#but that's a whole other thing to RP replies so I'm not gonna count it here
outoftheirdifferences · 5 months
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^- !!!!
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And that's everything in the queue! AND I've only got, like... literally two or three things I owe on other sites too? So with things as low as this, I'm gonna start the queue rolling: first post will emerge about this time tomorrow.
I make no promises that I'll completely keep on top of things, but I'll do my best to do so ^^
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khoicesbyk · 2 years
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The Royal Romance.
Love Everlasting.
A/N: I had a different name and plot for this fic over a year ago. But after being in the RP community for more than a year, I've decided to write the current Royal Life of my favorite OTP.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 40K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️).
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @shewillreadyou @txemrn @twinkleallnight @peonierose
This goes without saying but MAJOR SHOUTOUT AND THANK YOU TO @shewillreadyou! I swear! She always helps me untangle the tangled mess that is known as my brain when it comes to writing and story ideas. I love you girl! 😘
Listen this chapter has 8 different ideas and story plots that I had all dumped into one chapter. Hence why it is so damn long. I just kept writing until I knew it was done. This will be a four-part chapter. This is part one.
Chapter 7.) One Last Goodbye. Part 1.
Shanelle was sitting at her desk going over her business model for Rys International with a fine tooth comb, when her phone started to vibrate. When she looked at who was calling her on FaceTime she rolled her eyes. It was her best friend's twin brother Cassian, who just happened to be her childhood ex-boyfriend.
“What the hell is wrong with you Shanelle?” he asked. 
“Excuse me?”
“When were you going to tell me Nina was in rehab?!”
Shanelle looked around like she was hearing things. 
“First of all, who the fuck are you talking to like that? Second, I didn't tell you because it wasn't my story to tell.”
“I had a right to know!” he snapped at her. 
“Cass. You got one more time to raise your voice at me before I make you a distant memory.”
Cassian backed down.
“When did this all happen?” he asked. 
“The night she came home,” Shanelle replied.
Cass shook his head. 
“Well, that explains why you walked right past me and didn't say anything that night at the hospital.”
“Your memory must be slipping. Because I stopped talking to you long before she came home. Why the hell would I have talked to you that night?” Shanelle asked. 
“Because I'm her brother Princess,” he replied.
“That's Queen you dick!” she hissed. 
“You should've told me, Shanelle.”
“Okay, I'm gonna say this again. No, I shouldn't have.”
“I'm her brother. I should've been kept in the loop.”
“Exactly. You’re her brother. Not your father. Although you constantly like to act like your dad.”
Shanelle watched him roll his eyes.
“How did she even get to rehab?” he asked.
“Not that I owe you an explanation but, remember when she moved in with me when I worked in D.C. for a few months?” 
“Yeah, what about it?” he asked.
“That was the cover story we came up with to put your parents at ease. The truth is she wasn't staying with me, at least not the whole time. She was an hour away at an inpatient rehab facility in Virginia. And before you go flying off the rails, I called and checked on her every day. And she was allowed to come to my place on weekend passes. I made sure to keep up with the staff treating her. And when she got clean and felt strong enough, she went back to New York, and moved in with Chut and continued at an outpatient rehab facility.” 
“And you didn't think I needed to know any of this?” he asked Shanelle.
“Nope. Not in the least. My priority was her and her well-being not you and your need to know. Besides, the last thing she needed at that time was you and your constant condescendence.” she replied.
“That is not fair and you know it Shanelle.”
“Yeah well, neither is life, Cass. But hey! We all gotta deal with it somehow.” 
“Yeah. So are we done here?” she asked. 
“No. I'm not letting you off the hook that easily,” he replied.
Shanelle groaned. 
“Last time I checked, I don't answer to you. Hell, I don't answer anyone for that matter.”
“You could've told my parents. Hell, you could've told Chut or my brother. But you decided to keep your mouth shut. You decided to keep her family in the dark.”
“Yeah, I did. Because I had to, she begged me to keep quiet. It was the only way she would ever agree to go to rehab. So I swore to her that night that I would take it to my grave. Only she and I would know. She needed help, Cass. And I did what I had to do to get her that help. And if it bothers you that I didn't tell you or anyone else, then it's just gonna have to bother you. Because I will never apologize for helping her and not telling you about it.” 
“You have a really misconstrued view of what loyalty means Shanelle.”
“First of all, go fuck yourself. Second, hello pot. My name is kettle. You wouldn't happen to be calling me black, would you?”
“I would've told you if the roles were reversed, Shanelle.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes. 
“A.) you’re lying through your teeth. Which means  B.) you wouldn't have said a damn thing to me.” 
“I'm not lying.”
Shanelle pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I know I've said this to you before Cass, but I'll go ahead and say it again for old time's sake: you are a terrible fucking liar. You have a Tell, you idiot. And it's quite literally the easiest thing in the world to spot.” 
She watched him cut his eyes at her.
“How did you even find this rehab place in Virginia?” he asked.
“The Cordonian Consulate hosted an event for a D.C. charity that provided rehab services to veterans. So I called the director of the charity and he put me in touch with the rehab facility and the rest is ancient history. Or it should be.” she replied.
“So you got her in for free?” he asked.
“Nope. I had to pay for it.”
“How were you able to do that?” he asked.
“I did what I always did. I signed my father’s signature on a check,” she replied.
“You committed check fraud?! What is wrong with you?!” he asked.
“Oh, I'm sorry. Are you complaining? You? Mr. ‘Hey Nelle. Listen um I don't mean to ask this but I'm a little short this month, do you think you can help me out a little bit?’ Are we really having THAT conversation?” 
Cassian kept his mouth shut.
“Oh, well would you look at that? Sweet silence!”
Cass let out a frustrated sigh.
“How much was the check?” he asked. 
Shanelle shrugged.
“$9,800.00 for six months inpatient,” she replied. 
“Does your father know you forged his name on a check that big?” 
“No, he doesn't. At least he doesn't know about it to my knowledge. But my husband knows about it.” 
“Oh so you can tell him but you couldn't tell me?!” he asked.
Shanelle rolled her eyes.
“No, I didn't tell him. There was a 7-day hold put on the check because it was way over the international limit of $5,000.00.” she replied.
“Meaning what?” he asked. 
“Meaning that since it was written from my dad’s Cordonian Account, it had to be cleared by The Royal Treasury. And at that time, Marquise was the head of the Treasury so he was the one who had to clear it.” she replied.
Cass scoffed.
“So he busted you?” he asked. 
“Yeah. He figured out that my dad didn't write the check, so he called and asked why I wrote a check that big. All I told him was it was an emergency and that I needed the check cleared immediately. He cleared it and warned me never to write a check that big without telling him first. Otherwise, I would've had to get approval from either his father or my uncle at the time. And he knew that I would rather have a root canal from Edward Scissorhands without any Novocaine than face either one of them.” she replied. 
Cass shook his head.
“You're lucky I don't have my badge anymore.”
“Oh bitch, please! Even if you had that stupid ass badge you still wouldn't have been able to do shit about it.”
“I could've busted you for check fraud Shanelle.”
“First off, you God awful twat, you were a low-level marshal! You couldn't bust anybody. Second, Diplomatic Immunity exists for a reason. Third, even if you were somehow able to bust me for it, you'd then have to turn around and explain every single check that I ever wrote for you, because of course there is a record of each check.”
She watched a muscle in his jaw tick.
“So in conclusion, I'm gonna need you to get off your self-righteous high horse. Because you are no hero. You love to act like one because you have a severely fucked up hero complex that isn't satisfied unless you’re riding in on your white horse to save the day, but you sir are no hero. Far fucking from it.”
“You always did know how to cover your tracks.” he sneered. 
“I know you mean that to be an insult Cass, but I'm choosing to take it as a compliment. Because you’re right, I do know how to cover my tracks. That's why I'm a lot better at playing the game called life than you are.” 
She watched as Cass rolled his eyes.
“Now, are we done?” she asked.
“I should be even more pissed at you than I actually am.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes.
“My dear Cassian. Allow me to say this so that it is crystal clear: I don't give a flying fuck about you being pissed at me. I did what I had to do and I would do it again.”
“That's the problem. But I am thankful that you were there for Nina. And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.”
Shanelle scoffed. 
“Classic Cassian Keane ladies and gentlemen. You are STILL the same pigheaded, impulsive, arrogant idiot that you have always been. You never change.”
Cass shook his head.
“Could be worse. You could've called me a son of a bitch.”
“Nope. Calling you a son of a bitch is an insult to your mother. I'd rather just call you a piece of shit.”
Cass sighed.
“Thank you, Shanelle. I don’t understand why she didn't lean on family. But at least she had you to turn to. And whether you believe me or not, that means a lot to me.”
Shanelle scoffed. 
“You're right. I don't believe you. Not for a second. Because knowing you, you don't mean it. But you’re welcome all the same. She would've done the same thing for me.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Good. Now get ya sorry ass off my phone.” 
“Bye Princess.”
With that Shanelle hung up the phone with a groan, just as her husband walked into her office.
“Uh oh. I know that look on your face. What happened?” he asked her.
“You will not believe who just called me,” she replied.
Marquise started to guess.
“Your father?” 
“Your cousin?”
