#but that’s when you play around with its bc it’s fanfiction<33< /div>
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crescenthistory · 7 days ago
I always feel a little conflicted 'cause while I HATE to erase her from the plot, the age gap also gives me a bit of a weird thing... so when I feel like I want to add Teddy, I do a bit of a thing like: making Andy & Sirius age gap bigger (I like the hc she's 7-8 years older than him, also I saw a hc of her & Bellatrix as twins and- I use this now. It's good.) and making Andy having Tonks a bit younger (like, getting pregnant on the last months of hogwarts were both her & Ted are 18).
Also I have a plot for a modern au one shot (moonwater, btw) that has Remus & Tonks co-parentings and I love this 😭 especially bc they basically "meet again" thanks to Tonks & Teddy.
i knows there’s many people who don’t fuck with remus/tonks and that’s so valid !!
keeping tonks in teddy’s narrative is not at all contingent on them being together<3 this is fanfic, if you want to change their age differences or mess about you can do whatever you want. it’s just intrinsically wrong to me to erase her as teddy’s mother, bc he wouldn’t be teddy without her — both in the sense that it biologically would not be the same person, but he’s also named after her literal dadddddd
your solutions are great examples of how to include her without following canon verbatim 🙏 and if you want a kid where she’s not involved, ocs exist and are suuuuper fun to play around with
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aloera · 4 years ago
The ask prompt is too long to fit into an ask TT_TT but here's the doc for it docs(.)google(.)com/document/d/1yDI7iFRhOJ8ENv_IwZAo3rDSUqj80EiJROS10RzRbj4/edit
the lengths u are going for this,,, much appreciated you're very sweet!!!
prompts + answers under the cut!!
Name: aloera
AO3 account: aloera
Fandoms you write for: bnha
How many stories have you written so far: 19
What's your favorite fandom to write for? hmm,,, used to do pjo and eah (ever after high) and eah was fun as fuck i will say!!! i think bnha is my fav mostly bc i made the most friends in this fandom :D
What's your favorite character/person to write for? bkg and kirishima!! cannot choose do not make me <3
Fic you'd want to improve? probably what we deserve? i rushed the beginning and the confession is a bit stilted imo
Hardest fic you've written? between lion and men -_- bc there is so much canon compliant stuff i've gotta write out before i get to the divergence and its HARD
Easiest fic you've written? come home to me!!! it happened so easily,,, no second guessing no writers block just vibes <33 was lovely i miss it
What would you say is the most "famous" fic you've ever written? also probably come home to me? its got the most interaction
first line of the first fic you've ever written and published. [not including my 2014 ffnet fics] "The bell rings, class starts, and Katsuki and Midoriya are inexplicably absent." from come home to me
Have you ever done a collab with another writer? yes!!!!! on two separate occasions and its so fucking fun i highly recommend trying it out its the best
Do you beta? if asked but honestly im a shit beta lmao
Do you like joining fic fests/exchanges? depends on what i have going on irl but in general yeah!!
Fluff or angst? definitely fluff
"OCs" or "Reader" inserts? reader inserts!! have been going ham on them recently
Blurbs or drabbles? blurbs!!
One thing you love about fanfiction i just. i really love slice of life romance?? and most media doesn't give you that bc its dedicated to plot and action and that's valid!! but fanfiction fills in the gap which is really nice
One thing you don't like about fanfiction most of the stuff i don't like is less about actual fanfiction and more about how people behave about it
What is/are your favorite fandom author/authors? IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! TURN IT UP!!!
bnha: hiuythn, rae_tnub, Moniix, Ata_Lanta, wrunic, chezka, PurplePersnickety, surveycorpsejean, mahadevi, arxaris, deviance, Oceanbreeze7, MikeWritesThings, bonnia, wonhaebunny, dinosuns
voltron: hiuythn, Oceanbreeze7, DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee, arahir, dinosuns,
and honorable mention to loveclouds im not even in the haikyuu fandom i just love their fics So Much
these are just the ones off the top of my head i have so many favourites idc if i'm only supposed 2 have one!! die mad about it!!!
What is your favorite trope? secret relationship + relationship reveal til the day i die babie <3 <3
Least favorite trope? hm,,, probably just like. angst lmao i cannot stand 90% of it
A fanfiction cliché that you can't help but love? coffeeshop aus,,,, so good
Do you have a type when it comes to pairings? the otp where its like. piece of shit + himbo = love. ex. krbk, catradora, jade/beck
Favorite setting/au? hm,,, truly i cannot pick one KGKSJNHKj but i really like college aus!! and modern aus!! and roommate aus!!
Explain the meaning of your favorite line of dialogue you've written as if someone hasn't read it in context. “He doesn’t know,” Katsuki says, softly. “My timer stopped and nothing happened. He’s not mine.”
the line is from what we deserve!! it's a soulmate au where your timer counts down to the moment that you meet your soulmate!! bakugou's timer ends at USJ when he and kirishima attack kurogiri at the same time (impulsive kings <33) but kirishima's timer doesn't end until kamino because that's when he accepts himself as bakugous soulmate!! unfortunately, when bakugous timer has reached 0, he turned to see that kirishima's was still ticking and therefore believes that kirishima isn't his soulmate.
this line just,, idk. it's really sad. bakugou is such an action-driven character? if something doesn't go his way he Makes it go his way. he's got this insanely volatile quirk and he's got impeccable control of it!! but his love for kirishima isn't something that he can change and he's not going to ruin kirishima's chance of finding his own soulmate because he loves him and wants him to be happy. i really wanted to focus on how resigned he is? and how unusual that is for a character like him.
Favorite trope/genre to write? again, secret relationship with relationship reveals <33 fluff in general is my wheelhouse!!!
A trope/genre you haven't written but think would be a fun challenge? idk if this counts?? have been working on some dead dove concepts!! its super different from what i normally write so its a cool challenge
The one trope/concept you'll never touch and why probably cheating/infidelity?? it just looks,,, super difficult to write well and i don't have enough of an interest in it to try it out
Which do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics? shorter!! low attention span gang <3
Ideal length to read? 5-10k?
Ideal length to write? 4-8k!!
How long was the longest fic you've ever written? control fraek is around 28k i think?
Have you ever written an AU? yeah!! i've done restaurant au's, soulmate au's, pro hero aus, and fantasy aus (general, not the bnha fantasy ending)
What's your favorite AU trope? hm,, probably when two people in authority are in a secret relationship? ceo's/uni professors/etc etc
Have you ever written smut? yeah!! was. difficult tho
What's your comfort genre? (the one you fall on most in writing/reading) fluff,,, hurt/comfort,,, fix-it fics with happy endings <3
If you were to start writing in other fandoms, which would they be? maybe jjk?? the characters are really cool!!!! fr i might go back to my ever after high roots i love the characters and setting so Much its so fun!!! idec if no ones into it anymore!!!!!
Is there a trope you think you could be easily recognized by in your writing? i've had people say they saw the mention of buff hagakure and recognized it was me so. probably that skdjhnksjd
How would you describe your style? i tend to use shorter sentences and pretty simple words i think? and i gravitate towards lighthearted concepts that allow for ensemble casts and humour!!
Describe your style in three words romcom but fanfic
Favorite words to use when writing? the word reverent!! fuckin love including it!!
Dialogue tags or no dialogue tags? (she said, he said, they said, etc) dialogue tags!!!
Favorite dialogue tag (other than said, if you use them) again idk if this counts but "they said softly" is unmatched
Long sentences vs short vs a mix short <33
What colors would you use to describe your writing? hm,,, depends on the fic i would say?? control fraek is dark green to me?? kinda like a forest at night yk?? scary but there's still life there. sugar cookies is yellow like early morning sunlight, when it rains is yellowy-orange like a caution sign. not gonna list all of them cause theres a lot its just. do u get it? the colours change based on the vibe of the fic.
What song or music genre would you use to describe your writing? think. i am constantly trying to emulate that moment at the end of wasteland baby when hozier goes "im in love/im in love with you."
What kind of metaphors do you rely on? religious metaphors my beloved <33 they're just so pretty!!! i also love comparing stuff to water for some reason?? like that ocean vuong quote thats like "what are you now?/water." it goes hard!!!
What's something you'd say is experimental in your writing at this time? definitely action!! i have,,, no idea how to write it so anything i do is really just me playing around and seeing what works and what doesn't
Do you prefer to write by hand or to type? i've tried both!! personally i prefer typing because it goes way faster but i will say that writing by hand lets me get words down when i'm going through writer's block
What is your preferred place to write (notebook, laptop, cellphone, etc.)? laptop!!
What app/apps do you use to write (word, notepad, etc.)? google docs skjdnkjh its fine on desktop but mobile is,,,,, disgusting
Do you keep a notebook or file/notes page in your phone/device for notes on your writing? ngl i just have everything organized in my drive?? one folder per fandom and then sub folders for ideas+hcs, unfinished wips, and finished fics. multichaps get sub sub folders so i can organize outlines and drafts
Do you listen to music to help you write? yeah!! playlists organized by fic vibe :D
Where do you usually go to write (bedroom, living room, etc.)? mostly in my bedroom??? but moving around to different stops helps too i think!!
