#but specifically steve
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d1sheclectic Ā· 1 year ago
i almost regret watching the outsiders movie because it tainted my perception of the characters :(
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crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington Ā· 5 months ago
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return to sub level 50
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morganbritton132 Ā· 2 months ago
Eddie, with his massive crush on Steve Harrington:?
Jeff, who saw Steve kissing a Tommy H behind the dugouts at baseball camp when he was eleven: You should tell him
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solarmorrigan Ā· 6 months ago
cw: implied sexual content, mentions of anxiety/PTSD responses
The first time Eddie lifts him off his feet, Steve is pretty sure he has an out of body experience.
Heā€™s never dated anyone as strong as he is, is the thing. It isnā€™t that he hadnā€™t dated girls who were strongā€”cheerleading takes more muscle than many people seem to think, and there had been a couple of girls from the soccer team besides thatā€”but none of them had been strong enough to just casually lift Steve up.
But Eddie does it. He does it mid-makeout session, doesnā€™t even break the kiss as he gets his hands under Steveā€™s thighs and lifts him up to sit on the counter heā€™d been pinned against. And maybe it doesnā€™t break Eddieā€™s concentration, but it shatters Steveā€™s.
He stops kissing back long enough to make Eddie pull away and ask, ā€œWhatā€™s wrong?ā€
Wrong? Steveā€™s heart is racing, his face is flushed, his lips are kiss-bruised, and heā€™s sitting on top of his kitchen counter because Eddie had put him there ā€“ just grabbed his legs and hoisted him up, left his hands resting on Steveā€™s thighs, and Steve can feel them burning through his jeans, which are suddenly quite a bit tighter.
Nothing is wrong.
ā€œThat was hot,ā€ Steve blurts, and Eddie blinks at him.
ā€œWhat? Me lifting you up?ā€
Steve nods. ā€œYeah.ā€
A slow smirk spreads across Eddieā€™s face. ā€œYou like that?ā€ he asks. ā€œThat I can throw you around a little?ā€
ā€œYeah,ā€ Steve rasps, surprising even himself with the raw want in his voice. Given his history with people throwing him around, it shouldnā€™t be something he wants, but the more he thinks about itā€”the more he thinks about Eddie doing itā€”the more appealing it becomes.
ā€œThe information is noted and will be filed away for later consideration,ā€ Eddie says, like the fucking nerd he is, and when he leans back in to kiss Steve, he digs his fingers into Steveā€™s thighs, holding him tight, like he might leave little bruises when he pulls away. (Steve hopes he does.)
Eddie doesnā€™t abuse the knowledge heā€™s been given, but he does put it to good use.
He pulls Steve across the couch and into his lap, holding him close with his arms looped around his waist, making Steve feel wanted and warm.
He manages to pick Steve up and spin him around, laughing as he does so, making Steve laugh, making him feel light and adored.
He carries Steve to the bedroom, his hands hooked firmly under Steveā€™s ass, Steveā€™s legs wrapped around his hips, arms around his shoulders, and tosses him onto the bed, making Steve feel very much like he wants Eddie to fuck him.
Then, reasonably assured that Steve is enjoying the treatment, Eddie ups his game. He pins Steve to the wall of the bedroom one evening, fisting a hand in his shirt and pushing him back, leaning heavily into his space, and Steve is for a moment viscerally reminded of another time and place. He thinks about the smell of lake water and dust, of the prick of sharp glass against his skin, of the frightened and desperate look in Eddieā€™s eyes.
But the memory is chased away by the feeling of Eddieā€™s lips on his. This is so much better ā€“ this is Eddieā€™s free hand running gently through Steveā€™s hair, this is the warm, familiar weight of Eddieā€™s body pressing into him, this is Eddieā€™s thigh shoved between Steveā€™s legs. This is good.
Eddie grips Steveā€™s hair close to his scalp and pulls. Steve moans and mindlessly grinds down.
It becomes a new and intimate normal, something they barely even have to think about, something that just feels right. Even when Steve starts out on top, the instigator, the one in control, itā€™s easy for Eddie to turn the tables.
As Steve straddles him on the bed now, both their shirts lost but the effort to rid themselves of their pants temporarily derailed, Steve is too eager in his pursuit of Eddieā€™s mouth to notice the coiling tension in the body below him.
He doesnā€™t notice until the tension springs, and Steve finds himself rolled onto his back with Eddie weighing him down. Quicker than Steve can keep up, Eddie is straddling his waist, taking his wrists and pulling his arms above his head, pinning them to the mattress.
Instinctively, Steve struggles against the hold, but he has no leverage, and Eddieā€™s grip remains firm. Steve canā€™t move ā€“ yet the expected wave of panic never comes.
He doesnā€™t feel trapped beneath Eddie, he feels secure, like Eddie is shielding him, keeping him safe. The hold on his wrists keeps him tethered to the Earth when the rest of him feels like floating away, and Steve tugs a little more so Eddie will grip him tighter. He hopes it leaves marks, wants to wear the bruises like bracelets in the shape of Eddieā€™s fingers.
Then Eddie pulls back, ends the kiss to ask, ā€œThis okay?ā€
He sounds serious, like he really wants to know, like heā€™ll let Steve go the moment he asks, which is precisely why Steve nods quickly and begs, ā€œPlease donā€™t stop.ā€
And Eddie grins and leans back in for another kiss, holding Steve tight.
[Prompt: Rolling over in bed, switching positions during a kiss]
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acowardinmordor Ā· 3 months ago
Something about not-everyone-has soulmate words and Steveā€™s say ā€˜Mr Harringtonā€™ on his collarbone and he hears that a thousand times a day now that heā€™s touring as a pop star. Eddie, who comes in as a replacement guitar guy - not playing, just swapping Steveā€™s guitars, tuning, restringing - and on their first meeting, Steve is exhausted, pissy, and his bodyguard let him get ambushed by three different fake-soulword fans.
ā€œMr Harringtonā€
ā€œYou better not say youā€™re my soulmate, I think Iā€™d actually throw myself into trafficā€
And even if Steve has managed to hold onto a bit of romantic optimism, Eddie has had those words on his ribs all his life, so heā€™s always known his soulmate didnā€™t want him.
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broareweabouttoviberightnow Ā· 1 month ago
Darry slams the phone down a little harder than he means to, clatterin' it against the wall 'n the pleasant everythin' is just fine voice falls away immediately.
"Everyone with a rap sheet not biologically related to me better start cleanin' or beat it now." Everyone who'd been piled up loungin' on the couch is suddenly on their feet.
"What's goin' on, Dar?" Soda 'n Pony both don't have to ask, jumpin' over each other sprintin' down the hall 'n throwin' the door open so hard it slams against the wall. Clothes fly hodge podge out into the hall, hittin' the wall 'n pilin' on the floor.
"Child fuckin' services are makin' an unexpected call the bastards." Dallas makes a sympathetic sound but grabs Johnny's collar 'n pulls him towards the door. Johnny sighs 'n digs his heels in, jarrin' Dally as he stops. He jerks his head at the laundry room 'n Dallas groans but follows him, both hastily foldin' the pile of laundry Darry had been cajolin' Pony into for two days.
