#but shep was grasping at straws with that one!
topaz-carbuncle · 8 days
flirting with garrus in me2 be like
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circesoracle · 10 months
Ok I’m gonna shoot my shot for some spoilers while I go back and highlight the lore excerpts I’d love to know more about. (Apologize for being dumb in advance)
-will there be an Aria/Tevos spin-off (no pressure but 👀) in this universe
-Aria’s relationship to Liara fascinates me. Used to hate Aria. Kinda love her now??? Not sure how to feel abt that. Thank u for the conflicting emotions. Not really a question but like any extra elaboration on how they view each other from your perspective would be dope. Does Liara trust her anymore? Or is that just limited to Tali and Shepard atp?
-will we get to see a little bit of Shepard’s childhood/past kinda like we did with Liara? So curious about your taken on Terran culture and ALSO what Liara will think of them!? Which I realize you might not be able to answer but yeah I think abt that a lot
-is the “consort” convo over or like…is that door always open for Liara 👀 while it might be customary I feel like Shepard might have a lil something to say abt that
-will Liara in fact wear tight trousers
asdlkfgjsdg please oh my god this has made like my entire week!!
With regards to a spin-off, I have a couple of things planned, one of which is *kind of* Aria/Tevos. I’ve got two one-shots planned, one Jack/Miranda focussed one (get ready to meet them soon in EE ;3), and then one with Samara as a Justicar, establishing what those are like in this setting and also some of the consequences of Eternity being “reawakened” ie. some purebloods hearing the call and going a bit bloodlust-y, including her daughters. There’s a slightly bigger thing I’m planning, about five chapters, handling a lot of pre-EE events (featuring Aria, Tevos, Benezia, Aethyta, and even baby Shep and Anderson) 
I’m sooo glad you had that reaction to Aria btw I’ve taken great pleasure in watching people react to her as her motives kind of unwound, she’s a joy to write!! As for Liara’s trust in her, I think that’s a tricky thing. It’s less trust and more the assurance of being able to know when Aria is lying to her, and she’ll certainly never see her as the mother Aria wants (needs) her to. irt how Aria feels about Liara, she definitely still can’t quite amend all her conflicting feelings about Liara and the subsequent conflict that causes in her faith. Liara is Liara is Eternity but is also in a lot ways Liselle to Aria, she’s everything she’s ever loved and put her faith in and seen worth in, just out of reach. she can never have her daughter back, she can never have her faith back, she can never have Omega back, she can never have Liara’s trust back, she can never have the future she lost with Tevos back, so she’s grasping at straws trying to find meaning in what’s left. I’m really really excited to get to more in depth with some of her stuff in the prequel-y spin-off with both Tevos and her opinions on humans and how they formed quite as strongly as they did
In the coming chapters there’ll be a lot of reference to Shepard’s past, possibly some memory sharing in the meld, who can say? Terran culture is something I’ve had kind brewing in the background for a while, these next few chapters are going to be such a treat to write and I have as many references to things planned as I could reasonably manage. I went through a lot of ideas for how to make them different to asari, cultural touchstones and the like, and eventually settled on a sort of Norse/Germanic/Slavic merging, hard and square and cold, to oppose the very loose, curving warmth of Thessia. As for what Liara will think of them, she has a pretty heavy bias thanks to Shepard, so she’ll want to see the best in them, even if they are very very different to what she knows
As for the twelve consorts, that’s something Liara would invoke only to prove she is her own person and not beholden to myth (and maybe to rile up her Knight-Commander, possibly)
Liara in tight trousers is imminent, and no, Shepard will not be even a little bit normal about it, though she might have to get used to them if, say, Liara got a taste for studying and exploring again...
I had to control myself and not type like double this because I really really could just go off on like a dozen tangents and side notes alfdsgj you have no idea how unwell I am about these asks like 🥺
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elfyourmother · 7 years
23. 40, 49 for OC meme.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Believe it or not, in the earliest concept of Gisele she had albinism! I was grasping at straws to make an explanation for why she was so fucking pale, since I was on PS2 and dealing with the vanilla unmodded engine in which it’s practically impossible to make a brown character that didn’t look like they came out of MS Paint. So I settled for making her pale and then trying to handwave it. It was...really awful. And fucked up. It wasn’t until I discovered mods that I was able to make her the way I wanted.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Getting to cosplay Imani was probably the most fun I’ve ever had at a con, even though I didn’t really meet many ME cosplayers (a Liara and a couple of other Sheps, though both were also poc!). I went full tilt RP, it was great.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Mari. If she had a tumblr all she would do is shitpost memes.
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