#but sorry to those blogs too bc i’m constantly promoting them
chaseadrian · 2 years
entitled writers on tumblr: beg for notes 24/7, hold fics hostage and won’t continue until they get a certain amount of notes, complain about the like reblog ratio 24/7
also entitled writers on tumblr: only promote their own work, don’t support other writers and don’t look for other fics, don’t appreciate likes even though those are still notes, don’t update fics regularly, block urls they don’t recognize, block blogs that are too new as though we’re all supposed to have been here since 2013 or something, constantly insults the reader audience, get mad if people tell you they liked it so much they wanna part two, get mad if comments aren’t up to your exact specifications

let me go point by point to prove you’re a fucking idiot.
your entire first paragraph: writing takes a lot of effort, and the ratio has changed over the past few years, largely because of new users that don’t exactly understand how tumblr works. that’s fine, we learn, but listen to people who’ve been on this site for years. we are well within our rights to express disappointment and feel discouraged over low note count, especially when readers demand new work without showing appreciation for what’s there.
“only promote their own work, don’t support others, don’t look for fics” i have never seen a writer do that. i know several writers that have entire separate blogs for fanfic recs. i have one! and if you check the #fic tag on my blog, guess what you’ll see? comment after comment on fics i’ve read. and i don’t even read fic that often, like ppl i’m following definitely read more than i do and my dash is full of them reblogging fic with lengthy comments. i make it a point not to follow writers who don’t support their fellow writers. bc we all understand the struggle.
“don’t appreciate likes even though they’re notes” a like tells me exactly nothing. it tells me you SAW my work. i don’t give two shits about note count. i would take a 40 note fic where 38 of the notes are comments/reblogs over a 10k note fic where 9.8k of the notes are likes. many writers would.
“don’t update fics regularly” again. writing is hard. it takes effort. and we’re all fucking adults with college, jobs, family, illnesses, life in general outside this site. you as a reader are not entitled to scheduled updates, you are not entitled to fic period.
“blocks urls you don’t recognize etc.” blogs that get blocked are often A. ageless/minors or B. completely blank with the default icon + theme. they look like bots. i only block minors on sight, but blogs that block blank/ageless blogs are well in their right to do so.
“constantly insult the reader audience” if you’re insulted by posts encouraging reblogging, take a look at how you interact with fic. the call is coming from inside the house.
your entire last point about comments: demanding more content is not a compliment. if all you say is “when’s part two??” or some variation then you are putting unfair pressure and burden on a writer who delivered you something that took time, effort, and talent. a demand ≠ a comment. writers are happy with a simple keysmash, so i don’t even get your point about “exact specifications.”
to sum. writers owe you jack shit. and if you have neither the capability nor the willingness to write your own fucking fanfic, then you don’t have a voice in this conversation. sorry.
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lovingnekoma · 3 years
i’ve been meaning to do another 18+ & dc haikyuu/bnha/jjk blogs i love post but haven’t had the time so uhhhh here are some real quick (repetitive of my last post but i love these blogs ok bls let me love you) (but issokie if you don’t wanna let me lov you too that’s so valid you’re so valid)
reminder to read each blog’s dni/byf before you interact or follow!! everyone has different things they’re comfortable with, and all of these people should be respected!!!
@sugardaddykenma always my top rec for a blog. lin, i’d die for you. someone give her the fucking crown she deserves. not the burger king one, but also that. the funniest person on this hellsite and 100% one of my fav blogs ever.
@atsumuse once again, i present: mimi. a literal goddess. follow her so you, too, can have an insanely high laundry bill bc her writing will make you gush. <3
@samuslut literally so chill n so nice??? her writing makes me take fucking laps, it never misses and i could exist in her masterlists forever
@iwaasfairy if you wanted meian shugo content, fairy’s blog is the place. i constantly reread all her writing and she is the nicest person ever, i adore her.
@inarizahki sunny’s writing is so good??? the kita content fuels my whole existence and her vibes are immaculate. follow 4 good timez. her and her anons have fucking massive brains.
@aiiwa NONA MY BELOVED <33 her anime boyfriend scenarios make me scream into my pillow and she has the coolest themes ever and her writing her wRITING
@devilkou eden literally never fucking misses. i always resist mass liking/reblogging everything on her blog and she also has the cutest themes n masterlists ok just follow n adore her thats an order
@introloves i scream into the void everytime jax posts bc her writing?? fucking slaps so hard???? also such fun vibes n cute rainbow dividers. if you aren’t consistently reblogging her work, what’re you doing
@yourtamaki god-tier writing. i read one (1) drabble, read the dni/byf (do that. for everyone. yes thank u) and then followed i’m in lOVE. everytime ive been like i wanna read this specific thing, sunny has been 7 lightyears ahead and blessed this cesspool of a site.