“I would never be that lucky.”
“Okay then who called?” he asked.
“Good old Cassian Keane,” she replied.
Marquise rolled his eyes. 
“Why did he call you? Also, why does he still have your number?” he asked.
“A.) It was a FaceTime call. B.) it was about Nina,” she replied.
“What about her? Is she okay?” he asked as he sat on the edge of her desk.
“She's fine. Do you remember the check I wrote from my dad’s account a few years ago for almost $10,000.00?” she asked.
“Yeah. What about it?” He replied.
“I wrote that check so she could get into rehab without anyone knowing.”
Marquise nodded.
“That's what you meant by it was an emergency.”
“So how did he find out about it?” he asked.
“Nina’s personal page on Instagram went dark a few days ago. And nobody could find her. So Cass and Lo hopped on a plane to New York and when they got to Nina’s they found Fentanyl in her bathroom.” she replied.
Marquise exhaled slowly.
“It wasn't hers.”
“Then who's was it?” he asked.
“It was Sam’s.”
Marquise choked on a laugh.
“Wait! Are you telling me that Sam Dalton is using?” he asked.
“No. At least I hope not. It apparently belonged to his dead wife. And he carries it as a reminder to not be neglectful and be present in someone's life.” she replies.
“So, what does any of that have to do with you?” he asked.
“The boys got the girls and me together to talk about it and I let it slip that she had gone to rehab.” she replied with a sigh, “I can't believe I didn't trust her enough to know she would never go back. She probably hates me right now.”
That's when Marquise stood up and then pulled her to her feet and into his arms.
“Stop that. She doesn't hate you.”
“You don't understand, I promised her that no one would ever find out. Not even you. And I panicked and blurted it out to our entire family.”
“My love, that just proves why you’re her best friend. You kept this a secret from even me, your husband, for a reason. Just so you could protect Nina. You shouldn't feel guilty about that.” 
“You sure?” she asked.
“Positive,” he replied before softly kissing her forehead. 
“Then why do I feel so horrible?” she asked.
“Because I know you. I know how your emotions work. You feel like you betrayed her but I promise you that you didn't. She's not gonna love you any less because you told everyone. My love, you helped save her life. She can never hate you for that.” he replied. 
Shanelle smiled softly.
“I don’t know why I'm so in my head about this.”
“Because that idiot called, riled you up, and it upset you that's why. You swore to your best friend who needed help at one of the most difficult times of her life that you wouldn't say anything. And no matter how upset your ex is, even he can't hold that against you.” 
“How much do you wanna bet that he will?” she asked. 
“If he does then I will deal with him,” he replied. 
“Ever the Knight, my King.”
He chuckled low.
“For you? Always my Queen.” 
Just then there was a knock on her office door from an attendant carrying a large box. 
“Pardon me, Your Majesties. But this came for the Queen, and I was instructed by Mrs. Geaneaux to deliver it to you.” the attendant said as he set the box down. 
“Thank you very much,” Shanelle replied with a smile.
“You're very Welcome, my Queen.” the attendant replied before he walked out. 
Marquise looked at the box with an eyebrow raised. 
“Now what could this be?” he asked as he reached for the box.
“Quit being nosy! It's addressed to me. Not you, Your Majesty.” Shanelle replied as she swatted his hand away.
“First of all, ow! That was uncalled for! Secondly, it's in my palace.”
“Our palace sir.” Shanelle corrected him.
Marquise shook his head with a smirk.
“Okay fine. It's our palace. Now, what's in the box?”
“What do you care?” she asked. 
“Call it curiosity killing my cat,” he replied. 
Shanelle rolled her eyes good-naturedly as she read the shipping label on the box.
“Ahh. This must be one of the boxes I had when I moved back to Boston. The shipping label is covering what it says is inside it.”
“What's in it?” he asks.
“Nosy ass!” she replied.
“Very. Now let's open this box.”
Shanelle took a letter opener out of her desk and opened the box. In it were several old photos, old birthday cards, her old diary, her high school yearbooks, and one item she had completely forgotten she had packed. 
“Why do you have a jacket in this box?” Marquise asks as he peered inside.
“It's not mine,” she replied as she glanced at it.
“Okay, then whose jacket is it?” 
“This is Cass’s letter jacket that he got our senior year.” 
“Why do you still have his old letter jacket and why does it smell like mothballs?” he asks. 
“Because he left it at my parent's house and never came to get it before I moved. I must've packed it out of habit.”
Shanelle saw the look on her husband's face and raised an eyebrow at him. 
“You're not jealous are you, Your Majesty?” she asked teasingly.
“Hardly,” he replied. 
Marquise gave her a side-eye.
“I'm not lying.” 
“Marquise, the same way I know when Cass is lying is the same way I know when you’re lying. You two dumbasses wear your jealousy, annoyance, and anger on your sleeves.”
Marquise had a disgusted look on his face. 
“Did you just compare me to your ex?” he asked. 
Shanelle shrugged with a smirk.
“I can not believe that you just compared me to him.”
“Not my fault you and him are two sides of the same idiot coin.”
“I don't have to stand here and take this slander from you! I'm a King dammit!”
“You forget how easily I can read people. Especially the two of you.”
“You dare insult your King?!” he asked in mocking disgust.
Shanelle winked at her husband.
“Yes, I dare to insult my King,” she replied with a smirk that matched his.
“That's it! I'm leaving! I will not just stand around and be insulted like this!”
Shanelle shook her head with a smile.
“See you later babe.”
“I'll see you later, my love.”
With a quick yet sweet kiss, Marquise was out the door. Leaving Shanelle to reminisce about her past life. Before she had kids, King, and a kingdom to call home.
As a kid growing up in Brooklyn, life was as simple as it gets for Shanelle. Her dad worked at the United Nations as Ambassador of Cordonia and her mother was a 5th-grade teacher at the time. She had her best friends Nina and Chutney. The three amigos. They were always together. Always running every classroom they were in together. Especially her mother’s 5th-grade class. Try as Shantel might, she couldn't separate the girls. 
And then there was Cassian. He was her childhood sweetheart and she was his. They had been together for as long as she had known him and his twin sister. When her grandfather died, Cass was there. When she needed him, he was always there. Whether or not he liked getting bossed around by her was another story. Like the one time, they went to the movies.
“How much farther?” he asked her over his shoulder.
“Just a few more steps. Stop complaining,” she replied.
“My arms are getting tired, Princess.”
“Well, that's what you get for having pseudo-chivalry.”
“What does that mean?” he asked.
“It means you don't want me to carry anything because according to you, the guy in the relationship never lets the girl in the relationship carry anything, just for you to turn around and constantly complain about having to always carry everything,” she replied
“Okay, if I drop all this stuff because my arms fell off.”
“Cass, if you drop damn near 28 dollars worth of popcorn, candy, chili cheese dogs, drinks, and those nasty ass Coney corn dogs that you love so much, that I paid for, I will kick your ass from here to kingdom come.” 
Cass grumbled under his breath but kept walking down the steps to their seats. 
“Stop and turn to the right,” she said to him.
He stopped and turned to the right. 
“Keep walking…and stop,” she instructed.
He walked 5 steps and then stopped.
“Now you can sit down.”
“Finally,” he said as he sat down slowly.
“Exactly. Now if you'd be so kind as to hand me my food.”
She took her chili cheese dogs, a box of M&M's, her drink, and a small popcorn and sat down. Cass looked over.
“Greedy ass.” 
Shanelle set her drink down.
“You get three loaded corn dogs, two boxes of Peanut M&M's, one box of plain M&M's, a large Coke, and two boxes of Reese's Pieces on top of the large popcorn with extra butter and salt. But I'm the greedy one?” she asked.
“Yes. That’s way too many calories.” He replied.
“Hotshot, you’re literally eating your way to clogged arteries and type 2 diabetes. Also, you forget I have track practice after we leave here. So unlike you, I will burn these calories off.” 
“Still too many calories, Princess.”
Just as Shanelle started to speak up the previews started. 
“Saved by the previews,” Cass said triumphantly.
Shanelle rolled her eyes and went back to eating her food. Only to feel his arm around her shoulders. She laid her head on his shoulder.
“Wanna bite?” she asked him, holding up the chili cheese dog in her hand. 
“Nah. I'm good. Thank you. By the way, what time is your track meet next Saturday?” he replied.
“1:00 PM. But I have to be there at 10:00 AM. Coach Howard’s orders.”
Cass scoffed.
“I still don't like her.”
Shanelle snickered.
“That's only because she said you have chicken legs. And she wasn't wrong.”
“Who's side are you on?” he asked. 
“Mine,” she replied. 
Cass rolled his eyes with a smile.
They were together all through middle and high school. Made plans to be together forever. Even though he had objections to always being bossed around by her. After graduating, each went off to different colleges. It was a long-distance relationship but they vowed to make it work. And it did work until it didn't. 
They went from texting and checking in with each other every day. To once a day, to once a week, to sparingly, to complete radio silence throughout her freshman and sophomore years. And Shanelle couldn't figure out why. No matter how many times she texted or called, he never answered. So she decided to drive to see him at school. She had to know why he wouldn't talk to her. 
