#but still. stings a little.
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static-void · 2 years ago
i hate it when there's a situation & i can be like. ok yes this is reasonable for me to be annoyed or perhaps even slightly upset by. but also. my brain is Overdoing It it doesn't need that much Upset. calm Down
it's a minor irritant at most why is it getting Such a reaction
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thewritingpossum · 3 months ago
you know Edward must have initially tried to convince Hugh to become his fourth weed smoking boyfriend only for Hugh to hit back like
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shewhoeatssand · 26 days ago
I love Kaneki very much and hope everything goes very good for him, like his coffee tasting just as good after being reheated in the microwave for the 2nd time or discovering an alternative route home with pretty golden ginkgo trees lining the sidewalk when his normal route is blocked by construction
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me and he going to restock on instant coffee and find a sweet yam
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dittolicous · 5 months ago
So I basically passed out the second I got home and rook a shower (tho I still haven't gotten the marker circle around swollen area fully off lol) and woke up for like. 2 hours at 3am before passing out again until 7pm.
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Thankfully I wasn't charged a copay for the ER stay but that just means my bill later will be so much worse. I live in fear! But ultimately it wasn't so bad! I haven't gotten the antibiotics or pain meds yet cuz well uh... yeah. So I've already missed my first few doses, whoops. I was waiting to see how much my paycheck would be and if my roommates ex would be paying their part of rent (nope)...
That said I gotta get get my regular meds too which makes it all come up to almost 50 bucks, along with rent (plus a fee they forgot to tack on for my air conditioner repair a couple months ago because of course)... and food if I have anything left over. Which will probably be nothing because I just remembered I have to pay electricity too seeing as they're really fast with cut-off... and I haven't exactly paid gas or water in the past month or two...
I guess what I'm saying is I'm eating my damn pride, so if you can throw a buck or two my way that'd be real sweet but like if not that's totally chill, I know we're all going through it right now, yup, hah. Paypal's [email protected] or ->
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But feel free to ignore this! It's all cool!
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softquietsteadylove · 16 days ago
part 2:
thena being vulnerable about how much she enjoys physical touch (tyrant king/ice queen AU)
Thena inhaled as she woke up. She wasn't on Gil's office couch, or even her own. In a moment of weakness, she had allowed their affair to move to his apartment.
It wasn't good business to see each other's homes.
But, well, since he had stuck around for so long yesterday she had agreed to have dinner together. Then, after dinner, they had been a bit handsy in the car home. One thing led to another, and now...
The Ice Queen squeezed her eyes shut again. She was taking all this way too far. It was supposed to be a one-time thing, maybe a time or two more. Just an affair of the flesh, to settle the nerves and satiate a hunger.
She looked over at him. The Tyrant King was a heavy sleeper, his arm thrown around her and slightly ragged breathing just short of snorting coming from him. He was beautiful, in his own kind of way.
Thena attempted to extricate herself, but his arm reflexively closed tighter around her. She huffed; what a terrible time for him to have a protective side. She scolded herself; it wasn't a lover being protective, it was...resource hoarding. Like trying to take a bone from a sleeping dog.
She looked around the room, although further to her distress there were only a few pieces of his suit strewn around on the dark tile floors of his bedroom. Then it occurred to her; her dress was down the hall. She tried to slip out of his grasp again.
"What do you think you're doing, Ice?"
Part of her didn't want to admit that he had deceived her. She wouldn't have been able to say the moment when he had gone from slumbering to dreary but awake. He pried one eye open to look at her.
She glared at him. "I have to go, Gilgamesh."
"Why," he grumbled, letting himself wake slowly. He pulled her even closer to him as he shifted in the bed. He had silk sheets, which was such a cliche move for a man in his position. Sexy, maybe, but not particularly breathable fabric. It would make more sense to have silk pillows and cotton sheets (like she did).
