbye and hang up. Luke and Ashton turn to each other and they’re both just like ‘this is insane’, but they’re really excited
-their press/promo tour continues and the three of you talk all the time
-you all really rely on good morning and good night messages
-telling them how your day went and hearing about what they’ve been up to
-Michael and Calum notice how much Luke and Ashton sneak off and finally Calum is just like “you know you can tell us about Y/N.” “can’t imagine why the fuck you wouldn’t want to.” Michael pipes in
-”we’re both dating her. officially.”
-”so Lashton is a thing now?” “don’t be jealous Michael-” “i’m not jealous, Malum for life bro.”
-they count down the days until their promo tour is done and they can come back to LA and see you
-and the two of them have this brilliant idea that they should send you some lingerie to wear for when they come back
-the day before they’re supposed to come home you find a package at your door, you go inside and open it to find a super expensive looking lingerie set that is absolutely stunning
-’Getting on the plane now, be back at the house at 6ish.’
-the fact that Ashton calls it the house is kinda cute. i mean, you have a key now so it’s ‘the house’
-going over to his place and putting on the lingerie set, its gorgeous but it’s missing something….
-going into his closet you find a soft, silky button up
-you slide the gorgeous material on and it just looks so good
-of course when they get home and find you waiting for them in the lingerie and button up they both are so shook
-i mean they expected the lingerie but the button up is a whole other level of sexiness they had not been prepared for
-amazingly rough and passionate sex because you missed your boys
-”if this is what we get to come home to after trips, we should leave more often.” Ashton teases when you’re all cuddled afterwards
-”are you trying to take back my tour invite Irwin?” you giggle
-”wouldn’t dream of it.”
-spending the rest of the night relaxing and having lazy sex and just enjoying each other
-”i should probably go back to my place-” you say at about one in the morning
-”what are you doing about your place while you’re on tour with us?” Ashton asks
-you hadn’t really thought about it
-”um… i don’t know actually.”
-”it would be a waste for you to pay your rent while on tour, so let me pay or you could move in here for while we’re away.” Ashton suggests
-wow. boy already wants you to move in with him? but i mean you are going on tour with him which is practically going to be the same thing
-and with this whole Polyamory thing its like, if you move in with Ash will it make Luke jealous?
-”Luke has his own place but he’s lived here before so it will be fine.” Ashton assures you
-and the next day the two of them are helping you move your stuff to Ashton’s place
-all of you packing for tour together
-Ashton of course tries to make you pack way more lingerie than is actually necessary
-i can just see a pile of Ashton’s luxurious button ups on his bed and the three of you totally having sex on them because the material feels so good on your skin
-Ashton deals with the schematics of you coming on tour, so he’s the one who makes sure you have a seat on the flights and calls to tell the hotels that he and Luke will only need one room and a king sized bed… or at least, Ashton tells an assistant or someone to go deal with that
-you’ve only actually been in person with them a few times but the time they were on promo tour really brought you all so close together
-being all cuddly and watching movies with them
-painting Luke’s nails
-he likes to look at the contrast of his nail polish against your skin, “red is definitely your colour baby.”
-they show you their music and its the bomb dot com yo
-Ashton definitely has a sex playlist and you’re a little shit so you sneak a few of their songs onto it. mid sex, More comes on and they both stop and you just laugh your ass off but they go with it
-dance parties in the living room together
-driving around the city running errands, Ashton likes to drive and you usually sit passenger with Luke in the back which Luke is not a fan of so sometimes he gets to drive
-Michael and Cal come over for dinner one night to meet you
-Luke and Ashton being super handsy even in front of Michael and Calum and you’re constantly hitting their hands away when they try to touch you while you’re trying to give your full attention to their friends
-”do you think they like me?” you ask when they leave. “of course they did,” Luke assures you. “think Cal liked you a little too much.” Ashton jokes
-they have to explain what its like with paparazzi and everything so you’re prepared for it
-instagram official is a thing but they both want to keep you secret a little bit longer because they know sometimes people they date get backlash and if you all come out as a poly triad it might be bad
-the first day of tour you all go to the airport, you have a hood pulled up and sunglasses, Luke walks in front of you and Ash walks beside you so they manage to shield you from a lot of the photographs
-its a long flight and you sit next to Ashton because Luke is exhausted already and sleeps most of the flight
-of course by the time you land at your first destination and get to the hotel there’s already news articles about ‘the 5sos mystery girl’
-you all have a quick rest before heading to the first venue
-they’re kinda jittery, first show can be stressful
-calming them down in a dressing room ;)
-kissing them both before they go on then finding your place in the crowd
-seeing them excel at what they love just makes your heart swell because holy fuck they’re amazing and they look so happy
-tour continues. lots of quickies and sex where you could definitely get caught but thats okay
-if Luke and Ashton are ever both MIA, Michael and Cal know what you’re up to
-”jesus fuck you’re both so horny!” Michael screams whenever Luke and Ashton come back from being MIA
-”yeah, you should give the poor girl a break.” Calum laughs
-”she should give us a break.” Luke jokes
-getting to wear Ashton’s button ups and getting Luke’s glitter on your face
-they are really hyper after concerts so that would defo be a thing fam
-Ashton is usually up to be awake longer than Luke so sometimes you sleep with him so Luke can go to bed earlier, but if you’re tired you go with Luke so who you sleep with on the bus really depends on how you’re feeling
-you manage to get a month into the tour before a full on picture of your face gets taken by a pap
-you, Luke and Ash were at breakfast somewhere, Luke was exhausted and cuddled against you
-so of course everyone thinks you’re dating Luke now
-people find your insta super fast it’s almost insane
-”well, cats out of the fucking bag.” Michael laughs when the three of you get back to the hotel
-you and Luke ask Ashton what he wants to do because he’s the one being left out
-deciding that you should all make a post about your relationship
-Luke chooses a super cute picture of the three of you holding hands walking through a venue that Andy took and his caption is short and sweet, something like “3′s not a crowd
-Ashton goes for a super aesthetic black and white picture Andy took of the three of you backstage on a couch, you lying half on top of both of them as you all make dumb faces, and this guy would totally quote one of his own songs lets be real here, maybe “Got nothing but love for you, fall more in love every day.” but idk man, i can’t imitate Ashton’s captions
-and you post a cute pic of the three of you with a caption like “the baes.” or some shit
-fandom. shook.
-and of course as soon as these pictures come out people totally jump on the interview where they said they had dated someone who dated another band member
-can you imagine if you hadn’t actually seen the interview (i mean you can’t see everything they do) and people are tagging you in it and you finally go watch it and you’re just like “oh my god guys what the fuck.”
-okay so lets do some general tour with Lashton HC’s because this is practically a fanfic in bullet points by now
-so. many. aesthetic. pictures
-and they’re both kinda sugar daddies who would love to pamper the shit out of you so on tour they would definitely be getting you new lingerie in almost every city
-”Ashton i don’t need anymore lingerie.” “i don’t half ass things Y/N. i said i was going to buy you a new set in every city and i intend to buy you a new set in every city.” “Luke, help me convince him that i don’t need-” “Y/N i think i’m with Ashton on this one.”
-the raunchiest times in your hotel suites
-like Michael made the mistake of knocking on the door once and Luke appeared holding a pillow over his dick while the rest of him was naked, lipstick stains on his mouth and neck, glitter on his cheekbones, “what do you want?” a scream being heard from inside the hotel room that makes Luke look behind him and laugh, and Michael’s just like “fuck, forget it mate.” and leaves (do i want to make a one shot about this moment? yes. yes i do now.)
-and you totally figure out things that make them super horny so you always pull shit right before concerts
-like Ashton dies when you wear his button ups with a slightly exposed lacy bra underneath
-and Luke will practically cum on the spot when you wear red lipstick
-lots of grabbing because they are impatient as fuck
-Luke loves to carry you around venues
-going out and seeing cities together and all just being so happy and together
-god this is so cute what the fuck am i doing to myself
-and these boys love to see you dance so they’ll take you to clubs but you never stay long because they can’t wait to get you back to the hotel
-half naked dance parties in your hotel rooms
-room service is a thing for you three
-you and Luke staying in bed all cuddly while Ashton goes to the door to get the food
-playing with their beautiful hair
-Luke gets a bit scruffy sometimes on tour and it drives you wild
-almost not being able to head down to the hotel pool because you are so marked up by your lover boys
-but like same for them. you drive their make up team insane because of all the hickies they have to cover up
-straight up one of them sitting you down and being like, “here is a picture of Luke on an average night, his shirts go this low. so if you could please avoid this general area of his body here,” (motions to picture) “i would really appreciate it.”
-you’re living such an insane life
-but like they are on tour with their band so some nights you just stay at the hotel or chill in the bus and they go off with Michael and Cal which is super chill because like, they’re all best friends
-but as soon as they come back they make it up to you ;)
-dirty sweaty post concert sex
-so this is 5.5 k already. don’t know how the fuck that happened
-this is just the golden boy triad and i am in love.
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thirstyfortom · 6 years
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Sounds like a funny romcom, I like it! Hope you like this! ^^
Keeping it casual
After much discussion, you both agreed: it wouldn’t be a good idea to start dating like this
It was just too much trouble. There was the Echo Girl ordeal, his career, you would be thrown at the spotlight too suddenly, so no
But he likes you so much, he can’t forget that kiss, your skin, your voice… staying away from all that is too much of a struggle
So you proposed something more casual, you guys could see each other and do everything a couple can do, just… as long as no one else knows about it.
He didn’t like the word “casual” but… okay, it was only fair. So that’s how it started.
It was good for most of the times, he was getting to do everything he fantasized about you, well, almost everything… he couldn’t hold hands in public or tease you about the beast whenever you did something cute in one of the RFA meetings
But then… you guys slipped up. A paparazzi got a great snap of you leaving his house and giving him a goodbye kiss, that kind of kiss that doesn’t happen between platonic friends
It was all over the gossip websites and tabloids, so now everybody knew, everybody including the RFA, and Jumin called a meeting.
“You really didn’t learn the lesson and jumped off from a scandal to another.” “These are completely different situations, what are you even saying?”
“Zen… I think what Mr. Han means is that… it wasn’t easy collecting that intel on Echo Girl and setting everything for you to be acquitted, so… being seen with another woman so suddenly…” Jaehee tried to mediate and stop a potential fight, since Yoosung and Seven clearly weren’t going to do anything
“But… but these are very different situations, Jaehee. I never had anything with Echo Girl, I barely knew her when she showed up at my place, I… I had no interest in her at all, but with MC…” then he looks at you. “It’s different with MC…”
“Different how, exactly?” Jumin asks “Because even though we’re not serious or committed, I… I love her, I care for her and… saying goodbye whenever she leaves is painful. I don’t like we’re just a casual thing, but… I am very happy that I get to be with her, and that photo show it all…” “Zen, you… you just confessed…”
“I would have done it before, I wanted to do that morning when we got photographed, hahaha.” you blush “What’s wrong, bab- I - I mean, MC?” “I wanted to confess that day too.” his face glows as he laughs in satisfaction. Ahh… fuck off, he loves you so much and all he wants to is kiss you right now.
“So… You would have to do an announce anyway, whatever the outcome turned out to be. Can we send a press release that you are officially together?” Jumin asks, completely unfazed, unlike the other members, who are very embarrassed.
“Well, if it’s okay with you, babe…” you just nod and smile. “Nnnng , I told you not so smile like that! You make the beast inside of me grow-” “We’re all still here, Zen.” Jaehee reminds him.
You were shocked that he agreed with your suggestion without much thinking
You thought it would be so hard to reassure him that yes, you like him, you just think a serious relationship wouldn’t work now, there was so much to process after all those events...
But he did agree, he said that it was because he wasn’t mature enough for a serious relationship,
The right thing to do would be stay as friends, but… nah, neither of you managed that. Meeting him in his place to help him study would always lead to everything but studying
He had a girlfriend (sorta) he was finally being able to do everything he fantasized about having a girlfriend (sorta), he was happy (sorta?)
Plus, he was feeling so manly, so cool by sneaking out like this. Zen and Seven would tease him about being too innocent and he could easily play along with the teasing, since it wasn’t true.
Then there was this one night, RFA was supposed to meet for a little gathering and he thought it would be nice if you guys went together, nobody would suspect a thing
“Oh, thank you for inviting me, but Seven called me earlier and he’ll pick me up… he can give you a ride too if you want.” “No, thank you.” he hung up, hoping you noticed his tone.
The gathering starts, and he can’t stop staring at you and Seven chatting friendly, a little too friendly… so he’s not in a good mood.
“What’s wrong? You seem a little off, Yoosung.” Zen points out “Does your eye hurt or something?” you ask him, worried. Seriously? You have no idea what this is about?
“No, I’m fine, MC.” “Yeah, yeah, Yoosungie is fine, MC. So back to our conversation, I think-” Seven gets interrupted by Yoosung slamming his glass on the table, shooting daggers at the redhead.
“Whoa, are you okay?” “Yeah, what’s wrong, Yoosung? You don’t need to pout like this, I’m not doing anything but talking to MC… why don’t you get over here and join us if it bothers you so much?”
“What?” everybody looks at him “N-no, it doesn’t bother me, but… if she’s uncomfortable, I… I would be uncomfortable too…” “Because?” Yoosung sighs “Because…” “Because you’ve been seeing each other for months and you love her, so now you’re jealous, but there’s no need to be jealous because she loves you too.”
“W-what? Seven… how do you know all that?” you ask him, shocked, Seven just grins “Heh, I figured it out when you asked for my help to choose a pair of glasses for him as a present… oops, that’s another thing I shouldn’t have said.” he says that, but he clearly doesn’t regret. “MC… you bought glasses for me?” you nod shyly, taking the gift out of your bag and walking to him.
“Yep, I also do love you, by the way…” “Even if I’m not mature enough?” you take the glasses out of the case and put on his face, tilting your head and smiling. “You look pretty mature to me.”
You started as friends, the benefits came a little later
It was surprising even for her how well she adjusted into this casual thing, you made it feel so natural and right for her
Let’s just face it, there was no time for dating now that she was starting a business by herself, also, a relationship could ruin her first meaningful friendship, so casual it was
At first, she couldn’t even tell what was different, you would hang out, have fun by watching musicals, drinking, talking…
And then there was cuddling, getting intimate, feeling good in a way she never felt before about her body, oh okay… now that’s different
The only time she remembered that his wasn’t a relationship is when you told her a friend of yours invited you to a single’s mixer and you asked her if she wanted to join you
Something unfamiliar took over her. Of course she didn’t want to go, she wasn’t interested in dating if she… well, if there was nothing she would get out of it at the monet, but… she needed to go because you were going, did it make sense? It did for her
So awkward… she is hating all of this, but you seem pretty chill talking and laughing with guys and girls
One lady is flirting with you so much even Jaehee can tell. She touches your arm whenever she can, she’s running her fingers through her hair seductively, did… did she just play with the pendant of your necklace? Hey! Jaehee gave you that pendant!