How long does it usually take for you to write? again this depends on what i have going on irl, how attached i am to the idea, my mindset at the time, etc!! i am,, the least consistent person skjnhdkjh.
What's your favorite font to use when writing? times new roman my beloved
Other writing habits? sometimes i'll write in the dark?? bad for my eyes but for some reason it gets the words flowing
How do you conceptualize your ideas? (See specific moments like they're a movie, writing specific lines in your head, don't know until you put the words on paper, etc.) i tend to get inspiration from movies, books, poems, or other fics!!! sometimes one line just makes me go oh,, i want to write something like that,,, and then it helps me create an idea that makes me feel the same way?? i did this with control fraek!!!! i wanted a scenario where bakugou was cold and calculating and i was like hm. to do that he’d have to be focusing on something important. and from there i was able to flesh out the rest of the idea.
Which comes first: the pairing or the plot? with krbk its always always the pairing,, i'll be sitting there like wow <33 i love them <33 what if one of them had amnesia <33 (which, yes, wip!!) otherwise it's usually the plot!! and i slot in characters that i feel make sense
Have you ever used a prompt? yeah!! used a prompt for wlw week 2020 and it was fun as hell
Do you write around the story around a specific scene you want to get to or do you start from a plot idea definitely the first!!!! i almost always write like,,, a super messy scene thats 90% dialogue, keep it in my head, and then write the entire fic around that one moment
Do you find that you include a projection of some part of yourself in the way you write a character? a lot of the time when i write love confessions or love in general i'll have one of the characters think or say that the other person makes their head quiet? and it's because that's what i feel whenever i'm in love?? a quiet mind. i project on characters yeah but i think most of the projection actually goes to the way that i write love
Do you research some of the things you write deeply, partially and kind of wing the rest, or play entirely by ear (in this case, go with whatever base knowledge of the subject you have)? most of the time if i do research it'll be about the setting (ex. the izakaya in to have and to hold) or if i'm having the characters interact with an object that they like. need to know how to use (me, in control fraek: google. hey google. does someone die if they get shot in the foot??? no???? awesome thank u <3)
Have you ever had an idea for a story and forgot about it? lmaoo yeah all the time i'll find like 500-2k words of concepts in my gdocs like i do. not remember this at all
Is there a trope you think you could be easily recognized by in your writing? probably krbk secret relationship lmao
Are there concepts you've tried that turned out better than expected? yeah!! i fully thought the action in control fraek would be awful but it turned out not bad??? which im happy with
Are there concepts you've tried that turned out worse than you expected? again, what we deserve, i personally think it would have worked out better if i'd paced it slower and drawn out the pining but i. do not feel like going back to fix it so its staying the way that it is. pining is so fucking hard to do AHHHH i get so tired with it!!! im like just date already!!!!
How do you come up with titles? in rare occasions (literally. all my multichaps for some reason) the title comes after writing like .5 words of the first chapter im like YES this is it!!!!! sometimes i write the whole thing and pick out one line that fits (what i did with come home to me) a lot of the time i just. steal from songs or poems that i like
What's your favorite emotion to cause on your readers? i like making people happy!!!! love when people comment saying they're cheered up
What's your favorite emotion to write? lovelovelovelovelovelove
Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you've written? never cried?? but sometimes i'll rereading my hurt/comfort fics 4. yk. comfort
Do you write in order or whatever comes to you? in order!! unless i have a scene that i Need to write and i'll quickly jot it down so that i don't forget
Usual way you procrastinate while writing? ...doing asks like this, making playlists, discord, watching netflix. what don't i do smh
Do you outline or free write? i am. so shit at outlines. i mostly free write and write lil notes for stuff that i wanna add later
Do you set word goals or scene goals (scenes you want to include)? yes!! like i said i'll write loose notes for scenes that i want to add later!! it gives me something to write towards :D
What do you consider when writing your scenes? what goes into making the atmosphere and mood you want? to set a scene i do two things? the first is like,, the five senses bc that always sets the scene really well and makes it feel Real. i'll visualize stuff in my head like its a movie and write out what i would want to tell the set designer?? if the lights are low, if the space is busy, if it's supposed to exude comfort or not.
for putting forward the character's mood one thing i've found that makes a difference is sentence length!! long sentences are good for making a character seem flustered and nervous or not really in control of their emotions? good for love confessions. short sentences are good for when the character is focused on something or short on time. good for fights!!
What's something you never considered to include in your writing that you can't leave out now? def buff hagakure,,,, once i thought of it i was like. if i don't include this at least once in every single fic how could i look at myself in the mirror!!!!!! how could i face anyone!!!!
How do you start a story? establishing a fact about the character or describing the setting! option a is one single thread of gold, option b is between lion and men
How do you end a story? either by tying it back to the beginning or doing like a funny kind of closing??? option a is sugar cookies, option b is a godless society
How do you get out of writer's block? change something!! move something!! i go from typing to handwriting, moving from my bedroom to my living room, switching wips to work on something else!! i do sprints as well?? give myself like fifteen minutes to write something and sometimes 200 words opens up the way for another 2k. sometimes i'll just delete like 500 words and start fresh
Do you edit? or do you toss your writing out there? i edit!!! i'll go over it myself then send it to one or two betas (bee my beloved <33)
How do you edit? do you use spellcheck, grammar checkers, etc? bee is my grammar checker bc he is So Good with grammar. i use grammarly as well for spellcheck stuff mostly?? sometimes my edit process is just like "am i tired of looking at this!! yes <3" and then i post it
Do you usually like what you write? yeah!!! i post stuff that makes me happy and that i'm fine with rereading!!! i write stuff for self-indulgence reasons first and foremost and i think my writing reflects that sjhnksj
Have you ever written something you didn't like but posted anyways? nope!! even what we deserve i LIKED even if i see a lot of room 4 improvement!! if i don't like smth it's not getting posted
Do you find yourself rereading your writing often? yeah!! the reason i wrote so much krbk secret relationship is because i loved it but i'd read all that there was so i just,, wrote more,, ngl its kinda nice being in a place where i actually like my writing bc i can write stuff that i want to see and really enjoy it!!
Can you tell us anything about your current WIP? sure!! i'm currently working on when it rains which is a fic where bakugou gets hit by a crying quirk!! i'm gonna be using it to explore So Much of all might's character and his relationships with bakugou and aizawa (and i think some people from his past!!)
Can you give us a sneak peek on your current WIP? “You did something. What the hell did you do?” Kirishima sounds pissed off. It would amuse Katsuki if he wasn’t fighting just to stay standing.
“Nothing he didn’t ask for,” Shinsou replies.
“K’ri… shima,” Katsuki croaks out. “‘S fine. Not him.”
His chest collapses back into the familiar dry heaving after that but Kirishima shuts up. He doesn’t apologize to Shinsou.
Kirishima’s a good friend, stubborn and loyal. He stands by Katsuki’s side like an attack dog, blocking him from the view of anyone ogling at his tears.
The last line you've written Ochako knows more than she'd realized. She knows enough to keep her guard up.
It’s not enough.
Open a wip. what’s the first line?
Katsuki wakes up feeling like absolute fucking shit.
What's your favorite thing about writing? touched on this before but it's mainly just being able to write the things that i want to see and actually enjoy them!!! actually reread them!!!! i thought "wouldn't it be cool if bkg and kirishima owned a restaurant together" and then i wrote it and i like it enough to reread it!!!! being able to create content for myself makes me. so happy
How do you keep yourself inspired? this is gonna sound narcissistic maybe but honestly i'm just really excited about my ideas and where i'm gonna take them and the idea of "i'm gonna get to That scene" keeps me going through the entire thing. also my friends!!!! i'll talk to them about fics and their reactions keep me hyped up enough to finish!!!!
What is your favorite thing to write? just,, slice of life romance,,, stuff thats silly and makes people laugh!!
What do you think your strengths are in writing? i'm good with dialogue!! i do lil voice acting sessions with myself to make sure everything sounds natural and like it's coming from that character skhjnskj
i'm comfortable with my portrayal of love as well??? i spend a lot of time thinking about what it is exactly that i'm trying to get across and i think it turns out well!!
What are things you wish you could practice more? on one hand i wanna get better at writing angst on the other hand i dislike writing angst. do you see my issue
One way you've improved your writing since you began? characterization!! i think i've gotten better at writing characters that are all Different and bring different things to the table!!! i used to project a lot more and it would compromise the characterization because the character was like 70% me and 30% them? not to say that projection is bad but if you do it too much it just,, doesn't read like the character and from a reader's standpoint the narrative can become less compelling
One aspect of writing you're still working on? writing action!!! i. literally hate writing it but i write for a fandom about superheroes so. Unfortunately i gotta learn.
