#but shes also impulsive and headstrong and puts herself in danger for those she cares about
resizura · 5 months
saw a gifset of claire from degeneration and between that and me playing code veronica im still mad at how bad they nerfed claire
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shiroganeryo · 4 years
ah, if you're still doin the character thing, how about Lenalee? (I didn't see anybody asking about her, but if sb did, sorry! maybe Johnny then?)
I’m sorry for the delay on replying to this one! This is probably the last ask thingy I’ll be doing for the Character Questions, as they take me some time to type and I’ve been busy 💓 But thank you all very much for the interest in these, I really love writing for stuff like this! I’ll be covering both Lenalee and Johnny in this one - so, a two character reply again! I was hoping someone would give me Lena so the OT4 was complete, but I also really love Johnny... 😭 
My otp for them: With Lavi! I had never paid much attention to the two of them as a couple, but after I reread the series last year, they have grown on me. Lavi has been Lenalee’s emotional support many times and it’s clear he cares about her. People would consider that the time he snapped at her for grieving over “losing Allen” was bad, but I quite don’t think he meant harm; rather, I think he kinda acted on impulse because he wanted her to feel better. He marvelously made up for that during the following arcs (”I didn’t come here to stop you; this is your decision to make. Just let me come along.” - 150th Night). Those interactions made me like them a lot as a pairing. My brotp for them: Miranda! She played a big part in Miranda’s life, and I’m sure they got really close thanks to that. Imagining them doing all the girly things together without a care in the world makes me so happy 🥺 It’s like getting to see the happy girl Lenalee could have been, if she weren’t another victim of the war. I also used to ship them because I have no self-control apparently, so. XD Any other ships: Have you all ever considered her and Emilia? 💦 Both share guts and very strong legs, it seems. I can picture them bonding easily over shared interests and it makes me weak. I also love Lenalee and Kanda’s relationship, so they also get the cake here. As for Allen, they make a beautiful pairing, but only when it comes to appearance to me; imo they would need to work many things out, personally speaking, to work in a healthy way for both. Their best friend: Miranda, Jeryy and Kanda! Miranda, for the reasons stated above; Jeryy, because he was her “motherly figure” when she was growing up and needed a feminine, understanding input from someone she could feel comfortable around. And Kanda, due to their relationship as “childhood friends”, in a way. Lenalee loves everyone close to her, but I see these three being the ones she’s the closest to. My favorite nickname for them: “Lena”, given by Kanda. It just sounds so cute and delicate; it suits her. My favorite AU headcanon of them: People often say they would like to see Lenalee abandon the Order and join Allen’s side. I say the opposite; she should stay. She could be a big helping hand on throwing a rebellion of sorts that could benefit him from the inside. That way she wouldn’t need to abandon the people she loves for Allen’s sake, but would still be on his side, on her own way. My favorite outfit they wear: Lenalee has the cutest chinese themed outfits! The ones I love the most are the one she used during the Zombie arc, and this one I saw her wearing on Gray Log. She looks so darn cute, too precious for this world. *gross sobbing* Defining color: When I think of her, I think of several shades of green, namely Fern (#4F7942) and Pine (#01796F). I also think of deep red (#D30000), because of the ribbons she uses on her hair and the shapes of her Crystal Type Innocence. Would I date them: Lenalee is a strong, amazing girl! However, I wouldn’t date her. She can also be headstrong, and so am I hahah At times, I find myself thinking we’re similar in the way we’re insistent (at the risk of being unreasonable) about some things and I quite don’t see that working out at all 😅 First impression: Bland. Nice character, but her design didn’t interest or stand out at all to me. Dark Boots are an awesome Innocence though! Current impression: I really like her. Not one of my favorite characters, and I have a lot of criticism when it comes to Lenalee, but I love her design and the development she got so far. I started taking her more seriously after the fight against Eshi; it was one heck of an awesome fight! The way she put everything on the line on that suicidal move was impressive; so badass. Hogwarts House: As much as I would love to assign her to Gryffindor for her commendable courage, Lenalee’s home is in Hufflepuff! Before anything else, she cares deeply for the people she loves, and will sacrifice herself for them without thinking twice. Loyalty and kindness are her most prominent trait, but that doesn’t make her a pushover in the slightest. Which Pokemon starter they’d be: Torchic! According to the Pokédex entries, Torchic feels warm to the touch and this makes it very huggable. I have this type of impression about her, warm and welcoming. It also develops a fighting type upon evolving, and Blaziken are well known for their strong legs and jumping capacity!
My otp for them: With Cache! I’m very weak for couples where the woman looks (and is) stronger than the guy, and we’ve seen her carrying Johnny to the medical wing before - an occurence that, according to her, happens a lot. He seems to have a crush on her, seeing his reaction (fidgety, blushing) when he was saying goodbye to his science friends. According to Vol. 27′s Discussion Room, the scrunchy he’s using to tie his hair used to be hers, and I love how Allen went “hmm, I see...” when he told them she had given it to him hahah (it’s alright, Allen; I ship it too 👌) My brotp for them: Allen, hands down. Differently from what people say, Johnny has always supported and cherished Allen, what he’s doing for him now isn’t out of the blue. It was actually what Johnny told him that started to change his perception on things and realize that his heart longed to be with the ones he loves despite the hardships (”As Johnny Gill and your friend, I’m going to help you!”, - 215th Night). He loves him, and I can tell how important he is for Allen too; he was able to come back from Nea’s inner world thanks to Johnny’s calling that reminded him of his ties with everyone in “Home”. This part has some of my favorite scenes from the entire series; Johnny didn’t even bat an eye, he simply jumped for Allen. I called it Allen would avoid their fall, but Johnny patting his head in happiness and relief and then hugging him, to which Allen returned, as relieved and happy for having come back... It was so sweet and hopeful. It brings good tears to my eyes!  Any other ships: I don’t have any~ Their best friend: I think Johnny is friends with pretty much all of his buddies from the Science Division, but I notice him being closer to Reever. I would like to mention Suman as well; despite him being deceased, Johnny still seems to hold a fond memory of him. And then comes Allen who’s clearly someone important to him, and it doesn’t seem to be one-sided, judging by the time they (used to) spend together having fun. My favorite nickname for them: I don’t have one! But Johnny deserves cute nicknames, let’s give him some, Hoshino-sensei? 👀 My favorite AU headcanon of them: I don’t have one because Johnny is already perfect as a character and for the plot as he already is imho. All I wish is for him to survive until the ending. Hang in there, Johnny! Allen needs you, but for all you’ve been doing, you deserve to make it out alive and earn your own happiness! My favorite outfit they wear: Out of all the characters, I feel like Johnny is the one that has the most “stripped-down” style, quite modern looking. But I love his current outfit the most! He looks great in vests and the long coat definitely reminds me of the lab coats he used to wear while in the Order. I also like a lot more how his hairdo is atm, it looked a little painful to have tied for too long in the previous style (similar to pigtails). His new frame glasses are also pretty! Gives him a more serious look. Defining color: Curiously enough, I think of an array of varied colors when I think of Johnny? I can’t seem to be able to pick one. There is black, yellow like Mustard (#FEDC56), brown like Cherrywood (#CB6F36) and blue like Maya (#73C2FB), to name some. Would I date them: But of course! Johnny is the sweetest guy I’ve ever seen. He gives off all the geek vibes, but not on the annoying way; he looks like the type of person that would talk lots about things that make him happy, excitedly, while you’d look at him go, feeling blessed with all the bright energy vibes emanating from him. He’s also shown to be extremely supportive, and honestly, everyone deserves someone like him 🥺 First impression: Regular geek scientist guy? Current impression: *incoherent sobbing* I love him so much! Why does Johnny not have more appreciation?! Why do people think he’s annoying??? Anyone who loves Allen gotta admit this guy is the MVP. He’s the trope you’d expect for a smartsy science guy, and at the same time, he’s not only that. I’ve babbled enough on that in the reply under this question. Hogwarts House: I’m in a tie between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but I think I would give him Gryffindor. People would be quick to place him in Ravenclaw for his smarts and his love for learning, but this guy is extremely courageous. Despite being seen as “weak” and fragile, he was the one to stand up for Allen in multiple occasions throughout the series. He’s also the one who confronted the Earl to ask him what he wanted with the 14th (196th Night), while no one had really questioned or directly talked to him. He left the Order to go after Allen, knowing he was awakening as a Noah (which is already dangerous on its own) and would be in constant situations of peril because of Akuma and other Noah. Johnny, the “regular guy”, did all that, having no care as to what could happen to him. So, Gryffindor for his extreme courage, but maybe Hufflepuff for his honest loyalty and goodness. Which Pokemon starter they’d be: Grookey! The way Grookey and its evolutions handle wood makes me think they’re skilled Pokémon that can craft things and know how to use them as instruments, just like Johnny does with his scientific creations. The tied “hair” also reminds me of him!