“So how is everything going?” Zen texts her. “Awful, I want to leave!” “Then why don’t you?” “I’m not leaving without MC.”
“Hum, even if she leaves with someone else?” this possibility makes her feel sick. Why is that? She has no right to feel like that, does she?
“Then I hope she has fun.” “Yeah right.” “Are you being sarcastic, Zen?” “Maybe?” “Don’t lie, you are being sarcastic!” “And you are in denial that you’re jealous because you love her and don’t want her to be with anyone else.”
“WHAT? Thats nto rtue!,,!” she makes a few typos as gagging with her beverage. “Come on, Jaehee, we all know you’ve been dating in secret.” “ALL OF YOU?”
“Yep, Yoosung didn’t want to believe, but even him joined in the bet.” “WHAT BET???” “Oh, just a silly thing the guys and I put together to see how long it takes until you gurls become serious, I thought it wouldn’t take long, but… if you keep talking on your phone while she talks to other people, I might lose very soon… and so will you.” She’ll kill all these men later, but… dang, Zen is right.
“Hey… do you want to ditch this and go watch a movie?” “Oh… sure, I’d love to, but… aren’t you having fun?” “No, not really, I… can only have fun with you in that sense, since I… I love you, MC…” she kisses you shyly, but you promptly kiss her back
If it was entirely up to him, you guys would be engaged by now
But after much thinking, he realized he still had some things to sort out and he should take easy after the events in his penthouse
Then you came up with this in between solution: not married, but not exactly single. Not dating, but also not completely apart
Well, it was something out of reach for his moral values, but… it seemed like a good idea when he thought about his father and how taking relationships too seriously didn’t bring anything but trouble in the past
It’s not easy for him. Casualty and Jumin Han just… don’t exist together. It’s too easy going for him.
He wants to call you every night, but he avoids it, knowing that not being clingy is one of the most important rules for this
He wants to take you in his business parties, but it doesn’t seem right if he can’t introduce you as his girlfriend.
But when  you’re together, he forgets his concerns for a while. You’re around, Elizabeth likes you, he gets to touch you and talk to you about so many things!
Then you go away, and his doubts start again. Is this really alright? Do people really grow accustomed to this? Will he get accustomed?
Until you guys are having a RFA gathering at his penthouse, it’s so strange that you’re here and he still can’t do anything to get closer to you. Strange and frustrating.
“I’m glad you invited us, Jumin, did you have to reschedule dinner with your father for us to be here?” V asks him. “No, I will have dinner with him tomorrow, I would invite you all as well, but it’s our traditional family dinner…”
Everybody nods. “But if you want to join us, it would be nice. Especially you, MC.” you gasp with the water. “M-me?”
“Yes, you didn’t have the chance to actually meet my father at the RFA since it was quite… crowded, I’m sure he would like to meet you… as the newest RFA member, I mean.” “Oh… sure…”
“Then you will propose her?” Seven asks teasingly. “No, proposing can wait, I’d need her to agree on leaving the casual terms of our relationship so we can make it official, but… this also can wait if she wants.”
“You just made impossible for her to turn you down, dude.” Zen scowls. “Did I? Was I forceful, MC?” “No, not really, but it really is impossible to turn you down.” you blush as you slip your hand to hold his.
He really didn’t want to focus on anything else but his brother’s recovery
But… it was very stressful and frustrating, so he would always end up going to you for advice
And for comfort, and before you guys even knew, he would be spending the night with you before going to the hospital
He hated how he was leaning on you with no guarantee of a steady relationship even if Saeran got better
But he would always end in your bed, and regret right after
Not telling anyone was common ground even if you never really discussed where you would stand as a couple
Tsk… was it right that he was depending on you so much like this? You would get tired eventually, wouldn’t you?
And if you did, you would have every right to leave him, so… why does the idea of you leaving him hurt so much?
Saeran was still unstable and would snap at him and at the medical staff constantly.
He was completely drained of his energy and strength, what if his brother never got better?
Everybody in RFA was concerned about him and decided to pay the twins a visit at the hospital
You were a little uncomfortable in going, what if he didn’t want to see you there? You aren’t even his girlfriend, would he get mad at you for meddling into something so private like his family matters?
But you were so worried about him and his brother, so you joined the other members, trying to not let them notice how tense you were.
Saeyoung left Saeran’s room to grab some water when he spotted the RFA members at the corridor and ran to you, tackling you and almost making you both fall.
“I’m so glad you’re here, I missed you so much! It’s so nice that you’re here, MC, I love you so much, I…” he looks at you, then at the other RFA members “I… got a little carried away, sorry, guys… I’m just a little tired and-” “And you’ll leave Saeran to us and take MC on a date, you deserve it, man. Now go!” Zen says, making you blush as you take Saeyoung’s hand and smile.
Things were a little awkward after he came back
He knew he wanted to get closer to you and finally meet you for real
And you guys started hanging out, until the attraction got irresistible
But he couldn’t jump into a relationship with you now. It wasn’t about him, about you, and definitely not about Rika, it was mainly about the RFA
Would they be okay with him coming back and jumping in your arms as the first thing he does?
He wished he could stay away until he sorted out these feelings, but… he wanted to be with you so bad!
It was so good to be with you, he fantasized how it would be. How come this is pretty much like he imagined and still, he isn’t completely happy?
Are… are you happy?
Until there was a RFA gathering, the first one with him back to duty, he was so excited that everybody would be there, that… you would be there.
But you weren’t there. They waited for a while and you still didn’t show up, they called you and you didn’t answer.
Oh no… could it be…? Could it be that you got tired and didn’t even want to look at him? So you just… left?
It was his fault, wasn’t it? Oh no… he knew he should be more firm, he should have told you about his feelings and… real commitment
He called you, and still no response. He feels awful.
Until you suddenly enter the room and everybody’s eyes go to you, he runs and hugs you desperately. “MC, I’m so sorry… I’m sorry for second guessing so much, I… I love you, and I’m willing to make us official if you want to, so please… please don’t leave!”
“Leave? I just got here, Jihyun…” “Yes… but… why weren’t you answering your phone?” “It died, and I was… wait, did you just say you love me?” “He did.” everybody says in unison.
Well, uhm… he wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t want to ever see him again after what he’s done
But he’s glad you like him and want to be with him.
He also wants to be with you, but… hum, is it really okay while his brother is still missing?
Somehow he feels… guilty for relying on you so much when things aren’t completely solved yet
But he needs to rely on you, without you strength, without your sweetness, he wouldn’t be able to handle any of this
He wants so much to make it official, he wants the whole world to know that everything good in his life happened thanks to you, but right now, he needs to protect you from this mess
It’s so good how you tell not him to worry, you guys will tell people when the time arrives, then you just kiss and comfort him… he forgets his concerns for a little while
He was having a bro’s night with the other members, it was a way to relax and distract a little from his brother’s problem
It was fun, but he would constantly catch himself fidgeting with his phone and texting with you
You’re just so funny and sweet, he couldn’t stop smiling. “Ohhh… I know this smile.” Zen teases “You’re seeing someone!”
“What? No, I’m not.” “Dude, you’re smiling like an idiot, no offense, while looking at your phone as you type, you’re obviously texting someone you like.”
“I… no, this… even if I wanted to see someone, I can’t… not with my brother still missing, and… not the way things are right now.” “Saeran… there’s nothing wrong with going out with someone if you want to.” Yoosung points out.
“Yes, if I may say, I think your brother would be very pleased to know you found someone.” Jumin completes, and Saeran wonders.
“You really think it’s fine for me to see someone? If… this person likes me, is it okay to date?” “Yeah, dude. It’s nice to have someone who supports you in this moment, I mean… someone that is not us.” “Someone like MC?” “Hum, yes… someone like MC.”
He mulls over a little more before getting up “I… need to go, I have a thing to do…” “Good luck, Saeran!” Yoosung beams as Zen grins to Jumin “You owe me a beer.” “You’re terrible at making bets, Zen.”
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euphorianyx · 6 years
Daddy Issues [Sunset] -16-
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Pairing: JungKook & Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Summary: A top student, marks always high. College was not a dream for her…Except she didn’t have enough money. Her parents never earned much so they literally took care of themselves. Her boss acting like a dick towards her she quit her job. Even though she had no idea what she let herself into this was her only option.
Other Chapters
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“I have her...but are you sure she is bad at all?”
Father Jeon’s voice was colder than ever on the other side of the line.
“Since when do you ask questions?”
Unlike his usually cold self YoonGi stared at your unconscious form. Somehow you seemed to be different. YoonGi’s voice got lower when you sighed and turned your head.
“Maybe she really loves your son...”
Father Jeon let out a cold and ironic laugh out. YoonGi was annoyed but he had to keep it cool so he waited for him to speak. 
“Isn’t it better not to think and just do what you are told?”
This man was too much sometimes, YoonGi thought than sighed.
He ended the call without waiting for any other word. Throwing his phone to the back seat he fixed his eyes on the road. It was darker as the turned right. You were not in the middle of the rushing crowd anymore. In fact you were about to arrive his so called home at the outer part of the glamorous city. 
YoonGi parked the car to the very back and stopped it. The chill breeze of the night was fresh on his skin. YoonGi left you in there to unlock the door of his place then walked to your side slowly. Still in deep sleep your body fell towards YoonGi when he opened the door. Holding you within quick move of his left hand, he stared at your face. Your soft hair was covering your cheek. Lips slightly open, a low sigh left them. The shadow of your long lashes fallen on your cheekbones.
“Jeon is a lucky bastard, isn’t he?”
YoonGi murmured as he slowly picked you up. He carried you inside and carefully placed you on his bed. YoonGi stood still for a moment and thought what he could do with you. 
YoonGi was cold blooded when it came to work. If he had to torture or kill someone he would do it but he didn’t want to hurt you. You were way too beautiful for that. Cutting the monologue inside his head, you whispered something. YoonGi tried to focus and understand but your words slurred.YoonGi found himself smiling at you but was quick to recover from it.
JungKook’s phone rang, tearing the silence of his bedroom apart. He shifted in his dark blue sheets to grab the phone. Rubbing his eyes he stared at the screen blankly for a second before he answered.
“What is it?”
YugYeom’s voice on the other side of the line gave out he was worried.
“Its Y/N...”
YugYeom stopped for a good second before he went on. He just did not know how to explain the situation so he just said it right away.
“She was at this pub and left with Min YoonGi.”
JungKook’s eyes widen after what he heard. He kicked the sheets off of his body and was up on his bare feet. This could be the last yet worst thing he expected. He lost his cool and cursed under breath.
“Damn it...Did you track him down?”
Yugyeom was way far from being calm when he answered the question.
“He noticed and we lost track.”
It was not hard for YugYeom to guess how angry JungKook must be.
“I apologize for the mistake and I will fix it.”
JungKook’s voice was colder but calmer.
“Do not do anything... I will handle this on my own.”
JungKook hung up the phone and searched in his contacts for another number. The not too familiar guy answered after 5 long rings.
Only in his Gucci boxers JungKook rested his hand on the cold window as he spoke with deep and firm voice.
“Min YoonGi... I guess this will be the time we meet in person.”
The lights coming from the garden of his mansion reflected in his eyes before he squinted them.
YoonGi knew it was no joke when he heard the way JungKook spoke. He might be young but when he ruled his fathers street business he became a legend for a reason. Avid, brave, smart and cruel... Even his father did not know half of what he has done. YoonGi literally was the only one JungKook did not lay his hands on.   
Not that YoonGi did not trust himself or anything but this meant a choice between father and son. YoonGi knew damn well the wrong step would cost his life. He had to make wise choices.
“She is fine... I only have to keep her away from you.”
JungKook spoke casually yet something in his voice was still dark.
“Ohhh... It seems my father gotten softer lately. Do I have to explain what will happen if you lay a finger on her?”
YoonGi tried to come off collected.
“No, I know... And I do not want to do it so stay away.”
JungKook ironic yet devilish chuckle filled YoonGi’s ears.
“Are you really going to play this way YoonGi? But my patience has its limits and I am getting angry. Believe me... You would not want me angry. Now just tell me where you are so I can come and get her.”
YoonGi realized he really was in trouble and JungKook was not having it. He just decided to test his reaction.
“Tell you and and get myself killed? I do not think so...”
JungKook sighed.
“If you tell me now, you will have my protection.”
YoonGi thought for a good minute. There was not many options left so he decided on the better one. He cleared his throat then gave the address. 
Waiting for JungKook to arrive was painful and you waking up did not help anything at all.
Your head was still hurting as you opened your eyes slowly. The tiny bed did not seem familiar at all. Taking a look at the dark place you realized it was somewhere you never knew. Furrowing your eyes you tried to remember what happened.
When the memories of you talking to YoonGi and getting in his car came back, you cursed under your breath. Lifting the old violet sheets you peeked inside. Relieved you had your clothes on except the jacket and shoes, you let your breathe out.
The chuckle coming from the door caused you to shudder. YoonGi handed you a glass of water with lemon as he softly spoke.
“No worries... Nothing happened.”
You chugged the water down to ease the burn in your throat.
“Where are we?”
YoonGi stood next to the bed awkwardly and avoided your stare with pulling the snapback down to his eyes.
“You drank too much and passed out in my car so I took you to my place. Technically we are out the city.”
You bite down your lip and checked the time. 
“He is going to...”
YoonGi cut you off with a somewhat cold voice.
“JungKook is on his way to pick you up.”
You froze. How did he even find you here at 5 am. Then you rolled your eyes at yourself because you were surprised by it. It was Jeon JungKook and if he wanted to find you he would.
The room fell silent for a while. You thought how JungKook would react. Him coming to get you was something positive, wasn’t it? You sighed because you knew damn well you were in trouble.
“Look YoonGi just don’t say anything okay? I will explain this whole thing... If I can...”
YoonGi’s lips slightly curled up as he spoke softly.
“You are trembling Y/N. Are you that afraid of him?”
You shook your head as stood up from the bed.
“Not like that. I just don’t want to lose him.”
The softness and truth in your voice was undeniable. YoonGi fixed the black snapback back up and looked at you in the eyes.
“Look... I get it and you won’t...”
YoonGi's words were comforting and gave you some hope. You smiled at him kindly and he found himself doing the same. Then you started to search for your jacket and small bag. YoonGi sat down in the corner with his arms crossed. His eyes followed your every single move. It was not his intention but he could not stop it. However the loud knock on the door was earlier than he expected.
JungKook impatiently stood on the door as he fixed his rolex casually. Even though he probably rushed out he looked perfect. Black shirt and black fitted pants with a casual dark grey jacket. Not to mention the kind of messy hair he tamed with his fingers.
“Listen JungKook...I...”
Cutting you off JungKook pulled you to himself by the waist. His grip was tight but you were so lost in his eyes to realize.