After texting his then-classmate Robin, she hopped into her Jeep and drove 5 hours from Boston to Philadelphia to see him. When she pulled into the dorm parking lot, she met Robin outside.
“Hey, babe. Are you sure you’re okay?” Robin asked Shanelle.
“I will be once I talk to him. Have you seen him?” Shanelle replied.
Robin scoffed. 
“Not lately. The knucklehead has been avoiding me.”
Shanelle shook her head. 
“Probably because of me.”
“If that's true, I am gonna beat him within an inch of his life.”
Shanelle scoffed. 
“You get whatever part of him that I don't beat, break, batter, or bruise.” 
Robin nodded.
“He always said that you have a scary right hook.”
“And if he doesn't answer the door, you'll get a front-row seat to what happens.”
They walked into the coed dorm. When they got outside his dorm, Shanelle started to wonder if this was the right thing to do.
“Rob, can I ask you something?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Robin replied.
“Am I tripping? Should I even be here?” she asked.
“No, you’re not tripping and yes you should be here. You have tried to contact him every which way. And he's just been silent. At the very least he could explain why he's been silent. He owes you that.”
Shanelle closed her eyes and nodded.
“You're right. Thank you. That's why I like you. Well, that and the fact that since I'm not here to get on his ass, someone has to.”
“Thank you. And to think your man was scared for us to meet. And now he hates it that we met.”
Shanelle snickered.
“That's because we became friends and his worst nightmare.”
Just as Shanelle went to knock on the door, it swung open revealing a shocked and shirtless Cassian. 
“What are you doing here Shanelle?” He asks. 
“I came here looking for you. You haven't been answering the phone and apparently, you've been avoiding Robin. What is going on?” she replied.
“You shouldn't be here, Shanelle,” he said to her. 
She turned to Robin. 
“Give us a minute?” she asked.
“Sure. I gotta get ready for my next class anyway.” Robin replied. 
“Okay. I'll text you later.” 
Robin smiled at Shanelle before walking down the hall to her dorm. Shanelle watched her disappear around a corner before turning back to Cass.
“Go home, Princess. Now.”
“Not until you talk to me.”
“I can't.”
“The hell you mean you can't?!” she asks him.
“Look, you just gotta go,” he replied.
“I'm not going anywhere.”
“This is not the time for you to be stubborn!”
Shanelle scoffed. 
“Pot meet kettle.”
“Shanelle please, just go. It's over. There's nothing left.”
“Cass, what are you talking about?” she asked.
“Us, Shanelle. There is no more us,” he replied.
“No. You're not serious.”
“Yeah. I'm serious. It's over between us. Go home.”
Shanelle was stunned. 
“What is happening?” she asked.
“I have to do this. I have to let you go. So go. It's over. There is no more us.” he replies.
“Cass, why are you doing this?” she asks.
“I can't tell you,” he replied.
“What the hell do you mean?” she asks.
“I can't tell you and I'm not going to tell you. So go home!” he growled. 
Shanelle took a step back from him. She couldn't believe what was happening. It was over.
“Wow. Okay then. I guess that's it. I got the answer to the question I had.” 
“I'm sorry, Shanelle. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that.”
“No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that all I wanted was to get some kind of an answer. I'm sorry that the only place I was ever going to get that answer was from you. I'm sorry that I drove 5 fucking hours for those very answers. I'm sorry that I came all the way here with the hope that if I could've just talked to you and gotten to the bottom of the problem then maybe we could've fixed whatever the issue was between us. I'm sorry that I came all the way here for nothing.”
Shanelle closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling.
“Look Princess, I'm sorry.”
“You know. I always knew you were a lot of things, Cass. But never in my life did I think that you, of all the people in this world, would be a coward.”
“That's not fair Shanelle.”
“Oh! So you wanna talk about what's fair and what isn't?! Okay fine. Let's talk about it, shall we? So it's fair for you to break up with me without at least giving me the common courtesy and decency of telling me why, right? But it's not fair for me to call you a coward? Did I get that right?”
Cass just shook his head. 
“Alright then. I guess I got what I came here for and now I can go.” Shanelle said to him with tears in her eyes.
“Shanelle, you can't drive back to Boston like this.”
She scoffed.
“Why the hell do you care, Cass? It's over between us, remember?” she said to him before walking out of the dorm. 
Shanelle got in her Jeep and peeled out of the dorm parking lot without a second glance back. She got to a stoplight before tears blurred her vision and she couldn't see clearly enough to drive. So she pulled over into a grocery store parking lot, killed the engine, and broke down into tears. It was over. And there was no going back. There was no more pleading for answers. The only thing she could do was pick up the pieces of her broken heart, move on, and move forward. 
Two weeks later after her abrupt breakup, Shanelle started taking classes at a local MMA gym. It was a way for her to channel her anger, learn self-defense, and ease her heartbreak. She spent the next two years, which was also the remainder of her college years going to that gym. She would be in the gym 3 times a week. But little did she know, she was being watched. 
Every day she was at the gym, she would notice three guys always watching her. But she put it out of her mind. What she didn’t know was those three random guys were actually guards the Prince had assigned to follow her and keep tabs on her whereabouts. Within a few days, the guards had her routine down to a science. They knew when she was on campus, where she went for coffee and for lunch, how she trained at the gym, and things like that. Whatever the Prince wanted to know about her, his guards found out. 
He had the guards set up a secret feed at the gym through its shoddy security system so he could watch her train in the gym. He was impressed with how good she was. He knew he would one day want to spar with her, so he began to study her fighting style with his lead guard Alex. 
“She's good Marquise,” Alex said to him. 
“Indeed. That's why we're practicing. I want her to be great. Not just good.”
“From what I've noticed, she's become a master at the chokehold and the armbar. Are you sure you'd want to spar with her?” Alex asked. 
“Yes. By practicing I can learn how to counter her.” Marquise replied.
“Won't that just piss her off even more?” Alex asked.
“That's the point, Alex. The angrier she is, the more adrenaline. She's a fighter who's highly competitive and hates to lose. Now shall we get started?” Marquise asks. 
“Sure. Although she and I are in different weight classes.” Alex replied.
“You'll be alright. This isn't the first time that I've tossed your sorry ass around like a rag doll and it won't be the last time that I've tossed your sorry ass around like a rag doll.”
The two smirked at each other before they began to train. Within 3 weeks, Marquise had her fighting style down and knew how to counter every move in her move set. All while she was none the wiser. 
Meanwhile, Shanelle had another problem that had nothing to do with the Prince but everything to do with her best friend Nina, who had been kidnapped by her abusive ex. It had been 3 months since anyone had heard from Nina, but it didn't take long for her family and friends to realize why. Nina’s ex Slater had kidnapped her and had no plans of ever letting her see the light of day until Nina escaped and was able to make it home. 
Shanelle had come home for Memorial Day weekend and was asleep when her phone started going off. It was Chutney.
“Helluh?” Shanelle answered half asleep.
“Wake up Nelle!” Chutney shouted. Causing Shanelle to bolt straight up in bed.
“What the hell Chut?” Shanelle asked, trying to get her bearings before turning on the bedside light in her room. “Why are you calling at…2 in the morning?”
“It's Nina,” Chutney replied. 
Hearing Nina’s name sent a chill down Shanelle’s spine and she began to fear the worst.
“What about her Chut?” Shanelle asked.
“She's alive! I'm with her now.” Chutney replied. 
“What?! What do you mean she's alive?!” Shanelle asked.
“She showed up at the hospital and they called me,” Chutney answered.
“What hospital?” Shanelle asks.
“Mercy Hospital.” 
Shanelle looked at the time on her phone and made a decision.
“Chut I'm on my way. Do NOT let her leave! Do you hear me?!”
“Yes, I hear you. Just hurry.” 
Shanelle threw on some clothes, grabbed her keys, and nearly broke the sound barrier trying to get to the hospital. She had just gotten into the hospital lobby when she saw Chutney. 
“Where is she, Chut?” Shanelle asks.
“Down the hall. ER room 7. I was able to get her to get some sleep.”
Shanelle nodded.
“Go call your uncle. Tell him she's here and that she's alive.”
Shanelle hugged Chutney who was shaking.
“It's okay babe. She's home. That's all that matters.”
“I know. I just…she's so scared Nelle.”
“I believe it. As I said, go call your uncle. I'm gonna go talk to her.”
Chutney nodded before going to call Nina’s dad. Shanelle walked down the hall as fast as she could until she got to Nina’s room. When she got there, her heart seized. Nina was alive and asleep at the moment. Shanelle was relieved, terrified, and angry. All at the same time. 
“Nina?” Shanelle asked gently, rousing her from her sleep. Nina slowly woke up and looked sleepily at Shanelle.
“Nelle?” she asked.
“I'm here baby. I'm right here.” Shanelle replied while gently squeezing her hand.
Nina bursts into tears before she threw her arms around Shanelle. 
“I am so happy to see you, baby.”
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
Shanelle hugged her tighter.
“Don't you dare apologize. This wasn't your fault. This is that monster’s fault.”
Nina buried her face into Shanelle’s shoulder and cried. 
“I messed up.”
“No one is mad at you Nina. Certainly not me. I just wanted you home and safe.”