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chwrpg · 4 years
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I told you not to buy those Garanimal clothes, girl. -- Soren Hawkins
A NOTE FROM ADMIN B:  It’s always wonderful seeing people return to us, especially when they’ve been with us for as long as you have, Kate! We’ve missed the icon that is Soren on the dash, and can’t wait to see her getting back amongst it!
OOC NAME/ALIAS, PREFERRED PRONOUNS, AGE & TIMEZONE: kate thee stallion. also known as it was me for him. still the girl drake is pining after.
DESIRED CHARACTER: soren hawkins. i don’t know a better person. 
HOW ACTIVE WILL YOU BE? living here rent free since 2014.
SECONDARY CHOICE: it’s not realistic. but imani. 
To put it simply: Soren is THAT girl. Headstrong, opinionated, outspoken. She’s the first person to speak up and the last person to turn on you. She’s loyal and fun and everything you’d want in a friend. No one has anything bad to say about her. If she ever cussed you out, you deserved it. Got read? You needed that reality check and it was better from her. Her confidence can be overwhelming but she’s just trying to fake it until she makes it. Like any soon to be 20something she’s struggling with herself. What does she want out of life? love? her friendships? Her transition into adulthood has been quite the ride and with the help of her friends and family it’s only getting crazier. 
Everyone knew that Soren was the life of the party. With her ability to get different crowds off their feet; it was her calling. Her skills had reached a fever pitch tonight though. Half of Rosewood was stuck up and the other half was rhythmless but the dance-floor was overflowing with bodies. She didn’t have to do much either; her energy was infectious. The crowd had only died down to get wrapped up in a dance battle between her and the boys. It had ended in a tie. And, like always, she protested, “Fake news!” But the real proof of her magic was Bra sweating her for a dance. He’d tell a different story in the morning but so would she.
She was drunk. He tripped. It was dark. Etcetera, etcetera, blah, blah, blah.  Their relationship was a tricky one because they both avoided the truth like the plague. Maybe there was something more between them than jocularity and stolen kisses they never talked about but they’d have to admit it first. Instead Bra made fun of her age and first world problems and Soren’s slick mouth never stopped running. In other words: they were frontin’.  
Which was appropriate since Jay Z’s verse on the song of the same name picked up right after Pharrell’s crooning. “Every time your name was brought up I would act all nonchalant in front of an audience,” he rapped as Soren pressed her backside firmly into Bra’s front. Stevie Wonder could see how good of a time they were having together. Luckily Siobhan was too busy with Kid and Dylan and Play were arguing over something stupid so they were in the clear.
They were five songs deep before blue and red lights flashed, flooding through the front window and painting their brown skin a lazy purple; As much as it seemed like tonight was going to be the night they admitted something to themselves and each other — fate had far more sinister plans. Fate…or racism. “Where’s everybody at? My sister? Kid?” She panicked, looking around the otherwise dark room. Growing up with a silver spoon didn’t hide the dangers of the police and a bunch of black kids and she was in meltdown mode. Soren went outside on impulse only to be met with a sight that made her heart sink.
The rest of the story goes as follows: Privileged black kid tries to calm officer down, racist cop ignores, kid’s best friend defends, racist cop brandishes his gun, black kid and co. hit the sidewalk, cop arrests innocent black boys, wash, rinse, repeat. 
Soren could hear her heartbeat in her ears and her hands hadn’t stopped shaking since she watched her friends get carted off in a squad car. She practically vibrated with anger and frustration. Tonight they were only arrested, but it could’ve been much worse, she couldn’t help but imagine their faces on the poster at some march, their families mourning. She hated how defenseless she felt. She wanted her power back.
“So much for having a good ass night,” she spoke up from the backseat breaking the somber silence as they drove to the police station (careful to follow every rule of the road). Humor was her only defense. There was a pause followed by a short laugh.
Everything was going to be okay.
ANYTHING ELSE? 1985. gang gang. 
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ofbloodmagick · 4 years
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pronouns: SHE & HER + THEY & THEM
faceclaim: BILLIE LOURD
soul sounds: PLAYLIST !
aesthetic: ( TW: BLOOD ) BOARD !
YO YO YOU YO — it’s lydia here with my lil blood witch arabella , i have yet to get the chance to  r e a l l y  play her and i’m super excited for the chance bc i love them so very much. i have headcanon after headcanon for them , so hit me up if you want to do something bc i am ready to do some shit. anyway , LYDIA ( nary , nettle , snottie , etc. ) here again and i love a good name change , i’m twenty-five years old , a pansexual demigirl ( she / her * they / them ) like arabella themselves , and i reside in the central timezone ( FLORIDA IS HELL ). continue reading to learn all about ARABELLA GORE — the intense , mysterious clever little powerhouse that loves to be number one. 
RULING PLANETS: pluto — planet of power & regeneration * mercury — planet of communication * mars — planet of war & energy BODY PART: crotch * reproductive organs * shoulders * hands * head * face GOOD MOOD: resilient , magnetic , passionate , loyal , protective , artistic , brave , fascinating , original , resourceful , wise , adventurous , unstoppable , bold , devoted  BAD MOOD: obsessive , possessive , jealous , secretive , vengeful , manipulative , eccentric ( creepy ) , restless , two-faced , judgmental , proud , self-centered , impulsive , bossy , stubborn , reckless  ( SOME ) FAVORITE THINGS: obscure underground music , spicy food , an air of danger , one of a kind objects , organic ingredients , vinyl , magic , the color black , horror films , blood , fast cars , guitars , new clothes , road trips ( in fast red cars ) , expressing themselves through stunning verbal and physical feats ( SOME ) THINGS SHE HATES: simple small-minded people , insincere flattery , personal questions , living at someone else’s house , mornings , dress codes , authority figures , silence   SECRET WISHES: to have complete and total control +  to have all the answers + to be number one HOW TO SPOT THEM: intense eyes , hawk like gaze , smooth movements , dry blood/bruises/cuts/scars on pale skin , silver hair , big black bow , mischievous twinkle in their eyes , talking with their hands , focused or manic energy , aggressive stance WHERE TO FIND THEM: listening to bauhaus in her dark room , sitting at the corner table of a shitty underground bar smoking a cigarette , selling her magic and / or blood in some dimly lit room  KEYWORDS: intimacy , secrecy , power , intensity , obsession , cleverness , wittiness , inventiveness ,  ingenuity , willpower , initiative , determination , passion , self-belief
arabella’s mind and mouth are busy machines , always moving at warp speed. this witch is one of the most curious and cutting-edge individuals you will meet. there are at least two personalities inside of her at all times. adventurous , she can change her mind faster than the weather and is constantly flipping between moods. 
