#but still give it a shot
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the-ultimate-nobody · 11 months ago
Ordem Paranormal x Sanders Sides that literally no one asked for
Let's get y'all up to speed. "Paranormal Order" (Or Ordem Paranormal) is a RPG tabletop game that has horror and puzzle-solving genre. Not much fighting but depends on the campaign. I won't info-dump here since that's not what I'm going through.
In OP, there are these things called elements/entities of the paranormal/whatever the occultist uses. And me, a categorizing nerd, I have placed each of the sides with one of the elements with explanations.
There are Five elements; Blood, Knowledge, Chaos, Death, and Fear.
Let's get the two obvious out of the way:
Patton: Blood
(*Dead stares at the camera*) This element is literally "Feelings". The blood that flows within the "Other Side". This entity is pleased by any intensity of feelings that it comes across... Come on, my guy, it makes sense. (As such as life, these things are like pokemon weakness/strength. Blood surpasses Knowledge)
Logan: Knowledge
(*continues dead stares at the camera*) "To know everything is to lose everything." A quote from the official book/wiki. Same with Patton, this doesn't really need an explanation. This entity is about discovering and learning about everything. Funny that; Knowledge overrides Chaos
And now the 2nd easiest
Remus: Chaos
(*Continues to dead stare*) Remus fits this entity to a T. It's unpredictability, the unfiltered energy that he gives off, and the unexplained nonsense he sometimes say out. Chaos is kinda built different, since it doesn't follow its own logic. Sometimes, Remus will help (in his own way) or sometimes he'll see how the shit goes out for his entertainment. Who knows. Only Remus does. Chaos shouts over Death
Our beloved Anxeity, Deceit, and pure, heroic Light Creativity... the three hardest I have to think about in terms of OP entities.
Virgil: Death
Don't let the word scare you. This Entity is about Time, mostly. It runs in the OP so everything in existence has a place to end. Every story has an ending and this entity is there to see. It. Through. The reason I put Virgil in Death is purely because the others don't show anything like it? Someone can research and try to connect the dots that my brain is trying to connect. Death in OP already has a black/gray color scheme. Death overpowers Blood
Roman: Death
Roman was originally put with Remus into Chaos, but the more I think about it, the more Death seems to fit him a bit more. Roman doesn't have the chaotic energy that either has. But, according to the wiki, Death entity revolves things around itself. Telling things that there's a limit and there's more things to do. Kinda reminds me of that one video, yeah? Death ignores Blood
Janus: Blood and/or Knowledge
You thought I would put Janus in Fear? Nah, Janus is a wild card, same with the other two above. In OP, you can switch elements but kinda have to stick with one. I'm stuck between the two entities for Janus, without making him into a monster. Blood, sure, emotions but it's where he kinda need it and Knowledge (Ignoring that Knowledge entity is known for being yellow) the vibe of it fits the darn snake. I'll let yall do your research if you've read this far. Janus is so hard to categorize without his literal reason of existence.
(c!)Thomas Sanders: Fear
Purely, because, Fear is the entity that powers all the other elements. Without it, the "Other Side" won't function. But no person can get Fear and continue being sane. For all I know, putting Fear in him would make him a monster so the protagonists of the campaign have a reason to gain victory.
Poor lil Sides, what happens if you have to kill Thomas yourselves? Hm? What a tasty idea...
(If anyone in the Ordem Paranormal fandom seein' this, uh, shut up)
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lotus-pear · 2 years ago
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yeah sure therapy is nice but teen soukoku is faster and a lot cheaper
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beif0ngs · 3 months ago
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Lilo & Stitch Official Teaser
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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Loki + searching for Mobius moments after disaster
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
"WHERE IS DARRY?" Soda is on his feet before the screen door slams, Steve jumpin' off the sofa beside him.
"What is it, Pony?" Pony rounds the corner with a wide, crazed grin 'n Darry comes barrelin' down the hall. "What's wrong?"
"Darry- they fuckin' broke up!" A brief wave of confusion passes across the panicked plains of Darry's face before his jaw drops open in delighted shock.
"No." He snatches Pony's arm, leads him back into the kitchen 'n plops down at the table. "Carrie-Ann? Are you sure?" Darry leans forwards, elbows on his knees, eagerly. Pony cackles at havin' got exactly the reaction he wanted.