"Because," she argued weakly, finding herself pressed to his body, nestled against his side, their naked skin fighting for each other's warmth. She put her hands up between them, pushing on his flank. She couldn't let herself sink too deep into him, right now. Not if she wanted any hope of maintaining some willpower.
"S'not an answer," Gilgamesh rumbled. She could feel it in her palms on his ribs, and his voice was even deeper and more gravelly first thing in the morning. Not that it made a difference to her.
"Because I shouldn't have come here," she muttered, hoping perhaps her acerbic tone would convince him she was not the bedfellow type. They should have kept things to the office environment. They could walk away from the office, no strings attached.
She wouldn't have had dinner with him if they weren't in her office already. And if he had let his own car take him home, they wouldn't have been all over each other in the back of hers. And if they hadn't made it all the way to Koreatown and been in the middle of things...
Thena opened her eyes again. Very unfortunately, he was looking at her now. His head tilted to the side, just barely on his pillow at all, he gazed at her. Her eyes slid closed as he kissed her (even more unfortunate).
He kissed her more--deeper, and as he did, he rolled over onto his side to be closer to her. Both arms wrapped around her, his hands sliding up the smooth expanse of her back. Her hands were still pressed to his chest, although she wasn't doing much pushing.
He moaned, and it travelled from his tongue to hers. She whimpered in reflex, but she managed some strength to press against his chest harder. He pulled away, obeying her wishes, but she wouldn't have said he looked happy about it. "Okay, what's up?"
She avoided his eyes. She had to follow through with her plan, otherwise she would languish in his arms all day. "I told you. I have to leave."
"No, you don't," he argued with her, because he loved arguing with her. "You don't have any work, you don't have any meetings. And I'm sure as hell not kickin' you out, so why?"
Because she was lying in his bed, naked, after spending the night. After sleeping with him, and leaving herself so horrifyingly vulnerable she shrivelled at the thought, now. Because she was supposed to be the one in control of this - it wasn't a relationship - business agreement.
He didn't pull her closer but he gave her waist a squeeze in the crook of his elbow, making sure she knew he didn't want to let her go. "Thena?"
Calling her by her name was a low blow. She wanted to stay. She wanted to let him scoop her up in those arms of his as she burrowed into him like a cozy blanket. She wanted to let go of being the Ice Queen, even for a few hours.
But their lives didn't allow them respite like that.
"Hey," he whispered to her again, and so tenderly he was truly making her rethink everything. "Look, if you really wanna go, then okay. I'll get your clothes; I'll take you home myself, no drivers. Just tell me why you can't stay."
She finally looked at him, but what a mistake that was. He was looking at her so gently, eyes so soft, so brown, so sad. Perhaps her dog analogy had been more truthful than she initially thought. But she couldn't let his cute puppy-dog eyes sway her. She kept trying to put some distance between them, even just a breath of air between her skin and his. "I have to leave eventually."
"Why not now?"
"Because I was enjoying holding you."
She looked away, hoping he would think she was rolling her eyes at him. His finger was toying with her hair, twirling it, tracing little circles on her back through its shroud. "I didn't take you for a cuddler, Tyrant."
But he didn't take her bait. He wasn't riled in the slightest. But he was becoming more alert, and his eyes continued to sharpen, if only to gaze at her. "I could say the same to you."
Her temper spiked in an instant; how could she forget she was the more snappy of the two of them? "I am not-!"
Gilgamesh took the opportunity to kiss her again, and it was like smothering a candle with a pinch of his fingers. He extinguished her in seconds, kissing her like it was their last. Even when they parted, he hovered close, their breath inhabiting the same space. "Is it so bad--if I wanna hold the woman I made love to?"
She squirmed. She hated that he called it that. And he had from the outset of their 'agreement'. It was ridiculous, because there was no need for him to act the romantic when he knew just as well as she did that they had to conduct themselves with discretion.
She hated that he called it that, because she felt loved. It felt beautiful when they were intimate. In all her attempts to keep things sterile and physical and without the veil of romance, Gilgamesh seemed determined. And, while she blamed it on the chemistry of her hormone-addled brain, she was...happy.