a true pioneer and trailblazer they’re the first to initiate things , fight for their beliefs and fearlessly put themselves out there. headstrong and determined , ella’s energy can be stubborn and willful a lot of the time. she does have a tendency to dig in her heels , stand her ground and absolutely refuses to be pushed around. 
they will butt their own metaphorical horns against the same obstacle until they break it down — often with sheer force of will. extremely confident , she believes in herself and will on occasion champion others she deems worthy.
she does love to chatter and has a million great ideas , always keeping a notebook handy to jot down her thoughts and ideas at any time. at times , their energy can circulate in a quick and frenetic way , the silver haired wiccan is known to inspireswitty wordplay and dynamic dialogue. 
when she applies herself , arabella is great at brainstorming and socializing. she also craves her “ twin flame ” and kindred spirit’s energy , always up for an intellectual meeting of the minds. 
under the influence , they find themselves with the gift of gab; talking and conversing with others for hours , hopping from pop culture trends to deep political topics. beware “ gossip girl ” ella though , they can crank up the rumor mill sometimes unknowingly. as renowned dr. bernie siegel says , “ [ we ] have the ability to cure with either ‘ words ’ or kill with ‘ swords. ' ” 
powerful and sensual arabella is perhaps one the most misunderstood and mysterious person you could ever meet though. secretive by nature , this southern witch tends to linger in shadowy and hidden places that most wouldn’t usually have the courage to face.
she believes strongly in life , death and resurrection and arabella embraces these life cycles. she is continually transforming and reinventing herself. there are actually more like four sides of arabella and it really just depends how she feels about you.
the first is venomous and possessive like a scorpion ; the second as slippery , charming and deadly as a snake ; the third like a soaring eagle whose piercing gaze sharply observes the landscape ( and its prey ) below ; and the fourth side ever burning and all seeing as a phoenix that rises up from the ashes into eternal rebirth.
your muse may find themselves dealing with an intense individual with lots of energy. she has been known to hole herself up late at night to process complex emotions or channel her overwhelming feelings into focused work and creativity.
the essence of arabella’s personality is magnetic , fascinating , original , passionate , loyal , protective , trendsetting , controlling , unstoppable , bold , powerful , resourceful , wise , adventurous , focused , bond oriented and brave. on the flip side though , she can also be obsessive , possessive , jealous , prideful , self-centered , impulsive , bossy , stubborn , reckless , competitive , two-faced , judgmental , overwhelmed , secretive , vengeful , to even cruel , calculating and manipulative. 
she channels her intuitive tides into a forceful stream of psychic and healing energy. arabella excels in exploring the darker , unexamined sides of life. it has given her excellent research and sleuthing skills , helping her plumb the depths and peer below the surface. this witch likes a challenge , but she does have to really try hard not to fall into being selfish and domineering.
she will without question help out in the darkest hours; this witch bitch is not afraid to go into the murky waters of the emotional and spiritual unknown. intense feelings surface around her closest ties , but around those she isn’t close to ella has a wall up.
believes strongly in merging , bonding and sharing resources. she may get obsessive about a passion project or lover ( forrest ) , even becoming jealous or insecure. this mysterious demigirl wants to hide all of their vulnerabilities. yet , those raw and unprocessed feelings are often their access to power.
arabella can be tricky to understand. with her reserved persona , she seldom starts a conversation or expresses interest in others openly — unless she feels out the situation first.
once you get her to open up , however , you’ll feel her scorching passion for whatever topics fascinate her. be warned: arabella can focus on one subject to an extreme , so you may be in for a deeper dive than you or your muse expect — or want lol
her natural charisma can quickly pique someone else’s interest in the topic too though. 
another way to spot the witch ? look for her piercing gaze , which is hawk like at times narrowing in on her “ prey ”. if you happen to be the focus of that look , watch out.  you will feel read as easily as a children’s book as arabella seems to just KNOW all your secrets , soft spots and fears.
their focused attention can be addictive , even painful when pulled away. be careful how quickly you fall down their rabbit hole — it’s not as easy to crawl back up once you do. when you befriend them , you are likely entering into a power couple or formidable alliance. while she doesn’t give up loyalty and trust easily , once she does she’ll stick with you through thick and thin.
don’t even think about double crossing her tho bc she WILL unleash her fury on you , divulging secrets and airing dirty laundry or worse. revenge is her favorite dish to serve and it’s ice cold. on a positive note , arabella’s like the perfect person to help explore darker emotions or sexuality , happy to guide most through fifty plus shades of irresistible and soul communing experiences.
arabella can come across as clever and quick-witted , but part of the fun ( and curse ) of interacting with the witch is that you’re never quite sure which personality you’re going to experience. will it be the vivacious jokester or the snarky , mean-spirited critic ? 
although they may crave complete and utter control over everything , they secretly yearn for the very thing they fear: true intimacy with others. it takes a lot for ella to reveal her vulnerability , so guard that privilege with the utmost care. as she opens up and learns to show her shadow side , she can heal in ways that are truly profound.
highly impatient and competitive , they have the fighting spirit. ella were born to be number one , a star who steals the spotlight and inspires with her confidence. yeah , they can be impatient , even a little bossy , especially when they don’t get their way. she need lots of attention and can throw quite the tantrum when she doesn’t get it. fortunately , arabella rarely has a problem turning heads.
others love to follow as they take the lead on the latest adventure. she has to be reminded to make sure and let other people be the boss every now and then too , because she has a tendency to alienate potential allies. when they focus their competitive streak into a diva-worthy goal and delegate , they will always rise to the top !
they have a lot of energy , which they apply to everything from tackling supersized projects to unleashing their lusty libidos with forrest. this confident demigirl is known to leap before looking , diving into each new experience with a zest for life that few others can muster. 
they love to be number one and can be a bit of a trendsetter. she has been described before as ‘ a true original who inspires the rest. ‘ with all of their fire power and can-do attitude , there’s nothing arabella can’t ( or won’t ) take on. at times , ella can be selfish or overly focused on herself and it can be a “ blind spot ” for them , they may need a gentle reminder from time to time to share. 
she likes to shatter glass ceilings but can also be off-putting to people in extreme doses. this go-getter can come across as abrasive or overly aggressive , however; arabella will never back down from a challenge and can take on being the champion of those in distress when need be.
( TW: child abandonment ) so arabella doesn’t know her parents are but she does know that they ended up in some small southern town called suspiria , located in virgina of all places. her mother was really into the surface level southern gothic aesthetic suspiria offered and the unlikely couple settled there until arabella was born. her parents didn’t keep her very long though seeing as their shotgun wedding was never built to last and after she was born they both returned to where they came from or at least that’s as far as the story goes if you ask anyone in suspiria. 