"Oh shit man." Two jumps on top of the couch, flickin' his knife out 'n usin' it to unscrew the traffic signs Steve, Dallas, Two, 'n Soda had stolen months ago 'n Darry had been diligently ignorin' ever since.
"Where's the vacuum?" Pony reappears in the living room, eyes wide. Soda lurches around behind him, head 'n shoulders completely hidden behind the pile of dirty clothes.
"Closet, I'll get it, Pone." Steve ducks behind him, rippin' the closest door 'n yankin' the vacuum from its dusty home.
"Wait no- I got it-"
"Ponyboy Michael why don't you focus on doin' the dishes like you were supposed to do last night." Darry's frantically yankin' windows open to air out the house, which smells a little too much like an ashtray for comfort.
"But I-"
"Pony c'mon." Soda shifts the laundry to one arm 'n grabs Pony by the front of the shirt, draggin' him into the kitchen.
Two finally gets the sign out of the wall, shovin' it under the couch to hide it 'n runnin' into the kitchen to grab a couple of the sketches Pony's done that Darry has pinned to the fridge to cover the screw holes.
"Pony, why are their unrolled cigs under your bed?" Steve shouts 'n Darry watches Pony cringe through the doorway from where he's tryin' to make the mess of shoes 'n coats by the doorway look more presentable.
"Ponyboy Michael we talked about you rollin' your own goddamn kools." Steve snickers 'n Pony stops lookin' at Darry with big, pleadin' eyes to look outlandishly pissed.
"Go get 'em, Glory God, we gotta get rid of 'em." Pony ducks past Darry, not fully managin' to avoid the whack on the back of the head Darry sends him.
Pony disappears into his room 'n they can all hear them get in a couple solid hits back 'n forth. "Ponyboy Michael 'n Steven Thomas we do not have time for this." There's a brief pause 'n then a stingin' slap. "Ohh, Steven Thomas Randle if that leaves a goddamn mark I'm takin' it out of your ass." Pony unsuccessfully tries to hide his snort behind a cough 'n reluctantly shuffles back out, droppin' the cigs into Darry's hand. He shoves the whole mess deep into his pocket 'n clips Pony upside the head again.
"Anyone else have any illegal shit they'd like to turn in while we're on the topic?" Darry glances up 'n finds five pairs of deeply guilty eyes peerin' back at him. "Oh my God."
"Look, you have to promise not to get ma-"
"So, uh-"
"Man, maybe-"
"Everyone shut up. I'm goin' to close my eyes for thirty goddamn seconds 'n if it is out of my house by then I won't say anythin'." Darry presses the heels of his hands to his eyes, tries not to think about the poundin' migraine flutterin' in his temples.
Both the back door 'n front door slam 'n at least four pairs of feet hit the ground runnin'. Glory almighty, he didn't even want to know.
The kitchen tap flips on 'n he listens as Johnny goes to join Pony, flyin' through the pile of dishes. The door to Steve's beater slams closed 'n the four delinquents of the hour file back into the house.
Darry drops his hands from his eyes 'n shoots Two, Soda, Dallas, 'n Steve a glare that says we'll be talkin' about this later. Most of them at least have the decency to drop their eyes to the floor.
"Alright, someone's gotta straighten up this fuckin' living room, one of you needs to go get the beer cans off my lawn, 'n I need two of you to run down to the corner store 'n get some groceries so our fridge doesn't look like y'all ate me out of house 'n home."
"I'll go get the fallen soldiers, they're prob'ly all mine anyways." Two ducks back out the door with a sheepish grin, catchin' the screen door so it doesn't come off the hinges.
"Me 'n Soda can go get the groceries, we can take the beater." Steve fishes his keys out with one hand 'n grabs Soda by the shirt front with the other.
"Oh, nuh-uh. With my luck, you two would get so distracted I wouldn't see you until three hours after the lady leaves. Soda, you get started on the livin' room. Steve 'n Dallas go get the food. 'N take the truck. At this rate, your beater wouldn't start 'n you'd get stranded in the parkin' lot."
Steve shrugs a shoulder, takes the keys 'n Master Card Darry tosses him 'n Dallas nods, both of them peelin' back out the door. Soda pouts but goes to start pickin' up the clutter without a fight.
Lord, if only they were this agreeable all the time.
Pony 'n Johnny report back to Darry, shakin' the water from the dishes off their hands. "What else do you need, Dar?" Johnny wipes the back of his hands on his jeans, 'n glances around for another job.
"Yeah, Johnnycakes, can you help me with dinner? I want somethin' on that table when they show." Johnny nods 'n Darry ruffles his hair affectionately. "Pony, go get in that shower. You look like you just rolled around in the dirt." 'N he's not even that far off. He's got a smudge of ink right across his nose from whatever he'd been workin' on. Pony scowls but turns 'n goes for the bathroom.
Darry waits until he's shut the door 'n then follows Johnny into the kitchen. "Hey, wanna make that casserole they liked last time?" Leave it to Johnny to remember what meal the child services workers had liked.
"Nah, can't make them think we're doin' anythin' to fancy for 'em."
"Gotcha," Johnny nods 'n opens the cabinet, "so, pasta." Darry chuckles, rufflin' his hair again 'n fallin' in beside him to start the water boilin' on the stove.
At some point durin' their meal prep Dallas 'n Steve return, hoistin' five bags between the two of them, frantically arrangin' 'em in the icebox. Pony slides in, takin' over stirrin' the sauce, hair ungreased 'n curlin' around his ears. Darry drops a kiss to his temple 'n slicks his bangs away from his eyes. Soda takes his place in the bathroom, the shower turnin' back on.
Before Darry realizes it, dinner is plated on the table, the sink is empty, 'n the house is as close to spotless as it ever gets. Relief 'n exhaustion hit Darry like a freight train. They make quick work of packagin' up plates for Two, Steve, Dallas, 'n Johnny 'n Darry squeezes shoulders 'n musses up hair 'n makes them all promise to come back in two hours when the visit is done.
His stomach does an unpleasant twist when Steves's headlights swing out of the driveway. He hates these visits. He truly does. He runs a hand up 'n down his neck nervously, glances at the clock.
Pony's head nestles against his side 'n Darry drops an arm around him, pullin' him in. "We'll be alright, right Dar?" And Darry does what he does best: sound more confident than he feels.
"Yeah, kiddo. We'll be just fine." Soda slides back down the hall in he socks, trippin' n' stumblin' like a foal. "Glory, Soda, please don't bust anythin' before the government folks get here."
"Aw, Dar, you're always ruinin' my fun." Soda grins his wide crooked smile 'n Darry feels Pony relax against his side.
"That's what they pay me for. Now, c'mon 'n eat before it gets cold." Pony pushes himself off Darry 'n Soda grabs him rufflin' his damp hair 'n makin' Pony hoot a laugh. They've just plopped down when there's a knock at the door.
All three of them whip around to look.
Darry shoots them a grin that he hopes doesn't look as nervous as he feels. He blows out a long breath, puts his hand on the knob to open the door, glancin' around one final time to make sure nothin' is out of place when his eyes fall on-. "Oh, glory." He reaches up beside the door 'n yanks out the knife Dallas had pinned the shoppin' list to the wall with. "What am I gonna do with y'all?"