Shanelle rocked her best friend as she cried. 
“I trusted him. And he…”
“Shhh! Baby. You don't have to tell me.”
Nina looked at Shanelle before rolling up her sleeve. Revealing needle marks much to Shanelle’s horror.
“Oh my God.”
“The hospital gave me Narcan.”
Shanelle nodded slowly.
“Do you think you can answer a question for me?” she asked Nina.
Nina nodded.
“Are you going through withdrawals?” she asked her.
Rather than answer Nina just clung to Shanelle.
“My God. I'm so sorry.”
“I said no. I tried to stop him. But he forced me. I tried–”
“Shhh! It's okay babe. You do not need to tell me anything more if you're not ready. Okay?”
Nina nodded. 
“But you need help. You need to get into rehab.”
“No. Shanelle no.”
“Listen to me. The Narcan the hospital gave you will only last for so long. I don't want to see you like this.”
“I can't afford rehab, Nelle. I can't.”
“You won't have to. I'll pay for it.”
“What?! No. I won't let you.”
Shanelle smiled at Nina with tears in her eyes.
“Try and stop me. I will do whatever I have to in order to get you the help you need.”
“You would?” Nina asks.
“Absofuckinglutely!” Shanelle replies.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes. Whatever the costs are, I will pay for them. I don’t care.” Shanelle replied. 
“Okay. I'll go. But you can't tell anyone. Please.”
“I swear to you. I won't tell a soul. It'll be our secret.”
Nina nodded tearily.
“Thank you.”
“It's what best friends are for. We stick together through thick and thin. I got your back. You got mine. Remember?”
Nina nodded just as Chutney returned.
“Nina, your parents and your brothers are here.” Chutney said to the girls. 
“And that's my cue,” Shanelle said.
“You're leaving?” Nina asks.
“Yeah. I don't want to be around your brother right now.” Shanelle replied. 
Shanelle hugged Nina tightly.
“But I promise. I will come to check on you later. Okay?”
Shanelle stood up and dried her eyes.
“You call me whenever you need me, alright?”
Nina smiled at her. 
“I love you, Princess.”
“I love you too baby. I'll see you soon.”
Shanelle hugged Chutney just as Nina's family showed up. 
“Thank you for calling me,” she whispered to Chutney.
“Of course. We're the three amigos, remember? We always look out for each other.” 
Shanelle walked down the hall walking past Cassian without so much as a second glance. Within a few days, Shanelle had Nina with her in D.C. and they were getting her settled into the rehab facility.
“Now you have my number, right?” Shanelle asked Nina.
“Yes, mom. I have your number.”
Shanelle snickered. 
“If I want to deal with your sarcasm, I'll call your brother.”
The two laughed. 
“I'll call you if I need anything.”
“Okay. I'm an hour away. Well, 30-45 minutes if I don't do the speed limit.”
Nina snorted before shaking her head.
“Get some rest, love.”
“Will do.”
A week after getting Nina settled, Shanelle was sitting on her couch flipping channels, when she got a surprise late-night FaceTime call from the Prince himself. 
“Well hello, Princess.”
“Good Evening Your Majesty.”
“It's Your Highness, love,” he replied, correcting her. 
“Your Highness, what can I do for you?” she asks.
“I'll get right to it. Have you spoken to your father?” he asked.
“No. Not today anyway. Why?” she replied.
“Well because of a curious thing. Did you know he wrote a check for nearly $10,000.00?” he asks.
“No. I had no clue,” she replied.
“Are you sure, Princess?” he asks.
“Your Highness, why would I know anything about the checks he writes?” she replied.
“Because you see the thing is, he didn't write a check for nearly $10,000.00. And neither did your mother.”
Shanelle went quiet. She was busted. 
“Princess, why are you writing checks in your father's name?” he asks. 
She cursed under her breath.
“I had to. It was an emergency,” she replied. 
“A $10,000.00 emergency?” he asks.
“Yes. How did you figure out he didn't write the check?” she replied.
“I'm glad you asked. It was quite easy actually, had he written it, he would've never gone over the international limit of $5,000.00. It's not his style. Not without alerting the Royal Treasury. But you on the other hand.”
Shanelle groaned.
“Also there's a hold on the check until it gets cleared by the Treasury.”
“What do you mean there's a hold on the check?” she asked.
“Every time a check is written over the allotted amount, a 7-day hold is placed on said check. It's standard procedure,” he replies.
“Would it be too much to ask for you to go ahead and clear the check?” she asked.
“It must be important to you,” he replied.
“It is. I need it cleared immediately. Please.”
The look on his face was unreadable and when he switched his camera off, Shanelle started to panic.
“Really?” she asked.
“Yes, Princess. It's been cleared,” he replies.
She let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you, Marquise.”
“You're welcome. Now I want you to listen to me and listen closely. Don't you ever write a check for that big of an amount without telling me first.”
“Why? What's the big deal?” she asked.
“The big deal is if I hadn't caught it and cleared the check you wrote in time, bad case it would've had to go to my father or worse case it would've gone to your uncle for clearance,” he replied. 
The thought of having to deal with either one of them made Shanelle shudder.
“Exactly. So next time, if there is one, you are to let me know the minute you write the check. Do you understand?” he asked.
“Yes,” she replied quietly.
“Listen, I'm not trying to scare you or reprimand you. I just know that my father and your uncle would've instantly rejected the check.”
Shanelle nodded.
“Again, thank you.”
“Of course. It is a curious thing though. What's so important that you had to write a check that big?” he asks.
“I can't tell you,” she replied.
“Must be serious.”
“The check didn't say?” she asked.
“No. It just shows me the check number, the amount written, and the routing numbers of the Treasury and the bank requesting that the hold be lifted.” 
Shanelle internally sighed in relief.
“In other news, you look beautiful.”
“I look homeless.” 
Marquise groaned. 
“Just take the damn compliment, Princess.”
She broke out in a small smile.
“There's that pretty smile. Much better. That's what I like to see.”
“I've never seen you be all business-like. It's kinda hot.”
“Of course, you like it. You like it when someone else takes control. That way you can be as reckless as you want to be.”
Shanelle tried and failed to hide the blush on her cheeks.
“How was your day?” he asked.
“Long and arduous. How was yours?” she replied.
“Boring. Budgets, Cordonian tax laws and guidelines, and more budgets.” 
“Oh, you poor thing. Are you at your Duchy?” she asked.
“No. I'm in my office at the palace,” he replied.
She grimaced.
“You sound thrilled.”
“Oh yeah. Positively enthralled.”
Shanelle snorted.
“Are you off the clock?” she asked.
“I've been off the clock for three hours now. I just had a few loose ends to tie up,” he replied.
“I didn't mean to keep you up so late.”
He waved her off. 
“You weren't.”
“So you say.”
He smirked at her.
“I'm actually on my way to bed now that business is done. It's a shame you won't be there when I get there.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes.
“Oh my God! You're not even subtle.”
“I don't have the time or luxury to be.”
Shanelle shook her head.
“I know I'm going to regret this but hypothetically speaking, what would you do if I was there?” she asked.
Marquise cocked his head to the side with a smirk.
“Curious are you?” he replies.
Marquise put a finger to his lips with a thoughtful expression on his face.
“Let's see. Well for starters you wouldn't be wearing any clothes.”
“You pig!” she hissed.
“I'll be Wilbur if you be Charlotte.”
“Ugh! You are so fucking irritating.”
The smirk on his face made her thankful she was sitting down.
“Okay fine. So you wouldn't be completely naked. Is that better?” he asked.
“Much. Now continue. Correctly.” she replied.
“To be honest, you'd either already be asleep, laying across the bed flipping channels like you are now, or you'd be out on the balcony with a glass of wine watching the stars.”
“Not bad. And nowhere near as disrespectful as I thought you'd be. Also, I didn't know your room had a balcony.”
“Every room in my wing has a balcony.”
“You have an entire wing?!” she asked.
“Mmmhmm. 12 bedrooms all to myself. At least for now,” he replied.
“And here I am thinking that I'm a spoiled brat.”
“You are a spoiled brat Princess.” he quipped. 
Shanelle shook her head. 
“So let's say I was out on your balcony, what would you be doing?” she asks. 
“Your curiosity must be killing you,” he replied.
“Humor me.”
“Very well. As you may know, I am a servant of the people. But none more than you, my future wife. I would always want you to be comfortable. No matter what. And nothing is more comfortable than a couples’ bubble bath.”
“Oh really?” she asks. 
“Mmmhmm. It would help me forget my day and would give me a reason to put my hands all over you. If you know what I mean.”
Shanelle couldn't help but blush. And he noticed. 
“It's okay to say you like the idea, Princess.”
“Okay fine. So I like the idea. I love bubble baths and as much as I hate to admit it, you are good with your hands.”
“There you go. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?” he asks.
“Get off my phone!” she replied with a smirk.
He smirked.
“Goodnight Shanelle. I'll talk to you soon.”
“Goodnight Marquise.”
When she hung up the phone she couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach. She turned off the TV and went to bed. When her head hit the pillow, she dozed off dreaming she was falling asleep in the Prince’s arms. 