( TW: military ment. , death ) her parents actually went their separate ways , her mother returned to her wealthy family and comfortable life never to seek out the unnamed child she’d left behind in some no name town. her father went on to join the military and was lost in the line of duty with no one to even pass that knowledge on. 
the infant rose , as they were first called back then , was left on the doorstep of an orphanage and that was where they would spend their childhood. it was not a pleasant place to grow up at all , but she was incredibly lucky in finding her twin flame in a sad , lonely young boy also growing up there.
little ella was never once adopted and she made damn sure to change the minds of anyone who so much as looked in her direction or asked her name. they grew an unhealthy attachment to forrest almost the minute they laid eyes on him , but they are connected very deeply and even as children arabella was acutely aware. 
growing up ( maybe even to this day ) they were considered a loner , an outsider , the weirdo , a creepy kid , etc. and the bullying only got worse. the people in the shitty children’s home and the tiny backwoods town in virginia ? they didn’t really respond too well to the two strange kids that collected animal bones and hunted for ghosts. 
in their early teen years ella started practicing satanism , but that was really just a gateway religion into wicca and her true passion , witchcraft. forrest took to it just as quickly as they did and soon the two had formed their own little coven , something that didn’t stay secret very long.
forrest , being the more scholarly of the two , found himself working for the governor on his campaign and eventually recruited arabella to do the same , but she worked more closely with the governor’s wife and the children. it only took a week , two tops , for the power hungry woman’s true intentions to came to light — dark magic.
( TW: cheating , infidelity )it’s true that ella helped with the gardening , the children , the cleaning , the cooking , all the usual suspects but she also did a number of spells involving blood and shadows. the items they created most for the governor’s wife was their own recipes for love potions and anti-aging blood serums. the woman was extremely suspicious of her husband having affairs with younger women , pretty self explanatory as to why she was seeking help from a known magic user. 
( TW: blood ment. , devil ment. ) it was something of a hot topic in suspiria , the governor and his family hiring the two freaky orphans and why. not long after , a photo was leaked of the governor’s wife as arabella painted her face in the bright crimson blood serum they had concocted themselves. it was common knowledge by then that the two practiced witchcraft and suddenly every headline was about the governor and his wife being ‘ corrupted by the evil devil worshipers the kind family had taken pity on. ‘ 
( TW: assault ment. , death , arson , house fire ) the town ? literally ready to burn them at the freaking stake and the two couldn’t go anywhere without fear of assault of some sort or worse. to make matters all the worse , the governor’s wife and children perished suddenly in a terrible house fire and who was the easiest target to pin it on ? arabella and forrest , the two town rejects , which is exactly what the governor did. they were treated as murderers , hunted like criminals , which is why as soon as they found out about the raging fire they left town. 
( TW: death ) for the next four years arabella and forrest were on the run from the governor and his goons , not stopping in any one place for very long for fear of being caught up to. over a year ago they finally got word that the governor had kicked the bucket and that anyone still looking for them likely had stopped by now. not long after , arabella came across a beautiful , vintage gothic home far more expensive than it was priced , but luckily for them the home had a rather grisly history and had been on the market for so long that the owners had cut the asking price tremendously.
( TW: scamming ) arabella was convinced that it was a sign from the universe letting them know it was okay to settle down for good now and once she’s convinced there’s no real changing her mind. so , by halloween of 2019 they were moving into the beautiful gothic home of the witch’s dreams and not long after they had rooms in their ‘ haunted home ‘ listed on every website possible to lure in dark tourists everywhere. how true everything is ? well , the two did take quite a few creative liberties and the occasional diehard , truly experienced fan of the paranormal would ( possibly have ) call them con artists. 
( TW: scamming ) not only do they rent out rooms , but they also have the occasional ‘ murder tour ‘ of their ‘ serial killer ‘ house. what it really boils down to is arabella has been hustling their whole ass life and it’s never going to stop. there is quite a bit of truth to their stories , but though both ella and forrest have encountered the paranormal multiple times in their lives , not just in pleasance either , they’ve never had any real activity that could count as reliable proof. everything involving the businesses run out of the house are little more than sideshow entertainment for pleasance dark tourists.
( TW: blood ) the witch also has a part time job working for jules at dutch’s , her official title would be a bartender but she really just does what is asked of her. you probably guessed it already , but she does also have a side operation selling her blood magic from underneath the bar at dutch’s and they’re hopeful that their boss is none the wiser.
she does still have a slight accent because she is from such a small town where everybody had a drawl or twang. she doesn’t have a good education by typical societal standards , because she had such shitty public education growing up as an orphan and no one who enforced her learning or attending. they are , however;  incredibly street smart and by no means stupid. they have since taught themselves how to learn in a way best for them and are always devouring book upon book in order to teach themselves things otherwise she may never know. 
( TW: blood ) ella is a blood witch and often uses her own blood , animal blood , someone else’s blood , pretty much if there’s blood in any form she’s set. she 100% sells her magic to anyone who wants it and does dabble in the shadow side. it might not actually work all the time , but that’s not entirely her fault. 
( TW: bruising / injury ment. , blood , scar ment. , self harm ) a pretty big feminist , used to be in an all femme band called the hex girls ( come for me ) , goth and proud ??? a really big horror movie fan , pansexual demigirl representinggg ! always has bruises and cuts , dried blood covers their skin a lot where they miss it or just don’t care to hide it , also has quite a few scars from where she’s cut too deep ( some maybe on accident , some maybe on purpose ).
( TW: blood ) ella’s very creative ! they like to read , write , make art — out of blood lol she uses blood of all types to create a lot of art. she takes blood baths ( animal blood ) occasionally on the full moon , drinks animal blood during certain rituals , etc. also super into bone and taxidermy , you can definitely find her at deblanc’s. they also like to haunt the cemetery and creep around spotlight cinema , film is a big passion of hers. 
( TW: drugs & alcohol ment. , blood ) DOES imbibe lol a partaker of alcohol ( prefers animal blood with red wine or vodka ) and certain drugs. ella definitely smokes weed & cigarettes , they enjoy partying just like the rest but she’s more reserved and likes to people watch.
okay so it’s getting late and i can’t believe how long this intro actually took me to finish tweaking , but if you want to plot with me pls pls pls hit me up bc i’d love to do some stuff !! my tumblr DMs are always open and you can always hmu on discord too !! i also write bryce winslow ( milo ventimiglia FC ) but you likely know that lol. i’m sure there’s more i could say about arabella honestly , but if you have any specific things you’d like to know or it seems like i left something out or need to take a second look at something i’d appreciate any / all feedback. can’t wait to get some replies out , but that might have to wait until the morning. @phqextras​
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elenaxever · 5 years
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( Chloe Bennet, 25, cisfemale, she/her ) Have you seen ELENA EVER around ? I hear they’re a SINGER AT EDEN/HACKER who can sometimes be HEADSTRONG & RECKLESS. But I also heard they can be COURAGEOUS & COMPASSIONATE if you catch them on a good day. they’re usually hanging around FATES in their spare time. i sure hope they’re alright !
