#but still subscribed because you didn't actively insult him
beardedmrbean · 8 months
California’s largest daily newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, announced on Tuesday that it is laying off at least 115 people -roughly a quarter of its staff- as it continues to hemorrhage money.
The layoffs were announced in a newsroom-wide email from L.A. Times president and Chief Operating Officer Chris Argentieri, according to reporter Matt Pearce.
“This total, while devastating, is nonetheless far lower than the total number of Guild layoffs initially expected last week,” Pearce posted on X, formerly Twitter.
Last Friday, members of the Los Angeles Times Guild, the union representing newspaper staffers, staged a one-day walkout to protest the anticipated job cuts.
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“Slashing a quarter of the newsroom is devastating by any measure – to our members and their families, to our morale, to the quality of our journalism, to the bond with our audience, and to the communities that depend on our work,” the Guild said in a statement. “We believe our decision to go on strike saved scores of newsroom jobs today.”
Tuesday’s layoffs come after the paper slashed 74 positions in July, the union said.
In an article published in the L.A. Times on Tuesday, the newspaper’s owner, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, said the cuts were needed to account for losses totaling $30 million to $40 million a year due to declining subscriptions and advertising revenue.
“Today’s decision is painful for all, but it is imperative that we act urgently and take steps to build a sustainable and thriving paper for the next generation. We are committed to doing so,” Soon-Shiong said.
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Among the senior editors laid off were the paper’s Washington bureau chief and deputy Washington bureau chief, its business editor and music editor.
L.A. Times video game industry reporter Sarah Parvini was also let go.
“It’s been an honor to work at the paper for nearly a decade, launching a video game beat, helping to win Pulitzers, covering diverse communities. To my colleagues, [the L.A. Times Guild], readers: Thank you,” Parvini tweeted.
Soon-Shiong and his family purchased the L.A. Times and the San Diego Union-Tribune from Tribune Publishing for $500 million in 2018.
Layoffs and buyouts have hit a wide swath of the news industry over the past year. The Washington Post, NPR, CNN and Vox Media are among the many companies hit.
An estimated 2,681 news industry jobs were lost through the end of November, according to the employment firm of Challenger, Gray and Christmas. That was more than the full years of 2022 and 2021.
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Castrated men live longer.
It only takes 0.2 seconds to fall in love.
Research shows vaping can shrink testicles and cause sperm counts to plummet.
New scientific research suggests finding new scientific discoveries is getting harder.
Not having enough sleep per day leads to a desire for sex, depression and alcoholism.
You are 13.8% more likely to die on your birthday than on any other day of the year.
Ferrero, the maker of Nutella, uses about 25% of the world's hazelnut supply.
In a lifetime, the average person will spend over five years of their life on social media.
Canada’s largest cemetery is plagued by groundhogs who keep digging up the bones.
People who sleep late have more mental stamina and can outperform early risers.
Steve Jobs was adopted. His biological father was Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian Muslim.
At least 1/7th of subscription service revenue is from people who forgot they were subscribed.
People who read books live an average of two years longer than those who don't, according to a Yale study.
Studies have shown that people who frequently use emojis in text messages have more active dating and sex lives.
In 2023, Canadian residents were shocked to see an enormous phallic iceberg float past their home town of Dildo.
A Japanese woman was having laser surgery on her cervix when she farted, igniting the laser and setting herself on fire.
A study found that marrying an older man reduces a woman's lifespan, but marrying a younger man reduces it even more.
The world’s first nudist colony, founded in India in 1891, was called The Fellowship Of The Naked Trust. (Good job Tolkien didn't name it!)
The most powerful way to win an argument is by asking questions. You'd be surprised at how it can make people see the flaws in their logic.
Athletic shoes are called ‘sneakers’ because, when they were invented, people used them to their advantage to move around quietly.
Walking for just one hour twice a week increases the size of the hippocampus, the brain area in charge of verbal memory and learning.
The word ‘dude’ was first used in the 1800s as an insult towards young men who were too concerned with keeping up with the latest fashions.
The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses, and still thinks you're completely amazing.
In Detroit, a man was arrested after installing and bolting a marijuana vending machine to the front of his home and selling weed to his neighbourhood. He was making over $2,000 a day.
Movie theatres in Iceland, Switzerland, Egypt, Turkey and India often have a 10-minute intermission in the middle of the movie, giving viewers a chance to visit the concession stands or use the restroom.
Diddy has reassigned his publishing rights back to all the artists and songwriters who helped build Bad Boy Entertainment. Ma$e, Faith Evans, The LOX, 112 and the estate of the Notorious B.I.G. have already signed agreements to regain those rights.
The TV show ‘Dallas’, about the family of an oil tycoon from Texas, was named by a producer. When the writer protested saying that, “Houston is the oil city,” the producer said, “Who knows that? Who cares? Do you want to watch a show called ‘Houston’?”
Peter Mayhew, the actor who played Chewbacca in Star Wars actually had to be accompanied by crew members dressed in brightly coloured vests while filming in the forest of the Pacific Northwest. This was to ensure that he wasn't shot by hunters who might mistake him for Bigfoot.
In 1940, the Nazis sent 12 spies to Britain to pave the way for an invasion. However, the spies were captured, partly due to their poor knowledge of British customs and lack of fluency in English. Two spies were arrested for biking on the wrong side of the road, another for ordering alcohol at 10 a.m.
The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is an area in London where an emissions standard based charge is applied to non-compliant road vehicles. Plans were announced by London Mayor Boris Johnson in March 2015 for the zone to come into operation in September 2020. Sadiq Khan, the subsequent mayor, introduced the zone on April 8th, 2019.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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redjaybathood · 3 years
This episode of Titans (at least, Crane and Jason's parts of it) is just Hannibal for poor people. With gratuitous BrB references.
No, it's even worse.
Like, I didn't believe they could make Jason worse here but honestly they managed it. I think I would prefer absolutely psychotic BftC-esque Jason we got a vibe off in the first three episodes, than this. Jason, a marionette of Scarecrow? While still being aware enough that he saves Diego and goes to Molly? But we see him blowing up civilians and kidnapping kids two episodes before? Fuck you and fuck that.
He doesn't come up with the costume or name or anything in this operations. Everything is plotted by Crane. That's a fucking insult, to be honest.
Why couldn't they just focus on Komand'r as the season 3 big bad? Because they lack budget for Kory's flashbacks and alien superpowers?
Family drama/character study part of it all, if you take out Crane, was not bad, tbh. Curran acts his ass off. Bruce confirmed to be BPD. Jason having friends and giving a shit about kids. Jason having visions of Donna - she and him never had a good relationship so I bet it's, like, real magic shit and not just a nightmare.
Things that are still unclear:
*why the fuck Jason returned to Bruce at all;
*why the fuck Arkham asylum is literally free entry;
*why Scarecrow didn't break out earlier with getting himself murdered and resurrected;
*who bit Bruce so he would forget what he promised Jason (to listen to Dr Thompkins recommendation - which she didn't give yet) and escalate the situation;
I swear to God, he was deliberate. I mean, it's either his grand plan to catch Scarecrow, who clearly is free to operate from the Arkham; or... I don't have any good explanation of his behavior unless he's having an episode.
So far, the only thing is clear is that no one in Batfam is mentally healthy (i still remember Dick literally cutting a wolf's head off and bringing it with him from the last episode; you can't have a childhood like that and grow up fine) or particularly a good person.
You know what else is bugging the hell out of me? What's perverse about this version of Red Hood, is - i never subscribed to thinking that Red Hood is Jason's coping mechanism, but even that's better than being an active tool of trauma.
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