@ringpop-poppy kneel for an icon!!! her brain!!! is gorgeous!!!! thirst posts that send me running to fill up my water bottle and just very great interactions w anons !!!
@keishinslove if you have not experienced the feeling of seeing carter on your dash and getting annihilated by her big fucking brain, you need to. her writing makes me slkfskjdfs <33 in best way
@sleepyrintaro ok rinnie is currently on hiatus but bls go check out her blog anyway. her headcanons are so so fucking good and she makes the cutest dividers and her vibe’s brilliant idk what more you need
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kae-karo · 5 years
[1] hi!! so idk if you've seen dan speaking at the mental health panel or not, but there was one part that hit me really hard and id love to know your thoughts on it! basically he was saying that often content creators, and people in general, are struggling with their mental health the most when it seems like they're thriving (uploading constantly, getting good grades, etc) but everyone thinks they're fine. which is literally my life rn but i can't take a break from overworking myself bc i need
[2] to get into college. do you have any advice abt how to provide for my future while still taking care of myself? also, i just want to thank you for running such a healthy and positive blog bc it has helped me thru some difficult times, and you seem like such a thoughtful and caring person!
hi dear! oh no :( I'm so sorry, that's such a hard position to be in - I havent been in school for a few years, and not in high school since 2012 yikes lmao, so I'm sure things have changed a bit but hopefully I can still give some advice that helps?
I'd say first and foremost, talk to a trusted adult you know in person about how you're feeling - whether that be a parent, older sibling, favorite teacher, advisor, etc. they may have advice more specific to your situation that might take into account details I dont know. and while this is my first piece of advice, it can also be the hardest? sometimes facing our demons and being honest about them with others who have only seen our "good side" can feel impossible, but it can be a crucial step to help build a support system that you can go to when you feel you're struggling
the next thing I'd say is, on a small scale, start taking time for yourself. I know that's like. the hardest thing to do when you have like 6hr of homework a night, minimum, plus clubs or sports or other activities that take time, but literally even sneaking five minutes between some bits of homework to do something that's calming and centering for you can make a difference - if you can grab five minutes to go sit in a space you feel comfortable, away from your work, to breathe and think about something other than your work, that can be helpful
the next one is sorta like. tangential, but take care of your body as well - you're still a growing and developing human, so this is ESPECIALLY important, but drinking lots of water (and not too many sugary drinks/chemical drinks) and eating veggies and getting enough protein can literally make such a big difference in your brains ability to function at it's best. the other important thing here is sleep - every body is different, so keep in mind what your body does best on and (when you can) aim for that. between hydration, good nutrition, and sufficient sleep, you're laying a foundation that can help your brain be more successful throughout the day
I wish, ultimately, i had a perfect answer for the fucked up school system (esp in America which is what I'm most familiar with), but it honestly sets you up to fail. what (unintentionally) worked well for me was having a blow-off class or two - classes that were easy for me (like sign language, or French 1 after I'd already taken Spanish for several years) and could help boost my GPA without stressing me out as much. if you can find those classes- and definitely look for the ones that are easy for YOU, don't just ask around for the easiest classes - that can be a really nice break in your day and help relieve you of some after-school stress
here's another "honesty is the best policy" situation - if you find yourself struggling to understand a concept, or homework is taking you so much longer than some of your peers (or the teacher says theres only an hour of hw a night and you end up spending far longer on it) talk to the teacher! tell them you're struggling, and ask if you can get some help understanding a topic. be specific about what you dont understand (dont just go "I dont get it") and explain your thought process - this can help teachers understand where you're veering off the path and what you might be missing. and, more importantly, if you're coming in for help, they're more likely to be lenient with you because they know you're trying (yes I'm aware that was more a "school help in general" bit of advice but in case that's something you're struggling with)
now heres....maybe some controversial advice. take calculated risks. example: if a teacher has a policy where they drop your lowest homework grade in a class and you're doing alright in that class, but you have a day where you're saddled with WAY too much work for another class where you're struggling, it's okay to say "okay, today I need to go to sleep by 10pm, I can either finish this difficult homework or complete homework for the class that will drop a grade", sometimes it makes more sense to skip that one homework and get a zero to spend time dedicated to the class you're struggling in and get rest. in a similar vein, there is also a limit to studying - there is a point where you physically cannot absorb more knowledge. it is so much better for your brain - both from a focus and memory standpoint - to get a little extra sleep than to stay up late studying well past the point where you will retain knowledge.