“You never stop getting in trouble.”
His low whisper sent shivers down your spine.
“I just wanted to drink something and...Passed out. I am sorry.”
That was the only thing you could say at that moment.His long fingers caressed your soft cheek gently, leaving them warm and red.
“Aren’t you mad at me?”
You directed those innocent eyes at him.
“Ohh I am Y/N... But first I am taking you home. Go, get in the car.”
You walked out and headed towards the car as he said.
Lighting up a cigar YoonGi said.
“Your father underestimated you Jeon.”
JungKook directed his intense gaze towards YoonGi along with a haughty smirk.
“Thats his weakness... From now on, you will be working for me.”
YoonGi furrowed his eyebrows.
“Thats what it takes huh?”
JungKook did not answer. A plain cold stare was the only thing YoonGi got.
“Fine but what for? Haven’t you stopped with the street stuff?”
JungKook lifted his hand and YoonGi stopped talking.
“Too many questions for one day, don’t you think? I will contact you when I need you.”
With that he turned around and left. Getting in the car, he avoided eye contact with you. The sun was rising and the sky wore its blue back again. The ride was silent until you realized he was not taking you to your home but his.
He answered without looking at you.
You stated your thought plainly.
“I thought you were taking me to my home.”
JungKook pressed his lips together.
“You were not planning to come back?”
He was hurt but tried to hide it under his poker face. However he forgot you knew him better than that.
“I was... But don’t you think we need to talk about...us?”
His hands on the wheel slightly eased with relief.
“Y/N look... I know you are not under contract anymore... And what I said back there...I just...”
Your voice was softer than he expected.
“You just don’t know how to handle this, do you?”
JungKook pressed his lips together.
“Don’t expect me to change Y/N... This is who I am.”
You arched your eyebrows.
“I still have a few things to ask for JungKook, to make this work.”
JungKook kept his poker face as he asked. Somehow he found your stubborn nature amusing. 
“Let me hear them first...”
JungKook was not sure if he would accept or not. All he knew was things never went as he expected when it came to you. 
“First... No more Mr Jeon...You are not my boss or anything.”
JungKook sighed.
“As if I was before... You know I already gave in that one.”
You chuckled.
“Second... No more secrets. I need to know everything if I am going to be a part of your life.”
JungKook’s hand swept his hair. You realized he did this when he was nervous. Proof of your thought was his silence.
“Y/N thats...”
You cut him off.
“I won’t have it any other way JungKook. How this will work if you don’t trust me at all?”
Eyes dark, he sighed.
“Just give me some time, okay? I don’t know if you are ready for this.I do not want you to change.”
Even though he abstained, his voice was soft so you kept calm.
“I will not change JungKook.”
JungKook said nothing back because he was afraid to lose the one and only true thing in his life. You knew he needed assurance and some time for this one so you let it slip.
“Third... Don’t see someone else.”
JungKook scoffed.
“I never did.”
Your voice was firm and shoulders were tense.
“I am not stupid JungKook. I read the terms of the contract after I signed. There was a part on that to allow you. Not even going to mention JiHyo...”
JungKook’s expression got way more serious. He arched his eyebrows and an voice was rough.
“I am in love with you Y/N. You think I will do that?”
You shook your head.
“It’s hard for me to believe you love me JungKook...”
His expression softened but he was confused. Eyes wide he asked.
You locked your hands on your legs. Gazing down on your fingers you played with them.
“Because I have got nothing...And you... You can have anything and anyone JungKook. It just does not make sense.”
A few minutes ago you were setting rules for him now you were just that innocent girl. JungKook could not decide if you were a blessing or a trouble but either way he was into you. JungKook pulled the car in front of the door of his mansion and you both got out. 
“Y/N you have everything I can’t find in this world.You are my escape from this hell.”
His words hit you harder than you expected. Speechless you stared at him. JungKook took a step towards you and laid his hands on the car on each side of you. His heavy breaths, the not so intense but perfect smell of the perfume got you dizzy. 
JungKook’s lips devoured yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck you let your tongue dance along with his. You both pushed your limits but finally broke the kiss for some air.
Trying to calm down you whispered.
“We should talk about this no touch part too.”
JungKook flased a dazzling smile and his voice was that sweet low tone.
“Maybe... but I won’t change the way I fuck you. Better be ready when I am back.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
“Where are you going.”
JungKook casually shrugged.
“Just need to talk to my father. I will be back soon.”
JungKook took some of his anger from asphalt but even that did not stop him from the things he was going to say.
JungKook casually walked in and employees around all greeted him with respect. He took the principal elevator and passed the hallway. Father Jeon’s secretary just smiled.
“Let me inform your father sir.”
JungKook did not even stop.
“That won’t be necessary.”
He walked in right away. His father was checking some documents.
“I told you I don’t want to see anyone...”
When he raised his head and faced with JungKook he casually smiled.
“What do I owe this visit son?”
JungKook walked towards the desk and put his hands on as he leaned in.
“Sending your dirtiest man after an innocent girl... You are classy father, aren’t you?”
His expression was serious but still cold.
“How did you find out?”
YoonGi was the only one that JungKook could not find. At least Father Jeon thought so. JungKook stared right into his eyes.
“Do not underestimate me Father and do not underestimate the things I will do if anything happens to Y/N.”
His father rested his hands on the table and locked them.
“Oh I don’t son. I know what you can do. But do you know what I do is the best for our family, you and the empire we built in all these years?” 
With all his seriousness Father Jeon raised from his seat.
“We all sacrificed something in this way. You are going to get your symbol soon and there will be a price to pay.”
JungKook knew he was the almost the official inheritance age of the family but what he heard was too much. The tattoo meant he was chosen to rule this company, even the chain this company was a part of. He was going to be the bosses bosses boss. Something even his father has not done. And it was not hard to guess the price his father was talking about.
Next Chapter
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Any characters getting in a huge nasty fight with sole over a percieved betrayal only to realize later they were completely wrong and sole genuinely had no idea what the hell they were even talking about that entire time.
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They saw Sole. Intimately touching a stranger the same way they had touched eachother. A pain started to form in their chest as they watched from a far. They didn’t want to believe the rumors but this confirms it. They almost wished they stayed in denial so they’d never have to feel this pain. The strangers advances started becoming more rough. Leaning in to kiss Sole’s neck, causing Sole to turn their head and spot them in the distance.Cait: Cait’s hands were clenched shut as she tried to fight back her tears. “You….you son of a bitch.” Her voice was dark and intimidating. Sole pushed the stranger off and scrambled to their feet, trying to muster the right words to say. Cait shot them a ice cold glare and left the scene. The fact that she didn’t break the strangers face was very unlike her and extra scary for Sole. After searching around all night, Sole finally found Cait sitting on a stump in a little patch of woods just off of sanctuary. “Cait….” Sole layed a hand on Cait’s back, causing her to jerk back. “You’ve done enough. Leave.” Sole bent down and locked eyes with her. “Cait. I would never do that to you! I had to get information from them and the only way was to flirt. Trust me, it was only for a mission.” Cait looked up in disbelief. “Are you serious!? I guess I should’ve listened to you…….i feel like a damn idiot. I’m sorry.”Curie: Curie covered her mouth as she let out a sob, running out the door. She never thought having these feelings could hurt so much. Curie leaned against the side of the building, trying to process what had just happened. Sole came stumbling around the corner calling her name. Curie whipped around and slapped Sole, leaving a red mark on their face. “How could you do zhis to me!? How!?” Sole tried explaining but Curie continued to sob and move farther away. Finally Sole charged her, taking her face in their hands. “Curie, it was for a mission! I don’t actually know them. It was just to get Intel from them. Thats all.” Curies expression turned to confusion. “What?” Sole wiped the tears from her face and smiled. “Oh, I am sorry. I guess this is what jealousy is, yes?” Danse: Danse marched up to the stranger, grabbing them by the shirt and tossing them over the counter. Without making eye contact, Danse pushes Sole to the side and begins rushing towards the door. Sole starts calling his name and grabbing his arm. Within 3 or 4 attempts to stop him, Danse grabs Sole and slams them against the wall, his eyes dark and serious. “Is it because I’m a synth?” Sole let out a offended gasp. “Do you honestly think I’d do that? I was pretending to flirt because I’m on a mission, Danse. I would never cheat on you, especially not because you’re a synth.” Danse lowered his arms around Sole and sighed. “I-I’m so sorry. I misunderstood the situation. I’ll understand if you wa-” His words were cut off by Sole’s lips. Deacon: “Well arnt you two having a good time.” Sole jumped up, “It’s n-” Deacon put his hands out and moved away. “No no, I wouldn’t want to interrupt your fun time. Sorry that I expected more from you.” Sole slammed their hand on the table. “Deacon! Its all a act! You put me on this mission!” Deacon stopped in his tracks and scratched his head. “Yeah…..I did didn’t i.” The stranger began to scoff in suspension. “This was some kind of set up!?” Without hesitation Sole slammed their face into the table, knocking them unconscious. “Great now the mission is ruined…….but you are pretty cute when your jealous.” Hancock: He strolled up with a friendly demeanor, placing a hand on the strangers back. “You two weren’t having fun without me were you?” Before they could react, Hancock grasps the back of their neck and slammed their face against the bar until he saw red. Sole grabbed him by the arm, “Hancock, you don’t understand!” “Fuck you.” His voice was broken up and trembling. Sole ran to block him from leaving. He was already pulling out a hit of jet out, ready to calm his nerves. “It was pretend. Please, you have to believe me, Hancock. I was doing a mission. I love you so much, I’d never cheat on you!” The fear in Sole’s voice made him stop and think. He replayed the scene in his head. “Fuck.” He dropped the jet and grabbed Sole’s shoulders. “I guess I might’ve overreacted a little.” Sole took and deep breath and smiled. “A little?” Maccready: Instead of knocking the stranger out like he wanted, he stayed leaned up against the wall. When Sole finally excused them self and greeted him, Maccready casually exhaled a big cloud of smoke into their face. “So, when were you going to tell me about your boyfriend/girlfriend?” Sole scoffed. “It’s not what it looks like, Robert.” Maccready threw his cigarette on the ground. “Save me the bullshit. Clearly you’ve already wasted enough of my time already.” Before he could leave, Sole grabbed him by the arm. “Did you forget? Nick told you about the mission! I was flirting just to get information from them. Thats all!” Maccready’s stern expression turned confused. “Oh….I guess I forgot,” he laughed. Sole shot him a glare causing him to kick the dirt and apologize.Nick: He started running all the reasons Sole would cheat in his head. He thought of all the possibilities of something he did wrong but none of it justified Sole doing this. Sole finally got up to explain the situation but Nick couldn’t help but be cold and distant. “You don’t have to say anything. I’ve seen enough.” “Nick, you don’t understand! It was for a mission. I would never-” “Save me the lies.” Nick began to walk off before Sole slapped a piece of paper in his hand. He slowly opened it, revealing small notes of the mission plan. Nick immediately felt embarrassed, turning to face Sole. “Im…..I’m so s-” Sole placed a finger on his lips. “Shhh, I forgive you.”Preston: He shot a cold glare at Sole and left almost instantly. It was only a few hours later when going through paperwork at sanctuary, he overheard a few companions talking about the mission Sole had been on. He immediately felt like a idiot and rushed to find them. Sole had been drinking in their room when Preston found them. “Babe, I’m so sorry.” Sole glanced back and sighed ,“Finally found out, did you?” Preston hugged them from behind and nodded.Piper: Piper immediately tapped on the stranger and confronted them. “Who the hell are you? Huh?” Tears were already forming in her eyes as Sole pulled her away from them. “I should’ve known this would happen. I’m so stupid!” Sole grasped her face, attempting to calm her down. “Piper, look at me. Piper!” Her attention finally focused on what Sole had to say. “I’m on a mission. It was all just an act, I’m not cheating. I could never cheat on someone as kind and beautiful as you!” “W-What?” After Sole explained further, Piper began apologizing profusely. “I feel so dumb…I’m sorry but from now on you better tell me about these types of missions.”X6-88: He had no hesitation in knocking out the stranger. It took about 5 seconds for them to be unconsciously lying on the floor. He said nothing until Sole explained the situation to him. He understood immediately and brushed it off like it was nothing, causing Sole to rethink ever angering him.
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lolawlolawlol · 8 years
word count: 3127
Jungkook angst, Mayday Parade: Three Cheers for Five Years inspired. 
Almost an hour had passed, and he’s waiting for nothing. In what was supposed to be your fifth anniversary with Jungkook, had turned into a sweet shattered dream all on its own, after you decided to come clean with all the deceitful lies you fed him for the past 2 years. Jungkook however was still hopeful. Hoping that what you said was just a bad dream. A nightmare that can only be comforted with you by his side, caressing his head, lying close to his chest, telling him that everything’s going to be alright, and that you’ll always love him no matter what. You promised him eternity, a clarity, amazing future together but in the end the words that you vowed out loud, were nothing more than just manifestos spouted in order to get votes. Just like how a presidential candidate would act like. Nothing was clear to him anymore. For the past 5 years, July 15th would be the day to celebrate your love with Jungkook. It had been the first time he confessed, and the first time you had your first date. Everything started and everything ended on July 15th. Jungkook had never hated a date more than anything, more than remembering the historical dates he learnt in school. 
“Jungkook-ah, you shouldn’t be doing this. None of us expected this to happened. She played us too” Park Jimin was the one to speak first out of the 6 brothers. As expected of the sensible one of the group to provide comfort to him. Jungkook was lying down, facing the wall filled with polaroid pictures of the two of you, bits and scrapes of notes that he kept whenever you made lunch for him, and remnants of memories such as amusement park tickets, movie tickets. A reminder of how lovely the two of you used to be. In the eyes of the 6 men that stood behind Jungkook, you were the IT-couple that everyone thought would end up down the aisle in another 5 years or so. “Dude, man up. The girl’s a fucking hoe for cheating on you. She’s a bigger prick for not manning up either” Yoongi pulled out a chair in front of him while yapping at the younger boy. “Hyung’s right, Kookie-ah you should pull yourself together. Post break-up isn’t definitely candies and rainbows, but you sure need to wake up and see that she isn’t worth it at all” Taehyung reminded while trying his best not to get angry at Jungkook. Jin and J-hope were in the kitchen trying to whip up something good for Jungkook. Poor boy hasn’t been eating right since everything went downhill. Namjoon was the one who managed to talk the younger boy into being his normal self again. After all he was the closest to him.
“Hyung-ah, i’m sorry for troubling everyone. I couldn’t help myself, y/n was one of a kind. There was no one else like her. When she decided to drop the bomb like that, i had nothing else to do or say. It’s as if my mind and heart weren’t at the right place” Jungkook said in a breath, “Thank you and i love you. If you’ll excuse me, i’m going to take a walk, just to clear my head for awhile. I’ll be home before midnight. I really do mean it hyungs, i love you” Jungkook said while fixing his timberlands. “You go do your thing maknae, bring your keys, and don’t forget to take your phone with you. Be safe.” Jin reminded before he left, after all being the eldest made him feel like its his responsibility to keep them in check. 