A piece of writing advice you've learned while writing saw this on another tumblr post but they said sometimes if you're struggling with a scene, the problem is five lines back. i've found that to be true!!!! sometimes u gotta delete a chunk and start a little ways back!! i did this with too busy being yours because i was stuck for Weeks and i deleted like 25% of what i had but it helped me actually finish it :D
A bit of writing advice you can't stand when people shit on show don't tell for being overrated lmao bc when u read their writing you can Tell
Something you wish you knew when you first started writing? ,,,,honestly i kind of wish i could know some of the stuff that i used to when i first started writing?? technically i'm better now but creatively i was must better when i wasn't stressing about whether anyone would like what i was writing. so i guess i wish i knew that i should keep that confidence? i kinda wish that i wasn't as insecure about other people's writing styles because i never used to be!!
Something you've learned in life that you apply in writing there's no point in feeling inferior?? writing one genre isn't better than the other. being in one fandom isn't better than being in another. the kind of language you use or the length of your paragraphs- none of that stuff like. matters. what matters is that you're having fun and happy with what you're creating!!!! enjoy other peoples writing but don't let it make you feel worse about yours :D
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impractical-matters · 5 years ago
Tag Game: Dig a Little Deeper
tagged by @mollyweasly - thank you steph!! 💕💕
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? both
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? country
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? I’ve always wanted to learn to drive stick/manual
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? both, and yes
5. what was your favorite book as a child? I always loved, The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle
6. do you prefer baths or showers? I love both, but I like to unwind in the tub whenever possible
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? An elemental witch
8. paper or electronic books? paper, always, unless it’s fanfiction 
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? I have a couple plaid shirts that were my grandfather’s that I love
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? My mother chose my name and it’s spelling because it was her favorite, and I have always liked it. 
11. who is a mentor to you? I have some successful psychologists/psychiatrists in my family who I really admire and would like to follow in their footsteps
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? I think we’ve all imagined what it would be like, I did some singing competitions and it was scary but it was also really nice to be recognized afterwards and complimented, but then again celebrities have zero privacy, so I don’t think I would be able to combat that. You have to be seriously dedicated to your craft to be willing to put up with the whole world, and I think I’m a bit too shy for all that...
13. are you a restless sleeper? When I was in camp, I had the nickname ‘sleeping beauty’ because I always slept flat on my back and never moved. That was when I had no stress in my life tho, so nowadays it’s a bit rougher sometimes. 
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? I like to think so, but I haven’t had anyone to express that with recently
15. which element best represents you? I can see how they all play a part for me, but I think fire might be the most appropriate 
16. who do you want to be closer to? my friends, this quarantine has been hard on all of us
17. do you miss someone at the moment? my brother (oops, brothers I mean haha) 
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. there was a swingset in my backyard that faced my mother’s office, and in the summer when I had off from school, I would sometimes go out there and swing for hours, waving at her and just trying to catch her attention. I also spent a lot of time “rock hunting” in the backyard, which was just me digging for pretty rocks, mostly quartz
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? honestly I don’t think I’ve eaten that many weird things, religion kinda gets in the way of that. I did try a raw quails egg once
20. what are you most thankful for? my family and their continuous support 
21. do you like spicy food? I like some spicy foods, like Japanese and Korean, and sometimes Mexican, but I gotta be careful with those peppers 
22. have you ever met someone famous? yes, i met Matthew McConaughey outside a bathroom in JFK, I met Chris Allen in Disney World, and my friends cousin is Ricky Ullman, so I saw him around a few times for family events. 
23. do you keep a diary or journal? I used to have a song folder, which is the closest I ever got, and then of course there’s all my writing journals, but those are mostly stories, not strictly personal thoughts. I did try once in camp, but someone stole it, so clearly that was a bad idea, and I never tried again. 
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
25. what is your star sign? gemini
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? mostly crunchy, but I like pops to be a big soggy
27. what would you want your legacy to be? I just want to be remembered, not really sure what for at this moment...
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read? I do love to read, I recently re-read The Call of the Wild by Jack London 
29. how do you show someone you love them? Being there for them, showing my support when they’re down or if they need help. also just saying it, getting them little gifts that remind me of them 
30. do you like ice in your drinks? sometimes, but never in juice or milk 
31. what are you afraid of? sharks, starvation, being deserted in the middle of the ocean and being alone 
32. what is your favorite scent? ooooh that’s a tough one, I like fresh scents, like rain, ocean water, the forest, and other natural and seasonal scents like herbs and spices, flowers, sandalwood, vanilla, etc. 
33. do you address older people by their name or surname? Depends who they are, family I’ve been trying to keep their titles in there, like Aunt & Uncle because they told me they like that, if it’s someone at work I use their first name with them and their surnames when discussing them with outside clients. 
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I would probably travel a lot, visit all the places I wanted to go and visit my family around the world, pay off all my debts, pay for medical bills...and I would buy back my family home. 
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? I love the idea of the ocean, but it’s big and scary and covers the majority of our planet so we can never really uncover everything that’s out there, so I prefer the safety of a landlocked pool. 
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? Depends on the context. If I found $50 on the ground but I know that someone has lost it, I give the money back to the person. If I don’t know whose money is that, I keep it to myself. (keeping this answer bc same- also same!)
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? yes and yes
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children? your anger does not control you and while violence might seem like a convenient answer, it is never the solution to your problems; using your words is a much smarter and efficient tactic to defeating your issues/enemies etc. And you should treat others the way you would like to be treated and always protect your family. 
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I’ve always liked the idea of triskelion because of the many different things it represents (plus teen wolf), and I would put it on my wrist because I’m cliche 
40. what can you hear now? the air conditioning is really loud in this basement
41. where do you feel the safest? under the covers with my cat 
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? I wish I was more confident and could overcome my stage fright, I get nervous talking in front of anyone and it’s just so frustrating to trip over my words so much when I know exactly what I want  to say, but my mouth won’t speak the words 
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? I always liked the fashion of the Victorian Era, but the treatment of women was terrible, which is mostly true for most points in history, so...idk 
44. what is your most used emoji? 💕 because I love these hearts, and one is just never enough
45. describe yourself using one word. tenacious
46. what do you regret the most? not being there when my father died
47. last movie you saw? I just watched Knives Out last night! 
48. last tv show you watched? currently have Derry Girls s2 queued up 
49. invent a word and its meaning. dude, come on, I have no idea
Welp that was a lot of questions, but it was a nice break from work 😂 Seriously no pressure, this was a long one! Tagging: @mercheswan @superdanys @clotpolesonly @tinanewt @anduril @buckleydiazs @lightfiretomypaperwings @lovelyhufflepuff38 @when-she-writes-stuff @mysnflower @hecthledgers @dannneelackles @nighttimemachinery @theproblemwithstardust @tabbytabbytabby
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demyrie · 5 years ago
If you are still doing the author ask game, number 27 and number 33 for News flash.
Oh hey I didn’t see this one!! Hello and thank you for your prompts for the Fanfiction Ask Game!
27. best review you ever got
Ok, so, I am blessed with the kindest readers ... I have comments that made me cry with alarming regularity. Mostly they fall around the Tracing Scars run of Bandages and Bravado because, well, there’s a lot there. Reading about personal experiences, and how the story helped them realize something, or see themselves from afar, or come to terms with an event? Instant sob fest.
Hearing people talk about the struggle of becoming, of how maybe they’re trying to support someone or wish they’d had someone there to support them in their own journey ... it messes me up. It just touches me, and makes me want to write a thousand stories so everyone can feel seen and worth it. Because you are.
But the most amazing comment?? Deeply personal ones aside, bc I wouldn’t feel comfortable linking to such things, I’d say that title would have to belong to @beescream, 1000%!!!!! Newsflash was a fic that was pretty steady, and there was a long pause before the next update. In my mind I was like “folks like this fic! Thats cool!!” and then I posted the Charity Ball chapter AND I LOST MY MIND.
I just. Amaze. How? What? Like ... plus ultra. I was cackling the whole time, and literally yelled “YOU AGAIN?????” when I got the last comment notification. it was grand.
(On that note. Just an aside, but if I try to respond to comments individually I get really overwhelmed and guilty, so I beg forgiveness for the thousandth time for this. It just makes me dip real hard, worry about all the things I’m not doing, and then I have trouble writing =_=
If anyone wants to chat or play, I’m @/demyrie_writes on twitter bc I’m there an irresponsible amount of the time)
33. alternate ending for (insert story title)
hmmmm. I don’t usually do alternate endings. More like, as the story progresses, the ending gets more elaborate. I guess the only thing that really qualifies, again, is Newsflash. 
Solely because people were so pumped and liked it so much, I threw myself into it and tried to make it more of a love story. The differences are cold and unsatisfying: originally in the charity ball chapter, things were MUCH more hostile and Shouta blew cigarette smoke in All Might’s face WHO WAS V MAD and said (RE: themes of justice and class division) “punish me, then.” It was a sneering, hate-fucky kind of hot, but I much prefer the softness and connection they were able to have. I think i didn’t realize how traumatized Shou was???? Yeah that’ll do it.
