#but thank you for liking my sc!!! i'm stoked!
mindsmade · 1 year
@immobiliter ( garrus )
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❛ You look like you just escaped yeoman Chambers' cross examination. ❜ He should've warned Garrus, probably — but everyone knows what they say about hindsight. ❛ Are your ears ringing? ❜
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
Oh, thank you for your answer! I apreciate the honesty and that's why I sent that in the first place. I'd never dare to say that on twitter lol. Even if you're 100% respectful about your opinion they'd still tell you to leave. 😅 Anyway, yeah I agree. Jk is my bias too, and even I'm questioning why am I being like this... feeling guity lowkey cause I'm sure he still worked hard on everything. I'm okay with easy going songs but I can't imagine a whole entire album with just that...
Oh and I've just seen some snippets from an interview and he said he doesn't really write lyrics and prefers to leave it to the experts (like, come on jk 😂 we know you can! Why go on this path?..) Oh, but he also said he wats to rap! Sign me up!
I still have some hope he wrote at least a few. I mean, he wrote that part of decalcomania in english. He can do wonders if he really wants to, no matter what language! 🥹
Again, i love that people can talk to you freely about these stuff! It's a breath of fresh air!
tumblr, hellsite (affectionate 🥰) vs. twitter, hellsite (derogatory 🔪)
i watched the ball-terview earlier hahahha yeah he did say that he doesn't really write lyrics and tends to work on the melody more. i'd be all over rapper jungoo too 🙏 rapline open up a new spot for your maknae
i get why jk would be interested in doing it this way. we know what his music taste is so like, it's not totally off brand for him. sc**ter literally manages the love of his life justin bieber 😭 (however, if sc**ter tries to make him bieber 2.0 i swear i will burn this house to the ground)
and yeah i do still have hope (not high hopes tho i'm sorry ☹️) that the album will at least be a bit more diverse in genres and styles but i feel like Seven did kinda set the tone for it so... but i mean, WE SHALL SEE! anything could still happen (unlikely). we've lost the battle but we could still win the war 😂 (i say with tears in my eyes)
i love that people are comfortable enough to share these things w me too!! i only have one person (other than my sister bc she really doesn't care and i just make her listen to me) with whom i can be brutally honest about stuff like this so i am beyond stoked that you guys are letting me yap 😂
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sixmorningsafter · 8 years
[1/?] i'm gonna talk about steroline first bc you know i've always been here for the bamon, but you've got me really caring about steroline in this fic! caroline trying to set boundaries on intimacy was really heartbreaking--i think you mentioned in an ask before the chapter went up that she's actually more afraid of intimacy bc that's what kept her in a toxic relationship, and i could definitely see that. and then you turned it into something really sweet and funny with her and stefan
watching romance(?) stuff. it was all super cute and i’m loving these two even tho it’s not what i started reading for. stefan’s jealousy re: daroline was also interesting bc it made it clear (to me at least, idk how you intended it) that after being cheated on in his last relationship, he’s not ready for something open/casual. aside from it just not being his personality, i don’t feel like that’s something he needs to get over walking in on his ex with another guy. also think it’s interesting how you have stefan assuming the worst abt damon. obviously it’s a throwback to canon (and damon shoots him down which was nice) with its good bro/bad bro stuff, but it also makes me wonder if bonnie was taken advantage of in her bad period? bonnie obviously has a lot of negative associations with hookups–which was a REALLY nice touch, i loved the narration there–so it makes me wonder what stefan saw going on there when he was more removed from the situation.
ELANAAAAAA! You have no idea how happy I got when I saw your BAMF icon in my inbox, man. I didn’t even have to read the messages to know I’d be like giddy with joy and lo and behold, here I am, giddy with joy. Anyway, this reply is probably like three? Weeks? Late? At this point? But I’m finally diving in to some of these longer reviews and gah, I’m just like remembering how incredible they are all over again so thanks so frickin’ much for taking the time out to write this. Seriously. Means so damn much. ANYWAY, I condensed the SC parts into one half and I’ll do the same with the BD half, so onto the Steroline of it all:
I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT I’VE GOT YOU VESTED! (Side-note: I feel like I’m going to have to limit my caps lock abuse in this reply because if I had my way the whole thing would be in caps…) Before I started this fic I didn’t actually think through how tricky it could be to have two main ships and four main characters in a fanfic where different fandoms are coming in for different reasons. LMAO like it just totally didn’t even occur to me that it’d be any different from writing any other fic, but it totally is, and it’s weird because you sort of put equal time and effort into realizing each character and each ship but naturally have people coming in predisposed to wanting one thing more than the other. So I feel like just as an author, you almost challenge yourself to write in a way that can pull people into the things they didn’t necessarily come for, and it’s legit the best feeling ever when you hear that you’ve managed it even a little, SOOOOOOO hearing that I’ve got you lowkey rooting for SC makes me super happy. JFC I haven’t even gotten past the first line of your message and this reply’s already two paragraphs long help me.
Re: Caroline, totally on point - she’s definitely the most rattled by intimacy, man. She just doesn’t trust herself to think clearly and put herself first when she’s emotionally vested because of how her relationship with Matt played out. I’m super glad that’s leaking into the fic because I’m not sure it’s something Caroline’s outright admitted yet (that her biggest issue with Stefan isn’t actually his tendency toward falling in love but rather hers, you know?). Like I’m hoping that’s coming across, but it’s just tough when you’re writing a stubborn, self-preserving character who repeatedly claims the opposite, lololol. So super stoked that’s the impression you’re getting!
Re: Stefan’s jealousy, I think that’s a great observation and definitely within my intention. Like as fun as it was to sneak in a little jealousy, I’d argue that scene ended up being more of a characterization one than a shippy one because it gave some insight into where Stefan’s at emotionally, independent of Caroline or really anyone. We’ve heard a lot about his emotional baggage from Bonnie but I think that was the first time we got it from him, and I think you’re definitely right that like what he actually probably needs is to believe in love again. Both him and Caroline. Not storybook Elena love, not angsty chaotic Matt love, but something more natural, less learned. LMAO so naturally I have them both seeking casual hookups instead.
Re: Stefan being protective of Bonnie because of her history, I think that definitely played a role, and I feel like we Vulcan mind-melded because I absolutely think Bonnie was taken advantage of to a degree. Like willingly, she probably thought at the time, but it was messy - the people around her should’ve known better, and if they actually gave a damn, they would’ve. I think your drabble covered it perfectly, like Damon was the kind of person who, while still a ‘bad kid’, knew better than to engage, whereas dudes like Enzo and Klaus engaged anyway. I don’t think she ever really talks about it (sigh, Bonnie) but I’m sure Stefan knows. Not details, but he’d see her around town with older, sketchy dudes - picking her up from school, hanging out in parking lots, etc. - and I headcanon that Lexi would probably see her at upperclassmen parties with seedy seniors. So yeah, not to excuse Stefan from snapping at Damon or anything because I definitely think most of his motive was still a knee-jerk reaction to his own cheating baggage, but this would’ve definitely factored in, too.
LMAO @ the length of this reply I’m so sorry.
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