As the months went on, Shanelle watched her best friend flourish and become herself again in rehab then eventually move back home to New York while she stayed in D.C. Shanelle also found herself more and more enamored with the Prince. He would text and call her every day. He would have a dozen roses sent to her office every Friday. He was starting to wear her down. Not that she minded. 
And it showed in one of their nightly FaceTime calls.
“So how did your parents meet?” he asks.
“My mom got a summer internship at the United Nations and would ride the elevator with my dad every day. She worked on the floor below him. And one day he finally mustered up the courage to ask Shantel Fletcher out on a date.” she replies.
“Your father has courage?” he asked.
Shanelle snickered.
“Yes, every here and again he does,” she replies.
“How long did this go on?” he asks.
“Maybe 3 weeks? They would go out for lunch every day until her internship ended and she had to go back to D.C.” she replied.
“And he chased her?” he asks.
“Yup. He transferred his assignment to the Consulate,” she replied.
“Talk about dedication.”
“He was in love. When mom found out she called him and told him to go home but he stayed. And they started dating again and then got married.” 
“He got married and didn't tell his parents?” he asked.
“Yup. They got married at the D.C. magistrate with her parents as witnesses,” she replies.
“When was this?” he asked.
“June 1st, 1986,” she replied. 
“That's a long time to be married to your dad.”
“She loves him. Someone has to.”
“Did you ever meet his parents?” he asks.
“Yes. The first time I ever went to Cordonia was because of them. It's how I was granted my title.” she replies.
“Really?” he asked.
“Yup. I actually met them by accident,” she replies.
“How'd that happen?” he asks.
“My parents had barely been married a year and a half when my mom got pregnant. She was excited while my dad was apprehensive,” she replies.
“Why?” he asked. 
“Because he was sent to America to work for Cordonia, not get married and have a kid,” she replied.
Marquise nodded.
“I met them after the betrothal agreement was signed.”
“How old were you?” he asked.
“I was 10 months old. As I said before, I met them by accident,” she replies.
“How?” he asks.
“My dad had gone to the store for milk and eggs and more baby food. While my mom stayed and worked on her thesis paper,” she replies.
“Where were you?” 
“I was in my room sleeping. It was naptime for me.”
“Where did you all live? Embassy Row?” 
“Nope. We lived here at the apartment where I am now at the Consulate.”
“So what happened?”
“As I said, my dad was gone and it was just me and my mom. It was a pretty typical Saturday. Until there was a knock at the front door. My mom went to open the door and when she did there stood my grandparents.”
“Very. According to my mom, they stared at her and she stared back at them until my grandfather asked her who she was. That's when it clicked that mommy was staring at her in-laws.”
“Oh, it gets better. So when my mom realized who they were, she said ‘you must be Damien’s parents’.”
“Wait! She addressed the former Iron King of South Cordonia like a common parent?” Marquise asked with a cackle.
“Yup. And that's when my grandfather said,  ‘young lady my name is King Dominic Miller. And this is my wife Queen Angelique. And we're here to see our son Prince Damien. Thank you’, according to her.”
“Well did she let them in or make them stand there?”
“I'm getting to that! Of course, she let them in. She had to move some of her papers and books out of the way first before they could sit down. And about 10 minutes after my grandparents arrived, my dad showed up carrying grocery bags. Much to his mother’s horror.”
“Oh. My. God!”
“You see, the former King and Queen didn't inform their youngest son they were coming. Based on a suggestion made by their eldest son.”
“Your uncle didn't tell them about you and your mom?” he asks.
“Nope. He thought it best they find out about us on their own,” she replies.
“So he set your father up?” he asked.
“Yup. They wanted to surprise him and boy did he get a surprise. And so did they,” she replies.
“Just wait. I'm just getting to the good part. When my dad walked in, my mom looked at him and was like ‘when were you gonna tell me your parents were coming?’ to which my poor dumb daddy goes ‘I couldn't tell you because I had no idea they were coming.’”
Marquise cackled. 
“So after my dad set the groceries down, my grandfather asked him who this common woman was, meaning my mom, and why was she there. And just as my mom got ready to respond, guess who woke up from their nap and was very fussy.”
“Uh oh!”
“Yeah. So my mom disappeared into my room and when she reemerged, she had me on her hip. My grandparents were stunned.”
Marquise stared at her.
“That's when my dad took me from my mom and turned to his parents and said ‘Father, mother, this is Shantel. My wife of two years. And this beautiful little girl is Shanelle. Our daughter. Your granddaughter.’ and as I said, his parents were stunned.” 
“You know your grandfather had a reputation for being everything but quiet right?” he asks.
“That's what I've heard about him,” she replied.
“So what else happened?”
“After several minutes of my dad’s parents being in shock, his mother finally spoke up and asked if she could hold me. And he placed me in her arms. Which was a miracle, because when I was a baby, I didn't like being held by anyone except my parents and my grandma Venita. Apparently, my grandmother had this diamond brooch on her jacket lapel that I kept reaching for, and she took it off and gave it to me to hold. And that was the first time I had ever smiled at her.” 
“Apparently, I looked over at my grandfather and crawled into his lap and was giggling and waving my grandmother's brooch around. And according to my dad, that was the moment I melted my grandfather's heart.”
Shanelle shrugged.
“I am their oldest grandchild after all. Anyways, after watching me play in my grandfather's arms, my grandmother asked my dad why he didn't tell them about me and my mom sooner.”
“What did he say?” 
“He was honest. He said he just knew that if he showed up with my mom and me, they would reject his new family and disown him. And he couldn't take the risk of losing his family. Besides, he didn't want me to grow up in the palace. He wanted me to have as normal of a life as possible.” 
Marquise nodded.
“So your dad does have a backbone?”
Shanelle snickered.
“I mean it's flimsy but yes, he has one.”
“What did your grandfather say to all that?” he asks.
“He was furious with my dad. According to my mom, he said he still should have been told that he had a granddaughter. And he was hurt and disappointed that my dad would think that they'd disown him. Because at that time, I was the oldest living child in the family, that meant that I would be the new heir to the throne.” 
“You?” he asked.
“Yup. Me. Because you have to remember, Edward was not married and had no children. Which meant that if he died after taking the throne, South Cordonia would be without a Monarch. But because my dad had me…” she trailed off.
Marquise nodded.
“South Cordonia would have their Monarch.”
“Bingo! But that's not why he didn't tell them.”
“Why didn't he say anything?” he asked.
“He was afraid that something called a Coventus Nobilis would be called?”
Marquise whistled low.
“Yikes! No wonder he was afraid.”
“But why? What is a Coventus Nobilis?” she asks.
Marquise sighed.
“It's an old and antiquated law that dates back to when the 7 Great Houses Of Cordonia were the ruling body of all Cordonia,” he replied.
“What does that mean?” 
“A Coventus Nobilis is a vote of no confidence.”
“No confidence in what?”
“If the safety and upbringing of a Royal heir is ever called into question by a Head Of House, a Coventus Nobilis can be convened to address the matter. And a vote of no confidence must be unanimously approved.”
“You're not making any sense.”
“Had a vote of no confidence been reached, your parents would've been stripped of custody of you.”
“As I said, it's an old and antiquated law. It hasn't been called upon since at least the 1600s.”
“Can it be changed?” she asked.
“Nope. All Monarchs are forbidden from ever touching the law. That's what your father was really afraid of. And that's probably why he agreed to the betrothal agreement. It protected you in case your grandfather had the law called upon as King and tried to have you taken away from your parents.” he replied. 
“He wouldn't have done that.”
“Shanelle, your grandfather was notoriously known as the Iron King. I'll let you figure out the rest.”
Shanelle exhaled slowly.
“Well, that explains why my grandfather extended his retirement by at least a year.”
“I remember that. Kinda.”
“Yeah, he extended it so I could have my coronation when I was 18 months old. That was the first time I had ever traveled to Cordonia. And it was on Easter Sunday so I had on my Easter Sunday dress with bows, barrettes, and those white shoes with frilly white socks. And because I was granted a title, my mom was too.”
“I'm sure. Your grandfather had to grant her a title. She was the Mother Of The Heir at the time.”
“But all I cared about that day was eating my first ever sugarcake. It was my grandmother's favorite too. That's why I love it so much. It came from her favorite bakery in Gianko.”
“I know that bakery. They make amazing Paninis.”
“Of course, you know it. You live there.”
Marquise smirked.
“I don’t remember much about it but, one of the last things my grandparents did with me before they died was they commissioned two portraits. An official Royal portrait of me with my parents and a portrait of me with the two of them.”
“Really?” he asks.
“Yup. Daddy is actually in Cordonia now. He always goes back for a month to lay flowers at his parent's graves. That and to bring me back a box of sugarcakes. Anyway, according to my dad, he hasn't seen those portraits in years. He thinks Edward may have gotten rid of them after their parents died.” she replies.
“Nah. He didn't. I can assure you of that.”
“How can you be sure?”
“Because it's illegal to do so. Instead, he would've had to turn them over to the Cordonian Hall Of Archives.”
Marquise noticed she was biting her lower lip.
She let her bottom lip slip from in between her teeth.
“You're biting your lip.”
Marquise shook his head with a smirk.
“You only do that when you're scared to ask a question.”
She went quiet.