She liked having him around, even after they were done being positively carnal with each other. She enjoyed exercising her power and control, and yet she wouldn't let him sleep on her couch or stay for lunch if she truly wanted to be rid of him. Likewise, she didn't have to ride with him, and she didn't have to let him put his hand on her knee or wrap his arm around her shoulders when she did.
Especially because those simple touches usually led to something else happening.
"Thena," he called out to her, breaking through the glacial wall of thoughts consuming her at the moment. "You with me?"
She huffed at him, as if she were not the one who had completely tuned out of their current predicament. She forced herself to focus her eyes on him again. "Unfortunately."
He just grinned, like he liked her distaste for being with him. It made her feel as if he could see a part of her she was trying desperately to hide away from him.
His arms wound around her again, his leg dragged down hers, tickling her with its hair. He pulled her closer, burying her face in his chest. There was hair there too, but she didn't mind it. His arms blurred in her periphery, but she could make out some colour, there. His tattoos were still coloured from when she had decided he was a good art therapy for her after a long day.
"If you wanna go, then okay," he whispered to her, cradling her against him like he was truly afraid of that possibility. "But I'm asking, Ice. No teasing, no jokes, tell me for real: do you want to leave, or are you just scared to let me hold you like this?"
She was terrified of it. Because every time he got close to holding her, she caved. She crumbled like freshly fallen snow, because oh, how she loved to be held. Every time his hand held hers in greeting or touched her back or her knee, it was bliss.
She straightened her spine, which she had kept arched so she wouldn't have to let her front be too closely pressed to his. She untangled her knees to allow him more room. Instead of pushing back on his chest she let her hands relax. She could feel his heart beating, steady and strong. It was intoxicating.
Gilgamesh felt her relax in his embrace. He relaxed, too. And now he was just holding her, enjoying her mere presence in the morning warmth. He pressed a kiss to her temple.
She sighed at it. This was the weakness she was more determined than anything not to allow. Because if she started letting him hold her then what if he got other ideas, and what if she was too infatuated with his touch to protect herself?
"I do."
With some grace, he kept quiet, even as she snuck her arms around him. She slid her hands up his back, clutching at his lower shoulder. His back was so wide, shoulders so thickly muscled. He was so warm.
"Like it," she admitted directly into his chest, unable to look at him as she confessed her sin. She inhaled, taking in the scent of him, the warmth of him, even the lingering scent they left on the sheets.
He inhaled, kissing her forehead and re-situating them again. He had no intention of letting go of her, did he? "Was that so hard?"
She gave his side a pinch, but it only made him chuckle. "What happened to keeping things professional?"
"Your rules, Ice," he reminded her. Because he was the romantic one. "I think it's okay if we break 'em every once in a while. Don't you?"
She was breaking all of them, lounging in his bed with him like this.
His hand trailed over her back again, as if the smoothness of her skin was just too much to resist. "Anything else you don't want me to know?"
She gave him a withering look as he pulled away just enough to grin at her. He pried her hand off his back, just so he could intertwine their fingers. "Not on your life."
He brought her hand to his lips, gleeful to express his affections so simply. "Fine, I'll ask you later."
She rolled her eyes; this was exactly her fear. She let him hold her one morning and now he was going to be like an insipid young lover, giddy at the thought of wooing her.
"Hey," he nudged her face, kissing her cheek and then nuzzling under her jaw. "Much as I wanna lie around here with your sweet ass all morning-"
"Gilgamesh," she chided.
"I'm starving," he whimpered, still having a little too much fun. He planted a tender kiss at the base of her neck. "All that business we did last night, huh?"
Thena blushed, but only while he wasn't looking at her to see it.
"What do you want? I'll make you anything your heart desires, Princess," he promised eagerly, practically wagging his tail.