Similarly, the original ending was just an implication that they MIGHT be able to get along and start a relationship haha. Its sweet, but too vague. There’s more now!!!
Thank you everyone for your asks!! Sorry I missed this one, enjoy your sunday
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whyldkratts · 7 years ago
for the ask meme: all of them, but if thats too much maybe just the last 10?
Sorry for the long post aaaa1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? [I bought lottery tickets bc I was in texas and they’re not legal where I live and the cashier at the gas station didn’t even ask for my id. I tried to show him and he just shook his head and let me go???? He didnt even care wtf]2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? [Nah]3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? [Yea a little bit. I mean if it was just occasionally that’s probably fine? But a lot of my family has fucked up their entire lives with drugs so anything like that is iffy for me. It depends on how often they smoke ultimately]4: Do you find it easy to trust others? [I’d say yeah, probably. As long as you don’t fuck me over or guilt me within the first few weeks of knowing me id probably feel comfortable messaging you if I needed someone to talk to]5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? [Scrolling Tumblr]6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? [Probably my irl bffs lindy and raven!]7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? [Dump them. Adios fucker. I hope they’re happy with whoever they cheated on me with]8: Are you close with your dad? [Yeah I’d say so? I love him and he usually let’s me do my thing]9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? [Nah]10: What are you listening to? [Run by hozier]11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? [Sweet tea!!!! I’m from the south baby]12: Do you like hickeys? [Never has one so I don’t know!]13: What time do you go to bed? [Uhhhhhh 5am?]14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? [My siblings.]15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? [Nope I fuck up spelling a lot and have to go back and fix it no matter how many hands I’m typing with]16: Do you always answer your texts? [I try!! Unless I’m emotionally tired or forget]17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? [No. She’s my best friend now, actually]18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? [LIKE 3 MINUTES AGO I was complaining about how long it car ride home is]19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? [My irlbest friends, the cars discord chat I’m in, and a lot of my wk friends]20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? [I was writing ducktales fanfiction in my head]21: Is anyone else in the room with you? [I’m in a car with my mom for the next uhhh 7 hours?]22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? [Karmas a bitch]23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? [I was visiting family in Indiana, so yea probably? Tho I am pretty happy now too]24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? [Sometimes, with my old pal cat. She did some bad things so I stopped talking to her, but sometimes I want to catch up and see how she’s doing.]25: In the past week, have you cried? [YEAH over a darkwing duck episode]26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? [Grey. It has Mickey mouse on it!]27: Do people ever call you by your last name? [Noooope]28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? [I wouldn’t know]29: Do you have a best friend? [YEAH everyone in the cars discord and raven and lindy]30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? [No it was my great grandma lol]31: Who was your last call/text message from? [Call: red cross asking for my blood. Text: raven saying “dang”]32: Are you mad at anyone? [Not really? I don’t get angry very easily at all]33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? [When I was a freshman I was dating a junior]34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? [My great grandma! 88 I think]35: How many more days until your birthday? [LIKE a whole entire year. August 2nd]36: Do you have any summer plans yet? [Help my friend after her spine surgery p much. Visit family around the 4th of july]37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? [I have tons of girl friends!! All my best friends are girls (except em but they’re a good friend still!!!)]38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? [Lindy doesn’t know I’m trans]39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? [Uhhhhhhhhhhh next question]40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? [I try not to regret things like that]41: Do you think age matters in relationships? [UH YEAH?? An adult dating a minor ain’t my deallll]42: Are you available? [Lmfao yeah but don’t hold your breath I’m awful at relationships]43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? [My ex and bff dksdkdiajsai kill Me. I’ve had small crushes but I don’t rly let them grow too much if I realize they’re poppin up]44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? [Septum]45: Do you believe exes can be friends? [Yeah!!!!! I just reconnected with my ex from freshmen year and he’s cool]46: Do you regret anything? [Times where my mouth moved before my head could think and I hurt someone I cared about. Times where I didn’t listen. Times where I hesitated. But the past is a different country, and I try not to waste the present lamenting what I could’ve done.]47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? [Home. And the mistakes I’ve made.]48: Did you ever lose a best friend? [Yeah. She moved away and we just… talked less, and less, and less.]49: Was your last kiss a mistake? [Nah it was my great grandma]50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? [They have a bf and also dont like me plus im unlovable and bad at relationships and feelings *shrug emoji* the other person I’m interested in lives too far away and also doesn’t like me like that]51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? [Twas my gg and probably when I was a baby]52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? [All these last kiss ones are so angsty and sad and it was literally my grandma 5 hours ago I’m laughing]53: What was the last thing you ate? [McDonald’s French fries!!!!!]54: Did you get any compliments today? [Nah I’m in my road trip attire so I look like a mess]55: Where are you going on your next vacation? [New Orleans in October for voodoo fest!! Gonna see the foo fighters B)]56: Do you own anything from other countries?[I think I have Canadian money somewhere…]57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?[girls!!]58: Where have you lived most of your life?[Sweet Home Alabama]59: When was the last time you took a long drive?[DOING IT RN!!!!! 13 HOURS]60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?[yea but it was like, mashed up with truth or dare. Instead of kissing we asked them truth or dare]61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?[nah I’m pretty mild]62: Who do you text the most?[raven probably? Or max]63: What was the last movie you saw?[spirited away I think??? First time I ever saw it]64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?[I’m single, don’t remind me :P]65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?[I was 12 and right smack dab in the middle of my ugly awkward phase (thays still going on today!) So I had none lmao]66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?[nah]67: Do you curse around your parents?[GOOD LORD NO]68: Are you happy with where you live?[I? Hate Alabama. My city is okay but I want to move somewhere nicer]69: Picture of yourself? [I have a selfie tag. I would upload but I’m lazy. Maybe if I find a pic I like later I will]70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?[polyamory All the wayy!!!!! But monogamy is cool too]71: Have you ever been dumped?[probably in elementary school but I don’t remember? I usually am the one to end it bc I get freaked out and skittish around people genuinely caring about me so I break it up before they’re disappointed]72: What do you most like about making out?[being comfortable and close enough with someone to do it.]73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?[yup!]74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?[depends? I’ve asked to kiss someone and I’ve been asked equal amounts.]75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?[eyes? Idk there’s a lot that goes into finding someone attractive it’s hard to narrow it down]76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?[my mom]77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?[virgin]78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?[virgin]79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?[Any cartoon character I’m currently hyperfixated on]80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?[yes. But i would go slow and I wouldn’t want to meet their child until we were both sure this was something we wanted long term.]81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?[no its usually me? Wait i take that back!! One girl did while I was in hs but I’m pretty sure she only did it bc she just figured out her sexuality and I was queer and there.]82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?[nope I bottle that shit up!!!! But if it’s a long standing crush I’ll tell a few people eventually]83: Do you miss your last sweetie?[No.]84: Last time you slow danced with someone?[my friend Franklin at prom. We pretended to be spies on a mission forced to act casual as we scoped out potential enemies]85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?[??? Don’t like the skeptical quote marks. I’ve been in long distance relationships before, yes.]86: How can I win your heart?[just like…… be nice to me, ever, and I’m into it. Talk about things you like, ask me about things I like, try and get into/understand my interests and I’ll do the same?? Don’t make fun of me and don’t belittle my interests. The bar is low]87: What is your astrological sign?[leo]88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?[sleeping]89: Do you cook?[pasta!!!!!!!]90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?[yeah!!! 3 years of no talking and I reconnected with max recently]91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?[uh it’s complicated. Yes but idk if I’m in a good place for a relationship. I haven’t even begun to transition at all.]92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?[you say that like I could get multiple people to date me]93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?[nice dress style?? Glasses are good too. Idk questions like this are hard augh]94: Name four things that you wish you had![money, a job, plush darkwing duck toy, a car]95: Are you a player?[no]96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?[nooooope]97: Are you a tease?[hahahahaha no]98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?[nope!!! Not yet]99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?[maybe. But I don’t think you can love someone too deeply who doesn’t love you back]100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?[sure, plenty]101: Hugs or Kisses?[both??? Both is good]102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?[It’s Not shyness, it’s rejection I have a problem with]103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?[girls are pretty]104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?[Yeah I guess]105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?[If it was an open relationship and everyone knew the situation, then yea prob?? If not, then no.]106: Do you flirt a lot?[not really]107: Your last kiss?[my grandmaaaaa]108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?[not in a romantic way]109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?[not in a romantic way]110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?[next question]111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?[nope!! It’s a hopefully nice surprise for future me]112: Does someone like you currently?[probably not lol but ive got no idea!!]113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?[sure]114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?[I want to fall in love.]115: Ever made out with just a friend?[yeah]116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?[in a relationship I think?]117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it.[just send me an ask and ill answer it]
This got a bit of self hatred dashed in there whoops sorry!!!