“Is there something that you want?” he asks.
She nodded her head yes.
“What is it, Princess? What do you want?” 
“Will you look in the Archives for the portraits?” she asked.
“I mean of course I can. But why would I do that when it serves me no purpose?” he replies.
“You're gonna make me explain why I want you to look aren't you?” she asked.
“Naturally,” he replies. 
Shanelle whined.
“My dad’s birthday is coming up and I want to be able to give him something special when he comes home. Also, I would love to have something to remember my grandparents by.”
“Very good. So you can be taught, I see.”
“Don't make me regret asking.”
“You won't. I'll put the call in to have them retrieved and sent to you before he leaves here. Shall I have them gift-wrapped as well?”
Shanelle snickered.
“I know you’re being funny but yes, I would like it if you could have them wrapped.”
“Consider it done.”
She smiled before hiding a yawn.
“Sorry about that.”
“Don't be. You should go get some sleep. I'll talk to you soon.”
“Goodnight Your Highness.”
“Goodnight my future wife,” he replied with a smirk.
Shanelle rolled her eyes before ending the call. 
Sure enough, the portraits arrived a few weeks later gift-wrapped and in pristine condition. They arrived two days before she moved back home to New York just in time for her father's birthday. When she moved back in with her parents she had the portraits stored in the attic. 
Being home felt good and weird at the same time. She had her job working for her dad's office at the United Nations. She had her friends who were happy to have her home for more girls' nights and gossip. She even had endless other suitors that were interested in her. Each suitor was wealthy, connected, and powerful. But none of them were as wealthy, connected, or powerful as the Prince. 
Also, most of them were boring, stuck up, narcissistic, stuffy, and stiff. They were perfect for someone that didn't want anything out of life. Not her. She wasn't trying to be some diplomat’s smiling trophy. And at the end of the day, that's what she would be with those other men. So she skipped them and stuck with the one man that wouldn't turn her into the black version of a Stepford Wife. The Prince. 
You have reached the end of part 1! Stay tuned for the next part!
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liminalhub · 2 years
🌙About me🌙
Welcome. Here you can find all the important information, if you wish to RP with me.
I'm an adult. Therefore I am not going to RP with minors
Located in GMT +2 (not USA)
1 x 1 only and on discord
Love world/plot building together
Love talking OOC / making friends
Have a lot of OCs
Prefer long-term RP
RPing is a hobby of mine, but a hobby I put passion into. I put a lot of effort into RP and would like to feel a similar effort in return.
That said - I am trying to always be fair and equal in replies, but am not going to literary count words/paragraphs - quality, fluidity and fun over white noise quantity. If I can't bounce off your reply, don't expect gigantic essays.
I don't usually RP single scenes, little scenarios - I far more enjoy 'serious' approach and creating whole story lines and improv work mixed with planning. More book-style or show-style if you please
If you think I will be your chatGPT jester, existing to provide entertainment with nothing in return - think again, bucko. We're in this together, so please do not waste my time and your time if you are going to grace me with one-word / one-sentence replies and no effort put into ship / ships / CC / OC / world / plot.
I understand people have lives, and shit happen, but a single reply OOC, sometimes single word, (during plotting) once a week/once a month is just too little for me.
That said if you know you like to take your time with the RP, giving a reply once a week/once a month, I'm not your gal.
We're all adults here and we all should be able to communicate being busy/loosing muse.
Everyone has HC for their CCs and whatnot - so do I. Both for mine, and both for those I would like to interact with.
If the RP is not working for me or you, I prefer if it's said, instead of sudden ghosting. I will not ghost, and expect the same
RP ONLY over discord (will share in private over DMs)
My discord serves have some basic rules, but I am nothing but accommodating and flexible when needed - mostly talking about no godmodding, willingness to communicate, check up / inactivity time etc. Don't get spooked - they are there to help both you and me.
Make my own discord servers, but I don't use bots and prefer to divide everything by roles
I can RP in one room with the story going like in a book (switching)
I can also RP in two rooms or more, where the story focuses on parings at the same time / different times from each other (doubling)
Or I can combine the above-mentioned for both of us to be comfortable
3rd person past
Novella style + clean paragraphs
Semi-literate / literate / flexible literate (not going to be strict about word-count and I understand dialogue/actions scenes are going to be shorter. I simply cannot work with uninspired one-liners that bring nothing. One-liners are sometimes necessary but if they don't convey any action or lack of it, what's the point?)
Trying to be grammatically and stylistically correct, but not gonna murder you or myself over a comma
Replies rapid to once a day (all depends on timezone and real-life things)
I love building worlds, OCs, lore etc, BUT I will not carry the weight of the RP by myself. I also want to have fun, and not feel like it's a chore
Communication is a key to a good RP
I will inform you if something comes up with my life, and I need some more time to reply
I will also ask for clarification, if something is unclear or confusing, and would like you to not shy away from it
That being said - I don't godmod and would like no godmod in return (only things we both agree to)
Male OCs and CCs : my preference when it comes to looks are mature, strong and buff men with complex characters. The dynamic I usually go for is top (many different falvors *wink wonk*)
Female OCs and CCs : my preference when it comes to looks are various mature women with complex characters. The dynamics I usually go for varies, but they're not strict bottoms.
Relationships: mxm and mxf (LGBTQ+ friendly)
OC x OC, CC x CC, OC x CC (in rare cases)
I can try and double and fill the world with background characters, if needed, but I'm not going to do it alone
I will RP both SFW and NSFW content
When it comes to romance, I prefer well-thought out and meaningful ships with a good balance (I'm a sucker for slow-burn and other wholesome tropes, sue me)
I value plot and world-building over NSFW being the centerpiece of the story (around 70:30 / 80:20 ratio)
Will talk about NSFW more during the RP / on discord
Too many dead dove tropes
Any form of non-con
Unsanitary kinks and other similar
Against 'uwu submissive one-dimensional bottoms' or 'bottom brats who constantly rebel and oppose for the sake of it'
Hardcore gore (don't mind fight scenes, broken limbs, bleeding etc., for example: vampire sucking blood - a-ok with me, detailed description of gore during NSFW - not a-ok with me)
I can disclose more in private, but I'm pretty 'vanilla' when it comes to more gruesome or dark kinks (click to see more)
Yes: fantasy, urban-fantasy, science-fiction (light, heavy, mecha, aliens etc.) wild west, ancient, apocalypse, post-apocalypse, horror (halloween, slashers etc.), monsters (vampires, werewolves etc.), modern (with a twist), superheroes, victorian, historic, dark, psychological
No: celebrity rp, real people rp, self-inserts, only slice-of-life, only domestic
If you arrived this far, it means you actually read my bio, so please tell me so by using the code word : kopytko
FANDOMS (and possible parings):
Mass Effect (Shakarian - I really want to try fem!Shep)
Assassin's Creed (Mostly interested in Altair story)
Dragon Age (fem!Herald x Cullen)
Watch Dogs 2 (Marcus x Wrench)
Harry Potter (OC x OC / maybe OC x CC)
Avatar the Last Airbender (animated) (OC x OC)
Legend of Korra (OC x OC / maybe OC x CC)
Transformers Prime (have a ship or two)
Detroit : become human (OC x OC)
Rise of TMNT
Witcher (OC x OC)
Biker Mice from Mars
will add more when I remember them
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khoicesbyk · 2 years
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The Royal Romance.
Love Everlasting.
A/N: I had a different name and plot for this fic over a year ago. But after being in the RP community for more than a year, I've decided to write the current Royal Life of my favorite OTP.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 4,090 words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Tag List: @txemrn @choicesficwriterscreations if you'd like to be tagged just drop a message in my little ole inbox! I don't bite!…unless you’re into that sorta thing. 😏🙃
TW: mentions of miscarriage and child loss. Viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED.
Baby Blues. 
Shanelle thought she was hearing things. 
“Your Majesty?” 
“Did you hear me?”
She blinked herself back to reality. 
“I…think so?” she said after shaking her head, “You said something about my bloodwork.”
“Yes ma'am. Your most recent bloodwork came back positive for hCG. Congratulations. You’re pregnant.”
Shanelle stared at her doctor. 
“Pregnant? Like pregnant…pregnant?”
“Yes, my Queen.”
“But I can't be pregnant! I just renewed my vows. I literally spent half the night drinking! My wedding anniversary is next weekend!”
“Not to worry Your Majesty. You’re not that far along.”
The news hit her like a ton of bricks. 
“Sonuvabitch!” she muttered a little too loudly.
“Oh! I'm sorry. I was talking about my husband.”
“His Majesty?” her doctor asked. 
She chuckled dryly. 
“Yes, him. He's gonna love this news.”
“I'm sure. This is an amazing time for you and your family.”
“That's one way to put it…” she replied before exhaling deeply, “thank you, Dr. Andersen.”
“My pleasure, Your Majesty. I'll put in a call to Dr. Ramirez and get the ball rolling on that front. You should expect a call from her soon.” 
“Thank you, I appreciate it.”
“Of course.”
“Now I have one helluva bomb to drop on my husband.”
“Good luck.”
She scoffed. 
“Yeah, I'm going to need it.”
Shanelle watched her doctor as he walked out of her office. Leaving her alone with her racing thoughts.