hello hello, claire (she/her, gmt+1) again i know you’re getting bored of me but here’s my third bby and the ‘normal’ one out of the three, though that’s relative too if we’re being honest... anyway if you want this stubborn little thing to plot with her, give this a ❤ and imma come @ you 
pinterest page 
STATS: ➤  NAME: Elena Ever ➤  AGE: 25 ➤  DOB: 6th of May ➤  BORN: New York City ➤  HEIGHT: 5′5′’ ➤  SIBLINGS: unknown ➤  MBTI: ENFJ ➤  ORIENTATION: bisexual ➤  OCCUPATION: singer at Eden, freelance hacker ➤  EDUCATION: high school education  ➤  TATTOOS: yes, a tattoo that was placed on her by the brothel, she hides it obsessively ➤  SCARS: yes, various ➤  AESTHETICS: leather jackets and combat boots, her phone and a cup of lukewarm coffee always in her hand, a flat full of computers, a raging motorcycle between her legs, leather fingerless gloves, nails painted black, skirts and dark stockings, a laptop in her bag, always going somewhere ➤  VICES: tobacco, alcohol, sex, drugs (before)  ➤  PETS: yes a shiba inu and a hedgehog (idk man) 
➤  She was born a bastard to a mother that didn’t want her and a father that never knew. Her mom was an dancer and a prostitute in New York, a young woman trying to get by to whom the pregnancy happened by accident. Elena grew up among the women who worked at that club, and though her mother was far from thrilled by her - she still cared for her, as did the other women. There were a few kids like her there, but she was hardly aware that a life they were leading was far from ideal.  ➤  During her teen years she started showing interested in computers, and had a mind for coding - able to see things and connections most others didn’t. It was a way to connect to other people of similar interests and she soon found a place where she finally fit in. She started running with that crowd, but it was far from ideal and Elena was desperate to keep her status now that she’d found a place where she was finally seen and respected.  ➤  Out of some rebellious teenage stupidity, Elena ran away when she was barely 16. Though her family situation wasn’t ideal, it was a far cry from what was expecting her out there in the real world. She just didn’t realise that yet.  ➤   As her notoriety grew in the community, people started showing interest. Chief among them being the man running and underground crime business that dealt exclusively with black-hat hacking. Hungry for a place to settle, and a stable community to call her own after 2 years on the run - Elena accepted the proposal. They’d give her a place to stay in the base, all the resources she needed and all she had to do was do as she was told.  ➤  Elena trusted the man, she trusted everyone there and she would soon learn that people are rarely trustworthy, and she’d learn it the hard way. She was young and he enticed her, he was her idol - a notorious hacker in the business, brilliant and fascinating. How could a young girl of 18 not fall for that?  ➤   Betrayal came like a bucket of cold water dumped on her - a field mission gone wrong, the enemy closing in without anyone to get her out. No one even tried. She thought he’d come till the last minute, but as they dragged her away into a dark van, there was no one to be seen, no one to catch her when she fell.  ➤   Turns out the man who took her was a mobster from New York, running an illegal prostitution ring, and so he dragged her back home - but it looked nothing like the way she thought she’d return.  ➤   They broke her spirits there - and don’t get me wrong, she put up hell of a fight. But there’s only so much a human can take, before they’re broken seemingly beyond repair. She became numb, distant - there were places in her mind where she’d go to hide, lines of code she’d go through over and over again until it was done.  ➤   But even then, at her lowest, darkest moments - a spark was enough to light a fire within her. There was a person there - she never learned who they were exactly - but they offered her a chance, a split second to make a decision and run for her life. She got out. So many more didn’t. It would haunt her for the rest of her life.  ➤   Once out, she found her mother again - she was beaten and bruised but still standing. A realisation came to her a few days later - was this all there was? This life? It couldn’t be. She’d been through so much - the world swallowed a girl and spit out a woman - it was about time she took things into her own hands. After all she was free again, and she would never let anyone own her again.  ➤    On a whim, like she does most things, she decided she’d find the person that had offered her a chance at escape, she decided she couldn’t let this rest, she decided she would have to learn to fight so she would never feel so helpless again. So she followed the leads - back to Chicago.  ➤    She knew the bare minimum about this person, only that they were involved with the criminal world of Chicago, the seedy underbelly of the city - but horrible odds never stopped her, so why would they now?  ➤    She settled in Chicago, finding work at Eden as a singer - it was a small win for her, to take this part of her and piece it together. It reminded her of what was done to her, but it also reminded her that she was her own woman now, and no one was controlling her. On the side she still works as a hacker, but a freelance one - not involved with any syndicate and making sure she’s covering her tracks so they wouldn’t find her again.
PERSONALITY:  +  courageous, compassionate, kind, determined, clever
-  stubborn, reckless, impulsive, addictive, idealistic
➤   She owns a tiny apartment, but it’s enough for her needs. She doesn’t want to get greedy and expose herself too much just to get some more money. What she earns she spends mostly on her hacking equipment - it’s basically her baby.  ➤   She spends a lot of time on her laptop at the Fates, downing coffee after coffee until her heart is in a wild tachycardia (it’s not healthy and she knows it). She likes being around people instead of just always locked at her apartment.  ➤    Singing is a thing she has loved since she was a kid, it lets her get lost in the melody and the words, it’s almost like she’s someone else. This is why she’s working at Eden - it lets her couple work with something she loves, and it also allows her to face the fears from the past. After all you cannot always be strong, but you can be brave.  ➤    She loves movies, especially the old kind - they’re idyllic, a much-needed escape from reality. So if she likes you don’t be surprised if she drags you to her place or the cinema to watch something.  ➤    She absolutely adores her motorcycle and takes it everywhere, claiming it’s simply a more practical way of transport than a car is. Truth is, she just likes the thrill of it - the way she’s dancing with death when she’s speeding down the street.  ➤   That’s another thing about her - she’s a reckless creature. She likes the danger, the thrill, and she’s always the first to jump into trouble if it means protecting someone. She’s big on being on the side of the underdog, and regardless of the situation, she just can’t let things slide even if it means getting her ass kicked in the process. It wouldn’t be the first time.  ➤    She struggles a lot with ptsd and survivor guilt, but has never had enough sense to get some help. It’s mostly because she feels like she’s alone in the world and there’s never anyone to stand up for her - so she can do it on her own, she has to.  ➤    She has like 20 leather jackets, a good 80% of her closet is just leather jackets. It’s unhealthy. And also combat boots and heeled combat boots, there’s just nothing in between except when she’s working and she has to dress appropriately.  ➤    Her cigarettes of choice are Lucky Strike, and she has an old beaten-up zippo that a friend once gave it to her (the same one whose criminal syndicate she’d been working for). She hates him, yet she still keeps the lighter, a creature of habit.  ➤    She’s an energetic person, always hell-bent on helping people (maybe because she feels no one ever held a hand out to her) so it’s not weird for her to approach people if she senses they’re not in a good place. She’ll talk to them, or offer them a cigarette or drag them out to have some drinks, but whatever it is she will be there.  ➤    There is a tattoo on her forearm that she obsessively covers and hides with sleeves and arm pieces, it’s back from her days of prostitution when they marked her as theirs. She hates it but lets it stay there as a reminder never to give up her own agency like that again. She also has some scars and burn marks from that time but they don’t bother her as much though she hides them too.  ➤    She can be seen taking self-defence classes and going to the shooting range to practice. It offers her peace of mind and some semblance of a hold on her sanity - a thought that she could defend her self (badly though probably) if something were to happen. ➤   She WILL try to befrend you count on it. Also I’ll come up with more random hcs I just wanted to give her an introduction :)  wanted connections: i’m currently making a wanted connections page for her but honestly everything and anything is welcome!!! like she could’ve been a runaway kid with your charrie or smth (i would LOVE those connections), maybe people who were also in the syndicate with her? or people who were abused like her and managed to get away? also she’s sneaking around looking for clues about gangs and although she’s just trying to reach out to say thank you and all that jazz, it looks suspicious (she never thought of it that way cause ya know... the girls a genius for hacking but can be clueless), also fwb she has a thing for that because she has trust issues etc. but also likes to have fun, and friends just in general she needs her squad  for more specific ones i’m gonna post like a wanted connection, like that guy from syndicate who left her behind, and also someone involved with gangs (doesn’t matter in which way) who helped her escape (i left that purposefully vague af)  SO basically ALL of it?? 