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wyrmsandrocs · 7 years ago
You know what you dared (anyone really) me personally to send all the writer asks so FUCKIBG ALL OF THEM BETCH
1. Favorite place to write. - I really like taking my laptop with me and writing at parks or in hotel lobbies when my fam travels, but its comfortable and familiar to write at my desk in my room2. Favorite part of writing. - letting characters be sassy and snarky. also letting characters heal.3. Least favorite part of writing. - actually putting words on the page lmfao4. Do you have writing habits or rituals? - i put on my writing playlist and if i can grab a diet coke bc it helps me feel like im ready to be productive5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most. - ooh, for writing style Caroline Lawrence’s books influenced me a lot when i was younger and more recently @lbardugo and six of crows6. Favorite character you ever created. - ahhh probably Linde, a shapeshifter who rejects all human concepts including gender7. Favorite author. - again, Leigh Bardugo. also @canipetyourdragon but like technically shes not published yet 8. Favorite trope to write. - enemies to lovers lmfao9. Least favorite trope to write. - ahh idek 10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about. - @canipetyourdragon and we’d probs write abt some wacky adventure11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish. - 1) have an idea and daydream abt it for a month 2) worldbuilding/character building for a g e s 3) finally get around to writing a shitty draft 4) s u f f e r 12. How do you deal with self-doubts? - whine at someone and then remind myself that nothing starts perfect and i have time to make it better. tbqh a lot of the time i remind myself that Six of Crows started as smthn like 31,000 words and is a lot longer in the final form and, no offense to leigh, was probs kinda crap at first lmfao13. How do you deal with writers block? - i remind myself that its not gonna get written if i dont write it, i sit my ass down, and i write something. anything. any stupid sentence. and then i write another one.14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book? - hoo boi am i bad at research n o t m u c h 15. Where does your inspiration come from? - a lot of my inspiration comes from music and other books, i have playlists that remind me of my characters and story on spotify and those help a lot16. Where do you take your motivation from? - i remember that i’ve always wanted to be a writer since i was like 5 and could barely write my name and i think about how much i want that to be a reality.17. On avarage, how much writing do you get done in a day? - ehh i’d say maybe 400 words on average? the least ive written recently is 100 words the most was 1,50018. What’s your revision or rewriting process like? - ah i havent worked on one story enough to know yet19. First line of a WIP you’re working on. - No matter how many she saw, Siora couldn’t get used to Outer Land bars.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on. - “In a shocking plot twist, the rich Kitonian girl used to be a thief,” Linde said, mimicking some sort of announcer.
“Are you just here to add sarcastic commentary?” Siora glared at them.
She seems to glare at them a lot, Dema thought.
“That’s the whole reason I’m following you,” they said, then added, “Don’t give me that look, you know I don’t really care about the war.”
“My question is why is Siora still putting up with you,” Asteria laughed.
“Don’t give me any ideas,” The Beati girl grumbled, a smile playing on her lips.
“Oh yes, don’t encourage her. She might try to hurt me with one of her toothpicks.”
Dema laughed, “Don’t insult a lady’s knives, it’s not wise.”
“What’s a lady?” The Gerum asked, feigning confusion.
“Dema is a lady,” Asteria kissed the girl on the cheek, laughing.
“Doesn’t seem very ladylike to me,” Siora snorted.
“Like you’re one to talk,” Dema shot back.
“If anyone here is a lady, it’s me,” Linde said, sticking their nose in the air.
“You aren’t even a girl!” Asteria shrieked, grinning.
“Fair enough,” They nodded.
21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s. - “Yep, now we’re just doing a final check to make sure we have everything,” The girl said without looking up.22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you? - ahh depends i havent really “completed” any big projects, but for short stories usually only one or two23. Single or multi POV, and why? - multiple because i have so many characters and none of them is really the /main/ character24. Poetry or prose, and why? - i love prose but tbh im a poet at heart i write a l o t of poetry
25. Linear or non-linear, and why? - linear, otherwise i get too confused26. Standalone or series, and why? - standalone, because i think the story im working on rn is only one book long. altho i do have another story in this world planned dont tell anyone 27. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? - i share as i write
28. And who do you share them with? only sharing with @canipetyourdragon tho29. Who do you write for? - myself and my future readers30. Favorite line you’ve ever written. - for prose? “You complain so much I’m starting to think it’s a religious observance,” Siora said, leaning against the wall. the answer is dif for poetry tho31. Hardest character to write. - a s t e r i a i love her but shes not fully fleshed out yet. also shes so good32. Easiest character to write. - linde that snarky bastard33. Do you listen to music when you’re writing? - yep i have a playlist that reminds me of my story34. Handwritten notes or typed notes? - both35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story. - Siora was raised to be the right hand guard of the princess, but was exiled when she died.36. A spoiler for story? - the villain gets redeemed37. Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you. - hm i really dont know. writing wise, i love the quote “if the muse is late for work, start without her.”
38. Have you shared your outline of your story with someone? If so, what did they think of it? - I tell wyna about all my story shenanigans and schemes, and so far i think she likes it lmao39. Do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one.- not characters i like. sometimes background redshirts are based on people i hate so that i can kill them40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why? - both. I love writing fanfiction, but i also have a lot of original stories to tell41. How many stories do you work on at one time? - only one at a time for me42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc. - a lot of the time it just comes to me, but i also answer ask memes like this as that character43. Are you an avid reader? -  y e s 44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. - hm im really not sure45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. - most unhelpful? “it sucked ass” - daedalus46. What would your story look like as a tv show or movie? - o h dude i would love to see it as a movie it would be a really cool fantasy aesthetic omg the effects for the shapeshifters would be so cool to see
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story? - this story actually started with setting48. Favorite genre to write in. - YA isnt a genre is it? technically fantasy i guess49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end? - the middle for sure50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had. - idk abt story idea but when i was 12 i killed a character by turning him into a tortilla ¯\_(ツ)_/¯51. Describe the aesthetic of your story in 5 sentences or words. - fantasy eclectic influence and design.52. How did writing change you? - honestly writing poetry gave me a way to express my feelings safely. it honest to gods helped me stop self-harming.53. What does writing mean to you? - to me it means putting my ideas and thoughts and self into the world in a way that people (hopefully) read and enjoy54. Any writing advice you want to share? - start writing and dont stop. if you think that its crap, remember that everything starts as crap, and if you think no one in the world wants to read it, remember that i definitely want to read it if you tell me about it.
tysm for asking omg!
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wasithard · 8 years ago
tagged by my fave @bellamysfern <3
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people (or not)
the last:
1. drink: waterrrr
2. phone call: my brother
3. text message: to my sis “xx”
4. song you listened to: there’s nothing holdin’ me back - shawn mendes (what a bop honestly)
5. time you cried: omg around 12:30 this arvo right between my economics & history ext trials haha <3 <3 
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: just one would be nice wow?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nah
8. been cheated on: nah
9. lost someone special: my taita when i was 7
10. been depressed: yes?
11. gotten drunk & thrown up: never been properly drunk 
3 favorite colors: 
12. blue
13. red
14. green and yellow and pink
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yes!
16. fallen out of love: ive gotten over a crush kind of?
17. laughed until you cried: im sure i have
18. found out someone was talking about you: in a really nice way yeah :D
19. met someone who changed you: 100% yes
20. found out who your friends are: yeah, like i already knew but it really cemented itself this year
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: id say there are only a handful that i dont
23. do you have any pets: two dogs!!!! i love them!!
24. do you want to change your name: never 
25. what did you do for your last birthday: had a REALLY fun party i still claim it so hard 
26. what time did you wake up: 5:53 because my aunty was making alot of noise and then i slept till 5:59 and then i got up and studied
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: asleep for a change!
28. name something you can’t wait for: THE END OF THE HSC WHEN I’LL NEVER HAVE TO STEP FOOT IN HIGH SCHOOL AGAIN #november6
31. what are you listening to right now: nothing but i one direction was playing before
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: ohmygod at boarding school there were at least 8 toms in my grade
33. something that is getting on your nerves: NESA and their oppressive education system
34. most visited website: probably tumblr or messenger
35. hair colour: brown
36. long or short hair: short but i miss my long hair
39. piercings: just one in each ear (they’re uneven :/)
40. blood type: no clue
41. nicknames: t, tt, tez
42. relationship status: single
43. zodiac: scorpio
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: Brooklyn Nine-Nine & Still Star-Crossed, 
46. tattoos: none but i wish!
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: nope
49. piercing: ^
50. sport: to play - netball; to watch - nrl
51. vacation: i want to go back to Athens and i desparately want to road trip or just travel through the Middle East
52. pair of trainers: my sandshoes are SICK theyre asics and theyre like grey with turquoise lining and some yellow i love them
more general:
53. eating: just had bangers & mash with garlic bread because my dad is a hero
54. drinking: water
55. i’m about to: READ SO MUCH FANFICTION - if you want me to stay, i will stay by your side by elsaclack, Weave Me a Myrtle Crown by AJRedfern and im finally gonna read the final chapter of Game, Set, Match by ananbeth and blackjacktheboss bc i was saving it until i finished trials as my reward and it literally got me through
56. waiting for: November 6 so i can be done with this HSC bs
57. want: a boyfriend or just boy friends???? also to bingewatch avatar and legend of korra bc i miss them
58. get married: maybe? idk we’ll see
59. career: really want to be an aid worker or something in the humanitarian fiel
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: HUGS
61. lips or eyes: eyes 
62. shorter or taller: i dont mind 
63. older or younger: doesnt matter just as long as theyre close
64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms wow i love a strong hug
65. hook up or relationship: relationship!