“What the fuck?! How the fuck?! When the fuck?! Where the fuck?! Who the fuck?! Why the fuck?!” 
She couldn't believe it. She just couldn't believe it. She's pregnant. Again. For a third time. 
“I'm pregnant?! I'm pregnant! Me! I'm having a baby?! I'm having a baby! Holy Shit! I'm having a fucking baby! How the fuck did this happen?! How did I wind up pregnant?!”
She looked at the picture of her whole world on her desk. Her loving husband and the little girl that has had her heart since she gave birth to her. The two beats of her heart. The two people she would crush the world for. Her perfect family of three will now be four. And she has no idea how it happened. 
Well…she knows how it happened. She just doesn't know when it happened. She was pulled from her thoughts by a knock on the door.
“My Queen?”
It was Margo Geaneaux. Shanelle’s lead attendant.
“Yes, Margo?”
“It's almost time to go pick up the Princess from her piano lessons.”
“Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me.”
“Are you alright, My Queen?”
“Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just…distracted.”
“Distracted? What's wrong?”
Shanelle chewed her bottom lip. And Margo knew something was up.
“If I may, what is it Shanelle?” 
Shanelle let out the breath she had been anxiously holding in. 
“Close the door and sit down.”
Margo does as she's asked.
“Okay, I'm sitting down. Now, what is it?”
“Umm…promise me you'll keep this to yourself.”
“How long have I worked for this family, Shanelle?”
Shanelle nodded.
“Point taken.”
“Indeed. Now, what is it dear?”
Shanelle took a deep breath.
“Okay here goes…I’m…I’m…I’m…pregnant.”
Margo’s eyebrows shot up.
“Yup. I met with Dr. Andersen earlier. He confirmed it. Your adopted son got what he wanted.”
Margo chuckled.
“Well, congratulations my dear. I'm happy for you, him, and especially my granddaughter.”
“You will never let them go, will you?” Shanelle asked. 
“Never. You know Marquise is as much my child as my own children. As the one that had to raise him, I will always lay claim to him. To hell with Constantine. Laying claim to him also means you are as much my daughter and Khari is as much my granddaughter as the two I have.”, Margo replied. 
Shanelle smiled softly as Margo reached for her trembling hands. 
“This is great news Shanelle. For you and the family. But I know you. Something else is bothering you.”
Shanelle got quiet.
“It's your son, isn't it?”
“That obvious?”
“Yes, dear. You aren't feeling guilty, are you?” Margo asked her.
“It's hard not to be Margo,” Shanelle replied quietly. 
“Shanelle, I will tell you the same thing I have told him for years, none of what happened was your fault.”
“I know that I just…” Shanelle trailed off.
Margo could sense her sadness. 
“My dear. I want you to always know and remember that you and Marquise are great parents. Your daughter is the sweetest little girl. Feisty at times but sweet nonetheless. She's being raised by two people who care for and love her as she is.” 
“I know that Margo but being pregnant just brings up so many emotions that I thought I buried.” 
“I'm sure it does. But again what happened that day was NOT your fault. And it doesn't make you a bad mother if you feel excited about being pregnant again.”
“Are you sure?”
Margo gave Shanelle an earnest maternal smile.
“Yes, my dear. No one will blame you for feeling happy.”
Shanelle stood up and hugged Margo.
“Thank you. You always manage to get me out of my head.”
“If I can do it for your husband then I can do it for you. Now hurry. Your daughter is waiting for you.”
“I'm off.”
“And Your Majesty?”
“Don't call me if he faints.”
Shanelle smirked at Margo before walking out of her office and going to pick up her daughter from her piano lessons. 
Later that night after putting her daughter to bed, Shanelle found herself standing on her balcony and going over the ways in her head that she could tell Marquise she was pregnant. It has always been his biggest dream to have as many children as possible. And while the thought of having 12 kids like his ancestor King Fabian scared the shit outta her, Shanelle did want another child. But she didn't think she could have another one. Not after losing her first. But she had Khari, who was as healthy as any baby. Yet, she couldn't help yearning for their first child. The son they lost. 
They found out she was pregnant shortly after their honeymoon. They were excited about the news but wanted to keep it under wraps. So they only told a select number of people and kept her schedule light to not raise suspicion. And at first, everything was fine. Until that awful night. 
Marquise had left for a three-day summit in Cairo when he got the worst possible phone call from Margo. The urgency in her tone struck fear in his heart. 
“Margo? What is it?”
“Marquise you need to get home now! Something’s gone wrong!” 
“What is it? What’s wrong mom?”
“It’s your wife, son. You need to get home! Now!”
That conversation would haunt him all the way back to Cordonia. When he touched down in Cordonia he was taken straight to the hospital and met with the lead Obstetrician on the Women and Children’s floor that night. That’s when he would hear the words no expecting parent wants to hear. 
“Your Majesty…we did everything that we could to try and save the baby but we couldn't.”
Marquise felt like someone had knocked the wind out of him. And if he wasn't sitting down he probably would've fainted.
 “Doctor Bell…what are you saying?”
“I'm so sorry my King but your son is dead. He was stillborn.”
“…stillborn? But how can that be–”
The words died in his throat when he heard his wife scream. At that moment the doctor's response didn’t matter. Shanelle is what mattered. Getting to her is what mattered.
“What room is she in?”
“She's in the last room down the hall, Your Majesty. Room 3486.”
Marquise ran down the hall as fast as his legs and feet could carry him. And when he got to her…his heart shattered. She had a look in her eyes that was a mix of heartbreak, utter disbelief, and complete devastation. And what was worse was there was nothing he could do to take it away.
When she looked at him, he nearly lost his nerve as the nurse who was in the room with Shanelle left to give them time alone. 
“It’s not true…tell me it’s not true! The baby…they’re not…they can’t be…tell me it’s not true!”, she pleaded with her husband. 
“I…my love…I…”, he struggled to get the words out. 
“Tell me, please! Tell me our baby is fine!” 
Unfortunately, he couldn’t tell her the one thing she desperately wanted to hear. He took her trembling hands in his own and prepared himself to speak the very awful words. 
“They tried Shanelle. They did everything they could…”, he trailed off. 
“No. No. Marquise no! No!”
“My Queen. I’m…I’m…I’m so sorry. Our baby…our son…” he choked up at the look of horror and devastation on her face.
“NO! NO! NO! IT’S NOT TRUE! IT CAN’T BE TRUE!” She screamed before bursting into tears. 
He wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried. His heart was broken for his wife, his son, and especially himself. When the doctor brought the baby to them Shanelle was inconsolable. 
“Your Majesties, I thought you’d like to see your son.” Doctor Bell spoke softly as he presented them with the swaddled infant.
Marquise couldn’t believe their baby was dead. And he didn’t believe it until he held him close. That’s when he felt his soul break. 
“My son. My beautiful son. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He said as his voice trembled as he held the baby. He looked at Shanelle and placed the baby in her arms. 
“No. You can’t be gone! You can’t be!” She cried as she held their son, “My baby. You can’t be gone!”
Sadly for them, both their son is dead. And the loss of him was as real and raw as it gets. Shanelle wanted nothing to do with the funeral arrangements so she left that duty to her husband. Rather than have a funeral according to Cordonian tradition, they were joined by her parents and those that were trusted with keeping Shanelle’s pregnancy a secret at a simple burial. 
Shanelle was fine until they were asked for any final words before he was to be interred next to Marquise’s mother. That is when her grief took hold and her knees gave out. If it wasn’t for her husband standing behind her she would’ve hit the floor. She couldn’t stand it. She couldn’t stand the thought or sight of her baby boy being buried. 
“No. Marquise, please. Don’t bury him. Please. Don’t let them bury him.” She sobbed in her husband’s arms. 
“I’m sorry my love. I’m so sorry.” was all he could say as he rubbed her back. 
He was fine until they sealed the tomb. That is when he broke and the tears fell. Clutching his wife close to his chest the King Of Cordonia sobbed as his son was laid to rest. 
“I can’t be here. I’m ready to go. I don’t want to be here anymore.” Shanelle said to him. Her voice was barely above a whisper. 
“Okay. Let’s get you out here.” He replied. 
They barely got out of the Royal Family Mausoleum before she couldn’t walk anymore. She didn’t have the strength. So Marquise carried her back to the main residence of the palace until they left for her duchy the next day. 
All these years later and the memory still haunts Shanelle. She refuses to go back to their son’s grave. The memory of watching him be buried has scarred her. And yet, she still wonders what she could’ve done to save him. Why did she see or notice the signs? And now that it’s been confirmed that she’s pregnant again, she wonders if it could or would happen again. But all of that was put to rest when she glanced down at her phone in her hand. She had to tell her husband they are expecting again. She decided to wait until he came home from his trip to Japan the next day. 
His Majesty returned home early the next morning and spent his day on conference calls and with a certain little girl who was happy to have her Daddy back home. 
Later after he had put Khari to bed, he hopped in the shower and she laid down on the bed and flipped channels. She knew he was tired but not exactly ready to go to bed. When he walked out of the bathroom and she saw him, her jaw hit the floor. He was wearing nothing but a towel and his trademark smirk. She couldn’t help but stare at her husband. 