"Keep us!" Soda hollers 'n Pony dissolves into giggles. Darry watches them for a moment, Soda's eyes flashin' 'n the sound of Pony's laugh.
"I'm gonna do my best." 'N he opens the door.
also a tag for being very sweet in the tags this is one of the fics I was cookin' up at work today more to come SOON @horsegirlsodapop ilyyy šŸ˜­šŸ«¶
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cr4btank Ā· 3 months ago
ā€œhear me outā€ and itā€™s the worst man in a horror podcast (im guilty)
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kilibaggins Ā· 11 months ago
Physical Affection Prompts
hi all! I just thought I'd make my own list of various physical affection prompts and since no idea is ever original some of these are 100% on other peoples lists but im not using other lists as reference or copying anyone. this list is for my own use and other peoples use and there's no need to credit me (though it's always nice).
reblog to have your followers send you these as prompts !! or just use them for your own writing.
all of these are meant as sfw prompts but some may seem a bit more intimate.
tracing someones face
tucking hair behind their ear
forehead kisses
desperate hugs
crying into their neck/shoulder
reversed little spoon & big spoon (the one who is normally the big spoon is the little spoon and vice versa)
holding their hand under a table
kissing their hand
kissing their collarbone
sitting with legs in their lap
morning cuddles where they're both mostly asleep and they don't want to wake up yet but they want to cuddle
petting their hair
head pats
sitting on the floor in front of them while they sit on the couch and their arms touch their legs.
holding both of their hands
hugs from behind
gently touching their waist to move past them (dont do this to someone you're not dating! dont believe I have to say this.)
grabbing their wrist or hand and turning them around
playing with their hands when nervous
slow dancing
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sp0o0kylights Ā· 4 months ago
Part one here:: link
"oh i dunno if Im going to finish this" I say, right before the plot ate me. anyway this was too big to post in full to tumblr. If you want the full, completed fic (with bonus Fun Fic Facts tm) it is finished and up on A03 here:: link
TW vomiting, drug use
Eddie is good.
Eddie is kind.
Eddie does not run over Hendersonā€™s bike, laying haphazardly in Harringtonā€™s pristine driveway, even if it would make him feel better.Ā 
He does slam his van into park with enough force to make the brakes squeal, which he decides is an excellent way to announce his appearance to the entire neighborhood.Ā 
Itā€™s a move heā€™s pulled countless times. Charging in and making a scene meant people forgot that he couldnā€™t actually fight for shit, and equally, took their attention off whatever their original target was.
Which in this case, was Eddieā€™s too fucking nice freshman.Ā 
The rage pulsing through him is white hot and all encompassing, and itā€™ll get him through a lot--but the switchblade he carries ensures everyoneā€™s safety in these little matters.Ā 
It makes him brave.
Braver than he should be really, but Eddie spent the entire drive over here chain smoking out the window while prepping for this little confrontation and the more heā€™d thought it all over, the madder he got.
That a washed up jock thought he could still take advantage of actual children.Ā 
Nevermind Hellfire, or Henderson ditching, or Sinclaireā€™s ranting.Ā 
This was about their relationship with Harrington.Ā 
A picture has been building in Eddieā€™s head. One thatā€™s only gotten clearer after today, and one he will be putting an end to, because he doesnā€™t believe for a second Harrington has a headache.Ā 
Henderson might always be the smartest person in the room, but heā€™s dumb as hell socially. Too honest, too blunt, and frankly, too goodhearted.Ā 
That makes him easy to take advantage of.Ā 
Sinclair was worse--the guy was too easy to guilt trip.Ā 
It was a noted issue with his ranger, and apparently, himself, and Eddie could easily see how Harrington could have twisted the idea of some ridiculous life-debt to keep Lucas in his clutches.Ā Ā 
Even Mayfield, Billy Hargroveā€™s former stepsister, was wrapped up in Harrington enough to have a go at her own friends over him!Ā 
She wasnā€™t even one of his flock, but Eddie was her neighbor. Saw how her mom was barely home. How she was practically raising herself, head down, doing her best not to ever let people see her cry.Ā 
Wouldnā€™t exactly be difficult for a guy like Steve Harrington to swoop in and take advantage there.Ā 
Wheeler clearly wasnā€™t a fan and Eddie can only come up with reason after reason as to why--King Jackass had the poor kidā€™s entire friend group under some kind of--of sick spell.
Eddie was here to break it.Ā 
Even if it meant storming into the Kingā€™s castle by himself and calling him out on his shit.Ā 
Nobody fucked with his people. Especially not douchebag, washed up jocks.Ā 
Heā€™s up to Harringotnā€™s ridiculous double doors in a flash, banging hard on the wood with a closed fist, positively fuming and uncaring of who sees.Ā 
Surprise, surprise, itā€™s Henderson who opens it.
ā€œEddie?ā€ He says, blinking up at him like heā€™s not sure of what heā€™s seeing.Ā  ā€œWhat are you--hey!ā€Ā 
Hey, because Eddieā€™s pushed past him, storming into the house.Ā 
ā€œThis has gone on long enough.ā€ He announces, loud as he ever has been. ā€œWhere the hellā€™s Harrington?ā€
Henderson, frustratingly, does not weep or throw his hands up in celebration of Eddieā€™s incoming rescue.Ā 
Which is fine--Eddie hasnā€™t broken the spell yet.
Unfortunately he is bitching, in that infamously annoying tone of his.
ā€œDude, shut up, Steveā€™s pills really only work for like, an hour--ā€Ā 
ā€œFantastic, heā€™ll be clear headed for our little talk.ā€ Eddie tells him, head sweeping left andĀ  right as he looks for his target. Heā€™s been in Casa de Harrington a few times before to deal, but it was always at night.
He can now say with perfect honesty that the place looks worse in the bright light of the day.Ā 
ā€œWas that Eddie?ā€ Sinclair calls, and Eddie orients towards him instantly, storming down the hall.Ā 
It doesnā€™t take long to find the kid.Ā 
Ā Lucas is standing in a kitchen larger than Eddieā€™s entire trailer, a too-large pink apron drowning his frame.Ā 
He turns, revealing the front of the thing hasĀ  ā€˜Whisk Takerā€™ written on it in syrupy white font.Ā 
(Baking puns. Disgusting.)Ā 
ā€œAre you cooking?ā€ Eddie accuses with a sneer, though his disgust isnā€™t aimed at the freshmen.Ā 
This is exactly what he was afraid of finding.Ā 
Lucas just stares at him. ā€œUh--yeah?ā€Ā 
ā€œWhat did I say about too many people, Munson?ā€ Mayfrield spits angrily. It takes a second to locate her--the kitchen is enormous and far too white--but eventually Eddie realizes sheā€™s perched up on a counter next to the largest sink heā€™s ever seen.Ā 
For a second, Eddie thinks thatā€™s just where sheā€™s chosen to sit. Then she moves, and he realizes sheā€™s washing and drying a series of water bottles.Ā 
He never in his life thought heā€™d witness Maxine Mayfield willingly do someone else's dishes.Ā 
ā€œSomeone get me Harrington.ā€ Heā€™s not trying for anything dramatic, but his voice must sound dangerous because all three freshmen stop dead, eyes wide as if he's just spoken in tongues.