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madimpxssible · 6 years
hey!! my name is jinx and i’m an amelia pond enthusiast -- i’ve been playing her for 5+ years and i just love her so much. i hope this word BLABBER makes sense!! i’ve decided to parallel some canon because why not, so see if you can catch it. please like this if you want to plot and i’ll slide into those DMs!! 
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Amelia Pond grew up in the Scottish Highlands for the first 5 years of her life to two Purebloods who were way in over their heads. They were Unspeakables who decided to try to bring some of their work home with them. This caused their house to become a magical black hole and as it started to break apart -- it wasn’t safe for anyone, especially not a child. Amelia was drawn to it. She was interested, she was fucking scared, she was also infinitely curious, always trying to break into her parents study where they worked, often succeeding. One night, Amy realized she was home alone much later than usual and waited on the front porch for her parents almost all day every day for seven days -- unbeknownst to her they had been on the run, having been caught smuggling their work home, hoping to shake them off and pick up their daughter when the coast was clear. Amelia waited. She brought her meals out, she dragged a mattress into the front of the house outside, some of her books and toys. No matter how cold, how wet or rainy, she waited for them. A little bit before her fifth birthday, Aurors came to seize the Ponds home, the magical artifacts and scripts they had stolen as well as their daughter. The Ponds came back, tried to fight them, needless to say this did not go well -- the Aurors eventually won, arresting them and taking Amy into custody. Luckily, they got ahold of her aunt who begrudgingly took her in. 
The magic she was exposed to warped Amy’s reality -- in fact, due to it, she doesn’t remember her parents even though she sometimes desperately tries. Mentally, this has taken a huge huge toll on her and did especially as a child-- all she remembers is a piano, a few glowing cracks in her wall, and waiting for a week. Sometimes, flashes come to her in her dreams, but she doesn’t know what to trust, the feeling of them heavily disorienting her. Her aunt was a Squib and addict, who despised magical society, living on the outskirts of Godric’s Hallow in the muggle town bordering it. Every question Amy asked about her parents was ignored, she was either yelled at or met with a scowl. In primary school, Amy talked about how she’d seen magic, how she’d seen broomsticks -- everyone thought her crazy. Her teachers eventually brought her to the school doctor who recommended she saw a psychiatrist -- her aunt, who could’ve easily stopped this, who could’ve easily explained, didn’t want to intervene so she let them. 
As a child, she doubted a lot of her reality but Amelia was fucking stubborn. She saw what she saw, she knew what she knew, she felt what she felt and that was that. Four psychiatrists couldn’t tell her she was telling tall tales or lying, that she was delusional -- magic was real. It was all real. She wouldn’t give up. How could she? It was the only connection to her parents, it was the only thing she knew she had of them and her childhood, these scattered memories, this random knowledge. Deemed the weird crazy girl at school -- Amy ran with it. Fuck them. She didn’t need anyone. She had her stories, she had her magic, she had herself -- that was all she needed. Spending excessive time by herself, in her own head, exploring her surroundings, she became something of a loner -- her doctors became worried about her but her aunt just wanted nothing to do with her, often leaving her to her own devices. 
Some days, Amy believes meeting Rory Williams saved her life because the fact was? She needed someone to believe her. To believe in her, to love her for all that she was, crazy maybe, eccentric, loud, lively, headstrong. He did. More importantly, he believed her. Even after the doctors diagnosed her with mild psychosis ( they hoped this childhood obsession would go away soon ), he didn’t think she was crazy -- at least not in that way. He was her first friend, her best friend, when she got her Hogwarts letter, had McGonagall come to her home and explain everything -- it was the first time she weeped from relief. While Amy believed she wasn’t crazy, after being told you are, bullied, neglected, she had the deep rooted fear that maybe she was. This confirmed everything for her, this gave her purpose. Amelia was right, magic was real, and Rory was going with her. Her life was finally going in the direction of wonder, magic, everything she believed in and she started writing about it. Amelia decided on her first day, on the platform of 9 3/4 that she would now go by Amy. Amelia was the crazy girl who lost her parents, Amelia was the little girl left, the girl who waited but Amy? Amy was cool. Amy was who she’d be at Hogwarts, who she wanted to be at Hogwarts, Amy was her new life and a new chapter. 
Easily, her outgoing personality, her curiosity, her brashness and her undying love and loyalty for others who earned it made Amy quite popular at Hogwarts. Being sorted into Gryffindor was perfect for her, Amy fitting into her house like a glove. Part of the Charms club since her first year, she’s extremely proficient in Charms and loves History of Magic ( even though Binns as a teacher is a snooze fest ) -- though she’s not always the best student in every subject. Amy tries, but school has never been a good place for her even if it’s magic. She had friends in every house, she was known for giving cheek as easily as professors gave homework -- her vibrant personality was for once appreciated. The girl who was a loner, who wasn’t good at playing with others, the weird girl transformed into a redheaded bombshell especially when she hit puberty. Amy had trysts with people of every gender, her popularity expanding as she talked with and met more people. Some professors found her annoying, some thought her to be effervescent and refreshing, either way she was one hundred percent undoubtedly herself. Some days, Amy cannot fucking believe that this is her life, that magic is real, that people actually like her and other days she knows it’s what she deserves, she has an extremely high regard for herself and who she is. But it fluctuates, more than she’d care to admit. 
If you notice, if you really do, you’ll see the cracks underneath the surface -- the way her romantic relationships never last more than 3 months. The ways she barely drinks at parties and doesn’t touch a single drug at them. The little ways she avoids questions about her home life underneath sass, sarcasm, cheek, jokes. The fear of being left by almost everyone she loves, the fear of investing herself in someone so much only for them to leave or worse, forget about her completely. Nightmares plague her and have since she was a child, this last year she’s tried to do research on her parents, who they are, coming up short. In her seventh year, Amy is extremely scared about going into the real world, feeling like she’s not prepared at all. She loves writing, sure, but working at the Daily Prophet? An internship working for people who will most likely not appreciate her work or let her write anything actually worthwhile? Sounds shit. All of her insecurities, her fear, she hides under personality, having an extremely hard time admitting that she’d clueless about the future because it’s admitting a weakness she doesn’t want to expose.
ABUSE, NEGLECT, DEPRESSION TW.  In the last few years, Amy has found herself dealing with depression which flares up especially during the summer when she’s with her aunt or really, when she’s being neglected by her aunt. Even though they moved to Godric’s Hallow, the wizarding section, a few years ago, she’ll spend a lot of time alone if she’s not with Rory or a few other friends. You can find her in her bed for days on end, sleeping, reading, writing, in her head completely, only for her to come out of it seemingly fine and like nothing happened. Being at home brings up feelings of worthlessness due to her aunt’s neglect and gets her in a very dark and bad place. Paired with her fear about entering the real world and leaving Hogwarts, Amy writes and writes and thinks about her future with both excitement and intense dread. 