While walking to the park nearby their shared apartment, Jungkook tried his best not to remember anything related to the girl that shattered his heart. He broke down in the middle of the park, next to the big fountain where you shared your first kiss together.
“Jungkook-ah, thanks for bringing me here. I had a great time, even though nothing went as planned” you said. It was true. Your first date with Jungkook was a disaster but the catastrophe was the perfect first date. After all you saw was perfection in imperfection itself. “Don’t remind me please y/n, i literally felt like you wouldn’t even want to see me again after tonight’s mishaps” Jungkook said while trying to fix his hair from the cold dusty wind. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Jungkook please. The date was perfect from the start because i had the whole day to spend with you.” “You really mean that? You’re not lying or anything just to make me feel better aren’t you?” “Jungkook-ah, are you trying to- “ He cut off your accusation by planting the sweetest kiss you’ve ever had. It wasn’t rushed or anything, it was sweet and chaste. Lips were molded together like how a cupcake should look like in a baking tray. Jungkook’s chapped lips was now cherry scented since he basically swept it all off. 
Jungkook snapped off from the empty clouded void, when Jin called him to come home. It had been past midnight and he’s still wandering about. Maybe its time he let go. Maybe its time he forgive and forget. Maybe its time to just start fresh. Knowing Jungkook, he regretted the fact that he didn’t chase after you. 
“Babe, lunch together?” “Not today, i’m busy with work”
“Omg y/n let’s do brunch together. Rocko’s having their special waffle deals. We haven’t seen each other since your exam break” “I’ll try” As a matter of fact, you didn’t. 
He should’ve seen the signs that you were neglecting him completely. You declined every single date he planned, you ignored all of his phone calls and didn’t reply any single messages he sent. He should have noticed from the very start how distant you started to be. The weekly movie nights and sleepovers were only sleepover with you coming in late and him already in bed. The communication was off, and communication is key to everything.
Jungkook wasn’t dumb. He just played dumb. 
Jeon Jungkook is someone you can never let go cause if you did let him go, you’re a fucking idiot. That’s exactly what you are. Jeon Jungkook had a heart of gold, and everything he ever cared for and loved means everything to him. When he loves, he loves hard. The precious boy from Busan, put his heart and soul into everything he does. He has always been the kind to appreciate even the simplest things in life. You on the other hand thought Jungkook was being too serious. Anyone would understand that being in a situation where the both of you were just teenagers in love, would have commitment issues. Even if Jungkook had vowed to give you his forever, you didn’t feel the same. In fact you were tired of the same old love Jungkook gave. You wanted to be reckless and try new things, and that means risking the relationship that Jungkook put everything in. It was a ship that is slowly sinking, only because of your little naivety in trying new things. You could’ve said you wanted a break, or come clean about your feelings. Instead you kept it all to your greedy self and wanted to hurt Jungkook without a care in the world. Simply taking advantage of the poor boy because of his kindness, his almost one-sided blind love for you. 
Behind the sweet facade that he put on, he slowly realizes what he truly was in your eyes. Nothing but a strand of string you could pull and tie in knots however, whenever you want. At first Jungkook could never understand the whole reason why you turned out to be like that. After series of endless ignorance, the burned out sparks whenever you made out on his bed, he knew it was over. A little over 2 years before you came clean, Jeon Jungkook played along. He knew all the things you did behind his back. The secret dates you had with your boy toys, the ‘work’ that kept you busy from him was just a pretend.  
Jungkook and you had been inseparable ever since you moved to Seoul. The both of you clicked like two peas in a pod. From the first day you arrived until now, the boy was head over heels for you. It was that night when you got invited to the boys’ housewarming party that changed everything.
“Let’s play never have i ever! C’mon guys its a CLASSIC party game” Jimin, sounded the most excited upon inviting everyone out to play. “Yeah like when you were 8 or something, Jimin-ah come on lets be real here” V scoffed but eventually agreed on playing. “Y/n, Jungkook get over here, we’re playing a game!!!” “Gee, hyung’s being really persistent on this guess we have no other choice, y/n” you could hear him complaining at the back of your neck. His breath tickled your neck, showed how approximately close he was with you. As if he knew about your feelings, your ears had turned crimson red making it ten times more obvious about how nervous you were. “Nah, don’t worry about it, what’s a party without party games”. You tried your best to act cool and you hoped that deep down he was tipsy enough to not notice. 
Everyone sat in a circle. The boys had invited their friends from college to their mini get together. “Okay people, lets start drinking ‘till we’re tripping” “Jimin-ah you purposely played this game just so you can drink?” Taehyung was starting to get angry after hearing his friend’s ridiculous remark, but everyone knew he was trolling around. After all, he was the next party king, right after Jimin. “Okay, i’ll start! Never have i ever…” The game proceeded and you were starting to get tipsy, just right before your turn you had drank almost 5 shots of vodka. Thats when Jungkook decided to bring you out to clear your mind. 
When the both of you were out, you still had a cup of beer in your hands. “Y/n man, c’mon thats enough for the night. You had like 5 shots of vodka already” Jungkook groaned as if you were one of his male friends. “Man, are you seriously calling me that? Jungkook-ah you do realise i’m a girl right? Don’t call me that” you groaned, simply couldn’t believe the fact that the boy of your dreams had man-zoned you. Even if he was just playing around. “Alright baby, just stop drinking please, or else i’m taking it away-” “Don’t call me that either!” You cut him off right after he called you baby. That endearment itself was enough to make your stomach churn and do somersaults all at once. “Babe, call you what? Baby?” Jungkook feigned innocence. He liked you. Tonight was the night he wanted to let it all out. You on the other hand couldn’t believed how bold Jungkook was to simply spout out nonsense. You truly had no clue that the raven haired boy had always been a fan of you since day one.
 “Don’t call me baby. We’re not in that kind of relationship Jungkook. Other people would think otherwise” you explained. “I don’t see how that’s a problem y/n-ah. I mean its not wrong for the moon and the stars to witness the affection that i have for you” Jungkook started laugh, “Okay i’m sorry too cheesy? I was trying to be as transparent as possible” He started to put his hands on your face, trying to be calm as possible. “Jungkook, what? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.” Tears were already brimming at the edge of your eyes. “Babe no omg y/n don’t start crying” “How can i not Jungkook, first you confused me with all the baby talk and then you said its not a problem if anyone started thinking otherwise. I don’t want to get in between you and Chaeyoung from Eng Lit. Everyone knows that you guys are a thing Jungkook. I don’t want to be in between” you said it all in one breath. “Okay either you’re just really dense or you don’t feel the same way. Y/n i like you. Chaeyoung likes me but i never said anything about liking her back. I know its not the best time to confess but i couldn’t hold it much longer. Can i?” You were still dazed but Jungkook’s hands started caressing your cheeks and in a split second his lips were on yours. 
The memory on how the two of you got together played over and over again like an old film at a movie drive-thru. Jungkook chuckled to himself and smiled at the memory he was most fond of. Sitting on the sofa in front of the TV triggered another memory of his. 
It was a rainy Sunday morning. The rest of the boys went back to their hometown for the semester break. Jungkook and Namjoon were the only ones home. You stayed over for your weekly movie nights with Jungkook. That morning he had his arms around your waist. You opened up your eyes, only to be greeted with a masterpiece. Jungkook was art. His facial structures were perfectly carved. Chiseled like jaw, sharp nose, his eyelids which would either alter every now and then. Every time you look at Jungkook, you get to feel something. His presence alone sends tingles to your body as if he could send electricity through the nerve impulses in your body. Something like synapse. Upon admiring your boyfriend’s appealing physique,the sound of  Namjoon dropping his spoon woke him up. “Like the view?” Jungkook teased at the sight of you boring into his hazelnut eyes. “Nope, i love it. I could stare at you all day long, maybe even stare till your face is hollowed” you replied simply, while snuggling into his neck. You knew how ticklish he was every time you did that. “Take a picture baby, it’ll last longer.” Jungkook muffled while trying to keep a straight face from not giving in to you. Soon Jungkook attacked you with kisses, butterfly kisses around your eyes, kisses on your nose, cheeks, and eventually your lips. Your soft giggles echoed every now and then. It rang at the back of his mind like it only happened yesterday. 
He loved showering you with kisses. He loved every part of you when you were his. Jungkook believed in signs, and he thought the signs he followed were aligned with what your heart wants. Fate had other plans that he wasn’t prepared for. He mentally cursed all the times he spent wasted on you but he couldn’t get thru for long, because he truly, deeply cared for you and only you. He knew that getting over a break up takes time, but he didn’t expect for things to be this bad. 
Jungkook waited. He waited for a month. “Y/n wouldn’t do this to me. I’m sure in a month or so, she’ll come back” Jungkook kept telling this to his brothers, but all of them were denying the statement. “Maknae ah don’t make this any harder as it already is. The only person you’re hurting is you, yourself.” Jin tried to be reasonable as possible. “He’s right Jungkook. She’s not coming back” Yoongi said out flatly. 
Jungkook: Y/n its been a month. I think its long enough for you to think things through. Think about everything, maybe how wrong you were about all of this and just come back to me baby, i miss you so much. 
If you’re reading this, let’s meet at the park around 8pm. 
Y/n : Okay.
Initially Jungkook was already like a giddy school girl. He had high hopes that when the two of you meet under the moonlight, he could recreate the original fireworks, the sparks you felt during the first July 15th. He hoped that even when his face was shadowed by the moonlight, his pain could be showed luminously. He secretly wanted his pain to break you, simply to get to your heart, where Jungkook hoped to find whatever love you had left for him. All he wanted was to be given a second chance. Deep down, realistically, he knew that this was highly unlikely. He wanted to believe that there’s still a bit of hope in the future for the both you, but the only future there is, was one meant for you and the other for him. Not together.  He wanted to lure you into thinking that he still loves you in trade for the answers that he needs. He wanted closure. He wanted answers and Jungkook knew exactly how he was getting it.
Faint footsteps drew closer, and Jungkook knew by heart to whom does it belong to. “Y/n you came.” He spoke, voice as angelic as ever. “What do you want, Jungkook. I can’t be long” You spat, venomously. You tried to be cold and harsh as ever, you simply cant bring yourself to play nice, after everything you did to him. It didn’t last long before you fell on your knees, breaking down. You felt guilty as ever and couldn’t keep up with the little charade you put on for him. “Why did you do it?” Jungkook asked, while crouching beside you. He tried to help you to get up. “Is it because you lost faith in what we had? Did i bore you? Was i not good enough? Answer me y/n.” 
“I cant. I just cant-” before you could explain, Jungkook was already fuming and cut you off.
“‘Oh but can meet up with other guys and act like i was nothing. Even after all this time. I cant believe you.” 
You continued to sob, you can’t go on. Not like this. The minute you got up, you almost fell back. Your head was throbbing badly because of the crying. Jungkook had you in his arms and eventually pulled yourself together. He knows how sorry you were. All the wrath that he felt from before, the regret that he had from not chasing you right after he felt something was off, and how much he had long for you to be right in his arms. For the past month Jungkook had been miserable, but with your sudden appearance a month after, the feeling of you in his arms had took everything away. He felt absolutely nothing.
“I know you’re with someone, but i need to do something” Jungkook kissed you one last time. Closure was what he wants and closure is what he’ll get. No sparks. That was enough to answer all of his questions. He managed to grab his heart from you.  He wanted you to regret and that was exactly how you felt. 
The last 5 years were nothing but a small piece of dust that floats in the air.  
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #166
Okay, this one is too important to mince words, if you read the fic this blog is based on- http://archiveofourown.org/works/4193259 Then this is a must read because it gives closure for TLOT and Steve on the seed they fled from, and you get to see Jeb get his for toying with them and their NOTCH also get what he deserves.
[Sam] Looks up eagerly from wiping the bar.
[alexine and Stevenson] -see the skeleton Enderman and steffan and they bot take out a shield and try to protect steffan not understanding he is in no danger-
[Enderbro] Notices them and waves his skinny arms exciedly -STEEEEVE Look! Other Steve!
[Steffan] Turns expecting Father Steve and makes a suprised face.
[Stevenson] there are mobs here are you ok?
[Steffan] Uh... yeah. You're new here aren't you? Bro here is my roommate. And Sam's the bartender.
[Enderbro] Reaches all the way over the bar with his long arms and gets a pair of already bunned hotdogs out before sticking them in the newcomers mouths like cigars - Wheee! Welcome!
[Steffan] Bro....
[Sam] Is making no noise but obviously laughing
[alexine] -drops her shield and is very confused and spits out the hotdog-
[Stevenson] -takes the hotdog out of his mouth- so I am assuming you have a mod to make mobs friendly.
[Enderbro] Awww.... You don't like it? We might have some ketchup...
[alexine] and a food mod
[Steffan] No. Bro is just... Bro. He's always like this. Just a big kid at heart.
[Stevenson] but mobs aren't friendly why is he.
[GK] Pokes his horned head in the door behind them. - Because Sam likes making drinks.
[alexine] -has the most confused face showing-
[Steffan] Shrugs- Bro doesn't care if you look at him either. He thinks the other Enders have zero chill.
[Enderbro] Makes a face. - Endrea's Endermen are way to serious! No fun at all
[Stevenson] why does this server react so weird without mods
[Gk] Because we're from all different seeds? - He pushes a bit more of his head and neck in before transforming into his human shape and pushing past them
[Gk] Slaps Steffan a little too hard on the back. - Me and this asshole here. I was cursed to wear his shape instead of my normal form, a punishment dreamed up by my dick of a brother. But this guy - shakes Steffan a bit more- this guy broke my curse. After a thousand fucking years at least. So now I can be myself, but being human shaped is easier for drinking.
[Steffan] Sighs- Thanks Gk...
[Stevenson] I am so confused
[Steffan] Leans on his elbow - you get used to it. Did Doc let you in or was it Deerheart?
[alexine] the brine.
[Gk] Does a fist bump with Sam and the skeleton serves him a drink with a cherry and a color gradient like a sunrise.
[Steffan] Human form or no?
[alexine] what do you mean by no human form I thought they only where the shape similar to a human
[Steffan] Oh you're in for a suprise then... not sure if I should spoil it....
[Gk] Toasts Sam- The resident Doctor is a bit off hir rocker when it comes to modifying things- Takes a long swig- Thank the gods for it really. But they built themselves a new body from raw bits and they flip to it when things get... hairy.
[Steffan] Or the more unruly brines misbehave...
[Gk] Shut up
[Steffan] Suprisingly, a really safe one. Doc has everyone hooked to respawn with the local difficulty set on easy. And if you do manage to fuck up and die you come back with all your stuff still intact in your inventory.