He zeroes in on Dustin with a glare. ā€œNow.ā€
Who huffs, throwing his hands up in the air like Eddieā€™s the one being unreasonable here.Ā 
ā€œAbsolutely not--we just got Steve to sit down. Heā€™s been following me around the house insisting Iā€™m causing more problems than Iā€™m fixing!ā€
ā€œBecause you are.ā€ Steve says, voice dripping with calm condescension as he appears like a wraith in the doorway. ā€œAnd I know youā€™re all into the whole dungeon game, Munson, but this is a little dramatic, even for you.ā€
Eddie whirls to face him, already vibrating with fury. ā€œOh, thatā€™s rich, coming from the guy whoā€™s treating them like his personal minions. Whatā€™s next, Harrington? Gonna make them re-shingle the roof? Paint your house? Wax your car?ā€
Steve gives him a flat, almost disbelieving stare. ā€œDo you seriously think I had Henderson miss your game just so I could lounge around while heā€™s doing chores?ā€
Eddie doesnā€™t bite, too busy unloading. ā€œOh we can both see itā€™s more than that.ā€
He doesnā€™t notice the way Steveā€™s jaw tenses, or how his hand creeps up to the side of his head, rubbing at his temple.Ā 
ā€œAnything else you want done, Harrington? Maybe make ā€˜em mow the lawn?ā€ Eddie sneers. ā€œOr teach ā€˜em to plump your pillows just the way you likeā€”ā€
Steve finally snaps, pushing himself upright. ā€œYou know what Munson, you're right,ā€ he says, voice tight with barely-contained frustration. ā€œIā€™m clearly a terrible person they need to be rescued from so--ā€Ā Ā 
He cuts himself off with a hiss,Ā  eyes squeezing shut as his hand goes to the side of his head, and spits out his next words like they hurt.Ā 
ā€œYou can play the good guy and take them all home.ā€Ā 
Dustin, with an exasperated sigh, steps between them. ā€œNo,ā€ he tells Steve sternly, as if managing an unruly child, before spinning on his heel to say the exact same thing, in the exact same tone--to Eddie.Ā 
(Jackass freshman canā€™t even appreciate when theyā€™re being actively rescued!)Ā 
ā€œEddie, I promise that this isnā€™t what it looks like.ā€Ā 
For anyone else it would sound like a plea, but Henderosn somehow makes it condescending.
ā€œWe can explain, alright?ā€ Dustin says, raising his hands as though coaxing a skittish animal. ā€œWill you let us explain? Please?ā€
Eddie glowers.Ā 
ā€œYou clearly do not, in fact, know what this looks like. Because if you did,ā€Ā 
Eddie can make himself menacing and he does so now, pulling on every single year of drama and theatrics and lying to cops heā€™s had, pushing his shoulders back and making his body tall.
ā€œYou would know that it looks like a guy who peaked in high school is forcing a bunch of fourteen year olds to do his bidding.ā€Ā 
He takes an aggressive step towards Steve, boots thunking hard on the floor. ā€œAnd that isnā€™t happening on my watch.ā€Ā 
ā€œArenā€™t you like an extra super senior?ā€ Mayfield says, arms crossed over her chest.Ā 
ā€œIrrelevant!ā€ Eddie swats the air in her direction, as if to physically bat away her words. ā€œIā€™m still in high school and Iā€™m not emotionally blackmailing a bunch of kids into waiting on me hand and foot while I fake a headache!ā€Ā 
ā€œOh ew.ā€ Maxā€™s nose scrunches in disgust, a mixture of disbelief and fury warring on her face. ā€œThat is not whatā€™s happening here.ā€Ā 
ā€œWere you even listening earlier?!ā€ Lucas says, like he canā€™t quite believe Eddie is this dumb.Ā 
(His character will be the next to die, so Eddie swears.)Ā 
ā€œI did.ā€ Eddie points a finger at him, triumphant. ā€œI heard all about how heā€™s tricked you into thinking you owe him a life-debt!ā€
ā€œA what?ā€ Harringtonā€™s squinting, like heā€™s struggling to follow along what is happening. Itā€™s a halfway decent sick act, Eddie will give it to him, but he knows the facade will drop in a moment.Ā 
As soon as the asshole loses his temper and decides to try and throw Eddie out, heā€™ll switch from the Poor Me act into the usual pompous, rich dick on a rampage persona.Ā 
ā€œHow heā€™s saved you all, convinced you and Henderson that youā€™re in debt to him.ā€Ā 
ā€œCould we just---please stop yelling?ā€ Steve says in the background, heel pressing hard against his eyes.Ā 
Then winces like his own voice hurts his head.
ā€œWhat the hell, Eddie?!ā€ Dustinā€™s cut across the room, stepping in between the two older teens. ā€œWhere did this even come from!?ā€Ā 
ā€œThe mouths of babes, Henderson. Which you would know if you witnessed Sinclairļæ½ļæ½ļæ½s rant instead of missing out because King Dickhead demanded your presence at his castle!ā€Ā 
ā€œGuys.ā€ Steveā€™s voice abruptly takes on a weird tone, and itā€™s only Mayfieldā€™s eyes popping wide that has Eddie realizing something is wrong--right before Harrington shoots past him, noisily hurling in the sink.
ā€œGross!ā€ Max shrieks, throwing herself off the counter.Ā 
Harrington aims a shaky middle finger in her direction.Ā 
ā€œI just washed those bottles Steve, I'm not washing them again!ā€ Mayfield rants, but sheā€™s not fooling anyone. Not with the way sheā€™s already edging back towards him, like sheā€™s afraid he might fall over.Ā 
(Worse, like she might try to catch him, as if Harringtonā€™s broad, barbarian-like shoulders wouldnā€™t flatten her instantly.)Ā 
ā€œAl-ā€™right.ā€ Harrington slurs a moment later, still panting over the sink. ā€œEveryone--out. Now.ā€Ā 
ā€œNope. Making it worse. Out.ā€Ā 
He manages to stand and turn, leaning hard against the counter and for the first time since this all started, Eddie looks at him.Ā 
Properly, and not through the lens of righteous fury.Ā 
Harringtonā€™s pale.
The shirt heā€™s wearing is stained with sweat marks, his sweatpants clearly old and worn for comfort rather than style.Ā 
His hairā€¦
Eddie has never seen Harrington without his infamously perfect hairdo, and the messy, slick waves plastered to his forehead is more of a shock then him vomiting in the sink.Ā 
Heā€™s got his hands pressed hard against his eyes again, and thereā€™s a slight tremble in his fingers that belay heā€™s likely in a lot more pain than heā€™s letting on.
In short, Harrington looks like absolute shit, and Eddie, maybe, possibly, the tiniest bit believes he actually has a migraine.Ā 
Well, it was that or he was really committed to the bitā€¦Ā 
The tense silence that has befallen them all is ruined when Harrington makes a ā€˜hurk.ā€™ noise.