NOTES ( some analyzations from canon ): 
One of my favorite aspects of Amy’s character is her empathy & intuitiveness. While sometimes lacking social grace and not always the best with interpersonal relations, she can see people for who they are deep down, their intentions, the emotions she feels like she feels from others often overwhelming but something that does lead her. A gut instinct magnified. She’s intuitive and empathetic because she’s got such an active imagination paired with a creative mind, she’s able to put those two things together, not only painting a picture of who someone is, painting colors on them they might not see themselves. Maybe this is a bit naive at times, maybe even a bit dangerous if it steers her wrong ( which is why Rory Williams is so important to her, her impulsiveness paired with this can get her into tough situations and he always has her back, always by her side ). Amelia is not always one to think before jumping into situations if she feels it’s the right thing to do, a prime example of this is her running off with The Doctor EASILY. Both as a kid and an adult. Luckily, not many have taken advantage of this as she can be extremely closed off emotionally. She’s a good judge of character and if she puts her faith in you, know while it could be surprising, it was a very much calculated, thought out, and a felt through choice. Amy’s extremely stubborn so good luck getting her to do something she doesn’t want to do ESPECIALLY if she doesn’t feel it’s right. Amy is usually able to connect to anyone and everyone some sort of way when she tries due to all of this, usually better with connecting to people than the ( Eleventh ) Doctor himself is.
[ EMOTIONAL NEGLECT MENTION, ALCOHOLISM MENTION ] Verbal, straightforward, blunt, but it when it comes to her emotions, the ones that hurt, the ones that can’t be wrapped in something beautiful or lightly joked about are the ones tucked away. Amy’s got serious commitment/abadonment issues as well, as shown throughout Doctor Who. I play her Aunt as a high functioning addict, growing up she was never really home much less attentive to Amy ( also due to the whole crack in Amy’s wall thing, but, that’s a whole other topic ).
Despite being a rather fearless person, due to this, she will make fear based decisions as well as decisions based on her insecurities that she’s not enough, that she’s more pain than she’s worth, out of not being able to give someone she cares about what they need. For example, when in canon Amy breaks up with Rory because she feels so guilty she can’t have biological kids when she knows he ALWAYS wanted kids. She was scared if she stayed with him, he’d hate her, that she was keeping him from having a fulfilling life, that she wasn’t enough and didn’t fit into what he wanted. Rory deserves everything to her, she couldn’t give it to him, when he gave and gave and gave to her. She didn’t feel worthy, but she didn’t express that fear either, making Rory feel completely shut out because she was shutting him out. She’ll self sabotage easily, because commitment & abandonment are scary to her and she’d rather be the one leaving than being left. Amy can’t stand to wait for the worst to happen, for the other shoe to drop, she isn’t the fucking girl who waited – not anymore.
Amy is diagnosed with major depressive disorder previously diagnosed with psychotic features added on as well until the Doctor came back but after having 4 psychiatrists in her youth, Amy definitely fits into having MDD. There are many evidences in canon besides her literally going to psychiatrists that suggest that Amy is mentally ill / ND, another hint in the episode ‘Vincent and The Doctor’. Amy empathizes with Vincent Van Gogh ( my Amy is an extreme art history lover as well, especially Vincent Van Gogh ), she says she’s been where he is, that she gets it. [ SUICIDE MENTION ] She is physically effected when he talks about dark shit and in another episode with the Dreamlord, she talks about how she doesn’t want to live in a world if Rory’s not in it, then killing herself in the show. The way she does it in my head ( and in the show ) is extremely steely, easily done, because Amy has dealt with mental illness, because she’s been in dark places & suicidal ideation. [ END OF SUICIDE MENTION ]  In this RP, I have her as mentioned dealing with depression and such too though not yet having reached out for help for it, Yet. 
SHE IS A SAGITTARIUS and it fits her perfectly. 
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danganronpa-21 · 6 years
(OUTDATED) DR21 Ch.1-3 Fankid Index
DISCLAIMER: The following is an index of fanchildren that appear within the series Danganronpa 21 between chapters one and three. There will likely be more to come.
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Full Name: Hope Naegi-Kirigiri
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years
Date of Birth: April 9th, 2020
Height: 5’6
Weight: 118 lbs.
Blood Type: AB
Eye Colour: Violet
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Pansexual
Talent: The Super High School Level Costume Designer
Affiliations: The Kirigiri Detective Family, Hope’s Peak Academy
Family: Makoto Naegi-Kirigiri (Father), Kyoko Naegi-Kirigiri (Mother), Komaru Naegi (Aunt), Jin Kirigiri (maternal grandfather) †, Kazuko Kirigiri (maternal grandmother) †, Kenshin Naegi (paternal grandfather) †, Mami Naegi (paternal grandmother) †, Fuhito Kirigiri (great-grandfather), Koichi Naegi-Kirigiri (Brother), Seiko Naegi-Kirigiri (Sister)
Additional Ties: Aoi Asahina (godmother)
Likes: Mystery novels, donuts, dogs, pop music, Halloween, make-up, spending time with her family, Student Council, the cheerleading team, craft projects
Dislikes: Homework, swearing, being called bossy, being underestimated, visiting her great-grandfather, her mother’s cooking
Hobbies: Cheerleading, costume design & creation, theatre, cooking, photography, cosplay, playing video games, reading books, helping her younger sister with mystery solving
Personality: The eldest daughter of Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri, Hope considers herself to be a natural born leader. She is optimistic, bubbly, and caring, as well as the type of person to take on whatever challenges come her way. She’s always ready for adventure and will bravely face just about anyone, no matter how scary. However, her general nature (especially with the traits she inherited from her parents) can cause her a lot of trouble. Thanks to the environment that she grew up in, Hope is naturally naive and trusting of others. She is not quick to suspect them if something should go wrong and will only accuse them as a last resort. Like her mother, she is headstrong and stubborn, wanting to fight until the very end- even if it’s not good for her. As times, some might even characterize Hope as childish or fanatical, earning her more than just a few weird looks in her direction.
Abilities: Trained in Martial Arts (4th best in her family), flexible with decent upper body strength, can take a good hit.
Health: Physically and mentally healthy.
Achilles’ Heel: Too proud to admit her mistakes and shortcomings.
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Full Name: Koichi Naegi-Kirigiri
Gender: Male
Age: 14 years
Date of Birth: February 5th, 2022
Height: 5’1
Weight: 100 lbs.
Blood Type: B
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Bisexual
Talent: No Talent, Reserve Class Student
Affiliations: The Kirigiri Detective Family, Hope’s Peak Academy
Family: Makoto Naegi-Kirigiri (father), Kyoko Naegi-Kirigiri (mother), Komaru Naegi (Aunt), Jin Kirigiri (maternal grandfather) †, Kazuko Kirigiri (maternal grandmother) †, Kenshin Naegi (paternal grandfather) †, Mami Naegi (paternal grandmother) †, Fuhito Kirigiri (great-grandfather), Hope Naegi-Kirigiri (sister), Seiko Naegi-Kirigiri
Additional Ties: Aoi Asahina (godmother)
Likes: Novels, video games, ramen, animals (penguins in particular), tea, manga, spending time around friends and family, being challenged, ricecakes
Dislikes: Threats to his family, being regarded solely as Makoto and Kyoko’s son rather than his own person, people who drink milk straight out of the carton, getting lectured, excessive attention, doing laundry, coriander, himself
Hobbies: Reading, playing video games, playing basketball, martial arts (aikido, taekwondo, jiu jitsu, judo, and hapkido), calligraphy, language study, skateboarding, playing the piano, volunteering
Personality: Out of all of the members of his family, Koichi would consider himself to be the most normal. This is of course not true, but he believes it to be this way anyways. He would tell you himself that he kind of got the short end of the stick when it came to personality traits- no analytical traits, but no traces of optimism either. This had lead him to not think very highly of himself, though he is quite a capable young man. He is usually quite dubious and unsure of what he is capable of. His self-confidence is somewhat lacking, but he does his best to avoid showing it as he doesn’t want others to know his vulnerabilities. Koichi is serious and calm, but is also known to make sarcastic comebacks or jokes simply to tease others.