now....again, I havent been applying to colleges in ages so my advice might be a bit stale, but colleges tend to look for good grades but also challenging classes, or improvement over time in classes, etc etc. they want to know you're working hard, and that you have diverse interests. college apps are a bit like resumes honestly, except you cant lie about your GPA. but like. you can fluff everything else. literally EVERYTHING becomes fair game with college apps. you can talk about fanfic or a fandom you're in if you phrase it the right way, like there are barely rules lmao. and you can make yourself sound very appealing
so my advice would be basically this: work hard, but learn your personal limits. figure out how much sleep a night makes you feel awake and focused the next day (again, it varies!) and aim for that as much as you can. try to eat nutritiously when you can, and drink lots of water. dedicate time to your homework and studying, but be sure to take regular breaks and ACTUALLY shift your brain away from your work during those breaks. and it's also good to dedicate time to life activities - like I said, colleges want to know you're a diverse person. spend time in clubs you like or playing sports if that's your thing, or do things unconnected to school. and remember, you can fluff that all up on a college app! but also remember - you have to live with you for the rest of your life, and there are so so many paths to a good job or a college education if that's what you decide you want, be sure to prioritize your health as much as you can. the education system tricks you into this never ending cycle of "if I just push through ___________ I'll get to ___________!" and taking that through your life can be really challenging and exhausting. I need to acknowledge that some of this is easy for me to say - I was a good test taker in high school, I went to college, and I bullshitted my way through (that's a whole other story lmao) but like. I need to acknowledge that, by some privilege and luck, I do have a college education. so when i say this next thing, please take it with a grain of salt, but there is more to life than chasing what society tells us to chase - there is family, there are friends, relationships, hobbies and interests and love and dreams and spending hours playing video games and SLEEP and getting sunburned cause you spent too long out under the sun photosynthesizing and collecting pens or shiny rocks and ANIMALS there is so so so much in life and I hate with such a burning passion that, for the first 22 years of our lives, we are told the ONLY thing in life is getting through college, getting a degree. again, I need to acknowledge that I say that with a background of privilege, and that education can help people get out of bad situations, etc, but there are many paths to education and they dont all require you to put life on hold to get there
let me tell u a story real quick, cause my education looks (from the outside) "easy" (turns out I had depression and eating disorders of all kinds yeehaw !!!!). my sister did NOT have an easy time in school - my parents could afford it, so she had a tutor for some of her challenging subjects, but she also dealt with anxiety and depression the entire time. she didnt get into the college she wanted to, but got put in a sort of program where, if she got good enough grades in some community college courses, she could get into the school. so she worked her ass off, dove even deeper into her mental health issues, but eventually did get in. and then she had challenging classes and didnt have a great support system, and she ended up failing out of many of her classes, to the point where she got put on academic probation. so she took a year off, got a job at a daycare, and I have literally never seen her happier or more well-adjusted. shes going back to school now, for early childhood education, and working part time at the daycare while she takes a light course load at school
another story for you - my aunt graduated high school and went straight into the workforce. she came from a dirt-poor family and couldn't afford it. she bounced around a bit, but eventually found company that she worked well with. they paid for her to go to school, and she finally got a degree many years after what we would consider "traditional". she had a few other jobs, but shes been at her current company now going on 20 years, has been through several promotions, and works directly with a c-suite employee. she is also the only woman in her office, a very traditional trucking company where she works with engineers on a daily basis
there are many paths to education, if that's where you want to go, and it's okay if it ends up looking different from the traditional path were told to follow. do what you can to avoid sacrificing your mental health for an education - if its what you want, you will get there. and remember to ask for help along the way!! I hope that helps a little, dear
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 7 years
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hello hello, my name is ashley and i am so excited for this. sorry i’m late to the party but a quick one two three about me is that i just started watching the walking dead two days ago ( bc of this rp tbh!! ), i will tirelessly promote mamma mia!: here we go again ( out july 20th... be there ), and i’m currently reading wishful drinking by carrie fisher. down below is a little snip it about my girl xena if you’d like to check it out. sorry it’s kind of a mess but i’m really excited about her. i am so open to plotting or just talking so feel free to send me a dm. p.s. if the apostraphes are turning into crazy code im really sorry i have no idea how to fix it and it doesn’t look like that when i’m editing the post : ( clicking read more & looking at it on my blog seems to work better 
*・°☆━━ congratulations! you’re officially logged on as XENA RIAN! you have chosen your avatar to look just like DANIELLE CAMPBELL and they are TWENTY - THREE years old. their main skill is SURVIVALIST! you have given them the traits +STRATEGIC along with being -STRONG WILLED! well done! you have chosen them to be known as the VALKYRIE of infected! is this information correct? you will arrive to the world of infected shortly! please wait! trigger warnings!! death, car crash, heart attack, depression, anxiety