ā€œIā€™m going to throw up again.ā€ He decides after a moment of contemplation, before whipping back around to the sink and doing just that.Ā 
ā€œSteveā€™s right.ā€ Mayfield decides suddenly, over all the nasty noises. ā€œWe should leave.ā€Ā 
ā€œIā€™m almost done cooking!ā€ Sinclair protests, as if Harrington isnā€™t presently throwing up the contents of his stomach.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™re almost done burning things, you mean.ā€ Max mutters, but her words canā€™t hide the blatant concern written all over his face. ā€œI donā€™t think heā€™s going to keep anything down.ā€Ā 
ā€œHe needs us to finish what we started.ā€ Dustin argues passionately. ā€œYou know how bad he gets, heā€™s not gonna be able to get up in an hour!ā€Ā 
(A clear exaggeration, because Harrington looks like heā€™s not gonna make it across the kitchen unassisted.)Ā 
ā€œWhat I need is for everyone to stop talking so fucking loud.ā€ Harrington moans, before appearing to give up on life entirely.Ā 
He sort of sags against the counter, resting his head against his arms while bent double, as if that would help things.Ā 
It was at this point that Eddie had the most unfortunate realization that he might be the asshole here.Ā 
Because Harrington looks rough--and if he actually does in fact, have a migraine, then Eddie has done nothing but make it worse.
(Very likely the freshmen have as well, given Dustin is incapable of talking in anything other than a loud yell, and the smell of Lucasā€™s burnt food has permeated the air.
Mayfield seemed to have accomplished a small amount of actual work, at least.
ā€¦If Harrington managed to miss throwing up on the water bottles.)Ā 
ā€œLook,ā€ Harrington interrupts with an audible, thick swallow.ā€œYou guys did great, and I appreciate the uh, help. Iā€™m fine, I promise, you can all go home. Munson,ā€Ā 
He doesnā€™t turn, but his voice does change into something thatā€™s half pleading, half demanding.
ā€œCan we please fight about this tomorrow? Or next week?ā€Ā 
ā€œNo fighting!ā€ Dustin shrieks, which has the effect of making Harrington cringe into the counter--and that is what finally kicks Eddie over.
Bows to the instincts that now want to wrap up Harrington in a blanket over the ones that want to strangle him, (though both are very much at odds in his head with each other.)
ā€œWe can put a pin in it.ā€ He says, all the venom dropping out of his voice,Ā  already knowing whatā€™s going to happen next and hating himself for it.Ā 
Even at his absolute worst, Eddie has never been able to resist trying to fix a problem heā€™s been presented with--or turn down someone who needs help.
Harrington, clearly, needs help.Ā 
ā€œYou heard him.ā€ He tells his freshman, then immediately holds up a hand when all three try to protest at once.Ā 
ā€œAh-ah, inside voices.ā€ He himself uses a harsh whisper, and then has to fight not to laugh aloud when all three abruptly eye him like heā€™s lost his head.
He probably has.
(Fucking King Steve.
No one who is that much of a douchebag should ever look that pathetic without deserving it, itā€™s against the Munson doctrine.)Ā 
ā€œHenderson, have you done anything actually useful while youā€™ve been here? Like, say, getting a warm washcloth?ā€Ā 
ā€œI--oh.ā€ Dustinā€™s on the defense instantly, but for once actually listens before he finishes his sentence. ā€œUh. No.ā€
ā€œGo do that then.ā€ Eddie instructs, making sure to keep his voice quiet and even.Ā 
ā€œSinclair, toss out the eggs, then take the garbage out so itā€™ll stop stinking up the place. Mayfield, see if these windows open. Harringtonā€¦ā€Ā 
He pauses, watching as Harrington tries to gather himself, moving slowly and deliberately like even breathing hurts. His entire appearance is grating Eddieā€™s nervesā€”not because he doesnā€™t care, but because he does, and thatā€™s infuriating.Ā 
ā€œGo lay down, man.ā€ He finishes lamely.Ā 
He expects the freshmen to listen to him. Knows they will, in his heart of hearts, even if they bitch back, because thatā€™s just how things are when he decides to take charge. So few people truly want to, that others are often relieved when he does.Ā 
Steve Harrington is not most people.
If he argues, he could very well tip things out of control again, which means Eddie is likely going to have to force the trio of fourteen year olds out of the house.Ā 
Henderson and Sinclair he can manage but Mayfieldā€¦
Thankfully, Steve pushes off the counter with a groan, muttering something under his breath, but slowly making his way toward the couch without any other protest.Ā 
The freshmen exchange glances, all of them looking just as unsure as Eddie feels. Like theyā€™re waiting for instructions now that their default leader is down for the count.
He clears his throat pointedly.Ā 
ā€œHello? Did I not give you marching orders?ā€ He bats his hands at them. ā€œGo march!ā€Ā 
Mayfield mutters something that sounds an awful lot like ā€œhypocriteā€ but thankfully, does as asked.Ā 
ā€œAre you gonna give us a ride home?ā€ Henderson asks as he finally starts moving around--hopefully to get a damn washcloth.Ā 
ā€œYou got yourself here, you can get yourself home.ā€ Eddie scoffs back, taking stock of Harringtonā€™s kitchen.Ā 
He eyes the line of pain pills laid out on the counter, quickly noting not one of them is anything that would help with a sneeze let alone a migraine.Ā 
ā€œWhy not?ā€ Dustin disappeared down a hallway, but the fact Eddie can still hear him plain as day speaks to his ability to keep quiet. ā€œYou have your van, donā€™t you?ā€Ā 
ā€œBecause Iā€™m not leaving when you three are leaving.ā€Ā 
Itā€™s an absentminded comment, given his mind is elsewhere.Ā 
Weed may be his bread and butter but he does have a handful of more serious things on offer.Ā 
Of those things, one or two have some fun little unexpected side effects, and if Eddie recalls Rickā€™s yapping right, one of said things was stopping headaches.Ā 
Said magic little mushrooms might even be in a pocket or two, here, if he remembers rightā€¦Ā 
ā€œWait, you're staying here?ā€ Lucas protests, far too loudly.Ā 
"Ssszzhh!" Eddie hisses, drawing out the sound dramatically, mostly for the sake of cutting off whatever protests were coming his way.Ā 
ā€œNo arguing. Your beloved King clearly needs a nap, and that means youā€™re all off duty. Unless," he adds with a raised eyebrow, "you intend to watch him sleep?"
Dustin looks torn, but mutters a quiet, "No," his eyes shifting sideways like he's weighing the logic.
"Good. Then if youā€™re all finishedā€¦?ā€
He waits for the nods he knows are coming.Ā 
ā€œExcellent. Now leave." Eddie says, pointing towards the door.Ā 
They hesitate for a second, but then finally begin to shuffle out, the door clicking quietly behind them.Ā 
And just like that, Eddieā€™s left standing there, watching Steve breathe shallowly on the couch--with a washrag over his eyes.
(At least Dustin managed that.)Ā 
He could leave now.Ā 
Should leave, really. Giving out drugs for free is not exactly a good business move and Steve will no doubt sleep the headache off without it. But Eddieā€™s feet don't seem to agree with him, rooted in place as his gaze lingers on the sharp line of Steve's jaw, the slight twitch of his brow every time a muscle aches.