[Gk] Passed Enderbro a harmonica - Present for you.
[Steffan] Whhhhhhhyyyyyyy?
[Gk] Because I'm still the Griefer King.
[Enderbro] Happy random notes at an annoying pitch-
[Stevenson] me and alexine are the only two who had a respawn on our server
[Steffan] That's kinda selfish isn't it?
[Gk] sarcastic - Woo hardcore johnnies
[Stevenson] the server was to give real humans one chance to live in Minecraft for as long as they can survive but they depending on their world they had when they died they could be in a real hardcore world a peaceful they could even be in creative it was all up to what they had even mods where common place there.
[Steffan] Ah... well, we do have some, like, irl humans here too.
[GK] TLOT's little gay village is full of frigging human kids.
[Steffan] Do you guys want some food or drink? Sam can make pretty much anything.
[alexine] -freaks out slightly and pulls out a bow that looks like it is made of diamonds it's clearly a moded bow-
[Gk] Whoah lady... chill your nips. What's wrong now?
[Steffan] Woooow..... look at those diamonds...
[alexine] the server is crazy your crazy this whole place if crawling with brines and things that shouldn't work -she pulls back the bow and three arrows are on the string-
[Sam] Dives under the counter.
[Steffan] Jumps up on the table and blocks Enderbro who's still playing happily.
[Gk] Barely looks up from his drink. - I can still throw fire in this form. Don't make me burn my favorite bar roasting your ass...
[Stevenson] -rips the bow out of alexine's hands so steffan doesn't get hit-
[Gk] Takes a sip - Thats better. Now sit your asses down and take a few breaths.
[Steffan] Still looks wary.
[alexine] -screeches and tries to get her bow back but is it's being kept out of her grasp-
[Stevenson] all the oddity in this server have made alexine scared she is more likely to attack then she is but when she is scared was more likely to have been during a large battle with hostile mobs from mods-
[Gk] Oh for fuck sake... I can't do this touchy feely shit. - he types into the chat - Hey TLOT! Come to the fucking bar.
[TLOT] Tps to Gk's location and clips into him for a few seconds.
[Gk] Fucker...
[TLOT] What's wrong?
[Gk] Are you blind? She's hysterical. Slap her or something.
[alexine] -reaches into Stevenson's innovatory and pulls out a mod sword which is three times bigger then her-
[TLOT] Is disoriented for a moment but streches out a hand and buries Alexine in invisible Netherweights.
[Gk] That is a big fucking sword....
[alexine] -falls to the ground she is only freaking out more because she doesn't understand why she can't move-
[TLOT] Sees what's wrong. He starts whispering calming thoughts into her mind. - You're safe, relax. I won't hurt you.
[Stevenson] that's my prince sword -take the sword and puts in back in his innovatory-
[Gk] Prince huh? Ya aint compensating for something else are ya?
[alexine] -is still confused but is slowly calming down-
[TLOT] So what did I miss? I saw some new people come in but I had... my hands full...
[Gk] Full? Yeah, each hand full of one of Steve's asscheeks...
[Stevenson] no it's from a mod you get it after beating the king dragon it help tame the prince dragon
[Gk] You killed a dragon....- Lets out a little growl.
[Stevenson] they are a destructive mob from the crazy craft mod you have to summon then to even fight them and the prince dragon is worth getting if you do try and get them but If you summon then let them run free they will destroy everything to bedrock
[TLOT] Puts his free hand on Gk's shoulder- You know it's a common thing for players to do.
[GK] Makes a sour face. - Still... How would you like being brought into existence just to be destroyed?
[Stevenson] I mainly did it because I wanted the prince dragon to take care of unfortunately I lost them when the server started to fall apart.
[Gk] bitterly- Probably just left em behind to die.... fuck...
[Steffan] Whispers - We have baby dragon's here. Don't lay a finger on them if you value your skins.
[alexine] -finally back to her senses- no he nearly got himself killed trying to save them I ended up pulling away from dieing.
[TLOT] Can I let go now? My hand is cramping.
[Stevenson] yep
[TLOT] releases the weight with an airy wave. He gives them a saucy wink simply because he's pleased with himself.
[alexine] -gets up and walks over to sit on the floor by the pool table-
[TLOT] watches her walk by him curiously. - Nice outfit. I'm Herobrine the Lord of Tears. Or TLOT around here. So what do I call you guys?
[alexine] I am alexine and that's Stevenson.
[TLOT] Charmed.
[Gk] Grumbles-
[Stevenson] -to gk- you act like I didn't care for the prince dragon when in reality I spoiled them an made sure no harm ever came to them unlike the players who would use the prince dragon for a weapon.
[Gk] Even a spoiled pet is still a pet.
[TLOT] Sighs- You know they're not all as intelligent as you are Gk.
[Gk] bitterly - Everyone seems stupid when you can't speak their language.
[Stevenson] I treated them more like my child because the prince dragon is a toddler I wanted to raise them like a father prince dragons are smart by mod but only to some point they are one hundred percent smarter then the king and queen dragon
[Gk] But it's gone now anyway huh? fuck it... Hardly anybody here has a home they could go back too. Brines can't go home again...
[TLOT] Don't be so sour Gk.
[Gk] Bite me.
[alexine] he is going to complain how he failed as a father to the prince dragon and couldn't protect them for a very long time most likely for years
[TLOT] Don't have any experience parenting myself, just babysitting for friends; but I've seen how attached people can get.
[Stevenson] things from crazy craft where hard to get and a prince dragon was harder people who had that mod didn't live very long because of dangerous of a mod it was
[TLOT] Oh trust me, I've been in some precarious situations. This seed is practically a retirement village for me. I finally have a safe place to lay my head, and I don't have to worry about my Steve or Alexsezia, or my villagers being threatened or killed.
[Stevenson] it was more like as soon as they died that part of the world would be replaced with normal Minecraft because as people spawned what they explored from their server they still had when they died got put down and when they died in the server it stopped being their world
[Steffan] That sounds really chaotic.
[Enderbro] Leans over the booth backwards to look at Alexine - Hello pretty lady.
[alexine] - is refusing to look at enderbro-
[Enderbro] Waves and wiggles his arms- Laaaady
[stevenson] it could be there where a lot of different mods that could make it more more or less chaotic but there also was times where people just had worlds without mods
[alexine] yes?
[Steffan] I've been in the multiverse. I prefer private servers.
[Enderbro] Hi.
[alexine] hello.
[Enderbro] Pulls out some small flowers and holds them out to her. The air is suddenly full of heady scents.
[Stevenson] the part me and alexine lived in was originally modless till we started to take parts from mods and it became a mix of mods
[alexine] uh... thanks -takes the flowers-
[TLOT] ah, we've done a lot of adding things, but it's mostly been bringing bits in from other games.
[Stevenson] but not mods.
[TLOT] No, we've visited modded or reskined seeds and filched a few blocks and items, but never altered this one. Doc doesn't even like to update the snapshot. They're afraid of destabilizing or glitching the server.
[alexine] -puts the flowers away to stop the smell- that sounds dangerous
[TLOT] The visiting or the updating?
[alexine] the possibility for the server destabilizing
[TLOT] You can get chunk errors when you update, it's really obnoxious to come home and find part of your house has reverted to natural seed conditions. One time it snowed us all in for a day or two.
[alexine] yep sounds dangerous
[TLOT] It's okay, it's rare, and we have two aces in the hole if things go wrong. One is a spirit of magick and the other is the embodiment of the server itself.
[Stevenson] so the server is safe because of these things
[TLOT] chuckles - The server is safe because Doc is paranoid. The server is well maintained because they have excellent help doing so. Besides, some brines like to scrap and we don't want them accidently glitching things.
[Stevenson] -notices he is low on hunger- actually I think I will take you up on that offer of food
[Sam] Sidles up with a big smile.
[TLOT] Ask them for something, Sam is a great cook.
[Stevenson] I don't know what I want.
[Sam] Taps hir chin for a moment with one bony finger and slips back into the kitchen.
[TLOT] Just give em a minute.
[Gk] Is peeking around the corner to spy on Sam and gets hit in the face with a dishcloth- HEY!
[Stevenson] -give gk an odd look-
[Sam] Comes out with a tray the size of a block containing a huge ring sandwich that's a medly of colorful veggies and meat slices. They pull a big pitcher of tea and some glasses out of their inventory to go with it, as well as a bowl of thick yellow paste.
[TLOT] Sniffs the bowl -So you did like my suggestion.
[Sam] Pffft.
[Stevenson] that looks good.
[Steffan] Looks like plenty for everybody. Nice work Sam.
[TLOT] Gets a chunk of sandwich and some tea for Alexine since she's sitting on the floor- here you go, sorry for squishing you earlier
[Gk] spins his stool just long enough to grab a piece as well.
[alexine] thank you and it's ok -takes the food from tlot and starts eating-
[TLOT] Coyly puts some of the paste on his sandwich and makes happy noises as he eats.
[Stevenson] -takes a chunk and some tea and starts eating- this is very good
[TLOT] Types in the chat - Steve? Are you still watching Yaunfen?
[Steve] Chat back- No, Doc retrived them.
[TLOT] Gonna tp you, you're missing good food
[Steve] Appears next to TLOT with a slight buzz of clipping. And a sandwich is put in his hand as he reorients himself. - Thank you love.
[alexine] how many steves are there?
[Steve] People come and go, but the regulars are me, Steffan here and little Stevie.
[Stevenson] stevie?
[TLOT] He's the little brother of our creepypasta Herobrine.
[Stevenson] it sounds like they are a lot of brines here. -finishes his piece and goes for another-
[Deer] Is keeping her distance and making sure the bar doesn't explode-
[TLOT] And dragons, and children, and little colony of peaceful NOTCHs.
[alexine] I hope the children are safe
[TLOT] Oh yes, the Testificates take very good care of them. Poor things.
-There's a bit of fumbling with the doorknob before Stevie manages to push it open-
[Enderbro] TEENY STEVE.
[Stevenson] -jumps a little before looking at stevie-
[TLOT] Stevie? Please tell me you aren't hiding from Notch, you know what happened last time.
[Stevie] - Uh-uh, I'm wanna surprise father!
[TLOT] Well that's sweet.
[Steve] Hey Stevie! Meet our newest Steve. - Gestures. -And a new Alex too!
[Stevie] - Hi!  I'm Stevie!
[TLOT] Perfect cinnamon roll....
[Stevenson] hello i'm Stevenson it's a pleasure to meet you stevie.
[Stevie] - I'm getting food for father
[alexine] i'm alexine nice to meet you.
[Sam] Leans over with a grin to see what Stevie wants.
[Stevie] - Um, uh, I want...  Um...- He did not think this through
[Sam] pokes him lightly on the nose spot and flounces away.
[TLOT] Random is always suprising....
[Sam] Brings back a huge bowl of spagetti and pushes it at Stevie so it vanishes into his inventory.
[TLOT] Pasta... Sam... - trying not to laugh-
[Steve] Sits down next to Alexine - Cute kid huh?
[alexine] yea he is
[Stevie] - Thank you!  I'm gonna go give it to father!  And miss Lie!  Because she's talking with him right now
[TLOT] Okay, you be careful Stevie. Go straight home.
[Stevie] - I will...  What's a birthday?
[Steffan] The anniversary of the day you were spawned.
[Stevie] - Oh, okay because they're talking about going someplace for one...  Bye!- He heads out the door
[TLOT] Maybe it's Markus's birthday?
[Doc] Arrives at Lies house and knocks lightly on her door
[Lie] Is a bit surprised and goes over to open the door- Oh!  Doc!  Hello, what brings you by?
[Doc] Something scientific actually... I need a horse, maybe more then one
[Lie] - Why?
[Doc] Splender's dragon hatched...
[Lie] - Awww!  He had the rainbow egg, right?
[Doc] yessssss, it is cute. There's just one problem, it's deadly venomous and bitey as hell. I need to learn how to make antivenom with a quickness
[Lie] - Do you want me to try and make a flower?
[Doc] I guess? I think it will need to be quick acting though, this is way beyond lethal. Maybe something with fruit that can be squeezed out on a bite or drunk?
[Notch] is thinking quietly and pipes up, - uh Doc, do you have the seed number for where TLOT and Steve came from?
[Doc] Sure, but it would be dangerous as hell to go there
[Lie] Has been thinking herself- Turning venom into anti venom would be the difficult part...
[Doc] well... It's a digital dragon so presumably the venom works like a virus. It gets past the firewall of your player skin and starts making fatal system errors. But that means it's actually a series of commands, so - hir voice is increasing in speed - if I can map out the command list like a DNA strand I can reverse it and have you make the resulting code into something that can be planted and ingested!
[Lie] - Oh!  Okay, and how are you planning on doing that?
[Doc] is rather excited now- same way I do everything Pinky! I need a command block, the analysis might take a few hours at least but it should work. Mind if I just set it up here?
[Lie] - Oh, uh, sure...  Go right ahead...
[Stevie] Runs in- Father!  Father!
[Doc] thanks! - Drops a command block and starts fiddling with it- [Notch] Hey Stevie, why so excited?
[Stevie] - I...  I went aaaaaall the way to the bar by myself!  And, and, I got us food!
[CP] Sneaks in via the window arches on the bridge having followed Stevie to make sure no mobs still left about got to him-
[Notch] How did you do that?! I thought Cp was watching you.
[Stevie] - I snuck away!
[CP] Comes into the room shaking his head a little-
[Notch] I swear I can feel some of this black hair going gray...
[Doc] Really?! Where?
[Notch] it's just an expression...
[CP] Suddenly snatches Stevie up who shrieks in laughter- There you are!
[Notch] I'm finding it very hard to believe Stevie could sneak away from you Cp.
[CP] Scowls at Notch-
[Lie] Giggles a little before mentally speaking to Notch- I can guarantee he didn't, CP didn't have that bit of blood on his pants earlier.  He was following his brother, making sure he stayed safe
[Notch] Tries to acknowledge Lie without letting on too much
[Doc] Getting rusty huh?
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[Doc] So why do you want the server number? I supect that seed may be attached to Jeb's actual computer.
[Notch] Considering how obsessed he was with it that doesn't suprise me at all. He acts like his favorite fish jumped out of the tank.
[Stevie] Pulls out the spaghetti- Look what I got brother!
[CP] - I see...
[Notch] That looks tasty.
[Stevie] - I got it for us to eat
[Lie] - Doc, didn't TLOT bring a priestess of Jeb's or something like that?
[Doc] Oh yeah, that's Beanz. I think she didn't want to come so much as she was there when shit went down and it was 'take her with the others or leave her to die a thousand chunks from her home'.
[Lie] - I see...  Notch, think it would be worth it to talk to her?
[Notch] I'm not sure I should talk to her at all. I promised to stay out of the villagers sight so they don't freak out, remember?