“Take a picture, love. It’ll last you a lot longer than staring at me will.” He teased as he flexed his muscles.
“I will stare whenever I see fit…Your Majesty. I am the Queen after all.” 
He shook his head and dried off before grabbing the lotion and applying it while she watched. 
“Need help?” She asked. 
“Sure. You can get my back,” he replied. 
“Okay. Lie down on the bed babe.”
It didn’t take her long to cover his back. What started out as her simply applying lotion to his back, turned into the best massage he’d ever had. Her fingers worked deep into his muscles driving away any stress she knew he may have had. He was in heaven and also a tad curious. 
“Damn! What did I do to deserve that?” He asked her. 
“Nothing outside of me just wanting an excuse to put my hands on you.”
Marquise turned over on his back and arched an eyebrow at her.
“Uh-huh. What did you do now?” He asked as she straddled his hips. 
“Yeah okay. How many of your cards did you max out?”
“I swear I didn’t do anything!”
“Do I need to have that verified?”
“No, you don’t because I’m telling the truth!”
He snickered. 
“I just wanted to see your reaction.”
“Jackass!” She sneered. 
“That’s King Jackass to you.”
She rolled her eyes and smirked at him.
“So tell me what was that massage about?” He asked. 
“I missed you. That’s what it was about.”
He chuckled.
“No that’s not it. I mean I believe you when you say you missed me but a massage like that only happens when you want something or when you've done something bad and you don't want me to find out. So since you claim you haven't done anything, what is it, my love? What do you want?” He asked before burying his face in the crook of her neck. 
“Weeeelllllllllll…there is something that I need to tell you. But you’re distracting me.” She said as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. 
“Am I now?” He asked before placing a soft kiss just below her right ear. 
“Yes. You’re in nothing but a towel and it’s messing with my concentration.” She replied as her arms rested on his broad shoulders. 
“We’ll just have to do something about that now won’t we?” He whispered in her ear. The tone in his voice made her shiver. “Starting with this pajama set you have on.”
“What did you have in mind, My King?” Shanelle asked. 
A slow smile bloomed across his face. 
“I was thinking something like this…” he trailed off before bringing her lips to his. 
When their kiss ended the only thing he wanted to do was devour her. Although the turquoise and black satin and lace pajama set she wore caught his eye. 
“Is that new?” he asked. 
“This old thing? Nah I’ve had it for years. I just haven’t worn it in a while.”
His eyes roamed up and down her body. 
“See something you like, Your Majesty?”
“Always when it comes to you. But I must say you look beautiful in this outfit.”
“Has there ever been a time where you haven’t thought I looked beautiful in something?” she asked. 
“Nope. And there never will be.” He whispered in her ear before nipping her earlobe. “Now My Goddess, you can hurry up and take this outfit off or I can rip it off of you. The choice is yours.” 
“I kinda like the idea of a striptease then again it would be quicker to just let you rip it off…so why not both?” 
Marquise arched an eyebrow. 
“Both huh? Fine. But I call dibs on the shorts.” 
“The King has decreed it, so shall it be!”
With a sly look in her eyes she bites her bottom lip and pulls the top and bra off. He had his hands all over her ass, palming, squeezing and kneading it.
“Look at you. So fucking beautiful.” He said as his fingers traced the contours of her breasts. 
Soon she plants him with a searing kiss that he returns full force. She pressed her chest against his as their kiss deepend. She introduced her tongue into his hungry mouth and he growled against it. She felt his strong arms tighten around her. Feeling her body against his shot his possessive desire for her through the roof. When their kiss broke, all he wanted to do was ravage her.
“I just remembered something.”
“You still have these goddamn shorts on.”
“Then do something about it…Your Majesty.”
He growled as he ripped her shorts and panties off of her. He then laid her down and tangled his left hand in her hair exposing her neck to his teeth. He placed suckling bites all down her neck and across her collarbone. 
“You just don’t know what you do to me.” 
“You poor sweet man. I know EXACTLY what I do to you.”
The wickedness in her voice spurred him on. He dragged his mouth across her breasts. He slowly teased and tasted them which drove her crazy. He loved making her nipples harden at his touch. 
“More please! I need more!” she begged. 
“That’s exactly what I want to hear,” he told her.
That’s when his right hand found its way between her thighs. His thumb circled her clit while the rest of his fingers teased her entrance. 
“Watch the fireworks, my love.” he told her with a wink before he slid between her thighs. 
It never took him long to make her melt. She could feel his mouth all over her clit and could feel his fingers playing with her entrance. 
Even with his left hand squeezing her breast he was laser focused on her and her pleasure. He drove his fingers deeper inside her causing Shanelle to grab the cover under her. He is relentless. She was trying to ride his fingers as he quickened their speed. Her body began to tremble as he worked her over. 
“I can't hold it in much longer! I need you! Now!”, she begged. 
He could hear the desperation in his wife’s voice but he wasn’t done teasing her. The sensation coming from him was almost too much for her. 
“Not yet My Queen. Not yet.” he whispered against her lips before he kissed her. 
The only thing she wanted was for him to fuck her but the King had other plans. With a gentle yet firm tug of his left hand, he pulled her head back. He dragged his tongue down her pulse line before biting gently leaving a mark. The sensation caused her to rake her nails across his back. 
“Do that again and watch what happens," he growled in her ear.
She took his warning as a challenge and dragged her nails across his back again. She felt his smile against her ear.
“Have it your way, my love…”
This was the game they'd played for years. The swipes and snide remarks, the jokes, the insults, the teasing, the sex, the love, the devotion, and the affection all of it made their marriage work. He twisted his fingers just enough to make her back arch. His thumb circled her clit faster and harder. He could feel her body writhing beneath him. Begging him for more. He listened to her breathing become more and more shallow.  But he decided to take it slow and torture her. He wanted to remind her that he isn't just her husband, he is her King. 
“This is where you belong. Beneath me. Just the way I want you to be.”
“Will you please shut up and fuck me?”
“Defiant as ever.”
“You’re taking too long!”
“Desperate My Queen?”
“I swear to God if you don't–”
He silenced her with a surge of his fingers. Quickly working her over driving her crazy.
“That's funny. I don't remember permitting you to speak.”
“I know you need me, my love. Besides, I'm getting impatient myself.”
He pinned her down to the mattress, threw her legs over his shoulders, and took no time filling her up. That is when she arched her back off the bed pushing her chest into his and clawing his back.
“That's it, love. Show me how badly you want it.”
If there was one thing the King knew all too well it was his wife's body. He knew which spots were sensitive to his touch. And judging by the sounds she was making, he knew he was onto something.
“Is this what you want, my love?? He asked as he surged inside her.
“Yes! Give it to me.”
“I don’t think you can handle it, love.”
Every surge of his hips sent her deeper into a frenzy.
“I want you! I need you!”
“God, you feel incredible around me, my love. Like a fucking glove.”
Her moans were getting louder and more desperate. That meant she was truly unraveling and her orgasm was rising. 
“I can never get enough of you. You feel so fucking good. So tight. So warm. And all mine!” He growled in her ear before softly biting her neck. 
“You feel so good! Give it to me! Take me! Make me cum!!” She screamed. 
Her body trembled under him and broke out in a cold sweat. She was closer to the edge. And he knew it. 
“Good girl! I know you can handle it! I know it feels good to you! Take it!” He moaned. 
He knew he wouldn’t last much longer. But he wanted them to cum together, with a shift of his hips, his thrusts went deeper. Relentlessly he began hitting her G-Spot. Never giving her body a chance to adjust. He would pull out just to slam back in. When her eyes started to roll back, he grabbed her chin and made her look at him. 
“Keep your eyes open! I want to see those beautiful eyes as you cum for me.”
He went from grabbing her chin to pinning her wrists down. She tried to push him off but he made sure that she had nowhere to go.
“Oh no! Don't you dare run from me!” he growled. “Now be a good girl and take it! Cum for me!”
He applied slight pressure to her wrists as he fucked her harder and faster. Going deeper until she just couldn't take it anymore and stars burst in her eyes. 
“Don't fight it, love. Give in! Give it to me! Cum for me!”
This sent them both hurdling straight into their combined orgasm. Her body gave into his and he collapsed above her. He wrapped her in his arms and cradled her close to his chest. He used his left hand to draw abstract shapes along her back.
“Well, that was fun.” she breathed out.
He chuckled low.
“It always is, my love.”
Shanelle buried her face into the crook of his neck as he placed a soft kiss on the side of her head. 
“I know.”
She looked at him confusedly.
“What are you talking about?”
He kissed her slowly while placing his right hand on her stomach.
“I know," he whispered against her lips.
When she looked at him it dawned on her what he was saying.
“How did you know? Who told you?”
“I had a feeling you were pregnant. You haven't been yourself lately. But I had no concrete proof until you left your pregnancy test on the bathroom counter.”
Shanelle’s face went pale and she groaned.
“Well, there went my element of surprise.”
He shook his head with a smirk.
“Look at me,” he said as he tilted her chin up, “I love you. You know that right?”
She smiled at him. 
“I love you too handsome.”
He pulled her close and slowly drifted off to sleep with his right hand resting on her stomach.
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