She groaned faintly, both at the idea of getting up, of trying to locate her dress from last night, of sitting around his flat in yesterday's clothes like some tawdry-
Gil left her with one more kiss before rolling out of his side of the bed. He hunted around the room a little, examining what clothes of his were at hand.
Thena averted her eyes. Seeing him...bouncing...in the light of day was too much.
"Ha!" Gilgamesh declared his victory, retrieving the rumpled black shirt he had shed last night in the heat of their activities. He brought it back to her, eyes bright, tail wagging. "You can wear this."
She sighed, clutching his sheets to her. He wasn't going to give this up. And he had so eagerly retrieved something for her to shield some modesty for herself. And he was a good cook (she already knew that). And she was hungry.
Gil bent his head, dragging his lips down her wrist as she accepted the shirt from him.
And she had to force herself to pull away from it. "It's not exactly my colour."
But even as she pulled the shirt on and buttoned it, he leaned over her shoulder. He pulled her hair out of his way to kiss her cheek again. "You look good in every colour."
Her eyes closed as he tipped her chin up to kiss her properly. His lips really did feel like they were made for hers. This just kept getting worse and worse.
He kept her chin in his grasp, as if admiring her just for the pleasure of it. She pouted at him and he swiped his thumb over her lip. "Especially in mine."
Thena averted her eyes again as Gilgamesh went looking for some pants. No matter what concessions she was making to stay here - and just for the morning, she told herself - she was not going to parade herself around naked! How he was comfortable doing so was beyond her.
"Ready?" he turned back to her as he secured some sweatpants around his hips. They weren't pulled up particularly high, she noted, eyeing the bend of his hips and the trail of hair promising more just behind the drawstrings of its waist. But she nodded.
"Gil!" she chastised him more firmly as he scooped her up out of the bed and into his arms. At least she wasn't completely uncovered for it, but this wasn't some romantic comedy. "Stop it! I can walk just fine!"
"Come on, Princess," he chuckled, letting her snarl and hiss at him all she wanted. His only reply was to look down at her with pure, unmitigated adoration. "It's called the 'royal treatment' for a reason."
She huffed, letting him carry her to the kitchen because what was she to do?--throw herself to the ground? And somewhere along the way, she did relax into his embrace more. And somewhere deep down, she found it just a little charming that he was such a romantic.
And even deeper down, she liked that even when he put her down, he kept her hand in his unless it was otherwise occupied.
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piningpercussionist · 9 months ago
transfem scott getting lots of support from ramona and kim in the early 2000's when shit's very taboo but they all 3 have a fire forged bond and lord if they aren't going to make sure they're all as happy as they can be because they've come this far and I dunno it just makes me happy all three of them
It makes me very happy as well,,
Like I've said before. General Trans Scott enthusiast here- I love the idea of their little support network *violent coughing* I (we?) mean polycule *violent coughing* so fucking much.
Ramona I think has a bit of a more gentle hand with reassuring Scott with gender issues, but sometimes she just can't help herself from some pointed banter or teasing- how could you with someone so dense? (Said w affection)
And then Kim I think is more blunt. But like, in a good way mostly, you know? The kinda blunt that makes you snap to attention and go "Oh. Yeah that was silly of me." And if Ramona's started some sort of banter? Kim is SO piling on. Maybe sometimes she's a bit TOO blunt with it- but it's only because she's so firm in her support. She wants Scott to Get It Together- and be happier for it. So if some ribbing now and again is in order, then goddamnit she will do so! Anything to crack that shell.
And ohhh can you imagine how they would react to some transphobic bullshit?? Unholy terror would be driven into the offender before they walk off with an absurd amount of coins between them. I can feel it in my bones. Scott doesn't even have to lift a finger (if the transphobe is even noticed/processed at all, bc I honestly can see Scott just. Not realizing someone's being transphobic.) Kim giving someone a lashing with her tongue as distraction and then Ramona coming in with the hammer- BAM! Free Money! Paying literally with your life for your transphobia. A Better And Just World.