[Lie] - Oh, right...
[CP] - What are you two talking about anyways?
[Doc] I can do it. I know where she lives. Oh, the seed TLOT and Steve came from.
[Notch] We think it belongs to Jeb, like, it's on his personal PC.
[CP] - And this is important why?
[Notch] Because it's Jeb's birthday and we're discussing ways to let him know that the brine he helped didn't die. As a present of sorts. He's getting suspicious because he thinks I'm avoiding him. I can tell him whoever goes is a hacker friend of mine or something.
[Lie] - Who would go anyways?  I mean, that's a decision that we have to think about really carefully...
{CP] - I'll go if I'm allowed to kill his avatar after delivering the news
[Doc] Well at least I would spawn in already in creative since that was my last mode there. I cut into the server codes shortly after arriving the first time. And his avatar wouldn't be there anyway. From what TLOT has told me he always speaks through the Testificate priests and preistesses of his temple, probably to maintain an air of mystery and keep them on their toes.
[CP] - Well then count me out
[Doc] We probably won't have much time before their NOTCH realizes we're there. You're free to fight him if you want.
[Lie] - But wouldn't the NOTCH there recognize you Doc?  Wouldn't it make it harder for you to deliver the message?
[Doc] Yes, most likely, but if I'm transformed it might take longer to be noticed. And I'm not who I was when I was there. I wasn't even a brine back then.
[Lie] - I don't think that's a good idea, your other form would probably terrify everyone there and quickly draw attention...  We need to send somebody who can defend themselves but at the same time not seem like a threat at all...
[Doc] But you won't have a fast travel method or access to the admin codes without me. Besides, I can change right before we hit the city.
[Lie] - I don't know...  I don't like the idea of a group going...  One person is far less noticeable...
[Doc] You need me Lie. And if we're attacked, which I think is likely, you'll be glad of my aid.
[Lie] - What!?  I never said anything about going!
[Doc] Fine. - a bit sullen- I'll go alone then. I can travel underground without a rider anyway.
[CP] - Oh fuck no!  She is not going there!
[Notch] You probably shouldn't go alone....
[CP] - Anyone who went anyways would need to hide their features...
[Doc] When you log on it shows up in the chat. What good is a disguise?
[CP] - To hide the eyes dumbass
[Doc] I can put on contacts, remember? Mine aren't that bright.
[Lie] - But who would be best to go with you?
[CP] - Not you
[Doc] Loud thoughts - Cp would be best, if not Lie...
[CP] - Nope, not happening, neither one of us....
[Lie] - Why me Doc?
[Doc] You have formidible powers Lie. Don't sell yourself short like that.
[Lie] - Ah, but if it comes down to a fight I'm not that good
[CP] Growls- She's not going...
[Doc] Spread hir arms helplessly. - I can't take TLOT, all hell will break loose instantly, even if I could convince him.
[Lie] Bites her lip- Fine, I'll go, but there's something I'd like you to make first Doc, let me go get something
[CP] - What!?  No!
[Doc] Anything Lie. - Watches her with naked curiousity.
[Lie] Is gone for a few moments before returning with the cloak TLOT made for CP- Can you make me a copy of this but with a hood?  It will help to hide my hair and eyes.  Plus in a way I'll then have CP's protection with me...
[Notch] Awwwwww.
[CP] - Lie...
[Doc] I would love to, Lie. - clicks on it and starts pulling and shaping a hood onto the copy.
[CP] Pulls Lie aside- Don't do this...  Please, you don't know what the aggressive NOTCH's are capable of...
[Doc] Then come with us.
[Lie] - I'll have Doc with me, I should be fine...
[CP] Growls- I'd rather she not go at all!
[Doc] You know I can move like greased lightning Cp, I'm not going to fight if I don't have to.
[CP] Grumbles and turns his attention completely on Lie- If your going through with this asinine plan then don't hesitate to call for me, I'll rip open a way and bring you back...  Okay?
[Lie] Leans up onto her toes and kisses CP- Understood
[Notch] Please be careful. Both of you.
[Lie] Takes the finished cloak and pulls it on- We'll try to be
[Doc] We should talk to Beanz first though. I don't know if she'd want to go home, but I don't feel right in going without asking her.
[Lie] - Lead the way then
[CP] Hands Stevie off to Notch- I'm going to go talk with Endrea
[Doc] I also don't know where Kore is, she might have coordinates for me.
-The village is filled with kids running around.  Some are helping out in some of the shops while others are daring each other to see who can climb the highest up the vines towards the buildings in the sky-
[Doc] Breathes a happy sigh- So glad to see everyone bustling about and having fun. So much life.
[Lie] - Yeah, it's nice seeing the kids happy and well
[Doc] Is making gracious nods and waves to some of the Testificates. - Beanz lives over there, top floor of the hotel. Though it's more of an apartment complex these days.
[Lie] - You know her better than I, go ahead
[Doc] Has a quick chuckle at the signs inside the door and heads up the steps. The hut tub on the second floor is empty but bubbling and xe raps on the door across from it.
[Beanz] Opens the door a little and gives Doc a wry look- It must be quite an emergency to find you in town Doctor. And with a friend. Another brine?
[Lie] - Hello, I'm Lie
[Beanz] Beanz, high preistess of Jeb. Well, formerly. I'm sure I've been fired or presumed dead since I never returned this - Points to the small white bead on a thread around her neck.
[Lie] - What is it?
[Doc] Does it still work?
[Beanz] Mostly. It's a few pixels from the holy patchbook on my home seed. It used to let Jeb talk through me, but it hasn't worked since coming here. It does give me access to creative most of the time though. It was his way of keeping me safe while I ran his errands.
[Lie] - Interesting
[Beanz] I'm sorry. Come in if you want. - moves back. The room is small but clean and the doors are open to let the sun and breeze in from the outside balcony.
[Lie] Hesitantly steps inside-
[Doc] Leans against her crafting table.
[Beanz] Sorry I only have one chair. Or you can sit on the bed if you want.
[Lie] - I'm fine standing, we actually have some things to ask you
[Beanz] I suspected as much. - Her gaze is abstracted and drawn somewhat to the noise of children playing outside.
[Lie] Gives Doc an unsure look-
[Doc] Beanz... We want to deliver a message to Jeb.
[Beanz] Puts a hand around the bead protectively - I won't give it to you, it's all I have left -
[Lie] - We wouldn't dare ask you to, we were planning on going to your old seed actually...
[Doc] Beanz, if you want to go home, we'll take you with us.
[Beanz] A little too quickly - No! I mean... no... I don't have anything to go back too. As I said I'm sure my name is mud for vanishing with a bit of the book for so long. And I can't leave these people with just that... idiot Zile to provide guidence.
[Lie] - Zile?
[Beanz] He's barely a pup and he acts like he's second in command to Father Steve. He used to be a priest of Notch until he dedicated himself to serving the Lord of Tears. But he mostly just sits around writing trashy gay romance stories.
[Lie] Fights down a small fit of laughter-
[Beanz] I don't know who's more annoying, him or Flicker!
[Doc] Is trying not to laugh now.
[Lie] - Flicker's the one with all the creepers, right?  She seems docile enough...
[Beanz] Gets a blush around her cheeks- she's just, annoying!
[Doc] Riiight. Flicker does keep the village safe though. Her creepers are useful.
[Beanz] Huffs-
[Lie] - Pretty sure my mate alone is the one of the main reasons why there are very few if ever any mobs around my place...
[Doc] laughs- Yeah, they're afraid of being cornered and complained at.
[Beanz] Who is your mate?
[Lie] - The very tall angry brine.  And Doc?  You have no idea...
[Doc] The redhead.
[Beanz] Oh! Yeah. I've seen him. Sometimes on fire?
[Lie] - Usually
[Doc] That wasn't what I came to ask you about though, I need coordinates for Kore. I've never been there and I need to find it. That last place I was was where we escaped from. Can you give me directions?
[Beanz] I think.... I mean, I remember the way I came, sort of. It's a big place, you should be able to hear and smell it before you get in view. - Starts making some notes on a scrap of paper.
[Lie] - We'll also need to be able to know which building is the temple
[Beanz] Snorts - No you don't, it's dead obvious. It's the biggest building in the city. All white quartz, steep staircases and stained glass.
[Lie] - Ah, I see
[Doc] Jeb is one of the go big or go home types...
[Beanz] Here this should help- Passes the paper to Doc who reads it and puts it away.
[Doc] I think that's good enough. Is there anything you'd like, from us?
[Beanz] Can you... take pictures? I would love a shot of the nave in the temple. Just to remember.
[Doc] I'll do that for you.
[Beanz] Thank you
[Lie] Tugs her cloak a bit closer- Are we heading out then Doc?
[Doc] Yes. Let me fire off a note to Deerheart first though- Starts quietly typing in the chat.
[Beanz] Turns to Lie. - They will fear you mis. Watch your step, and don't linger. I've seen what my home's NOTCH is capable of. It was terrifying....
[Lie] - So I've heard.  I'll do my best to remain hidden. It's why I have this cloak as well....  Well, that and to have a bit of my mate with me
[Beanz] Is that... made of hair?
[Lie] - Er...  Well....  Yes...
[Beanz] Touches the hem - Oh it's lovely and soft. Your mate must love you a lot.
[Doc] Smiles sweetly -
[Lie] - More like I stole his copy and had Doc modify this one to have a hood...  He's still not happy about it being made of his hair
[Beanz] Oh dear! I hope you didn't shave him bald!
[Lie] - Oh no, TLOT copied a few pixels of his hair to make this
[Beanz] Chuckles- Our king is a fiesty one. But creative.
[Lie] - That he is
[Doc] Okay, I'm ready. She's not happy but she understands. Thank goodness.
[Lie] - I'm guessing you mean Deer?
[Doc] Well yes. I always try to let her know before I leave and where I'm going.
[Lie] - Alright, let's go then.
[Doc] Thank you for the help Beanz, if there's nothing more, we'll be going.
[Beanz] Good luck.
[Lie] - It was nice getting to know you
[Beanz] Gives her a happy wave- Drop by anytime.
[Lie] Follows Doc out-
[Doc] Braces hirself before making a hole in the firewall and leading Lie out before closing it behind them. They transform quietly and hunker down in the sea of statick and void to offer a seat to their friend.
[Lie] Slips onto Doc and pulls up the hood of the cloak to hide her hair and eyes- We should probably land close to Kore and have you change back, otherwise I don't think we'll be able to get a single word through
[Doc] I can't do it directly, I have to come in where I went out and go from there so I can use the directions Beanz gave me.
[Lie] - I understand that, I just meant when we do reach our destination
[Doc] xe's already seeking out the numbers, retracing the path they ran such a long time ago. -Of course.
[Lie] Is rather nervous about doing this-
[Doc] Finds the seed and takes a deep breath before entering it quietly. The scene before them is desolation. The jungle is a mass of fallen trees and the swamp has much deeper lakes now as the rains have filled the craters that were carved into the biome. Little remains of the house that was on the hill and there's a glow from a ribbon of lava running down into the grass.
Alexsezia's house looks like it exploded and there isn't much left of even the foundations.
[Lie] - All this...  Done by a NOTCH?
[Doc] I don't think this is even the worst of it... He wasn't even a person, just.. it was like being attacked by a hurricane.
[Lie] - I've seen the devastation those can cause on tv...
[Doc] Walks down the little path, thunderstruck by the sheer force of the damage. The dirt pyramid is a just a triangle of one side leaning crazily, and the remains of the Testificate houses are lying in huge pits as if the ground was scooped up under them and thrown back down. Even the low bedrock wall is smashed and grass grows around the scattered blocks.
[Lie] - I'm so glad you got them away from this Doc...
[Doc] It was a near miss. I'm just glad we were able to give them a head start and make sure no one was left behind. - Xe smells something and trots forward at a quicker pace - I smell fire.
[Lie] - Maybe from some lava?
[Doc] Passes around a chunk of wall and stops short. - Well... at least we know they weren't forgotten. - In front of them, at what was once the entrance to the village, is a cleared patch, a simple base of cobblestones set into the dirt and atop it, burning with the Nether's eternal fire, is a small summoner pyramid.
[Lie] Smiles a little- Perhaps there's still a small group passing along TLOT's teachings?
[Doc] There was a little fishing village run by a witch that swore fealty to them a few chunks away. They likely built the shrine in their memory.
[Lie] - Good
[Lie] - Perhaps we should leave them a gift as well to let them know they're not forgotten?
[Doc] What would you suggest? A miracle of some sort?
[Lie] - Well I was thinking just a few of my flowers
[Doc] That would be lovely Lie. - Xe trots up next to the pyramid and stands for Lie to reach down or dismount.
[Lie] Slides off and feels the ground.  The server feels a bit different than what she's used to, but it didn't cause much of a problem as she concentrated.  Blooms sprung gracefully from the ground, lantern flowers, calming flowers, healing flowers, and even a few love blooms, the bright gathering of flora surrounding the summoner-
[Doc] Bows hir head to smell them. - That's lovely Lie. Thank you. I'm just glad they weren't forgotten.
[Lie] - So am I- She climbs back up onto Doc- Should we go?
[Doc] Yes, I'm sure we won't have long before.... one of them notices we're here. Don't say their names, just in case. - Xe mounts the airblocks and takes off at a run over the river valley and up over the thickly wooded hills.
[Lie] Pulls the cloak closer to defend against the wind-
[Doc] Moves faster until the ground is flashing below them, woods and plains and them out over the desert-
[Lie] Clings tightly to Doc's mane just so she wont be blown off-
[Doc] Is scanning the directions in hir inventory and making small corrections. Xe looks back for a second and cannot hide the small shudder of fear that passes through hir. The lengthing shadows of the sand hills seem too dark, as does the sky in the direction they came from.
[Lie] Felt the shudder- Doc?  Is everything okay?
[Doc] I'm going to assume no even though it may just be my paranoia... - Xe goes faster, touching against a mountain before taking a long leap out over the vastness below them.
[Lie] Sits there, hoping Doc is wrong but sensing they may be right-
[Doc] There it is! Beanz was right, there's no mistaking the temple. - They hit the side of a cliff and cling there upright in a shadow. - Hang on to my mane and I'll get us down.
[Lie] - Already am Doc
[Doc] Turns nearly upside down and scuttles down the wall like a gecko before stepping down on the ground.
[Lie] Once safely on the ground she slides off- Do you want to talk to Jeb or should I?
[Doc] We'll both go. I'm not taking my eyes off of you for a second. - Xe pulls out two green pixels and squints a bit as xe puts them over the glow of hir mint colored pupils.
[Lie] - Well I figured that much
[Doc] Heads for the city with a determined stride- Come on, lets hurry.
