#but that’s pretty standard for me tee bee ayche
sochilll · 1 year
re: the post you just reblogged well in THAT CASE any lore perhaps for coming home? 👁️ that fic makes me feel insane every time i read it running away plots are my number 1 weakness
Oh coming home my beloved <3 that one was just so so much about communication (as most of my kliensen fics are). The way Evan and Jared are incapable of talking like normal people but they care so hard in other ways. Very much love exploring the “things we don’t say out loud” concept with them which is why it’s so internal dialogue heavy.
Also LOVE me some touch starved Jared and (as u have mentioned in the comments of a different fic) my hc of Jared growing up and dating around but never getting much physical affection that wasn’t sexual/leading to sex. Just the self worth issues + sexuality discovery + trying to prove himself is a recipe for those kinds of relationships I think. So to have someone who is constantly showing him affection and not asking for anything in return is like groundbreaking for him. I believe the whole fic came from that first chapter where Evan is cleaning Jared’s wound. The whole like gentle touching to clean and bandage someone is always *screams* you know? And with them there’s so much more tension there because they have known each other forever and yet they don’t do this for each other. Except they do. Because even after 7 years, even after being abandoned with no explanation, Evan sees that Jared needs help and he takes him home and helps him. Because that’s how they work! They don’t talk about things they just do things.
And ofc the resulting impact of “oh not talking actually makes things harder and more confusing” bc I loooooove when refusal to talk about something comes to a head and results in a frustrated reveal of feelings 💕💘💗💕💗💕💖
I also just love considering how they would be once they grew up a little - especially through the eyes of one another taking in those changes for the first time. Like Evan being a bit more confident and secure in who he is but still haveing that nervous stuttering. Jared being better at handling his emotions and better at hiding them but not that much better at asking for help or going after things he wants. All culminating in the final talk where they struggle and it’s uncomfortable but they do talk because they’re adults now and they’re old enough to recognize that they want to have each other in their lives and they need to put in work for that to happen.
Also they definitely adopt a cat soon after the end of the fic.
Lore fun fact: originally I was going to have Jared actually get the shit beat out of him by someone at the beginning but that ended up being very dark so I changed it up bc I am incapable of not inserting jokes and they wouldn’t have fit the tone lmao
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