66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker but like in a percy jackson sorta way
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: yeah
68. drank hard liquor: like a sip
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: all the time
70. turned someone down: ugh yes -_-
71. sex on the first date: how about never?
72. broken someone’s heart: probably not
73. had your heart broken: um did you see amazing spiderman 2
74. been arrested: nah
75. cried when someone died: um did you see amazing spiderman 2
76. fallen for a friend: still not over it. its been 2 years.
do you believe in:
77. yourself: depends
78. miracles: yes!
79. love at first sight: sure
80. santa claus: i wish
81. kiss on the first date: do i believe in kiss on the first date? yeah.
82. angels: yes :)
83. current best friend’s name: rose rose rose i love her to death
84. eye colour: brown
85. favourite movie: ahhh High School Musical or Dead Poets Society or The Sapphires 
im not tagging 20 people but i will tag my faves @richarddickganseythethird @magaysticseaflapflap @abaaayo @seaweedbraens @myotpwillbecanon and @thesonofneptune
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euph-emism · 8 years ago
multiples of 3
jfc chris im only gonna do it bc im bored outta my mind and no one ever sends me messages anymore
3.Had sex in public?: nope6.Reason you joined tumblr?: lol to read one direction fanfiction9.Kissed in the rain?: nope12.Vegetable or meat?: meat lol15.Smoke weed?: nope18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?: yes its the mcfreakin best21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game?: HAHAHA whats homework24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?: eh idk27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl?: how they treat those around them30.Where were you yesterday?: ummm a bar and then work33.Do you think musicals are cheesy?: i fucking live for musical theatre36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?: i’ve kinda always wanted to be a musician, i just didn’t know how39.Take a vitamin daily?: nope42.What do you wear to bed?: eh it depends... sometimes its just leggings and a tshirt, other times its just a tshirt, sometimes its shorts and a sweater, other times its a night gown, and sometimes i just wear what im going to wear the next day bc im a lazy pos 
Relationship preference: 45.How many relationships have you had?: yikes48.Shy OR open?: i know i, personally, am shy at first but then open up as i get to know you, so i mean i dont really care as long as there is trust and communication52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge?: i dont even know where this means55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type?: stay at home pls lol
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solienna · 8 years ago
i was going to be like 'all of them' but that would be mean so instead im 'just' going to ask for 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 17, 21, 28, 32, 33, 35, 47, 50,
putting this under a readmore bc meander!!! you spoil me
01: When did you first start writing?      okay i actually am gonna give you two answers to this question bc i feel like i started writing at two periods in my life. the first time i actually started writing was in third grade because i had like. the BEST third grade teacher, he was awesome and in my eyes was like, the best artist i had ever met just bc he had a basic grasp of how to draw shit and i absolutely didn’t and still don’t, every time teachers tell me to draw things for an assignment i lose ten years off my lifespan but anyways!! off topic. he really encouraged creativity and i was in a class with one of my friends, his name was like john or michael or something, and i would write and he would illustrate (i thought he was the second-best artist i had ever met just bc he also had a basic grasp on drawing and i still didn’t). i wrote about like. this dog and his name was super yuff and got his powers through lightning that struck him and he just flew around and like. idk he did a lot of shit, i still have the stories i wrote. but like i was DEDICATED to this character and so was my illustrator friend. i remember one weekend i was just sitting on my bed with a bunch of folded up printer paper just writing about this dumb superhero dog that somehow ended up in like the halo universe bc even back then i was obsessed with video games. that was the first thing i actually WROTE.         HOWEVER. after third grade i just took a huge break. like not intentionally, of course. i loved writing but i didn’t know it was my THING yet. i didn’t really have a thing yet, it was only third grade ok. HOWEVER. when i transitioned into middle school that’s when i picked up writing again. i don’t even remember why. all i know was that my dad had bought skyrim and he was playing it and just by watching it i LOVED it. i adored the history behind the game and i just loved the graphics, and when i started playing the game i got HOOKED. stayed up entire nights just doing random side quests for npcs and feeling a huge goddamn hero, let me save this talking dog from the wrath of his daedric master nbd, just doing my job, let me set all these beehives on fire and get mauled by a bear, cool cool. and one day i just? was like wow, why don’t i write a story about it! about my skyrim OC going to solstheim and falling in love with the aloof nd really sarcastic and interesting teldryn sero (who still remains one of my favorite skyrim npcs to this day)!! and i thought i was Hot Shit too, i thought i fucking invented fanfiction. and then i found wattpad and then that was that folks, i got hooked on writing all over again and i still am
04: Have you ever thrown a book across the room?      mmmm not that i can recall? i’m not really a book-thrower, i’m more of a book-holder. like if something really shocking happens in a book i feel like i’d be more likely to hug it close to my chest than throw it08: What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?      tbh pretty much everything you’ve told me meander!! i don’t really think i’d be writing that much if not for you. honestly you flatter me on a daily basis with your compliments about my really pretentious use of metaphors in like every single paragraph and basically just with your interest in all of my writing projects even for fandoms you’re not technically in!! i’ve never really been told by anyone that i’ve got a way with words and when you told me that i was like wow!! people actually like the shit i write, that’s cool! that’s real cool my guy10: What’s your biggest writer pet-peeve?      honestly i THRIVE on feedback. i took a huge writing break like a few years ago just because i couldn’t WRITE the way i used to. to just sit down and spew out 5000 word chapters on a whim wasn’t something i could feasibly DO anymore. i thought i lost my touch or something but it was honestly just because i didn’t get enough feedback. again shout out to u meander because you legit FLOODED me with feedback on like. everything. i’m still over the moon about half the shit you’ve told me like a year ago. tbh half the reason i yell in the tags is because creators read the tags!! they really do!! so i wanna leave some positive feedback for them because i want them to know that i liked whatever it was that they made!!
13: What’s your favorite writing quote?       it’s not really a writing quote but!! “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” -C.S. Lewis21: Do you outline?      i honestly burst out laughing when i saw this question, i do not in any way whatsoever outline anything bc apparently i hate myself. ok the last time i outlined a story was like four years ago and it worked…. really well…… so for some reason i was like wow how about we not make our lives easier. no outlining our fics we ruin our own writing projects like men
28: Which do you find hardest: the beginning, the middle, or the end?      everything, everything is hard, i can’t write in a linear fashion. nah but tbh i feel like it’s the middle? like what do you even do. what is the middle all about. i’ve never met her32: How do you feel about friends and close relatives reading your work?      ABSOLUTELY NOT. get them away. i am very protective of my writing bc it’s personal to me. like i don’t want y’all reading my shit and then going up to me in real life thinking you know all my secrets bc if u read my shit you WILL know all my secrets, i painstakingly pour my heart into everything i write because in everything i do, i try REALLY REALLY hard. if i let u read my writing it’s a show of trust33: Are you interested in having your work published?      in its current state? probably not!! maybe later on down the road would be nice, but i’ve still got a lot to learn //side-eyes all my failed attempts at witty dialogue35: What’s your favorite time of day for writing?      nighttime. like dead of the night, i’m in bed with my phone and should be asleep right now but instead i’m gonna grab my laptop and fucking dump out all the words in my brain onto this word document. other than that i honestly just write during school a lot? like when we get free time i’m either studying for a test or writing.47: If you could steal one character from another author and make then yours, who would it be and why?      i want to take preston garvey out of bethesda’s hands. i’ve fallen in love with him over the course of just writing one scene for his character study. it’s the second-to-last scene (bc i cant write in linear order) and like. gosh. i want him to be my character, he’s so sad but also so optimistic and he tries so hard. ok those kinds of characters are my Type, i love characters who try really hard 
50: If you could live in any fictional world, which would it be?      i’m honestly not really sure? like hardcore i love daydreaming but it’s never about myself doing cool things, it’s about characters doing cool things. i kinda wanna meet an omnic tho, they seem really chill. maybe like live in falkreath? it’s really chill and pretty there and the mountains are really looming and i like that. imagine meeting the dragonborn and they buy out your entire store and then just leave. thats fucking crazy my guy
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namjooneh · 8 years ago
70 horrible questions
tagged by: @softjimns thanks niciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
01: do you have a good relationship with your parents? ya
02: who did you last say “i love you” to? @hetmans
03: do you regret anything? boiling w rage and creating angry dialogues after an unpleasant encounter w some ppl instead of standing my ground when i actually had a chance
04: are you insecure? not as much as i was at least a year ago
05: what is your relationship status? an asexual in ukraine
06: how do you want to die? in a bathtub full of money
07: what did you last eat? pizza
08: played any sports? do P.E. classes count
09: do you bite your nails? lol yes my worst habit
10: when was your last physical fight? never i escape arguments like a plague
11: do you like someone? the monstur
12: have you ever stayed up 48 hours? yes bc my body hates me and doesnt allow me to rest
13: do you hate anyone at the moment? idk im not a ppl-hating type i suppose
14: do you miss someone? @ahjiminie matt i want to see u in person again so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch
15: have any pets? 1 stoned-looking cat
16: how exactly are you feeling at the moment? a stomachache, a weird rumbling feeling my chest, sleepy
17: ever made out in the bathroom? neh
18: are you scared of spiders? i love ‘em
19: would you go back in time if you were given the chance? only for an exciting vacay
20: where was the last place you snogged someone? um
21: what are your plans for this weekend? hanging out w @hetmans
22: do you want to have kids? how many? yes but not in ukraine, probably 2
23: do you have piercings? how many? only standard earrings piercings
24: what is/are/were your best subject(s)? english n chemistry
25: do you miss anyone from your past? ehhh nah
26: what are you craving right now? being able to write properly
27: have you ever broken someone’s heart? allegedly
28: have you ever been cheated on? kind of
29: have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? neh
30: what’s irritating you right now?  my health forever
31: does somebody love you? ofc
32: what is your favourite color? mint & pink
33: do you have trust issues? who doesnt in this society
34: who/what was your last dream about? i was on some kind of a quest??/ i think?