[Lie] Follows Doc, making sure her glow is hidden by the cloak-
-A few Testificates look up as they pass, unused to seeing visitors. Some quietly run ahead to the temple to let the clergy know they have outsiders in their midst.-
[Lie] Bites her lip a bit nervously, she's holding back her power, knowing that just a little of it could leave a trail of flora behind her-
[Doc] Takes the marble stairs two at a time, thrilling quietly knowing this was the same place hir friends had tread so long ago.
-The high windows catch the sun and bathe them both in dazzling colored light as they pass the front doors and emerge into a white anteroom.-
[Lie] Lifts her head just enough to look at everything around her but not allow the glow from her eyes to be visible-
-A priest moves to bar the way before they can enter the inner sanctum. They're older then the ones that peer at them curiously from farther down the hall, they also look rather nervous. -
[Mason] May I ask why a pair of griefers have entered the temple of Jeb? And what you intend here?
[Lie] - We have come to speak to Jeb, we bear a message for his ears only
[Mason] That will be difficult as our god only speaks through those of us chosen as his mouthpieces.
[Lie] - I think he may be willing to make an exception
[Doc] We're not griefers anyway...
[Mason] Who else would show up uninvited? We have not seen humans here in a very, very long time.
[Lie] - Please, we speak truthfully
[Mason] Hmph. Fine, what does it matter? Liars wil be smote for their hubris anyway. Follow me. - opens the door to the larger chapel
[Lie] Silently follows him into the room-
-Inside the great book is lying at an angle on it's pedestal, and there's a faint sound of scratching as it writes in itself with some unseen instrument. -
[Mason] Makes a gesture and the penitents clear out the other visitors and then leave as well to fetch Jeb's emmisaries.
[Lie] Glances at Doc- Do we wait or...?
[Mason] You will wait here. His chosen ones will pray for his attentions and if you are lucky he may deign to speak to you.
-Several Testificates in white robes of varying sexes and ages file in and kneel in a line in front of the book, chanting softly. -
[Lie] Watches in interest before mentally speaking to Doc- I swear if this is the one time the arrogant asshole decides to ignore them...
[Doc] Makes the tiniest snort and Mason gives hir a mean look in response.
-There's a bit of a crackle like someone plugging in a microphone and one of the Testificates stands up, staring straight at the book. The others take note and file out of the room without a word.
[Mason] Makes a gesture towards the standing one - Say your piece and leave us to ours. - He turns with a flourish and shuts the door behind him. Leaving them alone with the standing Testificate.
[Doc] Careful, these guys remember what was said through them afterwards. If you want Jeb himself we'll have to ask for that first.
[Lie] Steps forwards- Jeb?  We have come to speak with you, and you alone...
[Testificate] Cocks hir head, and their eyes narrow - You.... You stay right the hell here. Don't move an inch.
[Lie] Is confused- Are you referring to me?  Or my companion?
[Testifcate] Both of you, damn it. - There's a bit of consternation on the priests face as the god leaves him and he marches out of the room and shuts the door behind him.
-/ Player _Jeb has logged on /-
[Jeb] His avatar looks like a Greek god crowned with laurel leaves and he advances on them in aggravation. - How did you two get on here? This computer is protected and private dammit!
[Lie] - Er...  Um...
[Jeb] Shakes a finger at Doc - and YOU, didn't you cause enough damage the last time? You took my Herobrine!
[Lie] - That's...  Actually kinda why we're here?
[Jeb] What?! Where is he?
[Doc] They were about to be killed!
[Lie] - First of all, this is Markus' birthday present to you, understood?
[Jeb] Markus? - He falls silent. Then. - Did he have some part in this? Dammit. I told him not to interfere!
[Lie] - He didn't, he was invited to, well, it's really none of your business...  Now do you want your damn present or not!?
[Jeb] Present? What the hell are you talking about?
[Lie] - Knowledge...  About a certain fellow brine
[Jeb] What... what do you know?
[Lie] - He's safe, so is his mate in a server where they are surrounded by friends including the two of us here.  They have all the freedom they could ask for, and none of the fear they had here
[Jeb] Is just standing there dumbfounded.
[Doc] Please tell me you weren't blocking them in here intentionally.
[Jeb] Of course I fucking was! The NOTCH on this seed is insane. I was hoping he and his pet Steve would find a clever way to kill it! The damn thing roams around freely on any seed I load, but it always stays close to my computer. It's a menace!
[Lie] Rolls her eyes- It's not the only NOTCH...  And Steve isn't a pet!
[Jeb] I didn't say it was the only one. I just wanted this one in particular gone! Why do you think the Testificates worship me here? I've helped them rebuild after it wrecked their shit trying to grief me!
[Lie] - Yet you refuse to do anything to help any of us!
[Jeb] Waves his arms at her - What do you want me to do? I don't even know who you two are! Just that this one hacked into my server once before!
[Lie] Lowers her hood, her hair glowing brightly from her anger- I'm bitchy cat
[Jeb] What the fuck...? You're a cat that can use a computer?!
[Doc] Lie, I don't think you should-
[Lie] - No, I'm a brine dumbass!
[Jeb] A brine that can.. be a real cat....? Did you do something to Markus?! WHERE IS HE?!
[Lie] - Safe and happy
[Jeb] That sounds... like you kidnapped him. I know he hasn't been home in weeks.
[Doc] He's just spending a lot of time online....
[Lie] Some of her black thorns are curling around her feet-
[Doc] Lie please... calm down!
[Lie] - I'm trying!
[Doc] Look... the truth is... Markus had a stroke. His features are frozen on half his face and he just doesn't want anyone to see how bad it looks. He's hiding while he looks for someone qualified to repair the worst of it. He's really depressed and staying with us.
[Jeb] That's terrible! But who are you? Really? I mean how many players are there out there who call themselves Herobrine? And a cat on a computer? You're just messing with my head.
[Lie] Is shaking a little in anger and mentally speaks to Doc- For once, I want CP to drag somebody in just so he can beat the crap out of them
[Doc] I'm just a hacker, a friend of Markus's. I found your server on accident the first time, and took pity on your brine. We're just here to tell you they're safe and happy. It's Markus's present to you since he knows you've been worried.
[Jeb] He could have gotten them back...
[Lie] - They wouldn't have wanted to come back and for good reason!
[Jeb] But... what about this damn NOTCH? I really thought he could beat it. Now I don't know what to do.
[Lie] - Well to fucking bad for you
[Jeb] Is fuming- Where. is. Markus.
[Doc] Not telling.
[Lie] - Safe!  Just like TLOT and Steve
[Jeb] You really don't give a shit do you? Neither of you?
[Doc] I kinda do...
[Lie] - We give more of a shit than you do
[Jeb] Gets an evil tone in his voice. - You know that TLOT left a lot of people behind who really believe in him, don't you? Testificates that worship him over me even though he hasn't been seen in decades for them?
[Lie] - Yes, and we left something for them
[Jeb] Help me get rid of this NOTCH or I'll delete this seed. If you try to evacuate them I'll do it immediately. You'll never find them all in time.
[Lie] Stiffens and before Doc can stop her, her thorny vines are around Jeb and lifting him high-  How.  Dare.  You.
[Jeb] Grabbing my avatar won't do anything. I'm not here.
[Lie] - Doc!  Can we please let my mate do his thing?!
[Doc] I'm actually for killing this NOTCH if it's possible. I don't give a shit about what Jeb wants, but I know all the terrible things it did to TLOT and Steve.
[Lie] Groans- But he's such an asshole!
[Jeb] I'll give you the whole damn seed if you get rid of it! I can't even play my own game in peace!
[Lie] - We have our own seed thank you very much!
[Doc] I could maintain it as a sub in the server. Just to keep it safe?
[Lie] - Can we please still let CP do his thing to Jeb though!
[Doc] loud thoughts at Lie- Do what thing? Kill him? Somehow I don't think that will solve anything. We'll lose our insider for what the company is doing.
[Lie] Mentally- No, drag him in and beat the shit out of him
[Doc] Slaps hir forehead- Lie please... Maybe later.
[Lie] - OH COME ON!
[Doc] Stares at her - are you sure whatever Cp has isn't contagious?
[Lie] - Look, it takes a lot to piss me off, you know that, and this guy has done it...  Multiple times...  Besides, if we fight this NOTCH, CP will probably already be here
[Doc] Alright. -Xe pauses- I think... we don't have much time to decide...
[Lie] - Should I call CP?
[Jeb] Fuck! Figure it out! I'm monitoring from the desktop. If one of you needs to go for more help that's fine, but if both of you leave I'm deleting it. -
-/ Player_Jeb logged off /-
[Doc] YES. Fucking hell call him now! And Splender too! - Xe grabs Lie and starts dragging her outside
[Lie] Sends a mental call for her mate and briefly explains the situation.  CP immediately rips open a pathway and drags Splender through with him-
[CP] Gathers Lie to him, not used to seeing her this pissed and works on calming her down-  Hey, it's okay, I'm here- He throws out a spawn egg and out pops the baby wither as well
[Splender] - ooo, what a pretty place!
[Doc] We need to get away from the city at least!
[Lie] At CP- Yeah, but first could you scare the asshole monitoring us right now?
[CP] Grins and kisses Lie's forehead- Absolutely- He vanishes briefly before returning
[Jeb] Nearly falls out of his chair at the sight on his screen - AAAAAA!!
-The screen glitches and CP's maniacal laughter echoes out of the speakers before everything returns to normal like nothing happened-
[Doc] Is pointing to a an area of darkness that's now filling a rather large slice of the horizon. Xe's tugging on the others- Let's do this in the desert at least!
[Splender] - What are we doing?
[Doc] See that? That is a NOTCH. We need to find some way to kill it without wrecking this seed.
[Splender] - But why do we need to kill it?
[Doc] Because if we don't then the admin is going to delete this world and kill every Testificate on it!
[CP] - And that's bad how?  TLOT's village is on our seed
[Doc] But there were more! So many.... he crossed this world... you have no idea how many lives he touched.
[CP] Groans-
[Doc] You do what you like. I'm going to fight. - Xe transforms into hir larger shape and gallops in the direction of the desert with a thunderous roar.
-In the distance the patch of night seems to coallese and there's a wave at gound level as something dark pours out onto the sand. An army of mobs, driven by the fear of what follows them.
[CP] Sighs and throws a small ball of code at the baby wither, it shudders and grows to several times the size of a normal wither, each head turning canine with large fangs and resting at the ends of long snake like necks, it charges forwards as well.  CP then turns towards Splender- Splender, this thing we're fighting?  It's hurt TLOT and Steve many, many times and very badly for no reason.  It wants them both dead, do you think they deserve that?
[Splender] Growls a little- No- There's a growing red light in his eyes as he ducks his head and tilts his top hat so hide his face a little.  CP knows it's a risky move to anger the slender being, but probably worth it
[Doc] Shouts from overhead - The only thing that ever hurt this NOTCH was bad code! Go for the EMP if you can make a controlled burst! Glitch it out!
[Splender] - Gladly- He teleports to the very front and lets off a strong blast, the ground and everything around him glitching
[Doc] Is gathering statick in hir mouth and scattering the mobs with wide sweeps of hir paws and tail.
[NOTCH] Roars in fury and there's a hint of a shape against the skyline
[CP] Motions for Lie to stay back and flies forwards-
[NOTCH] Is hitting and kicking the ground, even to the point of injuring the mobs beneath his feet. Sand is flying everywhere as the storm that swirls around the titanic being reaches the floor of the desert.
[CP] Spawns his weapons and flies with the direction of the wind as it circles the NOTCH-
[Wither] Spews it's attacks in rapid succession-
[NOTCH] Is punching the air, trying to hit the small things that are attacking it.
[Splender] Let's loose with a staticky screech and sends an EMP blast forwards-
[Doc] Fires a giantic ball of statick that hits the being with a geltaninus splat and clings there, burning like acid and making part of the NOTCH visible.
[NOTCH] Reels under the force of the screech and is desperately trying to get the statick off of itself.
[Lie] Is concentrating from a ways back, the sand shifting beneath her as something moves underneath-
[NOTCH] Stumbles a little under the combined pain and some of the mobs flee at a dead run to keep out from under his feet.
[CP] Darts in to slash at tendons which could weaken the NOTCH, keeping himself alit in fire all the while-
[NOTCH] Howls in a voice that is more like the roar of a hurricane. It's bleeding code and trying to hit CP out of the air.
[CP] Teleports to make it harder-
[Doc] Uses the admin commands to drop bolt after bolt of lighting on the NOTCH while they make more statick
[Lie] From beneath the NOTCH erupts a massive offensive plant pod, ripping open and dripping with massive amounts of lust nectar as it bites down on the NOTCH and tries dragging it into the sand some-
[NOTCH] Falls and grabs hold of the rocky cliff to keep from being pulled under, it's eyes are black holes in the vaguely human shape that's outlined against the sand.
[Lie] Wobbles, the plant pod having taken much more energy than she thought and taking a noticeable strain on her energy-
[Doc] Spews more statick right into it's eyes-
[CP] Aims for the throat- HONEDGE!  GET THE SPINE!
[NOTCH] Flails at the plant, trying to rip it off
[Honedge] Unwraps itself from CP and nimbly dances in front of the NOTCH, it's shadow reaching behind him and striking the back of the neck-
-The plant is trying to wrench a piece off-
[Splender] Releases another burst, his hands having elongated into claws as he rushes forwards to dig into the NOTCH, his tendrils having also become deceptively sharp to stab their victim-
[Doc] Grabs one of the flailing hands and savages it with teeth and claws.
[CP] His sword dug deep into the throat, coating him in blood-
[NOTCH] Is sparking and screaming as it's cut and yanked apart. The body itself is flickering wildly.
[Splender] Releases a very strong blast-
[NOTCH] Vanishes out of their grasp, leaving a small prone figure in the sand. The body of the NOTCH is in pieces and the mostly severed head manages a single zombie-like groan.
[CP] Dives down and slices right through the remainder of the neck with his sword and then focus' on stabbing the body over and over again with his pick before setting it alight-
[Doc] Stomps the ground and gives off a roar that shakes the sandhills. The remainder of the mobs flee in terror.
[Lie] Wobbles and falls to her knees, having used too much energy-
[Splender] Is pacing to let off his excess anger-
[CP] - Wait, what?  Were we ordered to do this?
-/ player_Jeb logged on /-
[Jeb] Is practically dancing in place - You fucking did it! That was amazing!
[Doc] Fuck you! I didn't do it for you!
[CP] Lunges at Jeb- YOU FUCKER!
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FBI Partners // au fanfic, part 2
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Synopsis: You and Dean are FBI partners and are known for your clever tactics as a team. Although you maintain a professional relationship, you both still have a strong bond from the many years of working together. However, a new case triggers new feelings that neither of you expected to face.
Warnings: swearing, some violent scenes and the description of crime scenes.