And of course (transfem Scott more specifically, here,) the way Scott would start to flourish under their support... cagey and maybe a little (perhaps a lot-) resistant to start- but Kim's blunt affirmations and no nonsense attitude for bullshit (which is what Scott insisting on "being cis" would be, c'mon now,) and Ramona's also low bullshit tolerance but less Stabby (bc I won't lie, that's probably how Kim's comments would feel,) assurances? Ough... My Heart... Be Still-
I would Kill for them, Your Honor-
(Ran out of tags so putting this in the body of the post- I am SO tired someone pls sound off if this isn't as coherent as I am hoping this is. I WAS trying to nap and get the extra sleep I desperately needed but the writing bug... it Bit Me.... only a little but enough to stop that process-)
#for my trans masc scott hcs I am actually so seriously and deeply fond of Kim having been SO supportive of Scott in HS. It's so important +#+to me. it also makes their whole relationship sting a little more but ohhh man. I can just see Kim hyping him up and helping him get more+#+comfortable in his skin. Lisa would definitely help there too imo but just. ahhhhhgshcksjdhg#i need to put some transmasc scott hs stuff on my fic docket. but I have so many wips rn x~x pray for me chat#(literally stopped writing something to answer this dhdjshdjdgw I Am Part Of The Problem-)#as always to people looking for transfem scott stuff I point you towards Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Egg on AO3- as well as Amy +#+Pilgrim's Precious Little Life (also AO3)#the second has 2 chapters out currently but I believe the 3rd is definitely underway! and then the first has 22 chapters out currently and#+I believe part 3 has just kicked off w that latest one#you've seen some of the authors here before I'm like 99% certain- even if you may not have realized it lol#headcanons#scott pilgrim headcanons#sp comic#spto#spvtw#ramona flowers#kim pine#scott pilgrim#sckimona#(not putting it into ship stuff but like. Definitely what was on the mind)#trans headcanon#trans scott pilgrim#ooc#asks#anon#gmorning all btw. i am still So Tired. I'm gonna try and maybe make more icons today if anyone has any requests? or otherwise I do have +#+some shippy stuff I need to get done. ninjastar edits. vague lukim thing potentially. kinda wanna draw more furry kimona--#i could do furry sckimona..... h m m m m.....#we'll see what happens! admittedly i do also have some Gaming Plans later today and I am helpless but to allow the monopolization of my tim#(fellow lesbians out there will Understand /hj) (if the person i would prefer to have not read that read that Politely Ignore pls-)
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happilychee · 1 year ago
sabertooth headcanons pt. 1
I feel like mashima could've made sabertooth just a smidge less flat... they all had so much angst in them and the potential to evolve and grow as people... or they could all turn nice in the span of an episode. that works too.
♡ sting is a sweetheart. he's a genuine, caring, and kind boy who grows up to be a charming and earnest young man. that is, unless he's on the battlefield. old sabertooth sting makes an appearance in those moments. his smirk is cruel, his taunts are like daggers, jabbing away at the opponent. he's cocky and arrogant, and maybe he has the right to be so because his attacks are so powerful they blow the enemy away.
♡ lector is the kind of friend who talks major shit about whatever you're doing as he's helping you. he tells sting how dumb it is to go on a mission alone in mid-flight to their destination. ride or die? nah, lector is fly or die.
♡ rufus loves tea brewing. this is one of the few areas of knowledge that he chooses not to use his magic on. he loves sitting down with a good book and reading about the history of tea, tea cultivation, the proper culinary techniques to brew the perfect cup of tea.
♡ orga is the reason sabertooth has open-mic nights. the (second) strongest guild in fiore turns into a comedy club on tuesday nights, and surprisingly, it's good. orga serenades whoever comes to mind that night: it's been sting, rogue, yukino, all the usual suspects, and on one memorable occasion, mr. yajima. yukino tells the most wholesome, funny stories while frosch and lector act out the scene behind her. in what was probably the most fever dream moment of sting's life, minerva took the mic and delivered such a seething, deadpan stand-up that she got the entire guild cheering for her.