R E A L      L I F E / finley hannigan was born in seattle, wa where she grew up and lived until she was eighteen years old. after graduating high school finley moved out to los angeles, california to continue her education in college / in college finley is studying writing & producing for television. she would love to work in the realm of being a screenwriter, showrunner, and maybe a producer or director one day / growing up finley didn’t necessarily have a typical childhood. it wasn’t necessarily completely unusual and she was sure somewhere out there could relate on some extent, she just hadn’t met those people yet. when fin was ten years old her mother and her were driving and a car bashed right into the driver side door. her mother and her were both taken urgently to the hospital. her mother, who was driving, faced more serious injuries, where fin had a a cut on the top right of her forehead, and a busted lip. she was more so mentally traumatized than physically. upon her dad’s arrival to the hospital, her mother died only minutes later. she’d lost too much blood. in her dad’s shock, he faced a heart attack. he was able to get stable before suffering another, dying just hours after finley lost her mom. / she moved in with her grandma, who had lost her own husband a few years prior. from then on it was the two of them. her grandmother meant everything to finley. growing up her grandmother always called her ‘ xena ‘, for she always told her that she was a warrior princess. in finley’s edgy phase, she claimed she wanted to be a king - because according to the patriarchy, they had the power: so her nickname changed to ‘ rian ‘, which means king. over time the two names became interchangeable with her real name, and often times she responded better to those than her own. / when finley was nineteen, her grandmother passed away. her will? funds for college and her house to xena. so she lived on her own. her already independent nature amplified and she learned to take care of herself. she prefers not to rely too much on people. she’d had far too little luck with people sticking around. / despite her own family struggles and learning to cope with both depression and anxiety, the girl continued to have a kind heart. despite her occasional depressive episode, she remains compassionate, thoughtful, witty, and extremely determined. / finley began playing infected as a form of gathering information for a new screeplay. as anticipated, apocalypse themed . she wanted to make sure she had as close as possible an understanding of the scenery, the experience, what you needed to figure out, but most of all the feeling. I N    T H E     G A M E / finley’s gamer tag? xena rian. those nicknames had to be put to use - thanks grandma!! / she entered the game with a couple friends. they were going to help her with notes about their own experience so she could try and get some different perspectives for her screenplay. except they didn’t always go in together. when the game became real - she had no idea where they were. other than that she knew one of them was online / naturally, xena became a survivalist. that’s what she’s been all her life - it seemed rather fitting. / she’s yet to come across many people and not opposed to being in a group, but the few small groups she had come upon didn’t want a ‘girl to slow them down’ or were honestly just being stupid. little did they know of her specializing as a survivalist, having a very good general skill set, not to mention her sub-skills of a medic & an assasin. W A N T E D     C O N N E C T I O N S / her friend who was logged on to help finley w/ her script. of course it was fun for all of them, and that was certainly just an excuse to play the game more, finley puts quite a bit of blame on herself. this relationship can have varying backgrounds that we can definitely come up with together!! i’m super open haha - i think it would be cool if this was someone who it took a bit for her to find ... if she ever does / the team: a group of people ( maybe a group of survivalists? ) that band together and realize that a small group isn’t so bad. they form a very family-like relationship: extremely protective over one another, provide relief, but of course squabbling & dumb fights from stress, the ability to make each other laugh like no other. this would all of course be built up over time!! / “hi i saved your ass, see you later”: someone that she saved from getting infected but he split off from pretty soon after when she got them back to their group. they could maybe run into each other later and have some sort of a relationship form off of that? / we’re constantly bickering can you please shut up but also i kind of like you / someone from her school: they might not know one another, but they see each other and whether or not they decide to stay together, they feel a bit better having someone to remind them of home / i’m honestly so open to anything so please feel free to send me a message if you have any ideas!! i would absolutely love to plot with any and all of you
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heterokatedison · 7 years
Look I'm absolutely not trying to hate or anything and really agree with your post about more representation in shows but something I don't quite understand is when I'm part of both the wayhaught and kadena fandom but am constantly being told I need to watch The Bold Type bc of its wlw poc rep which I totally agree with but I feel like a lot of the wayhaught fandom already watches The Bold Type, a lot of people I follow were wayhaught blogs and are now kadena blogs
ok so I accidentally wrote a super long winded response to this and it’s like four thirty in the morning so it probably doesn’t even make sense and I’m sorry and you definitely don’t need to feel obligated to read it all but first I want to say that you phrased this message really nicely and I appreciate it and everything else is under the break
there definitely is a big overlap which is great, but I wasn’t trying to say “every person who likes [x show] needs to be watching [y show] too” because I think people should watch what they’re interested in and not sacrifice their time/money/mental health to make other people happy but also because in the grand scheme of things the views from tumblr alone aren’t likely to save a show from cancellation. I just meant that our community as a whole should be examining how we interact with rep/shows with rep if that makes sense??? particularly when it comes to how willingly/quickly we’ll watch something. some people (but obviously not all) will drop everything and marathon a couple seasons of show to get to white gay content (which I understand, because I’ve done that too) and then pressure everyone else to do the same regardless of whether or not they’re interested in it, but, when presented with lgbt characters of color, respond with “idk it’s not really my thing” “I’ll watch it at some point” “it’s not explicit enough” (all real things things I’ve seen said about the bold type, one day at a time, and the get down, respectively). so these stories already aren’t being as highly prioritized, but then we’ll also demand more from them at the same time.