35: who was the last person you cried in front of? umm my aunt n dad probably
36: do you give out second chances too easily? no im worth more
37: is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive
38: is this year the best year of your life? most likely no
39: how old were you when you had your first kiss? um
40: have you ever walked outside completely naked? i dont even do it @ home pls
51: favourite food? anything i can actually eat and not gag more liek it
52: do you believe everything happens for a reason? nope
53: what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? finished writing a fic
54: is cheating ever okay? no
55: are you mean? sometimes i wish i was but. no. completely not mean
56: how many people have you fist fought? i am not a barbarian
57: do you believe in true love? ~*~*~i want to believe~*~*~
58: favourite weather? late spring when its warm and a bit windy and u feel Just Right in a cardigan
59: do you like the snow? N.O let it die im tire d
60: do you wanna get married? yes
61: is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? im bad w diminutives overall 
62: what makes you happy? friends, cats, bts, smart well-written fanfiction
63: would you change your name? id rather the russian ver of my name ceased to exist
64: would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? um
65: your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? if i dont like him that way then the answer’s obvious
66: do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yee
67: who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad
68: who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? either hetmans or ahjiminie lmao
69: do you believe in soulmates? YES
70: is there anyone you would die for? im a virgo
tagging:  @hetmans, @ahjiminie, @jongkookie, @gaynness, @adevilkissedme (if u want to ofc)
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suteshiro · 6 years ago
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
Open, kinda? My closet is built into a wall and one of the sides has like, shelves I use often so it’s just open for accesibility
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Nope! I got nerfed, honestly. I’d look lovely with freckles
(3) Can You Whistle?
Hahaha nope,
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
Night of Fire bc im listening to an eurobeat mix while working on a school assignment skjfvnskjfv last song I Willingly listened to is The Hearse by matt maeson which fucking slaps
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
Probably purple!
(6) Relationship Status.
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
18 celsius/64 fahrenheit. pretty average but for some reason im cold
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Nope! I woke up feeling wonderfully actually
(9) How Many Followers?
404. Very nice number
(10) Zodiac Sign.
I’m a scorpio and a dragon :3
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
I do not, though I used to and might start again, who’s to say
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
Not rlly. I shower listening to music and I have a lot of trouble singing along to things im hearing for some reason skfnvskfjb
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
I’m too embarrassed to say publicly which one im reading now skjvnskfjb i kinda wanna read some cute cheesy romance in the nearby future
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
I grabbed the first lotr book and gottt
“Ah,” said Ted, “ you hear them, if you listen. But if I wanted to listen to old lady tales and childish legends, I’d stay home”
(Translated a bit roughly bc my physical books are mostly in spanish
(16) Favourite Anime?
You cant ask me thatt skjfvnklabmksfjb It might be Violet Evergarden? It’s the only anime that’s really made me cry
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
I think I cried in front of my mom at some point recently while pretending i wasnt crying
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Notebooks skfnskfsnb I just think they’re neat
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
havent Lunched yet, dont scold me
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
I’m rarely in cars and they’re usually not mine
(21) Favourite Animal?
Coatimundis pretty...... and adorable
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
I try to go to bed a bit before midnight but im needy and like talking to my friends so its usually around 2am
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
Nope! I p much never do that
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
Both have their pros! I think I tend towards pools bc as a rule they dont rlly have like, annoying consequences
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
@yournewapartment​​ keeps popping up in my dash with good advice and nice stuff and i appreciate it
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Bottled waterr the tap water in my building is weird and doesnt seem very safe to drink and by now i hate the taste skjvfnkjn
(28) What Makes You Happy?
My friends, comedy shows, reading good fanfiction, writing fanfiction, drawing my characters, reading about others’ characters, giving gifts, the smell of roses, fairy pokemon, butterflies-
I like being happy
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
Im not really a Keeps Gifs That Convey Emotions kinda guy
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
Depends a lot skjvfnskfjvn my brain keeps switching
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
Very hard questions,,, I think I tend towards dogs bc they’re like me. Big. Excitable. Needy.
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
I have been in the ocean before and idk how much i liked it but sure id do it again. A lake sounds fun!!
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
I practice it!
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
I’m not sure what exactly this is asking
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
I like saving money skjfnvksjv I rarely think of things to spend it on
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Ye! There’s a bag I use to keep my chargers in it when im outside. it has flower pictures. very pretty
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Love Live,,,,, and now my character Curiosity bc @zuramaru​​ is an angel and running a campaign he’s in and we played yesterday and holy shit theres a lot going on
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Oh yes!! this one time I was in a place absolutely full of butterflies and I caught one between my cupped hands and it stayed there when I opened them and it was a wonderful experience
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
Ya,, I do the fawning thing so I tend to agree with other people by default, lest we have any kind of conflict
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Oh yes, most of the dreams I remember are. bizarre
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
Yeah!!! Only done it twice but it was a blast
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Inside Out fucking got to me
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
Peanuts,,, I don’t like sunflower seeds. I mean they’re tasty but. Too much effort for too little reward
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
Uuuuh, FOB probably
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really, but also yes? I have a few things I absolutely refuse to put in my mouth
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
Perhaps? I’m not very hard to wake up but I can sleep through a lot of stuff
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nah I fucking love it
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
Yes!! I think I would actually like to become a writer. Not sure tho
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
Yea but only when I’m really into it. Like, usually I’m listening to stuff and the volume tends to low but then there’s this One song and I turn it up all the way until it’s over
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Wrap presents, I’ve never carved pumpkins before skjfvnskjfv seems like a hassle and I’d feel bad for not making it look nice
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Haven’t you noticed (I’m a star) from Steven Universe
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now?
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Here you go!
(58) What Is Your Gender?
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
I’m a tea guy!
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
I’m helping translate an entire thing about the way emails work, its a bit of a hassle skjfvnsf
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Uuuuh I’ve been questioning but im mlm and also into nb people
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
Yeah! Makes me feel accomplished and sexy
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
(64) Favourite Social Media?
Absolutely Tumblr. Unless you count Discord as a social media
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
I don’t use. Instagram. But sure they’re neat
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
A little. Usually when I travel I’m either at a place I hate or at a place where I don’t have commodities I do have at home skjfnskjfb so I miss my room
(67) Are You A Virgin?
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
Uuuh I’m using a Head & Shoulders shampoo I believe? WIth no conditioner bc my hair is real short now and conditioner tends to feel weird
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Well you see I would choose the crappy motel but 60 bucks seems a bit unattainable so sure, let’s stay in my car
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
Nope, father is Dead
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I’m not interested in anything, honestly
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
“If I could make days last forever, if words could make wishes come true, I’d save every day like a treasure and then, again, I would spend them with you”
(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
There’s this like. Really nice honey color
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
I loved swinging! I still do but I’m. Self conscious about my weight and scared of breaking something
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
Some pastries for breakfast
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
20B wives, My sweet angel is a real angel, BitLife, Buriedbornes, Cardinal Quest 2, Crazy 8, Egg Inc, FarmVille 2, Fire Emblem Heroes, Gardenscapes, Get bigger! Mola, Homescapes, Human Resource Machine, Kept Man Life, Love Live, Mermaid Evolution, My Little Star VIP, Piano Tiles 2, Plague Inc, Pocket City, Pokémon GO, Puzzledom, SmithStory, Soul Knight, Tap Knight, Tower Breaker
To be clear quite a few of these stay there completely untouched
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
What kind of question is this???
I mean I don’t know CPR but if I could yeah???
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
… listen,
right now ive only been on my computer for like an hour or two but yeah ive done that,
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
I don’t think so?