♡ minerva goes all out for halloween. besides just being into arcane magic and the history of magic, she loves spooky things. also, she's a bit fucked up, and this is a good outlet for her. sabertooth will gladly take minerva's scarily detailed sculptures of severed limbs over her lashing out any day of the week. to her guildmates' surprise, she also organizes a family-friendly haunted house in the guild hall for the kids of gazania.
♡ in my heart of hearts, sting does not become sabertooth's guild master. I headcanon him as a healer, so I think he would establish an infirmary in sabertooth and oversee it. unsure if rogue or minerva becomes guild master. I think minerva would be better suited for the role, but there's also recency bias against her because of jiemma. and she needs time to process everything that went into sabertooth's upheaval.
♡ which sabertooth member do you never want to piss off? you might think it's minerva or rufus or even the twin dragons. no. it's yukino. she is the sweetest, kindest member of sabertooth by far, and also the most patient. if you offend yukino, she's unlikely to do much about it, but celestials forbid you hurt her friends, especially minerva. she'll send her spirits after you, and no one will ever find your body.
♡ sabertooth, despite their efforts to become a kinder place, is still a hard guild to get into. they're not like fairy tail where anyone can just join. the core members argue for a long while about what kind of entrance test they should have. ultimately they decide on a test of strength, but not just physical ability. minerva says that it's in the eyes, whether someone has the drive and tenacity to always improve themselves and make sabertooth proud. she tries to be subtle, but she's also staring at yukino the entire time. one eyebrow wiggle from lector turns minerva as red as the cat's fur.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 14 days ago
I'm not really in the Owl House fandom, but Lilith is like the ONE canonically aroace character I can think of who I haven't seen shoehorned into a romantic relationship in fandom so I can appreciate it for that.
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freebooter4ever · 10 months ago
does anyone else have tropes in their own writing that would only make sense to them? if you've ever read multiple fics of mine and come across any background character named 'janet' or any character whose name starts with a 'j' or is similar to that - those are all the same character. Its this weird obsession of mine - to put real life people into my fanfic. And each 'janet' is a new version of my great aunt janet who was, to put it kindly, a holy terror. She was mean to everyone, she hated children (though she tolerated me because i silently did everything she told me to and would help her shell peas on the farm when we visited), and she died old and alone. But her life was pretty sad too - she grew up when women weren't educated much, and she never married and instead of living her own life was left by her older brothers as the caretaker of their mother, basically until the day she died. So in my stories all my 'janet's lead beautifully full and happy lives with lots of friends. None of the main plots are about janet, obviously, but if i need a side character i just plop her in there and invent a better life for her than the one she was stuck with.
I do this with grandma too. If there's a random little old lady in my fic it's probably based on grandma. The most popular being Eleanor from DOA. I even wrote a short story about an old woman who knits and spins her own yarn, and pricks her finger on the spinning wheel to become a superhero and save her suburbs from aliens, but instead of fighting the aliens ends up befriending them and adopts them as a sort of alien cat breed. It was entirely based on grandma jojo, who -if you think my insecurities are bad - is even worse when it comes to believing she can do anything. She doesn't think she can do anything right, so she never wants to do anything because she knows she won't do it well. This baffled grandpa jojo, who used to try to teach her about airplanes and rockets and wanted her to go to college. And this equally baffled me my whole life - when i was really little i apparently wouldnt let her just sit beside me, i made her draw too. So all my stories feature larger than life superhero grandma characters.
And lavender - this is one people have caught me on, lol. Because I use it every chance I get. Grandma callyerdogsoff was a poet and an artist herself, but writing her into stories as a character feels impossible. So instead i use her signature scent. She died in 2010 but sometimes if i think about her i can still smell lavender.
