#but sometimes rokcale is good too
sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
Normally I'm an og AlbeCale shipper, but a RokCale Tangled AU would be really funny.
Imagine the scene at the bar with ogCale as Rapunzel, singing about whatever his dream is. Growing trapped in a tower and being he who he is, I can see it being the same that the movie or something related to freedom or a family.
Then someone asks Rok Soo what his dream is and he is like—
Rok Soo: Slacker life.
Griphook guy: excuse me?
Rok Soo: I want my slacker life.
Also, like Rok Soo is Rok Soo, instead of being two people traveling, they're four. Because Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo were the other two commiting crimes with him and they are not betraying their donsaeng. Enter into that suspicious tower? It was their idea.
Plus, Raon can be part of their group.
Then you have Barrow as mother Gothel. Guy kidnapped Cale when he was little to use his powers for him. He also wanted to see if there was anything else Cale could do with his powers besides healing + immortality. He's busy running his secret organization, so he didn't realize when Cale started to be more wary of him. Or that Cale's pets are actually beast people.
Ohn and Hong play the role of the chameleon. They had been living in the tower with Cale for a while before this guys broke into their house. They're fine with it because anything that puts distance between Cale and that bastard is good in their books. They're also the ones that helped Cale realize that whatever Barrow wants, it's not good for him.
Idk about the horse tho. Maybe thy can have an Archie instead.
Btw, Cale still can be the Count's son instead of a prince. Because Rok Soo would steal a rich Count's money rather than the crown of a royal family. Is less dangerous and easier to use. Where would you sell a crown, anyways?
Raon: Human, this red guy looks familiar!
Rok Soo: (he has been trapped here for ages, where would he even know him? Mm, let's ignore it for now)
Two persecutions and almost a whole movie plot later,
Raon: Human, I remember it! I know why he feels familiar. Shiny Cale looks a lot like the red haired lady of the Count's portrait!
Rok Soo: ...
Soo Hyuk: well, shit. That explains a lot.
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ultimateyappgod · 3 months
mkay so i was reading a rokcale fic, and it only had a couple chapters (it was so good)
so i said:
author this update NOW. (pleasee😭)
and then the author sent a paragraph
Archive of Our Own
Author responded:
You know I typed here a really long reply detailing all the things happening to me in real life that explains why my updates are so slow this year, but at at the end of the day I still can't magically update this fic. You probably don't know, but I write fics in part because I love LCF a lot and in part to destress. It makes me happy. Part of that happiness is sharing my work with everyone who also love LCF. I like reading about the parts that everyone find enjoyable, and I like reading about how they felt reading my work. In turn I do my best to improve and also support others in the LCF community. I love this fandom a lot.
Usually I don't get affected by comments asking for an update. I usually don't mind that comments like that don't even share what they like about the chapter or show that they actually enjoy reading. I mean, if they want the update that must mean they like the fic a lot, right? But you know, just demanding for a chapter won't do anything. Update please? I'd like to, but I got to prioritize trying not to die first. Update this right now? How?? I can't just vomit the words out. Writing a 2k word chapter usually takes me 3 hours, and those 3 hours I write in between maybe 10 minute breaks I get from day to day. Sometimes I get lucky and have free enough time to write a whole chapter in a day. On super lucky days I get very motivated and write faster. Sometimes I get so busy that even if I try I only get to write a sentence max. Sometimes I can't just write it right even when I have time. It's like being forced to write an essay at gunpoint. Still, I'm trying. No amount of please can change this reality. What am I supposed to do?
I don't plan to abandon this fic. I really don't. I actually have a part of a chapter in progress already. If I get lucky I can even post an update in a week or two because things have started to calm down in my life and I have more free time now. I even managed to update a fic that's been sitting for almost a year. I'm slowly working on my fics, and I really want to update too. I just can't do it right NOW. And you know, it would be nice if you tell me parts of this chapter you like. That helps, you know? It really does. You don't even have to comment words at all. Just, please know that demanding an update won't do anything productive. If anything, it will just demotivate authors and make them stop writing.
You know that feeling when you are about to do something and then someone tells you to do it and suddenly you feel like you don't want to do the thing anymore? That's what reading a demand for an update feels like. And I'm sorry if this upsets you, I'm not trying to fight or be mean. You probably are not aware yet of what impact your words have yet, so I am saying this so you are aware. I hope this doesn't sour your reading experience, and I don't mind if you stop reading my works because of this, but please stop demanding me to update immediately.
Reply to this comment
Sorry for rambling. Today is really stressful and seeing a notification for a comment perked me up a lot, and although it may not seem like it, thank you for reading my fic. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. I wish you well.
I forgot not everyone is chronically online on tiktok or has that humor
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