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
Yyyyes and no. I’m a bit awkward but I like people
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Oh!! I wear this really pretty crown shaped ring but idk where I left it
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed closed closed I haaate when my bedroom door is open
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
Talk with friends, make some tea, read? I haven’t done a lot today skvnskjvn
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Comfy shirt and sweatpants
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
What’s a beauty?
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
uuuh both? hard to answer??
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
Well, we’ve already clarified what I have on my phone skjfnskjfb
THe only games I know I have on console are Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Devil May Cry 3 special edition, and Okami. Oh! And God of War. I think at least the first and second. Were there more than two?
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
I don’t like fizzy drinks, they make my throat hurt
But Fanta is nice
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Melodic voices singing, the rain, absentminded humming, small clicking noises...
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
Jeans! I have very few but I’ve grown fond of them. Used to wear yoga pants pretty exclusively before
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
Gorgeous, of course
Skjvnskfjvn I’m still wearing the clothes I used to sleep
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Ghibli movies
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
A star map on my back!
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Right now I think that’s John Wolfe. But I like quite a few
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celeryw · 6 years ago
Every second odd number for the ask meme!
this will be a lot bc thats, 25 questions if i can do math right so im going 2 put the ones after 5 under a read more! 
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
eleven? ish?? it was around the time i was finishing primary school!
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
OCs because theres a certain disconnect from the place im writing from, and whenever i use 2nd person it often isn’t with the reader in mind, bc when i write 2nd person i imagine that its the authors voice, so the narrator isn’t the reader its the author. idk if that makes sense. anyways OCs are fun bc there might be elements of a real person in it but they also seems incredibly autonomous 
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
most of my multichaptered stories date back at least five years, my most recent one would be fuel cap, but i am very fond of the bear n the boy, and so im rewriting it! 
7) When is your preferred time to write?
hmm between 9pm to around 2am it’s when i have the most inspiration! 
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
i imagine this is supposed to be more specific, but i’ll apply it to the team 20 cinematic universe lmao. i love the scene where tsunade’s reacting to hiroko and takashi in the hospital. 
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
not that i can think of? i dont have fics big enough to get criticisms? i dont think i can think of one instance outside of creative writing classes
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
sasuke, he’s..... like that....... u kno
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
i’ve answered this one! over here! 
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
and this one’s here
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
hmmm yes! not like you! i’d like to explore the team 20 dynamics in a different world, perhaps in the past when kazue is still an active villain or even in the future w/o kazue! 
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
blackkat ! she has a ton of fic and theyre all very long and have amazing characterisations as well as storylines, she isn’t afraid to deviate from canon and i love that. 
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
i like to listen to music! or just have some sort of noise, i don’t usually even Hear it it’s just nice to have something else there. 
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
check out the link in q17 
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
i had a plan for the bear n the boy, but i dont have one for fuel cap. so it depends really? the team 20 ones i do just on the fly but the hwarang ones i had a definite solid outline i wanted to hit points with.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
my team 20 ones, though i totally understand bc theyre really all just OCs 
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)
whispers- there’s not fic rec 
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? 
check out q15
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
i dont keep them close to my chest? more just that the two people in my writing/personal server aren’t,,, active so its just me making reminders and notes to myself lmao also if ur interested in being in it just message me lol theres only me n two other people so... 
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
yall know 
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?
3rd person for fic, 2nd person for personal stories hehe, though i’ve played around w 2nd for some of kazue things i couldn’t get into their head completely right though. 
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
not that i can think of, mostly for the same reasons as 11 
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?
just the writing of character’s reactions to things, and if the story amuses me ill keep it going. 
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?
whispers, theres no fic title. perhaps it would be about the an adventurer who used a gun that looked like it fired blanks but the bullets actually just went to an alternate universe 
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
i dont think so?? it was probably about one direction though thank you quotev! 
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seerofmike · 8 years ago
For The Writing Ask--1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 14, 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35. You Are One Of My Favorite Authors And I Would Like To Know :)
Thank you anon!!! But oh dear, this is a lot, so I’ll put this under the Keep Reading.
1. Favorite place to write?
I will literally write anywhere. At the table? At my desk? On my bed? On the floor? Anywhere. As long as I have a computer. I don’t have a preference.
2. Favorite part of writing.
Character interactions. No matter what I’m writing, no matter WHO I’m writing, fanfiction or my own fiction, character interactions are my favorite thing to do.
3. Least favorite part of writing.
Trying to portray emotions. I’m super bad at that.
6. Favorite character you ever created.
I’ve actually got three that I can’t choose between–Torrence Schmidt, Rico Yemelina and Nye.
Torrence and Rico are both part of the same universe that I don’t want to elaborate much on because this is the internet and ur shit gets stolen but they’re really close, like brother and sister.
Torrence is super fun to write because he just. “YEAH I’LL BLOW THIS UP. I LOVE BLOWING THINGS UP! AND I LOVE YOU. I LOVE ALL OF YOU. I’LL BLOW YOU UP.”
Rico is great too. She was dead once but she’s totally chill and she dresses super sexy and stuff so guys are like “hey hey hey go out with me ;)” and her asexual ass be like “bitch i think the fuck not”
also she overthrows the corrupt government and becomes president of the united states
she’s actually really complicated and kinda shady but like i said im not elaborating
Nye is. A character i’ve actually had for a very, very long time. He is a very contradictory character. He’s in love with this guy. he hired people to kidnap that guy’s brother so he could be like “HEY i know where your brother is and you should totally team up with me” so he could closer to that guy. nye’s a good guy. he really is. but not really? he’s hard to explain. he looks down on murder, rape, feels empathy for death, but also he had a guy’s brother kidnapped??? and he wants to massacre the entire race that killed his people??? so yeah nye is. uh. complicated.
but he’s still a great character for me to write because of how complicated he is.
8. Favorite trope to write.
Arrogant Character Slowly Becomes Less Arrogant And Learns To Accept Help Of Those Around Them
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
Oh god, writing How Shinsou Hitoshi Became The Greatest Hero Ever (Or Something) and Two Different Kinds Of Artists have BOTH been educational in different ways.
With the Shinsou fic, I’ve looked up multiple ways to exercise, gain stronger muscle, healthier diets, different types of cats, the parts of a bicycle, how to repair a bicycle, popular comics from Belgium and a multitude of other things.
With the Artists fic, I’ve looked up how to give tattoos, how receiving a tattoo feels, different alcoholic drinks and how to prepare them, how much graphic designers get paid, a surgeons’s yearly salary based on how many successful surgeries completed, stuff about charity balls and how to deal with a vegan diet. 
I’ve learned a bunch of different things and i have no idea how to apply most of this information in real life.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
i dont think im ever going to finish this at this point but–
Hizashi blinked. “Shouta?”
The man stiffened. “How do you know–”
“Oh my god, Shouta! I have no idea what’s going on, but thank god you’re here–”
“Okay,” Shouta said, still staring at Hizashi with wide eyes. “You die now.”
its a oneshot where hizashi gets hit by a quirk or falls asleep or SOMETHING and suddenly hes in a universe where shouta is a villain
thats right
its a villain erasermic au loves
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
Tenya had landed on a chair on the opposite end of the room, blinking at them like it wasn’t that big of a deal and they hadn’t just witnessed a two-year-old attempt to launch himself into the stratosphere.
for maizawa week i wrote aizawa and mic babysitting baby iida and this is honestly the best thing i’ve ever written
31. Hardest character to write.
Fanfiction wise, Ruby Rose for RWBY, Kunikida Doppo for Bungou Stray Dogs and Midoriya Izuku from BNHA.
Fiction wise, I’ve got a character named Aurora who is the hardest fucking thing for me to write I love writing character dialogue but when it’s hers i struggle
32. Easiest character to write.
Fanfiction wise, Mic and Shinsou from BNHA, Taiyang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee from RWBY, Lacus Welt from Owari no Seraph and Dazai Osamu from BSD.
Fiction wise, Torrence from my favorite characters, character named Maria from the same universe as Nye and I’ve got another thing called Superstar Reality Six and all six main characters are supremely easy for me to write because all of them are five different tropes comprised in one character. So Theo is an Action Girl, Combat Commentator, Team Mom, Kindhearted Simpleton and Damsel Out Of Distress. I’ve taken 5 tropes and made them into a character so it’s easy to keep their personalities in check.
33. Do you listen to music when you’re writing? 
Yep. I’ve got a playlist of 400 songs, but here’s the five I listen to most (courtesy of ‘Most Played’ list)
-How Far I’ll Go (Reprise) Moana Soundtrack
-Caffeine–RWBY Soundtrack
-DARE by Gorillaz
-Closer by Lemaitre
-Paul Revere by The Beastie Boys
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story ______.
Uhhhh this one wasn’t specified so I guess I’ll do Nye??? Lol
So first the universe this is in takes place on a multitude of different planets. Nye’s actually one of the last of the people from his because most were killed by a different race on another planet. So he’s got revenge motives,  for the killing of his people, and also the gauging out of his eye, because their eyes are really valuable bc. Like. Some magic shit.
Long story i dont feel like sharing
But thanks anon for sending these!!!!
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