Abilities: Trained in Martial Arts by his mother (3rd best in the family), can take a good hit, is capable of thinking quickly when in danger.
Health: Peanut allergy. Mentally and physically healthy.
Achilles’ Heel: Recklessly impulsive.
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Full Name: Seiko Naegi-Kirigiri
Gender: Female
Age: 8 years
Date of Birth: December 14th, 2028
Height: 4’2
Weight: 59 lbs.
Blood Type: B
Eye Colour: Violet
Hair Colour: Lavender
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Labeless.
Talent: L’il Ultimate Detective
Affiliations: The Kirigiri Family, Akamine Academy for Gifted Youngsters
Family: Makoto Naegi-Kirigiri (father), Kyoko Naegi-Kirigiri (mother), Komaru Naegi (Aunt), Jin Kirigiri (maternal grandfather) †, Kazuko Kirigiri (maternal grandmother) †, Kenshin Naegi (paternal grandfather) †, Mami Naegi (paternal grandmother) †, Fuhito Kirigiri (great-grandfather), Hope Naegi-Kirigiri (sister), Koichi Naegi-Kirigiri (brother)
Additional Ties: Aoi Asahina (godmother)
Likes: Snacks, mystery novels, dogs, Japanese mythology, pretty rocks, being called cute, chocolate, playing dress-up with her sister, her brother’s piano playing
Dislikes: Secrets, creepy old men, pickles, her school teachers, making her parents worry, green peppers, demonstrations of her own weakness, being underestimated, shouting
Hobbies: Reading, puzzle solving, stuffed animal collecting, climbing trees, ballet, playing chess, doll collecting, keeping a journal, baking
Personality: Seiko is slightly strange in terms of her personality as she has the capacity to be both extremely mature and incredibly childish, depending on who she is spending time with. Around strangers, Seiko is shy and will immediately assume stoic form until she gets more comfortable with them. She makes herself out to be quiet, calculating, and a girl of few words. However this does not stop her from demonstrating her intellectual capabilities, as in all “versions” of herself she is a very bright young girl. When one is given the opportunity to get to know Seiko better, they will meet a friendly, dedicated, and kind young girl. Seiko is very confident in her own abilities, and takes great pride in being a detective. She is noted to have great courage and possesses the willingness to stand up to anybody who tries to mess her up or get in her way. She also seems to possess a sort of gentleness and a tendency for allocentrism that can sometimes go too far. On the other end of the spectrum, some of Seiko’s biggest flaws are that she is opinionated, impatient, graceless, disobedient, and childish. She also tends to hold grudges and has issues letting things go, in addition to speaking in a rude tone sometimes.
Abilities: Trained in Martial Arts (5th best in her family), extremely logical and adept at problem solving.
Achilles’ Heel: Impatient and spiteful.
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Full Name: Leon Hagakure
Gender: Male
Age: 16 years
Date of Birth: January 8th, 2020
Height: 6’0
Weight: 151 lbs
Blood Type: B
Eye Colour: Gold
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Nationality: A quarter Jamaican, mostly Japanese
Sexuality: Undetermined
Talent: No Talent, Reserve Class Student
Affiliations: Hope’s Peak Academy
Family: Yasuhiro Hagakure (father), Kanon Hagakure (mother), Hiroko Hagakure (paternal grandmother), Kameyo Hagakure (sister)
Additional Ties: Leon Kuwata (mother’s cousin) †
Likes: Dubstep music, manga, electric guitar, cheeseburgers, aliens, the scent of vanilla, wasabeef-flavoured chips (wasabi + beef flavoured chips), red snapper, calligraphic writings
Dislikes: Homework, nagging, classic novels, his father’s psychic abilities, being his mother’s test subject, whale meat, cutting his hair
Hobbies: Music mixing, soccer, mountain biking, hiking, drawing, playing baseball, exploring abandoned areas, playing video games, wood carving
Personality: As Leon would tell you himself, being the son of Kanon and Yasuhiro Hagakure has put him in a bit of a strange spot in terms of personality. Some things that are normal to him are not normal to others, and as such he has a bit of a tendency to wear people out on occasion. Regardless, Leon can be best described as a laid-back, energetic, and good-humoured young man. He is generally very idealistic and doesn’t take a lot of things personally- even when he really should. Like his mother he is fairly courageous and rather clever, despite most people he would not possess either of those traits due to his father figure. Still, Leon would tell you himself that he’s not perfect. Often his personality can come across as overwhelming and/or obnoxious, driving others away rather than drawing them in. He is rather naive and expects the best from even the worst of people. His teachers will note him to be lazy, disorganized, and irresponsible in many cases and his parents wouldn’t exactly disagree (although he is very responsible when it comes to his role as a big brother). Sometimes his idealism can push him to even be unrealistic in his expectations of not only himself and others, which can often put a strain on things. Still, deep down in his heart Leon is a genuinely friendly and enthusiastic young man who just wants to see the whole world smile.
Abilities: Not currently known
Health: Mentally and physically healthy.
Achilles’ Heel: Lazy and fearful.
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Full Name: Sakura Asahina
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years
Date of Birth: November 17th, 2020
Height: 6’0
Weight: 150 lbs.
Blood Type: O
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Nationality: Unknown
Sexuality: Polysexual
Talent: Super High School Level White Water Rafter
Affiliations: Hope’s Peak Academy, The Sakuhina Café
Family: Aoi Asahina (adoptive mother), ??? ??? (birth mother), ??? ??? (birth father)
Additional Ties: Makoto Naegi-Kirigiri (godfather), Kyoko Naegi-Kirigiri (godmother)
Likes: Donuts, swimming, matchmaking, binge-watching TV shows, bunnies, spending time with her friends, physical activity, fresh fruit, her mother’s cooking
Dislikes: Being feared, neglect of proper nutrition, yelling and loud noises, neglect of responsibilities, the taste of salt water, dressing up formally, back aches, shoulder tension, tofu
Hobbies: Baking, binge-watching TV shows, swimming, babysitting, jump rope, working out, quilting, white water rafting
Personality: Though she may appear to be threatening, don’t let looks fool you- Sakura Asahina is easily one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. She is adventurous, compassionate, and dependable, but has a bit of a habit of jumping to conclusions. Her temper is almost non-existent, showing itself only in situations in which her loved ones are being threatened. She is a dreamer and believes in the kindness of those around her, even when they have proved themselves to be unworthy of her faith. She is gentle and generous, giving as much time and attention as she can to anybody she meets. However, even Sakura is not perfect. Due to her upbringing, she is incredibly impatient and has a habit of jumping to conclusions about things. Not to mention that she is also rather sensitive and emotional, much like her adoptive mother.
Abilities: Extremely strong swimmer, good upper body strength, capable of thinking quickly in times of crisis.
Health: Mentally and physically healthy.
Achilles’ Heel: Emotionally vulnerable.
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