Feels the pull, deep in his gut, to provide the relief he knows he can give.Ā 
Before he knows whatā€™s happening, heā€™s moving, crossing the room toward him.
ā€œMunson?ā€ Harrington squints up at him as he registers his presence, washcloth nudged upwards by shaky fingers. ā€œWhyā€™r you still ā€˜ere?ā€Ā 
ā€œBecause Iā€™m stupid.ā€ Eddie mutters, right before realizing he actually said that outloud.Ā 
Thank God for Harringtonā€™s headache.Ā 
ā€œYou look terrible, man.ā€Ā  Eddie says slightly louder. ā€œThat hair of yours is so flat I think your crownā€™s gonna fall right off.ā€Ā 
Heā€™d meant it as a joke--spoke it like one, but it seems to snap Harrington out of his pity party.Ā 
The sigh that blasts out of him is a whole body affair, and gets his feelings across better than his words do. ā€œI get it. You thought this was something else and it wasnā€™t. Not the first time thatā€™s happened.ā€Ā 
He turns, cheek scraping against the fabric of his shirt, red rimmed eyes squinting against the light to look at Eddie.Ā 
ā€œYou got your laugh in, so you can go.ā€Ā 
Thereā€™s defeat in his voice. Like heā€™s accepted this might as well have happened.Ā 
(Like heā€™s just as beaten down as anyone Eddie has ever saved.)Ā 
ā€œI didnā€™t stick around to laugh.ā€ Eddie keeps his voice soft, and that somehow, makes the next part easier to say.Ā Ā 
ā€œI honestly thought you were messing around with Henderson and Sinclair, and I uh, Iā€™m used to being the only person who gives a shit. When that kind of thing happens.ā€Ā 
Harrington grimaces.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s okay.ā€ he mutters, eyes sliding closed once more. ā€œMost people still think Iā€™m an asshole.ā€
His tone has gone odd again, wrecked and rasping, migraine clearly trumping whatever strong feelings he had on the matter.Ā 
And the stupid thing was, Harrington himself was never really an asshole.Ā 
Sure he went along with the assholes, and he definitely egged them on if not outright participated in some of the lower tier shitty activities, but he wasnā€™t the guy slamming people into lockers.Ā 
(Eddie, in fact, has a hazy memory of Steve telling off Hagan for doing said locker slamming.)Ā 
It didnā€™t make him a good guy--heā€™d had slung too many insults around to get that label--but in the rankings of assholery, his was of the average variety.Ā 
Which means that Eddie cannot logic himself out of his own stupid desire to help.
Even if he really, really wants to.
ā€œYeah well, even assholes need assistance sometimes, and since I kicked your help out, itā€™s on to make up for it.ā€Ā 
ā€œNo offense,ā€ Steve slurs tiredly, ā€œbut I donā€™t think youā€™re any quieter than Dustin.ā€Ā 
A smile ghosts over Eddieā€™s face.Ā 
ā€œI live in a tiny ass trailer, Harrington. Trust me,Ā  I know how to be quiet. I simply choose not to be.ā€ He moves, slow and careful, until heā€™s seated next to the fallen King on his stupidly huge (and very uncomfortable) couch.Ā 
Steveā€™s eye follows him over, staring up as he white knuckles his sweatpants, washrag sitting crooked on his forehead.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m not sure Iā€™m not gonna throw up again.ā€ He admits after a moment.Ā 
ā€œAnd that right there is one of the things I can help with. Provided,ā€ Eddie waggles his eyebrows, ā€œthat you donā€™t mind taking a more recreational route for your recovery?ā€Ā 
ā€œ....are you offering me drugs?ā€Ā 
ā€œI am indeed.ā€ Eddie confirms with a real smile, plucking the offending baggie out of a pocket.Ā 
ā€œYou ever done shrooms, your majesty?ā€Ā 
Steve huffs a quiet noise that might have been a snort, had he put any effort behind it.Ā 
ā€œHow is that going to help?ā€Ā 
ā€œBe-cauuuuuse,ā€ Eddie draws the words out, still a showman even if he is doing his level best to talk as quietly as possible, ā€œshrooms are what we call a psychedelic, and those are pretty well known among certain circles as the headache healer.ā€Ā 
Provided one took the medicinal amount and not the down-the-rabbit-hole amount.Ā 
Harringtonā€™s eyes are back open, only this time theyā€™re looking at Eddieā€™s fingers the same way a dog looks at a nail trimmer: concerned and not entirely unsure it wasnā€™t going to bite him.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m notā€¦ā€ He cuts himself off, frowning.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™ve bought plenty of my weed, Harrington. Trust me this isnā€™t any different.ā€ Eddie tells him.Ā 
Isnā€™t offended in the slightest--this reaction is pretty typical for people who have only smoked the ganja.Ā 
Even the ones who asked to try for something with a little more ā€˜umph.ā€™Ā 
ā€œSā€™not that.ā€Steve admits quietly. ā€œI uh. Had a bad trip. While back.ā€Ā 
ā€œAh, gunshy.ā€ Eddie says it without a lick of judgment, because Eddieā€™s been there.
Or rather in the shower, at two am because he accidentally spilled LSD on his hand and promptly tripped balls for 48 hours after.Ā Ā 
Ā ā€œIā€™ll hang around a bit, if you like.ā€ He offers casually. ā€œMake sure things donā€™t go sideways.ā€
He gets another huff-snort as Harringtonā€™s watery eyes return their attention to him.Ā 
ā€œAnd what are you going to do if they do go sideways?ā€
ā€œPut you back together again.ā€Ā Ā 
Eddie knows his grin is crooked, but canā€™t help it. Heā€™s thinking about Humpty Dumpty and the Kingā€™s Men.Ā Ā 
Somehow he doesnā€™t see Steve Harrington cracking that easilyā€”at least, not without putting up a good fightā€”but drugs did worse things to better people.Ā 
ā€œIt really helps?ā€ Steve asks, voice quiet. Doubtful.
Eddie presses his hands to his chest. ā€œScouts honor.ā€
ā€œYou were not a boy scout.ā€ Steve tells him, but heā€™s struggling to sit up anyway, looking game.Ā 
ā€œAlright, so how do I do this?ā€ He asks, though heā€™s already halfway down again, propped up on his elbows.
ā€œFirst, you lay back down, and Iā€™ll brew it into tea,ā€ Eddie explains.Ā 
ā€œWell, you could eat them straight, but I donā€™t think theyā€™d taste too great. Not that I wouldnā€™t mind watching you try.ā€
Steve scowls. ā€œSadist.ā€
ā€œGuilty,ā€ Eddie replies, biting back the urge to sing-song it, keeping his voice down and steady. ā€œJust a heads-up: they kick in fast, but Iā€™ll go light on youā€”nothing like the ā€˜funā€™ dose for the usual crowd.ā€
Which is how he ends up back in the kitchen, this time making tea and humming to himself, before offering the final brewed concoction to Harrington.