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The whole car ride consisted of you and Dean blasting AC/DC on full volume until he pulled up beside his apartment block. The first thing you did when you entered his apartment was collapse on his surprisingly comfortable couch and absorb the strong manly smell that was still present in the room. You kicked off your heels and opened up a folder, skimming over the evidence but was distracted by Dean entering the room with his shirt sleeves roughly rolled up and his top buttons undone.
“Chinese or Pizza?” he questioned, completely oblivious to your fixed stare. “Chinese,” you said, clearing your throat. Dean began to enter the number into his phone whilst replying, “Good choice,”
30 minutes later
The Chinese had arrived and you and Dean began making steady progress into your research. “The time frames all match up and as far as we know he has no alibi, we just need to get that footage of him at the crime scene and then we’ll know for sure if he’s our guy.” Dean stated, clearly impressed with the work you’d both done.
“Wait, play that again.” you exclaimed, causing Dean to rewind the security footage. “There, stop,” you pointed towards the shadowy figure that was seen to be entering the premises through the side entrance. “He’s definitely our guy,” you continued. “Looks like we need to track him down.”
Dean nodded in understanding, “We can talk to forensics in the morning and see what they’ve got. Good work.”
“What would you do without me?” you winked, making your way towards his fridge in the search of some much needed alcohol. “Want a beer?” you asked, turning to face Dean who was still reviewing case files. “I thought you’d never ask,” he called from the couch.
You returned to the room and handed him his beer, receiving a mumbled thanks. To your surprise, he shut the laptop and leaned back into the couch, sighing heavily.
“Had enough already?” you questioned, taking a seat next to him and tucking your legs up onto the couch. “Don’t see you doing anymore work.” he remarked, leaning his head back before gulping down his beer and closing his eyes tiredly. “Touché.” you noted, making yourself comfortable next to him and knowing that the chances of you doing any more work for the night was highly unlikely.
You glanced at your watch and after realising that it was already nearly half 11 and began to wonder how you were going to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. “Dean, uh, it’s getting kinda late.” you hinted, hoping that he would catch on and offer to drive you back home.
Dean rubbed his sleep deprived eyes and sat up, turning to look at you. “You might as well crash here for the night.” he said, walking into the kitchen to get you both another beer.
You thought about it for a moment but decided against it, even though you’d stayed round Dean’s many times before and this offer wasn’t out of the ordinary. “Nah, I have to get up early tomorrow, just drop me off later.” you responded, placing your empty beer onto the table and taking the new one Dean handed you.
“Well at least change into something more comfortable.” he suggested, gesturing for you to follow him into his bedroom. You perched yourself on the edge of his bed and waited for Dean to hand you one of his t-shirts.
Whilst doing so, you took in the familiar surroundings and smiled sweetly at the picture of him and his mom that rested on his bedside table. Even though you have been friends with Dean for four years, he rarely spoke about his family and from what you could tell the situation was fairly complicated.
“She’s beautiful isn’t she,” your thoughts were interrupted by Dean’s announcement, causing you to turn around to face him. “Yeah, she is.” you replied, noticing the bothered expression that was evident on Dean’s face, however he quickly changed the subject by handing you his t-shirt.
“Thanks Dean.” you answered, grabbing the shirt and making your way to his bathroom. You quickly unzipped your dress, shrugging it off your body and replaced it with Dean’s oversized white t-shirt. You smiled to yourself, inhaling the strong scent that could only be described as Dean and exited the bathroom, stopping in your tracks when you were greeted with the sight of Dean’s shirtless body.
“Damn, someone’s been working out.” you observed, taking in his muscular, defined shoulders, that you’d sometimes find yourself wanting to touch. Dean threw a pillow at you and whilst laughing replied: “Slow down Y/N, at least buy me a drink first,”
You shook your head at his arrogance, savouring the last few moments of seeing his bare torso as he put on a black t-shirt. “So did you call that ‘girl’ from last night?” you called from behind as you both made your way back into the living room, a hint of smugness present in your voice because you knew that he didn’t even get her full name let alone her number.
“I think you already know the answer to that.” he replied, taking a seat on the couch once again and causing you to smile in triumph. “So, how’s your love life going seeing as you're so interested in mine?” he questioned, watching you take a seat next to him and resume drinking the rest of your beer.
You tucked your messy hair behind your ears trying to think of ways to make your non existent love life seem less pathetic that it really was. “I mean it’s kind of hard to pick a guy when I have so many options lined up.” you answered, your voice dripping in sarcasm. Both of you knew that a love life was the least of your priorities as your work took up most of your time.
*Dean’s POV*
Trying to pay attention to what she was actually saying was proving to be difficult when all you could focus on was the way she looked so perfect with her hair messily scrapped up and your t-shirt hanging off her shoulders. You couldn’t understand how she was still single and even though you’ve thought of the possibility of you being together, You knew that she was too good for you. You could never be the man that she deserved.
“I saw that Samuels guy eyeing you up earlier today,” you hinted, interested to see her reaction and taking the last sip of your beer. A surprised look crept on her face; however it was quickly replaced with a slight grimace as she replied “100 bucks says that guy is still a virgin,” you laughed, feeling oddly satisfied at her immediate rejection of the idea.
Seeing your empty beer bottle on the table, Y/N stood up and made her way to the kitchen, opening your fridge in search for some more. As she reached up on her tip toes, the t-shirt rode up, exposing the outline of her ass, making you shift in your seat.
“Looks like I’m not the only one thats been working out at the gym,” you said, making her turn around quickly and pull down her shirt, blushing slightly. “You’re lucky I’ve had a few drinks.” she replied, the alcohol clearly making her more confident as she made her way over to the couch, placing the fresh beers on the table.
An hour later
You and Y/N had now been reduced to an intoxicated mess and found yourselves doubled over in laughter about random things that came to mind.
“So Dean,” she began, yawning and stretching herself out on the couch, her legs resting on your lap. “Tell me something.” she continued, leaning in to the side of the couch and looking up at you expectingly.
You chucked at her sudden boldness, “Wow, you really are drunk,” you said but was unable to say no to her sleepy face.  “Ok, well what do you want me to tell you?
“Anything.” she responded, her eyelids heavy. “Do you want kids?”
Her request caught you off guard as you’ve never found yourself thinking about the idea of having kids before. “Never really thought about it, maybe one day though, you?” you replied, realising that you had been unconsciously tracing circles on her legs, that were still positioned on your lap.
“Yeah,” she said, her eyes lighting up at the idea. “I’ve thought about it occasionally, always liked the name Erin for a girl.” she uttered, nuzzling into the couch and allowing her eye lids to shut.
“I take it your staying here tonight,” you said, noticing her tired state. “Mhm,” she mumbled in response, sleep slowly taking over her. Even though she looked peaceful on the couch, you couldn’t let her reside there for the night. So, you gently moved her legs and stood up from the couch. Hooking one arm around her legs and one behind her back, you lifted her from the couch, taking her to your bed and trying not to laugh at her sleepy state as she nuzzled her head into your chest.
You placed her onto the bed, careful not to wake her and pulled the covers over her, brushing the hair away from her forehead. Whilst you was looking for a spare blanket and pillow in your closet, you heard Y/N stir in the bed before mumbling a soft “Goodnight Dean.”
“Night babe.” you replied, shutting the closet door and leaving the room. You made your way back into the living room, dimming the lights and making yourself comfortable on the couch. You laid there, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, drifting off to thoughts of Y/N.
*Y/N’s POV*
Uncertain of the reason why, you found yourself abruptly waking up in the middle of the night and craving a glass of water. Thankful for the light of the alarm clock on Dean’s bedside table, that flashed 4am, you trudged into the kitchen, careful to be quiet.
You poured yourself a glass of water, leaning against the counter but was distracted by Dean’s restless turning on the couch. Realising that he’d kicked his blanket off, you tiptoed to his sleeping figure, repositioning the blanket so that it covered his body once again.
You found yourself pausing to watch over Dean, soaking up the rare opportunity of seeing him at his most vulnerable state. His lips were slightly parted and his back muscles were fully relaxed as they moved up and down, in rhythm with his breathing. You smiled at the sight of his hair sticking up in all directions and extended your hand to his cheek, stroking the clean-shaven skin.
You slowly retracted your hand from his cheek and gave him one last look before grabbing your cup of water and taking it back to bed. Even though your mind was busy with thoughts of Dean, you quickly fell back into a deep sleep, comforted by the surrounding smell of him that lingered in the room.
It turned out to be harder than expected when you tried to get Dean awake and off the couch, realising that you both needed to be at work in less that an hour.
“Get up Dean.” you groaned, trying to pull him by his arm to which he answered with a low “five more minutes.” slumping back onto the couch to his previous position and closing his eyes once more.
A while later, you were both dressed and ready to leave; however you made him stop at your apartment on the way to work so you could freshen up and make yourself seem a little more presentable.
Getting out the impala once having pulled into parking lot proved to be an interesting experience. You were greeted with many curious looks given by agents, who most probably thought that you had hooked up the night before. You scoffed at their imaginations and how they quickly looked away once Dean shot them a hard glare.
“Did we just land back in high school?” Dean muttered lowly, just so you could hear and placed his hand on your lower back, leading you through the doors and onto the office floor.
You laughed but was interrupted by Charlie, a fellow work colleague, calling you over to her desk. “Give me a minute.” you said to Dean, who nodded in reply and carried on walking.
“So, you and Dean then,” Charlie teased, nodding her head over to Dean who was now making conversation with Matthews. “Oh not you as well,” you said, occasionally darting glances at Dean, over your shoulder.
You were snapped back to reality by Charlie clicking her fingers in front of your face. “Sorry, what did you say?” you stammered, slightly embarrassed at the fact that she just caught you staring at Dean.
“I didn’t say anything. And I’m gonna pretend I didn’t just see you checking out Dean from afar.” she gloated, a grin present on her face. You clicked your tongue and shied away, knowing that you probably looked extremely flustered. It was hopeless trying to lie to Charlie, knowing that she could read you so easily.
“50 bucks says you guys get together before the end of the month.” she called from behind you, laughing uncontrollably. Your mouth fell open in shock and you abruptly turned away, expressing a mix of anger and disbelief, quickly scurrying away before people noticed who she was talking to.
Luckily, Dean has been in deep conversation with Matthews and therefore had not heard any of Charlie’s ridiculous taunts. “What did Charlie want?” he asked obliviously, his eyes focused on the file he was holding.
“Just asked how i was. Whatcha got there?” you said, leaning over his chair and scanning over the information. “Just one of the witness statements.” he answered, his emerald eyes finally looking up to meet yours.
“Mind if I have a look?” you asked, curious to get a better look at the new information and was instantly greeted with Dean handing you the folder.
Dealing with the witness part of any investigation was always the most difficult, along with confronting the victims families. However, over the years, you’ve learnt to stay composed in these situations and it definitely helped working with Dean due to his calm manner that instantly made you feel calm.
Your inspection of the witness files was abruptly cut short by Hunter stating, “Y/S/N, Winchester, inspection room, now. We have a suspect and Matthews wants you to question him first.” You and Dean both looked at each other, slightly confused at how a suspect had already been secured but still both made your way quickly to the interrogation room.
“Ready?” Dean asked, straightening his tie. You nodded in response and took a deep breath before both entering the room.
A man, roughly in his 30s, sat at the desk, slouched back in his chair and handcuffed to the table leg. He was unshaven and had an overall scruffy appearance. His beady eyes looked you up and down, making you feel incredibly uneasy; however you kept a straight face, unwilling to show any signs of weakness to the very man who may have mutilated the poor women.
Dean sat down first, maintaining a cold stare on the suspect opposite as you made your way next to him. However, before you could turn on the recorder, the suspect let out a long wolf whistle.
"Well, I didn’t know the FBI hired women as sexy as you,” he croaked, licking his lips, causing you to grimace in disgust.
“What did you just say to her?” Dean boomed, his chair scraping against the concrete floor as he stood up and leaned over the table, towering over this mans slouched appearance.
You were pretty shocked at this display of anger as Dean rarely lost his temper, not in front of you anyway. The suspect however did not feel threatened by Dean in the slightest and instead began to repeat what he’d said, “I said, I didn’t know-” but was cut off by Dean reaching over the table and violently grabbing him by the collar so that he was just inches away from the suspects face.
“Say one more fucking thing about my partner and I’ll make sure you don’t see the outside of a prison cell ever again.” he threatened, gritting his teeth in an attempt to contain his anger. The suspect paused for a second before nodding his head in understanding. Dean then released his harsh grip and settled back into his seat.
You briefly looked at Dean and was glad to see him begin to calm down. You were shocked at his outburst but couldn’t deny the immediate adoration you felt for him, especially now that he had just stuck up for you.
Pushing your feelings aside, you reached to turn on the recorder and introduced the interview by stating the date and time.
“So, Micheal Davidson.” you said, reading from the sheet in front of you. “Cameras caught you walking around the warehouse on the 24th, the very warehouse where Leila Parker was murdered. Any reason as to why you were there?” you asked, refusing to falter under his uncomfortable stare.
“I was taking a walk.” he simply replied, shrugging his shoulders, almost as if he seemed bored with the situation.
“Taking a walk at... 2:30am?” Dean asked, glancing at his sheet, clearly seeing through the bullshit this suspect was trying to present as the truth. “I didn’t know it was against the law to take a walk at night.” he replied, thinking he was clever by playing the smart card.
“You think you’re being funny?” you spoke. placing your hands together and leaning forward. “You’re under federal investigation, so I suggest you stop with the bullshit and tell us what you were really doing there.” you finished, getting irritated at this low life’s attitude.
“I told you. I went out for a walk. And then I went home.” he stated, matter-of-factly. Damn, this guy was going to be hard to crack.
“Ok Mr Davidson. Then tell me what this is.” Dean said, sliding a print out of an SMS message to the suspect so that he could read it.
“Uh, it’s a message, saying that my dry cleaning should be available to collect next week.” he mentioned, his eyes quickly scanning the information. You squinted your eyes towards Dean, trying to figure out what he was getting at.
“Well luckily, we managed to get to the dry cleaners, before they washed your clothing. One of our agents spotted a strange stain on the shirt. A red stain.” he announced, refusing to break eye contact with the suspect who was now beginning to shift uncomfortably in his seat.
Dean clasped his hands together, placing them on the desk. “We decided to have forensics run it over and cross match it with the victims DNA, and guess what” he asked, a small smirk forming on your face as you realised that he had finally caught the suspect off guard. “It matched.” he said, leaning back into his seat and waiting for him to attempt to reply.
“Well, see, I can expla-” he stuttered, panic clearly evident in his eyes after he found himself completely dumbfounded.
“Did you or did you not murder Leila Parker.” you shouted, slamming your hands on the table and standing up, finally having enough and wanting to get a straight answer from this guy once and for all.
“I didn’t do it.’ he exclaimed, his eyes filling with fear. You and Dean let out huge sighs as you both wondered how long this was going to take; however were surprised by the victim breaking the tense silence, “but I know who did.”
Part 3
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