Steve shoots Soda a glance 'n Soda rolls his eyes fondly, crashin' back down onto the sofa. Steve shuffles around the arm, clearly listenin' in but tryin' to be the nosy allegations. "What are they on about?"
Soda cranks the volume of the TV waves a hand dismissively. "Some couple at school. God, you would think their lives depended on it the way they talk about it."
"Hush, from the peanut gallery in there." Darry shushes him from the kitchen 'n Soda wiggles his eyebrows.
"Not our fault you don't got the attention span for a good story." Soda clutches his hand to his chest in mock offense 'n it's Pony's turn to roll his eyes.
"Wait, Carrie-Ann 'n Tommy? Ain't they been goin' together for a couple years now?" Steve stops pretendin' to be indifferent, drifts into the kitchen.
"Steve, not you too!" Darry splits into a grin and Soda sticks his tongue out.
"Yeah! But only 'cause she told him she was pregnant last year! He was gonna leave I swear! I heard Jerry tell Susan in my math class." Steve scrunches his face up and Pony shakes his head earnestly.
"Well, it would serve him right. Tommy was in my English and he'd bat those stupid eyes at anythin' that moved- even when he was pinned. That Carrie girl deserved better." Steve hops up onto the counter with a firm nod 'n Soda throws himself dramatically across the couch with a groan.
The back door swings open 'n Dallas appears in the living room, glancin' into the impromptu gatherin' around the table. "Woah woah woah, y'all talkin' about me? I'm sure it's all good shit."
He ducks over to Soda, jabbin' him in the ribs and slidin' out of the way when Soda kicks at him. He misses but rolls off the couch and dives for Dallas' knees. Dally goes down hard and Soda howls his laughter.
"Nah, one of the couples up at school broke it off." Steve leans dangerously far over Pony 'n snatches one of the grandma candies Darry loves so much from the bowl.
"Dallas!" But they all knew it was a lost cause. If Darry 'n Pony were drama fiends, Dallas was a hound for the stuff. He was always showin' up with some new juicy tidbit. Sometimes Soda would swear Pony loved Dallas more than him solely for the fact Dallas seemed to have his nose in everythin'.
"Carrie-Ann 'n-"
"Tommy? No fuckin' way." Dallas detangles himself from Soda, shoves Steve over, 'n climbs up onto the counter. Soda shoots him a glare he misses entirely. He flops flat onto the floor, tucks his hands under his head, and refocuses on the beach flick. Or tries to.
"I heard she cheated on him." Dallas leans forward conspiratorially and Pony 'n Darry's jaws fall open in twin shocked expressions.
"No way, really!"
"I'm sorry, you're sayin' Carrie cheated on him?" Dallas raises an eyebrow haughtily and leans back on his hands.
"Swear to God."
"Wait." All four heads swivel to Soda as he sits back up, somethin' prickin' at his memory. "Tommy. Tommy Dil- somethin' right? His daddy owns the car lot close to the river, yeah?"
"Dilon, yeah." Darry leans so he can better see Soda through the door at the same time Pony says,
"Yeah, the one that looks like a Soc 'n talks like a greaser but ain't either." And Steve leans traitorously far again and adds,
"The one that thinks he's a lady-killer but nobody wants him but Carrie." Dallas puts both hands on Steve's back 'n pushes him over so he can get a good look at Soda and hoots,
"Not even his mama wanted his busted ass. That's why he only lives with his dad." Steve shoves him off and Pony momentarily whips back around with wide eyes.
"Wait, really?" Darry bats him up the side of his head, the shit talkin' goin' a hair too far for him, apparently.
"What is it, Soda?" Steve quickly redirects the focus back to him before Pony can whine 'n Soda forgets what he was gonna say completely.
"I saw him at the Dingo with Cheryl last week. 'N they weren't just holdin' hands if I'm being delicate." He wiggles his eyebrows 'n the tips of Pony's ears go all red. Dallas howls and grabs Steve who is so bewildered he forgets to shake him off.
"Cheryl? Ain't no way! I never would have-"
"Ain't she goin' with Benny?"
"Man, I thought she was catholic-"
"I swore she didn't come to this side of town- didn't wanna dirty those damn gogo boots-"
"Soda." Darry fixes his middle brother with a look that could pin him straight to the wall. Soda blinks big, innocent eyes at him. "That true?"