Who downs it like a shot, because heā€™s a fucking frat-bro at heart.Ā 
ā€œI didnā€™t find a teacup for you to do that.ā€Ā 
Between a full-body shudder and a dramatic grimace, Steve chokes out ā€œNot gonna lie I didnā€™t think we owned a teacup.ā€Ā 
ā€œWhat, do you think I just have them in my van?ā€
ā€œHonestly? Yeah.ā€Ā 
Which is kind of hysterical, and something Eddie may be doing--not that heā€™s telling Harrington that.Ā 
ā€œAnd now we wait!ā€ He announces instead of rambling about teacups, nearly clapping his hands together before he remembers the migraine Steve is soldiering through with surprising grit.Ā 
Eddie himself would have turned into a whiny mess, so he canā€™t help but admire the guyā€™s restraint.
ā€œWaiting to see if I hurl again, you mean?ā€ Steve mutters, flopping backward onto the couch. ā€œThat tasted like battery acid.ā€
ā€œThink itā€™s coming back up?ā€
ā€œNo clue.ā€
They sit in silence for a second, then Eddie pokes, ā€œMaybe itā€™s best if you crash in your room, man. You look like death warmed over, and this couch sucks.ā€Ā 
An understatement, if there ever was one. The fucking thing didnā€™t seem to be made for people to actually sit on.Ā 
Reluctantly, Steve pulls himself up, heading toward his room. Eddie tags along, snarky grin covering the way he holds his hands out in case the jock ahead of him slips on the stairs and takes them both out.Ā 
(Unlike Mayfield, Eddie does not pretend Steve doesnā€™t outclass him weight wise. The man was built like a brickhouse, and he has to fight to keep his eyes up toward Steveā€™s hair instead of on his ass.)Ā 
Thankfully, heā€™s saved from all R-rated thoughts by the sheer horror of Harringtonā€™s bedroom.Ā 
ā€œHarrington, Iā€™ve found the source of all your migraines.ā€ Eddie tells him, tone as serious as heā€™s ever been.
ā€œHa-ha.ā€ Steve deadpans, stepping into his plaid fucking room.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m not kidding, Iā€™m getting a headache and Iā€™ve been here less than five seconds.ā€Ā 
The whole place truly is a nightmare--like someone took one of those plaid hunting jackets and themed an entire room around it.Ā 
Fucking rich people.Ā 
ā€œTrust me, itā€™s not the wallpaper.ā€Ā 
ā€œGiven how youā€™re weaving on your feet, I think itā€™s safe to say I donā€™t trust you at all.ā€ Eddie tells him, half helping half dragging Steve towards the bed.Ā 
Itā€™s a comfy looking thing and Harrington falls into it gratefully, immediately crawling under the covers.Ā 
ā€œYou know where to find me?ā€ Eddie asks him, refusing to think Harrington snuggling up in his bed is something cute.Ā 
ā€œGood. Hit me up next time your head gets bad. Iā€™ll make sure to keep some of this,ā€ He shakes the little baggie, ā€œon hand.ā€Ā 
Steveā€™s pulled the covers all the way up past his chin, but he moves it down a little to properly cock an eye at Eddie.Ā 
ā€œDare I ask what you're gonna charge for that?ā€
ā€œLetā€™s call it a fair trade for all those times youā€™ve driven the freshman home from Hellfire.ā€Ā 
If Steve even recalls this conversation, that is. Eddie hadnā€™t exactly given him the ā€œfunā€ kind of dose, but then, he himself has never tested out what dose is needed to cure headaches rather than simply havingĀ  fun destroying one's own ego.Ā 
He supposes thatā€™s something he and Harrington both will have to test, between them--because Eddie meant it when he offered the drugs for free.
No one deserves to suffer from the kind of migraine Harrington clearly had.Ā 
ā€œThink youā€™re good to drop off.ā€ Eddie tells him, after making sure Steve is happily content in his bed.Ā 
Checks his watch to make sure enough time has passed to safely call it, before beginning to attempt his way out of Steveā€™s god-awful bedroom.Ā 
Which of course, is when Harrington reaches out, looping his fingers around Eddieā€™s wrist.Ā 
It freezes him in place.Ā 
In a moment that is so utterly selfish and stupid that Eddie will loudly insist it was a hallucination should Harrington ever dare ask about it, he turns his palm and moves so that heā€™s clasping Steveā€™s fingers with his own.Ā 
ā€œThanks. For all this.ā€ Steve whispers, as they hold hands for a moment.Ā 
Eddie squeezes his fingers against the younger manā€™s before he moves to make his retreat, flashing a peace sign over his shoulder as he goes.Ā Ā 
ā€œAnytime, big boy.ā€Ā 
The thing no one tells you about creating a doctrine, is that at some point or another, someoneā€™s going to hold you to it.Ā 
In Eddieā€™s case itā€™s four very pissed off teenagers.
He has a gold medal in mental gymnastics and a silver in denial. Left on his own devices he could easily excuse everything that happened yesterday.Ā 
Reclassify the fallen King as pathetic, and the kids' weird loyalty to him as a holdover from his babysitting days.Ā 
Blame their nosy-ness on them being involved in Harringtonā€™s life, and happily go back to mocking their relationship with renewed vigor because now heā€™s not going to handwave their behavior as being afraid of Harrington.Ā 
Nope, they clearly and willingly, have attached themselves to the King, which means Eddie gets to make fun of them for life.Ā 
Pity they donā€™t leave Eddie to his own devices.Ā 
In fact, the little shits hit him up first thing in the morning, early enough that he'sā€™ a little suspicious that the boys slept over at Maxā€™s trailer.Ā 
ā€œWeā€™re not done talking about Steve.ā€ Mayfield tells him and given the determined (Henderson) angry (Sinclair) and put out (Wheeler Jr.) faces glaring at him from over her shoulder, Eddie figures his chances for getting out of this conversation are slim to none.
ā€œGood morning to you too.ā€ He snarks, voice gravel-deep with sleep. ā€œWhat do you little shits want?ā€
ā€œI literally just said.ā€ Max rolls her eyes so hard he thinks about commenting that they may stick back there, only to decide that makes him sound too much like a teacher for his liking.Ā 
(Besides if they get stuck, heā€™ll have an excuse to whack her on the back of her head without getting murdered for it.
An attempt at an excuse, anyway.)Ā 
ā€œAnd who says I have anything I want to talk about?ā€ He fires back, leaning a shoulder against the old metal doorframe.Ā 
Just because he understood what they wanted didnā€™t mean he was going to make it easy.Ā 
ā€œWould you just let us in?ā€Ā 
ā€œEddie.ā€ Dustin whines, and Eddie redirects his frown his way. ā€œCome on.ā€Ā 
ā€œWell I suppose if you say it that way,ā€ Eddie hums thoughtfully. ā€œNo.ā€Ā 
ā€œSteveā€™s sick, you asswipe.ā€ Max snaps angrily.Ā 
ā€œI know,ā€ He volleys back, brightly sarcastic. ā€œI saw him yesterday.ā€
Because itā€™s Mayfield, she matches him tit for tat, a mimicry of his sarcastic drawl entering her voice. ā€œGood! You get to see him today too.ā€
And just like that their little ambush makes sense.