People belittle fangirls, fanfic, and fanartists and say this stuff isn't worth anything compared to 'real' creative work but. I dunno. There's so much more to it than people imagine. I know none of my writing will last beyond my lifetime, and that none of these little tropes will be teased out of it like in english lit class. So whats the harm in writing within already built communities that share an established passion? My 'original' work always feels lonelier than the stuff written with an audience in mind. Why is writing my original work so much better when it just sits there and is never seen by anybody other than me. Compared to the fanfic where im writing my stories about other people's characters and using my words and my particular quirks...and usually interacting with a whole community of friends and fellow writers.
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rexcaliburechoes · 7 months ago
does anyone else find it fucked up that moon's friends protect themselves from her with the skyfire at the end of moon rising?
#wings of fire#moonwatcher#look okay i've been slowly rereading the series on and off again bc one of my friends is getting into the series#so correct me where i'm wrong in asking why kinkajou feels entitled for moon to disclaim she's a telepath and seer upon first meeting her#when the news that nightwings don't have powers anymore and that they manipulated the entire sandwing succession war conflict#for their own gain went PUBLIC so nightwings are a hated tribe#nevermind the fact that moon feels like an outcast among her tribe because she hatched off of the volcano and never had to suffer#though it's sweet that her mother cares for her and worries about her she still calls moon her 'weird little diamond'#and impresses upon her 'secret hidden safe' which is basically wof's conceal don't feel#when was moon supposed to feel safe enough in disclosing her power she's hated FOR having and hated for NOT having#do you (general) think she's in ANY position to advertise she's the tribe's ONLY true seer and telepath in generations safely?#'i get what kinkajou means but it feels almost like having to disclaim your trans or disabled. Is a bit fucked' is what my friend said#it's the same fucking thing as 'i'm losing the person i once knew' but perhaps not in those words and not nearly as harshly#i know kinkajou comes around to moon eventually and they remain friends. but there's something REALLY fucked about it imo#same friend pointed out there's a queerness to this which i will 100% agree on like it stings on a personal level#like. look i still like the series but man reading it critically and interacting with it in a more adult lens#is definitely an action i am doing right now.#i think i'm still correct in saying darkstalker was a child. evil is not created in a vacuum. hatred is taught not inherent.#it does not excuse him from the evil he did commit. but he was a child. he was a FUCKING ABUSED CHILD. augh. (quietly losing my mind)#rex rambles
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pixiecaps · 2 years ago
okay im watching the recap video and some moments i just:
- cucurucho calling the chainsaw torture a “playful scare”
- cucurucho referred to that day he was grilling meats and hanging out a lot as him SOCIALIZING qfelps and qcellbit
- “bobby if you die today i also die” and he did. a part of qroier died that day.
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wrathchvld · 2 months ago
oh my god there are TEARS in my eyes
who let me mess around with capcut templates for the first time
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naomiknight-17 · 6 months ago
A wild thing happened today
I was out with friends and their 6-month-old baby, and we drove to a park to go for a walk. As we were getting ready to leave the car my friend is suddenly like "Oh my god there's a bee in the car right near the baby!"
And I'm like, oh, I'm not afraid of bees. I'll deal with this
So I get out and open the door next to the baby's car seat, and my friend points out the insect in question.
That is not a bee. That is a wasp.
But, you know, in for a penny, in for a pound
So I put my hand in front of where the wasp is crawling and, without thinking, I start talking to it like
"C'mere buddy, climb up on my finger, I'm not gonna hurt you"
And it fucking DID
I slowly backed away from the car and the wasp flew off outside harmlessly and as it did I got the hugest adrenaline rush because
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lacebird · 7 months ago
HEEY LADS I’m kinda sorta back 💜 writing to let y’all know that I’m going on a mini-hiatus 💜
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selfshippinglover · 1 year ago
craving the touch of teeth on skin
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loderlied · 10 months ago
mmm sorry about yesterday btw
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