#but that was not
lucy-shining-star · 4 months
It's crazy when I see someone saying they are 'defending character so much' when they refer to character supposedly doing something wrong...when he didn't it's just that fandom made something up and if that thing fandom made up would be true then that thing character did would be wrong/weird
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fruitless-vain · 6 months
I was really worried about having issues with the rental company, the car is getting repaired today so insurance is covering a rental during the repair period. The dude casually ran through the rules, hit the “no pets” spiel, I prepped myself for the worst, said “I do have a service dog I just want to clarify that her travelling won’t cause any issues, she travels exclusively in her kennel”
Brace for the worst
“Okay yeah, I’ll just put a note in here, we really just want the car not to come back smelling like wet dog”
“Not a problem at all”
I’ll probably still give the car a clean before sending it back to be safe, and probably do some dry shampoo baths for her throughout the week to be safe. I wouldn’t want my car returned smelling like dog either, nor would I want fur drifting around triggering someone else’s allergies
But yay! Didn’t have major access issues! Yet! We’ll see what happens on return day
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asmallredlight · 3 years
not because i have nothing else to say
but because anything further is 
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sterling-dragons · 10 years
Whoa. Just belted out 1213 words in less than an hour. What kind of insanity is this?
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