with the exception of sk*m I watch(ed) all the shows I listed in the post, so in a matter of the past few weeks I’ve seen the wayhaught cheating storyline (understandably) get a lot of negative feedback but most of it has been to the effect of “I don’t like the normalization of cheating/how tropey it is” rather than anger directed to the characters themselves, whereas with kadena there seems to be a lot of people calling it bad representation specifically because adena hadn’t broken up with coco before kissing kat (even though she admitted to it and broke up with her the next day) and demonizing adena especially, despite nikohl’s tweet suggesting that coco was potentially dangerous. I mean I’m super against cheating but I can understand both of those situations to some extent, but there are still other people holding kat and adena to a higher standard of what constitutes “good representation,” which is unfair, particularly when wlwoc are rarer to see.
another example is how people reacted to lexa’s death on the h*ndred vs poussey’s death on oitnb. and when I say this I’m honestly not trying to diminish how bad or painful the lexa situation was for people because it was absolutely disgusting and unacceptable (especially when you take the baiting and interactions with fans into account) and people had a right to react the way they did. and they took their righteous anger and turned it into a global movement, and charitable actions, and giant billboards calling the cw out, which is beyond incredible. but then just a couple months later, oitnb killed poussey, a black lesbian, and people were less angry with that than they were about being spoiled for the show. an all white group of writers chose to kill off a black lesbian in a way that deliberately paralleled the real life murder of eric garner in some hamfisted attempt at social commentary, after months of discussing the psychological toll of the byg trope, not even a week after a massive homophobic hate crime that primarily affected poc, and not only were people largely unbothered by it, they were actively DEFENDING IT because “it sent a message.” except people who don’t care about real police brutality aren’t going to care about fictional police brutality, and even if they did, representation shouldn’t be sacrificed to teach oppressors a lesson.
and then after lexa was killed how many of us followed alycia to fear the walking dead??? (I did) we’re willing to watch a show that perpetuated the byg trope spun off of a show that perpetuated the byg trope (and I’m not even going to get into the way women and poc are disproportionately killed off in that franchise) because we like this actress who played a lesbian in a different show. and that’s not an isolated incident: wlw flocked to supergirl during season 2 for gay content, accidentally discovered katie mcgrath in the process, and suddenly the merlin fandom saw a revival four years after its series finale. but we knew at least a couple months in advance that laverne cox would be playing a trans character on doubt, and people didn’t turn up in huge numbers to watch it, and it got canned after two episodes. TWO. cbs yanked it off the air and didn’t even burn off the rest of the season until six months later. and I’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t a great show (I mostly watched it at first because I like laverne cox, but it did improve over the course of the season imo), but cancelling it after two episodes is outrageous. there was no outrage from tumblr, though. even now if you check the tags there’s like two or three posts about it. and a trans woc in a main role on network television was so important!!! and laverne deserved so much better!!!
personally I blame a lack of support from the network more than anything: cbs didn’t promote doubt like it should have and axed it before it could find an audience. netflix didn’t promote the get down like it should have and released it at bad times. and like I said earlier, views from tumblr most likely won’t save a show in the long run. eyewitness and in the flesh prove that. but at least with them there were real genuine efforts to extend/revive them. it’s been three years since itf was cancelled and people are STILL petitioning to bring it back. and we showed that tumblr campaigns actually CAN have an impact: that’s why sense8 is getting a two-hour finale!!! between that and the “lgbt fans deserve better” project our community has shown that we’re relentless and stubborn and dedicated when we want to be. but the fact that we don’t always want to be is really sad.
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