"Hell no." He splits into a big mischievous grin and Pony lets out an indignant wail, launchin' himself out of his chair 'n onto Soda. Soda flips him onto his back easily but Steve is on top of him before he can blink, jabbin' him in the ticklish spot under his ribs so Pony can wriggle out.
"Since when are you 'n Pony on the same side?"
"Since now! Get 'em Pone!" Steve pins Soda's arms above his head and Pony goes to town ticklin' every place he knows will make Soda holler until he's red in the face. Soda rips one hand free and Dallas comes up behind Steve, liftin' him straight off the ground with the kind of wiry strength they all forgot Dallas had.
Darry instantly takes up Pony 'n Steve's side 'n it doesn't take long until there are no sides at all- just them all rollin' around and laughin' so hard their sides all ache.
"You know, I think I get it now- that drama shit is fun!"
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gummi-ships · 7 months ago
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Keyblade Graveyard
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finalpam8000 · 1 year ago
Zagreus Part 3: In a Nutshell
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lilirulu · 2 months ago
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Peeled Aoi Well less Peeled and more just disrobed.
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tabooiart · 8 months ago
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All trains hear this! All trains hear this! All trains to racing mode! All trains to racing mode! Tonight is Race Night! Tonight is Race Night!
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simpingforcys · 6 months ago
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His little jiggles.... He's so squishy and bouncy. Most notable on the pants, but also his crown always bouncing on his head, he's just so<33333
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mellowwillowy · 6 months ago
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Let me give him a (literal) shot.
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rainbow-sunshine-unicorn · 8 months ago
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When Anthony said, “Just keep looking at me, no one else matters”, Kate took it very seriously, because they are really looking at each other like they are the only two people in the ballroom, never once breaking eye contact, even as they spin and twirl and laugh together
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itslilacokay · 8 months ago
believe it or not, normalswap?avm
(check some lorestuff in tags)
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now back to main cast
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elodee · 10 months ago
JoeHillsTSD x Where the Sidewalk Ends
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For Joe Hills I chose Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein!
I loved this book along with A Light in the Attic when I was a kid. It was one of my earliest exposures to poetry and since Joe is a poet himself, I thought this would suit them well!
In addition to doing a drawing for Joe, I also tried my hand at an original Joe Hills poem in the style of Silverstein. Writing poetry is pretty far outside of my usual wheelhouse, so I hope it turned out suitably Silverstein-esque! I'm proud of it regardless. :)
Here is the text of the poem:
A puppet is Juppet
A felt little guy
That felt is swell
And svelte
And blue as the sky.
But try as I might
I can't help but think
All that felt
Must swelt
In a Nashville July!
To learn more about Where the Sidewalk Ends and see my style references, continue below the cut!
(Happy Hermitcraft stream weekend! A fine weekend to donate to Gamer's Outreach)
Where the Sidewalk Ends is a 1970s book of poetry by Shel Silverstein. Each poem is accompanied by a whimsical ink drawing also done by Silverstein.
The poetry is fantastical and imaginative, often written from a child-like perspective. Though the poetry sometimes touches on darker themes, it does so from a thoughtful place and the collection is enjoyable for people of all ages.
Even if you aren't someone who likes poetry, I highly recommend picking up Where the Sidewalk Ends or A Light in the Attic. They are both wonderful.
Style references:
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Every poem in the book has a cute drawing to accompany it. Here is the poem from the above image:
I'll swing
By my ankles,
She'll cling
To your knees
As you hang
By your nose
From a high-up
But just one thing, please,
As we float through the breeze-
Don't sneeze.
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The illustrations for Where the Sidewalk Ends are whimsical with sparse, stippled shading and cartoonish characters
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The lineart of these drawings is thick and a little messy but still easily readable even when the subject of the drawings is unusual (which is pretty much all of them)
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brofightiscancelled · 2 months ago
the anan movie Q&As are really interesting to me, so i wanted to attempt my own translations! 🙇‍♂️
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taralen · 8 months ago
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I had too much fun with this. These are my concept art notes to determine how his facial anatomy works for my LoveLetter AU. He is semi-organic and rife with body horror.
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