(Heā€™s got to find a new way to get the damn kids to fear him, clearly his usual menacingnessĀ  just isnā€™t cutting it anymore.)Ā 
ā€œAnd why would I do that?ā€Ā 
Heā€™s done his good deed. He helped Harrington out, and even offered free drugs to help him get his migraines under control.Ā 
Checking up on the guy was overkill.Ā Ā 
ā€œWe were gonna do it, but someone let it slip that Steve was sick.ā€ A cutting glance is given to Henderson, who makes a face but otherwise holds his ground.Ā 
ā€œAnd his mom called everyone else's parents with instructions that we leave him alone until he feels better.ā€Ā Ā 
ā€œSo now if we go over there,ā€ Sinclair finishes for his girlfriend, ā€œwe get grounded.ā€Ā 
Which neatly answers every question that just popped into Eddieā€™s head.Ā 
The threat makes sense for the boys--Eddieā€™s met Claudia Henderson and though she has that bubbly, easy to confuse nature of suburbanites everywhere, there was an undercurrent in her eyes of someone who knew more than she was letting on.Ā 
Or perhaps, someone who simply knew what they wanted, and was happy to settle and wait for it.Ā 
Ā Likewise the Sinclair and Wheeler parental units seem to want to keep in her--and Steveā€™s, no doubt, given he carts their kids around--good graces.Ā 
Given Mayfieldā€™s mom wasnā€™t even home last night, her participation in this farce does not make sense and Eddie narrows his eyes at her in warning.Ā 
ā€œI fail to see how this is my problem.ā€ He says instead of directly calling her out.
She knows he knows, and heā€™s smart enough to figure out how to relay that without saying it directly.Ā 
(An action taken out of respect for surviving a bad home life, and absolutely not because heā€™s terrified sheā€™ll crawl through his window to enact revenge in the middle of the night.)Ā 
ā€œItā€™s your problem because you owe him one.ā€ she tells him firmly. ā€œAnd us.ā€
Oh no he does not.Ā 
ā€œHow so?ā€ He challenges with a snorted laugh.Ā 
ā€œYou did kind of storm into his house and yell a lot.ā€ Sinclair points out. Heā€™s doing better at speaking up, Eddie realizes with a twisted sense of pride and dread.Ā 
Not quite so easy to steamroll after his outburst yesterday.Ā 
A part of him hopes that sticks around--Sinclair needs a spine, and not just because Mayfield will keep running circles around him until he grows one.Ā 
The rest of Eddie is pissed off that he decided to get one now, when it directly impacted Eddieā€™s Saturday morning sleeping plans. Ā 
Leave it to these dickheads to use a good deed against him.
ā€œLook--we canā€™t make sure heā€™s okay. You can.ā€ Mayfield steps up to jam a painted fingernail in Eddieā€™s chest. ā€œHe wonā€™t let us do anything that will actually help him. You, he can't stop.ā€Ā 
He does not take a step backward and thus lose all the cool points he has left in the eyes of the younger Hellfire members, but only because heā€™s already leaned up against the doorframe.Ā 
He bares his teeth at her in a silent snarl instead.Ā 
ā€œWe made it worse.ā€ She admits, voice sharp. ā€œAnd I donā€™t know how to make it better, but you seem to be able to, so congrats Munson--you get to go again!ā€Ā 
Which gets Eddieā€™s back right up.Ā 
He pushes off the doorframe, ready to tell Mayfield--and all his little dipshits--right off, except this is when Wheeler Jr., of all people, decides to add in his two cents.Ā 
ā€œIf you donā€™t go, no one else will.ā€ He looks off to the side while he says it, arms crossed tight across his chest and spitting the words out like he's admitting to a crime. ā€œRobinā€™s not coming back until Monday and Nancy's got some stupid thing, so youā€™re literally the only person who can go.ā€Ā 
Well just stab him in the heart, why donā€™t you.Ā 
ā€œWhat are the chances of you fucking back off to whatever hole you crawled out of if I refuse?ā€ He asks, already knowing that heā€™s done for.
Accepted his fate, because he knows what itā€™s like not to have someone to rely on, when you need them the most.Ā 
ā€œZero.ā€ Sinclair and Henderson chant as one.Ā 
ā€œWell then.ā€ He tells them with the biggest, most put upon sigh he can manage. ā€œGuess you got me in a box here.ā€Ā 
Mayfield grins at him.
It reminds him vaguely of a shark.Ā 
A bloodthirsty, slightly demonic, mean shark.Ā 
ā€œGood. Go get dressed.ā€
ā€œOh Iā€™m doing this right now, am I?ā€ He complains, but heā€™s already moving to go back into his trailer.Ā 
ā€œWeā€™re not leaving until you do!ā€ Mayfield yells at him.
Eddie slams the door in her face.Ā 
(Heā€™s never adopting freshmen again, as long as he fucking lives.)
413 notes Ā· View notes
oh-no-its-bird Ā· 5 months ago
Logan Howlett is like the Steve Harrington of Xmen. No matter where you put him, if he's in a room with another man, he will find a way to have insane sexual tension with them.
595 notes Ā· View notes
wild0moon Ā· 6 months ago
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they are 14 and unmedicated
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morganski-19 Ā· 1 year ago
Steve seeing something on tiktok and trying it on Eddie
Steve: You know what I kinda really want right now, an orange
Eddie: Do we even have the oranges?
Steve: Iā€™m not sure
Eddie: *getting up* Let me check. Nope, be back in ten
Steve: *to the camera* I was not expecting him to go that far
Ten minutes later
Eddie: *comes back to the apartment with a bag of oranges* Do you want peeled or sliced
Steve: Peeled
Eddie: Ok
Steve: *looking at the camera* I think he passed
Eddie: *handing Steve a bowl of peeled orange slices* Passed what?
Steve: Nothing
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critter-of-habit Ā· 1 year ago
okay focusing on NATASHA when Peggy and Steve were reuniting was really a choice wasn't it
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morganbritton132 Ā· 3 months ago
Eddieā€™s live-streaming in bed one night, just talking stream of consciousness style, because he canā€™t sleep. Heā€™s been rambling on for a few hours when Steve rolls over towards him and put his hand on Eddieā€™s chest.
Steveā€™s in that not-quite-awake state that usually leads to sleepwalking but this time, heā€™s just listing off either a grocery list or ingredients for a meal. Either way, Eddie stops talking and grabs a pen and paper to write down what heā€™s saying in case itā€™s important.
Steve finishes up by saying, ā€œā€¦tomatoes, pie, itā€™s a secret.ā€
ā€œOoh, a secret?ā€ Eddie teases. ā€œTell me all your secrets, Stevie.ā€
Heā€™s joking. Heā€™s not expecting to get an answer because rarely does he ever get a coherent response from Steve when heā€™s sleep-talking. So itā€™s surprising when Steve presses his finger into the space over Eddieā€™s heart and says, ā€œRemember when I broke your guitar.ā€
All the fond amusement in Eddieā€™s voice drops out of it, ā€œYes. I remember when you broke the guitar my mom left me when she died.ā€
ā€œDustin broke it,ā€ Steve yawns, rolling away from Eddie onto his back. ā€œDidnā€™t want you to be mad at him.ā€
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dirtbagdefender Ā· 8 months ago
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broareweabouttoviberightnow Ā· 2 months ago
rip Dallas Winston u would have loved making thirst traps n having 13 banned TikTok accounts
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